TTTT7 DATLY REE WEDNESDAY , APRIL 8. 1885. THE CITY ELECTION. Tim Contest Very Close and Not DecidOu-Boytl Claims a Victory by a Small Majority , Errors and Illegal Votes in the Third Ward Will Elect Mur phy by a Good Majority A Eooount To-day , Election day pataed oT ( voty quiet ly , unmtxrkod by any sanguinary fights. Tlicro was no great excitement , tl- thongh the work of the partlzana of bath candidates for the ronyornlty waa deeply oarnott. A largo crowd tnirr oundod the polls nil thn forenoon , and the voting was livoly..Both aides claimed the advantage , and each worker nfiicmod hla favorite load all othors. An hnmemo amount of scratching wan done and It was impos sible to toll which of tlu loiditij candidates - dates was ahoad. Up to a latc.honr the oxaat tijuroa 01 the general city ticket could not bo had except as to mayor , and even these will have to bo re-counted In onoortwo voting places , notice having been already given by candidates to that effect. There is enough known to warrant the lUtompnt that Buck is elected treasurer , Long aud itor , and Stonbarg 'pjlioo judgo. Such figures as cm bo secured up to four o'clock will bo given as accurately as pos sible. The vpto for mayor Is the follow inggiving , majorities , with possibly a var iation of two or tbroo but no more. FOR , MAYOK. FIIIST WAIU ) . Boyd'a majority 133 > WARD. Boyd's ' majority 72 Tinni ) WAHD. Boyd's majority 101 FODIITJI WAIID. Boyd'a majority 132 Hirm wAni ) , Murphy'H majority 133 HIXTH WARD , Jlurphy's majority 100 Boyd's total majorities 423 Murphy'a total majorities 356 ( Boyd'H majority in the city 1C In the third word there are over eight hundred . 'otora registered , and more than ono hundred and fifty of those persons did not vote , yet the total number of ballots cast cxsoeds the total number of voters registered , ehowine conclusively that at least a hundred and fifty fraudu lent votes wcra received in that ward. The judges themselves siy this proceed BO ing is a shaino , and will proceed to-day to make a careful tcconnt There is also most probably BO too error of count in the second ward , and the vote there irlll bo recounted to-day to make no sure of the result. The returns , as far us they could pos sibly bo secured , on the remainder of the ticket aru given balow , and nro balievod in the main to bo correct. They are as follows : PIIIST WAltU. Pollco Judge Stcnberg , 704 ; Weiss , 307.Auditor of Auditor Long , 050 ; Lawls , 58. Treasurer Buck , 1,075. Councilman Lowrey , 084 ; Schrocder , fell ; Meyer , 47G ; Goodrich , 591 ; Diiley , 740 ; O'Malley , 555 ; Goodman , 577 ; of | Hitchcock , -132 ; Bailey , 455 ; Los , 421 ; Rodfield , 270 ; Burmolster. 452. School Board Clark , 539 ; English , 108 ; Lund , 395 ; Oobutu , 438 ; Spooht , 313Llvesey ; , 447. E3 For funding bonds , 470 ; against , 10. -SECOND WARD FIIIST DISTRICT. Folico Judge Stonberg , 324. Weiss , to 202. ' Auditor Long , 202 , Lewis , 331. Councilman Lowry , 238 , ijchroodor , 348 , Meyer , 173 , Goodrich , 351 , Dailoy , 422 , O'Malloy , 333 , Goodman , 2C8 , Lae , 321 , BurmRinter , 242 , Hitchcock , 170 , RedOold , 90 , Bailey , 172. BSSchool Board Clark , 284 , Enqllth , 323 , Lund , 220 , Specht , 201 , Coburn , 232 , Llvesey , 220. SECOND DISTRICT. Tollco Judge Stonburg ] 432 , Weiss 214. 214.Auditor Auditor Long 389 , Law is 258. Treasurer Buck 517. City Council Goodman 438 , Dally 435 , Lee 374 , Sshroodor 350 , Goodrich 352 , Hitchcock 353 , Burmoiator 290 , lledfield 178. Bailey 259 , Ljwroy 208 , Mayer 217 , O'Malley 249. * * THIRD WARD. Pollco Judge Stonberg 474 , Weiss 339. Treasurer Buck 817. Auditor Lewis 374 , Long 41C. Councilmeii Lowrey 27- , Schroeder 452 , Meyer 302 , Goodrich ,472. Dailoy C7C , O'Malley 302. . Goodman i > 32 , Lee 303 , Dnrraolator 397 , Hitchcock 403 , the { ledfiold 251. VOUKTIIVA11I ) FIRST DI8TIUCT. rSPoIIco Judge-Stgnbcrg 411 , Wolas for 145.- Treasurer Dock 2GII. Auditor LOOK 098 , Lewis 103. ' Oouncilmon Goodman 343 , Schroeder 270 , Lee 242 , Borineister270. Mover Kil , m Daily 338 , liitckcock 304 , Bailey 343 , Goodrich 455 , O'Malley 155 , Lowrey 100 , Rodiiold I'M. SECOND WWTIIICT. Police Judge Weiss 04 , Stenborg 280. Treasurer Dunk 342. Auditor Long 272 , Lewis 73 , Oonnollmen Goodman 274 , Leo 132 , Goodrich 103 , Hitchcock 240 , Daily 222 , Bally 257 , Burmelster 140 , Hodfiold 114. Y. Lowroy 59 , Schroeder 189 , Mojer 134. O'Malley < i2 FIFTH WAIU > KIR8T DISTRICT. Uptoalato hour tbi morning , the clerks and judges had not finished CDUut- , log the votes except those for the mayoralty. SECOND DISTRICT. Police Judge Weiss , 153 , Stenberg , J57Auditor Auditor Lewl , 273 , Lang , 220. Treasurer Buck , 507. Oouncilmon Bailey , 294 , Hedfiold , 138 , Hitchcock , 204 , Bitrmeistor , 220 Lee , 370 , Goodman , 313. O'Malley , 279 , Goodrich , 303 , Meyers , 125 , Schroeder , 180 , Lowroy , 145 , Ualloy , 380. SIXTH WARD FIRST DISTRICT , Police Judge Btenburg 340 , Wohs on Treasurer Back 442. Auditor Long 301 , Lewis 142. Oauncllmen Goodman 342 , Lee 229 , Bnrmeltlcr 254 , Hitchcock 292 , lleclficla 177 , Bailey 311 , Lowrey 92 , Bobroeier 0 01 , Meyer 157 , Gocdrich 197 , Dalley 203 , O'Mnllcy ' 153. School Board Coburn 297,8hocpt 155 , Llvesoy 284 , English 103 , Clark 191 , Lund 73. SECOND DISTRICT. Police Judge Stenborg , 340 , Weiss , 101. 101.Auditor Auditor LMIK , 287 , Lowii , 180 , Councilmeii Lowroy , 115 , Shrnrd r , 147 , Meyer , 122 , GooJrloh , 210 , Diilty , 2 8 , O'Malley , 205 , Gocdmnn , 303 , Bur- meioter , 310 , Hitchcock , 271 , Rodfield , field , 212 , B.iioy , 293. ItECAriTOLATION. Aiido from the question of the major- aliiy , whichon a fair count , there Is every rouen to believe will bo cccurod by Mr. Murphy , it ii probable that the following gentlemen will bo elected- Police Judge , E. M. Stenburp ; Treasurer , Truman Buck ; Auditor , E. K. L"njr. F6r tlio Council , 0. F. Goodman , Charles SoHroo- dor. 0. S GoodrichThomas Daily , F. E. Bftiloy nto the loading five , and thu sixth place of honor will botceurcd by either Leo or BnrmelMcr , in nil probability. All the school bonrd returns nro not yet in , but Motrrr. Oobnrn , Llvoaoy and Clark are , from present indication ? , in the load. It is poulblo tbnt the returns from tl ! * first diitrht of the fifth ward may things theeo results in some few particulars , but certainly not to any Important ex tout. Fitoax HOME. POSTMASIKtl 1'AI.MIK pnOIJESTS AOAINST HIS nKJIOVAt. . Sriuci'SR , N. \ . , April 7. The Standard to-morrow will publish a 'ottor ' addressed by 1'astniaster Palmer of Itoma , In his state ment to President Cleveland , in which Palmer claims his removal was based upon a report of charges in which ho never had an opportunity to deny. That n clmnco for defending himself had been promised and the tcnnto hnv i MR before fore it tlio pnpcrs submitted to the president did not conclude that the Internal of the government - ornmont or the vindication of law rf quired hin icmoval. The letter concludes : "I would fuither respectfully'represent that your excel lency having nominated to the sonata au ap pointee for postmaster in my placa And app intment not having been withdrawn before - fore tha adjournrnont of the Bonate , the ap pointment is now pending before the .senate and is subject to ita action , nnd while so pending the power resta with tlio president to suspend mo and I therefore respectfully pro- teat against the assumption. Impertinent Stories About Mrs , Gar- llolrt- April 7.-From the Tribune of yesterday mornlno ; : Camden G. Rock well , brother-in-law of Mrs. Garfield , men tioned in u recent letter to her , the newspaper atones about her reported Intention to marry again , nnd received a icply to the letter written on April 4) ) , from which wo take the responsibility of maVinR an extract. It will bo Been that she thought the dignified denial by her friends might bo proper , but nothing , as it seems to ns , can be moro proper and ef fective than her own womanly words : "This cruel rumor , which seems to have been afloat for two or three months , did not reach mo till three dnya ago. Nothing that has been Batd about mo has so hurt or offended me as this , ana tbo deepest humiliation of it is that many are ready to believe it. To me it ecems just as much an insult to bo asked whether it is true as it would bo were the dear General still here. That anyone can t think mo capable of bsiag false to his memory Beema like being recarded as a criminal. A dignified denial by friends I suppose can do harm , still it hurts ma to feel that any denial is needed. " State Hume-Breeders' Association or the Northwest. Ciuc.u.or April 7. A meeting of the rep resentatives of the State Horse-Breeders' as sociation of the northwest was held here to day , at which the Northwestern association is trotting horse-breeders was formed and the following officers chosen : Commodore N. W , Kittson , St. Paul , president ; H. L. DouBinaD , Wisconsin ; A G. Danfortb , Illinois ; E. A. fcmitb. Kansas ; Judge W. I. Hayes , Iowa , . and Mr. Busby , Indiana , Also the presidents the Missouri , Michigan and Minnesota ft'sociations , vice presidents and cxecutue commltteo of two from each state were repre- sented. Sullivan Fulls to Conio to Time. NEW YOUK , April 7. John L. Sullivan did not keep his agreement to meet Paddy Ryan day to arrange for a fight. Ryan and his backer , J. J. P. Vidard , of Chicatro , were on hand. A tolpgram was sent to Arthur Chambers In Philadelphia , and this reply was received from his wife : "Chambers la out looking for Sullivan. " Ono of the sports present said : "Since Sullivan got out of quod he has been doing the grand witli Joe It Coburn and Peter Dunn. " AVcscrn ( "Water Way Oonvcntion. NEW OIILKANS , April 7. At the opening of the Wi stern Water Way convention here to- dny Col. J. C. Dove , of Chicago , temporary chairman , spoke of the advantages to be derived from the opening of the lleiincpin canal , contending that it would save 5 per of cent un transport > tiou , and If only 1 per cent , wai saved congress would bo juttlfiad in making an appropriation. Two Bloopers Derailed in KLTAW , La. , April 7. Two sleepers of the ' north bound mail train , on the Queen & Ore- Gn scent route , which loft New Orleans last night , wcro wrecked this morning twelve it mile * south nf hare , by a broken rail. Both cars were full of pvisorgoru and nloo or ten received alight wounds. The In quoin Club , CIIIOAOO , III , , April 7. The Iroquols club , leading democratic organization of the city , to-night pissed a resolution calling on democratic members of the legislature to vote Morrison for senator. S. Corning Jndd , member of the democratic ) national committee , said ho know that President Cleveland earnestly desired Col. Morrison's election , Frcllnghuyaon No Bettor. WASHINGTON , April 7. A telegram re ceived iiere to-day from tbo homo of ex- Becretary Frcllnghuyien states that his con dition Is th same as yesterday , It is also stated that he might linger in the present con dition for some days , Airs. Frelingbuyeen is reported as Improving , Two Young Aleu Drowned ; DAVEXPOBT , Iowa , April 7. Two young men named Gilbert Parker and Ferdinand . Rogers , gone of prominent citizens here , were drowned In the Mitsiisippl to-day while taking a pleasure aail. BloomlnKton , Neb. , OoncludrH toTnko Drink. Special tolcgramlto THE DEE. CO BLOOMIKQTO Neb. , April 7. The license COwl board was elected by an averaRO majority of it twenty-two. The temperance element Is * " ' broken up. GLOVE FITl'ING. ao tr Having Iinportod a professional Glove Fitter from No * York , wo ara now prem ! so paroi to fit oil on our kid gloves , same as nc they do in all the largo eastern cities. sj Our etjck of glove this * toseon Is larger , f4 bettor and cheaper th n over before. We bt especially rcooninKud our kid glove with fa the no w FoUar hook which does not catch _ HI to everything like the old hook. m N. D. FALCONER. „ FOR SALE. A two seated sidebar lei full leather top carriage for oun horsa , ao I tl good as now , for sale cheap. Inquire of f I ai Harttnan , rwin 1 , Orelghton block. | ci THE LATEST HEWS. DOMINION DOINGS. A J'Ain OFFKIl TO HOMKSrSADEIia. OTTAWA , April 7. The minister of the in terior issued instructions to land ( Rents , that all homesteaders who may volunteer for AC * tlvo service in tha present trouble in the northwest , will bo allowed the time BO tpcnt a residence upon their lands ; also that those Interested are requeued to call at the Do minion Land Office and enter their names in order that their land may bo protected. TUB STUDENTS OP TUB MANITOBA COLI.KOE at Wlnnepeg , decided to form n company. Captain Scott telegraphed to the government from Winnipeg , asking authority to orgtuizo ten companies instead of six , because ho is so crowded with applications to go to the front. The matter is being considered , Alex Fisher , ttho It mentioned as Kail's chief commission * or , Is not n British subject , but .in American half-breed. Ho first came to Canada in 1873 , and wont with Mr. Selwyn , _ the Dominion land surveyor , on an. expedition. Ho was adorwnrd employed as n guide to the mounted police. The men are pretty well armed and expect to bo until reliet arrives. The dispatch fur ther announces that the Indians Imvo taken the southern trail and are now about round ing the lake , roaklnr their way toward the frontier. Farm Instructor , Applegarth gives the following account o'f his escape , Ho was located on Red Peasant's reserve , twenty miles outheast of Unttloford. Ho had no knowlcdgo of thn uprising until his house was raided by the Indians on Tuesday , They disarmed him , and two Indians felt in hit pockets for money. The chief advised J him to leave ns soon as possi ble or his man would kill him. and not to go toward liattlcford a ? the roads wcr guardodt or4he would bo shot. When hoi left with his wife and sister the _ Indians were ran sacking his house. Six Indians fol lowed them for about two dayp , when Apple- gnrth overtook Judge Itoloau and n party of six ladles I on the way from Uattlefard. The Indians then stopped and the party proceeded to Swift Current. The Indians told Applo- g.irth when they arrived at his house that the Stonoy's had killed their instructor Payne. as they ! did not like him and had killed farmer Freeman fer resistln igwhon ; they at- tempted to steal his stock , The Indians dos- troyed the furniture in the houses around Baitleford , and carried oil nil the stock and provisions. \ Allot the Battleford district In diar are now congregating in the Sounding Lake reserve , six miles northwest of Battle ford , nnd claim they expect 800 Sioux from the American side , Tha Indians demolished who they did not wish to carry in all the houses and stores raided by them , and have taken every horse and head of cattle in that part of the country. TWO HfNOItED AND 1'OllTr 1IEN OK Till : ( JUKEN'rt OWN , and nighty of the school of infantry under Col. Otter , arrived at Winnipeg early this morning , The men were nearly all in good health and spirits , notwithstanding the hard ships of the trip arnund Lake Superior , A few bad been disabled by exposure , and a few had contracted colds. They went west at five this morning. It is understood that they will follow Middloton'd present command from Quappelle Irom the north. They are nccom- amod by Gen , Laurie , commander of the lalifax garrison , who has offered to servo as second in command of the expedition. The Toronto grenadiers passed Port Arthur this ' morning and will arrive hwiC at an early hour to-morrow , CIIIOAOO. April 7 A Daily News Winnipeg POST special says : Availing themselves of the present uprising , the settlers of Alberta terri tory held a meeting two days ago at Now Calgary , and formed the Alberta Settlers' Rights society. It was decided to demand oi j the government on immediate settlement of the land claims , allowance of half-breed claims , and representation in the Dominion house. These demands were telegraphed to Sir John Macdonald In case of refusal they resolved to rcsott to arms aud join the half- breeds , fJBEATLY EXAaomtATED NOT MUCH TROUBLE * ANTICIPATED. April 7.- The latest reports to- night nro\o conclusively that the whole affair fmi been grossly exaggerated , and though Kiel , whoje desire for power ! * ) known , causing much expense to tha govermont nd detriment to the country , from the very latest tonight not much trouble is anticipated. „ CANADIAN INDIAN SCOUTS FEOM TUB SIX - NATIONS. BRADFORD , Ont , April 7 Supurintendont Gilkison is offering to organize several hun dred of the six unttona of Indians nt aftmtti&R force. He has been informed that their ccr- vicoi will ba accepted if required , I1KSEIJKI ) BATTLEKORD WELL PUOVISIONKD FOR TJIHEE MONTHS. WlNNli'Ea , April 7. A courier sent from Battloford two days f.fter the line was cut baa reached Swift Current and forwarded by wire important inesiages to tbo Hudson Bay Com pany , of wbich the following is the effect : There are 200 men nnd 100 women and children in tha barracks. They have pro visions sufficient to to last throe months. Before the line was cut the besieged sent a 11 dispatch to the effect that they had only provisions enough to last but three weeks. a is piosumed that under covcrof cannon the police sallied nut and brought in all tbo pro visions they could get from the Hudson Biy post nnd Indian supply depot. WASHINGTON NEWS. NOTHING NEW AT \NAMA. . WASHINGTON , April 7. Commander Kane , the Galena , telegraphed Secretary Whit ney under date of April 0 , ns follows : "Noth ing new to report. The Panama Kailroad company are petting the road in order. The government troops are anxious about their prisoners as the railroad company and the Galena ara feeding the troops ; all are in need , There is great anxiety among the foreigners Panama , " KKNTUCKY'rt rjNITBI ) hTATKS MAUSHAL. Andrew Jackson Gross , of Cloverport , Ky. , of has baen appointed United States marshal for that ntato , ft A delegation of cili/.ens of Dakota called upon Cleveland in reference to the Wlnno- to bago reservation. They maintained the perfect legality of Preildent Arthur' * order opening the reservation to settlement. It was also " stated that euveral thouiand settlers , many of thorn from eastern states had gene into tbo reser\atlou In absolute good faitb , and began no Improvements upon selections. Their eject na ment would involve great hardship and dis tress to many worthy persons. tone The president informed the delegation that the settlers interests would bo carea foraad no no further proceedings taken by tbo government we wew until a moat thorough investigation of the w whole subject had been mode. li WASHINGTON , April 7. It Is understood that ; Mr. McLean , of Indiana , will ha ap pointed first deputy commissioner of pension * . Unofficial information has baen received hero that Salvador Intends invading Gnats- mala. THE WASHINGTON , April 7. Kx-Chlef Clerk Carrigan bai given the names of the confed- erateH In the navy fraud canes , and will ap pear against them. Indian Names. Charleston News and Courier , That was a shockingly unpleasant dis covery which was msdo by a family sjnio- where In Georgia , a few days nijo , when accidentally transpired Ihit one of the A young ladles hid been christened and called for years by the entirely Irrelevant and exceedingly inappropriate name of "Wot Dog ! " True , the Indian equivalent sounds much more musical , and to the mind ami oar of the uninformed convoys ( hint of its true ( igulficanco , but the by significance is there , all the same , and the of fict remains that the affectionate but niiigulded parents , in oamlog their daughter "Eufaula , " fixed upn her for the opprobrious epithet wbich we mentioned. It would have been bad enough , of conrso , if It had been proved that the teim meant wet hen , or wet canary , or wet dove , or something of of that kind , but wet dog , of all birds and at animals under the sun is , simply Inez- tl cusible and unpardonable. Think ofn | what It Involves to the young lady , and to the coirolntlvo young gentleman who is most Interested In heriolf and her virginal chaste namo. j"My boat be loved Eufnula'qnothn. "Thlno own Eufatita 1" Foraooth. It is evident that , In the light of the horrible truth that has bson Hashed ever tholr minds , the ontlro cjrrospjndonco of the beautiful past letters tors , notoi , blllotadoux , sonnets nnd nil with all tlio endearing terms therein em balmed , must now bo consigned to tli cruel flames forever , and nil done eve again ; which , however , may bo n com pansatlon within itself. Evidences , of which this ia the latest multiply dally tbnt the pooticil Indian o the story-books ia an unmitigated fraud having no counterpart on the plains , nnc bslng really non-existent nnywhoro out side the p cturcs nnd pigos of Cooper's novels Gon. Crook has demonstrated that the bravest of the bravo will evci work when ho is paid to do BO , and tha n dollar Is quito ns much an object of regard gard with him ns with n white man There are hundreds of Oomanchos whc nre now dancing down the corn-rows o the wott In frenzied oflorts to learn how to keep the plow in its appointee furrow , and whoso blood-curdling war-whoops have given plica to execra tions and objurgations leveled nt the pa tient mule that load thorn In the Icnmy piths of civilization. The ardent Apache dodges behind the corners of his barn in nmbuth for now-laid eggs instead ol haunting rocky defiles In eager expecta tion of unsuspecting Joraigrant tr.unt , and like the stern Sioux patiently sullen the pnlna of backache while tolling in the sun and pulling beet and turnip ( ops for mild-eyed kino Instead ot lifting scalps from gory heads in the Email hours between midnight and day. It would surprise no ono at any time to hoar that Sitting Bull was applicant for the pDstmastorahip of his tribe , or that Standing Bear and Howling Wolf wore rivals for the position of route agent on ono of the old war trails. Human na ture is the same alter all , everywhere , and yon do not have to scratch n tnvngo very deeply to find the man. It is not that the savage of old times is changed wo are only coming to know him better. Chingacbgook and Uncas and Hiawatha and Powhatan , and all the rott of them were the same as their descendants and roproiontatives of to day , only wo look at them as aflar off , through the cloudy , softening atmos phere of fiction and of history which Is but little better than fiction. The noble red man of today oats grasshoppers and aoldom bathes , and there is good reason to be lieve that Red Jacket and King Philip wcro not insensible to the attentions of roast dog as an article of diet. The poetry with which the race has been In vested does not pertain to them. It had its origin and end In the imagination of S those who h&vo rhnpjudfzad concerning them , and the trnc , original savage was over and remains a heathen and nothing moro nntll ho is civilized. In no particular , perhaps , is this fact made plainer than in respect of the names which these heathens conferred upon themselves , and have imposed upon the places where they once dwelt , but which now happily know them no moro. First , as regards their own names. When wo find that the mellifluous , magnilo quent and polysyllabic titles of to-day are translatable ) into such nicknames as Scar-Faced Charlie , Hole-In-Bis-Blank et , = Sbacknasty Jim , Young - Man- Afraid-of-His - Mother in-Law , One- Eyed Blacksnake and Old - Man - Who- ' Won't-Pny-His-Dobts , what confidence- wo ask , can be reposed in the claim that corresponding titles in ancient times meant Eagle-Eye , Hcart-of-Stone , The Great < Warrior , Swift Arrow , Bosu-in-hie- Ofvn-Wigwam _ . , or other such condensed expressions of the recognition of savage heroic attributes ? herI It ia no bolter when wo look into the origin | and derivation of names of livers to and places. Passing by such unpronoun ceable and outrageous combinations as MayagnadnyldgMolcchptnkouinnikMoose- lulmsguntlc ) , and Ohiuqnaesbamtook as being hopeleeal anddcfiatitlyheathonlBh In their nssontlal construction , nnd poaacesa- lag little or no interest except in so lar as they Indicate the rocky nature of the soil or the devious course of the rivers , In the localities to which they have been ap plied , wo anivo at the consideration of cartain natives which concern us moro nearly. "Eufduln/'hohavo fonnd , means liquidated cut , and not a blooming rose of fragrant magnolia , or anything of that kind. "Chattuaoacho , " likewise , does not mean the Silver Path to the Sea , but rather Very Muddy , as well as W0 remember. "Mississippi" has long masqueraded as the Father of Waters ; oh Indians , however , told tbo early set tlers that it meant what may bo very nearly expressed in the general term Big Ugly. [ "Cahaba , " the name of ono of the streams in Alabama , has always boon translated Bountiful River. The full Indian name , however , was Cahaba-hia , or Chunk-pile , by which term they indi cated ' to their own satisfaction the fact tlut Us clauic shores were always HneJ to an unnsnol extent with drift-wood 'Chooolocco" ' is the name of another Alabama stream , a creek considerable size , which runs through famous valley of the same nam ? . It ftha has been claimed by those wno have land soil in the valley , that the creek was named from the valley , aud that Choco. loco means in the aboriginal vormacnlar , "A valley abounding In ilch minerals " The mom literal inhabitants trho have not lands for sale stata that the original name was , Choco Thlocco , or High Hone Indiciting that the stream was to deep bo forded by a pony. Tallapooja was never a synonym of "happy homes , " but was simply , "tho dog town. " T lledega was "the cat town , " of course , and the . list might bo extended indefinitely. It is not necessary or desirable , however - ever , to pursue the painful theme any further. It ls not & pleasant task to un deceive people in regard to their moat H cherished beliefs , and the iconoclast is not always regarded as a public benefac tor. Whatever may have been the otic- inal meaning cf tbo names which wo have mentioned , it Is plain that the interpre tation now put upon them Is much more ajroeab'o in every way and further search might lead to unpleasant discoveries in rojurd to the names nearer homo. SENATOR Rl'DONAM ) . VKW BKUAnKH ON THE CAIJINKT ASI ) ITH CIVIL-BHIIVICE 11EK011M. Chicago Timoa , McDonald and wife of , Indianapolis , ar rived in the city last evening , and stopped at the Palmer houss , whore he wai called upon a reporter for the the Times. In speaking President Cleveland's ' administration Sen ' ator McDonald ssid that , is far as he was concerned personally , he was perfectly satisfied with It , but it was quite apparent that Indiana had boon al most entirely neglected. They had received but ono portfolio the appointment Senator McGee to Stockholm which was best a thlrd-cbvis appointment. He could not " ay . , of course , just what Indiana at large t thought of thU teeming Zlect. He would not say whether Mr. Hendrlc anything It to do with It or not. Mr. Ilendrlcks had at lead gothlspoitmaitorat IndUnapolli , but It WM not strange that thli consideration wa shown him , occupying tha place that he did rn the ticket. Indiana had been a very important itat t the iMt election , She had polled within 7 per cant of her possible vote , and WM only approached In this respect by Ohio which polled within 12 per cent of her toUl voto. Ho thought the president's cabinet WM composed of the strongest men In tbo partybnt it might h vo been selected a little differently In iregard to geocrflphic * ! distri bution The secretary of the navy might properly have been taken from one of the New J'ngUnd states , and Gen. Block , of Illinois , would have mada an excellent secretary of war. The senator did not want to bo under stood as Haying that tlio men chosen wcro not good selection ) , but merely called attention to the fact that the territorial distribution might have boon bettor. An far ns the president had gone , Mr , McDonald thought ho was fol lowing out the principles of civil service _ ro- form. The senator , however , ha * an original view ' civil service. Ho boliovcs , ho says , that civil servlca consists in grad ually jiutting the offices In the hands of the democracy , Ho thought the appoint * mont of Pearson , of the New York poitollice , a rather singular thing , but did not bcliovo it would bo taken as the prncedont. As to the appointment of Kugeno llipglns , of Baltimore ho knew nothing. While ho was not very well acquainted with Mr. Manning ho did not believe ho would appoint a man who was not all light. JClio newspaper accounts of Hlg * gins were not exaggerated. Indiana has no elections this year except municipal ones , the biennial elective system being almost perfect in that state. Mr. nnd Mrs. McDonald will romaln in the city two or three days. WOOD'S JAM MOTH MUSEUM-THEATER , ( Formerly AcuJcmj cf Music ) S. A , DittESiiACH & Co. , Proprietors Cou J. H. Woon , Manager GRAND "OPENING OF T1IK Popular Family Ifesort. Tuesday. April 7th , ' 85. Engagement Extraordinary of JL J. Mortimer's Star Dramatic Co In the Romantic Play , THE "OCTOROON. " ChUDgo ol stage performance tines times a week. PA1LA.CJD MUSEUM Will contain FreaVs of Nature and Curiosl ties from all parts of the world , being a scien tific and moral exhibition. Jlutlro change orery week of curiosities , A Resort for Ladies , A Resort for Children lOcts ADMISSION lOcts Musenm open from I p. m. to 11 p. m. Theater Matinee daily , 2 p. in. , nnd night , p. m. HENS' FURNISHER & JLessler JAS. H. PEABODY , M. D. Physician & Surge on Rerildtnoo No. It07 Jones St. Offloo. No. ISO ) Fi r. nam etrcot. Offloo hours,12 m. to I p. m. and fiom S 8 p. m. To'ccbone. .or office OT.rosIdenM 12S. SPECIAL NOTICES. TO LOAN MONET , To l/ovv in sums of # 100 and upwards ; Ballou Bros , 817 boutll ISth It. 334-9 M ONEY To loan on chattels , Woolley & Harrison , Itooin 20 , Onnha National bank building 354 tt LOAN A few thousand dollars ono.ty buelnefS JL propertj ; Isaac Adams , Frcnzer block opp. I' . 0. 313ti MONEY loaned at low ratcs.In amounts to suit on cbattelcollater ls or other good security. Finan cial excliange , 1603 Farnam st. 268-mlp TO LOAN On icai estate and chattels MONEY Thomas. 7 < 0tl. Loaned on chattels , cut rail , R. R MONEY oought and eold. A. Fornun,213 S , 13th Bt 670-tf to oan on good real estate security. II. MONEY . Williams block. 2SO tf IXJANED at C. K. Hood SCo's. Loan olllce MONEY on furniture , pianos , horsts , wagons , personal property of all klnda and all otbe mtlolea of value , without removal. Over let National 13th md Farnam. All business strictly confidential TO LOAN In sums of WOO and upward , MONEY Davis and Co. , Heal Keiilo and Loan Azontf. 1605 Farnam St. 2'3 tf HELP WANTED. U Uood cuok at PacIOo hotel , Columlmt ; WAMHI call on II. JIamiwdlcr , 418 S 13th st. SBOtf Kipcrltncod took and hundreds at R32 WASTKU South 17th street. 3S7-10p Olrl to do general house work. 1819 WAKiKD Farnam St. 370-fp VXT'UTJ'DYoung man or a joung l dy to keep Vt books and who Is a short hand wrlteraononeod applrunlo.'s quick > nd thorough In figurestUte ; ige ana pm loui occupation. Address box 740 Omaha , m-tf W\\Tco-Olrl for hous work 122 south 21th it ; Kocxl rtferenjeii required. 310-8 'AMU > One ftoodorpentcr to rcnta house of 3 . roonuandstiady work. 88 Ilardy , 1016 Center street S73-7p WAHTFC Homo one touloptagoodbrUht healthy boy three years old , call at 16th aud Faclflo it , 3J7,13p J TANTKD A Rood Uuiidry woman at Arcade V > Hotel , 1215 DouglUBt. 28J-Bp I gill to do Unlit woik In a family of two ; Inquire No 1610 KarnamSt. S63-tt W ANTIIIA re'pectable jrlrl to do sen Ing In tailor hop , air wages , bteady work ; f Kicker , 17C8 ' Stilary'i a > e. 307-7p WAVTEIP Girl for Htneral bouie woiL niuitboa washing or Ironing. Jlri J O lloyd. loisraclflottreet bttneea 10th and llth Et 383 9p TTrANTED-T ro good gill I N.V , coiner Capitol aye. and 18th it. 449p WANTED A girl forsfunnd work al north west corotr Jacksouand 14ti. ) 847-8 i" TiTANTKD-At the Empire Steam Laundry No. V > 1110 aud 1112 Dojgebt. , ihltt Ironer ) , lliln J lionenandaNo. 1 Darker. Kit- - - KevtU k WANTHD-Aflret-cUeiplumbfrat Oil- bert'n.SZl ifala St. , Council Illuffi. 821-8 1 V\rANTKD- A ( Ingle man to do rough work around ' T \ ( tore , none but a quick active uun need ap [ ly Mirtlne Installment store 16th Street , 22MI WANTKD-dood B leimio 105 N. ISth. 141-lPp WANTKD-Agentil05 N. 16th. 143-lOp - for ' ' ' WANTED-Lidyagents 'Queen 1'aouctor' , daliy itockldK aadikliU ( uppoiten , ihoulder ' braces , buathi , bonom foinu , diexa loleldj , af tv lti , > le > ej prot ctori | etc , , entirely n w delicti * , uopr c deole4 profits , we hate COO act.uU makloe 1100 monthly. AdJrow lib tt amp , K. 11. CtivpbeU Co. , 9 Buuib Hay m.phcga. ! 7WUp TTTANfKD Imm dlatety , an experliooctl elrl N. YV K. corner 18th and Leaven wort tu JMf SITUATIONS WANTED. AN engineer and michlrlsl with twenty j r * x * jxtlincu would like k tltnatlon , can furnlih bet ) of rcfotencci ; addrtsj "A J' ' Ilr offlc * . 374-lJp "IV'AMiin-IIy lady , petition in * imall Utnlly a * houii keeper ; Inquire 114 Harncy , between 8 nd 9 ; between 9 ft mandlp m. 87Mp ) \\7ANTKR 1'osllion as jinltor or watchman , day IT or inslit , by a sibcr reliable man : best of ref erences as to tnteinlty ; AddrcM S. B , , Uco olllca 320 7p \TI7ANTKD lly an ex ) < erlcncedOUCR man , a it situation as book-keeper or nalMman In any kind of biulnets. licit of rclcrcncc , aJJrcts 0 t > oaro Iteo otllco. 3(0 8p \v 7ANTKD .situation by ( .ynnnc mnn to do an ) Kind of work , ail tress J , F , 11 , Uco oillco. \\7ANTE& 1'osltlon by k competent sronwfmiher and tvpo writer ; best of reference * both as to ability and character ; adilrcsi Mrs It. Waldo , 11 , llatrltt street Detroit lch 800 8p WAXTKD By a younp roan a situation In a ( tore or * holesalo bouse , to Jo tha rouitn wo'k : ai- dreis , K. It , Dee Ofllce. 333-7p WAKTED-Dy a youcp ; man , a situation In a poo.l houio. One who Is strictly honest and temper ate ! address "L. W."caro Bee. S67.p MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. WAMrn-Clooil reliable fam ly hotso ; rnnulro 1318 Farnam et. SgSlf. ANTKI > Good Rentlo pony that nllldiho flnftle , and for saddle use ; also small pony rnrt ; In- ( | Ulro N Wcor. Burt and 23J sts. 3S9-0 WAVTKD Tobuj ft mall otllcc safe ; address Safe , Heectlleo. 370-0 WANTBD-S700 er $3fO od chuto'fc eddro-s H. Y , lice olllce , 353-Sp U7ANTED T o good saddle horso" , one for lajy W and one for gentleman ; enquire of 0. 11. Hitchcock , 15th and Kunam. 200 Cp Tl/ANTED To fell my fine rlano cheap ; Use my T I phnctOE. almost now ; address S I' , llco olllce. Mi- \NTED Houio of B or Broom" , by May l t , good locality. Aildrcea E. 8. , Unnonice. SOttt WANTED Every ady In need of a sowing ma chine , to see the new Improved American No , 7. P. K. Hodman & Co. HKeuts ; 220 N 10th. 313tt TTIfANTED Two rooms with board fo' young man TV and wife , tmnt ba centrally located , references Riven and rctiiiircd. Address "S , " this oinco. 010-tf SOU RENT-HOUSES AND LOTS. FOH RENT A conTenlent cottftRo north-west cor. Sewaid and Pier street on street car Una. Call at No. 21S noith 17th et. srB-Op JD 317 s tilth 13th St. SSS-0 FOR RENT A ootttifjo of G roams. 812 per month on E S. Olh etrtet , first housa [ outb of Hickory ; enquire of Mn Falk on the premises. ' SST-fji FnR RENT To oemill family , a new 7 room cot- tae lo first-clues neighborhood 3 blocks from „ High . School. Inquire of F. B. Kcnnard , 1820 uoder St. 326-tf FOR RENT Brick store 416 Tenth Et. , noir Row ard $60 per month. S. I/rhaan. 819 tt KENT -Two pianos $5 per month ; Inquire Kilholm fc KrlcVeon. 323-0 F Oil RtNT A store cheap 309 north 16th. 816 lip EOR RENT IIpuso 8 E corner 10th nnd Pacific- two blocks from U. P. depot. Offcn Whalcn. 285 Op FORRXNT Abilck housa ot 8 rooms S'S per month ; apply to John Hms'c , HarJwaro ttorc , 2407 corner Cutnlog ac dSaundcrs sts. P Clirk. 217-7p FOR TENT Prick jard forth end of Stnndrrs Bt. Iwoul work for part ca renting , aj foremati , If waited. J. ! ' . Po.ttr. 217-J4p FOR RENT New Fturo on ICtli Bt. iiliiard Korris &Co. , Crounso block. 13tf ! FOR RKNT 2-8 room houses Inquire. Jno. P Uarton.Sineltlag works , or 311 North 2Mb Bt. lOt-tf FOR IlENT 4 furnished housa 0 rooms durlncr the Summer month to parties without children. Inquire 211 South 23d St. 191 tf FOR KENT Uneiplrcil lease of house with nil tnoder improoments t a bargain. F. P Orldloy If. O.ollico Omaha" 174 tf FOR RENT-Rcaldcoca and saloon with f xturo with about two acrts of ground , Hiltablo for park and eoc'etles during BUinmcr or winter Terms easy. Apply to Victor Dreher , 2 Jib it south of Loemortb 12)-10p FOB RENT- Store building4U80 thrco story And batoraent No. 110 and 112 14th. Inquire 1400 Dodge St BM-tf RENT Farm nnd garden. T. Murray. 206 tf F lOR IlENT Furnished cottage , 7 rooms , with _ closets , rnntry , etc. , In bestlocalltyih City o n pay rent with board. Call hi afternoon at 525 Vlcaa- cnt St. 170 tf FOR RENT-Houees\orycheaF. A-tt r k 3. Taylors 14th and Douglas Stj. 30-1' ' . F OR RENT Two now etoroa oc 1th t. 0..2 , 16th and Farnam 2SKI Foil RENT One story dwelling house Svs roonw , 23d. n arClark street. Ogiec , : omei 13ih and Doughs Street. 233 tf OR BENT Throe brick stores corner ISth and Cumlng St. J L. McCaguo , Agent. 491-a2 FOR KENT New cottage , C rooms. . Pblnna Roe 1612 f. 6th St. 231 tf 1100MS FOR RENT. F Ion nK\T Elegant nev\y \ furnished rooms 2'2S Dodge st. 875 lOp On M\T-Unfurnl9hed rooms with modern Itn- FOli pro > cments , H W comer 13th and Uouard . 385. Sp rron HK\T-Nlccly furnished eliglo room for gen- f tleman , 1718 Dodge , SOO tf OR RENT Comfortable fornlihed rocm for ccatleman , 1012 facincst , , two blocks south of I1 , depot. 84Mlp T7OR KENT Furnlsliad front room , S3 per _ month cnqulieat 1137 Shermanave , 346-tp FOR HFNr Two o'cgant front rooms : furnllhed or unfurnished on voth near Ht Mary's a o ; en quire at S. W. cor. 10th and Dodge. 369-tl FOR IlENT T o nicely furnished rooms , a cloict , Bay window. al < o two email rooms wid bath room On car line , 1720 Capital n\e. 127-7p 1 FORRENr-Nlccly turnlihcd rooms 1617 D v < nport S49.ro6p FOR IlttNT A furnished front room at 1707 Doug as s . 300 P FOR RENT Handsomely fornlshoi rooms for lln- Kle gentlemen , For particulars , address "Y. W. Bee office. FOR KENT Furnished room for two with board , , 1816 Chicago t. 855 8p | /Ult KENT Very plcMantfuinltbedrogtrs.imlv ? or In suite , at retsonable prlDC , ! H Uth ttrjl 31611 _ FOR RENT Pleasant furnished rioiuin l' ; bli for gentleman , terms reasonable , ) IS norm f/th. RF.NT Two or three e y nloo rooms fur- I * nlsbed or unfurnlah' d.four blocks south of Opera house. Inqulie02 south 16th. 208 tf FOR IlENT Furolihed rooms with board 1812 DiKlge St. 317-tf ' FOR RKNT Lodging room for 1 or 2 men , N. K. cor. 16tb and Ctpitol ave. Inquire at loom 9up itatrs. 0 - 1 FOR 11ENT A nicely furnished from room with \ board 1024 Douglas Bt 801-lCji TTIOH BENT Nicely furnUhed rooms 103 N.18th _ 146 lOp Tj\uU HKNT r'urclnbtu frout room , btlck bay win- ? dow with board kinall fimlly 03 noith 17th it. 162 tf TJ > OH IlENT Several One cllluis la Crouneu block , ? luqulto Kd. Norrli , room 10 Crouuio Uook 934 tf F Oil KENT Two furnlibod rooms 100J Karnam. Foil IlENT April lit , Urge unfumlihod rosins 203N.22dBt. 848 tf FOU HUNT A pleasant front loom furnllhed. 8. K. cor. 16th and Howard 8t . 05 tl FOH KENT Large front offioe oo second , floor. InMilt < quit * No. 1211 Karoam Bt. E04 U Fe HENT-Furotibed loom at 1118 Jackion Bt. " 1,10II HUNT Kuinlehod room and Vaardl 6 00 fti ' week. Very but location , 1811 Daveapart. HI Wip FOR nENT FurnUhed room ISlt Doxlrt. 1 F I Oil nitNT Furnished room t 1013 l"arn m. FOU IlKNT-NI lj lurnUhoJ rooms at 1718 Caw - 23CII 00118 Wllh board , detliabla or winter. A | > rly lXa SI. Outlet n t L 37. | | FOR SALE FOR MM Oo < xl 5 room home , lot t > Ox13J feetcan front , $1300 ; $100 r sh , tii.lf.nce . 16 per numth W. II Oieeo , over 1st National bank. ssitf IfoR 1 SAttc Hou'eand hi on Doujlm street , near high school ; $1600 , My term ) , W , It. ( Uccu , ocr 1st National bank. 33211 IfOR RUNT OR , New houio suitable for hotel or saloon ml tainting honso In llttliti } ol > . Ail. itrcis "K II K" Kcil.ii , Web. f05-llp on tilt-Dings ore at a bargain , stock about $3,600 ; Address lack box ItSO , Crrston Iowa. 344-Pp iJMK 8ALK To creamery- men : Now fall elml butter mixer which 1 will soil for half price. Ad. dress \V rrcn , IlKnoftlcc. Foil SALK-lna drying growtne town a gcnla furnishing ami hat bixliism , In l > p t I ) c tlon In a new brick building , long IOIFO and cheixp rent ftd- dress L. , , P. O. box 67 , Hasting , Neb. 31 } lip Foil SALB Diuir store In city ; Imolco $1500 : good locality.Vo38lcy Si Natisns , ISSt Furium strces. SJ3-7p FOU BALK A good pajIrR hifiiMS shop , the bint chance for & } ouiiGt man to start In bttlnoi ; d- ilrcsj "Harnon shop" llco nfllce , Sol-17p F Oil sAtiK 100 acres of flu 9 rollluit and , till sell or trade for city lots II taken by tlio IStli , enquire at Jlorio's store , cor. 13th and Chicago. SS8 p l01l BALE A first-claw boirdlnc hoU8 -I1 twenty regular boardcts ; S. W. oor Sth and ' 1'nclflo Kit. 2SO-Hp F OH 8 M.K Ono hundred tons ot hay on farm 2 miles west of Bclleuis. If. Schnak , 20S7p FF FOIl RATK-For sCOdonn and $20 per month I will build an elegant Iho room cottage , with porches.closets , bar nlndow brlckcillar , clstern.coal houie , & ! . , & , ] , nlth t rolsts nicely fenced the nholo all complete IISOU The CJUipoa to be bill Hat once OJiitrncta for ten haxo already been let. Call at my oillco andseei'lan of cotUco , location > Vc. Hilng your friends along. C , E. Maync , south-west corner 15th and Fanmiii. , 207-aEO FOH SALK ? 10J , horse (6 ( years ) bugpy and har ness. Helmrod's grocery 13th and Jackson. 220-Sp F SALB-Diuj store. Address box 414 Omaha , FORSALE-Thatfarm elx milts south on the Bellcvuo acd U. P. road Is not sold or traded for P. if. Pookmau , Omaha , P. O. box 7117. 128-Bp K \ORBALE-Storobul1dlnKon Cumlng and 2let , best en utroot J. P. Thomig. HB-ltp Ii OR RALE OR TRADE Largo team , harness 1 nnd dray. Pjrt pay taken In drajngo. AdJrMs W. U. Bee office. 881-tf TT'OIl ' BALK A very nloo 0 room hcuw and lot , X1 must be sold 1223 North Dth St. 922-a 2p FOR SAti : On easy p > fn iVl. lll urnlib lots nnd bulltl houses on ihovi notl t 01 utj tbj imrchisor. irqulro oil * . J. CrMdou , contractor And builder 27th aud Webster St. 00-tt | T\OR \ SALS A full lot on corner c ( IStli and Jonoj A1 p.ivcd street anil wllhln ono eiiuaro of U. P. 11. R. ( or sale. Waircn Swltzlor. k03 tt FOR SALE Thirty choice lota ncnr nark arc. 0. 1' . Stcbblns.roomSl.C'rilghton block. 815-alSp | 710R SALE-200 YMrllnp steero , J ? 20) 2 ycnr old etccra , SOD 2 and 3oarold hclfcrs , (0 graded bulls. , Sioux City , I w . _ 7SB 16 F lOH 8 ALE Four yo r old horse has boon \\orkod double. For particulars Irqulro at n o corner 14th and Farnam et In barbjr shop. J. lilrncr. 071-aO Fbll SALE Scoond hand ten norse j ewer , op- right holler and engine ; In Rood condition ; low for cagfl.'has. . S. Poor. 103 S 14th Bt , Omaha , Neb. EST-tf PERSONAL. PHtnosAL-l'arties wishing a Bcametrcsa , guarnn- tclu cuttlnpaii'l flttlii7eatUfa lory ; udclrcsslBtb un4 Capitol luo , room 4 , Crounsa Mock. Mis J Ar nold. 303-14p PMisosAli A ecntleman. etranccr In he If/ not too old for fun , or tooroungfcidlci.-rtt ou oulil like to meet a lady of the ame ; JdiMslu A } u'dcnco caio of Bee , respectfully , T11 iw I. 3fil-7p PEIISONAL JohnllaallshM snjj'J.i Jmaba and resides at lElOLcarhKW ) J AlOp TlTILTj Do founJ at 1BCO DavcnportHt , anexpcr VY Icnccd nurse. Beet city reference given 872-a24p TO EXCHANGE. fT\0 EXCHANGE ICO acres land 13 K&nsaa under JL cultivation , good house and Improvements , nil trade for grocery stack If Uken Immedlitoly. W. H. Qicen , over 1st Not'l Bank , 6mah , Neb. 328 tl JOR SALE Or exchange. Wo hare for silo the excluaho right in this state to sell the coal ttnomizer and soot destroyi r , destroys the eoat and will fa o twen'y per cent on coal , will sell county rhrhti or the state , or will exchange for roil estate or Mr teed property on application will send samplu Mill aland giro pMtlcuUra. Rca < on for Belling > viu r cannot el\e it hl attention ; * rare cbanco for hn ten : Bedford , S uer & Dai Is. 27811 rr > \CIIANaiC Will exclnnce 480 acres of unlm- Lp.'oicil Nebraska land for I took of groceries ; ad- JrMt "J. 1' " Bee oBice. 311 0 TO EXCIlANOE-TwoIotaln W. A. Rodlck's add. for a Ijt or half a lot located somewhere neater the center ol the city aod suitable for building , will pay additionalIMalua Is more. Audrest "U. Y. " Bee ofllco. 015-tf BUSINESS OHANOES. TOR SALE Stock of general m rclundlso , alro JL1 store building for rert.bott location In a country town. Address "A. U. S.1 Bee otllco. 177-Sp 17011 SALK-A flrst-olMi stock of dry gorda $5.000 J. ' al a bargain , will take part crsh biUnco real on- tatcj address "M. V. R , " care Use olllce. 282-tf . SALE Or exchange a fullttock of clothing 1.10K 1 boots an Jehncs , gent' furnlshlnggoods , will ox. change for Nebraska Lands. 0. H. i'ctorS'jn.BOl S. 10th tit , Omaha , Neb. 1M tf F \OIl \ 8AIK A good skating rink , ulzo 84x100. In quire ol II Lambert , Wakeflold Neb. 423-al6p BOARDING. BOAKDINO Good board Sl.fO per wtok. 1012 1'aclflc , ZMockj touth uf U. I1 , depot 342-llp ROAItniNQ Flritclaea Hoard aud lodging ; for 9I.K per week , nil new beds anil sprlngn af No. 1108 Caw St. II. 1'eter Nick. 1T7IIUST-CLASS lied and board 1212 Capitol avo. ' LOST AND FOUND. L IO.-iT A youni ; lemon and white letter doc ; a lib- ertl reward will be given 1312 Douglai st. > OC-9p JOST -I.arL'e topaz ring K ° M mouotod In the \l- Jclnltyoll Leavonwoitb Street school. > Imler will bo llbeially rowarJod by returning same to store ol M. A. McNamara , Hth near Famam Bt. 200-tt j MISCELLANEOUS. I MIMMIKODH-J JUoLiln has for aa'c ' the b ( t Mu Is m&nulaaturcd In the Urllcd Status annealed tcrul with sheet copper , order * ! c rrcl i or rcjmlrlcK old ones promptly attended to , Adilreei 1011 Saunaus kt 3 0-mC r OST-On Friday , a brlndlo bull pup , fl\o month * JUold , four white feet and tip of tall white , ha\lo | > on a ima'l ' blacK leather o lltr , gets by tha came of 'Nip. " UeturntoK. Vulkrojcr , 2813 CnmlnKi Bt. " 35MI nPAKKH UP A rod hultfer two years old with rail ; A ouner can reclaim tbo same by fal'lDf on Win. \Ve8teD.l ) veciort | uJ 84th street Omilit , tn d pay. inn ( tail , lO-moji T7 KATIIKILS- I wiles lend their feathers to Henry JL1 Sincere to be o'enncd dyed anU ccjredalso | gen- tlenuu'f clothlni cldtnoJ , a > ed and repaired , Imt- clus work guaranteed , Dye Works , 1810 Jackson it. , olllce ! 05 bouth 13th tt. , Omaha. 2)7-10 E8T1I AY 1 hrce year ol d graj colt , with * on ; Ihid In frout. Ketnrn to 0. J.llv n , ooiott Oummmg Bt , and Lowe A\cnuo. 814-1C | > STKAUCDOIt BTOI.KN-An elht | ; to nine veir old cow , white and bloo spotted with black oars aud tfwilllrk' on'ori-lei ' ; ; onv Ulormttlon Icadiruto the recovery mil be Kberilly rowaided b ) Ileury lligea- torn , 21 ttnd Lake 8t. 268 U ; AKENUl' Twelve head of young cattle. Owner can rciover name bycallliiK upon John if. Hoch , Milt dairy , noitu cf Deaf tt Dumb uyluin , 608-W 2l-low6w "fHIV % vaults , iluki and c | > ooli cloned at tin , 1. ihoitett notice anil satUfaUloa guarautoedbyl f. O. At1' ) . 0. Box 878 2 - p Ji : , Btoveo etc. . tor i In bilck waic l-ji I 1 and 813 Jootu Bt 797 U