THE DAILY BEE SATURD A , MAliCH 28 , 1881 , KIEL SALE STABLES Keep UorspB nnd Mnloa constantly on hand whl ewe wo wlJl sell In retail or carload loU. All Stock Warranted as Henrosented. Wr-ottitle atdrcUl ) d l f In Otttn r.d liar. Trie * . sonabla 8 ll f ctton Guaranteed. . & ? Corner Fifth Avo. & Fonrth St. OouncllBlnffs. AGENTS WANTED. Era , Judd & Smith's Nero Improved Electric Belt , 81B imOADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA ; 72S EUt ST. , DALLAS , TEXAS ; and FT. WA7NK.INO IT POSITIVKLY CUKK8 Kl < 1ncy nd t.lrct Complaint , might's Dlsoy. . Rheumatism , Neuralgia DyiMpifcVerwnsneM Wssllnic WcafcneM. raraljsls. Spinal AffBOtlon ; , Indigestion , Heart II oass. FIU Ile SihVUra"ll ? clt , Cold Feet , and all diseasesrequiring Increased motive power. . New Improved e } 8uidiold ; stlo i each. . TBE AND UTHE ENGLISH " KITCHEN. 505 Broadway , Council Bluffs. THE ONLT ALL NIGHT iiocsB m TUB ciTT. Everything sencd in first cla s style and on short notice. Hot and cold lunchca always ready. GRAVEL ROOFING Boo Painting nnd repairing. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. 302 N. 7th Street , GEO. SMITHSON , COUNCIL BLUFFS. Attention , Ladies . Whllo closing out my notions.will aell all hair goods at 25 per cent discount , SCO Switches CO Waves , Bangs , etc. , to aacrlfice. Custom work carefully attended I" . . Al Kb. L ) . A , UUpW UlUiJ. . 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs. H. H. FIELD. W. 0. E3TEP Field & Estep , UNDERTAKERS _ No. 817 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Colin Attended Promptly , Day nnd Night. Particular attention given to Embalming SIC31STFOR FOR EVERYBODY AT TRADE PRICES. House Painter's Tools For Sale Very Cheap. T ) . A. BENEDICT , 337 Broadway , - - Council Blufis j. L. DBBKVOISE. No. CO ? Broadway Council Bluffa , A. J. DULLER , ( COLOHEDf Hair Cutting and Shaving. This is an Equal liiyhtsShop ' 010 Brond-wa y. C ( uncil Bluffi > SPECIAI , NOTICES HOTJCE. Epoolal vortlaomcnta , tuo Lost , JToand , To Loan , For Bale , To llent , Wants , BoardIng - Ing , etc. , will ba Inserted In thla column ai the low nt ot TKN CENTS PEll IJNE for the flrat Inasrtlon and FIVE CUNTS PXH UNE tot each rabeoquenl erllon. titava advcitlsomcnU * t oar offloo , Ko. r nl Utreol , near Broadway WANTB. SALE Another hotel lu a llvo Kebrajka town , now doing a luslncss cl about 8360 per month. No other hotel In the p'jico. Terms liberal. SWAN & WALKER SALE OH TUAUK 8(0 noroi ot land In Wayne county , Uo. Will trade lor Council Blufta city property or neil cheap lor cash , or tart tlmo. SWAS TO TitAUri Good luwa or Nebraska WANTS lor a small stock ol hardware or general merchandise , well located. BWAN& WALKBK. HALE A rare chance to Ret ODD , well im proved farmol 400 acres , within a lew miles ol Council BluQj , at a bargain. Low pilco and easy icrma. bwA.N & WALKBB SALK A good paying hotel property with livery etiblo. In ono ol the best small towns In western Iowa willeoll wither without lurnlture , or will tiado lor a Binall farm with ftock itc. & WALK m. HUiK KlRhty acres unimproved land In Union county , Iowa , 3 j miles south cast of At- ton , the oiunty eoat , or will trade for Nebraska or Kansas Knd. SWAN & WALKRO. , SALE A Macro tract ol good land about 1,1011 1 and a hall a lies trorn Council.Dlulh . poet olfico. at a bargain. iiiOK SALE lu Harrison county , Inwti. 320 acres Jt ? gross la id , all under fence a 100 acr farm with fine Improvements all under cultu alien except SO acres tfras * 8) acres good graaa or paaturo land , and sovora ! other tracts of from 40 to 100 acres of unimproved land. SWAN & WALKKIU BILK Lands Improved aa < l unimproved. FOll you want a farm Inuttcru Iowa , Kaunas Nebraska or Dakota , lit U9 boar from > ou. SWAN & WALKXB. _ j SAK A Itree number ot busbies * and rcsl- dfiico lots In all parts ol Council lllufl * . Boo iu before ) on buy , SWAN & , WALKKK. TT > 011 HALK lartl < M wishing to buy cheap lots to r build on can buy en aoutbly pajmcnta oflrotn $2 tn 810 SWAN & WALIIKR OK 11KNI Wo will rent jou a lot to build on wtth the privilege to buy II jou with on very liberal term * . HWAN & WALKKU. lo corrtniionautli ny nun wishing a WANIKD loattlou | jr ( tanning mill , saeh , di r and blind manufactory , wo have building and machinery , well located , tor sale , lease or trade ; 8yyAM& HALKfR. OH UENT Laigu twoetorv frame bullillni ; eult ablolor warehouse or utoraee purposes , near railroad depot SWAN WALKKR. UKM L' tilt UAhc , Uu.iu : g nd grounds 171O11 BiilUI lo lot nzall foundiy and roachluo Bliop Good boiler , cullno , cupola , blower with Uied sualt- Inir etc. . ready to nut lu motion , _ SWAV WALKM. IjiOll HALE Houses. Lots and Land. A. J. J HteplionMn , 603 h Iret avenue. _ fpUK HALK A top-biiKKy , make and _ L' in excllent condition. Or will trade lor cheap iot. Addruis f . M. Boo olHce , Council liluTa. OAL NL ) vtOOO Ouoik-u Huatou , 6a liro.d. y , noils ooal aud wood at reasonable prices gjvM ' . ' ,000 Ibj. lor a ton , aud 123 cubic lor a cord , Try him. rANTKu k\ory bodym Council Uln3 o Ukt W Tu Uk . Doll vor d by carrier at ooily twintj C4nta a wpok. f\LV 1'Al'KIli For eal al Uii oOlou , al Si oonti V7 hundred ANTED A | { oed bread maker a Union llatoiy W MS ; _ Main btreet. Council llluff * . "lATANrKU Kuir reliable acd tniliiitrloui a - i t < ! to r present. In Io , tha Woittrn Mutiu Uen yol nt Association ol Utatilco , Keb. Call 01 II. 1) . Deal , Hev ere house. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR RENT I have a doulilg store bullJlug,10ioonSptrtlUoEO { off , cbg ntly | apcre < l , supplied with water Irom tb water vorLi , gtoj bitck ccllarBultoi , tnr restaurant laundry , boarding hoiuo , mcrchtntlla builn'MO resident pioptrty. Also a largo two-story tram dwelling with IS rooms two cellars , etc. , etc. , tultti lor boardlre liout * , prirate restdencr , hospital , eto oppcolto the city bulldlnen aud city man et f r rcu cheap. W. U. VACUHAN. ( HOI , DITtOIM BANKERS. Oraedl Elaffj , . < . la , Established - - 185t P * l ri la Forslfn ud MuttttU Xxikuif aa Beau 84ourltlu 4 THE RECENTLY IMPROVED REMINGTON STANDARD EWB1T NO. 2 , la the Highest Achievement in Writing Machines in the World. With only 39 keys to learn a a operate. It prints 70 characters Including caps and email letters , punctuations , figures , elgna and fractions H stho simplest and most rnplti writing machine made as well 03 the most durable _ \d \ for free illustrated pamphlet. Wyckoff Sea/nans & Benedict , Chicago , 111. , Solo Agents. 0. II. SIIOLKS , Council Bluffs Agent for Western Iowa COUNCIL BLUFFS ? Wholesale and Hotall Dealers In Hard Soft ana Blossburg O -A. Xj . - W. H. SIBLEY , Manaser. Offloo. 88 Main St. Yard , on C. R. I. P. and 0. U.St. . 1' . Itallvray. V. H. Onctnr. S. T. FRENCH I. M. TBETNOB. SCCOESSOIW ro Casatiy Orctitt & French 405 Broadway Council Biufts , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , Mattings , Linoleums , Oil Cloths and Upholstery , Mail Orders Carefully Filled ! COUNCIL BLUFFS CARPET GO. R , Rice M , D. CAHCEBS aS - * , SKWSSS.-111 CHRONIC DISEASES * * " * * / frit. Forever "On File. " Whene'er a patriot intends To Borro his country , hc.trt Ami hand , Hu way to Wwliington ho wends , And wait * , with bonmlne f entutca bland , Hi * heart 1 li hk , Ho knows no tare. lie's hlitho and bright , And wnlks on air , Wlion told , with a icrnphio smllo , ' Vour ttpplicfttion ii on file. " Di\7 nfter dny ho plsJly waits. For pilt-edRed hope's hin guidlng-stor ; Though beggars nt old Ulvos' RAtci Haci bettor chance than he , by fnr. When weeks are past , His joy hM pasted. "When will my fast Uo turned to feast : " Ho nsks. They say , with sweetest smile. "Vour application is on file. " Ho aoou grows weak ; andffraro aad thin , And somowhitt seedy are his clothes ; A bristling board befouls his chin , And blooms the bloesom on his noio. But still ho seeks To know Ins fate ; 1'nlo grow his checks When told to wait ; "For , " says the man with the winning smile "Your application Is on file. " When this administration's dead , And to another ouo gives place ; With heavy heart , bnt lighter head. Will ho Its his fav'rlto phantom clinae. He'll watch and wait , A sivd-oyoJ Hot , Outside the gate , But enter not. Htt'll still bo told , with that sntno smile , "Your application Is on tlio. ' HUNTED BY DANIIES , At the close of a pleasant day a party f sportsmen wore alttiug about the door f n anbstantlal farmhouse , chatting with ur host , a sturdy specimen of manhood , whoso winter of Ufa was frosty , bnt kind- Ono of the patty had started on the lormon question , whoa another , paini ng nt the old mm , slid : "Adams was n ilonoor Mormon , nnd can toll you nil bontlt. Ask him why ho apostatized" So ooonor suggested than acted upon , nd old John , nmlllng good hnmorodly , elated the following : "Ya-as , I have been a saint. I wont o Utah In ' 48 , and tralk't most of the way. Yo see , I was a young fellor then , an' lied a good farm an' a purty wife , who laia't got over being purty jot , tor my way o' thinkln * . My heart was jlat tied up In her , an * I work't airly and ate for us both , and wo was happy an' omt'tablc ' when ouo o' them Mormon mishonors cum along , an' he wui ; | the llckoat talklu' coon ye Ivor hcord , an , ho nit up at my hoas9. Ho didn't have pas icr scrip ; but that wa-ant nothin' ; tear var dum few as cum trompln' along thar n thorn days as did her much of ony- hiu' . I turn 'em In all a-aamo an wo gin tin what wo had. Tills fellor said ho was a saint o' the iord , and ha wanted to preach the gospil n our uarts , kaso thnr'a wlur his mlshnn wag. I didn't have no scruples wal , val , ye'know how women Is about preach- era sliu said lot him stay , an * ho stopped along thnr for nigh on to a month , a- ireachin' an' a-telling about the gloreos > ' /Aon an' the bliaa o' the kingdom , an' ill elch stuil till he got the wlminiu mos' razy , INOW , I wun't s y bnt how 1 wai sort o' taken In'ith the doctrine mysulf ; any ray I was tikou in en' dun for on the klormon question. I was convarlod. Jut I'll say this 'ore , as how my wife done as much torts It a * the miununor. 'ho gi'on right In to the doctiino , an' ho usot to talk to mo about bcin" one o' the Lord's choaon , an' a goin * with Jo seph , an' Hyrum 'an the rest of the saints , right along on the trail to glory. 30 I sold out the farm for each , and Holly an" mo wo moved over into Nau- voo , wnar wo bad to go through the on dowmcnt business , kasa wp wa-an't mar iod fur time and eternity in the world. Gents , you mayn't think It , bnt my ole oman was just too pretty fur onythlng n them days. She'd brown , shiny hair , an' great , big hazel eyes , red cheeks an' a little moutn as was just a liven' kiss , and thar wa-an't nothing that could beat ler on shape , nnther. I just loved that pal , for she wa-an't much more'n a gal then. " The old man looked arountlto BOB if hh "olo 'oman" had heard hls-praiseful rtm- nlsionsoa , bnt that comely diime had dls- appeared , early In the course of the story , and if within hearing , was not in sight , so , after draining a mug of elder , Adams ) rocoedcd : I don't suppoeo that's any use of goin' > vor the Nanvco biznla. No two he's ver tolo It the same. Euy way , Joseph m' Hyrum waa killed at Carthage an' very thin" was In mix till Brlgham Young touk holt , and then things jumped lust to "Winter Quarters" and tnon to Lilt Lake. The story's bin tolt often. Did iver ony wan of ye dtivo an ox team about a thonnant or twelve hundret loB ? My Molly , my purty Molly , got [ > aeket an' the color irint onten her cheoke , an * her eyes war dull , an * her mouth , that sweet little mouth , got drawee ! at the corners , an'sad , an' her liar were sun-tanned an' faded an' she gel so o' careless In her drcts , cummin' o' llvin * in a wagon so long , an' then , ye ace , goats , tto WBF oxpectin' a babby. I ! war hard on Molly. I sort o' think ] cared more for her jlsi then'n I Ivor did. Sometimes she'd cum out an * waltz along side me , bii' she'd talk about the ole farm an * ole times , won wo was a- cenrtln' , an' her v'lco ' 'd git tort o' sad an m'nfnl , an' her eyes 'd look jiat as the she didn't see nuthln' nnr nobody , al wet with big tears , but she wouldn't , cry. An' won we'd atop at nights ahe'dcome an' sit in my arms an' put her head on my shoulder an' cry out so weak an' piti ful : "Oh , John ! ain't wo never goin' to git thar ? " Wal , wen wo war In the Rockies the babby cum , an' I tho't at how 'd bo comfoit to Molly , but It didn't stay long poor little girl 1 an' I burled It in a plu s ant grotn valley war wo left it , as Molly said , to bo taken care of by Him as call the little children to Him. Fiu'ly wo got to Salt Lake , an' I lof Molly thsr to git rested on' wen up no'tbards an1 tuk up some land an' arte four or five montba 1 got things in shape an1 bronght Molly up. An1 it was my ole Molly , with the bright eyes an Isfliu mouth 'at wlnt tiogln' aroan' that al dobeo shanty an' m&do it ham for mo , an a happy wan "Wall , the Jan' give good craps , an' my stock was glttln' rnora an" " more , an' was look't on as a risin1 msn In Israel an thar' waa unly one thing as bothered in but I nlver let on to Molly , fur wouldn't a tolt her for a good bit. Ye see , those darned bishops an * elders kop artar me to go into the celestial marrlag blz'uU and 1 wuddn't do It. They kep a-jaylog as how Molly didn't hov on ) moro children , an * how It was my doot ; to build up the Kingdom , Fln'Jy 1 go mad sn1 tolt 'em that If my blldln up th Kingdom meat tat in' another 'omai they could figgcr ou my doln' might' little of the work. Bat they kept at 1 or three or four years , till I up an1 soz o Brlgham that of I hecrd eny more , bout It I'd jest pull up and lo&vo their clngdom altogether. It _ made the olu nan puriy mad , bnt ho didn't say much ; hat wa-an't hia way ho did things ! an * what ho did tor mo was tor eond mo on R mlshun. There wa-an't no uio klckln' , o I jlst pot ready on' started for my field f labor It don't raako any difference what It was , but I dou't think the Lord pros- orod my work. Thar was moro kicks or ha' pence , an' 1 was thlukln1 a good iht moro o' Molly than mlsh uns. I over heord from her , fuc malls weio keotca In them days , but I wuz allnz binkln' about her , an' wondorln' how she was out thar all alone , an' won my two ears cum to an cud yo bet I started West harp sot. Goin1 ecroat the pUins I jlat kept a roaming to myself how the house look't , n' how Molly was , an1 now s'prlaot iho'd 10 to BOO fig'in , an * a-wond'rin' whether a rnbby wo sort o' s'poctad when I cum way had orrlv. Au'so the time wlnt on ntll wo waa post the Rockies , w'cn wan ay a stranger rid np nn' sort o' look't vor the people ah * gives mo n sort o'long tare ; then ho wlnt oft'atalkln' with the cip'n ho waa a Gon- le ov'rp wancet'n a w'ilo lookin' orts mo. I didn't B'plclon onythlng at nat , but somehow didn't fool easy in my mind about the way the stranger looked t mo , an' I was glad to got shot of him 5ut 1 was clean took back w'on the cap'n uni an' call'd mo out of o ( hoarln * an * ecz 'Wot ' hov you bin a-doin' tj got the Da- nitos after ye ? " "Doln' ? " BOZ I ; "I hain't been doln' nnthln1. " "Look a-hoor , John , " sez ho , "I've uk a fancy ter yo , an' I don't want tor oo yo git hurt , but them devils is arter 'o , an * yo'd hotter make yourself mighty koorco If you don't want a hole in yor kin. I toll yo this train ain't healthy. They've got yo mark't. I didn't ' skeor very much in thorn days > ut won I hoord that the cole sweat brnk out all over mo , far I know of tha\- gang ; ot artor uio I rrai a gonocoon. _ Then I hot o1 Molly , an' I jiut gritted my tooth an' swore I'd BOO her agin onyway , an' iud nut what the row was. 1 lookt mighty koorful to my arma hat night ; 1 hod n good rifle an' two * I hod lust-class Amori- good pistlla an n - - an boss. I wasn't afearod o' Injlus , an' ' . know't most every trail over the moun tains ; so I jiat laid my plans , an' with out aaylii' a word to ony wan , I laid in omo rations , an' that night , won Ivory bin' was dark an' quiet , I lit out torts ho mountains. It was purty sharp work goltiu' out without onybody cnonin' , but I did , an' at sun-up I was miles away , an' clcs't to the Watatch angc , makln' fur a paes I know't that ud bring me out close to my ranch. After i g'ot Into the hills I wont slower , parin' my boas , but hurr'iu nil the same , an' about sundown the third day after eavin * the train I look't down the ken- an' thar was my farm below me. [ To bo Concluded. ] THE FASHION IN FUNERA.LJ3. Short Evening Services , Amid Hlmplo I'jlcgnnce , the Form. Now York World. Custom changes in the disposition of the dead ap in everything else. There la now what is recognized as a fashion for funerals. Public funerals have alwfys constated of pomp , parade and splendor , it is in the funeral of private persons hat society hai laid down rules defining the proper form. There Is no longer any silting up with the corpse. This la an old custom and ii still In vogue in the remote rural districts No end of en gagement have been made or marriages ) rought about by sitting np with the corpsa. 1 ho real snbatanlitl reason for 'watching" is to BOO to the attentions hat the body requires. Bodies novcr uacd to bo put on ice or embalmed n the country. They were laid out on a board in a cold room and cloths dampened with a solution were put on .ho . face to prevent discoloration. The undertaker now take a charge soon after death , and the body Is In his hands until put In the gravo. As a sanitary measure t Is placed In au ( co-box or Is embalmed. Privacy , but elegance withal whore it can b3 afforded , has grown to distinguish fu- lerals In New York. The recent changes In tbo habits have been groat. The an nouncements In the newspapers generally mvo the add ! ion : 'Tho funeral will bo jnvate , " "Friends are Invitid , " or , "Please send no flowers.1' Despite thtsa seeming efforts at simplicityfiinerala have ) ocomo fearfully expensive tliinca. Fra- qnently private fnnerals coat $800 and Sl.OOO. The bill for a fashionable fu neral with the burial in Woodlawn figures up as follows : Casket $350 Undertaker's at- Haodloa 50 tendance . . . .5 60 ? late 40 ; Flowers 100 Jutaldo box. . . 7f > Krur porters $4 [ oarao 12 each 10 [ lobe Vfi Four coaches , § 10 [ co-box 15 each -10 w. i'u 10 Car to Woodlnnn 2u Quartet fiO ) Total § ! )08 The charged for tbo bnrial place In Woodlawn are not included in thla table. If In addition to the porter * there -wore pall-bearers , there would ba § 3 par pair for gloves and $7 GO each for ecatfa for eight of them. If the body la embalmed tha charge IB g2u. The office of the pall-bearers la seldom filled In private tunorala. Porter * carry the coflin. There la a charge for chairs when used. The fashionable hour for the fnnoral eorvics la 8 o'clock In the evening. The body renosoa In a casket on a catafalque lu the parlor , generally against the wall on ono uido of the room , Tno blinds are closed and the shades arn tightly drawn. The gas is only partially turrud on and the globei are often draped to soften the light , Flowers reat OB the foot of tha c kot and a broken column , an anchor , or some other floral device stands at the head. The family and friends ait in the room , The minis ter roads the simple aorvioo of the dead and at the onnclueion often prayer with out passing a eulogy. Tno quartet , in the intervals und ut the termination of the service , alng from the landlngjabovo in the hall. The friends , when all is over , take a last look at the face and de part. Onl ; an hour is occupied. In the mornlrg the family alone go to the grave with the body. An evening aervica in the parlor of t ptivato residence la weird and am strangely Improulva. There are funeral. ) where every reasonable provision U madi that cost only $20. In snob a case the coflin is a white wood stained in Imitation of walnut. Metallic cofllaa are little em ployed. A wooden casket is used , covered erod with black broadcloth nd irlmmet with black Bilk velvet Barlala In Now York City are not permitted unless th casket ia enclosed in a zinc box hermeti cally sealed , Tola ii for a eanitnrj reason , Every chaic'i hai a sexton. The en , written law of the church la that the members ahall call in the sexton to can. luct funerals in their fainlH'B. The ixtou does not , as n rule , have an esUb * ishmcnt of his own. Ho procures h's applies from A wholesale ctUb'hHnout a undertakers'gcodi , His conduct uf a unornl ia , in fc , only lu nomei Tlicro ate tome ( oxtons who are engaged In the general uodcr'aklng butincsi , Many iwnors of Hrery ( tables are undertakers Svory livery stable Is required to have n hcsrao to lot among its other vehicles , ud that hai led to the proprietors of the tables taking up undertaking. Great difficulty ( a often encountered in nduclng the mas tots of tpmo ships to take > odlea on board. This is on account of ho superstition of the sailors , who would desert If they know of tbo > roaonco of a body In the ship. A body hat was to go to the West Indies was hipped lu a piano box n short tlmo ago. ? ho aailora did not know of the Impost' Ion practiced on them , and sing "Heave , 10 ! " aa cheerily when moving the box as f handling a hogshead of molasses. A body that came from Jamaica wai con. coaled In rv barrel of rum. The rnm iCted as a presort atlvo , and the body was n n perfect state of preservation when it irrlvcd hero. The sailors would not have ouchcd the barrel If they had know n what it cDnUinoJ. As it wnj , thry towed it In the hold with the other ) rrels unconscious of its true contents. Probably the largest corpse any under- akor in Now York over handled was that of a man who died in Hudson street. Ho volghod GOO pounds. Ho had to bo measured for a coffin , which was made of chestnut and covered with black cloth. It was six feet long , twenty inches deep and hlrty-tlx inches wldo. "W. A. Senior , who burled Harry Mon- ague , the actor ( whoio real name was Uann ) , and Mayor Havomoyor , and rhoso father before him burled Henry Clay , Zacbary Taylor , nnd John' Qnlucy Adams , Bald : "Word has been aont to our establish- nont several times to take charge of the jodlea of poreons who were not doad. It s a grim sort of juke for n man to go to ils door in answer to the bell and find hero an undertaker who has como to imbalni him cr put him on ico. It may ) o sport for the joker , but , as thohumor- st snys , It is too grave a subject. A lino- coking , well-crossed man came Into our oems ono evening and said : 'Father taa just died , and I want you to go np to ho houao and take charge of tha tody. ' Ho named a number en ? ifth avonno and then inquired low much tbo death notice would coat n the newspaper ; . I told him. Ho aid : "I only put $5 In my packet when came out. I did not know it would ust mo so much. Won't you lot mo lave $5 ? I will ba up at the honao na opn as you are. ' Lof course said cor- ainly. " Mr. Senior wont on with a mile , "and ho left. There was no such number on Fifth avenue , and the death lotico was not printed in the newspapers or I bad just enough cariosity to look and seo. Undertakers use no prevention to avoid contracting disease. They prefer to handle bodies after eating though. In cajeo of infectious diseases as an ordin- iry psecaotloD , persona who have had the nfection are generally engaged to take care of the bodies. There are deaths imong the nndertakers now and then rom Inoculation. Ono had hia hand in- iculatcd not long ago and died. Ampli ation has sometimes lu caies of Inocula- lon been restored to save life. Ho'd GolKollgion. Old liardula kept a country etoro And made hia money by A mixing baaua with coffoa nnd Some other tricks as sly. One night he got religion and Commenced to sing and shout And BO disturb the meeting that They hod to put him out. Next mo'ning at the table ho , With long and pious face , Vrayed that hla sinning family Might fallow him to grace. Then , with a wink , young Bardols , Wno , as confidential clerk , Ground up the beana with coffee and Did all the dirty work , Said , ' -Fadder , will I mix do boana Now in der coffee ; for You said ter grind a peck npeice Ivach inornlu' for de store ? " The old man gazed astonished at The little sinner meek , "Whv not , ray son ? " ha stammered Just aa eoou ua ho could upoak. ' "Cause , dad , you'a got religion now. " "IJ.Gosh ! I hev and moans To prove , boy ! l.irn ) the expense Take out a quart of beans 1" [ H. C. Dodge. SI\GULiaUlTIE3. A goose egg weighing ten ounces Is on ex- nbitinn ut Vullojo , Cat , In Helena , Mont. , there It n calf only ten inontha old that weighs ! )50 ) pounds , A living snake is on exhibition at Virginia Jity , Hev. The reptile IB four feet long and las two wlnga attached to ita body about four nchej back of tha head , yAbrah&in , laaac , and Jacob Kiln , triplets , are in vigorous health at 7at Kichmoml I'a. Their mother , who died recently at the age of ! , left 0 children besides the triplet * , 82 grandchildren. 12) great-grandchildren , 28 ; reat-great-gr ndchildron , and two great- ' ; roat-great-grandchildreu. An egg within an egg is Biid to have been aid by a Dorklug hun at Owensboro , Ky . .ha other day. The curiosity was of unusual nee and when brokou and tha whltu and yolk poured out , a smaller og , with perfect shell , was found Inside. An animal , said to bo a bay lynx , waa shot near Nowberg , N. Y , , a few days ago. It weighed sixteen pounds and measured four feet two inches in length. As such animal * are a great rarity In that section , it is nup- > osod that the bard winter drove It from ita air m the mountains. A curious discovery wan made recently when a lightning-rod which hid been In place iftcen years imbedded in soft clay was re moved. There w.-w found attached to it a solid lump of iron ere weighing ninety-six pounds , supposed to have been produced by , ho convention of the clay by the action of electricity. RKhlGIOUd. Passover of Pesach , opens this year on tbo evoof thu 31st Inat. Cardinal MuOlosky waj 75 yean old la 1'riday. The famous Rev. I. H , Kalloch hai left San Franolsco to settle permanently in Washing ton territory. Kx-Postmaitor James has Bub'cribec ] ? > ,0K ( toward the payment of the debt on St. Leo'a 1 toman Catholic ) chuich. | | fhe oldest Dutih reformed church in existence - istenco U ealdto bo in London , rear the of Kn Und. It was built In 1213 \ > j the Kar ! of Hereford , and Kesex and is of Htonf ] x > lntod Gothiu architecture. The young ladies of Vassar college have changed their society of Religious Inquiry , which was established in 1805 to a Yoniif Woman's Christian association. In the United States there are 000 organ ized Umveraaliit churches and gacletHB ant ( ICO Sunday echools ; tlioy have 7CU churcl ediCcca aud about 7UO inlnliters. About 40 , 000 families are members of the denomination and their church property in valued at $7 , 0 0,000. The doctrines were fir t preached by John Murray lu 1770 , and tha tirst churh \vas organized ationntpr ( ) , Mais. , In 1771) ) Seal of North ( . uollua ToV acoj is th bojt , Are now offorinp- AT FACTORY PEICES. Fixe greatest bargains ever seen in Omaha 200 ORGANS ! ! 100 PIANOS ! FOR GASH OR ON INSTALLMENTS Also great reductions in Diamonds , Jew elrv. Clocks and Silverware. pjnon B * PWI 'MHf'UI'M'Br H."li"l ° ir OfHf \ MAX MEYER & GO. Tlie only importers of Havana Cio-ars , and Meeiiscliaum Goods in Omaha. Wholesale dealers in Guns , Ammunition , Sporting Goods , Notions and Smokers' Ar ticles. Srnokors who ro tiling to jmT "Hitlo mute RICHMOND for ClL-atcttts than tlio price clnrEfil ( or the crillnnry trail * Cigar- .ttc . iii nmi the RICHMOND STRAIGHT CUT NO. t ; SUPERIOR to Ml othors. Tlioy are mnilo from the ntlghtogt , molt delicately ( l orodttnJ hlphcst cost fold luol Riown In Vlrclula , ami Are aluoluttlyMrilovr AniLT- kATios orilrujs. Wourotlio Conulno French Rico Pnpor ol our own direct Importation , which Is nude especially ( or uj.wAtcr uiarkoii with tno nauio of tbo DianJ , Richmond Stralcht Cut No. I. CUT n each Cigarette , without which n nonrc itenulno. Imitations of tills brand hn\o boon | i\itone lo ndrigarottosuiokcra arc inutloiioa thct tlilalu ( ho old nnd orlRlnal brand , Mvl to observe tnatcacli , ick go or LovoJ Richmond Straight Cut Cigarettes bears tin tlgiutnro of & , filaniifactuiers , Ricliinoiul , Virginia. Who have trilled away tliclr youthful vigor ami power- Who iiresiifforlnglroiutorriblo drains and losses , who u ro weak , IWIPOTEN T , " 'id " "lit f or mar riage. Bfl TIG of ullages , who llnil their EU | fr > m power mid vital itv , III B-1 8 c vv o irtui HJOX- V Alt STJtKXGTII wcakcncfl , whether by EXCESS or early habits CAN ivoivo a positive & last- ins COSEj O matter of how Jong stantllii } ; your case may bo , or who lias failud to euro you , hy a few weeks or months uee of the celebra ted tVJyrtlcain Treatment. Athoiiif , Asitliriiit exposure , in luss time , and for LESS money than any other method in the world. Weak back , Hcadaeho. EMISSIONS , lassitude , loss Of pirits and ambition . _ , . gloomy thoughts , dieadful drealns , defective memory , mpotenco , impediments to marrin , epilepsy nnd many other pymptoma u a d i n & to Consumption d Insanity , are promptly removed by he MYKTIVEAIN TItEAT'ilENT. MARRIED MEN , AND MEN ABOUT TO MARRY , REMEMBER , PERFECT SEXUAL STRENGTH MEANS ; healthy and vigorous offspring , eng life and the love and respect of a faithful wife. No man should ever marry vho have been guilty of early indcscretlons , until lie has bern restored to 1'ER- ? ECT MANHOOD. We guarantee n permanent cure in every ease undertaken. Send 2 stamps for treatise with proofs and testimonials. Address The Climax Medical Co , Sf. Louis , Mo. DUFFY Pure ancl Unadulterated. Entirely Tree from PUSIL OIL , % I'ositivo buro CurcTfor ninlarlh % I'roHtrallon , Itr < ' - " ' % and all Wanting . * , Invaluable as % Uiurrliixn , FOR CHOLERA. * Wo nri ) the i only concern In the United States who nro bottling nnil KelllnR to tbo Jlcdlcnl * * < ProfcBslon nn d Drug Trade an absolutely 1'nro Blult AVIilHltcy. ono that Is free from , FIJSIIj I , and that Is not only found on the sideboards ol the best families In thu * * % country , but also In the physician's dispensing ; room. * J * DR ARENDTf the areiit Ctermtm.ChcinlatBa.js : "Ihavainndaananal\iiils \ * t f * o > / " Vour I'lllli : MAT/f n'JUHKlir , m/tllh onre n ucrjgriitlftjlini result. Your , * , > jlfrtit ll'ilnlcobtakicd iio rjby cxttaet of malt eoiiviislon am' ft fri-y fart-fill * > f * fermentation anil distillation. In ontlfely free from fusil oil andani/ofthoiiat\ I aimI/rtr/w obnoxious alcohols ivlilcli are go often Joiintl in ii'lilski \ , T tliercfore , * ! RECOMMEND IT TO THE MEDICAL PROFESSION. * , . rut. VOV VOMiK : , writess-'Turlty Itself Iull ) > ' Slatt WhlaUey , Is tlio purest Iliiior that I have ever analyze' ) , Imuat tliviifuni uiuiualulcdly riicoimnena It lo tlio medical pruf"S.-lon. " ThBlAlollAltVr.V 1 HVItl ) , M.l > . , Prcslilcnt of tlio Faculty. And J'rofessor r tnolIaUltnoioMcd i lonlCollcKt > iBn > s "Illnil It rpinarkahly frni troin TuHll oil and other objei'tionnlile nmt rlius so often founil In tlio uhUklpa ot the present day. JAUTH'J. O'llKA. M. ! > . . of htaten Islind , tlio nutlior of kovernl works on Ins inlty , wrll H : "when I prescribe an ulooliollo Ktlniulunt , I ordiryoin- - moils JlullVlil Ucy. I know U to lia wholesome , clean and unudulteratitl. " FltlMI. II. SAWIIIIS , M.IofHoclic5tTN.V. a graduate of thn UaillnK Kiiroiicanrolli KOH. luysi "I prewrllio j our aiult XVIiUkvy Ininy pructfcu liere , conulder It a very nujH rlor rellultlo nitlclo nnd can heuillly n-coinmrnd It In low plates uf fuviTH , acilUt lull inimallons , nnd dutt | < ln | { nialadle Kinmilly , mid also an a tonla In fietlo dlK ftlun nnd ftmvnl < i u'lieo fnln acute dlmiutis , whem nn olfnhollc itlmiilmt U Indliatcd , und tepfclally In I'lillilils I'uluioiutlls. " IN FACT , IT IS A BEVERAGE AND MEDICINE COMBINED , mn nfiMOITRfTOTlTTTirG nnd tbo n allllcttxl with IIIiniOIEKIIAK g ill bUW 3UlVifiT Al VHUj AVU AVIM. on nctlpt of SIX DOM.,1 * * senU to any aclclroBH In tlio IJnlteiT State * ( IJist of the Kooky Mountains ) , nil Ivx- < * * iirnMM Cliitriri'H prepaid it plain cimo ( thus a\nldlnc all opportunity for comment ) , < V containing MX Uuart I.OUICH of our IMJUKniA rwiftsKIjy nnd with It In < ' * writing , niid under tbu Seal of the Company a SIIKU nud I'OSI'I'I VIC O1JJCK for ' " OONSDiril'TION and other AVASTINfJ . JUSUASIiS . . in tliulr curly htiificn. Thla < * * Formula lias been prepared espei-Inlly for usby thocreatdcrinan Scientist , Jr. I'on Yonder < * * Hcnn btrprennred by aiiv fainllv lioiiKnVi-i-iier at sllcbt cxponso ( Ilaw Ileefstcak and ciur < of thu Alter this preparation has boon taken for a fmv wui kit , the previously conspicuously prom > > -lnen"t boiies Inim'tieiitK HulTurlnir from Consumption and thu JfkoillHeascs , get"covenxf wltli u < ' or fat and inuscle , the Biinken nnd bloodless checks fill up nnd nssiiiiio a rosy hue , < , - „ IH biippllwl with moro ' * carbon than the dlsoaso can exlmust , thereby giving natuio tbo upper hand in the conlllcl. < X SOLD BY LEADING DRUGGISTS AMD FINE QBOCERY HOUSES. - . * * Baniplo Otmrt llottlts bent loniiy address In tlu > United SUites ( Kast of tha HockyMouu- * * tains ) , necurely packed In plain case , Jlxjiresa chargespnjiuid on receipt of J&ZL.S30. S THE DUFFY MALT WHISKEY CO , , BALTIMORE , MD , , U. S. A , EUEMPIHG & BOLTE , -UANnrAOTTJRERa Of- window 0 pi , lion Oitellngi , UeUIIIo Bky.llghll , So Tla Iiu' .r tl annlk 1 k l't..t Om.h. Xl.V > . GERMAN D. WYATT. Lumber Merchant Quinines and 20th Sto. Omaha. Neb. . ( SDOOKaSURITO FOSTER' & QUAY ) . 9 LIME AND CEMENT.