Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1885, Page 3, Image 3

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H. TTJ TATKS. : I * , r. TOOZAMK ,
_ VIM President :
Kent K. llsjdcn , AtelsUnt and ActlnR Cashier.
The Iron Bank *
INTEREST allowed on Urns depotlti npoa
voTubla tarmi and upon ooonnU of banki
tnd bankers.
Bonds and Ooantr nd Olty loonrltlei bonght
ind ( old.
In Ita treatment of euatomors the mcxt lib *
ttftl polior is pursued consistent with eatotd
tud Round banking , and we invite oonoBponca
onto or porional inquiry in tonnootion there
NEW Yonic , February 2G. Money Eaay
nt 12 , closing nt 11 per cent ,
Prime mercautilo pnpor l@Co.
Sterling Bills-Quiet nt 4 831 ; demand ,
QoTornmonta Kirm with io advance in 3's.
Stocks Tli' toi.k market has been feverish
and irreguU" , but with a tendency lownrd
lower quotations. In early dealings there was
n decline of ic , this was followed by a reac
tion in which the early losses was recovered ,
and nt the end of the fit at hour , in most caeca
the quotations wcra higher than the opening
figure , the tendency of prices is downward for
the next two hours , the lowest prices being
reached befora 1. This was followed by n re
action which carried the qiiotttions to the
highest figure of the day for the most active
stocks , the extiomo advance being reached
about 2 p. in. In the last hour a portion of
the advance was again loat , but the market
finally closed steady to strong prices , gener
ally | to gc lower than last evening ,
B'i „ 10JJ
4Vs Coupons 112 *
U.S. 4'8 122 {
EaolfioO'Bol ' 35 126
Control pacifio 35J
Chicago < Sc Alton 182
do do pfd , 145
Chicago , Burlington & Quincy 121 ?
Delaware , Lackawann & , Western 10li
Denver &lllo Grande 8V
Erie 13 §
do pfd 29i
Illinois Central 125J
Indianapolis , Bloom. & Western 11
Kansas & Texas 18
Lake Shore & MichlftanLSouthora C7t
I/oulsvillo & Nashville 30J
Michigan Control 03 }
Missouri Pacifio 'J2J
Northern Pacifio 18j
do do pfd 43
Northwestern , CGJ
pfd 131
New York Central 943
Oregon Traus-Coutlnontal Hi
Pacific Mail B5J
P. D. &E 15
Pullmnn P&lnco Car Company 1144
Hock Island 113 S
Bt , Louis & San Francisco 20j
do do pfd 381
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul 73 j
do do do pfd 107
St. Paul&Omaha , 28i
t do do pfd 931
Toxna Pacifio 13 *
Union Pacifio 48.f
Wabash , St. Louis & Pacifio -14
do do do pfd 11
Western Union Telegraph 691
U. R. &N „ OVi
OniOAdO , February 213. Flour Dull , feel
ing weal ; and about unchanged.
Wheat Active , unsettled and lower ;
opened jjJc lower ; rallied ic ; declined ) 'c ;
Iluctuated within a raugo of jc : later rallied
ic , fluctuated and closed go under yesterday ;
7475o for cash ; 71Jo for February ; 74J@
76ofor Marchj 75ic for April ; SOi@SOjc for
Corn Moderately a shade lower , owing to
the decline in wheat , prices fluctuated within
a within a range of Ic and closed Jo. over yes
terday ; 37I@38c for cash ; 37j@37ic { for Feb.
ruary ; 37-taJ37gc ) for Marcn ; 37jj@37ic for
April ; HJ(5)41o ( ) for May.
Oata Moderately active and strong , con
sidering the weakness in wheat ; about un
changed ; 271@28io for cash ; 27 c for Febru
ary and March ; 27Jo for April ; 30jo foi
llyo Dull at G3c.
Barley "Nominal at C3c.
Timothy Seed Weak ; prime , 1 31.
Flax Seed 14@12c better ; No. 1,1 4GJ < g
Pork Fairly active and irregular ; advanced
10(5)12ic ( ) early , gradually settled hack to th <
inside at the cloao , steadied and closed a <
medium Oguros ; 12 C5@1270 for cash ; 12 K
© 12 G7J for February and March ; 12 7G@
12 77i for April ; 12 87i@12 90 for May.
Lard Quiet , steady and unchanged ; G 87 ]
(26 ( tip for caUi , February and March ; G 75cj (
Butter Steady and unchanged ,
Choose Steady and unchanged.
Kggs-Weak ; fresh , 21@2Gc.
Hides Unchanged.
Tallow Unchanged.
KeceipU. Bhlp'ts
Flour , bbl . . . 111,000 30,00
Whoat. bushelo 44,000 20.0CH
Oorn , bushels 15 ,000 107,00
Oats , bushels 91,000 100,00
Uyo , bushels 4,000 200
Barley , bushels 31,009 10,00
MILWAUKEE , February 20. Wheat WeaV
No. 2 Milwaukee , 74c ; February , 13 It ; Mo\
Corn Weaker ; No. 2 yellow , 39c ,
j. Oats Dull ; No. 2 white , SOe.
llyo-Kusler ; No. 1 , G'ic.
Barley Firmer ; No. 2 eprinc , Ofxj.
Provi ions Firmer.
MUSH l'ork-12 C5.
Lard Prime steam , G 87 ,
BT. LOUIS 1'iionccK.
ST , Louis , February 26. Wheat lower an
active for May ; closed ifcljSo under yeitordaj
KU@83jc and closing 83iC 83J for cash ; 833 (
83jo for Febmary ; 8SJSo for March ; closm
SSJp for May ,
Corn Steady but Inactive ; 30J@SCJo fc
cash ; SCgo for February ; 3GJc bid lor Morel
37o for April , 37Jo for May.
CINCINNATI , February 2G. Whisky Stead
and linn at 1 13 ,
Livrarooi , February 20.-Wheat Dul
nd unchanged ; No. 2 winter at GJ lid ,
Corn-Quiet ; new western mixed , h@Gi
NKW YOBK , Febmary 20. Wheat Sp. .
grades declined SHc , and options clos
Iwavy ; receipts , .17,000 bushels ; jxports , : t7
OOOiNo. 2 spring , Bite ; ungraded red 82i
@ 90c ; Nu. 2 red May , DOSOlc ; closing
Corn-Snot lots J@io and options 1@
lower ; reccipU , 100,1)00 ) buehels ; exDorts , 2ii
000 btuheli ; ungraded , tOJ@52c ; No , 3 , 01
May 49@19i3 : closing at 4'Jo.
n/,0 18" 008111' , ' ' 7 ° ' 000 Bushels : exporl
20,000 ; mixed wwtoru , 3S@39cj white , 38J
oKgg8 Western frcth , dull and lower ; 2S
i-Sjc ,
Pork Dull ,
Lard lAwer ; western steam , spot , 7 20 ®
Butter Demand fair , market firm for choice
grades ,
TOLKDO , February 20. Wheat Wo-vk and
lower ; No. 2 red , cash , February and March ,
7GJc atked ,
Oorn Dull and nominal ; cash , 42y : asked ,
Oats Dull ; no quotations ,
KANSAS CITT , February 20. Wheat-
Lower ; cwh , GOJc ; March , COJo bid , Gllc
asked ; May , CSgCaCSic.
Corn Lower ; cash , SOjc ; May anrt Juno ,
data Dull and nominal ; no bid * .
CniOAdO , February 20. Drovers' Journal
reports :
Cattle Receipts , 8.COO ; weak ; inferior
grades lower ; exports , 0 65C3GOO ; common to
good cows 2 00 © I 23 ; etockers , 310@4 10 ;
feeders , 4 25 1 70.
Hogs Hecolpts 25,000 ; steady and un
changed ; good gradeu stronger ; rough pack
ing , 4 20tt)4 ( ) ( ! 3 ; packing and shipping , 4 70
" 6 05 ; light , 4 C0@4 70 ; skips 3 50 ® 1 00.
Sheep HocciptflG,000 ; active for good ; gen
eral market very dull ; inferior to good , 2 00
© 100 ; choice , 1 10@4 70) ) extra lambs , 6 OJ.
ST. LODIS , February 2G. Cattle Iloceipts ,
1EOO head ; shipments , 200 head ; exports ,
2 CO@G 00 ; common to choice shipping , 4 DO ®
0 70 ; native butchers steers , 4 00@4 GO ; cows
and hellers , : ! 00(2 ( 1 00 ; stocker * , 3CO@100 ,
feeders , iy5@l5 ( ! ; corn fed Texans , 403 ®
SheopIlcceiptfl , 1,200 head ! shipments ,
none ; common to extra , 2 23 ® 1 25.
AfTKUNODN P.OAIID Wheat -Dull , weak
and lower at 87gc for May.
Corn KoMer : 37ic for May.
Oats Dull ; 311c for May.
KANSAS OITT , February 25. Cattle Re
ceipts , 1,700 hood ; shippers woik , butchers'
nnd feeders steady ; exports , 0 35(3fi ( } GO ; com
mon to choice ihipping , 1 50@5 23 ; stackers
and feeders 3 50 ® 1 40 : cows , 2 7B@3 40.
. Hogs Receipts , G.OOO head ; steady , mainly
4 30@4 10.
Sheep Receipts , 1COO : market quiet ; fair
to good , 2 D0@3 25.
OrncE or Tim OMAHA BIB , \
Tuesday , February 21. I
The following prices atp charged retailers
by jobbers , wholesale and commission mer
chants with the exception of grain , which is
quoted at the pricas furnished by the eleva
tors and other local buyers :
Grain ,
Wheat , cash No. 2 , Olc ; barley , nothing
doing ; rye , cash No. 3 , 49c ; care , No. 2 , 20c ;
white core , 30c ; oats , No. 3 , 25c ,
liivo Slock Market.
Hogs , 84 25 ® 1 40 ; cows , S3 25@3 75 ;
steers , SI 00@4 70.
Flour ana Mlllstuffe.
Winter Wheat Finn ; best quaity patent
nt S3 00@3 25.
Second quality 52 50@2 80.
Spring Wheat Beat quality patent nt S2 81
Second quality S3 1D@2 BO.
Bran 5sc per cwt ,
Chopped Foed-1'er 100 Ibs. , 7Dc.
Corn Meal SO 83@1 00 per cwt.
Screening G5c per cwt.
General Product ) .
Poultry lias been rather quiet this week ;
receipts are moderate , and chickens and duck
are short of demand. Cnickens Dressed , per
Ib , choice , lOfellc ; fair to good 7c ; Turkeys
dressed , per Ib , choice , Il@l2c ; fair to good ,
8@9c. Geese dressed , per Ib , choice , lie ; fair
to good , 8@9c. Ducks dressed , per Ib , choice ,
10llc ; fair to good , 9c.
Kgps The feeline ii weak , and prices
range from 24c down to 22c.
Butter Demand is good , especially for the
better grades , of which receipts are only very
light. Prices continue firm and prospects
favor an advance. Creamery , 22@2G ; fair to
good , 14@1G ; choice dairy , 18@20 ; inferior
grades , 8C 10.
Game Is now \ery quiet and receipts have
come down to a trille since the 1st. Prairie
chickens , per doz , 83 00 ; quail , 75@1 ; geese ,
per cloz , S3 00@3 50 ; jack rabbits , per doz ,
S3 00@3 50 : small rabUts , 75@51 ; snipe , per
doz , 70@S1 ; ducks , milliard , S2 00g250 ( ;
ducks , teal and mixed , $1 00@2 00.
Potatoes As long as the cold weather lasts
the potato business will not amount to much.
A few cars luuo been received during the
warm days of last week , but they all show
more or less frost , and40a has been the highest
Drico obtained. Well assorted stock , free
from frost and put up in sacks , will probably
bring 45@50c.
Onions Very scarce ; unfrozen stock will
bring SI. 00 per bushel.
Beans In strong request ; clear navy , SI 50
@ 1 CO ixjr bushel ; medium , SI 30@1 40.
Popcorn Almost no demand , and alow
sales at l@ljo per Ib.
Ilonoy Comb Choice domestic , 14@15c ;
California , 13@14c.
Beeswax In good demand , Choice bright
per Ib. 26@28c ; commonto good dark per Ib.
Cider "Ohio" per bbl. 87.00 ; "York
State" per bbl. $3.00 ; per i bbl. 84.75 ; con-
donaed per gal. 85c ; crab apple , per gal. 35o ,
Cheese Full cream , western , 12c ; Wiscon
sin now , 12&c ; young American , 12@13o.
Maple Sugar Pure , in bricks , per Ib , , IGc ;
Grocers' List ,
CANNED Goons. Oystois [ ( Standard ) per
case , 3 90 ; strawberries , 2 Ib per case , 2 50 ;
raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 50 ] California
pears per case , 5 80 ; apricots , per case , G 03 ;
peaches per case , 0 90 ; white cherries poi
case , 6 75 ; plums per case , 4 50 ; whortleber
ries per case , 3 00 ; CKK plums , 2 Ib , per case ,
2 90 ; green gages , 2 Ib , per case , 2 UO ; pine
aples , 2 Ib , per case , 3 20@5 50-
RorB Sisal , i inch and larger , 8&c & , g inch ,
OAK B Boxes , 40 Ibs , 16s , 12o , 8s , 12 lo ,
boxer bs , 1C oz , Gs , 14o.
MAUim Per caddie , 35o ; round , rl , case
2 ; < uaro , cases , 1 70 ; Oshkosb , casesgr , C
' SDOAIIS Powdered , 8c ; cut loaf , 80 ; an4
ulatod , 7o ; confectioners' A , 6Jo ; Standard
extra O.Gc ; extra 0 , 5gc ; medium yellow , 5&a &
dark yellow , Gi@GJc.
Oorricxs Ordinary grades , 12@12c ; fair. 1 !
@ 134c | good , ISfco ; prime , 14@15o ; choice
16@17c ; fancy green and yellow , ! G@lG&c ; olc
government Java , 20@26c ; Arbuckle'a roast
ed , ICc ; McLaughlin'a XWy roosted , lOc
Imitation Java , 16J@181c ; Clark'a Aurora
S nur Standard Com , , S8o , bbls ; Staadari
do , 4 gallon kegs , 1 20.
SODA In Ib papers , S 20 per case ; keg , po
Dnr FBDITS No 1 , quarter apples , bbls
5icN ; C sliced , boxes , 7fc : evaporated , boxes
9jc ; blackberries , boxes , lie ; peaches , ibexes
boxes , lOc ; poachea , evaporated , IGo ;
berriee , 35o
ALCOHOL 183 pooof alcohol 2 30 per wli
onall extra California spirits ; 188 proof. 1 2
pr pr oof gallon ; tripple refined spirits , 18' '
proof , 1 19 per proof gallon ; redlstillei
whlikies , 1 00 A 1 50 ; fine blended , 1 502 50
U INS Imported , 4 50@GOO ; domestic , 1 4
@ 300 ,
PICKLES Medium in barrels , 6 00 ; do li
half barrels , 3 50 ; small , in barrels , ? 00 ; do ii
half barrels , 5 00 ; gherkins in barrel * , 3 0 <
do in half barrels , 4 50.
TEAS -Gunpowder , good 45@65ci choice
60@76c ; good Imperial , 40@43c ; choice , COO
G5c ; Young Hyson , good , SI @ 50c ; choice , C
@ 1 00 ; Japan , natural leaf , 75c ; Japan cliolix
COC75c ; Oolonc good , S5@40c ; Oolong choici
40@55c ; Souchong , good , S0@40c ; choice , 3
@ 15c.
RICE Louisiana , prime to choice , CJ@7ii
FIHII No. 1 mackerel holt bbls , , 7 t (
Family J bbl . . 4 25 ; No. 1 kits. 1 05 ; famll
kiU , COc ; No. 1 whitotUh , half bb . .6 50 ; Ni
1 kits , 95oi family half bbls. . ' 3 00 : famil
kits and palls , COc ; No. 1 trout , half bbls , , 5 21
WOODINWAKK Two hoop palls , 1 85 ; thrt
hoop paila , 2 10. Tuba , No. 1 , 0 00 ; nlonoi
washboards , 1 85 ; Double Clown , ! i 00 ; wel
buckets , 3 85 ,
SOAVS Kirk's Savon Imperial ; 3 15 ; Kirk
satinet , 3 30 ; Kirk's standard , 3 55 ; Kirk
White Russian , 4 85.
POTASH Pennsylvania cam , 4 caus in cas
, -.Babbitt's ball , 2 doz. in case , 1 90 ; A ]
coor ball , 2 doz , in case , 1 50.
OAKDT Mixed , Ilal2c ; etick , lOallc ; twi
( tick , lOJc ,
VINKOAB New York npplo , IGc ; Ohloap-
lo , 13c ,
fSALT Dray loads , per libl , 1 60 | Ashton ,
n packs , S 50 ; bbls dairy , 60 , 6s , 3 GO.
STARCH Pearl , 4Jc ; Silver Gloss , Set Oorn
tarch , 8c ; Excelsior Gloss , 7c ; Corn , "ic.
Snoes Pepper , 19c ; plce , 14c ; cloves , 20c )
cassia , 15c.
Dry Gooda
sjrnNOB Atlantlo A , 7ic ; Atlan >
o P , Gc ; Atlantic LL , 6Jc ; Brunswick , 7Joj
Beaver Dam LL , Gc : Lawrence LL , SJc ; Pa-
Ifio 11 , 7Jc ; Royal Standard , GJc ; Indian
Head A. 7jc ; Wanchusott A. 7jo.
orcll R , 7c ; Sallsoury R. 6Jc.
BLKACHKU COTTONS Ballon , 4-4 , fijc ! Bal.
on , 7-8 , 5jc ; Cumberland , 4-1 , 8c ; Davoll DD ,
ic ; Falrmount , 4JOJ Fruit of the Loom 4 ,
c ; Glory of the West , 8ic : Golden Gate , 8fo ;
Hill 7-8 , 8c ; Hill 4-4. 7jc ; Lonsdale , 7Jo ; Now
York Mills , lllc ; Wam utta , lOjo.
DUCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , lljo : Boa
on , 10 or , 14io ; Boston , 9 oz. , 14c ; Fall River
DUCKS ( Gray ) West Point , 8 oz. , lie ; West
7olnt 10 oz , , Me ; Point Boar , 8 oz. , Ho.
TICKINGS Amoskeag. ISJci Continental
2c ; Beaver Creek BB , lie ; Beaver Crook
3O , lOc ; Haymakers , 8c | Jnffrey D & T , 12fc ;
nlfroy XXX , 12Jc ; Pearl River. 13o ; War-
on AX A ( brown ) . 12o ; Warren BB ( brown ) ,
Ic : Warren CO ( brown ) , lOo.
OAMDBICSFifth avonno glove finish , 4Jo ;
xoystono glove finish , Co ,
ConsKT JEANS Amory , 7Jc ; Hancock , 8c ;
Icarsayer. 81c ; Rockport , 7o.
PniNTS Aliens , 5Jc ; American , Gfe ; Arn-
Id's Gc ; Cochoco , Gc ; Harmony , 4Jc ; Indigo ,
jc ; Indigo 7-8 , Hie ; Indigo 4-4,12io ; Steel
liver , 5jC | ; Charter Oak , 4Jo.
PIIINTS SninTiNas American , Bo ; Oochoco ,
o Gloucester , 5c ; Southbrdgo , 4ic ; Waver-
ys4Jc ! ; Rosodalo , 4Jc.
GINOHAMB Amoskeag staple ? , 81o ; Bates
iaples. 8Jc ; Lancaster staples , 8c ; Plunket
lalda Oc ; Hudson chocks , SJo ; Amoskeag
orslans , 9jc.
Dncss GOODS Atlantic alpaccn. 9c ; Per-
ancoshmrro , 23ic ; Hamteton cashmere , 151c ;
'amloton Fancus , Hie ; Hamleton brocades ,
io ; Arlington brocade , 18c.
Heavy Harilwnro Mot ,
Iron , rotes , 2 SO ; plow steel , special cast , fie ;
crucible , 7o ; special or Gorman , 4c ; cost too ;
0 , 15a20c ; wagon spokes , sot , 2 25a3 00 ; hubs
or sot , 125 ; telloos , sawed dry , 1 40 ; tongues ,
ach , 70a85c ; axles , each , 70c ; square nuta per
> , 7allc ; washers , per Ib , 8al8c ; rivets , per
> , He ; coil chain , per Ib , Gal2c ; malleable ,
o ; Iron wedges , Gc ; crowbars , 60 ; harrow
oth , 4c : spring stool , 7a8c ; Burden a horse
iocs , 4 30 ; Burden's muleshocs , 5 30.
BABBED WIRE In car lota , 4 00 per 100.
NAILB Rates , 10 to GO , 2 45.
SHOT Shot , 185 ; buckshot , 2 10 ; oriental
owdor , kegs , G40 ; do , half kegs , 348 ; do ,
uortor kegs , 1 88 blasting , kegs , 3 35 ; fuse ,
or 100 feet , 50c ,
LEAD Bar , 1 65.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 ; Mora -
a run Blosaburg , 10 00 ; Whltebroast lump ,
00 ; Whitobroast nut , G 00 ; Iowa lump , 5 00 ;
owa nut , 5 001 Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthra-
et , 1125all 50 ; Canon City , 7 00 per ton.
Oak solo , 88@42o ; hemlock : sola , 28@33c ;
em.ock kip , 80o ; runner 65o to 7Gc ; hemlock
alf , 85 to 100 : hemlock upper , 22 to 21cj oak
pper , 24o ; alligator , 4 00 to G 50 ; calf kid ,
2@35c ; Grelsen kid , 2 50 to 2 75 | oak kip ,
Oo to 1 00 ; oak calf , 120 to 1 30 ; French kip.
10 to 155 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; russetts
GO to 7 50 ; linings , 6 00 to 8 50 ; tappings ,
00 to 1050 ; B. L. Morocco , SO toS5cpabble ;
1. D Morocco 35c ; simon , 2 50 @ 3 00.
HAIINESS No. 1 star oafc , 35c : No. 2 , 32o ;
No. 1 Ohio oak , 34c ; No. 1 Milwaukee 33c ;
"o. 2 do , Sic ,
No. 1 Pitt ? oak bar , 35c ; No. B Pitta oak
ar , 33c.
Steady ; green butchers' Gc ; green cured , 7i
7 ; dry flint , 12@14c , dry salt , 10@llc : dam-
trod hides two-thirds price.
Tallow 4i@51c.
Grease Prime white , 4@ljc.
Sheep Pelts 25c@75.
Plug Tobacco-Climax , 45c ; Bullion , 45o ;
lorscshce , 44o , Star , 4Gc ; Rudy , 45c ; Uer-
ey's. 40c ; Black , 38@40 ; Spearhead , 4Go ;
) ur Rjpe , 48c ; Piper Ueidsiock. G4o.
Fine Cut Common , SOoj Medium , 40c ;
oed , 45@60c ; Hard to Boat , 70c ; Favorite ,
Oc ; Diamond Crown , G5c ; Sweet Sixteen ,
Smoking O. S. , 22e ; Meerschaum , SOo ;
> urham , IGcoz. 51c ; Durham , 8 oz. , 55c ; Dar-
am , 4 oz. 57c ; Durham , 2 oz. , COc ; Seal of
* ? orth Carolina , 1G oz.,41c ; Seal of North Car-
linn , 8 oz. , 43c ; Seal of North Carolina , 4 oz. ,
8c ; Seal of North Carolina. 2 oz. , 50c ; O. S. ,
Durham , 4 oz. , 28o ; O. K. Durham , 2 oz , 30c ;
Uncle Ned , i'a 25c ; Tom and Jerry 23o.
Wo quote lumber , lath and shingle ? on car
it ! Omaha at the following prices ;
JOIST AND SCANTLING 16 foot and nnder ,
TIMBBBS 16 foot and under , 18 00.
TIMBEB AND JOIST 20 . .ft. , 1900 ; 24ft. ,
FKNCINQ No. 1 , 4 and 6 in. , 20 00 ; No. 2 ,
SiiEATiUNa No , 1 (2d ( common boards ) ,
8 00 ; No. 2 , 1600.
STOCK BOARDS A , 4500 ; B , 40 00 ; 0 , 35 00 ,
FLOOUINQ No. 1 , 35 00 ; No , 2 , 30 CO ; No.
, 22 00 ,
SIDINO , clear 25 00 ; No , 2 , 22 50) ) No. 3 ,
8 00.
OBILINO I , 30 00 ; g. 20 00.
SHINGLES , best ii 50 ; standard , 3 00.
LATH 3 00 per M.
LIME Per barrel , 100 : bulk per bushel ,
c ; cement ; bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster , bbl , 2 50 ;
lair per bus , GOc ; tarred felt , 100 Ibs , ;
traw board 300 ,
PIIUUB AND CHEMICALS Acid , carbolic , 40c
, cid , tartaric , 50c ; baliam copaiba , per Ib.
> 5c ; bark , sassafras , per Ib , 12c ; calomel , pei
b , 90c ; cinchonidla , per oz , , SO 50 ; cnloro <
ormt per Ib , SI 00 ; Dovora powders , par Ib ,
81 25 ; opsoin saltaj per Ib , Sic ; glycerine ,
rare , per Ib , 25o ; lead acetate , per Ib , 20c ; oil
castor , No , 1 per gal. , SI 50 ; oil castor , No. i
ier gal. , 31 40 ; oil , olive , per gal , , SI 40 : oil ,
> riganum , GOc ; opium , 64 50 ; quinine , P. &
iV. , and R , & S. , per oz. , SI 20 ; potassium
Iodide , per Ib. . $3 50 ; aalicin , per oz. , 40c ;
sulphate morphine , per oz. , S3 40 ; tulphur ,
> or Ib , , 4c ; Btrychnlno , per oz , , (1 SO.
Taints O0B and Varnishon.
OILS 110 carbon , per gallon , llcj 150
Deadlight , per gallon , 12c ; 175 ° hoadllgat
aadgallon , 16c ; 150 ° water white , IGc ; lin
seed raw , per gallon , C2o ; linseed boiled , poi
gallon , 05cLard ; , winter str'd , per gallon. 70c
No. 1 , COc : No. 2 , 50 ; castor XXX , per galen
, on , 1 COc ; No. 3,1 40 ; sweet , per gallon. 100
aperm W. B. , per gallon , 1 60 ; fish W. B.
per gallon , CO ; ueatsfoot extra , per gallon , 90c
No. 1 , 75c ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , 30c
Rummer , 15c ; golden machine , No. 1 , per gal
Ion , S5c ; No. 3 , 28o ; sperm , signal , per gallor
30c ; turpentine , per gallon , 40o ; naptba , 7-1 c
rer gallon , IGc.
Dry Palnta ;
White lead BOc ; Frenct to , Coj Fail
whiting , 2ic ; whiting gilders , Ifc ; whitln ;
oom'li Uc ; lampblack , Germantown , 14c
lampblack , ordinary , lOc ; Prussian blue , 65o
untramarlne , 18c ; vandyke , brown , So ; utcb r
burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4o ; eienna , burn 4ct ;
slenoo , raw , 4c : Pant green , genuine. 25o
Paris green.common Oc ; chrome green , N. Y ,
20o ; chrome green. K. , 12o ; vennilllon , Eng
75c ; vermilllon , American , 18c ; Indian , red
lOo ; rose pink , Ho ; Venetian , rod , Oookson'i
2c ; Venetian , red , American , Ijfc ; rod lead
740 ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chroma yel
low , K. , 12c : ochre rochelle , Sc ; ochre , Frenli
2e ; ochre , American , 2c ; Winters mineral
2jc ; lohigh brown , 2jc ; Spanish brown , 2Jt
Prince's mineral , So ,
VAHHISHEa Barrels , per gallon : Furniture
extra , $1 10 ; furuituru. No. 1 , SI ; coach , ex
tra , $1 40 : coach , No , 1 , 01 20 ; Darnar , eitrt
$1 75 ; Japan , 70o ; osphaltum , extra , Kx.
shellac , S3 50 ; hard oil finish SI 50 ,
PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha , P. I
6Jc ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , 6Jc ; Morse :
lea green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20c ; French zini
green seal , 12c ; French zinc , red seal , lit
Prensh zinc , in varnish asit. , 20c ; French zini
In oil asst , 15c ; raw and burnt umber , 1 '
IK , lOo : raw arid burnt Sienna lOc ; vandyi
brawn , l3c ; refined lampblack , 12c ; coac
black and ivory black , IGc ; drop black , 1&
Pnueiau blue , 40c : ultramarine blue , 18i
chrome gre n , L , M & D , , IGc ; blind nn
shutter green , I * M. A ; D , , IGc ; Paris green ,
18c ; Indian red , 15c ; Venetian red , 9c ; Tns-
can red , 22c ; American vermillion , I. & p. .
; yellow ochre , 9c ; L. M. , O. & D. 0. , 18c ;
, - ellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , IGc ; patent
dryer , 8c ; prainlng colors , light oak , dark oak ,
walnut , chestnut and ash. lee
FLOCB-Colorado. 100 Ibs , 1 EO1 7S | pat-
nt , 10011 , 2 75@3 00) ) Kansas , 100 Iba , 2 75
@ 3 00 ; graham , 100 Ibu. 1 60 ; ryp , 100 Ibs.
25 ; bnck.wheat. per bbl , 7 50 ,
GRAIN , FEKD , Era yhoat' 100 Ibs , ? 100
xm la sacks on track , 100 lb , G5@70 ;
ta , in sacks on track , 100 Iba , eastern white ,
15l 20 ; Colorado white , 1 20@1 80) ) mixed ,
10@115 ; barley 100 Ibe , 1 S0@l 85 ; bran ,
ton , on track , 14 OOffllS 00 ; chop , corn , 100
bs , on track , 70c@75 ; chop iclxod , 100 Ibs ,
n track , 1 001 20 ; corn meal , 100 Ibs. 130
© 140.
HAT Baled , upland , ton , 13 00@15 00 ;
pland , loose , ton , 10 00@12 00 ; second bot-
om , baled , 10 00@1100 ; alfalfa , loose , ton ,
2 0015 00 ; straw , baled , on track , ton , G 00
8 00.
BoriKn Creamery , fancy , Ib , 41o
creamery , fine , Ib , SG 8So ; daby , choice , Ib
0@22c ; dairy , good. Ib , 18@20c ; dairy , fair
b , 16@16c ; cooking , Ib. 6@8c.
Eoos State , candled and warranted , doz ,
5 3Gc ; ranch , doz , S6@37o
CHEESE Full cream , 10@17c ; half cream ,
lOC llc ; skim , Ib , 9s ; Swiss , domestic ,
22@23c ; Swiss , imported , 30S2o ; Mm-
nrger , ISc.
PouiTmr Live old chickens , doz , BOO@G CO ;
resscd ducks , Ib , 15lGc ; dressed turkeys ,
L. 15@16c.
POTATOES Colorado , 100 Ibs , 95@10B }
weet , rerlb , , 4o ,
VEOETADLES Onion * , yellow , 100 Ibs ,
25 ; cabbage , 100 ibn , 2 50 | boots ,
00 Ibs , 1101 25 ; turnips , 100 Ibs , 1 25.
FnuiTS Lemons , per box , Messina , 4 00 ®
50 ; orangea , Florida , per box , 6 60 7 00 ;
pplos , fancy bbl , 5 C05 GO ; apples , medium ,
U , 350.
CUBED MEATS Hams , sugar cured , Ib , 11J
@HJc : bacon , breakfast , Ib , 12@12ic ; dry
alt Rides , Ib , 7i@8c ; lard in palls , 9j@9gc ;
ard in tierces , 8Jc.
FKESH MEATS Dressed beef , Colorado , per
b. 718o ; hogs , Ib , Gl@6ic ; mutton , Ib , 7
@ 7io.
LIVK STOCK Colorado steers , per 100 Ibs
10@4 50. M
Hideo. Dry Flint No. 1 , pla Ib , lli12oi
* Jo. 2 , Ib , 9@10c ; green steers and branded
alf , Ib , 4@Hic ; green calflb , 8@10c ; gruon kip ,
) , G@7c ; sheep skins , dry , 8@10c ; door skins ,
b , 15@20c ; antelope skins , lo , 121G ; tallovr ,
b , G@6o
WOOL Colorado No. 1 , per Ib , 14@15c ;
uck , Ib , 8c ; Mexican , 710o.
FlBH Mackerel , No. 1 , 140 , kit. moss ,
60@2 00 : California salmon , half bbl , 10 50 ;
Holland herring , keg , 1 501 CO ; trout , { .per
' .Council Bluffs
and Ghicam
The only line to take for Des Molncs , arshall-
own , Cedar llaplda , Clinton , Dixie , Chicago , MU-
raukre and all points oast. To the people of No-
taska , Colorado , Wjomlofr , Utah , Idaho , Nciails ,
Ircgon , Washington and California It offers superior
dvatitnges not pospiblo by any other lino.
Among n few of the numerous points of superior
ly onjoi cd by the patrons of this road between
3maha and Chicago , are Ita two trains a day of DA7
COACHES which are thoflnest that human ait nnd
nijenulty can create ; Ita PALACE SLEEl'INQ CAUS
which are models of comfort and elegance ; Its PAR
.OH DRAWING ROOM OARS , unsurpassed by any
nd its widely celebrated I'ALATMI , DlttlNO. CAUS
ho equal of which cannot bo foui > d elsnwhero.
At Council Blufla the trains of the Union P clflc
Rf. connect In Union Depot with tboso of the Chlca
o & Northwestern Uy In Chicago tbo trains of this
ne make close connection with thoeo of all eastern
, nrs.
For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis , Cincinnati ,
iagara Falls , Buffalo , I'iltsburjj , Toronto , Montreal
Boston , Now York , Philadelphia , Baltimore , Wash-
ngton and all point ] In the East , aak the ticket
gent for tickets via the
f you wisn the boat accommodations. ! All llckot
agents sell tickets via this line.
ii. nuauirr. R . nAin ,
GcnoralManagcr. Gel. Pus. Agent.
We HIove March 3d
Will Move March 3d , to
1513 DOUGLAS ST. ,
Commoncinfj Monday , wo will sell
Pictures , Frames , Pianos & Organs
Plush Goods , Etc. , Etc. ,
Regardless ef cost to reduce stock before mov
n . Como and convince yourself. Every
; hmg RODS ,
The Finest Place in the City.
Finest Goods and Box Trade a S c
1505 Farnain St.f
3 Doors West from 15th Street.
1213 Farttam Street
We will now Mil
At the lx > wett Cieb Pilceg to reduce stock befoi
' ' , . Olveu actlland84vami iJfy'
ALIST , 08 f-jith ttreot , between K re m nclU i
ney will , wtva theali ol KiurdUn 8f lil' < obUtDln
tor oone gUnoa In tbo past na piesenl , od o
ooiUlncoudlttoni In the fatart. Bool' ted iboi
made to ordu Pcrtwt wtlsUctloo p H nl'iJ
Eailwav Time Table.
InKffoctJftn. ISth , 1886.
Tb * tt ntton ol Iho trkTelllnz pnbllo h cillvil to
he ( act that this Is the cn'.y complete tnd kbnlatoly
correct tlmo table riabUiboJ la the city ,
All trains rrlie t and depart Irom Omaba b ;
Oentral Standard Time.
Trains ot the a St. 1 * . U. ft 0. arrive at and de
art from their depot , cornet ot Hth and Webstoi
treets ; trains ol the 0. AM. , 0. B. AQ. , and K , 0
U J. A O. U. from the U. ft U , depot ; all othen from
ha Union Pacific depot.
a , Dally ; b , except Saturday ; o , except Sunday ) d ,
xcept llonday.
riM. | Union Pacific. A. H. r , x ,
8 S5a , , Overland Kipros . 7(0a
. , Colorado Kxiiresa. .
O. & Rop. vnlloy
llCCa , , Mat and Kxprcea _ HtBa
B.AM.In Nsb.
8 lOa Hall l and Ki presa 0 COt
0 OOa , . . , Night Eiprora. _ . . . 10 tOa
Mlooourl Pacific
0 85c . . . . . .Day Express. a eec
885a . . . .NUhtExprcsj 0 JOi
K.CSt.J..C. Q.
0 Ida 7 itb , . .VlaPlattsmouth. . . 7 OOd
U OOa 8 ( Cb . . .Via Council Bluffs' . . 7(0d
Wnbnoh Route.
4 SCa . . . .Ublca RoKxprcsa. . . . U SOa
1 oca . . . .ai.tioull Exprcu I tOa
C. M. A St. Paul.
8 Uc Day Kiproos , . , , , . T I5o
4 ! ( b . . . . .MlKbt Exproaa B M
C. R.-l. & Pnclflc.
8 Uo . . .Day Kxproea T tla
' a Sib , .Night Ktproea , . . , BUd . . . . .
i'ioo , Accommodation - , 0 IOC
C. & N-W.
7 550
I Sib Night Kxpreso . Pi5d
C B' Ii O.
B lOa 6i 85s For Chicago via Pl&tsm'th 0 SOa 7 1C *
8 Ua i SCa For Chicago Tin O. BluQs BICa T Bia
. St. P , M. & O.
8300 Hloux City Kxproas. . . I SCO
8 600 Oakland Accommodation 10 SOo
lownDlv. S-C.&P.
etoa . .St. Paul Day lUprcsa. . r *
B CCa .St. Pan ! Might F.iprona. B 6a
The Bam and 6pm dummy trains also nlre at
t the transfer In tune to make eutarn oo cctloni ,
at not to chock baggage
Dummy Trains Leave Omaha at d 40,8 00
00 , 10 00 , 11 15 ft m , 1 00 , 2 00 , B 00 , 4 00 , 6 00 , 0 00.
OEipm. On Suudaya the 8 00 and 10 00 a m and
00 and 4 00 p m trains do not run. Arrlro at trans-
er depot IS mlnuloa later : Broadway depot SO mln-
tea later ,
Leave Council BlnBa ( Droadway depot ) at 7 20 , 8 BO
80,1080,1 iCamlSO ; , 280,880. 480 , 630. 086
and 11 06 p m. On Hundaya tbo 8 SO and 10 80 am
nd S 80 and 6 80 p m trains will not run. Arrh o at
pansier 7 mlnutea later , Omaha 20 minutes later ,
Tran BforTrOl n 8 I ave Omaha at 8 16 , 8 BB
0 05 a m , 4 26 , 0 10 and 0 66 p m , dally.
Arrlro at B 46 and 11 16 a m , IS S6 , 7 81 and 8 16 p
o and Irom Chicago via the Tripartite Alliance Lines.
| Mil. I K-I. I N-W I N-W | K.I | Ml
'obruary. . | 16 1-22 81 SI 7-28 14
March . . . . I 8-29 16 1-221 14 21 7-58
prll IP e-28 1 ! I 4-25 11 18
May 110-31 17 S-24 I 18 2-23 B-SO
Sunday evening nnd Monday mornlnjr trains arrive
n corresponding order. C. B. i Q. trains run every
Lcavo Union Paclfio depot at S 30 a m and 5 00 p.
Arrive Irom Stock Yards at 7 40 a u rind S 40 p m.
Mall Tlmo Card.
| A. M. r. M.
. .Union Pacific Local Mall. . 830
8 700 Union Paolfla Through Mall. 4 80
030 8 00 li&Mln Neb. . . . 7 20 G 1G
BOO C a &Q 6 S3 8 20
8 00 . . . C. B. &O Ex. Mall. . . 4 IB
0 80 8 00 C. U. I. &P. 5 30 8 20
8 00 C. II &St. P G 80
080 S CO C. &N. W. G SO 8 20
1 05 . . . .C.St. P. M. SO 0 CO
8 CO . . . 0. & Hop. Valley 12 16
Sioux Oy & Pacific Local. . 5 SO
033 00 Sioux City & St. Paul. . . . 5 SO
0 45 Oouncll BlufI i & Kansas City 6 30 S GP
. .CsuncII BlulT- ) Local
7 00 Fort Omalm
4 SO . . Missouri Pacific 8 30
1 06 . .Wabaah-St. L ula. . 12 16
. . Wabash Chicago S ( .
' IrUrgton
OUlco open Sundajs from 12 in I , neon.
on with two
enicLoii ndihoeBae winioeT7ei T
arry. Equally well ndaptoa to rouch cotietr ]
eada and Una drlret of cities. Munufaclnrod an ]
oldby BlltheIr JlnBC rrl foIlnlldr
anIlfiiry Vltatum. B" t nt * > , Bt ,
Also 13 valuable and reliable re
cipes ( never before published , ) any
one of Tvliicli is worth 1.00 and
from that to $25.00 , and a copy ii
the "Cultivator" sent FltEE to
any one that sends 8 stamps to pay
postage etc. , 3 comic picture cards
will also be enclosed in the pack
age. These recipes are valuable to
( he household and any energetic per
son knowing the secrets they disclose
need never want for money. Please
write name and address plainly ; Put
3 stamps in a letter and address it
to the W ESTERN P OB. CO. , box
509 , Omaha. Neb.
No Adulteration
The guaranteed pur
Ity ol Uldge'8 Toed IB
one ttroDK clement (01 (
Its use In the fimlly
It Is a perfectly eafe
BI d ncurlthlrf diet
coayot dlgcttlon , can
net canto acidity o
wind , and can bo pro
fared In agreat Mint ;
otayc. . jfour elicB ,
. 'S5o ' , Me. , gl,25 and
; ' 176. Druggist ! al
naya keep It ; and many grocers Nn , 4 uizo mos
economical for regular family ute , Send teWoolrlch
& Co. , Palmer , Mass. , forpamphlots on tbo eubject.
NcwWooiwori ! newAttacliients
Warranted 5 Years.
Rni iloiesnc
' 2S. HthStrctt , Omba
Growers of Live Stock and Others. ,
Our Ground Oil Cake
It ts 1 Lo boat and cheapest food for stock of any kind. Ono ponnd la cqnitl to
hroo ponids of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Gnko In the Fall and Wlutoi
aatoad of running down , will Incroaao In weight and bo In good marketable oondl
Ion in the aprlng. Dairymen , as well us others , who nee It , am testify to Ita moi
ts. Try it and judge Tor yonrsolvoa. Prlco $24.00 per ton. No charge for enoka
1OSSO HStx-oot.
DD. M. STEELE , & CO. .
S !
H.IB. LOOEWOOD , ( formerly of Lockwood A Draper , Chicago , Manage * of the
Tea , Olgar and Tobacco Departments. A fall line of all grndoa cf
the above j also Pipes and Smokora' carrlod in stock. Prlcoa
and samples f urnlahod on application. Open ordora
Intrnstod to ns shall rocolvo our careful
f attention. SatlafaoUou Guarantood.
1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET , COR. 13TH ,
Office , Exchange Building Union Stock Yards ,
? msT NATIONAL BANE , Omaha ; ,
W A , PAXTON , I'reet. and Troas. Union Stock Yds. , Omaha
iwAN BEOS , Chejcnnc. Also connected with Gregory , Oooley
JOHN A. McSnANR , Manager Bay State Cattle Co. Co , Union Stock Yards , Chicago.
J. A. CmuaUTON Frost. First Nat'I Bank , Omaha.
Address all communications Union Stock Yards , Omaha , Nebraska.
18 FARLAM STREET. . . . . > [ . OMAHA , NEB
Milwaukee. Ws. !
GITM'HER ' & CO , , Sole Bottlers ,
Double and Single Acting Power and Hand
EDglno TrlmmlngH , Mining Machlnoiy , Bolting , Hose , Braea and Iron Flttlngi4
nt wholesale or retail. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , OHUROH
Corner 10th and Farnam St. , Omaha Neb.
2115,13th , St , Telephone Io,5H , ,
\ Union Stock Yards , Telephone No , 518 ,
Omaha ,
Liberal Advances on Consignments ,
V *