THE DAILY BEE-TUESDAY , FEBRUARY 21 , 1885. -THE BEST TONIC. ? racdl'ini combining Iron with pu'i bta tinKt ntiiokly ami romtrtf-trlj t'nn \ Or t > ct > fil'i > TiullKr tlnnVcnl < nr ' < 4.nnti rollltmil , ,1IaliirlnClj\ll \ nndl' > TcT , . MI Nriirnlaln. it in in iinfnlllne f-mody for Dl'cajcsof ttt Alilnrf nml I.lvrr , It M InvnluaMn for Diseases peculiar iO * d.Mi < in , unil nil wlio IctulMMlenUry lives. "nix's cot Injure the tCfthrRHschCHlhrlK < riM luo ofAfr Iran medicine J ) M > rotKlfpntlon * V-'iirlcliosnriil jiiirlllcs HIP blood , Mltculiin fan fiiiictltc | , nldj the assimilation of food , 11 * "i f Hcnrliuirii nml Jiclchlng , and etnjuglJ i A VIP miHclit nnd ncrvci I'm Intermittent XoTcra , .iftsslUutc , Lact cf 4 xr. Ac. , It Jut no count * - Tlio i-eiitilno hrn nlxivo train mr * fttiJ > ) a red Hnei 01. wrapper , Takrjuotli ' iwii M < , kr KROiturHialciL co , mt.inv.KVro til Minted la lie BROAD GLAIhebeui \ TBBY BEST OPERATING , GUIOZEST SELLING AND Kyer ofTorcd to 1 ho uubllc. I hare a ponltlvo roinodj-for the nboro dlsc i by lie mo thoimndfl of casei ol ttio wont kind mid of Ion' ' taiidlnelinvobonn cured. IndeAO.KORtroncliiiDTfAtt1 lnlt orac cirtlmt I will ondTWO IIOTTl.Kd FKUB tt > KttherwHh YAI.UAlII.KTIlKATISKoti JhlsUiiOU , to ariair ror. airaaipreiinndP o.oiArrei. U11.T. A.HUljUM.Ull' . ri3t. , New York. 4BEICM PACKET COMPANY. Direct Line for England , Franco . and Germany. The steamships of this wo'l known line are built cl Iron , In water-tight compartments , and are fur- nlshod with every requisite to make the p&ssigo both Bale and agrcoablo. They carry the United States and European malls , and Icaxo Now York Tlmmlays and Saturdays for Plymouth ( LONDON ) Cborboug , ( PAUIS and IIAMBUIia. lutes : Stooraco from Hamburg StO , to Hamburg CIO ; round trip $20 First Cabin , $05 , $05 and $75. llonry 1'undt Mark Hanson , F. E. Jfooros , if. ToJt , ( fcnt In Omaha , aronowcj ; k S Jmontcon , cnt In Council lllutTa. O. B. 1UCIIARD & CO. Oen. Fwa. Agta , 01 Broadway , N. Y. Chas. Koz. mlnekl s Oa. , General Western AironU , 170 WashIng - Ing at. , Chicago , III JlEMKuyJInEE.-A ! victim of youthfnllmprudencu CMiBlnR Pr matnroDec r , Nervom Debility. Ijost Jll nlioo < l , O . , haTlnR tried in vain every known 'ned .ncnii > coverodn ltnplome naof clf-cnro. rhloh bo lt > Mn < l FIIUK tobls follow-iufferera. ' ' - ' ' VARICODELE r.'f.'V.-u'c'r.i REPKESENTSl Inauranoo Co. , London , Cash Aflscta | S,8 I,000 Wostohoster.N. Y. , Capital 1,000,000 ThoUerchants of NewarkN. J. , Capital. . . . 1,275,000 O Irani Fire , rhUadolphlaCapital 1,200,000 Woman's Fund. Capital . . 1.229 000 IK BOTTLES. Erlnuger , , . . . + . - . . * Bavaria , Culnibacher1 , . . . .Bavaria. Filsn&r - > - . Bohemian. Koisor.- . . . . . - . . . . JJremon. DOMESTIC. Bndwoiaar St , Louis. Anhouaor. . . . . -St. Louis. Best's. . - - - - - Milwaukee. BohHtz-Pilsner . . . . .Milwaukee. Krusfn Omaha. Ale , Potter , Domestic nnd Ehina Wiuo. > D. MAUEER , 13 CONDUCTED BY Royal Havana Lottery I ( A. OOVERNMENT mSTITUTlON. ) Drawn at Havana Cuba , Every 12 to 14 Days. ircKnrn3.ii.M , HALVES , 11.00 Bublocl to no rotnlpnUtlon , not controlled by tee ttrtlwln lotereat. II la the filrodt thine tatt * mime of chanoa la cxlitenoe. For'tickets apply to SnlBKY SCO. , 1212 BroM' y , N. Y. City A. MOLL & CO. , 417 Walnut Ht. , t , Louis. Mo .or M. O1TEN3 & CO , 019 Mala at. , aunaiClty , IIo. A rms LINE o P THE ONITSriEXOLDfalVE IN OMAIIA'INKB. . . bllUj ' Mmbeod i > r crlptloa ft a noleJ iptcUlUt IBOH l - ruKi'i l , n 411 It. Aildr . tjr. WARP { -c..iriii j' .icft KLEEOtNG A JOUHNAMST , "Vtiinn niir Tells llaw Ho Won n Newspaper nt tlic MontoTAlilc. They wcro seated In the tlclily furnish cd cllica o { the proprietor. Now fin then bccllcldr.g ( f the ivorychccka fell on thoenr. The Riim , inustnohcd man nil ! the black nlouch hat , watch chain inado o nrcido ( knlls nnd crcsthoncs , nnt a neck icirf tied Into A hare knot , WAS In a talkattvo mood Ills attempt to borrow "just twont ; inoro cisoa from tbo bcsi of the Clarl atreot gambling homo vns n niiserabl fnlhitc , nnd ho seemingly could not loav the l' ity , whtlo it probably Inboto ; nndei the Impression thnt ho was a "tin horn."lie ' dropped into a cushioned dial in front of the ttovo and fro\vnoi disdainfully &t the two and thre about. "There year-old BFolts .circled ain't no nao l.ilkin'about it , gentlemen , ' ho , eiinirling a mouthful of to bacoo iluld at the lainglaes front of the stove. " ( tell yer , it ain't no use Gnmblin' nowadays ain't no more like i used to bo twenty-five yenra ago than Chinook la like Sanscrit. Them was th days when everybody played high , and 1 yo needed n thousand yo got it fur th naklu' . Nobody got no standoff , Thou bcs'des , gamblcra was men with heart In 'ODI them days. Now. I a'potc , if . ' was to tell yer that I onct broke a sucke ; and sot h'ui ' up in bizncsa nxln ycr' < think I was glvin' yo 'a brace. ' I hop to never win unotbor play if It ain't so I never'ry for it neither. 'Bou ttrcnty-six yoara ago it was , I bed jas got a ttirt nt Santa Fo , Now Moxioo and i\as rtmnln' thrco inonti tiblca I don't reckon you followo know much about monte Spanish inonto F < ro nin't a mntkor toil1 was playin 110 limit , when cno night a atrappin younc ; man came etoggcrin' up to the table wbero I was desliiV. Give mo five hundred , ' ncyj ho. 1 gives him the five and ho just make ) ono bloll'nnd loses Then ho gttj five hundred more and lone that ; then a thousand. Everybody abou this time comss from the other tables nnt Hocks around him. Ho grows excited nnd takes out n check-book. Now I'm pul'in' ' the cirda for all thit'o in 'em work in' a ahott deck on him , and ho novcr tumbles. Somebody tiioitostcc him nw y , but it'a no uso. Four , five six , seven , eight , nine , end ten thotisanc all goea into my pllo. 'Well,1 ho says kinder quiet , but determined like , 'I've blown In the bank account and 1 migh oa well dia game. ' Ono o : the boyc whispers to mo 'Jim , don't work him any longer , ho's ono c the newspippr fellera bo'aahcl ] Interest In the Now Mexican. ' Now , yor ECO , I didn't like newspaper men no how ; they'd tinned nib over onct in big ah apt when I knifed Sam Steward , end agin when I had a little trouble with n gal in Mizzoora , and , thinks I , hero's a chance fur ma t' get oven with the whole gang on 'em. This young 'an was BO goa luturdd , though , It made me feel skimpy , but I made the ploy through fur him. I When he asked mo if he could hypothecate - cato is that what yo . .call it ? Oh , yes , hypotheca'e his newspaper shop , says J , 'everything goes. ' So ho writes out a bill of tale , ana J passes him over $10- 000 ; that was what ho nays the types , and things are wuth. Well , 1 wins the whole business , cash , bcnk 'count , newspaper , picjtej , types , and everything. Do you have an Idea that ho makes a kick ? Nary n word. lie just swallows a couple of big drinks and walks away as calm ai if ho had been to a prayer meet in. ' I didn't like a hair on no newspaper man'd head , but this feller w ell , ho ciught mo bad , "West day there WAS the dickens to pay. Tucker'a partner that was his name , by the way , Tom Tucker Billy Mandcrfiiild , beefed like a Texas etscr under the brandln'-iron. Finally a pretty little Spanish girl , ono of the Uas- tallan beauties of the town , cornea to me , and she'a in a bad anrape , too. Jest ECO how these things work. Her folka ore Troll oft , understand , and she's hi on tralnin' with this young journalist Tuck er a long tlnio. llio night ho takes to drink and runs against my game , the lovera same ES all lovers do htd a spat. Ho gooa oil'in a tantrum , and she's too proud to call him bask. When ho wakes up and finds ho's ruined his partner as well as himself ho gets remoreo blg- 'or'a the f aller on the cross , and is fixlu' ip to jump the country with the fust lull-train that cornea along. The little ainyoreti catches onto his scheme , and iho makes this bio 11'at inc. Well , I'm cinder half willin' before she strikes mo , anyhow , and Lor tears and cairyin' on , ust put iho mortal cinch on tne , and 1 ; lvo up like a lamb. A thousand is all I toops out of the twenty. The Now Mexican ataita up jgdn ns good as now. it was always my friend of'cr that. When I shot Navaho Jack at Rio Hon do , afterward , it wrote the beautifiilost obituary about ma yo over saw. Said 1 was a nobleman in heart and soul , nnd wouldn't ' huit no man unless ho tried to : urt mo fust. And whenever I wanted lo borrow anything under five thousand .t was nlwas there wait- n' for mo. Married ? Why , blesj ye , pea. They marrieel right aay. It was a eRsoii to Tucker , tho'ugh , and a lost on againtt the principle of nil good gamblers to give. Ho luvor phyed another cird , went light al 113 niakln' rnnney and raisin' children. Both mm is rjch to-day nnd you can take my word fur it , if they was near hero , or them days could only come back again , Yum a Bill wouldn't be h'ustlln 'round Cliicsgo fur a Iwnnty. " A faw numents later the cilice pwty had broken np. and Ynma Bill was coppering - poring and heeling bats oil over the faro layout ! in the adjoining room. Uo had touched tha proprietor. A WOMAN" AT IJIK SWITCH. The ItcspoiiHlblorohltiort Occupied l > y Mr , Carroll nt Atlanta , On. Mttcon , Ga , , Februrary 1C. Thora li living in this city ono of the mcatrcnmk able women In the world , Mary Carrel by nirne , wboio occupation for fifiooi years past has been that of nwith tendo at the junction of the Southwestern am Central KailroKH , .She lives in a house in the junction , In the cantor cf wbih if a largo switch crank ard windlass Her duty is to change the ra Is for differ ent trains by this windlats , Shosaw th firtt bur of iron laid on the read in 1833. and bs been personally acquainted with every engineer on the read ulncothat time Her HOCK mty be watched thus ; Here comes the tr ln from Atlanta. She put aaida liar pipa and knitting , removes tb pin from Ilia windlaaj , grasps the lundle throws hir.elf tor ford and , with a grunt puts the ewi ch in pcsitlon , when th train corius by. Away down the South western track is seen a train , delayed an in another direction tharo la the Contra train on time , It looks aa if thcra is U . be a collision. The woman atinds oo ! | with a strange glitter in her eye , he quick perception cf danger outing her t be watchful. The switch Is sot and , eel ? ing tha red dig , aho gives the signal the engineers and the trains pass by asfc ly , the passengers HUlo dwnminR tba their safety hoa been directed bv the hand of a woman. Her life story Is romantic She has had throe hujb&nds and is th mother of five children , . Oc of her husbands , John Carroll , was switchman nt that pom In 1809. When ho died Mra. Caroll' name was put on the roll , and during th time she has held tha place twenty nijh brakomcn Invo been dlacharged. Sh has never had any accidents. "I com hero at daylignt and lea/oat datk,1 ehi said ; "I use tobacco n > a stimulant. I'm a MethodUt and read tbo Bible regular ly. I have the full vigor of youth on h&volately h&da proposal of mirrligo. noticed n man laying around for some timo. Ono day I asked him In to the Grj Uo got to liking mo nd" Hero the shrieks of a coming locomo tlvo cut oiFhor remarks. STOP THAT COUGU By using Dr. 1'razier's Throat and Lung Bnra the only sure cure for Coughs , Colds Honreonosa and Here Throat , nnd nil disease of the throat and lungs , Do not neglect i cough. It may provo fatal , Scores ant , hundreds of grateful people ewe their lives t Dr. I'razier't Throat and Luti ? Balaam , nm no family will cvor bo without It nftor nnc using it , and diecovorlncr Its marvelous power It is put up in largo family bottloa nnd sol < for the Email price of 76 cents per bottle. Soli Kubp & Co. and 0 , If. Uoodrunu. Millions Sunk In Unlucky Venture , Tliroufjh the Atciioy ; of Jay Gould. Now York , Feb. 17 Old COIDIUO doro Vanderbilt would uover have any thing to do with Jay Gould. Ho looked upon the llttlo man aa en ill-omened per son. William H. Vanderbllt's ill fortune dates from his participation with Gonl < in stock achemes. The fiiMt serious blow that Vanderbilt suffered was In the fa mous operation of "pegging" Lake Shore The idea of Gould was that thooxhibitloi of great strength would Inspire the publl with confidence. Ho caused it to be glv on out thnt Vanderbilt and hlinso ! were ready to take thi whole capital stock of rai rocds. The stocks were piled on them In enormous qnantlrs. The time arrived Trhonthomou were forced to succumb , or rather when Gould sold out on Van dorbilt. Vivndorbllt got out the bast nay ho could , but the operation coat him 812,000,000. Somehow or other Gould smoothed It over with Vandorbilt. About a year Bgo the market agiin re qulrtd support , and Vanderbilt was ak- 3d aga'u ' to look out for his property Tlia result was as before. The trial was at some expense § 2,000,000 or $3OCO , 100 , it is said. It is known that ho asked Vanderbilt to come to the reecuo of the narket once more. Vanderbilt had been throuch the mill twice and declined with out thanks. Gould was angry and om- iloyod every moms lo jab Vanderbilt. Phe persusivo powerr of Gowen induced Vanderbilt to put a vast amount of mon ey in Reading. The investment is com- inted to have coat him § 10,000,000. The § 25,000,000 ho put in the South Pond- ylvacin Railroad project is counted In iVall street ai a practical Iocs William H. had at ono time § 00,000,000 in govor- moot bonds , bnt ho was compelled to use a largo portion of them in straightening out the affairs cr his sons mid protecting ihnself. At last accounts ho had $3- , 000,000. Vanderbilt is heaping his own ionnstl nowadays , and Wall streot.i is tccplDg an eye on him for the next move 10 makes. Ho bin not taken his atton- , lon entirely from the market , ho is noar- y every day an ( nter-estiDg figure in a woker'a oflieo under the Langhain Hotel , ear his residence. YOUNGBIENI-KEAD THIS . TUB VowAro BELT Co. , of Marshall , Mich. , fler to eenil their celebrated ELKOTBO-VOI- 'AID BELT nnd other ELKCTBIO APPLIANCES on rial for thirty days , to men { young or old ) filleted with nervous debility , loss of vitality nd manhood , and all kindred troubles. Also or rheumatism , neuralgia , paralysis , and tinny other diseases. Complete restoration to ealth , vigor and manhood guaranteed. No sk is incurred as thirty days trial is allowed. Vrite them at once for illustrated pamphlet roe. 3Iodostyr Thy Name Is Dana. About this time , says the Now York Wcrld , a great many citi/ans are think- eg of appljing tor office under the in- omlng administration. The question 1th each is how to present his particular oreonal claims. Some people are so fool- h as to think that Tha World on assist lorn. Others depend on their leprcscn- itivos in congret ! Tlio letters that we iceive from day lo day inquiring ; ai to 10 proper methods of pcoseaurcaru qnjto miulBg. To all iflic3-aeekera wo would ay that the following letter written to 'resicknt Andrew Johns n ry Ch-vles ; nnanlas Dana , the picient editor of The on , stands as a model in it ] noy : CIIICARO , Jan. 20 , IS'C. Dear Sir : Some of ny frleuda iu thu Now Vork delpgation in ongreca want me to be collector of Now York. shall be glad to have that otfico. and accord- gly addrtsH injself directly to you. I have een a resident of New York City for nearly wenty yearn , till n few months Blcca , when I uno hero on leaving the war department. I now New York , ii merchant ) and its polili- aua ; but , by reason of my coanec- on with the war department , I luwo ecn abaant , BO as to be fcoo from all luntification with tbo ] x > litical factions and ersonal controversies by which the union laity there has been much divided , I Ixiliovo iat there IB no norson of any jiroiulnoiicn In 10 party whose appointment would | ; ivo ( eater general Bat'bfaction ' than mmn , bould you bo dlspoaed ao far to entertain 10 idea en to wish for Information concerning my capacity to administer ( ho oflice , there is o ono who can judge better aa to that than ilr SUnton. Let mo add that I am myself confident of > oiforming the duties , should they be In- rusted to mo to the advantage of tha public orvice nnd to your entire satisfaction. I am , with profound reapoct , your talthful servant , CHAULBS A. DANA. To hla excellency , the preeident , This letter Is not modest , but It is self- reliant , bold , and beseeching , It la couched in beautiful language. Wo doubt whether the Anglo Saxon tongue was over more adroitly employed in the art of oflieo brgjlng. The fact that this letter produced no results that it wai cait to tbo winds , as it wtro should no discourage ambttiouitgentlemen who long to servo the public. Tha style and diction > ro what wo commend. With an Innost , decent min'd name a tbo bottom , tills itylo of letter ought to 1'fetch' o mull postjfiico or a gauge nhlp ovoiy time. Mr. John T. BrticB , Ltsington , Ky , aays , Per seven years I soifcrod terribly with rhenmathira iu my tight ankle , which was so swollen I could not put my foot to the ground , I tiied nearly every thing vltjio it relief , then made two or throe applications with St. Jacobs Oil , when the pain was oured entirely and has never returned. At Dy ton , Ohio , a poor w&ahorwornau was losectly given sirae clothing belong ing to a de&d woman of her acquaintance. Sewed Jn ono of the undergarments she found 5300 In currency , and returned tbo ruonsy it the holra of the dercased. ooi Li ) AND How tlio Two lllolicst > t < m In tli Unltcil StutCB Pass lliolr Albany Jouical. Jay Gould is a hfird-woiking niau He goes duim to Wall street early in thi tfny and stays thcto late. Not a thro day's vacation has ho taken In just , year. He fcns A thousand blta of detail t- ) occupy his attention In the manage meat of his vast fortune nnel the variou corporations nnd business schemes wit ! which ho la Identified , nnd ho Is yet an active tracer in the Wall itioat markets The p.iat year has been trying enough t men of money , nod Gould has more than earned his vacation. Hardly cno day iu a month has this wonderful little mat missed from his placo. IIo keeps th run of the stock market ns compUtely n any nun could , knows just what hi brother operators are doiug , unspent thousand questions as to policy gives twenty order. ! ( o bo ; or soil stocks cr bond * sees fifty dlflciont men wlic have axes to grind , directs now n scor of lotteiM and n hundred telegrams shal bo answered , en's a luucli , runs up to tin Western Union building and goes through the eaino pcrformanco there , never form Intlant , In all this busy day has an instiu to spare or n qnaitcr of n hour on hi hands. No riding in the pnrk for Mr Gould ho has not the time. When a length things are over for the day , Mr Gould geti into the elevated railroad am hurries home. Presto : No buslnts now. The day Is ended , and the evening ing is devoted to the family. Mr. Gonle has six children , and a * tlio entire family with the exception of George , the eldot son , stay at homo almost Invariably , the ) have no end of fun , Goukl never conk endure tocicty or social life. Ho goo nonhera of nn evening. Ilia wife ii no in any aonto a woman of sojioty. She goes iomowhat with a llttlo citclo of la diet ! with whom oho is interested In th chinch , bnt you never heard of her n bills or puties. The Asters or the Van dorbiltj or the best spjloty folks in toni m'ght ' send her invltntioiiB foiovcr She would not ro'pond to thorn It cecniB to bo a hobby of Iho family to keep away from otter people not bat tint other people are most do- I'gMinlly treated whenever they cro mei by tbo Gould ? , for the Goulda are aa cor dial and as unuil'eclcd and ni well man nered as could bo deairod , but they eccm not to seek publicity in nny manner , much loss in public p'neoj. Yet nt homo or on the yscH cr wherever , they ara as jolly as the jolliost. and every ono who moots them likes them very much. The entire family are to go on the trip except Georga and they are to board the yacht at Charleston , Grorgo ia going to stay at lioiro and run his father's biiticojs. Gould's everyday life IB in marked contrast with Vandcrbilt's. Vanderbi t has T , ptsalon for dihing , and when 1 hea'th permits , which isn't as often as used to bo , he imy ba Been on the roul of an afternoon. Easiness he has dropped Ho has gold the bulk cf his railroad s'ocls , and what ho holds ho owns and retains for investment. Ho has-so arrnnij- cd things that all the detail of bis nccess- a'y work ia performed by oUieis , and ho simply directs in a few vccrda what shall bo done. His time is at his disposal , and ho is constantly seeking how ho may ecjny himoolf. Now ho takes a ran In summer to Saratoga. Next heard of ho sails for Europe. Then ho is baik again and in the White mountans. All the while ho is buying pictures of horses or amuting hlmsolf with the newest novelty. Ho never goea down into Wall etruat. A broker who should know ssii the ether day rhat to his knowledge Vanderbilt had not been in the strcctt for more than tiwo years. Wall slroot continues to believe , however , that Vanderbilt ii an active buyer and seller of stocks. His near friends ssy tint ho ii net , and that ho is actually as much cut of business as a man in possession of § 150,000,000 or § 209- 000,000 can possibly be. The Vandor- bills are not such a jolly , rollicking house hold .11 the Gonlde , probably bociim there are not so many young folks to keep the fun gcng , but there is nothing atfdcted or disagreeabla about them They are plain , outspoken , com- mon-oonso men and women , who enjoy tbo good things of life to a marked do- grce , and who are not spoiled by the possession of many million's. They are yory social , The Vanderbullt homo is nlwaya full of visitors , and the family ia Forever going to tlio thentre or opera , Ibo head of the huuco has been in poor health th'a winter and has baen kepi in- iloora much mora than ever before , and there have been other reasons why tbe Family have not bie'tso g y as in former reasons. Yet the indication of all is to o and onj iy life aud opond mcmy. The Vaoderbilts are very much bolter c'.tizona 10 fir as contribu iog to the city's nll'iira ind enlivening social , tliun are the Bouldg. Vnnderbilt has built and adorn ed and bcttifled and entertained. Gould iita kept Ira doors shut nnd lias remained within them. d'H Acid Plioeplialo. ADMI11AI1LE JISSiULTS IN rBVEltS. Dr. J. J. llyan , St. Louis , Mo. , nays : 'J invariably pwasrlbo it in fovtrs , also n canvalcBOancii from was'ing and debit- tatic diseased with admlrabio results. I ho find it a tonlo to an enfeeble condition ' f the genital organs. " Tlio ltrocliu ol Horses In America , Mr. F. 1C. Moroland , Ogilonsburtr , N. 1. , writes the Live Stocls Journal and fanciers' Ga/.Ute : "The pfactico of keeping ono or fcwo ; oed brood mares and raising colts , is D teed practice , and ono that is grofflpg in : aver with the dairy farmers of the ttato of Now York. The breeding of colts has proved so profitable and withal BO attract- ivethatcome enterprising farmorakeopam extramaro , and sometimes more than onp , for this purpose. The fact that money is to bo nuido In this way very caiily his induced thoao farmers who do breed colts to use a better class of mirea for this pur pose. In times past eel's could be pur chased when wosiird : it from $25 to ? 3C for an extra good ono. When colts could ba puroKaied for the prices quoted , the reason for such prices could generally be traced to tbo breeding of the colts as wtll as to the care they received , The troullo has been that too often the very worel specimens of maimed , broken down and decrepit old mares were uecd for this pur. pose. To aggravate this evil , the m ra was utiully kepi in the harness fiom the day the colt was dropped until weaned , without the extra care which should , in justice to tbo mire and co't , have been hwtoweel upon her , The atalli n was too cftm ol inferior brcoJinjr. On the whole , I en sitUiied that § 25 wat about ell th t co't. bred and reared In this manner are worth The Improvement in horse breeding ii duo to two causae : I. Good horses have always commanded a gcol price and bavo been very bard to pro cure. I hose of our teamsters who have dtsired a tram of extra good quality idap'ed to any particular pur pose have been compelled to procure tbcm from other sections. 2. Knter- pristnt : hcrio breeders Introduced pure bred Clydesdale and Norman nUlllonsfci the bent lit of f.avmcrj who might wish to brccJ a serviceable style of draft Itrwo. The introduction of tbcco heavy broods of draft horses has worked n revolution in brcodirt ; horses in ihii part of Iho cmntry. i'urmojs now select a batter class of miraa for brtcdingthan fcnucrly. The wisdom of this courto is apparent in the Improved class of stock produced. Instead of a colt weighing 500 pounds at cno yo r old , if half Nor man or half Clydculalo It Is quite apt to weigh 1,000 pounds nt the samp ago. The difference in value Is aeo no incon- Mdorabio inducement to farmers to take kindly to this method of brooding horses. i have seen any numbar of mongrjl-bred colts told nt ono year old for $10 to § 50 par hold. I have also BOOH ba'f-brod ' Norman colts solo at the same ngo for $150 , and know tbnt Ills almoit impos slb'o to prouro a good one for any less Those half-bred ClydcsJolo and Norman horses link o very superior teams for all kiods of farm work , and wbat is very do alrablc * , are always salable at very tempt log prices. " AC' ' RD. To nil lionro uHcrlnp from errors nd IndUustlons oljontli , nonmucftkiicss catly ilcoxy , loss of uunhooil , oto , t 111 eeiul a receipt that will euro von FIlKi : OK CHAUOK. Tlila ( trent remedy was Jlscovcrcil liy a tnlitlonary ti > South America. Scml f clf-ftddrcsseil on > ole | > oto llKV. Jo SKPII T. 1NMAN Station "D. " New York. A laiuky YOVIIIK ainn. New York Sun. The now schooner yacht Carmohti is hftlcg provisioned at Grconpoint for an "around the Horn" trip to San Fran- cso. ! She has been btilt for and is owned by Jatncs V. ColomBii , one of the young mlllionairos of the Panifie coast. A few years ago Colcman held an un important poiitlon In the then busy town of Virginia City , Nov. The npocn in his month was the fast of his being the nephew of O'Brien , of the boaansn firm of Fair , Flood & O'Brien. When his uce'.u became a milliomire , young Coleman eteerod clear of him , and was not fo bo ramomborcel among the stto'lltes who fawned and fed on him. When O'Brien was on biadoathbtd ho called Coloiran to him , and , pointing tea a ( in box , said , "Tako that , Jimmy ; it will ktep tie ocld out. " It has dona so , for it contained stocks and bonds and other property worth many millions of dollars , In fact , It contained the bulk of O'Brien's wealth. All ppr.or.3 ntllicted with Dyspepsia , Diar- rlm > 3 , Colic and all kinds of hdigestinnB will ind i'umediato relief nnd ttiro cuia by USIUK AiiRotitiira HtttiTH. The only Reuuino is nnuufacturcd by Dr. J. G. 15. SiCRert & , An Island With A Gold Mine. ' 'Xow York Commercial Advertiser. The little island in the fJardangor Fjord , known as Bommelou , wbish , iiro years ago , was an uninhabited and deso- ta spot , is now a busy seno of exten sive gold d gglng. Numerous English urthnns and JNoi-ak bricklayers Eiid car- loctci' } bavo for months been actively iiigagod in boring and { inking shafts into ; ho reck , and in preparing houses aud ihe Itsr ftr the men and machinery thai lave been drawn hither by tbo report ol ho di : ovoiy , In 1882 , of gold in the Stornangan m'no. This diacoveoy had jccu anticipated In 1802 by the find of a lioeo of pora gold , which was at once ele- xs'tedu the Mineralogical mcsnem ol Jhriitfanis , where it has since rotnivned apparently unheeded. The mine ii now worked by an English fivmr trading , nn- dor the litlo of the Oscar Gold Mlc'ug crmpany , wbicn is wojkod undes the scientiCc dlrccticn of Mr. Murihison. > onidciblo ainuaoniont EQEIUS to have been created among Norsemen by a Dome vhat amhk'guoua statement , set forth in ha company's circulars , vthich orraa'arly ' nuounces that "the gold finds at Bcm melon arj cither natura's-gtaiteat sucoses r hergieatost i SKIN 1JISKAHKS CUUED. By Dr. Frazier's Magic Ointment ) . Ouroa If by magio : 1'imples , Black Ilunds or Grub Blotches nnd Eruptions _ on the face , leaving the skin ciaar and beautiful , Also euros Itch , Bait Ithouai , Sere Nipples , Sere Lips nnd old , Obstinate Ulcers Sold by druggists , or mailed on receipt prico. 60 cents. Sold by Kuhu & Co. and O , I1' . Goodman. a IVoiulciTuli 0-xchangoi Probably the mojt wonderful timepleoe vfu hoard of is a clock described by a liudooKsjih as bcloncjinc ; to a native jrliicttss ol Uppsr India. In front cf iho look's d EC wiii a gong , swung , upon olcjB , and ii30r it was a pile of uitTtcial aiba , The pile was made up of the full uaibor of i.arts'fcr twolva poifect bodies utallloy heaped together in eeming onfueictiVhcuaverthehandsof the lock indicated the hour of ono , out from ic pile crawled juit the numbir c parts o foiuv the ffjino of i'ia uimp6i't jUning 'self ' to the part with quick rno'.aliu click , nd when completed , the ligure pivir ) ' p , ( eizod aouiall maJiet , and walking up > the gong , striuk one , tbo first huur. Vhtii two o'clock oime , two monroio up nd did likewise , and BO through all the icurs cf the day , tha number of figures lc tolng the tnnij as the cumber of the til at noon and midnight the en o Ire heap epring vip , and , nwrcbing to lie gong , struck erie after another , each lin blow , making twelve In all , and then 'ell to pieces again. A CoulL , t'olel or HoroTljroat 'hould not bo Ecglectcd , EaowN'.s 35noN- CSIIAL TitocIE3.-ATOuBimplo ! remedy , and give prompt rolitf. 'Jcentn n bo * . n A C < > KrossmMi Ktllecl t > y t Senator Vest's rcft re lisas io the t * eprcsoatatlvea frjin Onio who rom a nowspipor man and bad published n the lleoord the sima identical speech wl'h'n ' tvo weeks , writes a Washington cor/ejpondeut to Tha liar t ford Post , has tined up sorno reminiscencea of congres sional plagiarissi. It is told by onu of ho oid-timoni at tbs cipitcl tbat'Speaker White , of Kciitinky , came to his death is tbo result of txporuro for dciofj some thing of this kind. While ho w & speaker of the house in the twenty-seventh con ; reea , and was an abla man , ho vas so irejaul with biuims.s that when ho bade ; o deliver his valedletc ry ho got ono ol theto men who t > rj always on hand to make a llttlo money to wrifobu aidross. U was handed him just n little while bc Fore the time ho had to deliver It , Rii bo put It In h's pecket without roadin ? . When lha time canu , ho icss and tlowly unfolding the manusjrlpt read IliB ad- drcts. It was very brilllatt , but it wts Aaron.Bnn's famous valedictory to the senate. The speaker nev r recovered f iu the shock , flo went homo , was taken very (11 ( and it in siippCBsd he killed himself fortlmmo , Ono reason why diiraioo of llii bladder and brlnsr/ organs are so difficult to cure is lha' , thuy frcqaen ly have no prciuun ced symptoms HUXTH [ Kidney an Uv < r ] Kt.MEDV IB picullarly adapted to ihe cure of these rumphioti , nd yoea a1 once tu the itut of iho trouble , ghitig re lief at urce. . . Rheumatism uralgto , , Sciatica. Lumbago , Backache. Headache. Toolhaclic , lit- < , | , , , . | | | , , , | , . , > rn . .soalil . I'rnot llllpji , AMI . : \ . \ 0111:1.1:11 : : co. U.lllnortllJ.l.S. I. S lt'sSpecinelmscnreil ( mj rnnccr which \rrjluil. lain now ( n flno hoilth ; nc\er Ivcttcr 1I \ OL'ilnril 25 pounils since I boR n Uklng Swill' Sii.-clllc | it 8. DliAliroitu , 'lIptoiiMllo , Tonn , CANCKH FPU MANY YKUS.Scnnnt 1m boon Bltllctcd ( or m n.v ) ors with n cMicor i n tic nofolilrli roolxlcil nil oort of tttntmcut. 5lio n cured entirely with Swllt'n Sprclflc. Jens lliu , Druggist , Tliomson , C . KOSK KATK.V OFF , V joiinir man near thi town hmlftii oatlnK CMireron hla faro which haj ilo ttroj uil his note Mul wasoatinj townul hlscjci A a last resort I | mt him on Swllt'a Spotllc , oiul It 1m cured him sound ami well M. F. CIII-MLKI , M , ! > . , CRlcthcrpc , On Mo socn rcimrKnblo rrxults tram the u o o Swift's hpccllb in cancer. Hhas cured bC\eir\U sc under tnro nace. . llKV. J. II. CAMI nr.u. , Coiumhus , Oa Salt's Srcelflola entirely vcRctablr , andeccmst euro rancors by fo tlnfr out the hnpuiltlta fiom th blood. Treatise on Elcod ft'iil Skin Uhcajca mallei free. The Swift Specific Co , Druucr 3 , AtlanU , Ga. or 1CD W. ? 3d St. , New York. CThronle.tSferrons O dnich. Hlirn Vuiv * . M'r"'c1 O'lirntttnoivrn \ Address , r. Ii. i . IU. ! > . , i8C > SoutL Clark Street , CHICAGO. VS u o [ { SUCCESSORS TO J7.1VIS It S.VYUER.)1 ) I.V 150i FAKNAM STUH3E31 , - OMArTA. Hiva fci RVo ro00a acres oirt fully selected landc- In haitovii Helmut a , at Io juice and on fasy torn.9 Improvid farn'8 ' forualu In , Dodjjc , Colfuv , Platte , JJujt , ( Juniini ; , ti&rpy , V achingtou , Morrlck , SaunJors , an I Ilutlor countlon , Taxia [ ill J In til partH of the Bints. Money loatc.l on iinrovcil ) 'nnna. ' Notary Tublla aluayd la oilici. CorrcsponJonco BOllcltcd 61 7 St. Chnrlcs Sf. , Sf. Louis , Mo. A rrgu'ir ' grrvduate of mo Hedlcal CoDj cii , ha ticpti lotigei fntrapoJ In tfpeclnl IrcntmeDt nf OBUONIC , Nim\on , BKIK nod Ilu > oD DxiABMttino nnv * otlirr * ( ijtlclnn In fit. Loulj , u pity p fcr * tliow bin ! oil old rcnlJfTitb know. Nervous Prostration , Dcbl'ily , Mcntl And Physical Weakness ; Mercurlaand ( otn ttons of Tliuat , Skin or Uoncs * Blood Po Old SOTGS TTld UlCCrS. ro trrutM wllli unj uccew , n laiMi self nilUa prlnelr lc . Hm'elv. PrlvnU'l * . Diseases- Arising from Indls-eretlon , Excess , Exposure CAlndulgcncc , which rfoJnee sera of ( ba following cfT D < , tii uertoiiiDcijf , JcMl.17 , dlmuts * of sight sad defoctlvo armory , flmple * on the face , iibrtlcnl decay , HVf rvlou to tlit tfoelelj of fL-niHlrn , cn3luI i of lictti , etc ln o Improper or unhappy * * J . I'nrnphkt ( ! pnfJcn tto abate , net * In lealcil cu\rlope , free to any uOdrtu Consul tailcoat tf Ueoor by muUSrc , and Invited. IVrl'-i for quctUoni. A i Positive Written Suaranteo RlTc > lnall < cnnbtc iii , UoJlcln : ntnl ercrynhcro. ramphleti , tncllbU or OertEan , 01 paces , do- Jorlbiuc nbovo dlieaieo , In maloor fcinalo.l'ilEa O UBDE ! SCO pngo. fliniilttm. llltiilrated ID t loth and till Mnd I/knicjut > jon ) .l go ; mr. imr | tenn , sic. Ttli eoiitnlQo- tbe curlom , doutitful cr * iQquUltlre vt know i , A b k 01 croit lat rM | to lO. UcalUl. Uo \IT aiu the LIUIiR anil IasT'iiili Till' nucl VIOOK uf YOUTli. ! ) > Wuint Ol Al'lH'lHl' ' , 'os rcculvu ii. LlilH'ii8 ( liu rnlnil vnJ BUrillllCO llfllll 1'OVVt. Simcilimirou , uouiiilaliiu juifulinr In Ihi'lr EC xiM ind In 211. Zl' OUT.K'RXH.OW aejIJTC n tnf ad 'ily cure , vilvcouflcut , liCxillliy coiuiicvn'i. | 1'retnont atiompts al iopoiuarlly | ; | ! rtlui or xlnnl. Do uot exii'ji'i JiiilNpullliu Ollll'IN Ul A.1U IIKHT. iiurlvl < U is' tii'll i > r. Hnrtbr ATnd O-i , Mo. . lor ojr "DKEAM UOO1S.1 ocnrasw ; & /f&- f " j i " / < - < .V rti. . Juyif-ii * hiniilar v.timo. nliln , JIM \ioll an t' ' ) M lstin rt'nntiililo pU ! clann thronvhoiu tli ulii > ! l'.H ' .ti-nt.fy to tli > iviiirtl > nf itonr-icK's roon saa INFANT. ? AND WTAI.IIJB llrtiulreri no ioo' : iUMtli ) d In hmilr.'W'rMd' > vn. ( Iund7 itii. llynililru irlntH li. Koi-iiK'-'u. IIOIU.U'K'S I'OIM ' ) ( ' ( I. , Idirlitf , Vt'fx. -Ufntliv mall nn rcis hit of rrloimn IIUIH ut . > 1.1 II. . | ! MI itt .ikwp. , r. .f ciMibUr..iu , A.k j. , coia at : N. a * . Ily the U'o o iroilttttr'a fitoiruicli Jilttera the ha/gard upi > oir ! ice of i he counUnaiiro andvil louiifut of dy ) > i'i- tlui are bUij.UntcJ | lor look ai tha food i id ffyulrun ] Mibotanco ApiietiiuU itiitured , ana tljuiicrvous jn tern refrethcd ultli much nctded eluui- Ur , throajjli the i ; eel ol iiixJlclne , which Is alto bene ficial to iieraoa ol a rliuutnatlo tendency eii'l an Ineitiioal/lu lire ontiMj cf filter IM * < ue. forailo A The ronwrknblo growth of Omaha during the hat few yonn la a mnttor ol great MtonUhment to those who pay &a occaalonal visit to this growing oily. Tbs dovolopmout of the StocV Ynnla the necessity of the Bolt f Ltni , Road tbo finely pnvod Btroota tljo hundreds of now residences nnd costly business blookn , with the popnUtlon of our cltjr raoro than doubled In the lost fiva yonnu All thlt la n great surprise to vlfiltora nnd Is the admiration of our oHIzcne. This rapid growth , the business activity , and tha many snbatantlal Improvements madn a lively demand for Orasbiv real estate , and every Invostoi has made a bondiome profit. Slnoa the Wall Street panic Hay , with the inbaonuont crj of hard tlmua , there has boon loan demand from npoonU- tore , bnt n Ms demand from lurostori necking homos. This Jailor class ara tnklBR advantage of low prlcoi In build. Ing material nnd nroBocnrlugthrlrhoinoi at much lew coat than will be possible year honca. Spcculntons , too , can buy real cata * a cheaper now and ought to taka odvant. o of present prloos tot fotun pro ti. The nest few years promlsea groatea djvolopmenis In Omaha than the past ( i v i years , which have been an good M wo could raMonably dostro. Now man ufacturing eoiabHshmonto and largo job- blnghouaoaaro added nlmoBfcweeljly , and all add to tha prosperity of Omaha. There ore raany In Omaha and through- bnt the State , who have their money in the banks drawing a nominal rata c * IE- torost , which , If judiciously luvoatod la Omaha real estate , would bring them much greater returns. Wo have many bargolnn whhh wa nra confident will bring the purchaser Iwgo profiU In th near fntnru. Wo have for sale the finest reai- donco probity in the north and western parts of the city. North wo hnvo fine lots at reason able prices on Sherman avenue , 17th , 18th , 19th and 80th streets. Wesb on Farnara , Davenport , Dumiug , and all the lending streets n that direction. The grading of Fnrnani , Califor nia and Davenport streets lias made accessible Homo of the finest and cheapest residence property in the city , and with the building o the street car line out Farnam , the pro jerty in tliewestern part of the city will increase in vnlun Wo also have the agency for the Syndicate and Stock Yards proper- , y in the south part of the city. The levelopments made in this section ) y the Stock Yards Company and ; he railroads will certainly double ; ho once in a short limn. We also have Homo line business ots ami some elegant inside rnsi- denco ? for sale , Parties wishing to invest will find fjctd bj.jpniUB by calling 213 South Mth Bt , Dot reen Fnrnbom oud Douglas , P. S. We ask those who hav iroporty for ale at n bargain to ive is a callWp want only bargains We will positively not handle prop erty at niorethim its real value.