8 THE DAILY BEE-THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 26. 1885. THE DAILY BEE Thursday Morning , Feb. 26. LOCAL BREVITIES , A rnwrUgo license was issued yesterday to Wllllun T. Wilion nnd Funny Fletcher , both of Omaha. In Judge Weiss' court the Ilopnblican him instituted suit ngatnst J. C. Llllot , for $53.00 alleged to bo duo on nn unpaid account of advertising. The th w has set In , nnd while there will bo more feeble snaps of cold weather , the jioverity ot the winter's arctic character , as is predicted , Is a thinuof the past. An lister ball l announced to take pUce at Masonic hull , Monday ovenlng , February Cth , under the management of Messrs. Thos , A. Golden and Herbert Dyer , Mrs. Cnrrlo F. Ilanson , wife of Mr. O. 15. Ilanson , formerly of the auditor's depart ment ol the Union Pacific railway , died In Chicago Saturday , the 21st , after on illness of eight weeks. The llarnoy street lot , in the rcnr of the store of C. S. Goodrich was sold yesterday for $8,000 , to II. G. Clatk A. Co. , and that firm will erect thereon , It la said , a four story brick building for bttslnots purposes. James G. I'cakos , of the Ford opera troupe , is still lying ill at the Millard , though ho is said to bo convalescing rapidly from the attack of acute pneumonia. It will bo some weeks before Mr. 1'oakos can play with the company. It is not bolioyod that his voice will bo seriously Impaired , Word Los reached this city that little liAuri , the 4-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Larson , died at Kvanston , Wyo. , after on illness of several months. The interment - mont took place at Kvannton last week. Mr , And Mrs , Larson were for many years rcsi' dents of Omaha , and have the sympathy of a largo circle of friends in their sad bereave raont. There was qulto a smashup at the corner of Seventeenth and LcaMjnworth streets ycs- torday. A largo moving express wagon , loaded with furniture , was passing the place , when the hind wheels of the wagon swung around and upset the horses. In the wagon was a piano and the horses amused themselves for a while by playing upon the piano with tlioir Iron-clad foot. The sparring ] match between "Baby" Barnes and O. II. Smith last Thursday night at the rink drew out ft. fair-sizod audience , who apparently were well entertained. The two pugilists gave a very pretty exhibition ol scientific sparring , but they evidently weren't there to hurt each other for thirty-five cents a head. The professionals were , of course , liberally applauded , at thocloso of each round JUt the real fun "f the evening commenced when the home talent began to get in Its work. Norfolk ( Nob. ) News. Next Sunday being the 13th of Adar ( the last month in the Jewish calendar ) , the festi val of Esther , or Purlm , will be celebrated by special services at the Synagogua on Satur day evening , 8:15 , and on Sunday morning , 0 o'clock. The following are the subjects for the several lectures : For Friday evening , "Tho lloso o ! Shushan- " for Saturday mornIng - Ing , "Amalok ; " for Saturday evening , "How to Celebrate the Feast of Esther. " The order of Bn.-u Btith will calebrato the the occasion by a grand Purim ball and banquet on Men/ day , March 2 , at Falconer's hall. Henry C. Allen , ofNow York , left fortho west last night , en route for California. Mr. Allen was for many years assistant district at torney of New. York. He ia the gentleman known to fame ai having rendered material assistance In breaking up the operations of Boss Tweed and bis gang of municipal high waymen. It was he , Indeed , who drew up the indictment against Tweed. Mr. Allen was also for the many years term of his eor- vica puzzling over the problem ot how to deal with Mother Mandelbaum , the notorious 'fenoo" of New York City. The plans do. vised by Mr. Allen and the metropolitan do. tcctives found a somewhat abortively success ful culmination in the flight of that notorious female worthy from the country. " United Slates Marshal Bierbowor will hat a his nccDuutB ready for official inspection to-morrow , and Judge Dundy will luave for Lincoln in order to inspect the balance sheet in special session of court , In accordance with requirement ! , s well as to finish other mat ters of detail in connection with court routine business. Apropos of the now con'mlaslon of federal miruhalshlp , Mr , Bierbowor has had his three ofHcial commissions framed and bung up on the walls of bis office , Ho has three commissions in his possession , for the reason that in 1880 the first ono was issued sumo two woekg before the sonatu reassembled and when that boJy convened an entirely now document had to bo drawn up. Two of the oflicial papers bear the signature of It. B. Hayes and the last ono that of Chester A. Arthur. The names of two fa\orite musical people from this city nnd Council Bluffs appear in the following from the Chicago Tribune : "Mies Katheitna Van Arahem gave her first recital In this city last evening at Weber ball , Miss Van Arnhem has located In this city nnd established a vocal studio , and n she has been hoard hero in grand opera nnd concert , the beauty of her \oice and excellence of style need no commendation. On this occasion she wan assisted by Otto Krotsclmiar Krause , pianist , and Carl BecVur , violinist. The fol lowing programme was presented in excellent titylo : Sonata , Grieg , piano nnd violin ; vocal , 4 A Perfldo , ' JJeethoven ) piano , polonaise , 'A Flat , ' Chopin ] vloho , fimtaiie , The 1'irate , ' U'rnst ; vocal , 'O Lucia di Queat Anitna , ' of Linda , Donizetti ; violion , 'Oavatlna , ' Baft ; Huronivde , Moszkowsky ; piano , 'Campanulla , ' Liizt ; vocal , 'Utturn My Love , ' from the opera 'The Tournament , ' G. Kttabrook , with ilolln obligate ; piano concert , Heniolt , or chestra accompaniment played by W. C. ] * , .Seeboeck. " _ _ Every Udy uses Pozzoni's medicated complexion powder. It la a houioholo trouuro. The madam finds It Impotsiblo ( u go down town without first rubbing It on. If the baby cries she goes for the puff box. If the "old man" comes homo rulfitd or cbafed , booiuso business la dull , etc. , Pizzonl's powder cools and allays his troubles. Then all la gladsome joy. -No family should bo without it. FOUNTAIN Cl r . Infant daujLter of J. ( ! . Fountain , aged 2 wueka , died at .I o'clock Wedm < iday morning , Funeral thin ( Thursday ) morning at 10 o'clock frcin tbo residence. Kin , Satldgo will conduct the attvivtt , aTUIOKKR-Jn this city , February 23 , Mis , Fr nk Strieker , apud about 40 yearn , Funetal will taka place to-day at 2 p , m. from the residence , HSUuoitb Kixhteenth etroftt. WAKFWIKLl ) In this citv , Fotru ry24. Mary , Infant daughter of Mr. uul Mr * . H. Wuko eld , ngdd t mouths. Funeral took placn yes rday at 'J o'clock tiouj.Uiurwidonctj 623 north Thirteenth ititet FATAL FALL. Capt , Edwin Pollock Rilled by a Mis step at the Inter Ocean Hotel , Bad Dentil of nit Old ami Honored Ilctlrcil Military oniccr. Cheyenne Sun , 24. Captain Edwin Pollock , late com mandlng company E , Ninth Infantry roglmont at Fort D. A. Russell , foil over the bannister of the first flight of italrs In the Intor-Ocoan hotel at 11:30 : o'clock last night and crushed hla skull , from vrhlch ho died at 2 o'clock this morn Ing. The Captain was going to his room , No. 31 , In the hotel , and was pre ceded two stops by Charles Goodaoll , night innnnger of the hotol. At the turn in the bannister , where the slops narrow , the Captain stopped and looked ever at James Julian , who was passing below , and remarked upon the rod in Mr. Juli&n'o O. A. II. uniform. At that Instant ho made a misstep and foil baok- wnrd and headlong over the bnunistor to the floor , n distance of twelve foet. In the fall ho partially ttruck Mr. Julian , but not enough to break the force. Ho struck the bick of liia head and fractured the nkull. The unfoitnnato gentleman TIM carried to his room and attended by Drs. May- nerd and Taylor. At 2 o'clock this morning ho expired , never having re covered conclonsnoss. Edwin Pollock onllslcd in the army for the union from Philadelphia. Dur ing the war ho fought bravely and bril- lantly , and was promoted to the cap- talncy. Ho was then assigned to the frontier aorvico and In the Ninth infantry came west. Ho commanded the past at what It now Fort McKinney , then ono of great danger. Ho superintended the building of McKinney. I Afterwards ho was detailed as quartermaster gnneral In Now Mexico and served ably. Ho had been In the service altogether 26 years , when recently retired on account of phys ical disability. There was a romance in the life of Cap tain Pollock , which was known to a few of his most Intimate friends. If ho has bad in late years a failing at times , it may have been attributed to a disappoint ment of heart which has made many a. good man weak and endeavor ta drown his sadness. Always a gentleman , an officer of high est character and fine military qualifica tions , his death will be mourned by hundreds who know him to reaped and love his estimable aud general qualities. The officers at Fort D. A. Rusaoll will probably make suitable preparations for the obsequies. A BRIEF SKETCH. Captain Pollock was well known In Omaha , having many frlnnds and ac quaintances not only among the military men hero but among the older residents of this city. Some brief mention there fore of his career may not bo nmiae. Ho was a man of about 50 years of age , having been born In Hanlsburg , Pa , where his relatives still live. In 18G1 ho entered the Union army as n private in the twenty-filth infantry , which position ho hold until promoted in the service , to the second lieutenancy of the ninth infant r/ where ho remained until appointed captain of the ninth in- fantiy. At the clos3 of the ivar of the rebellion ho * WM odered to the Pacific coast and for twenty years lias served at various stations throughout the west. His career as an Indian fighter was espec ially prolific of thrilling experiences. Latterly , ho has been in command of Co. E , Ninth infantry , at Fort D. A. Rus sell , Cheyenne , A short time ago , some throe or four weeks since , ho was ordered to report before a retiring bo rd which was sitting in special session in this city. By this body , much against his will , ho was placed on the retired list on account of physical dis ability. It appears that several years a"o ; ho was riding through the streets o Omaha In a buggy , with Dr. Grimes , when ho was thrown violently upon the ground , sustaining severe Internal in juries. Thojo were aggravated by an accident of a similar character which ho sustained at Fort Russell some time later. Paralysis sot in which rendered the fall discharge of his duties Impossible. For those reasons , as well as others of a minor nature , the board doomed it best to retire Captain Pollock. Ho was a bravo and ofliciont officer , al ways ready for the full discharge of the duty assigned to him. His terrible and untimely death will furnish a theme of regret - grot to the imny friends and acquaintan ces of his western career. OOUNIY PEDAGOGUES , Tbo Meeting of ( ho Teachers' Asso ciation at Waterloo , The Douglas county teachers1 associa tion will bold Ho second mooting at Waterloo , February 28th. Follow Ing in the programme to bo proaontod : Opening exorcises Mualo at 10 a. m. A recitation In primary history , with a clnas of the Waterloo school , byV. . S. Anderson , of Elk City. Discussion by F. J. Everett , Miss Magglo McLauglilln and Mlsa Moggie J. Pollard. Paper Wo nro responsible for the perpetuation of the republic , by Ohailcw W. Parker. Discusalon : F. W. Smith , Miss Lora E. Swoet. Afternoon Mudo. Language class by Misi Mnry Strong , to bo followed by a papor. How to touch gratnmor , by J' . J. Delany , diicusacd by Mlws Ella Y. Huyoa , MIBI Anna Loach and Mr. J. A. Fmfi , Pbpor How shall we , as taaoh- era , bo tnoat HucccHjful : Minn IJoyor , Mlas Eva Morgan and Mr , A , E. Agoo. Army NOWK. The court of Inquiry ordered by the departinont commander upon demand of Burgeon Joseph O. Dill , to "Investigate his conduct , " mot at Foi t OmuhftJ yester day. It connlsta of Colonel Gibbon , Colonel Morrow , Burgeon Oaldwoll , and Lluutonaut Ebstein. Thu accuiatlona grow out of the oiso of thu alleged nog' Uct of a sick soldier , for which Dr. Kiev- oDBn wsa tried and honorably acquitted Bcmo weeks ORO , Surgeon 1)111 in this liutinco avails himself of the right of an accused ollicer t > dinund Inquiry Inl ) thu allecatlona , whioh are undo by Colonel Oarlin , peak commuader , Ltoutuunt Ebs'eiu arrived in the city Tuesday aud Oolouels Qibboa and Morrow , nnd Dr. Caldnell tr/ivod on yesterday'a train. _ _ AKMOltDKUH Ilocraita Gerard I ) . DougUi and llurj ] nco lu ou , eulisUd at Fort Omaha , Iscb , nro assigned to the Fourth infan try. Private John Brown , ro-enllatcd at Fort Douglas , Utah , Is assigned to com pany K , tsixth Infantry. Ptivato llaymond Jeffs , ro-onllstod at Fort DouglaB , Utnb , la assigned to com- piny G , Sixth Infantry. B. II. Douglass and Sons' Capsicum Cough Drops are manufactured by thorn- solves and are the result of ever forty yean experience in compounding cough mixtures. G AV. O. T. U. All members are requested to bo pres ent at a business meeting In the ladles' parlor of the W. 0. T. U. , corner of Fif- tcenth and Capitol avenue , at 2.30 p. m. , Thursday , February 27th.MllS. MllS. 0. SOULK. Absolutely Pure. This powder never miles. A marvel ol purely , strength aud wboloajmcnosa. Mora economical than the ordinary klnde.aml cannot boeold la competi tion with the multitude ot low test , short weight Inraot phyanbrto pondora. Sold only In cans , RO YAK BAKING POWDER CO. , 108 W U BtjN.Y. IN THE PASTRY * IF "CTSIEED. Vnnllln.I > emonOrnnce , etc..flavor Cnltct , Cream , l'udillnir > , tce.ia delicately and nut. urullymtlielYiilt froni which they aremnUo. FOR STKENGTII AND TRUE FRUIT FLAVOR THEY STAND ALONE. Hlt'ihtO BV THI Price Baking PowderCo. , Chicago , III. st. Louis , Mo. uiKrni or Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder AND Dr. Price's Lnpulin Yeast Gems , licit Dry Hop Vca l. OTO33 SjaJUB 33TCG33O WE JUKJB HUT ONE QUALITY- . Omaha Medical & Surgical Institute -r- . ' - " ' ; * " * Chronic and Surgical Diseases DiscMca of Females , of the Nervoaj System , Pi vato DUcascs of the Urinary and Sexual Orgina , uiil Dlec&aes ol thollcid , Throat and Lunge , HpocUltlca EYE AMD EAR , Diseases treated by unexperienced spedalliti alaa dleeasca ol the Heart. Liver , Stomach , Kidneys , Bladder , Neuralgia , Hhoumatltm , Piles , Cancer , etc , CATAH1UI , BUONCH1TIH , And all other dltcasea ol tbo throatand LungstreM ed by Medicated Vapor * . ( Send tor Inhaler or circular an Inhalation. ) All dlieaecg ol the lilood , Urinary and Sexual Or gans. Private Diseases and Piles Cured or no Pay. (16 ( Yean IloipltaUnd Private Practice. ) Consultation and examination free. Call or write far clroulan on chronic dtie&tcs and deformities , DIBOMCB ol Females , Prltate OUeasei ol the Urlnarv anil Bcxuil cream , nominal Weak. ness , Nervous Debility or Kxbaustcnctc. ! , cto. , and our now restoratlvotreatment. All letters and consultations Confidential. Medicines sent to nil iiarU of the country by ex. press , securely jmcknl from observation , If lull de > Bcrlntlon ol cjuto Is Klvtn , Ono personal Interview preferred II convenient. Open at all honru. Addrets all letters to Omaha Mtdicu ) & Surgical Institute 13th St. , Cor. Capital Avo. COWING & GO JOIIDMUI IN WROUGHT IRON PIPE , H ! lr > U > 1.4 C l Iron If I 'i' 'JC1 X Itf < 3r t , Load Plpo and Shoot Load. HMIH , ' Gas and sieaia Fillers' IRON & UF1ASS GOODS , ENGINEERS' SUPPLIES , 14th &DoduoSII.OM All A.NED. ARCHITECTS Itoomi 23 and 290mnliaNutl.lnitk ) JHnck lUlCUMOUR TO Dufrene & . Mendelssohn ( loo. U KUIior , Icrwtrjr with W. H. Jinny Arthlttrt , Chlw i ) . St , Charles Hotel , 0 HTHKKT , 1IRT TtbamlBtb , . . IJNCOLN , NKII. Ura. Kata Uoakly , | > rr | < rlctor u. MTNo ly and elegantly turultlifd. ( loud au > | il uom < uii flril flow. -Vt.tO toll | ior day. B | U1 ratoi g\ita utoibtri bl Ui UgUUliu * . PLAIN TRUTHS J9L ZBOTTZ1 IVCIS ITS Let the Public Read and Learn where Eivalry Overreaches Itself. The Misfit Clothing Parlors 1312 Douglas street , have recently been re- celvingsome extensive free1 advertising from a ready-made clothier who probably imagines that by abusing us he is bettering himself , well if he thinks so let him keep on , It amuses him and dent hurt us , We expected to hear some one "squeal" when we opened business here. The individ ual who has been getting rich by charging high prices always , "squeals" when someone comes along and calls extortion by selling goods at rea sonable figures. The grocer who sands his sugar is generally the individ ual who prates the most obout his own honesty , and accuses all his rivals with being rogues. We wish to enter into no controversy with anyone. The individual who loses his head , and neglects his business to abuse a rival , isgenerally a poor business man. Weare not talkingabout any one in particularbut there aresome people right here whom our remarks.particu- larlyfits.forthe plain truth is that misfits are nearly as numerous as perfect fits , besides making mistakes in fits. The tailors have thousands of dollars worth of garments annually left on their hands by parties ordering suits , pants or overcoats , and then refusing to take them. The misfit dealer is isthe only market the tailor has for these goods , because a rival says there are no misfits , it doesn't make it so , it merely demonstrates that he either didn't know what he was talking about or else he knowingly made a "misfit" statement. Let the public judge between us , abuse is not argu ment , neither is it good sense. See what we offer , compare our goods with cheap ready made clothing and see if ourga ments do not demons trate that they are superior cloth and tailor made , urn : 1312 DOUGLAS ST. , UP-STAIRS. Electric Light. Electric Light Open until 9 P. M. Saturdays untiHO P. M. toant Tailors with Misfib and uncalled for Clothing to dispose of wiU confer a favor MISFIT C&&TJII1V& PAMLOMS , JL3Z2 ® oulas Street. THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUY One of the Best and Largest Stocks in the United States to Select From. STAIKS TO CLIMB. ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOK AND -AT- -AND- EASY TERMS , Send for our catalogue and price list before pur chasing elsewhere , MAX MEYER & BRO. LEADING JEWELERS And Solo Importers of Fine Diamonds , Watches , Silver ware , Rich Jewelry. Wholesale and .Retail. Cor. llth and Farnam Sta SOLE IMPORTEES OF AND Meerschaum Goods , IN OMAHA. Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Grtms , Ammunition , Sporting Goods Notions and Smokers1 Articles. ( Stationery , Cutlery , Druggists' Sundries And Fancy Goods. Full and complete line nnd BOTTOM PRICES Max Mever & ; Co. > 1020to1024 FarnamSts. , Omaha ussnr T. CURBS..an * rrffi A. jf. OURKB , nc , Pntutnt T > CJiARKB < s < erttarui H. T. CLARKE DRUG COMPANY , SUCCEEDING IiEIGHTON & CLARKE , AROEST Jobbing Dreg home between Cbloico and Bin FrancI oo. OAI'ITAI , BTOCK. 8200.000. W LJ lull belt tha bottom of the mtiket t all trmos. Will dailloit Chlc go and Bt. Loula prices with . Our ipeoUlty in-ill be frflchtwldeJ. -irwr t --VT Jurel > rttffa , faints , Oils and Window Glass K ltn tei Khen on rUle glut To those about to eabark lo the dtag Imnlnen will d well to coniuh tlVr ? Mil t by wlltoV ou ill or aeud lor our | > rlo lutt blchwill appear about Yu RNKV "iBEET * " lldted. Orange Blossom Flour WHOLESALE BY L , A BTSWAET & CO , 1013 JoneB StlOet | K FOB BED OBOBS , | OMAHA KBD Having quite a number o Misfits and Uncalled for Suits From our Merchant Tailoring department , we offer them to all purchasers at about one-half of their actual value. These are no Ready Made Goods , advertised as Custom Made , but Real Merchant-Tailor work. RELIABLE OWE PRBCE Clothiers and Merchant Tailors , Street. LARGEST STOCK OF Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home for less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it. Send for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Nebraask ONE HUNDRED VARIETIES Counter , Hay , Stock and Railroad Track , ADOPTED BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Orders for the Indian Department given for Buffalo Scales ex clnsively. Scale H T HC6LOUG1A6&1HEET OMAiU , NEDRASE J