( THE DAILY BEE SATURDAY , FEBRUARY H , 1885. GENERAL NEWS Tnrtlior Particulars ot tlio Asylniu Fire in Philadelphia , Eightean" Lives Now Known lo bo Lost , The Other GOQ Inmates are All In Custody In Other Departments of the Almshousa Buildine. British Hnzzars Strike an Am- and Retreat Hastily. "VlHltors to tlio rnrlUmcnt T Bo I'rohlhlted Kroin Cr Djnsmlte. TIIIJ ASYM'M HOltUOK , TIIK NUMI1KR OP VICTIMS. TlllL.Mil-.Ll'HIA , February 13. The lire last night'nt the nhinhome entirely deitroyod that part of the Institution set apart for the Insane. Of eighty-four lunatics confined many are missing , but it is thought the moi > t of them wandered rway. At niao o'cluck this mornIng - Ing two tr. ? charred bodies were found in ward No. 2. They had been roasted beyond all recoaniti'in. ' Several human bodies cm ho Been in tlrnlng wrok ia thu cellar. It ia now tliQugi ' twenty-eight per ! li9d. That Dumber of violent patients were locked tn the cells > the third floor and could not be reached.at > eoe.iis no doubt they are lost , nnd tin ; reroutes are among" the ruinn. Dur ing thu ' ' any Insane jivrsons were found wandi . ITerent p > rU of the city , some nearl. The poor creature ! generally eeviued o to understand the _ lituatlon , rnd In Bone cases begged their captors piteoualy tc < ot throw them into the river. The others 'ok it as a peed joke and laughed gleefully w ' 'n the fi o wi8 mentioned. One man came "tmlng down the street early this morning T vumnaclea attached to his wrist and feet , .s of thu chain danpling from It , H , 51RIEKKI ) AND LAUOIIII ) and struck yht and left among the fright ened poopliIt was found necessary to kuick him dowi. uefore he could be secured. Another * .ited a panic 'n ' a street car by imhing in tulf clad wlih n faca scorched and blackened JIu bank cowering In tin corner. The repot .iat the streets were full of escaped maniacs r < 3ed much aUrm In West Phlladot pliii am. Grangers looked upon each other with iniii i distrust. The fir meu are still working thu mini. They nro wo.iry and half fru > i nh appearing as if in armor , but search . thu bojles continues steadily. 'There appears to have been much trouble on ncconnt of rotten hoao and scarcity of water apply. Alter n thorough search , the almshonn authorities to-ntahtSare convinced thatthu eighteen binned and tuffocated mntiaca all of whom occupied rpla ) on thn tLud floor of the building aru all that perltheil , nnd that the tiGC inmates were lescued , nnd are now in custody iu other departments cf the building. KOllHKJN ICVIOXrs * . AGAINST IUNAMITK. LONDON , February 13. The recent dyna mita explosion demonstrated the fact that under oxuting rulen governint ; admiaslon of atrnngera to the galleries and lobbies it would bo au euiy matter for dynamiters to convey explosive ! ) into the building during the st nionof rarliarri'nt : iud caino tbo death of many of its members. The government de cided to adopt rnoru stringent ruk'j regulating admission of visitors. Mumb rs of parlia ment In the future will not b9 uljmed to in troduce ell-augers into the galleries and lob biee. CANADIANS WANT TO TAKE A HANI ) . OTTAWA , February 13 , Applications con tinue to be received by the militia depart ments from those unxious to paiticipata in the war in Soudan. ATTACKINa JIETKMNEH. LONDON , February 1 ! ! . A dispatch from Korti nays Col. Sir Kedvers Duller will proba bly attack Motamnoh next Sunday. The reb els are tailing no aggressive step ) . OALLINQ OUT TUB lUHKUVKS. It hai been icidod to take no stops lookIng - Ing to calling i the roturvcu till after parlia ment aasemb' ' , .isit .U-KAIIM. JtADHin , ' \ary HI , The Impartlalo makes a Her ! cliarge that Franca luw edtab- lUhed n pn. . > raten\er lands on the west comt of Africa which belong to Spain. The oartliqn , > > rhockH to-day ut 1'arro del ( Jarnpo , forty I'lilai north tf Urunadu , eeii- outly danugod a hospital. A ECll.U * AT BPAKIM , SUOKISI , Fehruiry I ! ) . Sma'l ' paitlc * of hoitllo Arabs rtuppenrod tn meanace the Rarrhon. A spy returned from lUuhrim , the p'aca wheio n reconnoltering IVfty of Ilui-nara fcnd Idiptu'ii' weru attacked on thn third imtant. The Hussam got at far as Handout without opposition , but having oa their way burned tut a native vil age without reaenn they were attacked on their return lit Hen- helm , about throe miles from llnndout. The nttacklrg party lay In ambush and thti Arab lira WHS eo torri- lilo tlut the hasK.ira could not face It am rayed thenuelven from unnihila'.ion by retreat inj { at full callop , in tha n'.ir to Kuakirn > 'ight himtaiN and three Kgjptiana lout. Col Ntfimin , commdiidint ; a4. Suaklm , In reportIng - Ing the inculett e'a'ed that thu uflicer in coinmnnd of the husdsr * had ex ceeded his authority in ordering the burning o the Arab villuge. Spys ueiu ut ( ince sent oul to aiceitaln the fain of the niUsing troop ? . A apy rt'turrml and aild bo could ascertain nothing , but foiled In the dcseit near the scene of the fight articles of cloOiIng , nvldent- ly belongirg to tha tniating men. The rpy brought tbesu articles to Suakiin , all piercet ns If by speare. Tha iiiy reports he found tha enemy encamped at lleshelm. TIIK rOl'E AND THE KNQLI8I ! CXIVKUSITIIH. HOME , Febnury IS.-The Po | > e hm written to the Cutlolic bishops In Kogland tc publish tne instructions of the propaganda against the election of Catholics in Knghsh universities. A luitoto DIKD , it' Tiieu. LONDON , Frhuury IS , Tha conservative pupf r charge the goveinment with luppresi ing lieu. Gor-on'i ! diary and letter ) , in whicl Gordon itaUa that lie lent Col. Stewart away f rum Khartoum In order to save lilt ( SUiwurt1 * life , intanding biui'elf tu meet death at Khar toum , ai be knew no help could reach there in time to rescue him. Bondemon County , Tn. , Court lloaie lliimoa , OALVIITON , Ter , , February 13. The Ual vettoa News special eayi ; The county oonr houie of Henderson county burned this morn Ing , Court wai in teasion during the morn ing , The fire. i > believed to hive been Inceu diary. The criminal docket had jtut been reucned , on which there were the tnurde caics let for trial. Valuable records wera de stroyed. Xo insurance. Mr , Ev rls" Itcoepiloa at the Union < 'lut > . NEW YonK , February I'J. At the Unio Club reception to United States Senator-elect William M. Evartf to-night , Judge Davl preilded and ] B , Hinsdils made the tu. dreei on behalf of the club. Judge L > v then presented Mr. ErarU , who ws * greets with great appUute. Mr. Kruit'itld thacccuion marked Boroe- Uiing more than honor to hiuuelf. He the refened to tin record of the republics ry , _ atd ! d that the republican New York sUta could uo C no al the fact Uut th rlt-t--fcttjl.ll . i enter of the array of the great rtpubllcan1 arty bad Iwen pierced at tbo part by en > rusted repuMlcani. In reference to hi * rivalj or the cen tor hlp K\ arts said that he did ot feel It his ditv to have his n mo left out f the list of cnndid tco if any of hf country m > n th. . unlit it fhould properly bo there. Vhlle Mr. llvarts wn * iienkin | ; hUcolleftRue , Varrcn Miller , c m3 upon ilu stage and wa warmly cheered. At the close of nis sp-och a Dilation was served. Exposition Notcf , NKW Oni.KAS * , Fibruaiv 13.-Tho Influx f Manh Oras visitors hai firly begun. In the government building ft mecting 'of owa citizens attending thn exposition was tld to day. It wan called to order I > 7 iporgo Sneer , ot 1V < Moinoi , M jirT , H , larahall , of Cnmril KlnlTi , was made chair- nan , and T. . II. Calkins cbo'fin cecraiaty , iecolutiont were piwed carne tly cummond- ig the exposition. Cleveland Octs n. Knst , Ai.nAN > , February 13. Cle\e'aad wni com- aratively trio from visitors to- < lay , in accor- aneo with 1m di-Mro , The delegation from ilichtgitn called. Tin mcmbfra of the dclo- itlon ued Orlanl ) M. Barnes for secretary f the interior. Cleveland promi sd he would emember ilia camo. A Facsimile of Hie KcnRan Bill PORTLAND , On. , February 13. Hoult'a nilroad restriction bill has passed both ouses ot tha leglslatura by Urge majorities. ho bill ii almost an oxsct copy of the U'.ifrin bill in conRrew "o far as it rolatci to Iscriminntlnn In ratt . The maximum fielglit ales ara limited to tha clwges In force ou anuary l t , and tlio maximum passenger atoi ara 6 cents psr mile. The bill cow waits the governor 'it signature. MilwauUoo Police Crookedness. MILWAUKEE , February 13. The mayor tc- ay requested the resignation of Chief of PC co Kllswoith. It was charged Hut n couple f city detectives retained S2DO as n "reward" or finding toven hundred which had bean lolt y au old noldior , whlla Intoxicated , in the ands of a friend. Investigation showed that ley divided the "rownrd"wlth Kllaworth. , " \V. Murra.x Handed ut Portland , Oregon. PORTLAND , Oregon , February 13. J. W. lurray was hanged nt 1:20 thla afternoon i the presence of Iwia than thirty witnesses. he prisoner maintained good spirits to the ait. He talked a great dtal during the after- ooii abd ate a hearty mcil , Ha neck wrs roken by the fall , and dcUh wcs Instant.ino- us. . _ Flro At VaBsar , Mich. DETROIT , February 13. A fire nt Vasaar , lich , to-day destroyed a large part of the uslness portion of the town , Loss , $10,000 ; nsuranco , SS.OOO. But for the tnow on the oofs the whole town would hnvo burned. 1'otvdcr Mill l- CLEVELAND , February 13. The powder nill near Hubbard , Mahouing county , ex- iloded this moining. The force of the ecplo- Ion shook the crou ad for miles around , and In mill was blown to atoms. Mike Kgan , nd Otis Hurlburt were shockirgly mangled , ml may reco\er. The damage will not exceed ' ,000. _ _ Three Colnrcn I'coplo CrcnintPd. LOUISVILLE , Ky. , Fehiuary 13. This eve ling it was learned that the dead bodies of William Fraier , wifa and grandchild , all col jred , were found in thi ruins of a house about ift"en mil's from New Albany , Ind. It is opposed that thu hmn ? caught fire on Thurs lay night whou the inmates were asleep. -The Bnckliyera Union gno n ball last ight at Grouse's hall which was largely at ended by the members of the orderand other riends. Dancing was kept up until a late lour , and was the main feature of the oven ng's pleasure. Newspaper Ownership. fobraika City Press. The Omaha Republican of a recent seuo aayo : Senator Van Wyck writes a friend in th's ' ity that he intends putting Pearinan at the lead of the Press , his organ InNebraska. City. ilnj. Puarman Is bright and would be an iccuation to Nebraska journalism. The BKK aseerts tbat "Senator Von Wyck las no interest in the Nebraska City Press or \nyotherpnper. " How and why does the 3uit know thi- ? Does Senator Van Wyck ender Hoaowater an account of all the money IB expends ? Now , can anyone bo moro idiotic than the above , when everybody knows that ho Preis ia owned and operated by a oint aleck company , w.th William E jladetono ni president , and Otto Von Jismarck secretary end Orovnr Cleveland treasurer. Senator Van Wyck never app'iedforn ' ahcrj cf the block and couldn'e afford to buy it if it waa on the marki t. As for the Repub'lcan , wo have lover been able to learn who tloes own t At times wo think the proprlo'.o must bo an infant , of tender yrara , and iin we are led to believe that it lo operated by Beelzebub in the intereat of lades. M St. Petersburg ia a city of gourmets. The long nights in whiter , and the ex cessive cold and discomfort out of doors , drive the inhabitants to iu-door pleasures. They consequently pay great attention to the cuisine , and the e nohs bcconio cordon-blcus. The best cuisine is , of course , the French , and thcro nro French chefs in many of the houses , but tlio IlaEsiuus bavo a number of national dishes tlioy are fond of , es pecially eonps cabbngo eoup eaten with sour cream , cucumber soup , and u cold , sour soup , which they swear by , but which is not very agreeable to a foreign palate. Tlio root vegetables , turnips , beets , etc. , are remarkably good ; so are watermelons and cucumbers , while game , pnipe , wooel- cock , partridges , white partridges , hazel grouse , black cock , coqs du bois , and bare are all abundant in their season oiiel good. Iu the way of fish , the salmen is excellent , and they have trout , pot-fish , perch , grayling soquis , somewhat like a striped bass , and tbo famous sterlet , which I do not think deserves it reputation. Its roe makes the best caviare. Tko regular Russian restaurant is not to be seen in St. Petersburg. There is ono in Mos cow , they call the Hermitage , which is thoroughly Russian. A feature of those refltaimuita is aa immense mechanical organ , which grinds out lively airs dur ing dinner. Ono can hardly talk. Tlio correct thing to do is to toke , before dinner , a "zaconska , " which being in terpretcd moans a preliminary lunch , s small gloss of liqueur , generally "wodki , " with salt fish or cavi are , or a little cheese. This is supposed to whet dulled ap- petito. Besides tbo pleasures of tb table , th Riusiuns rely greatly upon cards to pass tbo long winter evenings. They play a great deal and ploy _ higli , Whist , with , some modifications in the counting ; baccarat , and a game they call "quinza , " something like "Boston , are their principal gomes Cards are n monopoly in Russia , and their importa tion is strictly prohibited. The profits on their Bale go to the support of the Foundlings' Hospital , and it is magnifi cently supported. Any iufant can be brought there , and na questions are asked either as regards the mother or the chilel , and no payment is necessary. It is said to be the only place in Rusair where no passport is required , Tht I'enn Monthly- THE GRAND JURY Closts I's ' Wk Fi-r - the Felirnar ? Term anil Is An Important Hatch nl Indictments Uounly The grand jury coinplatod its lal > ere ojlorday sftorncoii , and w $ s formally discharged by Jtidgo Wakel y. Tin work of the body liaa been rapid md salitfactory , ts the oraoutt of bual- ios3 dispotud of wi'l nttesi. "Tnia blllj" irero f jnnd in a number of cases , in addition to thosa already put- llshod. Following isUio , rcglttjr : Three prjsontmonta were trade against. JIw. Alica P. Mills and Jaaics Mlllt , her msband , on clmrgci of libel preferred by Miss Alleo Dal'oy. Oao of the Indict- monta ia preferred sgjicat Allen Mills , Iho oilier two Against , ) m < s Mills. InlicttuMit No. 1 i brought pt < nU Al'Oi MillsjOti tailnnoDy of Alice D.i'ey ' , nco llolilnaon , and charges that defend ant , in a letter written to llav. T. U. tlall , patter of the Southwest Pioibytor- an Ohurcli , lutdo Bta < omit.t3 ! referring to ilatntitr of a malicious , Hamhloiu and tofnmatDty obnvteter , tnylcr. ; that eho v\j a woman of loose * habits. Indictment No. 2 , hrjnght agaiint James Mills , husband of Allco Mills , charges tbat hn wrote a e'asder ui letter o ono Jarpus Shootz , of Minoola , Weat Virginia , in Avnich Allco Daley vres ac- cuiod of having boenaodnced by a man who efiornard mo tried her , and that she was delivered of a bastard child which ho surreptitiously killed. Tha th ri indictiuont is brought on charges of libel substantially the same as hose plroidy indicated. Mills circulated it turnouts about the plaiotllT , Alice Di- Icy , to the effect tbat aho had boon guilty ot adultery with certain persona , and hat shohad compelled Diilty ( o marry lor while aho was In a delicate con dition. Mr. and Mrs. Dailoy are well known and highly respected in Omaha , and Sirs. D. has always birne a good charac- .or. It Is to 1)9 regretted that the mat ter has thus boon brought into promin ence. Another indictment was presented against Wylii D. Clejfg , charting him with converting to his own us ; $229.25 of the funds of the Union Pac ( to Riiliray CG'npany. An Indictment was returned against F. E. Morris , who , in addition to being accused of atenltng on May 1 , 188 1 , sev enteen railroad tickets of tbo value of § 100 from the Union Paclhc railway , is charged with so altering a ticket of the company , wh'ch had already boon used between Council Blull'i and Schuyler , ai to make It appear that it had never teen punched. The alteration , it la claimed , was effect 3d by tearing off tlio lower section of the ticket. In the coUbrated case of John L. Thompson and Lizzie Howard , charged with tbo bmning to death of Nettie Howard , an indictment of murder in the licit degrco was returned. Thu detailed circumstances oE the case are too fioih In the minds of the read 117 public to need recounting. On the night of No vember 29 , Nettio Howard , a proslitut , living oa Ninth ttreot , betRoeu Douglas and Dodge atrootH , was discov ered In flames by parties breaking into the hoaec , which was occupied at the time by the victim and the two defend ants accused of the crime. Tbo flames wera extinguished , but not before the girl had sustained injuries of which on the following Tuesday she died. Subse quent circumstances developing pointed to Lizzie Howard and John Thompson as bolng guilty of the crime of cctting tire I o the girl. They we ra arrested and have since bupn in jail awaiting the action of the grind jury. An Indictment wai returned againtt Charles Weslgud , clurced with stealing a mule on November 10th from Lncinda Jones. The last indictment is preferred against U. M. J'othory alias John McClelland , the notorious gentleman of alleged con nection with ill ? Duke robbery. Ac- cueed is oba-god with "holding up" one Edward Ct > llabiu on the night of Augutt 28h , ] 884 , and taking from him a ailvor wa't-U valued at ? 23 , COUMIY JAIL HEI'OUT. Bofcrc the formal discharge of tha ; rand jury a visit of otiic'al inspection was madu to tlut county jiil Too tm if the rapott is herewith appended : To the Honorable Dhtrict Court of Dauglaa County : The gi-ani jury for taid county for the February tiroi , 188-1 , of said cDurt , beg leave to report tbat in pursuance of law and Ilie directicn rf said court they have in : i bo5y vi-ited the jail of said county , and made a full and thorough examina tion of the samo. The discipline of the prisoners h humane tnd kind , diet ample and good , the jail in a healthful condi tion , and the tyatem and mauagmn > mt theraof rt Meeting credit upon the clfi.ula in charge , The jail should be repaired in several places. The floor is badly out cf repair and should receive immediate "attention , The cage should bo repaired abont the bite aa it is rusting away. The windows and window eating alto need immediate attention. There should bo a biloony aroucd thu second tier of Iho main cage , The lever locki need some repaiis. _ The inside of the building should oo painted , whitewashed and calsomined. And the jury are of the opinion tlut the suggested repairs should bo attended to t once , Uiciuim KIMDALL , Foreman of Jury. DE OHAOONS DEATH , The Fate of a Man a "Wro 111 t Daft" The associated press dispatches of Thursday night detail the latest holocaust horror in the burning of the Insane de partment of the Wet Philadelphia altnti- horjBo. One of the victims , Frank Ds Chacon , wai a former resident of Omaha where his peculiar w yi and eooentrlci ties made him ono of the characters ol local life. Ho was a mnn thlrty.five years of age , and before a harmless form of insanity seized him , a man of brilliant powen and some loclal position. Ho formerly lired in Chicsgo , where In a mysterious and sndden mumer ho lost a young wife and only daughter , now burled In that olty. Ilia terrible shcc't ot bereavement destroyed his mental balance. He drift' out to Omaha In March 1883 , where he eon became a'moit universally known , tie was without a f cany , and through the kiudnoes ot fiipnos was clothed and fed. The poor fellow , drcesed In a butternut biorn faded and ragged mil , with an old ttylo Derby liat wbich for many years lad withstood rain and sunshine , might jo seen ovtrr day , hurrjing in a nunner of violent buMnos thronsh the ilreols , under his arm a palcnt wi ngor for which bo WAS rgjnt. Do Chacon was neyor verBuccossful , however , gni many a meal the boys of the Cofl'm Club of wh'cl instil ntlon ho was rather favoritp/as afford ioi ? a butt for gaueral joke ? , donatid to hioi by genera ! sub sctlptton. As ftr lojginj ho ussd to slcrpiu halls , lawyers' rcoms , atd toin--- timcs , wrapped in a heavy horse blanket , brrroncd , cf coirsj , ia some old dry Isolds box Onoiof tlio jokes pcrpotratcd upon h'm was by a heaitUsi waj ; , trho gave him a roclpo tor making i l'y , whereby S2o worth of thtfacticlo could l > a made out of S3 vsluj of material. Ghcoso was ens of tbo ctnatlttiont * lnf rjdianls Quo mornlnj alt r first tf'rxl of the roiipo , Do Cbncun bunt into Uroxol iV Maul's na- dcittklnt ; establishment , erylng , " Do } s , I saw a glust hsl cijht , that of a boautlful woman try 111 ; to tempt uu. I lao > v that It's a \vAnilng for mo never t ] use glucose again in that uceipt. It's all wrontr , al wronx. May the Lori help me. 1 wll never again msko jelly ! " A subscription waa finally raleod for Frank and ho waa sent last M > rch to Chicago , whonca ho rode in a box car to Philadelphia. Thera ho was afterwards placed in thu asylum in which hornet liia death in so horrible and shocking u intnncv. _ _ Tratlo Note1- , The freight biuinots over the Union Pacilio ia fast recovering its normal vol urac , after the recent snorr blockade which , of oourto , temporarily suipendcd traffic. Thursday'a local receipts of freight merchandise fnm the west , is as fcllons : Bullion , f ) cars ; oro. 10 csri ; hogr , G cars ; hay , 1 car ; coal S cars ; wheat , 2 earn ; corn , 12 cats. The recoipta at the tt'ck yards ycator- day were very light , 105 head of hogs consigned ts Goo. U. Hammond * Co. Iler's distillery ship to-day IfiO barrels to Germany , the consignment bolne for Wilhelai Fojritor , Hambcr . Thus does the beor-imbiblng Teuton "cat oh on" to American mineral water. fleeting of the First Society of Hpliit- unlitti at Metropolitan bill , comer Four- .senth and Dodge streets , to-morrow ( Sun day ) , at 2 and 7 p. m. All invited. EDrOATlOXAIi. The beBt taachcr is ono who keeps cool. The University of Michlgnu has 1,377 etu dents , ISO of whom .ire womt.ii. Gorman public schools nro about tn adopt llawtborne'o works for the BtuJy of English. Yun I'licu Lee , a Clilntsa student of Vain College , recently lectured at linrtford , Conn. Kx-Gov. Hoyt , of Penncylvanln , tella that woen he wa ? iu college ( Lafayette ) he and his classmates got board for $ T a week. Of the $200,000 deemed nccsefary for the proposed feniile college at Faltimorn , under thu auspices of the Methodist Kpiscopal church , $135,000 haa bscn subsciibed. "Oau't you give ma n definition cf notli- iDg ? " ' 'Ytp , mum. It' * a bnrgl , 'c w tliout a barrel aroucd it , " shouted little IVd Saunders - ders , whoso papj ih a cooper. [ Cooper's Hecord. San Frfliicisco ia ones moro in conviilslocs over tlio ChineHO qiie3ti D , because a court has decided that Chmesa children tunnot bu ex cluded from the public tchools. There are 1UOU or mure of them of school ago in tbo city. Harvard ia considering the .idvisiblli ty of allowing her Btudentn to hereafter have a cer tain share in the government of the college. It might he of deci od benefit to the student ! to place them under the semeof responsibility that would naturally follow such a hfep. The Turin Royal _ academy of science will award In ISSli a prize of 1'180 , founded by S'Riior ' Breera , to the author of tbo beat work pubhshid between 1883 and 1S3G on phjfiics , chemistry , physiology , Natural history , geology logy , history , geography , or BtatisticJ or to the author of the discovery made during the same period which may bo pronounced the moU brilliant or the moat useful. The com- I > etitonwill ! be open to the euvnnta nf nil countries excepliop the ninmbera of tha Turin Koyal academy , who will ho called upon to adjudicate. Kallcn One more uofortuni t' , Trusting the fates , Richly impirtunate , Tried ou thi ) skate ? , Pick her up tenderly , Loosen the ttraps , FasMoncd so slendei vy , Unused Oh. It was pitiful That sbo should Hop , Whfre a wh < In city full Must see her drop. Pick htr up tenderly , Smooth out her dieaj , Fashioned FM slenderly , IMada to cares j , Out she struck trustfully , Skating galore , Uottu she cainn buttfnlly On the hard lloor. Pick her up tenderly , So goad and * o tru ? , F fhioned so f tenderly , What could she do i Bumping inhumanly , Joltlnz thu iccn , Si is pure womanly , And tries It again. Plelc her up t'-nderly , What dr iii ghocarc ? Fashioned sn rldiulfrly , So plump and to fair. [ Merchant Traveler. A 8jidfr'ts ! fctmpcnsion Hrldgc. A now fecturo in the way of a suspen tioii bridge was recently seen across the Honsntonio river , a short elistanco north of Falls bridge. It was n single thread of a spider's web suspended from a tree on ono aide to some object uyon the other , between 300 nnd 400 feet in ler.gth. How iliel the creature manage tc get it oorosa ? It is conjectured that the engineering spider must have calculated the 'listnnco , spun a thread of the required length , and then at the right moment have thrown it out.when it was earned on the wings of some fa voring breeze , to the opposite aide , where it bccntuo attached. What was the spider's object unless to seek some retired spot to prey , or else to seek new adventures ? It is not known whether the epider perished m the attempt at crossing , or whether it gained the shore in safety. A'eto Milfard ( 01) Jity , Mn. E Ellli , 228 N , B ey St. , Bal- tlmore , Maryland , writes : I suffered with a painful cough , and wai promptly relieved by a few doses of Red Stir Cough Cute ; 1 racominend it for throal and luog troubles. Mr. Cleveland TrarelH on Ticket ! . Albany Correspandence Butfalo Xewi. When Mr. Cleveland was leiving for BatTilo the other evening the t'cket ' Inspector specter at tli9 Central depot gat ) failed to recognize him. "Ticket ! " bo said "Show your tickets , " The president elect held tiia ticket in bis hand and was pasjfng thrcugh hurriwl'y ' , when the inspector specter called a hah. Then punching the president-elect's ticket bo allowed hint through. RATES OF PENSIONS , Important Legislation Pushed Through tlio Soiialo liy Van Wyci the I'disloiii \Vltlo\\s niul Minor OliHdrcn ( if mill Sailors lo.StIVrMont.i Tlio Debate. Congressional Kecoril , 1'eb. S. The bill ( tl. U. , SOO ) for the tiMof of Satah 13. Jackson was conaldetod as in cciumitteo cf the wholo. It proposes to p'aco ' en the pdis'cn roll thu uaino of Sa rah B. ilaskson , widow of William B. Jackscn , Into of company A , Ninety first roclmont Now York volunteer ! . Mr. Yin Wyck I move to amend the Dill by adding a now sect ou , as follows : Sec. 2. Tint all widows or minor children f soldiers nnd tailor * who , as such , are now reeslving , under existing laws , genrr.il or spe cial , the sum of 5S per mouth , by reason of Lli9 death of such soldiers and I.II | M In err- vlco ur from n disibility contracted iu the military or n.ivn' ' tprvko of the United States and In line of duty , shall , from mid after this d te , bs entitled and receive the into of $12 per month in lieu of said rate of § .Sj mid all such widows or minor children Mhoshull hcia- ifter bu fnuiid tu lo entitled tn the rate of $ i l > er month under etiug ! laws shall l > o en- litltd to and ncelvo the inte of 12 in lieu of tatd rate of $8. The presiding ollicor. The queition is on agreeing lj tbo our.ndmcut proposed by tha nt utter from jNeb-askn. Mr. Van Wyck Mr. Pr.'eulent , that is precisely the eaiuo langnngu which tto toaate incorpontid in the Mex'em ' pen alon bill , aa it is called. The majority of the senate no doubt felt then as now that if I hero WAS any general Icgiolnt on to bo had it should bo to increase tve mocger coaipcn a'ion civon to Iho widowi of sold e"s who had /alien upon tiio field of bittlo. I hive felt it my duty to call the attention of the Bonato to the nutter by Vi'iy of amendment to this bill. It is proposed to a hiino bill. If the eccnto adopts it and places it upon the bill and the house refuses to concur , tbcu wo can readily consent that the senate shall ra- : edo from its amendment so ES cot to Imperil the bill for the relief of the pet- sou now Bcokirg this pension. I am inxious , inasmuch na there is no possi bility of legiilatlon en this branch o * the question unlesi it bo dene in this way , mat the senate tltould at haat seek thla oppoitunity to do this act of justice. ! Mr. Mitchell. I should like to ask tlio souator from Nebriska whether his amendment covirj the caeu cf daponrjeut Mr. Van Wyck. No. There is also anothir provision which should bo put in , and the senator from Pennsylvania Is de sirous in regard to it. I should have in corporated tint In the amendment eicapt tv.ai I feaiei some Senator might think wo were propsing : to do too muih. If the senate r will adopt my amendment tl 01 \\onld auggaet to the aonat r from Penntylvitiia thru \vo like the sense > f the souate upon an amendment giving to depondoat parents au Increase of pen sion. sion.Mr. Mr. Bltir. Of course it is a very dif ficult thing for the friend of the soldiery of the country , d'sabled ' or suffering from their cerv'cis , to oppose an amendment of this kind ; bat the senator from Neb raska must on reflection ace that attach ing the amendment ti the bill In the first pUcj Imperils eomewl.it Iho passage of this poor woman's application ; and a'si that inevitably it is the defeat ot the Mexican pension bill itself. If this bill should bo amended ai/d re turned to the house of rep csentatives and the amendment ihcrc concurred in , the man must bo less astute than I tMnk tha senator from Nebraska is , especially when ho brings his faculties to bear npoa a sub ject , who docs not perceive that the other bill with its numerous and exceedingly important provisions for the relief of o h- o.'s who have tmlTered on account of se'- vice to their country will be entirely passed by. 1 had hoped that the light might bo fairly and clearly in the otho btanch of congress upon the pas age of tbat bill giving general and almost nni ve sal relief to all those who havn d - soivcd well cf their country from the Mexican Avar to the present time. Wo know very well that there is no inclina tion to pass that bill in some qiiar o s , and that tlrn may bo an inclination , if some slight CACIISO can be avail til of , tn defeat the lull and fall back upon a com parativcly nnimpoitant provision onactul by law. Mr. Van Vyck. Mr. President The prcsdicg clliir. The senitor frim N'bfaska haa once spoken. Mr. Vun Wyck I fail in all the aog geeiiona of the senator from Now Hamp shire 1) aeo The f residing oificor. The senator has already tpaken ouco on the bill , Mr. All son. Can 1 be rocogmVed and yield to Iho senator from Nebraska ? The presiding ollicjr. - No , sir. Mr. Van Wyck. Is another amend ment in order ! The presiding oflicsr An amendment to the amendment will ho in oitle * , 01 the locator may proceed by unaulmocs consent Mr Van Wyck.I propose lo amend the amendment by making the amoutt $13 instead of § 12 per month. The Presiding Oliber The chief clerk will report the amendment to tie amend ment , Tbo Chief Clerk In line 7 of the amendment it Is proposed to atriko oat " 12" and insert " 13 , " BO aa to raad " $13 per month. " Mr. Van WycV I failed to ECO any force in the suggeitlon of the senator from New Uanipihlro that wo ihould place the Mexicin peinlon bill In peril by agreeiog to the amendment I prjpoie. It ia in peril t3-d y , and it is defeated substantially. The only question la whether we ihould attflmpt to do some thing which I think bath branches of the American congrjes desire and which the nation universally desires , to inm-iB ) the pensions of those whose peniions are far below wliat they ehoold be in the es timation of the nation. The Mexican pension bill stands defeated , and as f r as tbo veteian of the Mex'can ' war li con- coined the bill is defeated by the action of the cenate. The senate were 10 un willing that that measure should itind upon its own mi rlts that they placed amendments upon it which they believe 1 to be just and right. The only pract'cil quottion which we are to meet to-day In regard to pensions U whether we alall do this act of stern justice , or refuio ta do it and do nothing in the direction which my friend , the senator from New Damp ( hire , desire * . Neither tko Mexican soldier nor the other clasaoa who were considered la the amendments of that bill will receive any coniideratloa at the hands of thla em- gteia before the 4th day of March. We can now sara somith 113 for the rno t needy of all these classes , and that Is tto idows who are racelvlngonly 8am nth , asd 1 ju gett to my friend that it pais nothing iuptr.1 , not even thu bill. If wa plaje tbi > a-nendment on tlie bill and the House relate to concur , then I : > 3 Killing that the anuto recado from our amendmtnt.Vo shall Invo dcfno til in Mir power ; wo shall hnvo sRtitfitd tlio tn- ion thnt wo irj disposed to ilo justice lo : hoipwhoaro receiving le an from its Mimty and generosity. Wo can cotno In icro i > ? clal'y ' and give Ilia nidons cf sumo itdiniruband QUi > r < ili $ , " 0 a month , and c f otherj SL" 000 a yon That in- letilo tothliig ; but when wo resilvoto Uko cut of the dlHuu ty in which they ate placed that class which , cf u 1 othars , s entitled to relief , wo are to'd wo should isuso a moment to give the subject con aidofAtlon ; and when a remedy is within > ur reach , ss it ia no\v , to save them and ; o do them junice , it will bo no answer , and my ftieml from New Hampshire can lot answer the widow3 in Now Damp- shire , and No * Eaghnd ami the United States , who are rjcoiung tlii pittRij , jy eaylng tlut it i sought to do snuc- ; hini } else , nnd ho fears this wou'd put something else in peril. If ho scos lit to ombrsi-5 iho opportunity 1 trust ho will do It now and horn. Mr. Blair 1 u k unanimous cimsent. as I have sp ken oneoou thi-ami'tidinent , * n bo pcnnittL'd to speak again. TlioPresiding Otliccr No ; thp son.v i > r iin order in speaking ; live inimres on anieiuhncnt to tlu atiiiMulmvnt. Mr. Blair. 'Ilii > distinction botwcn twelve" and "iliirtc-i-n" is of , course , cn- : iiely unimportant. The seiiat. t assumed that the Mexican pension till was d nd when ho made his motion. Sir , that was a \ioliMit assumption , anil , as 1 belic-vo , iu untrue1 assumption , however hom-sl ho may have been in making it The Me-\i- can pension bill is now dead , nnd dead by virtue of the offering of the amendment , in which 1 shall now concur. filr. aiorrell. 1 shall vo u against this uiR'iidracnt , because it is not jjorniaiii ; to the bill. It ia general legislation up n n privnts bill , nnd a-jy olio who is ac quainted h Iho pr.ccodiiiirs of tlio two houses uill see fct once that it is a measure - uro that will to lost if sunt to the other liouso in this form , not ncted upon , and this poor woman , if she is entitled to a pension , will lese it , at any r.ite for the iiroseiit scss on , Mr. Shoi man I wish to nsk the chair parliamentary question. Suppose we I'tach ' this amendment tj llio bill and : ho house falls to Uko soiiou upon it at all , could the senate recede without hav- Inp possession of the bill before it ? . The Presiding 0nicer The chair would think , on caiual reflection , that the son ltd could not Mr. Sherman-There is tbo difficulty I 11VP. 11VP.Mr. Mr. Van Wyck Lat me suggest that it would bo competent for thoaenato then to recall the bill from tha house and strike off Its own amendment. Mr. Shennan I suppose that course ould 1)3 pur lied. 1 should vote for this amendment with gtoH pleasure , if that could ba done. 1 think the request ousht lo bo granted , and if the lonator will see to it that this lady ii not aflecied injuriously by thii amendment 1 thill vote for it , but I shall hold him responsi ble for fie recall ot tha bill in time to secure its pan'sier. Mr. Yan Wyck. I will say tbat 1 in tended to put this Amendment ; oa the last bill on the calender , but the chnit- mnn of the committee suggested that was for the case of en exceedingly old lady , tnd then I had belt 3r tike the first op portunity , and no I cllared it on this bill , l will , with pleasure accept the sugges- lion of the nena'.or from Ohio , and see to it that if the amended bill i ? not acted on tiio bi'l ' s'aall bo recalled and the amend ent reccdid from. Mr. Hoar. It may be letter tD put it on sorno bill that tha Setatsr knows willba otted on. Mr. Van Wyck. 1 think Iliero will bo uo difficulty in ace nipllahiag whit wo desire. The presiding oflicer. Does the sonn- tor from Nebraska insist on his amend ment to the amendment ? Mr. Van Wyck. I withdraw that. The pnsldlrg oflicer. The amend ment to the amendment is withdrawn. The question recurs to the amendment propo-ci by the senate r from Nebraska. The amendment was agrted to. The bill was reported to the senate as amended. The presiding officer The question la on concurrli g in t e amendment mode as in c ( m-nittao on ths whole. Mr. Gill. Lot it bo read. The presiding officer. It will bo read. The ehief clerk It is proposed to add to tha bill : Sec. - . That nil widows or miner children of pnldiers and railora who as tuch ara now receiving , utder existing lawn , general or fpeclal , the sum of 8 per month , by reason of the death of such soldiers and Bailers in aervictor fioiu n dis-jhihty eontractod In the military or navnl torvlfe of tha United States and in line of duty , phall , from and after Una date be entitltil tu and receive thn rate of Slli per mouth In linu of tiid : rate of § 8 ; and nl ! Mich widousor minor thildrcn who ehall hereafter he found to be entitled to the rate of § 8 I er month under exiitjng laws Khali bo entitled to nnd iecei\o the rate of 312 in lieu of said rate of § 8. Mr. Sheraton , 1 think wo had bettor havn the yeas and niys. Tha yoaa and nays were oidered , nod thn necictiry proceeded to call the r ll. Mr. Harrison ( alien his name was called ) 1 am piiccii with ( he renator from Loulsfarti fAlr. Jonu ] , If ho was here I should vcta "yea ' on thij amend ment , The roll call wna concluded. Mr. Fryo. I run paired with the junior senator from Louisiana [ Mr. Gib son ] Thn result was announced yea 37 , cays 12 ; aa folio we : AMrich , Jones , of Ne\nda , Allison , Lapham , Blair Mc.Mlllu ) , Uoweo , filahone , Call , Mauderson. Cameron , of I'a. , Miller , of Cal Cameron , of Wi . , Millar , of N. Y. , Conger , Mitchell , Cullom , l' luier , Uawe ? , riatt , Dolpb , riumb- , Oarland , Sabln/ Hale , lawyer , Wampton , Sherman , Hawley , Blateir , Hill , Van Wyck , Hoar , Voorhees , Itg ll , Wilaon. Jackson , Ni.YS-12 llayaid , Jlarrif. 15 jck , Alaxey , Chace , Mor ? n , Cokrell , Kiddleh rger , Coke , Haulthury , Fair , Vtit. AB.SENT-27. Uroun , Kenna , Butler , Ijmar , Camden , Ixifan , Colquitt , .Mcl'hargon , Klmund" , Merrill , Farley , 1'endleton , Kiy , 1'ike , Cietige , 1'ujh , ( iib < ton , Hansom , Gorman , H well , Groome , VSEC * * , Jonan , Walker , Junes , of Florida , William ? . So the amebdment wai concurred In , and the bill , as amended , patted. Choice California cauliflower and cab- luxe at Winners' , EAILROAD BATES , jifclmoim cr Dlsfflnitniitton tlio liourt X'nllrj. Conejprmlcncoof the BIT. NOUTII Lei p , Neb. . Fe-bnmy ] o. - hi' pi'oplo of this tici liborliood , fa-iurri nd im-chiUiics , nro close1wntchiii tin- u > : k of tbo legislature. The nilnvul liby may succeed In oijo'ing n majoii'y [ tha1. body , but when the membera mo lioiiif with n ii'conl sullieil by cur oration iiitlueiici' , tlioy will get a rocrp- i"ii i'iuivnlpnt | to an imitation to Icavo IIP country. Lot mo give you a fov luttiincos of ghwiiy robbery , prnctice'd by the rail- ' oads a Biuupli' of the uui'hoila om- ilojcd by fho roaungora to boo t f vor- toi into ttlluonco nttho oxpcnao tnd uln uf rii\l ; . In the firs' place Ills .li'rond ' company toll thr UKh their own nt all the COR ! used hero. Uo t.koa roui thitty to 100 pounds from tnsh ton i\ca Iho tior.lusjr to inidoislaiid that ' 10 balance Is n ton. In tin-next place ho company controls the gr.iin trido icro , nnd whou wlidt was worth ighty conta In Chi 1130 the c uipiny mid only S'2 to 115. Some merchant ! here isy $19 for shipping a car of horses from Jriwd lalaud to Korth Lnup , and othora iaySl9ovcr the sttuoriad , The dis- auco ia only fifty miles. Simo men pay 2 cents per hundred pounds from Grand s'lind to North Loup ; othora aio chirked 7 conti for the aamo clnai of goods ever ho enmo road. Is not such extortionate methods nnd uinous d.4iimiuation : tulliviont to ttnlto ncrchant nnd pioiucor alike in nu otlort 3 secure lijrld rnllund rcgulttini by aw ? Merjhantj cannet openly light the lilroada as the msmgir would put the ilgh rnto screws to ticm so quick tint hpy would ba forced to thut up shop. 1 can furciih proof for for all I hnvo 'inrgod agahifl the rnilrond companies , ud will do BO if needed. A FAUMEU. J Kor CoiiRlin and Tliront Dlsordcix iso Bnowx's BnoNciiiAi. TIIOCHES. "IIa\o e\er changed my mind respec'ini ; them , ex- ept I think better of that which I Iwgan [ linking well of. " 7Vt. lltnry U'diiJ Jlttchtr. old only iu boxes. Chlc ? ; < > AVhiH ilu > Itnnncr fiom Onialia. lansaa City Journal , After tht robbery cf the peat homo at nmia HO were forced to ttio conclusion bat that city possessed burglars with ess pride for thulr profession than any ) tlur clty ln Iho country , but eireum- tancea haa imlucoi. us to accord this high loner fo Chicago now. The other even- ng a Oathol'c church in Iho latter city was entered , acd besides carrying awoy all the silver and gold plat o they could ind , which was a largo amount and very i-altiablo , the burglara oven carried oft ho box containing collections for the 25 YEARS IN USE. Iho Greatest Medical Triumph of tha Age ! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER Ioa ofncpetlte , llowcli coatlTe , 1'aln In the bead , wltlr a dull icnBatton In the back part , JL'nln under the ihoulder- bladr , KallnciR after catlnir , with ailli- Incllnnilop to exertion of body or mind , Irritability oftcmpcr , lovr iplrlti , with a fccllnffof Iiarlnir neslcctcd lomoduty , Wearlnon , DlKZlncia , Flullcrlngrnl ( ho Heart. Dots before tha cj-ei , Ileadacho over the rlffht eye , Jlcitlcmnon , with Otful drcnmi , Hlchly colored Urine , and t CONSTIPATION. TDTX'S PILtB are especially adapted to such cases , ono tloao c tic eta such a hand" of fcellnpaa to astonish tnoBuirorer. Tbcy Increme the Ai > petltennd cause the body tra Take ou Flcilitthui tlio jrstem 1:1 : notirUhetl.anil bythclrTonlc Action on nrmlur"il. 'JBc. 4 Murray St. . N.Y. H J ff B Ttff MM ' ( iBAT IlAin or WIIIHKRHS changcil to o GLOSsr BLACK by a sliiRlo application of this I > rE. It Imparts a natural color , acts InstnntancouBly. Sold by UrugBlitB , or ent by express on receipt of 91. -JfTTco,44 Murray St. . Now York. I t vo a posltlToreinedjfor Ilio boTOdlieaxby ; 1 Old thnQffaniliorcavcaol ttie worit kind nntlof lolj' ' DH.T. A. SLOCfll.lll I'.irlSl. , Mew York. OAP1TAD PHIXB $75,000 , Tlckctn only $5 , Bh rcB In Proportion Louisiana State Lottery Company tirtirj o ua iup < rtd ( ki ci * tsnatfitc nti fcr all the Monthly cr.d Sinl-Annvzl Dtou\ngi of Ike Lcuiriana State I.ctttiy C'cmpany , ituJ ( ncertcn manage and centre ! ( A Drawtapi t * , andthat Aaiatn are conduced uil i.f aimeci. and < n 0ood/a A toward all r f. , ' < uand ue atttkoriit tkc ecaipany lo vie Ikdcir- Mtaie , ui'.kfai-iimUtt < f cur iff n tur(4 c'.ttc'.iti ( nitttulttrtueminti. " CoiniiilBsloncro , lieoryoutert in IBIS lei 1 j ri bj Ih * lerUUtaii ( ci dccllu > J and ohftilUbl * parpowi irllb fc etf IUI ol Jl.OCO.OOO lo which a ie rrt toad ol or * I5M.WO hu ilnra been added. P/7 an OT rwh lmlaf popnlu rot * 1U lucthll * * tt miA * a p r ol tb * preecnl tt t KnitlUUoi tdooUd D xsmb r Id. A. I ) . UI9 , Th only lottery tver voted oo 10 J cndorMd by the people of any rtato. It never ecjJn or poitpODea. Its grand tingle numbei drawingi Ukt plioe inonthljr. A fiPLENDID OrrOHTUN ITT TO WIN A FORTUNE - TUNE , TlllltU GIUNl ) DHAWINO. CLAHS 0 , IN THE AOADKMY OK UUH10 NKW OHLBAN8 , TUESDAY , UAHC1I 10 , 185. , 17bU > kOATHLY DIIAWINQ. CAPITAL PRIZE , $75,000. 100 000 Tickets at (5 each. Fractions , In Fifths In oportlon , uer or puuxa. 1 OAPltU PBIZE do do . Si.OOi do do . 10,001 18,000 . 11,001 do 000 . 10,009 10 da 10CO . 10,009 tO1M 40 (00 . 10.001 1M do SOO . 2JOOa 8M da 100 . BJ.009 600 dlda 60 , . . . _ _ . 25 001 iccc dado u . . . . sj.ooo imonvinoi rtiiu. 8 ippiozlnuitlOD prlut ol | 7M . . . . t 710 9 do do SOO . 460 9 do to 50 . S563 1907 Frlwi amonatlsf lo . . . . .IZtTwo Application lei iUf la elabi iboald b tn&dt OBly a Ice offlo * ol the Company la New Orleut. 'or larthet Intomutloa writ * clearly flrtof fall tddieti. POHTAL NirTED , KxprtM Idoaey Oideri , 01 Nw York KicbAoge In ordinary letter. Currency by Eip > M * ( all iuou ol K tad upvuot tl out ex- pccae ) addrcMed HA , DADPimi , n If. A , DACPDUr. New OiIeiM. i * . 607 Sereoth St. Wuhlagloa D. a Kakt P. 0. Uooey Olden payabll and a44llt K frt ( ( ied Letten to NKW OMJJLNS NATIONAL BAKK. La.