Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 01, 1885, Image 8

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Friday Morning , Mayli
. Strawberries , only CO cents quart , and
A fnll quart , at BMrd & Palmcr'i. '
Urick for iftlo , in large and small lots , by
J. P. Weaver , No. 815 Seventh avenue.
Tha dre ry weather of yesterday h d a
very depressing effect on all klnd of busl-
The > i > ecM ! train bearing the Harries
parly Is now expected this morning at
7:50. :
llev. J. G. Tate , of Shelton , Nob. , will at.
lend the A. O. U. W , on Wednesday night ,
May 0 , in St. Georiro'ahull and will address the
meeting. A full attendanca of members Is
Judge Btenborg was serenaded Wednes
day night by the Danish Singing society ,
recently organized under the leadership of
Professor Svlnson , The musical treat was
rare and ono greatly enjoyed by the Judge and
liia family.
The residence of GJ. W. Lininger , on
Elgthccnth and Davenport streeta , was the
Bcene of burglarious visitation about 2 o'clock
yesterday morning. The theives managed to
effect an entrance by breaking In the kitchen
windows. They did not get any further , how
ever , being evidently frightened nway ,
Marshal Camming ! has received from
Marshall , Indiana , a postal card tolling him
of three runaway boys who departed from
their homoa on the 27th of April for the pur
pose , it Is supposed , of Booking life in the far
west. Their namea are John Gou'd , Fred
Jvorn and Arthur Cheney.
Alex Wlshart , the man who was shot last
Sunday night , at South Omaha , by W. E.
.Tones , is still living although his condition
remains rather precarious. The doctor at
tending him saya that the ball passed so close
to tha femoral artery that It is llablu to break
any time and kill him very quickly.
La t evening Mr. Wm. E. Hardy , of the
firm of Darnell & Ilardy , of Council Bluffs ,
\vasunitodlnmarriago to Miw Mlnnio Ueo-
croft , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Boocroft ,
old and well known citizens of Council Bluffs.
The ceremony was performed by Rov. Mr.
Crofts at the residence of the brldo'a parents ,
on Lyster etroet , and in the preaenco of a
happy company of invited frionda.
It la a good thing to be patient and poa-
nossod of that charily whichsufferoth long and
ia kind. Justice Brandes posscsica it , else
the family of the man who yesterday locked
tbo justice's office door and carried off the
key , compelling him to stand in the rain out-
aide till a key could bo filed to fit , would bolero -
lore this have boon up town arranging for a
coroner's picnic.
Mr. John Jacobion , United Statea store
keeper at the Willow Springs distillery , has
lieon ordered by the commisaionor of inter
nal rovomt9 at Washington , to Nebraska
City to exchange service with the officer at
that place. This move ia tn conformance to
the provision of a resent order issued by the
government changing tha gaugera and store-
keopori every sixty days , Mr , Jacobson's
order of change takes effect May 1.
The sewer at the corner of Sixteenth an
1'arnam streets ia clogged up and Inspector
tor McLean , with hia assistants , waa busy yes
terday in searching for the cause thereof. Coroner
ner Drexel haa arisen to the emergency of the
occasion and suggests that It is the body of
the woman who waa reported to have been
drowned In the South Omaha sewer. Horri
ble thought ! It is to bo hoped that Mr. Me-
lean will not cease hia labors until the truth
or falsity of this hypothisla Is clearly proven.
Ool. Wood , after nearly a week's persist
ent effort , yesterday succeeded in inducing
Mrs. Monkey to bring her infant heir ,
'Omaha the First " from his
, , baby corner of
the big cage , and to occupy the nice now apart
ment provided fir the distinguished mother
and son , The mtdamo monkey , doubtless at
the caUtioua suggestion of the ever-watchful
paternal relative of young "Omaha , " has
heretofore resisted all appeals and blandish-
xaenta to occupy her new room , but a piece of >
dazzlingly colored dress goods being care-
lesily thrown in , met her gaze and it , as it
would have done her fewer-logged sisters ,
caught hor.
Mr. John Bush , county treasurer , is
authority for a story of the almost incredible
ruelty and heartlessness of aa individual for
whom the barbecue treatment would be about
the proper thing , A man , August Weiner ,
waa driving down South Thirteenth street
pbout 1 o'clock Wednesday afternoon , with a
heavy load of furniture , on tha very top of
which was perched a four-year-old baby ,
The road waa rouch and the driver was In-
xicated. Tha child waa thrown to the
ground and the heavy wheels of the wagon
paisoi directly over its knees breaking them ,
of course. The father jumped to the ground
with an oath and picked up tbo child , which
was lying in helplcai agony on tbo ground.
Ho tried to make It stand ,
but of course the poor creature
was unable to do so and again fell to the
ground. Here the child waa fplckod up by a
paislng stranger who took It to a doctor for
treatment. The father ia atill at large.
Itnllrona llambllnga.
Utstorl'a special oar , a Worcester excursion
cursion palace , occupied a altlo track at
the U. P. depot yesterday , lllatoii and
her huibind remained ia the car until
they wont tothe _ theatre last evening ,
The Barrios family will arrive here
this morning on their journey from San
Fwnolsoo to Now Yorlc.
The Ohloigo , Milwaukee & St , Paul
train , last evening , wa > one hour late ar
riving iu Council Binds.
The Overland U. P. train y.'storday
evening arrived at Omaha 40 talnntei
luhlnd time.
0uocn Elizabeth.
Madam Klstorl and company arrived
here yesterday morning oa route "fron
San Francisco to Now Yotk , and .ai
Omaha is the only point at which thoj
atop between thtaa two citlea the djttin
gulahcd actrcsj was greeted at Bovd'i '
opera hanso last night by ono of tbo larg
ostt and moat appreciative audiences Jg.of
thoBOMon. In the character of Qooei
Ellzibeth , lllatorl haa ample opportunltj
and scope for a full display of her groa
drimatlopoweri Tboiptcistorslastnlgb
were carried away with her acting as TflS
evidenced by tbo frequent and enthuslia
tic outbreaks of applause Her support
especially that given by Edmund Tearle
vtis strong thro hout. In fact Mr
Toarlo shared the honors of the ovenlnj
with the alar. The company learea frr
New York , direct , this morning.
An old second hand dealer on Kait Tent
street near tba U. 1 > depot , had a pair c
trju3M auii $ ? 0 in money stolen from hti
room Tifosd y night ,
Mostly , " an Eye and Ear of Leo's ' Army
-"Boli" VlihBB , a Cheyaliep Bayard
of His Infantry ,
A Comrade's Ilomlnlsoonccs.
llathorford B , Hayes , a republican
American president , appointed M United
States consul at Hong Kong , the ignor-
antljr-collod guerilla , John Singleton
Moshy , whoso homo in childhood and
youth was in the pretty village of War-
ion ton In Virginia. The oftlco has from
that hour till day before yesterday boon
tilled by this "guerilla Mosby. "
The telegraph Informs the world that
Grover Cleveland , a democratic Ameri
can president , on Wodnotday last ap
pointed "to ho consul" at Hong Kong ,
Kobert E. Withers , of Virginia , whoso
lifo has been pasted In his native "city
of the hllli , " Lynchburg , except while a
soldier and governor of that state some
ten or twelve ycara ago.
Thoao appointees of two radically dif
fering political presidents , bring
back to the writer's memory
a long train of reminiscences and
recollections of facts and happoningi
that were almost forgotten , and are now
almost covered and obasured by the dnst
and cobwebs of time. For both those
gentlemen were friends of his youth , attending -
tending the same schools and Institutions ,
following later the tame flag , yielding
their swords ni ho did his , ta the sllonl
suffering soldier yonder In Now York ,
whoso greatnesi of brain and heart has a
monument of admiring lore deep down
in the hearts of those who fought him
very terribly In war. Mosby and With
ers 1 the ono the returning , the other the
outgoing consul to a Chinese city. "
Who IB Mosby ? In a short , trnthful
sentence , ho is ono of the least and most
wrongly understood and estimated men
of the United States to-day. Mosby la
a natlvo of thu Piedmont section of Vir
ginia ; of gentle birth and lineage , of the
best social associations and opportunities
of education , which were Improved to the
fullest extent at homo and In Institutions
to whoso curriculum ho added travel and
reading , all resulting In the moro than
ordinary accomplishment of a man , who
possesses a clear , quick , grasping , wide ,
bold and logical mind , whose power is
proven by Its works , and beautified by
elegancies and ornamentations that
always mark his writings and utterances.
John 8. Mosby ia a giant. Cautious as
the Sphinx , his Is the reticence of the
tomb. Safe and euro as the needle
to its bridal star , ho possesses a
nerve llko that of the Nomean lion.
With a heart that melts at misery or
need , his la a hand always reaching wide
open to the true , the honorable and the
bravo. Dreadful In the charge , hia Is a
woman's tenderness In the truce. Stern
in the action , bis is mercy's gentleness in
the hour aftot the battle. As a aubordlj
nato no man is moro obedient as a com
mander , alwaya appreciative of the truth
that It is ono of the chief blessings of
power that It may show mercy to the
weak , and the crown-jewel of courage Is
magnamlnlty to the helpless. In this
trait of character Ulysses S , Grant and
John S. Mosby will go hand in hand
down the dim paths of the historic future.
These are his personal traits. In poli
tics his youth was barren of active opin
ions , because while adhering in a general
way to the commonly entertained doc
trines of his section , that the "Union"
was a compact depending lor existence
upon the provisions of the constitution ,
which was Interpreted as are what the law
yers call "Articles of limited partner
ship , " permitting and anticipating tbo
dissolution of the
partnership upon pay
ment of all duos , at the will of a dhsitla-
fiod party thereto , Mr. Mosby was en
gaged in the pursuit of literature and
law , and only cast aside his work to
buckle on his sword , when ho lifted his
eyes from those books to see his
state .tremble beneath the tread 1
of armed men , earning to
shoot down the sons and destroy the
homos of the daughters of her , who had 1
been ono of the firit to create the very
government In whoso name these soldiers
were there. It was then that ho , for the
first time realized the
dignity of the oc
casion , and said In his quiet , quaint way ,
"We must send these peoploback homo , "
And it Is safe ta say that this sentence
contains the entire platform of political
principles , on which was based that spon-
tanloty of enlistment into the military
service that mtrkad the course of ( he
young men of Virginia In 1801.
How ho conducted himself In war , let
the commanders of the opposite army
answer. Ho and his friends have no ex
planation to make , nothing to offer ex
cuses for. Honorable as friend or foe ,
his place as a soldier is at the top , in the
estimation of all who know what they
speak of. [ The Ignorant can have no
opinion , ] Uut he is among the herd and
masses moro misunderstood than any
man curvlvlng the American war , while
no man stands higher in the respect of
those men of the opposite side , who were
high In place and power during that pe
riod.Mosby fought for a principle , and loat . ,
Ho pledged hit word and lifo to acept
and maintain the Interpretation given by
the highest tribunal war to the form
of American government. Ho will keep
that pledge in the future as he boa
during the twenty years of recent past.
And he is comiojr back to the land of his
nativity no more to draw his aword ,
, unless lia flash ba in defence of the banner -
ner of this grand land. nIn
And who Is Robert E , Withers ? In
advantages of birth , society , education
and opportunities for improvement , all
that WM Mosby's was likewise his. Of
similar tastes , It urn j no wonder ( hat both
were found leisurely , yet joyously , mov
ing along the path that literature and
learning si raw with flowers , whoso thorns ,
though many , are hidden beneath their
bloom. Talco from Mosby his roll
otnce and caution and give it to "Bob
- Withers , ! ; ' and you would have ,
so far as personal traits are concerned
almost a counterpart of the former man
. and vice versa , give to Mosby the rush
of ing , mercurial , zealous flow of sentiment
and aenoroslty of soul that must exhibit
themselves at once , and you would have
exchanged the eloquent lawyer of the :
"City cf the hills" for tbo advocate ol
Faiujuler , whose flow of logic and pootrj
moved over onward , like that proud rlvei
, beside whose vino-clothed banks sc
, often after ha stood watch and ward ,
. As soldiers the one was no more faith
fill to his cause than the other. Whili
the ono WIB on account cf peculiarly fit
ting attributes , selected by his com
mander as "An eye and ear of the army , '
! the other's nirna was ne'er' unapokei
of when a deed cf chivalrlo daring or elf-1
immolating devotion was called for. Al
who remember that hot July evening
when George E. Plckett , moving like the
spirit of battle amongst hit troops , sound
ed the charge up the hill at Gettysburg ,
where sullen cannon lay silent , awaiting
the nearer approach of that line which
moved on unwavering , nmid destruction
and death that so soon was vomited upon
It ; all who remember the graceful figure
that waived a shining swoid as It ran at
the head of that line of soldiers up and
along that long decline , can tell how
"Col. Bob" Withers bore himself that
day ; now down with a cnt from a
a buratod bomb , now upon his foot
cheering on "tho boys ; " again prostrated
by moro than throe rifle-shots at onetime
time through his body , and yet again
standing reeling with his regimental flag
lifted on high , and
"Like re-appearing star ,
Like a glory from nfar ,
Heading that flock of WAT ! " ,
Mosby yielded his sword , and listening
to the volco and teachings of his magnifi
cent manhood and courage , accepted
fully the result of a revolution , and bout
his great energies to mend the broken
homos , to rebuild the waste places , and
add glory to the nation's fame.
Withers , his tquil in all the manly
and admirable traits than constitute and
adorn the jewels of n commonwealth ,
took counsel of his temper and weaker
characteristic , and let circumstances and
sour surroundings of prejudice shape his
course , Instead of consulting his higher
and nobler attributes both of head and
heart. Comment is unnecessary. The
ono , who has atood in China the trusted
representative of that political party
which , as a party , made it possible to
day for the United States flag to fly in
token . of sovereignty over all this broad
land , comes homo again. The other
pees forth to that same Oriental city , in
the same capacity , bnt as the representa
tive of that political party which did not ,
as n party , make it possible for that flag
so to fly.
A car load of very choice graded Hereford -
ford Bulls , ready for service , for sale at
my farm , t ) miles west of Omaha in Jef
ferson Precinct. JOHN KUNKEH.
Smoke Seal of North Carolina To
The Plan Submitted to the Council
of Omaha.
A BEE reporter yesterday learned from
a lady who Is prominently connected with
the Woman's Aid association of Omaha ,
some facts that are of general Interest to
the community. 'Tho number of persons
( women and children ) who dally apply for
aid at the rooms of this society increases ,
although the distressing winter weather
has passed.
In a largo majority of cases Inquiry
proves that the applicants are worthy of
charity , and compelled to sk for It by
reason of inability to secure work. This
IB 1 especially true of persons who have
within the past year como into Nebraska
from j the state of Iowa.
It appears , from the statement of a
poor j woman who was at the time of the
conversation In the room with the lady
and the reporter , that since the agitation
i f the liquor question and the closing up
for j a time of that branch of business In
Iowa , work has been especially sarco
and the price paid for it cut down about
two-thirds. Sno gave a list of prices to
prove this.
Bo this as It may , the fact remains that
applications for food and places to lodge
are Increasing. More than this , added
the lady of the association , the society
have not means , If tney had a place , to
accommodate and care for these people.
A petition vouched for by the mayor
and strongly recommended by him
has been laid before the council ,
asking action by that body whereby
a lot named in it can be secured ,
with a view to the erection of a house
of suitable size and construction. If
this can bo secured there is no doubt but
that the running expenses of the "home"
could be made by renting rooms to poor
young girls who work In stores and the i
llko , and after business hours mutt bo
cooped In small , often unpleasant rooms ,
or walk the streets.
In such a house these could have a
pleasant homo , with congenial and pi eas
ing atsDclatlons , which la Impossible now ,
and they would willingly pay a rent , yea ,
and board for the privilege , which would
go a great way to meet the expense In
curred on account of the sick and help
less. Sucih is the Idea of the ladles in
charge. They want municipal aid to so-
euro a lot and building and will also so-
euro by subscription and contribution
whatever they can to help along the
project. Once In possession of them
they would provide rooms and board for
such as earn salaries In stores and fami
lies , receiving therefor a sum sufficient
to defray a largo proportion
of the outlay for thoto
who are objects of charity ; numbers of
whom como for a day or two until homes
and honest employment can bo provided
for thorn. Aa the matter now stands
there ia no place to lodge these and It la
pitiable to behold the look of despair that
often settles upon the face of a wcmtn
ewho , weakened by dlsoato or want , learns
the bard fact that she Is "out in the cold
world , out In the street. "
The ladles who are In this relation
really "ministering angels , " pressed the
importance of thla matter upon the re
porter and asked that the BEE call the
attention of the city fathers and the com
munity at large to it , which , it Is hoped ' ,
will ba the result of this article.
Ten dollars reward for return to Millard -
lard hotel , Omaha , of land book and
other articles In black satchel. Ex
changed at U. P. transfer in Council
Bin Ha about April O'.h.
A Mooting To-day ,
The committee of conncllmon appoint tC
ed last Tuesday night to act in conjunction -
tion with Mayor Boyd and arrange matters
, tors for the moving of certain city offices
into quarter * in the now catmty court
house , will have a mooting to-day. There
, already seems to bo an Inclination on the
, 5 ; part of ono or tire officers to remain
- where the are rather than to be moved
into tha rooms set apart for them at the
county court house. The complain made
is that there will not bo enough light ,
* unless some new arrangements can ho
effected. The commtisloners will ba
viiited by this committee to-day and
they hope to effect arrangements that
will be satisfactory all around.
- To EXCHANGE 440 acres well Ira-
proved land J mile from Essex , Is. , for a
_ stock of general merchandise ! or hard : -
" ware. Address , John Lmderholm , Es
] sex , la.
- Iowa Lump coal , $4.00 per ton.
! " Nut " $3 75 per ton.
, I 213 S. 14th , JEF * . W. BBDFOKD ,
Absolutely Pure.
Thlt powdet nerer A msrol ot pnrety ,
utrenijthandwholesomenew. More economic * ! tnta
the Brdlnuy cannot be gold In competi
tion with the multitude of low test , ihoil weigh !
alamo ! phyrohrU powder * . Bold only In o ni
B. O. Kent , 1'ltchcr for the Oitialins.
Blacklisted. Some Excitement
Over the Affair ,
Quito an exciting little breeze was
raised in base ball circles yesterday by n
short but torso telegram from P. F. Igo ,
secretary of the Western league , Indian
apolis , sent to Manager Boy , stating that
B. 0. Kent , pitcher for the Omahas , had
been blacklisted by the Buffalo league.
To ascertain the causa for such action a
reporter for the BEE taw Mr. Kent last
night and from him received a ttatoment.
It is to the effect that last August , while
playing at St. Louis with the Buffalo
club , Kent received a telegram from his
wife , who was then in Louisville , saying
that she was dangerously 111 and asking
him to come to her at once. From his
manager , Chaa. Morton , ho received per
mission to go and wont , but with the
understanding that just as soon
as his wife got bettor ho would join the
club again. After arriving at Louisville
Kent found his wife in a precarious con
dition and by request of her physician
sent Morton word that it would bo im
possible for him to leave her any ways
soon , therefore not to expect him back.
To this Kent received no reply and ho
Infers now , since they have black
listed him that an effort will bo made to
prove that ho deserted the club. If this
stands good and Kent fails to got rein
stated , all the games he has played In
this season will bo wiped from the
record. Manager Hey has already commenced -
moncod making efforts to have Kent re
instated. But until this is accomplished
ho is laid off and Wm. O'Donnell has
been telegraphed for to oomo and play In
his place.
If the weather will permit of It a
game will bo played this afternoon and
in that Berry Is to act as pitcher for the
Omaha's. Following is the position in
which the men will play :
Berry.Pitcher Deagla
Webber Catcher Summers
Dowyre First Base Kennedy
Grey Sfcond Base Reed
J. Say Third Baeo Batten
L. Lay Shortstop Hacan
Melster Loft Field Muniel
Grayham Center Field Wheeler
Black Right Field Carroll
Saturday , Sunday , Tuetday and Wed
nesday next the Indianapolis club will
bo hero to play the Omaha team.
Saal of North Carolina Tobacjo is the
" "
Military Mutters.
Gen. Howard Issued orders yesterday
granting furloughs to Sergt. August J.
Holzer , Company F. , Fourth infantry.
Ft. Niobraro , ono month ; Sorgt. Gustavo
Cajar , Company F , Fourth infantry , Ft.
Omaha , two months.
Recruit Harry Mayoard , enlisted at
Ft. Omaha , Is assigned to tha Seventh
Infantry and will bo sent to his regiment
at once. Recruit John Cotiklln , also en
listed at Ft. Omaha , has been assigned
to the Fonrth Infantry.
The commanding officer at Ft. Nio
brara has been ordered to send private
James W.JtVheeler , company A , Twenty-
second infantry , who is In confinement at
that place , with all papers in his case to
Ft. Loavonworth. and report there to
the assistant adjutant-general , depart
ment of the Missouri.
Capt. Alfred Morton o ! the Fourth In
fantry , who was sent rut to Bridger ,
Wyo. , April 35 , has boon ordered back to
his proper station , bavlog fulfilled the
duty ho was sent to perform.
" Enndi idTtrtlud ti tbioluUlr pur *
Pl a eui top down oil . tiot store ontllhsiteil.thel
. jmor tbe torn and amall. A cliemlit will not b r *
qiUr 4 to dtUot th * prwonco of ammonia.
In * million bom a for qu rt r of * MDturj II hu
lived tb * contumn' rillabl * Uit ,
Dr , Price's ' Special Flayoring Eitracls ,
Dr. Price's lupulln Yeas' Gimi
For Light , U lthr Bnid , Th * D.r < otj Il p
Ycutln tl > Vorld.
A conversation botwoonn well known clothier and a member of the Omaha Press :
CIOTIIIEU."Cap , what Is to bo done , to evorcomo this Rival of the clothing
trade ?
GENTLEMAN OF TJIKPUESM. Of whom do you speak ?
C. Why , these Misfit Clothing Parlors , 1U2 ! Douglas St. , they have como
hero and through judicious management have taken more than two thirds of the
Omaha trade. They have knocked the ready-made business clear out , while the
merchant tailors can't find employment for the people in their employ on account
of their loss of trade.
G. of the P. How do they do tills ? Can't yon people compolo with them ?
0. Compete with them ? For nsit is Impossible , as they soil Merchant Tailor
Made Goods for loss than our ready mrula prices. In tact , they soil the gooda made
by the tailors , oven right hero at homo for loss than it costs to make thorn. Look
at this their
G. of the P. Do they ever have anything like a Spring Overcoat ?
0. Spring Overcoats ? Well I should say they have , and the most elegant I
have ever soon , and at prices which knock the bottom clear out of all of us.
G. of the P. Well , I need a light overcoat. I'll go and see them ; I may got
" "
an "ad" from them.
0. You are sure to , for they are moat liberal la that line , and to say the least
they are a fine sot ot people.
G. of the P.--What is the style of the firm ?
C. The
- - , r
Open Evenings until 9 o'clock. Saturdays until 10 o'clock.
Graduate ot the University "Vienna , Ana-
trio. Late Surgeon to the Military Hospital ,
of Vienna. Will do a general Medical and
Surgical practice. All calls in ctty or country
promptly attended. Office at the Omaha
Medical and Surgical Institute , Corner 13th
Street and Capitol Avenue.
OtnaJia Jffedical &Sur-
gical Institute.
13th St. , Oor Oauital Ave ,
Chronic and Surgical Diseases
Disease" of Females , ot the Nervous Bittern , Pri
vate Dlsosss ot the Urlniry and Sexuil orgung and
DlacMoa of tha Uead , Throat and Langs , acccUltloa.
Die&ses tr < te < t by n experienced epeoWlet , aba
illieMeaol the Heart , Uvor , btomach , hidneyi , IUad >
dor , NcurilKla , R camittUm , Tilts , Cannere , etc.
. . .
And all ether diseases of the Threat and Lunis , treat
ed bylltdloitod Vapora Bend ( or Inhtlor
or clruiUr on Inhalation ,
All dlieaiea of tha Blood. Uilnary and Sexual Or
gans. Private Diseases and File ) Cured or no Fay.
16 Y an Hospital and Private Practice.
Consultation and Examination tree
Odlorwrlte lord rcularion chronlodlsouea and deform
Itlcs , Dlio C9 of Foi.aloe , I'rhuto Dlstaso * oti he
Urinary and Sexual Organi , Seminal Weaknon , Ner
vous Debility or K hauatloa , eta , etc. , and our new
restorative treatment ,
All letteri and consultation * Confidential.
Medicines eont to all parts of the country bv ex.
press , tecurcly packed from observation , If fall de
scription of case la given , One personal Interview
pref erred Uoon\enlent. Open at all hours.
Patient * from a dlatanoo can obtain roomi and
board ,
Addroea all letters to
Omaha Medical & Surgical Institute
13th St. , Cor. Caplto Aie. , Omaha. Neb.
BtllriLli ud r t Ire
3PX O ? X W Gr S ,
Lead Pipe and Sheet Load ,
Flmntieis' Cas ani steam Fitters' '
Ub ( & Dodae SH..OMAHA.HEB.
( toooEssoaa TO JOUH a.
At Uki old sUcd HIT F n > - n fit Crden by lit *
mpbtoUcJhduiil promp uteadedto. TelephoD <
A Fall Assortment of Air and Kiln Dried Walnut , Cherry , Ash , Uutternnt , Yellow Fovlut
Redwood , etc. Hardwood and Poplar Panel , Ilardwood Flooring , Wagon Stock , Stair
Builders' Material , Rod Cedar Posts , Common Uak 'Dimension and Bridge Timbers ,
Cedar Boards for moth proof closets.Etc. Yoaeera , Fancy' Woods for Scroll Sawlng.Kto , Etc.
S.W.Cor.9th and Douglas. - - Omaha. Neb.
Manufacturers of Orrv jmental
Dormer Windows , Window . Caps , Metallic , . Skv-Ii , ht , &o 11n , Iron and date Hoofers ,
316 South 12th Street.Orraha Neb. Wor k done In any pattol the country.
Remember that wlum you V , ny a lot in South OmaTm you pet 9,000
eiiuare feet of ground , equ l to three lota 50x00 , or nix business lota
26x60. With this you have the advantage ot alleys 20 feet wide and
a street 80 feet wide.
When you are buying Teal estate ; ascertain how muclx LA.ND you are
getting for your money.
To secure these large lots while they are cheap. You can got ground
now at 2 cents a square foot that will be worth live times that amount
n three years ,
Send for a Map of South Omaha.
Address , 216 S. 13th St. , Omaha , Neb.
; * A. TT-pton , Ass't SGO'V and Managar.
Wholesale Druggists
Piits , Oils ,