THE DAILY BEE WEDNESDAY , APRIL 8 1885. A { QUESTION ABOUT Browns Iron Bitters ANS WERED. Th * qnMilon ban probably been 1 1 tbira&ndl f f llm * , "II0w can llrown * * Iron Bltton eure Tery. thlnj ? " Well , It dimn't. Hut It doe care anj dl am for wnlch fct pntAljte phyvlclim would prwicribelROS Physicians rocoffnlift Iron M tbo bwit it torftllTfl fljcent known to thn profession. And Inquiry of an/ l tdimrch mlelnrmwillmb Untliit tlioMMrUon th t th rn arn mora propiratlons of Iron than of an/ othnr aabntanci asm In modlclne ThU shows con * elnstrnljr that Iron In acknowledcM fi be the moat Important factor In nccwisf ol modleal practice , His , howerfr , ar m rkabln fact , that prior la the dlwoY- fry of lllimV.VM IUUN IIITTKIMnonjrfect. U satisfactory Iron combination had OTOT been found , BROWN'S ' IRON BinERS8SWasiSS ! beadacho , or rrodaco conrtlpntlnn nil otlirr Iron incillclnrnilo. IIUOU'.VMIHON HITTIiUH rurcNliidlKCHtlmitlllllniiAnr'ANVrnUncn * , DynprpMn , .Tlnlurln , f'lilllH nnd I'cvcm , Tired l < 'rrllnff , < lcncrnllrltlltr > rnln In tha Hide , Ilnrh orTlmb , , IIrnilnrlir. and Nrnrnl. Kln-forall those ailments Iron Is prescribed dally. BROWN'SIRONBinERS.iSTSS ? ? : mlnnto t > Uk all other thoronch m < xllcln . It act * flonly When Uleon bjr n ti tha flmt Rrmptom of bonolitliifpewodcnonty. Thomn-clPithonljocmnB llmnY. thn diction Improvns , the Iwwplii am actlvo In om n the olloct Is usnullr mom rapid and marked. TboinrrV. ' Rinlltonco , ' " brUhten. the * kln clears npi Ivtalthj color eamm to thnehnrin. nr-nrmuneM nutppnan , functional dfrangcmonta liecnmn rr < ro- jar , ami if a nnnlnit mother , almndant miiilonanro l "ppl ed for tlwi child. Ilomomber llrown's Iron imtorn Is the ONIiY Iron modlclno tint H not in- Juriouil. nyttHant nnl llrtiJUlitl Tteonmni'UI The donning hit Trade Mark and crwnd rod lines on wrapper. TAICi : NO OTIIKIt. giatttln mi BROAD CLAIIS TOY BEST OPERATING , QUICKEST SELLING AND W ; er oiTcrpil to the wuMJo. Mendelssohn & Fisher Rooma 28 and 29 OmahaNatl.Banfc Block guccuaaoBS TO Dufrene & Mendelssohn Deo. Ii. . 'laher , formory with W. L. D. Jenny } Architect. Chicago. J. F. SEGER , . MANBTACTUnKB Of [ AS uno ol th" mot complete stock * oi Harness , L Saddles , Whips , Brushes , lloieo Clothln ? , etc. , hand. 113 N. 10th St. , But. Dodge and Capita ! \cnuo. ClirnnlcAVerrnna Uulok. Bum Carol , . i ' ' ffttarantna aiven . - in rvmt/eaoe tiiiclerfnJccti. CXd-HeudtwOBtatnpsfor Celebrated MedicalWorkn , Address , t' . 1 . CkAIUtE , ffl . ! > . , lEG SoulL Clark Street. CHICAGO. ILL. IB CONDUCTED BY Eoyal Havana Lottery I ( A GOVERNMENT INSTITUTION. ) Drawn at Havana Cuba , Eveiy 12 to 14 Days. IOEETO , ( l.CO , . . Babjoct to no maobnlatlon , not coctrollod by th * pit ties In Interest. It la the lAlraut thing In tbo Btloro of chanoo In > xl3teno9. For tickets apply to HIIIPSKY & CO. , 1212 Broad- w yN. Y. City ; SOUND Kit & CO. , 103 South 4th St. BL Loulj , Uo , or M , OTTKN3 & CO , 819"Main St. . Kansas Cltv. Mo. Ucrllot Fool for Infanti T. * . 4VeJ aiKUv lirtr * . irntfi It A. IVoier , M H , Chicagotil Bollhi R'l . ' druzglitl. J'tlia 4ll lj.lic . ul , Bent tj umil lor aniouut tu llorllrk't < . ! . . . .Itnrlnr.Ml - kChartercdbytheStateofllli- 'nois ' for thcexpresspurpose ofgivmclmmediate reliclln [ jail chronic , urinary and pri. ? vate diseases. Gonorrhoea , IGIeet andSyphtlls In all their ' complicated forms , also all diseases of the Skin and Blood promptly relieved nnd permanentlycured by rcmc- L iliestcstcdinnJ'or//lVnrs ( / Kl > relall'racllff. Seminal Weakness , PiRht Losses by Dreams , Pimples on Ihe FaceLost Manhood , ( 'us/tv/y rumTliere it no cxi > crliiicntltii. The appropriate remedy is nt once used In each case. Consultations , per sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med- Iclnifj cent by Mall nnd Express. No marks on pac nne'to Indicate contents or sender. Address o. 204Washlnglon SI.Chcagolll. ! HAIBUER-AIERIOil PACKET COMPANY. Direct Line for England , Franco and Germany. The iteunshlpa of lull veil known line are built of Iron , In watertight compartment * , and ro fur- Dished with eiory rtqulilto to m ko the pa sgt both safe and agreeable. They cany the United Blatos and European malls , and leave New York Thtudayi and Saturdays for Plymouth ( LONDON ) Oherboug , f PARIS and HAMDUUQ. Rate * : flteoraffo from Ilamburg (10 , to Hamburg f 10 ; round trip 20. Pint Cabin , { 5 , f 3 ana J75. Henry Pundt Uark Hansea , F , B. Moores.U. Toll , agents la Omaha , Qroneweg t Sohoontgen , agenU In OoundlBluff * . 0. B. HICHAltD b CO. , Oeo. Fans. Acta , 01 Broadway. M. Y. Chas. Hot- tnlnsU H Co. , Qenrnl Wettern AgooU , 170 Wwh- be St. , Chicago , 111 Ii tha rimpleat , toil and most complete type' writer made , Hai Interchangeable type platei , hu few part * and prlnU from the face of the type , In- ead of through an Inked ribbon. I'rloo only 910. Bend for detcnptlra circular * . GEO. J. PAUL , AGENT , 1' . O , Box7ltOmahn.Neb. Manliood Restored ° ' ' eauaing 1'rimatnr * Iee y. Nertou U.'bii'uTrLoat Manhood. ac.bafiny tri 4 lu Tiiu er knowo r.meJ7.trdi OY r .l a iinipla mcani of aelf-our. . which ueim'tend Klll't : tobl fellow-iua rer . 1 Vr M. J4LUm VE8.30halha5uSUJi.w V 1 hiv. a pa.lti ! > rt ; ( gr tb. aticir. il 1 ai. ; t r IU VIA thoDiandaof caaeauilbo vorat kind and of lou. taDdlDCliavo been curld. Inil..Jtoatr'nrlniTfAlt ' lullacfflcatT.ttiatl will . . .uTC tlun lliS FBUl " y s ' A ' CO-OPERATIVE BANKING , Its Inception an § Present Extent , Workinemon Enabled to Own Their Own Houses and Land , Mortgage Lionnn Which Arc Knully Doston Globe , The firit co-oporatlvo bank in Massa- chuaotta , "Tho Plonopr , " of Boston , waa organized July 20 , 1877. There are now twenty-six Bitch banks doing business In the commonwealth , with oisota amountIng - Ing lo § 1,971,023 20 , at the date of the bank coinmleeioncr's last report , an in- croaao of ? DOOG00.77 during the previ ous yoar. The .agitation which resulted In the establishment of these banks wai bognn about 1870 or 1871 by lion. Joilah Qalncy , whnau aim wad to make homca for working ptoplo which they should bo enabled to own. Ho firat proposed to make a union upon the Gorman system , whereby each member ihould bccomo re- oponslblo fer all the others , Actiog un der thla plan n party of twenty-aovon Germane was then formed and located In Dcdhain. A farm waa bought and divld ed up Into building lota and some build ings oroctcd thereon , but the plan did not moot the expectations and WHS in n largo do rco a failure. It , however , gave eomo experience which served as a foundation for future operations , and pointed ont some defects In a plan which , although qulto successful In Germany , would not work hero. In the meantime Mr. Qulncy and others had been studying the Philadel phia plan , and in 1875 they applied for the pastago of a bill , but were defeated by a very largo majority. Tho' next leg islature voted down a similar bill by only two or three votes. In the winter of 1877 Mr. Qalncy Invited the co-operation of some young men who had already become - come Interested through other Influences , among thorn , D. Eldredgo , Samuel K. Head , H. T. Elder and 9. Wlllord Oar- tor. That winter the bill was obtained , permitting the formation of "co-operat ing saving fund and loan associations" and regulating their business. This name has since boon almpliGod by the use of the term "co-operative banks , " and the original bill has been improved and per fected in various features by successive legislatures. The prcaont system la practically the Philadelphia system. THE FIRST BANK woo named the "Pioneer , " and of thin Joalah Qulucy waa president from the date of Ita formation , July 20 , 1877 , to the tlmo of his death. Mr. Eldrodgo was made secretary , who ia the chief executive officer , or tlio moat actlvo ono. At that time Mr. Eldrodgo was a book-keeper for Parker , White & Co. , chair mimufaeturoiB on North street , and for a while all the do- poalts were made thero. The businesj increased to euch an extent , however , that Mr. Eldrodgo was obliged to leave his other business in order to devote his entire time to the bank. Rooms were taken at 30 Oornhill , where- the bank re mained for two yoara , when it moved to the Wells Memorial building , and be came its first occupant , moving in before the carpenters were out. This was largely through the efforts of Robert Treat Paine , jr. , who deemed it desirable to have cj-oporativo backs bore , and oil'ered to lit rooms up for tholr accommo dation with no additional expense for rout , etc. Ho also offered Mr. Eldredgo the auperintondency of the institute , which was accepted aa soon aa It waa de termined to move the banks to the build' ' Ing.In In the meantime the "Homestead" Co < operative Bank was started in September , 1877 , by the same people who had organ ized the Pioneer , and who had strong special reasons { or this step. Subse quently the "Workingmen's" Co-opora tlvo bank was started In Juno , 1880 , and was largely composed of members of the Wells Memorial Workingmon'a institute. All three of these inatitutlona are located in the same office , and Mr. Eldredgo Is aecrotary of each. The combination makes a great saving in rent , salaries , printing and all Incidentalc , and has acrm peculiarly beneficial results , although the basinc3B of each ia separate from that of the others. The thrao iiutitutions now have about 2,000 members , holding in all 13,000 shares , and over § 400,000 of capital has now accumu'atcd , thera being an income laat year of some 867,000. The shares are issued in series , and each is entitled to a total accumulation of $200 , cud in the case of these tnroo banks the capital of each la limited to 51,000- 000. All of the twonty-alx banks in the slata are organized and managed upon substantially the aamo basis. The plan of operation is something ai follows : THE INVENTEIl , OH NON BOUIlOWEli. Any person desiring to purchase shares as au investment may do so , uot exceed ing twenty-Two shares In any ono corpor ation. The ptico per share Is SI par month. If ho talcoa five shares , ho pays § 5 per month. The payments continue until the shares nro each worth $200. They orj then called "matured shares , " enld reached their "ul or it ia they have timate valuo. " Before the issue of a now series , the accounts are to ba made up and the profits credited to the several shares. These crodlta help "mature" the shares. At maturity each share holder ia entitled to receive § 200 In cash for each of the matured shares hold by him. It Is plain that if no profits were added It wonld require 200 months ( sixteen - teen and two-thirds years ) to pay np a share ; but the profits generally reduce the tlmo to ton years , and this makes a vary good Investment. In case the share holder neglects to pay his $1 per month share , ho la subject to a monthly fine of two cents per share. For instance , one has five shares and ho omits to pay the duos when duo ; at next meeting follow ing tbo default ho will bo required to pay TUB Any shareholder may borrow § 200 up on each of his shares if ho can furnish the security required by hw. Security may )0 by mortgage on real estate or upon .ho shares themselves. If ono borrows ipon a mortgage ho transferea his shares o the corporation as additional or colla eral security , Ono It entitled to borrow upon his shares , provided that the sum desired is not mora than is parmltted by he by-laws. The process for borrowing s this : When the president or other authorized person announces that there a a certain amount of money on band and for sale and invites bids for It ( not exceeding $2,000 on one bid ) , the bor- ewer bids a premium which ho by so do * ng offers to pay monthly for the privil ege of borrowing the money. The prem * urn la a bonus and goes to the general undaod , the borrower receives back his iroportlonato part of it , The bids are to bo n turns dlviiible by five : that Is to say , he bids must be five , ten , fifteen cents and 10 on per shtra per month , The premiums are over and ADOTO the G po cent rate , which i charged for the ns of the money. If ono bids twonty-fiv coats per share It will of Ittolf equal 1 per cent Interest , and this added to G po cent equals 7 per cent ; ao that , If on bids twonty-Hvo cents per share ho Is re ally offering to borrow the money at 7 per cent interest. To Illustrate : Ono wishes to borrow $1,000. This requires five shares , whlc ho may already hold or can , after auo cossfully bidding lor thn money procnr from the secretary. If the money I "kncokod ott" at twcnty-fivo cents pe share , the borrower then pays as follows $0 for monthly duos ( this ho Is to pay whether ho borrows or not ) $5 fo monthly Interest at G per cent , and $1 2 for monthly premium ( being at twenty five cents per share on five shares , ) the total monthly payment being $11,25 01 a $1,000 loan , with premium a twenty-five cent ] per share On $2,000 It wonld bo $22 CO nor month if the premium were the simo This payment Is continued withou diminution until the shares mature , when it is plain that they offset the mortgage being woith $1,000 in cash. At that time the payments ceaao , the mortgage is dis charged by the corporation , and the shares cancelled. The fines for a borrower are the same as for non-borrowers , ho bolng subject ton fine of two cents per montl on every dollar In arrears for Interest premium or dues. A person may bo an investor and no borrow , but a borrower must bo an in vestor also. When an investor become a borrower tlio Investment at once becomes comes a sinking fund to pay off the loan when the shares shall have arrived a maturity. The banks lend only on first mortgages and largely to working people , as i shown by the fact that the avcrag amount of loans by the three Boston banks Is $1,300 , and of all these in th state about $1,100. The minimum loai is $20 , and the maximum to ono person $5,000. In many cases the banks loat money to enable the borrower to build advancing money a < i the work progresses BENEFITS ALUEADY DERIVED. In the whole eight years cf the hlstor of these banks only ono loss has been sustained on loans , and the only cfleet o this loss was to reduce the earnings for o particular six months from 7 to 5 per cont. The whole number of loans by the banks throughout the atato Is 1,000 The largest salary paid by any bank to any official is § 800 , and the smallest § 25 per year. The Influence has boon to make men eave who never thought of saving before and as their savings begin to accumulate , they begin the contemplation of "owning their own homo , " and with this end it view they a udy and embrace habits c economy and thrift , which perhaps wonlc never have been thought of but for the banks. The earnings are rather moro than in the savings banks , while the safe guards are very nearly perfect. In Arlington there has grown up a vil lage of aomo twenty or more attractive houses in a beautiful spot -where wa1 only a faun and farm-honsea before , nl built through the' Influence of thcso banks , and occupied by the builders , who were shareholders. These banks are enabled to lean nearer the market value of the property , bocaueo the borrower begins gins to pay off his loan at once , and thus the risk of shrinkage In ralno is avoidet by the lender. Besides , the borrower may pay off the whole of his indebted ness at any time. The president of ono of the banks ttms sots forth the advant ages to the borrower and the lender un der this system : A I-UBSIDENT'S OPINION. "Tho transcoudont advantage of these associations Is that the borrower not only may , but must , pay off his loan steadily , though slowly. Here is the grand dis tinction : Borrow of a savings bank and yon cannot pay your loan till it matures. You make no pre paration. Yon expect to renew it. If all gees well you can , nnd do , renew , and no it gcca on till something happens , and yon cannot renew and can not pay , and they enter and foreclose and you lese yr.ur house and homo and all you have paid , and nro broken down nnd crushed. What blow is mora over whelming than to bo turned out of the tiou'so yon have partly paid for with some hundreds of hardly-uarnod dollars ; and to lese your all ? Not so with those as sociatlons. You must pay off a part each and every month ; a small part , to bo sure. Before you borrow be sura yon are right ; only bo row what yon know you can repay by monthly duo ? . And then , -ou must go on until all is paid and the louse is joura. Whoever borrows Jl,000 to-night on five hharcs must pay ; 5 ( § 1 a share ) hero on this table to night , and so each month must p y $5 of .ho principal of his debt till all is paid. Df course ho also payj the Interest lach month , which , at 0 per cent , a § 5 raoro ( I. o. , $ GO a year ) . If 10 bids a premium of 40 cents a share ho must alsa pay $2 on his five shares. Now oo. Suppose ho bids and t ots hlu $1,000 oan at 40 eonts pramium. Ho payseach nonth : " ) ues on principal. § 5 00 ntereat at 5 per cent 5 00 'reinlum at 40 cents a eharo " 00 Total 812 00 This gooj on till his five shares are worth each § 200 , when his shares are ; qnal to his mortgage and pay It off ; and its shares and his mortgage are all cau- elled and ho owns bis homo free from .obt , Ho has been forced to savo. Ho las boon taught to save. The thought .ndtho . necessity are constantly befoio lim. Hit neighbor may spend his calli ngs freely , easily , In the hundred ways which out such big boles In our poskets. Jut this man and his wife , and his chil dren , too , are full of'the Idea of paying ip the monthly duos , and so they save heir money , and in the end they own own their house and It Isfroo. PELES ! PIL.KSI PILKSt A SUKB CURE FOUND AT liABTI NO ONE NEED DOTfEB. A euro onro for Blind , Bloedlng , Itching and [ Jlcoratod Plloa baa been discovered by Dr. Williams ( an Indian Remedy , ) called Dr. Willum's Indian 1'ilo Ointment. A single 101 has cured the wont chronic cases of 25 or SO years standing. No ono need mffer five minutes after applying thla wonderful sooth- ng medicine. Lotions , Irutrumenta and eloo- .uariea do moro harm than good. William's [ ndlan File Ointment absorbs the turners , al- aya the intense itching , ( particularly at night after getting warm in bed , ) acts as a poultice , rivoa Instant relief , and Is prepared only for . 'lies , itching of the private parts , and for nothlno oho. Head what the Hon. J , M. Ooffinbei-ry. of Cleveland , says about Dr. William's Indian 'lie Oolntrneut : "I have mod ecoroa of File ) ure8 , and it affords me ploaauro to Bay that I mve never found anything which gave such inmedlata and permanent relief o Dr. WIN iam'a Indian Ointment. For sals by all drug- frfots and mailed on receipt of price. 50o and 81. Bold at retail by Kuhn & Co. 0. F , GOODMAN , Wholesale Agent , The town of Auburn his harmonized its inferences with the Lincoln land company , deeds have been given for the court house quart ; , and all Is terene in Nemaha'a growing metropolis. ANOTHER tTONDim. Discovery of n Kom rknblo Hole In the Uftrtti in Arlzonn , Tuscon Citizen , In some sections of the northern portion tion of Arizona the question of water supply , even for domestic purposes , is a very serious ono. This is particularly the case at Ash Fork , a station on the Atlantic and Pacific railroad. A serious of very lovely and fertile vallaya sur round the place , and plenty of grass grows for the support of largo herds of cattle , but no water cm bo had except from an occasional "tank" during the winter season. At Ash Fork the rail road company attempted to sink an arto- alan well , but after reaching a depth of 000 fcot the drill became fastened nnd could not bo removed. Many futile at tempts were made to extract it , but at hat It was abandoned in dispair. All water now nscd at that station and by the residents of the town is brought by rail from Poach Springs , sixty five miles to the westward , and is sold at 50 cents per barrel. A short time ago a prospector , stlmu hted by the inquiry for water , roportoi that ho had discovered a huge well abou eight miles from Ash Fork , sunk In level plain. Fatties nt once ropalroi thither , with ropes and other paraphall to oxplora the wondurons discovery They found the locality , but to this day the do not know the exact nature of th curlonn cavern that mot their gazo. It i located on a Ipvol plain and cannot b seen nntil It is approached very near There is no ovldonco of earth or roc having been removed from the pit , whlc ! was found to bo ICO foetln diameter ant 320 fcot deep , with perpendicular walls No ono in the party was bravo enough t docond and explore the "well , " when th rope bad been lowered , and the oxplor crs returned to Ash Fork scarcely nice than they were bofora their trip. It 1 certainly a great curiosity , and there p3s sibly exists a supply of water coraowher In its depths or In the numerous cavern or tunnels that apparently immerge int the dark earth below from this curlon threshold of sunlight. "That Miss Jones la a nice looking gir isn't she ? " 'Yes and sho'd bo the belle of th town if itwasn't for ono thing. " "What's that ? " "Sho has catarrh so bad it Is unpleas ant to bo near her She has tried a dcz on things and nothing helps hor. I am sorry , for I like her , but that doesn' make It any less dieagrcoablo for any ono to bo around her. " Now if she had used Dr. Sago's catarrl Remedy there would have been nothinj of the kind said , for it will cure catarrl every time. Train Talk. Chicago Herald , Two railroad men were talking ovci old times. Inquiry was mido as to wha' ' had beoomo of an old freight brakoinaa earned Jack Taylor. "Didn't yo over hear about Jack ? No 1 thought everybody know what ho como to. Poor old Jack he'll never twist another brake or swing anothci lamp. " "Dead1 ? "No , but ho might as well be. You ooe , Jack got the number cr ? .e. Ho RO 'em bad , too , and " "Tho what ? " "Tho number craze. Yon don't know what that is ? You eastern railroaders don't seem to know much of anything. Well , Jack got "em , his being the third case I over heard of. Seven or cl years ago they took holt of Jack , and they kept growin' worse. In 1879 ] b'llove it was , ho first started out to find the number of the yoar. 'Long about the middle of the summer ho found it. Then ho woo happy. But Now Year's day ho started hunting for 1880. He looked all summer and all fall. Finally cold weather came , and would you be lieve It ? Jack would sit out on the top of the car in the froezingest weather looking for a car numbered 1880. Whenever - over wo pass a side track ho'd look at the cars like a wild man. Ho got so crazy over it that ho mighty near lost his job. jhriatmaa day ho found his car , but New Year's day ho started looking for 1881. You see , ho got to believing that if ho didn't find a car numbered same ai the year bcfnre the year waa ont ho wo.ukl die before the next Easter. Wo couldn't talk It out of him. In 1881 ho had good luck , and found the number about July. But n 1382 ho had no luck at all. 'Long the aat of the year ho hunted day and night , instead of going to bed ha would take his anteru and go up and down the tracks in ho yards looking at the numbers on the car. ; . After Christmas ho got frantic , and wo saved him only by taking an old 3ur and painting the number over for h'm on tlio sly , then steering him around that < T y to look at it. This narrow escape tightened him so that early in 1883 lie was as crazy as ho usually was in .N ovem- > er. Ho got BO ho was of no use on a rain and ho was fired. Then ho spent 11 of his tlmo going up and down the ards. Ho Imagined wo boys were keep- ng the car ha wanted away from him , nd EO ho went over to the other roads vhero they didn't know him. When the S'ow Year's bolls rang ont at the end of 883 Jack was running up aud down the racks like a maniac. Ho Is now In the sylum harmless , but clean cone. Ho idn't find a car numbered 1883. " A pretty young mama , with a little girl y her side nearly as pretty as herself , vas bolng entertained by a male stranger , rho had struck np an acquaintance brough the usual and always convenient nedinmshlp of the little girl. The tranger did all the talking. He was ono f these mon who think they know bvery- hlng , but only rarely get a good chance o toll it. The lady answered only In nonasyllablcB. The llttlo girl listened patiently and demurely for a time , and hen began to fidget around in her seat. Finallyas thostrangeretoppedforbraatb , ho said : "Mama , you'vo found one , ain't yon1' ? "What , my dear ? " "Why , don't yon remember what you old papa when ho said yon'd bo lone- omo on the cars ? Yon tald you'd find omo bsro to talk yon to sloop , " Mama looked ont of the window and ho stranger suddenly thought bo had jotter go into the smoking car to find his riond , Two young mon In the smoking eir iroro talking of making money , They lad a scheme a fine , sure , big scheme nit no capital. They had a wealthy rel- tivo , however , and were discussing rays and means of getting him to go in ivlth them. "We'll aeo him , " said ono , "and we'll trlke him hard. We'll aek him to put n all the money , too. There's no uao of Bothering with a small turn. I romem- > cr what my father mod to say : 'When ou strike , strike high If you lose yonr hatchet. ' We'll appeal to his generosity We'll try to touch his heart. " "No , no , " said the other , "jon don1 know the old man as well as I do. Don' strike him ao high or you'll lose you hatchet , sure. If you want to do any thing with him you'll have to atrlko lower or down. Don't appeal to his ganoroslt never mind his heart. Try and intoi est him in the region of his pockotbook. The Mcxlcnn NMloiml \vn-Sliop. . Cor , linltimoro American , After seeing all these things wo fol our pocket-books , and ou taking an In vontfiry wo found our Mexican dollar were rapidly evaporating. Wo therefor concluded to visit the national pawn broking establishment. Wo did no have much to pawn but wo wont there anyhow. This is ono of the most remarkable markablo institutions in Mexico , and 1 well worthy of a visit. It is situated ou Empedradlllo etrcct , almost opposlto th famous Aztec calendar in the wall of ono of the cathedral towers This Is ono o the oldest edifices in the city , havlnj , boon originally built as a private reel deuce for Cortcz , shortly after the con quest. It retains a great deal of it primitive ttylo , and the modciu touris has much to ndmlro in its quaint oh doors , windows , staircases , collicgs ct ? Ita founder was Count do llcjla Don Pedro Tcrreros. who , in 1744 endowed the institution will $300,000 out of his private for ttiuo. His object was phllanthioplo in every respect , being to relieve the pee and thoao whoso dlllicult circumstance compelled them to have recourse to usury Money is loaned on very liberal termp according to the rules and regulations o the establishment , the rite of intoree never being lower than 3 or higher thai 12J per cent per annum. Thera ar many curious articles stowed away in th picture , candelabrA , silver-plate , time piece and miscellaneous rooms , and th grand vault of the bank connected will the pawning establishment usually con tains from § 5,000,000 to $10,000,000 li solid silver and gold. The jewelry department partmont contains ono of tbo richest ant rarest collections in the world. Pearls rubles , emeralds and diamonds in grca numbers dazzle the visitor's sight. Man ; of these jewels are merely placed hero fo safety , others for the consideration o money. Some are handed clown from the date of the conquest , andbcaldo thol intrinsic value , ore of great Interest to th antiquarian. Catarrh is a constitutional disease Hand's Sarsaparllla is a constitutions remedy. It cures catarrh. Give it n trial. Sulphur For Stock. A. B. Allen. Sulphur la a good tonic , and althougl my horses and cattle are well fed am kept in fine condition , I give each ono a heaping teaspoonfnl of sulphur once a week as long as kept In stable on drj food. When In pasture they don't neo < if. If thla la done Wednesday evening then I fiivo the eamo quantity of pure wood athes in their meal mess evrj Saturday evening. I also give the oamo to my poultry. A tablcspoonful is wol mixed in a gallon of water , and the moa then stirred up evenly in it. This opcr ates as a proventlvo of lice. When wanted to kill lice on cattle a heaping teaspoonful is well mixed with abou four quarts of bran , shorts , corn or any other meal. It may bo fed every day provided i does not scour the cattle , and If no thci not so often. The effect of the s ulphur must bo watched. If the lice and their nits are abundant , as the sulphur acts slowly , it will | b8 better to take crude petroleum , dip a horse brush in It , and then brush the hair very lightly until the oil touches the akin. If no crude petrol enm is at hand , then take kerosene , and mix it half and half withmelttd lardand brush that in. The lard is uoceseary to reduce the strength of the kornscnc , for if applied pure it would bo too strong for ; he cattlo. Some mix sulphur with lard to apply for lice , but this is apt to make little sores on the skin , especially In cold weather. If cattle are kept In good flesh , lice rarely attack them ; if they got on calves they retard tholr growth badly and otherwise injure them. ONE CENT A Cur. W. BAKEU it CO.'D BREAKFAST COCOA , while it is the most iealthful. strengthening , and invlgpra ting drink , is alsi the moat economical , costing less than ono cent a cup. It is warrantsd absolutely pare , and is rccoiu nonded by eminent physicians- its ilghly nutritive qualities , nnd is unsnr- } aesed as a delicious beverage. Baker's Jhocolato and Cjcca preparations have iccn the standard of purity and excel- enco for moro than ono hundred yean. A Cure for IimiiniunlA , Cow York Times , "My dear , " said a husb.inrl . to his wife , 'I am unable to got ony aleop. I have cHjed over slnro I came to bed , I wish rou wonld got up and prepare me a llttlo audanum. " "It is hardly worth whiln ow , " she replied , consulting her watch ; 'It's aim st tlmo to build the kitchen re. " Then ho sink iuto a quiet rcetful lumber. The Spring Months undoubtedly the best In which to urify the blood and strengthen the sys- em , because at this tlmo the body is nostsueceptlblo to the beneficial effucts f a reliable medicine like Hood's Sarja- arllla. The fooling of debility , languor , nd lassitude , caused by the changing eason , is entirely overcome , and all hu- nors are expelled from the blood by the owerful reviving and purifying inflaenco f Hood's Sarssparilla. Do Not Delay Take Hood's Swsapa- ilia now. It is made by 0. L. Hood & 3o. , Apothecaries , Lowell , Mass. Sold y all druggists. 100 Doses Ono Dollar Tlio IlllnolH Senatnrfihip. SrniNcmin , April 7.-At the joint conven- Ion thlrty-ulx senators and forty-two repro- entatlvca w ro present. Morrison received 3 votes , Logan-I. Harrr voted for A. C. Vilton of Adama county , Collins for Jlob- linsof Qulncy , Mutheton for Congressman Vard , Flke for BImoon Wess. THE IjUOKY MAN. Geo. A. Spear , tha lucky man who drew ho $7 r',000 la The Louisiana State Lottery , waa mot by TUB TIUJIDNI : ecrlbu lost evening n the post ollice. Ho hna not changed any inco ttio good news caino , with the possible xceptlon that his fao in now if ton bedecked vith Bim'loj , The wealth ao suddenly heaped ipon him haa not elevated hia head above the x > inmon herd , and he talked to the reporter he came aa ho used to. In answer to ques- ionaheeald : "I will collect the money hrougu the bunks , the tame aa I would a raft. As to my future business , I am not ully decided upon , but I will muko no change luring Una cold weather any way , I am Jerking in the stnra yet , junt aa though noth- ng had happened. " HAY CIIY ( Mich. ) Till- JUNK , March 2 ] , Goo. A. Spear yesterday received a New Fork draft for $7IB50 , In payment of Lit laini against The Louisiana StaUi Lottery. ? he exchange for collecting the $7.,000 was 3150. BAY CITY ( Mich. ) TBIUUSE , March 27 , . . from Ojf < ifr , , J.'mrMrA unit J'olsons. A PROMPT , SAFE , SURE OURE I'or COUBI ! , florp Thrmil , llimrtrncn * , InfltiMira , CoM" . llronrMltK. Ooiiri Wliooplne I'oneh , AMlimn. Qun ! f , lalnft In Chrit , * uJotter nortioni ol Hit Till-out ami Iung . I'rlrc ROcrnUntiotdi1 P lil Prnrclin nnil DcM- cr J\irtlfi \ iinaMf InfmlicvtAririfiiittrtnpromptly gHII fnrihtmre ( / - > nWf , A > ; > rfncAdiwi lialJtii/st > ulnilvnttlolai ti > IUK ( iiunrs A.Minrrrn roitriXT , Sold Otrnvrl n < l MfttuirArtilTrr * , miUrnorf , JUrjimJ , f. S. 1. From experience I think Hwltt's Sirodne Is acry Mklu\b1o remedy for cutaneous ilUcawa , und it the eamo tlmo an ImlKomllnjttoulo JAUM JACKSON- , Chief Justice of On. Atlautn , Sept ISSli INOCULATKD POISON. Alter trying all the other rompillcs.SwIft'a Spcclflo Ima cured ice souiul anil wellol a terrllilo blood j olsou contracted Irrm nureo. MRS. T. W , LXK , Qrcetivlllo , Ala. POISON OAK. A lady hero has been entirely cured ol lolsoti onkyolson by the use of two bottles ol 8. S.S. It. S. URA moat ) , Tlrtomille , Tenu. ULCK113 25 YEAHS.- inf mbor of my church lua been cured ol an uVerntod leg cf 25 j cars stand ing with two bottlot ot Split's SpccclHc. 1 * . II. CnuurLitR , I'wtor Moth , CuMnoon , Oa. Swllt'fl Specific ID entirely vegetable. Troatljo on lood Mul akin Diseases mallud free. ThoStt-irrSrucmcCo , Drawer 3 , Atluita Oa , , 01 150 W. SSd St. . N. Y 017 St. Chnrlcs St. , St. Louis , JIo. 1 rrRttUr graduate of two Vedleiii Collcgci , fcM berolonni Dr.KpJ In Iho i | > < > cliltrcatme > it or Omiosic , Nitvon , BKU nml IILOOD Ilnni.uthnn nr other fcj-ilrUn In St. IxiDlj , u city r"rB [ sbow mil all old mlilerm koow. Nervous Prostration. Debility , Montel * tit Physical Weakness : Mercurial and otn r M-tc- lions ol Throat , Skin or Bones , Blood PolJ&a.ifl , Old SOrCS and UlCCrS , are treated with cn.iiiU | lM tuccoM , on latui triemiue principle * . n "clT. Prltatel' . Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess , Exposure or Indulgence , nhirh iroiueg m or u. TolUmlnc effeetll nervouiuen , debllitr , < Hlnne < l or llzhl and ilefictlro memory , flmplei < m Ibo fnee. pnj.leal den Terrlontothe locltlj of fcmalei.conluttia of Hesvft , rcndorlnir aiarrlneo improper or unhappy , rj r > ; rnnn < itlyetired , ramphlel < 3 pageOoo Itio lm\e , nK La letted envelope , free to HOT J.lrr.v Conitillntlaa it H C corbjlnnlirrcc.nnJInTlttJ. HTlto for queitlont. A Positive Written GuaranteB rlvci In allcnrebloca.cj. Itedlelnesicnu-wjuhero. Pamphlcu , nptl > h or Oermvi , 04 pnee . do- J-jrlblnc obovo d. senses , la mala or remain , 1'ilElV EV3ARRBAGE CUiDE ! Mlilriirltx ln > ELt OD-ico- . . ' itu tie LIVER.Hi KIDNEYS , mil Itf-uim. TIIK Hiul VIGOR of YOtJTII. U antof Appetite , In- I , i. „ nt Slrent'tli , Ollll'l ll"1 ' " .lKill ) lllfl ! _ . IHH.I'm lo tlii'U'iK'V.i..11 > nd la DR. E ( StKCSifillUSH TOKIO n unfa nn4 * > < -cdyciirc. ll\cuaclear , iL.iit/i } rompk-xlon ' /rciiuuiit btlcniplf at C" "i-A- " < ii only a > i ' ' ! iopopularity of . ! to oil -lull , liu 'jot cspe _ cut _ jrottbe Oiilt IV\L AM > lu ft. \a'\i \ \ r. Mo ifortSur1"DliEAMrilobk " ! } > - > r * HnMHni * IB..II , ! tfifftniiiij to fi. . jl ? KEWABB $50 Y : EQUAL or Ihla brand \3 \ a happy combination of fine , young rlsp red , liurly lorj ; Illler , ith a DELICIOUS FLAVOR and it ju t meets the taste of a largo number of howcra. ga Orders lor "PIo shareware comlnffln npldly rnm nil parts of the cuuntry , dcinonetritluK how ulckly the great army of chcwcta etrlho a gooj ombloatlo i of Tobacco , both cs to quality and nan tit j. MCSSTH I.oilllar.lft Co. have oxcrclccd na ttlo time and labor In endeavoring to reach the cmo of Perfection In Plo share , aid BCCDI to lnvo ono It. Besides the TK.N CUNT curs ol I'lowtlmro nro Vhlch Is a point not to bo orcrlookod by dealers who will find It to their Interest to order tome and he theli customers an opportunity to trj it. Ask Your Dealer for Plowshare Dealnrs supplied by ronowec&SctocntBen , Council Hlulla , 'erocoy & Moore , " " j. Kirscht & Co , " " towart Uros. ' " 'axton k Gnllngher , Otnnho. [ cCord , ISrady k Co , Omaha. Fur sale in Orn.iha. by I , YluRlIn ? , 518 S 13th Street , lenry Ditzen , 001 S 13th St. teimrcd & Co. . l ! 2 S Kith St. co Oftrimau.1015 ] < 'arnnni St , Caufmnn Bros. , 07 S ICth St. iaufman Bros , 100 ! ) Fnrnom St. 'rank Arnold k Co , , M1H Knrnam St , A.uust ( I'lutz & Co . 150'J Douglas St. ao. Heimrod , 013 N Kith St. ergon & Hmiley , N , W. Cor. IGth and Curn- ing St8. : Van Green Bros. , N , W. Cor. Division and Ciiming Ble. . Stiveiis 'J13N ' , 21 t St. IF. J ? . JPJE7CJK cfc CO. ( SucccesorB to Feck , Kern & Bllloy , MORSE , ROSE & CO. OP OHIO AGO. Having secured a private wire direct to the Chicago cage Board of Trade , we arepreparrd to execute or CIB Drotpptly. Wo take a full market report. Conn ry butlness a specialty , Itcferenocg , United States atlona IHank. Tcltphone 'JIO. H tV. corner 13th nd DouKUt B'S. BOTT&K& . . . . jJavai-io , . Bovane , ? ilHnor . , . - . * Boheinian , DOMESTIC . Bt , i/ouis. St. Louis. tost'a. . , . _ _ _ _ . . , . . chlitz-Pilanor - , . * . .Milwaukee , ffru 'a . Omaha Ale , Porter , Domestic and Rhixir ffiua. PD. MAUHKR , 1213 FarnamSt t i OR , WARD U CO , . LOl'IBIANA. Mt Tha tomnrkablo groirth of during the lant IOTT yonrs in m.ttos of great astonlshmont to thoeo who piy an occasional vlult to this growing cltv. The dovclopmsat of the ator > > YnrdB ih nocoosUy of the Bolt Lin * Uoad th fmoly pnved stroeta the hmidrods of non roaldcnoos and cosily bnslncsi blocks , with the population of our oily moro than doubled In the last five yean. All thin IH a great onrprlao to vloltoro nud ( a thn admiration of our clthons. Thla rapid growth , the buolncsa notlvlty , and the manr Bubntantlftl IraprovomonU mada c lively demand foe Omaha real osUtc , wad every InvoBtor haa mtdo n handJaomc profit. Btnoo the Wall Street panlo May , with the anbaoquont cry of herd times , there haa boon loss demand from apoonla- torn , but fat * demand from Invcatorn Booking hosuoa. Thin lattoir olaai me taking advantage of low prlcoa In build ing material and are aocnrlng tholr homos at much loaa coat than will be poaalblo B year honco. Speculators , too , can bny real osta1 B ohoapor now and ought to take odvanti. o of proaont prlooi fos future pro ts. The next few yoara promlaca grcatoi divolopmonU In Omaha than the past & T ) ycara , which have boon an good an wo could reasonably doalro. Now man- nfactnrlng oetabllehmonta and largo Job bing houaca are added alruoat weekly , and oil add to thn prosperity of Omaha. There are many tti Omaha and through- bnt the State , who have tholr money In the banka drawing n nominal rate of In- teroat , which , If judlclonuly Invented In Omaha real estate , would bring thorn much greater returns. Wo have many bargalna which we are confident will bring the purohawar Jsrgo profits la tha uoar future. We have for sale the finest resi dence property in the north ana western parts of tlio city. North we have fiuo lots atreason- able prices oa Sherman avenue. 17th , 18th , 19th and 20th streets- Weab on Farnaw , Daveuport. Cuming , and all the eadmg streetf in that direction. Tbo grading of Farnain , Califor nia and Davenport streets has made accessible some oi : the finest and cheapest residence property in the city , and with the building of : the street car line out Faruam , the property porty in the western part oil tlio city will increase in valun Wo also have the agency for the Syndicate and Stock Yards property - ty in the south part o the city. Tka developments made in this section by the Stock Yards Company and the railroads will certainly double the once in a short limn. Wo also have some line busmesn loh and some elegant inside ro i- ienceH for sale , Parties wishing to invest will find good bar ? nirr > ry Bet .reen Farnhnm and Douglas , P. S. Wo oak thoHe who him property for sale nt a bargain to give is a callWo want only bargain * We will positively not hnudlo prop > rty at raore than itn real value.