; DAILY BEE- SATURDAY , MARCH 28 , 1885. THE BESTTQNIG , me HMD t , cotnlilnlnR Iron wllh TSJ vt".MB 'onlri , nuirkljr tvn < l rfitnnlcie " l ) nppiinn ! imtlj ( - MlonVrnunr ( .t.iH'ro Illnml.3FnJojinl lillli end Vw trs , iil Nciirnlqln. fl In nn unfnlllnr roffifdy for DUcMM of Ch . ' .iilnfri nnil l.lvrr. It li invftlttAblo for IBCM ! I pWiHM tf .Wirtunn , anil nil who lend fcedontAr ? Ittca. Hoes not Injure the teethcoHsclicadacl * > , ; i" it luca eomtlpntloti O'ATron m flMn' dc i ! enriches anil juirlflw thc > blood , ntlmnlM.j P.r spretlte , nldj tha assimilation of fix1 , r > . . uciu'oiirn nml KeUhtDR , und ctreiiifU ) M th ? v/solsi ntu ) iiervci Prr . .rtVrinlltiiit KoTcra. . > MsIl ( lo , Jjickn * ' t'S ? < Ac. It hiu co cqimt. i r The fli-nutno bin RboT trod > mirin' ' > ssd red linen ou wrapper. Tckc m < r > i BROAD GLAIN itttlMligiiMlatU > * mY BEST OPERATING , QUICKEST SELLING- AND KTcr olTcrril to the nuMlc. Mendelssohn & Fisher. Rooms 23 and SflOmalmNatLBanltBloole 8DOCR8SOBS TO Dufrene & Mendelssohn Goo. ti. Fisher , forrnory with W. L. P. Jenny Architect , Chlcaco. JanUolm J. R SEGER , HAS Uno of thn moel complete stocks of Harness , Baddies , Whlpa. Brushes , Homo Clotbln ? , etc. . hand. US K. IBth St. , Dot Dodge and Capital venue. rnOedlmlp ChrcMiIcAXerroofiBHwii _ lulcU , emre Carm. l hod leal yrittan fruurantea 1 * n every t-aaa ttniferfnfcen * Bs T3endtwo tttmpaforCelebratedlIedlcalWorta , Address , T. I ) . CLA.iiU2 , Si. Si. , iSS Soutli Clark Street. CHICAGO. ILL. IS CONDUCTED BY Royal Havana Lottery ! (4 ( GOVERNMENT mOTITUTlOH. ) * Drawn at Havana Cuba , Every 12 to 14 Days. 10KETO , W.CO , . . HALVES , 11.00 Subject to no manipulation , cot controlled by thi parties la Interest. It la the filrojt thing In the nature of ohanoo In existence. Foi tickets apply to SHIl'SKY & CO. , 1212 Broad- way.H. Y. City ; SOLINQEU & CO. , 103South 4tn St. BL Louis , ITo , or II. OTTEN8 & CO , 913 Main St. , Kansas Cltr. Ma Ncrroni vi B toil VebUllr V * Uanhood , . : lt prucrlptlon of a Md > 4 ipulallil ( uowi flrtd. ) Druggists n mi It. Addr.ij - " -.4JP WARD * v o. . . 'anrj tAwa.Ka > j anew no omor niiuriihtiieiit It nrcx vllli ltmppriictl ) , " \\i1tu a mom tr liundrtiluof rials , oncll n * tlinru Iroin rt > i"iUIJo ( IijHiclans tliroiitflinut tlmv.lio'M V S , t " tlfj to th < vurth of HOHLICKS loon roc inrAitia AVB INVALIDS ItcdiUrvuiincooKlUk' Jloftfuoil lu lirilth or fIck OnuiKucU. alldnikvlsth ] jx < k K'.nt fnxx riv' : l'OOI > t' ) . , Idiriirt IH. \ : unH mi receipt of iirico til htumn. V3 James Medical Inslituto , > Chartered by tlicStatcof 1111- rfjnoia for thcexprcss purpose rfof clvlng immediate reliclln "Kail chronic , urinary nnd prl- ivate diseases. Gonorrhoea , yOlcetandSyphills In all their ' complicated forms , also all diseases of the Skin and Ulood promptly relieved and permanentlycured by reme- . dics.testedlnnf'orrj/l'ciira _ _ _ Ajcr/il/ fIrc. Seminal Weakness , Rht Losses by Dreams , Pimples on 1 lie I'ncc.Loat Manhood , J'o.tKliT/y ciirnl. T/icra iaiiocriwrlincnthiil. The opproprlate remedy isatonca used In each case. Consultations , per * conal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med icines sent by Mall nnd Express. No marks on package to Indicate contents or sender. Address DR.JAMES.No. 204Washlnqlon Sl.Chlcagolll. HAIBUEB-AIERIOAE PACKET COMPAMY. Direct Line for England , Fjranci and Germany. The steamships of thli well known line are ball ot Iran , In water-tight oompartmenb ) , and are lui clibed with every requUlto to makv the paaa g both sale and agreeable , The ; carry the Unite Gtates and European wall * , and Icaio New Yor Thtudart and Saturdays for I'lymouth ( LONDON Cbcrboug.d'AHia and IIAMI1UUQ. LUtoa : Btceraea from Hamburg 810 , to Ilarabin 110 ; round trip $20. First Cabin , t5 , 8 5 and * 7 nonrjr lundt Mark Hanscn , F. E. Uoorea , 1 Toll , tecnta In Ouixlia , Orouewrt ? ti Bchoentgei igenUluOouucUlHutra. a a HIOIIAItU li 00 Oon. Fata. Agta , 01 Uicadnay , N. Y. Chu ) . Ko ialu > kl ti Oa.Qenrr lVreitera AROati , 170 Waal lug St. . Cblcwto. 11L MASTER'S SAI.K. In the Circuit Court of thi United State ! , for tl DittndoKtbraila. . JtooiJuock bavlcgu Dank ) \a. j-In Cbtncciy , Alont Mco and Uarlnafioe. ) H > ltECL08l'KU ' W UORTO QE. Public notice la hereby y\\oa that In purstntii and by virtue of a decree entered In tbe above caui on tlo J J ycfrcccnitcrlESII.yiHi > n Dltrbouc riioalal matter In chincory In atll court will on tl ISIh day of April M38. at the hour of 10 o'clock I the forenoon of the laM day , at the North door th Unlt d State * Court Homo and 1'oet olQco bull hit , In the oltr cf OirahtDouglas County , State ai D&trlct ol Nebraska , t ll t auction tno lollowlnff d MCtiUJ property , to wit : Kant half ol Nurtll wett quarter aud the Wcet hi fftheNorlli- quirtfrot Hec'Ion tfnt.oneJ ] the Bouth-wett of section twenty-two (22) ( ) , twiuh two ( t ) . Ntrth of laure ilxtceu (16) ( ) , Wet of the 0 I' . U. in FrtoUIn C'ountr , State rt Ntbratka. D. II. UTtlKN , ELLIS I * UIKKUOWRR , Solicitor forUamiiltlnuil. Sp'l MauUr In Changer i Tlio GIoTO , From the Cittion , Ah , yciUrdft ; I fonnd ploTO Grown ah bby , ( nil of tiny ript , Bnt dear to me because my lore Once through it thtutt bet finger tip * . A cloTO ono would not care to ice Upon bis Mtn Along the street ; Yet hero I own thorn is for maKe Ko rclio In tha world more wc t. A fftlnt , far scent of lavender Ste l from It. rw tha clover molt When through the fieldi I walked with her , And pitched tha blossomi for her belt. I loved the little h nd That used to wear this tltno-gtnmod thing , Itx ftllghtott gesture of command Would sot my glad heart fluttering , 0 if It touched my finger , to , Or smoothed my b lr why should I spook Of these old days ! It makes , you know , The tears brim oter on my cheek. Poor , ntntned , worn-out , long wrtstcd glove ! I think it almost understands Thnt reverently and with love I hold it In my trembling hands , And that it Is to dour to me With Its old fragrance , far and faint , BecntiBO my mother were it , she earth tnytlovo , in heaven my saint. James IJorryJBenael. HONKY FOH TUB Presbyterian blue ia ono of the now cclori in hosiery. A very delightful and delicate perfume It white heliotrope. Croason green watered ribbons ate used ot black lace bonnets. Small knots and Ion a of volrot will agair be worn in the hair. riowcrs will bo used in preference to feath ers on spring bounets. All-platd handkerchiefs In Ray pinks and blues or u coming In. Long hair pins with Rhino stone heads arc showy and fashionable. Puma in real Japanese leather have real silver settings and clasps. White roao U the favorite perfume for the handkerchief and for stationery. Instead of silver waiter ; , small ones it hammered brass or copper are used. A lug of royal blue velvet , with daffodils in chcnlllo embroidery , ia very handsome. It is now the fashion to braid the Langtry knot of hair worn low la the nape of the neck. Great bunches of floworc , all of one kind , are favorite lint and bonnet decorations this spring. Little or no woodwork ia shown about the most elegant furniture , mahogany Ia the fav orite wood. Square and pointed crowns 111 both be used for round hate , Vtiit all brims are close and narrow. A block of ice for a centrepiece is always decorative , and ia surrounded with n garland ofcamllllas and ainilnx. Daffodils are now in eoasou and are very much worn in coreagn bouquets by ladies do ing their afternoon ttboppiug. Small sunflowers on flexible stems are Been on many of the imported bonnota , and yellow flowers in general lind favor. Collar * and cuffa are made with square ondp. Some of the newest are delicately em broidered in pale blues and rods. The bangle gives place to tbe flat or chain bracelet ; beautiful gemi are Bet in rococo style in these bands for the arm. Riding gloves of white chamois akin have an ornamental fastening at the wrist , from which Is fcusponded a tiny silver bell. Largo buttons of metal , with owla' heads and heraldic dnviccs on them , are used on long coats and shorter cloth jackets. Black stockings are to bo worn more gen erally than ever thi a eeasou , nnd _ are shown in open-worked clocks and on the instep. Shirred crape bonnets for country wear are promised ua the coming season. For these the "fish-wife" poke will form the frame. The small boqueta of Parma violets are now massed iu aomo graceful way on the lunch table and afterword distributed to the guests , "Matrimony Made Easy" is the title of anew now book , buc it does not show how to buy fifty dollars worth of goods with a two nollar Very effective lamp shades are made of alternate strip * of lace insertion and ribbon. Tha ends are finished with tassels the color of the ribbon. A novelty in colored cheese cloths is very attractive. Bod-room curtains of the mater ial lu pink , crimson , pale blue and lemon colors are very pretty. The durable dogskin gloves , although a trifle heayy for wear in warmer weather , will hold tholr own for for every day occasions un til late in the season. Wide collars of antique lace ara worn by young ladies. The wider they are the more stylish and picturesque is the effect. Broad cuffa of lace are also worn. Thistles in their brightest purple , or ols3 going fast to seed , are among the iiew flowers for bonnet trimming ? , and orchids of the odd est form are also represented. Velvet enters into the composition of nearly all the bonnet * , and a great deal of thin crape and silk tulle is arranged in puffed facings for bums and in lengthwise plaits or puffs on the crown. The colored handkerchief designs scorn to lave exhausted nil possibility of further nov- Ity , and now fashions _ return to the fine he or grass cloth , and gives this as tbo latest n handkerchief a. A woman out west has sued a man for roach of promise , and sayg the kissing began at 9 In the evening and lasted till 3 the next nornlng. This \vni certainly sweetness long drawn out. Boston Budget , Tha fashitm of wearing n variety of jow- ils at the same time savors rather too much if the pawn shop , but la nevertheless a asblou which Isery generally followed by hose who have any variety of jowola to Tear , Egg cosies are the latest thing in the cosy way. They are melon uliaped , made of silk , iaed and wadded , and large enough to cover wp egg ? , The divisions are embroidered or minted to suit the fancy , and are finished at ho top with a tassel , Silk glares have reached great perfection in ibapa aud texture , nnd the shades and length jronght out for the coining season could note ) o improved. They will be worn in prefer ence to the Saodo and glace glove , though perhaps not so economical as the kid , A pretty tidy is made by sawing alternate rows of colored ribbon and Oriental lace on a strip o ! coarse white net , of the width and length required. A full frill of lace finishoi 1. The strip Is then drawn closely togethei in the centre and tied with a narrow ribbon , A young gentleman attending the carniya writoo that the Montreal girls are the uios squeezable in the world. They are rosy- ehoeked , laughing-eyed , plump beauties nut uo mistake , but the young gentlemen , uovo : having been ID the state of Allegheny , havi much to learn. Pittslmtjh Chroniclo-Telo graph. A handsome scrap basket Is of fine straw lined with gold colored satin tllghtly shirred The cutter hanging is of ollye plush , with i bunch of crimson popples witli half open bud and a few leaves embroidered in it. Tin fringe U of a mixed olive aud gold color , am a Urge bow of olive ribbon is placed on nu < side ut the top of the basket. One of the funny things of the iuauguratioi ball , it is said , was the attempts of common place people to force their names on newspa per correspondents , Many ladiea brought elaborate accounts of thnir toilets In the ! pockets , written out in the most angular style and tent their escorts to the piesa headquarters ters with this sort of information. Many of the now spring hats , e peciall' those with high crowns , are trimmed wit ! quantities of satin and velvet ribbon , Pomi of these tire in showy , fancy plaida in higl colors ; some ot them are bf ottoman texture of very heavy reps In two colors or thadea o color , corresponding In effect with the "rount and round" in straw bonnets and haU ; an < some are of basket or aruiure waves In solii colors , The new spring woollens are raoit attractive and no doubt while such rich looking am stylish goods can be purchased at tbe reason abla rates at which they are nnw sold , ladie will show a continued and decided prefererc for them in place of a second or third-rat quality of tilk at the B IEO price , The lat estpatterniihow ft myriad soft , lovely ihades , and thongh warm , hrm. and most durable , are light wear. The fabrics showing em- aroldored or detached figures In tufts of sot t wool or chenille , will bo very popular , though the plain materials will bo equally fashion- able. All these goods will bo made tip very nlmplyi trimmed with braids , buttons , rib bon-velvets , mohair bands , pipings , and otnet nnafitumlug garnitures. Polonaises , or round waists with full tunics ol wosllen materials , with vests and skirts of velvet or velveteen , make very ladylike and dressy coitumes , Tapaneso bronze Is ono of the leading colori n both woolen and other dresa fabrics , and also in millinery goods. The Morning After , She toned trio a rose , With a My , rapid motion , Though nobody knows Hho tossed me a roso. I'm sure tha gift shows She accepts my devotion ! She tosod mo a rota With a sly , rapid motion. Somerville Journal. A MONTH ATIEB. She turned up her nose I saw it qiito plainly ; When I came to propose , She turned up her note , Oh , my ardor it froze ! Though childish , ungainly , She turned up her none I saw it nutto plainly. Binghnmton Republican. MUISOA.D AND DRAMATIC , Mmc. Janlsh h g abruptly closed her season She ii in peer health , The Damrosch opera company bad auothei successful week at Cincinnati. Work Is now progressing on the interloi decorations of the now Chicago opera house. Rose Kytingo is doing a good business it her tour through the loading southern cities , Alice Ontos is doing Detroit , and will , tr all probability , skip to Canada in the near fa ture. Gononovo Ward , now in Australia , wll begin her farewell tour of America in Bar Francisco on October 2Stb. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Florence have closed their reason , which has not been highly suc cessful , and are going to Europe. Mr. Danigl Frohmnn has engaged Miss Fanny Davenport to play "Fedora" under blf management at San Francisco Juno 1 , An offer has been made to Fanny Daven port to play an engagement in San Franciscc at the close of the regular season , the first week In May , A larso delegation of the Univerealistc ninieters of Boston recently attended Mr , Lawrence liarrett's production of "A Blot in tho'Scutcheon. " Mme , Modjeska has taken a quaint little cottage ou the coast of Cornwall , England , and means to hvo there until eho comes to America in September. Of Mnplewn's company , Galasai is an inn- ccoper , Glannini a vine and olive-grower , 3herubin ! a soldier , and Cardinal ! an archi- , ect , when not singing. Mmo. Sombrich , after absolving her on- Jolibea. The Caovalier Lponard Emit Bach gave a concert at Prince's hall , London , England , fho programme consisted entirely of thrne 3eetnoveu concertos , the O , minor , the E. lat ( the Emperor ) , and the early concerto iu . j. j.Mmn. . Christine Nilsson has received the Spanish order for Philanthropy from thn king of Spain , The prima donna founded during ler last season in Madrid an annual prize for beet female scholar of the conservatory. Mmo. Christine Nilseou is at Cannes , .whore she will remain through April. This favorite Trench watering j lace has lately filled np with ashionable visitors from England and the continent , and at last accounts gayeties were ncreasing , Mm. Ristorl will make her farewell appear ance in this country at the Chestnut street opera house , Philadelphia , next weaV , when he will be seen in "Maria Antoinette. " Medea , " "Macbeth , " "Mary Stuart , " " "Lucrezla . " Elizabeth" and Borgia. Great preparations are being made at Stutt- ; art , which is such a favorite resort for mu- lie loving Amorichns , for the musical colobra- , ion which is to take place there during the nmraer. The Duke of Vr eimar is making icti\e efforts to insure the success of tbe at- alr. alr.The The New York Times says that J. H. Wal- ack is supported in his gory drama "The Jandit King. " by Miss Wealthy Allen , "who s wealthy in black hair and lungs. " The other members of the company are described as "roaming around and performing startling urglcal operations on the English language. "Die Flcdermans" in Philadelphia , on tlonday last , was produced for the first time n English in this country. Col. McCaull , of bo New York Casino , speaks of his ont-of- , owu revivals of Gilbert k Sullivan's operas as wonderfully tuccossful. He says that they iroved more popular than any of the other iperas. Next season Miss Lily Post and Mii3 3ortha Ricci will remain with Col. McCaull. tfr , Francis Wilson it under contract with um until the 20th of Juno next , nnd then oius the Casino company. NEW YOIIK , March 21. [ Special. ] Ilorr Sonnonthal gave his farewell performance at , he Thalia theater to day. He was the sable- obect Dane In ' 'Hamlet" in the afternoon , nnd and the light-hearted and genial " of Villomer" duke in the "Marquis n the evening. The privilege of tandlug up was at a premium when 10 played the tragic prince in the afternoon , aud hundreds of people could not get into the hcatra at any price when tie appeared in the evening. It was the largest and most bril iant assembly that has over thronged the old heatro. The lively and piquant Aimee has been raveling through Texas , and has this to cay ; o an eastern luterviewer : "I noticed _ there vero not so many bald heads in the audiences n the woet as in the eaat. Out there there are a great many men of a fine physical type. I find that liveliness .takes everywhere ; people want to ho amused. What the best Ameri can variety actresses and toubrets lack in { racechic. . Many of them have the most : harmiog voices. But , as I say , the wonder- til thing iu this country is tbe traveling ; you see so many strange things and so much hap- JOBS. From New York I shall go to Chicago md San Francisco' and then return to Europe , Hy health is not very good. " At the close of the pirformanco Sonnen- thal was presented with e. number of valuable ; iftc , One of them was an album studded with diamonds and rubies , from Oswald Dttondorfer. The Austrian society presented two gold watches cet with diamonds. One was intended for the actor and the other for liis daughter , Each bore the inscription , in German , on the inner case : "To Ilerr Ad- olpb , knight of Sonnenthal , in memory of hie artistic labors in Now York , March , 1885 , Now York's greeting. " After the presenta tion the actor made a little speech , in which ho said be should return to America next year and make a longer stay. The curtain was lifted six times before the audience would permit the actor to retire. It was the trroatest ovation o\cr paid to an actor in New York. Drown'B Bronchial Troclios foi Coughs and Colds ; "I think them the besi and most convenient relief extant , [ Rev. 0 M. Humphrey , Gratz , Ky , Tbira ia to be a eix-ronnd contest between twoen James Carroll and William Fraziei ( or a $500 parae in Boston otrly In April " 100 Doses Ono Dollar" IB true only o Hood's Strsaparllla , and it is an nn answerable argumeut aa to ttroogtli and economy. The no WE from South Nor walk , Conn , la that the eft-operative ( hops arc ( loins ; t fine business , with constantly Incroasioj orders. General Ohaco of Ilhodn Island , aaya "I always keep Hunt's Remedy In mj honse , it prevents headache and Kidnoj troubles. Wo depart from onr usual practice ) ant recommend Hunt's Remedy as n turi onre for all iidnoy dUcasoa. Medico aaete ( , Bnlcl I to MyflOir.Balil I. When first I went to the skating rink , Said I to myself , paid I , Ot the cup of pleasure I will drink , Skid I to myself , said I , I'll fasten tha rollers on my foot , And sotno fancy skating do to nrmt My style with envy the crowd will greet , Said I to myself , said I , When I tried to strolghton ont wy legs , SMd I to mysalf , said I , Old fellow , y u're Bhaky on your pegs , Said I to myself , s lil I , I waa cruelly spilled all o'er the floor , And KAW two million stars or more , And in sev'rM tpota feel mighty sere , Said I to myself , Md I , [ Norristown Herald , CONNUKIAUITIE ! ? . The Princess Do'gorouk ) , morennatio wife of Alexander II , nnd reported Inconsolable at his death , ii reported to bo about t * marry again. A Cincinnati girl drowned herself jnit before the was going to bo married , Nc other reason wns given for the deed than that the was engaged tea Cincinnati man. Boston Post. It is found impostible * to engage young ladled at the elevated railroad depots , at the girls would bo comnolled to marry beneath their station in life. Pittabnrg Chronicle-Telegraph. Young mans "Your daughter has referred mo to you , sir. " Old man : "Allriaht , you have my consent , Is that all you want ? " Young man : "Well er one thing more ] would like to ask , sir. If I should present your daughter with a diamond engagement ling , would you ba willing to or give ino 11 receipt for it , In ctio anything unpleasant should happen- ? [ Cleveland Voice. The oldest and happioit married coupln in the stain of Kentucky are Dr. and Mrs. .T , G , Chinn , of Lexington. Mrs , Chinn is OS years of age , and her husband 04. They were married BIX years ago , and are as lover-like in their homo affairs nsmarrlod folk ? generally urn at10. . Dr. Chinn is an active prohibi tionist , and is at Louisville to attend thu state convention , Ila Is an eloquent orator , and at the last meeting of the Mexican vet erans fairly eclipsed many of the younger speakers with an addresn of an hour aud forty minutes' duration , which was afterward published in full iu eovoral daily papers. Dr. Chinn is still quite halo and hearty , and BO Is liis good wife. A young couple who wont to a Mothudist church in Shelby , England , found to tholr disappointment that the ceremony could not be performed until two days afterward , owing to the neglect of the register in not forward ing the required noiica In time. The young couple had taken nnd furnlihed a honso , the wedding breakfast was prepared , and all their friends many of whom had come long dis tances , wore present. The mortification was increased when , after two days , the bride- ilect and bridoimaid attended the chapel and the bridegroom failed to appear. When tbe minister , sympathizing with the young woman drove to tbo roildencp ot the young man , he found thit be hid diiiopeared , leaving word tbat be bad changed his mind and would not marry. Those who are about to marry will , perhaps bo interested to know that iu former times no : harge was made for marriage annouc cements in the newspapers. Mr. Walter of the Lon don Times was tbo first editor to throw out the Buggpstion that a bridegroom miuht pay a Bin * 11 sum to tbe printer for acqulnting the world with the fact of bis happiness and good fortune The charge at first was trifling and was paid regularly to Mrs. Walter as pin money. But Mrs. Walter at her Heath found it worth while to paes thin prescriptive tight of hers to her daughter , and when a few yoari ago It was repurchaced by the recent pro prietor , it was aseesBOd at from $4,000 to SB- 000 a year. The parson's fee at a wedding was also much less : i hundred joars ago thnn it is now. nnd the clergyman who uuito.1 the most ariat cratio of parlshonors seldom re- jeivfd more than ono guinea from the happy bridegroom , Indeed , the three great events of life births , marriages and deaths were vastly leas expensUe iu those days than they are at present , aud men could both live and die , if they so pleastd , at a rate exactly pro portioned to their incomes and in conformity with tl eir tastes. a. CoBChmari Gut Our. The maid was young , the maid was fair , And many lovers sought ber ; Her father was a millionnairo And she an only daughter. No suitor that the maiden met To dream of love had taught her , Until in Cupid's silksn net Her father's coachman caught hor. Then anxiomely she pasted the days , Elopement contemplating , Until she caught the skating craze And took to roller skating. She threw the coachman over then To him it was a crusher And eloped one night at half past ten And married a pulo "rusher. " [ Boston Courier. EDUCATIONAL. . The bill providing for teaching scientific .ernperanco in thepublic _ schools has passed tea a eecond reading in the Pennsylvania house. Iowa is represented tin * year in the nation al dettf-mute college at Washington , D. G1. , by more pupils than any other etate in the union. A Boston woman proposo'd In all seriousness a few months ago to establish n fund for the care of the teeth of the public school children of the city. ? Amity , Iowa , college averages ICO students each term , and they expend m the town an average of § 40 per term , thtee terms , making $120 a year each , or 518,000. The unlvorfities ofOxfprt and Cambridge iavo the reputation of being hotbeds of Hlaup. .t is Raid that nine-tenths of tbo elaug words irard in England to-Oay came from tuoao in stitutions. , There are 107 ladies in attendance at tbo Ann Arbor university , an increase of 10 over astyear. They are distributed .19 follows : Literary department , llOjmedical , EG ; boineo- lathlc medical college , 10 ; dental department , i ; law department , 3 ; pharmacy , 1 , Russia Is making an effort to educate the MusBulmon population of Turkestan. A Bchool for them baa been opened for them at Taahkend , which Is attended by forty or more mplls belonging to distinguished families , It ma been so successful as to encourage the establishment of schools in ether places. It is raid that though "inco the pasiincr of tha educational bill in 1870 , in Knpland , board schools have been started nil over tbo country natead of their taking the place of voluntary schools , tboy have Riven an impetus to them ; for , whereas , In 1870 , there wore 8,700 volun tary schools in the country , there are now 14- 000 , with 3,250,000 scholars. Dr. Jacob ) , who ha * made this n special study , concludes that , as a rule , a child should not bo sent to school before bo Is 8 years old , Not till this ago it its brain substancu fully developed. An infant's brain is soft. It con tains a largo percentage of water. It U defi cient In fat and phosphorous , on which to a great extent intellectual activity depends , The great convolutions are fewer , The differ ent parts of the brain do not grow in size and weight alike the normal proportion of tbe frcnt , back , and lateral portions not being reached before the age of ten. Ko , too , the normal proportion of the chest to the lower portions of tbe body is not attain d until the eighth year , while that part of the back ( the lumbar ) on which the sitting posture mainly depends Is even then only moderately developed. About tbo fifth or sixth yoait tbo bate of the brain grows rapidly , the fron tal bones extend forward aud upward and the anterior portion grows considerable. Still the white substance the gray is the basis ol intelligence- and the large ganglia prepon derate. It is not until about tbe eighth yeai tbat the dne proportion of parts is reached and a certain consolidation , both of the brail nnd the organs of the body generally. Before this period memory alone can be eafelj trained. In tn Illinois town a seventy-two houi prayer service for the recovery of a tick worn Oo ended with the death of the patient Faill may remove mountain ) , but as a rule it doei not cure fevers In these degenerate days. Brother Moody tails us that he believes thi ttory of Jonah. So do we , so do all gooc Christlonn , It Is very generally credited that Jonah WM swallowed but was it by n whale M a whnle , or a whnlo as nhark ? Thnt is the point which ia disiominatmg so * ditlon , A Lowell man ubipped out bin memoran dum book in church tha ether Sunday And took down the remarkable thauktglvini ; from the lips of his scientific piutor. "Wo thank Tlieo. O Lord that wo arn permitted to un wind the mUhty coil of material circum stances and gaze into the everlasting abysses where flaming comoU roll , " The Rev Mr , A. , who drove two horsed , mot tbo Rev. Mr. B. , who drove ono horse attached to a buggy : Mr. B. ' 'Brother A. , how does it happen that you need two horses ! Brother C , of tha Methodist church hai only ono hnisc , and Brother D. of the Baptlat church drives only ano horse , and I havn only ono. Why do you need two ho o ? ' * Broth er A. "Because I am not n ono-horso preach er. " Texas Paper. At tha beginning of the present century all Christians were rigorously excluded from tbe mosques except in the case of tbo ino > qtio at Tunis , where a Christian workman was al lowed to enter on all fours to repair the clock , "because , " AS the sheik said to bis coreligion ists who objected , "In case of repairs , Is it not true , 0 true believers , that a donkey enters - tors this holy place carrying stones on bis back ; and Is it not true that ono who does not bello\on ! the true religion Is an ass aud the son of an asu ? Therefore , 0 brothers , lot this man go in as a donkey , " The minister last Sunday morning bad preached a very long , parched sermon on the creation of mini , aud ono little girl In the congregation was utterly worn out , After tha services she said to her mother : "Mamma , were we all made of dust ! " "Certainly , my child. " " 1'ho preacher , too 7" "Of course. Why did you think ho was not maJo like the rest of m ? " "O , because bo is so awful dry. mamma. I don't see how the creator could make him stick together' " Merchant Traveler. On ono occa ion Gtorgo Dittos , editor o. tbo Kentucky State Journal , nttomlcd reviva * meetings conducted by a very eccentric evan gelist who had formerly been n showman. George sat qulttly in cue corner observing the speaker going among the people , exhorting some , tending others to the mourners' bench nnd ( making hands with all. Finally bo came to Dlttoe. ' 'Oh , my brother , ' ho began , taking George by the h.ind warmly , "tbo doors of tns heav enly house are now open , and tbouiaods nro paating in , There'll light , and hope , and love , and life inside for all. Do you with to enter ? " "Well well " stitnmcrod the nnregener- ute newspaper man. "I reckon I do , " ' 'Then why don't you ? Now is the accepted tlmo. " "I I . " George don't know what to say. say."Ah , my dear brother , " interrupted itho preacher , ' 'you are unconverted. Grace is lacking. Why , oh , why do you not fall \ipon your knees and aak for tbo ticket that will pass yon luj" "Ticket ? Ticket ? " exclaimed George. "I don't need no ticket ; I'm an editor. " George was not disturbed further. [ Mer chant Traveler. There is no uao waiting for the alow brcci'ss of internal remedies when St , Jacobs Oil externally strikes to the rheumatic spot. Dull tlmcj tira causing the shutting down of broom factories in the Mohawk Valley. _ < > r ammonia. Ammonia Is obtained in largo quantities by the pntrcfaction cf tha urine of ani mals. Encyclopedia Brilannica 'Every housekeeper can toot baking powders containing this dipgnsting drug by p'acing a can of the "Roys ! " or "An drews' Puarl" top down on n hot stove nntll hvated , then remove the cover and sinoll. Dr. Prices Cream Baking Powder does not contain Ammonia , Alum , Lime , Pot ash , Bono Phosphates , ( prove it by the ab vo teat ) . It Is prepared by a Pbyslcnn aud Chemist with special regard to clean liness and hcalthfulucBB. The Now Orleans bicycle club furnishes mombora with machines on the instal ment plan. DOKKEE'S SALAD DRESSING & COLD MEAT S-AOCE. The universal favorite both in tbo U. S. and Great Britain. Wholesome , delicious , economical and nutritions. Saves anxiety , waste nnd trouble. _ _ The Philadelphia carpet manufacturers still refuse to recognize thu Knighta cf Labor. _ _ YOUNGBIKNI KEftD THIS. THE VOLTAIO BELT Co , , of Marshall , Mich. , offer to send thuir celebrated ELKOTKO-VOL- TAIO BELT and other ELECTRIC APPLIANCES on trial for thirty days , to men ( young or old ) afflicted with nervous debility , loss of vitality and manhood , and all kindred troubles. Also For rheumatism , neuralgia , paralysis , and many other diseases. Complete restoration to bealth , vigor an ! manhood guaranteed. No risk is incurred aa thirty days trial is allowed. Write thorn at once for Illustrated pamphlet free. _ The Paper Hangers' National Union contain * over seventy subordinate unions in the United S ntea. STOP THAI' COUGH By naing Dr , Frazier'a Throat and Lung B&l- sam the only euro euro for Coughs , Colds , Eloaraouoss and Sere Throat , and all diseases of the throat and lungs. Do not neglect a : ough. It may prove fatal. Scores and luudrods of grateful people owa their lived to Dr. Fra/ier't Throat and Lunf Balsam , and no family will ever bo without it uftor nuco laing it , aud discovering its marvelous power. It is put up in largo family bottles aud sold 'or the small price of 75 cents per bottle. Sold Kubp & Co. and O. K. Goodman. The report that Dr. Mary Walker is lo ] married haiboen contradicted. It ii said now that tbe man has escaped. A C * RD. To nil who are Buffering from errors and liiJIk'tstlons of youth , nervous wcnkiiosa caily decay , loss ol manhood , eta \\lllBcnd a receipt that will euro you FREU OK CHAHOK. Tills ( 'n.at remedy waa discovered by & missionary to Houtli America. Send self-addressed envelope to HBV , Jo- SBHI T. UMAN Station "I ) " New York , The Ames Company , of Chloopco , MSBS , baa received an order for 2000- 000 Bworda. [ H08KOUIVS AOIU PHOSPHATE , Siiculdu Virtues In Dynpepsln. Dr. A. J. Jenkins , Great Falls , N. n. , saye : "I can testify to ita eoemlDgly al most specific virtues ia ciuon of dyepopsla , nervousness -and morbid vigilance of wakofalncsf. " _ _ Tbo bill baa panted the Connecticut legislature miking it an ofloneo to dis charge a workman without caaso or with- ont notice. SKIN IJIBEAHKS CURED , Uy Dr , Frazier'a Made Ointment , Ouroo If by magic : Pimples , Black Heads or Grub Blotches and Eruptions on tbo face , leaving the skin clear and beautiful. Alee cures Itch , Bait Ithoum , Bore Nipnleri , Sore Lips and old , OUtlnate Ulcers Bold by druggists , or mailed on receipt price. M conU , Sold by Kuhn & Co. and 0 , F. Goodman. Prince , the blcycliet , wants to give Donovan , the winner of the late ix- daya roller ekatiog race , 1100 miles In a six days' race , ho to uio his bicycle ou one track and Donovan hlo rollers on an other track , General Chas * of Rhode Island , siya "I always keep Ount'a ' Kemedy in my house , it prevents headache anh kidney troublca , Wo depart from our ueual practice nnd recommend Hunt's Uemedyan asarecaio for all kidney dlaeaaoi. Medical Ga zelle. " o Rheumatism , "neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago. Backache. Hcadacho , Toothache. lliiriii , Nn > l < l , l'i < > i > l llltr , . , , * Alt , ( iTitrn iiiinttv i-uss MI t r < t. SOU by Drutf l > u mid Uniti trrry lirr . I mi CtuU Mite. IllrpclloiKtntt Undines TIIK CIlAItl.KH A.Mlii.iU ( : : CO. ( Vwtnotl lo A. rooiUB 4 CO ) Uiltlmorr , Itt , l8. . A. From en orlencol think Swift's Bpoclflc lift > er ) ahublo remedy for cutaneous illnnicf , nd * t the ( Brno time an Invlgotntlnir tonlo. J.AMM JACKSON , Chief Justice ot OIL Atlanta , Scjit 1881. INOCULATED fOISON. After trjlnsr Ml thi ether remedies , Swtlt'fl Spccinc has cured rno soum nnd wcUol a tocrlhlo blood t olsfn contracted from i nutBO , MRS. T , w. LKB , Greenville , Ala. POISON OAK. A lody hero liv < been cntlrcl ; cured of ( oljon oaki'Oleonliy tlioupo ot tno battle' ofS. 8.8. , 11. S UIUWORD , Tliitomllle , Tenn. ULCERS 25 YEAItS.-A number of my chnrcl hi been cured of n u'ctrntod leg of 25 years stand Ing ulth two bottleot Bnllt'a SiccrlH | ( % 1' . II. CRUMLHR , 1'aator Moth , Cli.Mftoon , Oa. Swift's Specific Is entirely rctcUblo. ; Treatise 01 load nnJSkln Diaoaeca mulled free. Iho Swtrr firncirio Co , Drawer 3 , Atltuti Q , , o 158V. . 23J St. . N. Y. Y.LAND ABENCf [ ( SccoEssona 10 DAVIS & SNTDBB. ) GENERAL UKALKHH IN 1503 FA11NAM STREET. - OMAIIA nave for e&o ! 100,060 acrca carefully eelnctcd land ! In Eastern NobraaVa , t low prloa anil on easy ttrtoi Improved farms lor Bale 111 Douglas , Detlgo , Collar Pintle , Curt , Cumin ; , B rny , Washington , Morrtck , Blunders , and Cutter counting , Tax i a paid In all parts of the state. Money leaped on improved 'arms. Notary Pabllo always In otlloo. Correspondence eolMtnl 17 St. Charles St. , St. J.onis , Mo. ArcgoUrrraJaiteof iwoMedlonlCollrgos , hnaliti n IOCJM DjrtgedlQ tbotpcclM treatment of OMuuFicthKKTOLi,8nm and KLOO * l uAiMtlmn unr other t'njfticliaki St. lx > ut& uclt/r l'er"howilHl1 ftUoU rcslileatfikiiow. Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mcntrt end Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and otn * 'Ac tions of Throat , Skin or Bones , Blood Politttcg , old Sores and Ulcers. ro trc&tr i with a rftiKii i * lueeecd , on Inliil PleQilUj principlri. HftVIr , I'rliatflj. Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Cxccss , exposure or Indulycnce , * Mch rroduce § 0100 or th following efUetji iirriouiue- dibllitT , dinner of ilih unJJefectUo memory , flraplca nn the facciD ical dectj. \ rBioDtotbc tocltlj or femalti , connnu * of litius , cixs , rendering Marriaco improper or unbappy , rj rcrmLB Etlyoured , I'aiupbeiifi ! ( tageijootbo above , iei tavealcd envelope , frto lo any fiJ'lrpud. ' Consultntlon * ! ( Ceo or b/ mall frtc , and InviteJ. Wrlto for qutaUooi. A Positive Written Guarantee Ki eiilD nil coracle canes , Medicines neni every wbf. Pamphloti , Knplish or Qormnn , 64 pa ei Aoribinf above diaeaics , In male or GUIDE ! Will pnriry the I late tin ? LIV..in ! I KIDHEVSi. anil Itpsrniu. TIIK HUAX-Til imcl VIGOR of YODT1L DIM- psln , Wniitnf Appi'llte , - dlrtslloii , I ue , or htri-uprlli , atnlTIr * . ' " . 'iiKubi _ . ' * irctl. HDD = . , luiihclcs aim IK i vi s totLU u ntwlDrue , ( , ; llvctn tha inhiU and ' iJSr.itu" llurlo Ciclfpi-x I ) nrt InDIl. IROM 31OIJ1C nrnfa im.1 " cdycuic.i UmntlLat.liealtln pompli-xloji. tfrriiuont it'truptsat i . " . ' ' "f ? < ml ) di' I / the popularity of tlic origin Vi. 11 u uul expc llirt : t Mod tlo'v , illi. Mo , tor onr "DKEAM JlCXJi : . " li f * tritturpm'1 jw > .lsi * . * ' i UFPKESENTSl Pliconlx Insurance Co. , London , Caeh Asseta . fC.gfH.COO Westchoetor.N. Y , Capital . 1,000,000 TheMcrohantaof Nonftrk.K J. , Capital. . . . 1,276,000 Olrard Klro. I'hlladolphla.Capltal . . . . 1,200,000 Wnmtn'a Xnnd Unpltal _ _ 1.CT9 ( XVI 'Ibo lines t toclc ( or nervoun people h lloatettu'u Stomach ach Illttirs , which In MUCH pcilcct ill. lion , an I the ait to pn formancoof tliclr ( unctions by the liv er Mil liontlJ. AB tliofljfclcm c/iulrea tone tVrcn 'li the li flmncocllhlsuonlsn iiuclciiie , theiior\OB r w sttcniii'r and lunre tranquil , hend. achoi ccnHf , nd that iiaHielcsi ni ilcty nhldilt a peculiar- | ; y nl thcil\i'pojtlc | , irlvfa way to clieor- tulnu s TocbtaMlrh . _ _ _ . health on a Hiiro foumlttlon , me Uie pneilcsj ln\Uorant. For ealo hy all DrugRlBU and Dcalori generally. _ ] : XKOUTKIXS' 8AL1J. In the matter ol the estate ot Peter IlanHcn.dcrotB-d , Notice thereby then that by virtue of aliconso to > ull certain real cstito I oloimlnir to m i I deccaeuit , forthopurp fonlpajliiK the valid clalicu aRalmt mid dewatod , IsBuInu out of the dUtilct court of DoUKUa county , Nebraska I lll til iffoio neil at public auctldi , to the h'Bb ' cst bldilcr on tin 29f luv i > r MARIII , l'H5 , ATIIIK HOUlll HOOK OK TIIK fOUKT IIOLbK , IN TK | | CITV Or Omin , at ten o'clock in Iho foitnoon ot neil ( lay , the fcllowfiig described real citato , tolt : the north cut quarter of ttu notlhucat ijnaitcr , of pectlotj 8 , towmlilp li , raiuu U. and the ncrtlmieit ijnirtcr of thenorlliHiiitiir.rf etc 8 tn n hlp H.tan c ll.and thouciltlicalt quarter of the notliwrat quarter ( ilKC- tlon ilKlit ( H ) , In tounihlp I mi item ( It ) , iane | ilovcn ilOiCiintainlntroue hundred and UiNljOSO ) acies , Iwlngand eltuited In Iou ) l ii cfunty tit of Nebiaika , MAllV IIAKSKN , Kiocutrlx of eald L'htati ) , IIV 8IUK11A1 , Attornsy. tul2 19-28 U the simplest , boot and most complete type writer made. Hi * luterohanKtallo tlpo p'ates , has few riarti and prints from the f co of thv tI . In stead of IhriiuKh an Inked ribbon. 1'floo only Jid. Send for dcariptho clicubrB. OEO. J. PAUL , AQKNT , mlldi-wlm P. 0. Box 711 , Omaba.Ncb. _ . Anktimof jouthfullimirudiinct .ni : I'Tiinatiira Decay , Nor ouJel < ! WT , Ixut Manbocx ) , ao .liarlntf triuil In Tain evoty known The lonuukftblo growth of 'Om h daring the lt.it ( ow yoari la n nutlet a ! great ftatonlshmont to thoio who p y au oocaalonal vlalt to this growing oty ! Tha development o ( the StooV Yards tha noooulty of the Bolt Linn Road Iho finely paved atrooU the hnndrodi of new rcildonoos and costly bnalnesa blooki , with the popnlfltlon of our city more than donblod In the laat five yoan. All thli In a great inrprlno to vUltora and Is the admiration of onv cltliona. Thli nptd groirth , the bnnlnoai activity , end tha many anbatantlal Improvements made a lively demand for Omaha real estate , and every ( nvoatoi hu made A handtomo profit. Sluao the Wall Btroot panic Mny , with the onbaBqnont cry of hard tlmon , there hfta been loss domnud from specula tors , but a f nil demand from Invoatoii soaking homos , This latter olaoa aia taking advantage of lou prlooo In build. Ing material and nro roonrlng tholr homos at much loss coat than will bo poeslblo a yew hence. Spoculatora , too. can bay real ootfi * a ohonpor now nnd ought to taki advant\ of present prlooa for fatnri pro it. The next few years promlsoa rjreatoi divolopmonta In Omaha thin the put fivj years , which have boon aa good ai wo conld reasonably doalro. Now man- afactnrlng cntabllahmonta and largo job * blng honses are added almost weekly , and all add to the prosperity of Omaha. There are many In Omaha and through * bnt the State , who have tholr money In the bunks drawing a nominal rate of In terest , which , if judiciously Invented In Omaha real ot > tnte , wor.ld bring thorn much greater returns. Wo have many bargalnn which wo are confident will bring the pnrchfttoi largo profits in tin near f atato. We have for uale the finest reui- denco property iu the north and western parts of the city. North we have fine lots at reason able prices OH Sherman avenue , 17th , 18th , 19th and 20th streets. West on Farnam , Davenport , Gaming , nnd all the ending streets in that direction. The grading of Fnrnam , Califor nia and Davenport streets has mode accessible some of the finest and cheapest residencn property in the city , and with the building of the street car line out Farnam , the pro perty in the western part of the city will incrnacio in valnn We also have the agency for the Syndicate and Stock Yards proper ty in the south part of the city. Tha developments made in this section ay the Stock Yards Company and the railroads will certainly double the unco in a short timfl. We also have Boino fine busineos lota and Home elegant inside re1- dencep for sale , _ , ' * T ' " * " " i m mm Parlies wishing to invest will find good liorpnins by calling ! 21S South Wish Bet * on Karuham uud P. S. We nsk those who hrw .iroportyfor . Hale at a bargain to { jvrf is a callWo want only barfeame We will positively not handle property orty at more them its real value.