Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 19, 1885, Image 1

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Our Legislate Waking Up anil Ex-
Rotes ,
Thirteen Bills Wera Very Rapidly
Ground Out ,
Oapitol and Homo Fortha Friend
less Appropriations Bills ,
Church Howe's ' Delinquent Tax
Bill and the Bailroad Bill ,
Mr , Troupe is Very Unmindful of
Parliamentary Kules.
Tlic Stnto "Kow noctoi" Hill IsIJaelly
for Uio I'reHontVI11
1)0 Kcconstelcrcel.
Special Correspondence to lha UEE.
hl.scoi.v , February 18. Whatever may
have been tha past reputiitton of tbo senators
for executive ability , they certainly nro ex
pediting butmcsi this week In a way highly
satisfactory to themselves and eonstituonts.
Soon after assembling this rooming th
senate resolved Itself into committee of thu
whole for considering the bills on general file.
Thirteen bills were taken up , discussed and
disposed of rapidly.
fflTho most important of these waa Ilonso
K-jIl 37.'t , appropriating § 10,000 for the llomo
for tbo Friendless and the capitnl appropria
tion bill , levying a half mill tax. { Neither of
theno mut with any opposition m cotnmitteu
Two bills authorizing tin1 trnniforof moneys
from one fund 1 1 another by tha state treas
urer , were passed ,
IThi medical bill Senate 1'ilu No. 5 , intro
duced by Senator Huckworth near tbo first of
the seBslon , wan , after several nmendinunts
ordered engrossed for a third reading.
To all inttmts .ind purposes it IH supposed to
boa bill to pro v out quackery. How well it
will succeed rrmiins to bo Been.
tifaTho otlier bills considered were amendments
to the compiled statutes and important mtas-
urea of n general cluracter. _
The comiuitteo Investigating the insane hos
pital aio about rpady to report. None of the
member a nro willing to ive away nnjthlng ,
but from the little hurts dropped , it Is learned
that no charges against Dr. Miitlhowsonhavu
been sustained by thu evidence of the wit
nesses who testified. It inlaid that the ovi
cenca shows lack of system in the inanngo
mont of the inetitut'on. ' ir. _ Matthavvson .is
to bo allowed to review tha evidence before ho
makes his defense As the evidence cavers
home 300 pages ot legal cap written with a
typo wilier , he hai quite n tasl : before him.
The school land fiauel investigating commit
tee will hold their lust meeting next Thurs
day when they will whitewash all those ins
pected of eompltuty in the frauds.
Hallroad mutters nro very quiet nt present.
The lobby in not ugrei > sle , bat appouro B lull
ing and hippy in view of subsequent victory.
A King of the lobby and few senators lu
dtilged In n quiet little wine ( upper at oae of
the hotels hut ove-umg. Kepoitcra were not
The BFB correspondents made n flying trip
to I ho penitentiary the other day and vvero
1 well entertained by Warden Nobas , who
opanod a keg of nails and a bjttlo of mucdago
for their benefit Having designs on their
livoi ha also olfciml cigar * , whioa were , of
course , refu ed. So fur as observation extends -
tends , the management of the institution is
excellent. A larger number of men were
working in the stove shops than anywheto
elseThcee BIO boss Stout's slaves , t nil the
work they : xro doing is for tha now eapitol.
Afternoon Session.
Spacial telegram to the 1JKK.
LINCOLN , February IS. Almost the entire
Afternoon kcssion of the senate was t.ikcn Uf
In commltteu of the \\lioloin considering the
bill that provides for a c ! nngo in the method
of selling an 1 leising the cchool land * , men
tloned In these despatches 31 aterday. Many
minor amendments wera proposed andtliot
wan a little illicustlon on almost every point
cf thu law. It was tha first bill upon which
thnra lias bi'on shown any political foaling ,
McShano mid Hasting * , on the democratic
eida , areued against the bill at almost every
The committeu ropjrtad prograsa , and asked
loava to utagilii ,
Several buU cons.dnrod in the morning
were put iimn | thllr hull pas ago. nmiiig
them i thu opprjprlaMon of § 10,01)0 ) for
4ne Homo for tha I'rleudloda , There was no
opposition ,
Tha bill allowing tha li'.iirbridgc ' tobocom
A Btato orporutun was ng tln vet d on Ijick
tog n eulhwieut vote , it wjis rocouisienelod
oui * , who aoa a negro in tha timbers of tin
MIL OppOHS It. _
Special CorrfHpondoiico of the line.
LINCOLN , ] trhruary let. After several re
poiti from standiog committees had been rood
thii morning , Mr. Whltinora Introduced the
fallowing resolution :
Wheiuu , It has become evident that a
lar o number of the billn upon thu general file
cannot ba roai'hed In tbo regular order of
business , and
Wheroid , Certain bilN nra of great importance
anco to the poojilu and should b < > dlxpoaeu of.
Therefore bo it
Jinsolvod , That the rules bo situpondcd and
tha following bills be taken up and mxdo the
nfeual crd r for consideration la Uio e m
.mitteo of tha wh ) Io imtU the mile are dls
posed ot ni follow , :
IK ) , 21 , 10. t ) . ' , 2.10 , 2in , 31. 117 , US. 7U. Ho ,
8 , 21 , 210. 251 , M. J , 'JD.2.I7 ' , Ml , Id , hj , 'J'J ' ,
isr , 3tf , " 7 , 358 , iu , 6s , 210 , 311 , wr , i , u > 3.
Tha abo\ being thu order in which slid
bills appear upon the general nln , provided ,
npthuig herein shall bo construed to interfere
with lisa > | > eclal orders already inada.
Tha deluto over tlui resolution continued
up to 11 o'clock. When the vote was lin lly
ordered the resolution wai lust.
The houto then want into committee of the
Homo roll i 3 nnd lit and eensto files 27 and
1 werd taken first. These bills all deal with
the BVttem of revenue and taxation and thu
collsction of the name , Some bills propma to
penalty of " > per cent for delinquent
, anil others to refund the penalties that
hnvo already been collected.
Homo roll .T w as the first to attract atten
tion , and brought n speech from Mr. Trouoe ,
which has not been excelled lincc the session
tLet for coaTK9 personal abasa of the support
era of the bill generally , Mr. Howard
and a'l bankers In patticular. Mr. Troupe
was frequently called to order by the chair
and requested several time ] to confine Ins re *
m'viks to the question before the committee ,
He eventually imlsided , after an hour's
harangueIn which ho raved Incessantly ,
Hi ich to the amusement of members and the
who were in the house ,
Mr. Howaid said he vvuuld not reply lo the
tirade * of abuse and petti Toggery of Mr. Troup.
Ho was unwilling to occupy the time of the
homo In personal abuse cf any kind. And
ualc s ho had an argument he would keap
quiet.Mr .
Mr Stevennon now moved to substitute
Senate Kilo No 1 for House Roll No. 3. This
ltd to moro confusion , in the midst of which
SenateVllo 27 was mido to api > ear upon the
nreae , which apt > cirnnco maJe matters worce
House Roll 111 was also introduced to the
committee , and the confusion having become
general the committee rote and repotted to
the house that H. H . ' ! hti > , and 101 bo , indefi
nitely POB ! poned and Hi it S. 11 do pats
Sen.ito hlo receiving no report from thu com
Mr. Ncttlelon had moved that Sentto I'ilu
" 7 bo indehmtely costponed , and without ar
riving at any conclnnloii the lionso took n ro
cuss after a stormy mornlng'rt sodon with no
practical result so far .13 legislation is con-
Artornoou Session.
Special Telegram to Tun BKE.
LIWCOLV , February 18. Oonsleler.xblo ex
citement prevails hero tonight and there IB
great rejoicinf in some quarters over the passage -
ago through the house of House Koll . ' 121 , a
railroad bill.
One unacquainted with the present state of
legislation , and who did not knavv better ,
would bo led to believe that something very
wonderful in the way of ameliorating legifla
tiun had been CLCompllshed , . A close exami-
tion would reveal the fact rhat absolutely
nothing had really b en dune.
The members who supported tbo bill know
right well that It would never bicoma n law
'Ino suiata kid rejected a similar bill of their
own , ami would not accept this , but the mem
bers thought It would be.\ menus whereby
they might obtain a cheap notoriety , and be
placed on record rts having supported a rail-
raid bill. This is their ambition , ncd to day
they found an opportunity cf satisfying it ,
and at the tame time gulling and quieting
their constituents.
The hi 1 in question was house roll 3"l ,
bill to establish maximum freight riles nnd to
rexttU'u pvnenger fare ] to I ! Mid ! IJ cents a
mile , according to the class of rilhoads. In
the committee th's bill was rushed through
without consideration , tto numbers having no
other desire than to u n it that they might
lommlato a record. They bavu succeeded in
doing this for to-day It pas ediud ] , as far as
the luuso Is concerned , is a law. The peiple ,
huwever , will have bomethinz to say of the
persuin who build up records on such falsa
The following voted against the bill : Ad
, ms , Blaco , Conger , lleimrich IloLknell
lolmes , Krony , llilej' , Lievesfeldt , Taylor ,
Troup , Wait ? , Wiuspeai , Wright and Mr.
Wlnt is callt d the contagious diseased am
nil act , which in reility is a bill to provuio a
itito cow elector and to compcnsato etock
alsers for losses sustained by death from die-
iate-4 omom ; cittle , ia a 't leco of legislation
vhich would mulct the etuto in the Bum
S13 003 j early.
'Iho I ill met its fate , being rejected by one
vote only. But Its promoter asUed tlut the
bill be. recommitted , and h'a ' request was
Church Howo'Bbillsen > xt < ) file27to icfund tin
ive per cent penalty on delinquent tax pas'cd
to duy. also .1 bill miking county wiirints
ii > able in ten days inste.atl of ninety cs at
jireatnt. Both laws being consldeied very
special Corre"pondenco of Tm : BEP.
LINCOLV , Xeb. , February 17. The housi
met this afternoon at 2.30 and proceeded ti
business in a wciikmanliko manner. The firs
b'ul that came up was II. It. 18C , now wol
known as the Kearney reform school bill ,
which mi its final reading , The bill EeeKi
to set asidu S3),000 of the state's money fo
the constriu tion of nsvv reform school build
ings at Kearney. Whit is called the old
buildings , although only built eomo thro
ye.ira ago , are cow deemed insufficient nnd
unsulted to present requirements. This fac
was unatttleei in thu minds of the committal
which went to inspect the present school eve :
it good , Tut ) fault nud thu faotthat tin
lobbies liero at prebent working to obtain 1
tlu > now state building * for their respective lo
cationa h ivo
to help each other In tlieh respectlv o efforts t
Becnro their wanti was enough foi tha com
mitteo. The picnic haa caused thu cominittei
tn make no report bub hud placed then
m a sUto of mind to suppur :
the bill. Mr. Is'lchol vvaj tha first to cpjiohi
tha bill and ha moved Its lecjinmlttal to the
committee of the whole. Ho said the bill had
been [ Aishcd through the house and mumbsra
dul not understand it , and he strongly urged
tha recommittal of thu bill.
Mr. OlmsteaJ , who was one of the picniek
era , could feu no reason why the housa should
chiiBge it ) action in lommittcK. . ] lo thought
it econoaiy und good tento to allow the grant.
Ho always advocitfs good nemo but tiiould
try i > nd show n little morn of tint which he
id ever au\louito udvLcato
Mr Tliomaj , of Ciss , Htrnngly opposed tbo
bill a being unn ctsaary , and too much to
burden thu sUto with at the present time ,
Mr. Varuor also opposed the bill , nud said
members In J told him they did not under
stand 1-bi purport of thu bill. Ho thought it
veiyutuvnu to throwuway § , ii ) , < ) UO of tin )
people n uonoy during the present Inid
Mr. Holiae'3 tliought it a bid precedent fo
undo the house had already done in
committee ut tbo vvhol . He supported
the ) bill , nnd thought the appropriation of
&X > ,000 a wise ionomy.
Mr. Miller opposed the bill and said he
would bo wliamed If lie vvai onuof the corn-
mltte'O of inquiry If ho did not know ciora
ivbuut tbo etate of alfairs at the reform school
than they do.
Mr. Klley fcuppjrted the hill atsoire lenfth
and thought the stats should make Its appro
priations to meet Ihe loe-rraaing reiuJremei.U
of tha tut . Ho dfl not think the approprl
atiun a kteil ind ha felt assurud tha money
would Iw I'xpt'nded properly.
Mr. Wright bop d Uio housa would pass the
bill and on the uiotioa of Mr , Nlchol being
put it was lott by IS to 34 against.
The bill was thru read A third time.
Sen.itc file 13 , a bill to prevent the selling
of cigaretV' , cigars or tobacco to
\i\rn orOE ,
wan d on its third reading.
Tha secretary of the scinto announced that
the senata had appointed Senatois McShano ,
Burr end Skinner to act with a like committee
of the hpuoa lo arrange for the * conclusion of
the aotsion.
The house then wmt into committee of
the whole and took home roll M foi
i 8 consideration. This ia n bill vvh'ch
seeks to change an old law and appoint only
one supervpor to every 3.COD inhabitants In
stead of 1,000 M heretoforeMr. . Klley strone-
ly oppoied the bill at it would interfere with
the right ) of the people Mr. Lunpo said he
could not understand Mr. Hlley's objec ion ,
because the- bill wou'd tot nllcct Douglas
county , to wli'uh Mr. Klley replied ho was
legislating for the eta'n and not D ntal < s only.
Mr. L'mpa now attempted to substitute an
other bill for tha ono under consul ration and
nfter some wraiiKlin ? was ruled out of order.
On a motion of Mr Hilcy the bill was mdeicd
to bo reported to iho house vulh the recntn
mendation that it bo indefinitely po > tponcd.
After huuso roll f5 had been dlfpoicd of
tatitfactorily VMthout comment , the commit
ten tnok up lioiifo roll 73 , n bill to amend the
criminal c do , and to allow persons Indicted
for foony the power of calling fifteen wit
nesses In their behalf , and compelling the
state to pay their expenses.
Mr. llolmos opposed this bill will ) some )
furco and said it was n dangerous bill to pose ,
as It would bankrupt somn of the counties If
prisoners wciu innocent they could get wit
noises without pay.
Mr. 1'ield supported the bill , and thought
it bhould rrcommend itself to all good lawyers
juacticing in the criminal court" . There can
lie no such thing as jiutico to prinoncis until
'hey are placed on n level with the stati >
prosecutor ? , the latter a'\\ajs having plenty
uf money.
Mr. Stephenson hoped the bill would pass
mid after Mr. Johnson had tpoken the committee
mitteo ordered the bill to be reported for pas
Senate File R was the next bill dealt with
anil after Mr. Colfax bad explained its pro
vitions to the house it was recommended to
paP. The committee now rose and the house
took a recess until 7.39 p. m ,
On tlia motion of Mr. Huf sell the. house held
an evening t > eFsion to-night at i'30 to consider
House Roll 170 , a bill to provide for
and to provide for a mlneralogiuil anel geolog
ical survey of tha state. Mr. Russell intro
duced the bill and in n very lucid manner ex
plained its meaning and object to the hons- >
which was in committee of tha whole. His
speech was of the iiatura of a Bciontific lecture
whkh a few only listened to , oth n having no
doubt assured themselves they wouldn't if
they had listened. He said every other state
had a geol gist and it v\atimotor this state
to adopt moans to secure similar services. He
str ugly urged the ptpsaga of the bill.
Mr. Winstar object'd t ) the bill becanso
the state hid got on vviOl up to now and
geologists had never been any good. They
hid never found minerals but could toll > ou
all about thorn when they were found. Ho
also opposed the bill on ilia score of i eonomy
nnd ho objected to voting the peoples' mrney
for any Btato geologist. Ilodoea cotobjpct t >
ecienco but object * to pay for it. Mr. Win-
npeir ev Idently forgets he was ono nf the
committee who a fuw days ego recommended
an appropriation of § 13,000 foi compensation
to slock raisers m casu their cows died of
disease. And ha then proposed to pay a sal
anud vcertm.vry sureeon Si.GOO a year. This
bill was pe > .ed , too , in tin ly on the rocommen
datinn of the committee.
Mr. Whitmoro strongly acel ably suppjrteel
the bill and tAought tha state should domoio
thin raise moro earn tor hogi' . Ha thought it
was tuni ) tha stata diel Eorruthing fnr s-cience.
Mr Holmes was in favor of the bill a ] aU i
was Mr. I'mcrson ,
Mr 1'ield supported the bill atsomo length
and thought the state ; Bhould do something
moro than raise hogs and hominy.
Mr. Nichul was turprisodto hear objections
boc.iuso there was an appropriation to bo
mado. The house w/is alwsjs very willing tc
rpeud miii y until now. Ho supported thg
After con iderablo confusion in which Mr ,
Brown made hiimelf conspicuous by oidi
a point cf order with the chair in which lie
wan altogether out of order , the committee re
poite'd the bill to bo iLilounitaly postponed.
Iu the house Mr. Johnston tiicd to save th
b'll by _ moving tint the report bo not ton-
< ui rti in , but Ms motion wan lott and the bill
indefinitely postponed It baing now 10 30
the house adjourned.
It is intended that to-morrow the most 1m
portaut bills will no selected from ttie general
die .mil presented to the boose in the order of
importance )
Unl > lnet Spcculattoiis anil Adjcurii-
incnt Talk.
Special telegram to the BKE.
Ai IIVNT , 1'ebruary 18. It seems to bo con
ceded that Cleveland Is now devoting his at
tention to his inaugural address. Having
determined to his own satiefac'.ion at last the
chief knotty points cuiceming his cabinet. It
was not iutundtd that any publicity should
bo given to the fact that thu composition of
the cabinet was practically settled , and would
bccomo known this week Thosa who ar < )
u raomlly interested In it mil huvo all the
< no ledg they dcfi'o within a few day * .
That its ofhctul promulgation will not follow
until after the Inauguration goes
vvnhout BDyirg , Tf no dohmto
information reaches the outside world within
the comm ? week it will bo because a change
of plan has Lieu determined upon by Cleveland -
land , azting under the advice ot his friends.
There n no eioub at this moment that four ,
if not five , portfolios are so disposed of that
no change at all is probable ,
An adjournment of thu legislature * during
tha week of icauguration is much do lred by
n number of dnmocrats. They arc talking up
thu subject with thu republic nn. There ia no
precedent for such a demand and the latter
are not enthusiastic over tha lelua at much as
moct of them elishko legislative labor. Ar-
langcments will probably ba undo to allow
the < ] < inocrats to got away by pairing on the
political question.
TIio WhlHky Pool.
I On , , \ . .o 18 The
, Tflbruary , western c\-
jort ofeoclation met lieio to-day to consider
the trouble which has arisen with one of the
l\kln , Ills , , distilleries , growing out of an
old and unpaid assessment. Tvo propositions
were cousielbred one , to keep the association
intact , re'gatdlois of thu I'ekin firm ; the other ,
to ditsolvn the pool and let all the houses run
at will. No cuuUution was reached. Another
meeting will be held to m rrou.
OIilo Dofoaih tlio Aiitonilinont ,
COI.UUIIL-H , Ohio , February 18A resolo.
tion proposing the lubmlttmg of the propoii.
tlon fur an amendment to the cnnstitnt on tn
license the liquor tra/ho / was defeated lu thu
ho/jae o ! repreaentativcfl to day by five votes.
Ohio People ConfiiM That Tlmrni3n
Gets lit ) itc Cabinet ,
The Senate Passes the Foreign
Oontrnot Labor Bill ,
The Old Bonault Claim Again
Sprung on the Government !
The Text of thetForeigii Labor
Contract Bill ,
The Penalties For Violation Are
$1,000 , Per Man ,
A Protest d iilnst , the I'Vci-nnhons
rartlclpatinK Inftlio AV
ton Mcintinicut K
WASHINGTON , PubruaTy 18 At 11 o'clock
ho only senator In the chamber was 1'd-
mtind" , who promptly at that hour entered
with the chapjain. IMmuods , objervlng the
lituation , abstained from taking the chair and
he and thn chaplain tcok seats on the floor.
After a few minutes delay Merrill came in
\vith Lbout two or three others.
The days proceedings were so far he-gun as
that thu chaplain offered prayer. The few
senators t reaut indulged themselves awlulo
m eloquent silence , which was finally broken
by Mordll , who moved to Cull tha senate.
Tha call began with four senators and con
cluded with \teen. . 1 hat not being a quorum
the names of the abaentees were ) called. This
brought ten moro , but that being thirteen
shoit of a quorum matters came to a stop
Conger inquiied whether it was safe to pro
ceed with reading the journal of yesterday.
The chair said no.
Conger remarked that he was not an alarm
ist and had only inquired for information.
An amendment was offered by 1'lutnb nnd
agreed to excepting thu professional artUta
'rom the provision bill ,
ilalc asked that the unanimous consent bo
given to dispense with tha'reading. .
Tee chairman refused to retain the propo
silion , the calling having ihown the absence
of a quorum.
At 1120 the chair announcad o quorum
present and and tha journal was rend and thu
morning business proceeded with.
Lawe ) < , from the cpmmifteo on Indian af
fairs , reported the original bill to onahlo tbo
president to negotiate fcr the purchase from
the Creek , Siminolo and Cherokee nations
their remaining interest ia the so-called Okla
homa lands.
Calendar Lipham'a rjraarks were inter
rupted by tha regular o'rder of the anti-for
eign bontract labor bill.
Lapham offered an amendment to the con
tract labor bill , providing tint the whole pen
alty recovereel th.ill bo palel into the Utited
StatfJ treabiiry , instead of , as btbo mil ,
I.erimttiDg one halt the penalty to go to the
person who may first bring suit , t
The amendment was ogiead to , notwith
standing the energetic attempts of Blair to
explain It would FeriouslyJ'invoiir the efficacy
of tha bill. Bluir tlieiifcfatKf , tn amend
ment , making it the duty of thoUnitcd States
ntrict attorney of tho-'proper district to
prosecute at the oxpenho of the United States
uverycaeoof violation of thoa.t , Agieed to
ye is 12 , nays 15.
Tha bill then passed. Ye.is50 ; nrvs 9.
Vote m detail : YBSS Aldrlch , Allison ,
Blair , Bower , Brown , CfjllUamden.CameioD ,
( Wis ) , Chase , I'ongor , Cullom , Dawec ,
Oolph , Kair , Frye , George , Gib.ion , Gorman ,
Hale , Hums , Hm/isuu. Ingade. Jacknon ,
Jonas , .loiica , ( Nevadt ) , Kenna , Lamai , Lip
him , AlcMi Ian , Mcf lierson , Mahone , Miller ,
( 'ala ) , Miller ( N. Y ) , Mitchell , Merrill
Palmer , Tike , l'ht , I'lumb , I'ugh. Hainom
Sibin , Sawyer , Sowell , bheiman , Van \Vyck
Vest , V'oortiee , Walker and Wilson.
Nays-1 lutter , Gronmo' Hampton , Ifawlej
a-tey , M orgau , tjiulisbury , Yauco and
Adjouined. _
WVSIIINGTON , February 18. Upon reeon
cning this morning the continuation of vector
day's session , tha conference ) report upon tin
District Columbii appropriation was agreei
, o , The house then went Into the cammlttei
of the whole ontha river and liarbor bill.
Under agreement hilf an hour wni divided
among thu opponents of the bill.
Potter opposed any appropriation for the
Honnipin canal. 1 Eu said Illino's ' would alone
bo benefittcd and the Btato was nble to con-
ftruct thi c > nal with her , -own vvonlth. New
York state had built and maintained the Drio
1'eading the vote on tbo amendment pro-
. Idingtln biard should include the proposed
mprovemfiit of ( ialvestcn harbor report to
the tecrotary of war , the CKnunittee rose the
houeo adjourned and the Wednesday session
began. ,
The morning hour was dispensed with.
HutchlcB moved tha house go Into commit-
tee. of the whole on the taval bid.
The motiJii was loet , yeas It' . ' , nays 129 ' ,
vvhnlo on tha river .il fi harbor bill.
1'eidlng the amoBelment tvhich was offered
ai .1 Mit'snluto for th'p onliro piroeraph rela idi
tive to tha G al v estm ( harbir was ad opte d. [ it
approppriatoa S30,000 ( to the improvement afr
Galveitem liarbor , and directs the harbor
board to proceed at once to examine the plans
specifications and estimates for thu improve
ment and repoit to the secretary of war for
Ins approval
On motion of 1'rlco tbo giiiecdment was
adopted Increasing from1 812 500 to & ' . 8UOO
the appropriation for the ; harbor at Superior
Bay and the iiarbor at St , Loins Bay.
A large number of amendments were offered
but with one or two unimportant exceptions
wera voted down.
Pending further action the eommlttoJ rosa
and took a receia uutil to-morrow.
Spe-cml Telegram to TIIK Bgp ,
WA-iiii.saTO.v , IVbruary It ? , ThuOlbpco-
pleura very confidant to-day that ex .Senator
Thuiinan is lo be tenierud u placa In the calt-
inet. In this view they ara supported bby
Hewitt .tad Itandall , who say there lemaips
no doubt that a place will bo tendered , and it
will probibly bo that ot secretary of the in
terior. There li n strong pressure from the
people generally , who remember with
admiration his courio tn the senate
with reference to nilway nnd land
mutters , in favor of his being given a place ,
and Hewitt , who said thron ( Uya ego that
Thurman would not bo in the cabinet , now
gays bo feel ) confident that n p'ao wlil bo
tendered him , Tbo change in the situation
is brought about largely by the expedition of
the stories which put devvn Thurman as a
nntncv BILL PASSKI ) .
The bill authorizing llm construction of n
bridge across the St , ( . 'rolx river at Stllhvater ,
Minn. , passed the home to-day , and goes to
the president for his signature. This will
permit the completion nf tha Minneapolis & .
Sault St Marie road , which the Minneapolis
people believe n Reilng to carry all Ih'ir wheat
to B > itn and Poitlatd , as it Is by the way ef
the Canada tiouthern rovl emi > 800 miles
nearer to the ecabo.ird than by the way of
Chicago ,
Auoclated Press ,
Hcprcscntativu Kcagan to-day received a
communication from Presidentcloct Cleve
land , reqnostmg that the patltlon of the dem
ocratic members of the house , urging him to
refrain from committing himself In regard to
the coinage of silver , in hU inaugural address ,
bo forwarded to him by mail. Itia under
stood that his request Is ia respond * to nn In
quiry whether ho proferroJ to receive it by
midl or at the hands of a delegation of
Kopretentntivo Millard , of tha committee
Submitted minority report , signed by the
republican members of the committee , in fav
or of Kepresontativo Taylor's bill to prohibit
the dischar oof honorably discharged soldiers ,
or sailors , or elependont relatives from any
ollico in the civil eervoot the United States ,
except for cause. The report Bays In put :
This clats of government employes have a
c'.iim upon tba gratitude of the nation that
ciimot ba easily compensated. They raved
tha counliy from dismemberment and dis
honor. Wo Mibmlt it Is but a just and proper
recognition of their claims , they should bo re
tained in the government's service as lorg M
they can faithfully and effectually perform
their ollicial duties. The bill ia eminently
just In its provisions , and should be passed
with the following amendment :
"It ehould not apply to n class of officers
embraced in the original tenure of ollico act
parsed March 3,1&07 , and amended April 5 ,
18C9. "
The general dpfic'ency bill reported to the
house to-day provides n appropriation ? . ! , C01-
91C of which amount 875,001) ) IB appropriated
In ompltanco with the recommendation of the
po'tmaater general for clerk Into in the vari
ous postoflices and it alee provides that the
accounting officer of the treasury department
shall not receive any claim ogaioat the United
States unless it shall h.vvo been filea within
onojyear from the pastngn of this act , or with
in hve years after it shall have occurred , or
unless it shall havq arisen under obligation or
liability of tbo United States incurred by the
authority of law , or under some appropriation
originally applicable to the payment thereof
for lands in Illinois which had been before
the interior department for years , and has on
ccveral occasions been presented to congress
for consideration , formed the b.nia of another
decision of the secretary of the interior to
day. The case cimo no on petition , by one of
the claimants to have a p tent issued to him.
The secretary doubts the authority of the de-
partmoat to Issue a patent nnd thinks it
would be improper to do FO without legisla
tive authoiity , In the light of-infonuntion the
elep rtment now pos'es oi > , he therefore de
clares to graut the petition. Forty-live fine
farms arc * included within the lands claimed
by the petitioner.
Tliefollovvlng Is the teott of the house "for
e ign contract labor" bill
as amended ai.el passed b } the senate.
Bo it enacted , etc :
Section 1. from and after the pasiago
of this act it thall bo unlawful for any person
partnership or eorpt ration , in any manner
whatever to prepay transportation , or in anj
wuy osHjt or encjiiiagu the impoitationof ini
migration of any alien or aliens , any foreigiu'i
or for igners , into the United State ? , its ter
ritories , or the District of Colcnbia , undei
contract or agreement , psrolo or fpeciil ex
presitd or implied , or made previous to thi
importation for immigi.ition of tuch alien o :
aliens , foreigner or foreigners , to perform la
borer or service of any kind in the Umtei d
dtatee , its territories or the District of Col
Sec 2. That all contracts or ngrociiientM ,
express or implied , parole or special , which
rni > y heroiftcr bo made by and between any
ptibon , c mpany , partnership orcorpoiutiuu ,
and any fueigner or foreigners , alien 01 aliens ,
topeiform laborer Bcrvic" , or having refer
OUCH to thu fe'rfonnanca of labor or eorvica
by any peuon in the United States , Its tcrri-
t'irics or the District of Columbia previous to
tha importation of any ponon or persons
vvhosn labor or tei vice ia contracted fur , into
the Unile'd States , shall bo utterly void , and
of no ollcct. idy
Sec 3 That for every violation of any
provision of section ono of this act , the person ,
partnership , compiny or corporation violating ,
the same , by knowingly , assisting , encourag
ing or soliLitlng the migration or tlici importa
tion efan > alien or aliens , or any foreigners
into the United Stale. " , its territories or the
District of Columbia , to perform laoar or sor-
vleo of any kind under contiact or agreement
express or implied , pirolo or special , with
such alien or aliens , foreigner or foreigner ? ,
previous to becoming a resident or citi/en of
thu United .States shall forfi it or pay
ono thousand dollars , which nny be sued for
and recovered by the United States or by nny
porhon who shall firtt bringhii action therefor ,
including any such alionjor foreigner who may
bo a party to any such contract or agreement ,
UH debts of liku amount are now recovered In
1Btho | eiicuit courts of the United States , the
proceeds to ba paid into tha treasury of the
United States , and separata suits may bo
brought for each alien or foreigner being
guilty to such contract or agreement uforeiau ,
&nd It ( hall bo the duty of the district attor
ney of the proper district to pioaecuteevery
i such suit at the expense pi the I'liltcd Sta'eu.
| Sictlon4. That tbo nuster of any vessel ' ,
who shall knowingly bring within thu United
States on any inch vet sal and land , or permit
to be landed , from any foreign jiort or place
any alien laborer , mechanic or artisan who.
previous to embarkation on such vessel had
entered into a contract or agre ement , paroh
or special , express or Implied , to peform ser <
vice or Utor in the United State's , i-hall erba
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and on eon <
victlon the roof Khali bo 'punUhod by a line
not more than 9503 for each and every such
aleln laborer , mechanic or artisan so brought ,
and may also bo Imprisoned not exceeding tin
Sec , C , That nothing in this act fcball bo ei
conitrutd as to pievent any citl/cn or eubjetl
of anv fen ipn country temporarily residing in
the United .States , either In private or uthcial
capacity , for negsqing uoeler contract or
othrrwue1 , persons not residents or citlrcm of
the Unite'd States , to act aiptivatstecretancs
sorvtiitfjor domostu i for such foreigner tern
porntily rending In tin United States , nir
tliall this act b'3 PO cmtnicd an to prevent
any person or pcrsoic , p rtnrnhipi or corpor
ations from engfging under contract or agree
ment , skilled workmen in foreign countries to
perform lalor in the United State" , in or
upon any now mduitry not al preie-nt ost.ib-
llfhtd In the I nitel tft.tos. 1'rovldcel , that
skilled labrr for ttrit purpono cannot other-
WHO bo nbtimed. Nor shall tlio provisions of
this act apply to professional acton ,
arliita , lecturers or iurve < yeti , Lor to persons
employed strictly ai | crsmial or domoetlj ser
vants ; provided tint nothing m this act shall
ba construed as prohibiting any individual
from it h'intr ' any member of his family or
any relative or pstBonal friend to migrate'
from any foreign country to the Unl'e-d States
for the jmrpo o of sc'ttle'mcnt here. "
Sec , li. Itepeals conflicting lawp. The bill
now goes bick to tha house for concurrence or
mm concurrence in the senate amendment.
WASIIIXOIOV , February 18 The senate in
c'\ecutiui session continued the nomination of
llmery Spo.ii for United Stiles district Judga
of ttiu southern district of ( loorgia , Thu vote
stood 25 to " ( i. Senator Halo voted in the
negative and Senator Drown in the alllrnu
tivn. The division was otherwise upon party
A printed protest of largo propirtions
against permitting masonic boeieties to partici
pate in the dedic.itiem of tbo Washington
monument next Satuidny _ lm been received
by the cnngHSiional committee charged with
thu arrang 'nents.
The signers claim to have 13,000 structure's.
Thu protest c mo too late for action by the *
committee. Tno chief complaint of the pati
turners ia that the Uatholics have been snub
bed and 1'rce M.IEOIIS honored in the matter
Tlio Illinois Hciuuor.milp
Special telegram to the 13KB.
Sl'P.lNonhLl ) , Ills. , rcbruary 18. When
the joint assembly was called to order to-lay
51 senators and 151 representatives answered
to their names. Sittig and O'Shea were the
only absentees.
There was an apparent disposition on the
part of the assembly to come to a vote.
Senator Campball , ( Rep ) and Duncan
( Dem. ) announced that an agreement had
been made whereby the lalanco should be
preserved in the event of the arnival of either
Sit ig and O'Shea , and the JJagreement was
by unanimous consent , made a nilu of the as
sembly for to day.
On the first billet Logan received ICO votcp ,
the so'id topuhlican vote , and Col. Morrison
03 votes.
Soi ator Strcotor voted for John Smith nnd
senatoiB Campbell and Duncan did not vote ,
Brachtendorf , Schloslinger nnd Dorman of
Cook , and Morgan of Will , voted for llaines.
Mutt Murphy of Cook , for Frank Trawler and
Mullioarn of Cook , fnr Jninea II. Ward
Ilalnct voted for Morrison and ,
after a little pressure h id been brought to
bear on him , for Logan.
After the roll had been veiified. Senators
Campboil mid Duncan voted making the re
suit , Logan , 101 : Morriion , ill ; ncatteiing , 7
absent , 2 ; necessary to a choice , 102.
"Long' Jones had figured out thu vote 1 nc
before ic was announcad by the chdr and the
Logan men were fairly dancing with joy.
Democrats made nn effort to liavo a second
ballot but this was fought down by the re
publicans , and the joint assembly dissolved
until noon to morrow.
"That vote kills Morrison , " remarked
Springfield politician after the re nit .had
boonSinnounced. Certain It is that'tho hori
zontal statesman and his friends are In tfn
cave of gloom this afternoon.
In certain quarters the leport has been in
dustriomly citculatcd that Mori is n ia vigo -
ously applying the pirty lish to the backs of
the recalcitrants. Thii story is nltogclhc :
baseless , perhaps that will bo done later on
but so far nothing of tha kind has been at
tempted. On the contrary all efforts are di
rccted towaid tbo cnniili ition < f only twi
Chicago members who contmuo in the ( him ph.
"I think a 1 the Chicago de-legation wif
coma around all right , " replieel Col. Morrno :
in reply to.i cjrraspindent's question. "W
have had no real test of their fidelity to far.
lie added "but I think when their votes are !
of sorv ice they will bo cast in the right direc
| AII Imnoitanf Postofllco Test C.isc
INIHANMOIIS , February 18.-A special to
the Journal from Bloomingtcn , Ills. , eayt , 1ft
ters have been received there from the attor
ney general anel the postmaster general of the
United States , announcing the termination of
a very important case concerning fiist class
postolllees. The point at i flua aroeo in tha
BloomiDRton poitofhcc1. Gen , Dick , post
| masti'i , was defendant in a test cteu in which
ho retained money.ordcr fdts to the amount of
nearly 55 , 00 , though the work was performed
by tlio assistant nnd the latter raised the
claim th it ( ithei the fees should in part or in
the whole have been luid to him , or covered :
into tha treasury rf the United States.
Thu attention of the postoflico department
i v , as called to the CASO and a test case was
' mado. A syndicate of postma6tern interested
was formed to provide inear H to defend tlio
caee , which pasted through the courts with
vary ing results , until it IIUH now been decided
in ' Dicks favor. The decltion will add very
'irgelytotha expense maintaining tlio uiall
service of tha country ,
Tlio 1'iopcllor liolilK" " lc < * d.
CMICAQO , February 18. The Inter-Ocean's
South Haven , Mich. , special says : The pro-
puller Michigan , which left Grand Haven a
week ago last Monday , lias been heard from
She is lockeJ In the ice twenty thrco mllet
vvettof bore , nnablo to move. Seventeen ol
her crew crossed the Intervening iea and
reached tlio there Rome miles north of here
last night. They La-t a perilous ) und wear !
some journey. Ono of tha mm gavooutane
was carried five mile a on the back of another
They say thirteen mm remain on board er.ho
propeller ; that they iiavo lations for twenty
hvuelaye , and ninety tons of coal ; that tin
ice extends weatnurd into the lake as far as
| thu 030 can reach.
| UlcvatPrt
NKIV Yoilh , February lb , The elovatee
railroad COB. to da > elgnilied their assent't <
the scheme of taxation proposed by the corpo >
- rotlon coune.ll , and have filed the retuuix > in
the ollico of the tax commissioner , Tno i n
tire assessment of all the elevatixi roads og
BregaUdiSll.27,35 , .
. Two Sleaincrs Iliii-ncil ,
MEMI-IIIH , February 18-Steamers IdaDar
r gh end Helena were burned to-day , Lose
8105,0 , 0 ; Insurance , § 70,000 ,
The Lcaflino ; iriic'cs in Til-Day' ' Mar
ket Dragged Qnilc Hcayy ,
Fat Oattlo Were in Fair anil
Steady Demand ,
Hogs Were Bought Up as Fast as
They Arrived ,
Wheat Opened n Shade Easier
Thau It Closed Yesterday ,
Corn Opeued Steady and Showed
Considerable Heaviness ,
Onth Continuctl Quiet anil Sto tljr
Kjo Quotnlily Higher t i-o\ls-
Ion Quite * tlutlvo asil Firm ,
Special telegram to TIIK HUE. *
CHICAGO , February 18. The leading arli-
cleain so-e'ay'a ' market dragged quite heavily ,
receiving little if any Bjpport from any quar
ter cxce-pt probably the Now York stock list.
Keceipts were again very light , tbo blockade )
still prevailing. The close ) of the morning'
Hussion was quiet but steady and fcaturolosa
except in thu provision list which was vvc.ik
opened a shade easier than it closed yesterday t
but run through the morning soesion in n vciy
steaely anel fi aturelcss manner , only showing
fluctuations of Jc. Trading wa far from
active , and was c.uriod on by the local crowe' ,
An easier tone prevailed oftei the noon hour ,
value's dropping back to only a fraction over
opening. JNo. 2 spring sold at 7U3 ( 7'Jic.
The close of thu morning cession was ( | ukt
and about steady.
opened nbout steady , the only feature of the
market being a bulge in 3'ebiuary , in responio
to the rapid advance if this delivery in Now
York , it being the popular belief that a corner
m this months delivery is being inn tbere , In
other futures tbo tendency was downward ,
and tha tone of the market ono of considera
ble huav mes ? . No. " cish was cpioted nomi
nally at SSc.
quiet , very inactive , and about steady , with
speculative trading confined to seller May ut
fc tluctuatien.
ruUd quolably ic hielier , but there was none
received , and little if any traded In. IforNo.
2 caih OJJc was bid , for March OSe , for April
OUJc , and for May liSc.
were quito active and moderately firm early
in the day at slightly higher prices. W hat
ehorts theru were in pork and lard were cover *
cd early , advancing , the former " 4a Ge. In a.
general way trading was slack , nnd after the
Hist hour or to values tcndpd slightly downward - '
ward , the tone of the market becoming'pcr-
cnptibly'oatior , February options were not
mentioned , thcso and cash ruling I ho name aa
March. Tha cloe , at 1 o'clock , wan vveolr , at
a lapid decline ( him g the last hour's trading.
On call both gram and provisions were n
ehido easier ,
There was a f.iir , steady demand for fat
cittle , and prices xuleel a tlmcio stronger.
Taking .in advance of to-day and j OBterday ,
and thu appreciation would bolO@lfic , though
eomo buyers were t-tronKly of the opinion
that the advance was equal to 21c. The qual
ity of tat cattlu was pool , tLcro 1 eing ecarcely
rt good luad among the rmvals. Shipper ) )
were complaining of the senility of curt , but )
the railroud men , on tlio other hand , uaid
there were plenty of cart for their tegular cus
tomers , Choice fat cows and hciferx and high
grades of butchois' stock are in gocd demand
and him. Mo t of the can-
nirg bouses are rgom operating , and
canning stock was in better demand , with little
tlo or no change in prices in u < mpared with
lost week , but among to day's arrivals wera
Urge per cent of o.d cows that sold at very
low figures , Hulls vveio ecarco. Stockers and
feeders were in light supply and oiily n few
buyers on thu inaikit , lienco butintts wan
mainly limited to the buying end celling of
tpeeulatoiH anil yard dealers. .Steers 1,050
to 1,21)0 ) llu , < q'Gn)500 ( ) : l.iOOto l.HOO Ibs. ,
? 175C < S5EO ; 1 350 to 1,500 , Ibs. , Sn-JScSKHO ;
butchers' COVVP , & 2 50(8 ( I 25 , bulls , $ . ! OCC I 7C ;
stockers , $ . ! OOfftl 20 ; feeelcru , . l UJfe 1 75 :
Texans , $1 OOfefiOO.lioeis.
The market was fairly nctivo with both
packers and Rhippeia buying ficsh rcceiptu
about as Cant as they arrived , Common and
nn diuin were strong and 5@10o higlu r , par
ticular and fjncy borts was wanted. Tlio
bnjera had to pay a fancy puce , tav m advance -
vance of lOfci'lbc ' , euch telliDC to S5 V @ 5 30
with rumored sales at $5 n't ; light ueru i caret )
nnd generally quoted at § ldO ; packing anil
( lnpiing ) 325 to100 Ibs. , S ! )0@5 ) 00light ; , ICO
. .SICOgl'jo !
l\IIBlllltO. .
- OiiEK.Nsnuna , I'anl'obruary 18. Tills morn
ing a enpicioiia looiinp box coveted with tin
was found in the corridor of the court liousj
and the report quickly spiead that an at
tempt had been mudo to blow up tlio buildini ;
with an infernal niaehiuo ,
The box was carefully unwrapped and in i
found tbo clock works of n elunclng toy , : \
monkey with a piece of rope bunging out of
. , the end winch had been singed , 10 .m to eivo
it the appearance nf having been let elf , but
- failed to bum , 'Jho amusement cnatcd by
the hoax was only cxcitod by Indignation at a
spoiled sensation.
In Portland , Ore.
I'OHTM.M ) , Ore ) . , rebnury 17. The Oro-
gonlan'g special from Wlutcomb , W. T. , lays *
Tlio now refciilenco of John If Stinger , prosl-
de-nt of the Washington colony , WHH blown to
atoms to night by el > nainlte. I > oia in SII.CCO ;
no lives lost , The causa cannot bo learned
but is tiipposcei to bo tbo tutcoum of land
troubles , which has bt en brewing two y emu ,
Jlninewurtl Itonnil.
CJUKKNSiowv , J'obmary 18. Canadian voy
, I ager * who took ( Jonor/jl Wclieley's boats up
the Nile auived honrln their way home ,