6 THE DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS SATURDAY MARCH 28 , 1885 THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS. iSatnrday Mornipg | March. 28 suuaoRirrioN RATES. . . . . . . . JO oenta r * "wk - IIO.OOPM yew MINOB MENTION , Ladies' "dude" collars at Bliss' . See J. Roller's now spring goods. The schools now close for a week's va cation. Latest and finest novelties in ladies' handkerchiefs and collars nt Bliss' . The case o Wm. Jefloris , for shooting young Wheeler , comes up In the superior court to-day. Permit to marry was yesterday granted to A. Miller and Lizzie Winiko , both of Mlndon township. All walnut , Italian matblo bed room unites $30 , former price § 75. A fact. Call and see A. J. Mandell , 325 Broad- way. way.This This is my lost week. Govern your self accordingly. Call at once nnd secttro goods cheap whllo you cm. II. E. SEA- MAN. MAN.Tho water plpo at the city building has busted , causing some trouble and annoy ance to the prisoners , some of whom drink water. The marshal and jailors got along well. Portable racks are to bn made for the UBO of the county recorder , so that the books being kept in thoao , can bo the more cully removed to some place of safety in oaao of fire. The county board will not probably Iiavo to send any missionaries east to peddle the county bonds out of a grip sack. The indications are that the bonds will bring a good premium. Andrew Hill now seeks to bo freed from his matrimonial alliance with Anna Bill , to whom ho was married in lion- month , 111. Ho claims that oho woe ionder of other men than of him. The Herald man is hot becaiuo THE h BEE nun did not take tltno to read his ' . ; abortive sensational articles. THE BEE man is too busy gathering news , and de sires to bo excused from perusing such articles. A young man was walking along Broad- Tray last evening when his revolver fell out of his pocket , struck the sidewalk and wont off , the bullet striking the sav ings bank bullding'just below the win dow. dow.Mr. Mr. Filbrook , of the Iowa and Nebras- kn Insurance company , is hero to settle tip a loss , ono of Bon Marks' barns hav ing bnrned the other day. Some ono ' started a nro and the gross burned up to the barn , causing that to go too. * The temperance talks of Mr. George Woodford are interesting many and have even stirred np the democratic evening supplement of the republican grand mother. Mr. Woodford's power must be acknowledged when ho can bring the dead to life. The mayor says that ho does not take much stock in the report that the gam blers are to open up to-night. Ho saye that if they open without the consent ol the conncllhe will put on enough police to arrest every ono of the keepers and all that are playing. In the United States court yesterday the case of James Davis vs. the Chicago " & Northwestern Railway company wae on trial. The plaintiff is the boy who got his logs cut off by the cars at the Northwestern depot in the city. The company claim that as ho was not a paa. acngor and had no business playing around the cars , ho should not rccovei damages. An old man who had hia foot so frozen aa to necessitate amputation of part , ha : been staying at the city jail hero for twc months or moro , thcro being no hospital in which to ciro for him. Ho has nol recovered so far as to bo able to move on , and yesterday ho loft for Creston , The need of a city hospital grows more apparent every day. The city hai no fit place for eating for such persons. Yesterday County Auditor Klrklaml received moro samples of bonds from Omaha , sent by a house who wanted tc do tlio printing of the bonds for the new court house and jiil. Among the samples sent was ono of Council Bluffs' cltj bonds , which , it saomed , were printed In Omaha , notwithstanding the way In which some of the city oQiclaU pratend tc turn up tholr noses at everything thai pottalns in any way to the city at the other end of the big bridge. "What Is Unman Is Immortal. " Splr itual circle to-morrow ( Sunday ) aftcrnooi : and evening , in spiritual hall at 2 anc 7:30 : o'clock. Entrance on Main and Pearl streets , via stairs two doors south of the postoiUco. After the evening clr ole Dr. Jeffen * will speak for fifteen mln utes on the "Oanso and Onto of Povertj and Grime. " Mayor Yanghan has been qulto ill foi several d ys put , but has managed to ell np In bed and sign city bonds and cou pons. Yesterday ho rode out and deliv ered the bonds to Oily Auditor Burke , who will now sign their. The mayor ex. posts to start in a day or two for Ala bama , to visit his brother , who lives near Selina , aad from thera proceed to New Orleans to take In the exposition. Ho hopes ti get recreation and health by the trip. \Vi lisia Brim and F. 0. Gmtonberg did their bcs1. to furnish some item fcr the papers , but neither succeeded very \re 1 First Gentonberg hadBrix ) arrested for is nailing him , bat tbo charge wai I i withdrawn , and they made up over a glass of beer , when Gerstcnberg picked which Brlx had up a silver half dollar aid on Iho b r. Brlx then had him ar- cstod for larceny , end Jait evening a ury was being summoned to try the case as Goratenbcrg said ho picked tha money up just in a joko. John Watson , who has lived hero for . -oars , died at his homo Thursday night after an illness of about ton days , The remains were taken to PlaUsmouth , Nob. , yesterday for burial. Mr. Watson some time ago , whllo unloading lumber rora a car , met with an accident , by which ho lost ono foot. Slnco then ho las sued the company , and the casa has iad two trials , resulting in his favor In ho lower courts but against him In the upper court. These cases have attracted considerable attention. It is said that lis last illness was not caused , however , jy the Injury , but from catching cold , which settled on his lungs. Dr. S. Moshlor , of the Slonx City Dhronio Disease Institute , will bo at the Scott bouso In this city , Thursday , April 2d. Will attend to pottonts and all who are eflllctod will do well to give him a call. Consultation free. A FIRE FIEND. He Not 'Only Fires. Buildings Bnt Fires a Rifle , Sliot by a Constable llo nt Last Surrenders. & The neighborhood about six miles from Walnut has been thrown into great ex citement by the acts of a man named Neville , who seems to Iiavo become nl- moit insane over the real or imaginary wrongs to which ho and his family have boon subjected by the law. It appears that the Novlllo family consist of the old gentleman and wife , and a eon , the young man , who has sa suddenly sprung into public notoriety. The older Neville has had numerous law suits and they have resulted rather disastrously to him finan cially. The old man has been very bit ter , and the young man is thought to have imbibed much of the same spirit. Some tlmo ago ono of the residents of that township , Donald Stewart , a well known and highly respected citizen , bought at sheriff's sale eighty acres oi land which had belonged to Novlllo. Neville claimed that the foreclosure , sale purchase , etc. , was fraudulent In its nature , and ho was very bitter about the affair. It Is said he and his son made many threats. Mr. Stewart In the mean time put up a house and a barn on the place. Thursday afternoon young Neville , armed with a Spencer rifle , wont to the place and aet fire to the house and to the barn , and there stood with his rifle threatening to shoot anyone who attempted - tempted to put out the fire. Ho firec the rlflo several times but die not hit anyone , but so frlghtenec the bystanders that they did not dare to interfere. An excited crowd collected , and after the buildings were nearly burned to the ground , an attempt was made to capture him , but ho took refuge In the upper part of his father's house , and there fired on any ono attempting tc approach the building. Ho fired aboul thirty shots In all , but did not hit any one. In the meantime OonatabloSankey and a posse occasionally fired back , nnti the upper part of the building was pretty well filled with lead. About the time that Neville's ammunition was exhausted a bullet struck him in the call of the leg , and ho then surrendered. Yes terday ho was brought to this city and lodged In jail. It Is claimed that the burning of the buildings was in accord ance with an oft-ropeated throat that Stewart would never bo allowed to occupy the land , which ho had acquired by the sheriffs sale , and having fired the buildings ho did not propose being taken alive. The affair seems the culmination of wrath which had boon nursed in the family for years. Spring goods for suitings at Nora no & Landatrom's , 505 Main street. Inspec tion invited. Prices and quality equa' to any in the city. A MIXED CASE , A Voting Attorney Gets Into Trouble Over a Bogus Deed , Ono of Council BlaiTs young attonieyo , Mr Tate , has found himaolf involved in a tangled web , and were It not fcr the fact that ho la a yonng man who has llvod in thla city and county for years , and has had an excellent character , the circumstances surrounding his case wonli prove a sad blow to his reputation. Ac cording to hia statement a stranger came to his oflico and wanted him to make out two deeds and a chattel mortgage , aaying ho would call for them. The papers made oat ready for signature , nnd the man called nnd got them. In a day or two ho came in again and left ono of the papers asking the attorney to gel it recorded , and giving him the money to record it , saying he waa goiiif , over to Omaha , and did not have time tc got it recorded. The attorney took the Instrument to the recorder's oQica anc left it there for record. It hna since turned out that the signatures to the in strument were forged , and the affair was being investigated by Justice Schnrz yea- tordajr , who concluded to turn the whole business over to the district court for a fuller Investigation , It Is n matter of re- gcot that Mr , Tate should got involved in any such entanglement , but as ho pro- teats his innocence , and tbo details are decidedly mixed , it will hardly count against him before ho has been given a chance to folly establish his innocence by proof Ho claimed in court yesterday that offers hid been made him to settle the affair for $250 , but that ho refused to settle it. THE OOTJNTY BOATTO , Ileturn of the KxouraloiilHts nd n VlHlt to Omaha. The oanty board of supervisors to. gether with the county auditor returned Thureday night from ( heir trip to Mary , ville , Mo. , and St. Jce , where they In- jpectod the rotary jails , which are built after the same plait aa that adopted by ibis county. They cams back well satis fied , aud ycitnday they met ia morning csslon , nnd decided to go right with the work of building a like jail icre. They authorized the attorney nnd andltor to ndrottiso for bids for ho construction of the now jfill , lating that fnl ! plans and epeci- icitlons wonld bo on exhibition t the auditor's cfllco on and after April 3 , and that bida wonld bo tocoivod up to noon of April 0 , each bidder to ncsom- pnny his bid by a $500 certificates chock aa n guarantee. The board also instructed the attorney , nd auditor to prepare circulars calling attention of moneyed mon to the fact -hat $30,000 of court hoaio bonds nnd $30,000 of jnil bonds would bo Issued at once and olfercd for ealo. In the afternoon the county bcnrd went over to Omaha to inspect court lonso and jail there , and get such "point ers" as might serve them in the orcctlon of the proposed buildings here. PKUSONAIj. William MftttB leaves to-day for Slonx City. . A telegram from Oakland announces the illness of Mrs , Belle , sister of K. Iluntington of this city. James Mathowson , the street lighter , ha received the sad news of the death of hi wife's mother , Mrs. W. 13 , Newton , of Oak land , Mrs. Lizzie llarlo , wife of T. W. llarle , n prominent attorney of St , .Too han been visit ing her father , Auditor Burke , of this city fo three weeks past , and returned to her homo yesterday. The Council Binds [ Paint Munnfactnr ing company will bo soliciting orders ID a few days. Walt for them. COMMKUOIAI/ , COUNCIL nwrra iunKrr. Wheat No. 1 milling , 65 ; No. 2 , CO No. 8 , 60. Corn Now , 28c. Oats For local purposes , 23c. Hay 35 00@6 CO per ton ; baled , 60@60. Rye S5o. Corn Meal 1 SO per 100 pounds , Wood Good supply ; prices at yards , 6 OOQ 6 CO. CO.Goal Goal Delivered , hard , 9 CO per ton ; 10 ! 4 0 per ton Lard Fftlrbank's , wholesaling at OJc , Flour City flonr , 150@2 90 , Brooms 2 95@3 00 per doz , LIVH STOCK. Cattle Butcher cows S 253 75 , Entchor steers , 3 7GQJ4 00. Bhoep 2 C0@3 00 , Hoga-4 00@4 25. rnoDDOH AND rnurra. Poultry Live chickens , per doz. SCO ; liv turkeys , IBc. Bnttor Creamery , 25@2So ; choice country 1618o. Eggs 12J P ° * dozen. vegetabloa Potatoes , 45f50o per bushel onions , 75o per bu ; apples , choice cooking o eating , 3 CO ; beans , 1 00@1 CO per busho Cider 32 gallon bbl. , $6.50. Oranges Florida , 4 00 per box ; California 50 per bov. Lemons 4 C0@5 00 ner box Railway Time Table Corrected to January 7,1885. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Tbo following ro the times ol the arrival and do nurture ol trains by central standard time , at th local depots. Trains leave transfer depot Ion mln ates earlier and arrive ten minutes later. OfflOiOO , BUBUHSrOH AHD QOISCT. LUVI. AKUVX. : ! 5 p m Chicago Express 8:00 : a m 8tO : a m Fast Mall. 7:00 : p w HlSO p m Accommodation. SlOO p m At local depot only. KAKSia oirr , ST. JOB AMD OOUHOIL ELUTTS. 10:05 : a m Hall and Express , 6:25 : p m 8:16 : p m Pacific Express , 0:65 : p m CraOiOO , KILWiOKIl AHD 8T. FAUI. 5:25 : p m Express , 8:05 : a m 6:29 : a m Express , 8:65 : p m OmOASO , BOOK IStAND JJfO PAOinO. iS : p m Atlantic Express , 0:05 : a m 9S6 : a m Day Express 8:61 : p m 7l0 a m * Des Holnes Accommodation , 8:16 : p m At local depot only. ABASH , ST. LOUIS AMD PACIFIC. 5:10 : p m Aooommodaton 9:00 : a m 1:80 : p m Iiouls Express 2:15 : p m At Transfer only cmoiooand HouTmrumur , 6:50 : p m Express , 8:50 : p m BiUam Fadflo Express BiOSam I70UI OTTT AMD FAOITIO , filO p D fit. Paul Kxproee , Q:00 : a m f 110 a m Day Express 7:00 : p m DIIJON FAcmo. 8:00 : p in Western Express , 8:50 : a m 11:00 : a m Paelflo Express , < :10 : p m 11110 a m Lincoln Express , 1:15 : p m At Transfer only DUMMY TIUI.S3 TO OllilU. tioave Council Bluffs 7:16 : 8:20 : 8:80 : 10:30 : 11:10 : a. m. 1:30 : 2:30-8:80 : : 1:28 : 6:25 : 8:25 11:45 : p.m. Leave Omaha 8:10 : 7:6C : btO : ioC : 11:15 a. m. 12:50-2:00 : : 3:00 : 1:00 : 1:55 : 5:6 : 11:10 : D. ra.1 JTACOJB ISIIUS , Attorney - at-Law , COTOCII , BLUF1S , IOWA. Office , Main Street , Rooms 7 and 8 , Shugart and L'eud block. Will practice In Sluto and Into courts. K. 80HURZ. orncnc OVER AMERICA * EXPBMS "OTTOP.TL B For Rent The building known as tho"Ska'ln | ? Rink" cornc Cth A\cnuoandl'carl street , u.111 bo rented , alto Aether or separately. Occur aitcy , April let. Fo further particulars call on onJOHN nfiRKSIIEIM , President Council lilufla Savings Bank MANDEMAKEHS & VAN , ARCHITECTS , CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS No , 201 Upper Broadway , Council Bluffs Dv , W. H. Shorradon DENTIST , Masonic Temple , Council Bind Iowa. T1MKEN BERING EASIEST Uldes as easy p " VvItlionepcr ton as two. V XjnB spring ! lengthen and shorten according totha weight the earrjf. Equally well adapted to rough country road end Imc drives of cities. Manufactured and sold b all leading Carriage Builders and Dealers. St , Charles Hotel , 0 ST11KET , BET 7th and 8tb , . . LINCOLN , NEB Mrs. Kato Coakly , Proprlotoreu. wly and elegantly furnished. Good sample rooms on Drut floor. tJTTerms(1.60 to K per day. Special ratal glreo memberii of the legislature. novlo-1 m-rae H. S. ATWOOD , Plnttamoutb , - - Nearauka iiiiDia or motooiHiiso IIB IUH IIEREFORO m JERSEYGiTTLF NEW GOODS r- NEW GOODS. Capets and Dry Goods ATBROTHERS. . Axminster Moquette , Body Brussels , Tapestry Brussels , Ingrain Carpets , Etc. Office Mattinpa Soecialty. Smyrnia Rugs , Mats , Oil Cloths , Etc , Our stock of Lace Curtains is unusually larcre and of excellent variety. Turcoman and Madras curtains in many new and beautiful designs Choicest Silksin black and the new colors. Our lineot Dress Goods comprises all the new desiens for the season , and the variety of our White Goods is nowhere excelled. New and beautiful Laces invite attention , and our line of ladies' and childrens' Hose is larger and finer than ever f COCKE & RGAN 347 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , GOODS. First Gtand Sale of Spring Dress Goods Still Continues. 50 pieces Cashmere 12Jc worth 18c. 20 " DoBogo Ifio " 22c. 20 " Ottoman cord 20c " 25c. 15 " Novelty suitings 25c worth 40c. 10 " Wool broche 40 c worth COc. 15 " Coventry sultings all wool desirable colors 40 inches wide 50c worth 7Gc. Armuroe , tricotines , block nnd colored cash- raoroa at prices lower than over before offered. 20 pieces French cotton salines beautiful de signs at21c. French and Scotch zephyrs , seersuckers , chovlots , in desirable styles , Lawns and per cales 5c to 12 0. Cable cloths with embroideries to match. Skirts. Skirts with nine tucks , soft muslin. 50c worth COc. Skirts with nine tucks and two ruffles , C5c worth DOc. Nicely trimmed Skirts with tucks and ruf fles , SI worth $1 25. Skirts with tucks nnd trimmed with cm- broidery , § 113 werth SI 40 , Skirta trimmed with 8-inch embroidery , 15 tucks , heavy muslin , $1 50 worth 82. Our $2 , $2 25 and $2 75 Skirts are equally as good value us the cheaper ones quoted abovo. Those garments are all made with turned We are Offering Domestics at New York Prices. Special bargain iu black silkarNo. 1 , black silk ab 65c wortli J)0c ) ; No 2 , blacksilk at 85c worth $1 ; No. 3 , black silk at $1 worth 81.3 No. 4 , black Bilks at § 1.25 worth $ M 5. We are offering the best value at 81.50 ever given in this city. No. 0 , vary heavy soit finish ilk at 8 1.85 wortli $2.25. We guarantee these silks NOT TO CUT. Cocke RETAIL DRYG 347 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. NEW WHITE GRAPE Copy of a part or a photograph of a NIAGARA vine , planted 1878 , as It appeared Fall of 188O with OS clusters weighing 26 Ibs. on 48 In. bearing wood let. The Niagara ripens in favorable seasons at Lockport , Atijr. 20th , 2 ( ) . It never drops from tha stem if left to hang till frost comes , and improves in flavor all the time , Sil , Ic is purely native , and therefore hardy , lias stood 35 degrees below zero without injury. Hh.-vBears a good crop the 3d year and often the icJ ! , and is a regular bearer , and no waste , us bunches are compact Never fails to ripen its crop na tbo thick leathery foliage holds even to the baio of the canes until frost kills , it , nth. Vineyards are in bearing in various sections from Georgia to the Northern Ltkex and Canada , and from Kaneas to the Atlantic coast , there being more than 1,000 acres planted Ithin tha last five yrara , anil over 200 acres wera planted t Brocton , Cliautauriim Co , , N. Y. last spring , (1884) ( ) ; Jonas Martin alone having 47 acres ; the largest vineyard of Niagaras , being planted t Highland , Ulster Co , N. Y. , by Sam'l Hcgcra , Kaq , , which contains SOncrei of this one variety , and ho hai realized from 20 to 30 cents per pound for his fruit , while Con cords grown In tbo same locality brought from ! to G cents only , C. All parties planting vineyards ha\e signed a contract to return all the wood and cut ting every year back to tha Company up to , and including 1833 : BO it has bsen the sole owner of all the stocB , and no one but the Company and its ftuthoriied agents can sell and deliver genuine Niagara viuea. So all pcrfoQs ehuuld examine agent's certificate of authority , and see that it has the corporate teal of the Company attached , and e\ery vine that it ban n lead seal attached , bearing theiinrjrcsiion ol the Company's registered trade mark. 7th , We now olfer for the first time , strong U year old vines at retail at ? 2,00 each with out restrictions , to bs delivered en and after March 1st , 1885 , WELLS COOK , Council Bluffs , Bowa. Hailng accepted appolntrrent ai special agint ( or the NIAOAItI WJIITK SAFECO. lor Iowa aodNe- brasla.Iam naw f rured to promptly dellm "iNlAfJAHA" lues under tbo JtccUitercd Trade Mark Seal .fth.comp.ujr. lrsU ! Hilton , H o , . PHYSICIAN & SUBGEOfl , Beams and lock stitch sowing. They are al most 08 CHEAP A3 TUB ilATEHIAL ALONE CAN DE BOCGUT FOR. White Goods. Our White Goods and Linen department has grown so largo that wo have been obliged to add moro shelving , especially for this de partment. Wo nro showing now things in HAMDDRO NETTINGS. Attovicn-Ejiiiuoinsnr , FianiiKD SWISSES , FKDOBA CHKCKB , REVKRE STiuriw , LACE MOLLS. ILunconu LAWNS , INOBA LAWNS , INOIIA SinirES.CAimEAU DEH INIIES , BIIOCADED SATlNES.and a beautiful as sortment of VICTORIA LAWNS , PLAIN aud CHUCKED NAINSOOKS. Jerseys 20 doz Jerseys , Lisle finished , 51 50 worth $2.A A complete line of children's and misses .Toreoyp , all colors , cashmere , wool , Lisle unshS125. ! Muslin Underwear. Having purchased our Ladles' Underwear direct from the manufacturers wo are ena bled to save our customers the "jobbers profits. " Ladies' PANTS , with four tucks.soft finish ed muslin , 25c per p air worth 40c. Lidies' Pants' , nicely trimmed with em broidery nnd tucke , good heavy muslin , COc per pair , worth Goe. Ladies' 1'ants , extia fine muslin , fine em broidery , ten tucks , C5c per pair worth E5c. _ . is upurodiBlao , aruuu- f us activity. po lti\cly II curcu.- . . - - , . * . - _ _ ' * cnorKy.uorvousucbil. Ity , all wcukneea ofitciiieratlvo Bystom .ulttur ecx. ti.Uv mall. J. JI.Wurucr.yi07 btutobt , CLIcss& Ladies' OHEMISi : , soft muslin , 25c wort" lOc , Ladies' Chemisn. nicely tucked and trimmed mod , with embroidery , 50o worth 7Cc. Ladies' Chemise , nicely trimmed with in sertion nnd embroidery to match , nnd also tucked 70 worth 31 , . Ladies' Chemise , very fmo muslin , elabor ately trimmed , 85c worth SI 15. Ladies , NIGI1T DKUSSES , good muslin , trimmed with cambric ruflhng , C5o worth OOc. Ladles' Night Dresses , trimmed with em broidery , and tucked , 85o worth 3110. Ladles' Nipht Dresses , trimmed with inser tion , embroidery , and tucked , 31 worth ? 1 35. Ladies' Night Dresseu.elaborately trimmed , extra fine muslin $1 50 worth $2. The "Princess" NIeht Dress , $2 worth 52 CQ. The "Duchess" Night Dross , S2 25 worth " " "iha "Queen" Night Dress , 34 worth $5. Hosiery. Our stock of hosiery is now replete in every respect. 100 dozen ladies' colored hose at lOc , worth 26c. 100 dozen fancy nnd solid colored hose , in grain , at 15c , worth 20c. 20 dozen balbriggans , full regular made , at 20c , worth 30o. 26 do/.ua silk clocked balbrlggan boss , full regular made , at 25c , worth 35o. 25 dozen solid colored hoie , full regular , at 25c , worth 35c. 25 dozen solid colored eplit-fect hose , at35c , worth COo. 25 doz "Schopper's" oil colored hose , at 50c , always sold at OOc. 50 dozen colored nnd black lisle , nt C5c , worth OOc. ' Wo have an elegant assortment of misses and children's iu llslos and cottons , blacks and colors. Gents' Half Hose. 50 dozen cotton stripes , at 5c. worth RJc. 20 dozen stout Scotch mixed , seamless , at lOc , worth 15c. 15 dozen blue and brawn mixed , seamless , at 12Jc , worth IC.ijo 20 dozen old gold , blue and brown mixed , extra stout seamless , nt 15c , worth 25c. 20 dozen British stouts , at 20c , worth 25o seamless ; 25 dozen striped British seamless , half hose , at 2oc , worth 35c. 15 dozen oil ingrain bode , at 35 : , wortli SO : , Gloves. 20 doz lisles nt 25c worth 40c. 23 " " " " 35c COc. 20 " fancy colored listoa at Mo worth 75c. 20 " black and colored ailk gloves at , DOe worth 75c. 15 doz mitts colored nnd black at f.Oc and 75c worth -10 per cent more. "MURDER MOST FOUL , " To Allow Anyone to Die of Diphtheria , DUIIINO the last fli o y ars thcro hai not been a death from diphtheria In any cato where Dr. Thomal JcHerlu' preventive and euro was ueed. It had been the means ot saving thousands or live * InJIl- iiondlblo In putild sors throat. In malignant BCirlot fever , chaniflnz It In 48 hours to the ttlinplo form. lu- lalllblo euro ( or nil Inflammatory , Ulccratlve , Putild or CuUrrlul conditions , ulthcr Internal or external. Pilco , ? 2. CUOLEHA ! CHOLEItA ! CHOLEKA ! Dr. JcDcfls' Cholera Specific nlll arrelt the cliemeo In 30 to 60 minutes. The Doctor Died th(4 ( modi- otno during the fcarlul vlolUtlon o ( the cholera In Cincinnati , St. Louie , anil all alonif the MiffItslppl KJ > cr and ltd trllnjlailep , nltheut looini ? a cantIn thojcare MB , ' 60 , 'fit end 'D2. It 1 alio inialllblo Iu Cholera Morbue , Cholera Infantum , etc. Keep It on hand. You can rely upon It. Bind for It. I'tlcotiOO Cholera "Cornea as a thief In thu night.1 D YS PEPS IA ! D YSFEPX1A ! Dyspeptic , nhyllve In mlitery and rtlo In dearalr with cancer ol lhontnnr.cn ? Ir Thomas JenYrl" cum every o o ot liiulKCstion and constipation In a tcry ihort tliro. llo t rf MnicniMt irtiou , UtBitla | | U the cause ol ninety jwr cent of ll distance ) conditions Price S5 lort o cks tiiatinmt 1'ull printed Instructions liow to uaethemedlclnes sent with them. Noilucui rcfjulrrd ; a ( 'tnd nurna fa all that la r oceeeary , Jr. Jefferla' remedies can only he cihulned at hlnotilcc , No. < J BvUth fct'a ' Street Council BluBii , Iowa. Or eent hy express on receipt Of price. SMITH & TOLLIIK , ACTS. LKADING Merchant Tailors ! 7 and 0 Main St. , COUNCIL BIOTFS , - - IOWA. A Complete Line of New Goods to Select From. W. P. 4YI.SWORTH . , HOUSE MOVER AND RAISER. JUIck buildings of any sire raieed or moved and vatlsfaction guaranteed. Frame bom moved on Lima UIANT trucks , the best In the world. p AVLgwouTr ' ' § 1010 Ninth Btm-t' Council ulafTs.