COUHCJUllUFFS , ADDITIONAL LOCAL. DAILY BEE : BLUFFS , Friday Morning , May 1. . BUIISCRIFTION HATES.Mnt Mnt I * ' week - " 110.00 per year 07FIOB ! No , 131'cnrl Street. MINOE MENTION , The Methodists hold a toiablo : at the church last ovonlng , Mrs. M. A. Allison , of Nebraska City , is at the Paclfio houso. Hon. John Lake , of Rockfotd , 111. , is In the city , the guest of County Recorder Chambers. Soils Bros1 advance Rtmrd are dooorat- Ing the bill boards with lithographs of the coming show. Harry Hunter was yesterday doing heavy editorial work for the old lady , S Mr. Steadman being away. Sells Bros' , oar No. 1 loft Ust evening for BHssourl Valley , but loft four of the paste sllngors hero to work the country to-day. "Tho [ Carnival of Nations , " whloh'.ls to bo the entertainment given by the ladles of the Episcopal church , Is to open on the 12th of May. The ealo of tlckota for the lecture of Joseph Cook opens to-day at Bushnell's. The fame of this orator will doubtloia cause a resh for Boats. Regular mooting of Fidelity Council No. 150 , R. A. , this ( Friday ) ovonlng. All members are urgently requested to bo present at this meeting. The city council moots in regular ses sion next Monday ovonlng , and the asses sors expect to have the booka ready for the board of equalization to commence work. work.M. M. F. Rohror leaves next Monday to attend the fourth annual mooting of the Odd Follows protective association , which Is to bo hold at Fort Madison. Ho represents the Council BluQs members. Great preparations are being made for the meeting of the State Pharmaceutical society , which opens here on the 12th of May. Not only do the sessions promise to bo interesting , bnt there will be very fine exhibits of various lines of goods and various preparations. The following have been chosen as the jurymen for the May term of the superi or court : W. F. Sapp , jr. , Qoorgo 0. Brown , L. Swearlngen , E. B. Bowman , T. B. Baldwin D. F. Elchor , Dick Rlchotts , George Blaxlm , and A. B. Nichols. Pottawatamlo Grove , No. 23. U. A. O. D. , has elected the following officers : D. Nicholson. P , A. ; A. Bergatrora , N. A. ; W. N. Monster , V. A. ; E. J. Abbott , secretary ; 0. Barghauaen , treasurer ; J. L. Whitman , V. A. The grove has a membership of over fifty. One week from to-night a rare enter tainment Is promised at the opera homo , It being the elocutionary entertainment by Miss Jessie OouthonI , the tickets for which are bolng sold at Atkins' drug store. Those who want a choice of ooats should not delay In securing them. If the young ma a who Is "trying" to learn the newspaper business , attended to his own business half as zealouely as he does to the business of other news paper offices , ho would not bavo lot the Globe icoop him so badly on the bur glaries , neither of which ho had a line about. Rev , Dr. Oooly , the now pastor of the Baptist clinch , is expected to arrlvo on to morrow's train , over the Noithwestorn & Chicago. His wife and ono of his daugh ters are expected to come with him , the other daughter and son being in college , BO that thay will not oomo until the close of the college year. Ladies with their escorts are given front scats at the dime museum and theatre which ara separated from the seats of the gentlemen by a railing. The attendance of ladles Is nightly Increasing , they becoming catlsGed that the manage * mint Is conducting a strictly moral show and aio making It jnat what is claimed a retort for ladles and children. Mrs. H. J. Hilton , M. D , , has given up her residence and practice in this city and left last evening on a bnilnoss trip through the southwest. Mrs. Hilton has been a resident and practicing physi cian for the paat four years In this city and leaves a large practice which any lady physician might bo proud of. After an extended trip she expects to locale in the oast. The Methodists are talking of buying property on Oakland avenue for the pur- posa of a parsonige. The move Is a good ono , and there seems a good prospect of Us being carried to a successful comple tion. Unner the Itineracy system of that denomination , the ministers can stay atone ono place no longer than three years at the most , and these frequent moves make It peculiarly fitting that the chnrchai \ \ should provide parsonages and some of the heavier furnishings , Tbo fellow who la "trying" to learn the newspaper busmen , Is still hot became he cannot do something to hurt the BEE , Thn only thing that ho has effected In thU waywas when ho Induced the BEE once tD give him a little employment , nndor tbo prater a 8 that he know some thing about the newspaper bnilneea. Just how the engagement ended , and other facts in the young man's history might ba Interesting reading to those who do not know him as well as the BEE docs , Mrs. Valller , wife of Alex Vallier , one of the oldest residents of Hazel Del ! township , has just passed away , old age and Infirmities being the cause of death. She lacked but twenty days of leaching her 75th birthday , and she has resided hero since 1851 , hnvlng come hero from Canada , She leaves betides her husband , eight children. The funeral will bo hold at the family residence this morning a < 10 o'clock. There are plans on foot for furnishing the needed water supply for the cemetery tory , and the water works company will probably lay pipes , so as to anpply c fountain and to furnish water for the various purposes for which It is so much needed , in the summer tlmo especially , It Is suggested that the city , which has several fountains yet to locate , have ono of thorn placed in the cemetery , and this can easily bo so arranged that from this water can bo carried to various parts of the grounds , The attempt of ono of the light-weight reporters to make ont that there Is trouble brewing In the otgar makers union , aoema to flash in the pan , like most of his efforts , the facts being too strongly sgilnat him. The manufac turers and workers acorn to got along harmoniously , with the exception of two or three men , and the union makes no appeal in their behalf , while the manu facturers glvo very good reasons for not choosing to employ them , Artists' ' Materials at GR. Board's Wall Paper Store. Send for price list. Substantial abstracts of title and real estate loans , J. W. & E. L , Squlro.101 Pearl street. DON'T ' WANT TO AIR IT , Tno Triplets Want to Play Hush About the St. Joe Houao Affair. The caco of Matt Kuhl , of the St. Joe House , Traa called up before Justice Fralnoy yeiterdsy and , no wan expected , traa dismissed. Thlsaotionwlll strengthen the feeling that the "triplets" were the ones most to blame for the disgraceful row that occurred at a late hour last Sat urday night at the St. Joe House. The action of the iuatico In having the case brought bcforo himself , when from all reports ho wai ono of the parties most Interested In getting Mr. Kuhl punished , has awakened much sharp criticism , and It la Intimated that the matter will not bo allowed to rest there. If there had been a real assault upon the justice himself and his friends , and there had been just cause for action , even then It would seem very bad taste , to say the least for him , to Issue the war rant himself and prepare to hear the case himself. Much worse is It if , as la claimed , the justice and hla friends were the aggressors. In view of the circum stances It Ecoms that the trio , if not to blame , would have been anxious to hare the details of the affair shown np In an official examina tion. The abandonment of the prosecu tion of the case looks bad. The circum stances may bo brought ont yet , as the county board Is yet to pass upon the bill of costs , which the justice will expect the county to pay. Whether the tax payers will feel like taking the money out of their pocketa to pay for this fun of "tho triplets. " If they do pay the bill the beard will doubtless ? lve the public the satisfaction of the exact facts as to how the cases were made up. The dropping of the case In Jfralnoy's court should by no moans bo the dropping of the case entirely. Ladies' Orange Race at the Omaha Skating Rink Saturday ovonlng. Ad- mltslcn 25 cents. IOWA IN PIECES , Walnut lubricates In eight saloons. The Sioux City National bank is the largest tax-payer In western Iowa , except the railroad companion. Taxes assessed against it the past year exceeded $8,000 , Edwin Abarnothy , a thirteen-year-old son of Col. AlonzD Abernetby , was drowned a few days ago In the Cedar river at a point about two miles below Osago. John GUI was seriously Injured at Port Dodge Tuesday noon by a runaway horse. Mr. Gill was caught between the wheels and the box of the buggy and dragged a dlstanca of two blocks before being re leased. A resident of Farley named Brown has given notlco that ho will bring suit in the Slay term of court against Rev. 0. E. Shoble , late pastor of the Presbyterian church at that place , for slander , claim ing damages of $10,000. The two Rainsbergers , charged wltt the murder of Enoch Johnson , wore taken from Marshilltown , where thej have been held for safe keeping , to El- dora on Monday for trial. The vlgllanti of Steamboat Rock , it is thought , will lynch the suspected men if opportunity ofleiB. The Chicago Tribune on Saturday last Enbllshed a table showing the cost ol nlldtng Improvements in the various Iowa cities during 1884 , In which Dee Molnos la credited with 82,830,07-1 , Sioux OltyoomlDK nxt with 8980,000 , Oedai Raplda $027,580 , Council Bluffs $8G3 , . 000 , Clinton $308,800 , Dubuqne $270- 548 and Keoknk $110,400 , all of which has thrown the Dubuque press Into a ipism of denunciation of the coup lei that makes Dabuqne fall of ao respectable a showing , A Washington dispatch says : Hon , J. B , Grinnoll , of Iowa , who was ap pointed ! agent of the bureau of animal Industiy , connected with the agricultural department , has written an. Interesting report on the "Cattle Interests west oi the Mississippi river. " He gave eu months time to the investigation and s'udy of tbo question , and during thlt tlmo traveled quite 14,000 miles in car riages and by railway through the west ern country. The report baa been pub lished by the department. The Extent of the Char's Dominion , The dominion cf the czar of all the Rnisla comprises one-toventh part ol the land surface of the earth , or ono. twentieth part of its whole area. More than ono hundred million people call the cstr father , and are under his aViiolnte government. A child Is burn in Russia on an average every eight lecondi through out the year , and a death occurs over } eleven seconds. The population will double in about slx'y ' yearaat the present rate cf Increase. NIGHT PROWLERS , Th&yTry & Safe-Stowing In VainBnt , Get a Big Feast , Their Workings. Thcro is evidently a gang of hard cues st'll ' lingering nbout the city , improving every opportunity to plunder. Yester day morning tome fresh evidences were diicovored. Halo Hntohlnaon , the book keeper for L , Hammer , on opening the oflico of the lumber yard found that someone ono had boon there before him , The roar door had boon forced open , and the bnr- glara liad qulto thoroughly ranaackod the place , opening all drawers and icattorlng papers and books about In confusion , They had also been at work on the safe , and cnrlontly had foiled themselves. Mr , Hammer has had his safe attacked several times during the paat few years , and has wisely concluded to keep it un locked , rather than have It bored and blown , it having boon onoo so broken as to nocotsltato ezponslvo repairs. As nsnal ho left the safe unlocked , and was careful not to leave any valuables in it. The thieves , however , instead of * simply opening It began to try the combination lock , and unwittingly looked It , They began to drill a hole and succeeded in getting a hole nearly through , when , for some unknown reason , they gave op the task , and left , securing nothing. The store of R. P. Snow was also visited , and considerable plunder taken. An entrance was gained by the roar door , a staple being wrenched off , and then the inner doors being unfastened by means of a aorowdriver , which was shov ed through a crack , and the bar raised by this. The fellows helped themselves at their leisure , the plunder consisting mostly of canned goods , tobacco , oto. , two or three articles of clothing which wore hanging np in the Btoro , ono of the follows taking the pains to leave an old overcoat of his own in exchange for one he tound there which suited him bettor. The aafo was opened and a number of notes taken but they were old overdue ones , which were not considered of any great valno except as bits ol ancient history. Mr. Snow thinks his total loss Is not to ex ceed $7& . About ono o'clock yesterday morning Gene Mottaz , the watchman , found in ono of the Wabash freight cars in the yards three fellows , and ho drove them ont. In doing so he sent the dog into the car , and soon after the fellows , whom ho thought wore tramps , had cleared out , the dog seemed to bo enjoy ing a foaatof some sort , and investigation showed the remnants of a feast which the trio had been having , and which proved to bo the remains of some of the goods taken from Snow's store. There was a new basket filled with pro visions , canned meat , sardines , pickles , jelly , salmon , etc. , and the marks on the balf emptied cans were those of Mr. Snow. This discovery was not made nntil It was too late , but the police on being no tified hunted np three suspicions looking fellows , and locked them np , but there was nothing to identify them as the ones. Real Estate Transfers. The following are the transfots of real estate filed In the office of the registrar , and furnished to the BEE by A , J. Stephenson , April 30 , 1885 : J. D. Olark to F. P. Bellinger , lot 12 , block 14 , Burns' add. ; $200. F. Laubershclmer to W. Linbors- helmor. lot 3 , block 1 , Baylies & Palmer's add , ; 8100. S. F. Oovault to W. S. Covault , part lot 47 original plat ; 8250. E. E. Bean toJD. A. Watson , lots 5 and 6. block 3 , Meredith's add to Avoca ; 8125. Sophia E. Lamp to Olllo Danford , part lot 123 , original plat ; $1. Total sales § 676. George Falconer was found guilty In the Hancock county courts on Monday of stealing 117 head of cattle from B. F. Nichols and other residents of that county. George Carter and Frank Walker , Implicated in the same trans action , are yet to bo tried. AMUSEMENTS. Mammoth Dime Museum AND THEATER. 5tb ivo and Pearl Street , ( Formoily Martin's Rink. ) PALMER & SANDER , Prop'ra & Managers. Monday Evening , April 27th , Engagement and first appearance of the world famous and original GEORGIA MINSTRELS 15 FIRST GLASS ARTISTS 16 In a refined programme of wit and humor. OUR CURIO HALL Will contain Freaks of Nature , Curiosities , and Mechanical Wonders , principal among which will be found the world reputed won der , MISS EX PATTERSON , The Lightning Lady , LOWANDO BALDWIN , The Armless' Wonder , POOAHONTAS , Princess of the Todas tribe of Mexican In dians , MADAME HOWELL , The Bohemian Glass Blower , THE LIVING HALF LADY , And many other novelties , A Reeort for Ladies. A Resort for Ladies Museum open 1 to C and 7 to 10 p. m. Theater Matinee 3 p , m. Evening 8 p , m. lOcts ADMISSFON lOcta R. Rice M , D. "f * UH train I.BOT * < wlthort tki k ll * i rawto < o ! UMt CHRONIC DISEASES"n-- " ! Or > tUrtj TMM practical ixyubMt MM M > I , Peat ) re ( , OoOBdl Biota MTOeuoJUMa * lit * . JACOB SIMS , Attorney - at-Law , COUNCIL BLUF18 , IOWA. Office , Ualn Street , Boom. 7 and 8 , Bhugart'and B uo block. WlllpiactlMlnSiaUana tats oourta MANDEMAKEES & VAN , ARCHITECTS , CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS No. 201 Upper Broad way , Council Bluffs. HARKNESS BROTHERS , 401 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. CARPETS , CARPETS , CARPETS. 'A large stock and choice patterns. Prices clear down. Dry-Goods , DryGoods All the Novelties in Dress Goods , Silks and White Goods , Always Lowest Prices , We make a suecialtv of Store Shadings ? Office Mattings , the furnishino- churches offices and public buildings. Harkness Bros , 401 Broadway Council Bluffs TZECIE ! "TpHECE ! ICTUS MHim * > MaM > aiH > MillMM > ) § MMlHiiiiHMMiiMiiii lMMIM MMMHiiiiiiWMMMMM i aMMaMIMH AND "THE ENGLISH" KITCHEN. 505 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs. TUB ONLY ALL NIGHT HOU3B in THE OITT. Everything served in first elui style and on ihoit notice. Hot and cold lunches always ready. SPECIAL NOTICES . IJOTICE. BpeoUl a ve'riliementl , IBO M Lett Fonnd , To Loan , For Bait , To Rent , Wants , BoardIng - Ing , etc. , will bo Inserted In thti column at lh low rate of TEH CENTS PER LINK ( of the flni Insertion and FIVE CENTS PER LINE (01 each nbwjqnent rtlon. Tiearo advertisements at our offlo * , Ho. P.arl Street , neat Broadway _ WAHTB. _ SALE AT A BARGAIN The desirable real- FOK dcnooor business property on Upper Broad' way , known as the 1'oncra place , Apply to OHO. R. BEARD , 82 Main street. _ . BALE. i other hotel In a In. Nebnuka FOR. town , now doing a business of about $850 per month. No other hotel In the place. Terms liberal. SWAK & WALKSR. 'OR SALE OR TRADE. SCO aorea ol land In I Wayao county , llo. Will trade lor Council BlaS. city property er ell cheap ( or cash , or part time. SKAN & ( VALKKR. " ANTS TO TrtADB. Oood Iowa or Nebraska land ( or a small stock ol hardwire or general merchandise , mail located. SWAK It WALKHR. E\OR S&LE A rare chance to got a fine , well 1m- proved tarm ol 400 acres , within a lew miles ol Council Bluffs , at a bargain. Low price and easy terms. _ BWAN & WAL K PUHl SALE A good paying hotel property with livery stable , in one ol the best small towns In western Iowa will soil with or without turnltare , or will trade ( or a small ( arm with stock etc. _ BWAM &WALBBB. a&LE Eighty acres unimproved land In FOB county , Iowa , Similes south-east ol At- ion , the county seat , or will trade ( or Nebraska or Kansas land. SWAN & WALKIR. l/Ott SALE A 2l > acre tract of good land about f one and a half miles from Council Blufl , pott offloe. at a bargain. _ SWAN & WALKEB. ' 'l/Wl BALE In Uarrlson county , Iowa , 320 acres f grass lind , all under ( ence a 00 acre ( arm with One Improvements , all under cultivation except ! 0 acres grass 80 acres good griss or pasture land , and several other tracts of from 40 to 180 acres of inlmprovcd land _ SWAK & Wanna. FOR SALE Lands Improved aad unimproved. If you want a ( arm In western Iowa , Kansas Nebraska or Dakota , let us hoar from you. SWAN 4 WALKIB. " | 7UR HAtK A larw number of business and reel- JD denoo lots In all parts ol Council Bluffs. Boo as before you buy , SWAM & WALKIB. T7IOB BALK Parties wishing to buy , cheap lots to JD build on can buy on monthly payments of bom 12 tO 810. _ BWAK&WAtKBB T7\OR KENT We will rent you a lot to build on JD wfth the prlvllage to buy If yon wleb on very iberal term * . _ SWAM & WALKKB. YTST" ANTED to correspond witn any one wishing * tf good location lit planning mill. Bash , door and blind manufactory , we have building and machinery , well located , ( or sale , lease or trade ; BWAN& WALKBB. _ _ Oil KENT- Largo two ttory frame building suit able ( or warehouse or etorago purposes , near railroad depot. _ SHAN WAI.KKB. RENT UK BALK Bj.iriiag and grounds FOR aultaHe ( or snail foundiy and machine shop Good boiler , engine , cupola , blower with fixed chile- Ing eta. , ready to put in motion. BWAK WALKKB , _ jiOH SALE Houses. Lota and Land. A. J. JD Bteptenson , 603 First avenue. iTITANTKii fcvery Doay in Council IJluDa o lake W TniBn. Delivered by carrier at only twenty c nts a week. f\W PAPERS For sale al Bn Office , at 21 oenti \J a hundred : J. L. DiBEVOIBB. din Met Agent , No. 507 Broadway Oonnoll Bluff * . Railway Time Table. OOUNOILSBLUFFS. The following are the time , of the arrival and de * carrtue of trains by central ttandird time , at the focal depot. . Trains leave transfer depot tea Daln- ate. euller and arrive ten mlnuteg liter , CICiRT. 1REITB , 9:25 : A Mall and Eipresa HtfO'r M 1:40 : r M .accommodation 4tO : r u 6SO : r M Express 0.05 A u ClllUeO AID ftOCK IBLAXV. 9:2E A > i Mall and Express 6U : r M 7:86 A H Accommodation 6:16 : r u 6:30 : r x Kiprcis 8:00 : A u cmoAeo , UILWAUKII ABO ST. rAcu 0:20 : A u Ma'l and Express < : ft > r H 6:26 : r u Eipresi 0.06 A u csnoAoo , SOSUBUKW An vnxor. 0(0 : A M Mall and Expres. 7:10 : r M 1S:30 : r H Accommodation ! :00 : p w 6:45 : r u Exprty. 8:60 : A M WAiun , IT , LOUIB AHD rAcine , from Transfer only. 1:80 : r H St. Louis Express 2:16 : l > M 7:40 : r 11 Chicago Exp via Ptorla 0:10 : A u KAKSAI Cm , ST. J01 A1TO OOWCU , SLUTTS. lO.oii A M Hall and Expres. 0:40 : r H 8:16 : r u Express 0:26 : A u BOO ! CTTT ARD rACTTfl. 7:20 A H Mill for Sioux city 0:60 : r 7:10 r K Expreis for St 1'aul 8:60 : A M C.MO.V rAoiric. 11:00 : A u Dinver Expres. 4:35 : r H 1:06 : r 11 llncolnl'at.O'a&n V 2:36 : r H 7:66 : v u Ot erland xr-re > a 8:80 : A u DirUMT TRAINS TO OUADA. Leave Council Bluffs 7:15 : 8:20 : 0:30 : 1030 11:10 : a. m. 1:50 : 2SO-S.80 : 4:28 : 86 : .26 11:46 : p. m. Leave Omaha 8:40 : 7:6t efO : 10tO : ll:16 : a. m. 12:00-2:00 : : soo-4iO : : 1:66 : 6:65 : -11:10 : p. m. Dr , W. H. Shorradon DENTIST , Masonic Tempta , Oonnoll Blofl * 21 Ioir * OUMCIL BLUFFS c ARPET COMPANY CAEPETS , Curtains. Oil Cloths. Window Shades , Linoleums. Mattings. Rugs. Etc. , Etc. Careful Attention Given to Out of Town Orders. Upholstery and Drapery Work a Specialty. Our atock la the Largest in the lost and is being continually replenished by all the latest and choicest novelties. 405 Broadway Council Biufis SCHMIDT , PHOTOGRAPHER ! No. 220 Main St. , Council Bluffs. Open San Jay. First-class work guaranteed. THE RECENTLY IMPROVED REMINGTON STANDARD TVPE WRITER NO. 3 , J the Hlffheat Achievement in Writing Machines in ( he World. With only 89 keya to learn a . operate , It prints 76 characters I Incluillcg caps and email letters , punctuations , figures , ilgni and iractlona. It a the simplest and most rapid writing machine made as well as the moit durable for free illustrated pamphlet. Wyckoff Seamans & Benedict , Chicago , III. , Sole Agents. 0. II. 8UOLES , Council Bluffs Agent for Western Iow ONLY HOTEL In Council BluHs hating a And all modern Improvements , call bells , fire alarm belle , etc. , i ) the CRESTON HOUSE Nos , 215 , 217 and 210 , Main Street. MAX MOHN , - PROPRIETOR THOS , OmCgK. W , H. M. I'CHK Officer & Pusev. BANKERS Council Bluff ? , la. Established , - - 1856 Dealer. In Foreign and Domestic Exchange and Home Securities , H , 80HUBZ. Wee of the Peace. ornox OVER AUKKIOIV COUNCIL BLUFFS. TOW A. WHEN SOLICITED TO INSUUE IN OTIIEK COMPANIES , Remember These Important Facts CONCERNING The Mutual Life Insurance Company OF NEW YORK. 1. H19 the OLDEST active Lite Inroranco Company In thli country. 2. It 1st ho L UIQKST LI To Insurance Company by many millions of dollars In the world. 8. It * rate , of premiums are LOWEll than those of any other company. * . It has no " tockholder8"toclalm any part of Its profits. S. It often no SCHEMES under the name of Insurance Jor speculation by special cluacs upon the misfortunes of each older. 0Its present available CASH HESODllCES exceed these of any other Life Insurinco Compiny In tha It ha. received In cash from til source ! , from February. 1643 , to January , 18S5 , 270SOS 684.00. U haa returned to the people , In cash , tram February. 1843 , to January , 1S8S , S21C.09 , 11,00. Ita cash Aesetsontho lat of January , 1886 , amount to moro than HiM anfl Tbree MERRILL & FERGUSON , Gen. Asrta. for Michigan , Indiana , Illinois , Wisconsin , Iowa and Minnesota. M. F. ROIIRER , Detroit , Michigan. Special Agent for Iowa , Council Bluffs , Iowa. W. F. ALLEN. Gen. Agt. for Nebraska , Dakota , Colorado , Wyoming and Utah Office Cor. Famam and 13th St. Over lutNot'l. Bonk , Omaha , Neb Good Agents Wanted TO Drs. Judd & Smith's NEW IMPROVED ELECTRIC BELT. Office and Factory , No SO , Fourth St , Council Bluffs , Iowa. SMITH & TOLLER , AGTS , LEADING Merchant Tailors ! 7 and 9 Main St. , COUKOIL BLUFFS , - - IOWA. AComplete Line of New Goods to Select From. , ' KIEL SALE STABLES Keep Horses and Mules constantly on hand whlo we will sell In retail or carload lota. All Stock Warranted as Represented. rVbolcialeacdrctillditlm It Grain iud Baled Hay. Price eonable Satisfaction Guaranteed. Comer Fifth Ave. & Fourth St. CounollBInfia. W. F. YLSWORTH , HOUSE MOVER AND RAISER. Brick buildings of any size raised or moved and fintlsfaction guaranteed. Frame ho moved on LITTLE GIANT trucks , the best In the world. QWOH.TIT 1010 Ninth Street , Council Bluffs Cf every description and at prices low M thalo est. Special attention to custom work. The rcmala dor of my stock of NOTIONS are being disposed of at C03T. A and be convinced. MRS. D. A. BJEWEDICT , 337 Broadway , : Council Bluffs. Iowa. d. R , McPHERSON , QBOWEn AND DEALER IN Orders from abroad promptly filled. Sweet Potato Plants a specialty. Plants will bo ready for shipment by May 10th. Orders should be placed early. tf. Jt. McPherson , 1281 East Pierce Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. II. II. WELD. W. O. E3TK Field & Estep , UNDERTAKERS No. 817 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. 0 lls Attended Promptly , Day and Night. Particular attention given to Embalming Telephone No. 07. . HAIR GOODS Waves , Langtry and Pompadour Frizes.Switch- es , etc , ready made and made to order. Prices cheaper than ever. Call arid see for yourself , MRS. C. L. GILLETTE , 29 Main Street , Council Bluffs.