Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 26, 1885, Page 4, Image 4

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OMAHA Oirioa No. 014 AND Olft FARNAM ST.
rabllihul trtrr raotnlnf , "W
only llond y morning dally publish
The Weekly Bee ,
OruYear , with premium . . J §
. . . '
One Tear , without premium.
fill Month , without premium ' ?
On Month , on trl l
All Bmlnen Letters and * * thonld be
r i
Drafts.Checkl and Post offli
, kbit to the order of the w
THB B EiJKaffl& . * m
A , n. Titch , ManngwJIUily Circulation ,
' . O. Box , 488 Omaha , ' Ireb. .
" ' * * * * * *
M" * * P" " * 'T
I " t " ' M
k NEXT Wednesday Iho republican nd-
I , , mlnUtratlon will march forth.
SOME ol the cabinet booms remind m
ofUnt yeai'a blrd'a nosls. Thoro'a noth
i/l ing in thorn.
JUDGING from the vo'o on oenator wo
should 8 y that the Illinois legislature is
still snowed under.
"CALAMITY"VKLLKK , whoso oongrca-
aonnl ! days are numbered , could not ro-
nlal the tomp'ntlon of striking a parting
blow nt the national banking oyston.
Tiii'.uR ia Bomo consolation in knowing
tbnt when congress adjourns the nowopa-
jior Epaco now occupied by the reports of
it ] proceeding will bo taken , np with re
ports of the bnio ball campaign.
THE appropriation demanded for No-
braalia'a exhibit at New Orleans ia § 15-
000. This Beams ta bo asking a little too
much , especially when such n state aa
Missouri can got along with $0,000.
IT will not do hereafter for anybody in
Ma'no ' to make faces at another if a bill
whtoh is before the legislature at Augusta ,
providing that "whoever annoys another
by look or gottaro is guilty of assault , "
ahould become n law. "
SENATOR. CHOCK'S bill providing for the
najcsimont of railroads and railroad prop-
city on a moio equitiblo basis was act
dowa upDnbythoBonatc. Thisvraa not un
expected , for everybody knowa how the
sanato , in a'l legiilatlvo bodies , itanda in
regard to the rullroada. Anything that
it i ] at all advoraa to the railroad In tar-
oats maota with little or no faror at the
Iiauds of the senate.
THE present law which provides that
counly treasurois ehall not hold their
office for more than two terms in sue sea -
alon ohould bo loft undisturbed. It ia a
healthy law , as it required the treasurers
to etep down and out at fixed periods so
that their accounts can boinvoatigated by
a no w man fcr the benefit of the tax
payers. An attempt ia being made to
repeal this law for the benefit 'of the
treasurer of Lancaster county , who ia
conhdent of being elected to a third
term if this obstacle la removed. This la
a kind of apodal legislation that the tax
payers of Nobraaka will not endorse.
GENERAL HAZEN , chief of the signal i
eorvioo bureau , objects ta the use of the
word cyclone aa applied to what ho call *
"our western tornadoes , " and ho hopes
that the proas will correct itsolf. If Mr.
Hnzon had boon sitting on the Union Pa
cific bridge when the east end was lifted
np and twisted into all sorts of shapes
and dumped into the river , ho would not
now bo requesting the press to call a ro
tary wind storm a tornado. lie would
call It a cyclone ovorytlmo ; and the ma
jority cf the doatruotlvo winds in the
weal aw moro of a cyclonic nature than
tnylhlng oho.
THE New Jersey legislature and Brothsr
Taltn&go are making face ) at each other.
About a year 030 Mr. Talmago ocveraly
denounced the legislature on account of
come profanity indulged in by some of
the members during a debate. No atten
tion waa paid to the roveranod general at
the time , but the matter waa allowed to
rtut nntll the present session , and the
other day tha leglalatuio fired a set of
uhorp resolutions at Mr. Talmago to the
oiToot that he is constantly socking notoriety
riety , and tbat he would bo appreciated
moro if ho would attend to his own busi
ness. Mr. Ta'mago returned the fire ,
and concludes his uddrers to ( he legitla
tnro by sayiag it ought to pats resolutions
deploring its own idiojy and appoint a
comrrittoo to fumigate the hall. Mr.
Talmago ia firing at long range , and It ia
not likely tint ho will ventura into Now
Jersey while the legislature is in aosaion ,
TDAT any opposition to the proposed
city charter amendments on the part of
nnv member of the Douglas county dele
gation should arisa at the very laat mo-
incut naturally creates considerable sur
prise , as well os indignation In this city ,
especially In view of the fact tlat the
amendment ] , as formulated in Iho bill
orproaa the wishes of the people generally
orally of Omiht. The objectir to thi
liUl is Mr. Pat McArdlo , who lives in thi
country. lie moved to have the bill xe
committed' to the committee of tin
whole for amendments , but this va.
voted down , and the bill wai paisod b ;
the house. It seems that Mr. McArdl
wanto the marshal elected by the poopl
Instead of being appointed by the mayo
and council , but we tuipect tbat he I
n' 3 working for other interests. Mi
MoArdle dots not in anyway reprosoc
the interests of the people In oppouin
the charter.
A con'itJcrablo volume of wind has been ex
pended in congrcts over the forfeiture of the
Texas 1'AciEc Innd grant. The herculean
efforts ot ft Rood many congressmen claiming
to represent the "will of the people" in the
premises , to get tha bill through , have bfcn
held up by their ndimrer * as remarkable evi
dences of pnttiotitm , and tha opposition that
tha bill IIRR from tltno to time encountered ii
hid to the diabolical machinations of the
bloated corporations.
As a matter of fact the bill Is of very little
Importance to the pcoplo or the corporations.
The grant wna made to a certain corporation
represented by Tom Scott. That corporation
mode some sort of an sasifirmcnt to the
Huntlngton Interest , nnd n road was con-
tlructcd that claimed to bo tha road contem
plated by the grant. The road 03 is claimed
waa constructed within the term set by the
net making the grant , and if It succeeded to
the right and has confronted to the law , the
company will get the land , otherwise not.
Tbo matter would have gene to the courts In
any event , as the title of the lluntlnglon
Interest under the grant has been questioned ,
Now all the hullabaloo about Iho moro or
less valuable lands in Now Mexico nod touth-
orn Arizona , principally less , "saved to the
people , " by the tremendous patriotism of the
senntois and congresamon who have toiled
and perspired to get the bill through , is
w.11 to4 Rush , If the lluntinglon interest has
a legal title , the act forfeiting ( tha lands Is
wast paper. They can no moro bo forfeit
ed by an net of congress than can the Innds
granted to the Union Pacific or the 1) . & M.
n Nebraska. Congress cannot pats a consti
tutional act impnring the validity .of a con
If it has no title the courts would have oust
cd it all tlio same , probably. Tlio Texas 1'n-
cifio forfeltu o appeara to have served no other
visible purpose than to give some loud
mouthed ranters nn opportunity to exercise
their lung power. Lincoln Journal.
Although the Lincoln Journal is the
defender of jobs and steals , and the advocate -
vocato of monopolist ) , wo are surptised
that it ahould find itncceesary to go out of
its way to defend C. P. Huntlcgton
hi ] attempted laud-grab of 15,000,000
acres. There is not a decent paper in the
country that does not commend tha action
of congress in passing the Texas & Pa
cifio land grant forfeiture bill. The Jour
nal well knows that the Tcxai & Pa
ciCc never built its read nor earned any
portion of its land grant. IIo\v then
could it assign to the Southern Pacific
something jwhlch it did not own , and t
which it had no title ? And how could
the Southern Pacific , which never earned
any porticn uf that grant , lay any claim
to it ? Did not the Southern Pacific
state emphatically that it did not
want ni'y land grant but would construct
a road to meet the Texas & Pacific at
Fort Yuma ? Bnt it seems that the
Southern Pacific , which waa pushed vlg
orously , did not atop at Yurna , but was
built into Texas until it mot the Texai &
Pacific , 08 miles beyond the eastern ex
tremity of its unowned land grant. This
forced the Texas & Pacific to "assign" its
unearned ; land grant to the Southern
Pacific , which had cut it off from uslnt ;
the grant unless it thould proceed to
parallel the Southern Pacific. The Texas
& Pacific never performed a single con
dition ni required by the land grant act
and the Southern Pacific did not want
any subsidy. Ib was an off-shoot of the
Central Pacific , and its great generosity
and remarkable enterprlso in
heading off the Texas & Pacific
wore duo to the fact that it wanted to
prevent that road from becoming a com.
petitor of the former the parent com
pany. Bnt the Lincoln Journal , true
to its natural instincts , proceeds to do-
fend this attempted gigantic steal of Mr.
Hnntlngton. It knows well enough that
ho is tlio meat audacious land pirate of
the age , but the Journal prefers to defend -
fend Euch a scoundrel rather than to ad
mit that Senator Van Wyck hai done a
great public service in championing
the movement to forfeit the Texas
and Pacific land grant. The Journal s
whole article is aimed at Senator Van
Wyck. It Is indeed amuting to see to
what depths the editor of that paper will
degrade himself in order to belittle a
man who has achieved a national roputi
tion , and who is receiving the pralao of
the into llgont and untrammelled preis.
The Chicago Times Bays : "On behalf
of the nation , oa behalf of every honest
man and vrotcby woman in a political
society of sixty mi'llonv , The Times
thanks fir it the sanator from Nebraska
( Mr. Van Wyok ) , and secondly the other
senators and roprotcn'atives ' who
have iu gcnd faith , and without
any mental reservation , pronounced
the nitioral veto of the most
bold and Iniquitous attempt at land plri
cy that has scandalised this country. '
Yet the Lincoln Journal calls the efforts
of Socator Van Wyck and his atsDcfa'o '
a "volumo of wind , " and insults
the Intelligence of its render. } by declaring
ing ( hat the Texas & Pacific forfeiture
appears to have tcrrod no other purpose
than to'.qlvo'.souio loud-mouthed ranters an
opportunity to exercise their lung power ,
We would not pay any attention to th
Journal's contemptible flings wore it no
for the fact that we desire to lot the people
plo of tfebriaka Sao what a * spiteful fee
its editor can occasionally make of him-
THE street rail way company has a lobby
at work at Llnco'n againtt the charter
amendment giving the mayor and council
the right by oidinanco to lo ulato the
tlmo and manner of running the street
cars nd heating and cleaning the same
Now it seems to ns eminently proper
that the city should have this right in
view of the fact that the street railway
cccupics the alrotti and enjoys privileges
for which it pats not a cent. All that ia
lo required of the ccmpiny is that It ehall
lo accommodate the public , in keeping with
or all reasonable demands. Wi hout the
la power as contemplated in the amendment
fr.nt the railway company may abuse its privi
nt leges end increase its fare on special oc <
ng caslona as it has frequently done in the
put , Rroitly detrimental to the Interest ts !
and reputation of the city. Not loncj
go the council passed an ordinance M-
quliing HID company to inn its cars until
midnight nnd otherwise regulating the
tlmo of rucnlnp. The company
admitted that the ordinance was not unreasonable -
reasonable , but as n compliance with it
would bavo involved a little extra ex
pense , it did not pny the slightest atten
tion to it , nnd nothing was over done by
the council in regard to the matter as it
was found that it did net have the power
10 enforce the ordinance , a f ct known to
the lallrcad company nnd of which it
took ndvnnlngo. Had tlio company com
plied with that ordinance wo _ vcntuio to
say that the proposed chatter amendment
would novcr have been thought of. The
amendment simply gives the council the
power of enforcing such ordinances ns it
may BOO fit to pass in regard to the regu
lation cf the street railway , nnd wo con
sider it very cheeky , to my the leant , for
the company to attempt tj defeat it.
The Omaha street railway company will
do well to lot well enough alone , and not
tty to imttato the methods that are so
commonly pursued by railway corpora
tions. It Is safe to say that no city conn
011 would over pass an ordinance that
would bo unjust , uiuoaaDiiablo or op
TUB important feature of the sewer
amendment of the city charter ii that
which gives the council power to ro au
thvo cost of sewers already constructed to
the extent of special benefits on the
property in the sewer districts. The law
&s heretofore existing has been declared
by Judge Wnkoly to bo unconstitutional ,
thus leaving the city authorities without
any authority to levy or collect special
taxes for sewers constituted. The pur1
pose cf the amendment is to assess en
the property in the sewer district ! only
the cost of mains , which is generally sit-
Isfastoiy to the paoplo in the several die-
tricto. A few individuals , however , nro
opposing the aimndment , hoping , in the
uvent of success , to thereby escape payment
mont of any porticn of the tax. It is
hoped , however , that they will hosomo
convinced that they are ccting unfairly ,
and that they will wlthdiaw their rppo
aition. It is pretty eafo to cay , however ,
that the amendment will bo passed in
splto of their oppcsition. It is rather
strange that these objectors allow public
improvements io bo begun and ho carried
on to completion without making any ob
jectlcn , but when the work is finished
take advantage of technicalities to escape
taxation for what has been done for their
benefit' It Is fortunate for the city that
such pereons are largely In the minorily :
otherwise Omaha wonld never have been
moro than a mud-hole.
THE prcspects era quite favoriblo for
the passage of a law prohibiting alien
ownership in the territories. The eonato
committee on public lands hai favorably
reported the bill with same amendments ,
providing that aliens must become citizens
If they whh to become landowners in the
territories. Ono of the amendments pro
vldes that no railroad shall hereafter own
lands in the territories except snch as ara
necessiry for their operation and have
been granted by congress , and all such
lands whether acquired before or after
the passage of this act , which are not
necotsiry for the operation of the com
panies shall bo disposed of within ton
years after the bill ii passed , and if not
dlupojcd of shall be forfeited to the Unit
ed States ; and all property acquired in
violation of this aot shall bo forfeited to
the United States. This Is a very healthy
amendment , and the bill as a whole will
meet with general approval at the hand
of the people. If passed , as we think it
will be , it affects the ownership of from
25,000,000 to 30,000,000 acres of land in
the territories that are coir hold by for
eign syndicates and aliens who never in
tend to become citizens cf this country ,
but who propose to establish a system of
absentee landlordism which has caiued ai
much dlssatiafjctlon nnd trouble in En-
rope. These foreigners will either have
to become citizens or convey their lands
to pareous who ate citizens.
WILLIAM O'BniEN , the borco raler ,
who was sntpandcd in the Biitish parlia
ment Tuesday night , Is one of the inoit
remarkable and pugnacious characters de-
vdopad in the Irish nn'ional movement
In rooent years. As editor of United
Ireland , he suffered every imaginable
peraocntion from the officials of Dublin
castle. Ho has boon imprisoned n dozen
times and hit paper confiscated , libe
suits have piled up n sere cf judgments
against him , but with courage undaunted
and backed by generous facade , ho con
tinued to fight during every moment of his
liberty until the castle hoisted the white
flag , Every inch a fighting editor , he
drove from Dublin a sores of Immoia
leeches , who had fastened thenuolvea on
the British establishment In Ireland am
made the castle a hcus3 of prostitution
A vigorous , Gory writer , a man of indom
itable energy and unlimited resource , h
has euraod the dis'inction of being th
first of radical Irith editors to oirry on a
successful war against officials whoe
power to imprison and Bond into oxi !
wai only limited ( o thtir caution in
picking a jury. O'Brien was elected to
the commons over the bitterest cppo-
tlon , nnd United Jrcladn h now l ft
severely alone.
A HILL has been introduced In the
Missouri legislature to abolish wells
w.tbin the limits of the water-works ser
vice of St. Loula. At h'rtt ghnco one
might eupposo this was a move in the In-
torcit of a waterworks company , but this
is not the case , as the waterworks of St ,
Louts are owned and operatad by the
city. The St. Louis Republican rogsrds
this bill , from th& health standpoint , as
_ onaof the most important moasuroiun-
der cocaldeiatitn. There are more foul
wells , more foul ciV.ornr , rcoro foil nnd
overflowing vaultn in St. Louis now thru
there were ia 1800 , when the cholm wna
thoic. These were the meat offic'cnt
moans of pr pigaling nnd spreading the
epidemic , and they will answer the same
bad purpose ngaln if permitted to retrain
and bo used.
THE mombsis of the Michigan horaoof
representatives nro considerably ngilntcd
over nn infernal machine which smo one
placed upon the speaker's deok. The
lujplclons looking box ntlracted Iho nt-
icntlon of the speaker , but ho refused to
ipon it. The senrgont-at-ainu , however ,
( pencil nnd examined It , and found tlio
iontents , to consist of clockwork , a fuse ,
md n tubstnnco resembling n mixture of
Iron filings nnd powder , nnd its oily feeling -
ing suggested that nltro-Rlycerlno hsd
> eon nrixod with it. The probability is
.hht the Infernal machine WAS n harmless
ovlco , arranged by some practical joker ,
rho took this method to intimate to the
cglslaturo thst ( f it docs not adjourn
t might bo blown up. However , jokes
ire getting to bo altogether too common
md are not appreciated , aa people do not
ike to bo frightened nearly to death.
THE rtcjnt reports to the tfiect that
Ira , Heudr.'cks ' , ambition to bo "tho
rat lady cf the land" fcrmcd the basis of
hostility on the part of the Hondrlcks
'arnily towards Joe McDonald , whom
hey did not want in the cabinet , have
cun pronounced by Mr. Hondricks as
bsurd , nnd ho expresses the hope that
ho stories \villnot boanannojnuco toMr.
Cleveland dr the Indies of his family ,
w that this fiction concerning Mrs.
Hciulrlcko' ambition lies been disposed
f , the friends of McDonald co doubt
> rortho raiicrand ontcrlain hopes of his
lovatlon to the cabinet.
SWAIJI seems to bo n sort of elephant
m the hands of the court martial. After
.hrco different attempts to fix hts uen-
once , for conduct prejudicial to gosd or
der and military dlcc'pline , the court im-
ascd upon him the sentence to bo sus
pended fiom rank fcr twelve years and
o forfeit one-half his monthly pay every
month for that period. In other words
wntm has boon retired on half pay.
Th's ' is what wo would call a pretty
oft thing under the cirjurnstar.czs ,
The Enow ia melting along the western
oothille , and the rivers are beginning to fill
heir banks.
Great snow storms on the paeccs and ceaki >
ow make mountain travel a ver.y wearisome
Snow has fallen for forty five days at and
.round Leadvillo. Considerable difficulty is
ow experienced among travelers.
The oil excitement baa reached snch n heat
.hat a company with a heavy capital has been
'ormcd at I'oeosa Sprirgs to sink for It.
Chung Sinpr , a Chinese physician of Pueblo ,
! a beipg tin es ted i almost daily and tried for
radioing medicine .without the necessary
"Coupon Johnny , " alias J. G. Parker , wdl
nown in Omaha in tha early daysof railroad-
ng- , has opened a ticket scalping office in
Not less than n half dozen colonies nro
orrnirg iu eastern states nud will settle in
Colorado. Two will locata on the Platte in
eld county.
Mrs. William , Westfall was adjudged in
sane in the county court A Gipsy fortune
' .ellor told her tbat bur husband , a railway
ngineer , would be killed in on accident that
lay , and the matter so preyed upon her mind
.hat . she lost her reason.
The fruit growers of Northern Colorado
repose to pool their products this coming
prfrijj. They have appomtsd a committee
.o . select a merchant iu Denver who will bavo
ixclualve ealo of berries and other fruits. The
.dvantagea of this course are apparent.
A joung man in Denver wrote to the
ounty cleric of Pitliin county , asking what
ho opening waa for a young man who neither
Jrank. nimk' d _ nor chewed. The clerk re
plied that he didn't know , aa no mich curiosity
had over vititotl tbat camp.
The vigilance of Engineer 1'rank Beatty , of
a pncsengcr tram on the Denver RioGraudo
i woa the train from destruction last weak
iVliilo rounding a curve iu Antrim * cannn the
mgineer aw nn eiiormous avalanche of gnaw
earing down the side of the ( anon ashortdia-
; anco ahead of th train. He reversed the en-
pine at onuo nr.d the train was brought to a
itandatiil onlv a few feet from wlieie the.
'lido ' , n hugo masa of FHOW , treea and atones ,
truck the track , butying it to a depth of
ughteen feet. 3y ! his pioiupt action nut only
many lives , but tha wholu train was saved
'com destruction.
The Georgetown mine owners and raer-
chauta , tired of the exactions uf the rulrorulc ,
uve decided to return to first principles in
rmifloort.iUon. A company , with n capital
if $20,00) , all BubscrlUd , has been formed to
Substitute horse and mule teams to do the
Weighting for two yenrp , beginning
ay 1. It (3 ( intended to make
.bo trip in enudiy by having relays to push
.hroiiRh. This will boat the railroad , as it IH
managed , by two dijB , Ore will be haulrd
to Denver for $3 per ton , nnd return freight io
n' > case to exceed CO cents p > r 1 0 pounds
uch member of this association will giv
: > auds to use this line alone for the tlmo Hpeci-
litd dinregurding any reduction which the
l/rdon Pacific m y rcime. They are alen
pledged to boycott the tnllroad by using theli
nfluenco to prevent it doing any business in
the county.
Montana has thirty-one newspapers.
A letter from Butte Bays that the outlook
there wai never co discouraging as at
Two new Preabyterlan churches have been
organized in Montana oinco the Presbytery
et last year.
The owners of the Mountain Belle mine , in
Mo gher county , are sacking $40,100 worth of
high grade ore fur shipment cast.
Public moetlniis have been held in usvera !
towns to work up sentiment in favor of the
p'asiage of the null-gambling bill now before
the legislature ,
Tbti Cleopatra mine ; of the Ifccla company
U looking wol ) , with a fine bady of ere in
sight In addition the company ban nearly
8100,000 worth of ore in tha b'ns at their
smelter at Gloidalo.
The bounty law erst the territorial treasury
nearly Sl'/.OOO paid for ecalpaof wild onlmals
during 1881 , Iherawero killed during the
yeiir 44" beam , M3 mounUIn lions , fi,4li
wolves and 1 Oil coyotes. There are plenty
left in Montana yet.
In Mragher county th're are twenty-ore
orgamzid fchool disirlcts , end twenty three
HclioolH t&ugH Ihgie are 080 males of echuo ;
ago and 017 ferraloi. of which 258 males at
tend school , and 213 f < males. The total money
received from nli iourcea the year wa
S15.J31 05.
The democratic administration of state
tTdlru slfrniiiwl itielf with a deficiency c
SU6(00 ( , hich tha legi.lature has been called
upon to make up.
Sutler county ban an abandoned echoolhousa
that is haunted by _ uponic , which persists Ir
throwing up tbo windows , though they may
bo closed fifty times a day.
Modesto h four-lfgged rooster. It puU
on more alra than any other chlckun on the
ranch , ami trnts aronntl amo'nff the quadtn.
The Atlantic nrtl ] 'Alfi0 ndlroAd company
have olTorid $ : .0.000 . for l.ltidmi 1'ark iu Ixn
Angelo. , for a depot st ! . The name prop
v'i'xyar ' BCI > , was offered for s lo * t
Thei prospective \lneynril planting in Liver ,
moio Vclley year nhows mi : rcngo of
35 acres. This will undoubtedly bo increased
to 1 000 nnd perhaps 1,100 , thould the season
continue as auspicious
The Stanton creamery will ttart tip March
Wayns extracts cold comfort from coal and
wooJ thiovcf.
The last $ (0.000 ( of Lincoln's water bonds
have been sold.
Andy Wyman , of Civil Bend , dropped his
thumb on a buzz saw the other thy.
* * The B. & M. will erect automatic gattson
the streets crossing the track iu Lincoln.
Lincoln lias lot the contract for a now brick
and stone school building of eight rooms
ItfxM each.
The residence of 0. W. Carmine nosr Klh
Crock burned last week. It was painted red
and insured for $1,000.
0. B. Pryor , n farmer near Weeping Water ,
haii been jailed at Platttmouth for disposing
of fiftyli\o mortgaged sheep ,
Plattsmouth's greatest want the present day
in a number of coirfortnblo tenuraent houses.
The demand exceeds the supply.
W , 1Hawn , of JPoncn , Neb. , is trying to
lecuro the privilege of < n orating n.fcrry across
the Miisouri , at Elk Point , Dak , next sum
mer ,
The now town of Cozad lies under the 100th
degree of west longitude , nt d plumes itself ns
jolrift tlio center of ono of the bunt corn-grow
ng districts nnywhoro to bo found ,
The Indians of the Snntoo reservation nro
said to hiuo already niado their selection * ,
vhicli are almost wholly confined to. the
northern part along the river bottoms.
O'Neill boasts of nn cx-Irlih convict under
.ha coercion act uomcd Thomas Jlnyct , whoso
'inirtHCti months' of iuipriKonmeut In British
ails ha * rentiers ! him extremely bitter to
wards all things Uoglish.
A stata oratorical association has brcn
'orrnoil at Lincoln composed of student ! ofdif
'trent colleges. The first ppouting match will
bo bold at Hastings , the third Wednesday m
Lincoln court ) hnd nn oulraro case last
wrek , timllar to that for which the Mexican
I'fldillo was lynched near ( Jiete. Twounhunjj
jiutin , ftldoil liy n fimule procurer , outraged
nud mutilated a girl of fourteen.
The North Loup , known for fifty yoirs ami
moio os the \oiy center of the gruat .American
ieccrt , piiiiluctil sain ? of the best coin grown
n tha tints last fceifon : , nnd the prosptCiH for
rapid BtttlernoLt next epting are very Hat
ter leg.
Lincoln is all run down at the hcola over
jesting links. It ia only n couple of months
eiuco n LOW SID,0(0 rink was opened there ,
xud now ( mother 210 feet long nnd 01 feel
\vidi ia to 1)3 built. It will bo the finest weal
of Ghtoigo.
Bolivnr Flood , n fakir of Castilllnn oxtrac-
iiou , grabbed a coat in a clothing house in Klk
Orcok end ran fur shelter. City Morsbal Hal-
varatndt soon cells red the thief and landed
jlru In court. Tha judgu fined him $50 nnd
c-at , and nhilo handing tha marshal his Bharo
of the swag gently whispered , "Halveriitadl
for high ? "
The Sherman county Times thus * whoops
the county Boat ; " 'f hero wan i'sued from
iho postoffice In Loup City , Nebraska , dur
ing the year 18 1 , money orders to the aggregate -
gate value of § 14,141,40 ; paid out on money
orders drawu on same oflice , 55,83'J 03 ; fees
received for orders issued , § S .88. t > C8tal
notes were issued amounting to Sli93.77 ! ; fees
received on sainu , S18.-15. What better proof
a needed to mtka it pltiin tlnr Loup City is
a lively business centreV With two banks ,
one reporting us as doing about 814,000 per
month , this is indeed a splendid showing , "
A TrciriCHdoub 1'owor.
Jhicago News.
We see that the HOD. Chuich Hoe ,
of Nebraokn , Las succeeds d in defeating
the no-called railioid bill , n piece of legls-
ation cocctivod ia the interest of the
granger clement cf Mr. Howe's state.
1'iioro can bo no doubt that Mr. Howe is
n tremendous power in Kcbriiku , but
vhonhe undertook lo lift Tcncieiseo nnd
Louisiana over into tlia rapubllcan parly
"oat foil ho could find no spot on which
o rest his lever.
rpIIE Great Balsimlo Dlstlllat.oo
JL of Witch-Hazel , American
I'ine , Canuia FirSlarlgold , Closer ,
Blossom ? , cto , called SANFOIID'S
RADICAL CUKKfor tlio Immediate
relief and perrnantnt cure of every
form of Cutarih , from a slmpl !
Cold In the Heal to tot > s of Smell.
Taste and Hearing , Cough and
Catarrhai Consumption , Complete
treatnenr , conslstlrgof one bottle Cute , one box Catarrhai
Soltuntand one Improved Inhaler ,
In one package , may now bo had of
all D.unl-t9 for 81.10. Ask for
Complete Treatment with Inhaler ]
"The only absolute epcciflo we know ol" Sled.
Tlmoc. 'Thobmtwo ha\e found In a lifetime of
sutlcrlng" llev. Dr. Wlguln , B ( ston. "After a long
tru vlb with Cafrrii the ItADiCAr , CL'KH baa con-
pj r jd" Rev. 8. W , Jtrnroo , tcwisburgh , Pa. "I
ia\e not found n case it did riot relieve at once. "
Andrew Lee , Jlanchoutcr , llasa.
Potter Drug and Chemical Co. , Boston.
For the relief and prevention
the Instant it la applied , of Rheu
matism , Neuralgia. Sciatica ,
Coughs , Coida , Weak Back , Stom- , nnd Uowcla , Shooting
Pains , Numbneua , Hysteria , Fe
male Pains , 1'alpltatlon , Dyapep-
eia , Liver Coujplalnt , Blll-Ut
Fever , Malaria , and Epldemlca.
use Collin's Plasters ( an Electric
Battery combined with a Purouj
Plaetor ) and laugh at palri 2Si
iftNa HI Linen , BOTH
Lln'ngs ' AND Exteriors.
Aakrbr thazn
Dakota , January 12 , 1885 , ;
Sealed proposals ID triplicate lidor > ed , propoeali
for the erection of one WetelMltht and Carp ntei
shop , one harness , slice and uUnllaneoui ahopi ,
one slaughter bouset > o wagon and storage thods ,
one luku house and cellar , at this agrii y and direct
eil t j thu undcri'gned , care cf Chief Quartermaster
department , of the I Utto.Omtba Neb , will be re
ceived uotl 18 tn , Saturday , February II , I85
Plans and specifications can bo ixtinlocd lo tht
n < Tro of the o icf quarte'-n aster , deiartcont of the
riitto , Omaha , Neb , thu "Uter Ocean" Chlcajto , 111
and the "Journal" kt Karma i City , Ilo ,
Contract will bo awarded to tbe lowest responsible
bidder , subject th tin approval of tbe department o
the Inferior ,
1 be rUbt , however , la reserved to reject any acd
all , or anv part of any bid , if detmcd ( ji tha boot In
f roiH It inubt State length ot time required foi
competition of hulldhx f'ter ' approval of or ntract
an1 innet be tcoompilned by a cortlduil check upon
UJiuo United bUtus Depository , tayable to the order
ot tha 'unt crslguod , for at least five ( i
i > crceat ol the amount "f the propoial , hi.h check
thall be foilti'o I to the United btaU iu case of an )
blidcr rccei\lnj \ the a w nlj li ll Ml to execute
promptly a contract with good > nd nutSclenl securl
tic , aocorduiis to t et rm othi * lid , cthervvUe to
bo ieturne.1 to the bidder.
fet further l t > rmat on a/ldrcas the undere'gnea '
at Pine Rl'ifte Agency , Dikot *
Ttoundanlkncd will will U ) ai I'axton Houw ,
Otiaha , Nib. , b > tbe mojnloi ; ol Friday ,
n issd.
Jaa.tO-Jvca U. S , Indian AJM
° , 9 -v' " K nmMT i7ir r
A nanclil oatclntige 16.8 I atnam. SZ-inlp
OMY : T.OANGC J. T. n < tiyio n
; iroitity | , SI3S. 14th st , upitkltii.
> rd ( ccurltj by Uallon Hro ,
< 17 South ISIh St. 370-Sfl
] V I ONKT TO LOAN I h o money to IOMI on Im.
lil | rovnlcl'y ' property. In toy amounts to tult ,
t rc < oti Uo talcs W. II. Motl-cr , 14C * Farc m tl. ,
ovtr JIOTSf'd hc Store. B53tl
. In eumjcl tkXI n,1 upwuril.
O. F. Paris Mill Co. , lUil Eitntu unil Lot
Agents , 1(06 Ftrram St. CC7-II
ONKV lo&nod on ch W . lUllroad Tickets
tonghl anil ioM. . Fciocnn , ! 1J s. 18th
V\7AKTRn , \ Rood K tl to ilo gontrM housework.
V > 710310th at. SOI-4p
\VTAI.TKt > By peed Ornmn girl a place for
I ? second or eoneial IK use work Iu n tmMl fa-nlly ,
1010 Howard St 871-25p
A1TANTKD - A Ore dm roller maker to whom
cmplojnient will bo ( jlvrn. yromnnt
Foundry ftiul JUchlnoICn. , Fremont , Nebr. 2S1-2
WANTED A nrd cl s ll\o IntMtuto nvtciman
ono whohi9 li J oxrcrltncc , nn tther but
ll\c , vMo avtakotnin need > niy ) ; M. K. ll ttln.
88SII _ _ _ _ _
AMTKD A Bill'or gen'rM housework. Apply
ply 113 north 10thSt. Mrs. III ) . C05-20t >
\A7ANTKD-Oltl for hou o ork ; family cf two ;
Jlra. K. Blcgharo , 3d house W. a 16th fit , , S
I.cavcnnotth SC3 25p
YX7ANTED A first CM ! blaok smith , to > rm
V > gocd w coaand ftciuly oirplnymtni lll bo
clven. AOdress Fremont Toundry .V Machlno 0 . ,
Trunont , Neh. 350 tf
T/tl ) A | ? lrl to doconerat housework , oook-
Iriu , washing and Ironlur ; al'o a second Rlrl to
do up stairs wotk and t.tko cure ol a h ttiy , In a imall
family. Incnoipct9lit RliU teed hot npb'COS
23d et , 4lh house from t rtnm. 319 25
A \7ANTnD Immediately , two eihanlzoil Iron
V > wcrkcrs , at the UiiUn Suck Yards , ( hnaba.
AN IEP A flr t claisbHuk book forwarder at
W C , \Vbltnoj > , IWl Farnaii t S61-25
r'ANTKD A god girl nl llth and Eavonpott
> A.0aroy. 34lit
ANTED Chamlcrmald at Ii. Chailcu hoUI.
W 317tf !
fAM 1ID A D Itl f' r general houto * ork. Mr j.
V R.H. Wilbur , C31 le s nt St. 313tf
iroots ( for our new boc.k , good pate \
to workers Call or adJroca Oeo. Iluutcr , 1812
Butt St , Omaha Neb. 1 5-ni 4p
ANT1ID OooJ lite BOllcltots Address Mutual
W Wall Insurance Co. , Stw tt Neb. fSS-l
) - t Uorwhol48 lahonsc
WANTU-8ltuitlimlnr > f 22 ; three joais bus
Incsi experience ; tal y not so much an object n
acoodplaco v > ltlirroi"i-ctsi f a future ; roffrrnrci
as lo honutr. Address K E. , Rco office. 373 25p
IANTEL Situation lot a oook. utrbtly temper
W ate. Address IX , lice olllco. SSl-SBp
* CUDR m.Mrled roxn wants oiluatlon aa book
A kecpur , In wholesale c.oUblehmcnt In Omaha.
Addrru ' 'O. " care Be . 89H. f
Situation , by a tc'pcctnh'o vcurc
WANTED n wliolctaloot retail Brocerhnd ; 11 no
} can oxnorlcDco in cgland Jts. I. ( Iros\ouor.
3SO 2 , ' > i >
WANTK1J n > to yonnK ladles , both
fnthocltvto tuako the acrualntai | ce cf t\\n
pentlcuifn f means. Addresa "blonde & nrunetto'
city. Object , u | Icmant time. 378 20p
WANTED A purchas-r. I hvo tn cttablUhcil
butlncsa in umaha ( aint : over 3 01 per
month which Iwill srllmrSt 0 C use for sillinj , '
dckuoh * ; ill luara'ojist IincsHgntlon AdtlrfsiJ.
H. , Ito cilice. 47D-2po&o
UFNT Ono latpn unfurnished front room ;
desirable 1 scatlon. N.M liooollljo. Sfll-20p
"VT7"AN'IED losillaco.Iectlon of < I1 U S. and
V foreign coins , CLtap. 0. A. Hogo's. 810 N
14th St. , c.ty. 3l5-2Sp
E\cry lidy In nted of aso-ingma.
WANTKD to see thonuw Imprmnd Arenicin No.
7. P. K. Hodnnn & Co. , agtuta ; 203 N Ifllh. 343(1 (
A pcntleman room mate to bra-il In
WANTED family ; roftrenccs tcquirod. Addnm
C. A.HOJ ofllco.
17ANTKD Ladles and gtntl-mon to take nice ,
. T I Ight , pleasant work at thtlr own hr.mea . ( dis
tance no object on ) ; wotkeent by mall ; $ 'to $5 a
day can bo nuleilv made ; no nanvassmg I'loiroad-
dreeB at onciRillablj Man'fg Co. , I'hiUdclphia.
1'a. Box 1603. 250-28p
\ \ ANTED Ladlia atd gentlemen In city or coun-
W try to take light work at their on huao. $3 to
$4 a dav easily made ; wcrk rent by mall ; no canvasa-
Ing W o bae good demand for our work and f urnmh
steady omplosmont. Address with stamp. Oil jWN
M'F'G. COUFAAY. 281 Vine gt , Cincinnati , Ohio.
113 m4p
Agcnta to work for the Western Mutual
tual Benevolent Association , of Beatrice , * eb.
Cash capital $100,100 , paid up iu full. 1 hose desiring
agenclca In Eajtorn Nor raska or Wo tern Iowa ,
should address C , A. Wootloy , No 1222 Fainam st ,
Omaha , Neb. , or Oliver C. Eabin , Hoo'y , Beatrice ,
Neb. To good nzenta , men or < vomon , a liboial
compensation will bo paid. Company la po-opcra-
tlveluplan , eafo , reliable and cheap , and oa y to
work. 800-122
TOH RENT Small bouso good location with r
J1 witnout furniture. Balku Bioa. , 317 R 13th
St. S09 20
FOR RENT Aspl ndid corner store en Cumlrp
St , , 22x60 bultaMo for grnnory or any othei I in
Ircsa , also an ohgtnt light taiemorfne bl > tk from
Post olllco good Ivcatton for ba < hcr thoj ) or any
other light business lloifoi-lnu ner. 347-27
\ "ENT Cigar store furnltuie for sale , ocr.
B\OR bt. , 1202 lodgu bt 1)18 ) 21 p
a RENT A ftur room house , with cclhr ,
closets and out M'clit'n ; $ IB.Cu pcrmontb. K.-
qulro 8i3N Utut. P. J. Crcidon 8l7tf
) ENT-Sovtrel iniill cottato. In dltteton
jarts of the city. AlaootoUrgu loomori 2il
llosr. BarKor'a bl.'Ok 16th and rarnun , a'"ln Blifp-
Inir room en 3d Hour. C. E. AiOjne , S W I5th nJ
rarnam. 333 28
OH RENr-Cottjgont 1718 DoJ o Etrott.
F 271tf
PENT Store on Ciimmlcga Ft. , with rooms
FOR family. J , Kline , 1318 Douglas ( it. ZuB-mll
' New buck lious11 rooms , modern
improvement * , No. tU N , 22d : . Itqulro 2118
California Bt 167tf
R R NT-New cottage , 6 rooms , J. Ptlpjw Roe ,
1512 S. . -
RENT Nice ( J room cottage comet 24th am )
FOR strict. Apj-ly to K. B , Chapman ,
1217 Howard 3t 893-tf
RENT A new lcht room house. Knqulroof
IriOR E. lloddle , Da > etioit | and Chi ago -
go sta.
IOR KENT Iiirulbbed r. cm Iiqu roof J. I ! .
Wilbur , Omaba I aviiics Uank. 376 tl
Nicely furnished frcntiocm ; Itcatlon
excellent , at 1418 Howard it. 207-2p !
710R IU NT-6 rooms over store. H. ilcJIsnua ,
F nit N mil , st 38627
7OR KENT Fumlthed front reom IOC 1 f rnam.
.1 38127p
HEAT Uufuiulshcd looms , 1C17 Chlcaao st
FOll 312-24p
RENT Furnished or unlnrnl hed room- and
FOR niture for taU , at S W c r 18lh acd Uud ut.
HE.STJilce'y furrithe-1 room with boaid
' lor ono CT two gcnlleacn , 101S Fsrnam. 33UI
IBKTA nicely turn thcd front parlor with
FOll IrrproveDcnl * for grniUmau ard wife ,
tiist-o'a's tah'o bond , 20(9 O m H 3i& II
RENT FumUhed Iron' rcom , UOl'aciac kt
FOR 83J-lf.i |
RUNT A unite of very drilrabla Iu tUhfd
FOR rootts , H E cor Chicago au "l > th uti. riue (
block from red oirlUu. 3l.-2Bji
ilK.NT I'wnUhod IKOUH , KB , N 18f t.
FOR ) > 22 27p
Ill T Furulthcdlloomwltu board 603 N.
Foil . BM-M
KENT Kuiiileti-'d and uuluri lihrd room * ,
1 with h ard. UoUl , Cai'itol ' avc. and 13th tt. Mr *
L. W Ilald. 319 > oar VD
IOKUENT furcbhrdlrcut room with tty win
F duw , trick hocb i vtltb UirJ , CC6N
S19 iif
" | ? OR RKT Hilte cf ttrnlrtr < l rocnu. Hit ( "Ul
.I1 totnlan. llt _ A. OM.twooJ. 170 tf
1 011 IlKNT-Two wifmrilshtd roomssinUMofor
I iKht housekeeping , lictmti's Uixk.eor. 8 h and
IIOWAfll ft * , * *
] Pt (
7J\01l IlKNT-Nlccly furnished looms at 1719 CMS
-4 " '
- lout
ROOM TO LKT-KnquIn drug ttotc , cor. , 10th
att bonglM , - - -
T > 99\tS \ Wfh ! N"uJ- or winter. Apply
JLVat Bt. Chaile n tel . 93o'\l \
ITIOH UKNT-rot light houselpermc , two room * ,
A1 furnished for that purpofc , 8. W. cor Pth and
"I Oll IlKNT Furnlfhctl rootna at 1810 Dcnliro st.
FOR RKNT Two elegant rooms In Ucdlck'n blook ,
Vaulcon A Co. , 1611 Farnam. 041-tf
lj < OR SAIiK A second hand sewloir machine rheap
J ? for cash , In lulrc at Pee olllco. 370-tf
I poll SAM : Second haml ten hotfo fnwcr , up.
right heller and onclno ; In good condition , low
* J ? > , , chM < 8 > 1 > oor' 1M 81111'sl Oinahft , Nob.
SST't i
OU SAI.VThree story bulMinc on the heit cor
J.1 nerlot In Bchutltr , oupo.lto 1'ostolliooj first
class location lor nnyMml of tuslnrn ; rents f rXX >
pet ye r Tile * ro.soluble ; at * ? tcrini ; for nat-
tlcularsaddrtss , II. a UlissSchuy cr.Nob. SfS4p
il PAtr. Oil i\CIIANOK-Vor : RV.l latm luid
ln obI kftOr \ i a , a Rtnetal stock ol trier-
.K Jf. , l0. . UoxS ) , lsiex. ! I .
E > OHIIKNT-A K exl htlekjard. Ai | | > lV at Me-
Ca uullioi. , utp. I'orttllleo. ' 3 7-S | > .
71011 SAIII-Onrottaito kill , two Ilrst-etnM cot.
1 } tipcs , PIIO of cl ht roornii anil imo t n o , Tfo
httcr lurnlsliod rc dy tor homo keeiihiK , heallMul
locatlOH nnd a iloslrab o nolghboihooa. .imulio 2125
353-i3p !
T.lOll SALII-Coiricr let neat IIHIo Inuse , South
1 Omaha$70' , 8 Uli > nmdS10 | > rr month. C
K. Mi > ) n > , a W. cointr IMh ami tarimm. 8M-SS
I port SAin AfoTtilco lo's ' In Wilcox addition.
'koarltuttll a chfnp uu monthly pauiionK C
K. Ma\ne , Uthaud I'urnam. S87-25
17(011 ( SALh-Ilikoty a d flxtutM In rotaurant for
Bjlc.only lakity In clt > ol Ilo'diego. Addices
Win. H Jaym , H IdrfBc , Hob. WB.Srn
I OllHAH ! IB ivcren chnl olpiul , 4 uulcn from
Albion , Neb , , ? 6 acres liril-o , iruio huuii-fia ; 50
jicracro Adonsilt K. Cornon , Omaha. 345-arip
J , ' Oil SAMI'lirnllurr ! , llocdlnp , Stcvc , ( Jmens-
arp , and i\eijthlnK neo ls ty f-r housoVccp-
I ' , r.t16 ( I.cucUHcrthst. Chtap. Jlouto or irut
If nntcd 33' 2in
BALK Vcty cheap , D pool table. PuclQo
1 Home , 10lh uud liivcnrort 80 2Sp
F'ORSAU : Oil HUNT A Rcncral 9turalna llv
Nd'ra l < itoMi ilnlni ; allrntciiM luslnrM. Con *
elftscf apooil ctirkof Krocotlo * , h.rtn . i iul rhoej ,
o oakery anil o\crjthlri ( ; romieclcd wlih a tint o'as
Krcceri and phoo ttoro , IVr imtltularsaddicss "I. .
11 A. " Dee ollloe. 337-7pj
iriOH SALlia i acrofatm , Imptovcd or will trade
1 lor oltv propcily or suck , toou M. M I'a rlsh ,
1'jpll i n , KOD. SSfl.SSp
FOIt SALK A peed Inmily horeo burev a"d har-
nea * Inqul o SOI2 i lupios a . F. A K.'s. 333-S8p
I / aiiHof:8 S rc * , 6 mll04 noith wt
I1 o' ' North Un-d , 160 ncrea unilor iul halloo , r.J
m'lcsof ' Iho wllow ( Ct , ono irlloofnhlch la sclul
horga8)cars old , Sinlhsof wlin forieo , IntloflnR
pts uro crmcad w ncarlv allsonlcd to tame pn s.
Uarn < Sx50 foci , cilbiu K tar 2,00 buahola of corn , S
good co r ls , 1 wind mill , ard Swcllm.f water , 1
grMiaiy IfxSO foot , a house 10x24 feet , v Itn laso-
mo' t undircntltnliouse , Ptlca $20 piracrc ; half
doun , balance on tlu o to cult ( urclmtir. Knijulro at
1'LAir. i Ill'c , or of Vf. II. Yaw , fsoith Bind.Aeb.
FOll SALE CUKM'-Ono clccant cft-uiDcr eel ,
former cost ? One rcgulttor clock ,
one i uarly uow Knabo Piano , two gold framed
nlcturis , uio homo , liamco' > nd phactcn , one
ualla Fafo , small site , one beautiful china coffee
Bet. Also a lirgo ice tex , Inquire 1010 IK-iko St.
FOll SALEDilck hruso , coniatnirR 10 locma ,
born and itab.'o , nud ncco caiy outhouses , In
IS ) h st. Auily to EcliBi. Iloaatd , Cor. 16th and
DedjO sin. 316. 7
i OR SALn Wallpaper bublncss , euall stoclt of
1 pa ) or Su9 north 16lh HI. 2i7-28p
poll SALE Cheap Two counters and 45 eet
1 shelling , at IRthaLd Howard. J , II. Spotman.
290 2flp
FOR SALF Atn ( Treat bargain , for not rash , a stork or mcrcha'iUse , o-nslstliiR of a
cho'colluu or Dry Ocoilf , Clollilrj , ' . Uootn , hoes ,
Ila's , Cape , etc. , etc. IMs cntlro stork mutt bo
Id at once to satisfy ( lilc.n mjolnft It. For partlcu-
la , ajij ly to Jacoa ilclz , FtllsC.ty , Neb. Feb. 17th
1836. 302 Sflp
yiOR SALE Oil KXCIIANQE-At 910 pv < &aru. al
J. ' orpattof two thousand aoicH of timber land
forty miles cast of Kansas City , wll exchange lei
Nbr&aka Uud or merchandise. liedfoid , Souor b
Da la . 814tf
FOR S i IESclliriK of at erst and atcro fixtures fcr
eale at No mo South 10th Street , Omkba , Neb.
S. L. Schwattz , piop. 246-2ep
FOR SALE Stock and fixtures ono cf the host
saloocsln therlty. Possession given the fl ek
of pill. UoasonBforecliliig , ill health. Addrcoi
"X. Yf , " Bee olllco. 182tf
FOR SALE Oil TRADE For Improved land , a
good 2 toty store , property inVj no , Neb. A
residence , barn , 2 lota til Allcrton Iowa , and 2 good
< rgu Nonaan etalltona. AUdrcsi O. D , Dlraral
Walnut , Pott Co , Iowa. 173uiDp
Fn 11 SAI.K A good ptyipg siloon with first clan
lonch counter and > cataurant attached , A bar
cam. 8. Trcttlcr , 203 South 13th St , 102-tf
. OU SAtE Or exchange a full stock cf clothlnc
1 boots and shoes , gent' futnlshlnggoods , will ex
chtngo ( or NotriHkn Laiida. U. ll.i'ctor vnS01 S.
10th St. , Omaha , cb. 155-tf
FOR SALE 120 acrei of butt farm lands In Wanh.
iiiBton county , Nrb ; 2k miloi from Herman ;
8 mlloa from Dlalr. Mill cither sell for cash or will
trade fur hou o In Omaha , It ljujer will take up
somonotoi ou long tlmo. Tie whole latul tinder
iiiltUatlim Address Joa. Kolowiatek , No. 131 ! B
13th fct , Omaha , Neb. 001-tf
FORSAI.VI-Chcap one half acre In north Omaha.
Address X. Y. / Boo olfico. 54(11 (
F OIl SALK 200 tons lelittcd hay at Elkliornbta
tlon , pilco f 2,00 per ton. Apply to Win IIoiin ] > r
Klk horn. (62-lmp
FOll fULE A tco ; < l pajlng hnpl rncnt business
well 'ocatcd and c.tuhllslaxl In tlirhlug town on
B. & U. R. R In Nbb. h\rrythirir rcany to etep
rleht Into gond trade. Only modoiato capital re *
ipjirtd. Addrem "X. V. " lice ottlcv , 012-fth 28p
T710H BALK 66x105 fo t ou Cumin ) ; utrcet S blocks
X1 west of llllltary bridge , 81,000. John UMcCagus
ujiposlto i'ott olllce. 03I-tf
FOR BALK 182x124 feet on corner , iouth-eul
fror t , house S rooms , barn , S blocks west o
Park nve. and Loavenwortb , easy payments , cheap
$1,700 , John L. McCuKUe , upposltol'oat Offlco. 047-1
B AIiKDHAV Ooodquality , Icvvojt piloo. T. 8.
' -.Nob. 118-tn4p
T7IOH SALE OK K.XO"ANaE For itock ot dry
JL' goodi 1380 acrcitock tatiDh , plenty hay land , cruet
runs through nitlro tiait. ( i ° d liulldliKB , ccrralla
cto . on'y ' 4 miles Irotu thrlv ng rallrrad ( own , one of
lh bout and m < at convenient imcheB in central Neh ,
AppI ] to ttio Noith Ixiup Uanklng Co. , North lonp ,
Nub. 14-6
MRS K. M. HOOPKR , olalrvo > arit and tranrn
medium can bo KuuU at N. W. uorner 21th acil
Ca ) str els , riour 11 a. in. lo 0 p. m 374-ruM
- wtek o > north ISttibt.
' The uviritrian raveu ma hi cillliir at HIS N.
20th St. F. II , W IliUKlurt. 372-26
PUMI'H > ll kind * of pumrii fnr tale or repaired"
Addrihd J. J , JIoLaln , 1011 Bauudors Kt.
rpl ) K.\CIIAKJK-Hto8 > 8 el gooda and imrhan.
J. dmefor land , lwpro\edcruiilmpioted Cbaa 1L
Woclluy , room 20 , ( .icaba atlou | l ) r K , Ouiaha ,
Nub. tuiuarl
rrMt KXCIIANQK Iniprovudfarmland w'ldlandta '
JL trade > r siosks.f n crrba , dltoor Oaalu city
proper y Chas It. Woolly , roam 20 , Ona o hatlona ,
ban v , Omaha , Neb 300narl9
vaults , ttnki and cersi > ooU cleaned it th
thoruitiotc andtt any tine of Ibo day , In an
.utlrrlyord.rl . M av without the least molcoUtlon
to ooeupanu or iielifhborj , ltti our Improved and
odorltM apjiaiatut. A. KvanibCo. , 911 Capital ave.
At th old itand 1417/arnuu 8U Order * by UI -