Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 THE DAILY BEE- MONDAY APRIL .13 , 1885
Combining 1HON with TCUK VEOCTAI1LK
TONICS , < | nlfklr anil romplcttlr CLKAHSbS
and KNIUCIICS * TIin m.OO . Quickens
the action of the Wtcr and Kidney. Cftara the
complexion , make * the skin mooth. It Aot * not
lnJnrethetf lhfan hf dMhforpro < lnceron.
Fhftlcluu and DruggtaU ororjTihero recommend it.
Dn. N. 8 nnoOLM , of Mtrion. Mum. i" " r ! .I
recommend llrown'd Iron Bitten T Jn J.lo ton o
forenrlchlnKUw blood , unit rumoring * 11 djspoptlo
umptoms. ItdoMnotlmrtthotwtti. "
Dn , R. M , DKLZELU n < > rnf > W . Ind. MH i I
htra prmcrilMKl lrrmn' Iron 1)11 ) tors In c efi of
niDmU nd blood dlnoanoii. also when tonlo wa *
needed , and It ba * proved thorough ! ? Mtlndctorr. "
MnWn. BjTOta , M St. Marr St. . New Orleans , I A. ,
Mini "Broiro'a Iron lilttors rellorod me ln c wi
of Mood jpolnonliyj. and 1 uoarttlj commend It to
those needing a purifier. "
The Oennlns has Trade Mark and croewd rod lines
\napper , TnUo no oilier. Made only l > 7
I.ATim1 HARD rtOOK-n ofal and attractive , con
tuning lint ot prireit for r ! lposs Informal Inn about
coin * , nto. . Ktron away br all dealer * tn medicine , or
tnallod to BJIJ addraa on receipt of So. ( tamp.
Elver offered to the oubliOi
Mendelssohn & Fisher.
Rooms 28 and 29 OnwhaNatLBank Block
BuccRssoaa TO
Dufrene & Mendelssohr
Goo. L. . 'Isher , former ; with W. L. B. Joan ;
Architect. Chicago. JinUolm
Harness Saddles
une of th raORl complete Blocks of Harness
HAS , Whips , Brushes , Horeo Clothln ? , etc.
h&ad. 110 M. 18th St. , Bot. Dodge and Capita
xmue. mOedlmlp
Bartend two otamps for Celebrated UodlcalWnka ,
Address , F. D. CLAllItE , JH. O > ( > l80 SouU
Clarlc Street. CHICAGO. ILL.
Boyal Havana Lottery i
Drawn at Havana Cuba
Every 12 to 14 Days.
IOKKT3.rJ.CO , . HALVES , 11.0 !
flabjecl to no mtnlpaljtUon , not oootiolled by th
Mrilealn lolarMt. It la the fulrcak thlnj laib
iilu/oof chtnoeln exlstenoe.
For tickets apply to BniPSET&CO. , 1212 Broad
wav.N. T. City ; SOUNDER & CO. , 103South 1th 81
BL Louis , Mo , or U. OTTOS ft CO , 019 Main Bt.
Kansas Cltr. Mo.
_ _ _ ' * k > Mrf * v *
' IVcd.vrita.hunilred3 of
< iifl - a on Ilorlick's
IrVufBl mithcrsT Mother1 * milk contains no
itnivh. An artlflclil food for lufwts rtiould
MiitfUi " ntaron. The boat and nutritlouj
- " Hn ra M
* . , ( la health-
nr iicVntHd for
J > vwi'KVTJflH [ ! M < IS a IB 0 i U'a .
> , tree f rein ,
lleoouuicudwt by rhy lcloni
HUrhiy loncucl ) l to MurBln
Motliprs M a ilrluU. ITIceIfl
BErtlftcenta. JlyiiUdruirirtHa
"FlflU aljfllcd od anSrillju * . " 0.1' , VMt } ,
U D. . a niie ( , .V. / . . . .
" Mai U ll Ihit eoa'.d t > < tuittl. , aitJ ,
' "
S'--No"hMU rl t l > -
- - oi In rrono ;
Ihloi eiunc. - * * CVlurn , H , l > .t JYw. V. T.
Mil b Mnt br mall on rwoli't of prioo In Ltamp"
IIOUr.IOK'S FOOD CO. , llnrlne , l .
onr.iCK'.I ) r EITU/OI
Chartered by thcStateofllll
noU for the express purposi
oreivlngltnmedlate rclictlt
ail chronic , urinary nnd pri
vate diseases. Qononhcra
QIeet andSyphilli In all the !
complicated forms , also al
diseases of the Skin not
Hlood promptly relieved am
permanently cured by rcme
_ _ _ , Semlna
Weakness , Night Losses by Dreams , Pimples ot
ihoFaceLostManhoodj > o > U { ( < rf/ct ! < rr < i.37irri
< j iiocxj > crli ir i < ( ii/ . The appropriate remed ]
is at once used In each case. Consultations , per
sonal. or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med
iclnds cent by Mall and Express. No marks ot
package to Indicate contents or sender. Addrcs :
Dn.lXMES.No. 204Washlnglon Sl.Chlcaflolll
Direct line for England , Franc
and Germany.
Th ii amahlps ot this well known line sie but
et Iron , In water-tight compartments , and ar fu
nlihed with eterv requisite to make the PMH
both tale and agreeable , They carry the UnlU
BUtea and European malls , and lea\i > New Yoi
Thusdari and Saturdays for Plymouth ( LONDOJ
Oberbou , fPARia and 1IAUDUKQ.
( Uteti blocre from Hamburg 110 , to Hambar
10 ; round trip iO Firat Cabin , 165 , HW and | 7i
Uenry Pnndl Mark Hamen , F. E. ilooroi.l
Toll , agenU In Omaha , OrouewcR t SthoentKei
agentsln Oouuoll Bluffs , a 1 > . KICUAUD & CO
Ceo. Fas * . Agts , 1 Broadway , N. Y. Ohas. Ko
taloiU b Co. , Qenrra-1 We tcro AjeaU , 170 Was ]
la < Bt , Chicago , 111
Is the simplest , best anil mo t complete tT >
( inuds. IlMlaterchanEeabletTpa pl U > i hi
parta and prints from the faos ol the Up * , u
cid of through aa inked ribbon. I'doo ouly | ii
Bead for dcecnptlie olroulars.
Ini P. 0. Cox 711 , Omaha Neb.
CaipalDisoflliBSecontlowaManlr !
-A Weary March
Trading New Boots for Old Shoes
The Gallows at Pulaaki ,
Bbcrmnn aa a FUnkor.
Vrlttcn ( or THE BKR.
The fall of 18G3 found the division of
en. G. M. Dodge , which Included our
cglmont , located at Pnlasti , Tonn. , BOT-
inty-fivo mllea south of NashvlUo , after a
ard march of a week or ton daya from
iiagrango , Tonn. , to which point wo hade
o two months previously , from Cor-
nth. It was a tough tramp to mo Indl-
( dually , as I had started oat wearing a
isir of now boots made to order and fil
ing like a glove , instead of the broad-
olcd army shoes so admirably adapted to
nfanlry sorrlca. My foot swelled and
eon became so painful that I would have
gladly thrown the boots away and gene
barefoot , but for the fact that the stony
roads over which wo marched rendered
that impossible. As I hobbled
ilong ono day , every stop
i torture , Johnny Mills , a miserly olc
chap , bantered mo to trade my boots for
hlu nearly worn-out ihoos. "I'll dolt , '
said I , "and RVO ! you a now pair of shoes
in addition If wo over roach a camp where
shoos can bo drawn. " The offer was
eagerly accepted and wo eat down by the
roadside to make the exchange. With
much pulling and tugging I managed to
get ono of my boots off and slipped m ]
bleeding foot Into the cool shoo with a
sigh of relloi and began on the othoi
boot , but was interrupted by old Johnny
with "Hold enl It's no trade , for I can'
get this boot on to sayp mo , " and so , wltl
as keen a tense of disappointment as ,
ever experienced In my Hfo , I surren
dered the shoos , pulled on my boot auc
stumped along to overtake the company
My manner of marching attracted th
attention of qniok-wlttcd Dick Gear , wuc
thereon , whereon a laugh was raised a
my expense. "If you were half as bad !
crippled as ho IB , Dick , you'd have booi
riding In an ambulance for the last thrc
days , noid my metsmato , Sergeant Flep
gras , who. know the safForlng I had on
durcd from the first day of the march
Then there was another laugh not at m ;
expense this time. A few momenta late
Dick left his place In the ranks , jolnoc
mo in the line of duty sergeants , anc
said quietly : "Lot mo carry your gut
for you , J . " A llttlo act of thought
fnl consideration , bat as I write thee
words , twenty-one yoara later , my hear
Is fall of tenderness for the memory o
the bright-faced lad whom , on a dreadfn
day of battle near Atlanta the following
July , I helped to carry to a sholtorei
place , a wound In his side from whic !
the blood was fast flowing , and received
his dying metsige for the wld
owed mother at Cincinnati. TVliet
I sent that message n few days later
added many words of my own how he
bravo son had met his death , how th
tervico ho had rendered his country frotr
the day of his enlistment in May , 18G1
had been faithful , patient and efficient
how ho had endured hardship and dan
ger without a murmur , and how hi
cheerful , hopeful disposition and kind
heart had fixed hts memory forever In the
affections of his comrades.
Soon after our arrival at Pulaskl one
Samuel DavU was captured near outline
with complete plans of our camps con
cealed on his person. Ho was trlod a
a spy , found guilty , and sentenced to be
hung. It was shown on the trial that the
plans were furnished him by citizens o
Palaiki , and he was told that he could
save his own life if ho would disclose
the identity of the parties This offe
was declined , and the erection of a gal
lows In full vie < t of the jail whore he
was confined proceeded with. Sev
eral days elapsed while Arrangement
for the execution wore being made anc
the offer of freedom was several times repeated
peatod but each time refused. On the
day set for his death ho was brought on
In an ambulance , seated on his coflin , It
company with a chaplain and preceded bi
a band playing a funeral dirge. Wo wore
formed In a hollow squara around the
gallows , and when the procession
arrived ono corner of th
equate opened and the prisonc
and chaplain entered with four mon car
ryiog the coffin , which was placed at the
gallows steps. Prayer was offered anc
Davis started up the steps and just thei
was touched on the shoulder by an office
who for the last time said : "Glvo th
names of tbo men who furnished yoi
these plans and you will ba granted at
escort to Brapg's outposts ant
plvon your liberty , " The boj
looked about him. Ho was only olghtee
years old , and Ufa was bright and prom
islng to him. Just overhead , Idly awinp
Ing back and forth , hung the noose ; a !
around him were soldiers standing in lln
with muskets gloaming In the bright sun
shine : at his feet was a box prepared fo
bis body , now pulsing with young ant
vigorous life ; In front were the stop
which would lead him to a sudden anc
disgraceful doatb , and that death it wa
viithin his power to avoid so easily
Fir just an Instant ho hesitated , auc
then the tempting offer was pushed mid
forever. The steps are mounted , th
young hero stands on the platform wit :
bands tied behind him , the black hooc
is slipped over his bead , the noo&c Is ad
justed , a spring is touched , tbo dro ;
falls , the body swings and turns violent
ly , then la ttlll , and thus ends a tragedy
wherein a smooth-faced boy , wlthou
counsel , t landing friendless in the raids
of enemies , had , with a courage of th
highest type , deliberately choseu deal
to life secured my means ho deemed dls
honorable. Of just such material wa
the southern army formed. The oxecn
tlcn of this brave lad teemed a crue
thing , but , as General Sherman said t
the citizens of Atlanta , "wnr Is a cruelt
which cannot bo refined. "
In the summer of 18G2 , at Corinth , a
orderly sergeant of the Seventh Ills , ba
an altercation with the colored cook o
his captain ; the latter took up the qnar
rel , shots were Changed and the cap
tain killed by the sergeant who was conn
martalled , convlctod and sentenced to b
hung. The proceedings and findings o
the court wore sent
for review. There was great delay 1
getting returns and , afo'r ( being confine
for many months , the sergeant wai re
turned to his company. In December
18G3 , he re enltttod for another term o
eervlcf , went north with his company o
sixty day's furlough ; returned to Pol-
aikl and resumed his duties M a soldier.
t was generally supposed that punish-
nedt would never bo Impoiod upon
ilm , as so long a time had paised
nco ho was tried ; ho was
n excellent soldier and a favorite
with his comrades , but in April 1804 ,
bo proceedings of the court woto return-
d from Washington , approved , the man
was taken from a sentry post where ho
was on duty as picket guard ( having been
educed to the ranks In 1862 } , taken
nto Pnlaskl and hung on the gallows on
which young Davis WAS executed a few
nonths previously , and which had botn
oft standing.
December 22d , 18C3 , a largo proper-
ton of our regiment ro-onllatod for an
ther term of throe years , or during the
war , and como north of a furlough , ro-
nrnlng to Pnlaskl in February , 1844 ,
nd on the 28th of April wo started to
Chattanooga 13 join the army then or
gantzlng there for the Atlanta campaign.
Vo belonged to the second division of
ho sixteenth corps , only ono other dlvls-
on of our corps , the fourth , being In
hat department. Wo were soon after
assigned to the Fifteenth corps ,
commanded by Logan. Sher
man's army at that time was
iomposod of these two divisions of the
Sixteenth corps , commanded by Dodge ;
ho Fifteenth , by Legman ; the Seven-
ocnth , by Blair , forming the army of
; ho Tennessee , under the command of
SlcPheroon ; the Fourth Fourteenth and
Twentieth corps , forming the army of
iho Cumberland , commanded by Thomas ,
and the Twenty-third corps , the army of
: ho Ohio , under the command of Scho-
field.Tho confederates were then strongly
Georgia , and commanded by Gon. Joe E.
Johnston , and the first movement ol
Sherman's was to send McPherson off to
the right and rear of Dalton through
Snake Crook Gap , a plan which was so
successfully carried out that the strong
fortifications of Johnston's army wore
rendered unolesi and the confederates
forced to fall back and take up anothet
position. Thus the campaign proceeded
for tire months , flanking by Sherman on
the right and then the loft , by rapid
marches and a forced cnacnatlon ol
heavy linen of fortifications and com
manding' positions , with but llttlo loss tc
either side.
A fully equipped infantry soldier bean
a considerable load , and on n hot day il
la very oppressive. His clothes arc
woolen , and the dark color draws the
heat. He carries a musket , canteen o :
water , cartridge box with forty rounds o !
ammunition , bavsraack frith from ono t (
five days' rations , knapsack with changt
of underclothing , writing materials , otc
bayonet , blanket , half of a dog tent ,
rubber blanket , tin can to boil hla cofibi
In , and , occasionally , ho carries alee i
frying-pan. This , however , WAS only tin
case with the more provident ones. Whei
wo first struck the D'IIO ' woods of Georgia
wo found some difficulty in cooking. A
soldier would pound his coffee In his til
can , using his mnakot barrel as a pestle
pour in water from his canteen and placi
the can over a few Innocent-looking pltcl
pine sticks , touch a match to them anc
turn aside to eomo other duty. Instant
ly almost the pine Is all ablaze and the
can is shrouded In a roaring five fee
high , and the soldier is fortunate If hli
coffee boiler is not molted fiowii before
ho can rescue It.
Twelve miles was considered a day'i
march , but was frequently exceeded , anc
wo have marched thirty-four miles between
tweon camps. When on a long tramp 11
was an aggravation to the Infantry met
to BOO
fresh from the north and attached tc
some general's staff dash by on a horse ,
and it was their custom to yell out , cheer' '
fully , "Grab a root ! " or "Jump off
jump off ! " or "Cut the lines If yon can' ' !
hold your horse 1" If he was fitted enl
with the tremendous cavalay boots wbict
many of them affected , the boys would
sing out , "Come up out of those boots
wo know you'ro there , for wo see yom
oars ! " Or in case his pride sought ex <
preseion In a showy hat with much braei
and feather adornment , it would bt
"Come down out of that hat ; we know
you'ro there , for we BOO your foot. "
On the Atlanta campaign Gen. Me
Pherson added to his popularity with hit
command by never compelling the BO !
diers to abandon the road to allow hlnv
self and staff to pace back and forthalong
the line of march , but always skirted the
read himself , dodging through the
woods , dashing across open fields , and
when a stream was to bo croseod , forc
ing a return to the highway , ho would
quietly wait and drop In at the roar of a
regiment , hurry across and take to the
woods again. In passing he would al
ways recognlzo and return the ealatloiu
of the command with that graceful cour
tesy which so well fitted tnls prince ol
soldiers and gentlemen.
A sore core for Blind , Bleeding , Itching and
Ulcerated Flloa has been discovered by Dr ,
Williams ( an Indian Remedy , ) called Dr ,
William' * Indian Pile Ointment. A single
box has cured the worst chronio cases of 25 01
SO years standing. No ono need suffer five
mlnutoa after applying ; this wonderful sooth'
ing medicine. Lotions , instruments and eloO'
tuarioa do more harm than good. William's
Indian Tile Ointment absorbs the turners , al1
lays the Intense itching , ( particularly at nlghl
after getting warm in bed , ) acts M a poultice ,
rives instant relief , and la prepared only foi
I'llna , itching of the private parts , and fei
nothlne olso.
Read what the Hon. J. M. Oofflnbewy , ol
Cleveland , snya about Dr. William's Indian
Pile Oolntmeat : "I have used scores of Pile
Cures , and It affords me pleasure to lay that 1
have never found anything which gave incb
Immediate and permanent relief M Dr. Wil <
liam's Indian Ointment. For tale by all dnifr/
gists and mailed on receipt of price , 60o and
§ 1. Bold at retail by Kuhn & Co.
Wholesale Agent ,
Interest In politics Increases In Ger
many. There were 505,197 more voters ,
allowing for all increase In population ,
who wont to the poll in 188-1 than Ir
1881. Of this increase the social demo
cratio party polled 248,020 votes.
This Is the best season In which tc
purify the blood , and Hood's Sirnparlllt
is the best blood purifier. 100 Doaoi
Ono Dollar.
The senate and chamber of deputies o
Venezuela lit in two lofty , barn-llki
looking rooms , each' about sixty fee
square , and entirely destitute of decora
tlon , except the never ending portraits o
Bolivar and Guzman.
ly Indorsed by honsskeepers and other
who have tried It No aoap Is required
and cleaning Is done with a saving o
much time and labor. All housekeeper
should u o it.
The villa on tbo Wand of Elba , whld
was occupied by Napoleon after hla abdlca
tlon , In 1814 , was recently purchased b ;
tbo Jesuits , who intend to convert It Int
a college ,
Alniworth hw roller "Shinny" club.
Ilobron has A school population of 433 ,
Nebraska City elected A democratic mayor ,
The Dodge county jail U without a tenant ,
Hnmboldt has decided to' build a $12,000
school house ,
The school consul shows an increase of fitty
per cent in 8crlbner.
Kearney oloctcd a high liconio mayor by a
majority of fourteen.
liloomlneton nronouncnd for liquor llcoato
by n majority of thirty.
Cbai. Nutt hud an arm crushed In the ma
chinery o the Wilber Mills.
The young men's republican club of Platla-
moutli hns boon incorporated.
Ilartington oilers Inducements to a practi
cal brickmaker to locate there ,
The democrats scooped everything In Fre
mont , except thrco conncllmon ,
( -The Nebraska City distillery paid 580,000
government taxes during March.
Holdrldeo has a school population of 200.
? ho boys have it majority of two.
0. K Stoarn dropped dead while painting a
louse In Arapahoo. Iloart dieoaso.
The republicans of 1'latlsmouth made a
.lean sweep with.their town ticket.
E. Underwood loads the wheat growers of
Cnox county with 200 acres planted ,
Track-laying hns begun on the eighty-four
mlles of , road graded west of Valentine.
The production of double-hooded calves li
ecoming a thriving industry in the sUto.
There is a surplus of laborers looking for
nrork on the line of the Sioux City & . Pacific.
The "law-and-order" ticket prevailed ever
ill combinations of the wicked in Hastings.
C. II , Deitrich and others have brought
uit to recover possession ot 387 lota in Hast *
Ilobron declared against license by n major-
ty of eleven , llubbcll and Cheater did like
The Plattsmouth Canning company baa bo *
gnn operations by manufacturing a stock of
cans ,
Arlington contains sixty-nine American
[ nmlllo ? , ono Bohemian , thrco Irish and ono
The bridge ever the Rawhide , between
Jamestown and Fremont , waa burned by a
irnlrio tiro.
A telephone line is to be constructed be-
Lwoon Ainsworth and the county scat of Koyn
Paha county.
Stamper Perry , an aged gentleman from
[ ndiana , waa plucked of 3100 by pickpockets
at Plattemouth.
The gilded glebe surmounting the epiro o
the M. K , church in Lincoln ia jnst 115 feel
from the ground.
High license swamped all opposition at Rot
Cloud. The natives will take theirs etralgh
and above board.
The temperaco : ticket carried the day ir
Control City , while hih license carried every
ory thing in toward.
One thousand tons of stool rails , to be iiBot
on the D. & M. line west of Wyraoro , have
arrived at Plattsmonth.
The distance from Ohadron to Dcadwood
via the proposed extension of the Sioux Citj
and Pacific , ia 121 miles.
An elderly gentleman , < passenger on n C
train , was relieved of $120 between Pacific
Junction and Plattsmouth.
H. II Carpenter , convicted of shooting anc
sentenced to on9 year's imprisonment , oecapec
from the guards of the jtil at Minden and li
The anniversary of Odd Fellowship occuri
on the 20th of this month , and the lo-tges ir
all parts of the state will colcbrato the oven !
at Lincoln.
The citizens of Niobrara celebrated the
completion of the government bridge across
the Niobrara river by n holiday turn-out am
inspection ,
John Fitzgerald came within thirty votes o
being mayor of Lincoln. In a city with 80C
republican majority it speaks well of his run
ning qualities.
A soap peddler doing the country youths ir
Pierce , was tuccesafnl In relieving the crop o :
curious verdants of the community of all
their Inoto cash.
The Holt county agricultural society is pro-
eprcting for a favorable fcito with a view ol
purchasing grounds for the permanent use elbe
( bo association.
J. W. Alger , of Woyno , is sa'd ' to have an
oar of corn grown from seed picked up on the
battle field of Chicliamauga , nearly twenty-
three years ago.
Two elevators at Exeter handled 1,321 loads
of grain la six days time and claim it as the
best work on record for any town of less than
1,000 inhabitants.
The two year old son of Kdwaril MoWhin
nio , a farmer near Seward , while playinp
around the barnyard , fell into a trough full ol
water and waa drowned.
There are S3.000 in the school treasury' of
Paplllion and $2,000 will be added to it in the
neat thirty days. Iho treasury is in better
condition than it haa been for years ,
Kov. J. E. English , the well known and
popular ex-pastor of St. Philomena'a catlio-
Iral in Omaha , delivered a temperance lecture
, o a largo andfcnco in Exeter Sunday night.
C. B andS , W , Irwin , Plattsmoutb , two
shop men , are said to have fallen heir to $20-
000 by the death ef an uncle In iMenr Britain ,
3onn. . A rich undo is a good plant to culti
vate.Last your the prohibitionists elected their
ickot in David City by about 100 ic ajority.
Tuesday the license tickets was elected by an
average of 35 , and the republicans are claim-
" the St. John
ng that this was for"revongo on
Wm. Mick , of Aurora , believed himself
possessed of a devil , and to rid himself of
that gentleman's undesirable company , Wil
liam took a razor and deliberately cut hia
own throat.
Concrete homes are coming into fashion in
Jreighton , No lumber is required save what
B necessary for iloors , camnga , otc.t and the
expense of carpenters and masons is in a great
noasuro dinpensed with.
The dictator of "Tho New Republic" at
Lincoln has Issued the following spiritual
pronunciamento ! "The memory of the late
Nebraska senate is sufliciently preserved In
ileohol to last a century. "
George Mathews , of Columbus a fast
young man and general masher , who waa im-
ilicated in the rape resulting in the deuth of
Collie Quackonbush , has been found guilty
of manslaughter , A now trial haa been
panted ,
A man arrested m Nebraska City n short
time ago for forging the name of W. V ,
tf ichol to a telegram sent to Cbmn New ,
of Omaha , turna out to bo an old offender ,
well known to police circlea.
Lightning struck the steeple of the Presby
terian church at Plum Creek and knocked elf
the topmost trlmmluL'8 , then descended
through the roof and and left footprints in
different portions of the interior.
daughter ot John Wagner
A 10-year-old ,
living in St. Charles precinct , Cumlng county
lisa just died from chewing n coisonoua weed
that growa by the roadside. Another child
came near dying from the same cause ,
W. H. Forth slipped from a load of hay at
Blue Springs Friday and fell between the
horses , frightening them Into a run. Two
wheel * passed over Forth * ! body , breaking
bin back. Ho died within the hour.
The body of William O'Qrady , who started
for Sebetha , Kan. , last November , waa found
on Friday last floating In the Neinaha river
at Falls City. William was drunk at the time
of his disappearance and drowning ,
The Santee reservation lands , aa haa been
frequently itatedwill ba open to filings under
the homestead , pre-emption and timber cul
ture laws , on the 15th of May , Application !
must bo roada totlie Nebraska land cilice.
Some bruised victim of roller ekatos ra
vcnged himself by firing the rink at Seward
and calmly viewed the local infirmary go u [
in smoke and flame. A carpenter BUOII ad
joining was also burned , The firebug It tin
known ,
The steady growth of Norfolk ia shown ir
the fact that additional schooU are a necessity
Steps are being taken to build twomori
schools , one to cost $1,500 , the other a tub-
tUntial and commodious building to coat Ir
the neighborhood of 915,000 , t
The O'Neill Tribune , the democratic fog
horn of North Nebraska , li now the "oulcia
paper of the war department of the Unitec
States , of the U. 8. Und office , Holt county
and the > lllage of O'Neill , " and MoDonougl
wears a srallo as broad as the map ot Ire-
The school elto squabble in Central City
iaa boon amicabley settled. For months the
livlslons of the town made by the railroad
lave fought each other in nn effort to sccuro
bo location of the proposed now school. The
matter waa eottlod by deciding to build two
choola of equal value.
J. E. Morrison , n Plaltsmonth attorney ,
ma boon arrested for collecting 5200 for
lodgoa & Co. , of Pokin , 111. , and approprla-
tng the game to his own use. The Journal
says the statutes of the state BO fixed that
an attorney jannot bo punished for cmbez-
loraont or any similar crime. The lawyers
nro n power unto tliomsolvoa.
The Columbus milling company , with a
capital of S25.000 haa boon organized. It la
iropospd to erect a > building and furnish It
with the latent Hungarian machinery capable
of grinding 123 barrels offlour per day , Work
will bfgin immediately and It is expootod that
ho null will bo ready for business in three
The overwhelming and unexpected success
of the republicans In Plattsmouth had a aerl-
ons , though not fatal rfleet on some mombora
of tbo party. The Herald describes Its own
sufferings : "Breathca there a man with aonl
BO dead who never to himself hath aald : 'I'll
ro and paint the city red ! ' And when the
nky night haa fled , rose from his hard and
jainfnl bed , and said : 'Oh , heavens , what a
load ! " '
Oregon II. Phillips , of Beatrice hai sued
out an Injunction restraining the Gage county
commiislonora , clerk , state auditor and Smith
Bros , from rolundlng the $100,000 bonds Is
sued to the Omaha & Southwestern Railroad
company. These bonds were issued in 1871 ,
payable In twenty years , and drawing 8 per
cent Interest , The new schema of the com
missioner is to oxohango thorn for twenty-year
jonds drawing Gpor cant.
Plant trcoa and plenty of them , and of
every kind , for shade , for lumbrr , for wind
breaks , tor ornament , for fruit. It la said of
an English nobleman that ho always carried
> ome acorna in hia pockets , and when ho
fonnd a convenient place on his grounds , ho
planted ono. Lot every Nebraska nobleman ,
who ia redeeming the ! andscapo of the plains
from the monotony of its natural condition ,
plant for trees and plenty of them. [ Colum
bus Journal.
Frank Giles , of Cambridge , owned a gun
with deadly trickors and hammers always
ready to go off. Ono charge took effect in the
right breast and the other in the throat , sever
ing the jugular vein and causing instanl
death. Ills dead body was found In the high
grass , near the river , by a companion who had
been hunting with him , but before the acci
dent happened had gene further up the river.
The body waa atonco taken to Cambridge ,
and subsequently shipped to relatives al
Saulsbury , Mo. Deceased waa 19 years o
age , a carpenter by trado.
The Day of the Desperado IB Over ,
Detroit Free Press.
_ Ho looked in at the door , eaw six 01
eight mon around the stove , and then he
drew back to arrange his toilet. In his
bolt were two revolvers. Down the back
of his nock was'a bowie knife. In Ills
eye tbo lightning lurked , and around his
mouth was an expression to freeze the
blood. When ho outerad the saloon il
was with a war-whoop which should
have lifted every man a foot high , bui
no ono moved. When ho advuncsd to
the bir and naked for a glass of double-
and-twlstod death at forty rods , hia
voice and manccr should have driven the
bartcndpr down through the floor , but he
didn't sink an inch.
' This is my day for gorel" bellowce
the stranger as ho held up tie glass anc
surveyed the audience.
Nobody seemed to care ,
"Who put Tiger Jask under the sod ? '
ho demanded In an awful voico.
Nobody answered ,
" Who run Bloody Pete out of Dead-
woodi Who made Anful Smith take
water at Denver ? '
Ono man eaid something about the
weather , but no one minded the inquiry ,
"And I've como down from the mount
aina to get a dozen ecalp-locks { or a nou
table cloth ? " howled the stranger. "J
want a dozen 'leven wouldn't do me
Whoop ! Whoopool"
At this point ono of the men who bad
boon trying to catch a nap got np anc
walked over to the stranger and tooi
htm by the car and led him to the doe :
end gave him a lift. As ho returned to
his chair ono of the crowd inquired :
"Who was he ? "
"Dunno , but he made mo tired , " was
the reply , and the ontlro affair dropped
without another word.
Gcod-bye , Catamount Sam , Panther
Jack and Buckskin Bill ! You'vo had
your day. It's no ueo ringing up the
curtain on empty benches.
When all so-called remedies fall , Dr.
Sago's Catarrh Remedy cures.
It Is B id the university of Pennsyl
vania is about to start a hospital for dogs
and other domestic animals. A "Phila
delphia lady" is supposed to bo ready to
endow a department for cats literary
and otherwise.
"Wonderful Emcnoy. "
Some people are slow In telling what
wonderful things ara beicg done for
thorn , but Mr. John P. Daly , of Glllison-
vlllo , S. C , , says he takes great pleasure
In testifying to the wonderful diicacy of
Brown's Iron Bitters in dyspepsia , fever
and BRUO and general debility of the sys
tem. Bo hai personally experienced the
most satisfactory results from the use of
this valuable medicine. Make a mem
orandum of this , all ye whoio systems
ore run dovrn. Brown's Iron Bitters will
euro you.
From 18G3 to 1883 the lottery players
turned Into the llojal Italian treasury
$27o.OOOCOO. Count Cavour used to
call the lottery "tho tax on fools. "
Ridge's ' Food
irjllftnd the 91,15 the
matt economical rit *
to buy , Drvgytitl
ihmldktipit , but i/
you cannot procure
I/if / i rue of your Druy-
/lit tend the amount
uitli / ( ( aildrcii to
Woolnch & Co. . rat-
tntr , Matt. , ami they
l orwarttatan , tee
prat paid.
Chlcaco , Minneapolis. Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Cedar llapldi , Davenport ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Ilockford ,
Ilock Inland , Freeport .lonfaville ,
Klgln , Madiaon , I a Grouse ,
Belolt. Winoua ,
And all other Important pointtt Kutt , North.
out and Southeast <
Ticket office at 1101 Farnam street ( In Paiton He
tel ) . and at Union Padllo Depot ,
Pullman Hleepers and tte Finest Dining Cars In
tbe Werld are run on the main llnruof the CIMCACC
UU.WAOKVI 4. ST. PiULll't and every attention UptU
Ats't Oen'l MantRer , Ats't Ccn'l FtM Artot
J , T. CLAHK , Ocn'l BuferiatcudtQt ,
TRAD nw 7 MARK :
l , < gTA < VX
Free from Oj'littrn , Kinetic * and
[ * r Conghpf Bore Thront. ItonrwcncM. InHatniat
Coldh llronrhltl * . Croup , Whooptnff Couch *
Asthmn. QtilnMf , 1'nlnn In Chiiit. ftnl other
AlTrctlon nf iheThront * n 1 Lungn *
Price no f f nt bottle. BoM liy Drnccl t and Dr M >
cr . lrtlt unable to induce their tltattr ta ivomptlv
pet ttfnr them if III rfcrti etiea bottte , Kfi > rtiicharye4 '
walJ , by tending on * dollar ta
THE rmnirs A.ronri.rn roinxT ,
B l Uwo n An < l Xjinurnrtnrrrti ,
lUlllmori. , nirjUnl , C. S.i.
lam a oopptr mlh * by trade , ind the small par-
.lelcs ol brasa and copper from flllnR Ret Into tores on
my arms and poison oil my whole nvttcm. Mercury
administered brought on rlioumMtom , and t became
a helpless Invtlld. Jl took two dozen bottles ot Swift's
ipeelflo llr ItRt , arms and hands nr n'l ' rlsliturnln.
Inso them without rain. My rtstoratlon la duo to
S , S. S. PitTitn V , Ix3V ,
Jan. U. 1835. AuguiU , Ua.
Malarial Poison.
Wo have UBcdBwllt'sSpfclflc In our family M an
antldoto for malarial polnon for two or three Tears ,
and have never Known It to fall In a single Initanco.
Sumptcr county , Ga , Sept 11,1SJ.
For six or eight years I suffered with ulcers rn mv
right leg. I was treated with Iodide ot 1'otaaslum
andMorcury , and I became helpless. Six bottles ol
Swl't's ' Pnoclflc made a permanent euro.
Feb. 2J , 1885. U. D. WILSON , Gainesville , Ga.
Bwllt's Specific Is entirely vocctablo , Troattio on
lood and Skin Diseases mailed tree.
ThoSwirrSrjcincCo , Drawer 3 , Atlanta Qaor
169 W. S3d St. . N. Y.
017 St. Charles St. , St. Louis , Mo.
JlTCRuUr Kr&3aat ort d MrJlcnl Colrcl ! , bu been long
oj ; ed In tbe iptcUl treatment of 0 jtonir , Nimvoli. Bit *
aoU BLOOD Diitistritrian nr other t-bfitolin In fit. LuoiL
u eltj paperi liow and all oM resident * , know.
Nervous Prostration. Debility. Montr !
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Mttc *
lions ol Throat , Skin or Bones , Blood Polic/sJnfl ,
old Sores nnd Ulcers , ro trutci ith ctn r Me > a
ueecm.on luted irltnlltle p rlnclplcn. fit'elr , rrUiUl ; .
Diseases Arising from indiscretion , Excess ,
Exposure or Indulgence , ihieh rroJncs lomooftkj
follo lnc cfftcUl ntrvouiDcM , dcbllitr , dlmutii of ulttil
and dercctlro memorj , rimnlta on the raw. rttirilrfcl tlecaj ,
arenlon to tbt .odtlj or ftui.lfi.coDiun.i of licit , eta ,
rendering Uarrlnce improper or unhappy , au
Grmantilljoared , rampblrtSG ( | iricm tlio bovr , 'ta
etlcd envelope , rrcc to uny Kdilrns. Consultation 41 tf
nodcrbf null free , nainTltfJ. Write rorqueiUou.
A Positive Written Guarantee
five * In all cnrabto cises. Mr < llelaeaicBl everywhere.
Painphlcti , JSnglteh or XJcrraon , 0-1 pae i , d
2crlblnff above due tut cs , in male or fomal * , FRE&
late the LIVEH % il > l KIDNEYS.
ami J.MT ! iiu Tint HK iTH
und VIQOn of VODT1I. Oft *
\\aninf Appellto , liv.
rni , I.nclc ol BlrciiRth.
and 'J ITS' * L'"lljiKalisolHtely
urcil. Uoiic.'i , muscles Qua
'ros receive ntw lorcc.
Krllvcn ? tlio inlnil uud
siippllus llralu 1'awcr.
Kn.Ti r I UK from cumplalnti
_ _ ji.'uuMr.rto tliclrsox wSII
a In DB. Zl'BrEB.'S IKON a-Ol-TiC n naf an4
" > ooily euro , ijllvcsaclear , healthy complexion.
frequent attempts at c" l "Jff'Mnit oiiljraail
rj the popularity ol l > u uot expert-
Ucnt getihu ( ) ini > AI. AND HKST.
ournddrt'Buto'lljnDr. HnrI rMsJ Oo.V
.u ! , Mo. , for air "DBEAII BOOK. " B
oilof iuua and usoEuUn/ormai-oa.troaJS'
pnuit tx u I.ARQE anil i COOD
wirtn d oioKio , oo a o2 vtt
Itla brand U a happy combination cf flno , young
crisp rod , burly IOOK filler , with a
and It just meets the taato of a largo number of
Orders for "Ploweharo" are coming In rapidly
from all parts of the country , demonstrating how
quickly the great army of chewers strike a good
oombloatlon of Tobacco , both as to quality and
quantity. Messrs Loilllard& Co , have cxcrcleod ne
little time and labor In endeavoring to reach tbe
Acme of Perfection In Ploneharc , aid seem to bare
done It liceldca the TKX CUNT CLTS ol I'loweharoare
Which Is a point not to bo orerlookod by dealers
who will flnd It to their Interest to order eomo and
glvo their customers an oppoituUtv to try it.
Ask Your Dealer for Plowshare
Denlnra supplied by
Gronowee& ScUxmtgun , Council Bluffs.
Pcreeoy i Moore , " "
L. iflrscht & Co. " "
Stewart liros. ' "
1'axton & Gallaglior , Omiihn
McCord , Brady & Co , Omaha.
l''or ' tale in Omaha by
II. YlDRllntr , CIS S 13th Stroot.
Henry Ditzen , ( iOl S ISth St.
llemirod & Co. . Ii02 8 lath St ,
3oo CarisiaD,1015 Kornam St.
Kaufman Bros. , 207 B 15th St.
Kaufman Bros , 100'J Farnam St.
Frank Arnold & Co. , 1418 Fornam St.
August Flotz & Co. . 150'J Douglaa St.
Jeo. Ileimrod , G13 N Kith St.
Bergen & . Smiley , N. W. Cor. NHh and Cum-
ing Sta.
Van Green Broi , , N. W. Cor. Division and
CnmloR St .
/ . Stevens 913'N. 21st St.
( Fonnoily Academy cf Jlualc )
S. A. DnizHiiACH & Co. , Proprietors
Cou J. II. WOOD , Manager
Success of all Successes.
Jlr. J. W. Burton , supported by Mortimer k
Weaver'aStar Dramatic Co. , in the Hu
man tic Iriuh Drama ,
Charge of stajo porformaaco tlute tluicfl a week.
Will contain FreaVe of Nature and Curiosi
ties from all parts of the wnrld , hcinp a tclon <
tlfic and moral exhibition , Kntiru cbaoco
erery week of curioiltlet ,
A Kesort for Ladiea , A Itenort for Children
Kluseam open from 1 p. m. to 11 p. m.
Thoatur JIatlpt'e daily , 3 p. m. , and night ,
8 p. m ,
H crtd Conceit 8un < l y 't ' niwn and eve
Xha rcmirknble growth ol 2
daring the hut ( air yoaro U B nuttor ol
great Mkmlahmont to those trho pay n
occasional visit to thin growing city. Tbi
development of the Btoo.V Yards ths
nooouity of the Bolt Llnt > Rood th *
finely paved atroota the hundreds of now
residences and costly bnalnoci blooki ,
with the population of oar city more th n
doubled In the laat five years. All thil
la a great surprise to vlolton and it tht
admiration of onr clUzoni. This rapid
growth , the bnalnosa activity , and the
many gnbitontlal Improvements made
lively demand for Omaha real estate , and
every Invoatoi ha made a handiomi
Slnoe the Wall Street panic May ,
with the uubooqnont ory of hard time * ,
there haa boon less demand from epoonla *
tors , bat B fall demand from Investor !
Booking homos. This latter olosi era
taking advantage of low piOPS ! In build
ing material and are noonrlng their hornet
at much loss cost than will bo posnlblo K
yoav hence. Speculators , too. can bay
real osU1 a cheaper now and ought to take
advant > o of proaont nrlcei foi fntut
pro ta.
The next few yuan promises gri to >
developments ; In Omaha than the patk
tiv ) yean , which have boon aa good at
wo could reasonably doslro. Now man
ufacturing ostabllBhmonta and largo Job
bing houaoa : are added almost weekly , and
all add to the prosperity of Omaha.
There are many In Omaha And through-
but the State , who have their money In
the banks drawing o nominal rate of In *
torcat , which , ( f judiciously Invested in
Omaha real estate , would bring thorn
much greater rotnrua. We have man *
bargains which wo are confident will
bring the purchase ! largo profit * In tht
near fnturo.
We have for sale the finest reni-
dence property in the north and
western parts of the city.
North we have fine lots at reason
able prices on Sherman avenue , ! 7th.
18th , 19th and 20th streets.
West on Farnam , Davenport ,
Cuming , and all the ending streets
in that direction.
The grading of Faruam , Califor
nia and Davenport streets has made
accessible Bome of the finest and
cheapest residence property in the
city , and with the building of the
street car line out Faruam , the pro
perty in the western part ot the city
will increase in
We also have the agonny for the
Syndicate and Stock Yards proper
ty in the south part of the city. The
developments mode in this section
by the Stock Yards Company and
the railroads will certainly double
the once in a short timn.
We also have some fine businesa
lots and some elegant inside reni-
dencop for sale ,
Parties wishing to invest will find
some good bnrpun ) * by calling !
Mife ; 8t ,
Hot foen Farnham nud Doughi ? .
P. S. Wo oak tlioeo who him
property for aalo at a bargain to gw
ns a callWe want only bar ainu
Wo will poHitivoly not hnud e pro
erty nt rnor than it ? renl value.