THE DAILY BEE FRIDAY , FEBRUARY 13. 1885. THE DAILY BEE Triday Morning Feb. 13 ( LOOAL BEEVITIES , The Union Star Club will giro incUl top nt Metropolitan hall tMi evening , to which you ara Invited. The funeral of the Into Leopold Willing toele place yesterday at 2 o'clock and was attended by * > large number of friendi. The DIE VTM In error In stating the time of the death of Wm. Gentleman's child. The little one pasted away at ono o'clock Monday morning. A double quartette ol the Cileo club will assist in the grand concert t < > be given by the Musical Union orchestra , at Boyd's opera house , on Sunday afternoon next. On Wednesday evening last , Mr > . Ooorgo J.GilbcrtcnteiUineda party of friends nt her hone. The eve Ing was pleasantly pasted in playing progressive euchre. T. F. Graham , of Grlnnell , Iowa , passed through hoio yeilerdAy on his way to Me Cook , Neb , whcro ho is going into business with Iia Waldo , agricultural implement man- iifaiturer. Dr. E. W. Edmlston Is bunting with pleasure. A young lady has just arrived at hi ) house and In duo time will bo ready to ns- piro for medical honoM as a female rights physician. Aprivato telegram received last night from the Chicago Northwestern headquar ter * In Chicago announces the fact tht the Northwestern trains nro now running on reg ular time. All agents have been Instructed , however , to roluso all HVJ stock and perish able ) freight until further orders. Iler'i di tlllcry is now feeding , per contract - tract , from 1,800 , to 1'JOO head of cuttle bo. longing to the Bay State Cattle. Company The swill and refuse of the distillery Is found amply sufficient to keep this number of stock I good condition. The "feeders" will bo dis posed of as early as possible In the spring. Ira 1'routy , n suburban resident , was nr- rcited by Constable Edgorton on charge of committing a sault with intent to rape , upon the person of Mra. Maggie A. James , of North Omaha. Ho has been released on $500 ball and appears before .Tudgo Weiss .to day. A warrant was issued in Judge Solden'a court for the ntioit of W. E. Jones , a Iraatd ing houao keeper at the stock yards , who is charged with committing an assault upon John Uviden , striking him several blows with a cnalr and afterwards with a revolver. The fight grew out of a dispute over the \alue of a paper cf tobacco. J. W. M'Kinnoy , advance agent for Clara Monis , is in the city. He has been unable to uccuro a date for the talented emotional ac tress , owing to the previous engagements al ready booked for the week in which she will pass this way. Mias Morris after making the round-up of her western trip , will start for a Eouthorn ton t. The fact of her inability to appear on the Omaha stage will bo deeply re gretted by all lovers of the "only Camille. " A pleasant lurprise party wai tendered Wednesday evening to Miss Minnie Wood ward , nt her residence , Sixth and Walnut. The party was cordially received and enter tained by the fair hostess. Dancing , singing and playing wore features of the evening's en joyment. Among those present were , Miss Hnttlo Cnlhoun , Iillio Franklin , Kutlo Clif ford , Ella .Lozan , Mcs. McCarthy and daugh. ters , Mies Ella McOalfery , Mea rs. Conigan , Raymond , Cane , Franklin , McGuth. McGov- cm , Ilarngan , Fish and McDonald. I'EKSONAIj. J. W. Morao , gonoial passenger agent of tha Union Pacific , lias returned from Chicago. George H. Daniels , Colorado pool commis sioner , was in the city last night on his way to Denver. John II. Donnelly left for Chsyonno last night on business connected with the O alalla linnd and Cattle company. Mr. Clark , a former hotel man of Adrian , Mich. , gocrt to Liraniio to take charge of the eating houeu at that point , operated hySheara , Market & Swobs. Colonel Samuel Ward , of Butte , Montana , is In the city on his way east with his family. Ho will witness the inauguration ceremony , and returning will visit NTow Orleans. Mr. Luther Crouiue , superintendent ol buildingcland John Downing , of the now Houth Omaha slaughtering establishment , have decided to romo\o their families t < Omaha and will locate permanently in thif city. city.J. J. Lansln ? Falrchild , W. II. Rain ; , Ian- cola , C. Cook , Fremont , W. II. Cady , Ne braska City , Mike JIaloy and wife , Sloui City , M. Hayes , L. 1 > . Kay , Chicago , D. W , 1'iuilkner , Anita , Iowa , mid A. C. SuhoJorf of MilUburg , Ohio , are at the Metropolitan , Koauli'a Oust . Mention waa madein thcao columns yesterday that Jack Roach , a former member of the Omaha lire department , had been nivostod In Council Blull'a and charged with being a confidence man , Mr. Roach hao been releiacd , and stated to a BKI : reporter that ho was trying tc keep the younz man Harris from n ganp of oinfidenco man , who were dottraunct : to thocu him. Tnis angarod the gang , and they had Rjacli nrretd upon thi charge of being a suspicious character , "Whori tli9 cuu oamu up for hearing h police court Mr. Roaoh nays that no evidence denco could bo found against him , anc ho was honorably diacliiryed. Musnnlu Tha Masonio fruterni'y of Omaha an congr.i'ulatiog ' themsjlvea on thu receni removal of Bullovuo chapter , No. 7 , tc this city. A cordial wolcoiuo waa ex tended the incoming aocloty , and or Tuesday evening , by apodal dmponiatior f the grand high prioit , a now bond ol \ ollicers was elected and IntUllod aa fol Iowa : Ohaa. P. Neodlmro , high prioit ; E. T , Duke , king ; W. 0. McLoan , scribe ; Janus Gilbert , captain of lioit ; John N , Wt'itlorf ; , principal Hojauruer ; Jrll' W. Hadfo-d , r iyal uroh captain ; S , U Kntpp , mas IT third veil ; Win. H ihin- on , inis'or anooml vei1 ; ( ! u tavoml9i BOD , umt r tir.U vail ; Jil 1'dir. troimuerj JIDUIO K Ujultur , tooretaryV. ; . J. iluuii1 , tojtlnel The now olupiur elarla oil on a sound financial bull uiil with the pro pcck. of v rk iu awy nhoik time. It has thu B ol irishus of o\ory one deslr u of eoe- lug Oinitn advMccj to ill' ) frjnt r nk in ilaionio circlea , Seal of North Carolina Smoking To ACCO U the beet , BEEROLOGY , A Kbw Science , tie Principals of Yfhicli ara Lad Down by Collector Post , The AKBianouR Blmly of Which "Will Jlenil on" Evaders of the I/O- cal The following letter has boon sent by Collector Pott to his deputies. It Trill bo Interesting reading to the general lublic , particularly to parties who are citing or contemplate selling the various ubstltatos for lager boor , which are now > alng offered by the manufacturers and , \hich oio designed to afford a beverage or consumption in places whcro stringent iquor Iowa prevail : UNITED STATES ICTEKXAL REVENUE \ Collector's Office , Dial , of Nebraska ) OMAHA , February 12,1886. This ofllco is in receipt of information hit certain malt boveragcj , mauufac- nrod principally , It it presumed , for the lurpoao of evading the provUions of tringent liquor laws , are being sold in his district by persons and iirms who li&vo not paid their special tax or malt Iqucr dealers. Ono of theeo beverages s known to the trade as "Carbonittd Malt Extract , " another is "B. B. " which s understood to bo an abbreviation of llher "Barley Brow" or "Bottled Boor. " llavlng investigated the process of manufacttiro of both liqucra , the "Malt Extract" being put up by Pomy & Sig- jlko of tlij city , and the "B. B. " by Wheeler & Herald , of Council Huffs , Iowa. I am prepuod taptonounca them malt liquot within the moining of the United Ssatea statutes , which Imposes a special tax upon venders of the sime. Examination into the matter by this .flice and neighboring ones reveals the .ast that In manipulating the "R. B. " unfermented worta arj romoTod from a brewer/ a oda water bottling house , whore Irish mess la added to produce a roam , and the tame bottled witn carbon- it ad water. That ii , carbonic acid is in 'used Into tha wcrta aa a substitute for ho quality usually given by the process jf fermentation. In the case of "Car bonated Malt Extract" a tottlo is half or two-thirds filled with lager beer re ceived direct from a btowery , when car bonated water Is added to complete the manufacture. It will thus be seen that the liquors In question are made of the materials usu ally employed In the production of the fermented liquor * in section 3,430 R. S. , and I am convinced tha difference be tween them Is in degree rather than in character. You are accordingly instructed to re- qnlro of dealers in these beverages pay iner.t of special taxes aa retail liquor dealers , thotr applications dating from the time thoybegan selllnc ; the aimo ; anc the penalty of 50 per cent will , of course bo esasted in all coeci where liability to : ho sumo has boon incurred. Raspect- nlly , GEORGE W. POST , Collector. A JOUKNALISTIC CKOOK , Lciirclic , tlio l > cf nltlnK Gcnumi Ed Itor , Arresioil In This City OflicEr Joe llowlos performed a very crcditihlo piece of work last night in the arrest of A. Learcho , the Council Bind swindler. The prisoner was turned over to Deputy Marshal Bates , who took him to the Bluud. The history of the crime for whlcl Learchois under arrest has already been adve.tcd to in the Council Blufis column of this paper. It appears that a woe ] ago last Monday Leatcho , irho was edlto of the Froio Ptesse , was collecting a bil at tha oflico of Conrad Geise , in Counci Bluffs. In the money drawer was lylnj , a $100 note drawn on a Carrel count ; bank , and made iu fiver of Geise. It 1 supposed that while no ono nas present the tricky editor etolo the note At any rate , no matter under wha circumstancaa the theft was committed the note was taken by Ltnrcho to tb bank , where it waa , according to ciutjm refused , until the question of ownershij was guaranteed. The note was surir.n dored on a receipt , the bank promism , to collect It fur Lsarche. Shortly nf tor words ho became scared , went to th bank , surrendered his receipt and recovered ored the note i.iin. ; Sunn after this h left the Biulff , not , however , bef < r Goiiolio had failed to jritnptly notify the pollco lad been apprised of the pre sontjl of the check. Learcho went t Miuoola , whence , after collosting a few bills lie started , It ia tupposcd , for St L .ula. ao next turned up in this city where his arrest was successfully eUdctvc by Oilicor Uowloa und Deputy Marsbu Bates. AEMY OttDEBS , A "Wliolo Grist of o\\H or tlio Hey " \ VJiiVcnr tlio IJIuc. llecrult John W. Moflit , enllatod a Fort Doughs , Utah , Is assigned to com pany U , Oth Infantry. Rocrnit Henry Alia , enlisted at For D. A. Rmsall , Wyo. , isatsgned to com piny H , 9th infantry. Recruit Frank M. Wilson , enlisted a Foit Omaha , Nib. , is assigned to the 7t Infantry , and will bo sent to the s'a'io of l.ii reelment on the favorabl opportunity. 'Jhd comwandirg oflicer Fort Omaha Neb. , will send Privutu Thomas Ualpln light battery D , Dth artillery , an Inaan aoldier , under escort of onu non-iom missioned omcer and cno privntp , to th Inruno asylum , at Washlngt ) n , D.O. Th party in charge will report to tboadjatau general of trio army , by telegraph , a least twenty fuiir hours in advance o their arrival the rr > babe ! hour thciou and the nauio of the rulroad depot a which they will arrive la Washington. The quarteraias'er'a department wil fnrnidi the necusnr/ transportation , am the subtiatenco dipirtincrr commutttlon f rations for the necesrary number o days In advance a' the uaual rates , if it bo Impracticable to carry cooked ratlcni. On dernind of Surgeon Jcsaph H , Bill ( Art c'o ofVa' , ) u court of inquiry , to "liner i/ ti ) h'a ci nduct , " Is ordered to meet at F < rs O aha , Neb. , at 10 a. in. February 25 1885 , or as soon therjafie as f rat oith , DETAIL KOR THE COUKT. Co'onol John Gibbon , 7th Infantry Colonel Qonry A. Morrow , 121stInfantry and Suigwn Da-jiel G. Cdldwell. U. S.A Fir.t Lbuteuaut Frederick II. . Eb tein , Slat Infantry , fs appointed ro- order. Tlio cottrt will consider nd Invojtfgito 10 charges preferred g lnst Surgeon Bill by his post commandir ( Col. W. P. Carlln , 4th infantry ) , on the 10th cf Da- ember ; the allegations and charges madn y the same oflicar in comtmm'calion ad- ressod to thesa headquarters February ! t , l ° 8u ; in peat orders No. 10 ( Fort Omaha , Neb. , ) January 1C , 1885iu ; com munication nddreesed to Surgeon Bill. nder date of October 1 , 1884 , and gcn- rally , all mnttorsof which laauohas been made regarding the management of the ) est hospital and treatment of the sick ndor charge of Surgocn Bill. The court will express an opinion on lie merits of the case. The travel directed ia noccsiary for the inbllo service. The book entitled "Tho Wido-Awake Acquaintance , Advertising and Ready leferonco Index , " now prep rlng publt- ation by Messrs. Lunn and Johnson , of ) ca Molncs , Iowa , is bound to bo a avorlto work for thu real oatato n&ent , bitiactor of titles and lawyer. It will npply a want tint hai grown into being necessity in many catej. nutw THAT GOAL CONTROVERSY , Tlio Other Sldo An Interview \Vltli Air. llowcll. A ropoiter of the BEI : yesterday al'od upon Uowoll , of the Omaha Coal ad Ptoduco cornpiny , In order to obtain ho Oihor eidoof the coal controversy vhich has ariaon butwccn tint company , nd Blr. Nlchol. "Tho coal men , " tnid Mr. Howol ) , 'aro not by any moans robbers of the ioor. There Is not ono of them , as ire an truthfully n ortwho does ootbottow harlties upon dcsirvlng applicants. The tat Jtnont of Nichol was made from a mo > ivo to get oven on a previous bualnois nl- rcatlon. No man In business can avoid hojo nnplcaaantnessoe. If n man is ro uted credit ho is an enemy. If ho is trongly pressed in collections ho bo * IOUKB the samo. Any conimodiiy landlcd as coal is dumped upon the pavement where it usually re mains for hours : n this was , and then carried into a grocery store and weighed a bucket and basket fulls on a small cales. would not hold out as in bulk at ho yards , though handled without > rejudlco. All coal dealers have , as wo iavo , a man to weigh who has no other lOBsiblo interest than to du right between ho dealer and purchaser. The scales arc under city inspection thu Eiime as city scaloj. The line referred teen on our tickets 'weighing on ci y scales waived , ' simply moans tint panics i/p- .he delivery of coil cannot demand with out a previous understanding that the teamster ba required to haul the coal a milo or tire to city scales. AH tbo doil- crs , including ourselves , are quite willing to weigh on city scales at the coat of tbo purchaser , but they cannot afford to pay double hauling and the weigh fees in addition out of their own pockets. " THE OONOORDIA. BALL , A. Pleasant Event nt Get man In Hall Imsr The annual subscription masquerade ball of the Concordia Society took place last night in Gorman ! i Hall. Itwas a brilliant and largely afondoi nflair. The members of the society which has es tablished itself in Omaha as a pormin- ent and flourishing institution , wore present with their friends , rompoalng an assemblage of prominent inQu nntial members of locil Gorman society. The masquerade costumes were very fine , many of them strikingly beau tiful and unique. The music for the oc- c sion was lurnlshed by the Musical Union cichcstra. Among the costumes the reporter ob served the following : Mies Emnu Pundt , pop-corn girlM ; > 'si Ann'o lllch- nrd , Hungarian ; Maggie Lauian , flol l sltl ; Miss lloeder , Spanish hdy ; Olga Karbach , Mother Hubbard ; Mins Tina lii.-hard , ribbon girl ; Olga Marcher , Ka- trnte ; Oirrio Liugo , him rjan ; Teeny Matz , "Oh for Goodnops S ko Don't Say I Told Yon ; " Lena Km ; ? , aixtecnth sixteenth century damsel , Mies Ultter ; n > blo lady ; Miss Mayor , fnher girl ; MISJ Lluborrnan , palntrcss ; Mn. F. Metz , Grecian lady ; M sj Bookman , hdy of honor ; M rs. Slnhnld , Daughter of t'ao Regiment ; Mra. Welnhagon , Polish Ifdy ; ftlitsL Ileimrcd , Rus ian pnasint ; Charles Mety. ; nchoolbny ; O'Cir Pundt , "What is i.r * Henry IUohi-ri , Irish dude ; F. J. Linp , reporter ; Fred Metz , jch olbov ; Paul VVolnhsgen , sailor. Pol leu Court. In police court yesterday there was \ largo crovd of spent&tors , as the facl had been noised abroid that a woman WBS to be tried for drunkenness and such a notlca alnays draws a crowd. The hrat man called was M. D. Zith- row , on eld fellow with long white board. Ho Is a match peddler and had gotten too much of the "elegant" on Irnrd. In fict , when arrested , he was loaded up to the ginnls and was very top heavy. Ho mournfully pleaded guilty to the charge if diunkunnoes and was fined $5 one c s's , Otto Eispnbuig waa fined $5 and costs f ir having been tonnd m a state of intos- i-ai m. Jennie Grten was charged with drunk- 4nuoip. She pleaded guilty and waa nnod 85 and costs and sunteaced to Qve diys in the county jail en bread ant * ator. John Garland was charged with vag rancy , lie pleaded not guilty , but il vvaa proven that on Sauday last ho en- ered the house of an expressman and fnict-d his little girls to give him lonio- thing to eat. Ho Mai acntencod to twenty days in the county jail on bread and watt r. Thomas Grjon pleaded goilty to the charge or vagrancy and -was s ntoncad to ten days iu the count ) jail ua bre.\d and vratcr. _ _ _ _ _ A Flno liiHtiiution , Mr. Lai's ' Buch , of the Milwaukee Litbigraphing and Engraving company , H in the city on business for bfs house. Mr , liach represents eco of the fmett Ilthrg.aphiiig establlshinecti in thu United fetalo' , na all who have Been work frciii their lianda con att'st. It was this inatitntion that did the Ji hocraph work updi the list edition of the DEK'S illnt- tia'od lupplemont. and a liner job ol newspaper work was nevrr tumd out in hta coantry The esUb'Isbmont ' is a \ory lar B ono and a larjonumber , of men a-e t inplnyed , ST. VALENTINE'S ' DAY * The Day When Yontlifnl Lorers El- change Compliments , An Explanation of the Term and the Supposed OrlKln of St. Valen tine's Festival. The 14th day of Fobtunry which Is Saturday next , Is what is commonly known ns St. Valentino's clay. It Is the custom of modern tlmoa for youthful lovon to oxchtngo compllmonta on this day and the tndo in valentines this sea- sin has lioen brlak. All the we rid knows that the 14th of Ftbrnsry Is Valentino's day. But why February , and why the 14th and why St. Valentino nro not so universally understood.31'uleod ' tlioio is much about It Umt has not yet been settled by echol- nro. February obtains 1's ' namu from fobrunro whic'a means to purify or expi ate , and the mouth was thna named from the Lupcrcalia , one the great Romaa 'ottivals. Apart of the rlltu cf this Festival conslttad in patting the names of unj , woman Into n , box from whicli they te clrnTrn by men Sjinogocd author- tics on history clntm that the Chris un clergy being uc.iblo to abolish thesopegan rites endeavored to give them n rel'g ous aspect by aubstilullLg the names of the tn'nts ' for these of women , and this hes ; lvon rite to tha custom which las pro- \allod to tome extent at loJst in the Ro man Catholic church of selecting a pat ron saint for the year , who is termed n valcntlno. The 14th of February is St. Valentino's fpetlval , but whether that day 3ad been astigned to him for some other reason , and then the lovn making uait of the ancient rites assigned ta his festival day because ho w.iinn history tolls us , on admirable nun and famous for his love and charity , or whether that day was cIioEcn for the festival of thisgoodly stint because already sacred to the rites of love , does not appear. It was the custom in England , Scot- iind and some parts of the continent for yonng folks to assemble and phco the Qaiiios of the men on billets of paper in ono receptacle and the names of young women in another , then oich drew a name of the opposite sex. Accordingly each person chose a valentine nud nho bcrnmo some ono olao's Valentino. As being a person's valentine implied dove tlon and service for the year , queer com plications must often have oiisen which would give the contrary minded plenty of opportunity to torment their adorers. Mlsson , a traveler of the last century , commenting on the custom , says that "tho mou stuck faster to the va'ontino ' that had fallen to him than to her to whom ho bad fallen " The custom of giving presents was also in vogue , but later 01 the obligation was restricted to the yoDiio ; men. Other authorities attribute the customs of this day to the remains of the primlt vo nature worship whicli pre vailed in Ncrthwetsern Europa ? An old dictionary givoa thii explanation : "About this time of the year the birds choose their mates , end probably thence came the custom of the young men and maidens chooalrg valontinci for spec's ! lovn ; ; fnonds ou that day.1' But the former explanation is mucli moro the probable , otpEcially at ono time the fes tival had a graceful symbolic meaning implying mutual truit and service b - treen the sexes analogous to those of the days of chivalry and married as well as single people could be chosen as valen tines. Nothing could bo moro reprehensible and degrading or farther removed from the spirit of St. Valentino and tha anci ent rites , than the custom tint now prevails so largely of sending through the malls the hideous caricatures which pro fane the shop-windows of book and news deal or s at this season of the year. When our grind parents were young the cus toms of the cay took the form of convey ing to tbo loved ono in person or by mes senger , some appropriate sentiment origi nal or eo'eitod couched In poatlo phrase. TEST YODRBAKMrPOPErl TOM. Brands nilrrrtls ; I as absolutely pure THE TEST : rUco n can top down on n Hot htovc until heitnl.thex . rentuvo tbecoruranil mnell. A cliemUtrlll nut tift r * ulrod to detect tbu proseuco of aniiiioula , DOES NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA. IT * IIEiLTIiriLM.Sa MIS NEVER BL In a million homei for it quarter or a century It fcu tbe caniunieri' rellablu tint , THE TESTOFTHE OVEH. _ _ PIIICE BAKING POAVDEIl CO , , UJKEllS Of DP , Price's ' Special Flavoring Extracts , f Dr. Price's Lupulin Yeast Gems For LJzht , llfilthj Ilreud , Ttie I ! it VrJ Uop Yiatln the World , FOR BALIf. BY GROCERS. CHICAGO. ST. LOUIS We Move March 3d Will Move March 3d , to 1513 DOUGLAS ST. , VOl'KO'3 OLD STAND , Commencing Monday , we will aoll Pictures , Frame ? , Pianos & Organs , Plush Goods , Etc. , Etc , eganHi s to reduce tcck before mov ing. Coma and convince youwlf , Every thing goes , 1312 A 131 GENERAL GUT IN- LROAD RATES To Kansas City $6,45 , , iwL ! llS3S Mu-Jo Pniiti , made for S13at MisGt Parlors , 1312 Doug'as street. T"rQf I . LOUIS I I i CPI-1 I IU. Your fiuo amtl b > * purchasing lint - si3. r , Merchant Tailor Made Suit made for S2G , at MisBt Pnilois , 1312 Dooghs street. TrO.hir I sacrrk cpiu.ou. Yoarfnr f' ' ed by baying ( hat lutd. v mcago 80lno S15.70 Cu8fom jlng0 ovi-tcoat , made for 332 , at Miaut Clothing Parlorj. Tr . IQ KnYourfU08VC ( ' ' ' ' I'njinj that il § 20 I * - \ UenVer vpl . > ; gnnt O .OUCujlom Made Sm * . made lor $10 , at MhGt Clothinc ; Pallors , To Washington D. C. $22.50. J Custom Made Overcoat , undo for § 15 , at Misfit P/itlors , 1312 Doughs s roat. To Philadelphia $23.70. ? & ' , ? ? b / ' frock , ea'in Until Suit for § 20 30 Custom made , undo for SCO , at Misfit Patlom , 1312 Douglas otrtot. To Rochester , N.Y.$25.40 ? l ! & Custom Mada Sack Suits , made for $5C , at Misfit Parlorp , 1312 Donglas atrott. To Baltimore , Md. , $26 lorn Made Overcoatmido for § 57 , at Miilit Parlors , 1312 Douglas H'.tcet. if To Salt Lake City , $27.60. J. . ! Four Button Cutaway FrccV Sui * , niado for § 32 40 , Custom Made , made for SCO , i at Misfit Parlors , 1312 Douglas street. Y ° nr fftro Kftvod by buying that French CorkBcrjw Knur Button. Cutaway Frock Suit for $33 , Custom Made , matlo for § 35 , at Misfit Parlors , 1312 Douglas street. N VnrU' Pil + QQ RR Your faro Hived by buying < = > \A/ U . INGW I Ol K y.OO Wily , th t3r > Satin Lined Coik- srrcw Ssck Suit , Custom Made for § 05 , at Misfit Clothing Parlow , 1312 Douglai St. To Boston , Mass , , $30.80. ? ? ' , ? h" ± mye 116 Prince Albeit Suit , Custom Made , made for § 75 , at Misfit ParlorsI312 Douglas St. illU'O ' " ac'c ' nn < * Froc Oia .s , vatiety in sixes and BllcinCkCC 1 1 I O U I Lo Btylos of goods. Pantaloons in domestic and im parted fabrics , at prices that astonish the natives , - AT THE - Original Misfit Clothing Parlor 1312 Douglas St. , Up-Stairs , 1312. Open until to p. tn. Saturdays , icnfil IVjp. in. LIT I'P HY GLECTKIC LIGHT. Absolutely This powder ncxcr varies A marvel ol purely , et couth tuduho'cs-mcncsa. Moro economical than the ordinary kinds. ai d cannot 1)0 so'd ' In cumjictt tlon with tha nmUKuilo of low tcfct , ehrrt wilK > > t luinol ih > H"hrto ixmilcrs. fcold only In cans. HOYAL BAKING 1'OWDEU CO. , 100 Wall EtjH.Y. Omaha Medical & Surgical Institute Howard Street. ( N. B. Corner 12th anil Howard Street * , ) ( For the Treatment ol til Chronic and Surgical Diseases Diseases of Females , rf the Ncnoui Byetom , Prate \ato DI.-uam'B of the Urlniry nnu Sexual Ortane , and Wseaucjjol the Head , Ihroitn EVE AND HAU , Dlaeasta treated by an experienced BpccUllrti also dlneatcs of the Hi art LUor , Stomach , Kldncyt , Bladder , Neunlirh , Khcumatlsrr , 1'lltg , Cancer , etc. CATAHH1I. BUOKOI1ITIH. And all other dUcMon of the 'ihroattnd Ulnfs treat ed by Uedlcated Vapors. ( Send for Inhaler or circular on Inhalation , ) All dltciera of the Blood , Urluary and Seiual Or. Bans. I'rhato DUeaseu an J Piles Cured or no Pay. ( IS Yeara Hoipltaland Prlvkto Practice. ) Coneuliatlon and examination free. Call or write fcrclrculare'on chronto dl aca and deformities , Dlseasm of Fcmalca , Prhato Ulxpaeei if the Urlnarv and Sexual orwns , Seminal Weak- nees , Nfrvoua Debility or Kxliiubtlnttc. , cttnd uur now rcstorathurcatnient. All letter * and conaultalloni Confidential. lledlcluejeent to all parts ol the couitry l > y ex press , securely packed from obecriatlon , If full do * crlptlonof coae Unhen. One ( ersorml Inteolew preferred if convenient Open at all lioiuu. Addreta all letter * to Oniahft Mfdical & Surgical Insttute 1118 Howard St. Oinaha , Neb. Orrice ADDITOU or I'rnno ACCOUNTH. ) bTATEO > A KKIIIIAHKA. > JINCor..V , Jan. Hi , 1S85. ) It is hereby ccrtltied Hint trio Wealcm Mu tual llenuvolvnt Ataociatlou uf lleatricu in Itio Htato of Nebraska , haa complied with I ho - aurance law of tliia ttato , and in authorized to transact this butlneia of life iii ur nca in thin Btato for the current yuan Commenting Feb ruary 1 , 1885. . . . . Witness my hand and tliu seal of the Au ditor of 1'ublicAccounts the day und year , A. CF S-A.JLES 1 iSJEJE O UM JtJJJDUCTIONS : Suits formerly $ lOJ&Qnoto $7.5O. Suits formerly $ JI2.OOiiow $9t < M > . Suits formerly $ JL < i. < M > now $12AW. Suits formerly $24.00 now $1S.OO. Over Coats formerly $ 8.4W now $ G.OO. Over Coats formerly ffilO.OO now $ Over Coats formcrfy $11 .OO now $ Over Coats formerly $18jM > now $ Ovc.r Coats formerly $24jM > now $ JL8OO. And every other nrticlefiu proportion. Call ami see our prices. 216 Farnam LARGEST STOCK OF JIzi. Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home for less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it. Send for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Nehraask ONE HUNDRED VARIETIES Oo ntor , Hay , Stock and Railroad Track , ADOPTED BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Orders for Hio Indian Department given for Buflalo Scales ex clusively. Scale5H iT 1406DOUG1A8 STREET OJIAaANEBHiSF