Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 19, 1885, Image 8

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r Thursday Mining , Feb. 19.
-The famines trnncdctcil at the i-leating
liouso amounted to $ ' 'TC,82i.70. !
J. ] „ McC RU It rrmlclDR n tour ol l.ln-
coln. lUillnR , IJoatrico and other cities In
thn neighborhood ,
ThomM McCullotli has been ftpixjlntcd to
the ollico of mslsUnt depot ticket nfiont of the
IT. l , with John Bell.
Da\td Mcfiambridgo and Miss Louise. K.
DIIOIM were tnarriod Menu y by the Rev.
Fnther O'Connor , of St. IMillomenn cathedral.
There was ron way on Thirteenth street
ycaterday. No damage was done other
than the llRht breaking of the wagon to which
the ntoaw.iy team wns attached.
Milton Hendrix , who resides on Forest
nvonue , fell yesterday at l'J:30 : , nt the corner of
Fourteenth nnd Douglas streets , and aulfercd
n fracture of his collar bano.
The Metropolitan club R.eftBocml hop
nt Metropolitan hall last nI hU About
twenty couples were proeent nnd an cnjoyblo
evening wui spent by the club.
lu Justice Andrea court yesterday K. 1' .
Moiinrty obtained a judgment of S.'tO ngainst
Gearon , Gavin A , Moore , of the Tiinus-DIa-
pntch publishing company , for w.ijtes due.
Ono of Jardino'a c'press teams ran nwny
on Noith SKtoanlh yestoidiy afternoon. The
Hying horses collidoJ with n farmer's wngon
nnd fell down , wheraupon they were taken
- Ii , Kmnohan , tha man whoso leg \\as am
putated Saturday nt St. .loti'phs hospital , is
progressing finely toward rccjvery. Ho will
probably got well , though his life , nt first , was
despaired of.
-Tho Scandinavian Baptist church is eroct-
ntr on Klghtcenth street , near Butt , n nexv
now frame building , two stories high , (53x30 ( ,
for sanctuary purposes. It will be completed
during the eiimmvr.
Dr. Galbraith performed a delicate sur
gical operation yesterdn7 In cutting nway a
portion of un enormous cnrhuncla on the back
of the head of a patient named Sullivan. The
latter will probably recover. The carbuncle
is half as largo ns a man's head.
Three shots were fired In the vicinity of
the Italian quarters on lower Thirteenth etroet
last nisht ? obout 11 o'clock. Policemen visited
the place , but could not find any ono and it is
thought theaa Italians Iho eliots in the
Alley limply to cnuto a little excitement.
Marshal Cumminga has received a letter
from a wcinan in Missouri Valley , formerly
of Omaha , asking him to hunt up a laundry
account nnd forward her some clothos.
Thomas will Indignantly decline in a letter of
official severity , lie is not in the old clothes
Lou Brown , a ne ro , was arrested for dis
orderly conduct last night. While inside pro
curing a drink of water , for which purpose
ho was released by request , ho stole a poach
of tobacco b long n7 to Night Jailor Ilinchey.
Ho was promptly detected by that function
ary nnd compelled to difgorRo.
JomeaU. 1'cakes , of the Iord Opera , is repotted as lying ijuito ill at the
Millard , with what is now feared to bo pneu
monia. The company will ba obliged tolenvo
him In care of the Millard people while they
mike their two days run into Western Iowa
before returning hero Saturday.
Mendelssohn it 1'iiher are tlui architects
who have the plans for th3 new school hou c
on upper Farnam , and also the projected
building on ] .ight onth and Castellar streets.
On each site a. substantial biick building is
contemplated , to bo erected ut a cost of not to
exceed 520.000.
The funeral of Mr. P. J. Sullivan took
placeut'JiUOjosterdaymorning. llequiem high
mass was celebrated at St. Pbilomcna's Ca
thedral at 10 , and from there the remain ; , ac
companied by the sorrowing parents , brothers
and tlatcra , and a large procession of sympa
thizing friend , wondoct their way to Holy SB-
pulchor cemstory , where the interment took
place. ,
Detective Neligh is In Dorchustcr.
\ " . . D. Webstsr Ins returned from Washing.
Mr. J. W. Lytle , of Denver , is in the city
visiting friends.
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Kutabrook left yester
day for a trip to Chicago ,
Mr. T. W. Crony , of Dubmrue/lown , is In
the city visiting 1m sister , Mrs. L. W.
Kevs. W. J Ilnraha and K. 1J Chrlsmanre
turned lait night from Papllllon , whither they
were Bumraoni'd to attend the funeral of Miss
Cnrrio Schaab ,
W. D. Patterson. Arllnzton , S. II. Seany ,
Lincoln , \V. M. McCartney , Lyon , John
McKoan , Bpaldinir , John Crouch , North
Hend , Neb. , 1 . S. Kilmer , Bturies , Mich. , M.
Stein , Chicago , Chaa. Kully , JU1 1 Oak , la. ,
C. 1 ? . Ueed and W. H. Cooft , of Minneanollf ,
are stopping at the Metropolitan.
1'ollco Court.
In police court yontmhy morning J. N ,
Oroea nud J. Lave were charge J with be
Ing disorderly poKons. They both
pleaded not guilty , nnd their cases were
continued until the ollicers who made tbo
nrrost could bo found.
George Schoouovor was charged with
dtunkenupBP. Eo pleaded guilty and
Avaa fined $5 und costs. When arrested
bo was In the dtvo of the notorious K'h '
Mltcbull , and wai preparing to stay all
nifiht Ho had upon his person $ l S,75 ) ,
and had ha rcnnitud in the dlvo it Is rno (
to say ttiot ha would not have had o cant
in the mourn ? . As It was , ho lost § 14 in
cbanuo , which ho had loose in his pocket
Albot : Volght pleaded guilty to the
charge of vacancy and was sentenced to
twenty daya in the county jail on broad
and water.
The Ladle , ' Miulealo.
The eighth In the series of Ladioj' rnus-
loiloa took plico yostcrdiy in Meyer's
lull. The programme was as followt.
Son ta , up. S . Itoethoiun
LS Adii-ux , 1'Alwenco , Ls lietour.
Mis * Berber ,
"Slog , Smllo , Slumber" . liounotl
Miss Joiv s ,
Hong without Words . Mendelieohn
Miss Bodeincycr.
tjiurtet In B. lUt . Haydn
Ail.iijui , Menuotto Alltgrom niiitroppo.
M * rj. SUUIT , Irvlut , Calm , Katmtr
"Wilt Thou b * mv DeMie ! "
MJM llinktl ,
Impromptu , op. 0 . No 4 . Schubert
Miii Brown.
jViron I'hStrintr . Ba'h-Wilhelmi
Mams. Saner , Cahn , Irvine , 1'uimor.
25 dollar aoiU for ? KA. !
jf Buos A Co.
Matters In llio District Courf. Tlio
C ! /.ol1o Murder C so. Minor Lj !
Item * ,
The case of Mercer va Culver is still
dragging Us weary length In Judge Ne
ville's branch of the judiciary. Jt was on
ly relieved yesterday by ono stray inci
dent of a humorous cast. Jndgo Baldwin ,
ono of tha attorneys for the defendant ,
was raking the plalntltT , Dr..Meteor , fcra
and aft with an explosive series of era
torictl bomb shells. The doctor bore it
as long as ho could , until his temper gave
way. "Soo horc , sir , " striding toward
Ba'dwin , "jon musl take .that back ! "
Jndgo Baldwin gazed blankly at the dec
tor for a moment f.nd then shot fortn
with renewed vigor Into the region of In
vective. Peace , absent for a moment ,
was finally restored by the stern , " 1'ho
shtilff will preserve order ! " of Judge Ne
Stevonaon vt. Carrigan.
Uadlill'va. Dellonootal.
Seamen , Sabln & Co. vs. Mcallo ct al. ,
In the matter of the estate of Anulo Wal
Thonus va. Thomas.
White vs. Brjant.
Motto ot nl vs. McGuckln.
Morlarlty vs. City of Omaha.
Kstabrook ot al vs. Ccols ,
Groach vs. Svnclna.
Glaspy vs. Her ot al ,
Hall vs. Hartigan.
Moore vs. Gcodheatt.
Hteolo , Johnson it Co vs. Torallu.
Hermann vs. City of Omaha.
Mercer va. Culver ; on trial.
Bryant va. Woolworth.
Kuhlman va. PeycKo ct al ,
Lucas va. Rypinakt.
Wolr vs. Baltdorf tt al.
Ohcubory vs. Smith.
Ucndrlx vs. County Commistbnura.
Omaha National Bank ve. City of
Jacobson vs. B. & M. R. K.
Sarah J. Draminond files a petition for
a dccrac of divorce from her husband ,
John Drummond , both parties ieident
in Omaha. The unhappy couple have
been married but two yjara. Defendant ,
it is alleged , is guilty of grossly cruel
conduct toward Mrs. Drnmmond , and
fails to secure proper malntananco for his
Annlo C. Gibson , H. G. Clark and
Gco. F. Lobangh li'ed ' suits agiirjst the
city to ruovcr taxes paid under protest
on property In Sewer District No. lo.
District Attorney Eatdllo has announced
lia intention of taking up the Gazelle
murder cans , ai tbo first on the criminal
docket. The case has long been on the
ocal court records and has become quite
William Gazelle , an Italian fruit seller ,
dllod Louis Xcrga , a fellow-countryman ,
on the nlht [ ; of the Gth of July , 1880 , in
Joseph Cunlo's fruit etall on Thirteenth
etreot. between Farnam and flarney.
jazollo loft Omaha at once , but wai re
captured last spring in St. Paul , Minn. ,
upcn tha betrayal of a drunken friend.
Gazelle udmi's the killing ot Xorga but
will plead tclf-dufensp , alleging that the
decenaad was nssaultiug him with a fork
when ho killed him. Hu is indicted for
murder in the tint degree.
COUNTY counr.
Suits were filed yesterday by J. G. (
Fountain agaicnt T. Callan to recover
§ 213.63 diia en a note , and by W. H.
Llarrieon agifnit John Lloyo to recover
$314 tn a note.
Marriage licenses were iasncd in the
county court to George Scbroedor and
Louisa Uosenzvei , Perry P. Landon and
Junnio Walters , Louis M. Rngg and Cal-
HoE. Luce.
A. W. Grlilon began suit in Judge
Anderson's court yesterday to recorer
taxes paid under prctsat in sewer district
No 3.
Tom Murray filed a suit against ono
Lwls Ntltnaur BOIIIQ weeks agi , in Judge
Stldud'a cour- , charging him with
stealing lumbar from bis lands on the
Eikhoin. The case was tried yesterday ,
with jury , nnd tha plaintiff , Mr.
Murny M oat tD the extent cf comething
like § 40 for costs of the suit.
Every soit In St. Philomona's hall was
filled long bo'oro 8 o'clock , the time set ?
for the beginning of the conceit Tuesday it
evening. The largo attendance end the ittt
enthusiastic applauto at the cloe of each B
number of the programme , formed a J
flattering reception to Iho first choir of
the , under whcsa auspices the
entertainment was planned nnd earned
to a successful close. The choir wai s-
h'ttcd by Prof. Walthor , tha McCrary
bro hew , Edward , John , Harry and
Frank ; Mits Jennie Patrick , Mr. Cba .
McDonald and Misa Tcp > y Tompklns , u
dijlinxiiislied appearing lady. This being
htr first appearance boforom Omaha
audience , she attracted deservedly much be
attention. The mombura of the choir
par icipating were : Bliss Arnold ,
leader ; Misses McNamara , Kennedy ,
Juhaeton ; Messrs. Blair and Baumer.
The entertainment opened with the
"Olpaoy Chorus , " from "Bohamhm
Girl , " and from the first note tf that
wlerd combination of melody to the
closing quartette , "Joy to hearts again
united , " the interest was nnllagzlng and
tbo applause hearty and long continued.
Misi Patrick's two sslos , from Donc-
siotti and Tostl , wtre well received , and
in rcs.onao to an oncora to the first
targ , "Five ci'rlook in the msrnlng. "
The piano duet , "Fost overture , " from
Lflntnor , by Prof. Walthor ana John
JliCroiry , was a finished reiidltlcn of a
dillicnlt piece , and was onthualastically
Mr. Charles McDonald gavntwo read-
incr , "Obiulos Edward at Versailles , '
a sorci-traglo lamentation of the exiled
Stuart kb'g In Franco , and an Irish pa
trlolioaketoh"Uplifting of the Banner , "
and in both sustained a well-earned ropn-
tstlnn as a niott ell'c ivo declaimer. ny
Miss M ary McNamara'd song , "Ben- ed
nle. Street Beesie , nai rewarded with a
b&tkat of tinners. In rcaprnso to a vig
orous encore she sang , "My ( J jeon. "
The McOreary brothers wtro booked
for three number * a duet by Edward in
aud Harry ; piano solo by Jc 1m , and a in
quartette , ' O , Hail us , yo Free. " In
oich inatance the brothers gave a pleasing -
ing and elFactive illustration of a thrr-
ough musical triinioc , both vocal ud in-
trumenUl , combined withia'nral abil
i'y , The audisnco tcitlfiod their appro ty
ctstlon Vj callir g fir a repetition.
A io ii " 'Jl await my luvo , " gave Mr
Hariy B u'r , ample range fur his ul )
tni nedttiiuroiko , and hulully improied
Two so'oi by Miii Fann'o Arno'd , lead
er of the rho'r , nurva r atin thcmte''ci '
The songs were a toronado from Bhnbo't ,
and : "Farmer oid the Pigeons1' by Tau-
burt. MUs Arnold hai a voice ot great
rjngo did power ami under oomp'e'o con-
ti l. In both t ngs liar tolco liai lull
range : , thrilling the audlcnco to a high
pitch of tnthusiaim , and was rewarded by
three . rccille.
Prof. Walther executed ( hue beautiful
tn'oi and waj tumidly npp'auded.
The ontertalDimm clossd with a rol
licking operetta entitled , "Two can phy
ni that game , " In which a jealous hus
band whllo endeavoring to secura ovl
denco of hi * wifa'e nnfalthfalnets was entrapped -
trapped himself. F vo characters in cca
tnmo woio introduced in the piece Mr.
and lira. Tyron , Harry Blair and Mils
Fonnio Arnold ; Bridge * , Miss Doiio
Johnston ; Snowdrop , Miss Topsy Toinp-
kin , and Policeman Knonoy , B. 0. Ar
nold , The parts were decidedly amusing
and effectively played , and the eight
songs of the plcca charmingly rendered.
The song and dtnco of Snowdrop was the
hit of the evening and proved that Miss
Topsy Tompklni , ( tbo nliia of Bli-s Ella
Kennedy ) wa a faithful student of negro
dialect and plantation danco.
The concert throughout was a most
creditable work and a fitting close to the
foetal auto Lenten season. It is hoped
the choir will giva a eoti.s of similar en
tertainments after Eastor.
Many cosmotica for the complexion
have from time to time been upon the
market. But none have ctood tbo teat
as has Pozzonl's medicated complexion
powder. It Is an absolute curative for
blotches , discoloration , freckles , oto. For
tale by druggists.
Succcssl'iil Termination or n SorlcH ol
I'articK l > y lt o Honu'-Gli'flo
Chili ,
The Homo Circle , which has tcoomo
ono of the msl populir and succeaeful
dancing clubs in our city , hold their
fifth and last party Tuesday evening at Ma
sonic hall and it surely was the most on-
joyab'o ono they have had. The Inde
pendent orohettro , of nine pieces , far-
ntshod the musij , which wui ar
ranged expressly for thii oc-
occasion , and comprised Iho following
selections :
1. Waltz-"Kninht Waltz" Knight
U. Quadrille "Cluster of 3earh".Uobinson
15. SclioUischo-Mllltalre , "JJngnolm"Moses
J. Quadrille-Walt "Caecido of
Flowers" Theile
C. Landers -"New Comet" F. Nltz
Waltz-"Breezo of the Night".Lamoth
Schottischn "Tho Hapoy Nlgs".ltoBB
! r/inclers' Glide "Gatherinf"Daisief. . "
0. La Comus "Uome Circle"
10' Qundrillo "A cightin Venice' ' . Strauss
1. lismerald "AtroirU'Amour" . . .Wilde
ly. ' " Quidnllb Waltz "Uabes in tlio
Woods" . Keah
13. Schottisch6-M ; . ! tairo "aweet Six
teen" . Kobmson
14. Ripple "Trie Trac" .
ID. Quadrille "Queen of the Ball"
. Koblnson
1C. Wnltz-Quadrillo , double "Day
Dreams" . Kobmaon
17. Landers Glide "Farewell"
. Sthlepefroth
15. Waltz Allan 'Till we meet again"
. , . liailcy.
Orrat credit is duo the club for the re
freshment ) which were furnished , under
the linmcdfato supemulon of Mr. B. F.
Hodman , who had thia piri cf the pri.
jrainino in charge , and everyone was loud
in praieo of the samo. All went homo
wirh'iig that this vvaa the beginniup cf the
series instead of the last.
Smoke Seal of North Carolina Tobac
A Query.
To tha editor of the I3ia :
1 noticed in Saturday's Times-Disraeli
the following :
"A grand jury ia a great institution , 1'ickud
from the four ( .omen of the country nnd from
men vvhosa professional calling rars'y ' needs
their refeienco to a law-hook , they iwerthe-
lofn comu together and readily assume suf
ficient knowledge of the subject as to gravely
weigh tha evidence which is presented brforo
them. From viewing corn fields or breeding
Harelords , or woldinir iron , they ily to in-
epect j.iils , and at a glance are able to tea
wherein the strongholtl of the county ii do-
foctixei and in need of repairs. "
If a man , who pays attention to bret ding -
ing Horoforda and figures tbo cost of sup
porting all the lawyers , newspaper dude ? ,
cut-throats , thieves , ga-nblors , and land-
eliaiks , is not capable cf judging the con
dition of a public bcardinc-bouae , who
? If the iron work la out of repair does
require a imn who has been admitted
tt the Inr to rnpair it ? Noiv , which will
servo ( the public the brst , the prrfoa-
slonal man who can liavu his eye but
toned up for ton dol'ors ' on the uldo
to the defect , or the blacksmith who
honeat'y to work to protect society frjm
some cf the wrecks , prcdacod by ex-
trnvsgenco and la/loose ? A. B. 0.
Proposed tn 8H1 the BtulT.
About 10 o'clock yottorday morning a
telephone mesaago wai received at police
hcadquarture , nrking that two policeman
sent so the Swedish chnrch on Seventeenth
teonth street between Duho ttreot and
Cipitol avcnnu. Oflicars Turnbull nud
Ooruiack answered the call and upon
reaching the place found that a Mrs.
Miller , who occupies rconn in tbo bajo-
mont of the church referred to , hid hsd
tome trouble with uman rionied George
Franklin , who had been rooming at h r
house for about six months. During all
tbat time Franhlin had not paid any room
rent , but this was not enough and ho
proposed to taki the furniture out of the
liouto ml sell It to a secand hand dolor.
Mrs. Miller telephoned for the pollcj and
Fr.nklin left.
Coughs , Colds and Soro-ThroJ | yield
ciradily to 15. ti. Douglass & Sons' Cap-
euin Cjugli Dfopj. ! t
A Ploassiir Surjirlic ,
Tnotday evening J. J. Kennedy , yard
matter for the Union PaciGo In the lower
yard , was kindly romomborcd by his ma
railroad friends , having boon prasont-
by them with a ban Jsamo gold vratch
aud chain. Mr. Kennedy is exceedingly
popular with the railroad boys , aud hav
ing obtilnod ten day ) ' leave of abtotcs ,
which to pay his mother , who residoi
Chicago , a visit , the bays thought to
metnor'm tie occasion. This is the Grst
vacation Mr. Kennedy has oujoyod for
the pact ten yoarj and it may reiannably
\poctsd that a good time will bo hid
"XV. cW. U.
All friends of temperance ira cordially
iiulloi to attend the prayer meeting at
toe pirlora over the lunch room , Thurs
day , at 2:30 : p. m.
By order of the eecritary ,
Wlmt It Needs | u HioAVnyof Funds
Kor Ito-oiinlpniciit Improve-
Jin-nts Contemplated.
The military authorities of Oranlm nro
awnitioR with same degree of interest the
action of congccsi In granting oppuprln-
tionsatked fornndnoodcd , toplaco In re
pilr the buildings and ban-lets at the
For tbuo years past , appropriations
for this purpose specially detailed in I bo
request , bavo boon nikcd for by Gen.
Howard , and for three years the con
gressional committee lias reported ad-
varecly to tbo granting the desired unto.
List fall , In accordance with estab
lished usage , the heal authorities made
up n itemized estimate of the appropria
tions desired for the coming year. This
document ia now in the hands of thoccn-
grcsilonal committee , nnd wi 1 , no doubt ,
bo very ahoitly reported and acted upon.
Whalherit wil meek with tbo fate of
kindred requcsti of cthar yoira remains
to bo seen.
The improvements which are contein
pUtud , nnd for which appropriations have
been a ked , srj not lunuy. Novortho
leas , aa Col. Mason said jcsturdny , "To
nuke Fe rt Omaha n full reglmenUl past
will require the expenditure of nt least
§ 100,000. The buildings of the Fort are
old , shabby , nnd not at all in keeping
wi'btho importance cf the post. Two
sets of ollicora' qanrtot.s are needed bad
ly , and , rightly , ought ta bo built of
brick , Int.te.vl of vvcoJ , ns were
thojo of last year. Thou
again , while three of the cell of barracks
are ! fairly good , the other two sots nro
fast dowylng , nnd should bo replaced.
Another itam of expenditure ought to bo
for gun-sheds for the artillery. The old
plan of using Urpanllna to cover the cannon -
non will do very well in time cf war , but
not of poaco. Gun sheds should bo erect
ed at once , ntd , I belioro , would effect a
great saving In bettor preserving the
artillery. Besides thesa Itemr , thera nro
others of smaller natnto. but 1 bellovo on
appropriation of 8100,000 will fully equip
the pest. "
January Mortality.
The report of the city physician for
the ' month of January his been officially
presented. The number of deaths for
that period , in this city , is 45 , assigned
to the following causes :
Whooping Cough. . . ,
Spinal Fever
'Jypho Paver
Consumption . . .8
Bronchitis . . .2
Pneumonia . . .1
Heatt Disease 2
Marasmus 1
Convulsions 0
Accident 2
Burned 1
Miscellaneous 12
Tolal 45
The annual death rate per 1,000 during
month , 10.C8.
New Cliy Directory.
People having changed their residence
or boarding place olnco they bare been
given to the canvassers should hand in
the now icsidenco at once , ai the direc
tory will soon go ta the pi\si.
120 S. 14th street , Omaha.
Shlroman Bros , ditcjuntsalo will only
continue for a few < hys.
will coutinno Wednesday and Thunday.
Thursday is positively the last day of the
salo. N B. FALCOSKU.
Why pay exorbitant pricaa for your
moat while yon can buy the best of men's '
no cheap for cash at the Vknehlngton
market , Sixteenth nnd Cumings streets.
Fancy drops costumes to rent at COO
South l th St. bt Jackson and Jones.
SKGKLKi : In thcity , February 18 h
WilltiiD , fen of Mr. and Mrs. Will jam
Sogelko. Aged years and 3 months.
Tunercl will take place tj-morrow. Feb
ruary 19th , at 2 p , in. from the residence ,
Klcventh and 1'Ierce streets , Friends of the
family invited ,
KKSSLKR-In this city , February IBtli ,
Helman , infant aon of J. II , Kueslor.
Funeral yeetsiday at 2 p. m. from the rcei-
denco , 1700 Hurt etreot.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel ol purcty ,
Btruni'th M ! who'csiiH'ncea. More economical than
the ordinary klndiMc J cannot ba Bold In campctl
tlon with the multitude ot law tofct , short H l hl
lam of phyufhrto powders. Bold only In cans ,
IIOYAL BAKING 1'OWDEU CO , 108 Wall bt ; N.Y.
Mendelss ohn & Fisher
Rooms 28 and 29 OmahaNatl.Bank Block
Dufrene & Mendelssohn
Oeo. L. Fisher , fcrmery .with W. I * H. Jenn > p
ArthlUct , Cblcngo. JauHolia e
Lead Pipe and Sheet Lead ,
ittb&OodgeSI :
Battalion OF Customers
We are not and do not appear like new men in the
BUSINESS , but have made it our study to furnish the
Public the benefit of GENUINE MISFIT CLOTHING
PANY , and OMAHA has but one
Electric Light , Electric
Price List. OBKOTAL Price List.
Overcoats. Suits. Pants.
$23 00 Merchant-Tailor mads at $10 00 S2500 Morelinnt-Tftllor made at S12 00
5 0 00 M rchant-Tnilor made at 3 00
30 00 . n no 3000 II W -
40 00 . 14 75 as oo 16 00 8 00 4 00
10 00
18 25
15 00 . 20 45 00 20 (0 ( 10 00 5 00
CO 00 . 22 00 CO 00 -M 50
- 12 00
C 00
CO 00 . 20 DO CO 00 . i > 8 00
65 10 . 15 0"
. 30 00 7 50
70 00
SO 00 CO
75 .
35 00 10 CO 85
All Merchants Tailors with , misfits and uncalled for Clothing
will confer a favor by addressing Misfit Clothing Parlors ,
s St.
Brands ndvci tu * * ns nli'olutrly jiuro
Pluee a c n top down on n hot i > tovp until netted. then
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