pHRRan i THJB ) DAILY BEE-WEDNESDAY MARCH 11 , 1885 II ! THE DAILY BEE. OUAHA Omm No. 014 AND Dl FAHSAH Br. IKKW YORK Ornoa , Roe 05 TBIBUHB BnoD- IHKO , rnbllshsd rerr mornlnj , "WJP'.Snnday. TUt . olj Monday morning dally fUblUned la th ltat On. Year. . . 'Via'poYpJMonthi * g ' . . . . . . SlEMonth. e.ooOn | Uonth. 1.00 tthe Wcelcly Bco.Publlhicd every Wednciday TIIUM , rostf AW. OntYtar , with premium * * 9 On * Year , without premium * " Pit Months , without premium ' " OnaUonth , on UlU * " COMMrONDXROII ' All Commnnlealloni relatlne to N wi and Editorial mattori Thould b adlretHd to th ED1TO * Of till I insraus MTTIM. * . All DtHlneM Lstter * ni n raltUnoe 'uddratMtlto Tni ni roBturnxo OpurAKT , torafM.OheclM nd Vo t omos order * to b made pay I aM to th * order ol th company. , THE BEE PUBLISHING CO , , Props , ! li , ROSEWATEU , KDITOB , A. H. Fitch , Manager Daily Circulation. P.O. Do , 488 Omaha , Neb. TUB Herald announces that Dr. Miller trill oontinuo business nt the old stand. IT la pretty n fo to my tliat Uio three uocralnr'os ' of the railroad commission will i lo well-known railroad men. Ir Mr. Cleveland should happen to got tired of bin socratary o ! the navy wo nd- vlio iilm to Bond him oil a trip on the resurrected Tallapooaa. Tun effort of Sonatar Teller to stiffen op hla backbone has proved a uignal fall- ura. It looki very mvch as if ha had a case of Incurable uplnal meningitis. EL MAIIDI haa been making a pilgrim- ego to hia father's tomb. The British would llko to Boa the BSD of bis father make a pilgrimage to hla own tomb , end etay there. ; PRESIDENT CLEVELAND very oonaibly jiropOEeu not to allow himself to bo talked to doith. IIo has thorefora announced that ho will not graub Interviawa with of- ficc-3cokcra. 1 TUB Republican dovotea half a column to the defense of Governor D wes' pri vate accretary. Wo are not surprised In the loaat for tha Republican haa been en gaged foryoan in defending such men. TUB llov. Dr. Bucbard , of "Rum , Komanlsm and Rebellion" fame , has boon put on the retired Hat by hia con- gregiUon at a salary of § 500 per year , It saoms to na that the democratic party ought to take care of Mr. Burchard. POSTMASTER GENEUAL VILAS begina his official career by a war upon a otomaob. titters factory which oenda through the malls a forged endorsement of "Chester A. Arthur , president of the United States. " Mr. Vilas haa taken thia stop merely to protect President Cleveland's name from being used In any such way. A BBSOI.UTION was recently introduced [ in the Connecticut legislature proposing to establish a state fireman's association , 0110 cf whoEO functions shall bo the 'complication of statistics. " Thia re minds us that , next to drawing Its'ualary , the "complication of ttatlstlca" will bo the principal function of the Nebraska railroad commission. . Mu. HOFFMAN owes is to himself , to his friend and patron , Governor Danes , and to the general Interests of justice , to call Mr. Rosewater into court. Omaha Republican , THE BE * has had several libel aniti , but it has never had a verdict against It. Mr. Hoffman has the privilege o ! calling Mr. Rosowalor Into court , bub we will give him credit of having too much horse cense to do it. EIMVARD RUSSELL , the popular pott mauler of Davenport , Iowa , although ho has hold the office for sixteen years , is unwilling to surrender to the democrats without making an effort to retain the position , and ho is accordingly circulating a petition asking ths president to reappoint point him. It la claimed that qu'te tt number of democrats have signed his petition. In view of the f iofc that there Bra six or eovcn able-bodied democrat ! " candidates In the filed , it looks JIB If .Mr. . RutBjll la only waiting his time. j IT does seem rather singular that the name "Pacific , " when attached to a rail read , Is a synomym for jobbary and fraud not confined alone to the United State ; hat extending even Into Canada Charges ot jobberondtham construe Men , similar ta the methods omplojed ir the building and management of th ( r.icUio railroads In the United Slates , arc made against the president of the Cana dian PflciGo and his associates. It Is oven sild that the Lake Superior division was pertly graded with frozen snow. It is bad enough to water railroad r > tookbut It strikes us that putting wa'or , In the ehapa of frozen snow , Into the road bed Is carrying the watering bualnesj a little too far. Tun now president of the Iowa ag ricultural college calls himself by the dis tinguished nsmo of Leigh Hunt. There la a good deal more in that name than there Is in tha common nnma of Smith. Hence , Mr. Hunt whoso first name Is Smith when ho ahook the dust of In diana f torn his brogana and tame to Iowa , Bwapped "Smith" for "Leigh. " The Indiana - diana School Journal , of February , thus i-fieaks of thla great "educational man" "Smith Hunt , formerly of Colombia City , nd who has for icverol yean been Machine In Iowa , las recently bt en elect , ed president of the Iowa agricultural college. Judging from newspaper reporta no educational ( ) man 1 Iowa atande lilnhor than does Mr. Hunt. He U well mnemboredln thlsstata , and his Hoemei friends are a llttlo aurptisiU that he nbould have dropped the > vulgar cogno men Smith end taken In Us place Llgh. WhaVa iu a Dame'1 TELLER'S DEFENSE. The reply made by Mr. Teller to the charges of Senator Van Wyok is a very Inmo defense of his conduct In Issuing the "Backbone" patents to Hnntlngton and Gould during the cloilnp hours of the last adm'nlslration. ' Mr. Toller's at tempt to ridicule Senator Van \Yyck by calling hla efforts In behalf of the people and of the tottleri more "blood and thunder" talk for the public , will not do. Every piper in the country not subsi dized by the railroads haa sustained Sen ator Van Wyck in hla persistent war on the croikodnoBs of railroad land grab bers and jobbers , and ho haa the hearty support of the people everywhere. The brazen Impndonco of Mr. Toller's reply is only equalled by Vanderbllt's sentiment , "tho public bo d d. " Mr. Teller has evidently put hitmoU in a position whore his surroundings naturally canto him to entertain about as muoh respect for the public as Vanderbilt docs. Ho has made hiiuiolf the Instrument and tool of the giant monopollosand ; they have richly rewarded htm. The suspicion that Jay Goula fnrnlthod the money and worked the political wins to place Teller in the senate la strongly confirmed In the public mind by tha subsequent actions of Teller. The cunning Gould uaod Teller as an Instrument of revenge upon Senator Hill for having championed thn cause of postal [ telegraphy. Having thug placed Teller under everlasting obli gations , Gould had no diflicnlty whatever In Inducing the secretary of the Interior , just bcfoio ho stopped out o ! the cabinet and Into the senate , to issue the "Back bone" patents. Thus did Gould kill rvro birds with one stono. Ho defeated Hill , and secured the title to 700,000 acroa of land for hlmsalf 'and Hunting ton. Mr. Teller cannot make a plausible defense of his conduct upon the ground that land grants had boon isancd to other roads than tha "Backbone" or Kow Orleans , Vickabnrg & Baton Rouge after the ex piration of the allotted limo. Two wrongs do not mike a right. If on o man steals and etcipcd punishment , it is no reason that another thief shall bo allowed to go free. The Impudence of Teller la emphasized by the fact that Ilia "Backbone" grant was under consideration by congress , together with other forfeiture bills , and a protest against Teller's heulng the patents had boon made and published by certain sen ators and congressmen. Mr. Teller , If pormiitad to remain in the senate , willcon- tlnue to boldly represent his constituency , which ia composed of the monopolies and not of the people , and no job will bo too big for him to champion if it Is dictated by such men as Gonld and Huntington. It ia now evident what ho ia there for , bnt if wo are not mistikon hla life may yet bo made a burden to him. DR. MILLER'S ' ADDRESS. In all sincerity the BEE regreta that Dr. Miller did not get a cabinet position , as wo believed that his appointment would have been a great benefit to this part of the west , but wo think the doctor can consldnr himself fortunate in having been left out. The dry and laborious duties of the office of postmaster general wonld have coon -worn him out , and we bellevo ho would bavo resigned in leas than a year had bo been appointed. In replying to iho statement of the BEE that "tho address of Dr. Mlllor will con tinue to bo Omaha , Nebraska , " the Herald , in explaining the position of its editor , say a : When Dr. Miller's name was first aug gcsted as a candidate fet postmaster gouoial it wag wholly without his knowl edge , and as a matter of course without his sanction. When the subject was finally broached to him he was very reluctant to enter the race , and did so only upon the eaeuranco of his friends that his appointment would redound to the benefit of the great west , which was all bnt unanimous in bis support. To tervo his country Dr. Miller was willing to sacrifice hi ) own convenience , and he was encaura od in this resolve by the flittering endorsements ho received at homo , and from tha strongest men and foremojt leaders of the democratic party throughout the land. It was a matter ol duty and not a matter of choice that Dr. Miller pushed his claims , which wore rially tbo claims of the great western constituen cy , for a cabinet position. Had Mr. Cleve land deemed it proper to recognize thla section , wo think it safe lo say , though without authority from Dr. Miller , that ho would have bcon the man selected. The roeu'.t ID him would have been hsi gratifying than to the public , as every * bcdy who knows the doctor's disposition and situation will readily believe. Such an office would bavo entailed to him four years of cossaloju , and perhaps tlunklei tail , pecuniary loss , separation from hla business , and partly , perhaps , from hii f.iuily. Hence when President Oleve land saw fit ( o Ignore this section in th < selection of his pononal adviaoia , as wa his constitutional right to do , ho icllovec Dr. Miller from further obligation to his friends , and allowed him to oontlnua hi pootoflicp address at Omaha , Nob. 1 strong pressura was brought to bear upon him to accept another rnspontibl ollico , but he peremptorily declined th same. AMONG the laws passed by the Icgiak torj was one creating a new county office register of deeds in countle having a population of 15,000 or more , The first election of this officer will place next fall , and the term will baon yearj. The duties of thla officer shall b to perform all the duties relative to all papers , writings , and Instruments per talnlng it real estate heretofore enjolnc by the law upon the county clerk , and hi s'lall receive the same compensation therefor. This will take from th connty clerk's office a great deal of work which haa of late years grown ver ; rapidly so that that officer has really hai more to do than ho could properly at ten to. In such a populous county as thU the largest in the state , it Is but prope : that the recording of deeds should done In a separate office. The real estnt transactlonsbnvo become so numerous th tha recording hno require * the constan supcrvlnon cf a competent man , and we buliovo that the now ofiico will provo a great benefit and convenience to ( ho public. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE various building associations in ) maha are proving qnllo aucccss'ul on- * orprUcs. Tbo plan of these associations s an excellent one , and when conducted iy honest and capable men , as these In ! maha are , no bolter or safer way of ecnring a homo upon easy terms can bo bund. At the same lime the members f a bnilding association p&rticipato in 10 profits and derive other benefits. ) no of ( ho most desirable objects accom- illshod by building associations Is the topping of the payment of rent , which Is such a heavy burden. The payments equircd by the associations are not any inoro than ordinary honcc-ront. Thus bo mombcrj can pay for their homes irlth the money that their Jondlords take 'rom thorn every month. Many a man as paid out in house rontmoro money ban wonld ba required to purchase three > r four good houses and lots. Besides wiling your own home , another advant- .go Is gained in the strady rlsa of your roporty. THE Chloigo Herald , In commenting pen Senator Van Wyck'a action in re- urd lo Teller and the "Backbone" grant , aya : "Mr. Teller goes out of the in- erlor department and into the sonata ' 1th a largo s'znl scandal clinging to im. His prodccossor in the senate , Mr. Hill , has told some Inlea out of school , ut the oenaior from ITebrasla , Van Wyck , who is a thorn in the aide of more ; han ono jobber , has just called nttcn- lon to a more recent exhibition oT Toller's fondness for helping out oorpo- atlone. * * The charge made against Teller 2s a srioua ono , and is so much In harmony with hla conduct In relation to niuy other land schemes that it has an ir of plausibility , but ho Is , of course , ntitled to make his explanation. Unless lie can give n raoro nitiuactory reason for his acts than ho has for many of his de cisions in cr.sss arising in the went , where sottleis' rights have been Invariably dla regarded , ho will stand before the people badly smirched man. " PRESIDENT CLEVELAND comes of a theo logical family. Hla great grandfather , ho Rev. Aaron Cleveland , came to Hali- rax , Nova Scotia , In 1750 , the year after he city was founded , and established a church known as "Mather's church , " ftor the great How England divine of ; hat day. Ho remained for five years , and was succeeded by a Scotch minister. The church then became known B3 St. Matthew's , and was the first Presbyterian ihurch In the Brltbh lower provinces. It a the leading church in the city to day. Its library , established by Mr. Cleveland , till contains many volumes presented by him and bearing his autographs. There are many relatives of the president still .a the province. GENERAL E. 0. WALTHALL , who anc- ceods Mr. Latnar in the United States senate by appointment of the governor if Miseisslppi , Is an able lawyer , enjoy ng a very lucrative practice. Ho was born In Virginia in 1831 , bnt has lived in Mississippi ever since ho was seven years > ld. He gained hh military title by lervlng in the confederate army through out iho war , rising from a private to the ank of major-general. Gen. Walthall has always taken a prominent part in Missis Ippi politics , and Is the warm friend of Jamar , who in nil probability secured hla appointment to the aonato. THK Cincinnati Commercial-Gazette having said that ' 'there ' ore many phaa- ant things said about ox-President Ar- hur , In which wo cordially concur , but ; ho great fault of his administration ia hat his successor is not a republican/ ' St. Louis Globe-Democrat , than which there is not a more loyal republi- m paper , pointedly replies : "This la the 'ault , not of ox-President Arthur , but of ho republican national convention of .884. That illustrious body , frr the first line In twenty-four years , mapped out a defensive campaign , and hence the reaclt which all good republicans now deplore. " DAKOTA , with all its blizzards , comity seat wars , capitol removal schemes , nd and frauds , is nevertheless a progressive territory. Its legislature has passed bills appropriating $220,000 for permanent mprovemonts In fourteen territorial in atitutionr , including thrao nnlvertitlos , one reform school , two normal schools , two agricultural colleges , ono school of mines , one school of forestry , on Insane asylum and a school for deaf-mutes. TUB Pacific Mall subsidy job could not have been carried through had it notbeen for the votes of the congressmen who were defeated at the last election. There's nothing like looking outlfpra rainy day. Wo venture to siy that the PaciGo Mai has supplied them with umbrellas. It Is not the first tlmo that the jobbers have taken congressmen In out of the wet. N\'E wonder if the people of Colorad have any longer any doubt as to Senator Teller's election having been brough abont by the hand of Jay Gould. How do tbo people of Colorado , who are groaning under the extortions and unjust discrim inations of the Union Pacific much more than are the people cf Nebraska , like their new tcnator so far as ho haa gone IT is reported that President Clovelniu \\illdlsmlssthacourt-martlal which was called by Pmidcnt Arthur to try General oral Hizen. If we are neb mistaken General Hazon is a relative of Johnn McLean , of the Cincinnati Inquirer ThU may be iaken by some persons as an eiplanaticn of the milk In the cocoanut Now , then , let the governor niiino th' ' three secretaries to tbo Nebraska rail ay comm'sslon. ' There is no use In withholding ( lie nxmos aoy longer , as Iho allroids lavotrobably picked ont Iheir man long befora this. " \VKSTKHX NBAV3. DAKOTA. Dntota will plant millions of trees this emon. Some of tlioMitinehnha county farmers have > efrun eoo Jlng. The hog cholera has disappeared from outhern iMkota , Wheat Rccdinfr commenced near r rgo on ho 20th of Fobniary. Progressive euchre is the fn'hionablo Wiz ard of the territory. The snow In the mountains of JJlack Hills Is bo deepest ovnr known. Buffalo Gap will claim the distinction of icing the gate city of tha Hills. Sioux Fnlla has established a city hospital or Iho care of Its fever patients. The order removing the land office from ) oadwooa to lUpid tilty has been rovokod. Stockmen report light enows for tha winter n the Moroau river , and light loss of cattle. The Ipnitth nrtcsmn well has reached n opth ol 1,050 feet , but hna not the detlred loir of water. Chamberlain rejoices In the completion of La water works system , giving , as it doc ? , n Irst class fire protection. There Ins been considerable loss of live tock on thti racgoa ncrth of the Hills , pro- luced by the extreme cold woather. It 13 understood Ihkt three prominent St. 'mil men ha\o plans and specifications drawn or a SlO.OOOhoteljto ba ctqctod at Park llivor , Valsh county. A clalm-hol Jor on the newly-opened Crow jroek reservation boasts ot hnvinc taken a ilaim In every land district from the Missii- ippi to the Miteouri rivers. The Sioux Indian Is becoming civilized , A quiuv hns committed suicide Uccauto of the unfaithfulness of her lord , n half breed anchor living about fifteen miles south of ? ierre. Dakota stockmen in the Black Hills coun- ry are encouraging warfare onrolves nt heir own expense. They have bsen suffeiing 10111 the dopcdationa of these nnimals , and > ropoao n war of extermination , Tha claim fever is spreading along the [ DOS of railways loading to the newly opened ocervation lands. The only man exempt rom the contogibn is apparently the 0110 al- rotdy anchored down with his 480 acres. A prominent member of the legislature , hilo that body was bang banqueted at rand Forks , was ushered Into the ball room after indulging in several potations of wine. ! n fact bo was bubbling over. Securing a air companion ho was about to lead her to , ho dance when a friend approached and In quired how ho felt. "Feel , " the hon. gentle- nan blurted nut iu plain hearing of his com- lauinn , "O , I guess'm alt right ; I'm in good land ] ; guess my friend ' 11 ateormu through jut if sha don't you'll ' eeo the tst grand iiarch over held in Dakota. " Tha party of surveyors who were reported it work near Vermillion , surveying a prelim- nary railroad line from LeMara to Yankton lave not yet put in an appearance and there s considerable [ peculation and uncertainty in regard to what company is behind the project. The Illinois Central compaty operates a eased line between Dubuque and LoMars ; ; ho lease expires in 1887 , and the report is ; the company has decided not to renew it jocauao it has not paid , and a further report states that tha Chicago & Northwestern de- aires to control it. Peter Shogren , residing near Vermillion , met his death in a shocking manner on the 2d while alone on the road , driving his team , o Daly's saw mill. It is supposed ho dropped on of the lines , and to regain it ha stopped over the dashboard on to the pole , when slip ping , he fell ; his right If g becoming caught in ino of the traces' held him , while hia head struck the ground , the horses ran away , drag- ; tng the body for h lf n mile or more , as could 10 plainly traced. When found the horses iad run into a baibsdiwiro fence and stopped. A portion of the face and skull had b-en .orn off by dragging over the rough frozen rround. WYOMING , W. P. Gannett has been appointed tcnitor- al treasurer by GOT. Warren. Specimens of granite from the Sheiman quarries are pronounced by Laramie exports nperior to any In tha country , ; William Williame , au employe of Fitch'a rancho , neir Laramie , blew hla brains out with a rovolyer. Ho was 28 years old. Tha Loomia & Andrews' herd and ranch3 m the Belle 1'ourcho has been sold to ( Jol. A. T. Babbitt for 8300,000. This is the largest ealo made this year. Levi Parker spent the winter ia the north- ; rn portion of the territory and returned to Cheyenne last week with fifty coyote skins , hirty-five beaver pelts and other iurs , besides leveral frozen toes and hands. Cheyenne invested a 81,000 in an effort 0 compel the Union Pa Ific to pay § 1,000 axes , assessed by the local authorities. The effort was a failure , the U. S Bupreme court deciding that the levy must bo made by the orritorlal aasessor. Cheyenne sports invested $ 0 to $1 that Take Hawkin's spavined mule could not pull 1 500 pound bag of sand at the end of 00 leet of rope. The gentle mule w gced bis off ear , tiffenod his ( pine , and walkoi off with the jap. Jake bagged the 550. Old Fritz is dead. Frederick Fritz was us name , and he died at the hospital in Jheyenne. The o'd ' man was a lunatic and ; ave ovidinco of that fact In various ways , itnoBg which was an inordinate deeiro to wear arge quantities of old jewelry. The Laratnie Elver Cattle company , with a capital of 8500,000 have boon incorporated at Cheyenne. The trustees and Incorporators ore Ithamcr 0. Whipple , Henry G. Hay , Fohn B. Thomas , Henry M. Holers and Albert Poor. The lost two named risido in .he e.nt , wliilo the other three are prominent citizens of Cheyenne. The discovery of silver ere in the Somiuolo camp made Ia t full Is the veritable lost bon anza , and probably from the same place where the ere was taken that was brought nto Fort Steele during the cummer of 1803 , which assayed 32,800 per ton. Assays from .be discovery made last fall are fuid to run very closely to § 3,000 , while the ere has all the characteristics of 1SC8 rode , Territorial papers claim tint tbn How of ubricatlng oil from the Graff well Is the argest la the world ono hundred barrels a Uay. Tha wvll i ? situated just ono mile below Da1 las station , on the lUwlins-Londor stage ine , and Is therefore very accessible. An analytis of the oil gives -10 per cent , of kero- eene of an exceeding fine character that has a very high ilakhlng point , leaung a residue of lubricating oil ot two grtdoi and a small imount of coke , Two thousand Chinamen celebrated their new year at Kvanstoo. Tlio festival continued from the 14th to the 28th of February. Moat of tha crowd came from California , in fact fully bulf of them were from S _ n Francisco , and came ov r the Central Pacific in special cars attached to the regular morning train. About fifty of them had their wives a'ong ' , who , by the way , are very pretty , and dress very richly , Bach garis- earned a large ban ner , stating from wh tt part of the country they come , and alto the president of their lodge. From Oirden to Hvanston. a distance of 113 miles , they kept up a constant firing ol fire-crackers , which became a rfgulur brand tilde on reaching their destination. The amount of pork and other Chinese delicacies consumed in their rites was something enor mous , COLORADO. I IGr'eley's potato pool tins sofar proven quite beneficial tothefarraers. _ _ " "TheMarshahVcoal mine of Boulder countj ia shipping 8,000 tons per month. The corner ptane of the new chamber o commerce building at Denver wai laid on the -nil. The last arUsiiu well mink in Penverstruck water at a depth of G25 , and flows 200,0.0 gallons daily. Colorado Springs boaatu of having more l > oultry farmers among itb populatioa than any city in the state. Tha merchant * of Central can't fiud lan- gutKB strong enm'ph to denounce the business methods of the Union Pacific. A Tort Collins man lias been offered a sal wy of $5,000 n year to tske cliargo of Iho Now \ ork c Ule company's lancho. The cannonading of the democrats of Dcn- i-er , en the-lib , milled the temper of there- niblican nuyor and be suppicssod them. Bill Booth , n smooth clt'ztn of Dcn\cr , h.ii oinod the American colony In C , nad with roll of 310,000 , gathered from various cit- zeus. zeus.Mr Mr * . Anna Smithion , of Denver , bag se cured n judgment of 53,000 against the Denver t llio Grande railroad for Injuries of a char acter that aho ctn neither elt nor stand , William Careen , the cfllcient sheriff of Con- Hm county , is A son of the renowned Kit Larson. Tha young Carenu is n chip of the old block btrue , fearless and untiring when duty call * . The town of At wood , in Weld county , on .ho South Platte , will bo composed of residents if Kansas from around Abilene. About forty families will start the settlement , to be follow. ed by others. Loander Filmoro Carpenter , a prominent omperanco agitator , suicided with n pistol iu ) onvei- last weolc , lie was a Not th Carolinian , ! 2 years of ngo , and n lack of funds induced lim to ahuflla off. I'M ward Wolker , a prominent young man of Denver , joined the hosts on the other shore last week. Luss of employment and neural- ; lo pklns In the head induced him to send a jullot through his brain , The new chamber of the Demcr city coun cil is said to bo the finest west of the Missouri river. Stained glass windows , frescoed walls , cherry furniture , bru'sels caruat , and brass railing ? , complete the finishing ! ) of the room. An important now discovery it reported 'rom the olJ vorklnga in the Carbonate mlno on Carbonate hill , near Laadvillo , and it is said tbo shaft la now in some eight feet of mineral , carrying from n low grade to 100 ounces to the ton , The Fremont county coal fields have an area of over so\enty square mllej , which contains vast deposits of bituminous coal and some i.imiel coal of great purity and richness has iccn dieco\ered , but ns yet not in eullicicut quantities to justify working. Successful experiment ! linvo boon re cently made at Cincinnati with the now electric railway brake. Tlio trial was made with a heavy coal train of ton cart , jach car weighing , empty , abont eleven tons end having a tonnage capacity of 40,000 pounds , The loaded train , with full steam on , waa put to a speed of for ty-eight miles par hour on a down grade tixty-oight foot lo iho milo , and brought to a dead ( .tap la thirty-seven uid one-halt seconds after putting on the brake , the distance ron In tbat time ba- ing 445 yards , exact measure moot. The brake acts automatically iu cieo the train should pert , and signals both cab and ci- boofo and anpllca the brjko to ( ho rear portion , nlill leaving the engineer with complete control of tlio forward pcrlion. THF GREAT SKIN CURE , My w ito hud n most arnojln eruption make Its appearance on the fingers o both hands about the llrst of last March Supposed It was l\y poison. Several phj siclans paw ItSome diagnosing ft aa eboi e others pronouncing it lalt rheum A rcat many domestic remedies \\cre used , with no clltct. The disease steadily frewvorse. . The picscrlptlons of thteo of our very best phjs'clo 113ero triedwith but llttlo bet'orretults. Tha terrible Itching w.a so great ai almost to Ut prh o her of iloap. Alter two months sf this sufle1 Ing she beean thouso of the Cutirura Hcmodics. What astho resul ? T'IO first applica tion cf the Cutlcura allajcd the Itching , and new af ter four montrV dally luo of them tier hinds are sound and well. Idoubtootlf they had bon ° cm- plojcd at first a euro would ha\o been effected in a .hort . ttmo. 1)11. W. II HALL , Uiuggist. Frankfort , Ky. Ky.SCALL HEAD , F. J. Trursdell , ilrujglft , Conneaut , 0. , reports a COM as follows : The patient's bead > s almost a salldscab , and the dry ecalos constaotlv falling od his h9 > d , making h's ' ehonldcrs white la a few houra. He sudered all the tormentsmnginable with hl head bnrnlcp and Itchlcg and a terrible headache all the tlmo. Took thrco bottles of licsoliont , used two boxes Cutlcura and some Cutlcura Sonn , and nas cuied. Tlead Is as cmltely fico from soibs as it was Iho day ho was born. Nomoro Itchlrg and burning , and no more headache It teems almost meietlulous that anjthlng could c"reso b id case so quickly. Tha patient saja you do net claim bft'f enough for Cutlcura. DISFIGUR1KG. Ilumorp , Humlllatlri ; Eruptions , Itching Tortures Scrofula , Halt Itheum , and Infantile Humors cured by the cutl'Ura Remedies. Cutlcura R solvent , the new blood purifiercleanses the blood aril peirpliatloo odmiutllles and ( Olson , ous Clements , and tnus remo\cs the cause. Cutlcura , the great Skin Cure , iastantiv allajs [ tchlrg and InllaiDination , cleans the Skin and Scalp bcals Ulceiu and Sores , and restore ! thiTIIalr. Cutlcura Soap , an cxquUIto Skin Uciutlder and Tol'tt ' ncquisiteprepared from Cuticura , Is IndUpen- sable In treating SbIn Diseases , Baby Humors , Skin Ijloml'he. , Cl.appfd and Ol y Skin. Cutlcura Pcniedlcs are at tolutely pure , and tha only Infallible Blood PurlBers and Skin Ucautblera Sold c\errwhere. I'rico Cut'cura , 5Cc. Cutl cura hoar , i6o. Cutlcura Ro'olvont , $1. Pottar Drug & Chimical Uo.Bosbon , I'ao Cutlcnr * Soap an exqulslt Skin BtautlDer , and Toilet , na Nursery Sanative. IEST YOUR BAKJMPOV/M / TO-DAY , Branilsndrtrtlso'l & ab-olutcljrpura T IETEST : PI ice a can top down on a liut slovi- until heated , the * rmnovo tbo corer and tuncll. A cliemlst will not b * r > quired to detect the presence or nmmonla. DOES NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA. ITI IIEiLTHFlUtSS HIS NEVER BKll In a million hornet tor a. quarter of a ontury It bu lt oj the contunieri1 reliable teit , THE TESTJFJHE OVEN , PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. , UIIIKI or DP , Price's ' Special FlayoringExiracls , 7btircnKMttuoiidtllcUiii ( uidnfttorslflavor knowDud Dr , Price's Lupulln Yeast Gimt For Light , lleMlhr Dread , The Deit Dry Uup Yeait In the World. FOR SALE BY GROCERS. CHICAGO. . ST. LOUIB , SPECIAL NOTICES. TO LOAN MONEY. rf\0 LOAN From Woo to S2.500 on It } propcrtj. L from ! ) to S jeara. lininclal txilianto 1103 I'.rram. 035-12i | OO I ( \ { \ To loan on llret mod iue on city rol J5 > 41UU cttato , twuily-onu Lundtcd dull J I'Jl'PLKTOH. ON BY to oao on good roil estate lecurlty , if. M 1' . Sea . William * block. 641 tf WANED at C. F. Reed &Co'a Loan olllce MONEY ' , planer , home , trazoni , pcrsouil property of all kind * and all other nuclei of > alue. Hitrout romoul. Over Ut National Oank.onrncr 13th and i'arnam. All tutlcees strictly cotlideotlal 10NLY to loan on diatUli Woolley & Harri M son ' room to , Omaha National Ouik building . , TOffS.WOTOLOAN On rcalntale c- cnltv : at rfatonaKo latea. C. E. Mtyne , or Uth and Karnam. 4S8-m27 rr\0 LOAN Vjoiri * 5 to ? 5COO , In iunu lo suit. I'l A oancbl cicb o e 16 3 farnam. 3i2-m2 p MONEY I.OANED-J. T. JUatly loin on eliatlel l-rc ] city , 213 a Uth tt , up ttfcln. 2J3ml3p Moar.Y to MAN In turns of KMand upward. 0. F. IHT ! and Co. , IUi\l Kitala and Loan Agcnt , U05 Fatcam St. 4jl tf HELP WANTED. \VANTKD A fl ' t' ' dining tocm Rlrl at the City had. CW-lOp \VANTKD-Glll for ( fencral Imusenork t 832 8 17th8tbc > Lca\ciinoithatidMiion. Mr . II. K. CON. COtl 13p WANTKD- cn h boy nt the Fair Wry Gotxlj Store. 67010 \\7ANTED-alrl to attend ft little bahy and awlst In boiuikcepln ; . German preferred , 1PC1 FtrnMiiet. 05 Ut ? AMfED-t.jundry sir ) , Kmmok houio. 085. Up WANTED A croil girt for central homo work. Mrt. 11. II.VIIbur , No. C311 leaiaot St. 013 tf WANTED A fint-clMs Uundrots. Apply at the Cozzens. WANTEIl Two arprcntlccs to letrti dressmaking Mrs. IX II Corbctt , 1013 Ilonard St. 0S2-14p \ \ ANTKD S lt9 ladles In mllttncry buslnoM. Ad W drees II A R. M. Ocnlua. 62MOp VTTANTED A man to f ell goods In city. Apply VV between ? and Op. ni , 2ulO 1'opplttunnto. 027-10 WANTIJD-Flve or rlx good agents Immoillatcly , 1611 LodgoSt , room 22nnd S3. o28-10p A ScimHuivlin girl for chamber work and wanhlng dlihcs at the Commercial hotel , Oth St Apply Allanllohotil , 10th St 022-lOp WANTED A oimiotcnt cook at onro Ifis. John N. Ualdnln , IU hou'.h Sixth Street Council BlutTg. 610-12 W ANTKD A good gill for general housework Mrs. E , Foaron , * 0th street , 2J House Southof St. Marj' ae. . 005-1 Op WANTED A flrst-olass dry goods clothing , boot and shoe talisman , must spoik Oorn.i > n ami well acquainted ith diycoodR , onlvtlnglo and t\- pcrlonccd mm with referouco need apply , n. Adler , 3cw.rd.Ncb O0l-tf WANTED An oxpcrliiiccd salctmin to sell a quick selling article , address L. J. Bco ollicc. OIV-lOp VlfANTED Kxporloncod agents to srll Ijhlnlng Ti rods , address J. F. Tnumluy , Fremont , Neb. COO 13p WANTED Olrl for general housework and to assist In taking cara of babj ; S K corner Farriam and 2 th stred. UCS'10 WANTED-Clumber maid and we man cock ot the Oooldentftl. tfl5 tf SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED A situation as clerk , or book-keeper , by ajounguitn of the best ot character and froolrefo'cnco. Addnsi' S. S."BCBOIHco. 018-llp WANTED Uy n)0img nan of 10 , Position as cleric In nn oillce where ho can stirt in tsossls taut bcok-kcof cr , good rcftrenco. Address "R. S. ' Ilee ollicj 034 Up WANTED Sltmtlon by rcBpootablo joil'g man In a wholesale or retail giocery or drv goods and notions , had D J cars cipericjuca , 'J. S. G , " Ueo ofllco. 621-lOp TT ANTED A joung man who can rule , wi hlng TT to Ica-n frrwarJlrL'and OnUhlng , can hear ol a good opening by appljuigto Win 0 Shea , Lincoln , Neb 543 10 MISCELLANEOUS WAM'S. WANTED Drug store ; sdortlscrouidllko to buy a drugstore in agooc , live growing to n ; address Uox 502. Ilocl ; hbnd , 111. 651lflp WANTED A bouse Ia good locality by April 1ft , rent not f > c\ceed $15 per month. Addicts or enquire J. W. Austin Freight Audltor'j ofllon U P By City. . 049 lip "V\"rANTKD To buy house and lot , thro3 to five IT rooms , on montaly pajment $ IH ; address X. II. Bee ollicc. 0" > 7-l'p -To rent by Jlay 1st a C or S room cot- tageon ; or near street cnr line , In deslrablo pait of oit/ ; LOW house preferred ; fulurcxsIT. I' . , Bco olfleo. 058 12p " \T7"ANTKD To borrow about S1603 on good se- l > curlty ; address. J. D , Fee offico. 093-12p WANTED Two 01 tlrco unfurnlabod roooinn with boord for hueband , wife and ego > cnr old child. Prl\ate la < 11 } preferred. Location urst cf 16th St. Call cm orkdilr.-rs LoeLailson 1111 Farnam Sticct. 011-t ( WANTED Unfurnished room In ccntrsllocation. Address S. E. ccrncr 10th and \Vebiter. OS1-10 \ / ANTED To rent ono or t i unfurnished rooms TT with or near board. Addr.m F. 1 * . Fosdtkc , 313 and 315 South HthSt 002-tf WANTED Horse to us of or keeping. Very Vest of CMC and light driving , boxes } P. O O537lrp 537-lrp WAtiTED El cry Inly In need of a BOO Ing ma chine , to see the new Improved American No. 7. P. I' . Flodman & Co. , ogtnta ; 203 N Iflth. 343tf 011 RKNT-HOUSES AND LOTS. FOll RENT A house 5 rooms la Bongs & Hills addition. Apply 2614 Douglas et. 853 12p FOUHKNT Four , fhc or six pleasant rooms for housekeeping ; furnished or unfurnished , at 21 S IDthat. Good location. ODl-llp FOR RENT tore with four rooms on Cumlng st Suitable for any buslncs > ; $ ! 6 per month ; Inquiio J. Kllno , 1318 DoiultB St. 660 apr9 FOR 1UNT iNew store room 122x70 feet. Inqmro of John Erck , 015 N. 16 h St 015 11 FOR KENT A brlok louse of 8 rooms S20 per month. Apply to John llti'tlo. Hardware ( ton , 2407 corner Cuniingand Saunders fats. P. Clark. 60S ISt rOK KENT Two now stores on lOlhst. C. U I' ' May lie , J Oth aud Farnam. OlStl JOR RENT Brick house , good older , barn , cor ner lot Shlnn's addition ? iO per month. AMES , 1007 rarnam St. D89 17 Full RENT Ono story dwilllng lioufo five rooms , 23d , marClark street. Ogilen , corner 13lh and Bcnglis Streit. KB tf 1 < ENT Thrco brlolc stores comer 16th end Cumlng St. J L. McCaguo , A gent. TTIOK RENT Ehgant cow cottage on full lot , No. JD 842 S 18th et 445tf RENT-CottigeU 1718 Dodge street. FOll 271tf [ 71011 RfNT Now brick bousr , 11 roomc , modern J1 Improvements , No. S12 N. 22d tt. Inquire 2116 California § .t ! S7tf R"NT New cottage , 6 rooms. , I'LlppsRoo , FOR 1B12 8. 6th st. 048-tf ROOMS FOR RENT. BENT- nlcclj fur Ishcd front loom with FOB and tifcth to gentleman and wife [ 01 couth 20th ht. C"7-tf OR RENT ! urnlihcd room t 1013 I'arnom. B51-a9p : \ HEN P-One luwlthrd front room , suitable I\OIl 1 ono parson or two , 1009 Farnam st. Bfl2-12p KENT Onomcfly furnlsbcd rooni suitable FOK ( 2gcnllcnun , andutmillir room on pleasant at. Inqiilioll07 ! rarnaiufat. Cll-tl BENT Ono first floor front room and other nicely lurrlsbed rooms ; also 2 largo uufurnl.b- cd rooms at 1517 Davtnpoit tt. SIS lip RENT Nictly furnlsboa rooma 11) tt 18th. OJJ-2I | > IlvNf-A riomforoneeentloman. a'sotable FOR for one cr t o gentlemen at 1012 Farnam. 010 tf RENT Two good rooms for house kceplne at FOR per month , 1813 Howard be. RUNT Two ilniflo and ore tulle of roomi Hone's block ono block from Post olllce corner Uth and Capitol av . 0I4 fTiOHRENT A larji fcrnUhcd front room with I ? drcuslnK room otli-r ocojiuglo loom , 71010th St 432-Mp nENT-lloomaNo.02ZS. W corni-r JBth and FOll , on car line , ' ' RENT Two olccly funl hed looms at 1B23 Dodge St. 60M4p BKNT- luin bh d looms for house leonlnf , FOll children waited , 1713 Calltornla St. 093-tf K RENT A suit ol three elegant rooms In bulldlog HIS loJgo Street. loqulro in Build Inu'- Inu'FOR RENT Elegtnt front room for to gtntlo- FOR Icqulre at A. itoepe , 1513 Dou la bt. KENT Furnished front room 190 * Farnam. FOK 670.18 i. OlUlKNT-Tuinlsbeil and unlurrlihod roonn , wlthboarJ. Institute Hotel , formerly Crclgh- on houu , Capitol ae. and 13th it. Mrs L , W IUId. < 1011 HENT-ViirnUhed rtorn. It'UlI | ol J K. Wilbur , Oroata ta > inzs Hank , 876 tl FOK nENT-Anlfclr fnrn ! li l front parlor wild rrodern Irrprojcrrrntii for1 gentleman and wife , br l-oa ! ( taMe bo rd , IOC9 C $ st FOHREr\T Ftilteof Inrnlshnl rocms , I8I Ci > ll fornla it. Mrs. A. Olderwood. S7o-tf Jyoll IICNT Tno unfutntthcd roonm mntal.lo f or Ight liouaekeeplng , llccmi'r'sMf-ck.cor. R h and oHtrardtUi. poll UENT-Nlotly furnished room * it 1718 CUM > 00 8-Wlth board , dnlrable Am > lr Lai St. Chailea Hotel. 474.11 ' L1WII KRMT Two elegant rooms In UxlloV block , JlJ rauljon & Co. , 1518 Farnam. Oll-tl FOR SALE. 17 * OR 8AUJ OH THAUK-Foundry and machine u snjp in uarlmU , Iowa ; BO d point ( arkoglncM ! six ra reads ; town on ft loom , ittkractorjr ro ons & " , ' " ' . & Address srilAOUK A CO. , Union Iron World , Jhlrd street , Council BIufTf , Iowa. OJ2-16 I7WHHI.K-Anm clw ono clulr r , rl > tr shop , JJ ( foiil trailc , rtn'onfor selling wiint to qu > t the nutlntM. AildroteIloxl45North DomlNcbr. tS7-llp TJ10H SAI.R-A half Jersey fresh milk cow. In. ' JL' iUlro)316South | ) Itth , boUoen Wlllum & Hick- orj. T70118ALK-1JOfcro ? of b t fnnnj UndH.a h- A ? Inirton county , Nel. ; 21 mlles free Herm n 8 miles from Blair. Will either Bel for u .i ort\lll trade lor hou o In Omab. If bujor will take up soinonotcs on lonR tlmo. Tro whole land under oiiltlvatloii Address Jos. Kolawratok , No. 1S4 3 13th It.,0maha , Neb. 479-tf J70118 * AlK-Four fair old horse lias teen \\orkod uaiiblr. For particular * luiulro t n 0 pj/ner Uth and Farnam et In birbjr shop. J. Klrnor. FOH aAI.K-Houscli-Mfiirnltiirosuitable for keep , fnff boarders Mis. V. K. Booth , 1012 Taollla et. 090 12p FOll S\lE Three beautiful lot * on l' ko A\o , east froLt , must bo Bold soon. 0. F. Da U k ° ° - BSD 10 FOIt 8AI.E LolonGooiKUa\o , cheap t $3M. 0. P. DaUiXCo. 803-10 FOH SALK First tlant ono chair birbcr Bhoii ; good trade ; reason for soiling , want to null the business ; ndilrow box 141 North Bend , Nob. 047 14p TTIOH SAM5-A llnlf Jersey frcnh mllcb oow ; en- J ? qulro No. 131DS Ifltli st , bet. William and Hick , orj. 010-140 | ? OR SVLKull lliijrIth n four ) c ra ! c 8i IDS JL'S. llthn. ihenp , or lo oxehanco for rcalilcncu property. Inijuire 1307 Douglai , 030-14p FOll SALE CUEAI' Ono olepant ch'tulwr got , former cost (376.00. One rocuUtor clock , ono tuarly now Kuaho Piano , two cold framed pictures , ono horeo , hnrncsj and nhaoton , one llall BUfo , small slza Inquire 1015 Dfdto ( Kt. S33 tf 71011 S\I.K-larbcrsattention , SIOO will buy a ' . uirbcrthap , flxturcs , tools , and ( rood trade , only shop In the emart thrh 1 ' ( f twr of Snrlnjrflcld Nob. , on Mo. 1' . 11. U. Fare31 CO from Omaha. TTIOKSAIiK Six room o > ttiRo and full lot 630 Park - . * " " ' , ; on prcmlsi-8 or rcom 20 , Omaha Natlontl Bank BolldliiR. 0.11. Horton. 537-lOp frOUSALKCHEAP-Sldobarbinruy mid harofes J' nt Omaha Merchants ' Kxpie 8 Company'StaUo. C3incr 14th i d Lcau > nworth St. C8fl-10p I 1011 H.lli-ruil : lot , new house , 3 rooms , Wlloov additl.-n . , S rath Omaha ; ? OSO ; half cash ; Ualancc ono anil two.uars. O. jfi. llojnc , 15th andFarnsui FOll SALIf Cigar too ] ? , molls , fclrcs , press's , swot kettle , e ortlili ; complete , 2403 Cumlnir street. flll-lop WANIED- family hors3 , ! 410 Scward.eortt "ITlOIl BALE Now house 7 rooms full Irt , larpo J1 barn \ ory ohcap. D. V. Jones , 9th knd Bancroft South Omaha. D02-aS.'ji F 1011 SALE A flret class lukcry and restaurant Addrcsa lock box 6 , N ( rth Bend Neb. 670-1 Ip ITIOH BALK-8500 down , Dalanco tSO. per month. Oocd 7 room homo and I arn pleasant'y located Shlno's addition. AMKS , 1607 Furnam. 68s 17 HIOH SALK Why pay rent , when yon can buy a _ f house and lot on ijy payments from P. J. Crcodon , 27th and Webs or St 661-tf F 101 SALE Cheap , saloon fixtures and ( lock V. W. conierlOlb and Capitol ac. 617.a3 FDU S VU& A nice stock of drv ( roods , notions , furnishing goods io Amount e5N0 ! , will s ll \ory cheap for cash or part real estate , Address "B. A. " care fico oltlcc. E32-10p 1011 SLK Two good hones , drho dcuUe or sin gle. ! Inquire S. E. corner 17th and Dorcas St. Foil SAIX Second band ten horse power , up. right brilor and engine ; In gooil condition ; low for cosh. Chas. S. Poor , 103 S 14th st , Omaha , Nob. SS7-tf TTOU SALE A larm of ISO acres , 6 mlloi northwca X1 of North Bord , 160 acres under cultivation , HJ inllcs of live wi low posts , ono milo of nhlch Is solid ieOgo 18 years old , 3 milts of wire fence. ImloMng pesiure ormcadow ncarlv all seeded to tame glass. Barn S8x60 feet , ciibbloj ; for 2,001 bushels of com , 1 good corrals , 1 wind mill , and 3 wells of water , 1 gr nary 16x20 feet , a house 16x24 feet , w Its base ment under entire houso. Price $20 ptracrc ; half dow n , balance on titro to unit purchom.r. Knqulro at FLAII. olllr.o . , or of W. U. Yaw , ftorth Bcnd.Ntb. 0H SALK - 80x185 feet oil Curnlng street 3 block * _ T west of Military bridge , 81,000. John L. UcCague opposite Po6t ollloo. 431-tf FOR BALE 182x124 feet on corner , sonth-eaat frort , house 3 rooms , barn , 8 blocks west o Park avo. and Learenworth , easy pajmcnts , cheap 81.7CO. John L. HcCague , opposite Post Onioo. 483 TO EXCHANGE. FOU SALE OH TRADK lot Improved land , a good 2 oryf tore , property In Wajne , Nell A rcsidoDco , barn , 2 lota III Al.'erton ' Io , anil 2 gooj irge Norman etalllons. jAddrcsj O. I ) Illnlsoll. Walnut , Pott Co , Iowa. 173 map FOll SALK OR TIIADK Farm 0 rnllcs South on Bell \uo and U. P. Ilnadc. fru'tand cto. P. Jf. Fceklmm , P. O. box 707 Onaha. 5C-13p ! FOR PAT i : OR EXCHANQK-Fnr goc d farm land in Nebraska or I > wa , a general Block ot mcr- cnandiso. AdcrcesJ.E W. . P. O. lloxS ) , Eaicx. Ia 8S8-10p 1TIOR SALK Oil EXCIIANUB-A1 UIO pui aero , a J ? or part of two thousand acres of t'mhor lund forty miles out of Knaias City , wll exoh&nge foi Nbrasta laud or merchandteo. liodford , Boucr 6 = In 014t/ FOR BALK Oit EXCHANGE-For itock of dry good * I860 aereitock ranoli , plenty hay land , creek runs throui'h entire tiart. goid buildings , corraIN cto , only 4 miles from thming railroad town , one of the beet and miet com cnlcut iMiclica in central Neb. Apply to tfco North Lcup Banking Co. , North I-oup , Neb. 214-6 rr\b EXCHANOE Improved farms and wlldlandto JL trade fur slocks ( f merchandise or Omaha city roper iv. Cliaa 11. Woolly , room 20 , Omai a National B ank , Omaha , Nub. SOOutarlD BUSINESS OHANOES. ANTKD A partner In butcher business , asm * ! I W capital rciiiired. | Address" ! ) . / . " Boeotllca. FOll SALK A goad fkallng rink , Hire Sixioo. In quire ot II Lambert , Wakefleld Neb. 423alSp SALK Block ind fixtures ono of the best FOll salooosin thocity. Possession given th . flirt of April. Itcasonsforcclllog , 111 health. Address "X.V , " Bco olllce. 7tf FOll SALK A KOoil jiiyiDg saloon with first class lunch counter and lostaurant attached A b r jaln. 8. Trctticr , 2oa South IStb St. 478 tf WALK Or cxchanKo a full stock ut clothing iiUlll 1 and shoes , Kent' furnlshlnggoods , will e * chmgo for Nebrisba Lands. 0. U.Petersin.8018. 10th fit , Omaha , heb , 155-tf PERSONAL. ) KI130NAL-WIII W. I 8. write to O , S. . at Jlln. notpolis , Important. 053-lflj > _ _ HS. K. JL IIOOPEil , clairvoyant ami r nco M medium can be found at N. W. corner 'Mlh and Co i etr'ctB , hourt 11 a. pi to 0 p. in. BOARDING. HlST-CLASy lied and board 1212 Capitol ate , F i-a3p ! MISOKLLANEOUS. vaultH , eloks and cerapooli cleaned at the PIUVY not'W and at any time of the day , In an entirely orderltM way without the least molestation to occupants or neighbors , nlth our Itnuroved and odorlee apparatus A , Krarw&Co. , 12'fl Dixl o 6t , B86 a8p fal'KCIAIi Uaritalus In laud anil builno 8 pro- FOU A No 1 UrtiK store , wagon ibop and ono of the bt t orotiluKD In theuUto.aNo.l liotel.CorreBjion- dcnce Invited , tnonej Imcst d In rul ettatt far ia | > l < Ulblo. Addrtts W. B. 1'uckard , UcarClty , Kuioas Co.Ntl ) . B-l'10p . ANNA 11AH3KN , uildwl'o In a Kraluita of Mlia. [ xiili uui , Denro l ( Uol cgoli aim an aocom. iill.litJ nur < , liai bad 15 jean txporlen-o , 1515 i- ' fill'lOp , ault , lnki and cosipooln cleantd at tha PUIVV notice and Hatlifactloa guirmtwl uj If. . AU-I. V. O , Box 87" . T''P ) UMI'il All klndt of pump * for ! or repaired. Addrtw J , J , Mcltln , Wll Siuuder