Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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racdlctrA combining Iron with
torilr * , nulrkljr nnd rnmrilctclj
prpflla , cmllgrftllnnVrnluir ,
lnnd , .MTli'J-li t'lillUniul Povcrt ,
t d NcMiritlitlit
it In an uiuiiilltifr remrdy for Diseases of tin
Aldnry * nnil I.Upr.
It n Invaluable for Il c c peculiar t5
ytunion , nnd oil who lend ec'lcntury HTM.
ttawl riot Injure tlio tcotli.crmc hendnrli-
miluca constipation othT Iron mcdtcinei ii.i
\ enriches nnil purifies thplilcxxl.Btlmuliilrj
fnoflpnctlte.nliU tlio Mlmllatlon of food , re
.lev : * Heartburn nnd Dclchlne , and ttrenptb
fin tlio muscbn nnd nurvci
For Intcnnltti'iit Fevers , yMsltuilo , Lack o
Snor y , A.C It lias no equal.
itf ThopcniKno hmnliovotrn1orw1car'
trww.i red llnu ot. wrapjKT , Take nootlm
AiloiAknuaiatiu BROAD GLAIN „
Krer offered to ( lie nubile.
Direct Line for England , France
and Gerpiany.
The steamships or thla well known line ate built
Ot Iron , In water-tight compartments , and are fur-
cldhoJ with every roqulslto to make tbo passtgo
both sale and agreeable. They carry the United
Btatoa and European malls , and loaro New York
Thuadaysand Saturdays ( or Plymouth ( LONDON )
Chorboug , ( PARIS and IIAMDURG.
lutes : Steerage ( ram Hamburg $10 , to Hamburg
(10 ; round trip 820 First Cabin , 855 , $05 and $76.
Henry Pundt Mark Hanson , F. E. Mooroa , M.
Toll , agents In Omaha , Qronowcc & S.hoenttrcn ,
kgentainCouncilliluda. C. B. UICUAUD & CO. ,
Oen. Faas. Agta , 01 Broadway , N. Y. Chaa. Koz.
tnlnskl & Co. , General Western Agents , 170 Wash-
tog St. , Chicago , 111.
E. A vlctlmof youthful ImpradencB
eju in < r PMmaturo JJeenjr , Nenrous Detilitjr. Lost
Manhood , < > . , having tried In v ! n every known
rernedy.he ; discovered a * iraplo meitis of Belt-cure ,
which be wti' ( end KKKK to Ills fellow-nufforora !
t ear * . Book fr t.
Phconlx Insurance Co. , London , Cash
Angola 15,881,000
Wcstchostor.N. Y , Capital 1,000,000
Tbo Merchants ot NewarkN. J. , CaplUl. . . . 1,275,000
ainrd Fire , Fhlladelpnla.Capltal 1,200,000
Woman's Fund , Capital _ _ . 1.239000
Erlanger , . . . . . . . . . - . . . Bavaria.
CnlmbQcher , . . Bavaria
Pilsner . . . . . . , . . . . . . . * Ti ohemian ,
"Kaiser - . . - * . .Brnmen ,
Badvreiser St. Ionia.
Anhaueor. . . . _ _ _ _ .St. Lenis ,
Best's. . . . Milwaukee.
Bchlitz-Pilaner Milwaukee.
Krug'a . . . . .Omaha ,
Ale. Pottor. Domestic and Rhine
Wino. m MATJREH ,
1213 Farnam St.
Royal Havana Lottery I
Drawn at Havana Cuba
Every 12 to 14 Days.
J10KKtat.OO , HALVES. 11.00
Subject lo no cunlpnlitlon , not controlled by tie
tutuuln Interest. It U the Wioat thing la lie
til or ol ch&Doeln exlittnoe.
For tickets apply lo 8IH3EY i CO. , 1212 Dread
y.N. Y.CIty A. 110LL A00..4U Walnut 8t ,
t Louli , Mo 'or M. OTTEN8 & CO , 019 Main St.
ty. Mo.
rrocrlptlon of a uolfj pcillUl ( new
Roinnnco find Reality.
Hie morning tun steals In with niddy flame
And Rlld the Arnbcfqucs upon the \v ll |
: rife fttil hull with notcB of loud ncclMm
Tlio tmro nhlto curtain trftilinR over all ,
'or nil niuht loog the feathery flakes hna
Trorn ebon clouds upon a silent world ;
. ffo the distant mountain ponk , tnow topp'd
Hcneath HodrifU by winds fantastiowhirl'd ,
The trees , nach fniry twifr divinely swatVpd
In rndlant whitcnesn jmro ns cluUtoicd nun'
Scam in n gleaming sea of diamond * bulled ,
A million genii- , transmuted by the sun.
L'I t nnupht , alns ! to wretched mo is tint
This t > uri'nfs < - marh1oalabMler chalk ;
'aln mutt 1 quit the xceoo of ravishing bliss ,
I'c got to go and eliovel otf tlio walk ,
[ Boston Journal.
Cm a woman approeiato n jcke ? Yes , If i
.1 nbnut some other wo man ,
A Now Jersey girl has boromo crois-cyoi
through mnking vain cfToita to flirt with (
nine man.
Chenille 'collars with Windsor tics in al
olon , with and without tinsel cllocts , are
v cry tlTectlvo.
I'nrifllan ladies now have landscapes nnc
miniature portraits painted on their finger
nails by talented aitlsts.
Flowers or ribbons for trimming the skirts
> f dro sea nru placed close to thu waist on the
eft side , a trailing garland or long ends fall
ng below.
There musi bs n largo number of charming
adits in Minneapolis. A Maine man hat
ust received from that city an order for 1,000
raxes of cheuioggum.
In the fourteenth century it was the custom
n carry toothpicks of nilvernuponded nrouud
bo neck nnd the fashion is now being revived
> y wealthy ladies ,
A clonk in viplto shape mmndoof aoal brown
> lush , lined with sntin. It is tiimmcd with n
land of beaver and with bead and chenille
riugo and ornaments of pasiemoutorln.
> iuw designs In pocket hnndkarchlefs have
oeo-colorcd blocks , en oich of which la doll-
lately embroidered spray in whlto. Others
have girlnnda of llowurs in ratural colors.
An Indianapolia man recently assisted his
wifu to elope with ono of his furin hands. It
was cheaper and moro expeditious than tray-
ling six miles through the snow for a di
Horse-radish Btmco for boiled carp Is inado of
no cup of rich cream , half a cup of vinegar ,
alt and sugar to truto , nnd enough gtnted
lono-radieh to mudo u thick sauce. It Is nl-o
cry good without cream , using water to di
ute the vinegar.
The fit and draping of American-made
ressea so closely follow , in these latter days ,
ho pracu nnd finish of the always artistic
French costume , that the two , placed sideby
ido'aro very often almost exact in nppoarnco.
Among novelties in dress materials are
loulioetto broche for recaption and visiting
.oilottes. wido-rlbbed white ottoman for bridal
resets ; black and colored ottoman of the
aino chaiacter ; embossed plueliej and velvets
vitli small brocade figures In colors ,
A nice cake for desert is made of three tca-
poonfnls of Hour , thrco tnblesfojnfulh of
sugar , the yolks of four ogs and two tc -
spoonfuls of milk ; mix smoothly and add the
whites of four pggs beaten to : i etilf froth and
10 juicn of half a small lemon , liako In a
mttered pan in n hot oven.
As at most entertainments given at present
10 rooms arc lighted oven in the day time ,
oilets mo made with a view to producing a
( leasing effect when beheld by gaslight. It is
> r this reason that so much steel , gold , and
Ivcr is woiked into the trimmings and ma-
erials ,
Thcfo breakfast cakes nroery good : Put
piece of butter tlio size of an egg into a quart
: milk and let the milk become warm enough
o melt the butter. Stir in flour sufficient to
make a stilT batter and add two teaspoonfuls
E ? alt. Dissolve one-third of a cake of coin-
iresssd yeast in a little warm water and mix
t with the batter. Gayer tightly , let it stand
i a warm place over night , and try on a Brid
The daughter of n Sheboygan man having
> ecomo deaf while learning to play the piano ,
ud continuing her favorite amusement after
or allllction , her father has ihe mechanism of
IQ instrument altered so that that the keys
would not strike the wires thus producing no
ound. The daughter , however , continues to
lay , and it Is noted as a singular fact that ,
vhen she plays for company , in her own par-
ore , no ono receives moro auplauso than she ,
1'nll skirts with straight breadths arc again
orn. This fashion is much simpler than car-
ow skirts , as it does not require any special
raping or trimming. Waists arc the most
mpiitant part of these dretses and muit be
it to perfection. Any slight defect In the
nake may ba overlooked in an elaborately
.rimmed cult , but with these plain drecsos
lis is not to be thought of.
Appetuing sauce for fish Is made by mix
og two tablespooufula of flour with two
unces of butter add half : i pint of hot water ;
oaHou with one t a poonful of cherry powder :
nd a good ci/ed cucumber pickle chopped
cry fine. If this does not make the sauce
irt , odd a teaspoonful nnda half of vlnrgir ,
ir this until it thictens ; if the Hour should
IB of the quality which thickens moro than is
ommonly the case , add hot water until the
auce is of the proper consistency.
The mo t youthful-looking of the newest
erseys haxea vest of contrasting color made
F jersey cloth , or , prettier and richer still ,
F velvet ; and their rolling collar , the but-
ons and cults , and postillion pleatingn , are
Iso of velvet. A great deal ot gold and all-
er braid , and also beetles , butterflies , and
ther incectH in Arraccno embroidery and mo-
allio braid-work are used on the velvet col-
ars , vests , and cufTa ot these bodice ; .
Swlis and Irith ombroHeiies for the coming
eoeon are in clfetive designs. Many novel
latterna are shown in whlto , wiiilu ecru and
ream batiste are worked in these color * , and
Iso in blue , scarlet and white. Several col-
re an ) combined in ono design , and , the em-
iroidery being in relief , the elfect Is remarka
> ly rich 1'lain batlstlo of the sumo shade and
exturu is used in making up these beautiful
; oods. Scarlet rmbroWery on a dusky blue
ground is a novelty , while navy-blue oud tur-
oy-rcd , cmbroidoied in white , are more in
emand than ever.
Veal cutlets prepared in this way are pal-
table : After trimming tbo cutlets nicely ,
ip them in melted butter nnd dust them
veil with a mixture of equal parts of grated
'arincsan cheese and bread-crumbs. Then
lip them In baaten fg and dust them fgaln
in both sides with the cliecco and crumb imp
ure and fry them brown. Hull half a pound
> f macaroni , nnd after it is drained add two
ounces of butter aril a cupful of tomato
tauce , Boms grated Parmesan cheoio and salt
.0 taste. Let this bfcomo thoroughly hot ,
Stirling occasionally. Put in the centre of a
dish nnd place the cutlets around it.
St. 1'olcr'n Onto.
Who dat knockm' at dat do' ;
Oh , Uncle Peter , lot me in.
What yo' name , chile , down be-low ?
1'sa Ur'ando Thomas Uroon ,
Who robbtd Ma'am Panon's melon row
Oh , Fadder Peter , I forget.
An' piled the rinds outside her do' ?
Dat Bill Jonei , I'se williu' to bet ,
Who stole do deacon's turkeys young ?
Oil , Uncle Pettr , I dun' no1.
An' in da well delr fodders Hung ?
Dat some mean wliito tru h , I'm rho'
Or'ando ' ( Iraen , you liar bold !
You're not elected by sob'ral votes.
Yo' can't c > me into dis yet fold.
OiUndo Tlnmas , go wid do goat !
- [ Life.
KIR , Rofci id acting in the German cilks.
MmoThrn ii Join ? un unprecedented buii-
ncm In Mexico ,
D. K , Danilinann lias become one cf the
best museum cards in tlia couatry.
IMwin liootb ulayM to over$50COO during
bU four weoka New Yoik engagement.
Marie IVffloott hw inad a SUCWPS in the
part of Uuth Heiilck In "WaRe * of Sin. "
In ink'1 * receipts at the Chestnut street opera
house , I'hiUdelphu , last week were 810,700.
Mr , Wilson Barrn'.t has I'eun engaged for
an American tour during the Beaten of 18Stl
Ainica haa abandoned "Mara'ze'llo" nd will
play "Divoicons" ' for the remainder of the
Janlsh will support Herr Sonnenlhal dur-
ng hii engagement at tba Thali * theatre In
New York.
Mr. Lawrence llarrolt will open his en-
; agement at the Boston theatre on the 23d
tut. with "Franceeca da lUuiini. "
Mary Anderson And Margaret Mather _ ro
a bo pltttut aalnst each other at rival
hratres in Now York next tcason ,
The toner IlalTenlo Mirato has twsltlvcly
eft the stage. Ho tanked with the greatest
of the wotld'8 tenors. Verdi wioto "Higo-
elto'1 for him.
The interests of German opera In this
country have sulTerorl n severe blow 111 the
death of Dr. Damrosch. It will bo hard to
fill his place.
IMwm Booth h.M written n letter in which
10 extends n "heartfelt welcome" to the
great German actor , Herr Sonnenthal ,
vho is abut tn play an engagement in Now
( in March lii Miss Palmer and Miss Lotta
will both appear in Chicago , the former , It is
stated , bating cancelled datua in order to ro-
, urn to that city and give battle to the older
'avorito on the shores of Lnko Michigan.
. Handel's orniorioi , ' 'Ihlihazzar" and
"Siul , " will bo given in London this month ,
rheso tplnmlld works have not been given
very frequently of years , but they are well
worthy of ttudy and performance by any
choral society.
Mine. K sipoir 1ms been pi ft J ing nt the
Monday Popular Concert * " In London. She
ntorpreted concertos of Rubinstein and Clio-
) in , winning that great appreciation BO
[ really her duo. It may he a long time he-
ore any planieto will ba able to interpret the
chutical compoeors with that delicate and po-
tic grace that marks the artistic playing o |
Mmo. Fsslpofl.
"Glanco at thii constellation for next sea-
onl" exclaims nu eastern writer in a burst ol
nthimnsm : "Mary Anderson , Modjcska ,
! hea , ilananschek , Margaret Mather , Gene-
ieve Ward , Hose Kytingo , Lingtry , Konuy
) avenport Junish , HOBO Ccghlnn , Helcno
Jauvray , KJwin Bo ith , Lawrence Barrett ,
ialvlni , Dion Bnucicault , O.'inond Tuatlo ,
Joe Murphy. J. K. I'mmet , John T. liny-
nond , the Florencoi , George C , Mlln , Thomas
Come , Koland Keedj Annlo Pixlty , Jiirqii's
Crueer , Nat Goodwin , Nod Thurnn. Louis
Aldrich , Minnie > [ addern , Jennie Ycamana
.Hut my eyes n o HO dazzled by this nccu-
nulated brilliancy I can see no more. Still ,
3 I rub my sulforlng optics , I can't help feol-
ng that somebody may be left. "
Dolce Far Xlonto.
When in fancy's flitting moments
Life Is free from heavy care
Oft I find my thoughts a straying
To the meshes of your hair.
Ard when winter \im are gloomy
Uft I ponder with delight
O'er thy cheek so soltly blushing-
Hoses 'noath the creamy white
Tii not sweet for me to linger
O'er thy treshes I might hie
In my fancy to another
From whose counter you did buy. *
Xor of satisfaction do T
Heap in fancy when I dwell
On thy fair complexion , darling.
For I linger wheio they sell. 1
-U. [ S. KJUI.KK.
Hair fPaint.
Amtra'ia has four universities whicb , in
sumculuin , rank with Harvard , Oxford and
The superintendent of schools at Uailey , I.
' . , has been removed because he Insists on
polling ' Injun" Indian.
In Morocco schools the Koran only is
aught , and the uedogoguo receives tiftoen
cnts a month for teaching it ,
Tiie price of board for students at the Har-
atd memoiial hall was S3.7-1 per week during
annary , the lowest point ever reached ,
Ohio bas 35 colleges and Massachusetts only
, and Ohio has lil,3n'2 ( volomes in her col-
ORQ libraries , while Massachusetts has 303-
It is said that college graduates are very
umerous in Minnesota and that "they make
ery good farmoiH after they learn the busi
es ? . "
The tell of the public school at Monticello ,
V. Y. , was heard ringing the other day at an
inusual time , and , on investigation , it waa
tund the "now teacher" was ueiotr the end of
le bell rope to coirect a refractory pupil.
A New York judge recently gave a lesson
n tndepandence to a school teacher. "I bad
le pleasure of your acquaintance when we
woio equals , " said tbo teacher. "It is the
amo still , " replied the judge ; "a school
.ichor holds as nigh a position as any man in
he country. "
Ohio , with thirty-five colleges , has more
lan any other state in the union , New York
nd Indiana have twenty-eight each , Penti-
ilvania haa twenty-six , Michigan nine and
[ asEarhutctts seven. The bay state's seven
college * have n combined income ot $120,458
> er annum moru than have Ohio's twenty-six.
The burning question whether it is lawiul
or American children to eat peanuts and
tugh at school is now under discussion by
heSrhuylkill county courts. Six children
a I'ottsvillo school weio expelled became
ley ate peanuts and laughed , and their par-
inta have combined to resist the expulsion by
egal process.
A school girl , aged 12 , at Maryvillo , O. ,
ways reads her book upside down , and while
liting Invariably places the ctpy in the same
) eition nnd wiites backward. The president
the Board of Education , who Is also a
lyeiclau , has tested her eyes with tigmus ,
ctures. reading and wiitlng , and finds that
IB is equally skilled with her books in any
osition : although the child herself had never
oticed her peculiarity , but expressed her de-
ro to use her books as others do. It in pro-
ouncod a most remarkable case.
President White , of Cornell , is quoted as
ly'ngt ' with reference tn cell Oft t ) morning
> rayer : "Tho most devoted Christian men
n muny of our institutions of learning saw
eason to believe that the usual forced attend-
nee upon morning collegn prayers wpro of
ery doubtful utility. To huddle into &
leerlebs room a great mats of students junt
mrrled from their breakfasts , -Aith minds in-
ent upon the recitaticn of the next hour , is
ortainly a vnry doubtful w&y of inducting
oung men into the beauty of holiness. "
Accordirg to the city enumeration there are
ow in Cleveland 53,112 children of legal
choolage. Ki.EOj of whora am between the
ges of G and 1C. In tbo school ) there were
egistered .0,703 children , with n total a > ergo -
go dally attendance of 21,089 or 7iM I' " '
ent. of the number ref lstoroJ. The number
f pupils registered has increased annually at
he average rate of 1,100 For IS&ltheap
parent increase was " ,189. but the real in
ICIIBO WAS only 1,52'j , The Increased nt
endancein the high rchonla hits been from
5'J , with nine teachers , , in 1870 , o 1,122 , with
twenty-nina teachers , in 188 1 ,
Served Him Right.
Old Birch , who taught tha village rchool ,
Wedded u maid of homespun habit ;
He was as stubborn ai a mule ,
And she ai playful as a rabbit ,
Poor Kate had acirco become a wife
Before her husband trier , to make her
The pink of country polished life ,
And piim and formal 03 a ( juakor ,
One day the tutor went abroad ,
And tiniplo K ty sadly missed him ;
When he returned , behind her lord
She slijly stole nnd fondly kissed him ,
Tbo hutband'd anger rose , and red
And white his f ice alternate grew.
"Lees freedom , ma'am ! " Kate sighed an
hild :
' Oh ! dear , I didn't know 'twas you. "
- you.Anon [ ,
Hev , K. P. Hammond is holding meeting
In Liverpool ,
The bible in circulated In Pennsylvania i
twenty-two language * , and sixty languige
and dialects are npolcen In the state.
The Catholic Archbiihoji Alomany , of Sin
Franclico , has resigned , and will beiucceedst
by BUbopHlordan , late of Chicago ,
The elegant church building at Pullman
111 , , owned by the company h s been lecsoc
by tha Presbyterians lor ( l.-OO a year.
A new congregation has recently bee
formed in New York rity , composed print !
pally of French- ! peaking Huguuoots ,
Francu Murphy , the temperance revivflut
hat soeeptod the paMorato of the newly organ
Ized Tomperancj church In PitUburg.
Dr. Loiiiner , nf the Imtnnnuel Baptis
church , Chicapo , bus received ft unanimous
call from the Tint Baptist church , of Denver ,
to bo thtir pastor.
Hor. .T. Walter Lowrie , Presbyterian mN
slonary in China , bus the only four-wheeled
vehicle In Peking an ungraceful but useful
covered depot-wagon built In Ohio ,
Hov. Dr. O. II , Tiffany , in lately roviaw-
Ing the centenary of Methodism , mid ho be
lieved that old fashioned s'ligiog of oldfash
ioncd revival hy inns ban brought more people
Into the church than all the prayers and scr
mons ,
A large Buddhist temple It now in cotirio ol
erection at Kioto , Japan , All it ! timbers and
pillaro are put in place by ropes made of hu
man hair. The devotees of tlio god they wor
ship offer their hair on Its thrino. The hair Is
then cut elf and is twisted by the priests into
church ropes.
An appeal from the Jews of Jerusahm the
Sultan has annulled the sale of n part of Hi :
Mount of Olive * , which contains the graves ol
the Prophets Haggai , Xacbnritaii and Mala
clil. Tli * purchasers were the Hustian priest
hood. Theburial plnco of the prophets had
been secured to the Jews in perpetuity.
In the exploration of the old temple area
in Jerusalem , ono of the stones placed rounU
about the low tiarapct dividing the court of
the Israelites from the court of the Gentiles ,
has been dug up , with the inscription In
Greek still legible , forbidding n Uentilo under
pain of death to ontartho parapit.
Following ( ho example of Austria , the
Swiss government has to take the Mormon
nifliionnrie In hand Strict rcpresiho laws
iiavo boon paisod to prevent the ignorant
and unsuspecting from being duped by the
cmissario' of tlis church of the Litter Day
Salntp. Two Mormon apostles were recently
xrrested at Anran in accordance with the now
law and sentenced to pay n fine of 100 francs
each , and to spend twenty five days In the
communal jail ,
Tlio Mnlnli'H Bntllo totij ? ; .
Ye' , I am tlio bom of the sandy Soudan ,
And I hardly think a moro competent man
Could bo found between Tennessee nnd Japan
To bouuca the bold Turkish invader.
[ 'in a twol\e-fingeicd , bow-lcged son of a
gun ,
[ 'in n prophtt from way-back : i child of the
sun ;
[ 'm a dandy , n lol-lah , a darlin' , n him' ,
I'm a red-haadod ripper and rulder.
My followers number two millions or moro ,
Atd every man of 'em's equal to four.
They're not much for style but thiy'o dandies
for pore
They're bid men from Kethir-el-Kadir.
HI Gordon I've captured , I' happy to state ;
121 Stuart hai met his well-merited fate ;
I'll butcher Kl Wolsoley if he'll only wait ,
And Queen Vic will think luck has be
trayed her.
So strike , chirtloes sois of ( ha shimmering
sanj ,
Ono tBoro blow for your prophet ( that'll mo ,
understand ) ,
HomboKcl the insolent , infidel bind !
Vivisect tie infernal invader.
[ Minneapolis Tribune.
There is nothing religious about the hen ,
nit tlia may not improperly bj called a lay
Rev. Josaph Cook's Monday lectures are
argely attended. Monday is wash-day and
anything is preferable to staying at home.
Taltnago wants Ingersoll arrested for bias
> homy. Ingersoll might rctalllato by Having
lulmago arrested for bringing contempt upon
he Christian religion.
Three hundred wooden images of saints ,
tolen from churches hy Mexicansworo amour
he fuel purchases repotted recently by a
Mexican railway manager. Ho bought them
or f.O cents apiece ,
A Brooklyn preacher has threatened to
xpel members of his church who visit the
kating rink , Anl yet nothing will bring a
man on his knees so quickly as a pair of roller
bite ? .
"Dr. Thomas you notice i * preaching dead
gainst the doctrine of hell. "
'Just like tbo doctor , always putting his
oot in it. There's the th mometer twenty
> elow , and Thomas , seeks to destroy the one
jorofortable hope of an erring Christian. "
Chicago Herald.
A Grand Kapids , Mich. , dog ran into n
hurch during bPrvige and knocked ovjrthe
ontribution box justofler one-of thu deacons
lad passed it awund. The audience ad-
ourned and killed the dog , Reason there
vas nothing in the contribution box. [ Bur-
ngton Free Pi ess.
"Why did Noah take Into-tho ark n pair of
lach kind ? " naked a Sunday school teacher of
ter class.
"Cause it was all he needed' , " said n bright-
yed boy.
' 'Why wa.s a pair of eacn. kind all he
eedod ? "
1 C'anse t'other feller only had a bob-taill
ueh ! " [ Newman Independent.
Pious Mr. Dohbs : "I say Smith , it's a shame
iiat you don't do better and coaao join our
Imrch. Have you no fear of hell1' ? Smith ,
who lives In a house withlacdern convenl-
ncesr Not a bit. I want to go there , sir. 1
want to go. sir , where there are no water
" Times.
ipes.-Troy [
The Puesbytenan ministers of Pittsburgh
ave united in a solemn antl awful warning
igainst the frightful evil. * of roller skating-
hey have contemplated the popularity of the
inks in that city with horror , and now do-
lara thit roller skatingundeamines the health
, nd debauches the morals of the young , and
cads rapidly down tat hat place where , owing
i the climate , tboro can bo nothing but roller
biting if there ii any tlotiag i > t a.l.
"You have heard thu story of Casablanca ? '
aid the Sunday-school toiilior to the now
ough who hii'l beun brought in by the- good
ittle boy. "Wherdldollvt ? " asked the u. t ,
it one mouthful. "The bny stood on the
) urning deck , " F&id the teacher with a rising
nrlection. ' 'Oh you mean Pat' ! " "JHs name
wasn't Pat ; it was Caiaibian a. " "Coaso
n" , 1 hoard my pan tolling about ii. He sez
o me last nigh "Whii'i the old dsck , Jim-
nyV and when I got it out from under the
> uri > w , and he kind o'shullltd It ovsr arter 11
while , ho says ti * the bloke th&t wua visitln'
is , 'I stan' put. ' It. that the chesttmt that
tr tryin'to voik ( A UK ? I tot.tbi > t wer a
ilaco whir yen mada inlBhunarys ' * - [ Chicago
The Sultan of Morocco has ju-tt celebrated
ilsl.COO.h wodding.
A wea'thy Jeulsh pbysicvw , aged Rovonty-
ive , and a boautlful young Jewess of twenty-
our years wfro married at New liochello
srlvntely on Friday last.
They had recently been and got married
and had just returned from their honeymoon.
lie : "I wonder why ao many people otare at
us , my dear ? " She : "No doubt they are won-
deiing what I could ha\o teen in you. "
"I congratulate you. Julia , en your ap
preaching manlase , " ( aid Mr. Hyatt , a prom-
neut Mew York merchant , to his daughter ,
"Marriage , pi > ? I don't know anything about
it. "
"I am telling you about it now , " replied
Mr. Hyatt.
"But who is tha bridegroom , pa ? " afkct :
Julia ,
"That's none cf your buslnon. You mual
not haut e much curiority. That id a hue !
nesi secret that can not be divulged juit now
I'll let you know who ho Is after tha wedding
it over.- [ Texas Slftings.
Wisconsin requites no manlage licante am
runaway young cnuples from other state H flee
there an in Now Kngland they rush for the
New York line. The Badger legi-laturo is try
ing t' s'.op the thing by a license law , bu
leading papers oppcsj thabill on thegroum
that ynung fools v ho want to marry wen'
stop at a little perjury , and that a low woulc
do more hurt than good.
A curious matrimonial caie is reported from
tha town of Polan I. A farmer named Newton
ton lost his wife by death two years ago , lit
bBctine lonesome , nnd being unable to read or
write induced a friend toadvirtlsg fora wife
Fourteen respcnii'j were r c ived , but us eacl
asked for money to pu ch se a troujfoiu or to
pay the e\pemoi of the journey to his home
he rejected tlu-ni all. A week ago Saturday
he wai informal by hU friend tlut u eultablu
candidate would arrive by train the same
evening. He met h r at she train , drove with
her to the 'cquirei office and in thirty minutes
fiom the time they fir t met tnty were man
and wife. The groom says ha mnrrlexl hi * nrst
wife niter liiunp seen her twice , nnd thinks
lece o ho ll\ci pcaeosMy with her thtrn
will bo no difficulty betwr-sn himu'lf nni1
nutnbar two His ciwo illn < tr.\tes the mlon
that nothinc iinpoasiblo fur niin to nccoin
plish when hi- Invoke * thu old of the prou.
By Dr. IVorier'a Mnrio Ointment. Onros
If by mngic : 1'iinplcg , lllnck llcnds or Qrub
Dlotchos nnd Kmptlons on the face , leaving
the skin clear and bountiful , Also cures Itch ,
Suit Hlicum , Sere Nlpplevi , Sere Lips nnd old ,
Obstlnnto Ulcers Hold by druggist * , or
mailed on receipt tirico. CO ccnU , Sold by
Kuhn & Co. nnil 0. V. Goodmnn.
From "Mining Ciimps"--ChatU'i Sctlbner's
Son .
There ) was n acheiol tjachor inNorthort :
CAllfornm , a man of mighty fromo iu1
gro&t energy , whoso yonth was spODt in
the placers and in adventurous unmlor-
Ings n'onf ? the ftontiors. When fho Into
war began lie went east io join n regi
ment , returning to tbo mount in wilder-
nois in 18G5 , a crippled and bn tared vet
etMn. Ho had always been n close ivader
tin ( I ha'I ittidont , nud as n teacher coin
won SHCC38B and ropuUHoa. IIo
called upon to take charge of on
woist achcola In Noilhurn Oalirornfa.
The mall-rider throw off the letter nt
the tlo-r cf the summer cabin oa n pine-
clad hol ht of the Sierra ; trout
stream within n itoooVthrow ; grouse * ,
bear und tlacr In the woois ; his
gun and rod in the comer ; his
Marcus Aurollus nrdNcc'ei AmbroeiaEa
on the rustic shelf. 13o saddled his horse
next morning and reached iha village ,
once n mining c mp , by 9 o'clock. When
school was called to order ho foundthal _
cfliciont work demanded u ro-classiGcn
tbn , bocauie the proviouo teacher had
trim ! to gain favor by advancing Rra
without reason and skipping the Intel
placer. That previous tenchor bad como
to grief by trying to persuatio a largo boy
not ta anioko a clgurdtto durirg school
hour ? , for the playful innocent ) had
ducked him In the adjacent stream ,
sousing him until ha waded to the farther
bank ; ind sought other fields. But the
new teacher was n man of a dtd'tirou !
stamp. "I must turn you biek in your
gwelos , " ho said. An ominous murmur ol
rebellion followed , and ssvortil boys roeo
find announced that tholr r.i'outs would
"ice about that. " The teacher took
book from the tnble and made his fuel
and last speech to the ivbeh. "Da jou
kcowr what this m ? " < % Yef , oir the
school liw. " 4'And it defines the grades ,
and you think that last yenr you pasted
an examination , and tint I cannot go behind
hind the law ? "
"Yes , air. "
"Very well you : ire quito misvaken. ]
am the a'c ' ildo , cf this school I lam ab
solute finally here ! " With tills compre
henslvo statement ho throw the school
law out of the opan window , and began
to break up and consolidate clasj after
By using Dr. Frazier'a Throat and Lung Bal
sam the only sure euro for Coughs , Colds ,
Hoarseness and Sere Throat , and all diseases
of the throat and lungs. Do not neglect a
sough. It may prove fatal. Scores and
hundreds of grateful people owa their lives to
Dr. Frazicr't Throat and Luntr Balsam , and
no family will ever be without It after nnco
ising it , nnd discovering ita marvelous power ,
ft is put np in large family bottles and sold
for the small price of 75 cents per bottle. Sold
Kuhp A Co. and O. F. Goodman.
NonfonnJltnd dogs are better for
sledging in the arctic regions than native
inimaU. A man , however , csn do aioro
work than any dopj in proportion to. the
amount of food consumed.
THE VOLTAIO BELT Co. , of Marshall , Mich , ,
offer to send their celebrated EtKcrno-VoL-
.rial for thirty days , to men ( young or old )
afflicted with nervous debility , loss of vitality
> nd manhood , nnd all khidred troubles. Also
or rheumatism , neuralgia , paralysis , and
nany other diseases. Complete restoration to
lealtb , vigor and manhood guaranteed. No
isk is incurred as thirty days trial is allowed ,
rVrite- them at once for Illustrated pamphlet
It is said that Congressman Phil
Phompron , when a propcoutlnp attorney
n KentnckyOGoa asked ti' tvntbrotler
O' try a CHC for him. He did so , and
hoceuit el d not know the difference.
Dr. J. J. Ilyan , St. Louis , Mo. , says :
U1 invariably prescribe it In feytrs , also
n onvaloscence from \ras'ing and debit-
tating diseases wiih admirable rasults. I
ho find It a tonic to on onfeobJo condition
at the genital orcans. "
Prince Demidoff , who wan the grandotli
olanonr in Paris , under the Into empire ,
lied last v/eek at his villa xear Florence.
Jo spent Ilia riuhes in patronizing nrts-r/i
rtiata. Ho It was who said : "Dowaro
of blondes , pui no faith Inbnmottcs , and
avoid all othoia. "
A t'nn li , Colel or HorcTliroal
Jhould not be neglected. ISuowN's listxv-
CIIIAI , 7'iocUKa are a simple lemedy , trd gi\o
n prompt riilief. 2 > cent i a box.
Tha Associated proas ono day Inst week
sent out from Washington , en hundreds
of telegraph wires rrlulling ; every pait of
.his broad Union , this thtllllng announce
ment : "Miircollns Stump Ins been ap
pointed postinusitor at Stumptown .
Va " Now lot the wheels of t mo move
This Is the best season In which to
pnrify the blood , and Hood's Sirnpadlla
is the best blood purifier. 100 Doses
Ono Dollar.
That any subject will do for a Iccturo
is proven by tno experiment which Gen
eral Francis Walker Is making In Boston.
Ho has begnn a aeries of twelve lectures
oa the lutults of the census.
Pile 1 Minors.
When neglected or improperly treated
often degenerate into cancer. By our
naw and improved treatment withonl
knife , caustic or ealvo no euro tbo woral
cases in ten to thirty days
Pamphlet , references and terms ,
three letter stamja. World 'a Dig-
puunry Medical Aireiofalicn , ( iOU Ma'i
Street , IJofWo , N. Y
Texssia rny'npS''O ' ' OO year In por-
li in to ( iOO survivors of Sam Houston's
command in the war of 18IJ5-7. Now
applied oiis aie coming In all the time
fourteen wore received In ono day re
cently , nnd the legislature ii trying to
repaal the hw on the ground < nit one-
half or twe fhlrdif uf tno c'alomnta coir
being paid are traudulent ,
Ono reason why diicaiesof tha bladder
and eirlnvry orgam are so diflicult to euro
ia that they fttejacn ly have no prcinuu-
ced HymptoniH liu.vr's [ Kidney anc
Llvtr ] HbMKOV is pjcullarly adapted tj
< he euro of these foiupLiotj , and not a a <
onoo to tin te t of ilia trjuble , glMiig re
lief at uttc.
Seal cf North Carol na Smoking tobacCo -
Co is the best.
Rheumatism Neuralgia
, , Sciatica.
Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothnchc ,
, .Sciililx. ri-utl lilti-it ,
SoH Ij Vruullll lil Illor. . < > .TYM lirtB. t\tl \ ) e >
lure , tlnim la 11 lnxtMcr * .
Tin : CIIAIII.KS A. : cet.
C'anriMTiUA. I OQtLtlU l\J. ) lUUliuorr , 3IU. , I . " .
Swift's Specific limcuro'l my cancer uhich u >
\rr.vlial. I tin now In flno lieilth ; nc\cr better
lIft\OL'ilnuil25lHnitids lnco I lxk'in t kln Sull
Speclllc. It. H. liiAl ! < iRli , llptouvllle , Tcnn.
CANnEIl Kril MANV YEA 111-A Servant tia
been onilctocl for mntiy joirs with ncMieorcnhc
no.'c , \\lilch ronlitctl nil sorts ol treatment. Shonn
cured entirely lth Swllt'aSicclllo. |
JOHN HILL , Dni lat , Tlionnon , ( ia
NOSH EATEN OFP. A younit nmn nfnr thl
town raj AH dattufr. ctncor on bin lice uhtch had do
etrojud Ills nnpu and was ostinir tOH.iid his i'\ci . A
o latt resort 1 | 'Ut him i y Ill's Spocldc , and It ha
cured him sound and vu > ll
il.F CimiLv.v , M. D.,0glcthori > o , Ga ,
11 n\c seen rrmul-fiblo rcsu't ! from the u o o
Swltt'rtjiccilb In cancer , H has cure J sc\ oral case
under my own ovn .
lliA. J. H. CAMI-HM.L , Coiumlius , Ga
S llt'BSroIHolsontlrcly vcRetabic , nnd seems tc
euro cancera by fo cl ( ? out the imnuiltteB ftum tbi
blood. Treatise on BlcoJ a < id Sliln Dlscnuc-j nalln
free. Tlic S Ift Specific Co , Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Ga.
or UO W. S3d St. , New York.
Few ( H'Oplo are nwar
how cn ly IlKl'
Food can bo props
A liousi-liceror iuod
never ha at n lota fo
doioit If tlicro IK a cm
of Hid e's ftod nUoj
In the house. Hoblw [
fi-r I'uddlne' , CustsriJ
End Ghnc.Manie uith
each ean. Ut > K09foc (
Is now 6i U l < y man >
gro is Drii'gl-taal
nayn si 11 It. In cans
si zo > nd ? 1 "D. No. 4. sir.
cheapcat fcr regular family me. Hcn > einber. I'.iJwo'
Fool dcea not tax the dlgestlMorKam. . WOOL UCI
& CO. , Boston Maw. , on I l > .0.
C17 St. Charles St. , St. Lonls , Mo.
JL regular graduate ortwo > teillal Collfn " . haa bet n longel
ennaRtdltt tb * pf tint treatment or OWUONIC , Nxaiofft , B
neil lit ODD IM iik ltiuD any otlt r fny.lelanlu fit. toi
J city papera allow AHtl all oltl retMect * KDOW.
Nervous Prostration , Dclilllty , Montr ! and
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and olne '
tlons of Throat , Skin or Banes , Blood Po
Old Sores and UlCCrS. am treated vllb un
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess.
Exposure or Indulgence , which i ome or th
following etr Kitit Dtrtouiutii. . , tlublli , illniD 'i orle t
and directive memory , plmplei on the hrc , ph lcal dun ,
Bverilnu to tht .ooiftj or remnlo. fonnj.l.i ol IJcon , cto ,
rendering Marriage improper op unhappy , u
renaaQeatlyourcd. ratuphirtfSrt jancntb ) nbove , Bei *
la , l d cu ( lc ] > o , rrcoto nny ndclnConiultatlonaKf
Uoe or by mnll free , nnllnylieJ. Wrllo for qucitloni.
A Positive Written Guarantee
glve ln allcarmbleeuen. Undlelnespent erfrywhero.
l-amjhleti , Encllsh or Qorman , 01 pace , de-
icrlblcir obovo dlseoaos , m male or fomala , rilBa
are pavn , line platM. llluitntcd In cloth and tilt binding
Mo.luoiiejorpoiUBe ; name.lmper eotcri , 25e. Thl twoi
conttjas all ihg curious , doulitflU. or IgotiUltlro vcat U
know. 1 bock it great Inure * ! to all UellUi. HOBO.
ore uin.ncd by IW * Jv1c < -
. . t-.lry the BLOODrcrn.
Into U ; l.lVERanil KIDNEYS ,
unit ttxsTotiB Tin : HV.AT.TII
au l VNjon of YOUTH. u .
' " iipiiiitan -
cured. Hones , iu eelcsnm4
IIITVOS i-ocalvu ni-wiorce.
Di. livens tliy uilnd lunl
( upnllco llr ( ln Tower.
tiuct.liirto ! thcjL'0 < 'Tt wlil
'SIRO' * TONIC n f f mad
nUrcaackJi , licaitliy conipldxlon.
ttiauilB at c"-tt"T < > "liiK only a < M
J the poiitilnrliryoC'hu original. Do uo
3cnt Ktttliu O'tUJIN.M. ANI > 1IKST
. HnrlrMeil.lV.V I
St , LOII.B , ai . . for our"DUEAM 13OOK. " ffl I
" illol Btnuum uod tuofoUiiforiauUoi.frM > , > y J
Uinvcs on Horllck'i Food. " wrlto hundreds oJ
i-rat.ul mothers , llotbi-.r'j lulllt conuliiH no
lUrcts. An artlflcial d > .i for Infants nhould
. -oiitRto > htarcu. Tlio btul aud in t nutriBouii
loo. ! lu liejlth
> r MChntv * lor
tli t i < tillntf ( > r
It ' < ni'iidwl lif ] 'hsnl nK ,
Hvaiy ' > i'1 , tn > "r"1i'ti
MiiSt/M ui u ilrink. I'rleeHI
a niiiliriwiiU. llyulldrnii'irli'tn ,
for Hook on the Troutnii-ut fit Children , f rt
"Hllf dlentnluil uu. 'tluul ' tl If lIMit ,
U II..J'l'taitlliNJ , , . . „ „ , .
Klmllt'illltialevullbaiW'llfd ' IMt ,
No"ht llilicj U rronoiiorloi U luprrlor to any.
lhln | lanl * II tolun , Al II Trm , V , Y ,
R'll ( ! > fntl > jin llnnri--rli > tof prie" m L.inp
lUtltMCIi'.s I'UOU TO. , ICiirltie.Vli .
-ii toiii.icx'iiDKir | Kxm > oi or MILT
Ily the u o o
jlitteri the haunl (
appuiranco of iho
connUnaiico aud l
lien r up | > Untiil
l.j a liul'l.lur ' look
a' d an the lei l i
n ijiiU'.uJ.'h' h d
ccqulru mihttance
Apjictlto U toiturod ,
ttm rofieehcd with
much reeded tluin-
Ur , tlirojgh I ha rue
nl t'l ( ii txllclnv ,
ullch IH aluo liene-
tii lal to ttrnTi of a
rheumatic t nd < ncv
mil an Ineitirnah'i
JITL i'utnu of ( utr
Hint ik'Ue. Jfuc iiJe
Tha romarksblo growth of Omh
dnrlng the lut few years la rcsttoi of
great astonishment to thoao vrho pay n
occasional visit to this growing city. The
development of the Stor Yards the
necessity of the Bolt Llns Road tha
finely paved iitroela the hundreds of now
rcoluonooa and costly business blocks ,
with the population of onr city moro than
doubled In the loot five years. All thli
Is a great flurprluo to visitors nnd la the
admiration of our oltlconi. Thla rapid
growth , the bnnlneui activity , and the
many substantial Improvements mode
Ilvoly demand for Omah ronl estate , and
every Invostoir has mudo A haudeomt
Since the Wall Street panto May ,
with the subsoqnont cry of hard times ,
there haa boon loss demand from specula
tors , but a fat * demand from Invoatort
seeking homos. This latter class are
taking advantage of low prices In bnlld.
Ing material and nro securing their homo *
at much loan coat than will bo possible
year henco. Spocnlators , too can buy
real osta * a cheaper now and ought to take
advant o of present prlaes foi fntnro
pro ti.
The next few years promises groatei
envelopments In Omaha than the paat
livi yoaro , which have boon as good M
wo could reasonably doslro. Now man
ufacturing ostabllshmonU cad largo job
bing houses are added almost weekly , and
all add to the prosperity of Omaha.
There are many In Omaha and through-
but the State , who have their money in.
the banks drawing a nominal rate of In
terest , which , If judiciously Invested In
Omaha real ohtato , would bring them
much greater returns. "We have many
bargains which wo cro confident will
bring the purchaser largo profits In thi
near fntnro.
Wo have for sale the finest resi
dence property in the north and
western parts of the city.
North we have fine lots at reason
able prices on Sherman avenue,17th ,
18th , 19th and 20th streets.
West on Parnam , Davenport ,
Cuming , and all the leading streets
in that direction.
The grading of Farnam , Califor
nia and Davenport streets has made
accessible some of the finest and
cheapest residence property in the
city , and with the building o the
street car line out Farnam , the pro
perty in the western part of the city
will increase in valun
We also hav'e the agency for the
Syndicate and Stock Yards proper
ty in the south part of the city. The
developments made in this section
jy the Stock Yards Company and
; he railroads will certainly double
; ho once in a short timn.
We also have some line busineso
ota and Home nlogant inside
dence ? for sale ,
Parties wishing to invest will find
some gild bj. ) ojnB by calling "
TO TS ! A T IE ? d If A IF 1 ?
J&J&.4LJL. 15 b A OL JL JS
213 Soufch 14th 8t
Bet veou Farnham and Douglas.
P. S. We ask those who hnvs
property for flale at a bargain to give
us a callWo want only bargains
Wo will positively not handle prop
erty at more than its real value.