THE DAILY BEE FftlDAJt , APJRIL 10 , 1885. THE DAILY BEE Friday Morning , April 10t LOOAL BREVITIES , SirRoant Qtutavus E. Tusbner , U.S. A , ha been granted ft furlough for four months. MMita. Woodbridga Bros , tinva the sym pathy ot a largo circle of frlonds in this their hour of affliction. The Union Star oub ! dance and sociable will coma olt In Metropolitan hall , Fourteenth And DOJKO , this evening , The funeral of llobert McAusland will talto place to-day at ,2 p. tn. from the fara ily residence , 2210 Davenport. John Foster and Guitavo Johnson wore put in for drunlconnots and disorder. Foster Is a Scotchman and rnado the jail hideous Ml night by his'cries and loud talking , Mr. H , If. Goblo haa telegraphed to this city that the remains of his wife will arrive hero this evening on the Missouri Pacific The funeral will take place to-morrow , Hello Henderson Is n pugilistic cyprlan of African descent who whipped Bertha Larch , a similar character , and got herself and Ber tha jailed. They will have a hearing to-day. Yesterday was sloppy anddamp thanka lo lait > night's abortive attempt at snow. "Yea , vorlly.thesa ba the days that try men's solos , " especially when they nro not very thick. thick.Tho The intimate friends of Mr. Jamas E. Woodbridga ( deceased ) desire to express their gratitude to the neighbors and friends who so kindly assisted them in their sad bereave ment , Officer TomPoIrronet's _ smiling face now illumines the dark and dreary depths of the county jail , where ho has boon assigned to telephone' duty. Officer Hinchoy has again taken to street work. There nro moro men on the shoot-corners now whqexpcctto bo clothed with municipal au thority and power than there nro places to fill in n city five tlmos Omaha's size. "Blessed ro they who expect nothing. " Jl Frank Koitcra and JacV Lee were arrest' od yesterday afternoon by Officers Matza and Cormlck for assnulting W. Whacks near the police caurt room with a stone. Kosters was balled at once and Leo Is yet in jail. Mr. Jno. Wcstborg , of the firm of Wiig & Wostborg , rejoices in the advent of a llttlo one who unexpectedly made its appearance April 1 , Weight and sex unknown , but the express charges wcro sixty-five cents , The travel on the passenger trains during the past two dan haa been comparatively light. This is easily accounted for when it is remembered that all the cities. In the west of any elzo held their elections Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Chubbuck had quite a largo mooting at the Baptist church Wednesday night. His subject for to night la * 'Walking Corpses. " This is the last week Mr. and Mr Ohubuck will bo hero so all should try and hear him.1 The unsightly wooden buildings immed iately west of the B. & M. headquarters' build ing have been torn down , The work'on the superstructure of the now addition will soon bo begun probably before the first of May. The funeral of T. W. Steadman , who died last night ] will take place to-day from the residence , 712 South Twenty-second. The remains will bo sent to Boston , Mass. , and will bo accompanied by the wife and child of the deceased. s Tno ladies of the W. 0. T. U. will hold tlielr monthly business meeting in their par lors over the lunch room corner Fifteenth and Capitol avenue Thursday afternoon at 2:30 : p. m. All are cordially invited. By order of the secretary. Before Justice Anderson yesterday Mrs. Mary J. Schoeller received a $10 verdict at the hands of a jury against M , A , Kurtz. The suit was brought against Justice Seldon and Mr. Kurtz to recover back money that had been garnlshead , The Ruth Rebakah Degree Lodge have another treat in utoro for the Cmaha public in their next concert and sociable to bo given in their hall on Fonrteenth and Dodge streets on next Saturday evening. Tickets , admitting gentleman and lady , 25 cents. A gentleman from Denver told a BKE re porter yesterday that the city election last Tuesday was the bitterest contest for many years. It resulted in a complete Waterloo for the democratic candidates , "Joo" Bates , of brewery fame , an old timer and strong man , led the republican hosts to victory , The yarn connecting "Johnny Bull" with the Scherb robbery ia not a "yarn , " The facts in the caeo are well known to ono or two parties who are working upon the case , and it is highly probable that the true in wardness of the affair will bo disclosed very eoon , The Paxton opened a new register yester day , The ono just filled won opened Fohru < ary 20th and filled April 8,1885. It contained about three hundred pages , which gives c pretty good idea of the large amount of travo' through Omaha , recollecting there are a ecori or more of hotels and lodging houses/in / the city. In tha county court yesterday Judgi McCullouzh rendered a decision in tin habeas corpus casooi Lambert , jointly charge ; of watch stealing with bis mistroas , Alfie Gil- . . moro. He decided that there were no croundi for the issuance of the writ and that Limber would have to bo lomandod to the countj jail , to invnlt the action of the grand jury. A rehearsal of the mixed chorus of Uu ladles and gentlemen who are to participati in tha May festival was held last night "a Meyer's hall. At the rehearsal of TuesJaj about forty ladies wore present. It is antlci paled that there will bo about one Imndrei voices in the grand chorus when all arrange . meuta arc completed , Sheiilt Jamison , of Laramie , Wyo. , wa in the city yesterday , en route for Juliet , 111 , whither he ii escorting a pritoner , one 0 , E Ytwt , who was convicted of horsB-steallug Tin- prisoner wai temporarily lodged lu th county jail during tha diy , and in the even ing the iheiiir left for the Illinois reniteu I tlary , when all the Wyoming Territory con victs ara confined. , A couple of Frenchmen were on th atreoti yesterday exhibiting two bean. Oni of the bears wai * large brow one and th other black. The fceeprri had trained then remarkably well and they walked upright went thnugh the mauubl of a drum major wielding an Immense baton , danced , waltze * and kitted , end when the little black fellov climbed ths telegraph pole anid tha joyou cries cf a crowd of tchool children , it brough back the recollection of the ouriory rhyme : "Thtt higher the bear climbs up the tree , The plainer you * eo his agility. " A dirty trick wai played on Mtisri. 1'tr kini acd Lonti of the dims museum recently It appear * that thwo young men engaged twi men In Chicago to come to Omaha to wqrk In their museum show on Douglas street , and ai ono of the employees of the pUee know the men and stated that they were reliable , they telegraphed them their railroad two. One of the follows , named Whlto , sold hU ticket and did not come at all ; the other , who was to take part in tha "Muldoon'a Picnic , " came here broke , unshaven and used up. Mr. 1' " ' > kins advanced him money to dress up a l "ei and upon his representation of being broke to Mr. Lonas ( who know nothing of Perkins loan ) , he let him have three dollars talso. Then the follow , Lynch by name , wont off to another ( how place and left the men who had befriended him , without a man to take his part and also five dollars out of pocket. Messrs. P. nnd L. made this statement to n QBE reporter yesterday. AtBeaconsfiold , Iowa , on Monday , the Clh Inst. , Mr. Will F. Knapp , of Omaha , was united in marriage to Miss Effio Nelson , of that place , in the presence of a numerous gathering of friends. The groom is a popular clerk in thq auditor's ' office of the Pacific Express - press company , and the bridn ono of Iowa's ' 'airost daughters. After the ceremony the couple received the hearty congratulations ot , ho guests , and n number of handsome and valuable presents , among which was a substantial ' associates in the stantial ono from the groom's Mrs. Knapp arrived express company. Mr. and rived hero Wednesday morning , and will make Omaha their futtiro homo. At Tuesday night's meeting of tba city council , a resolution was paisod allowing the Jnion Pacific Railroad company the right of way to build tracks on Loavenworth from Eleventh to Thirteenth. Mossr . McCord , Brady & Co. have purchased a lot at the corner of Thirteenth and Leavenworth , and It a their intention to erect thereon nllargo irlck building for their wholesale trade. The Union Pacific acting upon the authority already granted them , will build n track tea a point very near the building , thus saving the cost of drayage. It probable that the ewer floor of the B. & M. building , now oc cupied by the firm , will bo given up to rail- oad offices after the removal. The residence of Miss Flora Cooler , No. 718 South Sixteenth street , was the fceno of njoyment ovonipg , the event being he anniversary of her thirtieth birth- lay. Dancing was the main feature of the evening's pleasure , and was cept up unttl a late hour. At wolvo o'clock an elegant lunch was orved to which all did full justice. Among hose present were : W. W. Musgrave , Thom as Morrison and Eila Cranco , Stephen Conner and Madgo Wornack , Mr. and Mrs. Conner. Hr. and Mrs. Stephan , Henry Gross , Thom as Fitzgerald and Hannah Donahoo , Ed , Anders and Jonnlo Richardson , John Rich ardson and Jennie and Liz ie Richardson , Patrick Ward and Kato Gollovan , Teresa McCormick , \\ill Moehn and Clara Nan , Richard Colgen , Frank Grace , Anna Coyle and Helen Wornack , John Russell , Maggie and Ottilia Trott , E. D. Callihan , John Hoohn , Hattle Avery , John Cruickshank , John Buetor and Annie Engstrom. A num ber of useful and beautiful presents wore re ceived , the following is a partial list : Messrs Conner.and Morrison , a handsome red plush photograph album ; Anna Richardson and Madge Wornack , a beautiful pair of vases ; Hattie Cooler and Otlllia Trott , plush auto graph album ; Hannah lonahue , birthday card ; Annie Coyle , card basket ! Mrs. E. Jtephan , silver thimble ; Helen Wornack , cup and saucer ; Ella Crauce , silver napkin ring ; Jennie Richardson , perfumery ; Thomas fttiyerald , perfume case ; W. W. Musgrave , white silk handkerchief ; Mrs. Conner , pair of vases ; L. Cooler , checker-board , Maggie Frott , scrap-book and Anna Engslrom , birth day card. The event was one long to ba re membered by all who participated , and the crowd dispersed wishing Miss Flora many lappy returns of the day. 1'EUSONA. Li. Henry Voss , the popular architect , left oat night for a business trip to Kansas City and St. Louis. R. 'A. Moore , IKernoy ; M. E. Conrad , J. W. Loofbourow , Bushville ; H. A. Cole , Platlancoulh ; C. Wolvorton , Pilgor ; T. H. Mullery , Lincoln ; R. P. Bruvall , Albert Lea , Minn. ; E. M. Neal , Batlle Creek ; John H. Durbln , Cheyenne , Wyo. ; C. 0. Merrill , Dea Molnes , are al the Canfield. iVt the Metropolitan : Sam Welch , North Platlo ; A J Leach , Oaedalo ; W W Darrell , Tokamah ; J V Moran , Wahoo , W Tyson , Blair ; G W Morgan , Fremont ; LII Williams , Seward ; W Morris , Lincoln , Nob. ; A Allen and family , Detroit , Mich , , and C R Yan Hiso and wife of Madison , Wis , At the Mtllard : Harry Flannery , Virginia ] T D Brown , Aurora ; W S Wing , Aurora ; Chas A Coo , Fred Harrison , Lincoln ; Jos B Meaghor , Columbus ; W S Hurd , Sterling ; Fraud DaBood , Princoville , J M Eddy , Omaha ; W B Thomas , Tekamah ; L E Wnlioo ; W A Wells , David City ; D L Crockley , Shelby ; G F Smith , St. Joo. A t the Paxton : J B Clarkaon , Sidnsy ; J 1 Lindsoy , Peorla ; F E Rico , St. Paul ; Victoi Robert ? , St. Paul ; M Kennedy , England ; I E Gregg , Lincoln ; J L Me Ad am , Forl Niobrara ; Mrs and Miss Drake , St. Paul ; G H Daniels and wife , Denver ; 8 Bellerby London ; J H BrownEed Oak ; J G Ralsboch Aabluul ; B A Gibson and wife , Wcepinf Water ; W H Harrison , Ashland ; F M Strat ton , Wahoo. Smoke Seal of North Carolina Tc- bacco. Sumo Nebraska Vroducle. Columbus Journal , , There la probably no stito In the unloi which , for its ysara , can show ao mnol of a record for general fanning and stool raising os Nebraska. The rich alluvia soil of Nebraska Is admirably adapted t < railing all the small grains , and thl makes stock railing not only a necessity but wonderfully profitable , aa al onr farmers know theoretically and as all of them wll know , practically , as the years rol by. We know of places east where it Ii cona'der.d a big thing to xalio half t dozen heavy hogs on a farm , and so it ii for them , bnt in Nebraska It 1s a com ruon occurrence for small farmers to sel from forty to elxty and more fat hpgi from their bcrds each year. The f olio wint is a neat cample of what Is being done it Phtto county. Messrs. Gorrard & Zei glor bought f 200 worth of hogs throi years ago this ipilng ; from these the firsl fall following they sold $250 worth , laal year 3900 , and this year a little ovoi 81,300 worth , and hare left 120 pigs. Thin shows a httle of what la being dom In this line of farm enterprise. Wo maj add to the ttrencth of this Item by giving the weights of th * lots delivered'here tin oilier day to D , Anderson , dealer , Flghty-throo hogs weighed an average nl 381 pouud j51 of the lot averaged -ill poundr ; 25 averaged 457 ; and four ol the heaviest averaged 365 pounds e oh Nebraska may well bout of her pro election * . A BUSINESS BOOM , A General Reyiyal of Trade in All Branches , Talks With Borne of the Prominent Local WholcsaloJtlon , Now that the chilly days of Incipient spring are merging Into the sunny , ) lniy Nobraika May weather , the ocal spring trade la beginning to revive , and all Indications point to a prosperous roar for both wholesale nnd retail busi ness. A reporter called upon some of the wholesale men yesterday and se curing an expression of opinion from each ono on the subject of future pros- : > oes ! , has compihd an article irhloh may jo of interest to those who. are concerned n the business welwaro of Omaha. "Tho whplctalo grocery trade , " said A representative of a prominent local firm , "ii booming. _ The indications for a arisk business this year are highly favor- ablo. The retail merchant * throughout Nebraska nro not purchasing in such argo quantities tbii year aa last , bnt are enforcing collections squarely , buying goods In small orders , but paying the wholesalers In cash. So that In reality the general condition of the trade ia much bettor. " In the line of agricultural implements h oroaro no great prospoctsfor the season's rode. The local representatives of the > nslncss claim that the farmer * through out the state are "cleaning up" and ro- miring old machinery , instead of bnylng ho now , on account of hard tunes , tfovcrtheleas , the bnsinosa is opening up well for the spring , after the sluggish months of January and February. In the wholesale hardware business prospects are reported generally favor able. able."Our "Our business is fast settling to a firm > asls , " said ono man , "and I bclievo hat wo shall have a good year. " "How is the cigar and tobacco trade ? " naked the reporter , addressing himself tea a local represantativo of the business. "It Is beginning to Improve , " waa the oply. "During the winter business bai > oen excessively sluggish , bnt now that spring la advancing wo are beginning to receive a good many orders from our men on the road. I bollovo that the year will bo a good ono. No , I do not appre- lend that the recent law enacted by the eglalaturo relative to the sale of tobacco to minors will injure our business in any alarming degree. The truth of the mat er Is that if boys want tobacco they will easily find ways of getting it. " "I believe that this year will bo a fairy - y productive ono for the wholesale dry goods trade , " said a merchant. "We ire handling a larger line of business , hough I do not find that collections are > olng as generally mot as last year. ) nr spring trade is opening up very briskly , " The wholesale hat and cap men say hat they never had a moro prosperous ime than during the present month. January and February were productlvo of but llttlo business , but March and April have brought out a largo volume ot butinosa. In the line of wholesale millinery there Is the same general re vival and a prosperous season's trade Is anticipated. The business of the local distilleries and breweries Is also showing a goodly revival aa spring wears on. "No , " said , prominent representative of Omaha's Llstlllery Interests , "I do not bollovo tint ho opening of the Nebraska City distil- ery will at all affect our business. I ap- irehcnd this year a good business , prob ably better than that of last year. " "How Is the wholesale drag business opening up this season ? " 'was asked of a opreaentatlvo of a local firm. "Very ine , Indeed , " was the reply , "and from > resent prospects I am Inclined , o believe that wo are going , o have an unusually prosperous season this year. Why ? Yon see , on account ) f the somewhat depressed condition of juslness , the retail merchants throughout ; ho country have been purchasing In a iandtomoath sort ohvayandtholr stocks are now nearly depleted. Just ss aoon as the spring fairly opens up , they will iavo to replenish , and the wholesale business will commenoo to boom. " "Tho wholesale boot nnd shoo trade , " eald a prominent merchant , "Is beginning to manifest signs of spring activity. During the winter , business has been very dull , but orders are now coming in- With regard to the Impression that St. Joe is the great wholesale centre for this clais of goods , I can say that It is decid edly erroneous. Of course , that city beIng - Ing considerably older and wealthier , has had vastly the advantage of Omaha , but I bollovo that our city is fast gaining on her , not only In this branch of wholesale trade , bnt In many others. " The local wholesale jewelry and notion trade Is showing decided signs of spring Improvement , although it has been qnito brisk all winter. A good deal of business will bo transacted this year , and ono or two firms are making preparations for ex tensive Importations from Europe. The farnlturo men arc In a great glee over the outlook for a good years' bust- noaa. They say that the prospects have never been bettor. They are extending their business , not only over Nebraska , but Into other states and territories , more or loss remote , Other who than in a retail way , there U no great amo.uut of butinocs done k the local carpet trade. Both branches , however , are beginning to exhibit slgci of briskness of trade which point unmls takoably to a favorable year for business. . All In all , the season of 1885' promise ! to bo one of solid , substantial prosperity for Omaha. While there may bo m boom of ponderous proportions , It Ii believed that trade will settle down to a firm basle. Reports from almost every quarter furnish ample foundation foi such belief. ToExoiUNOE 440acres well Improved end i mile from Essex , la. , for a stool of general merchandise. Address , John Londorholm , Essex , Ia. A Novel Hort of Jewelry , "Yes , sir , " said an Omaha novelty man to a repotter , "the electric scarl pins are lomethlng entirely new In thh country. They were Invented In France aemo months ago , and are quite oxten- slvely worn by the dados of that country. Considerable experimenting was done be- fora the machine could be reduced to conveniently portable form. " "How do they operate ? " "Very elmply , Indeed. Boo here , " said the electrician , holding up ono of the icarf-plns. "Here U the battery which furnishes the light. You will sbiorve that It ia enoued In a little oblong rob ber box thre-o or four Inches long and about an inch and n half deep. In this rubber case , which is tightly filtod at ono end with n removable cover , are placed the component materials of the battcrjr , zinc , sulphuric add , with a compound of silver. This famishes the eleotrio fluid , which Is transmitted to the ornamental part of the scarf-pin by two wires , the positive and negative. " The scarf-pin Itself ia a llttlo glass tube , or rather "egg , " which Is orna mented with gold trimmings. Iniido this Is n mlnaturo cirbon pencil , which la connected Trltb. the two battery wires. The wires are so arranged with refer ence to each other that preeanro on a small button near the battery causes bhom to touch each other and the electric light is Immediately generated In the gloss case , producing a lustre-effect of infinite brilliancy. The battery Is placed In the pocket of the "dude" and the two wires paea under his vest , while the pin Itself is properly adjusted In the scarf. "You see , " raid the olootrlcian , "tho effect produced Is very fine and entirely discounts the diamond , The carbon , of course , is very small , and the light of corresponding size. Nevertheless , yon will find that there is lighting power enough in the apparatus to easily illu minate a dark room. Some very start ling effects can bo produced by instantly closing the circuit and throwing the full light into an unsuspecting person's faco. How long will the battery run ? Well , I suppose , about ton hours steadily , after which It will need replenishing- , I don't suppose this serb of scarf pin will wcr become thoroughly popular among ; ho American dandles. When the nov elty of the contrivance ia worn off , they will go back to'tho diamond and paste. ' A SAD OASE , The Mysterious Death of a ' .CwoOTcar- Old Child. Coroner Drozol was called upon yos- orday morning to examine a case which presents some features of sad Interest. About three o'clock yesterday morning ) rs. Murray and Parker were called to ho residence of David Jamison , on Daven- lort street. A llttlo two-year-old boy was In the paryoxysms of death , and bo- oto relief could bo given was dead. It appears that the llttlo follow had boon looping with a strange person and had > ecn unusually restloia. The mother arose and punished him , striking him quite severely on the breast , 'onvnlslons ensued , whlcn proved , fatal. Some of the neighbors and ono of the myslclans attendant thought that the isso ought to bo investigated , bnt Coroner ner Drexel , who made a visit to the resi dence of the family , has decided to hold 10 Inquest. There Is nothing to prove hat the child's death was caused direct- y by the boating it received , though hero Is every reason to bellovo that it was the remote cause. Dr. Murray , who s the family physician , says that the child was s filleted with heart disease and ihat the fright It received probably caused ts death. The mother can hardly be : engnrcd for what was probablya thought- esa act , bnt the remit Is a lesson sad and terrible to parents. THE OOTJKTS. What Was Bono Yesterday in the Two Courts. Disrnicrr COURT. Wakoley prceidlng. In Kimball vs , HcGavock , etc. , a verdict was returned or the defendant. The case of Jonas S. Nelson vs. 0. S. Hlpgina , for the recovery of $700 lost , as alleged , in gambling , waa dismissed by consent of parties , each , party to pay his own costs. In Hnbbard vs. the Tribune Printing Company , the demurrer to the petition ras overruled , and leave given the do- cndnnt to file bia answer within thirty days.A . A suit styled "Joseph Polan vs. John Nixa , " claiming $2000 for slander , was jegtm to-day In this court. COUNTY COURT. The habeas corpus case of Lambert alias James , alleged accomplice with AlGo Gllmoro , was decided to-day , the court remanding Lambert to the custody of the oflioer. Then the attorney for the other petitioner , Gllmoro , asked that the hearing be postponed in hur cato which will bo moat probably indefinitely Alfred Booth yesterday brought suit in the county court against D. B. Boomer for $055.12 , due by noto. Seal ot North Carolina Tobacco la the beat. Tli at Gunning Coon. Night before last Fred Bchultz. son ol the tailor on Tenth , near Farnam street , waa in the shop alone , when two burly negroes entered , pretending to bi anxious to examine some goods for cloth' Ing. 'While ono attracted the younj man's attention the other took a patten of fine pantr. cloth and put it under hit coat. The eye of the young man hat espied the act. however , and ho managec to get hold of .a pistol in a convonlon drawer , Passing by the man ho closet the door , and then drawing the rovolvoi he reminded the thieves that thera "arc two of yon and two of me ; putdowi that cloth or down comes your csrcasj , ' The son of Africa wilted and gave uj the geode , and then declaring it his firsl ofTonao , and promising never to do BO anj more , but to bo a good llttlo boy hereafter after , the t atlsfied lord of the castle lei him and his sable pal go frco. Electric door bolls , annunciators , bur glar alarms , gas lighters , medical batter ies of all kinds In stock. L W. Wolfe S Co. , 200 N , 10th. Illustrated catalogui The Octoroon. At Wood's museum and theatre nesday night there wai a large audience to witness the second pre sentation of the "Octoroon" bj Mortimer & Weaver's dramatic com pany. The play , ODD of Intense roausa and powerful dramatic interest , is well acted by the company who received at in tervals liberal and enthusiastic applause from the audience. This new place of amusement promise ! great things , and Is really worthy of gen < er l support. It ia well conducted , and moots a demand which Is generally made for a good place of popular amuse ment at prices within the retch of all. The dime inuaenm addition is nn ottrao tive feature of the establishment , fend f orniihes a good place to ip nd an inter esting half hour , POLICE OOURT , Itoutlno Work Disposing of Drunks , The Hcticrl ) llobbory. William Nogont , n young gentleman of Intellectual cast of countenance , and of exceeding blithe and faliy-llko appearance - poaranco , had boon on ono of his period ! c l sprcca. Ho plead guilty in n matter of fact sort of way , and was fined $5 and cosle , In default of which William will for the next Cf teen days find street repose - pose In the county jail. Cray Hordes , ( what a namol ) had likewise - wise boon Intoxicated , Cray , after long pleading , acknowledged the coin jaloo. IIo was fined the nsual , falling to pay which ho was gently relegated to the darksome depths of the county jail , there to banquet on bread and water for such n time aa shall bo consumed by the majoatlo moon in half of her monthly orbit. Edward Cook , a seventeen year old lad was arrested last niijhl for stealing n pair of shoes from Tirroll & Cook. It appears that ho walked calmly into the utoro about 8 o'clock , seized the ntv cs , darted out of the atoro.nod rnu down the street. Ho would not have bcon captured had ho not attempted to accrete himself in an ash barrel , where ho was shortly after wards discovered by nn officer. Ho was commltUid for fifteen days. A Lodergron , drnnk and disorderly was sent waltzing oo'r the hlllln default of a Hvo dollars and coata Quo. A search warrant was hsuod yesterday to examine the house of Belle Henderson charged with the robbery of F. J. Sohcrb. Neither the money or valuables wore found. The case of the State vs. Kyle for as saulting F. A. Gavin was called In the police coutt yesterday afternoon with n jury acceptable to both parties. Mr. Uavin first took the stand and began his testimony. At each stop , or rather at each question , counsel objected and the hearing moved slowly on. AD tills oasa has unnecessarily bad much nado of It , the BEE reporter withholds Iho notes of tottimony on both sides un til the case Is closed to-day when a fnll account will bo given. Will Take IJOUIB Kiel's Scalper $1O,000. MONTHEAL , April 9 , A well known detect- vo of this city says ho has made the govern ment nn offer that for 810,000 he will deliver Jouia RIel into its hand ; , dead or alivo. Pure. Thla powder never varies. A marvel ot purely , strength nd wholesomeneea. Mara economical thin : ho srUinajy klnds , nd cannot be sold In competi tion with the multitude ol low test , abort weight Jnrn of phvaohrte powders. Sold only In cans ROYAIi UAKINQ POWDER CO. . 109 Wall Bt ; N.Y. Omaha Medical & Surgical lus'titutp , 13th St. , Oor OaoitalAve , Chronic and Surgical Diseasss DlecaaoB of Female ) , ol the Nervous y8torn , Pi vate Discuses or the Urinary and exual Organs , and DlMasog of thollcml , Thioat nd Lungs , Specialties. EYK AND EAn , DlfloiMa treated by an experienced specialist ) also discuses of the Heart. Liver , Stomach , KIdneyg , ladder , Nouraltcla , Uheumatlim , Piles , Cancer , etc. CATAUIUI , BRONCHITIS , And all other dUeanes of tha Ihroatand Lung * & real oil by Medicated Vapors. ( Send for Inhaler or circular on Inhalation , ) All diseases of the Dloo.l , Urinary and otutl Or ; i i.Pr.Tfcle DUoaua and Piles Cured or no Pay , ( I IToi iiHogrltaland Prlvito Practice. ) Corccnrtntlon tad nomination free. ft llor write il-r tculara on chronlo dlsearot anu itlbrmltlsc , Dlacaaceof Komnles , Private Uttrotei ot tha Uilnarv and Sexual organs. Seminal Weak ness , Nervous Debility or Kxhau3tlcnt > tc. , < ! out now lestoratlretreatment. 11 letters and consultation * Confidential. Uedlcloca Bent to all parts of tbo country r > y ei presssecurely packed from observation , U full d tcrlptlon of cue U given , Ono personal InteiUov preferred It convenient. Open at all hours. dltdus all letters to Omaha Medical & Surgical Insttuto , ISth Bt , Cor , Capitol Avo. COWING & GO JOBUEKS If WROUGHT IRON PIPE , Mil lr > U < Kl l Iron Load Pipe and Sheet Lead , MOnTlltJUTO * fcTUtt ITMI-ri , PUmtos'Gas anl steam Fillets' IRON & BRASS GOODS , ENGINEERS' SUPPLIES , 14th t Dodoe Sls.-OMAHA.NEB. DREXEL & MAUL , ( lUOOKSSOBS TO JOHJI B. JACOB ! ) UNDERTAKERS I Al the old itand 1117 Faroam Si Crdert by UU. graph tolldUd and prompt ! aU ndedo. Telophoo * DB , PUHEK , Graduated ttia Univermy Vienna , Aus tria , I/atodureecn to the Military Hotrital. of Vienna , Will do a general Medical and Surgical practice. All calU in city or country promptly attended. Office at the Omaha Med.caland Burjrlcal In Utut , Comer 13tb Street and Capitol Avenue , THE CHEAPEST PLAOfi IN OMAHA TO BUY One of the Best and Largest Stocks in the United States to Stilect Fi om. NTO STAIBS TO CLIMB. ELEGANT PASSENQEB ELEVATOR CHJ9LS.BS3SIVEBICK , DP110LST.8RY AND DRAPERIES , Hlavntor to nil lloors. 1200 , 1208 and 1210 I'amam Street , OMAHA , NEBRASKA. C'CARETTE Smokers nhouo willing to var a ll'tlo more BIGHiONl for ClRnrotUs th n the t'rtce ' clnrewl for the ordinary tr cle ClRM- 'J'li'A Hl/iS'J,110 / ' ! 9'OHWIOND STRAIGHT CUT No. I . , - . - . - . - - - SUPERIOR to ill others. Tboy are made from the bright * * * , most delicately fltvorod , nml hlfrho ! cost ROM leaf ( frown In Virginia , anil ro absolutely wmiotrr APCLT RBATION ordruRn. Wei uio the Conulno French Rico Pnpor of our own direct Importation , which to nurto cupeclslly for u , water marked with tno u mo of the otanJ , 'Richmond Otrnlcht CUt NO. I. ° each OfjMrcttc , without which nnao nro genuine. I mltatlons of thlj branil ho be n tint MI lo ( I ( Ilgarotto etnokors ro rautlonoil thtt til's ' la the old and original liranil , and to cbscrvo mat each okago or box of Richmond Straight Cut Cigarettes bo ra the Jlsnaturo of . . & GINITEROB Manufactuiers , Richmond , Virginia. Ul1 FTTES Who have trlfltd nway their youthful vlRor anil power , who arc J' AIIS'S nn.1 JLOSS KS , wlio are weak , _ _ _ _ . - unnt for inarrlORC. MEN pfallagos , who find tholr POWER ° anuvltnllty , iicrvo anrt'SKXUAb britENOTH weakened , or "IrtDl'I } ' > or EXCK33ES , ci" c l\u a positive nnd IrutttuR OU IIK , NO matter otliow lonp stanUlnp tlio case may be. or whc > uas lolled to ciirc.tiy a fewvccks or mnntlm use nt tno celebrated MYRTLEA1N TREATMENT At uomc without exposure. In LESS time , and for LE33 money than any other method tntlic world. Weak back , headache , KUlijbtONB. lassitude , loss of spirits and anililtlon. Rlonnr Uioughts , d r o a rt t ui ilrcama. ilcfcctljc memory. iniPOTKNOE. nu , Impodlmcnl.i to mnrrlagc. anil many oih r symptoms leading to CONSUMPTION or INSANITY , nro promptly removed by this treatment , anil vlROrons manljood restored. Married Men , or those who intend to marry , , , . . . REMEMBER , perfect Rexnal itrcnfrth means , health , vlporous off- - , „ ' , long 11 ro and the love and respect of a faithful wife. Weak nicnuhould be restored ( o vtaor ii nianhood before rnarrlage. Proofs. tostlninnliilK anil valuable treatise S utanipi. ( Estab.lS77.AddrcssThe ) Climax Medical Co , 5O4 , St. Louis , Mo. llcmc'inbpr that "when .von buy a lob in South Omava you pet 9,000 gqnarfl teet of ground , equ 1 to three lots 50x00 , tr fix busiu-ss lots 26x60. With this you have the advantage ot al'eya 20 feet wide aud a street 80 feet wine. When ycu are buying real estate ; ascertain how much LAND you are getting for your money. To secure these largo lots while they are cheap You can get ground now at 2 cents a square foot that will be worth five times that amount in three years. Send for a Map of &outh Omaha. Address , 216 S. 13th St. , Omaha , Neb. H. A. Upton , Ass't Sec'v and Manager. ERTEL'S HAY PRESSES. ml Are the Cheapest. Most Durable , Smallest in Size and Lightest in T * -1 \ Weight , Jt Wlth'no Hay Prunes of any kind can the amount of work produced , tuch little jpenw , ( ton toni if hiy indov [ rU load rail oid hoi carai can be done with th Krttl lunroufct Mwlilnor. Warranted or no air. For lllulili tcd new circular address , EHTKI < Ii CO. . Qulccy , llllnoU. firt * Mention Omaha ISeo a 11 em KeUbllihelln litti. BOLTE , tlill , Wlidoit CM > . ! > OB OmtlBji , UtUUlo Iki-tlzfali , tc. Tlr , Im > n4 , i ui til COBU ink llntl OmUut fcibtaikj.