THE DAILY BEE FRIDAY , MAY 1 , 1885. NEBRASKA OMAHA , NEBRASKA. OT CAPITAL. . . , . . . . . . . . aUBELUB NOVil.1884 . . . Hl000 H. ri TATIOI , ' ( A. K. TODEAIJH , Fiuldeal , Vloe Piwldtnt * W. V. MOOHK , JNO. S. OOtMNB. IKWI8 B. HKKD. K ; K. nayden , Axlttant and Acting CMhler. lima omaii The Iron Bankh OOB , 12TH ANDFABNAM STB , a QENERAL UANKINQ BUSINESS TBANBAOTBD , INTEREBT allowed on Umt dtpoilb upon Torabla tormi and upon MiounU ot bank > ana bankeri. TORBIQN HXOHANQB' QoTWnmtnl Bondi and Oonntf and City itonrltlM bonght and lold. In Ita treatment ot cnitomen the mort Ub * n l polio * ii puriued oanilttent with ia ! td ad lonnd banking , and we Invita oorrMponoe ait ot penonnl Inquiry la lonneation there with FINANCE AND caHHERCE. FUlANOIAIi Niw YOMC , April 30. Money Easy at 1 © 1 } per cent , closing at tj per cent. ' Prime meroantile paper 45o. Sterling Exchange Bills Very dull at 4 80 ; demand , 4 88 , Governments Quiet and quotations un changed , except 4's , which are i per cent lower. Stocks Have boon a little moro active to day , and there has boon a somewhat bettor distribution of business. Prices were strong at the opening , Pacific mall being the feature , and later In the day they were steady and then heavy. Before 3 o'clock they became strong again and closed on o slight reaction for many stocks at prices which show n net gain of i@8 per cent for the active list and i < 3)2 ) per cent for some few inactive stocks ; OODPOBB , Vs. . . . . , . . - . . . . , . . . . . . . . ' 1C23 4J's Coupons V.V.V.V.V..V.V.VT 111 I TJ. 8.4's 122 ? Paolfio6'iof 1)5 ) 127 BTOOKS AMD BONDS , Central padho. . . . . . . „ . . . . . . „ 314 Chicago & Alton 187 do do pfd 150 Chicago , Burlington & Quincy 121 Delaware , Iiackawana & Western IOC -Denver & Illo Grande Bl Erie 12 do pfd 21 Illinois Central 1ZG .Indianapolis , Bloom. & Western 10. > Xans a & Texas 181 : Jjako Shore & Michigan Southern 08h Iioulsvlllo & Nashville 30i < Michigan Central 61 'Missouri Paclfio 94i Northern Pacifio 17) ) do do ipfd „ 39J Northwestern 95 ! pfd 1301 New York Central 89 ] 'Oregon Trans-Continental 14 PacffioMail 5GJ V. D.AE. 2j Pullman Palace Car Company 11G Kock Island 112J Bt , Lonls & Ban Francisco 17J do do pfd 31 Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul 70S do do do pfd. . . . . 101 Bt Paul&Omaha 20J _ t do do pfd 74 xMPMlBo. . 10 "TJnion Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 498 Wabasb , St Louis & Pacific. . . do do do pfd. 2c4 Western Union Telegraph 59 O.B. &N .7..IIIII 764 tbid * asked MAUKErS BY TELEGRAPH. OBIOAOO. OHIOAO.O , April 30. Flour Firm and un changed. Wheat Active but unsettled , opened sharply higher , advancing l@2c over Tues day , advanced lie more , later declined to jfc , fluctuated , and closed 2jo { over Tuesday ; 93 ® iMflo for June ; 95@96jc { foe July ; No. 2 red , 1 Dig. Corn Firmer and moderately active , closed Ic over Tuesday ; 48g@49c for cash ; 48J@49Jc for May ; 48J@40ic for Juno ; 491@5Uic for July. Oats Active and 8@Jo higher ; 37J@38o for cash ; 3Gi@37c for May ; 3GJ@37go for Juno ; 37@87Jo for July. llye Firm at G8c. Barley Nominal. Flax Seed-Quiet ; No. 1,1 37@1 38. Timothy-Steady ; prime , 150@2 00. Pork Qniot and easier , closed Inside ; 11G5 mi 70 for cash and May ; 11 80@11 92 } foi June ; 11 90@12 00 for July , Lard Quiet andfunchanged. closrd inside ; G 85@G 87J for cash and May ; 6 95G 97J for June ; 7 02i@7 074 for July. Bulk Meats Shoulders , 4 25 ; short ribs , S 80. Whisky-115. Butter Weak ; god to fancy creamery , 20@25c ; good to choice dairy. 10@20o. Cheese In fair demand ; Cheddars , 9@121c ; skimmed Cheddars , G@8c , Eras Slow and weak at llj@lllo. Hides Steady and unchanged. Tallow Steady and unchanged. Keceipts , Bhlnts Flour , bbls G2.000IT.OCX 'Wheat , bushels 80,000 149,001 Corn , bushels 278.000 140,001 Oats , bushels 196,000 160,001 jRfB , bushels. . , 8,000 5,001 Buley , bushels 38,000 25,001 UILWAUKH CBODUOB MILWADKEB , April 30. Wheat Unsettled No. 2 Milwaukee , OSJcjJune , 93o ; July ' S53c. Corn Steady and firm ; No. 2 , 49c. Oats Scarce and firm ; No. 2 , 3GJc. Uye-Flrm ; No. 1 , 71c. Barley Quiet ; No. 2 , Gilo. Provisions Lower ; iness pork , cub , 11 7C June,1162i. HIW ion * PEODCOi. NBW YORK , April 30. Whaat Recelpti 40.COO bushels ; exports , 71,000 bushels ; spo i@lo higher ; options opened i@8o better , bti later weakened , dropped l@14c , closin 105j ; afloat , 1 05J ; elevator , store ; Juno , closing at 1 05jj , Corn Receipts , 8,000 bmhels ; export 76,000 bushels ; npot i@io better , and mode ately active ; options opened iSio higher , bi later declined 4@ o , doting with a slight recovery covory ; UDirraded , 68@01c : No. 2. 09@59J elavator , C01 COo afloat ; June closing at 68 | [ Oats-K celpts , 29,000 bushels ; export 27.000 bushels ; higher and moderately actlv mixed western , 42@44c ; white. 45@C4. Em Steady and rather quiet ; western , 14 ( Pork Firm ; moderate demand ; nies 13 75@13 00. Lard Dull and lower ; western steam spo 7 05@7 124 ; June , 7 22@7 24. Butter Quiet and rather weak , LIT Karoo t. trviBPOOt , April -Wheat-Stronifi d mand active ; red western winter , 7s lid Us 4d. Corn Strong ; demand active ; new mix western DJ 2Ja , OIB01KKJLI7. CINCINNATI , TApril 30. Wheat- Strong No. 2 red , 1C8@103. Corn Strong and higher ; No , 2 rmxi : M@55c , OaU-Higber ; No. 2 mixed , 41c. Ryo-Quut and firm ; No , 2 , 72e. Barley-Good demand ; extra No. 3 fi [ S3c. S3c.1'ork 1'ork Dulland unehanRfd at 11 07i@13 Lard-Fair demand at G 72J. hisky In fair demand and iteady 1 13. 81 , LODI8 PBODCCK , Bi. Louis , Apill 30. Wheat-Active i higher , but closed \\o \ \ undertop prices : 1 for cart ; 1 051 tot llayj 1 06 | for Jane } 1 Corn Higher hut slow ; 47io for cash ; 47 ® 4TC for May ; 4c for June ; 48o for July. 1 1 Oats Higher but very irregular for cash ; 3844o for cash ; 3" c for May. Hye Firm ; 63@64obld. Bnrley No market. Whisky 1 14. Afternoon Board Wheat go lower. Corn Declined l@Jc. KANSAS ortr. KANSAS Oirr , April JO. Wheat- Higher ; cash , 83ic ; May , 83J@834c ; June , 8Gc ; July , . rn UIther ; cash , 414S41 c ; May and June , 42c ; July , 43c. Oats-Nominal ; SGjo bid. TOLKDO , Totsno , April 80 Whest Closed firm and quiet ; No. 2 red May , 95a. CornDull ; No. 2 cash , G2o bid. Oats No quotations. LIVE STOCK , CHICAGO. 30. Drovers' Journal CniOAQO , April r - ports ) Cattle Roxilpts , G.OOO bond : brisk ; good to choice grades 6g5lOc ( higher ; shipping stoorg , 4 00 ® 5 7G ; common to good butcher * , 2 40 @ 4 CO ; stackers , 3 G5@i 50 ; feeders , 4 GO ® 5 00. Hogs Receipts , 25.COO ; weak and 5@10o lower ; rough and mixed , 4 10@4 40 ; pack ing and shipping , 4 40@4 GO ; light , 4 35 ® 4 65 ; skips. 3 50 ( 4 25. Sheep Receipt * , 3,300 ; fairly active and firm ; shorn , 2 7C@4 30 ; common to good wooled , 2 70@3 75. KANBAS CUT LJ7E STOCK. KANSAS Orrr , April 30. Cattle Receipts , 1.000 ; firm ; exports , 5 20@5 30 ; common to choice shipping , 4 G5@5 00 ; cows , 2 25@4 00. Hogs llecelptj , 8,000 ; fairly active and lower ; assorted lights , 4 05@4 10 ; bulk , 3 95 © 400. 400.Sheep Recnlpts , 800 ; steady ; common to good , 2 00@4 00. BT , LOUIS. Si , Loom , April 30. Cattle Receipts , 1,600 head ; shipment ? , 2,000 head ; steady and firm ; exports , 6 C0@5 90 ; fair to good shipping steers , 4 75g5 ( 55 ; good native butchers steers , 4 C0@4 80 ; cows and heifers , 8 00@4 00. Sheep Receipts , 2,400 head ; shipments , 800 head ; fair to choice unshorn dull 3 25 © 4 50. _ OMAHA. MABKETS. OFFICE or THE OMAHA BEI , ) Wednesday Evening , April 30. ) The following prices are charged retailers by jobbers , wholesale and commission mer chants with the exception of grain , which is quoted at the prices furnished by the eleva tors and other local buyers : Mtock M rkr.f Hogs receipts at the Union stock yards. South Omaha , were light to-day , atfrom 5 © lOa lower and all sold at the following pricoa. Common rough packers , $3 7CW3 8Uj fair to good , $3 853 90 ; choice and extra , 3 95@4 00. Sheep-Fair to good , § 3 25@3 75. Cows Butchers' ' stock for common to good cows and heifers. $3 26@3 75. Steers Fat poney nteers , weighing 1,000 to 1,150 pounds , 54 26@54 50. G on oral Produce Eggs There is no change to note , the mar ket continues steady at lie , and as receipts are liberal and just about equal to demand , there is no occasion for an advance. Butter Unchanged. Receipts light and choice grades scarce. Rolls should be packed carefully now and well wrapped in mmlin , as the wanner temperature has a bad effect on them , and they ireq uontly arrive all pressed out of shape. Creamery , 22@25c ; fair to good , 13@14c : choice dairy , 15@17c ; inferior grades , 8@10o. Poultry Demand almost exclusively for chickens , and as the weather turnR warmer , quotations on "live" only are given , Old chickens are in good demnnd and heavy weights sometimes go above quotations , Spring chickens have bean very scarce , and are in strong request Spring chickens , fair size , per doz , 6 00 ; old chickens , according to weight and quality , per doz , 3 504 00. Game Only very llttlo doing. Ducks are in good demand , but scarce. Snipe plentiful. Geese dull. Ducks , mallard , per doz , 2 00 © 2 50 ; ducks , teal and mixed , per doz , 1 GO © 2 00 ; geese , per dor , 2 50@3 00 ; snipe , per dor , 60c@1.00. DBOOS AND CHEMICALS Acid , carbolic , 4o acid , taitaric , 55o ; balsam copaiba , per Ib. 65c ; bark , sassafras , per Ib , 13o ; calomel , per Ib , 90o ; cinchonidla , per or. , 80 50 ; chloro forms per Ib , 81 00 ; Dovors powders , per Ib , 81 25 ; epsom salts * per Ib , 34c ; glycerine , pure , per Ib , 36o ; load acetate , per Ib , 20c ; oil castor , No. 1 per gaL , 81 GO ; oil orator , No. per gal. , 81 40 ; oil , olive , per gal. . 81 40 ; oil , origanum , 50c ; opium , 84 60 ; quinine , P. & W. , Tand R. & 8. , per or , , 8110 ; potassium ; Iodide , per Ib. . 83 50 ; salicin , per or. , 40cj enl hate morphine , per oz. , 83 50 ; inlphur , pa' b. 4o ; strychnine , per oz. , 81 SO. Tobacco. Smoking 0. 8. , 22c ; Meerschaum , 50o Durham , IGaoz. 49o ; Durham , 8 or. , 55c ; Dur ham , 4 oz. 57c ; Durham , 3 or. , GOo ; Seal of Sorth Carolina , 16 oz.wood,42cSealof ; North Carolina , 8 oz. . wood , 45o ; Seal of North Car olina , 4 oz. , cloth , 48o ; Seal of North Carolina , 3 or. , cloth , 60c ; O. S. , Durham , 4 or. , 28o ; O K. Durham. 2 oz , SOc ; Undo Ned , i's 35o Tom and Jerry 23a. Long Tom 30a. Faints Olln and Varniahos. OILS UO carbon , per gallon , lie ; 150 headlight , per gallon , lie ; 175 ° headlight per gallon , 16o ; 150 ° water white , 15o ; lln seed raw , per gallon , 52o ; linseed boiled , pe : gallon , 55o ; Lard , winter str'd , per gallon. 70o No. 1 , 60c ; No. 2 , 50 ; castor XXX. per gal , ion , 1 50c : No. 3 , 1 40 ; sweet , per gallon , 1 00 sperm W. B. , per gallon. 1 60 ; fish W. B. pe gallon , 65 ; neatsfoot extra , per gallon , 90o ; No. 1 , 75o ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , 30o ; summer , 15o ; golden machine , No. 1 , per gal lon , 35c ; No. 3 , 28o ; sperm , signal , per gallon 90c ; turpentine , per gallon , 4Co ; naptba , 74 ° , rer gallon , 16o , Splritf UUMJUMB oriund 188 proof , 119 ; do , 101 proof , 1 20 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , 119 : do , 188 proof , 118. AioonoL 188 pooof alcohol 3 SO per wine gallon. ; WuiSKiKS-Rcdlstillod whiskies , 1 0091 60 ; Fine blended , 1 50 ® 3 00 ; Kentucky bourbons - bens 200@600 ; Kentucky and Pennsylva nia ryes , 3 00@6 60. Ot BBANDIKS Imported , G 00@10 00 ; domes Ut tic , 1 60(5,3 ( 00. GiNa Imported , 4 606 00 ; domestlo , 160 © 300. KTJMS Imported , 4 608 00 ; Now England , 3 00@4 00 ; domestic , 1 60@3 00. CiiAUFAaKia Imported , per case , 28 00 ® J 84 00 ; American , per case , 10 00@16 00. srut Dry Palatal e- White lead 88c ; French no , Bo ) Fatli eic ; whiting , 2io ; whiting gilders , 1 | whiting c. oom'li lip ; lampblack , Oermantown , 14c ; c.f , lampblack , ordinary , 10o | Prussian blue , 660 re ; nutramarine , 18o ; vandyke , brown , 80 ; umber , mmt , 4o ; umber , raw. 4o ; sienna , bum 4ct ; ; o. lenna , raw , 4c : Pans green , genuine , 35o 88 , ? aris greencommon,20c ; chrome green , N. Y. , Oo ; cnrome green , K , , 12o ; venullllon , Eng , Ot , Co ; vermUllon , American , 18o ; Indi.n , rod , Oo ; rose pink , 14o ; Venetian , rod , Oookson'a , ! } o ; Venetian , ted , American. Ijjc ; red lead ' { c ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yel ow , K.,12c : ochre rochelle.Scochre ; , Frenh da- - 2c ; ochre , American. 2c : Winters mineral 1@ ! Sc ; lehign brown , 2Jc ; Spanish brown , 2Jc Prince's mineral. So. ud VABHiHHia Barrels , per gallon ) Furniture extra , II 10 ; furniture. No , 1 , 81 ; coach , ex Lra , 81 40 ; coach , No , 1 , 81 20 ; Damar , extra er : 81 76 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltum , extra , 85c shellac , 83 60 ; bard oil finish 81 60. od. PAIKTfl IN Oil/ White lead , Omaha , P. p. SKoj.whlta lead , St. Louis , pure , 0 60 ; Marsei les green , 1 to 6 Ib cans , 20o ; French dnc green seal , 12c ; French zlno , red seal , lit 0 all Prsxich rlnc , In varnish asst. , 20c ; F ranch tini ' In oil asit , 16c ; raw and burnt umber , 1 ' 100. banJ , lOc ; n w a id burnt Sienna lOc ; vandyli crown , ISc ; refined lampblack , 12c ; ooac at black and Ivory black , 16c ; drop black , If * Prussian blue , 40c : ultramarine blue , 18 3 chrome green , L , M & D. . ICcj blind an ibntter green , L. M. & D. , 16o ; Paris greei and I8e ; Indian red , 16o ; Venetian red , So ; Tu 1OC ean rod , 22c ; American vermillion , I. & 01.P. 072 I ysllow ochre , 9c ; L. M. , O. & P , O. , P.Be yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , 16c ) patei ! dryer , 8c ; graining colors , light oak , dark oak walnut , chestnut and ash. loa Dry Ooofl BEOCTN SHMTIKOB Atlantic A , 7ct Atlan tic P , 60 ; Atlantio LL , 54c ; Brnniwlck , 74o ) Beaver Dam LL , 54c ; Lawrence LL , 6)0 ; Pa cific H , 7fc ; Royal Standard , GJo ; Indian Head A , 710) ) Wauchusett A , 6jo. FJKB BROWN SHMTINOS Argyle , 60 ; Pep' perell R , 6Jc ; Sallsoury R , Go , BLiAcnen COTTONS Ballon. 4-4 , 64q Bal Ion , 7-8 , 64o ; Cumberland , 4-4,7jo ? Davoll DDt 84c ) Falrmonnt , 4c ; Fruit of the Loom 4 , 8c ; Glory of the Wost,84cj Golden Gat ,8 o | Hic 7-8. 7c ; Hill 4-4 , 7Jo ; Lonsdale , 7c ; New York Mills , lOici Wamsutta , lOlo. DOCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , lltoi Bos ton , 10 oz , 1040Boston ; , 9 oz. , 124c | FaU River 4o. DUCKS ( Gray ) West Polnt,8oz.llM West Point 10 oz. , 124c | Point Bear , 8 oz. , lie. TIOKINOS Amoskeaft , 18o Continental Fancy , 9oi Cordls. 13c ; Pearl River , 21o ; York , 134c > Uomleton Awnings , 12Jc. DENIMS Amoskc g , 13o ; Beaver Creek AA 12c | Beaver Creek BO , lie ; Beaver Creek CO. lOcjHaymakers , 80 ; Jaff rey D & T , 12c ; Jarfroy XXX , 124o ; Pearl Rlvor , 13c ; Warren - ron AXA ( brown ) . 12c ; Warren BB ( brown ) , Ic : Warren CO ( brown ) , lOo. OAUBBICS-Fifth avenue glove finish , 44c ; Keystone glove finish , 5o. I IUOBSBT JEANS Amory , Tic ; Hancock , 8c ; Kearsargo , 74c ; Rockport , Gio. PBINTB Aliens , 64c ; American , 6401 Arn old's Go ; Oochoco , Go ; Harmony , 4io ; Indigo. 7o : Indigo 7-8,114c ; Indigo 4-4,144c ; Steel River , 54o ; Charter Oak , 44o. PBINTB SmBTinos Amorioan,41cj Oocheco , 44o Gloucester. 44a ; Sonthbr'dge , 44c ; Waver- _ _ . a- , iNaA moskoag * taplei , 801 Bates staples. 7c ; Lancaster staples , 8ci Plnnket nlalda 9o ; Hudson checks , 81o ) Amoskeog Persians , 9o. DBJCSS GOODS Atlantic alpacca. 94oj Per sian oashmsro , 23Jo ! Hamloton cashmere , ICic ; Hamleton Fancus , H4o ; Hnmloton brocades , 15o ; Arlington brocade , 18c. Hour Hitrdwaro Xdat. Iron , rates , 210 ; plow steel , special cast , 4c ; crucible , 60 ; east tools do , IGaZOc ) wagon spokes , per set , 2 26a3 00 ; hubs per set , 125 ; felloes , sawed dry , 140 ; tongues , each , 70o ; axles , cash , 7Bc ; square nuta per Ib , 7allc ; washers , per Ib , 8al8o ; rivets , per Ib , lie ; coil chain , per Ib , 6al2o ; malleable , noes , 4 au ; uuraen s mmesnoos , o.ou , BABBED WIBB In oar lots , 4 00 per 100 , NAILO Rates , 10 to 60. 2 40. SHOT Shot , 160 ; buckshot , 185 ; oriental powder , kegs , 3 50a4 00 ; do , half kegs , 200 ; do quarter kegs , 1 50 bloating , kegs , S SB ; fuse , per 100 feet , 50o. LEAD Bar , l SB. COAt Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 ; Mor ris run Blossburg , 10 00 ; Wbltebreast lump , 5 00 ; Whitebreast nut , 5 00 ; Iowa lump , 5 00 ; Iowa nnt , 6 OOj Kock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthra- clot , 1135all CO ; Oonen City , 7 00 per on. HldoB. Steady ; green butchers' 6c ; green cured , 7ic ; dry flint , 12@14o , dry salt , 10@llo ; dam- acred hides two-thirds price. Tallow 44@5ic. Grease Prime white , 4@41o. Sheep Pelts 25c@75. Grain Wheat-Cash No. 2 , G2o. Barley 45@50c. Kye Cash No. 3 , 4G@17c. Corn No. 3 , 35o. OaU No. 2 , 35o. Flour and MUlstnff * . Winter Wheat Firmjbost quality patent at 270. Second quality 82 40. Spring Wheat Best quality patent at.$2 70. Second quality -8215@2 50. ( BBran 8lo ) per cwt. Chopped Feed Per 100 Ibs. , 90o. Corn Meal $0.85@1 00 per cwt. Screening No. 1 , 60o per owt ; No 2 , COc , Hominy 1.50 per cwt. Shorts GOo per cwt. Graham 81.75 per cwt. Qrocern' Iilat Onions Scarce and good stock will bring 2 00 per bushel. Beans In fair supply and demand moder ate. Navy , per bushel , 1 50@1 60 ; medium , per bushel , 130 it 140. Potatoes Receipts have been more liberal , but as stocks were very light all over , all was picked up quickly on arrival and prices were held firm. Choice Block is selling ranidly at 70c , and good at GO@G5c. BUOABB Powdered , 7o ; cut loaf , 7o ; gran ulated , Ggo ; confectioners' A , BJo ; Standard extra 0,5Jo ; extra 0,5go ; medium yellow , 6jo } ; dark yellow , 64@6Jo. CorriES Ordinary grades , lie ; fair , 12 good , 124o ; prime , 14@15Jci ! choice. and yellow , 16@164o ; old 16@17o ; fancy green * Hifl j * > 7 - government Java 2026c : Arbuckle's roast- Sd , 14So ; MoLanghlin's XXXX roasted , 14o ; ImltaUon Java , 162@18io. DOT FBUITB No 1 , quarter apples , bbls 4SoN O sliced , bores.lGic : evaporated , boxes , 8c ; blackberries , boxes lljo peaches , ibexes boxes , lOoj poacnes , evaporated , lee ) rasp berries , S5o FISH No. 1 mackerel 5 halt bbls. , 7 BO , Family J bbls. , 3 50 ; No. 1 Jata. 1 OB ; family kits 60c ; No. 1 whitefish , half bb . ,6 50 ; No. 1 kits , 95ol family hall bbls. , 300 ; family kits aud palls , GOo ; No. 1 trout , halt bbls. , 5 25. SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 1 50i Ashton , In sacks. 3 50) ) i sacks Ashton , 1 00 ; bbla dairy diABOH Pearl , 4jo ; Silver Gloss , 801 Corn Starch , 80 ; Exceliior Glo s , 7o5 Corn , 7ic. BPIOSS Pepper , 16c ; s Ice , 14o ; cloves , 20o MB 1& | 1.5c Branp Standard Com.l2Go , bbls ; Standard do 4 gallon kogo , 125. CANNED QOODS. Oystois [ ( Standard ) per case , 8 90 ; strawberries , 2 Ib per case. 2 60 ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 60 ; California pears per case , 6 80 ; apricots , per cose , 6 00 ; peaches per cose , 6180 ; white cherries per case , 6 76j plums per case , 4 50 ; whortleber ries per case , 3 00 ; egg plums , 2 Ib , per case , 390 ; green gages , 2lbper case , 2 90 ; pine spies , 2 Ib , per case , 3 205 60. CADDIES Boxes , 40 Ibs , 16s , 12Jo , 81 , U&o & , boxers 401bs , 16 or , 6s , 14o. MATOBCS Per caddie , 86oj roundrl.caso 2 65 ; square , eases , 170 ; Oshkoah , cases grl.20 SODA In Ib papers , 8 20 per case ; keg , per hdPl Sual , i Inch and larger , .80 , g Inch 1 Oo. Oo.PIOKLIS Medium in barrels , 6 40 ; do In half barrels , 3 30 ; email , in barrels , 6 40 ; do In half barrels , 4 00 ; gherkins in barrels , 7 60 do in ball barrels , 4 CO. TiAB Gnnpowder. good 45@56ci choice , 60@7Go ; good Imperial , 4043ot choice , 60 < 3 65c ; Young Hyson , good , 8 ( @ 50o ; choice. 6G @ 100 ; Japan , natural leaf , 76o ; Japan choice , 6075c ; Colon ? good , 8540o ; Oolong choice 40@56o ; Souchong , good , 8040c ; choice , 3i > 11OQ , RIOB Louisiana , prime to choioa , 61@7Ja , WOODINWABK Two hoop palls , 186 ; three hoe paili , 210. Tubs , No. 1 , 8 60 ; ploneei washboards , 1 76 ; Double Crown , 3 90) ) well buckets , S 76 , BOATS Kirk's Savon Imperial ; S16) ) Kirk'i satinet , 3 30 ; Kirk's standard , 3 66 ; Kirk'i White Russian , 4 86 , POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 cans in case , 3 -.Babbitt's ball , 2 doz. In case , 190) ) An mot ball , 3 doz. in ease , 160. CANDY Mixed , 1 stick , flallc ; twisl VINBOAB New York apple , I6c | Ohio op pie , 13c , Dry Lumber. Wholesale On Board Cars at Omaha , IUTISNS , WEIXTCBINO , TICKETS , O.G. Bats,31nch 8 , B O. G. Bab , 21 Inch 7 * inch Bats , s. 1 3 3 Inch well tubing , D , & M , 21 0 3 inch well tubing , Bov 21 0 Pickets : D. & H. Flat , 821 00 ; D & H. Square 22 0 DIMENSIONS AND TIMBERS , . 12 ( t. Hit. 10 Ik. 18 It. 20IL 22U. 21 f p.ill IsToHit. ill Sxi IsTo 15.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 180019.1 "i 2x9 , . , . , . li CO 14.00 1100 16.00 1(1,00 ( 19.00 191 | 2x3 15.60 15.00 15 0 16 CO 17rtO 11.00 It I 8x10 14.60 14.60 14.60 15.50 18,50 17,60 18.1 .cb- gxl ! 16.00 U.OO 16.00 16.00 17.00 1800 19.1 ke 4x4 8x8. 1(60 15.10 1660 I860 17.60 18.60 191 ch rULNClNO. chCJ CJ No. 1 , 6 inch , 12 and 14 feet , rough..514 ° j No. 1,0inch , 16feet , ron h 16 udm No. 2 , 6 Inch , 12 and 14 feet , rough. . . . 15 , No. 2 , 6 inch , 16 feet , rough. . , 14 01. No. 1 , 4 inch , 12 and 14 feet , rough. . . . 16 P.- No , 1,4 Inch , 16 feet , rough , 16 ; No , 2 , 4 inch , 12 and 14 f et , rough. . . . 14 Dt No , 3,4Inch , ; 16leet , rough , , , . . . , . , , , 14 snir LAP. No. 1 , Plait ) , S or 10 Inch $16 CO No. 2 , Plain , 10 inch. 1460 No.l7 0. G 117 60 BOARDS. No. 1 boards , 12,14 and 16 ft 816 00 No. 2 board ) , 12,14 and 16 ft 14 00 No. 3 boards , 12,14 and 16 ft 11 60 No. 4 boards , 13,14 and 16 ft. ( shipping cull ) 1000 FINISHING. 1st and 2d Clear , , 2s $5000 Ut and 2d , Clear , 11 and 2 Inch , s. 2s. , 60 00 3d , Clear , 11 Inch , e. 2s 48 00 3d , Clear , lj and a Inch , s. 2s 4300 UtandZd , Clear , 1 inch , s , 8s 60 00 3d , Clear , 1 inch , s. 2a 4400 A Select , 1 inch , s. 2a 39 00 B Select , llncb. s. 2s 28 CO Clear Poplar , i inch , s. 2 85 Oo rLOOIUNO. 1st Com. 61 ch , white pine $3650 2dCom. 6 whlto plno 3350 3d Com. 6 white pine 2660 Sal. Fence Inch , whlto pine 18 25 1st and 2d Clear yellow pine , 4-G inch. 24 60 SIDINO , 1st Com. , 12,14 and 1C foot $2160 2d Com. . 14 and 16 feet 19 CO 8d Com. , 14 and 16 feet 14 60 Fence , 14 and 16 foot 1060 DKADXD OIILINQ. 1st Com. J Inch , white plno $22 CO 2d Com. flinch , white pine 20 50 3d Com , fl inch , white plno 15 60 1st Com. j inch , Norway 15 00 2dCom , g inch , Norway 1400 Clear Poplar , panel , i Inch , s.2 27 00 STOCK BOARDS , A12 Inch , s. 1 s. 12,14 and 16 foot 45 00 B12 Inch , s. 1 s. 12,14 and 16 foot 41 00 0 12 Inch , B. Is. 12,14 and 16 foot 36 00 D 12 inch , B. 1 B. 12,14 and 16 foot 23 00 No. 1 Com. 12 In. , s. 1 B. 14 and 16 ft 17 00 No. 1 Com. 13 in. , a. 1 s. 12 ft. 18.60 No. 1 Com. 12in. , B. 1 B. 10,18 and 20 ft21 00 NO. 2 Com. 12 in.s. 1 s. 12,14 and 16 ft.14 75 BIINOLI3 AND LATH. 16 inch , Clear $3 50 * A * Standard 2 60 6 inch , Clear 1 70 No.l. 1 25 Lath 2 35 roars. White Cedar , 6 inch , halves llo White Cedar , 5& & Inch , halves 9 o White Cedar , 8 inches , quarters 9jo White Cedar , 4 inch , round llAo Southern Hod Cedar , 61 foot 15 o DENVER , MAKKET. FLO OB Colorado. 100 Ibs , 150@1 75 ; pat ent , 100 Ibs. , 2 753 00) ) Kansas , 100 Ibs , 2 75 @ 3 00 ; graham , 100 Ibs. 160 ; ryp , 1 00 Ibi. 2 25 ] buck-wheat , POT bbl , 7 60 , GBAIN , FEED , ETC. Whoati 100 Ibs , SI 00 corn In sacks on track , 100 Ibs , 65@70 ; oats , in Backs on track , 100 Ibs , eastern white , 1 15120 ; Colorado white , 120@1 SO ; mixed , 110@116 ; barley 100 Ibs , 1 S0@l 35 ; bran , ton , on track , 14 00(315 00 ; chop , com , 100 Ibs , on track , 70c@76 ; chop mixed , 100 Ibo , on track , 100120 ; corn meal , 100 Ibs. 1 SO ® 140. HAT Baled , upland , ton , 13 0015 00 ; upland , loose , ton , 10 00@12 00 ; second bottom tom , baled , 10 0011 00 ; alfalfa , loose , ton , 12 00@15 00 ; straw , baled , on track , ton , G 00 ® 8 00. BUTTEB Creamery , fancy , Ib , 41o creamery , fine , Ib , 3638o ; dairy , choice , Ib 20@23o ; dairy , good , Ib , 18@20o ; dairy , fair Ib , 16@16o ; cooking , Ib. 6@8o. EOQB State , candled and warranted , doz , 5 < 3S6c ; ranch , doz , 86@37o CHEESE Full cream , 15@17o ; half cream b , 10@llc ; skim , Ib , 9o ; Swiss , domoatlo b , 22@23o ; Swiss , Imported , 8032o ; Flm- burger , 18o. POULTRY Live old chickens , doz , 5 005 60 ; dressed ducks , Ib , 15@16c ; dressed turkeys , Ib. , 15lGc. POTATOES Colorado , 100 Ibs , 95105 ; sweet , per Ib. , 4o. VEGETABLES Onions , yellow , 100 Ibs , 225 ; cabbage , 100 Ibs , 360) ) beets , 100 Ibs , 110125 ; turnips , 100 Ibs , 1 25. FBUITS Lemons , per box , Messina , 4 009 4 50 ; oranges , Florida , per box , 6 607 00 ; apples , fancy bbl , 6 00@5 50 ; apples , medium , bbl 3 60. CORED MEATS Hams , sugar cured , Ib , 111 ® ll c ; baoon , breakfagt , Ib , 12@12ioi dry salt sides , ib , 7i@8o ; lard in palls , 9 9Jo ; bud In tlarces , 8 c. FB an MXATS Dressed beef , Colorado , per Ib , 7i80hogs , Ib , 6i@61o ; mutton , Ib , 7 ® 7io. LIVE STOCK Colorado Bteers , per lOOlIbs 4104 50. Hides. Dry Flint No. 1 , per Ib , llUot No. 2 , Ib. 9@10o ; green steers and branded calf. Ib , 4 5o ; green , 810c ; green kip , Ib , 6@7o ; flbeep iklns , dry , 810o ; deer skins , Ib , 15@20o ; antolopa skins , lo , 1215 ; tallow , lb,56o WOOL Colorado No. 1 , per Ib , 14 ( 15c buck , Ib , So ) Mexican , 710o. FISH Mackerel , No. 1 , 140 , kit , mea 160@2 00 : California lalmon , half bbl , 10 50 Holland herring , keg , 1 60(2160 ( ; trout , ( per .16(2160 ( WeakNervousMfti Seeking perfect restoration to health , full mimhootl and sciuul vigor \vitliont Stoniacli Drugging , should Bond for Trea tise on the Dlariton Bolus. Young men and others who BUffer from nervoiiH and physi cal ilublllty , exliuustcil vitality , lire- tin t it ru ilocllnu , Varlcocele , Ae > , are Specially bcnoflted by consulting Ita contents , Clscaaea of the 1'roitato Gliiiul , ICIilncys ami Ulaililer effectually cured. Endoreed by thousands who have been cured. Adopted lu Hospitals and by Fhyslclana in Europe and America. Sealed Treatise free. Address MARSTON EEMEDT CO. or Di. H. TRE3KOW , 48 West 14th St. . New York. OMAHA SAVINGS BANK ! Cor. 13th and Douglas Sta. Capital Stock , - - - 9150,000 Liability of Stockholders , 300.00C Five Per Cent Interest Paid on Deposit ! LOANS MADE ON HEAL ESTA 2 J German Insurance COMPANY. Freeport , - - Illinois CASH CAPITAL , . . . . 5200,000 M. Urrri.s'GKn , Prest , F. GuND , Secretary. Policy holders pleate call on or addres Geib & Mans , Agents for Omaha , Nebraska , 1605 PA.RNAM STREET , ro 30 JAB. H , PEABODY , II. D. 35 DODO Physician & Surgeor Betlldeno * No. ItOI Jones 81 Office , Ho. 1109 Ti 00 nam it reel. Office honri.U m. to I p. m. and ( torn to 8 p. m , Te'ertionD tor offloa 6T.r M nf < > li TIMKEN ft- 00 00 .60 .00 00 00 00 EASIEST * ai ea r 00 . V- 'Th ooaitwo. - Sprln 00 lingthin snd Shorten according to thiwilaht th 60 Clrrr. Equally well adapted to rough country rot 00 od Kne drlret of dUn. Ml u1 ttur d in ! | tl < CO CHICAGO , ie & Si. Pail THE SHORTLY And BEST ROUTE. f IIOM OMAHA TO THE EAST , TWO TRAINS DAILY BETWEEN OMAHA AND Chicago , Mlnnaapolti , Milwaukee , St. Paul , Cedar llnplds , Davenport , Clinton , Dubuqao , Kockfonl , Hock Island , Freeport Jnnesvillo , Klein , Madison , La Crosse , Botolt. Wlnona , And all other Important points Enit , North * east and Southeast , Ticket office at 1101 Farnam street ( In Paxton Ho tot ) , and at Union Paolflo D pot. Pullman Sleepers and the Finest Dining Cars In the World are run on tnornaln llnta of the CnicAoo MitwAURin & SLPAtmll'Tand e\ cry attention lii | ld to passengers bycouiteoiu erarloyei of thecompanf. & . 8. MEimitti , A. V. II. CAKPKNTKU , General Mansircr , Ocn'l ratsengor A cent. n. MILIEU , GEO. F. HEAFF011U , Ass't Oon'l ltan Ror. Ats't Gcn'l Pasj Agent J. T. OLARK , Ocn't Superintendent T"E CHICAGO AND- MORTH- WESTERN RAILWAY. THE BK3T ROUTE AND SBCODRO ? Omaha 'Council ' Bluffs and Chicago , The only line to take for Des llolnos , Marshall- town , Cedar Rapids , Clinton , Dixie , Chicago , UU wtmkee and all points eait. To the people oi Ne braska , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah , Idaho , Nevada , Oregon , Washington and California It odors superior advantages not possible by any other lino. Among a lew ot the numerous points ol superior ity enjoyed by the patrons ol this road between Omaha and Chicago , ue its two trains a day of DAT COACHES which are the Onest that human art and Ingenuity con create ; Its PALACE SLEEPING OARS which are models ol oomlort and elegance ; lie PAR LOR DRAWING ROOM OARS , unsurpassed by any and its widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING OARS the equal ol which cannot he lound elsewhere. At Council Blairs the trains ol the Union Pacific Ry. connect la Union Depot with those ol the Chlca KO ft Northwestern Ry In Chicago the trains ol this line make closa connection with those ol all eastern lines. ForDetrolt , Columbus , Indianapolis , Cincinnati. Niagara Falls , Buffalo , Piitaburg , Toronto , Uontreal Boston , Now York , Philadelphia , Baltimore , Wash ington and all points in the East , ask the ticket agent for tickets via the -NORTH-WESTERN , ' II TOU wtsn the b st accommodations , All ticket agents sell tickets via this lino. It. nUGHITT. R S HAIR , General Manager. Oei. Piss. Agent. CHICAGO W.N.B&BCOCK , Ocnl. Agt. , HIS FarnamSt , Omaha , Neb. Bail-way Time Table. In Effect April 5th. 1885. Th , attention ol ths travelling publlo Is called to Ibo tact that this Is the onlv complete and absolute ! ; correct time-table published In the city , All brains arrhe at and depart bom Omaha by Central Standard Time. Trains ol the a St. P. II. fe 0. arrive at and dt part ( ram their depot , corner ol lith and Webstei streets ; trains 01 the B. A M. , O. B. i Q. , and K , 0 St. J. A 0. B. from the B. fc at , depot ! all others Irom the TJnion Pacific depot. a , Dall/b ; , exc pt Satnrdayi a , except Bandaj ) d , except Monday. OMAHA BRIDGE TKAIN8 Dum mv Trains I Ta Omaha at 610,7 CO D 60,10 00,11 IE a mU50 , S 00 , 8 00. 4 00 , 165 , fi 6C 1110pm. OnSundnystho 7M Dd lOOOa m aod 100 and i 00 p m tialni do not run. Arrlvo at liani ( er depot 18 mlnnte * latei : Bioadway depot SO tain. atM Uteri L T Connell Blafli ( Broadway depot ) at 7 15 , 8ro,10Mn40am180lMS80. ; 23,621 , and 1146 p m. On Bundayi the B SO and 11 40 a n and 8 SO and 6 it p m trains will not run. Arrive al Itanifei 7 minutes liter , Omaha to mlnntei latei. TranaforT/alns LeaTe Omaha at 8 It , 81 a m , 12 6,120 , d 16 and 7 OOP m , dally. Arrive at 9 aod 11II a m , 1 SO , 8 80 , T SI am 816 p. B. t SUNDAY TRAINS To and horn Chicago via the Tripartite Alllaao * Lloei ( Sunday evening and Monday morning ; tralniarrtr In ooriMpondlng order. C. B. > Q. tralai ran eve , day , STOCK YARDS TRAINS , teava Union PaclSa depot at 8 40 a tn and B li a. Arrive from StockTardiatTZSain and d 21 r m Mall Tlmo Card. 01'EN. | I OLO3K. A. M. T. M. | a. M. r. i .Union PacJflo Local Mull. . . 880 880 700 Union Paclflo Through UalL 41 1080 800 , B , All. In Neb T 20 61 ! B 00 , O. B. &Q. (80 tJ C , B. &Q. Ex. Mall 4 : 1080 , . 0.11. LAP. . . . . _ . 6 50 S ! 00 . . O.M &SL P , . . . 6 EC 1080 a oo . . O. &N. W. . . . . . . . . 6 80 1 05 , .0.81.1' . II. & 0 a co 8 CO . . . 0 , & Rep. Valley Sioux Oy ft Pacific Local. . . 680 10 80 00 Sioux City & St Pfcu ) . . . . 848 Oouncll Blufli & Kant as dtjr 680 . . . .Otonoll Bluffs Local , . . . 700 Forl Omaha n 4 80 . . . . Iflaeourl Padtto. 880 1 Oi , , . .Wabuh-8t. Lgubj. 12 Wabish Chicago. , 8 29 . . . Irvimrton , from 12 la 1 , nee o. C.K COUTANT P.M. JOY003 HAPPY , Children arelnde the greaklt teen mankind. The Ind ' . pemltlr fiuillflcatl Our tbli condition health ; and It i I ( him or have uied llldj food. Tntriy > ei uee hM deiaoaitra . Ui value M a ditto1 andltUalrodclldo l * Mp JQJ , or prtpar U accomMnjr each canst Sic , fie , HIM i 11,76. Sold by all DniKKllU. Bend to Wet I rich Iky Co , , Palmer , Vats. , lor pamphlets containing lull ormaUoD on the subject. [ CHAS. SHIVERICK , FURNITURE UPHOLSTERY AND DRAPERIES , Passenger Elevator to nil floon , 1206 , 1203 i nd 1210 FAIDIUII [ Street , OMAHA ! ' NKURASK AT" THE LEADING CARRIAGE FACTORY 1409 and 1411 DodeeSt. { "TOSS ? * \ Omaha Ne- p ; # ; eaS mm$3iS I have an entirely new stock of I Choicest Woolen Clothing ? Pantsfor 4 85 and § 6 , Worth Double | S t'mt ' Amount. Suits for 610,81-2.50 , § 15 , 817.50 wid 520 , | Workmanship and Fit Guaranteed. This odor should bring us many now customers , [ ( gutter's Mammoth Clothing House , 1001 Faruam , Corner 10th Sta. ( ESTABLISHED 18G5. ) Only Importers in Omaha of SMOKERS' ARTICLES , Guns , Sporting Goods and Notions , FIREWORKS , FLAGS , BALLOONS , Base Balls. Fishing Tackle. .ROLLER SKATES. SEIDTID IFOIR DPIRIOIE OLISTS. Jffaoc flfeyer Co. , . . . OmaJia , JVe& . THE A. L. STRANG COMPANY , Double and Single Acting Power and Hand Trimmings , Mining Machinery , Bolting , HOBO , Brass and Iron Flttlnga at wholesale or retail. HALLADAY WIND-MILL8 , OHUROH AND SCHOOL BELLS. Corner 10th and Farnam St. , Omaha Neb , SPEOIALNOTIOE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others , WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO Our Ground OH Cake It tfl'lho boat and cheapest food for stock of any kind. Ono pound la equal to three ponida of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Gako In the Fall and Winter Instead of running down , will inornate In weight and bo In good marketable eondl Ion In the spring. Dairymen , aa well s others , who use It , can testify to Its met Ita. Try It and judge for yourselves. Price $24.00 per ton. No charge for saoki Addreea WOODMAN LINHKED OIL WORKS , Omaha , Neb , { DEALERS IN Hall's Safe and Lock Gomp'y FEBE AND BDBQLAE PBOOF SSAFES , VAULTS , LOCKS , ETC. 1OMO aVMrxiA OKHRV T. CLARXXPnit.tmdTTi < u. A. , it , CLARKZrict Ptttidtnt J011N T , CLARKK , Stertttry , H. T. CLARKE DRUG COMPANY. SUCCEEDING LEIGHTON & CLARKE. Jobblni Drug houM between Chloaeo and Sao Francboo. CAPITAL STOCK , (200,000. W > LARGEST the bottom ol the mukct at all tlmei. Will daiillctte Chicago and Bt , Louli prices with freight added. Oor ipeolalty will b Pure Drugs , faints , Oils ami Winnow CHasv EnlmateifrUen on pUte glass. To those about to embark In the drug builnew will dowelltouil vourintereat by calling on us or Mud ( or our prloalut which will appear bout January 6th , Mall orde solicited. Hi UAUNKV arilliKT. M. BELLMAN & CO. , 1301 AND 1303 PARNAM STREET , COR. 13TH ,