Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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Friday Morning , Auril 17 ,
BrCarrlei M , nlJ , pf.1i * .
Uj Hall - - - - - - WM per yet
No. 12 VcRtl Street.
Two plain drunks In pollco court yea
lord ay.
Special ealo of ladies' linen collars ant
cuffo , at Cooke & Morgan's to-day.
Ground for the now jail will probabl ;
bo broken to-morrow.
The dolnga of the city council will b
found on another pngo.
Rjgalar mooting o Fidelity Comic !
No. ICO , R. A. , this ( Friday ) evening.
Dr. Grots' case cornea up to-day a
Qlonwood , on a motion for a now trial
See the "Pon Port" ladios' collars fc
20o at Cocke & Morgan's.
Dr. Green has changed his ollico nn
rusldeuco from First avenue to No. 2
Sixth street. .
The Glendale Progressive Euchre clu
moots this evening at the residence c
Mrs. J. T. Oliver.
Over § 100 was realized by the callc
patty given by the Episcopal ladie
Wednesday night.
Mrs. Rogers Trill bo pleased to tea th
ladies at the grand opening of milliner
at No. 3-11 Broadway.
Friday and Saturday only , the gran
opening at Mrs. Rogers' millinery store
No. 341 Broadway , takes placo.
The Odd Fellows' new hall In th
opera house block is finished , and th
furniture la being pnt In place.
The friends and relatives of Wad
Hampton , the registry clerk , have cor
eluded not to go his ball but to lot hit
llo In jail.
Constable Wesley's bull dog "Bob ,
who has boon- the terror of tramps an
thieves , has been sold to an Omatta Il\
eryman for 50.
Ex-County Clerk Street yesterday pai
Into the county treasury $30 of nnolalmo
witness fees remaining In. his handi
This Is a small per cent of what th
county claims.
J. P. Fillbert , thu grocer. Is gainln
quite a reputation as a writer , Ho has
, long article on "Faith" which appears 1
the last number of the Homo of th
Friendless paper.
Everything now , now store , now fb
turos , now people , and best of all , noi
{ jocds , to-day and to-morrow at th
grand opening of millinery at Mri
Rogers' , No. 341 Broadway.
Mrs. 0. A. Rogers' millinery estal
liahmontwill bo closed until 10 o'cloc
this morning , at which hour the gran
display of millinery goods for spring an
summer wear will be on exhibition i
No. 341 Broadway.
Channcy Copllngor now wants a d
vorco from his wife , Nancy Oopllnger , t
whom ho was married at Burlington , i
1870. Ho claims that she has not enl
neglected homo duties , but has assc
elated -with sporting men and women.
As usual Justice Fralney led the va
In the matter of justice fees charge
against the connty. His last bl
foots up $287 ; and now the wondc
is how so much criminal business Is don
by him , and yet the public know so llttl
about It.
The old Pierce street school house wa
yesterday thrown open again , the noi
building being so crowded as to nocose
Ute this movo. Miss Duncan has bee
employed to take the place of Mia
Swan , who has been transferred to th
old building.
No tidings have yet been received c
Pat VlllUca , the skipping haokman. ]
Is now reported that before coming her
ho had to skip Omaha , and to skip SI
Joe , on account of the same peculla
method of securing hack hira by thutuj ;
Ing and robbing the passengers.
The Council BluttJ paint mannfactm
Ing company , which Is to occupy th
shot tower building , consists of Lewi
Hammer , John Hammer , P , T. Moyrc
J. L. Forman , A. B. Walker , S. "W
Boealoy and L. 0' Beesloy. Mr. I
Hammer is president , L , Beesley , seen
tary , and J , L. Forman treasurer.
The small-pox claimants are to meet r
the county auditor's office this mornio
to Interview and bo Interviewed by th
connty attorney In regard to their bllli
When they are all together the oppo :
tunlty should bo improved of finding jui
who vnijto blame.for [ Iho cruel nogloi
which It'is ' sald'was shown the small-pa
Geo. Howltnd , of Noola , has been I
charge of Detective Beswlck for a fo
davs past , ba.yhig been arrested on cin
plaint of Klmball. & jDIiamp , for sollin
800 buthols of corn on w.hlch tboy hold
mortgage. He yesterday waived exam
nation before Justice Schurz , and gav
ball In the sum of § 300.
W. EL Anderson , of Glemvood , th
cuhier of the lank there , after exa'mii
Ing tha Chicago and other largo markel
for carpets for his new house , haj decide
that ho could do better in this city tha
any whole else , and so placed bis ordt
with the Council Bluffs Carpet company
Mr , Andenon's now residence is a fin
one and tha cirpote , which wcro bcin
laid yesterday , are elegint enough to b
in keeplrg.
Last week we mentioned that a part
of Marne prohibitionists went out to on
Peter Goeken'a place and captured
barrel of mottled beer he had bought fc
hit own mo , and which he had in hi
granary. It waa taken to Marno , Wed
nesday Gooken sued for repostcssion.
Mr. J < B. Rockafollow , of this city ,
appeared in his behalf , and Judge Temple -
plo for the prohlba. After a spirited
argument Justice Remoin ordered the
constable to return the boor to the place
from which ho had taken It , which was
dono. Atlantio Democrat.
Grand opening of millinery to-day at
Mrs. Rcgerg , No 341 Broadway.
The board of trade meets to-night , tc
transact some important business , Includ
ing the annual election of officers , and the
listening to a report of the special com
mittee , Col. Chapman and Judge James ,
on the proposed now bridge between here
and Omaha , This Is a matter , which af
foots and should Interest every property
owner and business man In Covncll Blufff
and there should bo a largo attendance ol
members. It Is understood that to-nlghl
only members of the board will bo admit
ted to the conference , as It is not doomed
advisable to hare the deliberations made
public until some definite plans are do
elded upon In the matter.
To-day and to-morrow will bo ihc dayt
to buy ladles' linen collars , cuffs one
corsets , also gents' collars , cuffs one
shirts , at Cocko & Morgan's.
The water works company are build
Ing a barbed wire fence around its Glor
avenue reservoir , toaa to keep dogs frotr
drinking and swimming there , and thui
doing away with any need of the watch' '
man shooting them , a practice which hai
already resulted in the death and wound'
Ing of several fine dogs , and , has caused
the watchman , Goo. Smith , to bo bronghl
Into court. Smith , while donbtlots tc
bo blamed for his summary way of got' '
ting rid of the annoyance , hai
nevertheless had a good deal to try his
soul. Young follows have sent dogs ictc
the water after sticks , etc. , and whor.
told not to have been saucy , and whet
Mrs. Smith' has been alone there , have
used Insult ing language to her. The
water-works company have spent considerable
sidorablo in beautifying the grounde
about the reservoir , so that the pnblli
might enjoy It as a park , but there wai
so many flowers stolen last season , and s <
many little depredations committed , thai
It seems the public has little gratitude.
Artists' Materials at GR. Beard's Wai
Paper Store. Send for prlco list.
A. B. Thornoll , district attorney , waa it
the city yesterday ,
Mr. Ford , the Missouri Valley banker , wai
in the city yesterday.
JocLaChapelle , the Tabor Union man , \ vaIn
In the city yesterday.
Mr. 1'itchio. ol Weeping Water , Neb , , wai
in the city yesterday making some hnrdwan
J. P. Fall , the broker at Silver City , Iowa
waa among yesterday's welcome callers at th <
the Bun's new office.
T. Woolsoy , C. D. Luccock and Franl
Cody have returned from a hunt on the Elk
horn. They got a little game and got
JuJge Loofbourow , of the district court wai
hero yesterday , en-route for Glcnwood , when
ho will to-day listen to the motion for n new
trial in Dr. Crocs' cato.
Small Confluence Games.
There have been of late several com
plaints of parties , who have been ccmfi.
dencod out of small amounts , by someone
ono pretending to hire thorn to work era
a farm , and then borrowing a dollar 01
two , until a check could bo cashed or c
big bill changed. Yesterday the police
arrested ono young fellow , who , It wa ;
claimed , had been trying to work tide
game , the 'expected victims bolng toe
sharp for him , and Informing the police.
The fellow gave his name as John Scott.
and bis attorney promised that if the cast
was dropped , he wonld sea that the fol
low loft town within an hour , but the
prosecuting attorney refused to let up ,
and the case was continued until tiatnr
day morning.
Facts worth remembering when yet
buy Wall Paper : 1st. That Beard , noxl
door to poatoffico , has the largest stock tc
select from. 2d That his prices are ai
low as the lowest. 3d That ho is i
practical Interior decorator and omployi
none but skillful workmen.
The Pharmaceutists.
The State Pharmaceutical society
moots In this city on the 12th of May
The local committee has arranged to havi
for the nse of the society , the Mynstci
block on Broadway. The first floor wll
bo devoted to exhibits of manufacturers
of whom thirty have alrosdy signified
their intention of making showings , ant
this number will probably bo Increased ,
The second floor gives ample room foi
the meetings of the society. Ono day li
to bo designated for the High school
pupils , who are studying chemistry , thai
they may examine the exhibits , and gel
some valuable knowledge In this line , Ir.
addition to their school course.
The Nebraska association Is to meet It
Omaha on the 13th of May , and It is oi'
pectod that a joint session 1 will bo ar
ranged for bore , tbero bolng plenty ol
room and accommodations of every sorl
to make such a session very profitable
and pleasant.
Sound Sonao From the Counting
Room ,
Chicago News ,
Editor Wo had a Stirling paper tbii
morning , Ml th the war In Africa , thi
war In Central America , the war in Chine
and the war in Canada wo got out a re
markably bright Issue ! ,
Business Manager So that's what yoc
up-atalrs fellows call exciting , hit ? Well ,
now , juit let mo tell you that there it
only one kind of war that does journallaii
a great and permanent gpcd , and that h
a war between two rival baklng-powdei
concerns !
The states of Maryland , Alabama , Ar
kausas , Delaware , Georgia , Maine , Nev
Hampshire , New Jersey , Oregon ant
Wist Virginia have no auch officer as i
lieutenant governor.
In Marlon , this elate , a young jglrl i
now recovering from a trance In whicl
she baa been u dead for a month past ,
Every Italian member of parllamen
"deadhoidi" Hall over Italy , and Is en
titled to a compartment by himself ,
A Quiet Plan for a Board of Trad (
Enterprise ,
How It la to ijo Worked ,
It has leaked out that the board ol
trade of this city Is talking quite seriously
of putting up a largo building , In whiol
there Trill not only bo accommcdotlom
for the board , but numerous offices , thi
rental of which , It Is believed , will pa ]
well on the Investment. The plan li
bolng worked up rather quietly , by i
few of the more active , ontcrprislnf
mombori of the organization , and thi
tchcmo to thoVn Is eatd to look qulti
practicable. Tbo syndicate which hai
boon talked about so much as going
to buy the Catholic church proportj
Is now eatd to bo really nothing
more or less than a number of the load
ing businessmen , who want to got the
site for this proposed board of tradi
building. While there seems to bo con'
sidorablo rotlcpnco among thoao supposed
to bo leading in the enterprise , It appean
that they believe enough money can b <
raised to erect such a building , and thai
the rentals will amount to enough 01
more than pay the interest on whatovoi
sum it may bo necessary to borrow tc
carry the enterprise to a successful
completion. Tco men who ate
moving in the matter are said to be
a little more ready to go into it ,
from the fact that the board of trade , ai
an Incorporated body is authorized by ttt
charter -to put up a building , and tc
assess Its members. It Is talked that the
attempt will bo made to get as large ai
amount cf voluntary Investment as pos <
Bible- , and then , In case of a delinquency
the balance can bo provided for by in
dividual assessments on the members
In this the members , who want to gc
ahead will not bo hold bask by those whc
are lacking In enterprise , and In fact cai
compel such to contribute tholi
share to the enterprise , pro
vided they are financially responsible
It will bo a surprise to a few of the
thoughtless members of the board , whe
have never examined the constitution o :
the organization , to learn that the boarc
Is thus authorized by law to build , if thoj
choose to do so , and It Is thought a ma
jorlty vote In favor of building cm b <
got at almost any meeting , as those whe
wonld not care to go into such an enter
prise , would naturally bo the ones mos
apt to neglect attending. It is whliperec
that the matter Is liable to be brought u ]
at almost any mooting of the board per
haps to-night.
Tbo Telephones of Europe ,
The Ingonleur publishes statistics o
the telephone lines in operation in the
different European countries at the one
of 1884. Tt appears from this statement
that there has been a uniform Increax
during the past year as compared wltl
1883 : In Italy ten cities possessed telephone
phone lines at the end of 1884 , against
the same number In 1883 ; but the number
bor of subscribers Increased from 3,71 (
in 1883 to 5,301 In 1884 , an Increase ol
30 per cent. In Franco eleven cities hat
telephonic communication in 1883 anc
1884 ; the number of subscribers in
creased from 4,739 in the former year tc
5,535 in 1884 , an Increase of 15 per cent ,
In-Belgium , In five cities , the Increase
has been from 2,051 subscriber ! ) In 188
to 2,443 In 1884 , or 19 per cent. Ir
Great Britain , London had 3,350 sub
scrlbers in 1884 , against 2,605 In 1883
an Increase of 25 per cent. Liverpool
Manchester , Sotithport , and Blackbnrt
had together 2,359 subscribers Is 1883
augmented to 2,734 In 1884 , or an in
crease of 16 per cent. For Sweden the
figures for 1882 and 1884 nro available
they show the largest Increase for anj
country. In 1882 only five
cities , with 1,554 subscribers ,
had the telephone ; In 1884 , 51 ,
cities , with 7,737 subscribers , an Increase
of 398 per cent in two years. In Holland ,
In eight cities , we find 1,372 subscriber !
In 1883 , and in 1884 , In nine cities , 2,26 (
subscribers , an Increase of 14 per cent.
In Switzerland , In ton cities , in 188 :
there wore 1,778 subscribers , whicl :
figures rose In 1884 to twenty-seven
cities , with 3,781 subscribers Increase
112 percent. In/Russla there were in
1883 , in six oltlos , 1,485 subscribers , rls
ing to seven cities with 2,230 subscriber *
in 1884 Increase GO p'er cent. Tne
statistics for the * Gorman empire for 188c
and 1884 are not yet published. There
wore 1,500 subscribers In Berlin in Juno
1884. In Austria at the end of 188 [
eight cities only had telephone lines
there wore 708 aubtcrlbera at Vienm
In December , 1884. In Norway on June
30 , 183 , two cities ( Ohrlatiania anc
Drammen ) had 775 and 150 subscriber ;
respectively. In Denmark , Copenhegor
had 51G subscribers in Juno , 1883. It
Portugal there were at the end of 1881
telephone lines In Lisbon with 343 sub
scrlbers , and In Eporto with 183 sub
scribers. Spain is the only aountrj
which has no telephonic communication !
as yet ; but a law was recently passoc
by the cortos reserving to the govern
ment the telephonic monopoly.
And all modern improvements , call bells , firt
alarm bells , etc. , i > the
Noa. 215 , 217 and 219 , Main Street.
IBM. cmcnu yit M. roni
Council BlnSt , . . Ui
Established - -
Pttlort in ror1n ind Dtntitl * KMkinjt * o (
This Invaluable rpeo'flo readily and ptrmanentlj
cures all kinds of Asthma , The mott cbstlmU n >
long standing cueoleld promptly to Iti wonderfu
cuilng properties. It U keown tbrougbcut thi work
for Its unrivaled efficacy.
J L. CALUWELL. oily Tlncoln , N b.j wrltu. Jai
19,18SL SnceutlogDr. lUlr'a Aithmi cure , foi
more thin ono > ear , oijr wile has been entlrtly well
and not even a n > mptem of the dlifue hai appeared
WILtUM BRNNETT , Blchland , Io awrlteiNov
Sd. 18c3. I bate been affilcted with llay Fever < m
Aithmt since 1659. I followed your directions mi
am happy to lay that I never sl pt Litter la my life
I am g'ad that I am among the many nbo can ipeal
to favorably of your lumtdle * .
A laluaUe M p ge triatliecontainingilmllarproc
fromoeo State In the U , 8 , Can3 * a.d Qiea
lirltaln ; will be mailed open application.
Any druiglit not having It In itock UI procure
toordw. AikforDr. LUlr IA ithma Cure.
PA. B. W. IIA1K k BON , Prop'i CUTtl , 6.
Carpets and Dry Goods
jcjL A * *
Axmmster Moquette , Body Brussels , Tapestry Brussels , , .
. Ingrain Carpets Etc. Office Matting a
Specialty. Smyrnia Rugs , Mats , O.I . Cloths , Etc , Our stock of Lace Curtains is unusually large and
of excellent variety. Turcoman and Madrascurtams in many new andbeautitul designs Choicest
S.Iks . in black and the new colors. . Our lineot Dress Goods comprises aU the new designs for the
Harkness Bros , 401Broadway Goimcil Bluffs
Carpets ,
Curtains ,
Window Shades ,
OilCloths ,
Linoleums ,
Mattings ,
Bugs ,
Upholstery Goods ,
Etc. , Etc.
Careful Attention Given to Out
of Town Orders ,
Upholstery and Drapery Work a
Our stock Is the
and is being continually replenished by
all the latest and choicest novelties.
405 Broadway Council Biufis
No. 201 Upper Broad way , Council Bluffs.
NO. 2 ,
lathe Highest Achievement in Writing
Machines in the World.
With cnly 39 keys to learn an
t operate. It prints 70 characters
including caps and small letters ,
punctuations , figures , signs and
I fractions. It e the simplest and
| most rapid writing machine
luado as well u the most durable
! for free illustrated pami > hlct.
Wyckoff Seamans & Benedict ,
Chicago , 111 , , Solo Agents ,
0. U. SIIOLES , Council Bluffs
Agent for Western Iowa
Br , W. H. Shorradoa
Masonic Temple ,
GonnoU Blnfii 2 loirm.
E. Eice M , B.
or lhtr Inner * in < T * < wlthovt Ibi
j kalti ei ir wlne ol U < * &
Orel ttitrtr J ri practical uyuteM * 8 lM M *
f , Peul Itrtet , Ooancll Blotto.
CVOeunlUJka frt * .
srsis ,
ftttorney - at-Law ,
Office , Unto Street , Iloonu 7 and 8 , Bhugirt and
I5 o block. Will practtoo la State and tate oourtt.
Wholesale and llo tall Dealeri la
Hard Soft ana Bhssburg
O OA. . Hi :
W. H. BIBLEY , Manager.
Office , S3 Main St. Yard , on 0. R. I. P. and 0
U & St. V. Railway.
Justice oft Peace.
NOTICE. Special a verlUwtuents , auo ai Lost
round , To Loan , Tor Sale , To Ilont , Wante , Board
ing , eta. , will be Inserted In this column at the low
rate o ! TEN CENTS PER LINK for the nret Inwrtlon
ind F1VTC CENTS PER LINE for eaoh abw > qnen
rtlon. Leave advertisement * at onr office , Mo.
Pearl Street , near Broadwav
. _ WANTS. _
OR UENT-neoms now occupied by Y. If , C. A. ,
attorllayl. 1' . c. Dovol.
T7\OR SALE House furnltura. Apply 118 Fourth
JP St. , between hours 0 and 12 n. in. II E.
FOR SALE. . .other hotel In a lv > . Nebraska
town , now doing u business cf about $360 pur
mouth. No ether hotel In the place. Terms liberal.
TTOR SALE Oil TUADE. 8fO acres of land In
X ; Wayne county , Uo. Will trade for Council
Bluffs city property er sell cheap for cash , or part
time. SWAN & " "
XO TilADB. Uood Iowa cr Nebraska
land fcr a imall stock of hardware or general
merchandise , well located. SWAN& WALKRIU
TTOR S&LK A rare chance to get a line , well Im-
J ? proved farm of 400 acres , within B few miles of
Council Blutla , at B bargain. Low price and easy
terms. hwAN & WALRSB
| 70R SALE A good paying hotel property with
J ? llrery etAb'.o , in ono of the best email towns In
western Iowa will eoll with or without furniture , or
will trade for a email farm wltb stock ttc.
| T > OR SALE Eighty acres unimproved land In
Union county , Iowa , SJ miles south-cast of Al
ton , the county ecat , or will trade for Nebraska or
Kaneos land. SWAN & WALKRR.
li OR SALK A 20 aero tract of good line ! about
X1 ono and a half rclloa from Council Blufli pott
office , at a bargain. SWAN & WALKER.
iiAOU HALE In Harrison county , Iowa. 320 acres
J ? grass land , all under fence a 200 acre farm
nltb fine Improvements , all under cultivation except
20 acres gross 80 acres good grass or pasture land ,
atid several other tracts of from 40 to 160 acres of
unimproved land. SWAM & WALKHR ,
T OR SALE Lands Improved oad unimproved.
J ? If yen want a farm In western Iowa , Kansas
Nebraska or Dakota , let us boar from you.
> OR SALE A large number of business and reel-
denoo lots In all parts of Council Blurts. See
us before you buy , SWAN & WALKHB.
OR BALE I'artles wishing to buy .cheap lota to
build on can buy on monthly payments of from
82 to 810. SWAM & WAIKHR
f OR REN 1 Wo will rent you a lot to build on
wfth the prlvllage to buy If you wish on very
liberal term * . SWAN & WAI/KKR.
VT7ANTED To oorrespona with any one wlshinga
TT good location fjr planning mill , saeh , door
and blind manufactory , wo have building and
machinery , well located , for Dale , lease or trade ;
FOR RENT-Large two etory frame building eult
able for warcbouso or storage purposes , near
railroad depot. SWAN WALKKK.
RENT OH SALr ; Bj.nXag anil ground *
FOR eultarle for small foundty and machine shop
Good boiler , engine , cupola , blower with Died shaft'
Ing eto. , ready to put In motion ,
fiiOR HALE Houses. Lota and Land. A. J.
JU Etepfccnson , EOS First avenue.
OK a ALB A top-buggy , Drat-iliM make and
In excellent condition. Or will trade for cheap
iQt. Address f , M. Bee office , Council Blu7s.
\jtrANTKl ) Kvery Douy in Council Uluns u late
YV TniBix. Delivered by carrier at only twenty
Mnta a week.
PAPERS For ealo at Un office , at S6 oenU
a hundred
WANTED A partntr with from J'.OCO to 5,000
to Invest In a line , legitimate and paying
business In this city. One well acquainted In the
vicinity preferred. Address "Firel-clacs , " Kir
office. Couilcll Ulufla.
I have a double etoro bulldlngldroomspartltlonod
oD , elegantly paperedsupplied with water from the
water w orks , good brick cellar , suite ! for restaurant ,
laundry , boardlLg house , merchantlle business or
resident property , Also a largo two-story frame
dwelling with 10 rooms two ccllan ) , etc. , etc. , suited
for boardlog house , private residence , hospital , etc. ,
opposite the city buildings and city marut for rent
cheap. W. II. VAOOIIAN ,
No. 607 Broadway Council Blnffii.
Railway Time Table.
The following are the tlmoi of the arrival and At.
nurture of trains by oontral standard time , at the
[ ooal depots. Trains leave transfer depot ten mJn-
ntoi earlier and arrive ten mlnutei later ,
emoAoo and Kouiuwurmr ,
0:25 A w Mall and Kiproas flKM'M
12:40 : r M Accommodation 4(0 : ( r M
5:30 : r u Express 0.05 A M
0:26 : A M Mall and Express 0:03 : r M
7:56 : A M Accommodation 5:16 : r x
5:30 : r M Exjireis 9CO : A u
onioioo , miiWADKii ABO ST. riou
0:20A : M Ma'l and Express 0:50 : r M
6:25 : r u Kxprcsi 0.05 A u
0:50 A M Mall and Express 7:10 r M
12:30 : r M Accommodation S:00 : r M
6:15 : 1u Expreui 80 A u
Krom Transfer only.
1:30 : r M Bt.Txmli Express 2:16 : r u
7.10 r u Chlogo Kxi | via Peorla 0.10 A u
lO.Wi A u Mail and Express 6:40 : r M
8:15 : > M Eiprcts 0.25 A u
7:20 : A u Mall for Sioux City 8tO : r u
7:10 : i' M Express for St Paul b.60 A N
11:00 : A M Danver Express 4:35 : r u
lC5 : ru Lincoln Pa > a O'a & R V 2:35 : r x
7:65 : r M Overland I sprees Sao : * u
Leave Council Modi - 7:15 : 8:20 : 830-10:30 :
11:40 : a. m. 1:80 : 2:30-3W : : 4:28-6:15-0:25 : : :
11:45 : o. m. Leave Omaha 6:49 : 7K : e0 ' 10fO :
11:15 : a. m , 12:50-2:00 : 3:00-4 : : * ) 4:65-6:55 : :
11:10 : D. m.
No. 220 M ln St , Council Bluffs.
Open Sunday. Flrrt-clMJ work guaiautecd ,
Beautify your homea by uslnp the nbovo. Over 000 designs to select from.
Jteautifnt ,
Estimates given on any style either put np or delivered bore , by applying to
Wholesale Iron , Steel , Heavy Hardware and Wood Stock ,
ft 117 Main Street , Council Blufls , Iowa.
Brick buildings of any size raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed. Frame ho
moved on LITTLE GIANT trucks , the best In tha world.
101 OMinth Street , Council Blufla
Attention , Ladies.
While closing out my notions.will sell all hair goods at 25 per cent discount , SCO Switches
00 Waves , Bangs , etc. , to sacrifice. Custom work carefully attondcd t .
33 ? Brciulwaj , Council Bluffs.
505 Broad-way , - - Council Bluffs.
THK.ONI.Y ALLMQ11T HOCHE IN THE CUT. Kv.-rything hervcd in first class style and on ahott
notice. Hot and cold lunches alwa > a ready.
Roof Painting nnd repaint g. All work guaranteed to give satsfaction. A ,
SMltHSON 302 N. 7th Street ,
uMEM ) , VI. 0. ESTKI ?
i i o mm
Field & Estep ,
No. 317 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Calls Attended Promptly , Day and Kiglit , Particular attention given to K
Telephone No. 97.
Merchant Tailors !
7 and 9 Main St. ,
A Complete Line of New Goods to Select From ,
Keen E creed and Mules constantly on hand rhU
we will toll in retail or carload lota.
weAll Stock Warranted as Reoresented ,
WbolftaleiUKl ln ) < anrMr > Or ln irrt I'alcd Il y. Prtoe
aonable Satisfaction Guaranteed ,
Corner Fifth Ave. & Fourth St. UounollBluffo.
FORKMAN-HoIJ this ipace for tbe advertisement f Dli. Judd & Smith's Eleitrlo Aj flunoei.
are too bmy filling thilroidcwacd. vetting their n lactoi ) , No , JO , Fvuitbaiitit to rljhU ,
any copy | uit now ,