THE DAILY BEE FJRIDAY , MAY 1. 1885. PREDICTING TORNADOES. lic Work of Preparing Data toft's ' End , TIio Two Grc t Tornado Sections o the Country 'Interesting Fuels , Lieutenant Flnlcy , Inspector of the United States Signal Service , has been In the city for the prut few dnyr , engaged In looking over the accounts of the Iccil ofllco. The gentleman is well known In meteorologies ! circles throughout the country , and has written eclonlifio works on loveral subjects , among them and principally , tornadoes. On this Interest ing class of phenomena , Ltent. Flnley is authority , and is the author of several atantUrd works treating of them. A reporter sought the gentleman yes- Urday and gleaned from his conversation omo Interesting rind valuableInforma tion. tion."I "I have boon at work In thii western country , " entd Lieut. Ftnloy , In answer- log a question , "for several months of each your for the past six years. 1 have boon at work procuring data for two vol umes which I expect to write. Ono of thorn considers the probability of pre dicting tornadoes and the manner In which it can beat bo done. Now , last Bummer I wont to Washington , and made np n , sot of predictions for four months of that year , showing the probable tor nadoes , which , though not made public , were carefully compared with observed facts. It was found that the prodlctbna wore admirably verified. The success of the ichomo was wollnlgh assured. This year I hare boon working on the subject and have secured many additional facts of Tslno. I expect to bo called to Washing- ion very shortly and shalljprob&bly make up a sot of predictions , say for July , August , September and October. These trill not only bo made public , but will bo telegraphed to the different signal sta tions , which they effect , throughout the country , just as the dally weather pre dictions which you receive now , or the cold wave signals rrhlch will bo com menced In July. " "What particular region have yon been woiklcg on all this time. " "What is called the Missouri Valley tornado region. This comprises Missouri , Kansas , west half of Illinois , lows , Ne braska , south half of Wisconsin , couth half of Minnesota , south half of Dakota , aorth half of Arkansas. Then there is what wo call the south Atlantic and east gu'f region , comprising the east half of Mississippi , Alabama , Georpla , South Carolina , and south half of North Care lina. Of course the predictions irill bo based upon data which has been obtained for pears past , and In this way wo secure as nearly as possible exact reliability of ra- suit. Ono can easily BOO the advantage ous results which will follow from the Adoption of this system of predictions. It will prevent great loss of lifo , in the districts which are destined to Buffer de- Taitition by tornadoes and although I man cjn't very well save much of his property bo can rescue himselfand his ramlly. "Ho r are the number of tornadoes In Nebraska compared with thcsa In other Itatos of the district ? " "Well , th t is a question somewhat difficult to anarror. 1 should say that of 1ho four etites , Iowa , Nebraska , Kansas ind Missouri , your state is tbo most favored of them all in this respect. Are the number less than in Iowa ? Oh , yes , ihoro is a marked difference between the two states in this regard ; the tornadoes In Iowa are not only more numerous but tie more destructive than In Nebraska. " "I cannot hazard any statement as to the reason of this. It Is something not yet oxaotly clear to the observer of me teorological phenomena. However , 1 can say that work Is now in progreis and data are being brought together which will enable us to throw great light upon this subject. Wo shall , aa soon as wo have reached the conclusion of ! our labors bo able to determine the relative fre quency of tornadoes with reference to certain geographical limits these of county , state , or section of the country. These figures are being complied from records of the past fifty years , and until they are complete no reliable information on this point can bo given to the public. In a general w y It can bo said , however , that there are more tornadoss in the newly opened up western country than in tlio east. Of cocsa , west of the Rocky Mountains , on account of great surface Irregularities , there are very fewer or no tornadoes. " "A great many people , " said Lieut. FJnloj- , continuing , "aro liable to con found the tornado with the cyclone , and the distinction between the tno classas of phenomena Is ono , I am assured , not clearly defined. In the first place , the cyclone it a sea whirlwind , the tornado a land ono. A tornado Is n violent dis tnrbanco of the atmosphere , taking the form of a gyratory vortex. Ita outward II. . form Is shown by a olond for mation , c a fnnnel-sbnpcd mas of cloud vapor , with the imalloit end near tbo o rth. The- path ia only a few hundred yards wide , and Iti force in crosBts from circumference to center. The cyclone Is a storm varying in dlamo tor from COO io 1.6CO mtloi , the force of which increase * from center to cLrcam- ferunoe , and , sweeping acron tno ocean cU with most deitruotlv * force , " Lieut. Flnley leave * to-day for DM Molnofl , where ho will transact builntu of importance for the signal serviceat Washington. STOLLE BROUGHT BACK , The Alleged Swindler U Captured by \f. H. Martin find hna BU Hearing To-day. Yesterday morning Mr. W. H. Martin , of the firm of Kennedy & Martin , returned from Cali fornia bringing with him the al leged Oraaia and NorthPlatte ermbeiaJer , Mr. Albln Stolle. The prisoner WM taken before Judge Anderson , entered a plea of not guilty to the charge preferred gainst him and was rolnMod on $1,600 ball furnished by Mr. Stubbondorf , to ap pear for examination at 10 o'clock to-day. The cue is a vary peculiar ono. It will be remembered that Stolle came to Omaha about four or five weeks ago and represented to Mr. Toft , formerly of the Peoples' Link , that ho was about to open n bank at Gothenburg , aud wanted to putchaso the old furniture be longing to Mr , T. The bir aln was quickly struck , nd Mr. Stolle Kft for Gothenburg , to which point the furniture was shipped , the stipulated prlco of ite being (773. Instead of'opening the bank , us he hid announced hii Intention. Mr. Stolle said the furniture to another party there , pockblcd the cash and skip ped out west. About this time rumors btgin to ba circulated that Stollo had "doctored" the books of thf National bank at North Platte , with which bo had been connected , and had swindled Mr. Beach out of something like $9,000 or $10,000. The case was put In the hands of Mr. W. H. Martin , and that gen tleman louncd from a let ter that was received by Mrs. Stollo , tint the erring Individual bad gene to San Jose. Paper * of arrest were speedily procured and the alleged culprit appro bonded. Mr. Stollo , it is hardly necessary to observe , stoutly denies the allegations of his accuser. Ho claims that after ho loft Gothenburg ho converted the proceeds of the furniture sale into n draft which ho mailed to Mr. Toft. The latter gentle man has not yet received the money and it is probable that this explanation is a trlflathin. So far as the North Plotto crooked work Is concerned , Mr. Stollo also makes a general denial. Ho claims that the matter has been entirely ad justed and that there will bo no proaecn tlon In that direction , STILL HUNTING FOREAGEN. With A Good Oluo to "Work on , a Howard of. $100 In Offered for Ills Murderers. The search for James E. Ilagon , the Lincoln tailor , who BO suddenly and mys teriously disappeared about ono year ago , ia still n matter of dally effort on the part of his friends , and Wednesday the youn man's father-in-law , Mr. John Morrison , of Lincoln , was In Omaha seeking for In formation to establish the proof , as to whether a floater raked from the river last June , buried in the potter's field and afterwards oxnmed , to bo Identified as the misting Hagen , was really him or not. To more thoroughly probe the bottom of every theory , and still believing his relative had been made the victim of foal play , Mr. Morrison has retained the services of an OTport detective , James Davlor , and through him the following reward la of < fcrod : 6400 IinWAKD For the arrest and con. vlction for the person or persons who mur dered James I ; , llngon on or about March 14 , 1884 , Said Hut-on wag found dead in the Missouri river , at Omnha. Following is description of Ilagon : Height , 5 feet , 10 inches ; weight , 145 or 150 ibs ; age , 30 years ; complexion , light ; yellow mustache ; dressed in dark Chinchilla overcoit , dark green Prince Albert coat and \est , and dark pants. He had a gold watch and chain , with charm , when last seen. The above reward will bo paid § 200 by Gov. Dawes , and $200 by John Mor risen , of Lincoln , Neb. Address all com munlcatione to J. Davies , Omaha , Neb. Mrg. 0. E. Nash , of Milwaukee , is in the city visiting friends. 1 Thomas II. Hyde of the Evening News nt Lincoln , was in the Metropolis yesterday. J. li. Pardoo , W. U. McOord and 1\ Washburn , a delegation of Ulysos gentlemen , are at the Paxton. J. M. Patterson and C. C. King , Platts- mouth ; J. A , Kehoo , I'latto Contrc ; P. ll'g- glna , Grand Island ; D. D , Uigoyde , Des Molnos ; S. S. Campbell , Glenwood ; W. A. Pheoney , Dubnriuo ; W. J. Wayne , Dantaon ; A. T. McEldery , Missouri Valley ; D. C. O'Connor , Homer , Neb. , and C. C. Miles , Grafton , are at the Canfiold. At the Metropolitan : T. J. Murphey , David City ; E. R. Deen , David City ; Geo. II. Powers and son , Beatrice ; T. K. Whit- taker Delta ; Mra. I. D. Evans and child , Button ; J. N. Southgato , Blair ; F. A. Alex ander , Ainsworth ; S. It. Gregory , Raymound : 0. A. Jtltnkeo , Louisville , and T. R. Leighton - ton , Plattsmouth , Neb. At the Millard ; Allen Stollo and wife , North Platte ; W. J. Martin , J. W. Biixler , North PMte ; J. 0. Post , York ; W. J. McCormick - Cormick , Montana ; Miss Ella 0. McCormick , C. L. ICInzel , Creston ; John Dunn , South Australia ; A. T , White , Tekamah ; J. Paul- quest , Teksraah : F. J. Tass , Greta ; J. H. Cotter , city ; J. W. Anderson , Lincoln ; W. 0. Walton , Blair ; Wallace Stephenson , Ne braska City ; 0. B. Phillips , wlfu and child , Albion ; Albert S. Cole , Nebraska City ; John Rauh , Pawnee City ; J. W. Hubbard , Wy- man , and H. L Brockaway. Thosposial car "Lycoraing" arrived in this city Wednesday , having as passengers State Senator Jacobs and wife , Ohilicotho , Ho , ; State Sanator Van Clove , Macon , Mo. ; Mrs. Nichols , of New Orleans ; Miss Jossup , the latter' * sister , of Jefferson City , and Colonel A. 0. Dawea , general passenger agsnt of the Kansas City , St. .Too Council Bluffs and Hannibal & St. Joe railway * . They came over the Burlington & Missouri road from PUttamouth. The company waa Joined hereby by Mrs. Frank Moores , who will accompany them to their destination and return. The company left last evening o\er the Burlington k Missouri , and will first visit Denver , then go to Salt Lake , thencu to San Francisco , and finally to Portland , Oregon , making a complete tour of the Pacific coast and return ing In about a month. BI y Day Oonoert. The Young Men's OhrlsUan aaioclatlon , of this city , propcaa to give to-day a May Day concert to it * members and friends. The order of eierciioa will con form to the following PART FIRST. UALI qrAmvna. 1. lledtoy White Uweri. D. M. McDonald and Will Sloven. Tenon ; M ir . G. A. Rohrbaugh and R. B. Tiemayne , ISaueri , MAVO DOT. 2. Fotb Orerhiro A , Sootne Qr&ca IIImeb u/5h / and Mill JennU IIoos * . I fOB ( lllli BASS DEBT , | 8 , "Hopa B rond" Whlto Ueun. W , it. Uellor and I. K. Wation. ruiio SOLO. 4 , 6tk Nooturna L vb o Prof. J , E. Butler. TllCOB AND ALTO DDOT , 5. "Ufa1 * Dw m Is O' " Asch UIu I.ulu Cremei nd D. I ) , McDonald , PART BKCOND. TtOLIJC AND riiNO PL'IT. C , lilnmenleid Alar Miss Lonlse Nut and D , D. McDonald. 7. Eeons from Uary Stuart , "Park at F6thermg y" Schiller Hiss KIU McBride. SOPBANO AND ALTO D0ET. , "Fly Away Birdllnjr" . Schubert MIIIM Dalla Dy and Anna Elliott , HOPBANO SOLO , 0. ' "Queen of ths Night" Terry Mies Llllla Crumberltln. BASS SOLO. 10 , Bedouin Lova Song Dudley Buck Thoi. J , Pennell , BOKO BT THE AUDIINCB. 11 , "AmerlsV1 Smith r THE SINFUL SMOKE , Fonr ODinm Joints RaiflEfl Last Mali and Their flccnpants Arrcstefl , A Motley and Sorrowful Crowd of ColcHtinl The Tools That Drtvo C ro ntl Worry. M&rali&l Cumminga commenced hi war last night on the depraving dens ol infamy nnd sin , known tnoro commonly , ns opium-joints , and His Honor Jndgo Stonborg will bo called on this morning to officially doil with ono of the most slngulruly atracgo nrrny cf persons over brought before him. About 0 o'clock list evening 0UlcersYhnlcn , Brady , Fuller , and ono or two aislstants started out to mnko the rounds , and at 2 o'clock this morning they had lodged twenty cffodora against Omaha's pcaco and municipal dignity behind the iron bus. HI Chung , Long Chung , George Ohincman , John Chine- man , Tom Chinaman , Hong Leo , Hong Chun ? , Wa Shin ? , Leo Waugh , Tong Wnugh , Shoo , Lee Gruigh , Stone HI , Wing Lee , Sing Daugh and John Gaugh are Bomo of the fantastic names which Tom Pleronor , the jailor , has put down on his register , nut if ho Is able to toll by this morning who they all stand for , a feat worthy of high recognition will have boon accomplished. In all , four places were visited , their locations balng at the corner of Dodge and Thirteenth streets ; on Twelfth , be tween Dodge and Dooglas basement quarters ; on Twelfth , between Douglas and Farnam. Fonr full outfits of opium smoking tools , pipes , material and the entire pariphornalla for carrying on a complete and systematic business were secured. Ono of the pipes when taken to heaJ- qnartors was found to ba nicely loaded and ready for use. Probably its fair , frail victim , became frightened .just in time to make her escape from being ar rested. At ono piico the officers cap tured three inmates , Bob Smith , Molllo and Charles Reed. They too were marched up along with tholr almond- eyed associates and given quarters for the n'ght in a cell. In another of the dons four female users of the lifo-robblcg drug had comfort ably reposed themselves and were fixing to enjoy a sensational dream of dollqht among farles , when they heard the of ficer * , and managed to got out through a back way and etcape. Altogether the arrests number about twenty-five and twenty of them were Chinamen. Each Celestial , judging from the pile scon at headquarters , had a re volver concealed about his person. AH were searched and the contents of their packets taken charge of. At each of the joints ono man waa left to act as a guard for the safety of their effects. The ofli- ccra and reporters were offered clgats and eatables , such as sweet cake , by those "pipers , " but fearing the creation of appetites that might lead them Into opium-Inviting paths , they were very chary about accepting. The two white men and ono white woman , who gave their names as Smith and Reed , looked pnln , haggard and sleepy. They were evidently old frequenter * and are completely In the toils of thefaacinatlng doamon. The tools for i's nao are quite interest ing and ornamental objects , carved , pol ished , painted and finished In the meet attractive Chinese fashions. LEGAL LOEE , Demurrers in the Garncau-Wndo Case Murpliy'a Answer Tlio County Court , Parko Godwin , Esq. , attorney for Jamoa Qornoau , filed a aocond set cf dc- raurrora to the petition of Eflio Wade , who hai sued the defendant for seduction , otc. The grounds alleged are insuQiclonoy of cauto of action , aa out lined In the petitions drawn up by the lawyers of Eflie Wado. It will ba re membered that Mr. Garnoau filed demur rers , once before , to the petitions of the plaintiff , which wore afterwards amended and rofiled. It is claimed that the papers are , legally opeaklng , still unable to "hold water. " Olty Attorney Oonnoll , who ropro- eoata Mr. P. F. Murphy , the respondent in tlio quo warranto proceedings of ex Mayor Gluse , filed two Important papers this morning in the district court. One woshla answer to the default proceedings nhlch had been entered on account of his neglect to file answer to the petition of Mr. Obaie , before or on the 27th. Mr. Oonnoll states that ho waa called to Lu- coln to sirguo a cue before the snpromo lourt , Immediately prior tD the 27th and hits the matter slipped hie mind , until ho order of default was made. Ho con' iludes by reminding the court that Mr lurphy's term expired before tbo 27th nd henca proceedings of ouster could grant Mr. Ohud any relief. The second paper la the answer of Mr. Murphy to the original quo wnrranto doc ument filed , and the pmpar upon the ar- guwant of df nM will bi based , when fcoaelng Ia glren to the cue , In the ren < that tlio proceedings of default ar du- misled. ThU dooument ieU forth That tke ofllco to which aald Ghom- plom S. OkaM was slioUi M iet forth In said pstitton , explrixl prior to the roturt dy of tha summoni and the time fixet fdr- filing an answer thtreon , and tha pmr to such Unto tliaiald Murphy ceued to act u mayor of Omaka , and that M natUr of law no jidgnint sf ouster can b rendered herein r other lelle : granUd , 2. That prior to th 17th day of March 1885 , the said Champion U. Obaso waa lawfully removed from aaid ofilcn o mayor by the aotUn and proceedings o tbo olty council duly hd and taken in that behalf. " DIBTftlCT COUBT. Judge Wakely gare tha greater per tlon of his attention yesterday to hoario arguments In the case of Richards et ai TI. Bertieen et al. It Is an appeal cai brought up from the connty court on motion praying for an Injunction agains the collection of a judgment. The mat ter wai laken under advisement. The following oasts were dlspesed c ; Wm. F. Lanlg vs. Edward 0. Nelson eontinued at plaintiffs coit. Snider vs. Howell , continued by con sent. sent.Richards Richards YJ. Barttlson , filed rep ] with leave. Kiowits vs. Penzorjsobam , dismissed a coit of defendant. Tbo State ex rel. Champion S. Ohaa TI. Patrick F , Murphy. The default se aside and defendant Is allowed Initanter Onuhn National Bank vs , The Oily o Omaha , Dlsmlstcd without prejudice. COUNTY COUIIT. Jndgo McOulloch is snugly onsoonscd in his now quarters In the court house and Is looking happy and ptoud of his beautiful room. The snlt of Emma D. Van Etten against the city of Omnha was commenced in this court to-day , < o recover $1,000 damages to properly from grading , "Itaao Lovl vs George Mnldoon"5s the title of n sail In forcible entry ana de tainer commenced to-tl y. The case of Reman vs. Csrr , called for trlil yesterday afternoon In the county conit , was continued until May 7. A BIG HAUL , A Man En llouto to Onllfornln Visits n Negro Dlvo ml Loses Flvo Hundred Dollars , A man giving the name cf Cent ad Hasaell , with tickets rending for 0 11- 'ornla , stopped oil in Omaha , aud last night was taking in the town. Ho vhit- od among other places , the garret en Douglas street bntwoon Twelfth and Eleventh ntocts , ocouplod by three negro prostitute ] , Delia Green , Clara Thomas , nnd Minnie Howard , nil well known in lollco circle , and of most nntavory re- mto oven among their own class. Haacll had selected ono of theao per- ons for his boor-drinking party and after some time suddenly missed , as ho laimod , a roll of $100 bills , five in all. Io exhibited , so the woman Delia ad- nits , a fifty dollar note , two twenty dolor or gold pieces and some silver. Ho had omo $45 on his person whan searched at ho jail , wbero ho was placed , along with his three female friends. Officer Srady arrested the outfit about 11 o'clock. Officer Whalen took the woman ) olia , and accompanied by Officer Fuller nd n reporter for the BEE , searched the cost from top to bottom , but of conrao without success , for not only are the ccusod occupants "slick" offenders , but bo rickety roost affords numerous cracks nd crevices in which ten times $500 ould easily bo hidden , not to speak of 10 facility with which money could ba > asaed out to an acsompllto. The women declare that the man Has- 011 tolls a falsehood about the $500 , but dmlt the $50 note , two $20 gold pieces nd silver , ( $ -15 of which were found on its peraon ) leaving the $50 bill unac- onnted for. The police were prompt In Ills matter' , seizing the outfit as ulckly as the alarm was given , nt there Is no tolling how long tie robbery had been committed , if com mitted at & 1I , because the nun had boon looping ( according to Delia's story ) for omotimo on the miserable straw mattress hatWhalcn tossed and searched. Tom 'ieronet had a houseful about 2 o'clock fall s'zaa ' , ages , colors and nationalities , > nt t ho stowed thorn away , packing tie opium sellers In ono place , the darkey tilcves in another , the men opium fiends n another , the festive $500 California .ourist . in another , while- the lady with an lias sat aiono In her meditations upon iie iluetlrg pleasures of the pipe , ' Judge Itcnberg will have a busy day of It this lay-day. THE EXPOSITION BUILDIN& , Tbo Articles of Iteaso Filed Yciter- day Moraine Outlines of tbo Flan. Yesterday marning there were filed in 10 office of the connty clerk the articles f the lease secured from A. J. Poppleton > y the Exposition Building association , o the lots 5 , G , 7 and 8 , in block 75 , fifteenth and Capitcl avenue. The lease , which is for thirty yean , tipulates amoug other things that tor ho first five years the annual rental shall be $1,200. In the year 1890 , when the ivo year term has expired , both parties o the lease shall refer the matter of ental for the balance of the term to a mutually agreed upon beard of apprals- rs , who shall fie the rent. In case the ettloment is not satisfactory , appeal ball be had to the couita. Tbo lessor agrees to pay tbo taxes to , , upon the property , while iho lessees ro to pay for one-half the first cost of iaviog the streets adjacent to the lota , he material selected to bo asphaltum. The building which is to bo put up must bo of brick , to cost not loss than ? 20COO , for ono half of which amount t muse bo Insured. All improvements afterwards to bo placed upon the prop erty must bo free from all Incumbrancos , iocs , etc. At the expiration of the thirty years' erm , the building will revert to lessor. The email wooden building on the rourtoenth street eldo will bo removed mmcdlately. Mr. Mendehsobn , of the firm of Men delssohn & Fisher , has been invited to draw up plans for the structure and he ias agreed to submit thorn In about ten days or two weoks. The general features of the projected exposition building have been outlined n the columns of the BEE , It It Intended to construct a building covering the entire half of the blockwith a rojular sealing capacity of 3,000 , and extraordinary provUlon for 4,000 , mat lug a total capacity of 7,000. The build ing will bo used for miuical and operatic festivals , political conventions , Urge re- ilglooa meetings , and when not employed for either of these pvrpoies will probably ba uied aa a skating rink with a floor 80 feet by 220. It will bi heated by steam , llghtod by electricity , thoroughly vontl- laud and well llgkUd by day ; It wll' have ample mean * of exit and every con' vonlence which modern ingenuity anbrdi. On the Fifteenth street aldo there will bo a ftorlei of apartments , reception parlor , ladiei and gcnU toilet rooms , skalo room room , etc. A ipiclons gallery will be placed about the four tides of the build ng. ng.To the acoustic properties of the build Ing special attention will bo paid , and In thU reipect one of the finest auditoriums In the west will be provided. It li expected that the work of excav atlon for the foundation will be com menced about June lat. A gentleman connected with the uiociatlon , said in conversation with a reporter to-day tha the intention of the projectors of the scheme w s to have all the contract lat before the last o May. Mr. B. F. Smith , wh ho a large interest In the association will return to his homo in Boston abon the first of June and BS ho is a gentlomai of ripe experience in building matters , i is desired to allow the expoiitio scheme the full benefit of his counsel. Picture Cardi and advertising noveltle tt Cotter' * Printing Home , 1314 SPECIAL NOTICES TO LOAN MONEY , MONKY Tolcwn on chattel * , Woclley ft Harrison Itoom 20 , Omaha National bank building 864 U VrONF.Y loaned at Id * ntes.ln kmour.t * to mil or l > lchftttel , < ollater ls or other good iceuilty. Flntn d I exch&Ago , 1103 K n m st. S5S-mlf > m rONEYTO LOAN On real esut nj chattel ) i > l D. U Thomas. TIQtt. Loanid on chattel * , cut ra i , It. ! itlokcta ooughtand told. A. Forman13 3 , Uth 8 079 If \ f ONKT IX ) AN ED at C. F. Reed &Co' . Loan odlc * l\l on lutnlture , planet , her ea , wagons , persona * propcrtf o ( all kind * and alt othe rtitlcln ot ( rlthout removal. Ovtr lit National Bank.oorrtr 13th and Farnam , AU builneM itrlctly oODfldontlal TO LOAM In turns ol 1300 and upward. MOHKT Davis and Co. , IUaI KiUla and Loan Affents , U05 Farnam St. 213 11 WANTED FEJIALE DELF. W AXTKD-A girl 17H California it. -A ROC J girl for cinetal lioiuo work 1817 W Lblcago St. tS TITANTKD A nnrso glil ! apply to Allan" , itlllatd > > hotel. 021-1 \T7A > ( Tit > A wet nurse , 19.9 Farnam Street , 7AMitD-Dlnlnt | room ghl ) at t'iclDc holla,10th W ami Uiueoportst. 8tB SOp -A si 1 for general house work at 704 south W Eighteenth et. SSS-SOp A good ir.1'1 to do dlnlrg room work and WASTKD work In kitchen. Apt ly at once at Nor- rls' rarlor jcstauiant , 117 North 10th St. 027-lp TT AMFD-An acH\n voung ltdycxpeticnccd In reV V > tail dry poods bu.lnesi. "A li" Die olllco. 03030 - for general homo work , Ocrm'ii WAMRD-dlrl uoith 19th St. OOBSOp - for ttencral hou o work ; Kn ! > & WiMiD-GIrl ; but competent help need applv. nqulrc of Mrs N J bdhotm , 2111 Chicago St. 004-1 Olrl for general house work , rnuit bo W good washer and Iron r,1014 Iloirard street. In family of two. 811 33p Two eiperlenced shirt makers at onco. WiVTKO ' CinHcld Mtn'l'g Co. W2-1 WAXTID A nur-e girl , mutt take meali at home , room 3 , Gooi hotel. 896 SOp W 'ANTED A good girl for kitchen work ; good wa ges ; 1418 Didge St. 833-lp 'ANTKD-Oil for general houie work ; good wa W ges to good glrL MrsCorbctt , 1018 iloward , 813 2p ASTID Flr t-olais dining room girl at the Met W ropolitan hotel ; none other need apply. 824 tl ANTED A goodoookat 820 South 10th St. W 7t5-tf "T7ASTKD 18 good girls , 7 experienced cooks I > Omaha Kmployment Bureau , 1120 Farcam St. 701-tf ts for " Protector WANTED-L dy agon "Queen dilsy Btocklng and skirt supporters , eh outdo > r&co * , bustles , bosaii forma , dims ehltlds , lattty jolts , nloevo protector , etc. ; entirely new dot Ices un- rcccdentt J praflts ; wo have SCO ipcnts waking 8100 onthiy. Address with stamp , Ell Camphill & Co , South lf y St. , Chicago. 079 m9p WANTED MALE HELP. T7ANTPU A German prescription droff o'crk sin ' I tie ! references luqulrcd. Address DBojden , rand Itlind , Not ) . 031 Cp TTANTKD Good canvoners to o'cuio orders forour V An irlcan edition of the Revised Bit le , libaral rms acd good teultoryxtll at 14JM Dadiro st. Wm. . /lexacdor , Uantger Western ti ran eh. Henry Bill ubllshlng Co. 8694 - flrsto'asg furniture salcsmiri. Nona WANTKD-A need to aptly unless j ou ha > o ifool rcfcrerco as o ability and character , jr. F. Martin. SOStf SITUATIONS WANTED. ITJivrHD Eltuitlon by a lady to do housa wrrk or 'V tuaoud work In a rcupcctablo family ; call 16th nd Capitol aye , , at bakery. 019 SOp X7ANTKD By man who owrs horse and delivery 'V ' wagon : any kind of uehvery wcrk. Address Q Bates , city. 017-lp WANTKU-Situation bv a cirl In a good prltate family or fit at class hotel , call er addrets 009 16th 028 SOp TiTASTBtt Situation by an expeilenccd double en- rV try book-keeper ; address LE Align , Woodbine , owa. 878-lp WAKTKD potltlon by a young man with 6 year * experlencj In a country store , cun glre good ocoaimondatloue. Address " 0. It. W. " Boa oillco. 835 2p Pcslthn : Experienced short-hand and WAvrxD writer desiring to rome west. Owns tJa. Remington machine. Address , W. E. , Care nee , ouncll BluCT . 773-30 MISCELLANEOUS WAKTS. Room and board for lad ; and child 3 WANTku 5eats oldIn the subcrba er on Ihenill preferred ; eferencos given and requl.ed. Inquire 1612 Capitol venue. 018-lp WANTED For casb , a drl\Ing horse , clean limbed uoodutle , 16 hands high crlor bay or brown ; must bo lound. Address Ceo 1 Drum , Opera homo lock. :6-tf WiM-uii Sinclo jouoj ; roan of quiet habits , room with southern exposure In ( lean neighborhood n reipccttble private family within HIBV ilUtanco of Union raclflo depot , srcond story preferred ; state crm ) . Address "Ilrazos" Bee olllco. 63-tOp ITlTAVTi'u To buy a house and ot on monthly pa ) V1 mtnts , state prUo and location. Addrcs * " 11 \ " ee otlice. 870 30 WANTJB A manor woman In o\erycountry In U U $ > .26 eamplo free t7& per month , salary or ommlsalon , Send stamiL Paul Talel , Cliltazo 111. 810-ra lp W ANTED A good family koreo at 1605 Tarnam St. 78-tf WWAITED WAITED To rent a largo ( urclihod room , In Blater'a block 16th and Ca'llornb , with board , 190 a few rnoro table boaidcra 76211 ? 3 60 will bur one docon Ho cr Dro'a trlppleplaUdtablelinUoa at Jfoojy'i china tore.corucr I Okb and Davenport st. i < 5 tl E > ery ady In need of a sewing machine - WANTKD chine , to see the new Improrod American No. . P. E. Flodman & Co. agents ; 220 N Iflth. SIStf fOR KENT-HOUSES AND LOTS. Fen RiiT Two itoref , pppoiUe the Eipodllon building to b built tbl * tummer , corner 16lh nd Capitol are. S69-4 [ TICK HUT A cheap 803 n.rlb 16th. ' P * 00-p | 7 E jLiar 10 a M on W ( t Leavenirorta t. AP L1 TVk.ja Cuin.U . 88J.ll DVa IINT Uouuon Chi MHO itif.t , bttwMD HU aodlltk. loqulre ol John Bwllt 875 SOp FOR EuiT XdW beuM 11 ( rooms ready Uay 1st , lii a DoaU ; Uquire ol Q E Thonnton , S W cor llta and Ilaroer. Ml tt F a RIOII Br ck ootUge on Uierman ave. , I roots pantry , clweU , to. . In therough ripilr ; largi be greu d. i YT Paddoek , 1017 Capitol ave. ave.WJSOp Foa 1UT A cottage S roomu witk lummer kitchen fceward BUeet , betwe n Campbtll and Irene st FOR KUT Three etcry and btMtnoat , brick ivor Un JroBt-iSi per month. Two > ew stores en Uth Bt 110 montk , * * w w n v v vu * u * jf v per UWM each C. K.Vfayn , B. W. Oor. Hth and rtrnam. m 4 Fen HIT 10 room house , modern Improvement ! . JJedfotd , Beuir L Davl ( , 313 S. Uth bl. 7t8tf Fu soar New store ro m 21x79. JnoErrkfl7 , ! N lOthat (92 M PBBUT fbreeitory trick itoie bulUlrw ; en qnlie ctEJward HorrU Co. , room HCrounie Oloek. 467 tf F H XIXT Store dwil lw ( atUchdrw. p rnontl D L Tbottts. fJ05 tl TTtOR KENT t 8reom housoe Inqube Jno. J ? Uirtoo.BmelUng worki , or BU NoiUi Bt. 10 Ml FOR UKRT New oottage , 6 rooms. , Itlppt Ite 161S 8 6th IL 4tl HAOH KENT dtore building 44I8U thrto itoryaui bMemeat Ho , UOanJ 112 Uth. Inquire HI D < xlge Bt BOJ F OS KENT rorulahed cotUge , 7 roou-.i , wltl oloxU , raalry , ta , In b t looallty In City MI pay tent with board. Call la alUrnooa at 626 I'lex * nt 81 J70U n > OR BKNT Thref brlek itortt comer ISth and JL1 Cumlng St , J U McCagae , Agent. 4B1 at ROOMS FOR RENT. rum IlKN'T Fipnlihrd rooms , modern lmnro\c- 1 menl , th and Capitol ate. 016 i "ITtoli RKVTncll futnUhfil rooms In UfdlcV'sblcxsk J'J&19 MrnanuRoodlofatlrn.rlfmant tor two or 4 gentlemen. Inquire ol DK Duinet' , 21S oouth 13th trcef. B15-lp WAMrn 2 r 3 toomi for ll ht hoii o-lic { lor , contrail } IrrttH for irrntlemanand , otate ptlce. AddreM"WSH' HOfl Vatnam St. 9030)1 ) Ton RUM Ki ly ( urnl he > l fionl room large anl ' airy * Ith u > ( of o'gan K dcdred , smith iet oor 1Mb and Cllogo streets 3 Mocks notth of l'o t mllce. Sifltf TT'oR RKNT A lawjer no root ilculralle dcik room X1 In cll furnlihe d olllco , roomi 7 and F , 215 couth 14th it. MM FR nT Furnished rooms 1621 Capitol ve. 907 mJO F Ion RKNT Futnlihed south front loom room ItiOl Karnatri. 003 Ip FFOR FOR Rit\T A UrgohanJipmtlvtturibl-cdfrrntiftt lor , bay * lndoMtrodetn ; convenience ! ; ilo two small rooms 1750 C | Hoi are. tlfll-Sjp FOR RRVT-FuinUtiotl rooms for KtnlleJicn , it 701 iculli Klghtccnth it. f0 S9p Jon RMT-SiiHo ot rocmi centrally located , well flnlihed saltable for cflico orlhlng rooitl. E if Eaton , 111 louth Uth St. 894 tt T7oiiRi < iT-3or6rootTH rlo'ct , cellar , city water. I1 Itqtilra at COS North 18th BI. 707 ! p I OR RKVT Ofllaa and ttiltd lloir suitable for whole. F e lo or lEamiUeturlnc. at 1207FaruimSt , SfOtf Ncnly furnished front room Oil routh tPoannvT 1 . 87 - p FomtFNr Kurnlshid room lor one ortwo gentle men , 3 blocks from Pest olllco ; Inquire Opera Dou o Cigar factory. 817-lp -Nlctly furnished rooms 1613 Dodge. 872 Ip ForcnriXT Two rooms at 91 , per rxonth ; nrk at 12i7 south 14th st. 802-p F IOK RKNT- Furnished room 131S Jackson st. 8(2-m0 ! ! | ) ; "on RX\T Furnished front room with homo com- forts , SKoornorll th and CMS. ' 840-2p F I OR RKxr Nloely furnished rocm fcr 2)gcmlemen ) 2226 UoJgo. 864 tf F I OR RUST Handsomely furnlihod rooms. Address "W. " lleo oOico. 863-2 F OB ( ittST-FurniBhcd room , ltn board. Suitable tor tno gentlemen. 1417 Howard. 778 SOp "ii TOR RKNT-Suite of rooms , bath room conncctsd , J1 for tour gentlemen , also room for gentleman and wife 1th nrat-clasa board. 1021 Burt. 793 tf Rr > -With board rno nicely furclthed front FOR , with gig and bath. 1410 Jones St. St.8o430p REST-Nlcn farnlthed rocma lultabla ( ortwj FOR . . 220 > UodgoSt. 7B7-S p FOR IIK.NT Two hrpo frnnt rooms furnished or un- furnlnhcd oanfonlentto board. N. W. Cor ZCth andncU tcrSt. 70011 FOR HUNT Nlcoly furnUhed front room for lady aud gjntloman ; Inqulra G21 Pleasant St. 712 tf FUR llENT-Nlccly lurnlshod rooms 1617 Davenport IOR HI-NT A furnished front room with use of par lor , with email family , 2107 Chlcajfr tt , 727-2p F I OR RKVT Elegant newly furnUhed roomi 2326 Dcdxe et. 607-tf C R ; With board.detlrablcf a summer. Apply at St. Charles Hotel. 237-11 FOR KENT Several One cITlccs In Crounjo' block , Inquire Ed Norrls , room 10 Craunse block DS4tf F 10R KENT-Furnlshed room 1810 Dodju. ' F 1011 UKNT-Nlcely furnished rooms at 1718 Cass St. 230 tf FOR SALE FARMS. IORHALR 120 acres good land within 60 mile ? of F Omaha , new house , good stable , living water , school bouse ; n the land and ono inilo from rail nay station ; terma casj. W U Orccn , over let Nat'l Bank. 035 tf FOR BALK-Faim anil unimproved land lets and house on long credit B& it Land ofllco , 620 C. ISth St. Vadick < \ & Goantner. [ 63-rrlSp V FOR BALK Good farm In Washington Co. ; 171 crc ; 80 acres cultltated ; good buildings ; fine orchard ; running water ; all foacod. Edward Norrti I Ca , room 19 Crounso Block. 74tf FOR SALE HOUSES LOTS. F i Iwo lots In blocks , Hanscom place , 60x180 , east front , finest location In the city ; ap ply to W U Alexander , HOS Dodge street , or J A Wakefleld. E01-CO FOR BALK Special Bargains 2 splendid earner lots on red car line ; cheap. Full lot , N. 20th at , hotso 0x28. 2200. Cor , lot 60x137,12th and Dorcas , house aa J etable. ( 1700 , Corner lot , Ifth and torcis , O'xl32 , $1000. Lot 60x117. l ) rtet"6 ! add , i room house , JOOO oilh. Cor. Catherine and I'onpleton tt , Hauicom [ lace , 4 room house S1.4CO CorGro\eandDavtnport8t.lC5xl24 , bouae 20x24 and etable , (1,400. Ch ice 4 acre let , Vratt's sub dlr , $1000. Cor lake and 17th tt , cast front , 1674x140 , 6 room home , $3600 , 4 lota. Burr Oak add. east fr"nt , $2r > 07 , Lot 80x183,1'lerce.uiar S3J nt , south front , 5 room houfe , barn , $2600. Lot 76xIOj , cost front , li tqaurcs from Et Mary'a Avenue , $1400. 820-1 I'ALLSP.S & Co , 1613 Farnam street. FOR BALK llouto full lot , well , cistern , bim.oll In good condition , ono block from street cars 11 800 easy terma WII Orotn , over lit Nat'llUuk. rHI-tf F'OR BALK Tno cottages and luta Virginia ate. one block south of St Mary's a > o. St care § 503 cash , balance on loni ; time. Jmoo Adams Frcuzer block > pp , V. O. 017-tf FOR HAtr Good 6 room houno , lot 60x132 feeteas front , $1300 ; $100 cish , bilinco (15 per month. . n OICCD , oer 1st National bank. SSltf FOR SALE , MISCELLANEOUS. i , Olt HAl.E A pair of extra geed work hotstr , 1 weihlng about 1,400 pounds each ; flvoyotn eld , ound and will broken. Heaeen for selling , too aluable for my builneo. InijuircatOeo. Hcaton't , i28 IJroadwaj , Council BluHd. B.I 7 FOR BALK Spring limbs at (3. per head dcliu red to an ) part of tbo city ; l.o frcih cow a Tele phone number (03. Henry Teal , Slat and California Ituete. 024 Op FOR BlLH-Fllty torn of hay cheap , Cut off lake. John U'Donnell , Florence Lake. 194 Ip FK KALI At a bargain , a good lot aud new liouie ; with loiolture , UOSOeorila Ave. K U luttu , ' Ily. 07-6p iOR KALI OR xxCDAioi-Btate iluhtunJsra r lui- 'i > Me U B palrut , ( agtloultural macjjint ) can be icIJ out In couuty tlyhta wllb frekt profit by aiycne ko has had a lltl'e experienc * uitliimin. Address "f o ieotEo offlc4 , 898-lp TT'oaiil.i-IMfllnblobkS , IMIck'i ailditlen 75 JD fM eatt front , 01 Oflorgla Ave , iplendld lite for But reiUto * * ; aU lot C in bl ck I , lUnrcoio plaor. M f t eait froat en Oiorgla are. very lightly ami dtilrabl * . Inquire ot Wm II Altxandtr , UCi.0 de . 693-1 F'oa IL Oae ol the nobblxt single rlgi In town phaetoa , borie and baroeuj Inquire at Club ita. k W5BO 'e ' WL Afredi uKdictw at Edhdnt & ICrtok. Of. 87- } * | 7 > OR BALK For HI down and WO per mcatb I f will build aa ulef ut five room cottage , with Borcbe * . eloetU , tar wUdow brick ll r , d Mr .oea ioiue , lu. , til .with t o kU iloely feoied the whole all complete | 1ON. The oolUireito bebuUlat once coatiatte tor ten have already been let. Call al ny office andaeevlan of oottaee , location Le. ifilng your frlendi along , 0 , E. ilayne , loutb-weat ooruei Uth and Faruim. 907.a 0 TTiO [ < HL Piano , a > 7U ) upright piano > t a bir- I1 ' gain , 171 ° I > ouglai. 7:3 mil REAL ESTATE BROKERS. IILUTATI tHOknw l.obeck & Co , 121J Karnara itrettcoraer )3ib , real o t tu btuxbt and sold on cemmlwion , xch npsol rial or pertonal proper ty effectedthe ; patr uaEetfpartltibariDKrcalcitate or etocVi ol geode to nil or ezchinge at reteonable pileo , lisollclUd , ana will have eur lw > t ttcr tion. CCStl PERSONAL. Orerton w | < | call attbe olfloe JL tWoajjO Lumber Co , be will greatly oblige them , 8101 PiRaoML-II you want * detcctltr , lend your ad ad4rt * to the Uaahk Detective Agiucy , P 0 box 6 , oUlcen S16 south 14th it. (19 mS7 MueiiumD mldwlle rocelree ladles In htfhouu lor ovafiaemeot , H 1132 Huth 18th 81 .Omaha 718-2P MM K. M Hccrta , Tranre clairvoyant , and hfal. Ing medium ready for bntlncM over No BM 8 K corner 16th and Wtbsitr. Teims rcMonabK 485 mlo TO EXOHANOE , 170R IAUIOR Mriiitotdcrire ! to retire from but- Jt I"'and offer my Jtore ami itock of goo.1 * , In Shemeld , flmean Co , llllncl" , con l ttng cf gto cries book * , elatllner ) , notion * , cigar * Ao , lor MO or In exchange for Nebrask * or Kansas Uml , tree Irom nlcumbrancpoods ! or tare soil separately or to gether , Addre < 9 II P Humphrey , SS7-4 To xuilAVOR-t tu\e nfly thoumml acrts of Chej enrio oounly land which I CAM exchange at flgurrs which will be proBUllo lot eastern property. Come and gee It. W. J. Vannlco , Sidney , Neb SCH-tl 'no mcil\on-J40 acres cll Improvol land } mile .Ltrum Ka cx , Iowa , for a stock cf concral mcrrhan * illdo or hardware. Addresl John Llnilorholni , Ki cx oS4 tl J'OK HAIK-Or exchange. Weha\otnr eale the exclusho right In this state to Mil the coal ecnorulzer and Boot destroys , dostroye the § oo and will MVO twenrj per cent on coal , will sell county Menu or the Utc , or will exchauifo for real o tat or JU7 rood property on application will tend sample Iff al and Klve pattlcularn. llcaon ( for icllliiK vn r cannot ( the It hl attention : a rare chance for lu > un ! UtdfotdScuer.V.Da\lti. ITS tl BUSINESS OHANOES. 170(1 ( ijur-n rbo' shop 1 Intoicil or whole of n 4 -T chair ( hop , peed location aud town ami good trade ol'Jcct for r-ollinK' , polttr Into another bminsn Xlor- ton , fc Hock , Sjhtjlsr , Web Oil 2p } 7on 1 8At - The oldest nd l-mt paying ronfccthn- errand toy AtorolnUrtnd IM-nJ , at > errce n- abteicrmi. Adilreii Henry JU'jcr , UranJ lilind , Kob , I1. O box 657. 026 1 FeRMW llarduarottoik anil utoro InlUo to n on U&Mll In NcbrMkn ; lno'co about S25M ; good reason for telling. Add re ! s "L" Bcooulio. _ _ _ _ _ _ 8.13 30p ForisjiBoiinpvr-i ta'ojn IIIKOOI ! looalltj , lot inilldlnKMidtlxtnres Apply to John A Kiolitu No 1305 Douglas St , Omiht , Neb. 091 tf TJVm RAH At a bargain , n well otttbiltt-cdcrooorr J' buslDtss. CM at or nddrees "A & H" No S207 Cumlng st. 822 Ip Tr-onFALis-Tho oldest ceUbHshnl Ihery buslnwa X1 In Omaha and the good will thereof : 34 horses , 0 hacks , 20 bugglrs and family carrltgta , band watoni , polo buggtis , full complement ot double and elntie harno s and all appurtenances ol a ( list cl w t < lIc. Mll Kho6 yearn loieo of the grounds and bultdlogt. Is ' In the centre ol tbo buMnets rortlon ol tha city and doing ; a good trade Good terms can be baa. W. H , Green , o\cr 1st Nat'l llank , Omaha , Neb. _ 802 tl FOR SALK-In Oakland Neb flret clasameat market al o the furnl ure ol the St Paul hotel. For par- tlculara , Inquire or wrlto Wlggern & UchllDg.Oailand Neb. flu mlO POR BALI Drue store In a dcsirabla locality ! wit Imolco about $1.603 UOPattenon , NE corner ISth and Farnam , 430-tf Tj JK BALK Or exchange a full stock tf clothing J ? boots and shoos , gent' furnUhlnggoode , wltlox. change lor Nebraska Lands. O. U. FetereonB04 S. 10th St. , Omaha , Mob. V35 tl BOARDING. TT11RST-CLASS Bed and board 1212 Capitol avo. 12oS5 A good room and hoard for two puitle- BOARDIMI a rrl\ate faculty at COS south 17th street onery rcascniblo terms 003 SOp LOST AND FOUND. FotM > NcwfoundlanddoK with mark L 39. O n- tr mar get him bick by payltn admtlsiment , ffltblnSdaju , No 1H2 rarnam st , 9 4 SOp S8TiuOn April 2'dn ! ntk bay hnrao about 8 j cars old , black rrnno inJ tall ; a liberal reward i ] | ha paid for Its return tocoinor 12th and Dotlge. CK llcollelJ , 8336U BIISOELLANEOUS. Alt , goods lift over three nionthn , must bo called \\lthinSOdij8 A Dcrn , Djer 1017 Cumings itreot , between 19th and 0tb 022 1 'T'AKi'N IP On 26th ol Aprl" , at Prlca L ke grounds X na old hty marc , Iront ftct ehwl ; white BiJiHo ipol ; owner can have tame by calllogon thngrounds ind pa > Ing oil coeta. 800 u-25 CJ ? FCOft Wanted on notoi eccured by mortgage SDO OUVJ on property north $7,00 , hilt to be injabloln ono ytnr , oalance In two yeara , will gho ten per cent tntcrcet and also a bonus ol J500 lor the HBO of the money. Address "Loan" Bee office 770 tf PASTLRi' On Elkhorn and rialto. T. Hurray. 800-U flnrw BIU KR rxo , Ita fruit flivoroj , taga redeemed ati-iio oentcashbj the dcalcre. Poycke tiros. , tgohta. ( 6SS tf TMiTRUcrios on banjo given by O E Oellen- 1 beck , at 1110 Capitol me. 4SO-tt vaults , Mnks and ccsapooli c'oanod ' any time PRUT otthe day In an entirely odoileg ) way with our Improved pump aod apparatus Orders by mail promptly attended to. A. Evan ? , office and residence 1208 ledge St. up stairs 409 m7p fliiKW BIIA PR TAO , It does not taint the breath , taga V/redecmod / at one cent each by the dealers. 083 tf uoca-J J UcLiln haa for Bale tha best LIQHT7OXO rodi manufactured In the United States annealed Uctilcstetl center covered with sheet copper , orders it ce vrcdi or repairing old ones promptly attended to Address 1011 Sauncleis et. 3SO rnS B , does not give you hotrt hum Olagsicdccmedatonecent , each by the dealers _ 6S3 tf _ PRIVY , vaults , filnls and cempools cleaned at the shortoet notice and satisfaction guaranteed hy K , O. AbcJ. 1' . O. Box 878 490 m2p uma , iyj8 > 81 BOTTLES. . , . Bavaria Pikuor . * . . . ? Bohomian. . . - * . < - * . . .Brnmeii. DOMESTIC. . . . * . . . . St , Louis. . Inhaaoor . . . . . St. Louie. Soat'n. . . . _ . 3ohlitz-Pil0ner _ . Milwaukee. ffratj'a . Omaha. Aln. Porter , Doraoatio and Rhino Wine. m MAURKB , S W. P. PJECK & CO. ( Successors to Pock , Kern tf Slbley , MORSE , ROSE & CO. OF CHICAGO , Hating secured a private wire direct to the cage Board ot Trade , we nreprepand to execute or dors promptly. We lake a full uuktt report. Coun try buslneai a specialty. Iteterenoei , Unllod SUUi Nationa IBank. Telcpliono 210. N ff. corner ISth ASTHMA CURE This Invaluable ipeo'flo readily and permanently ourenU kinds olAnhma , The moet lUtlcate and oceitaiyJIngcueeiUld promptly to IU wonderful uiInK proportlee. It 1 * keown throughcut tin world 'or ' It * unrivaled efficacy. J. L. CALDWEtU otty I.lnoolo , N b ; wrIUe. Jan . 9,188t H nee uilng Dr. Hair's Aethma cure , for more thin on * ye r , ay wile bu been eitlnly well , aid sot ereo a eymptcm ol thg dU afebA.appckred. VT1U.IAU BHMNETT , Blobland , Iowa , writesKov. 8J , IBiB 1 bare been attlleted with Ilay Ferer and Aitnroa e'noe 18C9. I followed your directions aud am happy to nr that 1 nercr elept better to my life. I am glud that 1 am among the many who can ptak ao favorably of your retncdlti. A itlualle CI page trralUe oonUtclng ilcctlai procl from every State In the U , li , Canada atd Great Ilrltaln ; will be mailed upon application. Any diurglit not havlig It In etock will procured , to ordw. Aik lor Ur. Hair a Asthma Cure. DK. 11. W. IIA1K & BON , Prop's Ctn'tl , 0. lAfflUBG-AMEEICAI PACKET COMPANY. Direct Line for England , F/anco and Germany. The iieamthlpa ol this well known lUe are bnlll ) l lion , In water tight oomparlmenU , and are far- alihed with every requUlte to make the paesage ootbaale and agreeable , They carry the United State * and Kuropcau malli , and leave New York fhuedayiand Baturdaji lor Plymouth ( LONDON Sberboug , ( PAKIS and HAUIJUUU. Ratee , Klnt Cabin , ISO100. . Etetrage. to or liom Harnbuig 110 U U ItlCHAltUiiCO , Qeii. eral Pa s 4genU , 61 Uro d ay , New rork and Wanhlnzton > n-i La Belle itreets , Chlcugo , or Htnrv I'unilt , kfark llauien , f , K. lloorn , Harry Dcuvl la Om i ; 0 eut 1f ( &BchPtoti ; U | la Council