T7 THE DAILY BEE-SATURDAY , MAKCH w , ISM. THE CHEAPEST PLAGE IN OMAHA TO BUY FUIHMHTT nib DEWEY& STONES' Ono of the Best and Largest Stocks in the United States to Select From. NO STAIRS TO OLIMB. ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR -AND Factory Prices -AHD EASY TERMS. Sendfor our catalogue and price list before pur chasing elsewhere , MAX MEYER & BEO. LEADING JEWELERS And Solo Importers of Fine Diamonds , Watches , Silver ware , Rich Jewelry , Wholesale and Retail. Cor. llth tnd FarnamSts. SOLE IMPORTERS I OF HAVANA CIGAR ! -AND Meerschaum Goods , IN OMAHA. Wholesale and .Retail Dealers In f Ammunition , Goods Notions and Smokers' Articles. Stationery , Cutlery , Druggists' Sundries And Fancy Goods. Full nnd complete line and BOTTOM PRICES Max Mever & Co , . 1020 to 1024 'Farnam St. , Omaha. " \Vlio \ liavc trilled away their youthful vigor and power- Who arc suffering troin terrible draius and losses , wh o are weak , IMPOTEN T , nd unlit for mar riage. Bfl TRI of all ages , who flnu tiu'ir IUB B" nl power and vital itV , IfBLIlucrvc nndSKX- U AL STJIKNGTII weakened , whether by EXCESS orcarly habits CAN receive a positive & last ing COSE , NO matter of how loiif ; standing your case may be , or who has failed to cure you , by afcw weeks or months use of the celebra ted Myrtleain Treatment. At home , without exposure , in less time , and for LESS money than any other method in the world. Weak back , Headache , EMISSIONS , lassitude , loss of spirits and ambition , gloomy thoughts , dreadful dreams , defective memory , Impotence , Impediments to marriage , epilepsy and many other symptoms lea ( ling tx > Consumption aud Insanity , are promptly removed by the MYRTLE AIN TltEA T LICNT. MARRIED MEN , AND MEN ABOUT TO MARRY , REMEMBER , PERFECT SEXUAL STRENGTH MEANS ; healthy and vigorous offspring , long life and the love and respect of a faithful wife. No man should ever marry who have been guilty ot early Indescrctions , until he has been restored to PER FECT MANHOOD. Wo guarantee a permanent cure in every case undertaken. Scud 2 stamps for treatise with proofs and testimonials. Address The Climax Medical Co , St. Louis , Mo. GRAVEL Roof Painting and repairing. All work guaranteed to give sat'sfaction. 302 N. 7th Street , GEO. SMITHSON , COUNCIL BLUFFS. Attention , Ladies , Wbilo closing out my notionswill cell nil hair gooda at 25 par cent discount , 300 Switchss , , Bangs , etc , to sacrifice , Cintom work carefully attended t" , MUS D. A. BKNKDICT , 337 Broadway , Council. II. II. FIELD. W. 0. ESTEP Field & Estep , UNDERTAKERS No. S17 Broadway , Council BlulFd , Iowa. Office Calls Attended Promptly , Day and Night. Particular attention given to Embalming J. L. DiBKVOISE , ion Tide ! Agent , No. 607 Broadway Council Blndi. Railway Time Table , V Corrected to January 7,1835. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Tbt following are the tlmei ot the arrival and do. ol tralni by central itandard time , al the > cal detwta. Trains leave tramler depot ten mlo. atei earlier and arrive ten minutes later. ClUCAUO , IDKUMOrOI ASD HUIKOT. LIAYX AEJUVX ( : > tpm Chicago Express B:00-am : RU : a m Fait Mall. 7:00 : p a 11:10 : p m Accommodation. | , og p rn Al local depot only. IAKUJ CITT , T. JOB ASD oousciii Blum. 10:0 : ( a m llall and Kipreee , e.25 p m 8U8 p m Paolflo Kxpreu , 0 b ) p m CmOAOO , HILWAVall AID IT , fAtTL. lilt p m Eipreaa , 8:05 : a m f.U a m Kiprera , 0:65 : p m cnicAoo , SOCK ISLAND ASD rAcuio. tS5 : p m Atlantlo ExpreM , P.06 a m 8S6 ; a m Day Kipreu : W p m IlSOara 'Dot Molnw Aooominodatloo , BilBpia At local depot only , WAIAIII , IT , loun ADD rAomo. 5:10 : pm AooommodaLon O'OOam 1:80 : p m Iiouli Exprce 215 p m Al Tranateronly CHICAGO ana HOETOYUTUI , 6Mpm : 8W : p m 8it a m PaoiQoEipreBI 8.05 a m IIODX CITT AID ricirio. TitOpU SI. Paul Eiptcau. Qoo : a m rilOam Day Ejprosa Tog ; p ro 'Dmoa rAcino. B:00p : m WcstciD Exprcsi. BSO : a n 11:00 : a D Pacific Kipreti , 4iO : p n 11110 a B Lincoln Expreiu , Jis ; p m At Transfer only ITUKV TKAIM TO 01HI1A. Council UluiN - 7:15-B:20-B.SO-10SC- : : ; 11:10 : ft. in. l.SO-ZSO-SW : < :23-JjJ5-eJ5- : : 11U3 P. m. Ltavu Cnuht C < t 7'C : c'O ir : o -ilili a , m. lS.50-SOJ-S0- : ; < : , o-4f8-f : : ' ( -11:10 : u D. THE RECENTLY IMPROVED REMINGTON STANDARD TYPEWRITER NO. 2 , la the Htr/Jtcst Achievement in Writing Machines in the World. Withcnly33kejs to learn and operate , U prints 70 character Icc'uillrg caps and f null letter ) , punctuations , Ilffureu , signs and fractions It la tlie elmjilest aod most rajll wrltUg machine made a ? v , oil as tbo moit durable l3TSend for free illustrated pamphlet. Wyckoff Seamans & Benedict , Chicago , 111. , Sole Agents , 0. II. SIIOLES , Council Bluffs Agent ( or Western Iowa COUNCIL BLUFFS Dili Whoksa'o and Retail Dealers in Hard Soft am Blossburg G O _ A _ X. . W. H. SIBLEY , Mouaser. Offloe. 88 Main Bt. Yard , on 0. R. I. P. and C U & bt. 1 * . iUUuay , Srs.HJ , HOton.M D , , PHYSICIAN & ( Xoooll Blufli. COUHCILJLUFFS ADDITIONAL LOOAL NEWS. TEIED FOB MURDER , Tlio Fifth Day of Dr. Cross' Trlnl ftar the Murder of Dr. Blcltnno Continuation of the Testimony , Special Correspondence to TUB BEE. GLENWOOD , Iowa , March 12. THURSDAY'S PROCEEDINGS AFTERNOON RETORT CONTINUED JAMES MATHISON At that tlmo on my way homo Dr. McKuno overlook roe , As ho waa going down a slight grade a tug became un fastened. I stopped and offered to aitUt him. Just then Dr. Cross drove past. MoKuno said : "That man fears neither God nor man. " That if n wolf and Cro-a were at largo and both wera to bo shot , ho thought tbo man ought to bo shot first. IIo eaid something nboat Cro's being "a mean man. " I can't glvo exact words used. I did not use the word ' 'shoot" till of Hubbard tor Judge tug- jested It. .1. F. DIIOAD11ECK. This witness had prepared a map show ing location of paints connected with the tragedy , This map was identified and ndrntltsd na being correct. WILLIAM II. TAILOR. Roildo at Hod Oak and have lived ; here fifteen years , In the fall of 1883 [ was working for Jones , the liveryman , it his stable on Main street. It waiwhite .ho . fair was in progress. Soon after the clock struck G I wai eUudlnt ; on the side walk waiting for Jono3. That was the evening lr. ) McKuno was killed. From wlioro 1 stcod I could look along First avcnno and niy view was unobstructed. I MW a man cross Pearl street and follow a man who had come around Woodbury'a corner , going treat. Tno man who wai ihead did not look back. The man be- ilnd was on "kind of a dog trot. " Ho caught up with him between the irat and second treo. Then the roar man struck the other In tha back of his head with his left hand. "When ho struck this jloTr they wore near the building. Ho was right behind him when ho struck the blow. The head man ciuld not see him ; the head man did not fall , ho only stag gered. Then ho strnck him again ; struck him In the face. Then there was a strug gle ; blows passing. The next thing was a pistol shot ; I saw the smoke , but did not see the man fall. They wore clinched , and the rear man had tbo other by the coat collar ; * ! think bearing him down. As the struggle advanced the parties moved to the westward slightly. At the limo the shot wai fired both troro on the walk. The red-whiskered man was fac ing me ; the other's back was toward mo at the time the shot was fired. Soon after the second blow was struck the shot was fired. I did. not notice any other persona near these men. As soon as the shot was fired I went over at onco. The rear man was lying on the ground dead. Ono man had lost bis hat ; it was returned to him and ho left. I wrote a letter to Dr. Grots and told him what I had seen and that I would have done the same thing ho did. I have talked with lawyer Baldwin about this cass and with a man Cross cent to Rd Oak to see mo. I came hera voluntarily and without a subpoena. Col. Sapp'a cross-ezamina'ion ' was here interrupted by the adjournment of court. GLENWOOD , Iowa , March 13. Fifth Day. Defendants attorneys filed deposi tions of a number of perjons in Baltl mcra as to Cross' character whllo a resi dent of that city. The state filed objec tions and motion to suppress. The first witness wai SARAH BROOKS. ' I live at Council Bluffs. My husband Is a furnsture dealer. I know McKune , also have known Crosi about four years. I remember the evening McKuno was killed. I was oa Broadway that evening. I know where Cross lives. It was about 0 o'clock. I went up Broadway a short distance and turned down Pearl street to Wbodbury'u corner , then went east across Pearl. I met Oroes on the crossing. Mo- Knno was standing on sidewalk In front of Shugart's building. Ho was looking at Cross in a cross and angry manner. 1 was frightened at hln appearance. Dr. Cross smiled 111 ho paised mo. He passed mo on my loft hand. Dr. McKune pass ed mo after I reached the sidewalk. Ho had a very ficrca and angry appearance. ( Last sUtempnt excluded by the court. ) Bo was soldin ? and looking at Cross. I ' was on my way'homo at the timo. I did not hear the report of a pistol. r. DERSKEN. Live at Council Bluff ? , nm a barbar. Hava known Cross about four years 1 remember when AleKuno wai killed. Saw Cross the second dsy after the shoot ing. I examined his head. Thera was a cut ever the left eye , aiso on the bridge of the note There was a ra'snd lump on the back of his head. His throat was also scratched and s'ightly swollen 1 have attended him at my shop since that tlmo. FRANK SCANLAN. Live at Council Blnflg. My father is a butcher. I lived with Dr. Crcaj. I know MoKune , I r err ember fllien ho was bill- id. I had been sent on an errand just before ho was killed. Mrs. Cross sent no. It was about six o'clock. I mot Dr. Cross near the Citizen's bank. He lent mo to got a half dollar changed. As 1 returned I saw McKnno strlko Cross on he back of the head. Orcsi staggered md ho struck him again. The struggle ook place between the first and second ; ree near Woodbury's earner. MoKune lad Cross by the throat. Then the shot was fired and McKano fell , This witness could remember nothing about the evidence before Jndgo Ayles- worth. Ho steadily answered : "I don't remember , " I never talked with Dr. Cross about the 083 but talked with Ba'dwln and Cross' brother. The most of the fcranoon was consum ed by Col. S pp , reading from the record ord in Aykaworth'b court , and laylnf the foundation for the impaachmcnt o the witness. The next witness was JIBS. CROSS. She was quite pale , slightly norvon and evidently far from being well. She testified : 1 am thawife cf Dr Cross ; wo woto married in Baltlmon about ten years ago , Wo moved to Conn cil Bluffs In the htior part of October 1879. I knew McKuno by sight only and knew whera ho llvoij also the loca non of bis store. I remember the even Ing he was killed. A ihort time btfor the occurrence my huibind and I were ii the yard playing with the dops. W went to tha window of a nelghboi'd hous and had some conversation with her. had sent t o boy Frank alter some bakin powder. He didn't got the right kin ind I ent him back , I wanted th "Royal. " The defense sought to show what cor Torsatlon took place between Grots and wife that evening , ihottly before the killing and just prior to his leaving the house. They were not permitted to do thii. thii.Adjourned. . AFTERNOON SKSS10N , Mrs. Cross continued : Wo went Into the house. The doctor changtd his coat. The boy wont to got change. I told Cross as ho went out that ho would moot the boy and get the change. Ho bad not boon gone five minutes when I heard the shot. I wont to the sidewalk and saw my husband standing n the walk. A man was lying on the ground. I asked him what was the matter. Ho said : 'This io3undrol struck mo " ( Inter rupted and ordered from the record. ) Ho handed mo two quarters. Wo came homo. I saw that his hand was wounded. Ho loll on the office iloor , fainting. 1 bathed his head with cold water. Wo then bandaged his hand , Ho complained of a pain In the head. The back of his head was bruised , There were some scratches on his f eo. I heard Mrs , Bal- lard's evidence about Dr. Crosi threaten ing to kill McKuno. Dr. Cross made no such statements as detailed by her. Throe or four times at our house my hus band was warned to bo on his guard. Mrs. Ballard said ho was a very bad man ; that the doctor should bo careful and take care of himself. That ho was liable to attacked at any lime. I went to the jail the next day alter the doctor's arrest. I taw the scratches on his face , the swollen lump on the back of his ncad and the discoloration about the throat , The ehot was firad soon after 0 o'clock. OEOIiaE WOOLEVER. Live at Council Blufl * . I did not know McKuno. I was building a house for Mr. Lowery the day of the homicide. I was returning from my work in the even ing , through the park , as I was near the grand stand , I saw too men scutlllng on the walk north cf the park. I had gone but a few staps and heard a shot , 1 saw nothing more. more.DR. . E. D. CRCteS. I am the defendant. I was bom in Baltimore forty-two years ego. I re moved to Council Blulls in 1871) ) , whore I have since resided. I remember the tlmo 1 killed Dr. McKuno. I was out in the yard with my wife , Ho talked a few minutes with Mrs. Horton. My wife wanted some moat for tha dogs. I wont to Sackott'a but did not ontor. I mot him and Mra. Sargent. I met my boy at the corner. I sent him to the postofiico to get change. I. passed a lady on the crossing. I was going west , near the ornor of Woodbury's. I hoard aomo no coming np quickly behind mo and hen I received a terrible blow from bond - ( nd and I nearly fell. Ho struck mo again everal blows , then ho took mo by the hroat and said : "I'll kill you now , you o a b h. " I managed to got out ny revolver. Ho loosened his grip on ly throat and wo began a straggle for , ho possession of the revolver. I snc- eoded In turning the revolver toward Im and pulled the trigger. Ho fell , iargeant came np and atked mo what ras the matter. I said , "This scoundrel truck me down from behind and 1 had kill him to save my life , " Then I went to my office and falntod. The dicers soon came in. There was a urnp back of my If ft ear. The bono of ny nose was broken. The wound on ny hand was dressed and I wont to jail. Vhen ho had me by the throat I did the iest I could to loosen his hold. I waa ear the second tree when ho struck the rsc blow. It waa near the crossing ack of the office where the shot was red. Ho was on the outside of the walk ; I on the Inside , next to the fence. When we were struggling for the uosses- Ion of tbo pistol he was a little to the treat of mo. The pietol was turned aid mo , and In the struggle I sncceed- id In turning it toward him and fired. I was dazed by the blows and choking , and isn't tell nat how long the actual con- let lasted. In December , 1880 , we had eomo rouble about the Dcllah Nicholson raso. net McKune , In December ; 1880 ; wo alkod a short distance together near the Northwestern depot. Ho said : "If I wye any trouble about this matter ( the Nicholson difficulty ) I will make a and- Ion ending to your practice In Council Jluffj. " Ho ehookhla fist at me ; his 'ace was very red ; the veins of his neck itood ont. I was introduced to McKuno at the , rt exhibition some tlmo after I arrived t the Bluffe. Our relations up to the line of the Nicholson trouble were riendly. After that ho scowled at me dien ho passed mo. A short time before the tragedy ho ihcok his fist at mo aud cursad me. The ay I killed him ho passed mo on the treot. He scowled pt ma and struck gaintt mo as we passed. That was the ast time 1 saw him until , the final itrnggle. I hoard the testimony of A. B. Nicho- as yesterday. I made no threats against McKnno in his store or In his pretence. We did have aorao talk about the abortion : aeo. Ho said McKnno might injure mo. I said if he attacked mo I would try 'o defend myself. I made no threats against McKuno In ilrs , Ballard'a presence as detailed by or yeetorday. She tald ho was liable to oleon my well , or kill my horse , or burn ny homo , or strike mo down in the ighli I met Mra. Motcilf one3 at her house , made no threats in her protoaco against iIcKune. I know Mr. G. W. Robinson. I think o lives near Avoca , ho is a son-in-law of Irs. Ballard. I never had each a con- ersation with him as ho testified to. PERSONAL. Joel Eaton , the gas man , returned yester day from St. Louie , J. W. Squlro and family leave to-day for a trip througli the sonny south. Ernest llait has returned from Kansas where ho 1ms been settling his brother's largi itate , Frank Ilallday , who lives on Washlngtor avenue , rejoices In being tbo father of bouncing boy , Mies Cora Marble lias returned from three montlia" vlilt In Fremont , Neb , muc improved m health , George Kellofj now drinks nothing but at tosian well water , which he Jjoes four mile for and brings back In a two gallon jug. I acts as an appetizer oa George and ho Is fas regaining las health and weight , which Is littla under two hundred pounds , J , II , Mountain hag returned from Chicago where he received the appointment of south weetern traveling agent for the Ni gra Shor Line and the Olraml Trunk railway , wit headquarters at Kansas CUy , to take lfec April let. Mr , Mountain baa been connfcto with lateral railroads and has had nearl twenty years'expcrienom the passenger an ticket business , having bean the first man t open a local railway ticket olfice la Kans City , cijhtjen year * ago when that city ws email burg. Jla will remain here at tb 0/den home with hii family before going t Ktngu City , IT WAS LOADED , A Boy Killed nnrt Ills Mother Sorl- on sly Ipjnrotl , A fa Sal accident occurred wcit of Tabor Sundfty morting Iftit , the particulars of which arogivon by the Nonconformist ? ho alFilr was ( it the homo of Bainott Golden , It nppcnm the children in tome way knocked the sifo ever , on which was a loaded ehotgun , and the gun striking , ishargcd both barrels. The oldest son , a lad of 17 or IS years , was In rnngo , and ccelvcd both charges , one atrlk- ng in the back part of ho neck almost severing his heni ; the thor ontorcd above the hip , passed brough the body in an ugly manner. Ho vod for three hours , when death re eved him. The mother WAS also iu angc , and received a number of shot bout the nook , but at latest accounts the ixtent of her Injuries arc not definitely mown. It WAS a terrible occurrence , nd the grief of tha family Is shared by 10 entire community. A Kentucky belle glories in a head of lair which is live foot ten Inches long. Air Sorts t of hurts and many sorts of ails of man and beast need a cooling lotion. _ Mustang Liniment. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Spoolal vertlsomentg , no M teal , 'ound , To Loin , For 8aleTo , Rent , Wnnta , Board * g , eta. ! will be Inserted In this column at the low rtto ot TEN CENTS PER LINE for the first Insertion tnd FI7K CENTS PER LINE ( or each Bubeoqnent n- rtlon. Leave advertlMmcnti al oar offloo. No. P rl Street , near Broadway WANTS. 7\OK \ 8ALH A $1,000 Soda FounUIn , been U9td ? elx months. It sold at once will ttkol'83 than i&U price ; also big lot ot ehohlni ; and counters , cry cheap , A. J. Uandcl , 325 Broadway , Council luffs. 71011 SALE. Another hotel In & Ihe KebrajUn J town , now doing a business < f about 8360 per month. No other hotel In the placo. Terms liberal. SWAN & WALKKR 70R SALE OB TRADE. SCO acres ol land In * Wayne county , Mo. Will traJo for Council luds city property or Bell cheap for cash , or tart mo. SWAN & WALKFR. TTANTS TO TrtADK. Oood Iowa or Nebraska rV land f or n nmall Block of hardnaro or general crcbandtso , well located. SUAN & WALKER. T10K S 4LK A rare chances to | ? ct a fine , n ell Im- ; pro\cd fartnot 400 acres , ulthln a few inllca of louncil Bluflj , at a bargain , Low prlco and easy b\VAN & WALKKR 7\OR \ SALE A good pajinR hotel prorjorty with 1 llyoiy ( table , In one of the best small towns In cstcrnlowa will sell with or without furniture , or 111 trade for a small farm with ttock etc. SWAN 4 ; WALKER. TtOR 8\LK Eighty acres uotmpro\ed land In " Union couutv , Iowa , 3 } miles south cast of Af- in , the county ecat , or will trade for Nebraska or ansoaland. Sn AN & WALKKR. JWR SALE A 23 aero tract of good land about 1 one and a half ulles from Council Blufli post office , at a bargain. SWAN & WALKER. 7IOR SALE In Harrison county , Iowa. 320 acres ? grass land , all under fence a tOO acre farm 1th fine Improvement ; , all under cultivation except 0 acres grasi83 acres good grass or pasture land , nd several other tracts of from 40 to 160 acres of nlmpro > cd laud. SWAN & WALKXR. "TlOK SALE Lands Improved aad unimproved. " If you want a farm In uoitcrn lena , Kansas "ebraska or Dakota , let us heir from } ou. SWAN & WALKER. , iOR SAtE A lareo number of business and rest- J tleuco lots In all parts of Council Bluffs. See 3 before j ou buy , SWAN & WALKER , R SALE Parties ulahingto buy .cheap lots to J build on can buy on monthly payments otfrom 2 to 810. SWAN & WALKER FOR RENT Wo will r nt you n lot to build on wfth the prlllago to buy If you wish onery beral term' . , SWAN & WALKER. riTANTED To correspond with any one wlablne a TT good lootlon f ir planning mill , sash , door nd blind manufactory , uo have bulldlnz and machinery , well located , for sale , lease or tralc ; SwAN & WALKER. RENT Large two story fraroo building suit able fcr warehouse or storage purposes , near allroad depot. SWAS WALKER. KKNT oil HAL.C , oj.iulug and grounds FOR Buitaila for eciall foundry and machine shop , Good boiler , engine , cupjla , b'owcr , with flicd shaft- OK eta. , ready to put in motion. jji ' SWAM WALKBR , U SALE Houses , Lots and Land. A. J. fitepteiBon , 603 First qcnuo. . SALE A top-buggy , flrst-tliss make and FOR cxjellent condition. Or will trade for cheap ot. Address f. II. Beeolllce , Council BluTs. -1OAL NI > WOOD George lleaton , 82S Bronl- J way. sells coal and wood at reasonable prices h es 2,000 Ibs. for a ton , and 128 cublo for a cord , 'ry him. ' C j ANTED Every body in Council Bluffs ) o take . . TniD i Delivered by carrier at only twenty , ants a week. SLD PAPERS For sale at Bil office , al to oei U J a hundred. BORDER YOUR Cob , Coal % Wood OF * * - ' taa. e ' , O , address , Lock Bob 1)89 ) Council BluOs. JOHN FOX , Deputy Sheriff and GiOffice Office with M. Schurr , Justice ol the Feicc , Ccuncll Ulufla , Iowa. Iowa.JACOB JACOB SIMS , ftttorney - at-Law , COUNCIL DLUF1S , IOWA , Office , Uatn Street , Rooms 7 and 8 , Bbugart an < L'euo llock. Will practice In S.ate and tate oourti A. J. MILLER , ( COLORED ) Hair Cuttiuy and Shctviny. This is an Equal Riylits Shoj. . 610 Broadway , Council Bluff * . 80HUBZ. Jistice ofle Peace ornoK OVKII IVKKIOAH BZPRKSS 'OUNOIL TQOI , crnaiu w , H , u. rcn OFFICER & PUSE BACKERS. Ocnndl lilafli , , < . la , Established - - 185 ( Dealeri In roic'gn aod DoatiU * Exikangt aa Bom * B cuiltUi. CHAS. SHIVEKICK , FURNITURE UPHOLSTERY AND DRAPERIES , Passenger Elevator to all floor * . 1200 , 1203 and 1210 Fatnam Street , n , t OMAHA , NK11UASKA , THE LEADING CARRIAGE FACTORY 409 and 141 Utilise St. { CM % & ° * } Omaha Ne- V % * . Hall Whiskey I Absolutely Pure and Unadulterated. Entirely Free from TUSIL OIL. I'osltlvo bare Cure for ITInlnrln . ' AVe nro the only concern In thn United States who nro liottllni * anil solllnc to the Medical * t Profession anil Drag Tnulo nn absolutely I'liroMnlt AVlilmkcy , ono that Is free from * * * % FUSIL OIL nnd Unit Is not only found on the sideboards ot the best families In the > ? ' country , but also In the physician's dispensing room. X DR. ARENDT , the urrat German , Chemist , Buys : "I haveinatle nil anatuitt % of your 2'UltU MAKC WlllSKllY , which gave n very gratifying rcttitt. lour % Mult imsticu , obtained tnontly liy extract of malt eonvutlon unit a very careful % \tatlonand \ illstlllntlnn , lit entirely free from fusil Oil a i l fi woi " < mo * rly obnoxious alcohol * tr/ilc/i < ire ao often fotiml in irlitflset/ tlierefore , * . RECOMMEND IT TO THE MEDICAL PROFESSION. I'rof. VOX VONDUIJ , wrltrS ! "IMrltyItself inous.MnU Wlilnkejr.I know It to bo wholesome , Dulty'B Malt Whisker , It the purest liquor that I clean and unadulterated. " have ever aimlj zed. 1 muf11 hervtoro untiuauuedly . " l-Iirn. II. SAMT.It8M.l . , otRoclie tcrN.V. rucoimnend It to the medical profession. a KrndnatoottnoleadlnRKuroit iieolUpre . Ba\Ri'l The Into HAltVr.V IYltl . M.I > . , President prewrlboyour 31 nit \ \ nULp > In my prnctico iicre , of tin ! Faculty , anil I'rorpssorof the llnltlmoioMid- consider itn very puperlor reliable ni-Uclo niul can I leal Colli-KO , ( inj a "I Ilnd It remarkably f no troin lioart lly rc-eommend It In low mates of foTrni , > cute fusil oil and other oujwtlonnble materials eo often liillaintimtlons. nnd deptx'iMnir inaladlen onemlly , found In tlie hlsklet of the present day. nndnlso ng a tonlo In ftelilo dltrtftlon and eomitl- . . ' , . . , Itlanil.tho c ccnoo from aeute dNences , wheni nil nleohollr .TAMIlfJ. < l'I > iA : M.l > of Stnten stimulant la indicated , untl c K clallv in I'litlilsl'o , * 'Whm author of w3\eml works on Insanity writes : I'uluioimll.i. " Ipitsarlboan uloohollc uliiiulant , I onleryour fa- IN FACT , IT IS A BEVERAGE AND MEDICINE COMBINED. > ' TO UUiMSlJivAf i fl VlltS J AVI2 AVIIit , on receipt of'six 1K > IIIt's ! ' * send to nuyadilrcsw In tlio Viittcu States ( KastoC the liocky Mountains ) , all * ' - " " - l > ros * contain ) * Mrltlnir CONSUM1" * * Formula has been prepared i _ . . . _ . . , . . _ . . _ * HonnliHprervired by nmfnmllv limiykerpor nt sllcrht pxpenso ( Haw Hcefslonk and otir " ' "CTJttJEi ! 7Vr.A ' * ' ' ' v < fcynHCTrgl13CTFiy being of the liiKredlents. ) . Alter this preparation 1ms been taken for a few weeks , tlie previously conspicuously prom4 * * Inent bones In patients siiireriiipr from Consumption and the lIKe diseases , Ret colored with a 4 : < < tttt OUTH OMAHA Packing Houses in Operation , Postoffiee Established and a Town Gov ernment Soon Will Be. Lots 60x150 feet with 20 foot Allevs for * Sale. One-fourth Cash , Balance in 1 , 2 and 3 Years. Best Locations Being Taken. GetMLotorQTwolWhile ; [ They are : Cheap. SEND FOIt A MAP. Apply at Company's Office , 2M S. 13th Stf Onuilia , NcbntsTstt. M. A UPTON , As3't. Sec'y andlTanBgcr. JVYATT. Lumber Merchant * CuiDings and 20th SteF Omaha , Neb. R ichards fy Clarke Machinery Castings Omaha , Neb. m $ CASTINGS , StiH WEIGHTS , v WICK YAM CASTINGS ,