I THE DAILY BEE---MOJVDAY MARCH 23 , 1885 fTHE DAILY BEE. OMATU Omoa No , 014 AKD OM FAMAM St. lKw YOIK Orrto , Boon 65 T no BUILD- IHXO. e .TOtymornlnf. ndky morning d I nillfl IT MAIL . _ ltO.OO I TbiM Month ! . . - I i.w 1 M QlCMonlbi " i " " - - th Wwltly Be , rubllhisd aTery W dneid r nixs , rostfiin. ' * On * Tear , with premium On * Tear , without premium JJ BUt Monthl , without premium ' One Month , on ttUIco co uro > Dii < cl to Newt and Editorial llon relitlng All C5ammnnlc mauSrtSSld be addr . dV h. Kurtot or MI BIB. maus trmu. All Bailnew Letter * and IUmlB1JJMJholiin | I ' " " " " X' JS T"j""ortPoffloo"r"eari U U md PV > Ie to the order ol th * company. THE BEE POBL1SBINQ CO , , Props , B. B031SWATER , KDITOB. I A. H. Fltoh , Manager Daily Circulation. P. O. Boi , J88 Omaha , Neb. THE soft service brigade must go. VAN WYOK and Manderson , like "Botay and I , " ara at outs. SENATOH MANDEUSON'S proposed summer - mer trip to AUska is likely to bo in definitely postponed. SRNATOU VAN WYOK keeps on amusing himself and the pnbllo by stirring up Iho sanatoria ! menagerie with a nharp stick. Ix Is very singular th t councilman Hascall is so very enthusiastic for Mr. Boyd. The question In , what is Has csll'j object ! IT has boon reported that tire Omaha wholesale liquor houses have threatened to tuovo elsewhere if they are to bo com pelled to p y the thousand dollar llcenio. Wo would aivlso thorn to move eve * into Iowa. THE workingmen hold tha balance of power in Omaha. If tha republicans act prudently they wl'l ' nomlnato candidates whom the worklngmen can heartily sup port. "VYn want above all things a competent and honesb city council. Lat every republican publican attend the primaries on Monday and BOO to it tha1. a ticket Is put up thich republicans can support. Iff it is posiiblc wo would like to have the candidates for councilman at largo chosen without reference to the wards they miy live in. This is the intuition of the law , so that wo can got the very licit men to serve la the council. AcconniMj to the Republican the citi zens of Oaulu will have to choose bo- twoan Boyd and "Ilink" Hornborgor. Arc wo to infer lint the republicans will make no nominations ? Has the republi can pirty disbanded , and is it dead ? IF thera is to ba any non-p rtls < m busl ncia in this election , wo want it In the boird of education. We are In favor o selecting candidates Mho will got the unanimous support of all classes so tha they will bo under no political obligations whatever. TUB water works company ought to give us more water and leas mud. If il would improve and use Its filtering pro- cos j more It would only bo doing its duty to Its patrons. Wo suspect that the water Is not filtered at all but pumped dlreatly from the river into the pipes. Tun UK Is a ttdo in the aliaira of men wh'ub , token at the flood , leads on to for- tr.no. Thera are between forty and elxty thousand po&toflicis at the disposal of the , l > Dstmuter general and his fust assistant If orory oao < f them had subscribed for the Omaha Herald during the Miller boom , what a boost It would have been for the great religious dally. ANOTHKU ] attempt will probably bo made to Eottlo the federal patronage question In Nebraska. Wo understand that tha democratic members o the legislature will hold a meet ing at Lincoln on the 110th for the pur- poao ofat ranging a plan by which they lie pa to become dispensers of the fedora p p. p.IT IT Is currently reported , and It is very likely correct , tint a raid is to bo made upon the republican primaries by wan bummers and hoodlums , undar demo , critic d o3tlonfortho purpose of making a frco of them and breaking up the republican convention on Tuesday , so that it will mike no nominations. This proposed raid should bo carefully guarded ag'iinst. Every raspojtablo republican abonld turnout and protest the primaries nnd rjpol the rtiders. J * ? IT is hardly ncceatary for us to ozplaii why wo supported Boyd for major four ycats ego , and why wo refuss to bourn him now , Four years ajo the hoodlums and ward bummers took charge of the republican convention and forced Haical upon the party. That mido an issue be tween good and bad government , and wo accordingly supported Boyd , If wo bad to chcoso between Boyd and Hoscall now , wo woud ttill bo for Boyd , but we do ivJ think that Mr. Boyd Is the only mai who can acceptably fill the major's office and wo don't believe that he thinks so blmtolf. Quito apart from all this we don't bellove In nominating a man by petition and ignoring the most numerous element , which is composed of tha work- ingmen. Furthermore , four years ago Mr. Boyd was simply an enterprising business nun , and was not prominent in politics , but now ho has become a polltl cal boBj , and as a member of the demo critic nation * ! committee ho will ba tht chl f diipenscr cf federal patronage ii A COLD WAVE STRIKES THE JUNKETING TOURISTS. Senator Van Wyck in his attack upon lie South American commission has truck a tolllcg blow at ono of the most ; ! aring abusas that have over been fos- orod by congrois. Thesa senatorial unkcting tours at the nation's expense ro of comparatively recant origin , and luring the list ton years the evil has ; rown to alarming proportions. It has iccomo the fashion to make the people > ay fur the extended summer pleasure rips taken by our senatorial represents lives. Hundreds of thousands of dollars have thus been cqnandorod , and wo arc not surprised that Senator Van Wyck mi called a halt. Whoever hoard of onr old-tiino representative senators Benton , Clay , Wobs'or ' , Calhoan , Sumner , Seward - ard , or Douglas going upon junkotlng tours at the nation's expanse ? Of all the junketing tourj that which was taken by the South American com- nlsiion has undoubtedly been the most expensive and useless. When , in the anguaga of Senator Vnu Wyck , two men and a boy can pile np expenses to the amount of $40,000 in traveling like nabobs In a special palace car , occupying pacloui parlors in grand hotels , and on eying all the luxuries and pleasures In volved in a trip across the continent to San Francisco , thence to New Orleans and South America , It certainly becomes a matter not only of criticism bub invcs tfgation. Senator Vest , tha Missouri oourbon , became very indignant because Senator Von Wyck saw fit to stigma- tiza Es-Uovornor Reynold" , of Me- ( aourl , who is a member of the commission , as no better than the burglar who robs the government by put ting his hand Into the national treasury. Why should Governor Ilsynolda bespoken spoken of in a manner any more respect ful than other moraberj of the com' ' mifltion , when by his conduct ho has put himself on theic level ? General Sharp ? , the chairman of the commission , whoso only work consisted of a trip from Al bany to Now York and Baltimore and back , certified to the vouchers and drew his full pay at the rate if § 7,000 a year , juit as if ho had actually gone to South America. Governor Reynolds was no batter tlun General Sharpe when he quietly permitted the imposition on the part of Sharpe to bo carried out , and at the tame time ho was guilty of rocklocs extravagance himself , whereby thousands of .dollars wore filched from the pockets of the tax-payera. Cen tennial Hawley , who has bosomo InfUtud with his own importance and became an aristocrat , rushed to the dofemo of Cur tis , whom Senator Van Wyck referred teas as "the boy. " Now this fellow Cnitis has been hanging around Washington for years under the cover and prctensa that ho represented the Chicago Inter-Ocean. Like the radonbtable Uriah Painter , of the PhiladeipUyhgHiVer , who got § 25- OUO for helping to engineer the purchase of Alaska through congress during Sow- ard'a time , Curtis has rnaJo a living by his access to committoBs ol whicli ho was the clerk. Meantlma hn employers of the Inter Ocean have been at very little expense In maintaining him at the national capital. As clerk of the committee cu territories , dining the clmo of Senator Hitchcock , ho was a contributor of libals and slanders to tha columns of the Omaha llcpubllean , whose present boy editor , formerly Valentino' * six-dollar clerk , ho very mnch rcaombles in many Important particulars. Genera ! Logan , who well know the character anc calibre of Curtis , very emphatically op posed his appointment and cotufirnutlon on the ground that ho was an imprcper person ] to represent this government in any capacity. It is evident that Gen. Hawlcy ban taken up the cudgels of defence In behalf of "that boy" simply because Cur tis injected a lot of gai Into the general's little boiin for the presidential nomina tion , or because of eomo aoft-scap contrl button. The press of the country Is almost a unit In applauding Senator Van Wyck'u fearless arraignment of this South Amcrl can scandal. No honorable or honor nun , in or out of the senate , can dffent it. The retort made by Senator Mander son , and taken up by Senator Harrison was puurllo. Being unable to defend the junketing system , they endeavor to be little Senator Van Wyck by point ing out the fact that a resolution had passed the senate , at the las ( OBslon , authorizing the committee on the Mitsisslppi river to Investigate the con duct and character of the Improvements This was eminently proper , oven if it did require a trip up and down the river on the part of some of the members Such a trip was in the Interest of econ omy , with a view to ascertain how the commissioners and officers wore expend ing the people's money In the Improve ments. But what was Senator Mander son's proposed Alaika trip conctivod for It may not ba known to Senator Van Wyck , but wo know tint thora is in Alaska a syndicate of speculators carryIng - Ing on a larga and lucrative business without any Investment or risks , n Uncle Sam'a expense. This syndicate is nude up for the mcst part of govern mcnt officlah , and ii interoited in the seal fisheries and fur trade of Alaska Some of its tilent pirtnora lave prom inent positions under the dome of the national cipltol. It is an open secre that a relative or very intimate friend o Senator Mandcrson occupies the position of government inspector of the coal.hunt ing grounds or Islandr , Potslbly onr junior senator yearna to visit this relative or friend , as the cato may be , during the inmmer months , and hence the Alask * 'rip has been proposed with a view to business ns well as pleasure , Senator Van Wyck does uot know this , but he knows enough to know that the trip to ilaska , as well as other junketing touts , s an impoiition on the people , where ro tmd enough already. The sooner his y tom Is broken up the bitter It will > o for the country at Urge and the repn- atlon of the men who represent us In the national legislature. When Senator ilanderson introduced his resolution pro- idlng for that junkotlng tour to Alaska , IB little Imagined that it would start a cold wave that would sweep down from hat far-off rcplcm of snow and ice nil the way to the national opltal , and spread hence all ever the country. WE are not surprised that Pat Ford hould bo so cntbslss'ic ' for Mr. Boyd. Mr. Ford wants to provide a place on the pollco force for all his boarder * . * IT is the duty of the sheriff to close every tnloon doing business within the imita of the two-mile prohibitory bolt. EIo should not delay any longer in the mformanco of Ills duty. TUB republican primaries take place , his afternoon. It Is hoped that every republican will bo on hand to prevent any raid from the ward bummers and loodlumi , or from the democrats. Lot ns have fair play so that wo can pnt re spectable candidates in the field who will jo acceptable to the wcrklngmon. ASKING TOO MUCH. Isaac S. Hascall and Patrick Ford have clasped hands over the bloody chasm , and have agreed as to who shall bo the next mayor. So far so good. Nobody takes exceptions to the effort of Mr. Boyd'd friends to capture the democratic convention , but when Hascall and Ford join hands to capture the republican primaries for the benefit of Mr. Boyd , on the ono hand , and for the benefit of Has call on the other , wo romons'.r.ito most emphatically. It h all very proper for Mr. Boyd'a followers to exert themselves in his behalf In the democratic party whore he properly belongs. It Is not Improper for them to use their in llucuco and Mr. Boyd's cash to carry the democratic primaries , but wo object most decidedly ajalnot their raiding the republican convention o'ther ' with democrats or with Qascairconfodcr- atas. Mr. Boyd , it strikes us , ought to be ra'isfied ' with the nomination of two conventions. Wo know that ho Is a pork packer , but it would bo a little too hog gish for htm to insist that ho must go into the mayor's ofiicn by acclamation. Lat him give the poor republicans some chance so that the glorious democratic victory on the 7th of April will bo worth telegraphing all ever the land. It does seem to us that the ci izans who want Mr. Boyd for mayor art ) overreaching themselves. SINCK the recent prohibition decision the saloon-keepers in Iowa are pulling tbclr signs and preparing to quit the business or move to suma other stabs , The prohibitory law will probably now be strictly enforced in all parts of Iowa , and it at the next legislat ive olocfion the Issno will bo pro hibition or high license. The prohibl- sista , It Is true , arc very strong , but the enforcement of the law will probably make it eo odious that the coming contest will bo very close. Should the prohibi tionists ba defeated , It is safe to say thai a high-lice lisa law , similar to that in Ne braska , will bo adopted. IF tbo $1,000 liquor license is paid promptly In quarterly Installments , arc a guarantee is given that the whole year ly license will bo paid , wo think perhaps i hat this is the most satisfactory way to dispose of a vexed question. But every lquor : dealer In Omaha , whether retailer or wholesale , must pay n license. There Is aUogother too n.uh evasion cf the law in that respect. Let everybody bo trtated alike. It won't do to let ono man escape payment nltogo'her ' , and make another pay in full. Nor nlll it do to permit ona dealer to g-1 savcwl weeks or months behind in his payments , and force another to pay promptly. Wo ba- lluvo It would pay the board of education to employ a policeman specially to look up the matter of these license payments , which go Into the sehcol fund , and see that the bu ineis la attended to prompt ly , thoroughly and impartially. ARBOR DAY. "Arbor Day , " which was first estab lished in Nebraska when it was ranked as a treeless state , has prcducod good re sults noi only here , but nil over the union. The custciu cf general tico- plant iug on a certain day now prevails In a dczen or more states , and now Penn sylvania proposes to ca'abllsh an arbor day. A concurrent resolution has been introduced in the logitlaturo of that sla'o requesting the governor to Issue a proc lamation establishing a tree-planting day. The Philadelphia Call , which heartily Indorses the idea , says : The objoot IB to promotn forestry by having a day when along the public highways , in the yards of school build. Ings and o'sawbcre trees shallbo planted. Such customs ox st in other states and are worthy of being adcp'.od here. All olio aside , it will promote tree planting by calling attention to the subject and , parbapi , inveitlng the occasion will apodal formalities. At Ocean Grove this custom has done to much promote the increase ol forest trees. It became necessary to have an advance in tree planting to cuve the place from being denuded of trees The'sandy soil and the sea winds were unfavorable to the trees , and there wac danger that the grove would dla out The plan of having a treo-plantlng day was adopted and deceived with grea * entbiuiaim. As a ratult thovainds ol trees have h en plintod , to the great advantage < f the pi ce J In Pbiladelpnta and oilier cities ached fu'ds are In many cases utterly bare ol shade. Tccsa are the play grounds for the children. Onr ichool buitdlrg should have amp la thade , both to shelter ho btilldlpg nnd to aifotd a suitable place or the children to pl y. So with our oads and highways. The itrtots of Philadelphia hnvo been improved in this this respect , but the state would bava tly richer In a fewytars If tree-planting be- cimo a general cutiom.iVAnd wcro a day et apart , say in April or near tlio hst of May , and the p'an ' nude popu'ar , thousands of trees would bo annually setout out , and the hco of the itato in this re- sjsoct completely changed. This Is the period whin such a re-solution will attract wide attontkn. The do.truetlon of forests is being earnestly discussed in several states , and the value of trees In affecting climatic conditions is generally understood. So wo hope Ihls resolution will pus. THE law-abiding and pious people cf Council Binds are In a quacdary wbat to do In leg ard to prohibition. If the law Is enforced many of Ilia eminently rt spootable citizens , who era drawing com- fortab'c renti from the saloon keoporr , will have imply bulldlcgs on their handr , and bo compelled to rant them at very loir figures , There are sixty saloons In Council Bluffs , and the number of build ings that would bo vacated would have a tendency to bring down rents all ever ( he city. Hence it will ba" seen that on forccmont cf the law will ailed ovcry person that has a business building to rant. On the other hand if the law Is not enforced , the ealoons will continue to run , the wicked will flourish , and the good and pious landlords will not have their rent-rolls reduced. Prohibition may ba a good thing , but when it seri ously affects a man's pocketbook there is sudden shrinkage in conference and principle. SCRAPS. "I was in Washington a few duys o , " remarked a friend of mine , ' 'and WI.B much surprised to lind among the hurtle of office eookera not ouo from Nebninlm. I could not understand it , for I supposed that Ne braska would bo ns numerously represented nt the national capital oa any other state. Uul thomjatcry was explained to mo wlion I stepped into the 1'nxtou hotul Thursday night and saw that crowd of prominent demo- crnts from all pnrta of Nobr/ibka. / They were waiting to eoo what action the state distribu ting committee would take before they begnu to mova on the capital. Now that the com mtto3 ! has failed to iv rcu upon any plan , nnd ordered Secretary May to return nil applies lions , I suppose they will BOOO purchase tickets to Washington. I understand , howevertlmt a call is to be Issued for the dotnocrnUcmembora of tbo legislature to meet at Lincoln on the 30th of tliin month for the purposnof consider ing the patronage qufwtion and forward their 8Ufrgn8tiom to Mr. Cleveland. Thii rcrimble for office beats anything of tbo hind I have over neon for the lut : twenty-four ycnin and a half. " * * * "While in Washingtsn , " continued the eame gentleman , "I saw Will D. Eaton. Ho IB growing old in nppaaranco veiy fast. hair has turned gray. It may surpiiso as well as pleuan hlo Oiraba friends to know that during tbo last two or three years ho has made about 3150,000 by epecu'aling in coal lands and other lands in Dakota. Ho is now specuUtiug in Arkansas lands , and is inter estcd in a now invention that IB destined to create a revolution in a certain trade nnd make bush ls of money for the owners of it. Besldf s nil tliia ho has a handsome memo from his littiary woik. Daton is a splendid fellow , and 1.1111 glad td see that foituna has smiled upon him , * * * A streut car driver told me the oilier day tliat passengers managed to get rid ot punctured coins , particularly U'-cent pieces , by dropping them into tbo fare boxes. "Yen would ba astonished , " said be , "to BOO the number of punched , mutilated nnd counterieit nietol ? , half dimes and dimes that go into the fare box. We ctn't help ourselves. You see wo can't very well toll the coins in thu box that is whether they are punch oil or countor- felt and maaago our horses nt the same time , and if wo do dhcover any such coins it is bard to tell to a dead certainty who dropped tlum in. It is surprising to HPO the way respectable uirn and women will fire all their bad coiiiB into our faro brxop. They da it with jmt the same uaso of conscience with which they drop their begin money into the diurcu contribution boxes. " * < * Lieutenant Scbwatka , the arctic explor er , who wai formerly stationed in Omaha , i * contrit uting a serial to the St. Nicholas nmg azino entitled 'Tho Children of the Cold. " It is nn enteitaining Hikimo story. Schwatka tendered bis resignation from the army not lone WO , lie was dissatisfied with tha do- putmont became it would not grant him n leave of absence so that be could make an other exploration in Alaska an a private en terprina under the patrona o of several wealthy gentlemen of 1'orcland , Oropon , Thu leave of absence was withhold on n techni cality , which was that bo bad not forwarded his application from the headquarters of his icgiment at C-imi ) Thoman in Southern Arizona , Ho attempted afterwards to withdraw his resignation , but this was nut allowed. Ilia resignation was accepted on the Hist of last January , and he is now a Chil ian. At piesenl he is in Js'aw York , where ho Is engaged in lltorary work , ISesides contrib uting to magazine ? , ho lias two books nearly completed , one of whirh is upon hunting in the northern regionr. At the same time ho is at work getting subscription ? to a stock company to put cattle on the AlentUn Islands and make a business of 'raining them there. There is excellent grazing , and all ha wants to start tbo enterprise is $50COO , About four weekn ngo ba had secured S3\000 , and hehas probably got tbo other 15,000 by this titn . * * A well known otlicrrot tha department of the 1'Jatte told me recently that the widow of Gen. K. O. 0. Ord , who was once the com mander of this department , is the onnor of tbe table upon which tbu articles of capltuliv tiou were written when Cen ! , Kobart 1 ! Lee surrenders ! at Appomallox Court House , Gen. Ord commanded a corps in tbe federal army , nd was present when ( irant and Lee agreed upon the terms of surrender , Iinme. diately afterwards ho purchased the table and presented it to Mrs. General Grant , but she declined to reeivu it. It was taken to Gen. Ord'a home , and has been in tbu possession of tbe fartily ever since. I'oliilCH In Oniulia. Plaltimoutb Herald. The Omaht Republican is jast now making o peculiar speotac'o'of itaolf. It seems to ba going out of politics , or per haps , rather , republican politics. IU double lotded editorials era an endorio- mont of a democrat fur mayor of Omaha , ono of the mrst uncompromising demo crats in the slate , the Nebra-ka mem ber of the nsti inl democratic commit tee , the Ucn Jamej E. Boyd , a demo crat of the Cleveland sWIpa in numerous ways ; the position of the Omaha Rrpnb- Hem , lnylnjf claim to bolns the leading repnb'iesn papor.ln the sUte , Is n eorry ouo. Thobucolloicpubl.can press , and the republicans in tno itato , ara already rsprosslnR pity f r it. Itj position la nuiniliAtln ? to itfclf and its readers The city of Omaha is lopubluan , politically , and jet a republican paper advocatps n mrssback democrat for maycr. liow is nis , anyhow ? 1'orhaps Mr. Buyd OWLS Omaha and republican | apors there. If BO , the Omaha Republican had bettsr abaudrn boirg the state republican or gan , that i ) no better businefs than sUbbing - bing the republican party in the largest city In the sta o , by supporting nn "of fensive partiian" of the rtomocratic school for mayor. STATK liellevue had a mad dog scare last week. 1'ranklla county is entertaining a number of land buyers. 1'rpinont feeds tramps on broad and water , a la llmchor. She refused to giro any names , but the police nra investigating. A steam flouring mill Is ono of the wants of Columbus , A now iron bridge sspani the Nlobrara near Valentine , Owners of stock In Codnr county arc now obliged to herd them , Nnneo county is sending n largo number of fat cattle to market , Dr.V. . IL Smith , ot Crete , will set out C 000 trees on Arbor day. Thu slate university threaten ? to import prLfcssor of Sanscrit. Kepubllcan postmaster ) are doing bnsiuos * at the old stands in this state. The street railway is now in operation between - tween Wyinoro and 151uo Springs. Oeceola is offered a 815.000 Hour mill for a bonus $5,000. The citizens are considering tbe utfer , Knox county farmers are going Into Ihx culture heavily. Considerable wheat will also bo sown. Tha site of Kastport , opposite Nebraska City , will soon bo in the bottom of the Mis- acuti mer. Locan county anxiously awaits tbe return of ( Joy. Dawes to urxaniru and call an elec tion for permanent ollicers. Alfred Simmon' , n Waverly Ind of 12 will the rupuUliou of a born thief , has been etui to thu reform school , Joseph HOP o of Osceola. was nipped to the tnmi ot SiOO. and costs for selling corn juice without a peimit. The stockholders of thu Nebraska City barb viro worko lira rowing m court , and the lawyers uro emptyiuy the treasury , lUrney 1'itr.timmona , who shot and killer his patumour in Lincoln last fall , was fount , guilty ot murder in the tccond degree. Tbo new Presbyterian church jint com- plettd In Mira V.lley J'oclgj coiiLty , at i cost of 813,600 , was dtdi men Sunday. William Dorrol , of Craig , lust 53.500 by tbo failure of a Chicago firm to wuom bo bat shipped nixty cars ot coin. The loss brokuuj bin business. Saciuino ! : socials are a novelty in church circles in Central City. Maplu tugar c ktH are used to keep the jawa and pocket : books open. I'lattdmouth boasts of n man who lias livci there nineteen years and never visited Omaha , He in afraid some of his ox-bourdcra are laying for him , Tr * nips nro said tn bo as thick as flics in Juna throughout the Klkhorn valley , and the auihoiitien nrf in a q.iaudary as to what dU position to make ot the veruiin. A Nebiaska Wiggins prophecies that April Ua will co\er the Btuto wilh two feet of BLOW , and tint the month of May will bu colder than the mouth of April prccsaing it. Allan Ernst , a tarruor near .KImwood , narrowly escaped being kicktd to ilautli by n horde latt week. TUB animal smashed three libs and knocked him unconscious in tbe Mis' ' round. It cnst J. II. Jones of Plattsuiuuth 311780 to let hN daughter attend a party tbo other night. The old man left thu door unlocked for nor , but u bold burglar called early : .ud captured Li * roll of hard earned money. Prospectors in the north part cf tha state are convinced that the town which will soon b locjtod on the White river , at tha F , E. it AI , V. junction , id dtutined to become the largest city in the tliito west nf Omaha. A farm of KO acres belonging to W. H. Murphey , near Plattsmoutb , has started for the Gull of Mexico via. the Missouri river. The owner witnessed the departure of the last equure foot one day last week. A couple of land seekers hired a livery at Hluomington a few iliy * agonnd while trying to ford a smull creek drowned ono o ! thu horses and otticrwitu damaged the outfit. Their tiip and expeiicnce cost them $176. A fubstanti.il oridge over tbu PJntto was completed and opened to traffic at Wood River hat week. It wa ? built by Contractor Moana , of Grand Island , uud la suid to bo ouo of iho Lest btinc'tires spanning that mer. An unfinished buildup in U'ysses ' collapsed last fntuniuy week , burning sev , ral boys who were nlayinp in it. Wilbtrt A , un otTan - per ] , ) U6rta , was instantly killed. Two of his playmates were severely injured. Two crar.y Frenchmen jumped from a morning train near Plum Oieuli aud com menced all manner of drunken japutH on tha pruiriu near town , After they had driven tbe makes from their biuta they boarded a train for the court1 , Frank Odell and a companion went out gunning from Wahoo. Frank uoon returned wiih the contents of bis pard's pirn iu his ariL. Thus is i.ii'.ther limb added to the mountains uf evidence that boya and guns are m\oterato enemies. The liiBCU'iti boer thin was the innocent cause of a bloody low at Kobr ska City , Tlio participant were Ueoi > u Campbell and a. muu named Ingalla. Th" .stomach of the former was ripptd open , Ingulls cecapod ly animming the liver. A young couple from ( ! age county put up a % a Lincoln hotel as mauuuu wifo. Tliey worn idrntiued und arrested on thu thargoof adult ery and jailed The young > aan dtulrod tj legalize his prelousncsp , but the girl declined , They occupy separate colls. The Indians now eccupjin ? the Hantuo res ervation wnre among the mont blood-tliiraty scalpers of women and children in the Minuo- Kola innssHure of lElii. 'ihey have been in ni- ceipt of annuities ficiii the government over tinco that date. The Valentino Kjmblicau says : "It is currently reported on our streets that thu Milwauken road lias let the contract for grad ing the find hundred miles of thu road from NiobMra to tbo O'llara llrou. The turvoy rum within eight inliea of Valentino , " Touy Maber , ft Dakota county farmer boy reached for the wrong end of his gun and Bent the contents into his vitals , dyintf of IIIH wound * last Friday. No better way haa yet been fnunil to driva awny Uie bluri than foolIng - Ing with the muz/le of a gun , tthoUon opium up the building record of 1835 with a fine opera house of brick and st'ine , costing $18,000. It ia well equipped with scenery anil the necuwrv tagn paraphernalia , and ia owned by Mr. MeUeiibr , A new Presbyterian church , just completed , costS3nOO. Kill Donaldson brought fitit against Dan Myer.i forSU , in bsward. A jurv wrastled with tbe case but failed to aeron. Tlie coats , however , piled up to SIOO , brides attomeyV loftt. They dividml the conU between them and drnppnd tbe law and lawyers. Tne 911 \t \ Ktlll uupaid , Charley Maddox , Hiving II vn miles from North li ( nd. Dud a cuiinty , Hintiiinod a su- vere loan by ( iru la t week. His barn , con taininq four head of how , r.K ( ) huxhols i.f corn , bifetn of banicuH , und and a number of farm Implements , vat debtroycd. Thu origin of the firoina mjttery. PUttsmouth i < lei king arouctl for a fitn for a park , Thu numerous wcojud hills and vol. leys surrourding the town would furnifh varinty of sites , if some nf the old iiiossliacks cou'd be induced to pariiotnato their name * in the front en'r.mco uod in thu memory of grateful citizens. Thirteen doctors were turiud loohofrnm the ui i e ity last wurk , Tha yom K M. D.'n art Mmtiinei H Farmer , Willis Ii fJuck.Charlfs r.mnbul , D It. J5 U , J. A V nOimp , O Mulvane , A , A. litmiy , H. C. Curumins M > a > P3 Mary U.tvin .md Aibuckle , Mri. H. Jliiword ard Mm M. K Uaso. Daniel CoKina U the name of a nice young man who Invented Nobrpska City on th aj - "oich of his wedding ilny. Daniel was a member of the liaptlst church nd ft moving pirit of the Y M. 0. A The expectant > tide h just cause mid nutiety for the IHOUI young inou'a return. Aubuin give * shelter to a being who has o Ittlo of tha feclibg ! ) of n boKSt much lo < a n iiunAti , that hn would not go to the bedside of his ilyinp child until ho hftd finished A gair.e of bUliards. Thn Gro t J''ftthcr wu ii 01 cl fill anil closed forever tbo ryes of tbo ittlo ono before tlio gairo WAS liiii'hed. Tlio youthful inrouts tf the Sargent an 1 hcrt families In Indlanob , were iiatteil on ho backs by their daJs while mngcd In a gouging mutch. When tha youngsters tired ont the men took up the battle cry aud hum- inorcti each other around till very fauoo b ard ulthin remh wuro reduced to kindling. The battle was declared n draw. Adams Shcckj , of Urnnd Islnnd started out with n team on n homontpftd oxplorntion tour , lust week , and when fifteen milui out stopped. While unhitching ho was kicked bv tno of the horses and seriously injured. His right hip was bruitcJ , jaw nnd two ribs broken , nnd hii right oar torn. Ho will live , but the doctors will buvo n long bill. The H. fi M , railroad company hayo at lutt decided to inske Falls City the division bo- twecn Kansas City nud Columbus , nnd to this end hkvo ordered a roundhouse built ol suilicient mzo to accommcdato the oncinos necessary to operate the road , niul other sub stantial improvements in the way of extend ing the ynul * and building switches. _ Lincoln has n tonaatlon iu'-olvlne a skatinp rink , n married woman , n genttmnu friend and her hushnml , The latter found his bettor half returning from the roller mania with thu mutual fri nd. the other evening , Ho ob- jectfil pulled his revolver and blazed awny. A police whistle was blown nnd both men vcampcrod away , leaving the woman alons. The law-abidim ? citizens of Sntton In moss meeting virorously dcnottncpil tbo lynchiiigo Mrs. Taylor ami her brother , Thos. Jones , tbe not nils of which ap , cared iu a recent is sue of THE ] ! KK , A resolution was pussei pledging "our nrdivided aud unqualified mip port to the ehonlT , tbo district attorney , juilgo and governor in their endeavors to bring the perpetrators ot thia outrage to jmtlco. " Tlie " ' " . "IlopiiMlunn's" HoiuilillcanlHiii. Fremont Tribune. If there 1ms ever born published In Nebraska a newspaper unruitsouablo anc vlndicatlro in itn par'isaniem ' It is the Omaha Republic tn. If a publio man or a nowpjpjr has over hud the un warranted audacity to dlller with Ita rulyhty editor oven npon matters with in the party , he hos wHttKd hia tp'oen into a p. n atd punctured his gall with It for the purpose of wii ing them out of the party. It is generally conceded that ho is not well balanced , but the most cormtiint and pralstont oxtu'ora of his journalism are astonished that h uhotild oodoiss and work for the tltctu i tf Jlni Uoyd for mayor of Omaha. Boyi may bo a good man , but ho is a demo crnt and the Republican has never jo been abla to find faogimpo ; atrong on out ; ! to cordemn a republican who would look with favor upon wny democrat , or evei upon a in n v ho might bo an independ ent republican , and why cliould It now be supporting Boyd ? Does it pretocd to body of republicans In Oaiuhn theroisno ono to bu found who can fill the office o mayor ? Uai nrt the prtsjnt ac'ing ' nwyor , IMr. Murphy , shown himself alto gether capublo ai < d able ? But Boyd is snppotod to stand close to Grrvor Clave land , ft'jd iu all probability the Orcivha Republican is willing to go back on its principles , vliit few it has , for the pur pete of having a li't'o ' ' InfiDcnce with the admit islra'ion , through Boyd. That'fl about tha siz'j of it , THE CIOIT11TP. UNITED STATES COUIIT. A nnlt pending , whcroln the Wyomlnj , Company is plaintiff and John A. Stewart is defendant , was recently de cided In thia court , a judgment bein { , rendered ncalnst ; Stewart / r S5o,000. On Saturday the defendant gave notice of a rnotiou for a now trial upon the ground of crronojua ru'ingaby ' the court in the former trial , which motion will bo heard ere many days. The oral testi mony In tbo c.i'o has been roducnd to writing and imkoa a vtrltteti document cf about I8CO folios. W.VTKICT COlMtT. Before Waktley The entire day Sat urday being motion day was consumed in hearing arguments on motions and do- muriur' , the most important of which U'it ; in the Jnnos vs. the City of a case. , which was submitted and taken under considi mioa by Judge Wukeloy. Before Xavillo D'atrlct Attorney E'- 'olle entered a noils in tlio ctso of the Stito vs. CliJirlm Westergard , clurgecl with tiorso atraling. Other tliin this fudge Nuvillo had no cases bifuro him Siturd y. In tlm coTrt Chnrlos Wa'sin entered ptiit ag irHVVIIhrd A. Clark nnd T. W T. Rhbard * for $ ( ! ,500damogu for use of a mashirio for excavating dirt , which nu- chlno bilongi to pluntill' . To-day Gtz/.ola nnd Orabne , for mur der In Ilie aecotid degree , and GBlI.ijher for obttiniog money under falsa pre tenses , will bo aentouoed by Nuvillo. I'OLICU OOUHT. The cases of John Nugent and Robert Green for keeping a disorderly house ( the Buckingham thojUr ) was continued for ono wotk tr in Saturday. Mrs. .liibk ink's camplalnt against Con stable G. B. Striker for asfault and V > at- lery wan head by the court aud taken und - d r advisement. George Richards- entered complaint igainst Henry Sincere fur Lsuilt and Mtko Bontarlmor ontared complaint ttnBt one whose name Is unknown , for obtaining raonoy under f ilso pretenses. De.tlers' Aulinu. On Friday night the saloon men hold a nucting In the Klkhorn Yalluy house for the pnrposo of auditing aud settling the costs and accounts of their corami'.Uo who went to lobby at Lincoln In Febru ary latt , and also for thu purpose of iak- ug steps to sccuro tbo prirllcgo of pay- 'n"tiio $1,000 yearly license In ( ( iierterly isyminta cf $250. Mr. Duncin , treav uivr , WAS not jiresont , hence the auditing of the lobby comraitteo did net take pint ; ? , but u committee of five with Col. Pratt us chairman ai appointed to look aft r thu defdoiV Intorusts in the matter of qnar- iorly paymcnlu of the liquor license tin. It is said that tuvetal of the city mid shool authorities favor this practice if it can ba legally dor.o , and the whltky men claim trat the $1 000 ep.t cash Is more thaa very many can stand , who codel pay in quarterly inttillmenta In this connection a repoitrr learn to that since the recent decision tf the No- Diuska Guprcmo court upon the Hiloon law that wholesale spirituous pud malt Iqnor dealers miibt ray tbe 81,000 ( ox at ICHDOO , these ( .dealers pretty gcneiall ) will pay the tax and conlinuu bu > lntf A few are stid < o have determined to uiiko their wholcialu and retail placet mo and the aame , tbni saving oao licenic1. Two houses , it is learned , deal inYioib' beer end will rtfasi to pay tha tax , thus railing thu | uetU ° n jf ( bat beer is Qne Q ( the lluicU ontctnplatcd by the Slosntn Inw. Oflictr Ttirnbull , who has boon getting n list of all the BO wholositlo drnlorc , In obedience o the writ of the cnprpino coor' , finds hey nnmlcr thirteen ( III ) firms In Om - iii , nnd wi'l ' psy under the hw seine ? li,000 ! to the ichool tutid. Ono firm will cloio np , thinking Its business will lot warrant laying mi * 81,000 in ( ate * . Hall of Coiiiimny K , Mmrlli Infantry , St. Patrick's d y was rbsorved nt the post by Ci mpiiiy K , Fourth infantry , Riving the second ono nf tholr sticcoioful dances. This year they succeeded in eclipsing , In point of dtcorattoiif , any thing before attempted nt the pott. Tno b ll-roim was decorated with national and r. gimontnl colors , Htondnrdc , guidons and mtrkorn. The floor was waxed smooth as gloss , and these who participated were amply repaid far the preparation of It. The costumes rf the Udlos wnre rich and ole- gant. Tha nnlfirmsif the otlicars and men mingling with the richer toilets of the udlca pave the scene an appearance at once brilliant and gr nd. The sapper room was stilt moro spprc cUtid on account i f the tempting display of Iho tables , which were loaned with eatables of all kinds , aud no ono was turned away hungry. Qtnta a number of people from the city participated. "SURRENDhR OR DIE. " A Iilvely Time at Uxttlc Orcclr , Mao- MMI County , On Thnrtday of last week a party era a half dizeu hoadtd by Liwaou Millef cuno into Brtttlo Creek fjr the purpoao cf provoklug a quarrel with Troy lialo , whom Miller claimed had beaten him unfairly - fairly In a horse race or hnrso deal of some kind. Both M Her ai.d Dale are Boinetrhat noted as j ickcjs. llalo was apprised of tholr pmp.to and kept out of thi ir way. The party romaiuod In town all day Thursday and Friday without accomplishing their plans. Oc casional y ono of tlm pnrly would meet Hale on the street and give him an inti mation of thi-ir purpose , but Halo de clined to ba dtawn itituuquarrcl. Exas perated by their failure , the crowd on Saturday fitlid up with liquor nnd be- CAUIO very bolliguruut , aud tried to run tbo town in a m uy cow-biy f ation , blandishing tholr fire-arms ill a threatening - ing way. Truy dirt s < mo damage in a K-roomrind hssuu rod Herman Ilogrofo , an Inofl'umvo cit'z.u ' who stood as HiOLO tf them , boatinc him severely ever the head wilh a lovolvor. _ Thlfl last act aroused the lorg- ontlurlrgcitizeut , to a luiise of tholr danger - gor , Pirn n party if about tvrenty-tivo armid tbcmeo'vea ' with rluitguns and prepared - pared to c.ipturo . the riotous crowd. Uea-ud by F. J. Hole and the c mUblo the puity ttartcd out with Guns Joided aud primed , and the loader shon'cd "Snireudor cr die ! " Blillor } ioldidas also did the i thew , but ono of the num ber ( a Mr. Baisl ) o.mlrg In whore Miller was , and u t knuwltg ho Lad surrendered , brondiihed his jovol- vor , when a dr.on cons were roii.t d at him. Ho dodged down behind a counter nnd 'saved I itn. gulf. It was a moment of peril for him , as there w < ra trios of ' 'ihoot him. " Then ho was orJeiiid to hold up his handi. Ho did so , but discrostly kept his hi ad bo- low. It was a maivpl tint tbo citizens rtfiaUud Irom chottinz , and n credit to thtir jui'grneEt that they committed no set of viultnca. When they were nil In tbe custody of the citizens etojB were at cnci tikcn to prosecute the of fenders ngitinot law. Attorney llaiub.'ilt. of'Norfilt , was telegraphed for find on Sunday afternoon R conveyance was sent In for him. Ifo wont out and prosecut- td llio ras'a on Monday before Jns'ico Itoso , Brown , of Mndlac n , dvfendlng. They were all found cu.Ity of the various oO'enaoi chsrged. The law abiding citi- JIBDS of Battle Creek ro determined note ; o allorr such proceedings to " o uiipun- shpd. On the 18th Lawson Miller was brought .o Norfolk by Cmutablo Phillips and arraigned - raigned bef ro Justice Goiockc , cm a shunj o of veiiuo from Thoa. Rjts , of Bat la Creek , and plead guilty to an as- aault upon Herman Hrgrofo aud was ined $10 Mid coils. This IB the lest of the cases growing out of the disturbance. lift Hail Iho True llnllroud Instinct. Atlitabula TeleRrnpli. "The m int remarkable accident In my oxpcriouco , " said Superintendent Couch in answer to the question , "happened on the Newcastle road to the track-master. Ho wai running down grido cna hand oar and making fast time. The last glow of twilight Wcs all that was left to ilium- inato thu scene. Suddenly the man flaw the sheen of the two cylinder heads of a locomoliio. Thn I'ght failing en their bright BurfucfH tended to dlsclosa them first of all. Itealix mj Hat the engine was clone on htm , and tlmt what he did must bo done ( jiiicldy , ho sprang f 0111 his hand car and plunged rionn a high ombankment. Ho struck on a pile of stones aud sustained eovore , but not fatal , in juries. Curlona to know what train had been at that point at that hrur , ho nmlo It ( [ iiiry , nnd found that there was no tiam. The cylinder heads that ho tup- posed ho saw wore dinner pails. Two section men were ruturnlng homo from work , walking ono on either aldo of the track with thc'r ' dinner pall in hand , and the vault i * light fell on the pilhi in such a manner as to give them the apjnaranco of thj cylinder headi of en engine. It was a curious accident , but U showed that the track matter had Ihu instinut of a true railroad nun. There wan no time to wait and Investigate , frr had he dorio po ar d it had proven ti bo an engine , it would h&VB b.un ovorlastinply too late1 SNEEZE ! SNEEZE ! NWhr./.K , until jour bead ocoma rte < ly to lly oil ; until your IKIHO and 'lututitlca > f tliln , Ir- rltatlic. watury lluld ; in til jour huad nclicH , mouth ard throat iiurihud , ucd lilocxt at inurliu-it. TliU lian Acutu Catarrh , and la liirtaiitly rclluiud liyiv eliiU | ; d < > 3e , u'jil [ itrnii. Iiuutlj curedbvunoUit- l o Banford'a IladlcalCuro for Catarrh , Coniiiloli ) Trentiiunit with Inlialcr $1 , Ono bottle Kaalcal Cure , n . box C.itarrliil Hal ont , and one [ rnprcnu < l in > ir In onu < i\ackaKO may now bu ) ia < l ol all druvpii > < ur 91,00. ' Ask la anfurdV IUillr.il Ctiru , "Ihu only ab elute iicrlllo wo know ol. " Mud. rjracu. "Tf o bent wo hit u found In lilctlmu uf ufferln-K | > . l > . Wlln. . H < Hlnn. "Alter aloni ; trinrto ! with Catarrh , tlio Ilailcil Cure ba-i con- utrud1 I'ov. ' K. W. Jlonruo , I Hlnbureb , t'a. J Imtu not found a cu.no that ft did not rcllciu at ncu. " Andruw Leo. Manihntor , Haw. I'ottfr Drup-anil Chemical Co. , Uoaton. hoi the rclltl and riroventlua the IcHtaut It U aiijillu ] , ol llhcu. rnallmn , Neuralgia , BcUJlcn , C/ouKhn , Colda , Weak lUok , btom- aor , and llowul , Bhootlnj 1'aliia , Numbnesg , IljxUiU , Ku- . Malaria , ' 4 d Ejililiai-loB , W ) Cu.lu'i ! I'la-.tora ( an Electrlo JtatUty co bl d with a I'urou * ' ole i 4