MnonumK j 8 THE DAILY BEE WEDNESDAY , APRIL 8 , 1884. 1 THE DAILY BEE Wodnosaay Morning ! April 8 , LOOAL BREVITIES Now step up and aottlo the beta rnado o the election , The east-bound train was thirty minute Iftto yesterday evening. Yesterday was a beautiful day , clear rather cool and bracing. The council mooting last night wai hort but considerable business was done. The remains of Mr . John A. Worthe ; nrrived from Denver yesterday evening. The district court met yesterday am adjourned , no porton being present to take n ; any case. Tliero was no business transacted I police court yesterday morning. A number e 'drunks" wore released , The cool wave foretold in the woathe reports visited Omaha yesterday evening am hit night in a mild degree. The crowd nt Wood's museum on Ita lae opening last night waa BO donao that number bad to go away without entrance. Madame lUstori , the Italian queen c tragedy , pawed through the city Sundaj on route for the west , accompanied by th members of her troupe. The funeral of Mrs. J. A. Worthon wil Ira attended this afternoon at 2:3 : o'clock from the residence of her mother , Mrs L. C. Huntington , 2413 Capitol avenue. Invitations are issued for the thlrtoentl annual ball of the Iron Moulders' Union No 190 , of Omaha , t be held at Falconer's twi halls Wednesday evening , April 10th. The Emmet Monument association ball a Falconer's hall Monday night , and thelj&jte masquerade given by Messrs. Golden ant Dyer at Maionic , wore largely attended anc enjoyed. The adjourned session of the Unitot Sta oa Circuit court begins to-morrow at Lin coln , Judge Dundy and Clerk Frank , of thi United States court left last evening togothci with Judge Ilall , J. M.Thurston , L. n. LC- mar and it number of Omaha barristers. Yesterday's election waa aa crderly ai any over held anywhere , An immense amount of hard work waa done on both sides , but good order was maintained throughout the city. This is creditable to both author itles and people. It is now said that A. B. St Julien , the Fifteenth and Capitol avenue restauranteur , baa again left this city , leaving behind him n mountainous bulk of debt and numberless creditors , lie is supposed to bo in Turner , Nebraska , with his family. G. M. McBride , 1820 Sannders street , reported at the police headquarters yesterday morning that a aon'ol his was lost. The boy , when last seen , wore a pea-green blouse with graymixed pants. Hois of light com pletion with brown eyes , The funeral of Patrick MoArdle took place at 9 o'clock ye&terday morning from the family residence. It waa attended by a large number of the friends of the sturdy pioneer of early days. The deceased waa a man widely known and respected , and his sons are now among the most prominent residents of this county. county.Mr. Mr. William Wechbacli , the veteran Farnam street saloon man , waa presented by the members of the Omaha Maennorchor , at their monthly meeting Sunday afternoon , with a gold medal , beautifully engraved , with emblems of the order. Mr , Woohbach has for ten years been a member of the Maon- nerchor and it was for his faithful services in assisting to build up the Omaha society that thia token of esteem was given. Mr. and Mrs. L' . If. Childa celebrated , Monday evening , the fortieth anni versary of their married life. All the children and grand-children of the oged couple were present , together with a number of old frionda who lived "away back east , " in former days when Mr. and Mrs. C. were young. The occasion wag ono which will long furnish the most pleasant memories. A number of valuable presents were given to the happy celobranU of the anniversary. The annual election of wardens and vest rymen of the Trinity cathedral was hold Mon day , when the following were chosen : J. M. Woolworth , E. Wakely , wardens : II. W. Yatea , G , W. Doano , George Hawkins , H. Kountza , L. S. Keed , J. II. Parker , D. V. Barltalowestrymen. . As delegates to the annual conference which meets in thia city next month , J. M. Woolworth , H. W. Yates , and Joseph Clarkson were chosen ; as alter nates , DC. Peabody , Geo. Hawkins , and Joseph Clarkson. Myrtle lodge U. R. K. of P. ha\o moved into their new K. P. Rail , in the Metropolitan hall , Fourteenth and Dodgo. The hall has been prepared for the headquarters of the Py thian lodges of this city. The altar , which is of white painted wood with marble slab , was presented by Thoa. Burrell ; the stand of Prelate was given by W. W. Wells , that of tha Vlce-Ch.mcellor , by James Donelly , Jr. , the Past Chancellor's desk will be presented by GootgeSabine. The lodge Is in a flourishing condition ; at the last meeting three now mem ber ) were admitted , Iko Schlff , G . W. liur- geaa and James Tiramea. Sheriff Ilatton , of Casi county , Iowa , was in the city Monday looking for a guilty elop ing couple , Dr. Will F. McMcnamy , aa ad venturer , and Mr * . Drummond , wlto of a painter in thi * city. It appears that the couple left this city some days ap o , going over into Iowa , stopping at Griswold , a town about fitly miles e&st of Council Blutli. While they were registered hero together , Mrs. Drmnmond'i patents heard of their daughter's dligracoful escapade , and thinking to break up the liasou , secured a warrant for their ar rest under the statute agalnit lewdnesa. The warrant wu placed in Sheriff Uatton'a hand ) , wfco followed the sweet-scouted pair to Gnat weld and failing to Qnd them them , came to Omaha , only to discover that they bad again given him the slip. Us bit last night for Iowa , _ _ BAH AD A At his home In Uarada precinct , Ptlchardson county , Neb. , M rch 31 , 1885 , Antonin Barada , aged 11 years , 7 months and 0 days. The deceased waa born at Cabtna Fort , nine mllea northwest of Omaha , August 22 , 1807 , and ha ahvuyi resided in this ttate. He wai a prosperous farmer , and greatly esteemed by hii neigh ! on at the timeof hit death. WOODBlUDGK-In ( his city at the tel- deuce of her son , V. 11. Wocdbridee , 2617 Charlen utrtw' , at ! > oV'ocV ' p. m. . April ( Kb , Mary J , wife of J. K. Woodbridgu , aged 07 years , Ttotico of. funeral hereafter. ToExciiAMiK 440 acres well Improved and , J mile from E c , la , for a atock of general mrroaandiae. Addict a , John Llnderholm , E-cfx , la. LOOAL GRIME Work The Schorl ) itolJ bcry Again A Cutting Scrnpo. It has boon some time since the fesllv burglar strapped his kit upon his bad and started out to work the town. Tli police thinking that they had cleaned th town of this undesirable gentry , havi been resting on their laurels. But th "bnrgular" has not yet resigned. Yesterday morning the cigar store o Kaufman brothers on Fifteenth street wa entered by thieves , and about $200 word of watches , opera glasses , meorschaun goods , etc , were stolon. The thiovoi effected an entrance by smashing opoi the front plate glass window , which , b ] the way , is throe-eighths of an Inch thick They then probably s reached throngl and broke opon'.tho she ir owe containing the coveted valuables smashing the glasi with a few gentle raps , succeeded in se curing the property. The block watchman / man , who , like all of his ilk on slmilai occasions , was ssveral rods away from the point of attack , did not hear thi noise , which must have been made whet the heavy plate glass was broken. He says that it must have been done botweot the thunder showers , 2:30 : and 3 o'clock in the morning. There were ton 01 twelve men who sleep in the story im mediately above , and all o : them were blissfully uncocsciout of the oporatlon below. Thi glass window was besmirched with blood showing that the man who broke thi glass must have cut himself severely. ANOTtTEK ONE , Kanoy'a moat market , on South Thlr toenth street , was also operated npor Monday night. The thieves entered th ( shop by prying open a back door and pass Ing through into the front room. Thoj secured about $25 In cash , togothor'wltii some meat. THE SCIIEHB ROBBEUy. About two months ago , it will bo ro < mombcrod , a gentleman , F. J. Schcrb by name , from Papilllon , lost a pocket book in the postoffico , or had it stolen from him. For a long time the affair was involved In mystery , and there appeared to be no why of discovering the perpetrator of the robbery , for such it.appoarod to bo. A man by the name of Campbell , with his son , was arrested for the crime , but though ovldenca against thorn was of a strong nature , both were afterward re leased. A new clno has just come to light which may provo of some use. Bertha Larali , a woman living at 1108 California street , has confessed a knowl edge of the crime , her statement bcint directed toward the Implica tion of Johnny Bull , the nototious negress-thiof , who has been often ar rested on similar charges , It appears that these two women have had a quar rel , and the Larsh woman , as a means of revenge , has given away the story of the robbery , which she claims to be true in every particular. A detective Is at work npon the matter , and It is probable tbat further disclosures will bo made very soon. Smoke Seal of Noith Carolina To bacco. OITY COUNCIL , Regular Mooting. Practical Business Quickly Done. The regular monthly mooting of tbo council last night was attended by acting Mayor Murphy ( who came in and took the chair soon after the council came to order with Mr. Kaufman in the chair ) , and councilman Anderson , Bcchcl , Behm , Haskoll , Kaufman , Redficld and Thrane. Upon motion ordinances , upon their first reading , wore taken up and consid ered as follows : That authorizing the mayor to contract for the lease of certain offices In the now court house for the use of certain city ofticors , to-wlt : Auditor , treasurer , clerk and engineer , for three rears or lees time at a sum of not moro than $5,000 , payable on or before August 1 , 1885. Passed. An ordinance providing for the change of grading Tenth street from the north curb of Mason to the north curb of Pierce streets was taken up. In connec tion with it the waiver of damages by a number of citizens owning property in that vicinity was road and finally the or- iinanco waa referred to the committee on streets and gra < Ios. An ordinance authorizing the U. P. Railroad company to canstruct tracks on Loavenwoith between Eleventh and Fhlrtconth streets , ptovidad the public as a of said street is not interfered with , md the city put to no expense either by Hlgatlon now or hereafter on account of laid tiacks , was passed. An ordinance providing for the pay ment of city officers and others dntlng Match , 1885 , was , after B&lkiog out an item in favor of Tim Collins and adding the salary of the city physician , passed. Rodfiold'a resolution for the payment ) f a bill incurred in repairs of Mrs. Kel ly's house by a carpenter was adopted. 3o were reports of the financa committee nado upjn sovoinl bills , and the report > f the committee to enquire into the lamago oomplainted of in lots ll and 12 In block D , showing that no such lots : oula bo found. Mayor Murphy informed the council ; hat lie bad signed and approved the or- Jlnanccs relating to leasing the new : oart house ofliccs and the U. P. right of ivay on Leavenworth , between Eleventh md Thirteenth streets , and the council kdjourned to Thursday evening next , vhcn the vote of the city will be counted. Seal ot th Carolina Tobacco is the jest. CrclRhtou College Everolsoe , The regular monthly award cf medals md other distinctions for proficiency in .he various classes took place yesterday a the Crelghton college hell before the Faculty. The medals for excellence in the collective branches of the respective ; lasBcaworo carried off by John Toner , W. Doran , Ed. Foray , F. Furay , iJ. 3'Nolll , W. Smith and J. O'Donnoll. ' The following , who averaged 80 per ; ent or over , deserve to bo honorably mentioned : T. llnraell 08,0. Mercer )3 ) , J. M. Carville , R. Shannon 02 , H. Malnno , T , K Ily , J. Ryan 88 , B. Hello , W , Qalnlan 87 , L. Oonklin 80. J. GUvIn 35 , F. McGinn , A. Mile * , J. Wlulen 84 , 3. Fionzer , W. Mrrrls , J. Poweis 83 , J. Pure ? 82 , J. Moluarney , R. Reed 81 , W. Gtrdintr , W. Monagban 80. After the reading of tbo pieces the vlca president reminded them of the ihort ; imo that remains till vacation beglni , md expected them to make good usa of ; he few ircoii left ; to prrierere la their assiduous application , and advance I studies as rapidly aa they have Improve In deportment. MOBTUARlTMATTERS , The Death of Robert McAuBlanil- Mrs. Megan and Mrs , J , A , "Worthon Dcrul , Newa was received by friends yostordi ; morning of the death at Ohorokoo , lown of Robert R. MoAusland , of this city llo had been troubled with rhonmatisu for some time , and two weeks ago ho lo ! for Oherokeo to seek relief , which , however over , ho did not find. Ho gradually falloi nntll yesterday his death occurred. The deceased was ono of the best am most favorably known of Omaha's younger or population and was raised in this city his father , Robert McAniland , hav ing been ono of iti old cst settlors. Yonng McAusland entered terod the service of the Umahi National bank about 17 years agi and was promoted from time to time a his faithful and efficient services warrant cd , until the time of his death ho ecu pled the responsible position of corresponding pending clerk. Bob , as ho was familiarly know : among his friends was well liked and re spcctod by all who had the honor of hi acquaintancefor It was an honor to havi his friendship , and his sad death will b < a blow to many in this city. Docoasoc waa 35 years of ago and leaves a wife am three children. Bis remains will hi brought homo to this city when the no tlco of his funeral will bo published. REGAN. On Saturday last the wife of Liontcn ant Rfg&n , cf the Ninth Infantry , dle < at Fort Russell , Ohoyenno. This will hi sad news to her many friends in Omaha where Lieutenant Ilaqan irai statloncc for some timo. WOUTUEN , Telegrams received in this city on Snr day night convoyed the sad tidings ol the death of Mrs. John A. Worthon h Denver , and of her Infant , which wai only a few hours old. Mis. Worthen la romombf red hero byall of our old cltizom as Eliza Huntington , the only daughtei of Mrs. L. 0. Huntington , and the moth' er and brothers who reside hero , as well as the husband , will have the sympathies of many old residents In this sudden be reavement. The remains were brought to this city yostcrdey for burial. COBLE , ' The death of Mrs. M. H. Goblo oc curred at Las Vegas , N. M. at 12 o'clock Monday iiight. Mr . Goblo had been Buffering some time with consump tion and her death was looked for any time. She was an es timable lady , and loaves her hus band Mr. M. H. Goblo formerly of the Union Pacific , and two children. Her death will bo mourned by a largo circle of friends. The remains will be shipped to Omaha and the funeral will occur from St. Barnabas church next Tuoeday. the 12th Inst. PERSONAL. lion. Church Howe cama up from Auburn pestorday. Major Furay , well known in this city , ir rived yesterday forenoon. G. W. E. Doraey , congressman from the third Nebraska district , ia in town , stopping t the Millard. M. L. Zook , ot Dundas k Zook , publishers ) f the Nebraska Republican , North Auburn , ivas in the city Monday. D , W. Van Cott , Ejq. , for a lone time with [ laymen J , went to Rockford , Ilia. , yesterday , ; o accompany his wife home. J. E. Moorman , traveling salesman of the Jakaloosft Tanning and Glove company , in ia ; ho city , quartered at the Metropolitan. Mr. Jos. P. Frenzer , of A. H. Hubenuan , eft for Chicago to attend tha opera festival , from there ho will go to Now Orleans to BOO he exposition. Mrs. L. C. Zenl , ono of St. Louis' fairest langhtora and a prominent society lady of the future Great , Is in the city , visiting Mr. and ilrs. Lehmann on Saunders street , 0. J. Cotty , Madison ; K. P. Savage , Sar- ent ; Harry Dodd , Hastings ; J. R. Gordon. Norfolk ; T. C. Peck , Loavonworth , Kas. ; S. -Vaters - , Marion , Ia. ; C. H. Harris , Bartlett F. R. Fobar , Denver ; M. B. Bulla , St. Paul , liinn. ; S. P. Peterson , Oakland ; T. H. Mul- eoy , Lincoln , are at the CanGeld. James K. Chambers , for eomo time assist , nt ticket agent for the Union Pacific at the lepot , has been promoted and is now in harge of the business. J. Maynard , who was Jsa as&lstunt at tha transfer depot , has been ccordod like promotion , Mr , Joseph Bell , trho for twelve years haa filled botli positions , tow retires for a needed test. W. E. Smith , St. Paul ; P. A. Bonett , Yeeping Water ; G. L , Steavenson , Nebraska Xty ; John E. Griffith and wife , Hastings ; I , J. Leach , Oakdale ; G. M. Lodtro and .auditor , Wayne ; Miss H. Grubera and Miss L , Burn , Grand Island ; P , Hamlin , Orleans , nd 8. Ohtistoy , Silver City , Neb , , are at the letropolltau. T. T. O'Connor quietly left his desk on sav e last Saturday , and for a time lingered a the city , but hu failed to get off unseen , Vhen lie returns from his Now York viiit to lias O'Connor ' that is , and brings with him ilrs. O'Connor that then will be , the U. P. oiks will know why ha waa BO ely about it. Congratulations , T. T.I Saratoga Notes. The Saratoga "Band of Hope" will iold their mooting at Mr , McKaty's this ivoulng. The attendance ai our Sabbath school ast Sunday waa very large , and hand' onto cards wora distributed , Rav. 3 oo. Pelton , by his cheerful and co"n- tant attendance , and his great popular ly among the young people of our plico , las brought the Sunday school up to a ilghstandard , both In regard to meai > icrship and Interest. Mrs. Patrick aud Miis Jennie re- urncd yesterday from Blair , where they tave been making a abort visit. A lively time was had at the Saratoga chool election lait night. Mr. W. H. j wton was elected moderator , which flico he hai held for a year to the entire atlaftctlon of the greater part of the [ ( strict. Mr. McKenzlo , Sr. , Mr. John . Rcdlck , and Mr. D. j. Ruitiu were he orators of the occasion. Mr. Law. on haa proved himself a hard man to teat , as the opposition wora oat ia full orce , nd could give no teuoii why he. hould not bo endorsed. . A JOLLY PARTY , It , It. Smith' * Employe * Attend th XhoAtro in Body , No morchnnt in this city has a mor pleasant and accommodating lot of oa ployes than has L , L. Smith , the Far nam street dry goods merchant. Mi Smith is well awara of thia fact and fall ; appreciates the sain9. Ai a slight tokoi of his appreciation of their services , Mi Smith , Monday night , gave all of his em ployos n night at the theatre. Ho pur chaiod the entire soctton "H" in Boyd1 opoia house , and every seat was filled b ; the attaches of the mammoth dry good store. , . As they sat looking out upon the stagi nnd auditorium it was a party of whlcl any man might well fool proud. A falro and more genteel looking lot of employe cannot bo found in any establishment h the olty. The gentlemanly and gonoroni employer , Mr. Smith , occupied an one seat in the first row of the section , nnc on his r' ht sat his genteel manager , Mr F. 0. Moiea , who , although a comparative stranger hero , is fast becoming populai with the trade of this city. JSoxt to Mr Moles eat Mr. Fred Fuller , the cashier ol the house , after which came the army ol employes. To say that nil enjoyed themselves docs not half express it , for how eonld il bo otherwise under such favorable circumstances ? The play , with thai prince of comedians , John T , Raymond , in the title role , was all that could bo de sired , and everything combined to make the evening ono long to bo remembered by both employer and employer. It Is decidedly refreshing to BOO ouch marks of friendship between an omployot and his help , and It cannot but prove very beneficial to all concerned. And why should not such feelings exist ? We are only hero in this world on a visit , and it Is bettor to have everything pleatant aa wo drift along through thia vale of joys and sorrows , ( principally sorrows. ) It may not acorn like anything of moment tc thai ; casual observer , but while there Is great pleasure In receiving fa' vors , there is vastly uioro pleasure in ex tending them , and if moro cmployorc would follow the excellent example set by Mr. Smith they would find that they would not only bo greatly enriched by the love and esteem of their employee , but that It la also appreciated by the pub lic at largo and that golden fruit would bo gathered into their coffers , and peace and prosperity would follow them through llfo and when death claimed them them as his own their memories would remain bright through almost end less years. BBO VOTE BOBBINS , Two Happy Hearts United Yester day Morning. An event occurred at Trinity cathedral yesterday of moro than ordinary Importance - anco to Mr. Graham P. Browne and Mlti Carrie D. Bobbins , of this city ; It was the marriage of the two yonng people. Mr. Browne has grown np in this city , and though quite young has amassed con siderable wealth thus early In llfo , clearly Indicating that in the not distant future ho will bo ono of Omaha's rich and influential citizens. His career is quite ont of the ordinary rat. Four or five years ago he bought a small flock of fine-bred chickens. With care and judgment he added to them until as a property they became produc tive of a good income. At fairs and exhibitions in this city and ttato ho has always carried ofl the principal prizes. He also raises fine cat tle. Altogether be Is moro than an ordi nary young man , and is the son of Ool. WlllBrowno of the government head quarters. The bride fa a well-known Umnlia yonng lady , whose many good qualities recommended her to Mr. Browne's attention. The bride and iroom left-on the overland train for Don- for , Salt Lake , San Francisco and other California points. IT. M. O. A. Notes. Thursday evening at 8 o'cfock yonng nen's meeting. Friday evening at 8 o'clock , choral ilub , singing from Gospel Hymns No. 4. Both gentlemen and ladles attend. A pleasant social is hold in connection with : ach mooting. . Saturday evening , strangers' ' meeting. Fills is qulto a novel meeting , people ; athor from all over the country. If yon ire a stranger and can only remain for a ow minutes , you are invited. Sunday at 9:15 : a. m. , Bible class for ronng men. Sunday at 1 p. m , jail service at the > onnty jail. Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock , gospel neetlog will bo led by E. O. McOlnrc. jooil muslo and short talks. Board of directors meets on Friday night. The monthly business mooting will bo ield on next Monday evening. The "senate" meets next Tuesday at 8 > 'clock. Let all the senators bo In their leats. The visitors' gallery will bo In : eadincaj so that a few visitors are In cited. Frolgnt NoteB. U. P : receipts yesterday were : Car- oads of corn , 5 : coal , 28 ; merchandise , 13 ; ore , 1 ; bullion , 5 ; flour 1 ; potatoes , L ; oata , 2 } cement , 1 : sugar , 2 ; lath , 1 , ) il , 1 ; horses , 1 ; wagons , ! ; implements , L ; lard , 1 ; inmber , 57 ; meat , 1 ; coke , 4 ; mils , 1 ; beds , 1 ; posts , 5 ; lemons , 1 ; laxaoed , 1 , U. P. forwarded yesterday carloads of norcbandlse , 50 ; corn , 30 ; wire , 1 ; oil , L ; hogs , 1 ; cattle , 1 ; fgprs , 1 ; implements , . ; household goods , 1 ; lumber , 31 ; coal , ! ; salt , 2 ; lime , 1 canned goods , 1 and URar , 1 , Missouri Pacific forwarded ; Beds , 1 ; > arrola , 2 ; lead , 1 ; flaxteed 1. Mr P , received : Merchandise , 1 ; bar- ele , 2 ; ccal , 1 ; curUges , 1 ; imp'ements , . ; oranges , 1 ; Inmber , 1 ; limo , 1 ; sugar and tlaxseed 1. Amusement Notes. "Ool , Mulberry Sellers" appeared Man- ay night at the opera bouse and held weot and mirthful communion with a irgo audience , through the medium of bo veteran comedian , John F , Raymond. There Is something so rofreihlng about laymond's humor , something so sim ile , yet si masterly , that Ills powers to ileasa assert thtmielvoi with undlspuU- ile force from beginning to end. From' ' the moment that the colonel steppe * forth to tell confidingly of the "mlliioni In it" his schotno ot boundloai wealth to the last corset dca'roylnt ' ? scene whet ho Appeared as witness in the murdoi trial the audience wis a-roar. Mr. Raymond's support was very good Mies Stella Boniface moved through thi part ol "Laura Hawkins" in a mannoi especially worthy of praise. A Crazy Man , Union Pacific officials received v ; : M Monday night of A atrango occurtcnocr Kearney. As the overland I rain wa la torlng that town night before last a & ui Fianclico pssiongor named Gotliob Cool jumped from the train and ran nortl : from the ttack as fast as ho could , Yesterday ho was found in an alraosl nndo condition by some /armors / sixteen miles north of Kearnoy. Ho is crnzy and the anthoritcs are unable to obtain Information from him concerning hi : friends or wished. The shorllV holds him In custody , Tlio Canadian Americans. Monday evening in St , George's hall , there waa a social entertainment given by the Canadian Americans , which was largely attended and a pronounced suc cess In every particular. The following excellent programme was rendered : Mrs. Emma Gordon , a song ; Matter and Miss Van Cmp , children , piano duett ; Ed. llowoll. son * ! Mits Lena Kolloy. piano solo ; MFas Ida Gibson , fong ; A. W. Ford , reclta- iion ; Miss Emma Howell , song ; D. D. Mc Donald and Miss Emma LouUo Nast , piano and violin duett ; Mils Lulu Cramer , song ; Glee club quartette , song ; Prof. Walthors , piano solo. E. A. O'Kinberg , Loup City ; Gcoroio Marks , Hastings ; C , E , Bcnar , Omahn ; J.-D. Lowell , Omaha ; W. H. Wldamaun and wife , Norfolk ; Mrs. Carrie B. Wells , Columbus ; G. W. E. Dorsoy , Fremont ; T. H. Eisner , Grand Island ; S. Walter , Paso del Norto ; W. H , Geist , West Point ; L. F. Hilton and A. E , Pierce , Blair , are registered at thoMIllard. The Joliet Quarry Trouble. CHICAGO , April 7. The Journal's Joliet (111. ( ) special says : "No attempt was maJu this morning to put men at work m tha quar ries. Strikers 3,000 strong , armed witu re volvers , prepared to resist all at tacks. They are watching the quarry and declare they will not resort to armed force unless fired upon. Owners of the quarries have telegraphed the governor that the sheriff has failed to do his duty. Troops have not yotbeon ordered out , but the adjutant general is expected hero to-day to look over the field. rblB powder never varies. A marvel ol pnrety strength and nholeaomenoea. lloro economies ! thai tha ardlnuy klndi.and cannot be sold In competl tlon with the multitude of low test , ehort weigh Unm ol pbyBphrto powders. Bold only In CUB ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. . 109 Wall 8t ; N.Y Omaha Medical & Surgical Institute , 13tli St. , Cor Oamtal Ave , Chronic and Surgical Diseases Diseases ot Fcrailes , cf the Nervous yetem , Pr Vftto Diseases ol the Urinary and exual Organt , and Diseases of the Ilead , Throat and Lungs , Specialties KTE AND EAK , DkteoMB treated by an experienced specialist ! alao diseases of the Heart. Liver , Stomach , Kldneyi , ladder , Neuraltf a. Hheunmtlira , Piles , Cancer , eta CATAHUU , BHONCniTIS , A.nJ all other dltcawa of the IhroaUnd Lungabrcal ed by llodlcateil Vapors. ( Bond for Inhaler ot circular ou Inbalailon. ) AH dlenaaes of the Blood , Urinary and exual Or- 'ta ' l.Pr.rkU IJtMuto and Pilea Cured or no Pay. ( I llei itnoirltMimd Private Practice. ) lajiru.tlon Mid examination free. Oi liar write k'ir circulars on chronic dlveaieo and U.ortnltlee , Dlscagea of Females , Private ll ? a * i } f the Urinary ami Sexual ourana , Seminal Wuak icis , Nervous Debility or Kxbaustlcn ta , etc. , > nd ) ur new refttoratlvetreatrnent. II letters and consultation * Confidential. Medicines sonHo all parts of the country by ex press , Becurely packed from obgervatlon , If full de icrlpUon of case U glveti. One personal lnterlot preferred It convenient. Open at all hours. dimea all letters to Omahn Mtidical &SurgicnlInstfcute , lath S Cor. Capital Ave. ( HUOOE3uORa TO JOUH 0 , JAOOBI ) UNDERTAKERS I At the old itond 1117 Farum Bt Crderi by tele ; > aph solicited and prompt ! attended to. Telephooi DR , PUHEK , Graduate of the Uoiveraitv Vienna , An- rla. Late tjureocn to the Military Hospital. I Vienna.Villdo a general Medical and iurgical practice. All calls in city or country iroroptly attended. Olfico at the Omaha iledlctl and Surgical Inetituto , Corner 13th Itreet and Capitol Avenue. 10WIN6 & GO , jomiias itf /BOUGHT / IRON PIPE , MtIlr > l > l 4C4illn 3TXO ? O ? X JV < 3r S , .cad Pipe and Shoot Lead. nOETltUUTOl UTUM ITHrS , mvaiLblKD DBITK ITMJ. mill , Pletos'GisanijteamFiueis1 IRON & BRASS GOODS , ENGINEERS' SUfPUES , s. OMAUA.NEB. ' COMPARATIVE WORTH OF CAKING POWDERS , BOYAIiTAbiolaMy Par * ) . . IRAKI'S ( Alum Fonder ) # . . SUMFORD'S , when fresh , . JIAITFORD'S , when fresh. . . . BEDHEAD'S CIIAEM ( Alumromltr ) # . . . . AMAZON ( Alumrowder ) * . . . OLE YELAM D'SUontAlns lime TI05EER ( SanrrancUco ) . . . . CZAR , BE. PBICE'S ' 'BNOW FLAKE tOrofl's ) . . . IiEWIS' CPEAEL ( Andrews Co. ) ? . . DECKER'S GILLEiys KUwml 4 , ( C l ki Alum. ) BULK ( Powder sold loose ) . , . . ยง SUMFORD'Sjwhcn noFfrMbBI BEPOBTS OP GOVERNMENT CHEMISTS AA to Purity and Wholcsomcuess of the Koynl Baking Powdor. I have tested n package of Royal Baking Powder , which I purchased in Uia open market , nnd find it composed of pure and wholesome ingredients. It is ft cream o tartar powder of u high degree of merit , and docs not contain cither alum , or phosphates , or other injurious substances. E. G. LOTS , Ph.D. It is a scientific fact that the Eoyal Baking Powder is absolutely puro. n. A. MOTT , Ph.D. 1 The Royal Baking Powder has been used in my family for many years , and those practical test , asvoll ns the chemical tests to which I have submitted it , have proved it perfectly healthful , of uniform , excellent quality , and frco from any deleterious substance. "Wu. McMuRTRiE , E.M. , Ph.D. I have oxnminod n , paokago of. Royal Baking Powder , purchased by myself in , the market. I find it entirely free from alum , terra alba , or other injurious substance. HENRY MORTOK , Ph.D. , President of Stevens Institute of Technology. No Other article of human food has over received such high , emphatic , and universal indorsement from omiuout chemists , physicians , scientists , and boards of health all over the world. NOTE. The above DIAGRAM illustrates the comparative worth of various Baking Powders as shown by the chemical analyses and experiments made by Prof. Schodlor. A pound can of each powder was taken , the total leavening power or volume in each can calculated , the result being as indicated. Thia practical test for worth only proves what every observant consumer of the Royal Baking Powder knows by practical experience , that , while it costs a few cents per pound moro than ordinary kinds , it is far moro economical , besides affording the advantage of better work. A single trial of the Royal Baling Powder will convince any fair minded person of thcso fact * . * \Vhlle the Diagram shows some of the Alum powders to bo of A higher degree ot strength than other powders ranked below them , it Is not to bo taken ns Indicating ; tbat they have any value. All alum powders , no matter how high their strength , are to bo avoided as daneerotu. L3IL2 MISFlTS-MieFITS ) ( -AND - UNGALLED FOR GARMENTS , Bought from Lea dins Merchant Tailors Through out the Country , for sale at the ORIGINAL MISFITGLOTHINGPARIORS 1312 DOUGLAS STREET. /-J Drange Blossom Four WHOLESALE BY L. A STEWART & 00 , 01 Jones Btieet } UK von am ouosi ; { OMAHA