Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 03, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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Friday Morning , April 3 ,
CanlM . . - cent * ' " * k
Cy - - - - p
Ilf M U - . . . . . . . . . . lio.M rwr year
Neil Voorliocs' ecrvlcoa with Koollno
& Felt were severed yesterday ,
The Catholic schools nro cloaod until
next Monday , it being holy trook ,
Easter display of pattern bonnota and
fine novelties , on Saturday nt Biles' .
John Phillips is having tho. front of hla
store greatly Improved , the size and abapo
ot the windows being changed.
A bill of exceptions was yesterday filed
In the case of Balloy vs. the Mutual Bon
out association of Council Bluffs.
The city council moot , next Monday
evening , and the prospect ia there will
then bo a change of several city officers.
Regular meeting of Fidelity Council
No. 150 R. A , this ( Friday ) evening ,
All members are requested to bo present ,
A largo number of witnesses have been
( subpoenaed to attend the trial of Capt.
Hayes this afternoon on a charge of
The man Novlllo , who wni shot in the
,1 * log , ia atlll In jail here , and hla wound ia
, healing. Ho la now nblo to limp about
the cjrrldor.
Mrs. L. Rogers , of Cedar Rapids , Is to
opan a now millinery store at No. 341
Broadway , the building juat vacated by
H. E , Seaman.
J. L. Dugot , receiver of the Iowa Mu
tual Live Stock Inanranco company , has
commenced suit against J. 0. Oaborno on
a note for $82.
Jo Schmltt , who In moving out to
Groendalo the other day was hurt , tras
able to bo oat again yesterday for the
first time slnco the accldant.
The United States Court adjourned
yesterday to moot hero again on the 28th ,
Judge Love going to Dnbnqno to hold
court for Judge Shlras , who has gene to
In the United States Court yesterday
the jury in the caao of King vs. the K.
0. & St. Joe Railway , a right of way
Butt , returned a verdict In favor of plaint
iff for § 600.
The eastern parties who are planing for
starting a wholesale boot and shoo house
and factory hero , are negotiating for a
lease of the Mynster block on Broadway
until they can put up a.bullding of their
Last evening there was a pleasant social
gnthorlng at the residence of Don A.
Judd , the company consisting of the of
ficers and teachers of the Congregational .
Sunday school , of which ho Is the super-
intendenh N , .
Mr. King , of Dea Moincs , who has the
contract for grading the new K. 0. track.ei
f between hero and Pacific Junction , was
' ' here yesterday , and reports the work as
M going along nicely with the prospect of
being finished by the Sls't.
Fetor Bechtolo sots a good example to ;
other citizens by the way ho keopa the
the aldowalk and atroot In front of hla
hotel , clean and frco from mud and rub
bish. There Is always a .clean .crossing
Some of the Council Bluffs readers of
THE BFE thought yesterday that no ac
count was given of the fire the night be
fore , the account not appearing on the
Council Blnffa pages. The latencaa of n
the hour before particulars could bo gain ,
od , necessitated giving the account on an
other page. Late Council Bluffs news is
occasionally crowded off the pages devot
ed to this city , and readers would do well
to boar this in mind.
It ia suggested with apparently strong
reasons , that Strectsville should bo given
bettnr fire protection. There is no hydrant
now on Broadway west of Sixteenth
strpot , and there Is much vlauablo prop
erty weat of there. The largo school
building at Streotsvillo is practically with
out any protection in case of fire , and I
there ia much other property which it [
aooma should have hydrants located near
enough to secure protection.
It looks OB if the prohibitionists mean
business. They ( ay they wore given the
assurance that If a goodly number of pe
titioners expressed a dealro to have the „
saloons closed-iho mayor would close
thoin ; and they have secured such sig
natures , there being among them some
of the most prominent mon In the city ,
and some of the largest property owners.
They propose to wait and sec what the
authorities will do , and then If nothing
ia done they will decide themselves on
some course of action ,
Dr. S. Moshor , of the Sioux oty
Chronic Disease Institute , will bo at the
Scott house In this city , Thursday , April
2d. Will attend to patients and all who
are ( filleted will do well to give him a o
call. Consultation free. ot t
The following Is a list of real estate A
transfers filed in the recorder's p
office of Pottawoitamlo county , Iowa , aa d
furnished by A. J. Stephenson , abstrac c
tor , real estate and loan agent , Council 0n
Bluffs , Iowa , April 2 , 1885 : n
James SI. Jones to N. D. Sanforj , n
part block 3 , Allen & Cook's add to d
Avooo $1,200. h
Maria Mynster to Win. P. FrlsWe.part si
cut A e | 24 , 75 , 44-S281.45. sic !
E. P. Cadwoll Jo 31 , 0 , Phillips , part tl
31 , 70 , 43-55,000. tlci
Total tales , ? 0 481.45. ciw cic
Spring goodi for suitings are Norene & Tl
L ndstrom'a , No. 505 Mn'n ' itreet. In Tlai
spect on Invited. Prices and quality aiL
qu& ] to any In the city. re
The 1'rolilbltlonlstB Mnko * Bully on
the Council.
Yesterday afternoon there was a spec
lal meeting of the council called for 4
o'clock. Aldermen Mynstor , Slodontopf ,
Straub and Golso were present. A
mooting of the board of health was firs !
called , and a number of smallpox bills
audited up to the county board , As a
council they were confronted by a num.
bor of representative citizens who doslrcc
to got some action taken In regard to the
enforcement of the prohibition law.
There were present L. W. Tulloys , A.
Ovorton , Dr. Montgomery , Rev. J. Q.
Lemon , \V. B. Mayos and others ,
and the petition was presentee
which had boon circulated for
signatures , asking that the saloons bo
closed , Attorney Jacob Sims , In bohnl :
of those thus present , desires to say a
few words concerning the petition , but
the point was raised by Aid. Mynstor ,
who presided , that the council was not In
legal soislon , as It was a special mcotlng
and it wai learned that legal notice to bo
present had not boon served on all the
aldermen. Ho was in favor , however , ol
listening to what was to bo said , and the
petition could bo filed with the clerk , II
bolnc understood that thonldormon wonli
listen , not as a council , but a Individ
Aid Sledentoff was In too great a hurry
to get back to his office , llo did not
want to listen to It and then have to hoar
it all over again next Monday night ,
when the council would moot In regular
session , and the matter could bo brought
. "I don't what do "
up. BOO wo can now ,
he said , "this being no council mooting ,
unless wo stay just to have a sort of
CAmp-mcotlng. "
After some consultation it was doomed
advisable on all sides not to present or
file the petition until next Monday even *
ing , when there would bo a regular moot
ing of the council. /
The petition signed by about 400
voters Is couched In the following words :
' To the Honorable W. R. Vaughan ,
Mayor of Council Bluffs :
Wo , the undersigned citizens of Coun
cil Bluffs , Iowa , would most respectfully
petition you , the Honorable Mayor of
our city , to enforce the prohibitory law
now so flagrantly violated In our midst ,
and wo also request the city council to
co-operate with yon in securing thlq
object. Not only in this , but in your
every other effort to maintain a duo
observance of the law and preserve the
peace and order of the city , wo pledge
you our most cordial support. "
The Glass Who \Vil Bo Graduated at
the High School Thfs
The following are those who have
about finished their course in the high
Bchool , and will in June rccdivo their
diplomas :
Lucia Young , Ida Wallace , Bertie Hat-
tenhaner , Ada Bolin , Amanda Zuhmuelv
Ion , Mary Damon , Mancl Oliver , Anna
Bou'man , Magglo Shoutz , Mary Cole ,
Nellie Spooner , John Sylvester , Lemuel
As will be noticed , there are but two
gentlemen out of a class of thirteen. It
.3 a cause for regret that moro of the
3oys do not stick by the public schools to
the . . finish , ai they thus gain a practical ,
valuable education. It seems that most
of the boys cither drop ont of ecliool
entirely before reaching the senior year ,
or else go away from home to school.
Supervisor Kirkwood was in the city yea
E. F. Welch of Chicago , was at the Ogden
Justus Olaik of Red Oak , was in the city
George D. Thayer of Omaha , waa in this
city yesterday.
Airs. J. J. Bliss has returned from her
eastern business trip.
L. Oppenheimer , a Mineola merchant , was
at Bechtole'a yoatorday.
Misses Clara and Ida Myers returned yes
terday from a visit to Omaha friends.
W. Hoggs , of Bogga & Kisncr , merchants
at Griswald , waa in the city yesterday.
J , A. Partridge and J. W , Holmes of
Whitewater , arrived at the Ogden yesterday.
The name of Tom O'Carlislo of Missouri
Valley , appears on the Pacific house register.
Wilbur Griffith of Harlan , ia in the city
with Frank Withorall who has just returned
from Hnrlan ,
II , 1' , Salmon , n capitalist from Princeton ,
111 , , is in the city looking after some real
estate investments ,
Mrs. I. Cummings nnd Miss 0. Oumminga
of Omaha , dined at the Ogden yesterday
with J , L. Clark of this city.
Major McCauley , the sewer contractor , is
in the city for a few days , Ila expects next
week to go to St. Paul and Minneapolis to -
look after some contracts there.
A number of K. 0. & St. Joe railway
promlnonts were In the city yebtorday , called
here to attend to n suit in the United States
court. The party stopped at the Ogden and
consisted of J. F. Barnard , L. G. Morse , J.
Hnyward , K. H. Wells and 0. K. Hardy.
The many friends of Bob Uunttngton will
bo saddened on learning that he is now very
ill with typhoid fever at his home in Oak
land. But a few days ago his sister , Miss
Belle Huntington , died of the same disease ,
and their mother is- also ill and threatened
with the fever.
OlimiKlnK ft Name ,
Considerable talk has been indulged in
especially among educational circles in
the : at re , over the statement made that
Leigh Hunt , the new president of Iowa's
Agricultural college , is none other than
plain "Smith" Hunt , and that ho lias
dropped tbo name "Smith" as being too
common for to uncommon a man as hlra-
ailf , and taken the more dlitlngulsbed
name of Leigh Hunt. Now the query Is
made how the change came about ? Un
der the law of this st to a man may change
hla name by order of court after filing
sfttlafactoiy papers and having the
clungo advertised legally. Some of
thoto who have been watching the
career of the pretident of Iowa's Agri
cultural College , are curious to know
whore and when any auch order of court
was issued , and where and when any
advertisement waa published ? Prof.
olgh or Smith Hunt , whichever It la ,
might at least satisfy theaa eager search- U
on after the truth , by satisfying their
curiosity concerning hla personal nfF irti.
IIo ought to know what his name Is , il
anybody docs , and ought to bo willing to
inform thorn. THE Br.r. his received
such-a qnory , but it Is not Prof. Hunt's
keeper. The inquirer , and all others are
advised to ask him direct , na the proper
source for such Information ,
The Coming Lecture.
Next Tuesday evening Ilov. Dr. Fris-
bio , pastor of the Congregational churcl
nt DCS Moincs , is to lecture in Masonic
hall on "My Trip lo Alaska. " Dr. Prls
bio has a state reputation as an o rotor ,
and this lootnro Is spoken of as ono ol
his best. At DCS Moincs it created grcal
enthusiasm and the second night thcro
were 1,700 tickets oold. The Register
says of it :
On Friday night the doctor invltod a
largo audience that assembled In the aud
itorium of his church to take this journey
with him. Most charmingly did ho
guide them , and varied and rich wore
the experiences and pleasures and pictures
which ho developed for them. For an
hour and a half Dr. Friable pre
sented this vast panorama of grandeur
and beauty to his hearers in a way to de
light as well aa Instruct them. Word
painting could scarcely bo bettor done ,
whether the picture waa one of moun
tainous grandeur sublimity , or ono
humorous with the primitive features of
Indian life. There was in it BO much of
variety as to keep up an eager interest ,
and thcro was not one of the audience
who bid not wish most heartily that the
journey they had taken had boon twlco
ni long. Wo commend It as ono of the
delightful descriptive lectures wo have
over hoard.
A Kerosene Drnnkaril.
Savannah News ,
Ono night recently n Gainesville lady
was aroused by a knocking at her door.
On opening It she behold a well-dressed
and gentlemanly-looking man , who car
ried a lantern In his hand. Ho said that
his lantern was about to go ont for want
of oil. She procured her oil can , and
quietly handing It to him , ho turned it
up to his mouth and took a long and
vigorous swig of its contents. She re
monstrated , but ho assured her that ho
had for several years paat used kerosene
as a stimulant in place of coffee , whisky
or other beverages. Ho then replenished
his lantern and strode onward toward
his destination.
Wheat No. 1 milling , G5) No. 2 , CO ;
No. S , EO.
Corn Now , 28c.
Data For local purposes , 23e ,
Hay 65 00@6 50 per ton ; baled , 60GO.
Bye 35o.
Corn Meal 1 SO per 100 pounds.
Wood Good supply ; prices at yards , 6 00 ®
6 60.
Coal Delivered , hard , 9 50 per ton } soft
40 per ton
Lard Falrbank'g , wholesaling at 9 c.
Flour City flour , 150@2 90 ,
Brooma 2 95@3 00 per dot ,
Cattle Butcher cows S 25@3 76 , Butcher
steers , 3 75@4 00.
Sheep 2 50@3 00 ,
Hogs 4 00@4 25.
Poultry Live chickens , per doz. 3 00 ; live
turkeys , Oc per Ib.
Bntter Creamery , 25@2Sc ; choice country
lC@18o. *
Eggs lOc per dozen.
vegetables Potatoes , 45@50o per bushel )
onions , 7oo per bn ; apples , choice cooking or
eating , 3 50 ; beans , 1 001 60 per bushel
Orongoa Florida , 4 00 per box ; California ,
2,50 per box ,
Lemons 4 C0@5 00 oer box
Union Ticket Ipiit
No. 507 Broadway Council Bluffs.
Railway Time Table ,
Corrected to January 7,1835. '
The following are the times of the arrival and de
parture of trains by central standard time , al the
local depots. Trains leave transfer depot tea ruin
ates earlier and arrive ten minutes later.
omoiao , BC2uaaro > AHD qua or.
uuvm. AJULTVI.
CBIpm Chicago Express 0:00 : am
B:10 : a m Fast Mail. - TtOO p ro
li0 p m Accommodation. SlOO p m
At local depot only.
C1K&UI CITT , ST. ion AND OOtnoiL BLUm.
10:06 : k m Uall and Express , 0:25 : p m
8U5pm Padflc Express , 0:66 : pm
85 : p m Express , 8:05 : a m
B:2i : a m Express , CM p m
oracAoo , OCK ISIOND AKD rAoma.
8:26 : p m Atlantic Express , 0:06 : a m
9S6 : a m Day Express 9:61 : p m
TlSO a m * Des Uolnes Accommodation , 0116 p m
At local depot only.
CIO p m Acoommod t.on 0:00 : a m
1:80 : p m Louis Express 2:15 : p m
Al Transfer only
6:60 : p m Express , 8:60 : p m $
BS | io Paclflo Express 8C6am :
iionr cm AND PACIFIC.
TiiO p ra 81. Paul Exprese , 0:00 : a m
rilO m Day Express 7:00 : p m
8:00 : p m Western Express , 8:80 : a m
11:00 * m Pacific ExpicM , iiiO p m
UllO u Lincoln Express , 1B ; p m
At Transfer only
Leave Council lilufla 7:15 8:20 : fl O 10.30
11UO ft. m. 1SO : 2:30-8:30 : : 1:28 : 6:26 : 0.25
11:45 : p. m. Leave Omaha 8(40 7:6C : fc:60 : 10CO :
11:15 : a. m. 12:50-2:00 : : 3:00o : : 4:55 : & : B5
-11:10 : P. m.
Attorney - at-Law ,
Office , Ualn Street , Rooms 7 and 8 , Sbugart and
Ifeno block. Will practice la State and tate courts.
Wee of the Peace.
No. 201 Upper Broad way , Council Blnffe.
Wholesale and Retail Desleri In
Hard Soft ana Blossburg
O OA. . L
W. H. BIBLEY , Manager.
OfflM , S3 Main St. Yird , on C. K. I. V , and 0 , f I ,
, & 8t.P. iUUw j ,
Capets and Dry Goods
Axminster Moquette , Body Brussels , Tapesiry Brussels , Ingrain Carpets , Etc. Office Matting a
opecialty. Smyrnia Rugs , Mats , Oil Cloths , Etc , Our stock of Lace Curtains is unusually large and
gf excellent variety. Turcoman arid Madras curtains in many new and beautiful designs. Choicest
ilksin black and the new colors , Our lineot Dress Goods comprises all the new designs for the
eason , and the variety of our White Goods is nowhere excelled. New and beai titul Laces invite
attention , and our line of ladies' and childrens' Hose is larger and finer than ever.
Harkness Bros , 401 Broadway Council Bluffs ,
To Allow Anyone to Die of Diphtheria
DURING the lost flvo years thcro has not been a death from diphtheria In any ca o where Dr. Thomn
Jcflerls'preventive ami euro was used. It 1ms boon the means ot sating thousands of lives. India-
nenslblo In puttidsore throat , In malignant scarlet Jcvcr , changing It In 48 hours to the simple form. In
fallible euro for all Inflammatory , Ulccrathe , IMtild or Catarrhal conditions , cither Internal oi external
Price , 52.
Dr. Jeflcils' Cbolctn Specific will nirctt the disease In 30 to 60 minutes. The Doctor used this modi-
clno during the fearful visitation o Itho cholera In Cincinnati , St. Louis , and all along the MUelesIppI
Rh cr and its tributaries , without losine a case , In the years ' 49 , ' 60 , ' 51 and ' 62. It IB also In fallible In
Cholera Morbus , Cholera Infantum , etc. Keep It on hand. You cau rely upon It. Send ( or it. Frlco $2.00
Cholera "Comes aa a thief In thu night. '
Djepoptlc , why live In misery and dlo in despair with cancer of the stomach ? Dr. Thomas JcOorls cure *
every caio of Indigestion anil constipation In a very short time. Boat of references Riven by citfzens ot
Council Dluda and Omaha. Djspopsla la the cause of ninety per cent of all diseased conditions. 1'tlco $5
lor two weeks treatment.
Full printed infractions how to usothomedlclncs sent with them. No doctor required ; agood | nurse
8 all that If ecossary. Dr. JefTerls' remedies can only bo obuinod at hla ollice , No. 23 South 8th Street
Council Bluffs , Iowa , Or eont by express on receipt of price.
Merchant Tailors S
7 and 9 Main St. ,
, - - - .
A Complete Line of New Goods to Select From.
Hair Cutting anil Shaving.
This is an Equal Rights Shop
610 Broadway , Council Bluffs
NO. 2 ,
Is the Highest Achievement in Writing
Machines in the World.
With only 39 keys to learn an
. operate. It prints 70 characters
Including caps and small letters ,
punctuations , flgurcs , signs and
I fractions. It a the simplest and
I most rapid writing machine
made as well as the most durable
illustrated pamphlet.
Wyckoff Seamans & Benedict ,
Chicago , 111. , Solo Agents.
0. II. SHOLES , Council Bluffs
Agent for Western Iowa
F. H. Oitcurr. S. T. PBEKCD
Casady" Orcntt & French
$05 Broadway . Council Biufis\ \
Carpets ,
Curtains ,
Window Shades ,
Mattings ,
Linoleums ,
Oil Cloths and
Upholstery ,
Mail Orders
Carefully Filled !
B. Eice M. D.
rUVnFDQ oi lbn imoT 4wlttwl IS
LfiVn UDUUi kmll * i rfnwtcf ol U i.
CHRONIC DISBASES ° 'tUU'i ' < > liill
Over ttirtj y j | < r ctloU zfirtU ( > Tlt fr
P arl 1 itrerf.OoaaeUlllaffa ,
NOTICE. Spodal vertlscmente , sue u &oel ,
found , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent , Wanta , Board-
leg , eta. , will be Inserted In this column at the low
rite of TEN CENTS PER LINE for the first Insertion
ind FIVC CENTO PER LINE for each snbeoqaent
ertlon. Leave advertisement ! at onrofflcr , Ka.
Poirl Streeti near Broadway
FOK BALE A new leather top hiH , ' < ry. Will be
sold cheap , Apply to Dr. Cook , No 620 Broad
poll SALE Two nice bedioom set ] . Apply at
! SS7 Mjnstor street
TjlOn SALE. Thi ) week , my Insurance affcncy.
J Uoodteima I aui leaving cltj. J W IKROKK.
FOR SALE. . .other hotel In a lv > , Nebraska
town , now doing a business ci about $360 per
month. No other hotel la the place. Terms liberal. .
T70R SALE OB TUADE.-810 acres ot land In
J ? Wayne county , Mo. Will trade for Council
Bluda city property or sell cheap for cash , or fart
time. SWAN & WAI.KBH
WANTS TO TrtADK. Uood lena cr Nebraska
land for a small stock of hardnaro or general
merchandise , u ell located. SWAN & WALKBR.
TfOK SALE A rare chance to pet * fine , neil Im-
JP proved farm of 400 acres , within a few miles of
Council Bluffs , at a bargain. Low price and easy
terms. BWAN & WALKXK
"TTtOR SALE A good paying hotel property with
-L1 llyory stable , In one of the best small towia In
western Iowa will ecll with or without furniture , or
will trade for & small farm with itock etc.
FOR BALE Eighty acres unimproved ( and In
Union county , Iowa , Similes south cast of At-
ton , the oounty scat , or will trade for Nebraska or
Kansas land. Sn AN & WALKER.
I/O It SALE A 80 acre tract of good land about
JP one and a half relies from Council Blufii poet
office , at a bargain. SWAN & WALKXR.
| OOR SALE In Harrison oounty , Iowa. 320 acres
JP grass land , all under fence a 200 acre farm
with fine Improvements , all under cultivation except
20 acres grass 80 acres good gross or pasture land ,
and sot era ! other tracts of from 40 to 160 acres of
unlmprcn ed laud. SWAN & WALKBR.
"T7IOR SALE Lands Improved aad unimproved.
X' It youwanta f im in western Iowa , Kansas
Nebraska or Dakota , let us bear from j ou.
P Olt SALE A lareo number of business and resi
dence lots In all parts of Council Bluffs. See
us before > ou buy , SWAN & WALKKR.
FlOll SALE Parties wishing to buy .cheap lots to
build on can buy on monthly payments of from
82 to 310. UHAN& WALKKR
OH HKNr Wo will rent you a lot to bmla on
wfth the prlvllage to buy if jou wish on very
liberal lorm . SWAN & WALKKE.
WANTED 70 correspond with any one wishing a
good location f Jr planning mill. Bash , door
and blind manufactory , no have building and
machinery ell located , for solo , lease or trade ;
FOR KENT- Large two story frame building suit
able for warehouse or ttorago purposes , near
railroad depot. KUAN WALKBR.
57\OK \ UKNT UK HALr , uu.tulug and grounds
aultal la far eaall foundiy and machine Bhop
Good boiler , engine , cupola , blower with fixed shaft'
Ing etc. , icady to put In motion.
ijiuii BAiib -iJousee. Lots and Land. A. J.
JP Hlcprcnuon , 603 First av enuo.
ITiOtt bALK A top-buggy , Ilrat-iUm make ana
JP in cxellent condition. Or will trade for cheap
iQt. Addrcaa f. M. Bee olllco , Council BluTa.
COAL AND M001)-Ucorge ) lleaton , CiS Dro.d.
way. cells coal and wood at reasonable prices
gives 2,000 , Ibs. for a ton , and 128 cubic for * cord ,
Try him.
AirANTKU Kvery Dociylu Council BluBa o lake
VV TuiBii. Delivered by carrier al only twenty
aenta a week.
OLD PAl'KUS-Kor eala at Ilii office , at SS oenti
k hundred
I ha\e a double store uulldlnr,10 ( looms.partltloned
off , elegantly papered , supplied with water from the
water works , good Lilck cellarsuite 1 for restaurant ,
laundry , boardltg house , mmhtntlle builmesor
resident property , Also a largo two-story frame
duelling with 18 rooms two cellars , etc. , etc. , suited
for boarding houi , private residence , hospital , etc
opposite the city buildings and city tnarlet for rent
cheap. W , JU VAUGHAN ,
rnoi , urriaza. w , u. M , rent
Council Illafli , . < . lai
Established - - 1856
In Foreign ( Led DotmuiU Exiting * tc4 all
Bom *
Dr. W. E.'Shorradon BOO
Masonic Temple.
Ooonol ) Blafif : Iowa. the
Keep Horses and Mnlea constantly on hand who !
no will aoll In retail or carload lota.
All Stock Warranted as Renreseiited.
KLolrinle gndrtUll dcalcrpln Grain n < l DnUd Hay. Price
sonablo Satisfaction Outranked.
Corner Fifth Avo. & Fourth St. UowncllBlnlfe.
-b ± J ± i
' 505 Broad-way , - - Council Bluffs.
THK ONLT Alt NIOHT JIOBSE IN THE ciTV. Everything served in first class style nnd on short
notice. Hot and cold lunches always ready ,
Roof Painting aiul repairing. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction.
GEO. SMITHSON 302 N. 7th Street ,
Attention , Ladies.
While closing out mv notionswill sell all hair goods nt 25 per cent discount , SCO Switches
CO Waves , Bangs , etc. , to sacrifice. Cnetom work carefully nttouded t" .
337 Broadway , Council lilull ? .
&sss3i & & * ii. * * > & > & * & & & . . , „ , .
Field & Estep ,
No. 817 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. T
Calls Attended Promptly , Day and Night. Particular attention given to J VI
Telephone No. 97. I
House Painter's Tools For Sale Very Cheap.
D. A. BENEDICT , 337 Broadwaj- , - - Council Blads
FOREMAN Hold thii space for the ndvertleemtnt uf Dis Judd & Smith's Electric Ajpluncef. Tney
are too busy filling their orders acd ccttlcg their new ( actor ) . No. SO , Fourth Street , to right ? , to gtt up
any copy fust now.
,15rick buildings of tiny eize raised or moved nnd satisfaction guaranteed. Frame hous
moved on LITTLB GIANT trucks , the best in the world.
1010 Mnth Street , Council Bluffs.
NEW WHITE GRAPE Copy of a part of a photograph
of a NIAGARA vine , planted
1878 , as It appeared Fall of
188O with 63 clusters weighing
26 Ibs. on 48 In. boarlnswood
let. The Niagara ripens in favorable seasons at Lockport , Aug. 20th.
2d , It never drops from the etem if loft to bang till frost coini-a , and improves in flavor
the time ,
Sd , It is purely native , and therefore Lardy , Has stood 35 degrees below zero without
Hh. Bears a good crop the 3d year and often the 2d. Midi's A regular bvarer , and , no
waste , as IjurJcheg are compact Never fails to ripen its crop an thu thick leathery fuliago
holds even to the bate of tbo canes until finst Icilla it.
Cth. Vineyards are in bearing in various necti in from Georgia to tha Northern Like *
and Canada , and from Kansas to the Atlantic coast , there being moro than 1,000 acres planted
within tha lost five years , and o\cr 200 acres were planted t Jtrocton , Chautauniia Co. , N.
. last iprinp , (1881) ( ) ; Joins Martin alone having 47 acrea ; tha largest vineyard of Niagaras ,
being planted it Highland , Ulster Co. , N. Y. , by Haui'l Kogers , J > i. , which contain * 80 acres
tins one variety , and ha linn realized from 20 to 34 contt per pound for his fruit , while Con
cords grown in the same * locality brought from 4 to 0 cunts only ,
0. All parties planting vineyards lm\u signed a contract to return nil tha wood and cut *
ting every year back to tha Company up to , aud including 188S ; so it has bien the solo owner of
the stock , and no one but the Company and its authoriznd arrnti can nail and deliver
genuine Niagara vinoa. 80 all poreonu ihuuld examine ogaut'a certificate of authority , and '
that it has the corporate seal of tha Company attached , and every vine that U ba a load
seal attached , bearing tholmprmionof the Company's registered trade mark.
7th. We now offer for the first time , strong 2 year old vines nt retail at $2 00 each with
restrictions , to ba delivered en and alter March Itt , 1885.
WELLS COOK , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Having accepted ppolntn ) r.t il'tclal Ki"t fortlieNIAOAlU WIIITKOIUI'K.0. forlowan ( INe.
ai m now prepared to promptly dtllur " . \ IAGAHA"lucs under tbo KtKUtcrcJ Tr&doMark ScU