.ITjrJT.rV AT _ , ft fa. % , n . , „ . . . 8 TUJaiiSUAX , ATKJUL 28 ; THE DAILY BEE Taesday Morning. April 28i LOCAL BREVITIES , The Mlllatd hotel Is undergoing the usual tquinp ; repairs , The fint lot ol Iron for the now bulldinf ? Ol Cl rk Bros. & Co. arrived yesterday. -Tho tent and awnlnf ? people are reaping n harvest at this time. Summer Is comtnR. The runaway on Tenth street about 10 o'clock yesterday causotl cpn.ldcrnblo commo tion ( or a time , -District Attorney l' telo ! arrived In Omaha yesterday morning , and will leave this morning , The Ccrco rainfall last night put tho'.base ball man In a fovorlast the grounds should be unfit for to-daj' * game. The M y tonn ol the United States court will meet at this city next Mondny. Jiidgo Urowor Ii to bo here. The homo of P. A. Gavin Is glwlucnodby Iho suttdon nppearanco ot a weighty Rlrl who put in appearance Saturday night , A man employed In Bennett's blacksmith Bhop was painfully hurt yesterday by a horse stopping upon his foot and breaking It. ThB Ornnh * 1'ublio Library will be cloiod from Wednesday morning untllnotlco is giron that it will bo opened in Falconer's hall. Yesterday was bright , warm and balmy , a baautiful spring day , and ono In pleasant contrast with the dlsagreoablo weather of last week , The funeral of Mrs. E. N. Cornell , who died at Port Cnlhoun Sunday , will Uko place to-Jay at 10 o'clock , from the fam ily residence. The Rev. Dougherty will offi ciate. The late successful but unlucky candi date for the mayoralty , Mr. P. P. Murphy is eroding on West i'ftrnam street , three store buildings , ono of which ho will occupy him Bolf , iu the general grocery business. Constable Edgorton , who it. a sort of tem porary guardian of the Buckingham theater buildingw s on yesterday Importuned by the Women's Christian Temperance Union folks to lot them have the building to lunch , sing and pray in. Mr. Ed Gorman , formerly city jailor and deputy marshal , has resigned his position , etoppiog down and out Sunday morning. The vacancy thus created his not yet been filled. Meanwhile Charley Miller holds the fort. The general oOica of the freight and pas- ecngor department of the Chicago & North- woitorn railway has removed to 1411 Farnam street , west end of Paxton hotel , where the popular and efficient general agent , Mr. Babcock - cock , will bo pleased to moot the patroca of his Chicago abort line. Their telephone number is CGI. A young Swoed , flushed with imagina tions of immense and suddenly obtained wealth , tried his luck last evening , at buck ing a three ball confidence game , and before he could realize anything or wink twice , he had lost $20. The lesion not only broke him financially , but It broke his heart and he made a pitiful appeal for help. In conversation with a reporter for the BEE last night , Capt. Lehew , enthusiastically dilated at some length on the pleasing pros- poets that exiit through his section of the atate , Clay and Fulton counties , for immense crops this year. Ho tays that tbo wheat looks fine , that farmers ara ready to commence planting their corn and that business of all binds Ia brisk. After the play at the Stadt Theatre Sun day night some of the members of the Musical Union orchestra went in a body to the Millard - lard hotel and tendered a pleasant serenade to Mr. Max Major , as a parting tribute of harmony before his leaving for Europe , The midnight melodies were greatly enjoyed also by tbe guests of the Metropolitan and Arcade , aa well as the Mlllard hotel. W. P. Peck k Co ; brokers , received the following special telegram yeaterdayaftenioon from Avery , Hlllabrant & Co. , concerning the Chicago markoU : Advance in consols to BGo caucnd a break early In the day. Jones and lleam , the loading Shorts , bought Ihoavily on this break and the subsequent decline In con suls of ten points , on the report that Russia and Afghan bad another conflict , started ad vance in wheat. Buying has boon chiefly local , "evening" up preparatory to holiday here Wednesday. Corn steady and firm ; pro visions dull. General Edward Hatch , who has boon in command at Ft. Hiloy a long time and fig ured prominently last summer fall and winter at Oklahoma , by arresting and escorting settlers tlors out of that country , has been ordered to move northwest next Juno and guard the Da kota frontier against invasions from the Riel rebels. The genural , when talking to a repor ter last week , expressed himself as not being well pleated with this order because he very much regrets the idea of having to spend a winter In that country. The "Hansom cabs" mentioned in a late issue of THE BEE were put upon the streets jostorday , and are very "handsome , " The proprietor intends to dress his drivers in livery , with regulation hats and all the para phenalia , In thisconnection , it Is suggested that the owners of hearses in Omaha would do a tasty thing if they would uniform the dnversof their boantiful carriages of the dead. The uncouth appearance of the drivers on funeral occasions has often caused remark in the reporter's hearing , and is surely not in keeping with such octasloos. Tbe report that ono of the Georgia min atrels had Induced a Fremont girl to run oE from homo and meet him hero , was on Sun day thoroughly investigated and proved to bi erroneous. The facts are that some week or so ago a traveling company , who plarec "Muldoon'a Picnic" in Omaha , wore in 1're moot. They stopped at tbo house where thi < trls ! Mary Martin and Belle Thompson worked as waiter-gills , where they met the troupe. Hera an Intimacy sprung up. The troupe went off to North Bend , aud it was arranged that on their return the girls shouli join their sweethearts. The girl Belle cam > here aud found that her sweetheart was no here. Tbe father and officer al.o came , under the mistaken idea that the girl's lover was th negro minstrel , Grant , the bas violiu man lately ploying at Colonel Wood's ronieum. ! When the officer and father losked over these , minstrels they at ones know their mistake Belle was subsequently fousd and yesterday went home with her father , without swing her Lothario , The woman who was aikl to see Grant on Friday night at the theatre was an Omaha woman , and cot the Fremou lily. Grant became uneasy by stories tolc him of a tbreaUned arrest , anil , thoupl stoutly declaring hit Innocence of connection with ihUUrllr , left town for a day. He re twined Sunday niitht and filled hit place in th inln'trel orclifitra , * nd thus ends oil the humbug itory of n whlt fllrl ruining awa ; ( tun home with or after a nrgro man. WELLS OF WATER. Plenty of Them Can Be FonnlTteoni.1.- ont the Conntry. The Old Theory TlmtVcHBInst Bo Sank to the Level of the Itlvor ProTCB A Mytli. From ttmo to tlrao wo have mentioned ho water question and the finding of wells at various depths in Keith and the astern part of Cheyenne county , and iaro tnkon occasion to mention Inci dentally oar theory concerning the water volns of this county , The water [ iiostion has boon ono of vital Interest , jccanso it boa been claimed and it ia roe In the central part of the state .hat to strike n water vein n well mn&t io dug to the level of the Platte river , Bat developments that have boon and are being made in this county show that n the western part of the atato water nns through the ground at varying depths , and the Platte rlvor bottom is 10 criterion to go by. Some facts about work that has actually boon done will provo ot Intoroat : TITO men named Richardson and 'ohnoon , living thirteen miles eoutti of Jig Springs , found plenty water by bar- ng to depths of forty-five and sixty-five cot. Any ono who is acquainted with the lay of the land In that ro- ion knows that the level of the Platte ould not bo reached at three times that lopth. Seven miles duo south of Ledge Polo , „ 'section thirty , township thirteen , an go forty-sir , a settler named George Bill sunk a well seven feet deep nd secured a bountiful supply ol good water. Eight miles south of Sidney Henry Vitt has a well of similar nature nlno cot deep , which is used by himself and neighbors , and which they never succeed n dipping dry. Mr. Vanuico cays ho mows of various places over the prairies whore water can bo found in a similar manner. A week ago Surveyor Paine made a urvoy and established the fact that the vein of water In Mrs. Smith's well , which is about a mlle and a half north of jodgo Polo creek , was sixty feet above ho level of the crcok. The well Is sixty- light feet deep and holds a steady sup ply of more than five foot of water. At Water Holes stage station , fourteen miles north , in the heart of the tableland , i well of moderate depth furnishes water or the stage stock. Last fall Hon. M. B. Reeao , of the Nebraska supreme court , visited the west- rn part of the state , and being pleased with a tract of land lying eight miles rjuth of Pine Blaffr , bought nine sac- ions. Bolng satisfied that water could to secured on it ho sent up an augur and had a well bored , three feet of water being found at a depth of ton feet. Io was so well pleased that in company with two gentleman from Ashland ho mmedlately made another pureeaso of wolvo sections. Wells are being dug north and south of Sidney. Domor & Teeter have a well itjgnr in operation to the south , and Mr. f. T. Olarkson Las just put in operation outh of " " Antelope an "Aurora" augur rom the American well works , and ox- > ects to cover the country with wells. It s qntto apparent that the difficulty orlg- nally expected in securing water was a myth , and although we still believe , as wo have said , that the water veins dips at some places bolng deep down , at othnr , near the surface , wish the experience as hose who have already secured water of guide , and the nse of a little judgment , we think no one need trouble himself about a water supply In Western Ne braska. [ The Sidney Telegraph. Ton dollars reward for return to Mil- ard hotel , Omaha , of land book and other articles in black satchel. Ex changed at U. P. transfer in Council Bluffs about April 5th. S eal of North Carolina Tobacco Is the best THE GBEAT TKAGEDIENNE Mndnmo Irschlok * t the Stndt Thea tre in Deborah. The winter season at John Brandt's tacit theatre was brought to a close San- day night , by the production of Folk's standard drama , "Deborah. " The season las boon moat remarkable in the annals of the German drama in this city. Nearly every performance has been distinguished i > y a large audience , while the acting and [ ho presentation of the pieces have been comparatively far in advauco of anything lierotoforo noted at this theater. At in tervals during the season , Mr. Brandt has treated his patrons to performances by transient acton of ability , each of nhom appeared in some character In which either ho or she bad attained to destruction elsewhere. This varying of the premises , moro or less incident to one company playing weekly , has been ap preciated by the patrons of the theatre , and is an excellent evidence that Mr. Brandt is disposed to leave nothing un done in making his theatre worthy of the promising town of which it has boon so long the homo of German theatrical art. art.Tho The cUr Sunday night was Mad am o Irsohlck , the celebrated Gorman trsgad lonno. It was her third appearance Like those proceeding , It amounted to an ovation. At the close of each act , the star wis as frequently as three times called before the curtain. Between the second and third acts she was presented with floral tributes , and again , between the third and fourth , she was addresied and presented with a wreath , "Deborah" ii best known as "Leah the Fomken. " It Is a mental character , founded upon an cffootlon conceived by tbe heroine , A Jewels , for "Joseph , " the son of a Christian , whom she resolves to marry.Vbtn the betrothal becomes known to the parents of the latter , objection Is made to the marriagobecanseof the faith of the Intend ed wife , and finally "Joseph" marries another womin. In this , constitutes the element of tbe forsaken. The sceuo la laid In the eighteenth century , and the pleco is snppotod to represent the man ner In which the Jens wore at that tlmo o'.ntomned and proscribed. Deborah 1 onontlally difFtrcnt from any character which Midamo Icahick has yet assumed bore. It has to deal with many vaiioui and center cling emotions , while at the rame time demanding mental acumen nol lets tl-an that required by her ether char acters. The delineation of tbo character was fine. It w a strong and resolute tender and awett , loving and tearful. I gave lets opportunity for the heroic , than did Modoa , but the atnr did not overstep the bonds which the play might have measured. Her wonderful elocution was jrought into play with grand effect , nd this was supplemented by her great knowledge of her art which conduced to m unequivocally successful performance , The support of the company was excel lent , Mr. Malohln and Madame Pohls- al coming in for the greatest prnlso , LEGAjflOEE , Opening of the District Court Term The OASOI nml Orders. Judge Wakoly again clambered to the ndlclal bench of the district court yes terday morning after a week's recou. Judge Neville Is expected homo this week , and will aisiit him In the hearing of the equity docket , on which there are embraced fifty-Savon cases , The work yesterday morning was of an inlmportant nature , aomo motions bolng icard and orders issued. AtTEIWOOX SESSION. John D. Jones v . City of Omaha. Motion for now trial overruled and judg ment on verdict for defendant. Clara Grossman vs. Paul Grossman. Certain papers withdrawn by leave of court. A. W. Fuliroldo va. W. V. Morse ot 1. and four other cases continued by consent. The Slate va. James J. Onmmings. Contempt. Defendant ordered to show cause next Saturday why attachment should not issue for alleged violation of an injunction in case of Ames ct al. vs J. J. Cammlngs ot al. Timothy Morlarity va. City of Omaha. Motion for now trial overruled and judgment on verdict for defendant. Ravonsoroft vs. James Stophoneon. Demurrer overruled and leave given to answer. Von Elton vs. McNamara. Same or der. der.Miller Miller vs. Now. Motion to make po- itlon moro definite sustained In part. Grossman vs. Grossman. Judgment > y default taken. Clark vs. Armstrong. Judgment on verdict for defendant. Judge Neville will iako his seat as quickly as ho returns from Sarpy. Buy 0. H. Donglass & Son's Capsicum 3ough Drops for your children ; they are larmless , pleasing to the taste and will euro their colds. D. S. and Trade Mark on every drop , 1 A Flue Team , Mr. S. H. H. Clark received yesterday 'rom J. B. Hagarb's famous stoohrancho , Del Pass ? , near Sacramento , Cal. , a pair of very fine and handsome young buggy lorses. They wore brought to him by ilr. J. B. Murray , who is passing through with several runners for eastern races , and doubtless will shortly be seen and admired on the streets of Omaha. The ; ire well matched bays , 3 years old , and 'nil of fast blood. Smoke Seal of North Carolina To bacco. To EXCHANGE 440 acres well Im proved land 1 mile from Essex , la. , for a stock of general merchandise or hard ware. Address , John Llnderholm , Es- sex , la. OMAHA-CLEVELAND , Xlio Third Game of the Series To. May The Player * Diamond mend Glints. If the weather will permit , the sport- oviog people of Omaha will have the pleasure to-day of witnessing the third ; amo of the Omaha-Cleveland series. Both nines have been strengthened fore o contest , which promises to be an exciting one ; ono of the features of Dmaha's play will be the appearance cf ; hp new pitcher , Berry , whose work ia said to be phenomenally strong. The positions of the players is indi cated below : OMAHA. CLEVELAND. Berry Pitcher Lauer Dugan. . . . Catcher Walker Dwyer First base Kennedy 3oiss Second bate Reed J. Day Third base Battin [ j. Day Short stop Hog an Melster Left field Mansell jraham Center field Wheeler Black Right fieldCarroll DIAMOND GLINTS. Next Saturday the Indianapolis-Omaha series will open in this city. Manager Hey is looking for special po liaeinon to drive the bad boys oil the fcnco. A now self-registering turnstile hae been purchased by the management ol the base ball park. It is to contrived that it will indicate ( by the turning ol the stile at the passage of each individual ] the exact number of persona on the grounds. Manager Hey has secured Frank Dandle , the old catcher of the Union PaciGc team , and now with the National League of St. Louis , aa catcher. "Stub' will bo here about Wednesday and will appear in Saturday's gome. His aoces slon to the team will strengthen it won derfully. Two now pitchers are being negotiated for , and ono of them in fact has been se cured. He is well known here , and his name is Berrysaul. Ho is a terror O'Donnell , of the St. Loula Lucas team has ajs ? been telegraphed for and will bo hero in time for Saturday's game. Ho is a promising young plajor and will help out greatly. Beauly , that transitory flower , can only be bad by uiing Pozzoni'a Medicated Complexion Powder , Fred B. 1'rltchai-a. The report upon the streets yesterday that Mr. F. S. Prltohard , late of the firm of Kelkennoy & Prltohard , doing bust ness on Thirteenth and Jackson streets , hid loft Omaha under ugly circumstances and as a dtfrander of bis creditors in duced a BEE reporter io cill on Mr. Ktl kenney at his place of business to learn the facts , that no injustice be done any body by the UEE. Mr. Kelkenney state * that he hai no Idea that Mr. Pritclurd has done any thing with evil intent or des'gn. ' They were partners , had a full and fair rattle- mont of all their accounts , peifeotly agncable to both. That ho left entrain train to wbioh Mr. K. accompanied him ; that he had BO idea of cheating any one or avoiding bis creditors , to all < f which together ha does not o we aa much as $100. That he will , he feels sure , settle those accounts at the fust poislbla moment after he gets into the business in Fergus Brands df rtli d abiolntely par * THi TK8T > a em top down on a hot Hot * ohUh ] tdtfi t Minor * h eoT r nd nll. Athemttt.wlu nol b * r 4Ulr4 to deteet th presence at ammonia DOES NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA. TS IlIlLTimUUS 111 ! NEVER BUK In a million homes tor quarter ot a c nturj U bu teed tb * coniumera' reliable test , . THE TESTJJFJHE OVEN , PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. , Minna or DP , Price's ' Special Flavoring Extracts , Tb itr ntnli il drlltloii l 4 nilnr.l t r k > onu4 Dr. Price's Lupulln Yeast Gam * For Light , Uealthr Dread , The B.it Dry 11 op Yeast In th World. FOR BALE BY GROCERS. CHICAGO. > ST. LOUIS- 7alla ho intends to undertake , and that 10 , ( Mr. K. , ) has no belief in any story of his acting dishonorably. TIio O , O. C , Ii , and D. At the regular meeting ot the Omaha otnmorcial College Literary and Debat * njjocloly hold at the Commercial college Saturday evening , April 25th the follow ing programme was carried out : Dialogue H. G. Patton , O. F. Blair Bong F. Bertleaen Comic Essay E. 12. Zimmerman Recitation II. O. Fatten Followed by the general debate , ques tion : Resolved , That immigration should bo discouraged. Speakers aftirma- blvo , B. J. Scannoll and G. A. Prlchard. Negative , E. E. Zimmerman and J. Adams. The question was very ably iiandlod by both tides , and it was with no little effort that the affirmative sue- needed In gaining the victory. A vote of thanks was extended to Misses Ella McBrlde , Agnes U'Shaugnes- ey , nnd Belle Brodrlck , and Messrs. Stevens and McDonald , of the Y. M. 0. A. , for their able assistance in the recent entertainment given by tbo society. In view of the busy season of the year , and the shortness of the evenings , the society deemed it best to adjourn until the second end Saturday in September. A vote of thanks was extended to Prof. M. G. Rohrbough , for the use of his commo dious hall , and the interest ho has taken In the society. The meeting adjourned to meet the second Saturday in Septem ber. Thus ended a season of profitable and amusing exorcises. Absolutely Pure. Tills powder never varies. A marvel ot pnrety , strength and wholesomenees. More economical than the ordinary klnds.acd cannot be sold In competi tion with the multitude of loir test , short weight alum of physnhrto powders. Sold only In cam ROYAL BAKING ) POWDER CO. . 101 Wall 8tN.Y ; CAMELLINE Fill THE COMPLEXION ABSOLUTELY HARMLESS. The undersigned plivaicuns of San Francisco are familiar with the composi tion of the principal articles used for the complexion , and freely certify that ( JAM ELINE is harmless and free from all poisonous or Injurious substances. L 0 Lane , M D G F Cooper , M D H H Toland , M D S W Dennis , M D R A MeLo n , M D J M McNulty , M D. 0 B Br'gham , M D J 0 Shaffer , M D Benj J Dean , M D W Carman , M D a Gibbons Jr , MD W * yor , M D J J OUrko , M D T Bennett , M D W H Bruney , M D W Hammond.M D A M Loryea. M D W F MoNntt.M D 0 L Bard , M D A J Bowie , MD H L Slmms , M D J 0 Shorb , M D J H Stallard , M D F A Holmin , M D 0 McCuottonM D J Rosanstirn , M D 0 0 Keenoy , M D J \Vhltnoy M D A M Wilder , M D T Boyaon , M D O IT Powers , M D 0 G Kenyan , M D B R Swan , M D 1 S Titus , M D L L'Door , M J ) J L Meares , M D J WKocney.MD T Price , M D G Holland , M U H Gibbon * , M D Madame Adelina Fatti , Writes ; " 1 shall have to repeat the pralfoi of yonr OAMELLIKE heard from all sides. For sale by H. T. OLARK DRUG CO. , Omaha , And all first class druggists. mteiaodi T1M1CBN EASIEST . . . - Ilklei a * caiy oa aa two. Ungthon ind shorten according to tht wilsM thiy can r. Equally well adapted to rough country rood * and fioedrlrca o ( dtlea. Manufactured afld lol kf all liuing Cirrligi Builders an4 DtiUr * . PHENOMENAL SUCCESS ! MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS Which is assigned to the treatment of their patrons by dressing th ° m with America's High Art of work- ruousliip made from Domestic ami Imported Fabrics in Elegance that cnu not bo surpassed , and no fear } [ over cast a doubt in fitting either the iiOisro-jEST OR : SIECOIRTIEST Of mankind as where alterations become necessary to improve the fit , the test talent is employed to make them , which is done in every case free of charge. OUSTS IFOIR .A. § 25 00 Merchant Tailor Made sold for 812'GO 30 00 15 20 35 00 17 80 40 00 20 00 45 00 23 00 55 00 2G SO G5 00 32 50 And while it is at yonr hand after selecting your suit , don't fail to be shown through the PANTALOON" DEPARTMENTyou will find many Novelties considered a rare treat. A PAIR § G 60 Pair Merchant Tailor Made sold for 8 3 40 8 00 10 00 12 00 15 00 18 00 And should you feel in need cf n light weight Over Coat for these chilly mornings , dent pass those at the Parlors which you can buy fet loss than the cost of making. Save the exhorbitant profits of your Tailor and got the same garments at the MiSRT CLOTHI 1312 DOUGLAS STREET-TJP-STAIES. 1312. Open Evenings until 9 o'clock. Saturdays until 10 o'clock. DR. PUHEK , Graduate ot the University Vienna , Aus tria , IiBto tiureecn to the Military Hospital , of Vienna. Will do a general Medical and Surgical practice. All calls in city or country promptly attended. Office at the Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , Corner ISth Street and Capitol Avenue. COWING & GO JOBBERS IS WROUGHT IRON PIPE , aid Cait Iron Load Pipe and Sheet Load , wonimjirrox STEAM ruirs , Plumbers' Gas andean Fitters' IRON & BRASS COODS , ENGINEERS' SUC IES , Ute A Doduo Sls-OMAHA.NEB. SlsOMAHA.NEB.'I 'I ' . JACOB * ) UNDERTAKERS I At the old Blind 1117 Farnam 8k. Crdera by Me- Kraphnollcltod and prompt ! attended to. Tclepboni Omaha fittedical & Sur gical Institute. 13th St. , Oor Oanital Ave , Chronic and Surgical Diseases llwi ) o < o ! Female ) , ol the Nervous Syttcru , Vtl- \ttte Diseases of the Urinary and Sexual organs and Dlioue * ot the Head , Throat uid I.ungi , erodiltloa. . Diseases trtaten bv an experienced efcolallst , also dlfeoaeaof the Heart , Liter , Ktnmach , rildnef , Iliad- der , NeuralKia , U-eumtthui , I'ilfs , CuonerB , to , - . And all other dlseuti otthe Throat and Lann , treat ed by MiUlcated Vapore Mend for Inhaler or circular on Inhalation , All dlccaiet of the Blood. Urinary and Sexual Of gam , FrUate Dlieatei and I'ilei Cured or no Pay , 16 Yran HcwplUI and Private Practice Coniultitlon and Examination Iree C > llorwrlteforclrculaiaon oh runljdlteuei and deform Itle * , Dlteisea of KaiftlM , 'rltate Diswuoe ol he Urinary and Sexual Organi , Seminal WoaknMt , Ner vous Debility or Kvinuition , tto. , eto , and our new restorative treatment , . . . . All letleri and coniultatlon * Confidential. Medlolnea sent to allpartaof the country bv ex. preo ) , eaeuiely packed from oosorvatloa , If full de scription rf cue U plven , One penonal Inttrnew preferred If coatenlent. Open at all noun. Patlenta from a dUtunoo can obtain rooms and board , Addrew all leltcn to _ Omuhu Medical & Surgical Institute ISth St. , Cor. Capita Ate , Omaha. Nfth. NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Sealed proposals will bo received at tbe county clcrk'i office until Friday. May 1 1885 , at 8 o'clock p m , f r the construction of a reulnl g wall at the new ro ut h uie , according to p'tni and specifications oa nie'n ' the county clera'somoe. . . . llldi uuit be aocora anled by certified check lit ( be turn of oni hundred dollnr. Tbe light to rejtct anv and all bldt U hereby rexrred. By order ot the boardH. . T. LEAVHT , AprU JOtb , IfrSi. County Clerk. MAXMEYER > &BRO Are now offering AT The greatest bargains ever seen in Omana 200 ORGANS ! ! 100 PIANOS ! FOR GASH OR ON INSTALLMENTS Also great reductions in Diamonds , Jew" elry. Clocks and Silverware. The onlv importers of Havana Cigars , and Meerschaum Goods in Omaha. Wholesale dealers in Guns , Ammunition , Sporting Goods , Motions and Smokers' Ar ticles. _ _ ERTEL'S HAY PRESSES. Are the Cheapest ; , Most Durable , Smallest in Si/.o and Lightest in Weight. i < bno Frtuel ol any kind can the amount of work produced , such little eipenif. ften torn ul hay torUo | ciralioi < l box car , ) a * can be done with tb Krtel Improred Machine * . WarraiittJ or aa to 1 Illulntialeil new circular oddrcsa , EllTEIj & CO .Qulnoy. Illinois- CDKoiOmahallco a llcm KiUbllahed iu Ufli. Proposals Subsistence Stores. HmlD DARrFRSD l'ART > IKSTOKTIII'LiTTII , ) erne * or iiiiEr toxMinsiKT ut btiwutuicr. > . 188J. ) Scaled propocala In duplicate , subject to the vault conditions Bill tie re ceiled at tills -Illco until 12 o'clock noon. May 6 18tB , at which tluia > n < i pl&co they will be opened In ( lie presence ot bidden far fuiDlihlnK the kubilntcnco department , delivered by be Utb ol May , 1635 , or ai aoou tbvreallur an prao- ica Lie , at the tubtlitcoco depot , Omaha , with tha How Ui ic article i 1110 Iba. codllih , boneless ; 100 Ibl , whltclUh , ckled ; 800 Ibi. bardbrea-1 ; 10,400 11 . oornueal , bite ; 060 Ibi. cheese , Uotoi ) ; S3" ) Itm crocken , jiter , imibi. cracker ) , sod r 80 Iba. c-aokin , at- orte j fiooloi. oatmetl , cooked. For further lafor- uatl n and lobtiuolloM to bidders aj > plj to thU or flea Envelopes to be marked xi'repojali ( or Sab- eltlcnoeBtorei , Muy 8 , 1S85.1 The rltfbt Ii reierted torejictanyorallbldi , Jeux f. , apr ) K-7 ) Mtjor and C. B. fn the mutter oftlteGuurdittnship ofj Annu A. Hubermm ct ul minors , In pursuance of on order ol thadlitrUt court , In Ddfor Douglas county. Nebtuka , made on the I8tb Jay tl Arrll. U85 , In the ald ettjte , tbe undersigned - signed will , oa the Uth dty ol May. 1885 , at tbo south door of the court home , In tht city cl Orniha , a muiciidrK t lOo'clccIc In tbo lortnooD.mdhoUlnrr. the eame open ( or one hour , tell at publlo auctljn to thoh < inc9t bidder the following deicrlbcd rvU es tate , being and sltuitcd la Uouglaa county , Bute ot JJttraika to-wlt ; LoUTmd ll ln block ij lotsft 5 and 0 , In bl < ck W. , and lotl 1,2,8 , 4 , S , and 0 , IK block V , all In lavn't addltl u to tbe ct ) ol OmabA. Tbv lernnof uluar * , ono-lhlidraab Ob ddnirycr ileuJ.Uie balanc ln cneand twO > tari , lthlnlirett at notlemthan a per cent per-aunna , flora date oJ iale.uiit II paid ; lotueit payable annually , Deferred payuentl iu bo aecured by nortgtgcon tbe premli * * 10 sold. Kt iOK UvtUMitfi Outrdton. E. W , BWERIL , Attorney , atmV9 f *