Till ! ] UAJLLX JUiJUUua.UAX : ] , JU-.Iii.BK DAK * 27. lb 5. THE DAILY BEE Friday Morning , Fob , 27 , LOOAL BREVITIES , Msllio Korean , the notorious , was JMl < d by the police Iwt night for dl ord ly conduct "Airs. Frank , " proprietress ol ft Twelfth street b gnlo , ww nrroitod Iwt night , wllh .fccr husband , for fighting. Dr. Umiclutt had robe stolen from his carriage while visiting n patient on St. Mary's juentio the other tneulmr Ju t at dusk. W. B , Jacob" , a BKK compositor , rejoices in the arrival at his homo of a ton pound boy. The mother and child ore botn getting along very nicely. In Judge Weiss'court the Republican has instituted suit against J. 0. Wllot , for 853.CO nlloged to be duo on nn unpaid account of advertising. The thaw has sot In , nnd while there wil bo more feeble snaps of cold weather , the severity of the winter's arctlo character , as is predicted , is a thing of the past. As the streets grow sloppy the gangs upon tbo street corners grow In number aud amuse themselves by making remarks about ladles who chance to pass their way. Marriage Hconiea"1 were Issued yesterday to John W. Hall and Julia U. Standon , Illch- nrd IT. Blake nnd Kstolla F. Comstock , nnd Hiram It. Block and Mrs. 1'rncstino Vogol. A young man foil iq fit at ( hq corner of Fifteenth nnd Dodge streets yesterday morning Ho was cared for by two physicians , who chanced to bo passing , and wai Boon all right. i The now gas Cxturoa for the court house have arrived from New York , The firm has notified the commissioners that a man will bo lent on from the metropolis about the mlddlo of next week to superintend the setting of the fixtures. On Monday night , March 2 , at ralconer's hall , will bo given the first grand 1'tuin ball , under the auspices of Nebraska lodire , No.351 , I. O. 11. B. The proceeds of the ball will bo applied to the sick benefit fund of the order. Tickets admitting gentleman nnd lady $2. The news has reached this city of the death , Wednesday , of Gcorgo Nail , nn old nnd well-known freight conductor of the Union 1'acific , who , falling between the cara of his train , was horribly mangled before ho could bo extricated , The accident occurred ne.ir Carbon. A pleasant affair was the Longfellow ro- coplion , enjoyed by the C. L. S. 0. Tuesday evening , at the homo of Mr. Salmon , corner of Nineteenth and Ifarnam streets. Headings , recitations , reminiscences , poetry , music nnd art , all contributed towards making the oc casion ono long to bo remembered by "real , true Chantauriuana. " The children of the Sabbath school at tached to the Israelite temple will celebrate. the feast of JMhor on Sunday next by a chil dren's banquet In the spacious school rooms. They nro to mnko n day ofjjt. The committee - too of arrangements nro : Miss Blanche Hell- man , chairman ; the Misses Addle Newman , Sadie Schlcstngor nnd Ida Block ; Masters Joe Oborfelderrnnd Louis Keichenberff. In Judge Anderson's court yesterday John and Michael Donohoy were tried for raising : i disturbance nnd smashing things generally in Pritchaid'a saloon at Florence Tnosday. They had boon fighting together in the saloon , and being ejected , became so enraged that they ceased quarreling and com menced the bombardment of the saloon. Upon conviction they were finodSlOand costs nnd sentenced to five ) days imprisonment in the county jail. W. E. Jones , of stockyards fame , was fined $5 and costs in Judge Anderson's court yesterday for assaulting Bert Newport. Jones , after assaulting his victim , rushed frantically to Judge Anderson's'court , and pomtentially wanted to file a complaint against himself , Ho had hardly so expressed his deslra when Newport came puffing in , and made com plaint himself , at the sama time casting revengeful vengeful glances nt Jones for bis bold attempt at self-prosecution. The regular monthly sociable of the TT.C. 3 j , A , was held Wednesday ovonlng at the libra ry hall on Ninth street. The principal feature of the programme was a piper road by Mr. J. IT. Quinn on Thomas Addla Kmmett. Mr. Quinu's effort was hlghly appreciated and ho himself displayed not a little of tbo eloquence ho lauded on the subject of the sketch. The Hinging of the little Miss Hose Flannery can bo beat described by the tetrn artistic. Messrs. Peter , Krnoat and Montlo Burke ren dered two \ ocal trios in n manner that dis played not only natural talent but careful study. Tbo piano solo by Miss Stella St. Ita lic was excellently performed. J'olluo uourr. In police court yesterday morning ono plain drank waa assessed $5 nnd costs. George S. Clark aud Julias Mozar , ar rested by Officer Mctza and charged by him with vagrancy ; pleaded not guilty , and after nn explanation were honorably discharged by the court. " \Vhllo \ there are a number of vagrants in this city , there are also men who are Idle bocaasa of their Inabil ity to find work. Many of thorn have families depending npou thorn and bnvo \tried la every way to procure employ ment , bat have failed. Those men would gladly do any kind of work , no matter how menial , ta provide bread for heir families , but this work la not to bo 1. The professional tramp and vagrant U Id not \\ork , no mattet how lucrative Jit. -losltlou might bo. Ho has no use woo irk of any kind , bat very mach o loaf and steal or beg as the the V for m. ho. jfers v pr tlit Him u l.chhon. case m y morning a stranger arrived Tau , eon the dummy train and Wednesday 10 upon a seat in the In Oio city " \ * od oatsido to have his hla vaU. Vhou ho ro-ontcrad plaoluR stopv tlmt his - catchcl had Union QBi'j --IT 1 30lfl blackened. > as aeon with the the depot ho found 1 for the clammy hed after the aitc ol In hand , k. lchel with ono The ilranger down with id a right BOOH ns ror Iho the > 1 LEGAL LORE , Acqulltftl of tioniko nnd Grecmvold Uttrns Dismissed United stntcfl Court. In the district court yesterday the do feme In the case of Lorako nnd Green weld , charged with anon , finished their arguments. The caio was given to the jury late in the afternoon , A vordlct of "not guilty" was returned by that body after a few momenta' deliberation. Frank Burns was arraigned on n charge of threatening the Hfo of Lottlo Domes , who has sprung Into local fame as the principal witness In the McClelland bur glary caso. The complaint against Bums was withdrawn nnd ho was discharged. In Judge Wakoloy'a branch of the judiciary too aiso of Morisrlty vs Oily of Omaha was on trial. Following Is the call of docket for to day : JUDGE WAKELEY. Thomas vs. Thomns. Ohlnborry vs. Smith. Morlarity vs. City of Omaha ( on trial ) . EsUbrooko ot nl vs. Coots. Pratt vs. Hamilton. State vs. Points , superintendent. Barker ot nl vs. Grucno ot a1 , Foley vs. Thomns. Howell vs. Kennedy. Largo , jr. , vs. Mol'honon. Elliot vs. City of Omnhn. JDDOE NEVILLE. Criminal Docket. Samuel Roichonborg files suit ngainnt the city to recover taxes paid under pro test in sewer district No. 13. Goo. A. Hoagland sues Matthew A. MoNntnari , Goo. W. Duncan , L. M. An- dreeon and M. Sontag , for foreclosure of mechanics' lion upon certain buildings in possession of defendants , jointly. Also sues Bessie T. Potty nnd John W. Potty for $300.80 on mechanics' lion. To-day the cases of Lushia Klusn nnd Frnnk Grabno , charged with the murder of the former's husband , will bo taken up md ordered to separate trial. H. B. Qohmtui will defend Grabno , while At torneys Brockenrldgo and Burnham have been selected by the court to defend the woman , UNITED STATKS COUUT. Judge Dandy rendered decision yester day in the somewhat celebrated case of Flnlny vs. Clark , whore plaintiff" , by grantor Ostram , mortgaged to Clark certain real estate to eccuro the payment of money loaned by him ( defendant ) . The money , $500 , was borrowed on 12 per cent Interest. Clark , taking the property , Improved It , and now refnnes to surrender. The case was brought into court , and the judge's decision van that Finlny could take possession of the prop erty upon payment of principal nnd in terest and the valtio of taxes and im provements paid for by Clark , during the term of his possession. Marshal Bierbower b.is finished making up his accounts , and after approval by Judge Dundy will forward the balance shoot to Washington for examination. He has discovered that there Is a balance of between $4,000 and $5,000 over from the last term. Judge Dandy will hold a spocl.il BOB- sion of the United States court at Lin coln next week for the purpose ot dis posing of some unimportant business , bearing motions , otc. The B. &O. rat03 for the rounitiip to Washington are lower than over made nt Inauguration time. Lasa than half faro In many cases , and no extra charge for the unparalleled tlmo made by its limited trains. Army Orders. Paragraph five , special orders No. 10 , current series from thcao headquarters , is amended to read : On demand of Surgeon Joseph H. Bill , U. S. A , , ( Bftoenth article of war , ) n court of inquiry , "to Investigate hla conduct , " is ordered to meet at head quarters , department of the Platte , Oma ha , Neb. , at 10 a. m. , February 15 , 1885 , or as Boon thereafter as practicable. De tail for the court. Colonel John Gibbon , Seventh infantry ; Colonel Henry A. Morrow , Twenty-firjt infantry , and Surgeon Daniel G. Caldwell , U. S. A. First Lieutenant Frederick H. E. Eb- etein , Twenty first infantry , Is appointed recorder. The court will con- alder and Investigate the charges preferred against Surgeon Bill by his post commander , ( Colonel W. P. Carlin , Fourth Infantry , ) on the 10th day of December , 1884 ; the allegations and charges made by the same ofhcer In com munication addressed to these headquar ters February 3 , 1885 ; in pott orders No 15. ( Fort Omaha , Nob. , ) January 1C , 1885 ; in communication addressed to Surgeon Bill , under date of October 1 , 1884 , and generally , all matters of which issue has been made regarding the man agement of the post hospital nnd treat ment of the s'ck under charge of Surgeon Bill. The court will exprcis an opinion on the merits of the caso. Recruit James Curtis , enlisted at Fort Omaha , Neb , , is assigned to company H , Fourth infantry , and will bo sent to the station of Ilia company on the first favor able opportunity. Owning to itj position in Washington , It being the only line running directly through the city , the B. & O.'a advan tages for the proper and prompt care of its patrons for the Inauguration are wholly unapproached by competing lines. All the pasicngcr trailio of other lines from the West must combine with the trailio from the East , and thus tbo single line Into the national capital bo clogged with trains to nn enormous extent. The B. it 0. handles its business from the East wholly independent from Its busi ness from the West , the channels of en trance Into the city being different , and for all purposes In view the Baltimore and Ohio really has tire lines Into the capital , one from the West and the other from the East. The Calico Hall , The calico ball given by the U nlformed Rink , Knights of Pythias , Wednesday night , In Metropolitan ball , was a very pleacant affair. About eighty couples were in attendance , and nil enjoyed - joyed thoimolves hogoly. The sihemo ot ( electing partners by bows to correspond with tlo ( , ladles' dresses was carried out , but several iuples put up n job on tbo com Moo on arrangements and worked the Y 1 BO that they becime partners wlth- jlDt mg Into the lottery scheme. During atKu - part of Iho evenirg the ladles j u .1 'ther ! own wy * B" the pent'e- ' p' , " > bJecU of thoiadie > ' own Ue" At 8a tirao the w Ue"t will Bentle- i men were allowed to Msumo their God- given rlnht , nnd boy the sapper , of course. After sapper the gentlemen were allowed ( o dance when , and with whom they pleased. This was the third party of the sotios , and the remaining two promlao to bo equally enjoyable. The through-sleeper system on I'ictnr- ciquo B. fc O. Is particularly advantag eous for inaugural travel. Through palace - ace cars from all principal western cities , and for that matter whole trains through , as on the B , & O. there Is no change of oars of any class whatever. Nnbbctl ttio Muslin. About noon yesterday a boy named James Kelly nibbed a piece of muslin from In front of L.B , Williams' dry goods store. Ho slipped the mutlin into a sack and was walking off with It whonConstablo StovoMoalio swooped down upon him and carried him otf to jail. Ho will have an examination in the morning and will probably find out how it seems to oat bread and drink water behind the bars. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel oi pnroty , strength and wholcaomencsa. Moro economical than the ordinary kindsand cannot bo Bold In competi tion with the multitude of low test , short weight lam ol physohrto powders. Sold only In cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. , 100 Wall 8t ; N.Y. TEST YOUR BATOPOWM TO-DAY ; Brandt adrertlsod M absolutely para THE TEST : riivi-o a e n top down on a hot t tote until ht t 5tu i remore thacoror&nd smell. A chemist will not bt r * > qulr.J to d.Uot the proionco ot ammonia. DOES NOT CONTAIN ABIMONIA. ITS IIElI.TlirLL.VESS HIS NEVER tllS.1 In a million hom.i for n. quart.r of a c.nturj it bat iteod the consumers' reliable test , THE TESTOFTHE OVEH. _ _ PEICE BAKING POYTDER CO. , MAKERS or DP , PricG's ' Special Flavoring Extracts , TbtitrofiKMt.raoitdeltttoui and natural flMorfcnottnuid Dr. Price's Lupulin Yelbt Gems For Light , Ilealthr Ilread , The Beit Dry llop Yenit In the World. FOR SALE BY GROCERS. CHICAGO. - ST. LOUIS. Omaha Medical & Surgical Institute . . . J..7 , IStliSt , , Cor Capital Ave , Chronic and Surgical Diseases Diseases ot Females , ct the Nervous Bvetem , Pi vnto Dlneasce ol tbo Urinary and Sexual Organs , ant ] Dlucouoa ol the Head , Thioatand Lungi. Hperlaltlea EYE AND XAK , Diseases treated by an experienced specialist ! also diseases ol the Heart , Liter , Stomach , Kidneys , Uladder , Neuralgia , Hheumatlsrn , Piles , Cancer , etc. OATA1UUI , BRONCHITIS , And nil other dlroa es ol the ikroatand LunRStroal ed ty Medicated Vapors. ( Send lor Inhaler or circular on Inhalation , ) All dtiriMB ol the mood , Urinary and Sexual Or gans. 1'rhnto Diseases and Piles Cured or no Pay. (15 ( Yean Hotpltaland Frhito Practice. ) Consultation and examination tree. Call or write tor circulation chronla dlteaioa and deformities , Dlseaatsol Females , Private Ulseaaei ol the Urluarv and Sexual orcans , Seminal Weak. ness , Nervous Debility or Exhauitlcnetc. , ot3. , nJ our new reetoratUotreatment. All letters and consultation * Confidential. Medicines sent to all parts ot the country by ex * press , securely packed trom obscnatlon , 11 lull do. tulutloii ol case Ughcn , Ono personal Interview preferred 11 comeniont. Open at allhonn. Addreea all letters to Omnba Medical 5s Surgical Insttute 13th St. , Cor. Capital Ave. COWING & GO , JOODIK3 W WROUGHT IRON PIPE , Killrililt ud fill Iron , Load Pipe and Sheet Load MOBT1IIXCTOSI BTUM Ptobers' Gas and Steam Filters IRON & BRASS GOODS , ENGINEERS' SUPPLIES. Hlh & Dodge Sts.OMAHANEB. ARCHITECTS Koomg 28 and WOmahaNatLBank Block Buccnasoas TO Dufrene & Mendelssohn Oeo. L. KUher , fcrmery 1th W. L. P. Jenny Architect , Chlcaifo , UnUelm Mendelssohn & Fisher PLAIN TRUTHS -A.IBOTJT ZMZXSIFXTS Let the Public Eead and Learn where Rivalry Overreaches Itself. The Misfit Clothing Parlors 1312 Douglas street , have recently been re- celvingsome extensive free'advertising from a ready-made clothier who probably imagines that by abusing us he is bettering himself , well if he thinks so let him keep on. It amuses him and dent hurt us. We expected to hear some one "squeal" when we opened business here. The individ ual who has been getting rich by charging high prices always , "squeals" when someone comes along and calls extortion by selling goods at rea sonable figures. The grocer who sands his sugar is generally the individ ual who prates the most about his own honesty , and accuses all his rivals with being rogues , We wish to enter into no controversy with anyone , The individual who loses his head , and neglects his business to abuse a rival , isgenerally a poor business man.Wearenottalkingabout any one in particularbut there are some people righthere whom our remarks.particu- . Iarlyfitsforthe , plain truth is that misfits are nearly as numerous as perfect fits , besides making mistakes in fits. The tailors have thousands of dollars worth of garments annually left on their hands by parties ordering suits , pants or overcoats , and then refusing to take them. The misfit dealer is isthe only market the tailor has for these goods , because a rival says there are no misfits , it doesn't make it so , it merely demonstrates that he either didn't know what he was talking about or else he knowingly made a "misfit" statement. Let the public judge between us , abuse is not argu ment , neither is it good sense. See what we offer , compare our goods with cheap ready made clothing and see if ourgar ments do not demons trate that theyare superior cloth and tailor made , til & TfflTKT liLJu ! IJJSJB11 JrJL " 1C-JbUK " 1312 DOUGLAS ST. , UP-STAIRS. Electric Light. Electric Light. Open until 9 P. M. Saturdays until JO P. M , hant Tailors with Miafib and uncalled for Clothing to dispose of wiU confer a favor MISFIT P&OTIIZNG PAWLOH8 , 1312 ® o f/las Street. THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUY Ono of the Best and Largest Stocks in tlio United States to Select From : ; STAIES TO CLIMB. , ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOB Are now offering Tlie greatest bargains ever seen in Omaha 200 ORGANS ! ! 100 PIANOS ! FOR GASH OR ON INSTALLMENTS Also great reductions in Diamonds , Jew elrv. Clocks and Silverware. 1MJ121 Tvnpvn1' ! ? &r f " n ? X Halt * & "bU. The only importers of Havana Cio-ars , and Meerschaum Goods in Omaha. Wholesale dealers in Guns , Ammunition , Sporting Goods , Notions and Smokers' Ar ticles. IIEXRY T. CLARKEPrtit , and Treat. A. Jl. CLARKE , Vice I'rttultnt J011X T. CLARKE , Secretary. H. T. CLARKE DRUG COMPANY , SUCCEEDING LEIGHTON & CLARKE , i'tit'e j/ritf/tf , JL'atinfi , f / * r/ < ' ui < t < nv < I NN Ea Imotes given on jUte glua. To thoaa about to embark In the drug butlnefs will do well to consnll heir Interest by dlllnir ou us or send ( or our price list wbichwlll appear about January 6lh , Mill onU ilclted , 1111 HAUNEy bTUEET Orange Blossom Flour WHOLKSALS BY . A STEWART & CO , 1013 Jones Street } ASK ron ao > OBOM , { OMAHA NEB Having quite a number of Misfits and Uncalled for Suits From our Merchant Tailoring department , we offer them to all purchasers at about one-half of their actual value. These are no Ready Made Goods , advertised as Custom Made , but Real Merchant-Tailor work. CALL , Clothiers and Merchant Tailors , 1216 Farnam Street. LARGEST STOCK OF Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home for 3 less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it. Send for Our 25Q Page Catalogue , only one issued in Neuraask ONE HUNDRED VARIETIES emu ) us , Counter , Hay , Stock and Eailroad Track , ADOPTED BY THE'TJNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Orders for Hio Indian Department given for Buffalo Scales exf claaivoly. Scale DBEDP-A.IK SHIOJP , AT ldJ6DOTJOIASSlJEET ( { OMAHA , NEBRASE