Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 28, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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The Genuine ha Trade Mark nd crossed Red
Lines on wrapper
uiMUjutei la tie BROAD GUUK- <
Chranle < tCorTni ! nL f > iu il.
Qnlrb. Unro Cnrea. M ,
* ritlan guarffntfo 0 < v i
. _ _ < > et'cn/oa o tmcferfaben ,
unjeniltnroBtampjforCelebratadHcdlcalWorlu ,
Addroi.F. I > . CLAUK.U , JH.a >
Clark Street. CHICAGO. ILL.
Boyal Havana Lottery I
Drawn at Havana Cuba ,
Every 10 to 14 Days.
Tickets in Fifths , Wholes $5. Frac
tious pro rata
Subject to no manipulation , not controlled by the
firtleoln Interest. It la lha talreet thing ; la tig
time of chanoeln existence.
tor tickets apply to SUIF3KY & CO. , 1212 Broad'
ay.N. Y. City ; 80UNORR & CO. , 103South 4th St.
BL Lonl9. Mo , or U. OTTKN3 & CO , 819 Muln St.
Eansaa City. Mo.
thriven on Ilorllck'n Food , " write hundreds of
urateful inntliern. Mothers' mlllr contains no
from starch ) rciiulrcanocookluir The beet food In
health or ricknws for INFANTS. The bcntdlet for
DVSl'U'TICS and INVALIDS. HlKhly bencflcii )
toniireliiKniothcmnxailrirjk. rriccWaiiilTDc. AC
druKKlms. Bookonthetrratmcutofchildrenfrco.
"I txll > Tp It la tie itiprilor to anything ol lb
kind for ctitllrrn. " I ) Almmonitif , / > . , Arw Fork.
"I'DbeiltulDftl ? prououDce It t:5 ! teit Food la
llic mirket " Wf Harrttl , U. D. , IloHon.
"One or i > fft it ubitltutri ror mother milk , * *
/ / , O. I VMm. V. O , RrixUyn , Y-
Will ho feut IB mall on receipt of price in stamps.
IIOUMO Hi's FOOD CO. , Kuclne , Win.
A -Uas.LIoi tjecx'a3f KXTHACT or tlu.t-M
JaM Meal Institute
Chartered by thcStatcof Illi
nois Tor thccxpress purpose
of givinclmmedlate rcllclln
Kail chronic , urinary and prl-
B-vate diseases. Gonorrhoea ,
* Qleet nndSyphilis in all their
'complicated forms , also all
diseases of the Skin and
Bloodpromptly relieved and
permanentlycured by reme
diestestcdin n-t'or/yl'cdrs
Kiteelull'ructlce. Seminal
Weakness , Night Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
Ihe FaceLost Manhood , jiorJi' / < ( j/ci < r J.T/icro
i.iiiucjriicrttiifiitinil. The appropriate remedy
is at once used In each case. Consultations , per
sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med
icines sent by Mall and Express. No marks on
package to Indicate contents or sender. Address
DR.JAMESNo.204WashingtonSI.Chicagoll. !
Cor. 0 k nth , oollnoofiueotcui.
Croon house , Bedding Plants ,
Roses , Flowering Shrubbery ,
Evergreens , Small Fruits , EtCN
Extraa with every order.
Hornl IVrtRTU , Boiinnt'tj , lUskcts , Kta.for Turtles ;
udaliiKi mid Funvriils n nix-dully , uucl
milt to any jiart of thu Stnto ,
ICawu. Jlliutruteil Cutuloyuo fa'o.
W. S. SAWYER & . CO. .
S lj > lK > aeK < .MI. Lincoln , Ncbruki.
KiUEOTFiuiic. Ariel Imof jouthfnUmpnidenca
rtuiinr I'rtmtturo Utttjr , Nenoui Debilltr. Ixut
Minhood. Ac.bavin ; tried In Vila ererj known
remedr.hudlKXmirBd a ilmplameaDiof ielf-uur .
which he Kill * n < 1 KKKU to hl < rolloH-iufforcn !
reu , J.lUlKliVKS , U Uutiiunbt-.tieiT Vert
A Paraflr , Tree PlanliDg and Ap
propriate Speeches.
An Interesting Address by Ban , J ,
Sterling Morton , Founder
or Arbor Di\y ,
Nebraska City celebrated Arbor day la
an Appropriate manner. There was n
parade of all the school cbildroa of the
city headed by a band , and n largo num.
ior of trees woto planted In the school
ards and other public places. The
ihildron were given a half holiday for the
urposo , and ovoty child famishing a
too had it planted and wan given the
rivilf go of Darning It. The ceremonies
iloscd with addresses at the opera house.
Hon. J. Sterling Morton , the founder of
Arbor day , was the principal speaker.
Ilia address is as follows :
The Intor-dopondonco of animal and
fgetablo life is undoviatlng and perpet
ual , Wo declare the animal superior to
the vegetable , and proclaim man emperor
of both. Bat time tells the truth In that
tcreo language , whoso vocabulary Is made
np in seconds , minutes , hours , days ,
weeks , months , years , decades , centuries
and eons. It is the constant and tireless
vocation of all animal kind , from the
lowest organism up to man , to tear down
and destroy the forms of vegetation. The
animal aubslats and grows , during all itij
career , upon the destruction
consumption and assimilation o
eotno variety of vegeta
ble life. The phyalcil Individualism o :
oveiy man , woman and child in this nu
dloncc in this world was , not long
since , animate in growing fields of grain
in gardens of succulent and nutritloui
roots , and In orchards of brilliant ant
delicious fruit. Every muscle , fibre am
tlsino In these hands , in your hands
was once animate In plant form ant
gcowtb. .Fo dependent la man upon
plants , foliage and fruit that the inter
mission of a single summer the skipping
of a single year of plant life wonld turi
from llfo into death every animal organl
r.ition on the globo.
Each particle of vegetable growth is a
part of a wonderful dynamic force In th
deft and occult chemistry of nature a
portion of the constantly absorbing , as
similating , transmuting , and transform
ing process which moulds into form
beauty , and utility the crude plant foot
of the earth , and colors and ombollshe
it with the prismatic gloriee of the sun
light. The vernal verdure of the open
Ing buds to-day , the luxuriant limnln ,
with crimson and ssarlot of .the flower
of May and Juno , the yellow gold of the
harvest fields In July , and the blazing
colors of orchard fruits and gorgeon
autumnal fores to in October , are enl ;
to much of rehabilitated animal lifo bap
tlzed and glorified by the light of the
Plants , lea/os , flowers , trees catch , am
invisibly Imprison in the calls cf their
growth , light itself , and hold It captive
for centuries. There Is no light which
did not originate in the sun. From the
blaze of the taper to the flame of the
furnace , there emanates not a single ray
which was not born in the solar system
The oil in the lamp gives np , after un
counted generations , the light which some
sort of plant , some time in the misty
past , daring its period of animate growth
took captive by absorption from the son
The roaring fires of red and glowing coals
which warm yon In the winter are
merely the emancipators of sunbeams in
carcerated ages upon ages ago , when
those coals wore parts of vast sub-marine
meadows , or glg&ntlc prlmeva
forests. And before they were
either parts of sea wooc
fields of waving trees , they wore each anc
all portions of some kind of animal exist
Had there been no decay and death
ordained for man , no llfo could have
been decreed for flowers and foliage
forests and orchards. Man and tin
beasts of the fields destroy the forma o
plant life ; and seem , for the time , victors
over the vegetable kingdom. But , the
years and the centuries flow on , like a
great and resistless river , sweeping Into
earthly sepulture all flesh and blood
gonoratlon after generation. Thet
the grass and the flowers send their
tentacles , and the trees their rootlets
like detectives , with the keen and unerr
ing instinct of nature's recouping laws
down Into the very graves to ro-posaoss
and ro-uao of every jot and tittlo of cue !
organism , in rebuilding the kingdom
whence It was ravaged. And gtant treei
strotchlcg their limbs towardatbo clouds
their loaves shimmering In the sunlight
whispering and murmuring in the breeze
laro back , oven from the atmosphere
the uneeou and Impalpable fluids whlcl
have exhaled from the dead and dylnj
races ot all animal forms , and again anc
again embody them in flowers , forests
and fruits. Ages come and g <
over this glebe , as shadows one
sorrows come and go over each Individ
ual lifo. The animal kingdom of this
ago was the vegetable kingdom of some
ago which has been. The physical men
all the animals of to-day will bo
the plants , flowers , fruits and forests
in some ago yet to come. "Thus the
word 'man' when rightly understood , becomes -
comes a noun of multitude , because he is
composed of millions , perhaps billions
of cells , each of which possess , In some
sort , an independent life , and Is psrenl
of other cells. Ho Is a conscious whole ,
formed by the joint agencies of a host ol
what appears to us to bo unconscious , or
barely conscious elements. " These mo-
tamorphosoa will succeed each other , with
Inexorable precision , as long as the son
shines and death remains , as now
the logical result ef lifo , The cycles ol
transmutation from vegetable to anlma !
life , and from animal back again to vege
table , will roll on forever with the seas
ons and the sun , inevitable as death anc
wondoiful In mystery as the depths o
eternity itself. Nothing is , however
finally lost ; nothing destroyed , for , in he ;
most extravagantly luxuriant moods , nature
turo is frugal , and permits no waste
Forms change , forms dlaintergato am
disappear ; but the substance , both men
tal and material , is imperishable and live
on forever , defying deoiy and death with
consclotH and Ineffable immorUllty ,
Each generation of humanity takes th
habitable glebe as its trustees to hold nn
til , by order of the court of death , the !
relations are dissolved and the property
turned over to their sucoeisora in trait
It Is therefore the duty of each genera
( ion of trustees for this great estate o
the family of man , and of all the animals
o take care that they pan the property
Ttr to their inocosion Intrust In as good
nd tenantable condition at they took It
rom their predecessors.
And now , having shown how dopend-
nt animal llfo la upon contomporano-
us plant llfo , wo readily percolvo that
0 leave the world in SB good condition
s wo found It upon our entrance there-
nto , wo ought to bequeath to posterity
is much ot plant llfo , and as many for-
sts and orchards , oa wo have exhausted
nd consumed.
An appropriate "Arbor Dfcy" question
hen is : How shall wo begin to replace
ho trees wo have destroyed. A pains
aklng statistician , from seemingly re
iablo data , declares that the fifty.fivo
millions of Amorlcians cat down and use
up In various ways of manufacture , rail
road tied and fuel , each day In the year ,
an average of 25,000 acres cf timber
of forests. Therefore , when you go to
Dod to night there will bo In the United
States 25,000 acres less of woodlands
.han there were when you got up this
morning. One month from to-day there
will bo at the same rate of USD , 750,000
acres less ; and on Arbor D y , 1886 one
{ rear hence there will bo nlno million
seres leas of forest lands thnn there are
to-day. This plain statement of practical
fact may startle into beneficial activity r
class of mon who , otherwise , would Jo
clare "Arbor Day" a merely sentiment *
anniversary , a useless holiday and even
dorldo Its statutory legislation.
proceed with relentless and tirelees energy
orgy In all the pine-bearing sections ol
the northwest. The axe of the woods
man and the puff of the steam engine ,
join with the hissing of swiltly-rovolv
Ing saws , in a death song for the fated
forests , more foreboding of evil to our
race than were those of the savage tribes
who originally domiciled in their
verdant fastnesses. The latter presaged
only individual deaths ; but the former
portends floods and drouths , Infertility
barrenness , and the extinction of entin
Mr. Geo. W. Hotchkiss , secretary o
the Chicago Lumberman's Exchange , i
most reputable and entirely credible
gentleman , officially declares that during
the six years ending January 1st , 1885
the receipts of lumber at Chicago alone
amounted to 10,728,0-11,322 feet. Com
pntlng that amount at common boon
moaaure , It wonld closely , tightly and
completely covet , as a floor , with one
Inch thickness , 240,301 acres of land on
area greater than all tbo plowed fields in
this thrifty and productive county o
Otoo. Manufactured exclusively Into
fencing H would clrcnmfenco
glebe with an enclosure five boards high
each board six Inches wide , fistoon times
It wonld make a single line of such fonc
677,332 miles in length. It would con
struct 225 just such fences from the At
lantlo to the Pacific , reckoning the dls
tanco from ocean to ocean at three then
sand miles. Estimated at a value of 1.
cents per foot , the same amount of lum
her equals in cash 8160,934,120. During
the same six years ending January 1
1885 , there were 5,235,505) ) shingles also
received in Chicago , At two dollars a
thousand their cash value reaches $10 ,
471,531 , allowing ten shingles to bo use <
to cover a square foot ; and they wouli
roof moro than twelve thousand acres o"
These figures , showing the enormoui
consumption of forest products , as in
dexed by the business of Chicago alone
are enough to Incisively suggest the
speedy , total denudation of all the wood
lands In America. Such startling statis
tics appeal to those who are exclusively
devoted to vocations that use np timber
and lumber directly ; and address facts to
those purely practical mon who entertain
no fancies , and regard life as merely a
prose essay upon economic subjects
They go farther ; and to
those who study climatology and uanitarj
conditions as affecting crop productions
and human life , convey the import
once of humane , concerted action
for the conservation of oar woodland ;
and forests. Tfloy teach us all the imperative
porativo necessity of tree planting , anc
the retention of tree growth in every
state of the American union , for the
welfare of our raco.
Bat , to my mind , over and above more
dollar-getting , higher even than mere
physical health , stands the love of the
beautiful in nature , beseeching us to
plant trees and renew dead landscapes
with the shadow of plant life , flitting
amidst the pendant limbs , th willowy
boughs and the waving foliage of sturdy
woods. That is a wholesome and com
mendatory ambition which Inspires
ono to endeavor to make the
world better because ho has been
dweller therein. And as our ancestors
planted orchards to fruit for as and era
bclllshed homea to shelter us , so wo
should , by the law of gratitude and com
pensation , for those who come after in
the long possoEsion of humanity , which
laughs and weeps , and sings and sorrows
in that little journey from the cradle to
the grave which wa call llfo leave simi
lar souvenirs of our affectionate regart
and solicitude. In some countries o !
Europe it Is a family custom to plant
tree for every new-born child ; and , In
others , to sot apart a few acres and devote
thorn to trees , which , upon the Infant bo
soming of ago , shall bo ita heritage.
Thus the beautiful and the usofal , the
sentimental and the practiced , arc
welded together In a good and vital
deed. Thus , the tree planter of to-day
"arborphoncs" his Rood wishes , his name ,
Ills character and taste to generations yel
unborn ,
Many yean ago , General William
Henry Harrison , subsequently president
of the United Statoi , planted on his farm
at South Bend , Ohio , some Capalta trees.
Years passed , and that home came Into
the hands of Doctor A , Warder ,
the distinguished botanist , and
ardent advocate of arboricul
ture ; and from the trees which Gen.
Harrison had set out , Dr. Warder care
fully gathered seeds and sent them to
Governor Robert W. Furnas , of Nebras
ka. In the rich , alluvial of his ever
green homo in Nemaha county , Qov
Furnas planted these seeds ; and on my
fiftieth birthday three yean ago to-da ;
1 set out at Arbor Lodge fifty Catalpi
trees from the seed of the Harrison Oa
talpaa a tree for each of my years.
Thus , these trees convoy to my pos
terity , a story of home-cnHurs a per
petnal and perfect poem which sings i
them of hearts and heads that , held th
highest humane happiness to find It
highest expreaiion In the embel
isbment and conservation of permanen
and delightful homes. Thai , Harrison
Wirder and Farnaa are associate !
irough those treat , In an over-new bpt
Iways beautiful memorial. Their resnr-
cctlon of llfo each succeeding spring ,
ho rehotrsal of their leafy orchestras in
lie breezes of each recurring summer ,
nd the delicate petfamo of their blos
soming , shall for generations to come
nro back to memory , with an Irrosistablo
wootnets , the men who caused them to
row at North Bond , In Nomaha county ,
> nd at Arbor Lodge. Autumn after an-
umn shall como and go ; but unfading in
ho gorgeous glories of loaf-coloring , shall
> o legible the recollections and onlogl-
urns ot those who -worked to make tree-
ilantlng practical on these plains in the
arly days of forestry in America.
And wo are yet In the early days of
orestry in ita January and each child
icro present , Is not too late to join the
' 'ArgoDanti , " and embark wilh ns in
mrsuitof these golden fleeces of autumn
dyed folisge which sfaMl clothe with an
dimmed luitro from year to year , the
grand forests with which Nebraska Is yet
j bo crowned and glorified. In no
lystom of religion in no form of belief
can bo found a ceremonial which so In
carnates faith as does the act of tree
[ limiting. Composing the roots and fibres
in tholr sof t and loamy bed , confident that
each of the chemical agents of the earth
will do Its complete and perfect work of
nourishment ; and then looking upward
from tbo emerald earth to the sapphire
sky , and the source of all light , with the
serene certainty that the sun's rays shall
warm and quicken into lovollnots ,
every leaflet , and the mists and rain
drops shall water and olosnso from year
to year , is an act of devotion to the supreme
premo law , to nature , and the declara
tion of a sublime faith. It is faith ex
pressed in a deed , and it is a deed which
sonveys health , happiness and consola
tion to other generations than our own.
In all the tacred books of all ages of
civilization , the llfo for which man Is con
stantly longing the Immortal , mental
lifo beyond the grave is portrayed as by
still waters , and amidst all the luxuriant
splendors of tropical woods and over-
blooming gardens filled with the fragrance
cf exquisitely beautiful flowers. A monk
of the 17th century has spoken of it as
"a substantial world , whore grass will
grow , flowers will bloom , fruits will
ripen , forests irill wave , rivers and rivu
lets \vtUroll , high hills will tower , valleys
will wind and waves expand , and beyond
them all , as far as the eye can reach ,
vast blue osoans will forever heave , and
sigh and swell where such as wo shall go
to enjoy the faculties wo carry with us. "
The tact that , slnco Its pLturos of the
first homo of our caramon parents amidst
the pensive shades of the garden ot Eden ,
np to its grandest and most realistic vis
ions of heaven In all its concepts of su
preme satisfaction the human mind has
Interwoven ideal happiness and consum
mate contentment with gardens and
flowers , and forests and foliage , shows
how the brain of man has always de
pended for Its Imagery and metaphor up
on man's vegetable co-tenants of the
globo. This being the concept of human
happiness in all ages , lot us endeavor
then by our works on "Arbor Day , " and
upon all opportune occasions , to so em
bellish the world with plant lifo , trees ,
flowers and foliage , as to make these
earthly homos , approximate the boaujy
of these which the prophets , poets and
seers of all ages have portrayed as the
homes in heaven.
A CARD. To all who arc suffering from error
anil Indigestions of jouth , nervous weakness earl
decay , Iocs of manhood , eta I v. Ill send a rccelp
that will cure you FREE OF CHARGE. Tills Krea
rcrmoj VSB liiKOMHtl ly a miuhutilo fcrut
A rrtil < . EtEd itlt-stidiimc ) cmclcit liiv.J
e ill T. JJ.V/N Mdlcn "D "Kiw York
"Wortr , For the Night IB Coining ! "
Does civilization civilize ? Wo hoar
and road a great deal In these times aboul
the Improved condition and the moral
elevation of the people. Wo are told
that never In the history1 of the world
were men and women so thoroughly
awake to the glorious advantages offered
for the bettering of their moral , spiritual
and physical welfare and yet , singularly
enough , the mlllonlum like the mirage of
the desert seems to racedo the nearer we
get to it. Whllo no ono will deny that
our optimistic friends have every reason
to rojolca at the advances which have
been made in the conrso of the present
century it is painfully evident that we
have not yet reached perfection's sacred
height. No ono can live in a
largo city without beina ; impressed
with the fact that the moral character ol
a great many men is of a very low tone.
Too many of thorn seem to have a firm
belief In the sago advice by the old 'man
of the world' to bis Bon. "Now , John ,
make money honestly if you can bui
make it. "
Wlut is the meaning of all this Sunday
world Why is it that wo can't walk
around the outskirts of any city on Sun
day without toaiug scares of mon working
as If tholr bread for the next day de
pended upon their exertions ? Why is it
that wo can't walk through the streets of
such a city as Chicago , for example , with
out aooing merchants and merchants'
clerks busy In tholr cilices ? "Arms and
the Man" was sung a good many centur
es ago. "Fools and the man , "
lays a modern author , "is
; ho watchword of the nine-
; eenth century , and it should seem that
wo are determined to nso them. "Six
days ahalt thoa labor" was a good eoough
naxfm for the old fogies of a century ago ,
3ut for the live mon of this go-ahoad
generation it is null and void absolete
annihilated. To moot tbo exigencies of
modem civilization wo require to work
seven days in the week , and wo mean to
do it. Very well. But apart altogether
from religions considerations , It is simply
degrading that a man should make a
slave of himself in this fashion. If he
irorks ton hours a day as most men do
; ho spare time ho has at his disposal for
; he Improvement of his mind , for the ed
ucation of his family , and for the
duties of social and civil life
is certainly limited enough without
sacrificing Sunday to the god of labor.
The man who tan not spare time from
ills business to got a genuine knowledge
of himself and tbo world around him Is
making a mistake. Ho turns himself
into a specialist , and Joseph Cook says , a
man of this kind may bo lynx-eyed upon
bis own particular branch of work but he
Is usually wall-eyed with respect to
others. Our civilization la not so very
oomploto yet. There are still men among
us who on look up to the heavens above
them as If they were tie work of an up
Will any man tay that in the ma
jority of cues it Is from the sheer love
of self-oxcrtlon that this Sunday work is
carried on ? Will ho also undertake to
provo that the moon Is made
of green cheese ? Let as have
the naked truth about the matter
"When nntdornod , adorned the most , '
t is simply from the love of money and
toaltlon. Wo mod to any that cotton
rai king ; wo say now that com taking.
Wealth , In whatever shape , is master of
, ho situation at present. "Prldo of
) lrth , " says Ctrlylo , "pride of office , any
ctnd of pride , Is a degree bettor than
jurso pride. " Yet wo are rather proud
Then wo hoar the plinvso "almighty dol-
ar. " Wo Uko It as a compliment. If
.ho thought could bo got by any means
nto the head of these who degrade them-
lolves by this system of Sunday labor
hat a man need not necessarily bo meas
ured by the weight of his parse ; If they
ald only believe that wealth got in an
mpropor manner is no honor , but
much the reverse In spllo of popular
sentiment , that were a step forward in
the march of civilization. John Stuart
Mill says that the working classes are
perfectly right in thinking that if they
submit to work seven days a week they
ll ultimately receive only six days pay.
It seems that too many are o' another
uayof thinking at present. Of course
there are hundreds of moo who are com
pelled to work on Sundays , whosa work
Is simply n necessity , and cannot bo
avoided. But there are _ also thoutauda
of others who work without any real
need of It. They may bo in the habit of
thinking It necessary from some cauno or
other , bat to aso the old Buying , 'Tho
wish la often father to the thought. "
Twenty years ago a war was fought in
America for the abolition of slavery.
Wo have another kind to abolish yet.
namely , voluntary slavery. John Ban
yan wrote about a man with a muck-rake.
If tbo honest tinker thould rlso from the
grave wonld ho find his metaphor of any
usa in these enlightened times ?
In ono of Scott's novels a Highlander
Is aeked If this was Sunday. "I dinua
ken , " was his reply , "Sunday seldom
comes beyond the pats of Balloch.
Don't let our eastern friends say thai
Sunday seldom comes west of the Mis
souri. W. A.
WARSAW , Mo. , April 25. Joe Kiton , i
noted desperado , residing near Fnirfiold , Benton
ton county , shot and killed Clay Jeans , city
marshal , at Warsaw to-day , while resitting
arrest , The ilioriil of the county , who was
assisting Jeans , then that Eaton tbreo times ,
wounding him mortally.
WILKKSBAHRK , Pa . April 25. An epidemic
resembling typhoid fever IB raging in lly-
moutli , three miles from hero. There are up
wards of GOO cases. Fifteen deaths occurred
to-day and thirteen yesterday.
KKOKUK , Iowa. April 25. At midnight last
night two men entered the hcuso of Mrs. Will
Jnmos , near Bently , Illinois. They wore
discovered , and boat and shot Mrs. Jamqs nud
her son , nfjed 16. Mrs. James was shot in the
arm and hip and the son in the wrist , The
old lady is dangerously hurt. Two men were
arrested at Bo won , Illinois , to-day , ono ol
whom is idoutilied. They were tramps.
ST. JOHN , N. B. , April 25 Keporta from
the upper part of St. John's river etnto that n
vast amount of damage Is being caused by the
freshet that baa juat begun. The indications
at present are that the rise will bo the hijjhesl
known on the river for years , There is an
imineneo amount of snow in the woods ,
Quarantine Against Cholera.
Our OF MEXICO , ( via Galveaton ) , April
26 , The federal government has taken vigor
ous measures to guard against the introduc
tion of cholera at Vera Cruez and other soa-
ports. Vessels from countrjea where the
cholera is reported will be subjected to vigor
ous quarantine ,
DKNVR , April 20. The Tribune-Kepnbli
can's Lendvillo special at 3 o'clock this after
noon says : News reached this city thai
eleven men working the Ilommtnko mine on
the Uomestako mountain.on Eagle river were
buried In a snow slide. A special train from
here carrying a relief party left within an
hour for the ecene of the disaster. Arriving
at a point nearest the mine , the party was met
by a crowd of excited minors who informed
them that it was useless to attempt to reach
the mine through the wilderness of soft
snow even with snow shoes on ,
that time of day , The party returned to
Leadvilla and will repeat the trip parly In the
morning , when It is hoped it will bear the
weight of the mon. The missing mon are
Martin Borden and brother Sylvester , ol
Nova Scotia , Horace W. Matthews and
brother Joaes , of Iowa ; John Locke and < Tno ,
Burns , of England ; Chas. Richards , Nova
Scotia ; Chris Ilarvoy , Lendville ; Ilobett
Campbell , Red Cliff ; Jno Burns , San Fran
cisco , and ono unknown.
DENVER , April 20. A larze rescuing party
left Leadvlllo curly this morning for the econu
of the anew elldo ut Ilomeetake mountain and
are now working with desperate earnestness
to reach the victims. Up to dark this even
ing two bodies are reported recovered , The
fate of the other buried minors will probably
not bo known before eotno time to-morrow , as
n ( ; reat mountain of snow must first bo re
moved. It ia feared that all have perished ,
llomostako mountain is ono of the highest in
that part of the state. _ The mountain on
which the mine is located is very percipltoua.
The great nvalmiche must have literally fallen
upon the ciibin of thu unsuspecting miners
crushing it to atoms.
The best regulator of dlgea live organs and
the bebt appetizer known is Angostura Hit-
lorn , Try it bnt beware of imitations. Got
from your grocer or druggi.t the geonine arti
cle , manufactured by Dr , J. U. Is. Siegort k
Sons ,
. Stealing . IIoiiHO.
St. Paul Globe.
House etealing is not uncommon In
Dakota. List week Jamea Cnughy , In
Aurora county , was abeont a few days ,
and on bis return found his homo K ° ne.
Ho traced It to another county , and had
sue James McGuire arrested and fined
$20 and costs.
Hereford's Ac-Id PlioBphnto
Dr. G. W. COLLINS , Tipton , Ind. , soys :
"I used It In nervous debility brought on
by overwork in warm weather , with good
results. "
How * Pliyilcnn Lost n Patient ,
iViniton Sentinel.
"Doctor , " raid an old granger to a
mart young physlcan , "what would you
lo for a third day chills when quinine
has no more effect than so much clear
water ? "
"In the first place , " answered the decor -
or with a dry smllo , "I would call in a
; oed physlcan. "
"Thank you , " ssid the granger , rising
o go. "I will do as yon tay. I reckon
I'll find Dr , Smith in his office. Good
day. "
_ _ _ _ _ _
The groan buiinesa of the leading clearing
bouses of the United States for the pait weak
amonntedlto J&W.HIG.SW ) , a decrease o ! 30.3
per c nt compared with the corresponding
week list year.
'When TUby wu > icV , we K TO If r Cutorla ,
When eke wiw * Child , the cried for Cutorla ,
When Le becune MUs , abe clung to Caitoria ,
PTieu the bad CUUdrtu , oho gave them CutorU ,
'IVljImUll ' .tfWM , MI > ita
I'rec from Ojtlxlr.i , Jtiitrlltx anil
For Cough * , doro Thront , IlonnrnrM , Inflncnin ,
Gold * . HroiKhltt * , Croup , \Vhooplni Conch ,
Ajthmn , Uuln'Ti 1'nlnnln Clint , "JoUi r
Affrctlotu of ih Thront n < l Luna * *
Price BO cent * n r > otto. ! Bold by Prueelits nnil DoM-
cr . J\irllt unable la itntuet ttitlnltaltr to itrntnytlv
ptHtrorthemiclllrtftlreiiFot > oltlttKtt > rtticJiaratl
uatJ , lv ttnMna one dollar lo
TUG riiuiLrs A , rnnrtrn cojirAST ,
8 l uwnerf An 1 Mftnufiicturcrp ,
IltlUniort , n > rI < , r.B.JU
G17 St. Clinrlcs St. , St. Louis , Mo.
A regular grftdnftle nf two Mr Jtoiu Ccllrcei , ! > M hern loni
nc.ffJlQ th p UUlT l"m orO BO ir , Kiirofi , 8 1
Anl ItUK > liiiiM ( bull tnr olhrr kfiieUn ! lo fit * toaU ;
u flljr i p ri ibow ' ! til oM rf > IJ l know.
Nervous Prostration , Debility. Mentf.l ant
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and olnar Mite ,
lions ol Throat , Skin or Bones , Blood Poliwifl ,
old Sores nnd Ulcers , tr tr > l iih onrir > ii < il
iDte Mon lilt it tflfotltLaprlndrlri. pkVIrrrltiittlj.
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excoii ,
Exposure or Indulgence , hUh produce lomtortu
rollooltii fUretil Btnroutnrii , dfblUlf , dln.ntn tr il M
KDil tl recllTfl memory , plmplei on the r , pbjilral dcoij.
ttltrilontotbt loeletj or Feinftlei.eonraiui orUrMtta.
rendering Murrlnco Improper or tmhinpy , '
ptrniRtjiitlyeurcit , I'ltnphleMSft rice > ) < mthe abort , * U
U icfclcd cnfelcr * * . frroto nn ; addrr , , . CoQiulUtlon , l f
Uee orbjratlirree , andtDTlteil. Wrlto forqucilloni.
A Positive Written Guarantee
( rtret In all curable canes. MrJtelnei ntnl ercijirhera.
Pamphlet , JEnellBh or German , 04 POEP ,
' , inaJoor fomalt ,
MOr > iigti. < lDer > Utefl. lllQitratrd to ttoth and flit UfcHcg.
60f , inon y cr poiUt ( t iRme.i'Kpflr ' orer * ( SM. Thlh boS
eoDtkloi nil iho eurioei , doubual or luautilUTt v at U
know. A tKofc r ureat lut rwt to Ai. ? UftJt
tnaitux ) br
they know all about Mustang Lin
iment. Few do. Not to know is
not to have.
& : I.DniLLiMlD'S
PLUQT. "The DlmrCnt-
toirth-46roKro-o"o4oVvSuaTmcita ;
Ihla brand Is a hnri'.v combination of fine , young
crisp red , burly lorg filler , with a
and It Just meets tbo taste of a large number of
Orders for "Plowshare" are coming In rapidly
from all parts of the country , demonstrating how
quickly the great army of cliowcrs Btrlko a gooJ
combination of Tobacco , both as to quality and
quantity. Messrs Loilllardfc Co. ha\o exercised no
llttlo tlmo and labor In endeavoring to reach tbo
Acme of Perfection in Ploueharc , otd seem to have
done It Besides the TUN cshr eras ol Plowshare are
Which Is ft point not to bo orcrlookcd by dealer
vtho will find It to their Interest to order some am
give their customers an opportunity to try it.
Ask Your Dealer for Plowshare
Dealers supplied by
Gioncwogct Sctocntgon , Council Binds.
I'eregoy s. Moore , " "
L. Kirscht & Co. " "
Stewart Bros. " "
Paiton & Gallagher , Omaha.
McCord , Brady & Co. , Omaha.
Fur sale in Omaha by
H. YlnRllnir , 518 S 13th Street ,
Henry Ditzen , C01S 13th St.
Heimrod & Co. . C02 8 13th St.
Gee Cartsian.1016 Farnara St.
Kaufman Bros. , 207 S IBth St
Kaufman Bros , 1009 Farnam St.
Frank Arnold & Co. , 1418 Farnam St
Aujrust Plotz & Co. , 1509 Douglas St.
Goo. Heimrod , CIS N 16th St.
Bergen & Smiley , N. W. Cor. IGth and Cum-
ing Sts.
Von Green Bros , , N.V. . Cor. Division anc
Cumlng Sts.
Z. Stevens 013 N. 21st St.
J. H. Spetman , Cor. Douglas and 12th St ,
Geo. Anderson. 318 S. 10th St.
Charlie Ying , 712 S. 10th St.
Mrs. G. M. Lawloy , 806 S. 10th St.
II. Mttnfelt , S. W. Cor. 13th and Howard.
Mrs. G. M. Lawley , 80C S. 10th St. . Omaha.
Geo. Anderson , 318 S. 10th St. , Omaha.
J. II. Spetman , corner Douglas and 12th St ,
Chan. Yinp , 712 3. 10th St.
Wlllrnrlrvlhn BLUOD.Vectv
Ute tfie LIVER anU KIDNCVa ,
unci VIQOH of vouTir i > j
ivpsln. Warn Ot Amii'llte , la.
iHKt'illoii , l.nck < > ( ( Urcimlh ,
iuil'1 Ire-1 i' ° " ! lnK absolutely
cured , HOIIL-S , luusclrsanu
iirrvcs receive IILW force
Krllvens the mliiU and
aiiliHllos drain Tower.
. . BnircrliiKiroin complaint !
_ _ Jjiucullurto their arx will
Hd In DR. t'ainON TONIC n torn and
"Kcdy euro. Mrca n clear , healthy cotuplcilop.
/reifuBiit attempt * at p i2t rfeUliiK unlyadii
( J the popularity Jf the original. Duuotexperl.
HeodrourBrtdre toThi > lr. IlartarM .
. . - ' JJOOK.-
jul. . Mo. . or oar-'BKKAM
f atrnngr * " * * * ATDI lntfrmvr
St , Charles Hotel.
0 HT11KET , BET 7tb and 8th , . LINCOLN , NEB
tin. Kate Cotkly , Proprietress.
jWNo ly and elegantly furoUhed. Good umpli
room * on Qrst floor.
MTTermi-tl.60 to $2 p l day , Special rite * glriD
mtrnben ot the UKiilaturo. norlo-lm-nn
_ Is aphrodisiac , arons-
I c activity , | w lthul > -
I cures ImiKiUuicv. lost
. , - puor-yuurvousilibi | .
ity. all wcakncBB ofiieiieratlvo uystom , either evi.
* l.UymaU , J ,
The iemMk blo gioirth of '
during the Iwt few you * U n mattoi o7
great ftfltonlohmont to those who pity nn
occasional visit to this granlng city. The
doTolonmont of the Stop > Yards the
nocoosHT ot the Bolt Linn Ro&d thtt
finely paved utrootn the hnndrods of new
rcsldonocs and costlr bnslnoti blooki ,
with the popnlatlon of onr oltjr more th o
doubled m the laat five year . All thin
In a great anrprluo to vlaltora and li the
admiration of out cltliona. Ihii rapid
growth , the bnilnou aotlvlty , and the
many anbatantlal Improvomontii mada o
lively demand for Omaha real osUto , and
every Investor hai made a handeomo
Slnae the Wall Btroot panto fifayt
with the unbaonuont cry of hard tlmoi ,
there haa boon loan demand from specula
tors , bat K fall demand from Invottovo
coking homos. This latter olau a
taking advantage of low prices In buildIng -
Ing material and are securing their homea
at much loss coat than will bo poealblo D
year honco. Speculators , too , can bnp
real ostat a cheaper now and onght to take
advantire of present prlcoi for fatturo
pro ta.
The nozt few years pffomlaea groatoo
djvolopmonts In Omaha than the past
fiV3 years , which have boon u good as
wo could reasonably doalro. Now man
ufacturing establishments and largo Job *
blng houBos are added almost weekly , and
all add to the prosperity of Omaha.
There are many fn Omaha and through
bnt the State , who have tholr money In <
the banks drawing a nominal rate of In *
terost , which , If judiciously Invented la.
Omaha real citato , wonld bring thorn
much greater returns. We have many
bargains which wo are confident wllZ'
bring the purchaser Urge profit ! In the
near future.
We have for sale the finest resi
dence property in the north and
western parts of the city.
North we have fine lota at reason
able prices on Sherman avenae,17th ,
18th , 19th and 20th streets.
West oil Farnam , Davenport ,
Cuming , and all the eadmg streets
in that direction.
The grading of Foraom , Califor
nia and Davenport streets has mode
accessible Borne of the finest and
cheapest residence property in the
city , and with the building of the
street car line out Farnam , the pro
party m the western part of the city
will increase in valim
We also have the agency for the
Syndicate and Stock Yards proper
ty in the south part of the city. Ths
developments made in this section
by the Stock Yards Company ontl
the railroads will certainly doable
the price in a short timo.
We also have some fine businosB
lots and some elegant inside resi-
dencep for sale ,
Parties wishing to invest will find
some c ° ° d bargains bycallmfiT
213 South Mth St ,
Bet .reon Faraham and Douglas.
P. B. We oak those who bare
property for sale at a bargain to gpra
as a callWe want only bargains
We will positively not handle prop
erty at more than its real value.
- *