Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 16, 1885, Image 8

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Thursday Morning , April 16 ,
J. K. Pierce , of llydo Park , MAIS , , i in the
tlty eilling on acquaintance * .
The Metropolitan club will glvo the Iwt
patty of its aerien next Wednesday evening
The employes of Wllkins & Kvans , gave
a social hot ) lad niaht In the city steam
This evening the Ation club cornea
to the front with a calico party to bo given at
Germania hall ,
The police took np two stray mulci on
rarnum street early yesterday morning. A
public Impound la badly needed.
The first train on the B. and II. stock
yards extension went out yesterday. Five
can of stock were hauled to the yards.
Henry Dohle , the Farnnm stteot shoo man ,
ban returned from the cast , where ho has pur
chased a now stock of goods.
The veteran sexton , George Medlock , ro-
tutued yesterday morning from n short trip to
his daughter nt Irvlngton , where ho Is reported
lo have demolished , in a gastronomic way ,
seven coopfuli of Shanghai chickens.
Charley Miller Is an applicant for the
position of manager ol the peat house. He
has been through the siege of the diseaao him
self , and being honest and faithful would
doubtless fill the position well.
Judge Stenberg yesterday raado a clean
sweep ol the jnil rats. A call on Mr. Gorman
revealed the fact that his hotel was tenantlosa
yesterday afternoon. The judge tells the re
porter that ho will keep his docket clear i
it is possible.
If the BRB man heard once ho did fifty
times yesterday this question : "Have you
any Idea what will bo done by the new may
or ? Who will get In ? " The reply was , "Wai
and fioo. " Not any satisfaction , but a safe
Ono of Judge Benoke's last oilicial acts
was to surrender to Tom Murray , at the request
quest of Chairman Creighton , of the board a
public works , the check for $200 which he gave
some time ago as n guaranty that the stroe
at the corner of Fourteenth and.Hnrney would
be cleared.
Mayor Boyd will use "his Harney strVso
oQico as a mayor's office , where he can be seen
from 0 a. m. to 5 p. m. , and the office in th
city hall , lately used by Acting Mayor Mur
phy , will ba used by auditor E. K. Long un
til the offices in the new court home ar
ready for occupancy.
A mooting of the oxocutlvo committed o
the May festival association was held Tuaidnj
night and it was decided to hold a rflhearsa
of .the mixed choruswith ] the full orchestral ao
oompanimant next Thursday evening , Th
scheme is progressing favorably ; extra effor
will bo put forth to Increase the grand choru
to at least one hundred voices.
A petition will bo handed to Mayor Boyc1
to-day for the suppression of the Bucking
ham theatre , signed by all the busmess me
and respectable residents in the vicinity'an
including the luillard and Metropolitan hole
proprietors. The means of suppression sough
is by refusal lo issue a new license in place o
' ' ' ' " ' " * expired.
Prof. Gewmner gave uo t _ , t M
residence , 622 N. 10th street , Monday nigh
the occasion being the fifteenth birthday o
bis daughter Nellie. A large number o
friends were Invited , who participated in th
joyous festivities of the occasion. Dancing
music and refreshments constituted the even
ing's entertainment.
Several , weeks agoR. W. Breckinridg
swore out a complaint In Judge Stonbere
court charging OBO Hans Timme , a Juburba
resident , with embezzlement of $48 , in fallin
to account properly for some goods of whlc
he had disposed as agent for another party
Yesterday morning Mr. Brockinridge a ]
peared in the police court and withdrew th
complaint , as Timme has squared up accounts
The third debate , this season , of th
Creiphton College Literary society , was
spirited one. The subject was"VMiichwa
the greater general , Grant or Lee ? " Master
Malonc and Kussoll , on the negative , de
llverod well composed 'arguments in favor oLeo
Lee , but Masters Whalen and Miles stoutl
supported the fame of Gen , Grant , and mad
some good hits ,
There will be a social union' and ban
quet of the Baptists and their friends at th
First Baptist church In this city , Tucsda
evening , Aptll IS. After supper speecho
will be made by some of our prominent citi
zeiu , and an address by Dr. I1 , S , Neseau , J o
Chicago , who is one of the brightest and bos
speakers of the denomination. Thes
speeches will bd Interspersed with fine music
A good time is expected ,
A representative of the Charles A. Vogo
Icr company , of Baltimore , Is doing hisutmos
to cover the city witli the third annual Si
Jacobs Oil calendar for 1835. This book o
health and humor for the millions , containing
original humorous articles and Illustration
by the leading humorists of America , la belni
gratuitously placed in business and prlvat
houses in Omaha. It la a splendid advertise
ment for St , Jacobs Oil , the conqueror o
pain ,
Articles of Incorporation of the Omaht
Loan and Trust company , with an authorize !
cipltal of § 500,000 , wore filed in the county
clerk's office yesterday , The business of tb
company will bo the negotiations of loans on
real citato and the purchase , and sale of rea
estate and ptrsonal property. Its coutinu
one9 Is fixed at forty years. The ] incorpora
tors are George A. Hoagland Max Meyer
J. II. Millard. A , J. Simpson , GuyO.Uaiton
J. J. Brown , W. B. Millard , U. W. N sh
William Wallace , A. 11. Con ; oise , ' 8. H. H
Clark , G. W. Lintnger , Dewey & Stone am
Thomas L. Kimbill ,
Nearly ayearago the Prlncecs Nooscolita
an Indian variety actress who had been per
forming at the Buckingham theatre , left he
position , broken down in health , and a cred
itor of that institution for several weeks
wages. The proprietors refilled to pay her
and , lick and helpleis , there was no telllnj
what might hava become of her If she had BO
been taken in by a good Samaritan , who
r/tthout p y boarded and lodged her
When she recovered she secured a judgmen
tgkiust the Buckingham , which wai Irani
( erred to James MoVey , who has since belt
it , awaiting a chance for levy by attachmen
or garnlthee proceedings. He tuccocded in
gurnitheelng the other day the 3100 license
guaranty deposited in Treiuirer Buck' band
by the Buckingham people , The saloon 1
now closed , and the Indian pitncesih&i he
revenge In an unrivaled form ,
To EXCHANGE 440 acrea well lin
proved liud J uiilo from Ksiex , la. , fo
s atcck of general tnerchindlso or hard
we. Addres' , John Lladerholm , E :
The Mayor Says that Gambling Houses
Must Close Front Doors ,
Tno Order Enforced Yesterday After *
noon Plans for tlio Future.
Mayor Boyd'a first official order ycstor-
lay morning to the police was given to
ylarihal ( Jammings. It woa an order to
lese the front doois o'f all Rambling
IOUBCS now running in this city , and
with also a general mandate that no cow
onca shall open.
Marshal Cummlngs act to work In the
afternoon and notified all proprietors ol
ho now order , and hereafter the houses
will not bo lun on the "walk-into-my-
> arlor.said'thc-spldor-to-the-fly"plan.
A reporter called upon Mayor Boyd
festordoy , and found that gontlemat
cady to converse upon this important
and interesting subject of the gambling
evil and his future plans relativethereto. .
"I Intend , " said he , "to abivto the evil
of gambling in this city. The marcha !
nforms mo that there era now nine
loutca running In full blast. I do not
.hlnk there ought to ho mora than four.
Accordingly I shall take ctopa to close nl |
iho smaller and moro disreputable catab-
Ishmonts , where "akin" practices are
carried on , or where there are the uaua' '
plans bryught Into play to fleece
itrangors. Of course there are four 01
five straight houses here , and agninsl
thoio no movement of suppression will
bo directed. "
"Do yon think that gambling could bo
abolished altogether. "
"Novor. Men will gamble as long aa
they have money , and there is no use in
trying to prevent it. And as long as thi
ovll must exist It la hotter that it should
bo confined within proper bounds. So ,
the boat thing wo can do la to close al
disreputable establishment * . So far ae
my order to the marshal this morning ie
concerned , I issued It simply as a preliminary
liminary to the furthor'abatoment of the
gambling evil. I want to prevent boyt
and young men from having unlimltec
freedom In passing in and out ot those
places. The house must ho run not at
an open puollo Institution , but with some
air of privacy.
"I have- further undoritood , " continuec
Mr. Boyd , ' 'that a now gambling house
waa to bo opened on Thirteenth street
I wanted to see that it Is not started
And no other establishments will bo al
lowed to open , but on the contrary , as ' .
aald before , their number will bo en
down. "
Ono of the sporting fraternity , In con
voraatlon with a reporter thla mornlcg
said that BO far aa Mayor Boyd's fron
door order waa concerned , It could bo easil ;
complied with , and wouldn't affect thei :
bnalneas in in the slightest degree. "Bac :
way , my boy , back way ; what's the mat
ter with that ? " ho winked.
Another member of the fraternity , anc
a dealer In a large establishment ; re
marked : "Mr , Boyd'a now edict Is jus
what will precisely pleaao the gamblln
profession proper. Ho Intends to en
down the number of establishments
Well and good. Thjs will throw mor
busincrs into the larger and 'stralgh
honaea and will cut off the 'pewter spoon
SSffo oYlhd'lJraternlty. So that the mov
will prove really beneficial to the legit
mate. No air , we don't regard this sue
don tack as an Invasion upon our ranke
in any sense of the word.
Production ol ulicmlcnlly Pure Crcnn
of Tartar Total Elimination or
All Limo Impurities New
Discover lea in Refin
ing A Long Stride
Toward Faro
Food ,
New York Tribune.
Discoveries of ranch importance on ac
count of the relations they boar towar
a moro wholesome food supply and con
Ecqnontly upon the public health , hav
been recently made In the procesa of refining
fining cream of tartar. Oroam of tartar
as is well known , is a bitartrato of potat
ea purified from the crude tartar , or ar
gel , which collects la tt crysialllno depos
it upon the bottom and aides of win
casks during the fermentation of th <
wlno. This tartar , in its crude
state , contains limo and otbor Impur
ities , which no process of roQniu ;
known prior to thut here described wa
able lo entirely remove. It has beer
possible , It la true , to neutralize the lime
to some extent by the aid of chemisals
and this method was resorted to in ordo
to procure cream of tartar in small qiun
titles for pharmaceutical purposes ; but i
was open to serious objection In view o
the fact that the ohmlcals mod for thlf
purpose were not always washed out , bu
remained In quantities that were uncer
tain and prejudicial to its quality. The
supposed impossibility of removing the
llmo has , accordingly , -caused cream o
( attar to bo classed and sold as pure when
U did , not contain moro than five poi
cent of this Impurity. The major part ,
however , of that used in commerce , 01
for culinary purposes , contains the tar-
trate of llmo to an extent much greater
than five per cent , not infrequently be
ing found , upon analysis , debased to a de
gree equaling one-fourth or moro of lie
entire weight.
In a report upon the subject of foot
adulteration made to the Now York
State Board of Health by Professors
Chandler and Lore , it is stated that ol
27 samples of ercam of tarter boughl
frarn dosleri as pure 16 were adulterated
with various aubstaucoi from 3 to 03 per
cent , whila of the remainder all contained
tartrate of lime , some as high as 10.69
per cent ,
Thosorlous character of-this adultera
tion is more readily appreciated when it
la recollected how largely cream of tarter
enters Into the prepaiatlon of food nl
averfamily. . In connection with soda
ia baking powder It Is the chief agent
now' employed for raising and making
light and digestible all cur biscuit , oake ,
and other pastry , and U besides , iu
many communities , superseding tbo cld-
faihloned yeatt for all leavening pur-
3ojec , so that it Is employed to some ox-
cut In almost every meal of which wo
eat , The amount of cream of tartar
used in tbii conntiyjn a year in biking
powder and other wisp , in the
preparation of food is eetl-
mated at ten million pounds. If this
were 00 per cent pure a high oatlnm'e
wo would co sumo one million pounds 01
more of llmo annually is a substitute for
bread. So Inrga a deterioration becomes
apprcciaVo In the deprivation of cur
focd of a portion of { tsTimtritlve elements
ot only , bat If , M is now tuppoiod , this
zcoss of limo taken Into the system has
relation to the painfal aQectlons of the
ddneys BO prevalent In this country , Us
'earing upon the health of the entire
immunity is too important to "bo over-
The now proccsi by which cream ol
artar Is produced 100 per cent pure
hat is , with the limo totally ollmlnatot
by treating the crude material under
> rcsiuro Instead of using any chemicals
rhatovor for the purpose , wan the dls
oovory originally of a Gorman chemist
bnt has been developed and perfected by
ho lloyal Baking Powder Company of
, hls city , through whoso efforts a few
roars since in behalf of a high standard
if purity in food , the public
was rid of poisonous alum baking
owdora nt that time BO prevalent.
The determination of this company to
ilaco upon the market only absolutely
itiro goods and the Impossibility of doing
his lorm the cream of tartaof commerce ,
made it apparent that some now mothnd
must bo sought bo which cream of tartar
could bo procured In largo quautltlosfreo
rom llmo and chemically pure. The
cream of tartar reOiiers of this country
and Europe when approached upon the
subject declare such a result Impossible ,
and declined to incur the expenditure
icceasary to make the trial. The lloyal
3aking Powder Company , accordingly ,
osolod to solve the problem itself ; and
laving secured the aid of the boat chom-
sta of Europe and America , proceeded
with its Investigation and diicovorles
nntll tlio result , after several yoata of la-
Dor and the expenditure of over half a
uillton dollars in the purchase of patents
perfecting of proteases , and the erection
> f buildings and machinery , WHS reached
n the complete attainment of the end
nnght. The works ( now owned by The
tfow York Tartar Oo. ) are located In
Brooklyn , and exceed in size and
; apacity any other similar refinery
n "tho world. They produce
\ chemically pure cream of tartar , it Inch
s now exclusively used for pharmaceuti
cal preparations , and In the manufacture
of the celebrated Baking Powder.
Tbo energy and outlay that have effect
ed this will undoubtedly bo fully reward
ed by tha public which will chiefly bone-
it by the successful iasno of the investi
gations , People are coming dally to
moro fully appreciate the valno of pure
and wholesome food. By the exclusive
nso of this chemically pure cream of tar
tar , the lloyal Baking Pcwder is produced
entirely free from lime , and absolutely
pure , qualities possessed by no other
baking powders yet made. A baking
powder entirely free from llmo or other
impurity must not only contain more
strength or leavening power and produce
better food and therefore ba moro eco
nomical for use , bnt what Is moro Impor
tant , possess qualities of superior whole-
Chemists and physicians have looked
upon the experiments with much interest
and regard their success as a matter ol
much importance.
The twelfth ] of tbo series of ladles1
muslcalos took place yesterday afternoor
in Meyer's hall. As usual the event wai
well attended. The programmo.n mixed
ono of song and instrumental music , wat
perfectly presented , and charactorlzad bj
the customary brilliancy. The following
order was observed :
1 Two waltzes , op. 3 Harding
No , 2 In F Minor.
No. 8 , in O M j . . .
Mr. W alter F. HardJntr
2. Lullaby Globe :
3. Glide Gondola Mre. Terry
Miss Ida Gibson ,
( Withflute Obligate , by Mr. Julius Meyer , ]
1. Two Movements from Sonata , op , ! )
( a. ) Allegro Vivace , ( b. ) Adagio.
Mr. Harding.
5. "No Mora" . Perkini
"Douglas Tender and True" Millarc
Miss Hensomnn.
C. "W ho Treads the Path of Duty
Mrs , Bevel France ,
7 * Cavatina and Aria "Twaa no Vision"Verdi
MJB8 Gibson.
Smoke Seal of North Carolina To
Police Judge Benolco Makes Way foi
His Successor Yesterday Morn-
Ing's Police IJuoinees.
Judge Benoke , after faithful years oi
sorrlco on the police court , stopped down
and out yesterday morning to make way
for his successor , Jndgo E. M. Stonborg.
During the period of his service , ho has
made many friends and few enemies , and
in his retiring to private life again , he
will carry with him the best w.'shes of
all who have boon associated with him in
his career.
Jndgo Stonberg , his successor , ( s well
known to Omaha citizens , and has served
a number of years as justice of the
peace , in which capacity he has gained an
enviable reputation as a judge and a
jurist. Ho will doubtless fill admirably
the position to which ho now succeeds.
Tbo work yesterday morning was not'o '
a very consequential nature. A. Pottit ,
Jim Walsh , Keen Connor and Christ
Thompson were fined $5 and costs for
Intoxication. None of them wore able
to ralsa the necessary funds , and were
sent over the hill to the county jail.
The police made a raid Monday night
upon the disorderly women of the town ,
ffhohad been derelict in payment of their
inea. A dozen or moro wore arrested
and all bat throe were released upon pay
ment of their tax. The three were ar
raigned this morning and convicted after
: rlal. They were fined the usual sum ,
? 5 with ccats.
Gottlieb Augustine , a human fiend
who was charged with cruelly boatlntr
ils wife , a helpless woman , was fined $10
md costs and sentenced tp twenty days
'mprlsonmont In the county jail.
Eleven vagrants , who were captured
tfonday night near the nail works , were
given varions sentences on bread and
water , some of them being ordered to
eave town.
w. o/r. v.
The ladies of the W , 0. T. U. will
told a prayer mooting at their parlors
> ver their lunch rooms , corner of Flf-
eenth and Capital a venae , Thursday
afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock. All are in-
Hod to attend. By order ef the seen
The nndorolgned have from five to
eight thousand cable yards of earth to
move and will receive bids for the work
nntil 8 p. m , , April 15,1885 , For par-
iculara Inquire on tbe ground Immedi
ately south of Sbeeley'a Packing honso ,
on line of U , P. Ry , between the hours
of 11 a , m. and 3 p. m. of the above
date , or at the Paxton hotel in the
evenl' g. H 0. MSLONE.
< l ntjtber Dangerous CMC of the Droart
A BKE reporter late Tuesday after
noon learned that n case of amall pox existed
istod in Omaha , and dcspito diligent
enquiring ma Jo alow headway in Icarnlnj
the truth of the rumor , until at too late an
hoar to visit the person stricken. It ma ;
bo stitod upou testimony received by the
reporter last night that a few doys ago , a
negro came to Omaha from Denver , Col
orado , aflllctcd with the dlaeosa whtoh ho
had contracted in Denver.
On Monday night ha was convoyed to
the peat house from a room In a tenement
house on Tenth and Davenport streets.
This tenement was occupied by several
families of colored people who might
have been endangered by the presence of
the sick man ,
Dr. Lolsonrlng , city physician , went
out to the pcst-houio yesterday morning
and examined the patient , whoso nnino la
Charlie Bay an. Ho pronounces the case
a fully developed and dangerous one of
amall-por , and the chances of recovery
alight. Everything has been done for
the sick man , however , and every atten
tion will bo paid to bis comfort.
niTho doctor informed a reporter yesterday -
day afternoon that ho did not think there
waa the tno slightest danger of an cpl-
domlo at present. Ho has taken strict
precautions to prevent the spread of the
malady from thla case , and the apart
ments occupied by the sick man h vo
boon thoroughly iumlgated In order to rid
them of the contagions presence of the
There Is no cause for a general panic
on account of the disease , but it would
bo well for all to take the usual precau
tions. There Is no telling when , whore ,
or In what form of violence , the malady
may break out.
Public spoateora and singers find B. H.
Douglass & Sons' Capsicum Cough Dropo
a sure remedy for horsonoaa. 2
GARY. In this city April 15th , at 0:15 a ,
m. , Mrs. Jennie M. Gary , aged 09 years.
Funeral will take place to-day at 10 a ,
m. , from her late residence on the corner of
Irene and Parker streets. Friends ot the
family invited.
MoDEUMOT.-In this city April 15tb , at
0:20 : a. m. , Charles McDermot , aged 41
{ 5Funeral to-day at 2 p. m. , from hisjlate
residence on the corner of 23d and Leaven-
worth streets. Interment at tbo Holy Sop-
OLSEN. In this city April 15th , at G:30n. :
m . Eda Maria , daughter of Samuel and
Matilda Olson , aged 8 years.
Funeral will Uko place to-day at 2 p ,
m. , from the family residence on Oth and
Jackson streets. Friends Invited ,
Importing , Commission and Jobbing
1$05. Fftrnnm Street , Omaha.
Ten per cent discount given from oui
prices on all mall orders.
Buckiaiu" fraraun 8c
children's bat ; , trimmed , from 25 <
Children's hate , untrhnmed , from 2oc
Canton hats , now shapes , from 25 <
Union Milan , new shapes , from 55 <
China Milan , from 85 <
EngHuh Milan , from 61 2
Ribbons , half silk , fgrcm grain , No. 5 ,
5c ; No. 7 , 7c ; No. 9. 9c ; No. 12,12c.
Ribbons , all silk-satin , gros grain , No.
4 , lie ; > o. 5 , 14c ; No. 7 , 17c ; No. 9 ,
23o ; No. 12 , 33o.
Satins , in blacks and colors , from 55c.
Silks , for trimming , from 29c.
Ornaments , of every description , from
5c up.
Flowera , from 5c spray up.
Black Oatrlch lips , at 50c ; 75c ; § 1.0C
per bunch up.
Children's lace collars , 5 ? , 15r , 25o ,
35c up.
Lace goods for ladies , loc , 50o to $1 75.
Gloves , now styles , at 17c , 23s , 24c
and up.
Laces In every pattern , from 3o up
Velveteen in black and colon , from
Silk velvets , In blacks and colors , from
§ 1 40.
Ladles' linen handkerchiefs , from lOc.
The cheapest , the best made and the
boot fitting.
Night-gowns at 42o , 78c , 81c , 99c , and
OhomUo at 49c , 53c , 99 ; , § 1 23 , § 1.33 ,
$1.39 and up.
Drawers at 49c , 90s , $1.49 and up.
Skirts at 77c , 79c , 83c , 99o and up.
Brewing eacques , SI 63 , $2.19 , $2.37
and up.
Corset covers at 25c , 29c , 59o and up.
Muslin sets at $3 95 , $4.75 , $0.50 and
up.Wo are desirous to secure good agents
to soil our goods In cities or towns whore
wo have no agents. Ladles having a fair
hours per day can nuke money by sell
ing our goods. Send for terms.
Saal ol North Carolina Tobacco is the
_ _
"Tho of Bin"
wages were bolnff
paid yesterday forenoon in a prac
tical way. Judge Beneko , our former
polloev judge , has accumulated a largo
quantity of personal chattels of every sort aa
security for fines and coata imposed by him
on impecunloua offender ! . By authority of
law he bag had _ them Hold under the super
vision of tha district attorney , and Sheriff
Miller was busy to-day auctioning the e prop
erties off. Quite a largo turn waa realized
which will bo turned over to the police fund ,
About 2:39 : yesterday afternoon two pistol
ehots were fired In the rear of Wood's Mu
seum , They were fired by some persons of
tha cempany in connection with the play of
"Queen's Kvldonco , " and at Cratwere , sup
posed to have been an encounter between
anzry persons , A crowd of * hundred or two
collected , but at once learned the truth and
went about their business. Thla waa all of
the firing sensation.
W. D. Peck & Co. , brokers , received the
following telegram yesterday from Avery ,
IlilUbrsut & Co , c nemlcg the Oil COR o
markets : Consuls opened 8 points higher ,
ciuiiog sharp break at owning in wheat ,
being sold , After the first rush to sell was
over tbe market reacted a cent and a half , but
a further advance In coniols of G points brought
freih selling ciders , a consequent break
Pressure to unload wheat has continued
throughput the day and market ha absorbed
all offerings and o'oscs at Jo advance over
opening values , Purchase. ) on breaks greroa
most advisable course for tbe present. Com
oroke in sympathy with wheat under large
sellings for York account values appear
forced to us and outlook barrinir war seems
lower. Provltlopi weak ; declining ; receipts.
Ilogs large ; market tendency downward ,
Brands a < 1r rtlfd M l"ohit 1r par *
fine * a ean top down on A hot KIOTO until heatdtn i
minors th * co r and nwll. A rhembt will not b r *
quired ted t ot the prntnc * ot ammonia.
ITS iiiiLTitrmEU lus NEVER HFKI question.
In a million hem far it quarter ot a ctntury U bit
iteod the consumers' reliable tr t ,
_ _
DP , Price's ' Special Flavoring Extracts ,
Tht itrcof Mtfiaoitdriltloai v < l Bttarftl ( liver kBO < rnnd
Dr. Price's Lupulln Yeast Gema
For Light , HfMthr Drrait , The Deit DTT IIop
Ynut In the WorM.
The Jury Dlsclmrgeil [ or the Term-
Motions Now In Order.
In the Hantcom vs. Cornell caao in
thla court , yoatotday , the jury returned
a verdict for 390.67 in favor of the plain
tiff , which Is about what the defendant
offered to aottlo for.
In the first trial of Fulton et al. vs.
Levy , an ejectment case , judgment was
entered and a now trial granted.
The jury in this coutt was discharged
for the term.
The next term begins in June.
Judge Neville will take up the motion
docket to-day and each day during the
week , and try any case by the court that
may bo ready. On Monday the judge
goes to Sarpy county
The caeca of Jacob Elton vs. John
Flanagan , forcible entry , etc. ; J. L.
Lovett vs. B. Stlgg , forcible entry , otc. ,
and West & Frltscher vs. the Times-Dis
patch company , for the possession of the
building occupied by them all new
cases were begun in thla court yester
A. J. Hammon and Padlo Hughs were
married ye&tftrday by Judge McCnlloch
in his court room.
In Simpson vs. Bennett judgment was
rendered for defendant.
Richards and Clark vs. Jaeger and
Kendall , suit dismissed without preju
dice.Letteis of guardianship granted to
Joseph and Nicholas Scheldt.
Yesterday afternoon Jndgo Stenberg
fined Gotlieb Agenstlen $10 and costs ,
and jailed him 20 days for beating his
Chan. Hsgadorn carried concealed
weapons and went to jail in default of
$5.00 and coats.
Thoa. Ryan charged with stealing two
blankets was set free for lack ot evi
Hias Andercon paid $5.00 and costs for
being an inmate of a bawdy honso.
"That whiter skin of hers than snow ,
And smooth as monumental alabaster , "
Was all acquired by using Pozzoni's
Medicatoa complexion powder ,
Frdjjht Shivmont * .
The U. P. yesterday received in car
loads as follows : Corn 4 , merchandise
36 , coal 25 , cattle C , bullion G , oats 2 ,
material for company 1 , hay 1 , hogs 3 ,
lumber 1C , barrels 2 , nails 4 , posts 7 ,
coffee 2 , lath 2.
U. P. forwarded : Merchandises , load
2 , copperas 1 , coal 3 , cattle 9 , oats 12 ,
wheat 7 , hogs 2 , lumber 21. Through
cars 06.
Missouri Pacific received : Cattle 1 ,
stone 4/ lumber 2 , flour 1 , merahan-
diso 4.
Missouri' Pacific forwarded : Lumber
2 , merchandise 2 , crackers 2 , kegs 1
cnalrs 1 , trees 1 , earthenware 1 ,
TlioAV. O.T. U. at the Skutine UlnJe
Mr. Mohtaguc , a talented temperance
lecturer , who has created great onthusl
asm through the state , trill on Sabbath
afternoon begin a seiios of temperance
meetings at the skating rink. The pub
lie will bo we'll repaid in attending these
lecture ? , which are given under the aus
pices of the Woman's Christian Temper
ance Union , and will be free. A trainee
choir will make sweet melody , and al
lingers wishing to join it are cordially in
vited to meet at the parlors of tbe W. 0.
T. U. reading and colFeo rooms on FiiJay
at 7:30 : p. m. to rehearse. All aio wel
Absolutely Pure.
Thll powder oeret rule * . A marvel ol
itieogth ad wboltiomcDM * . llote economical tbui
the iriiloiry klnJj.acd oumat bo Hold la compoU-
HOD with the multitude ol low U t , ehori wilgbl
aliua of phricbrte powden. Bold onlr la eu > i
HOYAL llAKINQ rOWPSft 00. ; 101 Wall 8IH.Y. ;
Royal a Perfect Baking Powder Abso
lutely Free from Lime ,
Tlio lloyal Baking Powder is considered by nil chemists and food an
alysts to bo a marvel o purity , strength , and wholesomoness. Furthert
moro , it is now the only baking powder before Iho public frea from limo
and ob'.olutely pure.
This is duo 'argoly ' to the improved method by the use o which i.
lias been made possible to produce n perfectly pure cream of tartar , from
which nil the limo has biou oliiiiiuated
This chemically tire cream of tartar is exclusively employed in the
manufacture of the lloyal Baking Powder , so that its absolute freedom
From lime and all other extraneous substances is guarantee.
Professor McMurtrie , late chemist in chief to the U. S. Department
of Agriculture , ofter analyzing many samples of cream of tartar of the
market , testified to the absolute purity of that used in the Royal Baking
Powder as follows :
"I have examined the cream of tartar manufactured by the New
York Tartar Company and used by the lloyal Baking Powder Company
in the manufacture of their baking powder , and find it to be perlectly
pure , and free from lime in any form ,
"All chemical tests to which I have submitted it have proved the
Royal Baking Powder perfectly healthful , of uniform , excellent quality
and free from any deleterious substance.
WM , McMURTEIE , EM , , Ph.D , ,
"Chemist in Chief U. S. Dep't of Agriculture "
Factoiy Prices
Send tor our catalogue
and price list before pur
chasing elsewhere.
And Sole Importers of
Fine Diamonds , Watches , Silver
ware , Rich Jewelry ,
Wholesale and Retail.
Cor. llth and Faxnam Sts.
Meerschaum Goods.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers In
Chins , Ammunition. ,
Sjporting Goods
JS'ofcioii-i and Smokers' Articles.
Stationery , Cutlery ,
Druggists' Sundries
And Fancy Goods.
Full and complete line and
Max Mever & Co , .
1020 to 1024 Farnam ft. Omaha.
The undersigned phpsirhns of San
Francisco are familiar with tno o-rnposl-
tion of the principal articled in d lor the
complexion , and freely certify that CAM
ELINE Is harmless and free from all
poisonous or injurious substances.
L C Lane , M D G F Cooper , M D
H H Tolanti , M D S W Dennis , M D
R A McLean , M D J M McNulty , M D.
0 B Brlghsm , M D J 0 Shaffer , M D
Bonj J Uean , MOW Carman , M D
H Gibbons Jr , MD W Ayer , M D
J J Clarke , M D T Bennett , M D
W H Bruney , MOW Hammdnd.M D
A M Loryca. M D W F McNutt.M D
0 L Bard , M D A J Bowie , MD
IIL Slmms , M D J 0 Shorb , M D
J n Stallard , M D F A Holman , M D
0 McCaciton.M D J RcBdnotirn , M D
0 0 Keonoy , M D J D Whitney M D
A M Wilder , M D T Boyson , M D
G H Powers , M D 0 G Kenyon , M D
B R Swan , M D 1 S Titus , M D
L L Door , M D J L Moares , M D
J W Keeney.M D T Price , M D
0Holland , MD H Gibbon ) , M D
Madame Adolina Patti ,
Writes ; 'l ' shall have to repeat the
praltos of your OAMELLINE heard from
all sides.
For Bale by
H. T. CLARK DRUG CO. , Omaha ,
And all first clou druggist * .
Uraduatoot the University Vienna , Aus *
ria. Late Buraetn to the Military Hospital ,
f Vienna , Will do a general Msui < ul and
urgical practice. All cal ! in city or country
noniptly attended. Ofllco at the Ouiaha
iledical and Surgical Institute , Corner 13tb
treet and Capitol Avenue.
At U > old Und 1117 Ftnum 81. Crden t > r UU
r phtolldioduid | > fODptl Uttadtd to.
Omaha afedical & Surgical
Institute ,
13th St. , Oor Oanital Ave ,
Chronic and Sum'cal Diseases
Dleouea of Femalei , of the Norvou * vetom , Pi
vato Dlaeaatx ol tbe Urlnaiy nd esiul Omm
uid JJliouoa ot tbe UttA. IfcrotUnd I/UHKI ,
Dleoues treswd by aa experienced ( pedilUti tlio
dUeaaca ol the Heart. Liver , Stomach , Kldncji ,
! KlJ r , Neur lil > , Hheumatlirn , 1'lles , Canoor , UC.
And all other disease * of the Ihroatand Lungit roil
ed by Medicated Vapora. ( Send for ! ntml r or
circular on Inhalation. )
All dlrwftea of the IllooJ , Urinary and eiual Or-
Ita i.rV.T U DlMUi nd
Piles Cured or no Pay.
( t-et ilHoajJUland Prlvito Practice. )
GaxKUiulot usd tiasalnatlon free.
Ci jlor write iV > r Tirculan on chronla dltea'ce and
fclormitlei , DUtawe of Pomaloa , Private WMIMI
of the Urinary and Bestial organs. Seminal Weak ,
now , Nervous Debility or Kxhatutlcn , ta. , eta , , and
rur new reatorativotreatment.
II letters and consultation * Confidential.
MediclDoisenUoallparUof tie country > > y e > ,
priwB.Bocurely packed from olxwr ration , U full do.
sortptlOD of ca e U friven , One personal luterrttn
preferred U convenient. Open al all honrm.
ddreei all letterj to
Omaha Medical & Surgical Insttutp ,
18th St. Cor , Capital Ave ,
jouur.iu IK
Hill * iLUu < ir t Iron
Load Pipe and Sheet ,
nocTiuiuTon btr.ia nai-s ,
MIJIUILLill ) llll > K WHJ , fl Kilt
ith & Dodae St . .OMAUABED ,