Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 20, 1885, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE DAILY BEE-FRIDAY , MARCH 20 , 1885. 5
Tin Close of the Klnsa Cass "Noi
Guilty , "
Scenes In the Court Iloom nnfl
ment * of Oounsol Oilier Court
Matters "Xcatcrdajr.
In Judge Neville's court yesterday the
Ktusa murder case was taken up , and af
ter the argument submitted to the jury.
District Attorney Estollo opened with
an hour's speech for the prosecution.
Mr. Estello took the line of argument
that the killing of Klim was practically
admitted. The conviction of Grabno ,
her accomplice and co-principal , as
charged , settled the question of his
guilt , and that the testimony showed beyond -
yond a doubt , as the speaker conceived ,
that in tint hcmicido Mro. Klusn , the
prisoner , was not only present , aiding
and abetting , but was active , assUting
and a put/ principal to the deed. After
a strong and logical rovlow of the testi
mony , the district attorney yielded to
of counsel for defense.
Mr. Burnham took the theory that
granting the guilt of Grjkbno , there could
bo no conviction of the worn ID , because
the ovldenco direct and unlmpcachcd
showed that the defendant was not pres
ent nnd in any way participating in the
homicide. That the testimony of the
state in no way , exjcpt by presumption ,
contradicted this theory , while it was di
rectly sustained by the unlmpeached
testimony of the throe competent wit
nesses. Th ? advosato farther held that
to convict , the jury must bo satisfied that
, the defendant must have been present at
the commission of the act. If she were
not pnaant she cannot bo found guilty ,
and as throe witnesses swore directly that
she was not in the house and only by
"belief" the state showed that she was ,
that "reasonable presumption" of guilt
contemplated by the law la not oven
made out , and the defendant must bn sot
free. Counsel made a fine argument and
at noon the court took a recess until
p. m.
Upon re-assembling Mr. II. W. Breck'
enrldgo addressed the jury for the de
fense. Mr. B. Is a young man of prom
ise and followed the theory of the pre
ceding attorney , making a clear and creditable <
itablo argument closing with an appeal foi
the poor w'dow and mother , In a strange
land , without money , friend or kin tc
help hcrcaro for four little children who ,
when tboy losa her , will bo cast out upon
the cold unsympathizlng world.
I The district attorney closed for the
state in a thirty minutes address. He
answered the theory of tbo defense ant
clearly sot forth the case of the state at
shown by the witnesses ; closing with th <
request that the jury do their duty at
citizens and men to the state and th (
prisoner. It Is just to siy that nothing
of persecution taints this officer's man
agement of tha statp'scaso ; hois bold
liberal and manly in setting forth thi
rights of the state aa ho conceives then
and there ho stops.
Judge Neville Instructed the jury whi
During their retirement they sent cu
for some Information to the court. Upot
tbo return of tbo messenger they wontti
work and at about 5:45 : brought in a ver
diet of
The lone woman was set free , with ho
litxlo ones around her , after a long con
Cnoment in the jail.
roucE COURT.
Before Acting Pollco Judge Weis
yostouUy , In the state vs. Wallig , charge- -
with defrauding his partner , the examiu
atlon was had , and the case taken undo
advisement by the court.
In the state vs Holmes , charged wit
grand larceny of jewelry of Mrs. Meyoi
the case was taken up at If p. m. am
continued to 2 p. m. to day , and in dc
fault of bond the defendant went to jail
State vs. James HIgglns , petty larcenj
Sent to jail for five dars , and costs.
( State vn. Wm. Gallon , patty larconj
Fined $5 and costr , which ho paid.
A little dwarf was cent to jail in dc
fault of a fine of § 5 and costs.
A vagrant who failed to leave towi
was sent to iail for five days.
Two men final § 1 each for nuisance o
thu street , which they paid.
Frank KuboAcc , Franscuca Kubove
and a five months' old daughter of Fran
ciscaKuboveo bgan suit in the distric
court yostordiy claiming § 5OOC damagi
' from John Iloslcy , editor of the Pokro
Bapidu. The Dftltion cf the plaint' !
sots forth that on the tnitteonth day '
.Tanuiry , 1881 , the defendant came In
the KuDovec mansion and commenced i
abuse Mrs , K. , who wai sitting nnrsii
the baby In her arms. Ho produced
revolver , It Is alleged , and brandished
over her head' threatening to kill he
She ws to badly frightened , it Is allege
that einco that limo she hai bei
snlTerlog from a low nervous fev
while her infant , falling
secure the proper breast nourishment h
beonslowly plninu'away. Heavy doctor
bills , it ii alleged , have boon incurrc
and the throe defendants think th
$3,000 damages ii but nlijht conaolatli
for their wounded feelings and depict
Before Neville After the Klusa ca
t was given to the jury some minor matte
were disposed of.
Befora Wakeloy Arguments on ci
questions were heard.
Fonnal orders and proceedings in t
matter of estates engaged this court.
In Judge Anderson's court yeaUml
two lulta wore filed against the defm
Union PciGo association , ono for 8142
by the Mlllard hotel company and H.
Kostors , jointly ; and another for $137.
and Interest by F. A , Schneider a
Kennard & Sharp. The Individual me
ben of the association are to bo sued
the vuioua amountf.
In the same court Mary E. Shu
commenced an action against Samuel
Stephens , whom she charges with havl
mode threats against her because she i
not come to time promptly in the ri
which she owed him. Stephens hai
cross action against Mrs. Shuler for n
payment of rent in the tame court.
Mrs. Mary E. Meyer , in the aa
tribunal. commeDctd replevin procoi
ings against the Pacitlo Express compi
to obtain goods worth 845 which 1
b on stolen from her by Holme * , one
her employes shipped to Chicago , rest
ped to Omthi.
come recognized as the best wash
preparation ever invented. It has
Iteved waah'day of the old wear and ft
and cleanses the dutlett fibrlc with
injuring it.
The Exercises at the Ojera Hiuse
Yts'erday ' Morning ,
and Interested Audlonoo In
Promptly at the hour of ton the exor
cises under Mr. Moody's leadership
opened , After novoral prayers and
hymns , in which the aadlouco was asked
to join , Rov. Martin spoke for a reason
able tlmo npon the toplo named in the
" life In church-
programme , "Spiritual our -
of. " The idea ho sought to impress upon
his heaters nai that Christians must uio
the means given them to subsorro the
purposes of God , with earnestness and
zeal. Ho illustrated it by the statement
that if the congregation are llatlcss and
cold , leaving the minister to carry the
load alone , the "preacher and not the
congregation would go to hell. " All must
nark and without it thcro would bo no
fire in their hearts , no bloislng of God on
their worihlp. After tnoro hymns and
prajor , Mr. Moody added some words of
exhortation which era condensed in
the words which comprise the whole
for thm.lans to solve , "word and work. "
The spirit of the gospel Is to "get and
glvo. " If you got a good thing , go give
It to somebody clso. Ho Illustrated the
narrow man who lott his follows to take
care of themselves by a story of a man
who broke hlo leg and was sent from
house to house and finally bank to the
place ho had his broken log started ,
Moody laid great ctroas on the neces
sity for Christiana to keep array from the
world and Its people and ways. The
world coming into the church is sapping
the llfo of the church. "Keep away
from the world. " Illustrated by anecdote
of an appla tree on his farm ; when other
people got all the apples because the tree
was too near the lino. Christiana must
avoid being close to the lino.
Moody drew a picture of Abraham and
Lot , the ono a Christian who kept away
from the world and ito people and served
God the other a first-class citizen , rich ,
public-spirited and influential. The ono
a praying and the other a paying Chris
tian. The speaker ballovod in the
praying Christian , not the praying ono
[ A subscription was taken yesterday In
the convention when they gathered in the
sheaves ] , A man lo bo and to keed good
must keep ont of the watera of sin.
Christiana must guard against losing
this testimony , this power to do good.
Evil associations with the worldly will
causa this. Illustrated by the glory ol a
sweet singing canary bird in England that
was put on a tree to get tunshiuo and air.
Numbers * of sparrows surrounded the
canary and when taken into the house all
the sweet singer could do was to "chirp. "
So if Christians stiy among the worldly
they lose all religious influence , pawor
and testimony.
Af tor more singlcg and prayer and a
finely rendered hymn by Mr. Towner
and wife Mr. Moody opened his
This means that ho read from slips of
paper questions that persons In this city
wished to have his opinion and advice
npon. The remarks ho made on each as
he read were often suggestive of a smile ,
as much at the man's seemingly earnest
manner as the peculiar phraseology used ,
but with each were saveral grains of
good sense , from the speaker's stand
point. Ho told how to secure success In
church by saying that constant and sleep
less work was the secret of success with
no work no religion. Five hundred
churches list year reported
not a single convert , because
no zeal or work dono. The
common expression Christians must avoid
an excess of excitement was bosh. He
had attended an English raca course
where ho saw excitement that was excite
ment ; fortunes , honor , food all lost on i
race , but he never heard anybody talc
there was too much excitement there tc
make the race * a success. In this wnrlc
men get what they look for. An Eng
luhman had grown rich In India and re.
turned. Ho was lunching with a pirtj
in London. Ho was a skeptic ; at the
table was a missionary who lad been tc
India also. Thofikoptlo , In a loud tone
to wound the raisjionary's feelings , eald
ho did not believe a word of the story oi
natives of India being converted by mis
slonarles ; ho had lived there twenty year ;
and never seen a native convert. Tin
m'ssionary ' kept silent for a time ; Snail ;
t ho raid to the skeptic , "it is strange you
and my experiences In India so differ.
"Did you over see a tiger Ultra ? " "Oh
yes , I killed them , " proudly said th
skeptic.Yoll I never ia.v one , " said th
missionary , "I was looking for convortc
you for tigers. "
The speaker took up the subject c
unking scrvlco useful and advocate' '
a meeting on Sunday evening after reg
ular service. Lot the preacher go amen
the congregation , take hold of men am
"go for them. " Ho closed his nooessa
rily rambling remarks by a rather enter
taining illustration of the fact the
hymns used In modern worship are real !
rcrlptnral passages put to music , an
closed the morning session with the boi
odiotion. The house was filled , but nc
disagreeably so.
Army Order * .
The leave of absence granted Fir
Lieutenant Lewis Morrlam , Fourth li
fantry , in order * No. 39 , dated Fo
Nlobrara , Neb. , March 11 , 1885 , ls ej
tended twenty.throe (23) ( ) days on BU
geon's certificate of ditabillty.
10 First Lieuteusnt Joseph A. Slide :
Fourteenth Infantry , aido-de-camp , wi
take up and account for nil public pro ;
erty and funds for which the late Maji
ct Joseph H. Taylor , assistant adjutant go :
30 eral | waa responsible ,
\ , In accordance with the reqnlremon
JO of paragraph 121
, army regulation ,
id botd of survey to consist of Lleutenar
Colonel Horace D. Burnhtm , depu
or judge advoEato general ; Major Alfred '
Smith , Seventh inftntry , and Capti
orE. Olurloi A. H. McOkuley , assistant qui
E.3g term titter , will convene at tbeso boa
3g quarters at 11 o'clock a. in. , on the 19
Id instant , or as soon thereafter as pr ctlc
nt We , to take an inventory of any pub
property and money for which the lo
Major J , H. Taylor , assistant adjoin
( general waa responsible.
dad lr. Qraff ,
ad The remains of the late Dr. George
of Graff arrived from Denver yeaterday
train No , 4 , accompanied by bis t
John , of Rawllns , Wyoming , They w <
tte- mat at the depot by a guard of Mot
Calvary Knights Templar and escorted
re- thg late residence of the deceaiod
* r [ Park Wild avenue , and will to-d y
) llt taken to Princeton , Indiana , for int
' rqeut.
Meeting Last Night AtUotml of Trade
Itoonm to Decide Upon nQrado
Porllmrnoy Street.
A number of property owners iu-
teroetcd mot In the board of tr&do room
nt 7:30 : last night to consult and oztmlno
maps and pin's submitted by City En
gineer lloeowator in regard to the grade
of Hartley direct. It wni noticeable that
each ranu had his view and over- plan
submitted nrousodtnoro or less opposition ,
For a tlmo the poisons niaomblod were
not formally organized , but at the snggee-
tlon of the city engineer , Mr. Olark was
make chairman and Mr. Gibson , saoro-
Mr. IloBQwatcr explained the necessity
of agreeing on some plan , clso the moot
ing would talk all night and do nothing.
Ho therefore suggested that the several
plans proposed ba submitted to the meet-
log to select which ono they prefer , viz.
the nir line grade or the grade he , SB
engineer proposed , which on the whole
varies little from the air line gride.
It was moved that the Hue proposed at
the lost mooting ( net the air line ) , bo the
liuo adopted , subject to such modifica
tions as the mooting may adopt.
A motion was made to substitute for
the line last mentioned the "air lino"
grade. Extended remarks wcro made by
several gentlemen , showing the advan
tages and disadvantages of the two lines
proposed to select from as a baeis to go
on for the gradr. The motion to adopt
the air lino" wanlcsK
The vote on the question of adopting
the proposedj"Rosowatcr" ( ) line wni post
poned in order that perjons owning
property along the grade line might hoar
the effect of the line block by block ,
which Engineer Roaowntor was proceed
ing to show from the map lying before
him , when several gentlemen announced
their unwillingness to accept a grade as
offered , and stopped the engineer's ex
planation and , In fact , the real purpato
of the meeting. After a few humorously
stated warning * from Messrs , Kounzo
and Jones that they would not release
damages far a nine-foot grade , the mootIng -
Ing got back to work and hoard the en
gineer's explanation of cuts and fills
along the proposed route , when the
question waa put and the Rosewater
grade wrado was almost
The secretary thereupon prepared , on
motion of Engineer Rosewater , a paper
wherein the property owners present ,
who were willing for the grade to bo
past through , agreed to
This agreement , or pledge , was numer
ously signed by persons present , and
each person signing was rcquosted to try
to eocnro unanimous agreement to it by
those property owners along the adopted
line who were not at this mooting to
night. Adjourned.
The stomach Is not deranged by Red
StarjBough Onto. Sold by drugghta and
Current Prices Which are of Inter
est to the Housekeeper.
As spring advances the markets are be
coming bettor stocked with edible delica
cies and greater ncopo is afforded the
housekeeper , who ia trying to settle Uio
vexed question of "what ahall wo eat ? "
In the fish market there ia a largo vari
ety to select from. Frczsn fiah , bo it
caid , are goicg out of season , while greener
or fresh fish will coon bo coming In , aa
the lakes aud rivers are fast breaking up.
In the fresh water article , white fiah ,
trsnt , and bass retail at 15 cents per
poanil , while pickerel , though
ecarce , is selling at 10 copts ;
cropplc , perch and catflah are
jaat coming In and sell for 15 centa. Cal
ifornia salmon are seasonable delicacies
and sell at 35 cents a poand. As for init
water fish , catfish , haddock and mackerel
are worth 15 cents a pound , halibut 25.
Flonndeis are not In very lively dcmuid
at 12i. Eola sail for 20 cents a pound.
Codfish tongues are rare but retail for 2Q
cents. Oyaters retail at from 45 to GO
cants a quatt , acccrJlng to quality.
The bast cuts of pirloln are selling at IE
cento , rump and upper part of round
otoak at 12 . Uonst'njj rlbe , firm and
juicy , caa bo bought Bt 12i conls. Veal
is extremely acarco and comes high from
15 to 20 cents , according to the choiceness -
ness of the part. S treat breada can be
purchased at 25 cento n pair. Corn bcei
Is soiling at from 5 to 10 cent ? , according
to cuta. Prime legs of mutton can bi
had for IZcenta ; mutton chopo 12 t (
15 cents. Ham ia staple article In gocc
demand at 12A cents m bulk , 25 con'
sliced. Perk 10 to 121 cents. Sauaogi
12 to 10 centa.
The vegetable market la becoming wol
sleeked , Early Rose potatoes are in fal
demand at 55 cents , the Peerless am
White Elephant bring G5 cents a bushel
The Colorado , of largoand mealy variety
Is told at 00 centa to § 1 a bushel. Caul
flower ( a becoming plenty and makes a
appetizing dish at tills season of the ycai
totalling at from 15 to 25 cants per head
t Asparagus Is just making Its entree Int
the market and noils at 12 cents a bund
Rhubarb can bo bought"for $1 a doze
bunches , water cress the same. Piusle
Is sold at GO centa a dozen. Oallforai
cabbage cm still bo bought for G centa
pound , Fresh radishes , 75 cents pc
Fresh home-grown lettuce , a dollghtft
aa'ad delicacy at thin season of the yeai
is sold at 5 and G cents a head. Onlor
are worth 45 centa a peck , rutabagaa
centa a pound , turnips 75 cents
bushel. Sweet potatoes are retailed i
from G to 8 cents a pound.
The local markets are fairly we
stocked with fruit. Oranges , Florld , ai
selling at from 40 to GO cents a dozci
California , from 25 to 35 cants. Lemoi
tell for 15 to 25 cents a dozen , banana
fresh and ripe , for 50 cents.
Apples are somotrbat scarce and high
45 to 55 cent * , or $4,25 to $4.75 a barn
Haacirn Huso.
Mention hai already bean made in the
columns of the fast that Councilman 1.
llucall has commenced suit against t
inm city toroco.-cr $008.60 , alleged llf ! [
m astcsiment for the South Fifteenth strc
rent grading Improvements which were main
nt . l&ttycar. The politics ! appHciUon eft !
1O soil waa pointed ont yetterday morning
be a prominent city cflic'al who is well post
T on municipal affair * . Said he to a repo :
or ; "It boks rather strange thatOoi
oilman Uasc.ill , who is so prominently
Identified with city affairs and who was
foromo t In scouring the pmago of the
ordinance providing for the grading of
South Fifteenth street should bo among
the first to cry "atop thtof , " now , doesn't
it ? But tip the the milk of the cocoa-
nut."Mr. . lIa cA\l \ has given up his aspira
tion for mayor. Ho now acoks reelection
ta alderman. Bat ho knows that the
taxpayers on Sonth Fifteenth street are
bitterly down on him for the prom-1
inent part ho took in so *
curing the pastngo of tbis
ordinance throogh the council , ior the
people there claim that tbo ascessmonts
entailed have been exccaslvo. So , seek
ing to curry favor with them ho says to
thcao angry voters In that wheedling tone
which ho knows so well how to ntsnmo ,
, 'Como. I sec now that this ordinance ia
unjust in itaelf and Its hearings. 1 will
help you to iiocnro a refund of
the exorbitant and illegal taxes. 1 am
indeed sincerely eorry that I helped to pass
the measure nud will do all in my DOW or
to retrlovo tbo wrong. Wo will euo the
city. Como , now , don't bo angry , there's
good people. And straightway ha takoa
the inltitory stops by filing hla suit. "
Verily , a charming construction.
airs. Klusn Acquitted l > y the Jury-
Other Court News.
Yesterday aftornoan the arguments in
the case of Mrs. Klusa , charged with
complicity in the murder of her husband ,
John Ivlnsa , on the night of December
27 , Trero concluded and the jury were
charged and tent ont by Judge Neville.
There waa a ttrngg'o of two hours before
the verdict was finally rendered. On
On the first ballot four jurymen voted
for conviction and seven for acquittal ;
on the second ballot , the margin for
conviction was narrowed down to three ;
on the third , two voted for conviction ,
and ten for acquittal , and the last and
decisive vote placed Mrs. Klusa free ,
The defendant , with her small child ,
was present when the verdict was read
aloud , but when she was congratulated by
her attorney , Mr. N. J. Burnham , evinced
no emotion whatever , not the slightest
flash of Intelligence breaking the look of
otolld indifference which has settled
down upon her faco.\
The woman is almost entirely destitute
and will probably ho sent to the poor
house where a portion of her family now
is. When she was released , a number of
the tender hearted "boys" raised a sub
scription to buy a supper for "Susina
anrt the baby. "
Grabne , the alleged paramour of the
woman , was , it will bo'tomcinbered , con
victed of murder in the second degree.
Hoha notyet boon sentenced.
1'ollco Court.
Bef era Judge Weiss yesterday morning
J. H. Lily , a beautiful specimen of that
dunning floral growth , was arraigned
for drunkenness. Ho vrai fined $5 and
costs , in default of which ho will wither
and fade away in a week's tnjourn with
Jo3 Miller.
Samuel Daly and Charles Llnu plead
guilty to a charge of disorderly conduct
and were fined § 1 and costs.
William Callan , an old reprobate G5
years of sgo , had been arrested for tearing
up and carrying off a largo section of side
walk in front of his placo. Ho was con
victed and sentenced $5 and costs.
Xho King.
As the heart Is the chief of all the hu
man organs , so a medicine which will
keep it in order may be justly called the
"Kint ; of Medicines. " This Is what Mr.
George D. Sprangler , of Harrlsburg ,
Ohio , calls Brown's Iron Bitters. He
writes that for months ho was suffering
from heart duease. The best physicians
failed to cure the difficulty. Alter using
one bottle of Brown's Iron Bitters ho
ssys , "I facl like a new nwn , and I judge
another bottle will fully destroy the
dreadful disease. " It also cures dyspep
sia , Indigestion , etc.
Prospects In that Direction for the
Coining Season Sullivan's
Ultimatum ,
Manager T. P. Sullivan , of the Weat-
oin Losgae , left for Kansas City
last evening. His efforts for the estab
lishment of a kaguo club in this city
have boon partially anccasefnl , although
they might have boon more DO. Bio ulti
matum us defined to-diy is that if the
citizens of tbis city will far
nlsh him the park free ol
all incumbranco or rent , ho will eclecl
aud place a team In the field. The St
Mar ? 'a avcnno park ia pretorrod on no
count of its oisy accessibility , and it 1' '
scarcely probable that the Sherman ave
nno park can bo made to answer the par
pose , aait la situated to 3 far from the
cjntro ,
Mr. 0. S. aoodrlcb. and Mr. Johi
Droxcl have been appointed to act as i
committed to confer with Mr. Kountzi
relative to the matter of leas
the grounds for the year. I
la understood that that gentleman do
mauds a liquidation of a debt of some
thing like $1,000 duo upon last year'
rent , and an additional rental of $1,001
for the coming season. Messrs. Good
rich and Drexel will canvaca the situatloi
and eoo how largo a subscription lis
can bo obtained , and if assurances ar
farorablo will notify Mr. Sullivan at Kan
BBS Olty before Monday night , Thla done
Mr. Sullivan will a1 once proceed to pic
out a teim for Omaha will aajumo all re
pen ibllity of management. This prop
ca'.tlon ' la rational and business like , am
if It Is not accepted the prospects for D
interesting base ball season In this clt
will be blank.
In case Omaha does not secure ropn
sentation in the Weetain League aom
other city will lie allowed to enter a chit
The matter hu now reached a cris
and It li to bo hoped that all local bat
ball enthusiasts will jump promptly Inl
the breach.
An Elegant Instrument.
The new pipe organ for the Dodj
atroet Presbyterian church la erpocU
herd about April let , and will be reic
for UBO by April 15th.
This grand instrument will bo formal
opened in two concerts Wednoaday at
Thursday evening ! , April 22d and 23d.
The organ aalos fcr tha occasion will 1
played by ono of the most accomplish
organists in tha west. The choral wo
will be done by a large chorus of tbo be
titigora of this city under the direction
the leader of the church choir , M
Franklin S , Smith.
U. S. DEl'OSirOUY ,
S. W. Cor , Farnam and 12th Sts
Capital ,
0. W. HAMILTON , Proa't.
II. M. OALDWELL , B. F. Surra ,
O. WILL llAiiitroN ,
Account ? solicited and kept subject to tight
Ccrtiluntcs of Deposit leaned payable In S ,
C nnd 12 monthr , bearing Interest , or on de
mand wlthont Interest ,
Advances iiirulo to customers or approved
securities at market rates of interest.
The Interests of customers are closely Ruiml-
oil nnd every facility compatible with princi
ples of tound banking freely extended.
Draw sight drafts on England , Ireland ,
Scotland , nnd all parts of Europe.
Soil European passage tlckoto ,
Collections Promptly Made.
A large list of improv
ed and unimprovedfarm
lands in Nebraska. A
finely selected list of
Omaha city property in
all the additions and on
all the streetsptthe city.
Choice bargains in im
proved city property.
Acre Lots for Sale : Lots
for sale on monthly p'ay-
ments. Money to loan in
small or large amounts
on city and improved
country real estate se
curity.-Parties desiring
to negotiate loans will
be saved the usual long
delay for a final answer
to applications.
Rents Collected , Titles
Special attention giv
en to drawing of all
kinds of legal instru-
mets. Business of non
residents carefully at-
ended to.
Parties resident or non-res ,
dents having money to loan or
real estate security , are res
pectfully invited to confer witli
. , Manager ,
Rooms 9 and 10 Frenzer Block , Opp. P. 0
tu-th satZp
United States Depository
. IStJi ana Faraaai Bta
The Oldest Banking Esiabli&hmsn
in Omaha ,
OrcanlEOd in 1055.
Org&nlcod M a National Bank In
CAPITAL saon.ooi
SUnPLUH AND PROF1XB . $150,001
rritviK Kotnnu , President.
Joa A. C uanroii , Tlo PicildcnL
t. fcirua Kotmin , ! d Vloa Pretldenl.
A. I. Porn-iTOH.
7. H. DiVTB. Otlhll
W H Kwxtmn , Atalslant Ouhler.
Tranucta * general banking boelnesi. lunoa tic
certlflcates bearing Interoil. Draw * draft ) on B *
Francisco and principal cltlet In the United Slate
Also London , Dublin , Edinburgh and tbl prlnclj )
dtlej of tbo continent and Xurojw.
, until yoi
head teems ready to 1
off ; until your nose ar
eyea discharge excessl
quantities ef thin , I
rlUUrig , watery flul
until } our bead achi
mouth and thro
parched , and blood
fever bott. This lai
Acute Catarrh , and
InsUntly relieved bj
tingle dose , aud perm
cur od bv one I *
tlo Banford'i Radical Cure for Catarrh ,
Complete Treatment with Inhaler $
One bottle Radical Cure , one box Catarrbal 8
vent , and one Improved Inhaler , In one [ pack a
may now be had of all druvgliti for 11.00. Ask
Saufoid' * Iladlcal Cure.
"Tho only absolute iperjfio we know of. " Mi
Tlmea. "Tte test we hate found In a lifetime
uflerlng. " luv. Dr. Wljrgln , IlosUu. "After a lo
struggle ftith Catairb , the Iladlcal Cure baa o
quered.1' llev. B. > ' . Monroe , Lcwlsburgb , 1
I have not found cue that It did not relieve
once. " Andrew Let , Mancheater , Uu&
rotteijPruy and Chejnical Co. , Iloaton.
for the lellet and prevent !
the Instant It U applied , of Ith
mat Urn. Neuralgia , Sclall
Coughs , Colds. Weak Baok. Btc
aeb , and Bon els , BbooL
Pains , Numbncal , HytUria ,
male 1'alni. Palpitation , D ) IP
sla , Liver Complaint , ( Jill
Fever , Ualarta , and Kpldctu
. UM Colltn's Plaeten fan Klod
' Battery combined vllb a Pur
PUltcr ) and taojb M pain
ONEY TO l.OAN-On real eUto and chittfls
M 1) ) . I. Them if. 74011.
n/TONKY / Lonno.l . on nhattflu , cut rats , It II
1Y1 tickets DJURlitand iold. A. Forman.SIS S.lSthSt
670 tl
MONRY to onn n good tc l estate tccmlty. U.
K. Start. Williams block. (44-tf
LOANED at G F. Hoed fcCo's. I/o&n offlco
MONEY , planon , hotted , naeons , personal
property of Ml kinds anil all other nuclei ol value ,
islthout removal. Over Ut NationalR ikoorner 18th
and Farnam. All lu-lcojs strictly confidential
ONEY to loan on i-haltel * . Woollcy A llatrl-
M ton , room SO , Otnatm NMlonnl Dink Imlldlng ,
TO IJS.OCO TO LOAN-On real fitafo e-
cntltv t rcmonablo latcu. C. E. SUjne ,
fTW cor 16th mlF rn m. 438-m27
rpo LOAN From $5 to f-SCOC , In lumn lo milt
JL nancUl exchange 16CS Farnara 8S2-m24p
In sumiot STCOiuil up
0 , F. D vU mid CO. , IUM EiUta nJ Ix > in
a , U05 ForrnnSt. 4M tf
Ilushcl tailor at cnco nt Misfit Cloth
ing Parlori. E25-10
\7ANTEI } A coed clil lor Rcncral hstuo work In
a imMI family , 520 I'lcwant St. 833-lf t
A Rl'l ' 14 or 15earg nld , wmiree ; ni >
ply Saturday ( iom2 to 5 f. in. at 2118 Chicago
street. S50-0p
- to do house wotk at 2112 Caplto
WAiNTEB-OllI 3-21p B
WANTHD Nutso girl at 2214 Douglas ft. , near
Jefferson. M4 20p
WANTED1'cwpcreoni to learn book-keeping ,
situations or no rav. J. B. Smith , 1MO Don-
las. 40-lffp
NTKD-Olrl for general houfo wok. Mrj.
W Quintan , High school building. E42-lDp
WANTKD A grod laucdry woman at Arcade
Hotel 1215 lougla St. 841-Slp
"VT7ANTED A comDCtcnt girl to doRenora ) ho1
VV notk can obtain finploymont for good wa
> t rcs'doi o ol C. S. Montgomery , Harney and 2.1.1
Btcccta. 822 Zip
W 'ANTED Laundry girl at Emmet liotieo.823llp
WANTED Second glr. wanted Itrs. Gray , 2223
Dodge St. 812 20
YX7ANTED A peed woman cook e 607 South Iflth
W St. Mra.Hlll. 808-2 , p
T17ANTED [ Three young ladles of good sddrosa to
T i learn the dry goods business , good chance for
right p rtr. Address In own hand writing , "O. E. "
this ofllcj , SCO 20
IOTA NTED Immerllately a fliat cl sa barber. None
I T other need apply. i'M'llc IIouso Barber Shop ,
Council Blufft. ( 62-21
WANTED- for general housework ; Oorrran
prtferrolj 1908 FAIINAU ST. 781-U
rED Lidyagcnts for "Queen Paotector" ,
dalny etocklug ana eklrta supporters , shou'der
braces , rustlrs , bosom forme , Ciena shields , safety
belt' , aUmorprotectore , tie , , entirely n w do\lcc9 ,
unprecedented profits , wo have 600 agents making
81UO moutbly. Aildrrssvith stamp , K. II. Catrpbell
& Co , 9 South .May St. , Ch'ugi. 763-al5p
VT7ANTED Good cook aud chambermaid a' Oc-
IT cidcntallmmcdUtoly.
Klr = t-claavtomanco3k In hct3l , 100
WANTED Omaha , v , hero eho will have a good
home. Apply toll Mnnnwtiler. 418 S. 13th Street ,
Omaha. 0'3 tf
ANTED A Orst-claeg dry goods clothing , boot
and shoo ea'cstuan , must speak Goromn and
wcllacqualntcdwithdry COOOF , only linglo and ix-
perlcnced man with reference need arply. O. Adler ,
Sewtrd.Keb 001-tt
"XA'AHTED Sltnatlon by experienced salesman.
It firocorv preferred. A 1 refercocc. Address
U , Atlantic Ilctcl. 848 19p
WANTED- Situation by young man in tome store
or any honorable business , can glvo good refer
cntx. Salary uo object Address "D. B. " this olEce.
T\7NTED Pya rcsponilbloyoung man , situation
TT todrlvr delivery nagon. Gocd references.
AiJdreis "If. O. " Bco office. fcOJ-21p
WANTED Situation by gocd tlnrcr and hard
ware stlcuman B years expcrlcccp , speaks Ger
man and hrjgl.'eh. Adurcse8l7 south ICth Bt.
WANTED Uy a midille-acod lady , lituation as
heiiEc keeper , ln\alld nurte to taitecarecf cbll-
dren or do up-stalrs work. Addreca "Bee ofllce. "
Apply at J. N. Arnold , 214 NorthOtb. 734 ISp
WANTED A position as trimmer or rales lady In
a mlllno'y or dry goods bouse , speaks Swedish ,
German and English , have had many jcars exper
ience , can ghe references. Address " ' . X V. " Lin
coln , Neb. 73S-2CP
ANTED Two gentlemen boirdera ; rcom and
board , 138 South 21st 777-21 p
WANTED A ftore building centrally lccat d ;
suitable f or wholesi.e busmtes ; address I. I ) . ,
Bco QlRce. f21-iOp
VXfANTHD To rent , eood furnished house , mod
Vl ern Improvement1 , ell located. leaic Adams ,
Frenrer Block , opp. P. 0. 810-tf '
TJT'ANTKD To purchase cott ir.e end Int ol
II about 31,0taluc ; > , on monthly cr quarterly
raj men te ; oadresd Z. X. , Bo oillco. 45-21p
Aim D Suite of rooms on St. JUry s A cnu (
W or Flcisant ttreet. Address D. , Lock Box 42
TVTANTED T o or more unfurnished rooms or !
T > email n6ttiKe In n dfflroLlo Icotion. Apply t' :
J. W. VanXottrand , 1915 Webster street. 832-21 ]
TX7ANTEU-2d hand piano , f tate name of rn&Vci
IV and iirlce wnntt-J. Addreas "U. P. " Bee office
813 25 p
WANTliU-Ily a enull family , a neat ootUgi
with bath , birnio , In the neighborhood o
St. irarj'd ave. CorK'CKatinnal church , on or befon
April 1ft. Call at 440 OoriventlSt. 820p
WA.STED To rent t y Hay 1st. 8-10 room tousi
rrodcrn Improvonubt * , good location for Urn
of } cars. Ed. 1'eycke. 737-tf
"IT/ANTED To exclianue fa > rnfor In Oma
ha. Inquire t 1512 HOB aid fit. 7E3-24 | >
Torurchase for a cath customer ,
flnt cla 8 resldercu m a rlrrt-cl > 9 nelithboi
hood. Gallon oraddrosO. K. Da > Ij& Co. 712-19
\y(7"ANTED A lot with 08 feet or mere , front Irr
V T proved or unlmpiovtd. Address 'U. K. " thl ;
olllce , gltlng [ mittcolaraos to price , location aai
terms. 070 tf
To rent one or two unfurnished room
with or near board. Andrew ) F , P. Fosdyki
313 ana 315 South 14tb St. 602-11
Every 1'dy In need of ae
chine , to see the new Improved American Nc
7 , P. E. Hodman & Co. agf eta ; 203 N 18th. 34311
FOR KENT Fine house of clevenrooma , furnai
hot and cold water , bath , gas etc , 2i2S Dodg
St. , tSS per month.
Flnecorner store , cellar , water etc. , corner 10th an
CliUaxo 8t , 97f > ] > or month ,
Largo ccw ( rime store room with 3 rooms In th
resr suitable ( or home kceplct ; , fill CumlogSt
{ 22.60 per month.
Kew four room oottaet715 Cumin ? Bt. 812 P <
month , cotlaice S rooms $12 per month 1432 Bout
13lb Et by W. II. Green , b er Flnt Natlocal Dank ,
OH KENT Drlclc house ten rooms. Dodfoi
TOI1 HEKT-A splendid corner store , counters ar
J ? shelving cu a pn ed ttreet on street ear line ,
flue op nluKfora flnt-tliH grocery , rent reaiinabl
Apply to Morse & Uranner. 627.23
KENT Two rltgsnt residences , 11 root
FOH ch ! $85 and 170 per mcntb. C. K , MAT.NK ,
W. Cor. 1Mb and Fainam. 837-21
KENT A five room brtck cotUite , city wat
and all modern tmproiemedU. Iniulm | Jcl
btcel , M Hickory. 618-81
KENT-Hoc corner ( tore ; good cellar , wilt
FOH . ; centrally located. W. H , UKKK.V , over Fli
N Uoral Bank. 7S4-II
OH RKNT A brick homo cf 8 rooms f-W [
month. A ] < ply to John Ilutsle , Hardware lU
2497 ccriier Ccuung aod gaundtri tts. 1 * . Clirk.
HKJiT New eltbt room house Inquire
1 lira. E. llcddls , titb , between Davenport a
Chicago Bis. 7W-t
FOR RENT Itore with four rooms on Cumin-
Suitable for any buslutu ; ! 16 p r uoutb ; Inqu
J KIIne , 1818 l > uglu tt etO-api
HINT Two new storoi en Iflib tt. C. ,
Maynr , 15th aad Farnam eigtl
ui I T7uU KENT-Ouc utory dudllng houM Are root
icl-l J3d , n ar Clark itrect. Cbarlc * Ogdep , cor
* '
15th Mid Peuglii 8Utt. ' M I
R KRNT-CotUg * at 1718 Dodie street
FOR HUNT New brick bouse , H roomn , muitrn
Improvements , No. 118 N. 22d st. Inquire S118
California st. 1C7U
FOR BKNT Three brlcV storti comer IJth and
CumlngSt J h. McOipie , Agent , 491-a2
17 < OR RENT New cottage , 6 room * . . Phlpp Ro
1 1512 . tthtt. VtS.M
1710R KKNT A nice furnl hfd room nullab'f for
ono tr Iwo gentlemen 11t of bath room , hpniit'ftj '
U cation near St. Mary's atcnuc , 620 Flcataut
834 if
IJ OR IIRNT Nlcotjr fmnlihod room at 1517 Davl
' rnportSt. 82SS6
F HK.XT Single lurnlthtil room 1017 Chicago
St. 81,1.20p
ITNOK IlKNT Ti\o unfurnished l tB ° ftont moral
JL' 11C3 Ilowntil St. fCO-lPj )
- - -
I roil HUNT \Mtpt front ofllcoon tccond HOOT. In *
1 quite No. 1211 Karnum St. (01 tt
FOIt niNT : One lutnlohca room , nlth heart ! , < vrul
u o ol I'lulat ' ; $10 nor month ; enquire 15U f > | | .
tornlft street. 7S6-0 ! | >
FOIt IlKNT-Kumlshctl rmm nt 1118 jMkvnn Bt.
6S3 nllp
HUNT Kuinljhcd room ml to rd 15. 00 let
week. Very test location 1814 \onporL
_ TSlvMp
FOU IlKNT A UrR9 ( urnUhoj front room with
< lrcp lm : rcom cflor ono ilnplo room , 710 lOtli St.
_ 432-21p
OR UENT-Fumtthcii room it 1013 Knrnam ,
Ii UKNT One nioMy lutnlslnl room suitable
tor 2 pcntlcmcn , Mnl u nnillcr room on I'louMit
T fiuiiamSt. tll-U
1j > OR RENT-Nlcely furnlshol rooms 105 N. J8th.
JL1 ( Ht-aip
EOP. RKNT-A room for ono gentlcmtn. atsolalje
board for ono cr ino gentlemen at 1012 Farnain.
010 It
11011 KENT Klcitant front reom for t o euitlc-
men. Inquire at A. Iloepo , 1513 Dallas bt.
Furnlahctl and unfnrrlthod rooms
1 with boarJ. Initltute Hotel , formerly Crelrh-
on house , UapltolMo. and 13th it. Urn. U W. Ilald.
F OH RUNT Suite of lurnldhcd rooms , 1010 t'n
fornta it. Ura. A. Calderwood. 270-U
FOR RENT Nicely furnltbcd rooms at 1718 Can
Bt. 472-U
T > OOUS VfIth board , detlrable or winttr. Apply
Hat St. Chailes HeteL 474-11
FOR BALE Stock and fixtures of the Uerchanta
Eichange one of the best paying saloons In Oran *
ha , reason fondling , lllhcdtb. Addreisor call and
see Qco. Illgglns , N. E. corner 10th and Dodge Bt. ,
Omaha Nob. KC-lf
FOR RALK N < co Iicuso , 6 room ; , good lot , on 8.
13th it ; * 2Boc ? ioO dawn , balsnco t2I > DIM
month , C.E. HAY.SK. 838 Cl
FOR HALE-Full lot , email houst , nno location ;
S12lhtt.,81lEO. C. E. JTAV.VK , 8W Cor. ntli
and Farnam. 836-10
FORSALtC Ono of the nicest IO'B in ll nionm.
plicc , EQxlS ) ft , 93 0 , eay terms ; this li a bar
gain. A few nlcj acre lots on California at. , jnst
outjli'c cl'y limits ; ? CO and fflOO per rwre. mjnthly
p > ments. Threa lots on Ijea\enworth it , 1th
good house ; S2.5CO ; this li a greit bargain. C. E.
SfAKM' , 15th and Farnam. 33-20
FOIl SALE-A span of good work horseo. 1'ial-
sen & Co. , 1512 Farnain. S31-23
FOU SALE-A f mlly Icavlnc the c'ty ' will f til all
their furniture , carpets , etc. , chiap ; add MM C.
A. , Bto cfllce. SO-21p
FOR SALE-Thlrty choice lots near park ave. U.
P. Stcbblna , room Si.Cnlghtoa block. 815-al8p
FORSALC-ThrcolotsinWcstOmBlii Inquire V.
P. Local Freightofflco. CIIAI. DouaiiKUTV.818-2jp
FORSALV D < lral > Ir rea'dence full lot , ea'.t trout
flrst-dass neighbor hood. lLrulro | onprctoiaee ,
821 eoutb 20th Et. , betweenLeavetiHoith and Maion.
R02 11
FOR 8ALE First class restaurant , ith all necm-
sirj equipments ; tjool bcatlon , fllty boarders.
Call cr addroisf. . II. GRKKN , ovar FIraS National
Binfc. 783-tf
? OIl SALE First class rlij'sll'an' : ' practice trill
p'opcrty ; flnolocationbutlittlooppstion. ; ! Au-
dro's 1)H. ) COK.VISH , Wall Lake , Iowa. 7E9.21p
Ij > OR SALE 200 Yeullnfj stieri" ,
X1 201 2-year old steers ,
, htlfcrB ,
500 2 and cir-old hclfe/e ,
50 graded bulls.
STju < , OBEno3SInuxCty ! , I wa. 780alO
FOIt SALE CnKAT Ono elegant clumber tct ,
former cost t37S.CO. Ono regulator clock ,
ono cuarly new Knabo Piano , two nolcl fmmwl
pictures , one horee , harnceo and phaeton , 10-
quire 1615 Dcdgo St. 233-tt
FOR S ALE Frorr 8 to 7 hundred bushils early
rosaroatoia. Inrjulieat Fred ilullcr , corner
18th and Vlnton. 76i-21p
F SALE-A kilo of briclc abut J8SCP. ( T r.
Potter , Florence , Nob. 7tJ7-21p
FOR SALE OU THADi : Two of ( hcmoet ileslia.
bio ftock ranches In Central Keb , will iichacf-o
for a dctlt'blo ttock cjginerilrnrrchindlrccr hard-
ware. Apjlytu Nortn Loup Banklr ; Co , North
Loup , htb. 76025) ) )
SALE -ISO yearling sUcrj and belfcra.
FOR C. M. C'orbln , T rry , Ia. 723-21p
FOR SALE A doairablo lot 80x183 ft. on l'ioio
.St. tetween 54th nnu 25th St , 8 hbokacaslot
St. car track , $ lCOO caih or half on time. Apply uu
prcmljca J. Wliliaae. 707-lOp
FOIl BALE- Four jeir old horea has been wcrktd
doubl' . For particular * Ir qulro at tie c
Uth and 1'araaia et in barbjr ehop. J. Klrncr
TT'OH ' BALE New house 7 rooms , full 1't ,
JP barn \ery cheap. D. 1 * . , Othmd Hancrun
South Omaha. 602-a'Jji
F OK SALE Why puy rent , when yon can buy a
house and lot on easy paymcnta from P. J.
Crcedon , 27th and Webs er St. CGI-tt
FOIl SALK Second hard ten bone powjr , u , > .
right belter and enslne ; In good conoltlon ; low
for casli. Chas. S , I'oor , 108 814th et , Oiaato. Krl ) .
IOK | SALK A larm ol S80 crc , 5 miles north we H
1 of Morth lierd , 160 acrea under culiitatlon , 6 }
miles ol Ihe willow pcbti , CDC mile olnlilch in eolld
licdRO 18 years old , 3 rnllei of wire fence , Inclot-lni ;
pislure or meaduw nearlv all seeded to tame KTUK.
IJarn Jgx50 feet , cilbblcg for 2,00) bushels of corn , 3
good coirtls , 1 wind mill , and S wells of water , 1
granary UxSO fcot , a house 16r24 feet , n ith bane ,
ment under entire house. Price { 20 per acre ; half
down , balance on tlrca lo suit purchaser. Knqulrc at
FLAIL ollloc , or ofY. \ . II. Yaw , Aorth Ilend.Ktb.
FOR BALK09x185 feet on Cumlnp street S bloetg
vest of Military bridge , $1,600. John L.lfct' ( ran
oppotlte Pott ollloe. 481-U
FOIl BALK 132x124 feet on corner , tooth-tut
tract , bouso S rooms , barn , S blocks west o
Park are. and Leavenwortb , easy payments , cheap
{ 1,700. John L. McCaKUe , oppoilta 1'OBt Office. 463-1
FOR SALK A ida fountain with generator Mid
two founts la good condition. Addicts Uoi tso ,
A. & W ' Springfield Neb. 7SO 20p
riOR BALK-A choice lot of fresh milch oovg abd
! springers at 21th and California 81. 741-2Pp
F 1011 SALE-36 13 ? I et belween llth and 12th
onJickionSt. Inquire No. 1117. 742 J3p
FOIl SALE OR TRADE-Farm 0 mUuBOulh on
Ikllevue and U P. Roadr. fruit and etc. 1 * . U.
I'eckham , P , 0. 1)0x767 Ombt
John Hamlln ba r moied to Onjuta
PEIlSOKAlr at UIO Leaven worth St. 673-alOp
MRS. 11 M. 1IOOPF.H. cUlrroyant and > racc
medium can be found at N. W , corner 27th and
Can itrtets , hour * 11 a. m to 9 p. ID. 37t mU
I710K SALE OH IXCIlaNOB-New stock of'druft
1 lo good Luilnimownln Ulnntlfeta , ilueul > out
fl 200 ; tll8 Ilcii < asj termscrexcbanje for Orailj
property , Addrcea I * . O , box f 1 , Illoooilsg I'ralur ,
allnn. KJ-ap
TOK H&I.K OH EXCI1AKOE - For K ller larui or
J , ' Omaha propertyA No. I Improved ; In m ditto
acresUocultlvate'Iand IB ? pasture.tbree bouicv and
all other ImpiotemenU looued la Wublriitoi t'oun-
tv. Addiuu 01 call Jot | Kolowratek,13MViiiut * 13 U
Bt 7H.ll
TjKlK BALK OH CXC11A.SUK Al IU pet act * , a
JJ or rait of two thoutin-1 auei cf tlmtwr Hint
forty miles catt ol Kaoiai City , wll eiciucyc tot
Nbruk * Uod 01 meickaodlao. Ikdtcrci , HUUBI 4) )
( UU