Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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Thursday Mornm" , Auril 9 ,
. - - * -SO eente'ptr week
. 110.00 pel yeat
No. 121'carl Street.
Bornhard-Ltstoman concert , April 11.
f Two Jakes , the barberi , 202 Broadway
fI Bureaus from $9 upwards at Handel's.
I Jailor Schontz Uas twelve boarders In
the county jail. J
The "Council Bluffs" boys dance to
morrow night.
Patrick Haniphan was fined yesterday
for being drunk.
Water-color and colored photos just re
ceived at W. W. Chapman's.
The sale of scats of the Episcopal
church takes place thla , evening.
John Llndt and Alonzo Jay Harb dlv
solved their partnonhlp yesterday.
At Carson , on the 13th instant , next
teacher's association meet.
Monday , a
The masquerade at the rink last night
well attended.
proved a success and was
Justice Schurz acted in place of Judge
Aylesworth in the superior court yester
Frank M. Hunter will take evidence in
the Loofbourow-Aylosworth
election case.
Coroner D. M. Council burled the re
mains of the body found at Wilglita on
There wore built in the county las
year sixty-two bridges at a cost of about
Cooking stoves , tinware , crockery
glassware and cutlery , at very low prices
at Handel's.
Last evening a class of about thirty
wore confirmed by Bishop Perry at the
Episcopal church.
The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Pau
passenger train was over throe hours late
yesterday morning.
It Is reported that Joseph Waterman
lost a hat and overcoat at the Methodia
church last Saturday night.
The first joists of John Mergon's new
building on Main street and Fin
avenue were laid yesterday.
Bids for the erection of the proposed
county jail will bo opened to-day by the
county board of supervisor.
Mouldings for picture hangings tha
arc entirely new and novel In style , jus
received by W. W. Chapman.
To-morrow evening at the residence o
Mrs. J. M. Palmer , on Harmony street
the Harmony mltslon will hold a soola
J. K. Emmot in "Fritz" on Monday
and Gus Williams as "Oapt. Mlahler" 01
Wednesday night at the opera house are
billed for next wook.
It will pay you to examine the lates
novelties In mouldings just received a
Chapman's. They are entirely now ant
designed to hang pictures on.
"The finest combination of solo Instrn
montallsts In America , " is the standing
conceded by all to the Bernhard Liste
man concert company , which appears a
the opera house Saturday evening.
It haa been discovered that some ono
has boon attempting to steal the contents
of the corner stone of the newly bull
African Methodist church. Bricks ha\o
been removed from the foundation ao as
to got at the atone ,
Bids for the building of the bridges in
this county for the ensuing year wera
opened yesterday by the county board o
supervisors , but the contract IT 111 not bo
lot until to-day. An Oskalooa * firm It Is
thought have the inside track.
S. Noble , bans ; Miss Dale , Paul Tul
leys and Frank Badolot , violin and flute
Mr. Waller , tenor ; B. K. Beach , piano
will furnish music for the Harmony
sociable to-morrow evening at Mrs. J.
M. Palmer's ' residence.
Petitions for roads were numerous be
fore the county supervisors 'yesterday.
Several bills wore allowed. Bids for the
now jail will bo opened to-dby aa will also
the letting of the contract for bridges in
thla county , for the coming year.
William Wiokorsham , of Silver Crook ,
charged with assaulting old man Bolton ,
yesterday waived examination and gave
$250 bonds. His brother and Wilson
were discharged on motion of the prose
The now grocery about to open on
Broadway between Seventh and Efghtl
streets , will bo under the firm name o
G. B. Knight & Co. A. M. Wood , late
of the Boston tea store and E. E , Adam
& Co. , will bo the "Co. " in the above
Button , button , who's got the button
The Boston Shoo Store hac got the mos
novel and Ingenious machine for putting
n shoe buttons , by foot power , and th
only ono to bo , seen In the oily. It's a
regular "show , " and the buttons thus pu
on are "stayers. "
Prof. Hammond , of the institute fo
the deaf and dumb , while at New Orleans
loans , met the president of the Nlagar
Grape oomptny and became roinewha
familiar with the fact of thatwondeifu ,
grape. The other day Prof , Hammoni
made a purchase of Wells Cook , th
special agent here , ordering 100 vines fo
the Institution.
Bernhard LUtomaun , who with hi
company Is to appear here Saturday
owning , is pronounced by the Ohio Stite
Journal > s ono of tha greatest viollniit
in the world. " The Syracuse Courie
< ayi : "He is the lint violinist of Am
rica. " Scores of other equally high
rlbutcs have boon won by him at the
lands ot musical cities.
Miss Willits yesterday made applies *
ion to the county board for $25 toonablo
tor to get some goods , BO that she might
am a living for herself by aolling them.
Some thieves having tolon her stock ,
md thla deprived her of moans to go
ahead In business. The statement and
equcst wore referred to Superintendent
lardin. j
Numerous complaints nro made by
persons living on the outskirts of the
city and especially by these wha reside
near the depots , of the number of tramps
who beg from door to door. This bog
ging is done principally between 8 and
LO o'clock In the forenoon and about
tfuak in the evening , and it Is becoming
so that many ladles are afraid to answer
a rap at the door during [ the absence of
iho gentleman of the honso ,
A man from the country stopped Into
the Council BlufFs Insurance company's
ofllco yesterday and laid down an un
opened loiter which ho had received from
the company a week or more boforo. In
answer to their puzzled looks ho explained
plained , "I BOO that you say on this en
velope to have this returned to yon In
ton days I brought it back as soon aa ]
could , but am afraid it la a day or two
late. " The innocent man was duly in
structed then in the purposes of a return
envelope , ho having kept It unopened
and taking grant pains to return it In
person , so as to comply strictly with the
request , supposing , probably , that any
ether course might vitiate some policy.
A few enterprising young men , who
believe that first-class entertainments
ought to bo given in Council Bluffs , and
that the public Trill sustain such an effort
fort , have engaged the celebrated Bern
hard Llstemann Concert company for
next. Saturday evening at the opera
house. While all who attend will have a
rare treat , they will also have the con
solousnoss of having done what the ;
could to encourage a reform In Counci
Bluffs amusements. If the people wll
jupport first-clasa entertainments , sucl
entertainments can bo secured hero , an <
will be. Barrett , Keene and ether grea
actora visit Omaha , and If the publl
want such treats hero , Instead of snide
minstrel shows nnd "Adamlosa Eden , '
they should say HO by their purchase o
Will Cole Is now a happy "papa. "
C. Jackson , of Mt. Howe , is at the Pa
E. Reichart , of Neoln , was in the city yes
A. P. Ciamer , of Avoco , was in the city
Judge Aylesworth was out of the city yes
terday on business.
Jehn Kankin and G. Wicks , ot Carson
were in the city yesterday.
Cyrus Porker , the mall carrier , celebrated
his tin wedding yesterday.
Charles A. Pfelffer , tbo stone man of St
Joe , Is at the Pacific house.
D. Maltby seta 'em np to his comrades
now , the cause beina : n girl baby.
Sheriff Dan A. Farrell nnd J. J. Farrell , o
Glenwood. was in the city yesterday.
Sir. and Mis. J. J. McGregor , of Malvero
nro in the city , as guests ot Mrs. T. A. Clark
J. Mueller left lost evening for Chicago , to
"take in" the grand opera and attend to bus !
ness.i . Maltby rsjoiceth as only one can rejoice
who is the father of a blight and new little
IL Onren , of Living Springs , was here yes
tot day as a witness in a case before Justice
George Madison , the letter-carrier , celo
hrated the third anniversary of his wedding
Charles A. Pfelffer , of St. Joe , is at the
Pacific , pushing the advantages of the stone
for building.
0. J. King , of Corning , is at tha Pacific
house. Since being succeeded on the govern
ment build ng by Mr. Mnxson , Mr. King has
returned to his old business , that of contract
Infr , and is to put In a hid on the now court
Facts worth remembering when you
buy Wall Paper : 1st. That Beard , next
door to postofflco , has tbo largest stock to
select from. 2d That his prices are as
low as the lowest. 3d That ho Is a
practical interior decorator and employs
noiia but skillful workmen.
Heal Estate.
The following la a list of real estate
transfers filed in the recorder's
ofllco of Pottawottamio connty , Iowa , as
furnished by A. J. Stephenson , abstrac
tor , real estate and loan agent , Connci
Bluffs , Iowa , April 8 , 1885 :
Fred A. Worth to George W. Meyer ,
part lot 2 blk 40 , Allen & Cook's add to
Avoca ; $700.
0. R. I. & P. R. R. to Shcrburn
Pierce , lot 15 blk 1C , Carson ; $50.
John Hardtner to John Tlaim , sw qr
nw qr 35-7G-42 ; $1,200.
A. B. Walker to A. Johnson , part no
qr 12-74-38 ; $20.
Sheriff to Henry Schmidt , loti 2 , 3 , 0
and 13 block 10 ; $8.
, Total sales , $1,078.
A Clmnco to Mftko $1O.
At the Gorman Catholic ladles bal
held at the rink , I lost a brown boave
overcoat for which I will pay $10 rewari
for the return of the same and will asl
no questiom. JOHN TOLLEU , with Smitl
& Teller , the tillers , 7 and 0 Main
The Haven Hun Dliaatcr.
SHK.VANDOAH , Pa , April's. ' No change in
the situation at the scene of Monday' * min
disaster at Raven Hun. Hundred ) of peopl
are gathered at the mouth of the mine , bu
little can be dona towards recovering th
bodies of the victims. The work of the ex
plorlng parties ii retarded by the crushing In
of the roof ,
Mrs. Dudley's uanlty ,
NKW YORK , April 8. Judge Vnn Brunt to
day granted the motion made in behalf o
Mrs. Dudley , who ihot Horn , for a commit
lion to be sent to England to examine wll
neues regarding M > . .OudUy'i sanity , Pro
ceedings here are stayed In the meantime ,
The CcromoDies &t St , Paul's ' Episcopal
Church Yesterday ,
An Eloquent Address by Bishop
Perry ,
The DoltiRa In Detail ,
Ycatordsy afternoon the ceremonies of
aylng the corner atone of St. Paul's '
ESplssapal church took place at 4:30 :
o'clock. The raw chilliness ot the ntr
irovontad many from attending , and
nndo It disagreeable for those who wore
there. There was a goodly alzod gath
otinp , and the ceremony wan very inter
At the appointed hoar , the procession
started from the rectory , nozt to the ,
church , marching to the foundation , ting-
Ing the well known processional , "Onward
Christian Soldier. " Mr. Mnxan , the
architect , with the vestrymen and building
committee led , then followed the choir
of children , n largo number , and then the
clergy , consisting of Rev. John Williams ,
Dean MlHspaugh of Omaha , Rov. Jnmcs
Patterson , Rev. Thomas Stafford of No-
braika , nnd R. J. Mackay , rector of St.
The services opened with reading the
122 < 1 Pealm and then the 74th , prayer
following and then the atone was put in
position by Martin Hughes , the contrac
tor. The following articles wasdopoaltcd
within it :
Daily panora , *
Mayor Vaughan's Mossngo.
City Directory ,
" Church "
"Living ,
Church Almanac.
Prayer Book.
Convention Koport.
Organization and Vestry of St. Paul's
Church ,
Name of Architect and Building Com
The hymn "This Stone to Thee In
Faith Wo Lay , " was then aung.
Bishop Perry gave a brief , very appro
priate and earnest address. In begin
ning ho congratulated not only the par
ishioners bat the people generally in thin
city , on the fact that not only was this
now building to bo a center of spirituality
and of moral helpfulness , but that it waste
to bo a great addition to the beauty ol
the city. Those who had by the laying
of this fonndation , and the preparing and
planning , shown what they mean to do ,
richly deserve the congratulations and
thanks of all. This building was nol
only to be a tempio in which God would
be worshipped in spirit and in truth ,
but would bo such an addition to the
number of beautiful buildings in this
city that when completed It would bo ono
of which all citizens would bo proud
Ho therefore commended the enterprise
and nrged that every aid bo rendered t (
accomplish the end , tfhlch would prove a
gratification to countless numbers , no1
only now , but those who , in the coming
years , would look upon this temple. Tin
architect had done nobly. Rarely hac
he soon plans more beautiful or satisfac
tory , and he was assured that the buildIng -
Ing would prove to this city a thing ol
beauty and a joy forever.
Turning from those aspects ho then
spoke of the doctrines and discipline ol
the church. He laid stress upon the
fact that the church was preeminently a
worshipping church. When there came
upon any duo sense of his duty and his
relationship to God , and the obligations
of gratitude resting upon him , it will be
come man to bend his knee to the Father
of all. True they came to hear the
preacher draw lessons from the Book ol
God , but above all they came Into God'e
presence to worship in sincerity and
truth. The service coming down from
the earlier ages Idsplred the worship of
God in the beauty of holinesj * In
prayer the language was used
which for years and centuries had quick
ened devotions and as the revelation
came that these words had been breathed
In prayer for years past , and wore laden
with the salntllness of centuries gone , It
was inspiring to the faith. The doctrine
of the church was that narrated simply in
the Apoetlo'a Creed. It was of man's
creation but of God's leading. It held
forth the Savior as the creator of truth ,
and was the simplicity of the gospel as
taught and lived by ChrJst , ' It embraced
the great circle of Christian teaching ,
with Christ as the center. The youngest
was included in this simple doctrinal
system , and to the oldest there was food
for the greatest Intellect.
Ho then gave some Interesting historic
al accounts of the start of. the church In
this country , and alluded to the growth
of the church In eloquent words , pictur
ing It an having spread all over the world
and making Its name known everywhere.
In closing ho expressed again his joy
at this evidence of increasing Interest
and ho prayed that It might continue.
Ho urged all to use efforts and prayers
that zealous , generous support might bo
given to the enterprise , which would bo
surely blessed of God , for It was God'a
house , whore ho would dwell and where
ho would delight to bo honored.
The hymn was then sang , as a closing ,
"Ono Fonndation in Jesus Christ the
Lord. "
Artists' ' Materials at G.R. Board's Wall
Paper Store. Send for price list.
Tbo Glrl'a Brother Shews Up to an
Infatuated Yonng Man ,
Two young men , telegraph operators
by occupation , a short time ago were
dramming on a piano at tholr boarding
lionso , and the young daughter of the
landlord , a girl about fifteen , noon after
coming into the room closed th'o piano
not liking the thumping. Ono of the
young men thought the action a queer
one , and taking eomo offense at it , wrote
a note to thogirl , bnt hia ohnm smuggled It
and in a femonino band wrote a reply , A
Qorreipondence was thna started np , the
Innocent youth supposing all the time
that the girl was hia fair correspondent ,
while hla room-mate waa quietly carrying
on the deceit , and chuckling over hla fun.
A few days ago the brother of the glr
waa let into the secret , and a scheme waa
devised for ttlll farther entangling the
young man , A meeting waa arranged foi
between the young man and the girl , am
in thla mooting the brother waa dretsec
up to rapretent tbo fair one.
The deception waa ao perfect that the
young man had hugged the manly fern
and klajed the msecaliao cheek sovera
times without discovering the plot.
About that time aome of the boya who
were lot into the plan , and who had prepared -
pared themselves with needful nmutiltloi
of blank cartridges and btaak egga openoc
fire. The young man la ( aid to have
mido remarkable good time , nnd the
nervous shock will make him roatloss for
lovornl nlghta to como.
Broadbent'a & Shipley's Hvory stable
n Sioux Olty were destroyed by tire Sun *
lay morning. Thirteen horses perished
n the flames. The cries of the terror
stricken nnttnnls as the fire approached
them WAS terrible.
Tho-Dos Moines Rapids canal Is open
'or business.
Cocktail whltkoy poddlora do a lively
business on the quite at Orcaton.
Mrs , Wolfe , the Dos Moines woman
iccuaod by her husband of murder , main
tains her innocence of the charge , claim1
Ing her husband to bo Insane , tNo addi
tion evidence has yet been found , and
the chances are none will ,
A burglar entered the residence of Mrs.
W. W. Leslie , at Clinton , early Satur
day morning , lit a lamp and cooly proceeded <
coodod to explore for plunder , threaten
ing the alarmed Inmates with instant
death if they attempted any alarm.
After gathering what valuables suited his
tlmo and moans of transportlon , the
thief quitoly departed.
Ton additional injunction salts were
filed against Marshalltown saloonkeepers
on Saturday. This makes twonty-ono
suits in all pending against the saloon
keepers In that town.
J. A. Kiugsbury , professional ovongo
list , has boon rounded np by the Oroston
authorities for obtaining money under
false pretenses.
The oars nnd Iron for the oxtensson o
the Boone street railway to the coa
mines have been received , and that par
of the line will soon bo in operation.
The old soldiers of Webster county wll
erect a monument to the memory of their
comrades who fell dnring the war of the
Some 400 citizens in and about Ot
tnmwn find themselves snod for the sum
of $00,000 subscribed conditionally by
them to aid in the construction of a rail
road in 18G9. These patriotic citizens
now learn , for the first time , that the
railroad was built as per contract and the
subscriptions therefore duo.
A notorious bully , named Peterson
who had successfully bulldozed'tho towi
marshals In several small towns , though
to conquer in moro Important fields st
tried the town of Boone , whoso maraha
hammered him Into a shapeless mass and
laid the remains away in the cooler
where they still remain , lacking $300
bonds to answer the charge of resisting
an oflicor.
Monaco Refused a Ohurcti.
London Trntb.
A sura of 0,000 has boon promisee
for the building of a church at Monaco ,
but the bishop of Gibraltar has refnsoc
to promote the undertaking , and tha
popnlarlty hunter , the archbishop of Can
torbnry , approves of his refusal. It
strikes mo that these two dignitaries are
somewhat leather-headed , for If the
morality of Monaco Is injured by the
gambling establishments , surely it is
eminently desirable that facilities shonlc
ba aflorded for penitents , and also for
these who are as yet untainted.
No. 220 Main St. , Council Bluffs.
Open Sunday. First-clasa uork guaranteed.
Plattamouth , - - Nebraska
r ao > ODanniD oien n
AID utraoo OR j B8mn > swnn
Union Met Agent ,
No. 607 Broadway Council BltuTi.
Railway Time Table ,
The following are the times ol the arrival cd do-
ptrtnro ol trains by central standard time , at the
local depots. Trains leave transfer depot tec min
utes earlier and arrive ton mlnates later.
tmoioo and KOBTHWUTIU ,
0:25 A M Mall and Express OlEO'r M
12:10 : v M Accommodation 4:10 : r M
B:30 : r M Express 0.05 A M
0:25 : A M Mall and Express 6:53 : r M
7:25 : A tl Accommodation 5:16 : ] M
C:30 : r II Ezprces 0:00 : A M
0:20 : > M Ma'l and Express 0:50 : r M
6:25 : ! M Exprcsi 0.05 A W
onioioo , BDionaroH AKD quntar.
0:50 : A M Mall and E\proes 7:10 : v >
12:30 : i * M Accommodation 2:00 : r M
CU5 r M Expreua 8:50 : A i
1:30 : r M St.lLouls Express 2:45 : r i
7:10 : r M Chicago Exp \la 1'corla 9:10 : A M
10W ; ) A M Mall and Express 0:40 : r M
8:15 : r > i Kxprees 0:25 : A &
noux orrr AND rAcmo ,
7:20 : A u Mall for Sloa Clty 00 : r <
7tO : i > M Exprees for St Ptul 8:60 : A
11:00 : A M Dsnver Express 4:35 : r U
1:05 : r M Lincoln Foea O'a &R V 2:35 : ! M
7:56 : r M Overland Express 8:30 : A M
teavo Council Bluffs - 7:15-8:20 : : 9:30-10:30 : :
11:40 : a. m. lM-2SO-SJO-4:2S-BZ6-e:25- : : : : : :
11UB p. m. Leaie Omaha 8:10 : 7:5C eto : lo(0 :
11:15 : o. m. 12:60-2oo-3co-lao-4:66-6:65 : : : : : :
11:10 : p. in.
NO. 2 , .
7s tha Highest Achievement in Writing
Machines in the World.
With cnlv SO keys to learn a K
h operate , It prints 76 characters
Including cops and small letter ) ,
punctuations , figures , signs and
I fractions. It B the simplest and
I most rapU writing machine
made as well as the most durable
_ free illustrated pamphlet.
Wyckoff Seamans & Benedict ,
Chicago , III , , Sola Agents ,
0. II. SIIOLKS , Council Bluffs
Agent for Western Iowa
Attorney at-Law ,
Offioo. llilo Strwt , Kooms 7 and 8 , Bhugart and
Iliuo block. Will practice In 8tat and tate courts.
N. 80HURZ.
Justice of tie Peace.
NOTICE. Special K mtlMmenls , mo at test ,
'onnd , To Loan , Fet Sale , To R nl , Wants , Hoard.
eg , lie. , will b Inierted In this column at the low
ate ot TEN CENTS PER LINK tot tha flnt Insertion
ted FIVE CENTS PER LINE tot eaoh subsequent
rtlon. tear * advertisement ! at oar office , Wo.
Pearl Street , near Broadway
WANT ED At 403 First avenue , Stock of ( roods
for faim or land ; Council L'lnffs property for
lotel In Colorado ; cod hotel for flnu farm In Ne-
briska ; hotel for Council Dluffj broperty , and iltir-
em of similar excbtngcs by the Ittal Estate Afrcncy ,
600 First atcnue. 0-2t
FOR SALE A farm ol about GO acres adjoining
the city and known a the Gardner land. All
under cultivation , Price ( SO per aero. A bargain ,
A. J. Stephenson , 603 First avenue Council Bluffs.
TT < Ofl UF.NT-Sultc of ofltocs In ShUf [ tt Bros.
U block , fronting Main itrect. Finest m the city ,
COOK & BALL , room 7 , Bono block.
/ \mcx IIOOM TOR niiNT Om Kansas City Hailroad
VyOlllc * , corner Broad < vay and Pearl. Apply to
Horace Etcrett
TTIOll SALE llouso furniture. Apply 110 Kouith
X ; St. , between hours 0 and 10ft. tn. II B.
WANTED A lint-class waiter at Loulo fettetz
( rer's restaurantNo. 630 Broadway , Council
FOR SALE A new leather top buirtry. Will bo
sold cheap , Apply to lr. ) Cook , No 6S5 Broad-
riOU SAlB ln-o nlco bcdiooui seti. Apply at
CS7 Mjustcr strict.
SALE. . .other hotel In a lv > . Nebriuka
town , now doing n business ot about 8360 per
month. No other hotel la the place. Terms liberal.
SAT.U Oil TRADE. 80 acres ot land In
FOR county , Mo. Will trade for Counci
Bluffs city property or sell cheap for cash , or curt
tlmo. SWAN & WAI.KKB
TO TilADii Uood Iowa ir Nebraska
land for n small stock of hardware or genera
merchandise , well located. SWAN k WALKRR.
inOH 8ALK A rare chnnco to get a One , neil 1m
X * pro\cd farm of 400 acics , within a few miles o
Council Illufls , at t , bargain. Low price and oas ;
terms. bWAN & WALRBB
170K SALK A good paying hotel property with
J ? llyery stable , In ono of the best small towns In
western Iowa will sell with or without furniture , o
nlll trade for a email farm with stock etc.
POR SALE Eighty -acres unimproved land In
Union countv , Iowa , 3 J miles eouth-cast of At
ton , the county scat , or will , trade for Ncbragka o
Kansas land. SWAN & WALKKR.
l/Oll SALE A 2u acre tract of good land abou
J ? ono and a half nsllos from Council lilufli pos
office , at a bargain. SWAN & WAI.KRR.
| jiOH SALE In Harrison county , Iowa. 320 acre
JD grass land , all under fence a 500 acre farm
with flno Improvements , all under culthatlon ovcop
20 acres grass 80 acres good grass or pasture land
and several other tracts of from 40 to 100 acres o
unimproved land. SWAN & WALKRR.
| 7UR SALE Lands lmpro\cd aud unlmrrorcd
J ? If you want a farm In western Iowa , Kansa
Nebraska or Dakota , Ictus hoar from you.
IVR SAIE A lareo number of business and rcsl
dcnco lota In all parts ot Council Bluffs. Sco
us bcforo you buy , SWAN & WALKRR.
FOR SALE Parties wishing to lots to
build or ) can buy on monthly payments of from
82 to $10 HWAN & WALKRR
FOR RENT Wo will rent you a lot to build on
with the prlvllago to buy If you wish on \ cry
liberal term * . SWAN & WALKRR.
WANTED To correspond with any ono wishing a
good locjtlou tjr planning mill. Bash , door
and blind manufactory , wo have building am
machinery , well located , for sale , lease or trade ;
KENT- Largo two ttory frame building eult
FOR for warehouse or storage purposes , nca
railroad depot. SWAN WALKKR.
RENT UK SALE , tij.niiag and ground
FOR suitable for saall foundiy and machine shop
Good boiler , engine , cupola , blower with Died shaft
Ingoto. , icady toput in motion.
fiiOR SALE Houses , Lots and Land. A. J
X ? f teptcnson , 603 First avenue.
IjlOU SALK A top-buggy , flretiliss make and
JD In excellent condition. Or will trade lor cheap
iot. Address f. U. Boo olllco , Council Ulu7a.
r.vory Doaym ( Joancll BluOs o itie
WANTKLi . Delivered by carrier at only twenty
oonts a wook.
r LD PAPERS For sale at Bu offlco , at Si ocnta
\-J a hundred
I have a double stare bull Jlog.10 roomspartltlocci
off , elegantly papered , supplied with water from the
water \\orks , good brick cellar , sultol for restaurant
laundry , boardiug house , merchantllo buainesaor
resident property. Also a largo two-story frame
dwelling with 16 rooms two cellars , etc. , etc. , suited
( or boarding house , private residence ! hospital , etc ,
opposite the city buildings nnd city man et ( or rcnl
cheap. W. K. VAUGIIAN.
F. H. Oncorr. S. T. FRENCH
Casady" Orcutt & French
405 Broadway Council Biufis
Carpets ,
Curtains ,
Window Shades ,
, .
Linoleums ,
Oil Cloths and
Upholstery ,
Mail Orders
Carefully Filled !
Wholesa'e and Ilctall Dealers In
Hard Soft ana BJossburg
O OA. . L .
W. H. SIBLEY , MonnRer.
OfflM , S3 Main St. Ytrd , on a K. I. 1' . Mid 0
U & fit f , lUllway.
To Allow Anyone to Die of Diphtheria
DURING the last five y tan them h s not been death from diphtheria In any caio whcro Dr. Thorn *
Jeu > il 'prcventho and cure wa < used. It has been the moans ol wring thousands ol live * . InJIs'
> en lblo In putildnort throat , In imllgnantncarlet fever , changing It In 48 hours to the simple form. In
alliblo euro fof Ml InfUtumttor } , Ulccratlu , Putild or CaUrrhal conditions , either Internal or extent * !
'lice , J2.
Dr. Jcactts'Cholera Specific will * tr it tlio dltmoln SO to fO minutes. The Doctor rcrO lhl rnr.l | .
olno during the fearful vltlUtlon o Ithe chalet * In Cincinnati , St. I/mils , ml ill aloiip the Mlttlttlupt
[ Uvcrandits tributaries , without losing acme , In lhojc r ' 49 , ' (0 , ' 61 and ' 2 , It In al o infallible In
Cholera Uorbut , Cholera Infanlum , ct . Keep It on hand. You can rely upon It. Ecnd for 11. 1 rico 12.00
Cholera "Cornea M a thief In the night.1
Dyspeptic , why live In misery and die In dwp tr with CJ ner of the stomach ! Dr. Thomas Joftorli cure )
every c o of Indigestion anil constipation In a very short tlmo Beit of referent * * ulven by cltftens of
Council Bluffs and Omaha. Dyspepsia It tb cause of ninety per cent of Ml diseased conditions. 1'rlco $5
! or.two ccks treatment.
Full printed Instructions how tot the mcdlclnti tent with tlicra. Kodnctor required ; afgoodnnm
la all that ! mccistry. Dr. JciTcrlV remedies ran only bo obtained at his offlco , No. S3 South 8th Street
Council Bluffs , lowx Or tent by express on receipt of ptlco.
Beautify your homos by using the above. Over COO designs to select from ,
lf Strotig and JJasthty ,
Kstimates given on any style cither put up or delivered bore , by applying to
Wholesale Iron , Steel , Heavy Hardware and Wood Stock ,
117 Main. Street , Council Blufl's , Iowa.
Keep Horses and Mules constantly on tand whlo
wo will sell In retail or carload lota.
All Stock Warranted as Reoresented.
Vfl.cHidlf tLUnUtl ddlrrp It Groin ircl 1'olcd Iluy. Frke
tenable Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Corner Fifth Ave. & Fourth St. UouncllB luffs.
Merchant Tailors !
7 and 9 Main St. ,
A Complete Line of New Goods to Select From. i
v |
Attention , Ladies.
While closing out my notionH.will sell all hnir goods at 23 per cent discount , SOOSwitchas
00 Waves , Bangs , etc. , to sacrifice. Cuetom work carefully attended t" . , , - _ , _ _ _
337 Broadway , Council IHtiffs.
505 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs.
TUB ONLY ALL NIOHT HOUSE IN TUB our. Everything served in first class atylo nnd on short
notice , not and cold lunches always ready.
Roof Paiiiting and repairing. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction
302 N. 7th Street ,
Field & Estep ,
No. 317 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Town. 4l Cl
Calls Attended 1'romptly , Day nnd Niglit. Particular attention given to Embalming ClW
Telephone No. 07.
FOUEUAK Hold tbli space for the adtertlseinent ol Dis Juddt Smith's Ele.trlo Appliances. Tlwy
are too husy filling their ciders and petting their new factorj , No. 80 , Tourth Street , to rights , to ( 'ct u
any copy lust now.
Brlok buildings of any alza raised or moved and Mtlsfnction guaranteed. Frame hou
moved on LITTLB GIANT trucks , the beat in the world.
\V I. owmiTir
1010 Ninth Street , Council 151ufT .
No , 201 Upper BroadwayCouncilBluffo.
TOM. ornout * i < f.
Omndl 1)1001 , . . . 14
Established - -
Pal ri In fortlfn and
R , Rice M , D ,
Over thirty TMri jrtctlo * ! , . 'f"
I , Furl ilieel.OonndliUofla
< &
Dr , W. S. Sherradon
Masonic Temple ,
OouncU Blufli t :