THE DAILY BEE TUESDAY MARCH 10 , 1885 , THE DAILY BEE. OMAIU Omci No. 814 AHD 91 Mnr YOBK Omo ( Eoou 05 TBI-CHI Boon- IS o The Weekly Bee , Pnbllhiod ereryVedneiday TIIUIS , rosmto. with premium . * OnaTeat , . . . On Year , wHhout premium. BliMonthi , without premium . One Month , on UU1 . OORRUrOIBlKCBt All Communication relating to Ne taatUri thould b addreiied to the Bu. nraisa ttrnu. All Bustnew LetUn and nemlttancM ho Jd be Hdre ied to Tn B roiuimso CoMfAirr , Omru. . DrafW.Ohecka and fort offloa orderi to be m d pay. kbl * to U > order ot th company. THE BEE PUBLISHING GO , , Props , E. ROSKWATEU , Emion. 1 A. U. Bitch , M n ger Dally Circulation , P. O. Box , 488 Omaha , Neb. DR. MILLEB. hai the Thneolation of knowing that bolter men than ho were left out of thocibinot. TUB editors are coming to the front. "Wlllutn Henry Hurlbut , formerly editor of the Now York World , will probably Buccc2tl Mr. Aator aa minister to Italy. Mr. . CLKVELAND Is said to like the views from the whlto houao windows. The man who , as president , can look from the whlto honso windowo is not likely to find any fault with the surrounding scenery. , IT la asid that President Cleveland has expressed a dealra to put Jadgo Thur man on the unptomo bench In case of n vacancy occurring during hla term. Such an appointment would certainly do honor to the supreme court , and [ reflect croelT upon Mr. Cleveland. THE women suffragists atlll continue to rnafco themselves heard and felt. They have succeeded in inducing the lower homo of the legislature of Rhode Island to pass a resolution submitting to th electors of that atato n coaetltutiona women suffragist amendment. Now , i they can capture tKo senate , they will bo happy. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DISAITOINTBD cabinet niplranta are now hunting for secondary positions Congressman Money , of Mississippi , who wanted to bo pastmaitor-goneral U en deavorlng to secure the position of tin assistant. Jonw , of Loulsijna , who also aspired ts bo postmaster-general , will be natlaflcd if ho Is mida assistant secretary of the interior. TIIEUE are now five vacancies in the United States senate. Bayard , Lima and Garlsnd have slopped into th cabinet. Logan's term has expired , ant Oregon has failed to elect. The seats o Bayard , Lunar and Garland will probabl ba filled by gubernatorial appolntmen within a few days. General Walthra ) will very likely bo the succeaior of Sena tor L mar from Misslsaippl. TUB Inter-stato exposition , which is t bo held in Omaha this fall , promisaa t bo a glgintic success. The enthusiasm with which our loading oltlzana are takln hold of the enterprise , is rather surprla Ing. It is evident tlat they intend thane no time shall bo lost in getting the pro ject under way. It is the early bird tha catches the worm. Wo hopa to bo abl .it an early day to give full details o what la baing done. ] RUODK ISLANDS agitating tha subject of a now constitution. Under the pres ent constitution a foreign born citizen is obliged to own § 134 worth of real estate before ho can vote. Rhode Island is , wo believe , the only atato in the union that makes any aucb rcqulremsntj of voters , and this clauio is ono of the fo&tnres that it is proposed to abolish by the adoption of a now constitution. It la a matter of Eorno surprise that this properly qualifi cation has not long since bacn done away with. DUIUNO the cold days of the long aud unbroken winter the severest known for years wo predicted that "Old Prob abilities" would bo conrb martialod be fore spring. That the prediction has come true does not surprise us in the Joist. Any weather prophet who cannot give ns a warm day once In a while during ihroo months of winter ought to bo con victed of conduct prejudicial to the good order of the signal service and detri mental to human welfare and comfort. ACCORDING to the recent decision of f the supreme court of California Chinese children born in the United Rlatca can not bo excluded from the public schools of the state , and this opinion was af firmed by Justice Field , sitting as circuit justice In California. If thin view of the law bo correct , then no utato con make a law discriminating against the Chinese on account of race or color. The Ohlneio children , In f ct , become American citi zens , and when of lawful age will bo en titled to suffrage and the right to hold public oflkc. "OuJEorou" Holman has managed to provide for himself this summer a snug trip at the public expense. Ho Is chair man of the special committee to investi gate the Indian schooh and the manage ment of tbo Yellowstone park. Thii will like the committee from Fortress Monroe - roe to Santa Fo and the Yellowstone , a tour of Bovoral mouths if they atop at all the Indian schools. The subjects have boou fully investigated by congress , but It was felt to'bo n necessity that Judge Holmin ihonld ttke a summer vacation of a pleaiant kind. No 0110 , however , ought to object , ai ho has eerttlnly earned a vacation trip of that kind if any jnombor of congress la entitled to it. LAPSED LAND CLAIMS. Tbo supreme court , of ihe United Utos fans rendered an important decision n regard to the status of lapsed hcmc- tead and pre-emption claims within the imits of railroad land grants. It will > o remembered that those sections which las been partly filed upon by homestead- ra or pto-ompiora were excepted Irora he grant and an equal quantity of land , celled chowherj , was given to the rail- oads Instead. In many instincoa it lappenod that the chima of the pre mptora were not perfected , nnd the lomestcads wcra not occupied the neccsmty length of time or the law win not othortrito compiled with , and consequently the rights of such preemptors omptors and homesteaders lapsed. In ; hcso cases the railroads sot up a cVim , o such lapsed hiuls on the ground thai .hey reverted to the roads instead of the ovornment , and the railroad companies thereupon proceeded to sell them. The decision of the supreme court , however , 3 to the eficot that the reversion of these nnda la to the government , just as il .hoy had been outside of the limits ol the grant , and that they are subject to new filings on the same tarms , It scorns Lbat the decision was anticipated by lane speculators , who have in various parts o : the west put now filings upon those lands. The consequence is that thouo who have purchased such lapsed lands From the railroads will bo ousted and their only recourse for reimbursement mont will bo upon the railroad com' ' panics , The court holds also that tha more laying oat of the general cotirso o aland grant railroad did not opotato as a withdrawal cf the lands from homcsloat entry , but that the withdrawal was onlj completed when the railroad plat wa fihd. In sorno instances homestead am pre-emption claims were filed between th tlmo of laying out the course of the rail road and the filing of its plat , and ac cording to this decision such claims won good. COUNCILMAN WOODWOIITH Is at hla olt tricks. Ho is soliciting signatures tope titlona for sandstone to bo used on Far nam street and Sherman avenuo. Mr Woodworth Is violating the now charter and wo advlsj him to read section 11 of the now charter. This section which was passed for the benefit of sue ! councilman \Voodwortli , is as follows "Any officer of the city , or member o the city council , who shall , by himself o agent , or as the agent or representative of any other person or corporation , become come a party to , or In auy way Interested in any contract , work , or letting nude the authority and by the action of the city council , or forma ! any material to bo used in such work o under such contract ; or who shall nccep or receive any valuable consideration fo his influence or vote shall ba fined in any sum not exceeding $1,000 , or Im prlsonment id the county , jail neb exceed Ing six months , or both , in the discretion of the court. " If Mr. Woodworth can afford to ta\o the chances of fine an < imprisonment , very well ; but if not , then ho better stop before the law Is enforcec against him. ONE of the big federal prizes Is th Now York poBtoflico. The terra of Posl master Pearson expires on the 21st o this month , and there are , of course , host of applicants for the position. Th SpricgQeld Ecpublican says that it ha not been for some time and should nebo bo a political office , and duo regaids fo a "business administration" wllllwcig heavily in favor of the reappolntment o Pearson , who Is very popular with bet parties. Such an idea is absurd on It face. It Is not at all likely tha President Cleveland would continue republican in suh aa Importan nnd lucrative office when there are hnn drcds of able-bodied democrats who wnn thu place. It Is pretty certain that Cleveland land will not undertake to create so mam moth a row in the democratic rinks b any such His stand on civil ser vica ia about all the democrats cm sia low just now , and that is a very unsavot dee for them. It stands to reason tha the republican postmasters must go whc their commissions expire. No civil cor vice rulci am hold them in their places THE April Century will contain a ropl to Mr. George W. "Cable's recently pub Haled and much discustcd article on th "Freedman's Case In Equity. " It h en titled , "In Plain Black and Whlto , " an la written by Mr. Henry W. Grady , on of the editors of the Atlanta Comtitutioi Mr. Grady claims that Mr. Cables doe not truly represent the south ; that thor la a general protest against the statomon cf the case , and universal protest ngains bis suggestions for the future ; "that th south will never adopt Mr. Cable's BU gestlon of tha sociil Intermingling of th races. It can never be drlvon intoao cepting it. So far aom there being , growing sentiment In favor of the India criminate mixing of the races , " Mr. Gin dy lays , "the Intelligence of both race Is moving farther from that position da by diy , Mr. Cable will probably repl to Mr. Grady In a later number of Th Centurfi. As YET the independents have not re oolvod any rewards at the bauds of th new administration , but It 1s quito likol that In tbo course of events they will b given some of the federal offices , and w wi'l venture to say that as a rule the will not be ton independent to rcfus Ihoai , It is understood that Presldon Cleveland wants to glvo the comnlsslon ershln of Indian affairs to an independent ent , as ho believes that the Independent represent in a largo degree tha modern enlightened Ideas of treating the Indian question. Just aa wo expected , thoto ' i no lack of Independent ctmlldatea fo Iho place , now that the president's iu ontlons have become known. Among 10 candidates most talked of are Thoo- ere Lyman , of Majtaclinsottn , end Gen * ral Francis 0. Barlow , of New York. ] THE Chlcigo Herald , In commenting pen Senator Van Wyck's action in re- ird to Teller and the "Backbone" grant , ays : "Mr. Teller goes out of the in- erlor department and into the ecnata with a largo slztd scindal clinging to lim. His predecessor in the senate , Mr. lill , has told Bomo tales out of school , iut the senator from Nobrask , Van iVyck , who ii a thorn In the lido of mcro ban ono jcbbar , has just called atten Ion to a moro recent exhibition of Toller's fondness for holp'.ng out corporations whoso interests * * Tha charge mnda ngalnst Roller la a ssrlons ono , and ii so much in larmony with his conduct in relation to nany other land schemes that it hns an air of plausibility , but ho Is , of course , entitled to make his explanation. Unless 10 can give n moro sititfactory reason for ils acts than ho bai for many of his do clstons in casas arising in the west , whore Bottlers' rights bavo been invariably dis regarded , ho will stand before the people % badly smirched man. " TIIE plan of expressing the popular choice for postmaster by a primary elec' tlon is growing in favor with the dctno crats all over the country. Already end elections have boon held In numerous towns and villages , and now wo sco tha Allentown and other places in Pennsyl vama propcsa to follow this course. I seems to us that this method Is mud better than the petition system , althougl neither will very likely have much weigh with the postmaator-gonoral in , deciding upon appointments , which will probabl ] continue to bo made In the old way Nevertheless the democrats are at liberty orty to amusa themselves tfith OB man ; primary olootions ai they ECO fit. IT will bo easy enough to dlspcso o quite a number of prominent democratic loaders , but wo are asked what Is to b done for the grand army of torch-bearers Wo know not how they are to bo re warded o'sawhore ' , but wo would like to inquire if the torch-boarcra in Omaha have not already boon remunerated fo tholr services ! Were they not at the oni of tha campaign presented with th torches which they carried In the pro cession ? What more ought they to ex pect ? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIIE office-seekers are beginning t hold Indignation meetings on the btroo corners and the hotel corridors and bar rooms of Washington. There is a general oral howl all along the line becaus Cleveland does not Immediately give t every man an office upon demand , Instoat of referring applicants to ihe heads o departments. The spoils-hunters are beginning ginning to ask in dead earnest what the are there for , anyhow. ALREADY the Washington monumen has become a national autograph album There is nothing like getting one's nam up , * and hence scribbling visitors ar inicribing their autographs upon th marble in tbo Interior of the mon unient at the top. The names of tries vandals ought to ba wiitten upon th docket of the police court , with a heav fine attachod. THE Union Pacific sandstone ring i again at work in its effort to force sand stone upon the streets of Omaha. If an person wants to eco how sandatona wear let him go down on Ninth street , and h will be convinced that it is not a durabl material. Even If it were a proper ma torl I , the methods employed by th Union Pacific in its attempts to foist i upon the city are decidedly Improper ant objectionable. IT wai a gentleman from Texas wh vrrota himself down In black and whit as "a bigger man than Grant. " If al that is silQ about Col. Lament la true h is evidently cousidcrod by his admlrin friends to bo "a bigger man thin Clevo land. " llio Distance Between the Head am Tall. Spingfield ( Mass , ) Republican , These who h va talked with him sa that under the veil of high regard and re spect they discern evident signs of hi hostility to Cleveland. It grows out o his disappointment at not being placed a the head of the ticket , and tbo rathe pointed snubs ho has received at tb hands of Olevelbnd , who has paid no al tentlon to his suggestions , tave that the ; have sufficed to keep McDonald out o' the cabinet. Hendrlcks considers Cleveland land a failure , and said in almost so many words that bis administration seomei likely to start off without the tympatb1 of throe fourths of the democrats in th' country. This kind of utterance anc Hendricka * oritlc'sms upon Olevelane' action In the silver matter has crab old ened the cheap fellows among his party who declare that Hendricka is with then and they will brln Cleveland to his senses within a fortnight after ho arrive here. 0 Larcenous Monkeys. Beaten Traruciipt. The chtoma. or black pavlan monkey i a native of the Capo of Good Hopo. LIv ing In tribes , and always ready to plun dcr , this race of monkeys commit fearfu devastations In the vineyards and gar dens. With a sagacity almost human they will station a guard on the ontpos to watch. A portion of them enter tbo IncloMiro , climb the trees , pluck the frill and pass It to these standing below These hand it to others , who form a line reaching to the rendezvous outside , whlcl iapenorally In some craggy mountain and thin , all assisting in the good work the booty la sorn safely disposed of. Ai soon M the sentinel sera tome ono approaching preaching he gives the alarm by uttering a loud cry , and the plunderers ajl scamp er off. If he neglects to warn them In tlmo , the whole parly will fall upon him and boat htm severely. fmoko Seal of North Carolina Tobac co. A BED OAK RAID , Large Quantities nf Forly-roft and Stale Beer confiscate. . TtioSnloonlit.s Convicted uml Fined $ unO-8omoTnll fcyltiR In the Court. 4 Correspondence of the BKK , RED OAK , Iowa , March 0. Red Oak ins had her share of excitement lately. a common with all other IOWA , cities wo iavo had an election of city officers or 'Dads. ' " The question of liconsa or irohlbitlon entered largely into the con oat and both sides are claiming the vie .ory. . As soon as the alderman holding over in Third ward heard who the now aldermen wcra to bo ho rotigncd his scat as they were not congenial to his taste. and wo have another man to elect in his ilaco. Iho next thing of Importance to Rod Dak and the whole state of Iowa is the fact that this city has at last produced a set of follows with enough grit nnd car- neatness to face all the odium of tryicg .o onforcj the prohibitory law. It ap pears that n few loading butiuesj mon nero resolved themselves into n committee - too to do something in regard to this matter. There has been loud kicking [ or a long tlmo at tbo way the law was being "not enforced. " There were two drug ttorcs nnd ono "wholesale" whisky dealer running under sanction of lav , and nbotit ton contraband places whore tha ardent could bo had. lied Oak has a brewery , owned by a good , honest and Industrious follow with a good moral character. At the January session of the board of supervisors ho made appli cation , accompanied by the proper'peti tion and sufficient signatures and good and lawful bond , to make beer for use as medicine. The petition wai refused. This was all right if the refusal was for the purpose of suppressing the traffic in beer. But such it appears was not the case , as our wholesale dealer has already shipped in from Milwaukee or St. Louis throe cars of boar. So it would appear to a man up a tree that the brewery is closed to glvo Milwaukee and St. Louis and wholesa'o liquor mon a chance. For the benefit of other towns , I wil state , as briefly as I can , the modus op erand ! by which the temperance people captured the camp of the enemy last Fri day week. They secured the services o : a young man hero to act aa detective ark prcmiicd him a bonus if the raid was car ried to a successful termination. This y. m. went at his business in a business like way. After auppar at his boarding house , ho casually remarked to one or two of his fellow-boarders ; "Boys , let's take a stroll to the depot. " On the way they came to a saloon kept by ono And ] Wombold. The y. n ; . proposed that thoj go in and take a drink. They called fo whiskey and got it , am shook dlco who should pay. This was repeated several times and during this time the y. m. notec down who came in the saloon. Each succeeding evening this y. m. took in a fresh saloon wita varied experiences , On Friday , February 25 , a raid was made simultaneously en every saloon In the city , and "goods" captured In "all. Or March 3rd the case of Wombold was se for trial and evidence good and sufficlon was produced to convince the jurr tha ho was guilty on all the counts as cbarg od' , and Esquire Mills assessed the dam ages at § 550 , or § 50 each for thirteen counts , \tith costs. Tbo worst feature of the case remains to ba told. Wombold was put upon the stand by his own attorney to testify in his own behalf. After taking the cath ho stated that ho had never sold any liquor or had any in his place since the fourth of last July. He stands a good chiuce to bo convicted ef perjury and getting a trip to Fort Madison. 1'BA KIDGE , Twenty-Tiilrd Anniversary of a Mom orabloltattlc. St. Louis Republican , Twenty-three years ago the battle o Pea Ridge , In Benton counly , Arkansas occupying three days , the titb , 7h anc 8th cf March , 1852 , was fought between the federal forces nndor Gen. Samuel R. Curtis , and the confederate forces under Gen. Earl Van Dorn. Though over shadowed by greater conflicts during the war , yet the battle of Pea Ridge or Elk Horn , as termed by the confederates , wai the greatest battle ever fought wcsi of the Miealtsippi river. It was on the 5th of March tint Gen. Cuttin , who was with C'arr's division : Croaa Hollows , learned of the confodrrate advance. He sent to Gen. Sigcl , who was encamped near Bentonvillo , to fal bsck to the north back of Sugar creek , some twelve inlloj distant , to join Col. Jeff 0. Davis' division , in camp at a spo that Curtia had selected some two weeks before as a battle ground should the con federates return from the Boston mountains. The same night Carr's di vision , with Gen. Cortis , also fell back from Cross Hollows twelve miles to joir Davis. The night was ovceodingly cole and tbo march not very pleasant. Mean time the armies of Gen. Price and Gen. McCullongh under Van Dorn had de cided upon a bold movement by pushing around Curtis' right flank , to a position between hla army and his base at Spring , field , Mo , whore Capt. Phil. Sheridan was on duty aa chief quartermaster. By this movement hla soldiers first en countered Slgel's division before it had reached Bontonvillo and kept upa run ning fight during tbo afternoon of the Gth. Sometimes the confederates In small force secured positions in Seigel's front , but that officer succeeded in cut ting bis way through and reaching Curtis' main army. On the morning of ths Gth of March Curtis' troops wera in position , occupying the height north and and overlooking Sugar Creek val ley , the left resting upon the tel egraph road and the right upon a ravlno at right angles with the main valley , while tire miles to the rear , at Elk-Horn tavern , were packed the trains and commissary stores , guarded by the Twenty-fifth Missouri ( Phelps1 regiment ) cavalry. Slgel's two divisions , commanded - ed by Asboth and Osterbaus , respective ly occupied tbo right ; JeffO. Davis held the centre , while Carr was posted on the left of tbo line thus formed , fronting south , whence the confederate attack was oxpoctad , On the Gth Gen. Curtis ordered the line of rldgea along the north sldo of Sugar creek to be strengthened by brotst- work * . Treoi wore cat down and cinnon planted itady to belch forth on the ad vancing fee , YUiile Trott's store and other houses in the valley of the creek were deliberately burned to the ground eo is to prevent the cnesiy soaiiog cover be hind them In the approichlng conflict , Jut the position of the confoderitcs at Jontonvlllo showed their Intentions to l nk and get in the rear of 3urtl . Col. G. M. Dodge of tha fourth Iowa cut down trees and ob- itruclod the road , thereby preventing Van Dorn from reaching the federal roar until 9 o'clock on thomornine of the 7th , when the ball was opened. The first gun was fired by Capt. Dick Collins of Bled- aoo's battery , who was nut last evening fit the Laclcdo. Then it was that Curtis nas obliged to change front and rcverso ils position , a most dangerous mancuuvro 'n the presence of the enemy. A change of front Implied that the fed eral artillery ttaln should take the place jf the supply train and vlco vorca. All haito was made to substitute artillery for bnge.i o wtgons and boxes of ammuni tion for boxes of hard bread. The trans fer wss not accomplished before the bit- tie began , and the federa's ' were pressed staadlly back on their now front. Elkhorn - horn tavern fell into the hands of the confederate * . On the 7th the battle raged furiously nil ( Uy , on n line extending from near Lee Town to Elkhorn It wrxi on this day that Ben McOullough was killed from his horeo. Ho wai dlntln- gulshod by a o"nt , M'st and pants of black velvet , long boots and a whlto fo't , hat. On the 8th about 10 o'clock the confederate f roe withdrew from the Hold. Col. Musscr , who had a liotss killed under htm , mentions the sjntcity cf provisions. On the rctrcatthoy found a field t f turnips , nnd B few pigs loafing about Mr. Van Winkle's mills , and this was the first obtained for two or thr < .o days , Some curious inc'dcnls ' occurred during the three days' light. Col. Ellis tf the First Missouri ( federal ) cavalry states that ho was rt turning from a scjut towards the Indian territory to Curtis' camp and , not knowing that the "reba" around , ran Into tholr camp and stayed over night with thtin , both eidja in the confusion not knowing each other except as friends. The following is related l-y Major L , T. Bonnet of the thirty-sixth Illinois : "A shell killed John H. Earrls , and toro away sn arm from William Gibson. He started to find the hospital alone , anc when asked by Col. Grensol if ho should send some ono to help him along , hero ically replied : 'No , colonel the roer are needed here ; I can fine my way alone. ' Soon afterward a lieutenant of an Indiana regi ment had n finger shot off by a stray bul let. Ho ordered two of his company , a sergeant and a private , to accompany him to the hospital In the roar. Col. Grensol seeing how alight was hla wound asked why ho required two attendants when mon were so much needed in front. The lieutenant halted and while in the act of giving his reasons a solid shot came crashing through the brains of his attend ants and ttruck him in the breast , pass Ing through his bo-ly , hurling all thrco to the earth a mangled mass of blood , shat tered banes and quivering flesh.1' Titno has made 1 ts changes. Among the leading commanders dead on the federal oral side are Gen. Curtis , Gen. Jeff. 0 Davis and Gen. Aatoth. Among the de ceased confederate commindors ore Gen Van Dorn , Gen. McCullogb , Gen Sterling Price and Col. Herbert of Lou isiana. Uood Fruit Prairie Farmog , The beat fruit regions In the northern states are in the vicinity of largo bodies of water , on the east , south and espec'ally the southern , sides. The prevailin ; winter winds are from tbo northwest anc north. The chill is some tr hat taken oil by those bodies of water , which are kepi from severe freezing as above explained. But the mass of this cold water and the mel'ing Ice In spring keeps the tsmpera- tnro of the air south and southeast and east of them cool Into April and May , greatly reducing the number of changes , the alternate expansions nnd contractions and thus less of the wood and fewer buds are injured. Any means of shading the trunks and branches of fruit trees and vines , oven from the sun's direct rays in the later winter and early tprlrig , would make a great difference in their summer vigor , growth and fruitfulness. If wo mistake not , the best peach orchards in Now Jersey are on the north sides of pretty steep grounds , where they are part ly protected into spring from both sun warm southerly winds , that alternate the temparaturn. Oao would , at first thought choose a warm , euony slope , Instead of cold northern one , for euch fruit. A notlier Grr at , Au nstuy. Cincinnati Merchants Traveler , Augitstus nd Clara had become engaged after the usuil ; manner of young people who haven't anything el'o to do , and Clara manifested n disposition after some time to dlsjolvo ihe tie. "Augustus , she said ono ovenlne , "lot'a don't b3 en gaged any longer. " "What's that for ? " ho inquired with some surprise. "Oh , I'm tired , and besides It was only a sham en gagement on my part , anyway. Horu'a your ring " "Don't trouble yourEolfabont tbo ring , Clara. It la only a sham diamond mend , anyway. I bought a half dozen for 83 , just to nso in little ongagmeuta like this. Good-hy ; don't tell any of the other girls about the ring , please , " and ho wont out. City Marshal Curamings , who was con fined to Ills house , Saturday , by a slight cold , has recovered aud is once moro himself again , TEST YOUR BAKIMPOWIJER TO-DAY , Brand ! nclrertltwl ai uluolutely pure THE TEST : Place a can top down on a hot store untlheatedth ii remove th cover and iruell. A cliemlit will not tx If fulrad to dtUct th pnienc * or ammonia. DOES KOT CONTAIN AMMONIA. m iiEiLTiirfustsa nn NEVER viu < In amtlllon hora < i for a quarter or A ecnturr It &M tvcxl tlie coniumen1 relUble tut , THE TESTOFTHE _ _ OVEH. PRICE BAKING FODDER CO. , HIKER * OT DP , Price's ' Special Flayorlng Extracts , Dr. Price's Liipulin Veast Gemt for Light , Ilealthr Hr * it , Th Unit Dry Jicp YeMt In th World , FOR SALE BY GROCERS. IHICAQO. - iiY. LOUIO. SPECIAL NOTICES. TO LOAM MONEY. LOAN From JSOO to$2,500 on < | ty propertr. from 3 to fi Jtata. Fiuanclal cuhanto 1603 HcmnrJ. W5-llp * \ flTo loan on first mottRifro on city real Slfl c't.Mo , t\\tiHy-uiioLuuilrr < l dollftr" . A , J rui'l'LKTON. < tSl-Op MONEY to onn nnKood roklestatoiojurlty. \ If. K Stan. Wllllama block. CU tf LOANED t tt F. Heed ACo's Loin offlc * MONEY on furniturr , tiUnoj , hotter , wagons , personal proretly of nil Mndj And all other ittlcln ofMiio , without rcmoial. Orcr lit National Bankoorner 13th nnd Farnam. All business strictly confidential4S71I 4S71I M ONF.Y to lonn on chattel ) . Woollov ft Html- sou , tocin SO , Oicalifi National liuik building. < Jl7flO TO JfB.OOO 70 IXAN On real rttft'o (0 < n I u v c.itltf nt rtMonaWo rates. 0. K. Majno b W oor 15th and Farnam. 438-tn27 rpo LOAN From $5 to 85100 , In eutnn to Hilt FI JL nanclal exchange 15(8Iatnam. SS2-m4 | > ONKY LOANED J. T. Bcatly loans on chattc M property,2138. 14th Bt.upttalrs. 2f5ml8i TO LOAN In tuuitot 1300 ted upward MOMTT Ravti and Co. , Heal StM anil Loan Agents , 1C06 Farnam St. 4CS tf HELP WANTED. \TTANTED A crod Rlrl for ce""nl hciuo nrk > V Mre. 11 , H. Wilbur , No. 6311'lcosatit St. 0131 I ANTKD-Immediately , ft ccmpctcnt second girl . t ae ; . 3J.60pcr week , reference ? ro < | iiltoj , Apply Oil M. T. fktrlck , bauudcrs , ucir Lade St. Take 10th or 18th t , Car. 630-llp 'ANTKD-A younc gill ' > "Kht wolk 1017 CnV W ItolaM-auc. 037-t li ANTED A flrst-clats laundtc s. Apply at th W Cozzong. 034-tf ANTED Twa apprentices to lewndrcajmakln W Mrs. E. 11 Corbett , 1013 Howard St. 032-14p ANTi:0 : Salts ladles In millinery business. Ad- ' dresalt &R. M. Genius. C2J-10p VJt 7ANTED A man to ull ( roods In city. Apply V > btUccn7 and 9 p. m , 2J10 ToppUtjn a\o. TITANrED-Watters at Cnl and CoylesltOI Far W tiamSt , 033 Op WANTEIJ-Flvo or fix ( food aecnts Immediately 1611 Lodge St. , room 22 nod 23. 828-lOp ANTED An actlxoboy. Apply at Helm Ii & W liuisey. 030 B CommorcUl traveler , first-claps sales WANTED commission , t > sell printed wrapplo paper nod fnldlng boxes. lu tha\o a 1.reference and be thoroughly posted as to tbo duties of a com merelal traveler. no who bag another line at pre ent.tbat n ould not conflict with our Roods , preferred AddrcH with references , J. 8. Nugent & Co ,533 an 640 Pearl St. , New York. 029-9p "VITANTED A Scandinavian girl for chamber or YV and wiwhlnp dishes at tha Commercial hole Oth St Apply Atlantic hottll(10tn St. 022-10 A cimrctcnt cook at on re. Mis. WANTED John N. Baldwin , 124 South Sixth Strec Council Bluff ! . 013-12 WANTED A Rood Kill for general house wet ! Mrs. E , Fear on , iOth attest. 2j House Southo St. Mary's arc. 005-lOp Vf/ANTED A Orel-class dry goods clothing , boo Wand shoo talesman , must speak G'cra.n am well acquainted with diy eonae , only tingle and x perlcnced mm with relerenco need apply. G. Adlc Sew. rd , Neb 001-tf ANTED A boy' who cin n > cak German , fo W general kitchen work , at 215 3 12th BtruJt An experienced salcsmtn to sell , WANTED : article , address L. J. Boo otftcc. Olu-lOp WANTED Kxperlenccd agents to sell 'Ightnln ' rods ; address J. F. Twnmlcy , Fremonf , Neb COO 13p _ WANTED Girl for general housework and t assist In Inline care of baby ; S E cornc Farnam and 20th street 008-10 TlfANTED A boy from 10 to 13 ycais old to tak V V cars of a horse and cow. German or Scandlna don preferred. Inquire at Edholm & Erlcleon , T17ANTED Chamber maid and wcman cook n t th VV Occidental. 05 tf SITUATIONS WANTED. By ajoung nan of EO , rjosltion a WANTED an olllcc where he can stilt in as usali taut brok-keorcr , good reference. Address "R. S. ' Bee oB\M. \ 03S 14p TT7ANTED-Situ tion by respectable joii'g man V > in a wholesale or retail grocery or dry goods and notions , had D } ears experiences , 'J. S. G , " be office. 624-lOp " \\TANTED-A joungman who can rule , wi hlng IT to learn frrwarding and fmUhlntr , can hear o a good orcuing by appljlugto Wm O'Shea , Lincoln Neb 64310 MISCELLANEOUS WAISTS. \X7ANTED-Two m th'eo unfurnished roooma VV with boord for husband , wlfo and one jearoU child Prltcamilypreferred. ! . Location wtst o 38th St. Call on or i.ddrees Lee tiulson 1111 Farnam Stieet. 014-tf rANIKD Unfurnished loomin central location W Address S. K. ccrncr 10th and Webbter. 031-10 To rent one or two unfurnished rooms WANTED near board. Address F. P. Fosdyke , 313 and 315 Scuth 14th St. 602-tf lloreotouto for kotplog. Very Vest WANTED and light drlUng , box 023 P. O.537lCp 537-lCp Every Itily In need of a sowing machine - WAHTED chino , to sco the nuw Improved American No 7. P. I-1. Hodman & Co. , agents ; 203 N 16th. 343tt KENT HOUSES AND LOTS. I OR RFNT rttw ttoro room 22x70 fett. Inquli F of John Erck , 810 N. 10 h St 015 11 IlKNT A bilck bouse of 8 rooms * 20 pe. FOR . Apply to John Hii'tlc , Hardware etore 2407 corner Cumlng and Sauudcrs MB. P. Clark. 60313 OH RSNr Two new stores on lOlh st. G. K F llayno , 15th nail Farnam. C18U T7IUU KENT Brick house , good order , barn , cor Jj nerlot Shlnn'saddition f0per month. AMES , 1507 Farnam St. 689 17 KENT Ono story dwelling house fho rooms , FOR , n > arClark street. Ogden , corner 13ih and Dcuglig Street. 618 tf 1011 liENT Three hrlck stores corner 18th and F CumlngSt. J UJIcCaguo , Agent. 4ffS-a2 FOR RENT Elegant new cottage on full lot , No , 842 B 18th at 41511 I OK KENT Cotttge at 1718 Dodge street. F 271tf 10R KENT Utore on CummioKa St. , with rooms F for family. J , Kline , 1818 Uouglaa St , 200-tnll FOR RUNT New brick house , 11 room * , modern Improvements. No. tlS N. 2d It. Inquire 2110 California it 167tf FOR URNT New ootttge , 6 rooms. . I'tlppe Roe , 16U B. Ethlt. . 048 tf ROOMS FOR RENT. RENT Ono mo iy furnished room mutable for 2 gentlemen , and a i miller room on I * > ea < ant St. InrUlrel207 | rarnamSt. 041-tf TTOR RENT One flret floor front room and other Jj uloelylurrUbedroom ; alBO 2 large unturnlih ed room ) at 1617 Davenport It. 613 lip KENT Nicely furnishoj rooinn 105 N. JBth. OlZ-Slp RBNr-A room for one gentleman , a'ao table FOR for one or two ( 'entlomen at 181 ! Farnam. 610 tf RENT Two coodroomi for housokeeplnir at FOR per month , 1818 Houard St. 023-14p HKNT Two Blnplu > nd one tulle of tfoms FOll ' block ono block from I'oit office corner 16lh and Capitol a\ . 024-14 RENT Two D c * rooms furnished 1018 Ch | . FOlt awofrt. t 685Op FOlt RENT A htyi furr-lthod front roomwHh dreralnK room off or one tingle room , 710 IDtti St 4Bj.l4p RENT-Rocim No. 922 S. W corner 18th and 1U [ , on car line , fi'D-12p | R RENT Kurrdlhcd rnomg at 1J01 Howard 402 Dp 17 < OR ItENT-Two nlctly lualihcd tooma at 1023 J'Jod < oSt. 69M4ti [ 70R KENT i linn ihed roonwfor boubo lecpinf , I1 no children waited , 1713 California St 693-tf FOU It EN T A bult of three elcKint rooiui In kulldlcgHlOCodgeStrett , Inquire In Uulld. lop , 6JC-12p Ipon REST Alarms bay wWlow Kouth ml front 1 newlv fuinlthcd bed room , doict , bat oulh Mth. I poll RKNT Klcftunt front room ( or too senile. 1 men. loqulroat A , liotpo , 1613 Douglasht.Mitt Mitt FOlt RKNT Furnlthcd front room 1DC4 Fur rum. 670-18 I/OH RRNT Purnlriicil and ttnfurrlshM toomj , JP with board. Inttltuto Hotel , formerly Crolch- on liousg , Capitol M o. and 18th jt. Urn. U W. HivlJ. SlD-mariOu | jOil UKNT Furnished reom. InqulroolJ , K. I * Wilbur , Omaha tMlncts Hank 37511 FOH I1KNT-A nicely furnMicd front parlor with irodern Iroiirotetrcntd for RPiiilcmau and wife , nrst-clats table board , 20(8 C * s Bt 858 tf FOlllK ! ! T Sulto of MirnlfmcHl rooms , IDlrl Call , fornlatt. llr > . A. Calderwood. ! 70'tf P > 011 HUNT Two unfuinlshcd roomi mutablefor iRht housekeeping , Uccmit'sllock.oor. 8 h and 47HI F 1011 ; KENT Nlci'ly turDlthotl looms ftt 1718 CIKO St. 472-tt T > COM3 With board , dctliablo or ntnttr. Apply JlVal St. Ch tlc Hetcl. 474-t I KENT Two elonanlroorat lu Uodlck'rt Meek , Paulson A Ck > . , 1518 Farnam. D4I-4I FOll SALE. IOR HATjH-HutHlnR with n four jcixra ! c s Htf -L' a. llth M. cheap , or to otohauRo for residence property. Inquir * 1807 Douftlaj , 6M-14p OU SALE CHKAP-Ono elegant chimhor act. former cost $37600. Ono regulator clock , ono nearly now Knabo Pmno , two cold framed plcturrs , ono horse , liarnco" mil phaeton , one Halls afo , small slzo Inquire 1015 Dvl o St. 233-tf FOll S\I.K-D rber rittcntloi ] , $100 will liuv a barbtrtlnp , fixtures , tinls , and peed trade.onlv shop In the Mimrt tlrlvl R tiw ot Spring-field Neb. , on Mo. I' . 11. II. Fare 81 CO from Omaha" 020 Up FOH SMK Six room o .ttifro and full lot 833 Park MO. Inquire on premises or room 28 , Omaln National BtnK Uulldlng. 0.11. Iforton. M7-10p and harness J. ' nt Omatm Merchants Kxmcrs Uompam'sStable , comer 14th mil Loa > on\iorth St. MO-IPp - - - _ . . . . _ . . . „ ; , new house , 3 rooms , Wilcox addition , Sjuth Omaha ; M50 , half ca h ; balance cnoand two cars. O , J2 , UBJIIC , 15 017-10 FOH SALT-Clgar tools , molU , eolrcs , rrfss-e , B et kettle , eterjthlrg complete , 2403 Cumlnff street. 011-lOp W PANIED-Good family horse , S410 , 60711 TT1OU BALK Now house 7 rooms full Int. larce J.1 barn very ohcnp. V. V. Jonce , Othand Bancroft South Omaha. 502-a2p Foil 8AI.E-A nrstclass bakery and restaurant. Address lock box e , Nortn. Bend Neb. 676-Hp TTIOK BALK8500 down , balance 120. per month. " A1 Good 7 room house and barn pleasant'y located Shino's addition. AUKS , 1607 Farnam , 6S8'17 FOU SALE Why pay rtnt , when yon can buy a house and lot on easy payments from P. J. Crcedon , 27th and Webs cr St F 1011 SALE Cheat , saloonflxturcs and ttock N. W. corner lOlb and Capitol avo. 617 a3 P3H S , E A nleo stock of dry peed , notions , tiirnlshlnir goods io Amount $5,600 , will sill \ cry cheap for c h or part real estate , Address "B. A. " care Bee olllcc. 5S2-lCp 1011 Sfl.lC Two KOodhorecs , drl\e double or sin gle. I Inquire S. U comer 17th and Dorcas St. 640-lOp FOU SALU Desirable lots , within cl'y ' limits mar Samplers street , J400 per lot , terms to suit , also 4SO ncrts ifood Urm land In Valley Co. , Neb. Address - dross ll al estate , cira Hoc oillco. Jul-pp f OH SALE Second hand ten horse power , up right boiler and canine ; In good condition ; low for cash. Chas. B. Poor. 103 S 14th St. , Omaha , Neb. 3S7-lf TTOIl SALE A larm of SSOacres , 6 mile * northucn X1 of North Bond , ] 60 acres under cul ivatlon , 6J- miles of Ihe willow posts , ono milo of which Is solid bodgo 18 years old , 3 mllca of wire fence. Inclosing pesiura ormcadow ncarlr all seeded to tame grnsn. Barn J8\.60 foot , cilbblng for 2,001 bushels of corn , C- good corrals , 1 wind mill , and 3 wells of water , ! granary 16x20 feet , a house 10x24 feet , with baso- meet under entire houso. Price ? 20 per acre ; half down , balance on time to suit purchaser. Enquire atr FI.AII otllco , or ol W. II. Yaw , ftorth Bend.Ncb. 302mar22p 17011 SALE OR TRADE For Improved land , t JL1 ( rood 2 etory store , property In Wayne , tst A residence , barn , 2 lots In Allcrton lowaa nii , -o J Urge Norman stallions. Addrcsj O , ) ' 'til' Walnut , 1'ott Co. , lona. , 'l-Hp FOR SALE 120 fores of best farm lanij V.i > . i niton counly , Neb ; 2i miles frcrtl las * : i 8 miles from Blair. Will cither eel for ta u * -li.- trade for houao In Omib if buyer will take up some not 09 on long tlmn. Tbo whole land under cultivation. Address Jos. Kolowratck , No. 1324 9 13th St. , Omaha , Neb. 47D-tf FOR SALK-BBxiej feet on Cumlng street S block i west of Military bridge , 11,000. John L.McCaguo opposite Post office. 481-tf FOU SALE 132x124 feet on corner , south-east front , house 8 rooms , barn , S blocks west o Park avo. and Loavenwortb , easy payments , cheap $1,700. $ JohnL. McCogue , opposite Post Office. 4S3-t LOST AND FOUND. LOST A guld watch. Finder will ba suitably re warded by returning snuo to A. Shhorlck. 1208- Farnam. 025 Op TO EXCHANGE. OH SALE OR TlUDE-Farm 0 inlleH south o Bellevue and U. I' . Roadu. fruit and eto. P. Jf. Fecklmui , P. O. box 707 Omaha. MD-ISp OU PAti : OR KXCIIANOK-l'or good farm Ian * In Nebraska or I own , a general stock of mcr- cnandlso. Addrtea J. E ff-i 1'O. . Uoi 3D. Ksaex. In. DSD-lOp TiH > U SALE Oil KXCIIANUB At 8111 pet oio. al JC ot pait of two thouean't acres of t'mber land orty mlcp cait of KansaiClty , wll exchange for "Jbrouka lau t or roorohindlau. Bedford , Honor ft TOIi SALE Oil EXCHANGE-For itock of dry JL' goods 13(10 ( aero dock tanali , plcntyha ) land , crcelr runs through entire tract , go.d bullditgs , ccrrallo cto .only 4 miles from thriving railroad town , rneol the bettaml m-Bt comciilent ranches lu central Nob. Appl } totnoNuith I.oup Banking Co. , North fx > up , Neb , 214.0 TO KXCHANOK Improved farms and wlldlandto tradu for stocks if inerclmLdlro or Omiliu cltv nroperiy. Chas R. Woolly , room 2C , Omai n National Hank , Omaha , Neb. SOOmarlO BUSINESS CHANGES. W ANT1ID Ajiartner In butcher business , a email capital required. Address "D. X. " lieeolllcd. 621-lOp FOR SALE A good ekatfnff rink , B'ZO ' S4x00. Ill' quire o ( H Lambert , Wakefleld Nob. 423 a 16p FOR SALE Stock and fixture ) uno of tbo beet saloons In the city. Possession given the flint of April. IleasonaforeellloK , 111 health. Addren 'X. W. " Bee oillco. 7tf FOR BALE A good paying saloon with first clasu lunch counter and testaurant attached. A btr [ aln. B. Trcwtlor , 203 South 18th St. 478-tf MOH SALE Or exchange a lull stock of clothing .i. ' boots an J shoes , gent' furnlthlnggoodi , wlllei. change for Nebraska Lands. O. ll.Potoruon.bCU a , Oth St , Omaha , Neb. 165-U PERSONAL. MRS. K If. HOOPER , clairvoyant and franco medium can be found at N. W ; corner 20th and Cam itrtets , hours 11 a. m to B p. m. S74-m24 BOARDING. rplKST-CLASS Bed and board 1212 Capitol avc. H2-a3p MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SPEOfALBargalDiln land and builno-s pro- fits , A No. 1 drugstorewagon ihop and one of ie beet openings la the itato.aNo.l hotelCorrespon- ence Invited , monei ln\cst d In red estate lot cap ) . Mule. Address W. 1) . Packard , Bea > erdty , Furnts Co , Neb. 821-lOp PRIVY vaulU ) , Blnka and cowpooli cleaned at tbs shortest notice and t any time of the day , In an ntlrelyorderleu way without the leairt moleeUtlon to occupants or neighbor ! , with our Improved and odorleeti apparatus. A. Evans & Co. , 911 Capitol avo. fji8-a3 MBH. ANNA HAM9EN , midwife In a graduate of C pcnh > gen , Denmark Col'ege ' , Is also an aooorn. illthtd nuree , lias had ID ycaia experience , 1615 ibicagQSt. Ell-lpp O1UVY , vaults , links ind cuwpoola cleaned at the J shortest notice and sitlifactlon guaranteed by K. , Abi ] , P. 0. Box 87C. 447-a2p A ANDERSON U prepared to do brick laying for L parties furalabuiv initerlal 1818 Jackson Nt. 605 Dp DUMPS All kinds of pumps tonal tor repaired , 1 Address J , J. McLulu , 1011 Saunder St. M b