Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 24, 1885, Image 1

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Tee Sundry Ciyil Bill En&ages Stnie
Pryo Wants $800,000 , For Trans
porting tlio Foreign Moils ,
Debate in tbo House on the Naval
Appropriation Bill ,
Bill to Quiet Titles in tlio Des
Moines Eiver Settlers.
The New Cabinet Continues to
Bo the Principal Topic ,
iiO.OOO Will Ho In tlio
on tlio Fourth of
WASHINGTON , Fcbnury 23. Ingalls , from
to committee on Indian affairs , repotted nbill
to refer to the court of claims tlio eastern and
vroitcrn lands of tlio Cherokee Indian ! . Cal.
A rcHulution WJH agreed to Authorizing the
committee on Indian affairs to continua dur *
intf tlio NCCSJ of congress the Investigation
regarding the loassfi of Indian lands.
Another loiolution was agrotd t > calling on
tha BocraUry of tlio Intoti ir to furnish Information
mation regarding tlio urogreaa of Indian oJu-
Miller , Oitliornla , presented n petition
from the tuntul encampment of tlia grand
army of tbo republic , now in sefsion at San
Francisco , praying for tlio iinmmJiato pasiago
of tha bill by canures ? to place Gen. Grant
on tin retired Hat. The petition under tha
rule wai laid on the tMo , tbo Benato having
already p.isud the bid to carry out the pur
pose prajod for by thi petition.
Tha Dos Moinca settlers titloa bill wai then
placed bjforo the seiuta and Ltphatn ni
Binned hia rornarka In feuoport of liU amend
ment , exempting from the operation of the
net such ai were covered by tha joint resolu
tion of Mirch2 , 18UL and whoso ti tlou the
Bupremo court were decided to have boon
rendered valid by that joint resolution.
Tha amendment vrjn defeated yaua 31 , naya
24. An it ia n fouuto bill it now goes to the
bouse for consideration.
The poslollica appropriation bill was then
Fryo olferod nn amendment appropriating
$ 00,000 for the transportation of foreign
mail * , in'lndtui ' ; tiansportation acrosa the
Isthmus of 1'inama , and authorizing the pest-
mas tor gtiueral to contract with the lowest ro-
spontibla bidder for the carriage of tuch malls
at not to nxceod 60 cents per milo on
tripoich way actually traveled between
terminal point * ; but providing t hut tuch mails
Bhall bo utriiid on Aiuoricm steamship ? , ntid
tbo aggregate of men contracts ahull not exceed -
coed ona-lnlftho sum appropriated by tbo
I3ayard inado n point of order that Fryo'a
amendment goner ilegislation. .
Back paid that Fryo's amendment was a
Bubiiily to a certain small c naa of inon. It
was tha old Pacific M ll subsidy , and nn un
just discrimination giving $ IOOlOJ out of the
treasury to a few inun now owning a few
ahlps. _ There would bo no tlmo to build any
now ehips before tha subsidy would oxpho , u
it would uxpiro with the appropriation bill.
Thla would on rich a few pata of congreis
Fr > o inquired if it was not a subsidy fora
ona burnt Htt > Kl ! running through tlio back
hills of Kentucky to get SiOO i\ year , inoro
thin a dollar a your for every letter caniod.
lie Hiippimed it waa no subsidy for the rest ol
the country to make up Kentucky's deficiency
of half n , million dollars u jew nn her mail
service , but it became -subsidy when anyone
( proposal to help American steamships by pay
ing n fair price for carrying the United Status
In tlio rnurao of hia reply to Fryo , Beck
Bald that Ktntuckv had paid Into tin foJera !
treiaii ry moro ouch year than Mainn had
paid altogether In halt a century. Wo hat
only tifteun per cent of the carrying trade ol
our own product * , bocmnu wo had n high
tuIT. : ( When wo hail n democratic udininis-
tcalion and low tariff wo lull carried eighty
per cent of flur o\yii products. Protection
and subsidy , the crippling comnmco by high
taxation had reduced the Uuitod States t ) a
pitiful condition in which tuoy vvcro now in
rogaid to ( hipping und tha amendment ol
Fryo's would n it help tliuin.
Vest euid there should ba no mistake about
the queiti n in hand. It was to encnurago
the building of ship * in the Uuited Statee.
No logidlttion of congress , however could bulk
up the nhipplng or commerce under thn proa-
out condition of production In the United
BtaU , Wo might us well try to chain the
wind. Fryo waa making tin amendment
wliich was a naked donation of $100,000 to
the 1'ucitic Mail cornpiuy , It wain Bubsid ;
and subsidies don't p y.
On liayard'a point bung brought to a vote
the amendment was held to bo in order yea
.33. n-tya 20.
Van \Vyclc offered an amendment to Frye'
amendment providing that no part of the
, i onoy should bo paid to any ateanuhip coin
ipuny now oetaolished , and which had beci
pcying dividends. In support of hia amend
nnuit Van Wyck slid ho suppose 1 that Fryu'u
jiroviilon wa meant for tin protection of in
, tnrri Industries. Ho therefore s w uo rovior
tojr.y atiy.porUon of it ton strong company
\jJsnAho Pacifm Mail company.
You Wyck'a amendment was not agre
Jfryt'a amondmeut was then agreed to yew
Tha icnntu retained the house provision per
mi WiAf uew p jpor article * w bo marked with
out iucroiaed pfMtaga. Tin hill waa then reat
th.vii tltna tnd passed without division 1
now i XOBO the house for concurrent or non
concu.rexoo of the eonato amendment ,
Mitcftalljaid ha would to-morroiv call up
the prh'.tte jjousiun bills on the eemato caleu
liar.Kiecut.U'a e ion. Adjourned.
WASHIKO TOV , February 23. Handoll.dmlr
man of tbo c vintctttoo of appropriations , reported
ported the iui"iry civil appropriation fell !
Itulerred to t'lia coinmitteo of tlio wliol
Bland reserving All points of order.
Lofevro ollereil n rixolntion realting tlu
Germany is diacr ! Mlnatlc agaluit imuortei
Amorlc-vn products , tail lurtrusting tha com
mlttoo of foreign aflalif , to Inquire Mid rex -
x > tt wtctbcr the interests of the United
States do not require a like diwlmlnation on
.rticles Imported from the German empire.
On motion of Pason the senate amend
ments were concurred In the house bill , for-
citing ths Texas Pacific land grunts.
On motion of Hopkins the Senate amend-
ncnt was concurred in to the IIouio bill pro-
ilbitlng the untxttatlon of contract labor
Perkins introduced a bill to open up the
) klahoma lands to the enino homotlead settle-
Itandall then moved that the House go into
pmmitteo of the whole for the further con-
{ deration of tha naval appropriation bill , and
hough 6ppo ed by tbo supporters of the river
nd harbor bill the motion was carried , yeas-
SB ; n ys 125.
Long concluded his fpeceli in support of the
reposition to inertnio the navy. lie thought
10 spoki for his side of the flout. ? , when ho
aid lie was ready to engage in the work of
luildingup the navy , it oven , if that work
ook place under the democratic administr.v
ton ,
Hewitt , of New York , was ready to vote
30 UOO.OOO for the reconstruction of the Am-
rlcan navy , The government was bound to
xpend thotsum within the tnxt five Tear * ,
nd ho wai willing to give a pledge to-day
hat the American congress had the patriot-
sin to vote the necessary money.
Cannon , whllo ha wanted tlio American
navy , did not consider the pending bill pra-
enled H proper and orderly way of securing
one. Ho criticised the provision for creating
a board composed in part of civilians , and the
onsequont abolition of the present naval ad-
leery board. The only result would bo the
mllding of four ships at n ccst of the Lord
nly know what Such reckless appropria *
ion of money an was proposed would wreck
\nv administration nnd deb tuch any service.
Holm.iu taw no necessity for any brute in
utldlng a navy an < thought congress should
vait till the tow cruucra were completed , and
hrir utility demonstrated.
Townshend expressed hia readings to res-
Kind to thn demand of the people for rebuild-
ng the American navy ; but he could not see
vby the democratic party of the homo sh uld
ecomo BU quickly panic stricken , and should
oap from tlio conservative policy which it
laU followed so many years Into the opposite
xtrcrne. Therefore ho would move at tha
roper titno to limit the amount for rebuild-
ng the navy to $ S,000Ofl , > . Ho thought the
reposition under consideration woultl result
n opening the doors of the treasury to John
lo ich , nod would in effect subiiJizo to the
ull extent of tho.Sl..0,0 > 0,000 surplus which
amalned In the truasuary ,
lived said tbo proposition both In matter
, nd manner was c insistent with thelife of the
lemocratic party. It was always giving
hromos for incompetency.
Thomas : opposed tha proposition aa being to
mild the hulU of four vessels nt an unlimited
co t. It was not known whether they were
o bowood , or iron , or steel , or whether
hey were t } . be frigates , etinboats , or
> arn' > . There was not one cent giv en for a gun
ir for machinery or for ruging. There was
nothing in tin proposition but a provision for
> Iaccs fur a lot of democratic poiiticiaua who
are alleged naval architects.
Kclferoppoted the provisions of the bill as
i y would not give the country a navy.
IlanduU aid that on effort had been made
> o create the impression tbat the democratic
tarty was hostile to tha nayy. Its history
vag ths reverse. He argued In support of tha
> nnding provisions of the bill. If they were
aulty in detail , they could bo corrected.
Thin clo oj the debate on the second roc-
n n of the bill , and Thomas raised a point of
rdtr ngnlnst the second section , that it
changed thu exislin ; laws und ws not in the
tprdut of economy.
The chair sustained the point raised by
Thomai , and the eoction wan etricken from
tha bill.
Talbot olToied an amendment to the appro
priation of S1.7SO.COD for the completion of r
steM cruiser of not lo's tban 5,000 nor more
than ( ! ,000 tons displacement or armament
Ihertfur , authorized by an net of congress ap
proved August 5 , 18S .
Thompson favored the amendment as being
a practical beginning of the work of building
ip the navy.
The amendment was adopted.
On motion of Randall the amendment wa
amended by adding n proviso that the secre
tary of the navy shall approve of the con
strnctum of such vessel ,
Thnmis offered on amendment appropriat
ing S2.iOIOfO for the completion of tha "IVr
ror " "Puri'nD. " "Manadnock " "
, . , "Amphi-
drlta" and "Mlantonornah , " provided thaf
their completion shall be recommended by thi
secretary of the navy. List by Gl to 95.
On motion of Boutelle the amendment was
ndoptod providing for the return of the Alcrl
with the thanks of tbii government to thi
government of Great lintain fcr the tranafei
of the Bear to tha tronsury department , to b
used as a revenue cutter in the Aluskav
waters , aud for thu use of the Thetis in tlu
navy as a surveying vessel.
The committee then > ioao and reported UK
bill to tha house1. The action of tha commit
tee in tbo adoption of the Talbot amendm-n
wan ratified by the hou o jeai 111 , nays ! )3.
Tbo bill pasbtd , and tha house took t
recess till the evening sessinti for t p cpusld
cratlon of business relating to the District o
WosliinRtori Gossip.
Special telegram to THE BKI : .
WASlliNaTON. February 23. The senate
to-day pasted the bill authorizing the attor
ney general to bricg uuit in the United States
court of Iowa to determine the proprietor
ship of the lands alonir tits lies Moues river ,
granted for the Improvement of that stream ,
and now claimed by parties living on them as
having been forfeited to the goveinment by
the improvement company to which they were
granted , The bill haa not passed the house ) ,
but it possibly may slip through , an tha house
has in a former Hesskn pasted a similar bill.
The defeat of the motion to take up thu
river and harbor bill Is believed by many to
ba the death knell of that measure ,
WASHINGTON , February 23. The sundry
civil till just printed contains an appropriation
of $17,010 to complete the public building at
Qulnoy ; for completing an iron finlehing shop
at llock Island , $3,500 } armory shop , $50,000 ;
completing store hguse , $5,000 ; now oflico for
the armory and arsenal , $30OCO ; for comple
tion of the water pool above Hock Island
bridge , S18.DOO.
The cabinet continues to bo the sub
ject of discuuioa. Gradually the lines are
drawing closer and If Uayard , and Garland ,
and Taurinan , nnd Vilei , and Manning , and
Laintr , are not eli of tha seven , there are n
Rood nuny disappointed people when the Hat
is announced ,
There U quite n scramble to get
in the procjslou on tha fourth of
iUrch. It is estimated tbat there will ba
30,000 In line , and of course it is to bo a scene
witnessed only once in four years. Tin ocly
reservation atom ; th nvenuo is u'llod with
for which ty or 63 ia allowed to ba aikel
ceordlng to location and whether or not they
re reserved.
THE SBNnnr CIVIL ArrnorniAiipx BILL
Icpoitcd to the house to-day provides an p-
iroprlatlon of 822,210 177. o reduction below
ho estimate of ? 10.1iU,2J5. The bill author-
res thosecrotiry of the treasury In his dUcto-
Ion to suspend in whole or in part , from Ju'y
, 18BG , to Juno 30 , 1880 , the execution of BO
much of the lawas to direct the coinage of not
ess than two millions of standard silver dql-
nrs , nnr more than four million standard til-
er dollars per month. The bl 1 further pro-
ides no plan shall ba approved f > r n public
mlldlng until n silo ia purchased and paid
or , onu that no mora money shall bo expend
: d for any public buildlop than the nmouut
peclfied in the law authorizing Its erection ,
.ho secretary of war is authorized to rcli at
public auction the arsenal at Allegheny and
it Indianapolis.
The following are the items of hills : For
ppalrs of custom houeo and tub-treasury at
Chicago. § 10,00" ; completion uf the court
louse and po > toflico at Columbup , Ohio. $110-
CO ; continuing the public building at IVori.i ,
llinoi , $ r ' ) ,0 < )0 ) ! completion of the public build-
ng at liulncy , Illinois , Sir.fiOO. The bill roc-
immonds thu appropriation of 5213-102 for
Ight houses , beacons and fog signal ; , of which
ho sum of S',5.i ) is for the completion of thu
ight house at Urand Marias , Minn.
The secretary of the navy ia directed to
raii-for to the treasury department for use as
% rnvumo cutter in the waters of Alaska , the
totr , ono of the vessels of tno late Grenly re
ef oxp.'dltlon. An appropriation of S130-
) CO Is also recommended for the proportion
f food fish in tha wnteru of the United
The president Is authorized in case of a
hro.tKued or an actual epidemic , cholera or
'ellow fever , to t o the unespend-
d turn npproprlatod therefor July 7 , 1184 ,
ogcther with nn _ adtltttonal SSOj.OOU
he came to bo immediately available1 ,
n aid of the stats and local boards or other
wise in preventing and suppressing the spread
f thosu disoisei. Tno otner appropriations
ecommeii'led are as follows : 810,000 for con-
inning tha construction of _ tha stale , war ,
md naval department building * ; $4 ' .000 for
ho Washington monumtnt , to complete the
uterlor otairways and platform ; Slu'5,000 for
iqw buildings at and the enlargement of such
nllitary posts as In the judgment of the sec
retary of war may bo necessary. Of this turn ,
0,000 ia recommended to bo paid Mrs. Mary
[ " . Barnes , nidowof the late Smgooii General
James , for special and meritorious service
rendered by her husband in the last illness of
Pro'idontUarfield ; $30,000 for continuing the
inbllcation of the ollicial records tf the war
of the rebellion of both union and confederate
An appropriation of $300,000 tobedtshursecl
under the direction of the secretary of the
.reasury . U it commended in further aid of the-
world's fair at NBW Orleans
Thu attun oy-general ia directed to pay to
Jh trios H. Keed a sum not exceeding $3 003
and George Scoville not exceeding 82,000 for
perv'cas ' rendered in tha rate of tha United
States versus Charles J. Gutteau ,
It is proposed to repeal the law providing
'or taking the tenth and subsequent ecu-
The bill to quiet title In the Des Moines
river settlers , as it passed the senate ,
[ irovldci thit all lands improperly
mortified to in Iowa by the department of tha
rtterirr under the act of Auguat 8 , 18-10 , foi
which indemnity the lands were selected and
received by the state of Iowa shall bo public
lands of the United States.
The bill also confirms and validates tin
c'aima of all persona who , with in tout in POOC
faith , to obtain a title under the pre-emption
or homestead laws , entered or remained upon
any tract of land , prior to January , 1"60 ,
not exceeding ICO acres , , and pro
vidoa tbat upcn duo proof thereof ,
and the payment of the usual pricier
or the fees ( where not already paid ) a paten'
shall Issue. It nlso contirmi and validate :
tha title ) of all bona fide claimants und athi
color of a title from the state of low.i , and thi
United States eivnlH or the United State :
and United States grantees , which do no
cotne in conflict with the persons who with in
teutlons of good faith , to obtain n title undo
the preemption or hoinottead lavvj of th
United States , fettled upon tha lands prior tc
January , ISSJ. It _ is inado the duty of the
attorney general within 1)0 ) days after the
p .it sago of the nut , to institute such suits a
may be netdtd to insert and protect the till
of tha United States to the lands ; aad unti
such suits shall ba Determined , and con
greaa shall BO provide , no part of th
laud shall be open for settlement
Senator Sherman to-day introduced th
following as an amendment to the P < .cili
railroad sixty-oar funding bill : That no divi
deed shall hereafter bo mode upon tbo aloe
of either of the railroad companies named ir
arid accepting the provisions of this act excep
from tlia net earnlnga of thn said company
within one year preceding each dividend uf tc
nil the Interest and other fixed charges elm
have been piid or provl led for , and the cur
rent expanses of running tha road of the sail
company have been paid. And in computin.
such fixed charges an amount snail bo in
eluded Buflicient to preserve and maintain th
cars , track and othot property i
Its then condition for nix m nths
and to provide by loan or otberwis
for all betterments or equipments needed t
caver the ordinary wear nnd damage , aud t
unable the C'liipjuy ' to p rform itj increase
business Tnat whenever it shall appear tha
ths not earnings of either of the said com
panics , as ascertained according t < > the pri
ceding i ectlon , that during ono year prccei
iug , the amount to bo more than six per con
of the capital stock of such company , the
one-half of tuch oxcesa shall ba paid to tb
United States on the debt of such compan *
and shall be applied on tha principal sum du
thereon , and the other moiety of such oxce
may be divided among thu stockholders , or
applied for the betterment or pqulpment of
the road of such company.
It ia expected that the senate will be con
vened in special lustion almost immediately
after the adjournment of the present congress ,
and thut BUC'J tlmo as is not consumed in the
consideration of uppolntmonta , will bo de
voted to the discu-ulonof the pending treaties.
The house committee on public bui dinga
decided to favorably report tin bill providing
tiir following appropriations : 850,000 to Ne
braska. City , Neb. ; $25,000 additional to
Quincy , 111. ; § 11)0,000 ) to Oshkoah , Wis. The
proposed appropriations have no relation ti
the Items for tha public buildings mentioned
In the sundry civil bill.
At the evening session several unimportant
bills were p.vsoU and the bouse adjourneJ.
Gen. Horace E. Cupron died last night from
the effects of a cold contracted while attend
ing theo dedication ceremonies of Wmhing-
ton's monument on Saturday , Ho command
ed a company which took the part uf laying
the corner stone of tbo monume.ut , and uubiu-
quently removed to Illinois and entered the
union army , He was appointed commissioner
of agriculture in 1801 , and held that oflico un
til 1871. Ho afterwards ( pent three years in
Japan , hiving been appointed by thatppv
eminent to take charge of a schema to develop
the resources of the island of Yez" . For Ida
scrviccu there be received many distinctions
from the Japanese government.
Hostile Arabs Reappear at AM Klea
Anil Are Dispersed ,
Beported That El MadM Has Re
turned to Khartoum ,
The Barton-Cunningham Case
Postponed For Ono Wok ,
The Marquis of Lome on the
! Egyptian War ,
Three Unsuccessful Attempts to
Execute a Orirniaali '
Sir SteiTjril Norlhoota's f pcccli In the
House on tlio Ksjptluu AVnr
LONDON , Ftbrunry 2 ; ) . The marquis of
Lorno publishes n letter in the Pall Mill Ga
zette this altorncon in which ho deprecates to
the British advance upon Khartoum , now
that Garden is dead. The British , the Mar
quis continues , should bo gstiiflo J to tuko up
- position on the Nile to block tha Mahdi from
dvuncing on lower Kgypt.
N , Fobni iry 2J. Atingular incident
appened to-day in connection with the curry-
IK out of thi death seutauco passed upon
olin Lee , recently condemned for tha murder
! ICmma A. W. Koves. at Babcacoiube.
hrco attempts ware made to hang Lee but
ich attempt proved futile on account of the
allure of the trap to work properly. Lee
as an ex-convict who obtained the position
f valet to Miss Keyes , by means of forged
ettera of recommendation , Lee wished to
narry MisiKeyes who waa an elderly lady of
raaltb , fcha refused , whertuponLeoasaaulted
cr then murdered her and Bet fire to the
ouse to cover up the crime. Ho was after-
rarda captured und convicted ,
kftcr the first trial by the sheriff to perform
10 duty , the golUws was examined and the
lacliinery found to bo swollen from having
jcen wet by water. The machinery was then
verhauled and wall oiled and another attempt
made to hang the condemned man , but the
lachinery again refused to work. It was all
vcrbauled again and a third attempt wai
lade , vyhii h also failed. At the end of thn
lird trial the prisoner sunk in a swoon and
ad to ba carried from the placo.
A superstitious dismay overcame the cherilt
nd they abandoned all further attempt * to
trform tha duty. The ( heriff telegraphed
he particulars to the homo secretary and
asked lor instructions what to do noxt.
LONDON , February 23. At a meeting o
onaervativo p ° ors , bo'd at the rastdence o !
ho maiquia of S.hi-bnry this evening , it was
nanimously resolved to move in the hoiv-o ol
ordH the vote of cautura against the govern
unit for its I'gyptian policy.
Tno mad and pupsengtr steamer Princess
Jeatrico , bound _ from Same for Stranrear
Scotland is mUsing sines Saturday.
3t' lo that hoatila Arab ) reappeared St Abu
Clei on the nil-lit of tholOtb , arid were din
owed by a few rounds from General ItallorVi
Jar nerguns. This Intelligence , whiih ia
conveyed in a dispatch dated Abu K'o\ ' , February
ruary 23 , also contains the statement h ;
Arabs taken prisoners by General Huller thaf
'Cl Mali II hai returned to Khartoum. [
LONDON , February i.l. The Burtup-Cun
ningharu casa it adjourned until Monday nex
at trie request of Poland , solicitor for _ th
.rensury , Poland , said at tlio next hearing-
.ho crown would produce an entirely nev
irancli of testimony i gainst both Burton aru
Cunningham. The prosecuticn was receivir g
113 slid , fre&h eviiieuca ugalnst thu prisoner
every day , and the polios were kept busy in
veetigating it. |
LONDON , February S3. Secret negotiation
are blig carried on between the g.wcrnmou.
and the Irish party In rfgird to the te'rma or
which the Irish members of parlUmedt vvi
support the Boveinuaont in it division on thu
nuestion of the vota of consuroand the govern
ment ugentf1 , It is expected offcrred as a ro
torn for ouch support , modiliotions of th
crimes act , but Par neil Insists upon ft iloflg
that there shall bo no renewal of the act. Tn
[ i aspect * ara that the government wllljobtuin
iho majority of the brighter , t
The Marquia of Salisbury's notlcoof thn
motio n conimlttlnz the Toiler to the policy of
a prolonged occupation of the Soudan , liai
driven the radical section back into the gov
ernment ranks and the cohesion of the proup
of peace extremists ) will secure to tha govern
ment thirty votea hichert > doubtfully. ,
LONDON , February 23. The foroiern ollico
has received a communication from > Giers.
Kussian minister of foreign affairs , snjing no
advance of the Ilusnian troopa toward the
Afgan frontier boa been authorized , and that
the troops will bo withdrawn to the positions
they hold before the frontier commissions were
It ia reported that Bismarck ia supporting
the pacific pjlicy of DeGiera against the
military policy of Russia , who want war with
Kngland , mid that ho sent a protest to the
czar agatnsS any aggressive movement on the
part of Huesia ,
GENEVA , February 23. The society to pro
pagate anarchism holds a meeting in the
morning. The programme will include the
di'cuBsion of tha quottlon , "cjlwll ws have
anything to eat to-morrowi" The tituatlon
In Germany will also be considered , .
LONDON , Febniary 23 , Northcoto , in the
presence of tha full houio of commons to-dty ,
moved tbat an addrota ba presented to the
( Juoen , representing that the course pursued
by thu government in icgard t > Kgyptand
the Soudan has involved a great acrlflco of
valuable lives und heavy expense without
any beneficial results , rendering it Impera
tively necessary to tha interest of the British
empire and the 1'gyptian people that the
government should distinctly recognize and
take decided measures to fulfil tha responsi I-
bility not incumbent upon them in a good J ,
stable government for 1'pypt and those portions
tions of the boudan necctinry
for Its securitv. Xorthcoto then
delivered an elaborateli > eech with bitter do
nuncUtions. Said he : "Unless n complete
nnd entire change taUca place in the tpint of
the government , it will still bo our lot to , fall
in whatever wo may bo called upon to do ,
While brvo soldiers atogoing to F.gypt there
Is a volco proceeding from the council of her
majesty that deprive the expedition of half of
its itrenRth. A volco of uncertainty concur-
tng In what the government Is trying to attain
in Kgypt " The minister's words hitherto
have Implied that the great object
wa * to make the sUy of the tioopi
in Kgypt as short M posilblo. Nothing Is
more dangerous to the Internets cf KngUnd
than such decl.rations. Any talk about
withdrawing as teen ns possible is calculated
to dishearten and dUcoiirngo the troops and
make a serious impression upon the native
chief ? . The country ban heard quite enough
of tha policy of rescue and retire , and wo lm\o
been too much a olavo to the phrases. Now
tome distinct announcement is demanded la
the war ono of vengeance , or for the purpose
f attaining a useful object ? "
Gladstone replied that the government had
ot wavered or swerved n hair's breadth from
he covenant to send General Gordon essist-
co whtn tiorcossary and when possible t do
, Ho referred to the statements of Gen.
_ al Gordon's coloneh that under no circum-
tancea could i oliof hav o been timely , as Farog
ad long ago agreed to betray Khartoum ns
non as ( ho Driiish airlvcd. The KnglUhmis-
"on in the Soudan was the safety of Egpt.
'ho ' covcrnmtnt might have had coin-
ilted errors in its jndmcnt , but
iroughnut It had not oil with honesty of pur-
so. Ho frit satisfied that neither course
'as ' op'n to them. Ho referred to n better
overnment aud other reforms established In
liiypt , and said there waa no Ion per any
ai'gor , there was a tupturo with the Ficmh ,
hlch hhd cordially assisted In the measure
hich ho hoped In a few days to see
irm'jlly completed , aad which should save
ig > pt from bankruptcy. If Sir Stafford
lorthcoto wantnd to establith n good btabh'
ovorninent in the Komi in , inch a covenant
'UB nat compatiablo with common prmloncc ,
ecausoltmeant the eetnblldimont of a British
hrlstian govoriim ut over tha Mohammedans ,
his would entail an endless ttruggle , for the
eoplo wore courageous by bhth , and were
ado reckless by fanaticism. The govern-
isut declines to enter into any covenant not
; aonabla and prudent. Ho hoped
.18 houEO would give expression to
.heir confidence nnd thus strengthen
ie hands of the whole country in the face of
iio whole world. the several other speak rs who fol
iwcd was Kedmoud , who said that the Irish
eoplo desired to sea the mahdi successful in
* struggle for liberty. Adjourned.
LONDON , Febnury 23 A Paris dispatch to
leuter's news agency gives an account of _ the
OOK talked of congress of Fenian dynamiters
in that city to-day. An eye witness to the
iroceodlnts snys : Around the table vtno
eated eleven delegates. Two of these repre-
ented the Irish revolutionary party in Great
rltain , three extremists rejiorted from the
United States , two from Ireland , two from
ho continent , and two others rep-
esentod the Irish invincible ? . Three
.fenlarifl cat behind a table against the
vail. Thoee were prohjbited from taking part
n the debat9. A Kussmn nihilist stood in
rae corner of the room in company with a
manufacturer of dynamite , who was present
"or the j urpose of nrranaing for the sale of
ils wares Every person present was armed
/ith a revolver In readiness to shoot any dc-
.cctive who might interfere with tbo proceod-
ng ; * . The mseting aa called to order by a
man designated as KIkul , but whoso rca ?
ame ii John Morrisy , n native , o !
.lie county Curlew , Ireland. An Individual
named llannery was appointed reporter tc
: on ress. Several letters of opoloey were
. and exprocatnz a bitter hatred to England ,
Kikul rising to speak was greeted with threi
: heers. Ho referred to the past work am
'utura achievements of dynamite and invited
w deleg iteH present to discuss the rr.eam
which would load to the end ot England's ovi
rovernmont of Ireland Patrick Corcoran
inado a reported resolution to punich Eng1
ind's crimes by pursui g the dynamite wa
n an extended scale and more vigorous mean-
\nd to cause explosions not only in London bu
'nail the towns and villages in England
LONDON , February 23. A number of dis
patches from Gordon to the homo governmen
n regard to tha situation of affairs at Khar
tium previous to the surrender of that city an
published to-day. They were written on No
vember . Gordon declines to agrto with thi
home government that tbo expedition unde
Woheloy was for the purpose of rescuing him ,
but was , ho says , designed to rescue the garrison
risen at Khartoum. On September 18th ho
wrote oa follows : "How many times
have I written asking for reinforcements but my
letters have never been answered. The hearts
of the pallant men weary with this long wait
ing for uBsistance and failure to recelvo any
word of encouragement which would load
them to expect help shortly. While you eat ,
drii k and n-s ; in enod boda wo are alwavs
fighting. " It appears from a letter dated De
cember 1-ttb , that G iidon never tnid "I can
hold out fcr years , " as has been published , but
on the contrary declared food scarca and
relief should bo sent Id in at once.
The Euytian Uluo Book isued to-day con I-
tains a letter seut by Gordon to Wulaeley In II
Decembr. It nays : ' 'I have live steamers
and nine funs at Motcmueh awaiting your
orders. I can hold out forty d tys longer with
caso. After tlut It will be dillicult. The loss
of Col. Stuvvatt is toriible. I to.d him to give
you all information posiiblo. He bad my
journal from January 3d to September 10th i ,
The Mabdi Is eight miles from Khartoum.
Senaar's all right. The garrison there H
aware that you are coming. My journal from
September 10th ia on board ono ot the steam-
era which you will find at Mo-
tetnneh. I continue to have occasional
fights with the Arabs. It is rumored that all
Europeans with the Mnhdi , including KUatlr
Bey , and nuns , have become Musiulrnans. "
"Lupton Bey has surrendered. I have sent
out scores of messages in all directions during
tha last eight mom hi lo ) not send private
letters to mo. Tha risk Is too great. lo not
wrlto me in cipher , 1 have none and it Is no
UBO , The Mahdi knows everything , Take
the road from Abullot to Mntemneh. You
need not fear the Mahdi. Both Greek consul
and Austrian consul nro rafo. TheMahdi has
captured a letter from the king of AbbyMnla
to mo. Your expedition , as I understand , is
for the relief of the garrison ot Khartoum ,
which I f.iled to accoinpliih. I decline to ad
mit it Is for tbo rescue of mo personally , "
A letter from Gordon dated September
IL19th , contains the following :
' 'We have sufficient provisions and money
here at Khartoum to last four numtln. At
the expiration of tbat period wo shall bomuch
embarrassed. At Senaar there ia doura
tenough. . The garrison atGalahut and the
people In that neighborhood are continually
fighting. The people oppose the false Mulidf ,
Although we wrote you it was impoefaible to
Isend Stewart to Berber on account of many
things which happened hero , we afterwords
s > w fit to send him , together with the French
and English consul * , In A Bin all tteamcr to
Dongola to communicate with the British
commander theio concerning the Soudau.
Wo detailed two Urge teamrs to
accompany them to Herberts keep the way
clear for them to pass by Berber
towards Dongola. Stewart itsrU in two daj
The reason for sondintr him is bectuso you
have been silent nil this whllo. You neglect-
rd us. We hava lost time and dcno 110 good.
If troops bo sent 119 the rebellion will coaie.
When they roach Ueibartha inhabitants will
return to their lortner icoupUlons. There
fore ) It Is hoped you will listen to all Stewart
tells you and rward t criously the ppcal to
send troops wo have aiked for without delay.
nt'ssiAounYiNd KNOI.AND.
A dispatch jnst received from Calml siys
no little uneasiness prevails in government
circles on account of the largo numbers ol
llii'slans pouring Into the Afgh , n capital , os-
tanoibly cs travelprs. It is thiReneral Miefof
the natives that ilia nUi'god Hii'piaii travelers
are rrally military men and their visits are
connected with the riimorod fclu-mo of linssia
fortho annexation of Afghanintan.
The remains of Mrs. James Uustrll Lowrll
were Intirrtd at Kcnsal Grcou cemetery to
day. The funeral was strictly private.
BinNE , February 23.Tho bundesrath hrn
rejected the neutralization treaty with the
Uultsd Statas.
Tlio ItrllUh Grain Trailc.
LONDON , JFcbruary 23. The Mark
Expreta in a review of the British grain tralo
during the past week say : English wheats
declined Gd Friday. Exromo dullness pre
vails In the market. The sales of English
wheat timing the past week were G8,109 quart' '
ersat22a-ld , against C3l , Jl ! quarters at 80s
lid during the corresponding week last jear ;
flour ia ( id cheaper. There Is a limited busi
ness in barley and the tendency ia weaker ,
Oat" are improved in price. Foreign wheat
trade is wretchedly Blow nud pricesaro against
Heller ? . The prof pects are of deeper gloom , II
that Is possible. Foreign flour is very dull
and difficult of sulo Amtjican mai ? ? in Lon
don is quoted at 22s Od ex-ship ; at Liverpool
it is quoted Irregularly , but in favor qf buyers.
Round corn maintained much higher relative
value ? , owing to iti scarcity. 1'our cargoes
arrived and ono was sold and three remain.
Two are Californian. About twenty cargoet
are duo , chiefly California. Infodor samples
f English Is lower. Foreign wheat is cheaper
to-day and Ergllfh flour is Gd loner. Foreign
is ( low with dragging sales , Maize is steady
and malting barleys dull nnd weaker.
C. B. & Q. rassenjicr Train "Wrecked
DES MoiNEa , Ia. , February 23. News has
reached hero of an accident on the 0. B.
Q. on Saturday evening , on tha Chcrtton &
Indianola branch. Passenger train No. 51
bound for Indianoli , jumped the track fo
some unaccountable reason , and plunged eve
an embankment ten feet high , resulting in
the injury of seven persons , as follows : Jos ,
S. Cesford , conductor , residing at Vilhaca.
Bovcro cut on the head ; Conductor Avery , ol
the wrecked train , injured in tha bajh ; Mrs ,
Vao Winkle , Oaklty City , cut over the eye
Dr. Todd , Charlti n , hurt in thn s'do ' ; Mr ,
Hill , Keokuk , badly bruised ; C. E. McUan-
iel , Ottumvva , bad scalp wound. Thn paucn
ger coach was completely upset , nud the ln < r
page'car was hurled from the track but pulle
back on tbo track and then plunged over on
the other stdo
Physicians were Font to the BCSCO iuarn'
dlatelv atd tbo injured were properly care
fur. The lemsinner of the pawngera war
brought on to Indianoln , aniving at 1:30 01
Sunday morning.
Oaprain Bedford iMin'H
CHICAGO , Fobiuary 23. Captain Bedfon
Pim , a well-known naval cngiueor of Englani
and ox-member of the British parliament
who Ins just completed nn extended tour o
the United States acd the Canada ? , has ex
pressed a desire to tend to the British nav
seuin a single copy of every daily newspaper
in tha United States and Canada , and also a
copy of each weekly.
Of the dailies ho desires a copy of March C ,
and of ti e weeklies a copy of the issue of the
first week in Mtrcb.tho papers to Lcaddrestcd
to Captiin Bedford Pim , No. 2 Crown ofDco
row , Tempi ? , E C. , London , England. It ia
Captain Pirn's intention to clasbify and bind
the papers in volumoi by states , provinces and
territories , and request thu British govern
ment to place them in the public archives of
the British museum , whore tiny will bo open
to inspection by visitors and bu carefully preserved -
served ,
Oregon Crop ItoportH.
POHTLAND , Ore. , February 23. The Oregonian -
gonian to-morrow will publish the crop re
ports from the entire district in Oregon and
Washington tsrrltory lying east of Cascade
ranpp. Reports from all accounts agree that
the heavy fall of enow waa a xplendid protec
tion for wheat , and that five Hixthi of the
enow when it melted vvns absorbed by the
soil , giving the whrat a remarkably good
etund Tholett estimates pluoo the acrcngo
of winter wheat at S- per cent above last year ,
and the surpius for export is put clown at bo-
105DUO and 175,0 0 tons. These figures
do not include tha Willanuttu valluy , In '
ern Oregon , whoso surplus will approximate
20,000 ( tonn.
The IllinolH Contest.
Si'RiNfli'iKi.n , III. , February 2 ; ) . At 12
o'clock thn houeo and eenato met in joint
convention. Forty-three senators nnd 103 )
representatives answered the roll call. On
motion on a rail for a vote for United States
tenator only Hainoa responded , voting for
Morrison , und the joint convention ad 1-
It la believed hero that the full vote will
ba taken to-morrow. Immediately after the
joint convention both the eeuato acd house
adjourned till 10 o'clock to-morrow.
An I rid Inn JCuw In Mexico.
GUAYMAH , February 23. An insurrectiori
has broken out In Sonora , Mexlca , Lu Mist
and Tnwiopim ranches have been burned
The encounter between the Yaqul Indian !
and federal troops under Gen. Touts occurred
near Mlsa , Thu Indian-t were routed. The
Mexican lois tlueo , the Indian Iocs not nicer
tainod ,
Ilio Bcvint Milo ituii "Wreck.
WA81UHQTON , February 23.-John F I ,
Francy , the colored postal clerk injured In UK
collision at Four Mile Hun , Thnrtday nifebt ,
Is dead , making tha "evonth victim uf the ac
uldent. It ia aiated tha express company loiot
2oOCOO pounds burned in their car , > > . D I * _ . . . .
f asiiing'on's ' BirlMay Being Obscrycil
Thronsliont tlio Coon ry ,
The Transnotions Ou 'Ohango '
Were Very Mengro
And as is Ususal on Saoh Oooa-
sions ,
Tiio Oattlo Market Waa Eather
Quiet and EecoiptsLight ,
Fat Steers Bepoitcd Steady at
Last Week's ' Prices ,
A ml lIoKaVcro ll iltcr Dull anil
tlio Trices AVcro AVonk na
Special telegi ixin to the Biv. :
CIIICAUO. Kobruary 23. The general mar
ket was rather quiet , the receipts light nml
domind especially en shipping account was
iudilferrcnt. There waa agkin Homo com
plaint from shippers of the lack of transpor
tation but the railroad men reported plenty ot
cars for regular customers.
Fat steers , cither exports or other sorts were
generally reported steady with prices about
the eauie as at the close of last week. There
were no fancy export steers on sulo aud prime
ttccrs wire not plenty. Fair to gocd stcora
were alao scarce but then the demand WAH
limited , Fat cows , heilora nnr ]
bulls were making strong prices.
Common cowa and canning stock steady as
compared with the cloio of last week. Stock-
era and feeders in light tupply and but tow
outtido buyers on the marktt. A good trade
ia anticipated the coming wiek ; there is eomo
Inquiry for Midlcaex cow and springers ;
1,000 to 1200 pounds , fleers , $ t i5@4 00 ; 1,200
to 1,800 peundH , $5 00@C CO ; 1,350 to 1,500
pounds , $5 GOC&G 40. Cows and mlxrcl , $210
@ 2 45 , mainly 3 00@3 BO : i tocker * $325@4 15 ;
feeders , $1 S5 ! ( < | 4 70 ; Toxaus , ? 3 76g-l ( 75.
11008 n
nro rather dull acd prices in a general way
were weak and low , especially on medium and
common light torti , most of which sold 5@10o
lower ; fair to good and ctoico sold as goal aa
on Saturday. There was a lurgo per cent of
common nnd light amcng cents to-day ; among
packers were not averaging inaipocial way ;
packers would have brought greater curuberu
cou d they have been guuruntccd transporta
tion ; fair packing and ihipuing , 270 to 4GO
pounds. $4 75@5 20 ; light , IC'J ' to 210 pound H ,
S4 30@4 85. v
Special Telegram to TIIK BEK.
LINCOLN , February 23. The burlesque
called tha echo > 1 laws investigation has boon
concluded. Ihe committee will submit thq
reeult about Wednesday , Some of thut
charity which coveroth a multitude of sina
will be drought to boar , nud the "iuvesti- '
Rato" whitewoehod by the InvcHtigation. The
committee will report having found ovciy- H-
thing all secure , Hill
Senate file 145 will ba up in the house thin
week , and because of the penona who .iro
supporting its passnge , riquins considerable
wutchlng. It is able to repot t the present law
restricting the county treoburers to two lerma
of ollico. It has baoniiushedithrough thosenato
by the railroad striker , burr , who ia backed
up in his efforts by Graham , the Lancaster ;
county treasutor. The InUer , having done
hia eharo of tlio Bchemery for the B. & M. ,
now a ks them , through Burr , to ramovo tha
obstacle in his way that ho may have a third
term of olnco. It is to bo hoped that the
honest members of the _ house will uxert thorn * *
selves to defiut this piece of ring legislation , deserves an early find lusting burial.
Frank James a Free Alan.
BOONKVIU.K , Mo , , February 23 Late Sat
urday afternoon the only two charges pending
against Frank James in the Cooper county
circuit court were dinnlsccd and ho Is now a
free man. The matter ia Vot-t very quiob
nnd oven ia not generally known. Iritorort in
felc hero whether Govemor Marmaduko will
rtcopTnlxsd the requisition from the governor
of Mirmenoti for the removal of James to the
latter state for trial there.
ST. Louis Feb. 23 Additional informa
tion from Boonovillo regarding the dismissal
of the charges against Knuilc ilauif H la to the
( fleet that the case was djckttfd in thu cir-
- ouit oourt for tjday , but wai quietly called up
by the prosecuting attorney on Satin-Jay
evening just at the close of court , when no ono
was prcEortt excf pt the ollicora uf tte court.
The attorney said when ho procured the re
moval of the prisoner from Alabama Mis
souri he wai confident he had sufficient evi
dence to convict him , but since then the chief
witnrsH had died , nnd the other evidence wnt
miteicg ; ha thernforo moved that tha chargeu
bo dismissed , Tlu court granted the motion.
Tnero are no other charges ugainst James in
the elate and ho is thoieforu Ireo. After tha
prisoner wai released bo went to the hotel
where he received the connratulutiona of a
few friends who knew tha action of the court.
KANKAKEB , 111 , , February 23 , The first
passenger train from Bloominglon on the
Illinois Central reached Kcnkakeo today.
It left Bloornington last Monday , It stuck
all a'ong the lino. _ It has been 108 hours run
ning tightv-'ix miles.
, CHICAGO , February 23. A. H. Mellon , gen
eral freight agent of the Chicago & North-
vvettorn railway , has been promoted to the no- *
lition of gBaistatil general nuperlntendent , II.
It , McCullough , first assistant general freight
agent , will tuccoed him , and U. H. Knapp ,
second assistant , will succeed McCulUugh.
( jfjt. ilaiott Al'ior ilio Itooincrs.
, WICHITA , Kas , , February 23 , Gon. Hatch ,
who , with gomu of his olilcara have been
, I spending several days here , started south to *
. I day to bo In rradlnm for the new boom
I which it to start for Oklahoma on tha Cth of
. I March.
fo 5eaer ) { ? aljt )
Smoking Tobacco