Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 16, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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Thursday Morning , Aoril 16 ,
Br Carrlei - - - - . -JO centi'pe * " * '
Bf Mall - - - . - 110.00 per ye
No , m lcarl Btrcot.
The city council moots tc-nlght.
J. W. and E. L. Squlro want to buy
nice cabinet desk.
The Council BlulTs board of the lar
loogrjo is preparing for a ball on the 23 <
Lower's hotel begun going np ycsto
day , and when raised to grade will V.
greatly Improved.
The now building of Mr. Morgan , c
Main street , is about ready to receive 11 :
The Episcopal ladloi will hold thol
"Carnival of Nations" the latter pait i
Mr. Burnham is building a nice littl
college at the lioad of Oakland avcnni
next to his own residence.
Palso alarms "of fire continue lo qlv
exercise to the teams , and n small allow
cxnco to the inlnuto men.
Gus Williams opened at the opor
house last evening , giving a very enjoy
able entertainment.
Peter Anderson , aged 7 years , a so ;
Christian Anderson , of Hazal Doll town
ship , died Tuesday of croup. The funern
will bo held to-day.
The now Pierce street school house i
already at crowded that ono of the room
of the old building Is to bo opened , am
Miss Swan will take charge of that ,
At 0 o'clock last evening Justic
Schurz performed the ceremony at hi
office makintc M. P. Bohron and Marj
Bowling happy aa husband and wlfo
They are both residents of this city.
A Mills county man whoso wife re. '
ccntly eloped with a handsomer follow
was yesterday seen hero In company will
his wife again , the pair Booming aa happ ;
aa If on ( heir original honeymoon trip
They have made peace in same mysta
rions way ,
Just aa the Herald man was enteriup
Morgan , Keller & Go's ono of the largi
platoa of glass in the front waa mysteriously
riously broken. The Herald man donlec
that ho had hit it in any way , and th <
affair waa a mystery until it was aecor
talnod that in entering his cheek iccl
dentally touched the glass.
I George Smith , the water works watsh
man , at the Glen avenue reservoir , wan
arrested yesterday on the charge of shoot'
ing within the city limits. The real
cauao of complaint seems to bo that he
lias baon shootiog at dogs , which attempt
ed to drink out of the reservoir , there be
ing no fence , or other contrivance tc
keep them our , and so houses a shotgun ,
The case was continued until a week
from Saturday.
Lloyd Forgravo and Joa Anderson
wera yesterday in the police court on h
charge of fighting. The young men had
some little difference about money mat
ters , and ono hearing that the other ono
was threatening to whip him , ho hunted
the belligerent up to give him a chanco.
Aa the judge remarked to thorn , they had
more muscle than judgment , and ho
therefore gave them & judgment , it being
that they shall each pay $5 and coats ,
There was a hap py wedding at four
o'clock yesterday afternoon at the resi
dence of F. H. Hill , No. 823 Third avenue -
nuo , the bride being his sister , Miss Hattie -
tie E. Hill , of Duluth , and the fottunato
groom being Col. James L. Dyer , of
"Wichita , Kansas. Rev. A. K. Bates ,
pastor of the Presbytorlan church per
formed the ceremony in iho presence of
quite a company of friends. Miss Knapp ,
of Koosaugua , Iowa , and Mr. F. F. How.
land , of this city , served as bridesmaid
and groomsman. Col. Dyer , who thus
vflni so worthy a wife , is in the govern
ment employ.
Facts worth remembering when you
buy Wall Paper : 1st. That Beard , next
door to postouicp , h&a the largest stock to
iiolect from. 2d That hla prices are aa
low as the lowest 3d That ho is a
practical interior decorator and employs
none but skillful workmen.
1' , F , Freeman , of Chicago , put up at the
Oftden yesterday ,
O , W , Toetevin , of the Northwestern road ,
b at the 0 dcnf |
It , F , Clayton , of Macedonia , waa iu the
city yesterday.1'
3T. B. GnuU pf th'e Wabash , Is spending a
few days in Nebfaik'a.
Mayor P. 1' . Kelley , of Glenwood , was In
the city yetterdiy.
J , T. Spangler and Peter Koll prominenta
from Walnut , were here yesterday
John H. Kobb , of the Qua Williams com.
blnatiou , is at the OffJon.
Key. Mr. Crofts is attending the Congre
gational convention at lied Oak ,
Ilobbt Davidson , of Dea Moinea , who hat
been visiting here , returned borne yesterday ,
Deputy Sheriff Collier Hendrle , of 'Mllli
county , waa > ! > iblaon the streets yesterday ,
Gus Willi&mi , "Tha old original" la hii
Una ol acting , registered t the Ogden yelter
day from bis native town , New York city.
W. W. Chapman hai BO far recovered fron
his illness M to b * able to attend to businesi
gain , although itlll quite weak.
Mr. 3. 3 , Stevens , the general igent of tbi
Rock Inland , ezpecta to return from Califor
nla tha latter part of this month ,
M. C. and A. L. Kaeg , who have beet
travelling for Mueller , the muiic man , are ex
pected to arrive home to-day.
Mr..eltser , of Sionx City , wu in the clt ;
yesterday , en route for Davenport to aUem
tha convention of brewer * , to bo held there.
Mr. 15ell , the asaUtatit superintendent o
thu government boildlng here , left last even
ID ? , with bii wife , over the Wabish fed
d , III ,
A Undljr Dccujctl CoOln and Conten
Found on Madlion Street.
There wan a report current yeslcrdi
to the clToct that a ccfl'm and a body hi
bcon found on Madlaon street , and tl
doialla of find wore , aa is usual in au
cases , exaggerated as the report api
along the streets. TUB BEE man in cot
panywllhM. B. Brown , the tclegroj
manager , proceeded to investigate , at
fonnd the plain fads to bo th
George Trainman , living at Ho. 10G Sou1
First street , in digging a vault In tl
roar of this lot , had discovered the grav
The coQln apptarod to have been urn do
blaik walnnt , bub there _ la no plato i
other mark of Identification discovers
The old graveyard used to bo near thor
but the cemetery grounds , so say o !
settlers , did not roach over that far , i
that the mystery of a man bolnjc burlc
there is not easily explained. A nut
her of persons visited the spot yes'ordi
and variona conjectures wcro advancoi
but no very sittifactory explanation cou
bo given.
Artlsla' Materials at G.B. Board's W
Paper Store. Send for prlco list ,
A B limit , Young Man nnd n Gn
YotiiiK "VVoiUftn Get Pulled by
the Police.
Between 1 and 2 o'clock yostorda
morning Ofliecr Kirk noticed a coup !
trying to get into a ealocn , evidently <
get a drink , and the place being cloaoc
they ttied the alley door. They wet
Into the hallway of ono of the buslnoe
blocks and after remaining
Tow mlnaloj started ofl doir
Pearl atroot. Klrlc mot oQicc
O'Brien and the two kept track of th
mystorsous acting man and woman
Finally they tackled thorn and were in
'ormod by the man that ho was takin
iis wlfo home. A short time afterward
Uflicer O'Brien saw a light anddonly aji
pear In ono of the rooms of the tkatln
rink block , and after watching a llttl
.ho light wont-out , and a conplo cam
Dnt. The oflicer recognized the lady as th
ono whom ho had met and intorviowei
i half honr before , but the man was ;
Jillerdnt one. They started up Mail
street and the officer again intorviowei
them. They answered that their bus !
nesa was none of his , and bid him to bi
; one , and hlo himself to aomo salooi
md got drunk , like any other police
man. This angered the officer , and afte :
allowing them to Broadway , ho again mo
) fticer Kirk and they placed the coupli
mder arrest on the charge of dlstutbinf
the peace. The young man gave hii
lame as B. B. Hnnt , and that ho wai
jmployed at Stewart Bro'a , and that thi
; irl was a lady friend of his , who bolnf
ibout to leave town had como down tc
iis room at 2 o'clock ' in the morning t (
oe him before she left. Ho had simply
; ot up and seen her home , and believed
10 had the right to walk along the etroett
without being disturbed by the officerj.
lo told the judge very pertly thai
iven If the girl was not of firat-clasa rep'
itatlon there was nothing wrong aboui
hat , and advanced the theory boldlj
hat the world could not got along wlth-
rat such , and ho believed that all men
vero alike in Indulging such evil com-
mnloDsbip. The judge , In deciding the
ase , held that his conduct was not such
s would convict him of disturbing the
oaco , but gave him a heavy "setting
own on" for his cheeky advocacy ol
owdness. The judge Instructed the
ollce to arrest him * if they saw him
oing to the house where the woman
vea , and warned him that In such an
vent , he would bo taught that he could
et along without any such female com-
anlons for a while at least. Ho also
old thd young man that he had such
alth in the respectability of the firm
bat employed him , and of the owners ol
ie building whore ho roomed , that the
adge believed they would , on learning
10 peculiar views and practices Indulged
y the youog man , set him out on the
llllfca , the llnckiiian , Hurries Away
to Nebraska.
Pat Vlllisca , the hackraan who was ar.
eated on the charge of robbing a C ! Br
ian near the transfer , stoutly dented that
o know anything about the matter , but
appeared yesterday that ho had doubts
jout being able to convince others that
o was Innocent , At an early hour in
tie morning he skipped oat for Omaha ,
laving hla bondsman , Wm. Martins , to
and in tbo breach , and bo liable
sr the amount of bond , $250. The night
afore , Yllllsca called at thu UKK oflico
nd begged the paper to "go light on
im , " claiming that the German admit-
Ed that he wai mlatakon , oud had with-
ratrn the charge ; and farther , that the
iormau had boon given the amount of
is alleged loaa , and had agreed to leave
ho city. Tha Gorman wai on hand ,
owevor , yesterday morning to prosecute
ie case , and Vtlltsca waa the mlcslng
no. The oflioors are after him and pro-
os a to bring him back If ho i ) fonnd.
L H be s Corpus O so Growing Oul
of a Dlstnrbnuoa of n 1'rayor
Judge Ay Us worth Is having a ran ol
aboaa corpus oases , Yetterday auothei
ras brought before him , it being fron
Ilonwood , Mills county. It appsarj
bat Samuel Orton was complained ol
loforo a justice there for disturbing c
) r yer mooting on the 24th of Morel
att. A jury trial was had and Oiton wai
ned § 25 , and in default of payment wai
ommitted to jail for eight days. .
? ho chief point ra'sod ' in the habon
joipus case ypeterday , was , that the jus
Ice had no jurisdiction , because be re
; eived a se/hd verdict , and allowed thi
cry io dltporsa without returning thi
ordict in open court. Judge Ayles
worth decided that the justice thus orrec
ind BO crdercd Oiton set at liberty. Thi
iecistun only * avea Orton ouo day of tin
sentence , he hiving already spent aovci
uf the ei ht daja in jill.
I nsta Olianoo to Outllatcr.
Wall Street D lly News.
The proildent of a western rallioai
wai liteiy waited on by a couple of dl
rectors with very solemn countenance !
and after the tuu l talulatloca bed bee ;
exchanged ono of thorn said ! "M
President , have jou the interests of tl
road at heart ? " "Yes , air yes , sir
conrao I have , ' was the reply. "If c
why didn't you cut rates latt wee
Blank and Blank , $1 , and tboioby ha
our road advertised all over the countrj
"Why , sir , last week wo were so snowc
under that no didn't move a train t
iwoen the point * named 1" "Of conn
I know all about It , and it was a gold
opportunity that may never como agal
When yon are stack in the anew is i !
very time to cut rates. Wo get the a
vortlsomont and the public receives :
benefit. Let this bo n moral leeson
you , sir a great moral lesson. "
> I1
Burlington will experiment with cod
blocks for paving.
The Warden of the Fort Madison sla
prison reports 303 Inmates of that instil
tlon on March 31.
Bio Jmfio'd tai raised a conl proapootli
fund of $000 , and operations will beg
The two broworlos and all the saloo
in the river town of Lansing have cloBi
up , and propose to abldo the law whl
Booking itu repeal.
A woman in Boone who was snppotti
by charity during cho past winter ,
showing her gratitude by a publlc-splriti
effort to aid In the Improvement of tl
town by Iwildlng herself a Cno rosldenc
Blackleg has broken out among tl
catttlo in Jones county. J. A. Crawfor
a substantial stock grower in Csas towi
ship has recently loat twenty head
young stock by the diioaso.
On Friday last United States office
discovered and soizad'an illicit still , bi
Ing operated in the honso of a farmi
near Burlington named John Stanfc
who la an old-timer in the manufactui
of moonshine.
Mrs. Lena Struck , an elderly lady , wri
formerly reeided near Denison , Orswfoi
: ounty , leaped from a Davenport fen
into the Missouri river and was drownot
The autcldo left a note in her room sta
ng inhuman treatment by her brute hui
rand had driven her to tbo act.
Dr. R. M. DoWltt , of Dea Moinoi
while on a midnight visit last Fiiday t
a patient , was assaulted by thugs , wh
: eon discovered thoyjiad made a mistake
The doctor lost his hat and were out
antorn , but branded ono of the gan
indor the eye by which ho was idcntlfie
> y the police and plucky doctor a ahoi
imo after.
State Mine Inspector Wilson Is havinj
serious trouble with the coal mining operators
raters In different parts of the state. H
epoits an utter disregard of the mininj
aws ol the state by the companies and :
iontempt for the injunctions sued ont b ;
ilmagafiut several Boonsboro companies'
ast 'Winter. The Inspector haa made ap
) Hc tion to have the offenders brongh
up for contempt of court.
A little six-year-old girl at Fort Madi
on explained the cause of her chlldlel
ears and grief by pointing to the rlvo :
nd .say ing. "Oh ! my mama has goni
ito tha river to drownl" Hastoninf
own to the bank the gentleman discov-
rcd the unhappy mother with her baba
n her arms , wading out Into the angr ;
iver. Brodght back she sale
30 had found the struggle for existenci
oo great , and hoped to drown herself am
abe , leaving the helpless little ono ot
lie bank to Ged and charity. The pee :
voman had been abandoned by her hns-
and , a man named Johns , and left t (
upport five helpleta children.
There lias been four presidents in thi
3anama country In the past threi
won tli s.
The mongooses imported Into Jamaici
> eat np the myriads of rats abounding
lore , have accomplished their task ,
'ho Important question now is how t <
Ispese of the mongooses , which thi
lacks have a superstitious fear aboui
illing. _
In the Tiiilleriea garden is a chestnut
rhich is said to always open its loavec
a the 20th of March to cemmemoratt
10 return of Bonaparte from Elba. Thli
ear , however , It waa beaten by twc
ther trees In the garden by nearly i
A Toronto lady commenced laughioc
t some amusing incident the othoi
aorning and kept on doing so until she
ttemptod to stop , when aho fonnd she
ould not. A physician was called In ,
nd for a time he considered the case
ulto serious.
Through several administrations tlu
amo plate has been used the for printing
; vice presidential cards. No name ox-
ept "Tho Vice President" Is need by the
nan occupying that position , so when a
ew person cornea into the oflico he
mply orders now cards from the old
Carpets ,
Curtains ,
Window Shades ,
Oil Cloths ,
Linoleums ,
Mattings ,
Bugs ,
Upholstery Goods ,
Etc. , ' Etc.
Careful Attention Given to Ou
of I own Orders ,
7pliolslery and Drapery Work <
Specialty ,
Oar aiock Is the ,
and ii being continually replenlihod b
all the latest and choicest novelties ,
405 Broadway Council Biufit
HOTIOK. Special a vertl men , no M Lo
fonnd , To Loan , For Bate , To Rent , Wants , Don
Ing , elfl. , will b InSMtod In this column at the It
tatt ol TEN OKNT8 1'KR IJNK lor th nnt Inierll
and FIVE CENTS PER LINK lor each mbeeqnenl
rilon. Lnra tdrertlMmenli at oar oOoo , Ko ,
P il SlrMi , near Eroadwav
IflOR SALE House furniture Apply 110 Four
1 St. , bctnccn hours 9 anil 15 a. in. II
IpOR SALK. . . other hold In ft iNcbros
town , now Joins a business of about ? ! 60)i
month. No ether hotel In the | ) ! co. Terms llbctt
lj < 0il SAM5 OR THAUE.-BtO noros ol land
J ? Wayne county , Mo. Will trade for Oouni
Bluffs city property or cll cheap for cash , or Ji >
" ' TO TilAUK , Oood Iowa cr Nobrasl
lamlfor a email stock of barilnare or goner
merchandise , ucll located. SWAN It WAIKXR.
ITOK SAI.K A rnrechsmotOKCt a fine , neil Ii
JU proved farm ol 400 acres , within a tow miles
Council BluDa , at a bargain. Low pilco and oai
| ? 0ll SALK A good pajloR hotel property wll
-I ? llyory tUblo , In one of the best tnmfl towns I
western Iowa will poll wither without furniture , i
will ttada for a small farm with Block eta.
SWAN feWAtKitn.
IWll SALE Klghty acres unimproved land I
E Union countv , lows , 3) ) miles south cast of A
ton , the county scat , or Mil trade for Nebraska i
Kantaa Und. s AN & WAIRRB.
li Oll HALB A 2u aero tract of good lind nbot
JL1 ono and a half nllos from Council IlluOi po
office , at a bargain. SWAN & WALRXR.
l/Oll BALK In Harrison county , Iffwa. 820 acn
X1 Krasa land , all under fence a 00 aero fan
with fine Improvements , all under cultivation excel
20 acres grass Bi acres good grass or pasture lam
and am era ! other tracts of from 40 to 160 acres i
unimproved land. SWAN & WAI.KRR.
"ITUm MALILnnda ; Improved aad unlraprovoi
J ? If youwanta farm In western Iowa , Kansi
Nebraska or Dakota , let us hotr from 3 ou.
SAIK A lareo number of business and res
dcnco Iota In all pans of Council Bluffs. Sc
ua before ) ou buy , SWAN& WALKKR.
FlOU BALK Parties wlshlngto buy cheap lots I
build on canbuyou monthly payments offroi
? 2 to S1Q. BWAN & WAI.KKR
T710H UKNr We wll ) rent you a lot to build 61
-I ? with thoprlvllagotobuylf jou vvl h on ver
Ibcral term * . SWAN fc WALKKR.
TXTANTEU I o correspond with any ono wlsnmir. i
IT good location Ir planning mill , sash , dee
ind blind manufactory , wo have building am
machinery , well located , for sale , lease or trade ;
FOR RENT- Largo two story frame building suit
able for warehouse or storage purposes , nca
allroad depot. SVVAN WALKER.
FOR RENT OU HALM nj.irlljg and ground
eultat It for ecaall foundiy and machine Bhop
Hood boiler , engine , cupela , blower with Qxed shaft
ing etc. , ready to put In motion ,
fj > 01l SALE Houses. Lota and Land. A. J
J ? Slepton on , 503 First avenue
TT\OR \ SALE A top-buggy , flrst-tliss make am
C In excellent condition. Or will trade for choai
ot. Address r. M. Boo office , Council BluTs.
' \TTANTED Every body in Council BluOs o laki
YV TniBM. Delivered by carrier at only twentj
cents a week ,
"VtD FATEUS For ealo at Bn offloo , at S5 centl
\J a hundred.
WANTED A partner with from $2OCO to $5OOC
to Invest In a fine , legitimate and paying
uslncssln thlscitj. Ono well acquainted in the
iclnlty preferred. Address "First-clais , " Bun
fflcc , Council Bluffa.
I have a doubU store bulldlng,10 ioomsportltloDoJ
0 , elegantly papered , supplied with water from the
water works , good brick ccllarsultoi for restaurant ,
aundry , boardlLg bouse , merchantllo business or
ealdont property. Also a largo tno-story frame
welling with IB rooms two cellars , etc. , etc. , suited
or boarding house , private residence , hospital , etc. ,
iposlto the city buildings and city market for rent
icap. W. It. VAUOHAN.
No. 507 Broadway Council Bloflo.
Eailway Time Table.
Iho following are the times of the arrival and de-
uture of trains by central standard time , at the
ocil depots. Trains leave transfer depot ten mln-
ies euiler and arrive ten minutes later.
tmoAoo and SORiuwmiior ,
1.25AM Mall andKzprees fl:50'p : M
2:40 : r n Accommodation 40 : r u
5:30 ! 11 Expioss 0.05 A M
26 A ki Mall and Express 6.53 r M
25 A u Accommodation 5:15 : i > H
SO r u Kxprets 9.CO A u
emoioo , inLVAtmn ABD ST. rAUL.
20A > ( lla'I and Express 0.50 r M
25 r M Kxpres ) 9.05 A tl
cmoAao , BciLnioroH A D QDUOT.
0-EO A M Uall and Express 7:10 : r M
2,3D r K Accommodation 2:00 r M
M r u Expreus 8:50 : A u
From Transfer only.
30 r u St.itoul ) Express 2:15 ! H
(0 i' u Ohlogo Exp via Peorla 0:10 A M
0,0i A u MaU and Express 0:40 : r u
.15 r i < Kiprces 6.25 A u
nonx orrr AND rAcmo.
20 A M Mall for Sioux City 6:50 V u
{ 0 i' u Express for 8t P ul 8.50 A u
UMOV rtoint.
:00 : 4 M Denver Express 1-35 r u
:05 r u I.tncolD Fats O'a &R V 2 35 r H
.55 i1 M Overland Hxpress 8.30 A M
Leave Council Uluffa 7:16 : 8:20 : 9.30-10:30 :
1:10 a. m. 1:20 : 2:30-8:30 : : 4:28-5:26-6.25 : :
:4B : p. m , Leave Omaha fl.40 7SC : ttO : ] 0CO :
-11:15 : a. m. 12.50-2.00 3:00 : 4:90 : 4:55 : 5.55
11:10 p. m.
So. 201 Upper Broadway , Council Bluffs.
NO. 2 ,
a the Highest Achievement in Writing
Machines in the World.
With only 39 kejs to learn a *
operate. It prints 76 characters
Including caps and imill letters ,
punctuations , figures , signs and
fractions. It s the simplest and
most rapid writing machine
made as well u the most durable
zSFSend for free illustrated pamphlet.
Wyckoff Seamans & Benedict ,
Chicago , 111 , , Bole Agents.
0. H. SIIOLK3 , Council Bluffs
Agent for Western Iow
Dr. W. Ho Shorradoa
Masonic Temple ,
Oonnoll BloBt i IOWA
Mendelssohn &
Roonu 23 and 20 Omah&NatLBaalc Clock
Dufrene & Mendelssohn
B o. L. 'Ub r , < erm r7 with V. U B. J nnj
ircUtci , CUctjo. Juilttlta
Copy of a part of n photograph
of n NIAGARA vine , plnntod
1878 , ns It appeared Fall ol
ISSOwIthOS clusters weighing
20 Ibs. on 48 In. bearing wood
1st. The Niagara ripens in fnvornblo PCS sons at Lnckport , Aug. 20th ,
2tl. It never drops from tha item if loft to hnng till frost comec , nnd improves iu llnvo
the time.
Sd. It is purely native , and thcrtfoio hardy , lias stood 35 degrees below zero wlthou
njuryHh.NDoars a good crop Iho 3d > ; enr and elton the 2d , nrd is a refitilnr bearer , anil nc
waste , ns bunches nro compact Kuver fmln to ripen its crop ns the thick leathery folingi
holds ou'H to the b.vo of thn canei until fie t kills it.
nth. Vinrynrda nro in bearing \arlom sccti M from Georgia tn the Northern Ti ket
and Cannjn , nnd from Kunfns to ton Atlantic const , there being miiro thnn 1,000 acres plantoc
Uhin the last fivn years nnd oxer 200 ucros were planted t lirooton , Chtutiiumn Co. , N ,
Y. Inst spring , (1884) ( ) ; Jon's Martin nlono having- nero ; the larcostliipyinl i [ NIa uru ,
being planted t IllRhlnnil , Ulster Co. , N. Y. , by Sam'l llcgers , U q , whichcrnUhm BOncre'
of this ono variety , nnd he h.ii rnnltzoil from 20 to 30 coat ) per pound for his fnilt , while GJU
cords grown in the same locality brought from I to G cents ouly.
0. All parties planting \ineyards hn\o signed n contract to return nil the wood nud cut
ting ovcry year b&clr to the Company np to , nud including ISSSj so it has bion tha solo owner o
nil the toclt , nnd no one but the Company nnd its authomod ncents can soil nnil dolivoi
genuine Niagara , vinos. So nil noraona should examine ngout's cortlflcato of authority , nut
see that it has the corporate seal of the Compnny attached , nnd ovcry vine that it line a lorn
seal nttachod , bearing the impression of the Company's registered trade mark ,
7th. Wo now ollor for the first tlmp. strong 2 yo r old vines nt retail at S3.CO each with
out restrictions , to bo delivered en and niter March 1st , 1SS5 ,
WELLS COOK , Council Bluffs , Iowa
Having accepted ippolntir out a special a ( nt for llie NIAOAH4. WHITE Oil U'B CO.'lor Io n aid No
k , I am now prepared to promptly dellur "iNlAOAHA" xlues under the Ilcjtetcroi TrAilo Mark So
Brick buildings of any size raised or moved nnd satisfaction guaranteed , JTrnma ho
novod on LITTLE GIANT trucks , the best in the world.
1010 Ninth Street , Council Bluffs.
Attention , Ladies.
While closing out my notions.will Bell all hair goods at 25 per cent discount , 300 Switches
00 Waves , Bangs , etc. , to sacrifice. Custom work carefully nttendod tn.
337 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
505 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs.
THE ONLY ALL NIGHT HOUSE IN THE CUT. Everything served m first class style and on short
notlco. Hot and cold lunches always roady.
loof Painting and repairing. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction.
302 N. 7th Street ,
_ r- . H. FIELD. \V. C. ESTEP
Field & Estep ,
No. 317 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Calls Attended Promptly , Day and Night Particular attention given to Embalming
Telephone No. 07.
Merchant Tailors !
7 and 9 Main St. ,
A Complete Line of New Goods to Select From ,
Keep Horace nnd Males constantly on hand ivhlo
wo will cell in retail or carload Iota.
All Stock Warranted as Reoresnnted.
WliolinUomdretOl i ) < ! m ID Grain ludUsUf1 It > ' I '
Bonable Bttlsf&ctlon Outrantecd
Corner Fifth Avo. & Fourth St. CouncllBlnQ\
FOREMAN Hold tbli spies lor tbo advertisement ol Drs. Judd t Smith's Electrlo Afpluncee.
ro too bupy tUilns their orders atd getting their new ( actor j , No. SO , Fourth Street , to rights , to get
ny copy Juit now.
R , liice M , D
killt or Jnnlcc ol UtW.
Oer IHirty rur prude * ! * x titMM
I , Feftrl etrcot , Ooandl BlnQt.
WeoialU/laa Irt * .
- - ,
Office , Main Street , Koomi 7 and 8 , Bhugart and
Beno Mock. Will practice In S > at and tata oourta.
Wholesale and llotall Deilcri la
Hard Soft ana Bhssburg
O OA. .
W. H. 8IBLBY , ManaKer.
Offlw , 88 MUn St. yird , oa C. B. L P. md 0
u * Bt , r.
of Ie Peace.
In Council Dluflu hulng n
And alt modern Improvementi , call bells , fire
alarm bells , etc. , is the
NOB. 21G , 'J17 and 219 , Main Street.
Ko. 220 Main St , Council Bluffs ,
Open Sunday , Flm-elui work guuuiteod.
TOM. errrauu WF .
Oeuril Blufi , In
Established - - 1856
DtcM U
tr. 8. DKl'OSiroUY.
S. W. Cor. Farnam and 12th Sts\ \
" ilOOOQOa <
Capital , - , ,
O. W. IIAMU t'ON , Prca't ,
M. T , BAKT.OW ,
11 , M. OALIWELL , B. F. SMITH ,
Account ) solicited ixuJ kept eubjocl to elRh1
chock ,
Cortifi ales of Deposit issued i yixblo In 31
G and 12 monthr , bearing lutorcst , or on d
ninnd without interest.
Ad > nucoiinndo to customers or avtprov
securities nt market rntea of interest ,
The Interests of customers nro closely RtmrJ
od nnd every facility compatible with prlncl
plea of aouml bnukiug freely oxtciidod
Drnw eleht drafts ou J2nglnnd , IroUnj ,
Scotlnnd , nud all pixrta of Ihiropo ,
Soil lairoponu pnagnpo tlckotfl ,
Collections Promptly Mado.
For Iho Cure of nil discnsca o
Horses , Cattle , Sheep
XTscd successfully for 20 ycnr * by Fur *
mcrs , Stockbreeders , Horse 11.11. , &c
Endorsed Amcd by tboU.S.fJoToriiin'l.
rninphlols & CIiiirH nont fiTO.- > -
100 Fulton St. , Now York.
Humphreys' Homeopathxj
Infl nso30 > rar ; Theonlirmieccmfnl remodrfor
Nervous Debility , Vital Weakness ,
jnj I'rostrallon. from' oerotlc or oilier cum * *
ifl per MA ! , nr \Mi nml larco vlnl poHitrr , for t" >
hOLUiiy IliL'illHTHornont ( | irMlpaul < iTi nxitliitnf
Sl IcuioTof.Vo'uV r\\S\1lN ! ! wYof'u \
Sheet Uuslc and BooVf.
Musical Instruments ,
Hallett & Davis Pianos !
Violins , Guitars and Dan os.
Fiano Stools ana Coders.
Artists' Materials.
Send 2c ftaniu for C&talrguc.
Fluih Gooda and Novelties. ,
Engravings & Paintings ]
o s IF : E
Douglas Street ;
United States DepoBitcry
1111' 11 !
and sr&rnaxu
The Older- '
n 'an't'fl '
i I 1O EOTJNTr * out
' > ? ' a IU 1868 ,
, * National Bank Ii
JOUK A , TviiB tTOH , V ju IVi'i > . . i
A "O'.n iomiTjj , ( '
i. J forr-aif
r. n. Divu.
vVD a B < jo > .1 jiing bajlaeoi. Ittnei tin.
ne beaiin ; k. iett , l > riw dratla on Si
pr nol : o nd i flj'i il oltlei In Iho UoltadSUtel
ilto LanJon , j'i Mo , Edlnbarcb tad Ibi r > rloclp >
Itlesol tha INK tment nd Buropo.
KGW Anacnuienti
f(3rjooEaaoKa ( TO DA via & SKTDZB. )
Ilare for aale 100,000 acrM carttally aelect < t land *
i Ka > t rn Nebraaka , at low price and on eaty Uinn
Improved farm * for tae U Dou lu , DoJge. Collar ,
latte. Burt , Onmln ; , Barpy , Washington , ilerrick ,
lundcn , and Butler oountlei ,
Taxes paid In all part * ot tbe ttate.
Money loared on improred farrni.
Notary rublto alwayi tn office , Coire < poixeno ! *
1224 Farnam Street ,
OObw bout 9 to IS a. u. , S to
Tea jean eipoUoot , Ota ip ak Otrmao.