Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1885, Page 5, Image 5

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The'Eastern and f estern Trunk Line :
Hold a Genual Session
To try to Form a Oontinonta
TrafBo Asnooiation ,
Current Kates will bo Maintainei
Until December ,
The Ohio Central Sold by Order o :
the Court ,
Judge Brewer's ' Decision on th <
Wabash System ,
Ue I-myg Down tlio Iiaw In Thou
Oso In Very gliortaml
DC elHlvo Manner.
CHICAGO , April 1C. Representatives ol
the eastern and western trunk lines held t
general session this forenoon to consider UK
proposition to form a continental trnlfio asso
ciation on the basis proposed yesterday. The
now ftsaocia ion ia to embrace ) nil ronda cast ol
the Mlstisslppi and north of the Ohio rivers ,
ending nt the western termini of the Now
York trunk llnca. The pool will ba on the
basia of gross tonnage , with ono comraiBsionoi
and three arbitrators , and numerous joint sot
Uomonta to bo made at the end of each month ,
The proposed plai was adopted ,
At the general mooting to-day every rnacJ
being represented. A committee was np
pointed to confer with the eastern trunk" line
managers to secure their co-operation pendlru
the formation of a. now association. It wa
decided to order the
maintenance of the cur
rent rates until December lat. A reeolutior.
was also adopted requesting Mr. Fink tc
maintain hi ) statistical bureau until the new
association could be formed. Arbitrator ol
the new pool has not yet boon named.
TOLEDO , O. , April 15. The Ohio Central
was BO d to-day under an order of sale issued
by the United States district court In the
casoof the Central Trust company vs. the
Ohio Central Railroad company. Marshal
Goodspoed , ns master commissioner , con
ducted tha sale of the road , which was dis'
poeod of in two parcels. The ter
mlnal property , which includes docks and
docking privileges , yards , switches , etc. , in
the cities of Toledo and Columbus , wat
bought by a committee representing the
holders of the terminal line bondJ for $75.000 ,
wlulo the main line , which includes two bun.
drcel miles of road , together with all the
rolling-stock , etc. , wai bid in by n committee
representing the holders of the main-line
bonds for 81,000,000. The two committed !
are at a variance aa regards the disposition ol
the road and the value of their relatlvo In
terests. As soon as tha sain ia confirmed and
the two committees can come to an agree'
ment , the road will bo reorganized and non
stocks issued.
ST. Louis , April 16. Judge Urower , of the
United States circuit court , delivered an oral
opinion this uioruinj ? on an application bj
the receivers of the Wr.bash , for an order ol
the court , allotting them to cease operating
certain leased lines of the system after Maj
the first next , unless thcsa lines made all ex
penses incurred in operating n special lien on
the aeparato property of their respective roads.
Judge Brewer said all tha leased lines ,
whose Incomes are over and above their oper
ating expense ? , aroto pay rent or interest on
the mortgage assumed by tha Wabaah road ,
such rent or Interest to bo paid out of the net
In the cmeof the ToUdn , Vooria & Western
road income which should have been em
ployed by the receivers to pay rent , bat whicl
haa been devoted to other purposes the re
ceiverj are directed to pay all rent duo tin
Toledo , Peoria & Western out of any funds Ir
their handa and if they have not culliclen
funds thy are to iuuo .receiver's certificate !
to secure the amount.
In caiei where tha not Income from an ]
Iea ed lina is not sufficient to pay rent , enl ]
such income should bo paid the leased lln
torrent. In caics whcro the income is jus
enough to pay operating expenses receiver
are not to pay rent but to continue opcratini
tha road.
In cases where the net income in not eul
ficiont to pay the operating expense * , th
receivers arc to pay no rent , and are to cu
down the operating expenses with an unspar
ing but diictiminaUng.Jin.nd ; in other words
whereupon such linen two trains ore ru :
daily , the receivers are to reduce them to entrain
train , and if that does not bring expense
with the income thfiy are to run only on
trnlu in two days , hut in alt cisoa the rncelv
urs aroto wo their discrimination in confirm
ing to the public wantH while they bear ii
mind the necessities of receivership.
In no case will they discontinue these opei
ntiona of any toad they were a ( pointed t
preserve and keep tha entire Wabisb Byute < i :
m a J'goluK concern , " In case there is rur
debt incurred In tunning theeu leased linet
that Is if the revenue derived from the mal
line ii not sufficient to pay the operating ex
pensea of the branch lines , the receivers mus
issiio curtificates tomako up tha difference :
This can be oatlly ilonn us the receivers wer
authorized to lesno § 2,000,000 of null certlE
cntes and only $5,0,000 of thorn have BO fa
boon issued.
Tha oourt then directed nn order to issu
at the instance of the Cairo division restorin
tills division or branch to itx owners an
taking it out of the Wabasb Hvutem pendiu
foreclosure proceedings which have bee
brought by the first mortgage bondholders c
that road in Illinois , The court over-rule
tin ) application of tha Central trust compan
fnrths appointment of Solon HuinphroyH an
Thos. Tutt receivers , tinder the bill filed I
them for foreclosure. In this connection U
court held the receivers were ) ni
receiverj of any particular part
but were the arms of tl
court , to hold the property of the Wnbas
system in posse-salon of tba court for tha ben
fit of all creditors alike. The court slio d
nied the motion of the first mortgage bom
holderi of tha North Missouri 1'acilio road i
modify the order of the court which mak
the receivers' certificates a first lien on all tl
property of the road , including the securil
on North Minourl bondholders. The cou
room was crowded with prominent rallroi
attorneys from all over the country while tl
order was being delivered. The argnmen
bad coniumed two daya.
WASHINGTON , April 1C.-Secretary MB
ning to-day appointed John 0. O'Neil ,
Hoboken , N. J , , to ba superintendent of ei
graving , at a salary of 83.000 per annum , vi
Goorga W. Cassllear , removed , Thorn e
no charges against Oaasilear , who la mrinis
at his summary removal ,
The poatmiater-genersl ordered the clei
in tbe'oflico of the first assistant postmast
general not to exhibit papers or give infurn
tion to applicants tor poetiuastorehiji. Mu
trouble aud ill feeling has baen caused by
v l applicants learning the contents of papi
filed at the department by ono another ,
In compliance with the request ol Secret :
Manning Mr. Hubert H. Wlddercomb , chef
of a division in the office of auditor ot t
treasury for tto postotiice department to-d
- ? i tendered bii resignation to take eifect on I
first prox ,
There ia but little money In the trean
left from the appropriation for the fifcal yi
ending June 30 wherewith to meet the i
peiiies of the federal court * to bo held In M
and Jutio ia very embarrassing , iuasauch
jurors and witneue * CAD not be paid their e
tire fees powsibly until provision 11 made the
for by the ensuing congress. Attorney Gen-
cral firewater endeavored to tecuro a defi
ciency appropriation sufliricnt to meet thoto
demands , but hla estimates wcro cut
down one-half 'simply bocauno they wro
deemed unrolabla and extravagant. Had
Mr , Brcwster administered his cilice with
reasonable economy , no necessity would have
existed for n.oro money than had been np-
propriated , but loose nnd extrav g nt method s
obtaining tinder his conduct of the depart
ment of jii tlco cau-ed tha ntipropriatlon com
mittee to distrust his recommendations. It
is asserted by those who cUlm to know that
it wan Mr. Browstern practlco to anticipate
appropriations by ordering the psyment of
old Recounts to ba liquidated from now ap-
oropriatlons , and hence there was A big slice
cut oft the money appropriated on the esti
mates of the fiscal year.
WASHINGTON , April 1C. It is understood
that the policy of thU administration with
regard to appointments to places in the south
ern states now he'd by colored republicans
will ba not to substitute ) white men for col
ored , but to replace- Incompetent or dishonest
colored republicans with colored democrats
who are worthy and capable. In accordance ,
It ia said , with this policy , the postmaster
general baa just appointed ex-lloprcsentative
Tom Hamilton of Beaufort , route ngnnt from
Beaufort tn Jackftunboro , S. C. Hamilton
was the leader of a small band of colored men
who supported tha Hampton government tn
South Carolina in 1S7G ,
Tlio liuirnlo Morntnu Kxprcss Oilleo
Destroyed liy Fire.
BUFFALO , N. Y. , April 1C Shortly before
six o'clock ' this evening , ni ono of the portora
In the Morning Express office was lighting
the lumps in the news room , on the second
floor , ono of the oil tanks nbovo the printer's
case took lire , aud in a very short time the
whole room was in lUmoa , The fire spread
so rapidly , that the reporters and edi
torial stiff , who occnpled rooms close
by , worn driven through the rear
windows. The fire spread through the build
ing with great rapidity , soon reaching the
litog'nphing department owned by Kdward
Hodman , in the third floor. Larga and val
uable plates for maps , which were being prepared -
pared for the Mexican government by Wat-
thews , NcrthropiSc Co. , together with all tbo
plants and stock was destroyed ,
from hero the tire caught in the job depart
ment of the Express , on the fourth and fifth
II ors , which wvtu also totally destroyed , G.
H. Dunstan , llthrgiaphor , was also burned
out as was a'su one Illinois wagon company
on the first iloor. About 400 hands will bo
thrown out of omp'oyrnent. Straub & Bro. ,
bookbinders , sutler considerable loss by
* Troop Holuso to Move.
MO.VTIIKAL , April 16. Great surprise is
caused by the news that the Sixty-fourth
Montreal regiment of volunteers , now at
Calgarry , rofuio to proceed against Riel , giv
ing as the excuse that they need equipments )
The regiment , being composed of French-
Canadians , It ia supposed that they are un
willing to march against the French half-
breeda under Kiel ,
April 16. The only reliable
news from the west to-night is that Kiel is
still keeping in the back ground and waiting
for the commission to effect a settlement with
his people and himself. Ono of the prom
inent officials stated to-day that there would
bo no more bloodshed and in a few days all
would bo settled. Twenty eight hundred
troopj have gone west from hero and Ean ,
perintendent says four hundred under Colo-
:1 : Scott go to-morrow.
Tlio Fi-ohlDltlonistp Getting Heady
for 1888 ,
PITTSBUHO , April 1C , The prohibitionists
are already outlining their campaign for the
next presidential election. Secretary Svvoger
of thia city , in an interview to-day said :
"Tho candidates will come ono from the
ntronest northern state , the other from the
strongest southern Unto. Judge Hopkins of
New York , Will almost certainly head the
ticket , and Senator Colqtiltt of Georgia ,
will likely ba the candidate tor tha second
place on tne ticket. Judge Hopkins In 1SS2
polled 28,00) votes in the gubernatorial elec
tion , and Senator Colqultt Is ono of the most
popular men in tha couth. Although still a
mumber of the domctatic party , wo have as-
eurance that ia the next presidential election
ha would sever his allegiance from tha old
uartyand join with the prohibition pirty.
The two men I have named will in nil proba
bly b3 our ticket three JOIH hence. "
Illinois State Hoard ot Health.
CHICAGO , April 1(5. ( At the quarterly
meeting of the Illinois state board of Health
was held hero to-day , Dr. Kauch , aecretaty ,
in his report spoke of information received
from piivate sources that Asiatic
cholera existed in Paris as late
as January IGth and had since broken
out in southern Hussia. It had appeared in
Valencia , Spam , in March nnd there waa
danger of itx introduction into the Mediter
ranean by ships from Bombay. In view ol
theses reports the board considered the qu s-
tion of maritime quarantlnoof great import
National Keller Skoiinn Congress ol
America ,
NEW YOIIK. April 16. Managers of rinki
and dealers in roller skating materials to-daj
organised "Tho National Holler Skating Con-
gres * of America , " In thia city nnd passed
resolutions aettlng forth thehealthfulnens aud
innocence of the amusement of roller skating ,
They have made preliminary arrangement !
for a national contest to bo hold hero on MHJ
27 nnd Ii8 , when prizes will bo oflered for the
boit execution of the various moromonta on
slattes. It will b ? open to all camera.
Vandalism of
ULUWB , Cai. , April -Some trampi
called yesterday at Senator .Stanford's vltn
rancho and were driven away , At dnyligh' '
this morning the stables were discovered 01
lire. They contsiced ono hundred and lilt ]
tiorscs Riitl mules , all of which except foil
were burned.
Flax Btiinncra' Strike.
PATTERSON , N , J. , April 10. Fourteei
hundred employes of tha Bnrbour flax spin
ning company struck to-day for an increase o
ten per cent In wages to counteract tworeduc
tions tbat have been made within tw
months. _
Military Orders.
Official notiQcatlon having been re
colvod from the headquarters cf the arm ;
of the promotion of 1st Lieutenant Eai
D. Thomas , Cth cavalry , ( troop G , ) to b
captain ( troop D , ) vice Volkmsr resigned
ho will report for duty with his troop.
Official notification having been n
colved from the headquarters of the arm
of the promotion of 2d Lieutenant Free
W. Foiter , fith cavaly , ( troop K. ) to b
> f 1st lieutenant ( troop 6 , ) vlco Thotnt
promoted , ho will , until farther order !
be assigned to temporary duty , by th
commanding ctlicer , Fort Kiabnr * , nit
a troop of his regiment at that pott.
Official notification having been n
colvod from headquarters of the army (
the promotion of let Lieutenant Frad U
E. Ebsteirj , 21st Infantry , ( company E ,
to be captain ( company 0 , ) vioo Bartc
resigned , ho will report for duty with h
company ,
Official notiQcatlon having been n
calved front headqtmtera of the army i
the army of Second Lieutenant Solomo
E Sparrow , Twenty-first Infantry , ( ocn
piny K ) to be First Lieutenant ( con
yany E , ) vice Kbjteln promoted , ho wll
at the expiration of his present leave i
absence , proceed to Fort Sidney , Neb
and report for duty with his compiny.
The travel directed U necessary for tl
public torvice.
Carpenters say ( ha best grades cf lun
ber In Omaha are Bold by lloagland.
AAVonmn tn Henroh of n Fonrtoon
Ycur-OUl Glr ) , ' Stolen , Blio
Fonts , nnd Used for-Titr-
of Slmino.
"Sho is my sitter's child , sir ; 1'vo beet
searching this town for a solid month ir
the vain hope that I might find her , '
wore the words with which an elderly nnrj
rofpactnblo looking mulatto womanEmilj
Jarvla , anaworod the BEE man's Inqulrj
ycsfsrday. Hero ii her story , which she
had just been tolling the proper judlcla
oflicor from whom she was Booking BB-
tletmcc In the matter :
It be an the oar mirk a of truth , and \ > .
of such a nUura that the reporter doom ;
it boat to give U publicity , 'as nearly at
pcsiiblc ia the woman's hngaago.
"My alstor Adeline Avery who was ,
Williams who is , haa bron for monthi
sick , ami very _ low wlth consumption ,
She has two children , thia boy aud a girl
who will bo _ fourteen in a month or two ,
Sister Adeline , before the was taken sc
bad with the sickness , was a hard wort
Ing woman , mid to help support horaoll
aqd family rented a room adjoining hoi
honao to a white woman , who calls her-
aolf Flow Ward. She told slater the
was married , but U turned out that the
is not married , although she lives as t
wlfo with a colored man.
Thrco months ago I received wor < ]
from sister that her daughter , who It
well grown for her ago , had left or been
atolen from her homo , and all effort tc
find her had proved fcultlosa. I llvo in
Sidney , Nebraska , and learning how the
girl's absonca troubled my slok Bister , ]
came to Omaha a month ago to look foi
the child. For a month I have been
looking over this city for her. The mat
ter had been reported to the police
headquarters , but for some reason ( aa I
wns told ) nothing had como of it. I was
a'so told that the matter had boon put in
the pg > porBFlora/\VardwritIng / the notice
for her colored pretended lanyor-hua-
band , and putting the girl's ago at G
years. Yet nothing hai been hoard of It
until yesterday , ( Wednesday , Reporter. )
On that day I mot with a man who calle
himself Washington. Ho is about
85 or 00 years old. Ho told mo ho
knows whera the girl is , but refused to
tell mo. I offered him $5 , all I could
afford , if ho would toll mo , and ho re
plied ho would not toll mo for $100 ; that
the girl was put away and 'oloked' by hia
church a Methodist church somewhere
out towards Saucdora street ; that while
the mother lived , the girl would never
bo coon in this town , but when she died ,
the girl would walk the streets clothed
in fine raiment. That ho would not toll
and thua give away hia chuich peoplo.
I learned from my sister that the even
ing the girl loft eho asked her ( the
mother ) to glvo her five cents to go down
the street to buy sjtno nuts , and that she
has never laid eyes on her since. The glrl'c
clothing was in the woman Flora Ward's
room , yet she got them away oomehow.
I put this and that together aud am sat
isfied the girl is kept away by those people -
plo for bid purposes. She Is a well
grown girl and I believe uho ia used by
base people for base purposes , and tc
make money at the coat of her ruin and
The old man who says that he know :
where she is , defied her , toying there was
no law that could make him tell , and I
am sure my niece is already ruiaod. The
threat that whou her mother is dead she
will walk thceo streets wearing fine rai
ment had n dismal sound to me , foi
whore will it como from , except it be
bought with the prlco ot ahatno 1
"Please air ; If you can , help mo to find
her , for oho Is of my blood and her pooi
mother is grieving hcrsolf to death about
her , "
If this story is true , ai it hai every ap-
iiranco of being , It suggests several
hitiga , among them these : Have the
icoplo of Omaha a society of "VOD dooa
inopg them ? Thia church bnainoss ii
iguibcaut of It , as every well-inf ormcc
mrsan will at a moment agree. An
hero persons hero , as In Italian cities
md some American ones , too , as to that
who make a living by the sale of chlldrei
"or baao purposes to men rather t (
leiata { It smacks of this , too. At al
ivont ) the matter ia well worth Inqnlrln )
nto by the authorities , for whlli
ho rich , "respectable" and orUtu
ratio ( mushroom ) element of society cai
inrvlvo such affairs an that of brother
1th brothers' wives , that an recently dls
; raccd the "refined circles" ( I ) of toclety
, nd well paid physicians paste up th
ute from plato glass windows , the pee
nd iho lowly , whoao hearlo ara fa
.endererthan . thosoof the gilded cyprian
the v il their vlco under the holy mar
iago compact , cannot retrieve tholr loa
oputitiou uor plate tholr ain with gold
S'cw Bulls l ntercel and Sfivortil Die
poscil of.
V nnruberof motions wore heard , etvc
defaults taken and the following no' '
caeca Died :
Charles W , Edgeiton nnd Jgnac
chcrb commenced suit ycatorday momln
agsintt Eva Gladslono and Rote Glad
atone. The petition of the p'alutiffa not
foith that tbo ntock of groceries bolon ;
Ing to the Gladitono grocery were toize
by them In puraaanco of a legal ordoi
but wore nfteiwardu roplevinod sin pn
ceedingi instltnted by defendants. ,
judgment far ? .W5 45 with inter ; at
Qeo'g- ' . Uoa-landbeglns ; uit.i aini
Havrlwr K. Havcrly at al , on an B. com
of $ lKi , ( . ) r.U , duo from defendant.
In this c.mrt jestord y tlio jaJgo roi
dered his decision in "A U. Jones vi
George 1 unotu , " n rult lu recover rei
for the tounel on vrhlcn the Buckingha
theatre * s ends.
In "Kiilcky vs Kubovec , " a unit f
datnsgn for bjttery upon the eacre
pereojof 1h editor , phlntllF , the co
test w.s In g and earnest. Tbo ju
finally $ in a verdict of § 100.1
egalnb' ' th - ilofendant. lie will have
sell lolH if MB photographs to make It a
Judge MuCalloohwasoccupledyeatdrd
with tbo mV of the cue tf A , D. Jon
vs. MoNatuuia & Duncan. Tbo case
virtually dlreotod g iu t the Buckin
ham theatre ucd Its proprietors Nuge
, t Green , who , it Is alleged , havedefau
> d p yment o ! rent , to the extent of ov
$100. Inismnch aa Meisra. N. & G a
both "insolvent1' the Bait ia broug
gilnst their backers , who nominally oj
trol the property.
In the Uniled States .court this metIng
Ing , attachment warrants were l su
against Richards & Clark , of the Oma !
foundry , on a suit Instituted by the Brl
Bill Iron and coil company , of Oh
Tlio amount claimed from the defendants
Is $995.10.
The complaint vs. Burns , charged with
connection with the affray near Orelghton
colleqo was dismissed for lack of ovl-
donco. Two others vs. James andGarroy
wcro tot for trial April 22nd , nt 12 o'clock
p , m , , nnd n complaint filed charging
Bird with aasault and battery.
Import nut Circular ,
The following communication addressed
to the various U. S. marshals , explains
itself :
The appropriations for the so vet ( x I branch
es of oxpontoj of the U. S. courts for the
fiscnl year ending Juno 30 , 1885 , ara lu a
reduced condition.
It will be Impossible to fill requisitions
for the courts to bo hold in May and Juno
for Iho expenses of jaroro and witnesses.
You will lay this circular before the
judge of the court and the district at
torney. An application wca niado at the
last acaaion of congress for additional ap
propriations to meet the estimated ox-
ponnoo for the remainder of this fiscnl
year , In amounts snppcsad to bo adequate
to the service , and appropriations were
made In sums approximating ono-half of
the estimated expenses.
This Information Is Imparted to you nt
this early day that , by coanultatlon with
the judge and district attorney , thojcx-
PBDBDS of the terms of court for May and
Juno may bo considered prior to the
terma of the court , and only such cx-
ponsea for jurors and witnesses maybe
incurred as shall bo absolutely ncces-
tnry , as the paotibllity of tholr
pijinont will bo delayed till the
next congress meets , and possibly
till March or Joly of the year 1880. A
proper appreciation of the loir condition
of appropriations and the almost certainty
of the prolonged delay In paying the ex
penses of jurors and witnesses will Im
press upon the judge and district attor
ney the necessity to examine such ex
penses , avoid such aa are potslbo ! to bo
avoided , aud Incnr only those that are
nocesmiy for the duo discharge of tholr
duties to meet the ends of justlco.
It will not bo necessary , becaufo of the
abpvo s'ntement ' , to hurriedly make re
quisitions upon this department to moot
the expenses of May and Juno , In the
hones of anticipating the requisitions of
other marshals for those months , and in
the oxpoclatlon of your requisition re
ceiving an earlier and more liberal atten
tion than the requisitions of other mar
shals. Yon will make requisition only
after consultation with the officers men
tioned , and only when money can bo
furnished In season for. the term .of conrt.
rory respectfully ,
A. H. OAKLAND , Att'y. Gt-n.
The Icon Moulders' Ball.
The thirteenth annual ball of the Iron
Moulders' Union No. 100 , was held
Wednesday night at Falconer's halls ,
and participated in by probably
the largest number of fmanly young
fellowD and pretty girls seen at
a ball for many an evening. There
were about 150 couples present and two
orchestras , and both floors of the halls
were kept fully engaged. The prepara
tions were complete , and unbounded
satisfaction waa exprcntcd by the guests
at thoBuccpaa of the event.
Hoffman's orchestra furnished excel
lent music.
The management conskted of
Master of ceremonies R. A. Kaiser.
Committee of arrangement ? R. A.
Kaiser , J. Liddell , J. Young.
Reception committee--S. Haws , T.
Barry , B. Uraron , G. Watson , J. Wilson.
Floor committee J. Li Jdell , J. Young ,
P. Carroll , J , Mclaughlin , W. H. Chad-
wick.Door committee . ) . B. Shoeler , A.
Glasgow , J. Husalo , W. White , J. Wright.
Committee of introduction G. Elliott ,
J. Burr , D. Kennedy , P. Bolan , A. John
"Oh ! I don't bollove a word of that arti
cle. The reporter made it up himself or
copied It from some place , " are about the
words heard daily by men who notice the
events around them. Let a innu toll people
of something they do cot know , ( generally the
easiest sort of thing to do ) and that moment
ho ia set down as a story teller or wholesale
yarn-spinner , Ohl gentlemen , it Is uot ne
cessary to travel much outsldo of the line ol
very ordinary information to find very rniJhy
things that very many of you don't know.
The skatingrlnk band ceienaded the Can <
field House last night.
& IZesaler
Their Superior
its are tvell Jaiown tht
world over. . In poilfi
of Durability , Conven
ience and Economy ou
Fuel they are absolute
ly the finest and Ites
that can be made.
818 aul S20
South 13th St. , near Farnam.
Physician & Surgeo :
Bulldeno * Ho. liOT Jtmei St. Offloo , No. 1K9 fi
Dim etrttr. OtBc * boxui.lS m. to t p , m. cod fion
to 6 p. u. To'epboot , .pi oUoo V7icrideoc III ,
. To loaa on ch tt lf. Wo ; Hey k lUtrlson
MOKK.Y 20 , Omiha NUlonil bank
SSI tl
loaned t low r to , ln amount ! to suit on
chattelooll t r 1a or other good security. Flniiv
d l exch ngc , U03 F rn m st. ! 6S-mlp
. TO IXAN On real estate and chattels
MONF.Y ThoniM. 740tf.
toanol on ( thkttcli , cut ratt , K 11
1V1 tlokcta oougtitand sold. A. Kornun,21S S , ISth St
UJANKU t 0. V. Hood AUo'a. Ixnn olllc *
on furniture , pianos , horses , watons , person * )
property ot all klndi and ill otho ru tides otnlue ,
without removal. Over lit National Bank.corncrlSth
> nd Farnatii. All business strictly confidential
rOLOAH lu snmsot ISCO nd upward.
MONEY Davll find Co. , Heal KiUlo and Lotn
, 1605 F rDMii St. KB U
\ ANTED ( loot ! meat nnd pastry cook , at Pa-
IT cine hotel. Cclumbus. Enquire II Monnnel-
ler , 418 S. 13th street CJ3 tl
YITTANTKi ) A woman to nurte a lick Itdy. Inquire
VV at 012 Douglas St. 037-7
TtTAVTiD A girl tor general house work at'04 S
W Eighteenth Bt. 012-19p
\ \7'AXTBD An experienced cook , ono who can como
Vr well recommended , 1118 Dodge 010-tt
Olil forgonoial house ork. Inquire tt
WANTED 18th St. BtJ.17p
XTKU A Rlil In ft email lirully (18 X 19th st.
CIS 10
dlrl lor ilght houw work , 1417 JaoXsnn.
i hand , 18th between
Howard and Jackson. 01C-17p
VI 7ASTrn-0rl | to do prenatal hou'owork , for tUm-
T lly vl three ; tcuat bo well r.-ro 111 tided ; apuly
to Mtg , Chas. Meloiiali,021Sia.liSt. BI8-18
ImtncdUtely , a itood Rlrl for Roricr l
WANTKD work. .Apply at 1014 Webster St KiMOp
TTTAMED A flr t-ol 98 chamber m ld and nn us-
W sistaut cook at the City hotel. S79-17p
A lalddlo-aged womin to take cnro ol
WASTED light nork.good . situation ( or all summer ,
no wattling , commence work at 8 o'clock and finish
at 6 o'clock , 112 south 12th St G30-17n
- cut lor homo work at 122 south 24th
WASTED-A 632-tt
TTTAMitu Girl lor general house work In a small
V family. Apply 0 Oipltolavo. D74-10
An cipcrloncodoi ) In small tamllyno
WANTED , best wages von. Mrs. A J 13 anscom
1824 Douglas St. M8-18p
A good laundress at the Emmet hone.
WANTED S85.18p
A ooropetent girl to do general hou-o-
WANTKU cai obtain employment lor Rood wages at
residence cIC S Hontgomiry , Harney and23d sts.
Qlil loreeiicrsl house work , good wages
WASTED girl. Mrs Corbett , 1013 Uoward.
COO lp
WASTED A good girl In a small lamlly ; Inquire
Mrs L llaapke , 1715 DougUs st. E00.10
WANTED V gold competent gill tor general house
work J105 Farnam si. CtO-tl
Cook at the European hotel , 022 south
IbthSt. . E43.U
WANTKD-S girls at the Occidental , immediately ,
'ANTED A good girl 1021 Capitol a\o.
IANTKD A good shirt trontr nt the Boston laun-
dry , 107 N 13th St. 409-tl
WANTED 5 ( omnlo cooks , Otnara Employment
bureau , HiOFarnam St. 476-U
WANTED Immediately , 14 good girls ( or kltcbon ,
dining room and clumber nork,0maha employ.
ment buieau. 1120 Farnam St 42-2-tf
WANTED Three flrst-class experienced dry goods
talesmen , also 3 sales ladles. None but ei.
rtsn cod apply ; written application will bo cocfl <
ntlolly lecelrcj. Smith's Dry Gooda Store
AXTED An active and Industrious boy who can
writaagood hand and undcrttands ( Igurcs.
lotuon Bros. , corner 13th and Dodge. Oi2-17
WANTED Good locksmith at Novelty works , 14th
St - 683 tf
WANTED A single man to work around store , SIC
8. 16th street 507-K
1X7ANTED-A first-class buberat623 Broalway ,
VV Council Bluff * P. V7. Uerksen.
No 1 good barber at the Oault hou > e ,
014 1'oppKton avc. Louis McCoy. 649-10
rxf ANTED Young man or a young lady to kcef
Y V books and who U a short hand w rlternono need
pplyunlejs quick and thorough In figures ; ttate ig (
and pm loua occupation. Address box 74S Omaha
WANTED Situation to take care ol htrscs anO
work In garden ; address "J II" care Bee ofllce ,
WANTED A position as stenographer and tjpi
writer by a lady c ( experience with good rot
crcncee ; addrees "M. K. T. " Bee office Ml lOp
V ANTPD-Sltuitlcn as scond girl or to do Ilgh !
housework , 2115 Nichols street. D17-16p
- -Situatlop by an experienced book keep
cr , by n young man to take care ot horses , by i
anltor , by 2 gcod salesmen , by a coachman , by I
tecographcr and t > pe witter ; best of references
irraha Employment Bureau 1120 Farnam St 350-t
ijirANTED-SItuatlon lu an abstract offlco by a youni
IT man , can glvo references. Addrees "f H" cai
it the Bee. 489-17p
WANTED By aycuag man , eltuulon as bosk
keeper , or Olllco work , icU uf references ; ai.
'rcss O. A. E. , P. O. 4 M (
' '
TT7ANTBB Furnished rooni by s'ngle genl ; rtuat b
VV reasonable , state price ; aJJrcsi "L > H fi" III
TAMUDTort'iit two furnhhed rooms ( cr llgli
houBeke-epIu , rcdsrencca requlrtd. Addns
room" Booolllcc. 013-17p
WAMTKD-Auinlshedliotel In a live town , on
controlling the Commercial trade. Address "
i"VlcliNcb. ; 0'.8-28p
WANFKD Immediately , at the Omiba emploj
ment bureau , all those dcslilng good help an
osd iltuatlons botn male and ( tmalo 427-tf
WANTED To rent Binill hcuse ; fam'ly ' sm > ll , roc
reasonablOi within 12 blocks of Bee , poesotalo
Utb. Address or call at Bee cilice after * p. m
1. I * . Ivisa. tll-tf
To rent ahouse with modern Improve
meuts convenient to business lor a family ot'
no chlldrtn ; ddreis "S II"care Bee oOlce. 672-tl
WANTED To loan $5,000 ( or tour years on bnslnci
property , whole amount In one lean. Apply i
once at UoCicrne Brothers btnk upposlt * P. O.
WANTED 3 50 will buy one dcioi Itogcr Brc
trlpplo [ U ted table kulvct at Moodyll chlr
torooornor IJth and Eaveoport it 44S-t (
rcUalilt lam | y horio ;
W mat-imam it. eeetr.
TTTANTKD Every dy In need ol a sawing m
IT chine , to tea the new Improved American N
f , P. E. llodmtn & Co. tRcnti ; 220 H 16th. SiStl
RIU.TPlcaiant lurnlibed house or ( mulsh
rooms itltb firit-cliu board 821 S 15th > t. 699
F I OK Kesi Btoru elwel lag tUcbeJ2 ? , per moo
1) L Thoiru. BOS'I
G" OR EKst-IlouseJ rooms at 16th and Pierce it.
FOR UKxr-House ol 0 rooms with barn , Ca'elw
and tiaunoeia ut ; Inquire 1709 Jatkicn tt < IVS
IBM Six roomed home central acil .
FOR home luinlthedlir lazily 1 bout c )
dren. liillou Droi. , 317 loath 13th tt. tE6a ;
FOB Rr.XT-Storj and a hall home ( . ( eix rcoroi a
Kath bou e , No. BID Uouth 231 Bt. H. T. Vo
one door noith. 671.17 |
FOR RENT Hourtt very ctaeac , Apply at 0.
T ylors olUcc , Uth and Douglai St * . 638 m !
K KT A conrealent oattajfe north-west c
Heward anil Pier itrejt on tntt car line , t
at No. 210 north 17th at. 70C
77VJR kt-sr 0 room houiei U quire IliO North 1
I1 st. .PeUr < oa. < 90'18
J'OK IIILNT dloie anil nee o and U Hurt a tor I
X1 Ibth > trt > el and tt Uwj'i au. i'.S- :
KKNT A itore chc n S09 north lllh.
118 IPp
TTlOR RKNT A "plcndld ( arm ol 150 crn , l rjf
J' betilnt orchard ) peed bulldlnz IS mllrs Irora
Omnba , t 0p r fear. 0 K Majne , S W cor IMh ami
Farnam it * . C85.18
, " " R .T UOUIP 11 rooms 019 N 16th it ; pplv to
I"OR 1 ) K Hume. MS-tl
OR RKST-ltcHsoll room" , ccll'T , tiantrj' , cbsfti ,
I ' nor St car , f S3 per month. 0 K Thompson , 8W
corner lllh and Itarney. 485-tl
COR RIOT Three story hrlck More ( nilMlng ; en-
I 1 quire ol rUlnard Morris & Coi room 19 CrourtM
Bloclc. 407 tt
RBXT One two story house S room * and bath
' room on 1'ark arc. Inquire at 1410 Farnvn bt.
KENT- fiirnldicd housa S room ? nnel ttaMo
Foil at 2620 DoURlu St 470-lOp
RSVT Sejond floor ot s'x room ; . On street car
line , Call at I'ortcr ItcosKioccry , ootnor I , ( \ -
cnworth nnd Phil Sheridan. 4t5-tl
Oll UENT 2-Sroom houses Inmilr no. F
B IJarton.Smcltlng works , or 314 North St.
7011 HKNT \ lunilsicil house 0 runnn durlntr
the Summer niontH to pittloj without children ,
Inquire Sll Soulli 23d St. 1'JMI
H > UK UKNT Hto'o VtulldlnR 44x80 three story nod
batcmcnt No. llUMulllS 14th. Inquire 1403
DO.IKO Et 009-tl
Foil HKNT farm aud Rurdcn. T. Marray.
208. tl
FOR KENT rnrnlshe'l cottage , 7 rooms , with
closctR. rsntry , etaIn best looallty In City cm
pay rout with board. Call lu attcrnoon at 525 1'lotg-
em St. 170 tl
Foil HENT Quo story OwelllnR house 3ve roomi ,
23d , n"-ar Clark ttroi-t. Chixr.ce OS CH , corner
I Bill and 1 > CU [ < 1' ' Strout. CM-tl
, " \ 1'KNTTlircc brloi stores corner ISth and
1 Cumin ) ; St. J L. McCVjo. Agent. 49l.a2
ipoll UKNT New cottage , 6 rooms. . t'blpps Hoe
' Ilia ! < . 6thsl. i-Tl-tt
Titon HIW ? irnlshoi roum 1011 Coj4tol mo.
JC 930 22p
RPNT Ono lurnlshcd room suitable lor two
FOR , 1010 la\cnports' ) . OlMSp
F I OR ULNT Furnished room with or without board ,
1714 California St. 013-lOn
Fonimxr A gontlcmtn can bo oocomodatcd by
a room lu a private , ( amllr central location , two
blccks west of Court house ; references required ; ad-
drees "Beta , " Bee office. 001-lOp
RUNT Furnished room suitable ( or house
keeping ; apply Mrs J P Smith , corner of 18th aud
Clark sts. 032-tl
HINT-Nicely furnished rooms , Modcrn.o3nvo-
FOB ; splendid location on car line , 1720 Cap-
ltd Avo. 40M6p
li'Ott HEVT One large front room with bay window
-L1 and minted and one pleaiant backroom furnished
or unfurnished , modern Improvements , ! 0thfit. near
St Mary's a\e. Inquire S W cOr 19th and Dodge ei.
600 tf
IIBNT Iiigo room 2'x20 elegantly finished ,
FOR ( or ollloo. Inquire ( JM Eaton , 111 S
14th St fiSr-tf
J'OR IIKST Two rooms at S5 per month. Apvly on
pren Ises , 1227 south 18th it. 677-10
BKNT-Hurnlsbed to at-704
FOB - rooms gentlemen ,
south Eighteenth st 68M8p
ion * HK.ST Olllco .rooms , liinhmin'a bloc'c ' , K E
. corccr 10th ud DouRlw.
I OR RB.-.T Nicely furnished room with gas nnd
F bath , S VY corner 14th and Jones. & 50-200
RENT Furnished room for two with board
FOR . Chicago st. 554-20
OH RENT Pleasant furnished rooma suitable
( or gentleman , terms reasonable , 005 north 17th ,
514-1 Op
OR RUST Elegant ncnly furnished rooma 2525
Dodge st. 607-tf
I OR RENT Furnl'hed and unfurnlehed rooms 1013
Dodge St 4S4-lfp
KOOU8 With boarddctlablt ( ir summer. Applj
at St. Charles Hetol. 237-tt
jflOll BENT Front loom lurmehcd 1309 Cap'tal
F '
a\e. 443-lOp
FOR REST Fu'clshtd ( rent room eouth cost cnrnei
10th and Farnan. 433 tf
T710IIKENT Rooms ( urnlshed or unfurnished ; call
J ? at2COnorth22dst. 401 tf
FORHENT-Klcely lurnlshcd rooms 1617 Davinport
FOK RENT Two or three very nice rooms fur
nished or unfurnlelr d.four blocks south ot Opera
house. Inquire C2H south 16th. OS-tt
T7 OU RENT Furohhed rooms with beard 1S12
J ? Dodge st. 317-tf
F OR RENT Several flno cIIcos ( In Orounsc' block ,
Inquire Ed. Norrls , room ID Crouuso block
034 tf
F 00. RENT Furnished room 1613 Dod4.
'OR ' RKNT Nicely furnished rooms at 1718 Gael
St I 23C-t (
s.u.K OR RENT An excellent farm In Jefferson
Precinct ; 100 acres ; 40 acres timber ; 160 bear
ing apple tress ; good Improvements , etc. Clrcuin-
Btinces which cumpd silo cake thia a bargain. II.0 ,
Stripe , 1331 Douglas ttrect. t > 23t (
FOR BALE - Cheap , forty acres ncarcltyl-10 down ,
baUno3 on long time at 8 pr ct , or will tradefoi
city property Corner lot on Park ave 76-149 fool
SMU. Corner on 10th and Lcavenworth st $2300 ,
Homo 6 rooma very cheap. W , G. Sr.rivcr , cpp. P ,
O. 551-lfl
FOR eLK 11,62P acres land In Neb. f2 10 pcrajx
30 rents per acre ciah. We also h ve the Urged
list of laud * ana stocks ol merchandise ( or cale or exchange
change In Nebraska Shorn tn , Ehernln & Co , Lln-
ccln , Neb. 653-10
FOR 8M.I : Fa m and unimproved land Iota am
house on long credit B&MLand Olllco , 6201-
13th St Vadlcka & Qoanlnsr. f03-iclS |
BALK 40 acres of and within 18 miles o
FOR , with gocd house , barn , orchard , fence ,
a'l ' undsr cultivation ; will trade for city properly I
taken W , Il.Ureen , o\et lot Natlona
Bank. 5C6t (
FOR SALE 160 acres good land , 20 miles Iron
Omaha and i mile from tbo thriving town o
Rprhudeld , Nob. , on tbe Missouri PaclOo Ky , , at
bargain ( or 30 days , or w.ll trade ( or llr t clam tin
pro > ed Omaha city property. Woolley It , Harrison
room 20 , Omaha Nutioiul B&ok. 473-23
IT'ou BALK Uood farm in Vtushlngton Co ; 17
1 acres ; SO acres cultivated ; good buildings ; ( In
orchard ; running water ; all fenced. Klward Norrl
k Co. , room 19 Urounse Block. i74t (
BALI Two cottages and lots Virginia avo. on
FOR south ot St Hary'a ave. bt care gSOO cast
balance on Ung tlmj. Isuu AJama Frcuzer bloc
opp , P. O. 017-tt
SALE Cbeap for uih Six choice lotl I
FOR View and ( out In Burr Oak , east (
Hansoom'4 Park ; apply toChas , HoUomM , Hf
Farnurn Street. CD-18
mis-A a bargain , t block only six blool
FOR Coutt bouir , elegant residence , proper !
would make eight or ten lota ( or tentraent house
will ellnde. AUdresj owner J A Rclltn't , Omaha.
48M (
. A lull lot and bouie of die rooms , pai et and good cellar , north ride at lime
and 2J it. Innulie on pifinUci. Cbailei Kaiser
j 547-2 !
I TT'oasiU-House and lot corner 24th st , , and Ca
L' ltd ave. 8 rooini inodera ocnveolcnceii , stallt fi
4 horses , a Inquire ol II. O. Htrlpe , 131
Douglas it. 460-tl
To SAU OBiiKNT-Kx ! room Inuse , we.l cUttr
J ? and stable ; first clau orHer.twentv.flrst and tit
sir , rebt $20 nrr munib , tell J2.0W aiy terms A
Tukey , at CaulSclds Book store , 478-U
BALE A very mo 0 room bcuao and Ic
FOR be sold 1223 North l b Bt
T70R DALE Good 6 room home , lot 60x132
P ( rent , ? 1SCK > ; 9100 oash. btltnce $16 per wont
W. H Oieor , n r 1st National bank. 88111
HAIK Ilou'o and Jit on DoujUs etrctt , nt
FOR school ; $1600 , easy ttrini , W. II , Orel
over lit National bank. &S2tf
TJtOH SAI A full lot on corner ol 13th and Jon
JL ? paveJ etrcet and within cue I ] uaro ol U. P.
li. lor Bale , Warren 8 * itiler. 689 t
SALE-Thirty choice loU n r park ave.
FOR Blebblns , room 31Crclghton block. 815-alf
> I T70RBALII A b'aok mire dilvci slogle or doul
J ? 1 < | uii ! 3Kcorntr 17th andUorcaitt. 001- :
, > OH SALE S lour year oU matched maics ini
F uni nze and a good cow , Inquire ol J , I'rk
tree trimmer , Bioukllae addition , Went Oma
north eaat UnMr' Ettr garden. 478
K-Mjr ( u llT horts und two > f td rl-
rli ( ; , h niM > ml robes. Wm. U IutM )
MAfCp tine Se cl.1 oUndMd bred
colt , ( teed morer ; Inquire niue I ) tn.
FOR 84LI Nlc fitmlljr hnr f , phtcton nd li r-
n * ; inquire > t Dlue H tn. dSl-lfp
FOU SALE-A pn'rof ' xtr coed work hems ,
wclRhlDR nboiit 1,400 poumli nth ; five \PIMI
eld , sound nd v , ebroken. \ [ . UCMCII tor fell nc , too
> alu be ) ( or my b slnr > < . Inquire t ueo.
02fl Urotilnftf , Council DIufTj ,
FORBAtn UealnUtc , wnnllnplo lmpr TO some
VM-j\nt lot .l Oder the Mlowlnir properly.
Lotn 4 tnd 6Cl rk ( ttldlllon Lriktetinortfi it.
Lots S 0,7 , tnd Vlook 1 IHAAO Stldtn odd.
Iols 7 8 ftml S block S t ) Ight t. ) mnn add.
1 Home iml lot7410 Cupltol kit.
I Home nnl Ii t IS block 0 , K unite A Huth's t Jd ,
f'O lots In Dupont i lice , south ot the Turk.
4 lots In block 13 and W , WatcrlM , Xeb
A fi rrm > MSO cr < i < , ROncres In cror , lsoJO crcs
11 under ( enoo , nt r Hi rnitn , W hlngtin Co.
160 ercwjirMlo Urd ncirStnnton , St nton Co. ;
also for loito on long time , 8 lots on Wet Farntin t ,
60 foot ftorocm tt lUrj'snv , ) . Inquire ot H U.
Clirke ; 1(1 ! UougUs SI. Oi9-24
Ij > 01l SALE Vor StO down nd f20 i > cr month 1
1 will build an rleRMit tl > o worn cMURO , with
forchcB.clostU , bnr nlndow trickctlhr , cl t rnc3ik
tome , &lfci , lthtol its nicely loircxHho hole
all com ] Ute $1,600 The cjttagoa to lie built ikt once
contracts forlen ho already beeulet. Cull t ray
ofllco nndseotiltn ol cottaRo , location , Vc. Hiinc
vour friends nlonp , C , K. Maync , south-nest corner
16th and Faruam. . 207-itSU
TTAOR SALK 200 Yearling eteerti ,
1 ? 209 2-year old steers ,
860 yctuliog littler * .
200 12 nnd S-i car-old hcllcra ,
CO Rmlcd bulK
STRANOII tROS , SlnuxClty , Ivwn. 739alO
l > ALV : On easy rtymoili. Kill urclii
' lots ix'id build houses on short r.ctl o ! o > all tb j
pnrrhaiwr. Irqiilro of I * . J , Citodon , conlfaotoi
nnd bulhlcr 27th and Webster St. _ DOOnM
1 > iiAt. F.STATK. imoKRM Lobcck tt Co1 , 1212 1'iunam
III ttrcrtcorner ISth , real estate bought and sold
on commission , exchanges of rent or personal proper ,
ty offcctciUtno | < atr3iiagoeilpartlcs huMnurrcnlcstut *
or stocks ol goods to sell or oxchingo at rotsonible
ptlecs , 11 solicited , ana will have ur liost sttct tlou.
13 rnsovAL Mrs K M Hooper , Tr.\noa Clairvoyant
enJ hrallnR medium now ready lor business ever
No 023 IGth street , south-east corner \YobnUrand
Utb , terms very reasonable. 48S-nilO
W ILT , Co found at 1500 Oa > enport { . aucxpcr
lonccd nurse. Best city reference chcu
HPo KirilANar A splendid ( arm for groceries , hotel
X end saloon ( or ( arm : address It U PAttcrron , 13tn
and Faro air. 57018
rpo KXOIIANGK 410 acres well ImproMtl land J tulle
.L'rom ' Esiox , Iowa , ( or a stock o ( general racrcban-
cllso or hardware. Addrcsi Jobn Undcilulm , K ) ox
OK SALE Or exchange. Wo n vo fnr mlo the
exclusive right In thia date to sell the coal
einomlzer and soot dcstroytr , destroys the soot and
will save twen'y per cent on coal , will neil county
rlghti or the state , or will exchange ( or real estate nr
IU7 rood property on application will Bend sample
(51(1 ( ( aland glvo iivticuUrn. lira on lor selling
> vu > : cannot clvc It hU attention : a rare clianco ( or
IVTI in : Bedford , iScucr & Davis. 278 tf
KXCHANOK-TwoIoUIn W. A. Ilodlck'a add.
lor a lot or half a lot located somewhere neater
the center ol the city undeultaMo ( or building , will
pay additional 11 > aluo Is moro. Address "O. Y.
Bee otDco. 915-tt
Cheap , the Calif rtila Meat Market on
FottsALK California Sts. Owner going out ol bus-
Inrs" , must bo HtM by Hay lit. W. 0. tihrher , real
cbtato , opp l'03t ofllco 614-21
1OR SALE A comnleto sot o ( tnloon flxturcs.
F1 Address S , Vr.n ollice , Council Bluffa.
Foil SALB-ln a thriving growing town , n gentle-
tnana turnlehlng and liatbutlucns tu bast location
in anewbtlck bu'ldlng ' , long lease and cheap rent ;
addrees "L F" P O box 67 , Hastings Neb. 412-lOp
TOR BALK TRADE OR RUNT Blacksmith and wagon
P chop with tool' , good business established ; ad
dress Gee W LambringWeeping Water Neb. 421-21p
T7OR SALE--A good paying harntsashop , the best
X1 chancofor ayounman to start In basinJBI ; ail-
dress "Harne'n shop" Hce olBee. 20t-17p
Tloii SALE Crur store In a desirable locality , wil
J Invtlce about $1.600 HC Pattenon , NK cornrr
13th and Farnam. 430 tf
FOR SALK-A first-class stock of dry gords $5.000
oA a bargain , will take part croh baUnco real es
tate ; address "jr. V. B. " care Bee office. 2fl2-t (
"Ij UH SALE Or exchange a full stock ot clothing
J ? boots and shoes , gent' furnishing goods , will exchange -
change ( or Nebraska Lands. ' O. ll.i'oterson.SOl S.
10th St. , Omaha , Neb. JM-tl
OHO larco bandsomnly furnished room
with excellent board for single gentleman , 1718
Dodgo. 678-tf
T inST-CLASS Bed and board 1212 Capitol avo.
"I OST-A rcto ( plans , nui kotl J. C. Pcrrlgo. The
JLJ finder will icturn thoiame toO , C. Bieeett , 1337
N. 10th strict. C07-17
4 gray onlt Ifi months old ; return to n
LOST al Uault houeo , Popplcton : uo , $6 re-
wnrd. (20-18
' . on banjo given by O E Oelleii-
beck , at 1110 Ca.iltol avo. 430 tf
' flcrman Intelligence olllco has re
moved to 017 B 10th street. Good girls can find
employment by qppl ) Ing here.-
vaults , links and ccsspoji c'eancd anv time
Piiivv ' day In an entirely odorless way with our
Improved pump and apparatus. Orders by mall
iromptly attended to. A. i\anp , office and residence
1208DodgoSt. upetolrs. 409 m7p
T iniiTS'iMiRona- J MoMIn bos for sale the best
JJrodj manufactured In tno Urltcd Stalls annealed
elect IcstPtl center 001 cred nitlishectcoiiporordern
C'.1 con rcdi or repairing old ones promptly attended
ta Address 1011 tJaundiiB it. 3 0-mC
UP Twelve head ot joung cattle. Owner
TAKEN ' ir name by ciOllriu upon John F. Hocb ,
llllk dairy , noitu cl Deal b Dumb cwjlutn.
E03-m 2Mow6w
, vaultfl , slnls and ocs8iools | cleaned at the
shortcut notice and satisfaction guaranteed by K.
0. Abel , P. O. Box 878 , 100 inip
AI.1KT. 803 Ttnth rrreel , between Farnair and 9Vl >
noy will , whh theald ol guardian splilt * , ibtalnlnp ;
for ai'jone elanofl In the nastandpioso.ii , and on
certain conditions In the future. Boots and lion
made to order Perfect utilisation Kiuranlftrd
Carries A fine line of Menu' Shoes la
Congress and Button. We contend that
llatbnway , Boulo cV Ilorrlngton make of
thoes are not beaten by any house cither lu
style or durability ,
Hens'Buckle Shoe 1 00
Men * ' Uuttoa 8hoa 1 70
Mens1 Button and Hols 200
Wo can and we are selllnR goods very low
for cash. Heraember the plaoe.lOlii Dougla *
itre t T. N. UllAY ,