Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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Friday Morning , Fob , 27 ,
By Carrier - - - - - - -SO cento per week
By 1I U - . - . . - 110.00 p r year
o. 1 Pearl Btratt , Hear Broadwar. '
A Keg Crook farmer was yoitcrday nr-
routed for getting lib keg to full.
The case of SeoGohl & Gavin vs the
city is on trial In the circuit couit.
In the casa of McKcnzlo vs , Kelly
the jury yoitorday g vo the plaintiff a
vardlct for § 150.
Ooorgo Snnford has connected himself
with the Huworlh chock-rower , and will
travel in Iowa and Nebraska.
Floyd McOloan , agent for Wells , Fargo
& Co.'s express at the transfer , arrived
in town yesterday with his brldo.
In the caao of Poistrlp vs. Yonng , in
the circuit court yoatorday , the jury
brought in a verdict in favor of the
0. L. Olatterbuck and Mies D. E.
Crane , both of Utrootavillo , wcro yester
day joyously joined in matrimony by
Juatico Schnrz at his oflico.
The party given in Bono's hall by Ro-
bokah lodge last evening was a happy
affair , and all in attendance seemed to bo
enjoying themselves hugely.
J. N. Rogers , of Davenport , and
Messrs. Dallcy & Smith , of this city ,
have been engaged aa additional council
In the suits now pending against the city
on the old grading certificates.
The Yonng Folks' Social Union of the
resby torlan church give an old-faahloned
taffy-pull at the realdonco of H. G. Mo-
Goo this evening. Conveyances for these
who deslro to go will leave the Y. M. 0.
rooms at 7.30 p. m.
J. J. Brown and A. 0. Graham have a
tolerably sure show of being elected park
commissioners , they being both nomi
nated by both parties. For the third
cotmiisaionershlp the race will bo between
Thomas Officer and Judge James.
The Third ward polling place is not at
Bennett's stable , but at No. 30 Fourtti
( Bancroft ) street , in the building known
aa the electric belt factory. If those who
have ralacd such a hubbub about the lo
cation of the polls had road the mayor's
proclamation , ai published in tha Globe ,
they would have boon saved much fret
ting and waste of words.
E. L. Smith now suffers from a blto in
the log , a bold bad dog having nlppoc
him. The dog first attacked a boy name
Henry Ambrose , and Srnltn In stepplnf
between them to protect the boy , go
nlppod. The dog seems to bo a strange
Jn the city. Ho was not mad , but Smith
was , and If the dog after biting him had
not rdn away , there would have been one
leaj four legged brute in the city.
Just after Christmas the Rov. Fleming
of this city started in to make a thorong ]
canvass of the city , stopping at over
house , in the interest of the PotUwat
tamlo County Bible society. His secon
monthly report has just boon made to tb
society , and from it we glean the follow
Ing information : The month ends with
February 24 , and shows that during h
period ho has visited 4/15 families aa bibl
colporteur , ho has found 53 families des
tltuto of the holy scriptures , of which h
supplied 43 , and eight other parties don
ated 38 volumes. Ho sold during th
month 2G volumes for $22.55. and re
colvod in donations § 80.05. In his wor
in tlio city ho traveled 190 miles. Th
work will bo continued till completed
which will take till about May 1.
IM2U90XAI/ .
Charles Bullock , o Denlson , Iowa , was i
the city yesterday.
Mrs. Mulholland left yesterday for Colum
bus , O. , over the Wnbash.
F. S. 1'usey left kit ovcniog for Washing
ton over thu Northwestern.
MM. J. J. Newton has been called to Kan
sea City by the illncaa of her daughter , Mre
J3opo ,
J. B. McGomak has jetired from the fin
of Heagnn Bros. & McGorrink , the lle-iga
Bro . continuing the business.
P. F. Mnrohn , of Chicago , who formorl
od at Brownsville , Neb , , was In the clt
yesterday as tbo guest of 0. E , Adolf , of th
Bechtolo ,
W. C. Morgan baa returned from Boston
New York , Philadelphia and Chicago , wher
bo has bean purchasing goods for the house o
Cocko & Morgan.
Dr. Hico , of Magnolia , Iowa , was in tl
city yesterday on n visit to hia brother , Kor
G. G.Kico. The doctor -has just returnet
from n trip to Mexico , whcro IIIH daughter ia
missionary. He has many interesting inc
dents to nnrrato concerning his trip.
Afino organ , half price , at Beard1
trail paper atoro , next to postoflico.
IH License.
At Oalton , in the caao of J. E. Sam
son , an action to revoke his permit t
sell liquors , it was chirgod that ha hat
failed to comply with the law In raakln
his reports , that ho had sold liquors t <
persons in the habit of getting drunk
and also had sold liquors M a beverage
Tha Dr. contested then 3 charges in con
aontlng that judgment should bo enterc
revoking his permit. The court enteroc
uoh judgment , and the Dr. is , therefore
precluded from obtaining a permit any
vvhoro in tlio etito for tire years , undo
the present law. In the other caia i
was charged ho had failed io ruak re
jmts as by law required , and had sold to
certain persons in tbo lublt of pottlul
drank. This made the Dr. liable to ,
penally of $100 for each act. The matter
tor was compromised upon the following
torrna : A judgment ia favor gf the
ecbool fund of tint county for § 200
cott i of suit end an attorney fee of glO (
lor pla'ntlfl's attorney ,
Republican Majority Promise ! in the
Kbit Oily Conncii ,
1'ropnrlnB for the Ballot Unttlc ,
Municipal matters nto being very freely
iecutsod notr , and great interest is
wakened in the coming city election.
ho feeling has developed strongly , in
wth political parties , that a great change
i demanded in the city government.
'his ' has boon openly oiprcaacd in the
omocrntio meotlnga oven in view of the
act that the present city government is
omocratlc. In the democratic cnmp
ioro ia evident a strong nnti-Vanghnn
collng , Vaughau and his followers being
ot against the othcra. It sccma that
/aitgban / la determined so far as possible
o have the administration nndcr his con-
rol , and although ho IB not a candidate ,
s bo has ono moro year to ectvo na
layer , yet ho is seomtn gly as greatly In-
oroatod In the election as if It wore his
wn battle ; inwardly it is , and there is n
.ronp fooling on bath aides against the
lection of any man over whom Vaughan
rill have control.
The republicans have made strong
omlnatlons. John Bennett , as alder
man at largo , can and shall bo elected.
Us help in righting the finances of the
Ity will bo of incalculable worth. Lau-
atory notices of him are needless. The
amo is enough , and h's ' election wonld
o moro to roatoro public confidence- than
bat of almost any other man in the city ,
nd if ho will assume the duties , the
looplo will rally to his aupport grandly.
For Alderman of the Third ward Chris.
itrnub will ba elected without doubt.
lo ia well known aa a progressive , hard
working and honest man , who will join
n every effort to put this city on its feat ,
nd clothe it in its right mind again. A
ractical man , ho will quickly aao what ia
lecdcd , and fearlessly steadily go at work
o do it.
E. L. Shugart , as alderman of the
Fourth ward , will receive the support of
nany democrats as well as republicans.
Jo has done a great deal for Council
Bluffs , and baa shown his faith in the
city by making ono of the greatest improvements
provomonts hero. Bo Is a man of ox-
icrlonco in municipal and county matters ,
tnd having largo interests hero , will see
; o it that the city's Interests do not suf-
br. It is undoratood that Mayor
Vaughan has singled him out especially
a his target , and will wage war upon
Urn , but this fact will strengthen him
with many.
The republicans have thus put up good
men , and if the citizens want to break the
clique and rout the gang , they have the
opportunity of doing so , by casting their
votes solidly for those thus named by the
republicans. The opposing forces will bo
strongly massed , and it will bo no walk
away , but by work and union there is no
doubt of Bennett , Shugart and Straub
being elected.
The domosiats have made a specially
strong nomination in the Fourth ward.
"Brooks" Rood , as W. B. Reed is fa
miliarly known , is a young man who
would make an excellent alder
man. Ho has not had experience ,
but ho ia an honest man , irith
an enthusiastic determination , if elected ,
to servo the people. It Is not though !
that Vaughan and his clique would bo
able to control him , but the facftthat
Vaughan will make an open fight on
Shugart and will not mko ono on Root
indicates that Vanghnn lixi ; moro hope at
least of Influencing Reed than of influ
encing Shngatt. It would doubtlesa be
an improvement to have Reed elected ,
but in some respects a greater Improve
ment to have Shugart.
Mr. Blaxslm in the Third ward wil
doubtless bo defeated , not because ho la
not a good man , but because the people
prefer Straub , deeming him better for the
purposes for which they want him jus
now.Thoro la ono remarkable feature to the
campaign. Thna far , with perhaps the
exception of Mr. Murphy , not ono of the
men nominated by cither party is accnsac
of having any political ambition to
prompt them to accept the nominations ,
This la a cheorln * nope for the people ,
For once , the men have been sought ou
by tbo people and urged to run , and there
is no charge on either side that any o
the nominees desire anything , but that
If elected , they may help in making i
change in the city for the bettor. Thoao
nominated , however , by the democrats
belonging to the ruling party , and belnj
liable to moro or less "administration1
pressure , do not seem , however , quits so
aafo to trust in thia emergency , There is
no question about the republican nomi
nons. Not ono of tbo three nominates
can bo drawn into any of the nchemes o
the present administration.
Before you buy a harnesi call on Boot-
man & Co. , G25 Main street.
in Filtem Minnies ,
The I'latforni "Get There. "
There \viia no democratic fifteen ball-o
buainoBB about the republican city convon
lion ycBterday. At 2 o'clock the conven
tion mot In the city building , A. J. Hat
calling the delegates to order. Dr. N
D. Lawrence was made chairman and J
D. Hart secretary.
A. committee of ono from each ware
was selected on credentials , ns follows ;
E. B. Gardiner , First ward.
J. 0. Rhodebeck , Second ward ,
N. P. Dodge , 1 hlrd ward.
J. y. Evana , Fourth ward.
After a few minutes deliberation the
committee reported tha delegates as
above , and recommended that the tem
porary organization bo made permanent.
The report was favorably received and
the committee discharged.
The following park commissioners wore
nominated by acclamation : A , 0. Gra-
hsm , J , J. Brown and Thos. Officer.
For alderman at Isixo John Bennett
was nominated by a hearty , unanimous ,
viva roco vote , without the least objec
tion. Tha whole business was transacted
in less than a half hoar , including the
adoption of a tha short , but : expressive
motto , "Get there. "
Itoml Kutato Transfero.
The following is a Hat of real estate
transfers Clod yesterday in the recorder's
oflico of Pottawottomio county , Iowa , as
furnished by A. J , Stephenion , abatrac
or , real ostalo nnd loan agent , Conncll
Bluffs , Iowa , February 20,1885.
Josephine II. Tote to J. E. Knabo , lot
o and n rt 32 nnd 39 , original plat ,
§ 125.00
Norah Hill to Charles Robinson , lots
15 and 1C , block 12 , Walnut , § 759.15.
0. R. I. & P. R. R. Oo. to Clement
Bishop , nj uwj , 15 , 75 , 41 , $725.00.
Charles" S. Andersen to John Evnns ,
Jr. , i uw | , 23 , 75 , 39 , $2,000.00.
Henry boott , ot al , to Isaac Carlisle
p rt nnl , 13 , nud part 14 , 75 , 43 ,
Totnl Baloi , § 5,109.15.
Registration Notice.
The board of registration of Kane
ownshlp will moot nt the oflico of the
ho town clerk , No. 302 South Main
treot , March 3d and 4th , 1885 , for the
inrpojo of completing and revising the
cgutry for the special election to bo hold
March 10 1885. A. CANS ,
Township Clerk.
Three Sad Chapters from the Book of
Fatalities ,
All At Atlantic.
In this week's Caaa County Democrat
are given the following details of three
sad events , brief mention of which has
already boon made in Tim BEE :
Last Friday Frank IMort , a young man
; wcnty-thrco yeara of ago , employed in
the Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific rail
i company's yards at this place , was
.orrlbly.Injured by falling beneath the
wheels of an advancing onglno whllo on'
> agcd in doing some switching. The
engine was ono sent hero to take the
ilaco of the regular switch engine , it
Doing at the shops for repairs. The re
iof engine had no run board in front ,
common with switch engines , and It is
} robably owing to the absence of this rnn
Doard that Frank became the victim of
this cad accident. Ho was making
coupling , or about to , and from force of
labit had stopped as if to step upon the
raa board , and It bolng absent ho stopped
mmediatcly in front of the engine and
was soon beneath it and bruised and mu
, llated. Ho was at once taken to the
Occidental House , and placed un
der the care of Dr. Emmort , the
company's surgeon. An examination
proved that the bonoa In the right
.eg had boon broken and that amputation
wonld bo necessary. Ho tank sorapidly ,
lowover , that the amputation could nol
bo performed , and Saturday morning
early , ho quietly passed away. Frank
bad lived hero several years , and was a
worthy young man , well liked by his as
sociates and respected by all. Ho has a
father hero and a sister , Mrs. Isaac Vln-
Bon. Ho was born In Fayetto county ,
February 22 , 1802. Ho was insured
against accidents to the amount of 83-
000. His funeral occurred yesterday af
Saturday afternoon another accident
occurred on tbo rail at Lorah , the victin
being Albert Tate , a young man employee
as brakeman. He was assisting in tbo
switching , and was thrown of ! a flat car
by the sudden reversing of the engine
Tha car passed over him and was thrown
from the track , but , strange ai it
may seem , none of Tate's bones
wore broken , and he h to-day in
fair way of recovery , though seriously
hurt In the shoulder and elsewhere. He
was brought to this city , and is now at
the Commercial house , under the mod
leal care of Dr. Emmeit , and the broth'
erly care ot the Odd Fellows , of whose
oraer ho is an honored member.
Thcro are no Internal Injuries and ho
may ba out in a few weeks.
As sad as any of the items of this sad
chapter Is the freezing to death of an old
man , which must have occurred Satur
day night a week ago. His name was 0.
H. Acton , a resident of Shenandcab , and
father of Mrj. James Fattenon , of thh
city. Ho was C9 years of BRO , and had
for some time boon a subject to attacks oi
temporary insanity. He had been
wanting to coma hero for some
tlmo , and it is supposed started to
walk. Saturday afternoon , February 14 ,
ho had tot as far as Mr. Walker's , in the
south part of this county , wfccro he
warmed himself and ate a vety little , re-
laming hia journey toward this city. At
dusk an nnknown man stopped at Mr.
Haywaod's , who lives near Ed Uawcs' ,
and asked for shelter. This being refused
ho loft , and it is presumed that this was
Mr. Acton , and that ho got but a few
rods away when the terrible cold
of that night overcame him , aud ho lay
down benumbed and froze to death.
Ho was discovered by a school boy , ami
was brought to this city Saturday , end
an inquest holden , the verdict being It )
accord with the above. The ice had
frozen thick upon bis face , and alto
gether ho was the most piteous object wo
have Been in the course of lifu. Ho
was but half-clad , and for this someone
ono was to blame. Wo are glad that II
Is not at our door the charge may bo
laid that this poor old man was refused
warmth and food on such a night as the
ono on which it Is supposed ho called al
Haywood's ; and wo do not envy the
feelings of the man , If ho has any heart
at all , who refused him.
For a man to bo turned away frore
warmth and food and die within sight ol
each Is a terrible commentary upon the
quality of tbo milk of human klndnets In
Dim who refused such inexpensive aii.
Deckman & Co. , 525 Main street , will
waah and oil your harness cheap now.
Caplain Walker , of the steamship
Cephalonia , who was married in Boston
last week , will return to Europe by him-
8'ilf , while Mrs. Walker will sail fiom
Now York by another vessel , it being
against tbo rales of the company for the
captain and hit wlfo to cross the Atlantic
No. 201 Upper Broadway , Council Blnfl's.
H , B , ATWOOD ,
Plattamouth , - . Nebraska
iiiiDia or rnoiovaamo niaa BIABI
UD D D t
A full stock of MODS' , Womens' ,
Boys' , Misses' and Childrens' New Jersey
ARCTICS , now ready in any quantity to
suit purchasers. CHICAGO TEEMS and
DISCOUNTS every day in the year. We
also carry FULL lines of BOOTS and
SANDALS of above named goods , includ
ing the nicest line ol SPECIALTIES for
fine retail trade made by ANY company.
We have some Felt Boots to close out
cheap , Try a case of our COMMON
recommend them ,
Write for list on "Lumbermen , "
Storehouse and Salesroom , 41 N. Main St
Office , 412 Broadway ,
To Allow Anyone to Die of Diphtheria
the last flvo y ars thcro him not besnn death from diphtheria In any cano where Dr. Thoma
DURING ' preventive and euro was used. It has been the mean a ot saving thousands ol Ilvoa. Indl
penslblo In putild eoro threat , In malignant scarlet fever , chaneine It In 48 hi ura to the simple form. Fo
sale only at the doctor's offlco , No , 23 South Eighth street , Council ItluCTa , Iowa , Send for it ; prloe 82.
Djspcptlo , why-live In misery ami die In deap lr with cancer . of the $ tomocn7 Dr. Thomas Jefferla cure
eiery ciao of IndifjcBtlon and constipation In a % cry short . time. Best ol rcfcicncea given. D\epepssia \ I
the cau90 ef all of ninety per cent diseased conditions.
I. M.
Casatiy Orcutt & French >
405 Broadway Council Biuffs ]
Carpets , ]
Curtains , ,
Window Shades ,
Mattings ,
Linoleums ,
Oil Cloths and
Mail Orders
Carefully Filled !
CO. '
Corn Meal ,
Graham Hour ,
Ground Fresh Every Day !
Ground Feed Always on Hand.
Mill , corner of North Sixth and Mill Streets ,
Wheat No. 1 milling , C5 ; No. 2 , CO
No. 8 , 0.
Corn Now , 25c.
Onta For local purposes , 2Sc.
Hey 85 00@6 5D per ton ; baled , B0@60.
Rye 35o.
Corn RIoal 1 SO per 100 ponnclo.
Wood Good supply ; pricoa at yards , 6 00 ©
6 50.
Goal Dollvorod , hard , 0 50 per ton ; sol
4 CO per ton
Lard Falrbank'a , wholesaling at Of c.
Flour Olty flour , 160@2 90.
Brooms 2 95@3 00 per doz.
Oattlo Butcher cowa 3 25@3 75 , Bntchor
etoore , 37C@1 00.
Sheei ) 2 C0@3 00.
Hoga 4 00@4 25.
Poultry Live chickenspor [ doz. 300jdross
od chickens , 8c ; dressed turkeys , lOc ; dressed
ed ducks , 9c ; dressed KOOBO , 8c.
Butter Creamery , 25@2So : choice country
E/fgs / 27 per dozen ,
VogotabloH Potatoes , 50@COo per bushel
onions , COo per bu ; apples , choice cooking 01
eating , 3 00 ; banns , 1 00@1 50 per bushel
Cider 32 gallon bbl. , S6.50 ,
Orangoa 1 OD per box.
Lemons 1 60a)5 ( ) 00 oer box
No. 507 Broadway Council Bluff" .
Railway Time Table ,
Corrected to January 7,1886.
Th , following are the times ol the arrlTal and de
parture ol trains by central itandard time , at the
local depots. Trains leave transfer depot tan mln
Dtee earlier and arrive ten minutes later.
cmoAoc , BORLwaros AHD quuor.
LIAVI. A aiv .
6S5pm : Chicago Express Dee : a m !
9-.W a m Fast Mall. TiOO p rr
ISiSQ p m Accommodation. IlCO p m
At local depot only ,
10:06 : a m Uatl and Kxproae , 6.25 p m
8115pm raciac Express , 8:66 : p m
5:85 : p m Kxpread , OttS a m
9:24 : a m Kipresa , 8C6 : p n
6:25 : p m Atlantlo KipreM , P.W m
9:26 : a m IJay Eipresa 8:64 : p m
TlSO a m DcsMolnea Aooommodatloa , CllC p ia
At local depot only.
6:10 : pm Acoouunodaton 0:00 : a tn
1:80 : p m Louis ErprcM 8:46 : p m
1:60 : p m Chicago Kxpreua 10:66 : rn !
Al Transfer only
BaiOAoo and HOanrwuTiUf ,
1:60 : pm Express , 8:60 : pm
9i26 a m FadfloKxpress D06aai ;
woDi CITY AND rAcrno ,
liUpm St. Paul Express , Q:00 : a m
fllO a m Day Eiprost 700 ; p m
iraiOH rAoino.
8:00 : pm Western Kxproas , 8:80 : a < n
11:00 : a m raclfio Exprew , i : < 0 p m
11110 a u Lincoln Express , 1:1J : p u
At Transfer only
Lea\o-7:20- : : SO-B.SO-JOSO-nilO : a. m , 1:80 :
2:30-8:80 : : 4.3J 6.SO-8.SO II : B p. m. bunda)8
7.-20' 8:30 : 11:10 : a. m 1:30-3:30 : : 6:30-0:30 : :
11:06 p.m. Anlvo 10 minutes before leavlrj ; ; time ,
From tnna'er only.
IrsHJHiltonH D Jl
, , , , , .
Merchant Tailors !
7 nnd (1 ( Afaln St. ,
A Complete Line of New Goods to Select From ,
Keep IIoraoB nnd Mnlea conatnutly on hand whio
wo will neil In retail or carload tola.
All Stock Warranted as Reoresentetl.
nkoltiato acdtcttlt dcalctr tl. Grain aril titled liar. Priori
tenable BatltUctlon Quarantcod.
Corner Filth Avo. & Fourth St. UouncllBlnfla.
Drs. Judd & Smith's New Improved Electric Belt.
IT POSITIVELY CtMKS Kidney and Mvcr Complaint , IlrlRht' Dlso % * . , Hhoumattim , Neural ? ! *
Dyspepsia , Ncnonsncsi W Btliir | Weakness , I'aralynln , Spinal AITootlons , Indignation , Hoatt IMMI | , KltO
Hoadach , Lame Hack , Co'd Feet , and all diseases requiring IncrcixsoJ motho powers. New Improved o
e3and 6jold 6tloJ each.
Brick bnildinps of any size raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed. ITramo hous
moved on LITTLE GIANT trucks , the best In the world.
iV X i * V JL XjOV \J It A. 1 L *
1010 ftinth Street , Council Bluffs.
If. II. MELD. W. 0. ESTEI *
Field & Estep ,
No. 817 Broadway , Council Bluflfe , Iowa.
Office Calls Attended Promptly , Day and Night. 1'articulnr attention given to Embalming-
505 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs.
THE ONLT ALL NIGHT HOUSE IN THE ciTT. Everything served in first class etylo and on short
notice. Hot and cold lunches always ready.
NOTICE , Special a vortleomonts , iuo as Lost ,
found , To Loan , For Sale , To Bent , Wftnta , Board
ing , etc. , will be Inserted In thb column at the low
rate ot TEN CENTS PER LIKE for the first Insertion
ind FIVE CENTS PER LINK ( or oaoh subsequent n-
eitlon. Leave advertisement ] at our offloe , No.
Peail Street ) near Droadwav
Foil SALi : A. printing otBco Material icap lor
oiBh. W B. Hayes , Council Blufli , Iowa.icap
HALU Another hotel In a lUo Nubnuka
town , now doing a business cf about S360 per
month. No ether hotel In thu placo. Terms liberal.
SALE OK TUAIJE 8'0 acres ot land In
Wayne county , Mo. Will trade lor Oouncil
Ulufls city property or sell cheap ( or cash , or ( art
time. SWAN Js
TO TilADE. Uood Iowa cr Nebraska
WANTS tot a small stock of hardware or general
racrcbandiso , well located. SHAN& WALKEK.
W ANTBD Woman pastry cook immediately at
the Ogdun himto.
AN ! ED A student In denial cilice. Must ha'1 ?
means ol solf-Biipport. Call on or address at
No. 12 I'carl St. Council Binds.
FOll S K A raroclmnrc to pot a fine , well Im-
protod farm of 400 acres , within a few miles ol
Council Blufld , at a bargain. Low price and easy
terms. bWAV & WALKKB
T OR SALE A good pajlcg hotel property with
J1 livery eUblo , in ouo of the liest email ( owns In
western Iowa will sell with or without furniture , or
will tiade for a email farm with etock etc.
FOR 8HLE Eighty acres unimproved land In
Union countv , Iowa , 3 } miles south cast of Af-
ton , the county scat , or nlll trade for Nebraska or
Kansas land. SWAN & WALKXR.
Olt SALE ! A 20 ncro tract of good land about
I 1 ono and a half ullea from Council B'ufli post
offlco , at a baifjaln. BWAV & WALRKK.
IpOR , SALE In Harrison county , Iowa. 320 acres
JU grassland , all under fence a 100 a-re farm
with fine Improvement ? all under cultivation except
20 acres ( 'raai8) acres good grass or pasture land ,
aiilsmcn ! other tracts of from 40 to 100 acres of
unimproved land. BWAV & WALKKK.
F SALE Lands Improved aad unimproved.
- II you want a farm In western Iowa , Kansas
Nebraska or Dakota , lotus hctr from jou.
8A1 E A largo cumber of business and resi
dence lots In all pirtb of Council lilufln. Sco
us before ) ou buy , SWAN & WALKKR.
FOR SALE Parties wishing to buy cheap lots to
build on can buy on aonthly payments of from
FOR KENT We will rent you a lot to build on
with the privilege to buy If jou wish on > ery
liberal term' . SWAN & WALKKR ,
TTtTANTED To correspond with any one wishing a
VV gocd location I it tlamiinu mill. Bash , door
and blind manufactory , we haio building and
machinery , well located , for sole , lease nr trade ;
KENT- Largo two itory fraino building suitable
able for warehouse or etorago purposes , near
railroad depot. KUAN WALKKR.
UKNr UK 8Al.fc uu.K. : g and grounds
FOR fluital la lor snail foundiy and machine shop. a
Uood boiler , engine , cupola , blower with Hied shaft
ing eta , itady to put In motion.
| , < OK SALE Houses. Lots and Laud. A. J.
JL1 Ptepren'on , 603 first avenue.
FOR SALE A top-buggy , first-die * male and
In excellent condition , Or will trade for cheap
iQt. Address r. M Bee clllcc , Council Ulu7 .
COAL AMU VtOOU-Uourgelluaton , 0.3 Ilruxl.
way. sells coa ) and wood at reaaonablo prices
lves 2,000 ibs. for a tou , and 123 cubic for a cord ,
Try him.
\TTANTKL1 Every body m Council ttluttt to take
YV Tuiliii. Pellvcred by carrier at only twtnty
Mnte a week.
> I'Al'KHS For ealu al lln offloo , al IS oenti
a hondrod
Attorney - at-Law ,
Office , Main Rtrett , Iloomi 7 and 8 , Shugart and
> uo block. Will practice In Si ate and Btato courts.
Oob , Coal I Wood ,
IM |
00 !
33 jcn. aroKTOEie * ' 8
. O. addrwa , Lock Dalt 1189. Council Uliifla.
Deputy Sheriff and
Office with N. Sthurz , Justice of the Peace , Cruncll I'V
llufli.Iow * . * * '
Hair Cutting and Shavlny.
This is an Equal Bights Shop.
610 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
° ' ° * h" tamer * remored without tin
kail * or dnirlne ol blocd.
CHRONIC DISEASES ' " " ' p * * ' *
Over thirty je rs practical ezpitiwtta OOM & '
C , Pearl alrret , Council Blufla.
* fre .
trjos. official w. n. u. rent
Council Eluds , lai
Established 1856
Dealers In Foreign and Oameetla Kzohang * and
Horn * Stcurltlcii
ID ) ? , W. H. Sherradea
Masonic Temple ,
Council Binds IOTTB.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers In
Hard Soft ana Blossburg
O OA. . 3L s
W. II. SIDLEY , Mimneer.
OHlce , 88 Main Bt. Yard , on C. R. I , P. and 0.
, k St. 1' . Railway.
ja o. . , ce ,
U. I'aul , Cedar Jtnplda , Davenport " yj
Hilton , Dtibuquo , Itockforil , ,
lock Inland , Krccport , .Tniiiwvllld ,
Clgln , ' Madison , La Crosue ,
Jelolt. Wmona , * > H
ind all other Important point * Kwt , North
east nnd Southeast ,
Ticket offloo at 1401 Kaniarn ntctt ( In l'a > ton Ho <
! ) , nd at Union I'aciflo Dupot.
I'DLLMtv Bnd the FiMurr DIKIKO C'iRjiH
UK WOULD are run on thu main lines ot the Chicago
lllwaukee & Bt. Paul R'y and every attention
ia4 ! to pb t ugeri by courteous cmpluejol ] tbo
GeuertlMatttgcf , ( Jen'l l'a onitc
Aea'tOen'l Manager. Aw.t Oen'l l'a Ago
J. T. CLAKK , Oto'l Superintendent
i' ' i irlanrliroiltslncnroui-
I f fia uctivlty , i Bltivelr
II euros liuiotciicv | lost
_ ouoreyuurTouiiurbll >
Vall % wPtthncBS ofReuoratlyo Bystoin ; oltti r toi.