HE OMAHA DAILY BEE. FOURTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. , THURSDAY MORNING , FEBRUARY 2G , 1885. NO , OUR LEGISLATURE. The Regular Grist of LiccJln Legls- latire Wisflom , The House Passes Several Bills ol Minor Importanoo. Senators Give Their Views on the Double Deck Oar Bill , And Branch Off on Ohuroh Howe's ' Poker Deck , The Senate Caucus Wrangling Over the Ohartor Amendment ) A Btrcot Cur Lobby i\ro Working AgnltiHt tlio Ainondiiicnts tluxt Affect Their Interests. THE SENATE. Special CorrosiKjndcnco to tha BEE. LINCOLN , February 25 , Contrary to expoc' ' tation , the raltwuy commerce bill did not coma up in the morning session of the senate. Ordinary routine basinets occupied most of the time. ° Ono bill was Introduced by Senator McAl < lister. It provides that the addition to any county seat bs a part of the county seat. The object of the bill is not apparent and nt this late day it in not probable It will bo heard of ngam. i Two bills wore put upon their passage. One provides that conutio ) which have suspended the herd law , may , by n majority vote , return to it again. Tne other provides for the adop tion of children in the homo ior the friend- lea ! . Some correspondence between Congressman Xiairdand Commissioner Loriog was read. It lias special beating on the hog epidemic now prevailing in many portions of Nebraska and wits referred to the appropriation committee. On motion of denitor McAllfster the nen- nto went into committee of the whole to con- eider HOUBO Itoll 115. This was the bill brought up yesterday and postponed by gen eral consent. It provides for double deck cars wherever demanded. Senator Hastings , Tobo Cast or'a proxy , who eaid ho had talked with some railread men einco last evening , opposed the bill on the grounds that it worked an injustice to .tho companies , they being unable to make a re turn haul in such cars Senator Skinner said the charges now for hauling sheep , for which double dock cam were intended , were much less than for other stock. Senator Burr wanted to know if they in tended limiting the charge for a double dock to the same aa a single deolr , and why no bill was Introduced to make 80,1)0. ) ) pouudd of coal M load instead of 80,000. Senator McAllister roi lied'by Baying the companies now charged for hauling 20,01)0 ) poundi ) of atf-ck , and if it was cheep only 8,0 0 pounds could bo crowded into a car. In some parts of the state double daoV card are aheady furnished and he WAnt.nl the matter equalized. Senator SOWLTJ , 15. & , M. , surgeon , said ha had talked with atnno of hij constituent-i who were strippers and they hid condemed tliH bill as weak and inoperative. Senator Paul ( .aid ha would favor the bill if a ratn bill had beun passed but under the circurust iicej the vote for double deck cars would 1)3 incicased. Senator Meikeljohn was nurpris d at tha opposition. The Dill wan inti tided to equalize matters aud compel roads to ftuiiMi all with convenient car * aa well us a soled few. Senator Soivorn slid it wa a mistake that any road in this state now furuiehed nich cars , The double declca wura put in by chip- , peH thomnelvoj. Scnitor LIciwo said it was n malicious bill as it ( javo uny man whom the roads refused the right to liave the companies fined. He could .nOI sea the advantage of forcing eucli bills belaro the lugUlaturo and thinked God that them was a conservative end to the Icftia laturo whose wild schemes could bo sup pressed. Senator MoAlHito1 wanted to know what the Nomaim oenator constituent thought ol his course. Mr. Howe said tbo fact that this was his fifth term uud bis last majority was 700 was an oUdonco , and then twitted Senator McAllister with hu baio majority ofnina votes. The motion to recommend the bill for pas sage was loit by a vote of II to 10. Honator Day then called up senate bill 5 , ' This it church HowoV gambling bill and has been the butt of many a joke After .man ) j'osU li < l foaen made on the bill and Its Introducer ducor , the point of order was ruisod that i' could not boo insider jd when the committee liad cat to consider but one bill. This pain : was sustained and the commlttco ro a nu d re pcrtod. 'I ho ayes and noes wore called on th ( report of the committee in order to put thi eciutors on record nu the double dock c * bill. These voting aya wore those who fa vored an Indefinite postponement uf the bill nui wore Buckworth , Burr , Cherry , Clark Ualan , Uurland , JCimel , J'lhon , Goohner HMtJngs , llowo , Ilowell , Ilyurt , liawia , Love Metr , > 'oirl , Paul , Skinner , Sucll. Sewers am ) Hpencer. Voting 110 Brown , Day , Me Allletor. McShano. Meikeljohn , Mills , Put nam , Sherwin , Skinner , Smith oi Lan caster And Smith of Fillmore. Afternoon Hcaslon , Special Telegram to THE BKZ. LINCOLN , February 2i , Senator McShan having dincavered tbo proposed charter am endment bill clashes with the present law , i meeting of the Douglas delegation and citi zens is belli ; ; held to discuss the amendment CTheMoArdleiuaendmentaiid makiugtho mar t&al elective i under advisement. Itiichuiua tiUut Attorney Cornell lias drawn up provi ilc'ca not aiithorired by tha council , board o t ado , or citUans ju OAUCIH. It U surmise * th t Aha bill will bo settled in the senate. Th cauciu is A nuiiy one , and at this hour ( mid night ) they are till wrangling , McArdlu I too onjjr autonteu. A street car lobby ii present to work again * the cLorior amendiuenti that affect * their in teresU tv tbo matter of heating cars. At last the railrondi hnvodrUoa tha lena tors into nacslng railroad commission bill The entire ufternoon session waa spent In thi commlttea of thu v'bole discussing tins bill ( Ssiiato I'Me IHT ) . an1) in enjeayors to ameni it 89 as to mats it of vulii9. Hanator MeAl llntor'a amendment that tha commission should make a schedule of rates , to t ko ef fect August 1st , w visoronsly discutsed nnd defeated. The tame arguments were used on it M on the tate rate bill. Every senotoi who ever talks aired bis knowledge to-day , much to the edification of the crowded gal lery and large lobby. The bill was finally it-commended to pass , ncd on report of tbo committee another effort waa rondo to Itueit the McAllister amendment In order to record the vota on it. Thoflo favoring tha Amendment were Brown , DAT , Uowoll , McAllister , Mclklejohn , Mills. Putnam , Sherwin , Smith of Fillmore , and Snell. All the others voted no. Hastings ard lloebel being absent , thus , with a gasp , tha friends of railroad legislation swallowed the bitter pill of a railroad commission , 1UK HOUSE. Special Correspondence to TUB BSE. LINCOLN , February 25. Immediately after oil call this morning the house rotolved itaelf nto committee of the whole , The first bill tonsidcrcd WAR House Koll 31 , prescribing the method of electing road upervleora. Tbo bill was ordered for in- efmito po3tiK > nemcnt. Homo Itoll 117 , A bill tn provide for the rgiitratlon and payment of proclnct bonds , as discussed also nnd recommended for House Roll 1 ! ) , To provide for issuing of tends by cities of the second class , was or- lerod for passage as amended , House Hell 112. Kmorsou's bill to amend .ho Slociunb law so aa to enable n majority of osldonts in any proclnct or township to pro- ilbit isitinnco of license by filing n remon- trance with board of commissioners was do- intod for nearly an hour. Amendments wore ifTorod and engrafted to abolish the two-mile imit around cities and town ? . Winship offertd the pnvlsioni of the Mo- Shane bill that has already passed the senate , s au additional amendment , but this was re cted. The bill was finally reported to the house with recommendation that It do pats as ntended. House Roll 21 , which authorizes villages to istablieh marshals , was reported favorably , md the next , Lincoln teat Houo Roll 71 , irovidmg lor leasing of school lands to Lln- . la ntuc ( yards , waa talked over for awhile , lit ) c munitteo rising during the discussion , icthing definite waa arrived at. Afternoon Session. Special Telegram to TUB BBK. LINCOLN , Kobraary 23. At this afternoon's lossion of the house the following bills were oad a third time and passed : A bill House [ loll 310 , conferring civil rights on all citizens. House Roll 13'J , to prevent the sale ot diseased dead animals. House Roll 195 , to authorize ho creation of a detactlva agency. House Roll 127 , for the relief of Peter Prebile. House loll 241 , to compel insurance companies to : ancel n policy when desired , and House Roll ' 04. tha Reucnil appropriation bill. The house then wont into committee on House Roll 72 , the bill to lease the school lands in Lincoln to a stock yards company. This led to very considerable discus-ion , the ocln ring supporting the bill with all their erglcH. Miller , Stephenson and Casper 'ought hard and long against the bill which may bo characterized as another Lincoln grab. The bill was , however , passed through the committee. The lailroad committee reported fourteen bills to bo indefinitely postponed aud the house adjourned until the evening. At thn evening eesalon in committee of the whole , Homo R > 11 23 , 1'.xt Hawos' claim was considered. Troup acknowledged knowing nothing about the claim , but supported it. Everett said Ilawei told the committee there WAS no contract between Hawes and the stato. stato.Hirhn Hirhn condemned the claim and Kale ; opposed the bill. Wri..ht championed Hnwoj' ' claim nnd said the state should pay the amount , Brunner snid Hawos had worked for the fltato and deserved pay for his work. After considerable discussion tha bill wai reported to pass. Business of minor import ance wan transacted and the Iiouio adjourned at ten. Tlio School Iiiiml Fraud Investigation , Special Telegram to THK BKE. LINCOLN , February 25. The school lant fraud investigation committso held a spirited meeting at noon to-day. Chairman Buck worth received a note from Sterling Mortcr with an affidavit from ona Frank Turner deputy treasurer of Otoe county. The papal eet forth that M. L. Haytvnrdvlio testiBoi some time sines , had leased the land hold ! > } one Shepherd , nnd that lie had leased It with out duo process of law. There was consider ab'.o wrangling over the policy of this docu meiit UH the testimony committee adjournec till evening. In the meantime the sub-corn intttee went to the treasurer's office and loohei tip tha records , and found that Shepherd'i lease had been forfeited. Glen Kendall was put on the rack and ex amlnedfor an hour this evening. Nothing was elicited that would criminate anyone , bu his trial is not fmUhoJ. It being late an ad juurnmont was taken till to-morrow. ONT ON Tlllfi IDLilNOIB CKN A rilEIGHt TRAIN CliAHHHS INTO THE 11KAII 0 TWO riBSENSnii TBAIN8. KANVAKEK , 3' ' ' bruary 23. At midnigb last night throe miles south of Chcbamo o : the Ulinoin Central , two passenger trains wer run into by a freight. The passenger , wbic loaves Chicago about 8 p. in , , was being close ! ; followed by the New Orleans express , Th leading passenger train stopped on account c a broken truck , The New Orleans train stoi : pod , and Kent back a signal half a mlle t warn the approaching freight , and went on t thu place wkero the tint train had stopped Just 03 it stopped still the freight came at ful speed CIIUSUJNU IKK ) TUB ItKAR OF THE BUBKrKIl , the engine roicking the middle of tlio cat And telescoped several cars ahead. The wild eat confusion at once ensued. Heady hand at once chopped into the debris , and extri cated the injured , The following ia A list of the tilled and in jnred : John A. Mclnnu , Ingersoll , Ont , neck broken , killed instantly ; Alderman Cky nor , of Chicigo , bruited about the chest , con tuslou on l ) cic of head , right foot and hip la jurul , very painful ; Rev. J , M , Abbot JJrown , Ch'cago , severe burn on sole of tit foot ; B , M. Heat-sail und wife , of Grand Hi iiidt. Mich. , both severely bruised on biclc o head ; ii. K. Berry , ot Chicago , abraulou o left chest and knee ; F. M. Butts , of Chicago scorched on fotehead , tola of foot , band am face terribly burued ; Dr. Isabel A , Mitchell ot Chicago , fracture of right leg , Itft nklo pr lnod , slight injury on head. Internally In jured ; Jonks Mitchell , porter of the sleeper , bands and face savorcly binned , body badly btutecd , Mr. Mclnuls was enrouto to New Orleans to n eot his wife and daughter , Conductor J. Cladiua testified before TUB COEONKlTs JUHT 08 follows : Wo stopped about half a rnllo before - fore the foiward patsengcr , when it had topped on account of n broken truck , I rent to the roar of the train to pond Paul loll back to put out the danger signal to pro- ent the following train from running into us. Jolt had left the train to torpedo the track jeforo I raw him. Ho went down the track iall a mile. A fter stopping theie a few mln- itei , wo whistled for Flagman Holt , Ho got n the train , and wo pulled up within two or hreo cars length of the forward patsongcr .rain , I stood several feet out at the lido of my train , endeavoring to ooo why the forward losiengor did not move on , when suddenly I aw the freight coming at full speed , at which ate it crashed into the train. The flagman old mo ho had placed seven torpedoes down long thi track , Tlio pissoogers said they icard tbo torpedoes explode before the freight -truck them. Relief with surgeonn and wreckers reached the scene from Chicago nt 0 a. in. The injured are well cared for. The rrcck is clear , and the passengers wore- taken o Chobanso at 1 p. in , to'day. FOUKIGN EVENTS. WALSS IN 111SLANI ) . LONDON , February 20. The majority of ho Irish papers hope for a cordial welcome to ho Piiaco of Wales. The Parnollitca will irobably hold a meeting to decide what course ho Irish should taUo on the occasion of the rlnce's visit. The government decided against the cchcmo of New Zealand Islands , o annex Samoa Islands. OKRMANY AND ENGLAND. In the Blue Book issued this morning is set orth that on May 5th , 1884 , Bismarck sent ho German minister at London a dispatch hich stated that England could render Gcr many signal eervica in tha latter'a policy of jolonial extension. In case Knglacd should grant the favor Germany would in return sup > o t English interests , nearer home , but if England refused G rmauy would bo under tlio necessity of Backlog from Franco on simi lar terms assistance England refused. England had and would give no definite answer to Germany had como to such an un derstanding as referred to with Franco. Till : ITALIAN CONTINGENT. NAPLES , February 25 Gon. Riccivho _ has _ akes caramand of the Italian contingent at Suakim nails for Egypt to-morrow with six ; orpedo boats , A BIULLIANT VICIOHY. SOAKIM , February 25. Latest news from iVgig and Sami confirms the report of a brill- .ant victory for the mulidir of the Taka and Shukria tribe of friendly Arabs against the Iladondowah triba in an attack made by the , atter unoa some friendly tribes for supplying , ho garrison of Kaseala with grain. It is now stated that during the battle no ess than 3COO , Hadondowahs were killed , and the slain was Shiokah MOOE.I. Kaatalu gaarison la. short of food and am munition , and as the place ii hard pressed by the enemy , despite the recent repulse , surren der mu.it soon result unlesa tha garrison is re "loved. TUB DREADED KA1I3IN YVIND3. LoNDOK.February 25.-A dispatch f romKorti saya the dreaded Ivamsin wlnda which do not generally begin before Mltrch , already began to blov/ over the Sou'lan and aeaumeil almost the intensity of tbo Sirrocco. The wind , hot and air is accompanied by bliadlng clouds of sand which cut like needle points. Troops only find shelter by lying down with their fices to the earth until the storm has passed , when they struggle out of the sand ulmoat choked and bliudod. Tha cavalry horsea tuf- fcred terribly from the effects of the hot blasta , and many of them have been so injured they had to bo shot. It is supposed the Kemeiu will last about a mouth. THK HAUL 01' DURHAM IN TUB DIVOUCE COOHT. LONDON , February 23 Earl Durham brought suit , for divorce against his wife who is n granddaugthor of the arch bishop of Armagh , and daughter of the lata Henry B. Milncr , Tha earl alleges that bia wife ij in- pane , and WAS insana at the time of mariiago It ia admitted she ia now Intano but denied that she was iuaano when married. When Miss Milnor married the eurl she was a reign ing belle , beautiful , ascomplished and a gen eral social fayorlto , Tha plaintiff sites miny Instances of the defendant's conduct to prove she has long been of unaouud mind. Ono of theaa was her extreme taciturnity towards her husband , oven before marriage , Another WAS her abnormal insensibility to pain. Before his marriogo the Eul was much worried about tlio strange silence m.vntiinf d by his aftiaucetl. Ho attempted In every way to make her more talkative and communica tive , but to no purpose. When the tnarringu engagement had bean entered Into , bo wrote her : "I wonder if you will over talk to me after marriage , I could gaze on your charms for hours every day , but it will become monotonous if wo maintain this gloomy silence the rest of tha time , " Daring thu period of their acquaintance , the Earl called Mils Milnor "His silent , shy divinity. " The plaintiff states that aha frequently before inarriiga said to him : "Oh , there's something awful , dreadful , I ought to tell you. " But whenever ha would press her to toll him oi explain what thu meant she would retreat from the entire subject. During their court ship aha never used a single word of endear' ment towards him. Her invariable answei to _ hU questions was , "I don't know , ' Evidence is adduced showing that the defend ants mother committed suicide during a fit ol temporary insanity. To-morrow is set for A special and private bearing of medical testimony to ettabluh the nUuro of to-day'a ailliction. Justice hut # iveu as a reason [ for having tbo hearing private , It ia undesirable for this part of the cato to be made public , TIK ABSOCIATKD CIIAM1IBRS OP COHSIKIlCi : discuaaed the present deproision of thoBritiel trade. Concerning the possible remedies , th < groiteet varieties of opinions expressed. Horni poke in favor of retaliatory duties sgainsi protective countries , while others defender the policy of free trade , The attentior of the meeting having finally been concentrated on the proposltioi to ask the appointment of a royul commls tion , to inquire into the caucu of the depruj sion and report upon the forms of a remedy The proposals were rejected , -11 to 27. Tin majority worn influenced by the argumen that to request such a commisilon would bs ti raise false hopas among the paoulo sulferin ; from commercial depression and therefuro im politic. Grant on tlio Itotlrotl JJIut. Sr. PAUL , lllnn. , February 25. The houn of representative ! , by unanimous vote , pasdei a joint roaolutlon memorializing congrcis t < place Gen , Grant on tha retired list of tbi army , AT WASHINCTOM. A ComiiMc Rf-DMt of the Hrass Pro- ceediDgs , Tha Bonate Indignant at the , Swaim Court Maitial. Oonsidors it a Disgrace to Oivilizatiou , Jealousy of West Point Gradu ates Over Volunteer Officers ! President Arthur Will Attend the Inauguration Ball , Tlio Klvcr nna Harbor Bill The Ijot AVrlRht Investigation Otlicr IntcrcHtlnp : Cnpltal News , HENATE. i CIVILIZATION. WABHINOTON , February 25. During the discussion of the army appropriation bill , Sowell eaid the house provision had so amended 91 article of war as to enable the courts martial to control the hours of their own session , In the discussion which followed , Ingalla laid , there were other matters connected with rial by court martial that needed more 'ori- ua consideration than the hoora of mooting. Ho referred to the trial of Gen , Swaim. If statements published this morning were sorroct , Incolls said , the proceedings were a disgrace to civilization. It waa n shame that my tribunal of law should bo subjected to ' .ho . pressure of the violent interference that r.peirs to have been brought to boar , not nly in the interests of justice , but for the lurposo of compelling a verdict more Injuri- iU3 to the accused. The findings of the jourthad jbeeu several times returned the ast time with TUB MOST OFFENSIVE EPITHETS ? OS THE DEFEN DANT. Ingalls hoped the senate wonld stand by it ! rules and not ivo way on proposed amend ments. Sherman thought Ingalls hypocritical , but ; hero was onu great evil connected with trials by court martial. The judge advpcato was prectically nothing but a prosecuting officer , and in the Swaiin case ho had proved a most aggrcesivo one. ' 'If that is the law of the United States. " said Sherman , "God help mi from over falling into tha power of a court martial. " Dawes thought It trifling to talk away th < hours of the session , of n court martial , whil < the preaa was rnportiog , as it this morning re ported , things that would bo a DISQItAOn TO AUEIUCAN JUSTICE for all time. Better had it been if the Swain court martial hud never been convened , that than to have afforded to the people of thi United States the spectacle presented thli morning , shocking every man's . . .s'onso of , guB tic . , " * * ' " ' Hale defended the members nf. the Swain COUlt. Vi lugalls said ho had not meant tha elightes imputation on them. Hale said there was nothing in the recon as to the personal character of the secretary of war that gave color to such an imputation He had in the term of public service garnet the universal respect of the people. Sherman remarked that no senator or othei person had assailed ihe secretary of war. Halo suld wo were told this decision of thi Swaim court was a human outrage , and thu it had been influenced by a superior author ity , and that must mtan rome ono. Sherman had nut heard a e ingle person re fer to the secretary of war. Ingal s had no reflection to make on tin trial. President Arthur had no personal con nection with the transaction , he waa merel : the executive officer through whom the find ing nas promulgated. Ingalls exonerated tin proHdtnt from all personal connection witl thu transaction. It would baunjost to tho.mombers of th' ' court to suggest that they coald have been in iluenced by the idea that somebody wouli profit by tha vi.concy if one were created , lugalls would maka no such suggestion , bu It w H ono of the incidents of the situation No man , ha said , could read the history of tb proceedings without coming to the settlci conviction that there was a deliburato pui pose eoincwhcre not to do justice , but TO ACCOMPLISH VENQBANCE against the ncusod officer. That officer hai not had tha honor cf having ] had the oil c coronation poured on him at West Point Since liij appointment to his present office h had been pursued with a studied and revenge ful malignity that had not n parallel in th annala uf revenge. Conger agreed wit Ingalla in ascribing thn fopi H complained of to the jealousy entertained b West Point graduates against the voluatoe ollicera of thu army. Un motion of Allison , the senate further ic elated on its amendment toatrike out tbo nous provision permitting tbo courts martial t control their own hours of session. The chair reappqinted the conference core mittee already acting on tha bill , Tha legislative , executive and judicial ap propriation bill being repoitod , it wan take up and the reading proceeded { with , ( Senator McPherson introduced in thoacr ate to-day an amendment intended to bo pr < poaed to the naval appropriation bill when tli latter reaches the sonata , which provides for constitution for tha BOAUD 0 ? NATAL COSIMISSIO.VKEH. to have control , subject to the approval ( the secretary of the navy , all questions relal Ing to the construction of vessels for tbo nav of the United States. It provide ) that thi board shall consist of the secretar of tha navy , chief constructor , chif of tha bureau of steam engineering , chief c ordinance and chief of the bureau of equl [ ment of the navy nnd auch other oilicorp , in rnoro than three In number , as tbo secrotar of the navy may aselng to inch eervlco , an two civilians fully conversant with the var oua branches of knowledge pertaining to th naval construction , who shall be selected an appointed by tha president ; and that the eoi rotary of the navy shall he er-ollicio preslder of the board. The board shall bavo authorlt to award contrActi for the construction c vessels and.proposaln shallbe , invited by theeei retary of navy from all American ship bull dei and builders of machinery for tho'cjnitruc tion of all naval vessels. All contracts tha bo with the beat and lowest ; responsible bii der. The national navy yards shall bo util ized , ns far ns possible , in building auch snipi , or parts thereof Vivo million dollars each year ii appropriated for five year * to carry > tt > effect the plana of the board. The board mil decide whether the five unfinlthed mon- ors are worthy of completion , and whether hey should bo completed and armed , nnd pro ides for the appropriation of § 1,000OCO for .ich work In the event that the conclusion of 11 board bo favorable , and are approved by , ho president. The committees amendments wcio concur- id In with but unimportant exceptions. Harrison moved to so amend the bill M to iake the position of cleik of the committee n territories , an annual ono. Miller ( New York ) moved to amend the .mendmcnt by adding the clerk of the com mittee on.Bpriculture , which was t greed to. VanWyck moved to amend by extending ho annual provision to the clerks of all stand- ag committees , 1'inally after considerable 'iicussion. it becoming apparent that the bill ould not bo disposed of to-night , the seuato djournud. HOUSE. WASIH NQTON , February 25. On motion o Voodword the tcnato bill pissed withnmcnd- icnts appropriating § 100,000 for the erection I the public building at Lacrosse , " \Vis , On motion ot Strait the sonata bill. passed 1th amendments for the payment of citizens or supplies furuishal the Sioux and Dakota : ndians between 18CO and 1SC2. Henley , from the committee of public andd , reported a joint resolution , instructing Iho attorney-general to institute proceeding , ) .o vacate and set aside so much of the list of ands certified to thu state of Michigan , for the ienefit of Portage Lake and Imku Superior jhip Canal Company , as cover the lands not ubject to private entry , at the data of selec- .Ion by that company , and also all lands sel ected which wore not at that date of selection acant , aud unappropriated odd eoctions near- : st the said canal. The house then proceeded to the considers- ion of the river aud harbor bill. Upon the bird reading of which tbo previous question was operating , an I proceeding to a veto on tin amendments reported from the committca of 'he whole , the amendments were adopted in > ach case without the > on and uuy vote , until .hat was reached striking out the clauses ap * iropiiating for tha improvement of the Mis- issippi river from the h > > ad of the passes to , ho mouth of the Ohio river , and recommend- .ng the president to appoint Jamea B. Eads as advleory engineer of the Mississippi river commlesiong. This was stricken out in the committee of the whole with the assent of the committee on rivers and harbors in order to fa cilitate the consideration of tha bill In the committee. Wells aikod the unanimous consent that should the amendment committee of tbowhole bo rejected , and the Missippi river clause bo again placed in the bill , that portion referring to Captain Eads should bo eliminated , Hiscock objected and tha yens and nays were called amid much confusion upon the the amendment committee. _ The amendment was carried by a small majority but when It was stated in a private conversation that n motion would be made to recommit the bill with instructions to the commlttea en rivers and harbors , to report it back witli the Eads clause stricken out. Several members changed their votes to the negative , and the vote was declaicd ti bo yeas 137 , tiaya 13 ! ) . This re- storcj the Miaeheippl river proposition to the bill. bill.Hunt Hunt moved tn reconsider the vote nnd moved to lay that motion on the table. Car ried yeas 14 % nays.131. The opponents of the bill then resorted tt filibustering tactics , and" several motions tx adjournwerovoted dawn. , .Then the motior for a recsts , an'd 5 quorate having "voted the call of tha House wasforderod. UAUOABIOU3 rnOCKEOINJ3. The eergeant-at-arms having bo.'n des patched in quest of the nbjent members , thi liouco lapsed into a comntoco state aa far ni bujino'B .waa concerned. The greatest leatloas ncsa was evinced by the members , aud thi proceedicga under call wore not even market by the hilarity which usually characterize ! them. This continued until half paat nine when AVhlto , of Kentucky , secured the floor , Immediately the members raised a great tip roar , and a scene of the utrnoct disorder en sued. Nevertheless , Y/hito was not to be di verted from making n speech whicl he continued to do , to the in tense enjoyment of the house , and al large , but to the manifest annoyance of thi frletma of the river and harbor bill. Jeers laughter and ehouted greets him on all side ? , nnd confusion reigned supremo. Amid tin hisses from the democratic side , ha roferrei to President-elect Cleveland , as being in t saloon in Buffalo with the boy . "Oh , " sail Gibnon , "TnU is disgraceful , Thogeutlemai should not utter falsehoods on thia lloor. " Brown of Indiana , demanded that tin worda bo taken down. Several democrat ! ' members , "Withdraw them. " "No,1 replied Gibson , "I do not taki them back , but repeat them. ' The language was mid at the clerk's desk Brown moved that the gentleman from Wcs Virginia ba subj cted to the censure of tin lloiao , but significantly added ho had ni hope that the gentleman from West Virgin ! ; would be censured whatever language h might have employed. The motion to cesur wan tabled and filibustering continued I'lnally at midnight tba weary House yicldei to adjournment. WASHINGTON NOTES. Airninn'-i QUEST. WASHINGTON , February 20. The presidon has Invited President-elect Cleveland to L his guest at the executive mansion from tl : time of his arrival in thia city until ha i formally Inaugurated. The invitation he been declined with thanks aa apartments ha already been secured for Cleveland , and bi CMISO of the present uncertainty as to Uioo _ > act lima of Ids arrival at the national capita According to the programme , 0.3 at preset arranged , the retiring president will call upo the incoming president at the hotel acd eecoi him to the capital to ba Inaugurated , Pros dent Arthur has accepted the invitation t attend tbo inauguration ball and has assure the general committee of bis cordial suppoi and co-operation In their endeavor to mak the affair a b.illiant success , OOUl'LETK REPORT OF THE HOUSE I'llOCBBDINQN Townshcnd asked the unanimous consent t take.from the speaker's table for reference t the committee on appropriations , the peel office appropriation bill with the senat amendments , but Payuon objected. Unde suspension of the rules the following impori ant amendments reported and incorporated i the deficiency appropriation bill : Approprlal ing 9238,418 to pay judgment rendered by th coutt of claims , * 10l'Uu , ; together with uno > pended balances fur the completion oftli new cruisers and despatch boat , abolisbln the office of the census , and providing tin the work f the ceneus shall be completed I thu office of the secretary of the interior. THE MONEf WILL 1)E ItKDEKMED. Two Bifea of the Adatna ICxpress company which ware In the car burned at the ecene c the recent collision At Four-mile Unn , were opened to-dny. Jlost ot the money in tbo safes has been identified , nd will bo re deemed , the lost to the express company will bo but trifling. The collodions of internal revenue for the first seven months of the fiscal year are 5(55,311,317 ( , against $69,962,679 the same period the present fifcal year. A decrease of J4G' > 1M2. There was nn increase of (301- C95 In collections from fermented llquonr , n decrease of 91,462,700 from spirits , n decrease nf ( IS V6S5 from tobacco and a decrcaso of 3274.440 fromlmtscoHaneous sources. THE LOT WBIOHT INVESTIGATION. Kopretontatives Springer and Van Alstinp , of tha tub-committoo appointed to inveitigato the conduct of Marshal Wright in the Ohio October election , will submit tha majority re port that employment and payment of special deputy marshal * on the day after the election was without legal warrants , and nil the moneys paid to such persons for services on that day should bo returned to the United States treasury. In view of the Impracticable nature of the i > n- loachinont proceedings and especially t this late clay of this cnngreex , tha report ; ill not recommend the adoption of the nt ti les of Impeachment , but aj > k that tha clerk if the house of representatives be instructed o transmit a copy of the report and the lestl- nony in the cato to thn president cf the Jutted States ; and that the president bo ro- pectfully requested to immediately remove Vright from office , and caueo the attorney- general to institute such proceedings In the ourts as may bo deemed necessary to recover ' 10 sums illegally paid out by him , and to In- titttto such criminal proceedings against him . . ] the facts may require , Stewart , the re maining member of the aub-ccmmltteo rad- ' : ally dhsonts from the majority report , Wnutfl to bo Relluvcil of a Hornet's Nest. pedal telegram to TUB BEE. WASHINGTON , Februuy 25. A certain emocratlo member of the Illinoin congroi lonol delegation finds himself in hot water lolitically Bpenbiog. Impressed with the be ef that Cleveland would "turn the rascals ml , " heecaUeied hia promises nf place at.d ireferincnt ri < ht aud left among hia constitu- 'nts ' , hr.modlatfly after tha election was ottlod. When ha came to Washington at tbo lommencemcnt of the eoaeion , to bi ought with him at least twenty applications for postmaatorshipB and other government poi- tions. Gradually it began to dawn upon his mind , as it has upon most of hiu colleagues that Cleveland will make no change * ex cept for cause. The Illinois gentleman has recently written this fact to his ojnttltuaut ) , but the explanation has been met with strong reproaches from the applicants all of whom threaten to knife him at piimaros eighteen months hence. Last week ho waa ecaicely in his eeat an hour. The remainder of the time he was pleading with the different bureau officials to find him some sort of a place , "anything , " as ho expressed it , to settle this hornets neat raised about my cara. At last accounts ho had secured a meesongership for ono of the hungry crowd who was confiden tially preparing to receive a 52,000 clerkship. Mr. Cleveland mill tlio SllvcrCoinagr , WASHINGTON , February 25. lleprosenta- tive A. G , Warner received a communication this evening , addressed to himeelf and others , from President-elect Cleveland relative to the stoppage of the coinage of silver. The gott' tlemen who have the communication decline to pivo It to press to-night. It is a document of some length , and contains an acknowledge1 ment of tha letter recently forwarded t ( Cleveland , .which -rcqu.eeted.him tohcar.nl Bldcs-'befo'ro cdnuhittfhfft hlnTself on tWiiUYoi question in his inaugural addreea. The president-elect says that the import ance of the subject and the receipt of the com municatlon , from the membara of the house ol ropreeontativca make It necessary to give his earnest attention to tbo question before hie views are presented to the public , in hit inaugural , lie favnra the suspension of the silver coinage of dollars , giving his roasonu , and expresses fears of a financial crisis , unlca : legislation to that end is enictad. No reference is made to tha proposed logls ; lation on this question , in connection with thi sundry civil bill , nor are any recommenila lions relative to legislatianbeforolhe adjourn ment of congress offered. The letter will bi submitted to-morrow by Warner to othei gentleman interested in the subject and af tur warda it will ba given to the preaa. Heavy tnow Storm in Now York , Special toletrram to the BEE. NKW YOBK , February 2o. The snow stow which visited this city half an hour bcfon midnight and continued until 9 o'clock thi morning , extended along the Atlantis coaa from Boston to Savannah. Tlio fall waa cfi pecially heavy in Now Jersey , Pennsylvania Ucletvara and Maryland. In thin city tin snow is flii inches doap on the level. Tin storm , which was central yesterday in tin gulf ttnto ? , has moved northeast , and thii morning was central on the North Carolini coast. A heavy snow is reported in the north ern part of the middle states and rain in thi southern part of thu middle Atlantic states Fulr weather prevails generally elsewhere Within twenty-four houra the temperature ha risen from 10 to 20 dpgreoa in all districts ex cept the gulf states , where it has fallen blight ly. ( Travel In thia dty vai seriously impeded Itlvera were covered with Hutting ice an i ii many place ) the ulipa were almost choked up No large cakoa of ice were afloat , aud th navigation of steam vessels , though dolayei considerably , waa not seriously interfere ) with , No sailing vesucls were to bo Keen ii the stream. The Perjurers on Trial. CHICAGO , February 25. The preliminar ; examination of Chas , E. Gilmore , J. S , Hulll van and Thoa , T. O'Brien for committing per jury ia the lata trial of Mackin and th other parties concerned in the election frauds began before the United States commlebiooei at noon to-day. Sullivan , when ha took the stand repeatci in substance his confession of ono week ago denying that he had met Gilmore on tha da ; preceding the election , or that he had bcoi concerned in procuring the bogus republicai election plate. Judge Blodgett said to-day ho would hea the motion for a new trial in the Mackln cat next Tuesday , " " " " " " " " "Put O run ton tlio Hcilrcd J lnt. INDIANAI-OLIS , February 25 , The Indian department of the Grand Army of tha Reput lie , In cession hero to-day , adopted a retain tion urging congress to place the name of Gen Grant on the retired list. VICB rnKfllDENT-ELEOT HBNPIIICKB And wife will leave to-morrow for Washing ton , going from hero to Cincinnati and thenc east. 11 end ricks will bo accompanied b ; Judge Hand , Davis Turpio , William II , Kn glish and a few others , j ' TRADE ANDTRAFFIG. [ j ftsteriay the Most Active Day on 'Change ' for a Month , Little or no Ohringo in Prioos of Fat Stoersi A Fflirly Active Trade in tlio Hoe ; Market , Small Holders of Wheat Unooro" moniously "Shaken Out , " 633 Oars of Oorn Materialized and . , Postponed the Boom , ' j 4 I'rovlslonH Stlironctl Up-Mny Porlc Oiioncd AC 911X7O niul Then IH ( liOXVCHt 1'olllt , OHIO AGO MAUKKTS. Ipoclal telegram to the BUE. CllIOAOO , February 21. llmtof Una after- icon was unanimously pronounced the most ' , ctlvo Iseaiion of 'chanro for the month , A est of small holders of wheat wore unccri- uoniously "thakeu out" and the tuall tliortsi lad an opportunity which they pretty gcnoraN y embraced to cover their sales of May wheat t from S2Jo down to Sljju , The big shorts bo professional speculators of the wheat pit- re thcrt , and to-day went shorter. They ro- ard May wheat oven at 81c , a Bide , and they , ro certainly living to their theory. Compared ith that of the past week or two the scene a. the floor of 'change this forenoon wan nothing short cf an innovation , The piindpal 'oatures of the market were such that the ma jority of the local traders , who are long , wora eft no choice , They couldn't stand the de cline PS it waa , and the remarkable woaknesn "tightened them. They were compelled to hrow everything overboard , and in doing HO created a scene of animation in the pit that" has not been witnessed. Tlio lovr capitalists owning wheat of coareo held it firm. Even though prices ibould not again touch the point ntwhicli _ they purchased they felt safe in calculating on at least a tem porary reaction after the break had inn its present course. Provisions "atifteued up" to-day. May pork opened at $12 70 and then caw its lowest point for the day. Though the receipt of 712 cars of COBN did not materialize this morning , G33 cars did , which waa quite enough to indefinitely post pone any bcom that may have beed projected , still the market waa firm ; May closing Jo in advance at 41 Jo ncd showin ? a range of flluctuationa covered by just lo.it of broker age , Ilecelpts of wheat were 260 cara. CATTLE. Bett stccrpand there were only a few of such , underwent little or no change , but ordinary 'shipping and djessedt beef' ateers wore agaiu quote 110ffil5c lower and rather dull , A good many of the above clasac * were Belling bo- tu-eon SI _ 70 nnd SI 00. nnd such as country men classify as good fat cattle were iriaking So C0@5 CO , and export ] would make $5 75 © 0 " 3. FJrst-clasB butchers' stock waa in plen tiful supply and firm ; cannery' stock steady : stacker aud future trade was fairly.nctivo , but demand cantered an fine-bred young steers , and when such could bo bad they rodllxod na high prices an at any time ; 1,050 to 1 , 200 pounds , St < :0@1 : (15 ( ; 1,2CO to 1EOO pounda. S13l@DCO ) ; 1,350 to 1,000 pounds , 85 CO © 0 00. cows and mixed common , S225@3CO ; good , S3 Kfi ® ! 00 ; Etcckere , SI U0@4 70 ; UVx- nns , S3 75@4 70. I10GB , With the fresh receipts there were nearly 55,000 on the market , an unusual number for BO late in the season. Salesmen soon dia- oovorod that if they wanted to make salca they would have to meet lha extreme views of buyers , and tbo general market opened fi@10o lower than lowest of yesterday , and at this decline there waa a fairly active trade , yet the market closed steady with nearly half the of- ferioga unsold. Packing and shipping , 2G9 to 425 pounds , $1 00@5 10 ; light , 1'J ( ! ' to 210 pounds ; 84 00@465. A " \Vreclc of Trains. ClIKBANSE.IH.Febiuary 25. A collision be tween a pisssngcr aud a freight train on tlio Illinois Central occurred near hero early thtrf morning , Ono man killed and eight or ten wounded , some of whom neilcmsly but none thought fatally. The injured train was the New Orleana passenger , bound Boutb , and wax crashed into from the Mar by n freight train. The two rear sleepers were demolished. One passenger named Mclnnia was liutantly killed and several other passengera ludly scalded , No caueo for the accident Is stnteu , but it Ia said tha danger lighta in the roar o the passenger had beuu allowed to go out. Tlio IllinolH LicfflBlalurc. SrniNnciEtn , February 25. In the report of t lie committees yesterday the name of Soltlz appears BH clialnnan ot the committee on claims' Hettlz and Fuller vfero the only re * publicans given chalimaushipa. In jojnt session the house and senate the republicans refused to vote on account of the absence of Lawrence , breaking the quorum. Two ballots were taken ; Morrison rec lived 98 ; S. H. Ward 2 ; Haines 1 ; J. M. Palmer ? . The second ballot was the same. Adjourned. Immediately after reconvening the eonatu ad journed. Don Hi of a Nebraska Man in Iowa , I'JTTBUUiiG , February 25 , The l dy of a man found in the tnonr near St. Clair station yesterday wai evidently lying there Inco the heavy snow of two wooka ago , A card wen found on the deceased that bore tha name of 1' . J. lloder , Sehuylor , Neb. The position of the Indy indicated lie had fallen Irom a train and killed and thu body enowcd under , Z Oyster Kninliu : In BalUinoro , BALTIMORE , February 25. The protractca cold weather has caused almost a famine in oyitera In this city , thu supply not being one- fourth equal to thu demand even at ijnndruplo prices ,