i-rtn t-x - r jr a > * -\-rr e\ THE DAILY BEE-SATURDAY , MARCH 23 , 1885.1 Woman's Suffering and Itclicf , Thoto languid tiresome irmsaVions. cruising yon to fwl scarcely able to bo n your feet ; Umt con.iUnt drum that It talcing from your jrst m nil its former clMtlcity ; driving the bloom from your checks ; thut continual drain upon your vital forcco , rendering you Irritable And fretful , can wmlly bo removed by the o of that marrolnu * remedy , Hop Btttert. IF- rcgnlaritici und obstructions of your lyntcra , MO relieved at once while the tpeclnl cause of periodical pain ro permanently removed. Is ono receive BO much benefit , nnd nonu nroio profoundly grateful , and ihow such nn inter- ont in recommending Hop Hitters AS women. A Postal Card Story. I wai nfloctod with kidney and urinary Trouble "For twelve years ! " After trying all the doctors nnrl patent medicines I could hear of , I used two bot. Uoa of Hop "Blttorsj" And I am perfectly cored. I keep It "All the tlmol" respectfully , B.F. Bootho , Saulabnry , Tonn. May 4,1883. PA. , May 8,187C. It has cured me of several diseases , such ni nervousness , sickness at the stomach , monthly troubles , etc , I have not neon a nick day in a yenr , Binco I took Hop Bitters , All my neigh bora uio thorn , Mrs , Fannie Groon. $3000 Lost. "A tour to Europe that coat mo $3,00fdono ) "ma losi good than ono bottle of Hop Hitters ; "they nlao cured my wife of filtec * years' nor- "vous weakness , sleeplpasneas and and dys pepsia. " ll. M. , Auburn , N. Y , So. BLOOMINOVILLE , 0 , Mny 1 , 70. SlRH I have boon Buffering ton yonrinnd I tried your Hon fitters , and It done mo more good than all the doctors. Mits S. S. Boono. Baby Saved. Wo are BO thankful to say that our nursing baby was permanently cured of n dangerous And protracted constipation and irregularity of the bowels by the use of Hop Bitters by its mother which nt the game tlmo restored her to perfect health and strength , The Parents , Kocheuter , N. Y. None genuine without a bunch of green Hops on the white Intnl. hhuu all tha vile , poisonous stud with "llop" or "IIops" In their name. GJ.CAPITAL PJUS5E , $75,000. Tia TICKETS ONLT $5. SHAKES IN 1'noromiON Louisiana State Lottery Company "If'c do hertby certify that we supervise the ar rangementijor all the Monthly and Scmi-Annua Uravnn'jt o/ the JouMatia. Slate lotteri > Company and til pcrton manage and control the Vrnmmji thcmrclves. and that the fame are conducted with Jioneityfairncti and in good faith touardall par ties , ana if authorise the company to tite thii cer tificate , icithfac-mwlct of our tijnaturca attached inti adcertuttncnts. ' COMMISSIONEUS. Incorporated la 1S03 fcr25 jenrs by the IcglsUturo ( or educational and charllaMo purposes with a capital of ? 1COO,0',0 tt whloha icEer\e fuudof ocr J5SO 000 has sluoo been added. By ac ox r helming iKipular M > to Its franchise was made a part of thopre < cnt state constitution adopted Iccimbcr2d A. I ) . 1879. The only lottery over voted on and endorsed by the people uftnystato It novcr scale ) or pest ) ones. Its grand tingle number drawings take place monthly. A Bl'irADlD OITORTCMTV TO W1S A 70RTUJ > K , lOURTIl fliiAsu UHAWING , CLASH t > . INTIIK ACAUKSII orUi'Hic , NKW OIU.KAM , TUKSIIAT , Aritil. 14 , 1S85 , 170th CAPITAL PRIZE , $75,000. 100,000 Tlcketn at $5 eich. Fractions , of 1'iftbs , in proportion , LIST or I'Riziis. 1 Capital Prize . $ 78,000 1 do ilo . . 25,000 1 do do . 10,000 21'riresof { O.fOO . 12,000 61'rlze.of 2.000 . 10,000 10 Prizes of 1,0(0 . 10,000 201'rlzcaof GOO . 10,000 1001'rlrosof 200 . 20.COO 3001'nzosof 100 . 80,000 600 Prizes of 50 . 25.WO 1000 1'llieb of 25 . 26,000 irruoxiuATios VRIZED. 8 Approxlmitluu 1'rlzes ot $760 . 6 > 7K 0 do do 606 . 4,60 : 0 do do 250 . 2,2IC 1067 Prizes , amounting to . $205,50 Application for rites to clubs should bo made on to the olllco cf tha Company In New Orleans. For further information write clearly giving fu address POSTAL NOTES , Eiprets Honey Orders , oi Mow York Fxchange In ordinary letter , Currency by Express ( all sums of (0 and upwards nt our ex Peu8e.ddre ) cd. M. A. DAUPnlN , Or M. A. DAUPUIN , New Orlcani. La. 607 Seventh St. , Washington 1) . C. Make P O. Monev Orders payable nnd address ItegUtend Lottera to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK .New Orleans , La. Did you Suppose - pose Mustang Liniment only good for horses ? It is for inflamma tion of all flesh. For the Cure of all diseases of Horses , Cattle , Sheep DOGS , HOGS , rOULTHY. Used successfully for 20 yews by Fnr > niors , Stockbreeders , Horse Il.lt. , &o. Kmlorsoil A iwtU > y the U.S.oTornm't. ( ! /Trcrl'.iniphlcts > t Churls sent frcp.-Q HUMPHREYS' ' MEDICINE CO , , 109 Pulton St , New York. Humphreys' Homeopatlr o - ute3l ) } n . TlioonlvDucowwful remedy/or H. K. BURKET , FUNERAL DIREGTO ! AND KMBALMER , 111 N , 18th Street , OlIAH JAS.HPBABODYM.D , Physician &Surgeo ] tUMl JtDO * No. lift JOOM Bt Offltw , No. HOI T natn ! , Offle * bouri,12 ra to t p. m. and fion to S p. ru. To'epooni.or offlcu tT.toalsiwae 1U , THE WESTERN LEAGUE , Dumb * will Prol ) bly Enter that OrgAnlzation , Mr. Frod. Hay , rcpreeanlativo of the Western League and Hnkod wUh Mr. T. P. Sullivan , of the Kansw Oily baio-ball clnb , In a managerial o pacity , arrived In this city Tnnraday to tnko final stcpn In the direction of dotornunlng the entrance of Omaha Into the loagno , Th qncation of whether this city eh all have a league basa-ball clnb thia Reason ( a dependent only open ono point , that of aecurlng proper grounds , The old St. Maiy'a avenue grounds , it has boon found impossible to rent , and the only recourse is to got the old Sherman ave nue park , controlled last season by the Athletic Cricket association , and fit them np ns necessity requires. Mr Hay , in company with ono of the local base ball enthusiasts wont out to the park yesterday , and after examining the loca tion and lay of the land thoroughly , an nounced that the gronnds wore fit for the purpoto of a "diamond , " and that if they conld bo secured , ho would Im mediately sot to work and put in a club at this point. The groundu , it is thought , can easily bo Bocnrod from the old lessees of the Athletic association , who era tenants until the first of Juns , and It is believed that about $750 will ecouro a lease of tbo grounds for the coming year , and pay ofl same of the old incumbrancos whlch.wlll have to bo dis posed of before full control of the prop erty can bo assumed. It has boon pro- psod to recs mtruct the grounds so as to have a good diamond , a bicycle track , as well as a cricket park. Then on the off dayn , when the park Is not in use by the baseball club , It could bo monopo lized by the cricket phyera or the bicy clists. In conversation with a reporter yester day , Mr. Hay , who by-tho-byo is a clover and cool-headed young man Tflth a thor ough knowledge of every phaao of base ball sport , caid that as soon as the grounds TTOTO fnrnishod , bo would sot immediately to work , and engngo his players. Ho LJ already negotiating with such men ns the Say brothers , Law Dick- oraon , formerly of the Alleghenys , and more recently of St. Louis , and sev eral other ball players of first-class record , llo will control the club him- salf , making Omaha his headquarters. The league as now constituted , includes Kansas City , Springfield , 0. , Toledo , 0. . Indianapolis , .Milwaukee , and Minno- apolls-r-a ring of cities conveniently po sitioned for rapid circuit games. A committee of gentlemen have taken this project in hand , and prnpDto to thoroughly canvaes the situation and se cure , if possible , the Sherman avenue park at onco. Mr. Hay will bo notified by telegraph , Monday evening , of the success or failure of tha scheme , and the entrance of Omaha into the Western Leagno will depend accordingly. LOOKED HORNS , The County Commissioners aad Contractor "Fall . " tractor Fcigo Out. Other Notes. Mr. D. J. Shane , who is superintend ing the furniture equipment of the now court houeo notified the county coinmia alonors at their last meeting that Con tractor Feige waa not observing the slip ulatlons of hia contract with regard to the furnishing of the vaults throughout the building , tie had agreed to put in "rollers , " nnd instead was famishing them with plain shelves , which ara very Inconvenient when heavy books are to bo considered. The screen of the judge's rostrum In the district court room waa likewise cot constructed ac cording to specifications. The commis sioners decided at onca to reject the shelf-construction of the vaults , and Mr. Folgo was notified that the adoption of the other system would bo insisted upon. That gentleman stoutly demurred at first , but at length ave In and consent ed that the change , which will bo made at considerable expense , Bhouldtako place. Ho excused lila action by saying that Ar chitect Meyers had requested him to make the alterations. Inaimuch as Mr. Meyers liai no authority to make such a change , the com missioners are inclined to look upon his action aaouo of considerable "gall. " The judge's roatrum In the district courtroomis now being placail andisamod- nl of beauty and nubitiiitlal construction. The screen bick represents the front of a Grecian temple with two p lra of supporting columns , aoml-iluted end cap ped with ornamental fncza work. The padimont encloses a pair of plainly carved scales , which represent the "oven balance'of Justlcj. " The -nholn structure la of highly poluhod cherry and behind la fitted up with bcok shelves. The contract for the safe In the room of the county treasurer hau boon awarded to Andreen & Vallon for $400 , the firm agreeing to accept in payment the four old oaf OB belonging to tbo county , one of which la now in the present treasurer's oflico , end the other three lu the oilica tif the county judge. BOUND POE OKEGOtf , Henry Is acs' Trip to tbo Land of the Skliuon. Officer John Tornbull , the well-known eocoetiry of the ot the local police cabi net , waa met at the depot this morning by a twolro year old l d whoso story appealed - pealed to the effective Bympathlea of that ofliclal. The youiiR boy.Tfhoao natno waa Henry Inanca , was travelling to Hantlngton , Oregon , alone. There ho Imd a father , who seine months before had left the 1111- nois homo to eecura n start in the ailinon CahlnR businoja. Mr , leaaca was poor and h&d left li'a ' family behind In the hope of ODD day tending for them to como to the far weetorn homo. Finally a few weeks ago , tending homo a email sum of money , ho told the mother to send the boy Iloury through to Oregon , saying also that be would soon provide transportation for tbe rest. The lad was accordingly "fixed out" nnd sent on the way. 'When ho arrived hero In Omali % he found himself without a cent and unable to travel farther. The depot authorities conld do nothing for the boy , and Officer Tornbull hinrtng his utory end taking a iancy to the blight , Intel ligent fuse , charged htnuelf will n the commission of procuring i paia to Oregon. To tha Uuioi a Pacific headquarters both went , and aftti 8me littla explanation and red taps do lay , the worthy officials of the ticket de partment agreed to glvothoboyn through pass to TJuntlngton. It was "ebon made out and young lianc < was tent on his way rejoicing , with 75 cents jingling In pocket nnd M happy as though n mil * flonairo. Ho ngroed to send Sir. Turn- bull the first salmon ho caught that was as big aa a barrel. IS IT CONSTITUTIONAL ? Tito Question Over Which Treasurer Ilnah nnd Gen. Uowln Are Puzzling. Oonnty Treasurer Rush la juit at pres ent In a situation which savora slightly of a dilemma , Sometime ago , when the people throughout the state wore clamoring for the repeal of the law providing for the payment of a five per cent fine on delin quent taxes , that is , these not paid be fore the first of January , his cloven hoofed majesty , Mr. Church Howe , for- seeing for himself n rich spread of popu lar and enthusiastic gratitude , introduced a bill into the conato at onca , which pro vided for the repeal of the s'a'uto ' ' There was also a provision to the effect that the delinquents who bad their fine should bo reimbursed in the full sum oF the oxcoes payment. This bill became a law. law.Mr. Mr. Rush has bis doubts about the constitutionality of the measure and his submitted the matter to Oonnty Attor ney Cowin , who will shortly render his decision. Mr. Rush says that the whole amount of delinquent fines paid so far is only $300 , and of trilling consequence. Still ho does not feel In a position ti repay the fines , for it is well known that If ho vroro to observe the law and It should bo snbicquontly declared Illegal , the county commissioners could proceed against tint or his bondsmen for the amount which ho had refunded. As soon as Gen. Oowin shed > > the light of the law upon the dark point , Mr. llush tvl ! ) bo ready to moot the clamorous delin quents and will advise thorn of the de cision through the columns of the local press. A HEBBEW FEAST , How tbo Jewish Passover IB to Ito Celebrated , The feast of the paeaovcr celebrated by ll adherents of the Hebrew religion , will ogin on the evening of the Oth Inat ( the 15th of Nissan ) and will ontlnuo until the eve of April G , which known cs the Holy clay , no leaven olng allowed in Hebrew homes. List evening Itnbbi Hadield preach t the Temple on "Tbo Great Sabbath. Thia morning Master Joe lbor" older , oldest son of the president of the ongrogation , trill boconfirmad , on which ccaslon there will bo an "Address to the onSrmant. " Monday evening ai 0:30 : hnro will bo a sermon on "Tho Cedar , " , nd Tuesday morning on "A Ory From he Land of the Dead. " "Going to See Father. " Yesterday morning occurred ono of hose little incidents that often are fore unnors of fame for the parly interested , n Greenwood , Iowa , lives a poor womai : with two young children. She ii very oor but Industrious and trying to rear cr little ones as they should be , hoping hat a bright day will ore long break pen the dark night that baa BO long en ompaeaed her and them. Away oil' In Oregon there is a husband , nd a father , who lefb them to seek a brtuno and a homo to which ho might nvito them to paea their life in comfort. Ho haa not projpored yet , and a letter to , ho anxious wife and mother told of hi' ' labors , trials and disappointments , and hopes for better thing ] yet * * Yesterday a little boy boarded the west-bound Union Paclho triln with i rickot to Hnntington , Oregon , and a let cr of recommendation that the bearer , Ittlo "Hairy , " aged 11 yean , bo assisted ) n hi * route to hts father , who bad mitten hat the liehlno ; season would soon open and work be procurable. The little fcl "ow'a eye brightened as bo fixed hlmsol n the seat the kind eonductor pointed ut to him , and In response to a qaeatloi as to his purpose , said : "I am going tc Oregon to help father catch fish , to gc money to sand to mother so that eho and "ittlo glster may como out to help fathe oo. " Harry is a sprightly llttlo fellow. . full of lifo and boyiali energy. Wh knowa but this net of genuine charity or the part of the Union Pacific railroad : otnpany may bo the moans not only of providing for a worthy family , but giving ho United Slatcj n president ? Garlleld wan a canal boy ; Andy Johnson a tail- or'a apprentice ; and yet the fame of each of thcfio will go thundering down the centuries. Dlhtrlot Court. Before Wakoloy : The caao of Galloway TJ. Wakofiold , for services ; the jury brought in a verdict for plaintiff as claimed in the petition. Broczj et al. vs. Boomer ; on trial at nd- ournment. Before Neville : The state vs. F. E. Norris ; indicted for altering railroad ticket ; came up on demurrer to the In dictment which was overruled , and de fendant bailed In $1,000 to appear at June term. Stito vs. McOlolUnd Burglary ; was continued and new bail band required in ? 500 for appearance at June term. Same va. same Robbery tame ordor. State vi. Weatorgird hone atoiling. No if bond required in $500 to appear at Jane term State vs. John F. Behm bjibery. Continued. Bond In $500 for appear ance. State va , Charloa Kaufman bribery. Continued. Bond in $500 for appear * anco. Stale va. Edward Loeder bribeiy. Continued. Bond ia $500 for appear- anco. Yesterday , Alfred Booth , the oyetor man , filed a petition in this court proytng for a judgment and foreclosure of a mortgage for 84,875 , against D. B. Bcem- or , of Omaha ; also for a receiver to be appointed with the usual powers of ra ctivors ; all of which la supported by aOi- davits for the purpotoj of the suit. All persons afllicted with Dyipepeia , Diar- rha > , Colic and nil kinds of indigestions will find i'nmediate relief and sure cure by pains rtiiKOHtur * Illttcrw. Tha only Renuine ia nnnufacturod by Dr. J , G. 1 ! , Siogert & Uona. Uona.A A co-operative Iron company hu been formed at Warren , Ohio , by the late em- ployes of the Wostlako rolling mills , whloh failed some months ago , PENSION PLANS. Comfflissioscr Black Sits Down on Fayoreil Claimants , All OQSOS Must Follow ia the Order of Filing , The Senate Beqnested to Linger Another Week , Some Moro Appointment * ! and Confirmations , A Bogus Public Document Hunted Down Various Capital Event * . CAl'ITAIJ NEWS. BENATR D01NOS. , March 27. The senate mot at noon nod Immediately went into executive session , The commlttoo appointed to wait on the president reported that they had per formed their duty mid tha president had ex pressed a wish that the sonata should remain In cession until next Thuradny. When the doors were reopened the senate adjourned till Monday. CONFIRMATIONS. Postmasters John Mlllmm , Topebn , KM. ; J. M. Dearmond , Davenport , lown ; M , M. Ham , Dubuquo. Town ; Jos. Lnudor , State Centre , Town ; John Cunnluchnm , Mattoon , 111. ; J. Knox Hall , Toulon , III. ; Goo. W. Catos , Stevens Point , Win. I'llOIIAnLR NOMINATIONS. Hon. Henry S. Neal , solicitor of the treas ury , has tendered his resignation , to take effect on the appointment of liia mcoesaor. Alexander McUno of Brooklyn , N. Y , , has been tendered the position , and probably will bo nominated Monday. Several nominations were prepared for delivery to the senate this afternoon , but the unusually early adjourn ment of that body prevented their reception. It Is understood , however , tL.it among them wore the nominatirms of General Joseph K. Johnbton , of Virginia , as commissioner of railroads , and Norman J. Colcinnu of Mis souri , as commissioner nf ngricuUuro. Coleman - man has boon a resident of St. Louis for about sixty years , and was for many j oats editor of the Rural Home , an agricultural paper published in St. Louis. AlcCue Is a lawyer of high standing and n man of considerable means. Ho IB 55 years of asre nml has just retired from the bench of the city court of lircoklyn. It la understood his appointment wa ? iniulo at the instance of Assistant Secretary Fnirchlld. The horses and carriages belonging to the interior department wore sold ut auction to day. The secretary' * pair of bays sold for § 318 and a largo double carriage for S3CO. AtsUtant Secretary of the Interior Mul- draw , Commissioner of Indian ( ITlira Atkins and Commissioner of the laud oilico Sparks qualified to-day and entered on tha discharge of their official duties. CONCERNING PENSION CLAIMS. Cominiubioner Block to-day Issued the fol- lowicg circular : "To advance any one pen * 'on claim out of its order is to retard by PO mch adjustment thousands of otheis which irecodo it in the order of filicg. To prevent ho practice of fraudulent impositions upon he pension ofGce it ia announced no claims ill bo made special that is , taken out of : ieir order for expedition , unless euch eosons are shown In writing aa will , n the judgment of the commissioner warrant uch action. The mere statement * of claim- , nts themselves uncorroborated by tlio > e dls- ntetested will not bo deemed sufficient to warrant such special action. " A FRAUDULENT DOCUMENT. The senate committee on pottofSces and cst roads has to.dny been inyoatlgatlng the lubllcation at the go\ernment printing office if an alleged report of the committee and its circulation through chancels provided for .public docnmeuts. Tlie document , which made its firat appaar.inco ynsterday , bears the isual formal seuato heading and is numbered , Report5"7 , parts. " Members of the committee - mitteo were at a loss to understand how this locument , cf which none if them had ever leard before , could have worked its way .hrough . the secretary's office where alone the brmal headings are nih'iod. The clerk whose duty it Is to record and put 'he beads upon documents ot this char- icter as they are received from the senate , icing called upon to explain , said the paper tad never passed through his hands. The manuscript having been Bent for , it was found ' ; o have been received from another clerk in , ho secretary's office , whoso duty If Is to order uch extra work ai may be required by the omtmtteo and senators at the government irmting oflico , aud it was also found that an irdor for 200 extra copies for the use of the lomtmttco accompanied it. This clerk ex- lainfldthat the paper was brought to his eak March Id , this year by the rate clerk oi he commlttoo on poutotficea and post-roads , Bearing the usual senata headings in due 'arm , with nn order for 200 extra copies to ba iriuted for the use of the committee. The urinting clerk , supposing the document to bare pissed through the _ regular channel * , md the order in luelf being a proper one , lent the manuscript to tbo printing oflica where it was eot un and printed. 'I'ho docu ; nent is entitled , "Uepnrt on the Test Tele raph in ttie Senate of the United State. . ' The first five pages consist of "Questions pro pounded to the president of the We&tsrn Union Telegraph Company , " and the remnln 'ng thirty-ono are devoted to "Press comment > u the action of tha Associated press in fur nlshiigipports of the presidential election. ' It is not Intimated that any questions to th president of the Western Union were an snerod , nor docs the document state an reason for republlcation of the attacks upoi the Associate j picas , which are in a larg part from the columrs of pa pcrs which have never been able t secure the fucilitiei of the Associated prs A line of the printed heeding Indicates tha the document ia priuted under authority re ceived May 27 , 1881 , elx months before th publication of the press comments , wblcl form ita chief part. The ex-clerk of the com mittee , who also acted : ii private secretary to its Into chairman , Senator Hill , ( Colorado ) was sent for to-day by the members of the committee , and in reply to their inquiries stated bu acted in the matter at the instance of Mr. Hill. A motion will bo made in the senate , on behalf - half of the committee , to'haro this alleged re port Gupprossoil. Members of the committee charitably assume that Hill was ignorant and that he had no right t ) make the report as from the senate committee twelve days af ter ho ceased to be a member of the senate. ' OOVEllNMENT nUILClNQ SITES. The secretary of the trsoiury mldioestd let- _ era to the governors of tbo statcn of Ken tucky , West Virginia , Minnesota and Nebras ka requesting their co-opt ration In an effort which tffo federal government is milling to have tbo legislatures of stairs cede te the United States jurisdiction of land < selected aa altes for public building * to bo erected In Lex ington , Clarksburg , WInona and Nebraska ity. THE OKLAHOMA IIEUDKUH , Critic says Secretary Kndicott states that no orders iuvo ytt been issued to ( Jen. Hatch to clean out Oklahoma The protident'd proc lamation ordered that all OKiipiints of Okla homa , whether tettlera or cattle men , should uacate and reasonable time be allowed for them to comply. In event of their failure to remove the interior department will take steps to free the teriltory of all invaders and If aisittanca of the urmy ia required It will ba given. ALLIED IIFITDLICS. Informtt'f.n has been received in this city that on th I'fith Instant a treaty of alliance , offensive and defemive , was formerlly signed at Salvador by the government * of San Salvador vader , Nicaragua and Costa Uica. An alli ance was enteted into by tlioea states Imme diately upon the announcement of President llartlos' project of conftxleratlon , but the detail - tail * of the plan of action for mutual benefit were not agreed until the 25th whan a treaty WM signed , lly the treaty Costa Klca pledgee heridf to contribute to the common defense fi r the preBent 3100,000 in money and 1,000 troojx who are now in NlcArixupuft onrouto to the e.-xt of ho ttlitips. Nicftraugtta agrees to urnish4,000 troop * Mid San Salvador her whole available fotccs. Cotta lllca cives hf r aid to the a11iancoiin meney rather than .roops , bocauio her distance Irom tin border Ino of S n Salvador where the fiiuUmsUn 'orces will neck to enter the torrttory of the allieo. Thoto is no railroad and nn way for .roopi . to reach Ban Salvador from Costa Ilka except by tedious march ot several hundred miles. By the terms oi the treaty the presi dent of San * Salvador "will have direction of ho operations against Barrios for the present. PEANUTS , VHonroo of Wonlth that Nebraska Fanners do not Appreciate * , A reporter of the BBK mot with a gen- lomsn from Virginia yesterday and con versation turned upon the extent i > which that country has recovered from ho blighting results of war and political mismanagement. During the convcm- ion the gentleman apoko of the sources of revenue in the Old Dominion and noutionod peanuts as , next to tobacco , ho staple and source of money to a largo lortlon of the people. Feeling an interest In the subject , in- [ iiiry developed thcaa facts ; Peanuts ; row best on light loamy soil , They oqulro abont six months from the seed- ng to the harvest in order to mature. ? hey are "dropped , " two In a hill. The ows are four foot spirt ono way and two nd a half or throe the other ; some armors plant them four foot each way. ? ho greatest card la nocoesary to got good oed , for the cultivation Is a small matter xocpt where there Is "wire" grasi a hlng unknown in Nebraska. The soil in his section is well adapted to their jrowth. The only thing to fear would 10 too early frost , because it Is fatal to ho crop if it chines too soon. Upon ono acio of land an average of 25 or 150 bushels ought to bo grown aally. In the eastern states peas aver- ge ? 2 per bushel. Hero it would note ) o so expensive , bacauso the absence of ho enemy of peanuts wire grass ren ew so frequent necking unnecessary , ud plowing can bo substituted for hoe- ng , which "wire" grass makes indis- onsiblo. Each bushel hero can bo pro- ucod for about ? 0 cants ; but for satoty ay $1. This would give the farmer at east $125 nr § 150 profit par aero for his and. What other crop yields the half f this ? This Is no exaggerated statement ; the writer has soon hundreds of thousands of mshols of these nuts grown , Their sitln made Norfolk during I860 72 , and fed and clo'.hsd Impworlsaod eastern Vir ginia and North Caralina , as the statis- lea of those years show. Scores of mon irho bed been rich slave-owners with broid acres cut and iorn by military movements , wcrd then > ankrnpt. Thesa men let their planta- lens on the parts of them fit or cnltlvalou , on shares and put > eanuts In as a crop. The result was that In three years they were dressed in broadcloth , their burned louses forgotten and replaced by cowaud often better ones , their debts paid and a joodly sum in ca-Ji on hand. If some farmer will try it he will see. The experiment costs bnt little. Tbo cul- ilvation will bo easy hero in Nebraska , and the market good , as the "ollvo oil , " ; ho machine oil and many other oils are made "chiefly from peanuts , and the vines are worth three times as much as lay for horses and stuck generally to feed on , provided they are gathered before ; hey are bitten by frost. And the fields Tom which they are taken la the para dise of hogs which fatten rapidly when urned in to gather the nuts left from the gathering. The emigration statistics of Ireland for L884 show that the emigrants who left [ rlsh ports last year were 76,043 , a de- create of 32,873 as compared with 1883 ; ; ho number of males being 38,177 , or 17,210 less than In the previous year , and of females , 37,860 , a decrease of 15,057. Of the70,043 emigrants in 1884 , 75,803 wera natives of Ireland , and 180 , vcro peraons belonging to other coun- rles. Ihe Greatest Medical Triumph of the Ago I SYMPTOMS OF A P H k B H " " " PB W HB * I.oem ofnppctltc , Howeli costive , 1'aln In the head , with a dull cnstulon In tbo bncU purr , i'nln under the boulder- blade , I'lillncia after eating , with adli- lucllnatloD to exertion of body or mind , Irrltuhlllty of temper , low spirits , with nfecllngrofhnvlnsncBlcctcd omoduty , Weariness , Dlzzlnesi , Flulterlng ; ni ttio Heart , Dots before the eye , Ilenduche over the rloht eye , Itcstlesineis , with fitful dreams , Highly colored Urine , aud CON.STIPATION. TDTT'S l'ltit > 9 are especially adapted to ouch cnscH , one dose olTccta such n hanKooffeeltnpnstonstonIshtno8ufroror. They Inrrcnie the Appetiteand cause the body to Take on rienli-tlmi the system ll nourished , and by their Tonlo Action on thoUIneitlveOrgnui.IlrBUlnrMtooIjare proiluc J. 1'rfe - . -11 Bliirray Kt..I . . UllXT HAin or WllIRKKRS ohnnged to n Gi/ssY ULACK by a Blnglo nmiUcatlon of this Dru. It Imparts n natural color , net * Instantaneously. Bold by UrugBiilB. or ent by express on receipt of 01. 3fflce,44 Murray St. . How York. SPECIAL NOTICES. TO LOAN MONE7 , For loan on ica estate. Ila'hu 'Ilrcs. S17 south ISth 8t I 110 SO ONRYTOLOAN On real estate and chattels M I ) . U Thcnus. Loaned on nhattols , cut rat" , R II MONEV uoufht and told. A. Forman,21Sri,13thBt 070 tf . to can on good real estate Eocurlty. U. M f. Beart. Wllllami block. Cl-tf LOANED at 0. K. Reed itCo's Loan offlca MONKV , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property nf all klmli and all othe r utlc'es ' ot value , without remrval. Oier Ut National Bank.ccrmrlSth and I'arnam. All liulneta strictly ooiifldentlal ONEY to baa on ohattels Woollev ft Harri. M Bon , room 20 , Omaha National Dank build In ; ; , rt > 7nft TO J5,0 0 70 LOAN On realrita'o 6u- Jt ) I UU curltv at rraoouablit rates. U , K. Mnyue. T W cor 16th and Farnam. < S8 lu27 ID tarns ot MOO and upward. MONKTTOLOAM Co. , IteU EUtata and Loan Agents. 160S Farnam Bt 4 tf HELP WANTED. \ \ 7"ANfEIGirl for general house work , two sew. IT Ing irlrliaud two arpientloer. Jlr . Corhett , 1Q13 Howard. 117-23p \TT"AN1ED A ecod irlil f jr general bout ) work , i Apply at 1807 Farnam Kt. 101-SO W 'ANTED Two t\i' \ to hied pick beans , Oil lontiBt. ll < 27p WANTKU Kir.it tl * > ciricl layers utunc , al Hullo' * 8t > r 1807 FarnacHt ; 1K-27 W ANTED-Cook , mai or wjmanat FadUohousi lOtban. Daieapgit. ( Oj-i7 | ,1 A gfifia wasnn maVfron pcntr l work at MuUoonj hop , ISth and LcArenworth Sts. 118-Stn \VANtEl-CMr ! gc KM * painter Ull Dodw 11 100-30 VirANtRU A white Rill for general homo work. Aplr at ISIS Jones tit. 101-tSp \\TANTEI > Two pool cnrrnntrri steitly worVon T I that on room anit tioanl with ire.ono thit nlll rent a hotut ol S toom.i. S. S. Hardy , 1010 Sivjth Ccntir t. 102-S7p _ . . ANTED-Dlsh Mhcr at Kmmet Uoulc. " \irANTKD A ( rood Rirfner to wotk 10 oi 16 acre t on * b roi uitliln two ultci o | city limits In quire 313 South Itth St. ( $0 tl WAne > A hottl runner , CM south Hth St , oii < poslto : a . it. Depot. P79-2Sp AAT'\NTKD A RI ! | to ilo generallioii'e uork.tnuit bo gootl I'lkln cook. Apf ly at 303 North Z2J St. 976-1t \\7ANTKD-Oltl to tale care of chlUren , 1W9 I > Farnim St. OT8-2p " \17AVTKD-Acoolt and ( Oiond girl at 607 South V > 16th St OC3-27U W ANTKD Immediately , an export inert ! irlrl N. K. corner 18th and Lcavtnwoitn. 891-U " \yANTED Aernts. Agent" , Wuhlnnton In In * 1 1 Jus t rfccloj Irom New York our elegant edition olImnR , Ihe pronto t of kit American author * , lt < ( aim to enormous In tbe cast. First class sil'tmtn PtcJ fat ox > luil\e territory. Sold on monthly t } tncnt9. filler's Publishing Houio , 67 Ilirkcr Bl lock CM 27 WANTED-ThioodrvROoda ( talesmen for the road well acquainted with Nebraska tmdo. Apply wlthrcfjrenccs to Oco. M. Tror , Lincoln , Neb. 070 SOji W ANTKD A girl ( or general house woik at SOS Howard St. 039 S7u WANTED Laundry girl at Emmet house.82317P 823-17P WANTED r , dyngciill ; for "Queen 1'aotcctor' , datiy stacking and skirts supporters , nhou'dcr ' biaccB , Inistlis , bosom forms , diona shields , safety belt , elcoxa'protcctoru , rtc , , entirely niw dot Ices , unprecedented profits. noliMO MO accnts making tloo monthly. Address with stamp , h. II. Campbell & Co. , 9 South May St. , Chlciga. 789-aUp T\7"ANTED A flnt-class dry gooda clothing , boot T I and shoo ealenruan , must speak Ooraian and well acquainted with dry eooap , only tlnglo and tx- pcricnccd man with rotcronco need apply. G. Aillcr , Scw.nl , Noli 601.tl SITUATIONS WANTED. "IXfANTBD Situation as drag tltrk ; country pro- > t fcrrcd ; silan no obloct. Address "X V. , ' tbis rlllco. W3-S p WANTED .Situation , Ccmpetort dru K'St ' 'lx Jcara cxurlcnco | , drsrui pu ltlou In Rood whdcniln or letall toro , 1'irttclax refcrenc'S. Address Chu F. StmiL-oDbore , S10 S. Teiin s'ruct , York , Pa. OSO-1 TT7A TKD A situation as book leopcr , ropjlst , TV orolllco o'crk ' , bv n iclUWo man with n fcrcnio Addreia"S. S' " llto oltlce. 079-2ip. WANTED Sltuatloa by a young German , under stands the llorltt aid uardonor trade tnd the oaroof hcr-es. Address "T. 11. " this otBce. 0 7-27p WANTED Situation as s < le9mvi or clerk by jounit man of V2 , best of rclcrcncc-f , fptaks Eiii'l Bh and Gorman. Address "Enorgutlc " thU 077-3Ip MISOKLLANEOUS WANTS. TT7ANTED Byn ( tcntleman who can lo n firm V1 $1,0 Oa clerkship m avcncralor grocery etoro In Neb. , or Dakcta , nrwaull purchase an Interest In Famo. Address " 11. O. J. " llox "M. " C'onnellaUlle , Pa 802-28p TTT'ANTKD An nnlurnlnh'd room w.th or near IT board In prhate family. Address Mint Allen , I22IFnraaraSt. 074 27p TTfANCED-To tent n cottage of 6 or fl rooms in TT flist-closiieljhborboed. Addrcsa "T. A En- trltln , 14(3 rurnam St. 050 31p WANTED-Two rooms with board fo > young man and wifemurt be cenirally located , references RUcinnd rc'julred. ' Address "S. " this olllco 010-tl WANTED An UDfurn'flbcd ' lodging room , cent ral. A. B. P. O box 605. OU 27 TTI7ANTrtD By joung couple , 1 or 2 furnished W oriinfu-nljlied looms In a flrst-olais family west of Court house Address A. Jacubson , SS14 uouf laa St. 800 tf WASTED Every lady In need of a BOW Ing ma chine , to BOO the now Improved American No. 7. P E. Hodman & Co. agents ; 203 N 16th. 343tt f OK KENT-HOUSES AND LOTS. HEST-House Brooms with kitchen , good FOU cul'ar , water etc. l.irti If required. Apply 1507 Paclflo St. 877-28p KENT Slxhoujei from ? j to $35. Ballou rroB.317BOUthl31hSt. 1CO-30 JIOH HiNT : 120 acres of Imprcnel land. Inquire \ S21 Georgia ave. Chas lieiudorO. 9)3-2Sp F I OR RKNT File room oottaje , closets pintry et\ Inquire H. W. earner Hth and Doiltro 095-SOp RHNT-StoTO building44x80 three story and FOR batemcnl No. llOand H2 llth. Inquire 1400 Dodge St. 099-tt RSNT A ( U room house ono block touth of KOR the U. P. Depot. Inquire of M Lee , grncir22d , id I.cjvcnworih , 000-31 FOR RENT HOUKSerytheap. . Apply at C. T Tk > lors 14th and Dougla ] bt < . 038-if EXCiIANGK-Two lots In W. A. lledlclt's add. TO ( or a lot or half a lot located somewhere eta cr hetentirol the city and suitable for building , wl'l ' iay nddlilonnlit > aluo la more. Address "O Y. " > co otflce. 015-tf HENT--itiro No. 218 north Iflth St. U. D. Iliiconibo&Cj.H'int [ up stalls in Ha'combo look. 928 27p ItENT Six room house on or about Hay let. FOR ' J. P. torton. SmsltlJg works or 314 N. ' .eth St. 676-tf RKNT A fi\o room brick cottage , city water FOR all modern Improumente. Inquire John Itcel.DlD Illekor ) . 848 S8p T7IOK RENT Now cliht room house Inquire of JP JIrs E. Hoddls , 25th , batucen Davenport and Ohlcnyo Sts. 700-tl OH lliNr Two now etoroi on Iflth Bt. 0.12 Ma > neIMhanil Kornain fllStl FoR RENT One story dwillln ) ; houen ( he rooms , 23d , nfar Clark street. Charles O 'don , corner .3th and Delimits Street. t > L8 tf Ti Oll llfNT Now brick housr , 11 rooms , modern Jl1 Improvements , No. 812 N. 22d Bt. Inquire 2118 iallfornla st. 167tf HUNT Three brick stores corner ISth and FOH ? St. J L. cC uo. Kent. 49t tt2 FOR UVNT Now cottage , 6 rooms. . I'fclpjw Iloe 1612 H. 6th st. WS-tf HOOMS FOR RENT. RKNT Three unfurnished r'oins with mod ern Improvements , up sUIre , t.V , Corner How. ardaadlSth. , < 0 RENT Sulto cl tluco nice unfurnished rooms F Hlglolge | st Inquire down stairs 88Q 23p 'Oil ' RENT 3 nlco uufornlshcd rooms 1703 Hurt Fi fct 105-28 FiFOK FOK UENT-Funil-hed room ulth board 1812 DoJfie Bt. 108-2 FOR RENT Luge furnished rooms out and roulb Iront , line view , 6 ! ) I'kassntSt 118 30p RENT Several fine cilices In Croun'o1 block , FOU I'd , NorrlD , room 10 C'roumo black IOIl RKNT-Front furut.hed loom f. E. corner F Itth Acd Karimm Hts. 112 0 FOH KKNT-Koonat * 7 per month with hoiril lor two , 1816 Chloaita ttrett. 083i3i ! > > OR HKNT Two furnished rooms IDOt Karnain. F F OR RKNT lly prhaU family , nlaiKeunfurnlihed front room witi ba\ window , rtferences rciulred | Inquire DO ! N. 17lh St , 090.U ItKT Farninhad anil ucfiirniihcd roimu , trryilexlrahlylusited nn Dadgo Kt. , only flrnt. clws tenantt , waited. Apj' ! ) ' at Uta % Store 10th and Dodge. OCS-'p r OR RENT KuruUhed fruntrocm , 19)0 991 Zap OH RENTKurnlthed r joins 1810 California Et. F Ull , A. Caldcrnood. 852-31 Ij il ur.M aitxly luiuloliul roum at 1617 llav < J.1 inpirtSt. \ UKNl'-laicud-uhUp.rlor furnished wltr 1T\01t 1 Hi Bt ci'aa * bu rd 'Cbt'eoiuupreferrtd ' lOlSlfovari Bt. S53 27p jii. ) Jtr. -April id , largo uuturimhtid rotrai 'iOIK 2idbt. 143(1 ( FNll IlKNT 'three p'ca ant furoUhed rooms , tin Kit or together at 2t3 llarng ; bt. fc78-U 17MJII RKNT llandiiomely firil-h l ronmsfor lie ' | il uentluncu. for particulars , addrcM "Y. V Bee tfllc . ; > 2C-i8p OR RKNTGno nicely futnl he d txitlcr with 4 F cd rooms , nlth tt fcrcnc * 1511 California St. HKNT 4 oonronlent ohAinkfr * or liaise * FOR to nmnn and wl'o wl'hnut ' chlldrrn , S blocks from Pott ofhcf , 319 north 17ih bt. 017 tf IJIOIIRKNT A largs furnWied front rocmwlth X1 drcj'lnit room ofl i > r onoiliiRlo room , 710 IQtli St. 432 2Sp HKNT Furnlihcd roomj , Hlfl Cap 887 p nKNT A tiloasant front room futnl hpd. S. FOR cor 16th anrl Howard Stu. f05-tf poll RKNT-Ijkrpe front oniceon second floor. In- I 1 oulie No. 1211 Karnam St. S04 tl poll IlKNT-Furnlthe < l room at 1818 J ckfon 8 . I I f 3 allp OR RENT I'utnlshdl room and board W.OO per 17 week. Very best location. 1814 Batoniwrt. 7t4a-Up "I7IOR RKNT Furnished room at 101S Farnam. JL' B5a9p FOR RKNT Ono meely furnished room smtibta ( or 2 gentlemen , andaiir > allcr room on r'tuiuuit ' St. Inquire 1LW rnrn\mSt. Olt-tl FOR'"ilKNT MJcofj furnlshod rooms at 1718 Caw St. 472-tf T > OOU8 With board , detlrablt or winter. Apply IVat Si. Chattel Hotel. 474-tl FOH SALE. FOR SAMl Aspan of males , Applr to H.XIeNabb , 8. IV. ol Uarraflkg. llfl. p FOR SAtK \ bargain cottage on rod oar line well nm' cistern near ichool gllMI. llallou Dros , 317 south 18lh Bt 10S-30 OR flALV : Sulto of furnlthcd rooms la Hodtck F block oultablo for 2or tnoro scntlomen or rrau and wlfo. Koxertthlnir now. John 1 * . Schmlnke , room 3 , Iledlck tulock. I 107-23 Ii OR HALE Oil THADB Largo team , liarnota 1 and dray 1'Jtt pay Ukiu In dravniro , Address \V. U. Ileo olllcc. 081-tf Foil BALK-'heap lot , 1117 Harncy ; terms easy. Enquire on premises. 090 lp FOH BALK Cigar factory with stock and fixtures , retail department and leisa of building for ( wo jcarj. Address ! * M. & It. , Wjmoro , Neb. OS3-ln FOIl SALE At ft bargain , ono or tuo choice sec tions of land In central Kobroekn.wlll Ukojoung cattlolnpartpa3mo.it. AdJrcsj " 0 N II " I * . O. Box COO , Omaha. 031-3Ip FOU BALK Barber shop and flxturoi , good looa tlon and cheap , 412 urath 13th tit. 037-27p till SALK-ri\o room Inuso corner lot within I F 1 blocks of the High school i(0) easy tcnns.nmst bo Bold Immediate' ) ' . W. II , Green , o > cr lit Nat I Illlik. F4S tf FOB M -lodging room for 1 or 2 iron , N. K. cor. I5th and Ctpitol a > e. Iiuiulro at loom0up stairs. Oit-tf FOU SALS A very nice 0 room house and lot , mutt be said 1221 North 10th St. 9'.r.-a22p ! T > AHTIKS desiring Scotch pine and soft maple trcci JL will call or addressKrcitCronumoyor , box 60S , Dumb * , Nob. 021-28U ' 17011SALK Noith-Mcnt corner Iflth PL , and P 1 cnveiiHOrlh. two hundred foe * . ra > frput on Parka\o Fro lot on ( lunricla anu > , All at rowou- able pricesO. . K. Duls , V Co , IClCi Famam " ' . . 8S2-27p SALK-New 5 - with n'l ' 1m FOU - iuin cotta n prmcmcnte fl/00 , oisy ps.Miiculf. w. II. Green , over 1st Nat'l bak. . SS4-U FOK "ALK On easy ( aymentg. I will furnish lots and build houses on thort not'co to suit the purchaser , 'rquiro ' rf P J. Croedou , contractor and builder 27th aud Webster St. DOO-lt SAL" A full lot on corner rf ISth and Jones FOR \ street and within ono equate of U. P. 11. 11. firatle.Va rcu Snltzler. tOD tl FOH SALE Hotel and saloon with all lixturcs , re ceipts " .t. per day , II10 locatluii , rare btraln | , Price $4,700 , terms \ erjea'y. . Address R. 0. Patter , ion , corner ISth end Fnriuin. SCl-tf SAW Stock andflxlurcHot the Morcbantg FOH Kxchanpe one of the best pajinir Baleens In Oma ha , reason for cllnip , 111 hoiltn. Addrces or call nnd see Gco. Hlfrglns , N. E. corner 10th and Omaha Nob. FOR SALnThirty cholee lota ncir park a.e. . O. P. Stebblns , room31Cr'lghtou block. 81G-al8p OIl SALE 200 Ycirllnp stacrp , JD 201 2 year old sttfru , ffiOjeaillntt hillotH , 00 2 and 3teold heifers , CO Kradcd bulls. SiriAsgE BROJ , SInux City , Ivo. . 780al6 SALK CHEAP One eloitant chimber Bet , FOR cost 837G.OO. One regulator clock , ono nearly now Knabo Plauo , two nold framed plcturra , ono horeo , harness and phaeton. In quire 1616 Dodge St. ZJ3-M SAI.K OU TltADK Two of the most desirable - FOR blo stork ranches In Central Noli , will exclunjre for a dcdiMilo stock of grnertl mcrchandlio cr hard- uaro. Applyto North Loup Banktrg Co. , North Loup , Itcb. 760 28p FOR BAIjE Four jor old horse haj keen worked double. For particulars ii quire at n o corner Hth and Farnain ( t In birbar shop. J. Klrner. 0719 011 BALE Kow house 7 rooms , fall lot , largo JP barn \cry cheap. D. 1' . Jones , Othmd Bancrolt South Omaha. ' FOR SALK Second tiand ten bor o rouer , up. rifiht boiler and cnclnc ; In Rood condition ; low for cash. thus. S. Poor , 103 S Hth st , Omaha , Neb. 887 tf FOR SALE T o pool table' , with store tn lent. Will alto neil the lurmUuu of IZmotug over Etoro and rent er.tito house If proforr d. KicTythln ? nr\v Atahar uln. ( Jill or address 0 Kalmhach , 1121 Douelas Jtroot. 110-ni * SALIA I arm ot iSOacrcs , G miles northwog IrOR ' of North Bond , 160 acres under cuH\allot ] , 5 } miles of live wMow routs , OIJQ mlloof which Is BOlld hoi'RO ' IB years old , SmlliBDj wlrn fence , luclotlu pesturo ormoaduw nearlr allscrded to tatno grass. Uarn ! 8x60fcot , cilhDlcg for .OO ) huslitla of corn , 3 good corrals , 1 wind mill , nnd 3 w ells of wntir , 1 granary 16x0 feet , a houeo 10x24 feet , wltn base- merit under entire houso. 1'rlco $20 ] i. r aero ; halt down , balance on tlmo to suit iiurchawr. Knqiilro ad FLAIL ollleo , or of W. II. Yaw , North Bcud.Nib. 30inar22o ! ! PERSONAL. PERSONAIi Avoungcouploi'olni ! to New Orleans would like ti niKi t a congenial party go ng Hiulli Addrcja W. " this office. lll-27p John Ilamlln hasninovorl to Omaba > PERSONAL arid rtetdes at 1610 Lca\cnworth St. 078-alOp TO EXCHANGE. SH.G OR BXOHANUEKor Haialler fann or FOR Omaha prnptrty.A No. 1 lmpro\cd faun of 320 arrLS,18Urulti\ateilarid 10) paf > turp.thrco IIOUBCH and all othir lmpio\emcntali)0 ) ied In Washington Coun- Addicss or call Jot. Kolo ratck,182i Sonfi 13th 749.tf fOH SALK OR EXCHANQK At 810 pel acre , > ? or part oi two thousan I acres ol Umber land forty union ocwt of Kansas City , nil eichango ( or Nliroaka land or nierohandloo. Ilcdford , Souer H Dads eiltl BUSINESS CHANCES. FO'l ' fUIE Chear , saloonflxturca and itock N. W. corner let h and Caplto ) are. 617.03 I7\OIl 8AI.B A good paying saloon with llrat-clafta 1 lunch counter and riataurant attached. A bar gain. H. Trottler , 203 South 18th Bt , 478-tf FOll liENl Abrlclc jaid. Inquire at UrCaiua llros. oj ponlte 1'ost on ! M. 778-28p /OR HMK-Or exchanne a full stock rf clothing 1 boots an J oboes , Kent' furnishing iood , will ex change for Nebraska Lands. U. IJ.ftUrajn.SOl 8. 10th Ht , Omaha , R oh. 166-tf FOR SALK A good ekathiK rink , size 84x100. In. qulro ol H Lambert , Wakefiold Neb. 423 alBp BOARDING. BOAR7HNU Klrtt class board and bJ lnif for 91,25 ner we V , nlln'w beds and springs at No. 1408Cae St. II , 1'oter Nick. T | IUHT.CIA3b lied and board 1212 Capitol v. MISCELLANEOUS. S' TKAYKD ' A white mare about 10 } eats old with colt Kith lult e > ein'Hilni ' ; Howard will ho paid for her return to Ohm. Flick , Ka le house. 032 TXT'lLIj Be founj at UIO Uaveojiort Bt , anexser ii lecud nurse. Utstclty rtlerccco glun 872-a24p TAHF.N Ul' Tno'\o head ot jouni ; rattle. Owner can rceour tame by ca'llnv ' upon John f. lloch. illlk dairy , north of Deaf & Uumb asylum. 803-m 21-lewt.w PRIVY , vaults , ulali and oeaipools cleaned at the shortest notice and mtlsfiotloaLUaranteedbylir. O , Abel , 1' . 0 , Dor 878 218-an " TOUNITU1IK , H'.ovi ttc. . stored In bilck ware _ J ? house Oil and013 JonoiBt , 70711 PRIVY vault , and cosspooU cleaned at lUorteaV notice auy time of the day , In an entirely ordrl < < way with our Improved pnmpand < l < negan apparatui , all plaoci dtanoj by ui dltenfeo. ted free , ohargti rca ouable , A. KTaui,12'8Uodit > Ht. , up tUlu C)0-a3