Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 03, 1885, Image 5

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The Cheyenne Conyenliin of Stock
Growers Meets Next Monday ,
Moro than Ono Hundred Million ol-
Iftra' Worth of IXJIIR Horns niicl
Short Horn * to l o CoiiBlcJ' rca
\Vhllo MlTcraOJherMIot i"
Private advlcea from Wyoming go to
ahow that the mooting of stock growers
next Monday at Ohoycnno , will bo a very
important , perhaps exciting ono , The
meeting is nominally ono of the Wyom
ing Stock Growers Association , which
alone represents aomo ODD hundred mil
lion dollars in cattle , but really It will bo
Attended by the cnttlo kings of Texas ,
Now Moxixo , Arizona , Montana and elsewhere -
where ,
It appears that very Important matters
nro to bo considered and the action of the
St. Lonls mooting aomo months ago ,
which is yet fresh in the minds of the
readers of THE DEE , will bo the subject
of farther and. most thorough considera
The great Importunes of the cattle-
growing industry and the tremendous
money-lnfluenco It can brin to boar up
on occasions , renders this convention ono
of peculiar significance at this tlmo ,
especially in regard to the Innd question
that so affects the Interests of sottlcrs
and small stock owners.
Wyoming Is the cattleman's paradise ,
and baa been such for years , and the
great resources it possesses , snob aa
mlnoa and coal , proclons metals , and
building material have boon subordi
nated so far to this rapidly growing in
dustry. The evident boom thai is totting
in which promises to "corral" ( in
"rango" phraseology ) the unlimited con
trol by stock men of the vast areas of
land , will cause BQIUO and perhaps ,
spirited effort , nnd bring about a atato of
affairs that sooner or later must docldo
the question of the rich and strong
against the poor and weak.
Such nro the ideas gained by a BEE
reporter in a short conversation had
within n day or two , with ono of the
most "prominent stock-growers of the
Scones and Incidents Hint Greet a Kc-
porter in His Wanderings
Every Day. No Fan-
clcfl , But Hard
Facts ,
Among the multitudes who pass
through the dopct are many persona from
the backwoods , BO ta apeak. The alarm
or caution gou ga are objecto of curiosity
and wonder to theao people and they are
often hoard to timidly any to same by
atfinder , "For goodnoaa'eake , Mr. , how
many times a-dsy do folks oat here ? "
"Von naod not shako hands , madam ,
for that llttlo attention , I did It because
It ia my duty to see Jadlca on the train
when they are traveling alono. "
"Still , air , 1 want to shako your hand ,
and to thank you for what you did for
that young lady. You will be rewarded
hereafter , air ; bellovo me , you will. "
Ahl that's well enough madam , I take
pleasure in auch things , but aa to the re
ward , get that here , which la I think
better than hereafter , don't yon1 And
then the great throbbing engine shrieked
and awny towards the golden gate aped
the train with its cargo of human beings
and precious eouls a freight far more
costly than ever yet argosy bore o'er
Indian sea !
A BEE reporter overheard the forego
ing conversation yesterday and moved
half carelessly up to the gentleman who
had boeu a party to it , and asked who
the elegantly atttrod lady waa who was
so very anxious to "shako" him and
what the occasion was. "I do not
know , " replied Harry , the depot agent ,
"I don't knprr moro than that aho ia
going to 'JrJrisso , and waa in the waiting
room thla morning and witnessed a llt
tlo occurrence " The occurrence was
what the reporter wished to know , and
finally ho secured it as follows : "Early
this morning 1 wont into the ladies'
waiting room and tound a pretty girl
about seventeen years old almost In des
pair. She aaid aho waa loot and a atnngcr
and only know that she wished to get to
Courtland on tho'O. & R V. railroad
line. That aho had purchased a ticket
for that place and last night ( Wednesday )
at midnight found horselt at Beatrice In a
waiting room without a dollar and not '
near where aho wanted to go. The young
thing looked so forlorn that I was at once
hit right in the center and took np a col
lection among the persons in the room ,
ncirly all of whom were young men , and
qnlckly raised a'sum sufficient not only
to take her to Oonrtland but to provlie
comforts here and along the way ; but
conio inside , I'll toll her who you are and
yon can talk to her yourself , " and the ,
BEE roan waa led trembling llko a lamb
to the slaughter into the presanco
of Miss , who greeted him with a
modeat blush and at ones aaid : "Oh ! 1
don't know what I should have done if
the agent had not been hero. You aee ,
I left Mascattno , Iowa , having bought a
ticket over tbo Hioux City road foi
Courtland where my slater resides , and
whom I waa going to vitit for a little
time. 1 know nobody , for wo live In the
country , and when I uavo the ticket tc
the conductor ho slid I wai. on the rlgM
tlrar. It neomcd to mo strange , but ]
kept quiet , until at midnight of Wednes
day I found mjasU almost alone in tht
depot sitting room at Beatrice , i-Then ]
became frightened and mustered courage
to aak some gentleman what to do. anc
ho Informed mo of the error that hat
been made. In tlut lonely placa I safer
for hours , nntil they put mo on the trail
that landed mo hero thla morning. ]
had used what llttlo money I took frou
home and you cannot tell how dreadful ! iy ]
lonely I felt. And when they told mi
here that I was still far fron
Oourtlaud , oh , Sirl I felt loat. :
told the gentleman with tbo sol-
dier.llke cap and the first" thin 1S ;
I knew ho brought mo a whole lot of il.k
ver money and told mo to go for break
fast , and showed me how to reach sister
Really , it may seem unmaldenljr , but
felt like I could kiss him In gratitude
Well , I ate a nice warm lunch , and not i
I am going oil , bat I tell yon I'll reraom
berthat gentleman with the soldiorllk
cap whenever I say my prayers. Goo
bye , sir. " ,
Harry ii in hick. Two women , an
and one a blooming lasaie , oh ! prayln
for him in one day , Ia good enough. It
boats Moody and Sankoy all to thunder.
List evening another lady with the
plumpest , cleanot looking little baby ,
child ono Boas in a month's travel , waa at
the depot looking for her husband , who
lud telegraphed her to come on here.
She was the aacond ono In ono day lookIng -
Ing for a husband who aaid ho wa em
ployed at the atook yards. Surely , there
are more things in hcavun and earth than
ono dreams of In some pooplo'a philoso
A Foinalo Thtcf-Mcyor's Cuso Con-
tinned Other Iluslncsfl.
In the police court yesterday morning ,
Rosey Lowla , a wanton fairy , was ar
raigned before Judge Boneko on n charge
of uteaUng $30 from liana Ilondrickson.
The theft , RO liana says , occurred about
2 o'clock yeatordoy morning In a Twelfth
atroot disorderly house.
Daring the progress of the trial , the
? irl , who woo very nuch agitated and
weakened , burst Into tears , and fainted.
Jndgo Bonoko his suspended sentence
nntil she shall bo In a condition to receive -
coivo It. It is not probable that aho will bo
confined very long , aa a Dca Molnes
official la pow in this city , with a requisi
tion for her as witness In a murder case
in which aho ia concerned.
Henry Meyers , the boy accused of
stealing aovonty-fivo pounds of brass
from Schneider's hardware store , waa ar
raigned. Ho pleaded not guilty , and his
case being sot for trial next Saturday , ho
waa taken back to jail.
Larry Caaoy , the tough notorious , was
again before the tribunal on a charge of
disturbing the peace. Ho was fined and
aont waltzing over the bill to the county
jail.M. . E. Shearer and Charles Kelley
were fined $5 and costa for disturbance
of the peace for having imbibed too
freely of coffin varnish.
J. L. Snood , the owner or the buggy
which was ao badly wrecked on Farnam
street Tuesday night , appeared in the po
lice court yesterday and aworo out a
warrant against Jacob Anderaon aa bolng
the driver of the wagon whoso furious
onslaught caused the trouble. Anderson
la employed aa a driver by Dr. Chambers ,
and It is thought that there Is enough
evidence of a conclusive character to es
tablish his guilt.
The State va. Kyle ( the Gavon case ) : a
jury will bo struck at 11 a. m to-day and
the case bo called for trial promptly at 2
p. m. Saturday.
William Wolfe , of Nilogh , is In the city.
K. R. Wilson , of Kearney , ia a ftuest of the
Paxton ,
C. W. Thomas of Grand Island is at the
C. S. GaraRhty , Fort McKinney , Wyo. , ia
at thi 1'axton.
C. D. Clnpp , the genial merchant at Kim-
wood , Neb. , ia in the city.
| ] L. A. Golf , Esq. , and little son left yester
day for Ohio to visit hia sick father.
W. A. Coburn , candidate for member of
the school board , loaves for Now YorK to
Gen , O , O. Howard returned from Wash
ington this morning and has resumed his work
at the lieulquartors.
Frank Gregory , an old employe of the TJ.
P. Tl. R. Co. , well-known on the Nebraska
line , was in the city yesterday.
Chief Justice Maxwell cnmo to the city
from Lincoln last evening. He says court has
adjourned in the Ninth district until Mon
1'at HiRglns , whom everybody in central
Nebraska knows nnd likes , cnmo down from
Grand Island yesterday fora foitnight's visit
to the metropolis.
Mr. A. B , Hunter , formerly of this city ,
has returned from hia home In Pennsylvania
where he baa been for the last two years , and
will locate and go into business in Omaha ,
Mr. Newton , U. P. superintendent of
bridges and buildings , will move his oflicu
from the U. P. headquarters where it has
been , to the room at the depot heretofore
used as a conductors' room ,
J. Babbit , Elithorn ; Henry Turner , York
Mrs , K. Naglu , Stromaberg ; J. Newloau ,
Wahoo ; Will Bliss , Sclmyler ; II. M. Carr
Davenport , Iowa ; Mrs. P. A , Hillis and
daughter , Woodbine ; T. A. Haifnor , Kalamazoo
mazoo , Mich , ; Geo. W , Metlnr , San Fran
cisco , are at tbo CanQold.
At the Metropolitan : E. Healey and wile
Crete ; M. A. Anderson , Mrs , M. White
Clms. Chase , Lincoln ; Frank J. Victor
Columbus ; G , Southmau , Grand Island , A
K , Mursk , Button ; C. O. Clapp , Emerson ; J
Lansing , Fairfield , and Jas. M. Hay ol
North Platte , Nob.
Mr. Ed. Healoy , who for many years hai
been principal of the high school at Crete
Neb. , is visiting Omaha friends in company
with bis vvlfo and child , lie left last even
ing for the Lower Brule agency , Dakota
where ho has accepted tha chair of priucipa
of the Indian schools.
At the Mlllard : D. 0. Adams , Salt Lake
J. B , Crowell , New Yorkj Miss Tronchery
Lincoln ; Mrs. Johnson , Lincoln ; J. D , Hoc re
Grand Island ; Geo. 8 , Wedgwood , Lincoln
A. G. Kendall , St. Paul ; 11. McClurf ? am
wife , Sandwich Islands ; Stanley Wollmarj
New York ; N. B. Apple , Omaha ; S. D
Itogers , Chicago.
AttheFAxton : Wra. Wolfe , Nellgh ; E
It , WaUou , John F. Crocker , Kearney ; Jas
S , Vander , LouiarlUe ; Frank Galbralth
Loran Clark and J. T , Anderson , Albion ; A
H , Gamar , Valentine ; S. Sbtnn , jr. , Mil
Luna Voters , and James Furguson ftnd wife
Fontant'lle ; M. A Dougherty , Crete ; W. S
McCoy , Rising City ; A , T. B.uspn , Fau
Schminke , Nebraska City ; A. A , Sweet
J. D , ( Johnny ) Muore , U , F. agent at
Grand Island , is at the Millard. The G reek
bad a character , Aristophanes , known aa he
'common libeler , " but even he pauied in bi
. attacks before the awful court of tie
Arapngus. It has been reserved for Ne
bratkft to give to the world the only poi
petual "joker" of the times and he is J , D
Moore Ask tlilm about the photo : of th
1 whale's mouth and his artifice against answei
- ing questions.
. A t a Key West fish market iccently
- colored man bought a concb and npoi
. cracking the shell wai surprised to Find
1e. h'ddon trotsare in ihe shapoof a handsciu
. pearl the size of a bean.
' During the progress of a trial at Cic
oinnatl recently the fact leaked out Inc
dentally that all spirits sent from thi
conntrf to Venaillei , France , are watei
ad ed and "doctored" up and sent ia bottle
t ? Africa where Iho atuflf has a large a l la
A Man RolM of $ lOOC , Check , $200
Cast , and a Nnnilier ot Rail-
wad Ticleis ,
How Itho Oonndonco Men Worked a
Train Between Counol IMuffc and
Omnlia TTcitcrdiiy.
On going to the jail at an early hour
this morning ( o make the "last round-
op" the BRK roporlor read on the entry
book In modoit lottora "II. Roberta. "
But thereby hung a tale , which will bo
told ao far as poasiblo at thla writing.
On the passenger train going west
yesterday evening wore n largo number
of traveler ! , many of whom were coming
west for work and others to settle.
Among the latter waa n gentleman
( whose name at thta writing it hao boon
impossible to correctly learn ) with several
members of his family going west to look
and aottlo on sorao land. Aboard the
train were several confidence men and
thiovca who were playing the almost
thread-bare game of pretending to hire
men , got thorn to atop at a depot , pretend
to bny tickets for thorn , and then sudden
ly find that an express package la in the
office for the gentleman who Is hliing the
greenhorn and who has only a chock , on
which ho borrowa of the now hired man
a sum in caih until ho can go to the
bank which ho never does. But there
were some of the light-fingered there bo-
aidca thoto fellows , and they put In their
time pretty advantageously it would
Among the passengers aa wo have aeon
waa the man of family , who for con
venience shall ba called Smith. Ho was
unsuspecting and pcrhapa thinking over
hla now homo , comclona that ho had hia
and his family's faro paid , and a goodly
aum in hia pocket to start on. When ho
got to the Omaha depot ho found that
hia iffocta wcro gone , tickets for himeolf
and family alao. Soma four or five of
theao. Ho took atcpa to find the thlpvea
and submitted the matter to an oflicor.
The result waa that Smith and his party
with ono oflicor , perhaps more , began tote
to search for the parties whom ho sus
pected of the crime and finally found
them at supper in a restaurant on
or uoar Douglas street. The "con"
men spotted the party and left the table ,
one going to a closet and the other out
the back way. Ono , who tjavo hla name
aa R. Roberts , was taken to jail on sus
picion , the other at a late hour had not
boon captured. Roberts , although ho
stoutly denied everything and refused to
tell hU business , residence , etc. , had on
hla peraon a nice silver watch and chain ,
ono hundred dollars and seventy cents in
cash and some four or five different rail
road tickets. Ho explained the tickets
by oaylng he hai thorn , and as ho got oil'
at different stations along his route look
ing for work , ho would not give them up
to the conductors.
Ho is a crook beyond doubt , but the
officers do not think ho la the ono who
Rot the rich haul from Mr. "Smith.1
That one la at largo at this writing , but
Is being searched for and will most prob
ably ba caught to-day.
The rascals got from Mr. "Smith1
$1,000 check , some $200 in cash , and thn
railroad tickets of the entire party. This
ia the story aa fully as the facts can bo
. ascertained at thla writing , but during
the day tbo full particulars will doubt
leas be obtainable and given to the read' '
era of the BEE.
Yesterday's Proceedings in Full.
The nnusnal qnlot so far as news goes
is not lacking In the courts of the city
and state , llttlo of public interest being
transacted in any of the several dally
sittings in onr midst. Yesterday In
In Bargstitom vs. Kaufman [ damages for
throning plalntaff out ol a saloon ] the
jnry rendered a verdict for the dotond
In Bokal vs. U. P. R. R. company , a
; verdict for S3.30 in favor of the plaintiff
was entered.
, Bartlgan vs. School district of Omaha
for ropairi to boilers , etc. , at high school
- was on trial at last evening's adjourn
Judge Neville and District Attorney
Estello are In Washington Oity holding
, court.
, Judge McCulloch yesterday entered
, judgment for $110 for defendant , in the
, case of Lorenzo Dlbblo va. Frank Ku-
In Soars vs. Honck , for commission
for sale cf real estate , a jury was struck
and the trial will ba had to-day.
An attachment case waj begun yesterday
day in this court by Wm. Hays vo. Bei
D. Stoln for money dno for work am
labor. The plaintiff alleges that the defendant
fondant , a single man , is about to remov
his property from the county for the pur
; pose of defraiding his creditors and hone
secures the wtit ,
JCho IVbftinuampor.
The Buckingham theatre ia not dead
nor sleeping it would eooni , An eight
horjo band-wagon llko Cleopatra's barge
parading the streets with banners and
brass horns would indicate that there
life In the old thing yot. This instltu
tlon Is llko nothing ao much aa the an !
mal common in North Carolina and al
moat worshipped by * the swamp-bred
negroes near Slabtown on the coast
called by them the "Whambamper , " o
"Turkic , " whose tenacity of life is B
great that whin its head ia cut oil'am
thrown away , and the negroes are feast
log upon atew made from the flcih of tht
body , the eyes lids continue to "wink ,
unl il mxt day at eunsot. The Buckingham
although In court , Is a vetitable Wham
- hamper , and by continuous continuances ,
continues to wink , yea , and to earty on
. its pecallar.'practlcos that the police court
hai had for investigation for weeks.
The Wrong Man.
The following note handed a BEE re
porter yesterday explains Itself : ]
n Dear Sir : I find In the Republican of
a this morning the following notice ;
ao "While attending a car load of horses
in transit from the Blair * yesterday , a
man nsmfed Timothy Hay was thrown
down In the car and trampled under the
cl- horses feet , sustaining savere injuries. It
ils is thought he miy recover. "
rThere must be some- mistake about the
lea pirty injured in this casa as I waa proa-
, entat the time. The party hurt was R.
T. Clover and is a brother of mine. Ho
ii doing better now , being In a transitory
condition. llispcctfully ,
Council BulFi , Aprilj , 1885.
TIio Lmillcs Mnslcnlo ,
Wednesday afternoon a largo nudionco
of ladles assembled in Meyer's hall , in
attendance upon the eleventh of the series
of muilcalos. The programme , devoted
to Rubinstein , Is appended :
Ballot Music , from Fcramors
Miss Uuitin , Miss Poppleton.
Song Yearnings
Air. Northrup ,
a. Romance , op , 44
b. Melodie , No. 1 , op. .1
Mrs. Hall.
Duct The Angel
Misses Merkol.
Sonata for piano nnd violin , .Allegro , An *
Junto. Scherzo. Vlvaco
Miss Popploton , Mr , Sauor.
Saratoga. Notes.
SAKATOCU , April 2,1885.
Prof. Harris leaves to-morrow for a
short trip through Iowa.
Mrs. D. H , Smith and aou , Master
Willie , of Council Bluffs , nro spending a
few days In Saratoga and vicinity.
Tbo Baiter concert of the Union Sun
day school will bo given on the evening
of the 13th , but Easter cards will bo dis
tributed at the uaual session on Easter
Mr. and Mra. H. M. Smith gave a din
ner party last ovcntng to the "Cabinet"
of the Sunday school. CUCKOO.
The hotels in Valentino are crowded.
Acommandery of Knights Templar was in
stituted at Blair Wednesday night.
Joseph Tfttro. ono of the pioneers of Fillmore -
more , died in Graphton last week.
Blaine county Is attracting a fair share of
homo-seekers now moving northwest ,
Thomas Malloy , an employe , had his hand
badly crushed in tbo pork house elevator at
Fremont on Thursday.
The lisli In many of the lakes and ponds of
the state , are roportod'ns dead , killed by the
close freezing of the water.
The Fremont Butter nnd Egg company , last
week shipped 25,050 dozen eggs to San Fran
cisco ; 40,000 Ibs. of butter to New York , and
100,000 Ibs. St. Lonls.
One hundred and fty-sixcar loads of ma
terial for the extension of the railroad from
Valentino were shipped from Fremont last
Tuesday and Wednesday ,
The commissioners ol Dodge county have
decided to placa $00,000 of the new court
house and jail bonds on sale , and to advertise
'or bids for the building of the jail.
A dormitory or sleeping house , capable of
.ccornodatlng about twenty men , has been
reeled near the B. & M. round house in Lin-
oln for the accommodation of engineers and
Business on the F , , E. k M. V. road up the
lilkhorn valley in brisk those days. Numer-
ms emigrant outfits are constantly going , for
ettlers who will stay and grow up with the
: ountry.
Mrs. Peter Gustof Anderson , living near
Oakland , partly disrobed herself on Wednes
day noon , ran out of the house and jumped
into the open well. When taken out she was
dead. Her son , a young man , noticed his
mother's strange manner and made an unsuc
cessful attempt to catch her as she ran toward
' .he well. She was a woman CO years old.
The Ulysses Dispatch knows how it Is him-
ielf when ho says : "Not but what there is
plenty of liquor sold in our so-called temuer-
ancu saloon , but men like to walk Into a busi
ness sinctioned by the law , take their beer
straight , nnd not dope down a mess of slop
prepared moro for the evasion of the law than
a man's stomach. Her a 3 medicine is ono
thing and straight liquor quite another. "
A few days ago it was announced that Mr.
and Mra. Mabe. of Maplevllle , this county ,
would celebrnto _ their golden wedding anni
versary on April 2nd. But there is nothing
very certain In this world , after all. but taxes
and death. On the 21st , Mrs. Mabe started
to visit her daughter , Mrs. Wm. Whlttaker ,
living near Sctibner , and the team became
frightened and ran away , throwing the occupants -
pants of the wagon out , the old lady suffering
fracture of three or four ribs. She was taken
to her daughter's housa and medical aid emu-
monod , but it was not until Sunday lost that
she was able to be removed to her home. She
is still very poorly , and owing to her advanced
rge , recovery will bo veiy slow , Fremont
" *
Twenty centuries ago last Christmas there
was born In Attica , near Athens , the fathei
of oratory , the greatest orator of whom his' '
toryhas told us. His name was Demosthenes ,
Had he Jived until this spring ho would havi
been2,207years old.butho ; did not live. Do
mosthcncB has crossed the mysterious river ,
He has gone to that bourne whence no travel
er returns.
Most of you , no fdoubt , have heard abou
it On those who may not have beard abou
it , the announcement will fall with a sicken
ing thud ,
This sketch is not intended to cast a gloom
over your hearts. It was designed to cheer
those who read it and make them glad they
could read.
Therefore I would have been clad if I could
have spared them thofmin which this sudden
breaking of the news of the death of Demoa-
thenos will brine. But it could not bo
avoided. We should remember the transi
tory naturoof life , and when wo are tempted
to boast of our health and strength and
woilth , let us remember the sudden mid early
death of Demosthenes ,
Demosthenes was not born an orator. H <
struggled hard and failed many times. Hi
was homely and he stammered in his speech ,
but before his death they came to him for
hundreds of miles to get him to open their
county fairs and jerk the bird of freedom
baldhuaded on the Fourth of July.
When Demosthenes' father died he left
fifteen talents to ba divided bitween Demos
thenes nnd his sister. A talent is emial to
about $1,080. I often wish that I had been
Demosthenes bad a short breath , a hcaltat
Ing speech , nnd his manners were very un
graceful. To remedy hla stammering li
tilled his mouth full of pebbles and howled
his sentiments at the angry sea. However ,
Plutarch aaya that Demosthenes made a
gloomy fizzle of hla first speech. This did
not discourage him. He finally became tin
smoothest orator In that country , and I
waa no uncommon thine ; for him to fil
tie First Bajititt church of Athens full
There are now eixty of his orations extant ,
part of them written by hU private necro
t ry.
When he started ! o , he was gentle , mild
and quiet In his manner : but later on , carry ,
ing his audience with him , he at last became
enthuaiaitio. He thundered and roared , he
whooped , ha howled , be jarred the windows ,
he tawed the air , he split the horizonl with
his clarion notes , he tipped over the table ,
kicked the lampi out of the chandeliers and
smaihed the big base > iol over the chief
fiddler's head.
Oht Demoithenes was busmen when he got
started , It will be long time before wo see
another oil-hand speaker like Demosthenes ,
nnd I for one have never been tha lame man
since I heard of his death.
"Such waa the first of orators , " said Lord
Brougham. "At the head of all the mighty
masters of speech , ihe adoration of ages has
consecrated his placa , and the loss of the
noble Initrument with which he forged and
launched hie thunders is sure to maintain it
unapproachable fere ver. "
I nave always been a great admirer ol thu
oratory of Demosthenes , and thouo who have
heard both of ui think there is a certain de
gree of similarity In our style.
And not only did I admire Demoithenes as
nn orator , but as a man , nnd though I am no
Vanderbilt I feel M though I would be willIng -
Ing to head a subiciiption list for tha purpose
of doing the square thing by hli sorrowing
wife if she la in wnt , as I undrntaid that
she is.
I must now leave Detrottrentt and pas too ,
rapidly to speak of Patrick Henry. Mr ,
Henry WAS the man who wauled liberty or
If he couldn't have liberty ho wanted to die ,
but ho was Inno'groit rush about it. Ho
would like liberty if there was plenty of It ,
but If thu British had no liberty to spare ho
ycarneil for death. When the tyrant aaked
him what style of death lie wanted ho said
that he would rather die of extreme old nga.
He wes willing to wait , ho said , Ho didn't
want to go unprepared , and ho thought It
would take him eighty or ninety years more
to prepare , to that when ho was ushered into
another world he wouldn't bo nfthninod of him
Ono hundred nnd ten years ago Patrick
Henry said : "Sir , our chains nro forged.
Their clanking may bo hoard on the plains of
Boston. The war is inevitable , nnd let It
cojuc. I repeat it , ir , lot it cornel"
In the spring of I860 I used almost the
same language. So did Horace Grcoley.
There were four or five of us who cot our
heads together nnd decided that tno war
was inevitable , ami consented to let it comr.
Then it came. Whenever there is n large ,
nnd inevitable conflict lonfiug around waiting
for permission to como , it devolves on _ the
great statesmen nnd bald-hoadoil literati of
the nation to avoid nil delay , It waa M with
Patrick Henry. Ho permitted the land to
bo deluged in Rote nnd then ho retired. It Is
the duty of the great orator to howl for war
nnd then hold some other man's coat while ho
fighta. BILL Nm
Chicago Tribune Special.
WASHINGTON , D. C. April 1. Gou. Bonlo ,
ono of the old commander's dearest friends ,
speaking of Gon. Grant , nays :
"I have been a very intimate friend of Gen ,
Grant for fifteen years. In all my daily com *
innionship with him , .it homo or abroad , I
ever heard Gen , Grant make a remark which
: ould not bo repeated with propriety before a
oomful of ladles. His character was wholly
> uro and free from guilo. Aa to the reports
hat ho drank to excess I ought not to refer ,
r they are senseless nnd untrue , but I will
y that during the whole period that I have
: nown him in riding to nnd from my f arm
ear this city two or three tiinoi n weak ,
u dining at the same table , in walking the
' * , recta of Paris until 2 o'clock in the morning
> r amusement I have never seen him when
o wasn't as clear headed ns you nnd I are
ow. His oven disposition was something
onderful to mo , and I have seen him tried
Imost beyond human endurance. Ho never
ireed and swore at people , and lie never lost
ontrol of himself. Ho was nlwnys able to do
'hat ho coniidored right.
'I saw him once while nt n white-heat of
fixation In the library at the whlta house put
ersonal prejudices and wishes aside and do
la duty without question. Ho had been
bused nnd slandered by n certain person to
uck nn extent that ho could only rccognl/.e
lim as n personal and bitter enemy. The
[ uestlon arose whether that person should
0 nominated to the senate or not for n post-
ton. I knew nil the circumstances and
iaid to Gon. Grant , 'what nro you goinir
; o do about it ? ' 'Do about it ? ' he repeated ,
1 will send his name to the sen-
.to . , Ho has deeervecl his appointment
ly his services to his country and
10 personal ill-feeling on my part shall pre-
ent his obtaining what be dosenes. ' He sat
lown and signed the nomination and it was
ient to the senate at once. He was generous
n the extreme.
It was always difficult for him to refuse re
quests made of him. I could tell you in-
tan cea of bis gicat kindness of heart which
. ou could scarcely believe , but little things
will show this trait as well as great ones.
iVhon Gen. Grant had been a visitor at my
IOUBO children would overwhem him with
equeats for bis autograph. Often when
wo would return home late at night
"rom some reception , tired and sleepy ,
in the tabla would bo n pile of auto
graph albums a foot or two high.
irs. BeatWould ( say , 'Come , General , it is
time to retire , You nre tired , nnd need rest.
Don't stop to frito ; in these books to-night ,
but wait until morning. ' 'No , ' Gen. Grant
would reply , 'I'll do It to-night. These books
belong to little children , nnd they will stop
Tor them on their way to achool in the morn
ing , nnd I don't want to disappoint them , '
and he would write in every one.
The latest puzzle now vozing some per-
ons Is how to placa eight checkers on a
board ao that no tno will ba cither on a
straight or diagonal line In either dlrec
' | A hippy lovous child-
' assured by the
S3 the systtm Is full 1
of diseaio Inherited
from the parent , Even
n this ornditlon , noth
ing can bo better. D.
L. MIHVcn aayr , "A
niece ol mine w as taVen
horn a consumptive
mother' breast and put
upon Ridge's Food ex
clusively. Iho health.
.ul groutu was remarkacls , and In three months 1
was returned te 1 1 homo a plump , r.osy.clieekcd
chili. "Thla was nine years ago ; and the child lives-
35c. and up. Sold by Druggists.
ONEY loaned at low ratesIn nmoutts to suit on
M chattclcolater ! ls or othcrgoodsecurity. Finan
cial exchange , 1303 Fornatu st. 26S-mlp
PONEY TO LOAN On real estate and chattels
M D. U Thomas. TJOtl.
Loaned on rhattels , cut rat , II R
MONEY oought and tel J. A. Formau.SIS S , 13th St
670 tf
ONEY to oan n good real estate tocurlty. . U.
M K. Sears , WUlIamn block. 20-t !
LOANED at O. K. Koed djCo'g. Loan office
MONKY , planps , hoison , wagons , personal
property of all kinds and all othe ruticloa otalue ,
without removal. Over Ut National Bank.oorner 13th
and Farnam. All buslneaa strictly oonOdontlal2UI
ONEY to loan on chattels. Woolley tt Harri
M son , room 20 , Omaha National Bank building.
TO LOAN In Bums of 1200 and upward.
MONKT Davis and Co. , Boal Estats anJ Loan
A cnts. 1606 Farnam Bt. 213 tt
An experienced shirt poIUher Front
ier laundry , 1612 Howard St. 208-2 | >
A girl for sflcoml'wotk al north west
WANTED and Utli. 208-4
- varnlsher ar.d rubber at the new
WANTED-A . 219-3p
A bright active bov IS It 10 years eld
WANTED tike care ol horses. Dr. Hwetiutn ,
Doj d'n Open bouse , Z51-2
ANTED Harbor at No. 616 south 1 8th St ,0ma.
W ha. ' 211 P
1 ANTED At the Empire steam laundry a tint
W class shirt Irouer. . 182 2
-Olrl. PP1 ? " 19l co'ael Coming and
18th hts. 179-3r
D A girl for general liffuse work , Apply
WANTS 8. IBlh south of Leavcnnorth. 160-2p
ANTED A flrat claea cook and laundress 2309
W FarnamSlrett. Mrs , J. M. Tounton. 165-tl
TT7ANTED Blacksmith 'or ' general country trade
VY Oosd single man preferred , Address Wo > ,
Calder , Clear water , Nob. 181-2p
'ANlKD-Oood silesman 105 N. 16th.
W 141-lOp
rANTKD-AjrentilO&N. 18th.
W 113-lOp
- - barber ( white ) to run
barter shop on shares , > llox 112 , Sidney , Neb
TT7ANTED-A traveling went to icll on artlcli
\ > that Unds ready ule , will run In w ell with a lint
of whcleiale groceries. Uood comm' slon paid. Ad
dress 1811 Place St. 120-4p
Immediately , an oxirarlcnccd girl N
WANTED 18th and Leavenworth. 954-11
WANTED-Lsdy agents for "Queen faotector'
daily stocking andtllrti supporters , shoulde :
bracca , bujvl.s , bworu forms , ( Mew shields , valet ;
belts , sle va protectors , < tc , entirely ntw devices
unprecedented proflta. we have KK ) agent * maklni
(100 monthly. Address with stamp , K. U. Campbel
& Co. , ) Sjulh May St. , Ch'cagt. 769-ali ;
" \ \ ANTK1 > Situation by an experienced Mcno-
eraiher | ml operator on the t ) | < e writer , CAM
furnlth coed tclcicncci ; a > lihtM"S. tf. " Dee oRice.
YXfASTKO Situation as nurgogtrl. Applv at
11S6N. 20th.
\ I7ANTKD- a wom\n a position as cook In i
> > hotel Address -C. X ' lice onicc. 2(3 St )
Al'ANTF.D Slturvtlon as drh er or to take cnro ot
i garden r to do any kind ot vrcrk , I ipcak
Address "P. P. " this ofllce.
Al'ANTElSltiiUlon a * bar Under by Joung
> > man who speaks Encllth , D&nl h Rncdlih and a
llttlo German. Address Jacobs" this olllco
'tlfANTED A situation by a girl ta do general
housework. Addresser c ll No. 609 north 10th
St. 214 2i |
\\fANTED Situation as watcha n by a young
M man. lUlcrtncc * given. Call or addrrsti 11 , 0.
Edwards 102 south 10th St. 209-3p
TY7ANTED Situation by man and vvlto In a hotcli
\ V aho p'nce ' for a blacksmith and wagon maker.
Address "C T Hirst , Southern hotel , 9th St. 265-lp
WANTED Room , private family near buslncts ;
modern conveniences , or room and board ; address -
dross "A B C" I'eootllco. 2I8-2p
WANTFU A position as book-keeper , assistant
or bill clerk , llcst references ; addreis "A. "
this ollloo. 2Sfl 6i |
WANTED Byayoutg man , n situation In n good
house. Ono who Is strictly honest and temper
ate ! address "L.V. . " care Uee. 157-fp
"ITlTANTED Aglrltoralec , from eleven to four-
V > toenvoirsof ag > , togoln tbo country , n good
homeappl ; } to Hi8. Arnold , No. 213 north 9th St.
250. Ip
YXfANTKlTo rent acottigo on or bctoro May
1st. , must bo near street car line and contain
all modern Improvements , will male permanent ar
rangements , bytho jc r for cash , fnml'y of thrcgno
chlUien. Address giving location and price I' . O.
box 433 , City. 261-4p
A single man to do rough v ork around
store , none but a quick active man need apply
Martins Installment store loth Street : 221-tt
WANTED lly cvpirlcncod book keeper , B set of
books to keen In evening. Address Cl. H. Bee
onicc : 223 3p
Dishwasher at Emmet house.
TTjANTED-An active first-class household fiirnl-
TT ture mlcBintn. No use for any otter to ap
ply Martins lortallment store. 225-tf
" \\7ANTED House of D or 0 room' , by May 1ft ,
pool locality. Address K 3. , Dr.Kofllco. 202tl
WANTED Every lady In need of a sowing ma
chine , to BOO the now Improved American No.
7. P. E. Hodman & Co. agents ; 220 N 10th. 343tf
WANTED Tno rooms with board for young man
and wifemult be centrally located , references
given and required. Address "S. " this olllco. 010-tf
WANTKD By B joung couple , 1 or 2 furnished
or unfurnished rooms In a first-class family
nest of Court house Address A. Jacobsen , 2614
uouglas St. SUO-tf
FORIIKNT Abilck housa of S rooms 813 per
month ; apply to John Husslc , Hardware ( tore ,
I4C7 corner Cuming and Saundcrs sts. P. CUrk.
FOIl KENT An tlegant eight roomed dwelling
house , north-east corner itth and Cass streets by
James. B. Eruner , room 10 , Ctelgbton block.
TTOU RENT A contenlen * rottago noith-wcst cor.
JD Sewaid and Pier street on etrccj car line. Call
at No. 216 north 17th st. S01-4p
RENT--A stable south-west corner llth and
Howard. 259-3p
FOR RENT By April 7th , homo with 4 roo-rR
closet , pantry , well and cistern. Apply at 1S13
HarneySt 2 < 6-tt
FOR BENT Brlok yard north end of Saundcra st.
Iwoull work for paries renting , n ) foreman , If
wanted. J. F. Po'.tcr. S17-14p
RENT Farm nod garden. T. Murray.
206 tf
FOR RENT A five room cottage , about April 1st.
Enquire at 241S Capitol avenue. IM-Sp
T ! > OR RENT House of four loomswell nnd cistern
JJ corner 24th and Cass. Inquire 2410 Caia St.
TTlOR RENT28 room houses' Inquire Jno. F
JD Barton.Smcltiog works , or 314 North25th St.
T7\OR \ RENT A. furnished house 0 rooms during
JD the Summer month to parties without children. .
Inquire 211 South 23d fat. 101 tf
RENT Uncxplrcd lease of house with al
FOR improvements at a bargain. F. P Qrld'oy '
U. 0. ollloe Omaha 174-tt
RENT-ResidcuCO and saloon vtltli fxturo
FOR about two acres of ground , fnltablo for
park and eoc'etles during summer or winter. Terms
easy. Apply to Victor Drchcr , 24th it south of
Lo/venvvorth 121-lOp
Now Store on 10th St. hdward Norrl
FORREST block. 13itl
RENT A three room honro next door to Ico'i
FOR , 22d and Lcav cnwurtb fits. 129-3
RENT Sto-e building 44x80 three story and
FOR No. 110andll2 l tb. Inquire 14CO
Doilgo St. 030-tl
RENT Fnrnlshod cottage , 7 rooms , with
FOB , pantry , etc. , In best locality In City can
pay rent with board. Call In afternoon at 025 Pleis
cntSr. 170 tf
TOR REKT Houffs very the ap. Apply at C. T
JL1 Taylors 14th and Douglas Sts. 03Mf
RENT Two now stores on 10thst. O.U
FOR , 15th and Fornam t32tl
RENT Pleasant furnished rooms su'ttbl.
FOR gentleman , terms reasonable , 605 north 17th
street. H .2p
RKNT A farm. Inquire . W. corner 16th
FOR . Newman's grocery , lS86p
RENT One Btory dwelling house flvb rooms ,
FOR , n ar Clark street. CharJcs Ogden , cornel
13th and Douglie Strett. 233 tf
BENT Three brick stores corner 18th an
FOR St. J L. McCagno. Agent. 401-n2
11FNT New cottage , 5 rooms. . Phlpps Roe
FOR H. 6th St. 234-tf
IlKNT Three unfurnished roomi , 17C3 Hurl
FOR , 28.-I-1
17IOR RENT Front furnished room S. E cornc ;
JD 16th and Farnara Stf. 260 tf
FOR RENT-Nlcelj furnished rooms 1613 Dodg
RENT- Two pleaeaut furnished rooms at 230 !
FOIl St. 264 4p
) RENT Lodging room for 1 or 2 men , N. E.
FR . 15th and Capitol avo. Inquire at loom O.U |
stairs. 041-tf
ITKMUIBNT Unfurnished rooms SV. . corner 13th
JaiidHowardBtt [ } Inquire up-stalrs. 840 2p
RENT Nlcoly famished room one or two
FOR private la ally 1512 Pierce near f uuth
13th , 2J6.Jp
RKNT-One furnished room with use cf liar
FOR and board , 1511 California 11. 130 tp
RENT Largo handsomely furnished front
roomsringlo or ensuite , modern conveniences ,
1718 Dodge IM-tl
RUNT Handsomely furnished roomsfor tin
gle gentlemen. For particulars , addreiw "V. W
Bee office. -
RBNT Two nicely furnished rooms , with
FOR , iei7Cblcaso Ht. 171 tl
RENT Nicely furnished room at 1517 D T.
FOR . 823-4p
l\K T Furnished rooms , very desirably
FOIl ou Dodge Ht , only first-data tenantb
wanted. Apply at Drug Store , 16tb anil Dolge.
KENT--Two newly furnishci roHnt at 6)3 )
FOR Uth st.
RENT A larg furnlihed front room wllh
FOR room cfJor omtingle room , 710 IBth St
BENT Two nicely furnished rooms at 613
FOR 15th 81. t-3p
TTJOIl KENT Nlcx.Iv furnished rooms 105 N. IBth.
Jj . 145 IQn
T7IOURENT KuroUbed front room , bilclc Uy win-
JD U3W with board kuiall Umlly 603noitb 17th st
KEM'-Furnljticd room with board 1812
FOR 8t. J06- !
17011 RENT Several One ctllces In Crounio' block ,
JL1 Inquire IM. Norrli , room 1'J Crouuie blc-o *
FO RENT -Two furnlshcxl rooms 1MJ
F ifH ) HKJ T A | > rll lit , largo uimirnututl rooraj
S03N. Mil St.
FOU HKNT-4 convenient chamber * or homo *
keeping to ft man ml wile without children , S
Mocks from Pott ollice , 319 north 17ih St. 017-tf
T7OI ( I RKNT A rloa-ant front room furnished. 8.
I1 K. cor. Utli and Howard SU F9J tf
ifOR 11KNT Largo front office on woouj lloor. tn
1 quite No. 1211 Farnam St. 01 It
l0ll 11KNT Furnished room at 1518 Jackson S .
* 683 kiln
i > OR KENT Furnished room and board 31.00 p r
1 week. Very bout location. 1811 Davenport.
I i > 0ll KKNf-Thteo unfuriilshol rooms north-wc *
' corner 16th anil Lofucuwortli to email Itrnlly.
pply on premises.
RBNT-Furnlslicd room 1S19 Dodge.
T Oll HKNT-Fiirnl hod room t 1913 Farnam.
JL' _ 854-agp
FOR UK.VT OnoniMly fnrnUbcd room mutable )
for 2 gentlemen , and a smaller room on Pleasant
St Inquire 1207 Farnam St. 135-U
FOU RKNT Nicely furnished rooms t 171S Cass
. St. _ 236-t <
TOOUS With board , deilrable 01 wlnUr. Apply
JLtat St. Charles Hotel. 237 'it
FOIl SALE One hundred torn ol liny on ( arm 2
miles west of licllov noit. . Schnak. 203 Tp
FORSALK-ClootlfarmlnCasiCo. , Neb. 170 all
umler oul'U atlon , w III sell or trade tor first-class
drug stock. W. II : Oroon , o\cr 1st Nat' Bank.
_ 2U-U
FOR HAtE Good house , 5 rooms , lot SOxI32 ( t. ,
cant front , Rood location , $1800 ; S100 cash , b lance l-
anco 316 per month. W. 11. Green , orcr 1st Nation *
Hank. 243-tf
FOR HAI.E-Oooil house. nix rooms , lot 60132 It.
otst front , Rood -cation 1 , bain , well , etc ; J15CO ;
$100 culi , balance 816 per month , W. II. Green ,
our 1st Iiatlonal lUnk. 248-tf
FOR 8AT.R Restaurant centially located , must
bo closed out In two ucoks , a bargain oUcrcd.
" ' . II. Green over 1st Nat'l Rink. 245-tt
70R SAI.K-KorttO down and $20 per month I
1 will build tin elegant Ihc room cottage , with
irchca , closets , bar window brick ctllar , clstcrn.coal
itne , iVr , & 3 , wlth t o lots nicely fenced the nholo
I com ) leto J1GCO. The cottages to be built at once
ntracts for ten havu already been let. Call fit my
lice nndscenUn ol cottage , location > Vr. Brinij
mr friends along. C. K. Matic , south-west cornet
tli and Paruam. . 207-030
FOIl SAUK $100 , bow (0 i&Hi ) buggy and har
ness. Hclnirod's grcce j 13th and .l.ckuon.
TOU SALE Ding store. Address box 414 Gmaha ,
1.10 tf
8ALI1 A now dom-stloscwlns machine for
1 } & 25 oath. Addrcea "A / . " Bee oinco , Ii7-0
FOU t ALE Six voar old reliable family her 0 |
will work single or double ; irice S150 Also A 1
'roll tnllch cow , $53 ; Inquire of Goo Bhtllor. first
ouso S of Center on eat eldo ot 17th st , 105-2p
FOR SALE CHEAP One elegant ohimbor sol ,
former cost 3375.00. One regulator clock ,
mo nearly now Knabo , two gold framed
'cturce , Inquire 1616 Do'dge St. 2S3-tf
, 'ORSALE That farm six mllea south on the
_ BcllcMio and U. P. roail Is not sold or traded for
' . SI. I'cckmati , Omahn , P. O. box 787. 128 8p
FOR SALK-Storo building on Cunilng and 21et ,
best en street J. D. Thomas. 149-lCp
FOR SALII Aepan of marcs. Apply to ll.MoNnbb ,
3. W. ol Barracks. HB-Sp
tpOR SALE OR TRADE Largo team , harneaa
1 and dray. Part pay tak n In drajago. Address
L > . U. Bee olHcc. 081-tf
TtOR SALE-Flva room house corner lot within 4
J blocks of the Iligh school $ ! , (03 oisy terms.must
o sold Immediately. W. II. Green , over 1st Nat I
ink. C4S tf
FOIt SAI.B Aery nice 0 room house and lot ,
must bo sold 1223 North 19th St. to'Jip
Lj'OH SALE New 6 room cottage with all Im
JC1 provcmcnts. ftl.'OO , easy pa j incut a. \V. U.
"rcen , over 1st Nat'l bank. SS-l-tl
R PALK On easy rajmcnts. I will furnish
X1 lots and build houses on chart notice to fcult the
nirchasor. 'r quire rfl * . J. Crotdon. contractor
, nd builder 27th atd Webttor St. OCO-tf
FOR SALS A full lot on corner rf 13th and Jones
patcd street and \\ithln one Equare of U. V. R.
" 1. for sale. Warren SwIUIor. 869 tt
FOR SALE Thirty choice lota near park are. O.
I > . Stcbblnaroom3lCrtfghtoD block. 815-al9p
FOR SALE 200 Yctrltng stuerr ,
20J 2 year old steers ,
f SO j catling hellers ,
00 2 and 8-icu-oM hellers ,
CO graded bulls ,
\NOKEtc03 , Sioux City , I wa. 7S9alQ
FOR SALE Four yetr old horse has been worked
double. For particulars Uqulro at n e coiner
14th and Farnam st In barber shop. J , Hlrner.
"Ij'OR ' SALE New house 7 rooms , full lot , large
JP barn \crycheap. D. V , Jones , 9th and Bancroft
"outh Omaha. 502-a''p
FOR SALE Second band ten borso ponor , up
right boiler and onglnd ; In good condition ; low
torcaeh. Chas. 9 , Poor , 103S14tbst. , Omaha , Neb.
PERSONAL John Ilamlln has removed to Omaha
and resides at 1610 Lcavcimortli St. 073-alUp
W ILL re founJ at 16C3 Da\enport St , an c\pcr
lenud : nurec. Cent city reference gltcn872ftiJp
rpo EXCHANGE-Two lots In W. A. Ilodlck's add.
JL for n tutor lialf a lot located somewhere neater
the center ol the city and suitable for bulldin ? , wiM
pay additional \aluu U more. Address "O. Y. "
Uco olllcc. 915-tt
TOR SALE OU EXCHANGE Al 910 pel acre , a
J ? or part of two thousand acres ol Umber laud
'orty miles eoat of Kansas City , wll exchange lot
Nbraeka land or tuoconandJBo. Bedford , Souer *
Davla B14tf
FOIl SALK-S'ocV ol general m rchandlBo , also
etoro Imlldlne fur ro' t.hoit location In a country
town. Address "A. IL H. ' Bee olllco. 177-8p
FOR 8ALE-A flrut-olnnj stock of dry gotda $5.UCO
ut a barKaln , will take ( art cren lialanoo real a-
: ate ; nddrcsa "M V. D. " care lloo ollice. 282-tf
F IOR BALE Cheap , saloon fixtures and itock N.
W. corner 10th and Capita avu. 617.a3
,10K SALE Or exchange a full stock of clothing
' boote and shoes , font' furnlahlnKeoods , will 01.
change for Nebraska Lands. O. U. l'etersonB04 S ,
10th kit. , Omaha , Hob. 2J9-U
F SALE A good skating rink , ulzo 81x100. In
quire ol II Lambert , Wakeflcld Neb , 423-aHp
BOAKD1NO First class board and lodging for
$1.5 per week , all new beds and sprloga at No.
HOBCaesSt. II. I'eler Nick. 701-all'p
T7IIHST-CLAB3 Ued and board 1212 Capitol a\e.
JD 12-a35
OTItAYKPOK STOLKN-An efeht to nine vcar old
Ocow , white and blue spotted with I Uck ears and
swilllrj ; on foreleg ; anv Information leaditKto the
recovery u 111 bellbertlly rewarded by Henry Hixes.
torn , 21st and Lake St. 268 tf
oI'LKNDKI ) pisturo wltti running water and good
Cjuheltor for 200 lorsei can bo had of IUis& 1'iosli.
now , on the former Ilathmann farm near Calhoun ,
Inquire at I'auliui & Co. 151 ! Farnam St , 2207 ,
LOST A lario I'ark roil Irish setter do , , ' , 1 > ear
ell , wai lost or stolen from south HUi street a
few dajs ajjo. A reward for hU return to me will Ira
hcn. C. J ! NdniitWioutli lOthst. 2012
I O8T On the Street rar between the corner of
J lOtli and Iztrd&ad 1124 north )8th ) street , Hiutll
p -krt book containing a dialt for $31. The Under
will ple&so leave at Ueo oillcj. 215 2 | >
TOST Larye tupa * rlnj gold mounted In the v | .
jctnitr ol the Loaxenuorth Street school. in.lor .
will be llbeial'y ruwarjed by returning ran.0 lo ( tore
of M , A. IlcNamara , Utli near l-'aruamHt. 200 tlj
TAKEN Ul1 Tweho head otj oung cattle. Owner
ran recover name by calling ui > on John F. Ilocb ,
Milk dairy , north of lleaf & Dumb a jlitm.
8M-in 2Mew5w
TK1VY , vaults , sinks and cesipools oleaned at the
L shortest notice and satisfaction guaranteedbylF.
U. Abel , I1. 0. Itox 87d 213-ap
FUllNlTUIli : . Stove , etc. . Htorcd In brlok ware
house Oil and 913 Jonoj St. 797 tt
PUITY vaulta , and ceupooU ( leaned at
shortest notice any time of the day , la an
entirely old irltas way with our Improved pump and
dcDcgan apj ratui , all ( ilaoes cleanud by us dltenlto
ted free , charges reaoQnablo. A , Evans , 12(8 Dodgtj
St. , up ttalrt