Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 26, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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    f / MMH
Thursday Morning , Fobi26 ,
Br Carrtet - - - - - - -SO Mote rr we k
ByltiU - . _ . . - " 110.00 tf year
o. T Pearl Btreat. Hear Broadway. !
Only ono drunk fined yesterday.
' This is the last day of Cocko & Mor-
gan's coat sale.
"Arthur Lsfkovlta' family are now ro
jolcing over the arrival of a boy.
The republican city convention moots
this afternoon at 2 o clock at the city
A "Heap of Gold" was glvon at the
opera house last night and will bo given
again to-night.
The funeral of Mrs. Francis 0. Bates ,
widow of the late N. S. Bates , was hold
yesterday afternoon ,
In the circuit court yesterday a motion
for a now trial in the case of Mitchell
\e. Klncnid was argued and submitted.
The democrats indulged In a protracted
mooting yesterday , though there was little
tlo religion in it. Their convention lasted
from 1:30 : o'clock until after 5 o'clock.
George Rico , while harnessing a horse
yesterday , was kicked , causing quite
aorlous Injury to his loft aide , which will
lay him up for several days nt the boat ,
and may provo still worss.
Roland Reed will appear in "Cheek *
at the opart house next Monday evening.
The same play , though a ditTorout vor
nlon , was given by the Framoy-Qalvin
combination at the fourth ward domo'
cratic caucus.
Bloomer school fifth , sixth and sevontl
grades , will obsarvo "Longfellow Day,1
February 27,1885 , with appropriate ox
orclsos ; beginning in seventh grade at 2
o'clock ; in the others at 3:15. : Friends
are cordially Invited.
As predicted by THE BEE , the chief
talnahlp of the fire department is be com
ing mixed in the political squabble , tend
Ing to domoraliza the department and
make ono of the moat important branches
of service a moro plaything for ward pol
Welch and Daily , who were arroatoi
by Officer Wheeler for having a laprobo
which they claimed to have found , am
wore trying to sell , were brought int <
court yesterday but discharged. Th
robe proves to bo the property of Mr
Ferris of Omaha.
The Danobo band
have received a neil
set of brass and silver Instruments from
Denmark which cost $320. The bane
lias boon under the direction of Prof
Norgaard for the past year and wil
shortly make their debut. Their nnl
forms will bo the same as those of the
Danebu society to which they belong.
Wm. Handko filed a complaint yesterday
day baforo Juatioo Schurz charging 0
Lampklwith assaulting him with a ham
mer the evening before. Handko was BI
badly fraightonod that ho did not dare return
turn hero that n'ght for fear Lampki wa
"laying for him. " The case will b
hoard at 2 o'clock this afternoon.
Postmaster Armour has succeeded Ii
getting au order from the postollico do
liartmcnt so that the Northwestern wil
deliver malls at Loveland and Hone
Creek In the evening and In the morn
ing , making two mails a day each way fo :
those places. Ho seems determined t <
do the boat ho can for the public whll
ho Is In , oven If his end draws near.
AGno organ , half price , at Board'
wall paper store , next to poatoffica.
Miss Nettie ICincnld has returned from
Mrs. M. J. Miclinjb , of Onuha was in th
city yesterday on a short visit to friends.
John Lindt will start to-day for KIro
Teim. , being called there by the eerlous illnes
of hla ulster , who at last accounts waa not ex
pected to live.
Beckman & Co. , 525 Main street , wll
wash and oil your harness cheap now.
Kc l Kutnto Transfers.
The following la a liat of real estate
transfers filed yesterday in the recorder's
office of Pottawattomio county Iowa
, , as
furnished by A. J. Stephenson , abatrao
tor , real estate and loan agent , Oouncl
Bluffs , Iowa , February 25 , 1885.
Indepondondont school district o ;
Council Bluffs to U. H. White , lots 7 , 8
9 and 10 , and part 11 , block 18 , RIcldlo'i
auk , $3,500.00.
John B. Scott to Henry Scott , part of
nwj 13 , and part to } , so ] 14 , 75 , 43 ,
§ 411,00.
Ann Scott , ot. al , to Henry Scott
w } , ae | , 23 , 76 , 43 , $850.00.
Charles H. Weeler to Oh. Boson , lot
17 , block 9 , Jefferla1 sub , $1,700.00.
A. F. St Olalr to Thomas E. Huff , e
oi,9 , 75 , 39. § 2,000.00.
\Vm. W. Hurphv to Thomas E. Huff
wA aw } , 9 , 75 , 39 , g2.COO.00.
Total sales , $11,001.00.
Ka < { iairnUoii Notice.
The board of registration of Kane
township will meet at the oflico of the
the town clerk , No. 302 South Main
street , March 3d and 4th , 1885 , for the
pnrpoio of completing and revising the
icgittr/ for the apodal election to bo held
March 10 1885. A. GANS ,
Township Clerk-
Before you buyalmrnes ! call on Beok-
man & Co. , 525 Main atraot ,
The looms used In tbo manufacture of
silk ia Now Jersey are said to ba almoit
fao slmilics of thoio employed for the
Jtatue pnrpoio in India and China.
Residents of the Hub , claiina a Boston
man , ara mrrous bjcacsj of a peculiarly
in tbo temp'.nture.
J , A , Murphy Nominate liy the De
mocracy for Altaan-at-Large ,
i Oi Graham , Wi 0. . James and
3 , J , Brown as Park
Ooiumissionors ,
I'icnlc for ration.
The domoorntio city convention mot In
ho council chamber yesterday afternoon ,
rlr. G. II. Jackson moved that Mr.
lobert Porclvnl bo the temporary chair-
inn. Carried. Mr. Fcrcival In inking
ho chair expressed the fooling that there
wnB a great deal of dissatisfaction among
, ho people , with the present council , and
the convention should nominate nn A ,
$ o. 1 mnn for alderman at large , If they
expected to elect him.
Mr. J. 0. DoHtiron was chosen torn
lorary aocrotary.
Wm. Patton moved that a committee
on crodontiah bo appointed , and named
; hem in the motion. This vas amended
by having the delegates from each ward
name their own member on thta commit
loo. The committee aa thus selected had
rather a stormy time making up a report ,
ono of the causes being the election ol
ono moro delegate In the Second ward
than the ward wm entitled to. The
question OB to whether Wm. Lacy or
Wm. Maloney should bo dropped ivaa
finally settled by dropping Maloney , and
the report was then concurred in.
Mr. Patton then moved that Wells
Oook bo the permanent chairman , Mr.
Jackson moved that the temporary or
ganization bo made parmont.j Patton
protested that the amendment was out ol
order. Mr. Perolval chided the dele <
gates for the mangle which this amend1
mont brought out. Mr. Oook wanted to
withdraw his name and seconded Mr.
Jackson's motion , which was carried , anc
thus Mr. Percival was made the perma
nent chairman.
Patton ogain moved that an Informa
ballot be taken for Alderman at largo. .
Wrn. Laoy moved that the delegates o :
each ward coat the full vote. Patton pu
In tome more windy talk until the chair
man informed him that if ho came fo :
the moro purpose of railing a dlstnrbanci
ho would bo dltappolntod. Patton wa
made to sit down , and the motions were
put and the balloting commenced. ;
The informal ballot resulted as follows
Wm. Patton and M. F. Rohror being
tellers : J. P. Weaver 13 , J. A. Murphy
9 , W. S. Pottibono 7 , J. G. Tipton 3.
A formal ballot was then taken , result
ing : Weaver 14 , T'ettibone 10 , Murphy
9. Neceseary to a choice , 17.
A second formal ballot was taken , ro
suiting : Weaver 15 , Pettlbono 9 , Murphy
8. No choice.
A third formal ballot was taken
Weaver 15 , Pettibono 9 , Murphy 9. No
Fourth ballot Weaver 1C , Murphy 9
Pottibono 8. No choice.
Fifth ballot Weaver 1C , Pettibono 19
Murphy 7. No choice.
The sixth ballot brought a change
Weaver 12 , Murphy 12 , Pettibono 9
No choice.
The seventh ballot gave each of the
three 11 votes.
Eighth ballot Murphy 12 , Weaver
10 , Pettlbone 9. No cnolce.
Ninth ballot Mutphy 15 , Pottibono
10 , Weaver 9. Ono vote moro than the
number of delegates , and still no choice.
Tenth ballot Murphy 1C , Weaver 9
Pottlbone 8. No choice.
Eleventh ballot Murphy 15 , Weaver
9 , Pettibono 8 , Thomas Bowman 1. No
Twelfth ballot Murphy 14 , Pettibono
8 , Weaver 8 , Bowman 3. No choice.
On the thirteenth ballot Pottibono's
force wont to Churchill , the vote atand
Ing : Murphy 15 , Weaver 9 , Ohurchil
5 , Bowman 3 , Pettlbnno 1.
Mr. Churchill said ho was not a cindi
date for the position.
Fourteenth ballot-Murphy 14 , Weaver
9 , Bowman 5 , Pettibono 5.
Mr. Patton then moved that the ardu
ous duties of nominating an aldorman-at
largo be laid aside for the present , one
that throe park commissioners bo noml
natod. .
Patton moved that the ballot bo for
Patton nominated J. G. Tipton.
Mayor Vaughn named Judge Jones.
The names of J. J. Brown , J. P.
Weaver , M. F. Rohrer , A. 0. Graham
and W. S , Pattan wore also presented.
Patton presanted the name of J. A ,
Murphy and withdrew the name of W ,
S. Pettibono.
Mr- Murphy dcclinolta have his name
Mr. Rohror declined also.
Patton again moved that the ballot bo
formal. Carried.
The ballot resulted : Graham 20 , Brown
14 , llohrer 12 , Pottibono 12 , Weaver 12
James 10 , Tipton 9 , Murphy 3.
The nomination of A. 0. Graham was
made unanimous on motion of Mr. Myn-
The names of Mr. Weaver and Mr.
Pottibono were then withdrawn.
A second ballot was taken for the solo :
tlon of the two others.
Patton retired from his arduous * labors
for a brief period , and Wm. Laoy took his
place as toller.
The next ballot resulted In the nomlna
tlon of J. J. Brown and'W. 0. James as
park commissioners , the ballot beinp :
Brown 24 , James 7 , Rohror 9 , TJpton 8 ,
Pottibono 4 , Weaver 2.
Before proceeding to another formal
ballot for alderman at largo , Mr. Rohrer
withdrew the name of Thomas Bowman.
This , the fifteenth ballot , resulted In
the nomination of Mr. Murphy , ho re
ceiving 18 votes , Weaver 10 , Pottibono G.
Patton moved to make It unanimous.
George A. Holmes was chosen chair
man of the city committoo.
On motion of Patton the convention
Their Add TORS on Hov. Father Mc-
Menoniy's Anniversary ,
On Tuesday evening the Catholic
Evnlghta oilled upon Rev. Father Me-
Monomy , it being the thlrty.firat anniv
ersary of his ' ordination to the priesthood ,
nnd throug'hRpv. Father Haley presented
lim with a puno of ? 50 , accompanied by
the following addrets ;
Rev. and Dear Father Mac : Gladly
do we for the first tlmo under our title of
3atbollo Knlghti offer you a tribute of
eve and respect on thl , the thir v.firat
anniversary of your ordination , and with
Blncere hearts nish you very many happy
returns of the same.
In you , Reverend Father , wo have
learned to sac M that goes to make the
true man the man according to God a
own heart the just man fearing the
Lord. In you the poor man lias over had
a friend. Often and oftan have the
teats of the aflllcted widow and orphan
boon wiped away by your cheerful " sym
pathy and generous assistance. "When
to the youiis the future looked
gloomy and discouraging your
words of encouragement and aavlco
broke the clnos and mido things bright
and cheery. The ajjcd of your euro look-
id up to you ; they have boon witness of
your manly efforts In the past for God
md your follow man ; they have saon
, hose efforts crowned with success , and
, o-day , after yum of toll and well spent
zeal whilst admiring you they prornlso
to lUnd by you In n material way In
poor future eft'jrta for the furtherance of
3od's glory and their salvation.
If your qualities of heart hive boon
noble your qualities of head have not
boon less remarkable. Daring your
thirty-ana years ministry you have boon
the mild Instructor of the young , by your
ptrauaslvo eloquence you have shown
forth to these in darkness the light of
God's truths and they 'embraced thorn ,
Convents and schools for the education
of the young have boon erected under
your supervision , and by your untirjng
labour many churches have boon built ,
the fruit of your earnest zeal , is to-day
the nanio of Father Mao throughout
western Iowa Is familiar In almost over/
Cathollo household.
Wo read In the works of the Father
that the priest is another Christ.
"Sacredoa altar OhrUtuu , " the llfo of
Christ la the bean-Ideal of what the lifo
of the priest should bo aa It is the model
of every good Christian llfo.
Father Mac , clothed with the prlo&t
hoed , has boon a power during his thlrty-
ono years ministry. Many a waudotor
has ho brought back to the fold of Christ ,
Many a tlmo has ho gene between an
angry God and an erring people , and by
prayer and sacrifice stayed the hand oi
tbo Omnipotent raised to atrlko. Wit !
priestly aollcltudo ho has guided the
young and the old in the path of perfec
tion the way that loada to God. Will
the powers of Ida eloquence ho portraycc
the beauty of virtue and the hidoonsneos
of vice. Our congregation and many
others are the fruit of his labors , anc
God grant , dear Knights that they ant
wo may hereafter bo his crown.
Therefore , Reverend and Dear Father
Mo on this thirty-first anniversary , wi
again and again congratulate you anc
may God reign to prolong your useful llf <
for a continuance of your noble effort ?
and , though yoara may make their 1m
preeaion upon your brow , rest assure !
that you always have had and over wll
have the hoartfelt.fealty and loving dove
tlon of your children in Christ. The
Catholic knights of Council Bluffs.
Whlht wo congratulate you on the
success of your labors In the vineyard of
the master , allow na to offer you oui
sympathy on the recent death of youi
estimable mother. May God reward heifer
for her long strangle In the path o
rightouanoss- our prayers for the repose
pose of her soul wo will often romlnt
God of the rich treasure through her II
has left us in you. 'Tls sad to part witl
those wo-love still wo rest in the groa
hope that when time for nil shall bo n <
moro she aud you and wo may moot again
unto the einoyment of a blessed immor
Accept then this small tribute of on
love with the compliments and dovotioi
of the Catholic knights.
Vauglmn and Ills Votaries Knocked
Down but Get Up Agnlii
During all the proparati ms of the dem
ocrats for the coming city election Mayo
Vaughan with hfs llttlo band of faithfu
worshippers , hade scught to get control
while the other wing of the party havi
fought bitterly to prevent them.
It is declared that "Vaughan is deter
mined to have such democrats elected ns
aldermen as will support his administra
tion , or iu plain words , will do his will ,
and fall In with his schemes.
It is said that when the name of W.
B. Reed was brought to the front ai
alderman for the Fourth , the undauntoc
llttlo mayor informed Reed that ho woulc
help him got elected ; would supply him
with § 200 to moot campaign expenses ,
etc. , but If ho was going to bo hostile tc
the present administration , ho would , 1 :
elected , put him on such places in com
mittees that ho could not do .anything.
If ho would work harmoniously will
Vaughan , ho would hive no difficulty in
getting everything done that was do
mnndod by the constituency , especially
the residents of the river bottoms , who
had felt eo aggrieved. It is understood
that Reed was neither toniGed by the
throats , nor tempted by the promises ,
but proposed to go it alone , and repre
sent thopooplo rather than any clique ol
In yesterday's convention Vauphan
and his llttlo flock were determined to
nominate W. S. Pettibono as alderman-
ot-large. They failed , and Mr. Murphy
lacking but one or two votes of getting
the nomination , just before the deciding
ballot Vaughan slipped over to Murphy ,
bold a whispered conversation , and
enough votes were given Mutphy on thai
ballot to nominate him. It is understood
that Vaughan told Murphy that If ho
would not bo hostile to the administra
tion the needed votes would bo given
It eoems that Vnughan Is determined
if posi'blo to hold the reins and have a
council who will lot him do the driving.
If It is the mayor who is to have the
choosing of the aldermen , why not change
the charter and lot him appoint his own
aldermen , nnd dc away with a city elec
tion altogether ? 6o3SS
Mr , Murphy , who was renomlnated
yesterday , Is in many reapjcts a man
well-fitted for a place in the council. He
is a largo contractor , and some of his re
lationships In that respect are against
him. Be Is not as free from railroad
Influences as could ba dosirad , and If ho
accepts tbo nomination , feeling that he
is under obligations to Vaughan , Patton ,
Fralnoy and Galvin for it , It will cost
him many votes ,
No. 201 Upper Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Plattsmouth .
, - -
A full stock of Mens' , Womens' ,
Boys' , Misses' and OhUdrens' New Jersey
ARCTIdS , now ready in any quantity to
suit purchasers , CHICAGO TEEMS and
DISCOUNTS every day in the year. We
also carry FULL lines o2 BOOTS and
SANDALS of above named goods , includ
ing the nicest line of SPECIALTIES for
fine retail trade made by ANY company.
We have some Felt Boots to close out
cheap. Try a case of our COMMON
recommend them.
Write for list on "Lumbermen. "
Storehouse and Salesroom , 41 N. Main St.
Office , 412 Broadway ,
To Allow Anyone to Die of Diphtheria.
DURING the laet flvo years there lint not been a death from diphtheria In any caio nhcre Dr. Thomas
Jcfleris' preventive and euro was used. It has boon the means ot ea\lng thousands o [ lives. India-
penslblo In putildsoretliroat , in malignant Bcnr1otfc\ , changln ? Itln 48 ncura totho bitnplo form. For
sale only at the doctor's oflico , No. S3 South Eighth etrcct , Council lllulTa , Iowa , Send for It ; price 82.
Dyspeptic , why live In misery nd ale la despair with cnncer ol the stomach ? Dr. Thomaa Jefforb cures
every cue of Indigestion and constipation In a very ehort time. Best ot references given. DyBpopsala Is
the cause of all of ninety per cent diseased conditions. e
F. H. Onctrrr. S. T. FRENCH-
I. JI.
Casatiy Orcutt & French -
405 Broadway Council Bwffs ]
Curtains ,
Window Shades ,
Mattings ,
Linoleums ,
Oil Cloths and
Upholstery ,
Mail Orders
Carefully Filled !
CO. ;
Corn Meal ,
Graham Hour ,
Ground Fresh Every Day !
Ground Feed Always on Hand.
Mill , corner of North Blith and Mill Streets ,
Wheat No. 1 milling , 65i No , 2 , GO :
No. S , GO.
Corn New , 25c ,
Data For local purposes , 23c.
H y S5 00@6 CO per ton ; baled , 60@GO.
Kyo S5o.
Corn Meal 1 SO per 100 pounds.
Wood Good supply ; prices nt yards , 6 00 ®
G 50.
Coal Delivered , hard , 0 50 per ton ; soft
4 00 per ton
Lard FalrbnnU'e , wholesaling at Sic.
Flour City Hour , 150@2 00.
Brooms 2 95 ® 3 00 per doz.
Oftttlo Bntchor cows 3 25@3 75 , Bnteher
steers , 3 76(24 ( 00.
Sheep 2 C0@3 CO.
Hogs 4 00@4 25.
pnoDDCB AND rnuiia.
Poultry Live chickenspor | doz. 300 dressed -
od chickens , 8c ; dressed turkeys , lOc ; dress
ed ducks , 9c ; dressed goose , 8c.
Butter Creamery , 25@2So ; choice country
Egga 27 per dozen.
Vegetables Potatoes , 50@C3o per bushel ;
onions , GOo per bu ; apples , choice cooking or
eating , 3 00 ; beans , 1 00@1 BO per bushel.
Cider 82 gallon bbl. , § 0.50.
Oranges 1 OOper box.
Lemons 4 505 00 uer bos
No. 507 Broadway Council Bluff * .
Railway Time Table ,
Corrected to January 7 , 1BS5.
The following are the times of tbo arrival and de
parture ot trains by central etanJard time , at the
local depots. Trains leave transfer depot tea min
utes earlier and arrive ten minutes later.
ChloafroKiprosa D.-OOam
BWam : Fast flail. T:00pn : >
ISlSO p m Accommodation. tlOO p m
At local depot only.
10:05 : a m u i | nd Kiprcsj , 6:2J : p m
8116pm 1'adflo Eipross , 8:65 pm
Bits p m Express. 8:08 : a m
BMara : Kxprces , 9:66 : pm
B6 : p m Atlantic Express , 0:05 : a m
BS6 : a m Day Kipresa f.U p m
7120 a m "Des Ifolnes Accommodation , Bll6 p m
At local depot only.
"nauu , T. IXJOIB AID nctnr ,
6:10 : pm Acoommodaton 0:00 : am
l80 ! p m Louli Eipree * 8:45 : p m
< : W p m Chicago Eipiess 10M : a m
Al Transfer only
f mciooand BORnnriarnv ,
| ; BO p EJ Express , B'60 p m
Vli a m Fadflo Kiprew BC6 ; a m
noni CITT AHD rioino ,
JliO p m Blvpu' ' Kiprcw , Boo : a m
7)19 ) a m Pay Express 7oo ; p m
OKIOM nemo.
8:00 : p m Western Expreoi , BBO : a m
11:00 : a m rodflo Expiew , l ; < 0 p m
ISllO a to Lincoln Kiprew , lag p tn
At Tranifer only
tea\e-r:20-8SO-9SO-lC:30-ll : : : : : 0 a. m. 1:80 :
2:30-9:30-4:33-6:30-6.30-11 : : : : : 6 p. m. fcundajt
7iM' : 8SO-llW : : a. rn 1:30-3:30 : : 6:30-0.30 :
11:06 : p. m , AnUo 10 minutes before lca > Icf time.
r'rom trinafcr oolf.
Irs HJ Hilton O t
, , , , , , ,
til tfiMi * BrMLiwar , 0 iucU Jlofl * . /
Merchant Tailors !
? and 0 Main St. ,
A Complete Line of New Goods to Select From.
Keep Horses and Mules constantly on hand whlo
wo will sell In retail or carload lots.
All Stock Warranted as Reoresentert.
\Ylolnalo aiidtclMldtalmln Grain nd BMrd lUv. 1'tlctl
ponablo Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Corner Fifth Avo. Sr Fourth St. UouncllBlnffs.
Drs. Judd & Smith's No\v Improved Electric Belt
IT roSITlVKIA" CUHKS Kliliioy tnd I.lrcr Complaint , lltlfthfa Dlscnv. , Hhcumatlitn , NeurnlirU
Dyepopda. Ncnonsrifei. U'iBtlnp Wcflknoe , 1'ivralyMfl , Hplml Adoctloni. ImllgDitlon , Hoatt Dlt < o.w , t'lto
HeniUch , Lnmo Hack , Cold Feet , and all dleoosos requiring Increased moth o powers. New < mpro\cd o
$3 and 5 ; old etjlo 91 each.
Brick buildings of any slzo raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed. Frame hous
moved on LITTLE GIANT trucks , the best in the world.
> V It A.JLLS\VOIt 111
1010 ftinth Street , Council Bluffs.
fl o II. II. FIKLU. W. 0. 12STK1 ?
Field & Estep ,
No. 817 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Town.
Office Calls Attended Promptly , Day nnd Night. Particular attention given to Embalming
505 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs.
THE ONLY AIL NIQIIT HOUSE IN THE CITY. Everything served in first class style and on short
notico. Hot and cold lunches always ready.
NOTICE. Special a vertlsements , cue M Loot ,
found , To Loan. For Sale , To Rent , Wants , Board
ing , eta. , will ba Inserted In this column at the low
tate ot TEN CENTS PER LINE for the first Insertion
tnd FIVE CENTS PER LINE tot each Babsequent n-
eitlon. Leava advertisements at oat office , Ho.
Pearl Street , near Broadwav
7OU SAM : A printing olllco Material cheap lor
P c h. W. B. Hayes , Council muffs , Iowa.
° TTMU ) SALE. Another hotel In a live Nebraska
Jj town , now doing a business cf about S360 per
month. No other hotel In the place. Terms liberal.
SALE OK TKADE. 8'0 acres of land In
FOR county , Mo. Will trade for Council
Bluffs city property or sell cheap for cash , or jrnrt
time. SWAN & WALKEU.
TO TitAUE Oood Iowa cr Nebraska
WANTS for a small stock of hardware or general
merchandise , well located. SWAN & WAI.KKII.
WANTHD Woman pastry cook Immediately at
the Ogdcn homo.
AN1 ID : A student in ilcntM cilice. Jtust ha °
means of solf-snpport. Call on cr adilreea
No. 12 1'earl St. Council Binds.
SLE A rare chomc to get a fine , well Im
proved farm of 400 acres , within a few miles cf
Council Ulufld , at a bargain. Low ptlco and easy
terms. bWAN & WALKER
FOR SALE A good pajleg hotel property with
llycty etablc , in ono ot the best small towns in
western Io a will eel ) with or without furniture , or
will trade for a email farm with ( lock etc.
EOR BALK Eighty acres unimproved land in
Union countv , Iowa , 3J miles south-east of Al
ton , the county ecat , or will trade for Nebraska or
Kaneas land. SWAN & WALKER.
T7\Oll SALE A 23 acre tract of good land about
Jj ono and a half miles from Council Ulufli poet
office , at a bargain. SWAN & WALKER.
jiOR SALE In Harrison county , Iowa. 320 acres
1 grass land , all under fence a SOO arre farm
with line improvement" , all under cultivation except
20 acres grass 83 acres good gross or pasture land ,
and several other tracts of from 40 to 160 acres of
unimprov cd land. SWAN & \f * LK BR.
FOR HALE Lands Improved aad unimproved.
If you want a farm in western Iowa , Kansas
Nebraska or Dakota , Ictus tcir from you.
FOR BA1U Alargo number of business and reel
dcnco lots in all parts of Council IlluffK. See
us before ) ou buy , SWAN & WALKKR.
011 SALE 1'artloi wishing to buy ohcap lots to
build on can buy on rronthly panieiitn ol from
82 to $1Q. bWAN & WALKER
FOR RENP-Wo will rent you a lot to bn.ld on
with the prlvliago to buy If jou with on very
liberal term * . SWAN & WALKKK.
TXTANTED To correspond with any one wishing a
VV gocd location fjr planning mill , sash , door
and blind manufactory , no have building and
machinery , well located , for sale , leasa or tralo ;
FOR IlKNT- Largo two ctory frame building suit
able for warehouse or utorago purposes , near
railroad depot. HUAN WALKER.
F OR REHi' Ull HALb uu.i g and ground *
sultal lo for snail foundiy and machine ehop.
CJooJ boiler , engine , cupola , blower with filed abalt-
lngeto.icady to put iu motion.
fjiuu HALE Houses , Lota and Lund. A. J.
X * Heptcunon , 603 First avenue.
" | 710R SALE A 'top-buggy , flret-dm make and
JU In excellent condition. Or will trade for cheap
.ot. Addrees f. M. Bee olllco , Council Ulu7s.
GOAL AND WOOU-UooiguIIeaton , CiS llro d-
way. Bella coal and wood at reasonable prices
gives 2,000 Ibs. for a ton , and 128 cublo for a cord ,
Try him.
TTTANTEU Every body in Council I3Iuff < to take
VV TunDiB. Delivered by carrier al only Iwtatjr
Mnti a vruek.
OLD 1'APERS For ule al 11 office , al 86 cent *
a hundred
Attorney - at-Law ,
Office , Main Street , Room 6 , Shugart and Ileuo
block. Will practice In Hiate and Fudeial courts.
Cob , Goal I Wood
. 0. addrnm. Lock Uolc 1I8J , Council Ulufli.
Dei'tity ' Kherlfl and
I n
. .in.conn n , ECUUIZ , jusuceoi tna rtacej uncn
t , Iowa.
JMr Cutting and Shaving.
This is an Equal JRiyhtsShop.
010 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
fl I TSTfTPTlO oi other Inraori itmoTei nlttoni tbi
ball UlallUj knife oi drawing ct bloti.
Orer thirty ycara practical expiricoo * OfiM fia
I , Pearl ilrecl , Oonncll Blnfla ,
omen OVER AMEKIOAH Eirncss
moa. omouu rr. n , u. rent
Oonndl Bluflo , . lai
Established - - 7550
Dealer ! In Fore'gn ' and Domeitla Eiobang * and
Horn * Stcurltlcj.
. Shorraden
I f
Council Bind : Iowa.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers In
Hard Soft ana B/ossburg
O J - fcALj " S
Oflloo. SB llalri St. Yard , on C. R. I. I1 , and 0.
H. & fit , 1' . Railway.
Schihitt & 7Harb
Have removed from under the Opera IIouw to * t
They will continue their CIOAU ANDTOIMCCO
uilneu.and Inilt * all their oldfrlendi and tht pub
to cull and sue them , ? ho fluttt cigars (9 (
i -i A