Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1885, Page 8, Image 8

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"Whdnesday Morniim , Febi ! !
The U. S. court at Lincoln reconrcncs
Detective Neligh hi returned from *
li in < tlip to Western Nebraska.
Tom Itoich w s pulled in by the police
Iwt night on A charge of disorderly conduct.
! ' . H. Llbby rejoices in the present from
his wife of an eight pound girl. It anived
Tcbiuary Oth , and is the first of the kind over
seen in the faintly.
- Th Iftdioi of the Dodfa ? Rtreet Presby
terian church will give a Martha Washington
ten party In the parlors of the church on
Tlmnday evening , February 19th.
Mr. amlMra. Win. Gentleman have the
iilncere sympathies of ahoatot ftiunds In their
sad bercavtmont. Their baby daughter died
Monday afternoon at about 1 o'clock.
-Tho rovivallat , Uev. W. .1. I'vlo , him
bcon engaged by the South Tenth Stieet
Methodist chutch , nd will begin work to-
DKght. Meetings will be held otery evening
at 7:30. :
7:30.O. L. Stephens , of tbo firm of Stephens
Uros. , whllo lun Hug a heavy book , Monday ,
accidentally let it slip. The ponderous ledger
fell upon hla hand , breaking a nuinbor of
LlllloWcodsth9 discharged witness In the
Mullen case , celebrated her release last night
by Immediately proceeding ta "fill up. " Sha
was It niled in by tha police about 8 o'clock
In thu ovenliig , state blind drunk.
A grand ball U to bo given at the A. O.
JI. hall , corner of Thirteenth and Jackson
streets , ( in Mondav evening , February 10 ,
1885 , by the AO. . H. societies. They have
put in n sp'cndld now tl lor , and promise a
pleas mt and enjoyable time to all who como.
" Deputy Marshal C. W. Tottv and Pollca-
man Jim McGoltio , of Sioux City , arrived In
the city last iilpht , presumably to testify in
the Dukes robbery case before tlio grand jury.
Patfy llogan and Johnny McClollauil are the
parties arraigned on tbs charge.
Yesterday a tolephona communication
caaio to police headqu rtori anU'rji ? for an offi
cer to goto the corner of Nineteenth and
Curaing ttreots , and shoot a crazy cow. Offi
cer Hlnchty wants to know if the cow la crazy
whyshojtnot taken before tbo board of in
Mr. 1'hlllip Horn , zither teacher , arrived
hero lost evening fiom Lfavemvorth , Kansas.
Mr. Born haa been giving inatiuctlon on the
rlthor for twenty jrara very successfully , and
na the zither Is becoming to popular bore ha
was advised to come to Omaha , Ho brings
along 8OCO pieces of music for tbo zither , end
is making headquarters with Jullua "Kestner.
Judge Uull leaves for Lincoln to-day.
C. W. Hunt , receiver of the Nevada Cen
tral , passed throtigh the city yetterday.
Dr. W. J. Oalbraltli returEed yesterday
from Denver , whither ho has been .on ollicul
Juromo Pentzel is EiitlerinR qulto sovcroly
from the results of a fall sustained Monday
J , J. Stnll > 3 , Oakland , Neb. ; David Leach ,
r.ipillioii ; C. W. Thomas , Grand Island ; Mr.
and Mrs. P. W. Crocker , Denver , Worn at the
Paxton laat night.
Mr. A. Montgomery , chief cl'rk In the gen
eral manager's elli o of the U &M. , and Aa-
Hlntant General Freight Agent Smith went to
Lincoln yoetcrdny.
Mr. T.V. . Blackburn , of the Union Pa
cific , is mowed in at Hoimnn , Nebraska on
tha St. 1'aul & Omaha road. Ho went there
on afow dajs IIHVI- , for n.bbit hunting , and
ia Hab'.o to bavn a f reed extension of time.
James March , lioitricc ; William S. Frltts ,
Blair ; W. V. Miller , lllair ; Abe Church ,
Oardon , Nob. ; James V. MCVFH and wife ,
Unitedly ; C. W. Petty , \V. J. McGoflin ,
Sioux City , U. A. Chulker. Aurora , 111. ; D ,
K. Abbott , Chlcapo , and K. S. Jackson , of
Montrose , Col , are at the Motropolitan.
jSjU. G , Clark , General Agent In Ne
braska , for bupont Poml > r lus romovul
bis oflico to 1312 Douglas
etioat , with Collion , Gordon it Kay.
Telephone Is . 4 ! ) t.
Tlio 10vaiiui-llcal Ciininilttcc.
A mooting of the coniiu tteo of pastors
and laymen to arrange for tlfa convention
for Ohrlstiati workers t } ba ootiductjd by
Moody , the evangelist , was h-lil at 5
o'clock Monday alteriu n. Ray. J. S.
Dtt viler was chosen chairman and Rev.
E. B. Graham secretary.
Ruv. W. Ilartha then read letters from
Mr/ Moody eajiug that ho would ba bore
to hold the convention on the l(5h ( , I7th
and 18th of March.
The Dip i t soclfty was asked for thou
u o of thwr chur. h ai d cranted It.
The clni-man and secretary woio ap
point a commiito ) on tntcrtalnntout.
A committee on finance was appointed ,
constating of P. 0. nimubiuiith , J. S
lllcha-ds n , O. F Sttphons 0. A. Ring-
vr nud J , L , MoO < > guo.
ll-va. W. J. liars ia and J. W. Harris
wcro appoiiitad a cominittoo on music.
Rev. R. n. InRnrn , Mr. G A. Joplln ,
Ilov. W. J. Uarsha and J.V. . Daws
were appointed a committee on printing
ami aivuititing.
Ri > v. Mne . Detwiler , Ingram , Pfl-
ton , Savidgo ai d Harris were appointed
a mimiuttuo t n pie ranuno.
Tha ciluinutoo aljourntd for two
Tlio Aui'icuhiiral
At a r nnlar nieettrg of the agricultural
society of D uglaa county , held Mon
day , the following oilicera and dlroctora
-were elected : President , O. F. Paulicn ;
vice proaideut , Eijuh Allen ; secretary ,
Juhn IJaurnor. The following conatiluto
the board cf directors for the ( lulling
year : Henty Eioke , Juliua Freltake , II.
1) . Kvcty , Onus. Riiitia and Iltnry Glusa-
Iltnry Klcko waa rlectod delegaio < u
tvo liiU'riuUlonal Aericultunl coavtntioii
to bj held next oik m Now Orleans.
Thoatcretary w li.s'.ructcd to corre-
pand with the nociu-.nrlea of tha njricul-
tural aociotlca of Sauudera , Surpy , Bart
\yashington , CtuniiiK and D > die coun.
tie * to aacortaln the \ia i of thrao BBSO-
cLi'lous with regard to the ailvidebiliiy of
holding u dittiiot fair in thla city in the
Lidiea ! Phyaiciaua and chemiata have
annlyzed Pozzoni'a medicated complexion
powder and recommend ita uao to their
wivoj and lady friends. What better
ould ba eald of U ? Your druggiat noils
Of the Present Cold Weather Approaching
preaching ,
TIio NVIiraskn Hli//.ixrtl llctlrcs The
Snow Blockade Uniting ,
The wotthor for the past twcnty-four
hours has been decidedly modoratj , In
comparison with that of the previous
corresponding period. The cold snap ,
not only locally considered , bnt through-
oat the state , has been almost unex
ampled In It ! severity. The tlmo has
arrived when the signal authorities can
predict a speedy end ta the present
arctic condition of affairs.
Yesterday morning the mercury had
fallen to 18 degrees below zero ; at 12 m.
last night It Indlc&tad a temperature of
of 2.5 degrees balow. The wind , too ,
from a velocity of twenty-four miles an hour
at early mom foil to three allies an hour
at mldii'ght. The direction had shifted
to the south vest , in which quarter it has
remained , with but alight veering. The
barometer is steidily fulling , and in view
of the fact that it had indicated as high
a reading In this locality as In almost any
olhur , it is beliuvcd that the minimum of
low temperature has been reached.
the tompeia'nra haa boon rising , light
snowfalls taking place at certain pointe.
Only at intermediate points did yester
day's weather bulletins maintain a sub
zero tsmpornture , end in all cases no
very startling tumble of the mercury
downward \ ai recorded. At Den
ver and Salt L ko the warm
wave had already passed and the torn-
paratnro was cjnsidembly above z < rr > , ac
cording to late signal bulletins. It is bo-
llovod It will bo only a _ day or eo bofoiu
the wave will reach this locality.
Last night nearly all the trains wcro re
pc rtod late.
The only eastern trains last night wcro
the special "Q" train , one hour bo
hind'and the Northwestern of the day
previous , which pulled ia at 10 o'clock.
Tbo Missouri Pacific was one hour late.
The Denver out-bflupil on the U. P. left
the depot two houra late , delayed by
connections. The outgoing Lincoln train
on tbo B. & M. left one hour lato.
It is rep rted tint all the 0. B. & Q.
trains will run very nearly on tlmo today -
day , as tlu blockade will probably bo
sufficiently raised to permit a return to
achodiilo hours.
The North western haa announced that
ib will receive no perishable freight until
the blockade on ila llnoa has boon re
Yesterday was reported clear and cold ,
per Sionx City special. The Illinois
Central is still tightly blocked. All pas
senger trains on the St. Paul & Omaha
main line arc twelve hours late , bnt the
line ia now open. The southern Dakota
and northern Nebraska lines are not af
fected by the storm as the tninvfall was
light , and trains ate runn ng as usual.
A Davenport special pays that the cold
weather is 1 t i g up. Too thermometer
in the mornhig registered 23c below
zero , at nine o'c'ock ' at night 10 ° below.
Trains all behind.
The bottom almost d oppod out of the
thermometers Monday night.
Have you hoard tny hinc ; rf the Greo-
ley survivois ? It ia likaly that the
second ttlit'ou ' fs upon some of the trains
sn'iwbt mid in Iowa.
The jqb of ( a car driver was not "a
very plcai ant one yesterday. There wu ;
not.any great rush at the company's of-
Gco yesterday by men seeking such em
Great head that ground hog has. Many
aiK.ther animal would profit by having
cuch a glpaullc instinct. Who slid the
ground hug was a fool to crawl back Into
Ills hole when the sun was shining so
wam and oright 1
This * s the time when the winter of our
diaoontriit Isn't made glorious summer to
any great extant.
The man who was caught tinging
"When the Robins Nest Again , " haj
> eon placed upon ice , ho was altogether
.00 fresh to keep.
A man on Kiirnam atroot found a yes
crdrjnow way for picking Ice. Ho blew
its breath into an ice house and it con-
; oiled and packed itself. In IPBB than
wo hours ho had packed the house full.
You may not believe his but it Is true.
I'lio Two i'rnposrd Sites for Ilio NTc\v
I ho l'ri > puhltioiiH
Ouillnutl ,
Tha question which now recelvcH ear
nest diacuaaion in business circles ia
"Where ahall wo locate our now chamber
of comraoicj buildiag "
A roproiontativo ot the IKB ! Interview
ed yesterday two prominent butinosa men ,
takirg oppjalto sides upon the mooted
question. Asia well known , one faction
of the board of trade wishes to purchase
the corner lot at Sixteenth and Farnam ,
while another and opposing section is In
favor of ttio erection of the building on
the Caldwell lol , southwest corner
Twelfth and Farnam ,
If the bnildiut ; were erected on the
latter alta , the quasi propoei ion of the
Oaldwoll holra would bo called into cou-
aidem-ion , That tender , as reviewed by
Mr. Hamilton yosterdjy , is briefly
summed up aa fillona :
"I btliovo , " aaid ho , "that the offer ,
If mn4o ! tso ( rJlng to my Bu uoition ana
advlud , will bo about aa follows : The
Oaldwo'.l ' estate will BO' ! to the board of
trido the west 1)3 ) feet cf ( helot nn which
now Btnnda the United States National
bank building. The other portion
of the lot will ba reserved
On this lot wo propose to erect , jointly
with the boird of trade , a $100,001) )
building , The greater < -\piiiso of con
struction would duvolvo upon I ho estate ,
for the bi ard uf trade would only build n
front of 33 f et ( on Farnam street ) . Wu
would thun leato the ei.tiro building ,
which w < uld bo tiyo stork-a high , to the
board , rjeurvinj. , howovcr , for b nk pur-
pnaea a eietun of the lir t 11 > cr , and
charging the boaid a virtual ret.ttl of lix
per cent per auuuni , for a term of yearn ,
ayt ontyor twenty.fiva , or longer If
desired , la this way the pecuniary pro
uilons for auch building could bo im
modiitely and eaally made and a atruc-
IUQ could ba erected that would be a
credit to the city. "
The view of the other faotit n which
desires the location of the chamber of
commerca on upj or Faraatn atreet , WM
expreiaod by Sir. Falconer , of the board
of trado. "It IB the proportion of those
who think as I do , that tlio corner lot on
Sixteenth and Farnam onaht to bo pur
chased. The money , $13,000 , could
easily bo raised by subscrip
tion , So far aa the coat of the building
is concerned , a good substantial four-
story building conld bs put up at a cost
of not to exceed $00,100 or $65,000.
This sum could bo provided for , 1 think ,
immediately by the lisuo and aalo of a
prt per amount of fint mortgage bonds
( eccond mortage bonds would not bo gen *
orally taktn nnd would bo woithlesa )
So that wo would have in this way a hand-
tome board of trade building , comparl-
tlvoly unincnmbcred ; and the rental of
the o ( lice a Trould furnlah snfiiciont profit
for the Investment. "
Briefly outlined , thcso arc the two pro
positions around which the ideas of each
faction cluster. Which ono will bo ad
opted remains to bo soon.
Tlio N'nll Works Resume After
Itllo Tor Seven \Vcok8 ,
Monday morning the nail works re
sumed business after & shut-down of ( ev
en weeks. Tlio story has circulated that
the reason for shutting dotrn the works
was that the company wanted to radtico
the wagoj fifteen per cant and that the
men refused to stand the cut and quit
work. The management of the woiks
( ay that this report was unauthorised and
that no cut In wages was attempted. The
works wcro ( imply shut down for rapalis ,
which it was absolutely noceisary to
The works are now running In full
blast and every plsco filled with a man.
It is expected to tun without Interruption
for some time to come.
Tlio Grand Jury to InvcstlKiitc tlu :
Cnsu oftlio lli-Venr-Oid Girl.
A few days since mention was made In
those columns that Clara Kauilman , n
12-year-old girl , adopted by Jacob Kauff-
uan , the Sixteenth street saloon-keeper ,
w.-w In a delicate condition , and was then
at the poor farm. Now developments
have 'boon made in the case , and the
[ rand jury will bo callad upon to fully
Investigate the matter and sift it to the
Many startling disclosures will be made
by the grand jury , and whoa all is knc > wn
tbo case will bo even moro revolting than
now. Some other man than Ross la lia-
able to bo mixed up in the matter.
Gross Brothers , at Madison , Nelira.s-
kn , Fail.
Bridetrect's agency tays that Grcss
Bros , of Madison , Nebraska , dealers in
general stock , have confetsad judgment
in favor of their father for $10,000 , and
tie has closed the store. Also have given
a bill of sale for $5,000 on real estate in
favor of a party unknown here , and have
also given nnrtgajos amounting ta $20 ,
000 mere , all i\eu t > relatives for b < r
rowed money. It is raid tint the credi
tors will soon commence a criminal action
agalmt them , based on stitampnls marle
in the paet to the acenoy and ( th > rs The
failure is one that the trtdo regard as demanding
manding thorough inveit 'gallon. In No
vember list they mudo a statement to the
agency , claiming a , not capital in busi
ness of $15,000.
Heal Estate Transfers.
The following transfers wore filed In
the county clerk's office Monday and
reported for THK BEE by the Amos' real
state agency February 10 , 1885.
Charles S Hills to Chas H Wlnship , w
d no 1 of sec 3-1G-9 § 3,000.
W J Council and wife to Amelia
Mitzlaff w d lot 30 In Hickory . add
to Omahi § 400.
Champion S Chase to Ohas H Pu's ' ,
w d , lot 2 , block 2 , E V Smith's odd to
Omaha § 1 200.
Ohampkn S Chase to Calvin D Shultz ,
w d , lot 1. blok 2 , E V Smith's add to
John McCr nry and wife to Jamas H
McOreary , o 44 ft of lot 8 , block 101 ,
Omaha § 10.000.
liichard McDonald to Onstav Ander
son , w d , s 44 ft of loh 4 , block 114 ,
Onuh § 2 600.
U P Ry Co to John B Fnray w d no }
of see 33-1G 10 § 800 ,
James Pape mid wife to Jumoj Mo
Yittlo w d f A of lot 00 In GIBBS add to
Omaha , § 200.
Honors Carroll ot al to Win. Mnlhall
w d lot 4 block 100A , Oaiaho , § 0,500.
g Ilio Crossinn
The Union Pacific railroad company
las no regard for the people of Omaha , '
that is so far ai convenience or incon
venience to pudcstriana and teamsters
ii concerned. The Ewitnhmon think
nothing of running a train of freight cars
over a crossing and alllowlng it to stand
there all the way from ton to thirty min
utes. Particularly la this trco tt the
Ninth s reet crossing. About haif pist
eleven yoetirday a train backed down
over tLit croesmp ; and allowed to stand
there for about twenty minutes. Three
street can having pissongors f > rthu
west bound train wore kept waiti g for
Bomo time and as many ai ten teamt were
standing npon each sldo of the track
waiting for the crossing to bo opened
Finally one of tbo gtllint switchmen
condescended to unc tuple the cars and
npon the crossing. Tntra la a city ordi
nance aca'nnt ' the closlns ; of croatiog ] by
tl o ratlrcad people for ultra than five
minutes at a time , but for this they care
nothing and close them as long as they
eeo fit.
Street Gar NotOH.
The Thirteenth ntreot ctr line is a suc
cess as a financial venture. The volume
of business Is quits as lirg ) as antici
pated , though ncnc of the lines are driug
a rushing butiaers during the extremely
cod ! weath r. The cars , three in num
ber , are now unking trips at Intervals of
twt nty-four mlnutos time. It in only on
account of the trtck being pirtially block
aded by enow and Ice that the interval is
not twenty minutes
It is proponed to Increase the number
of cirs to six. Two ot the cars are al-
ruidy In the shops receiving the fi < ii hlng
toncacs In tbo way of pilnt and vunliti ,
while J'ho ' third J Is running on the
Green Line. The increased number of
cirs will enable tbo trips to bo made
every ten m'nutea ,
An Overcharged Stove Blows np
Small Rfislanrant ,
One RTim lUdly Hurt nml ThlnjjH
Generally liitMcd up. A. JUekot
Among tlio Tots mid Kottlcn.
McNabb' [ restnurant at 1015 Ilarncy
etroot.was the scene of a serious and near
ly fatal accident this morning. A large
magoia used In the kitchen of the rottaur-
antand connected with the range is a water
reservoir and pipes in which Is heated the
water for use in and about the house.
Monday night fire wont out in the range
and the water pipes and reservoir wore
irozon up salid.
Yesterday morning the man wbo has
charge of the fires front into the kite hen
and built a fire withoutfirtt thawing out the
pipes. When the fire had gotten wol
nnder head way the heat burst the pipes
and reservoir snd ciuaod a very loud ex
plosion and shook the houao like an as
pen loaf.
The man who had built the fire wa
thrown clear across the room by the fotvo
of the oxplonon and s rack the Trail irlth
( iillicipot fotca to break his thigh In a
Hhockiog manner. Clis Butler , n
boarder in the house , was awnktned by
the explosion , and was the fmt one to
reach the kitchen after the accident
When ho pushed open t o dotr a cloud
of steam and smoke nishcd out , and tbo
room was so completely tilled with the
stnoko that It was impossible to BOO at all
Qavicg procured a light the
sight which met his eye was be
yond description. On every side
were signs of the explosion. Pots and
kettles wcro thtuim all over the room
and many of thorn wore broken to smith
erecns. The walla were blackened and
the range was brol on , whllo the water
pipes were twisted into almost ovoiy conceivable
coivablo shape.
In one corner lay the body of Jack ,
the only name that could ba learned for
the injured man. Ho was frightfully
hurt and was suffering fearfully from the
fiaoturo of his leg and numerous other
It Is very fortunate tint the explosion
occurred when it did , rather than ton
minutes liter for by that time at least
half a dozen persona would have boon in
the xitchon , and all would surely have
been injured and perhaps some of them
_ _ _ _ _ _
If you have a Sere Throat , a Cough or
Cold , try B. H : Douglass & Sons' Cap-
sium Cough Drops , they are pleasant to
the taste , pesfectly harmless and will
surely euro you. 5
Seal ofNorth Carolina Smoking To
acco Is the boat.
< V No\v Vork Mollipr Iniiuiring for a
Lost Heir.
Marshal Cumminga his received the
Following letter from a lady in Now York
City. It eipUhu ItseR
New YORK , February G , 1SS3.
Chief of Police , Ointihn Neb ,
DBAR SinVou would greatly oblige an
old motlior if you could SPDI ! ber anjmf irmn-
tioo of her sou , Moiriu Jrulinalty. burn on the
llth day of March , 180S , ia this city and
whom I lu\o not neon for lour y arp.
Tha last news reciivnrt from
him , was from Stfuhcnvilllo Ohio ,
winch place ho left in May , IBS I. for his hnrna
In this city. A < thcru was no ru .son for his
tiot arriving herp , I mn intlimd tn think that
lie took the advice of tome i ( his boyinh coin-
pinions and went to pome pi.ico . in your B : ito
to try and innke his fmtuntt S' oulil you bo
ublu to trace him , you can infntm h in that he ,
ny thode.ithof auunclp.lias'allnilio ' rtoultrge
imoinit of mi npy , Th .liking . you in advance
Uir the kind ctfocta luado ia hid and my be-
liulf , I am expeotii g ymir cheerful atibwer.
lltsp ctfnlly ,
50 Tors ) tb street ,
Now York
Tim Alutual Ijilo ol'Now Vork.
The 42d annual statement of the Mu-
uil Lifo Inauranco cunpanyof No.v
Yoik ( print'd in another column , like all
-ho repuitj that luve preceded it , shows
; ho c n Inued grow t.i and piojporily of
his sorporatlou undt-r the : ioivo : and con-
aorvBtivo manngemont of President F. S.
Winston. It In now , as it has boon for
many years , the larg-s. and strongest
ifo insurance C'mipa y in the world. Iti
HBBotn are § 103,870 178 51 , nurplus oVur
812 0011,000 , HIM' ' nut of policies in force
ovt-r § . ' 550,000 000 , ircime over $19 000- ,
JOO , and nn u itn paid to policy holders
ast year $13 923.002 , pqual to ovorS40-
300 every biuiutua day i i the year. In
fact , each aucc-'odng : atut mant gives an
additional proof of what prudence , wis
dom and experience can ocl iavo In tbo
ninagem ent of a-vsst institution which
UH nn cgunl in 'In ' * giirld.
Brn < li nilrcrtlxx < as nlmolutoly pure
Pluca a can top down on a. nut tovo until heated , thai
remove thacuvorand ktnnll. AchemUt will not ba r * .
toilutxicC the proienco ot ammonia.
Inn million hornet far a quarter of a ctnturr It t
twod the roniunoii' rellablu ten ,
_ _
lUKtns or
Dr , Price's ' Special Flayoriiis Extracts ,
Tli > lrotiMl , o.Utlliloun.dD.uricrlrl.0JI | | ) > l
Or , Price's Lupulln Yeast Gem !
for LljUt , llealthr llread , The U it Dry Hup
Ve t In Ihe Wurlrt ,
H , S , ATWOOD ,
Plnttsmouth , - - - Nebraska
i > mi. i. iiii
1312 1312
By Buying at Bhort Prices.
To succeed in either business or private life is to invest money u-
diciouxly. The ambition of America is to out-rival all comers in
"HiyJi Art and Elegance" it is acknowledged that the American
holils the lead. The ambition is
of man not unnatural to h ma
nia for dress , and facts are nowhere more fully displayed than at the
Misfit Clothing Parlors
where America's ' 'Jliahcst Art" in Merchant Tailoring is displayed ,
and'thc antbitionof man is shoicn in malfinyhis selections from cfofh-
iny made nnon a Ta itor's reputa t ion , bought at less than the cost of ma
terial , SO Lit AT 8I1O1ST JPJSICJE8 , wiving the Tailor's exorbitant
p rojfits , h ence
A Long1 Pocket
An Inspection of Our Price List Invited ,
Overcoats. Suits. Pants.
SCO 00 Custom-mado Overcoats for ? 30 00 f CO 00 Cuatom-mado Suits for S30 00 515 00 Custom-mado Pnnta for . . S 00
D5 00 25 00 65 00 . . 25 Oil 12 00 " " ' 7 00
50 00 22 50 00 00 . 22 50 10 00 " ' ' 6 CO
4500 20 00 45 00 . 20 00 8 00 4 1H )
40 00 IS 00 40 00 . IS 00 70" " ' 3 HO
15 0) 35 00 . 15 CO Open ceniDga until 9 o clock.
30 00 1200 30 00 . 12 00 Saturday night until 10 o'clock.
All Alterations Done Free of Charge to Insure a Good Fit ,
1 Lil Up by Electric Light.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies A marvel ot purely ,
t'ctigth ai dwho'ca mcncaa. Mnro economical than
ho ordinary kinds ai d i annnt bo sold In compctl
nn with the n.ultiiuJo ol low to t , eh it < vejht )
I m ol | ih ) > hrto p uders. hold only In cnns.
tOYAL 13AKINQ 1'OWUEU CO. , 103V llctW.Y. ;
Omaha Medical & Surgical
Insti ute
1Z1S Howard Street.
( N. K Corner 12th and Howard StreeU , )
( For the Treatment ol all
Chronic and Surgical Diseases
Diseases of Female * , rf the Norvoui Sv-Htcni , Pr
vatu Diseases ot the Urinary and Sexual Orpins ,
and DUoisua or the Head Throat and Lun o ,
KYK AND I1 All ,
> lBce f § treated liy an e perlt-nced roclall t. also
Items ol tha Hiart Uver , Btomach , Kldnejn ,
( ladder , Neurilirlt , lltieumat ' , I'lli B. Cancer , etc ,
And all other dl ca u of thu liroat-nd Lnncstrcsl
td by Medicated Vaporn. ( fend ( or luhiler or
clrrmarc.n InnaU.lou. )
All dl' a. . B of the Illooj , Uriuary and Seiual Ol
! DS. rrlvata Llneases and
Piles Cured or no Pay.
(16 ( Years Ho-pltaland Private Practice. )
Consul ailon and onamlnatian freo.
Callot write f i clroiilar ; on chronlo dl'sa'u nnd
eforinltles , Dideag ol Fcuiaiex. Private Ulsfosci
f tin. Urinar ami Soxutl orcani , Seminal W.'ik
CHS , Nfrvoua Deldlltj or ExhaustUn.eto. , eb.nd
ur ne rostotatUctreatment.
All Ittleis and coiwultatlonConfidential ,
Medicines eni to all | iart of the country * -y ei.
reBa.Bocu el ) parkt-d from otscna'.loii , If full de
ncrll.tinii of case Ueltcii. Oiio | e > 8onal laUnlew
referred If con > enlcnt. Open at all hours
Adiir .ti ) all letters to
Omaha M A\cn\ \ \ & Surgical Tusttute
HIS Howard St. Omaha. Neb.
Office Acjirroit OK 1'niuo ACCOI-NTH , )
hlNCuLN , Jan. Hi , 1S85. )
It is hereby certified tliat tli Wrg't-rn ' Bfu-
Uutl li nuviilunt AtBuclatlou of Meutncu in ilie
itato of Nrlnasku , has comiilied with Ilio *
imanco luw jf this btato , and m authurirwl to
trauBBct thu biuine < s of life iuinrenca in this
lUtu fur llin current year , t/oinmuuinf ; Feb
ruary 1 , 1885 ,
Wltns-fis my hand and tbn seal of the Au.
lltor of I'ublicAccounts thu day and year
ibovo wiitten.
Auditor 1' . A.
-ON .4LL-
Suits formerly $ JLOJftOiioio $7.SO.
Suits formerly $12. < M > now $9.OO.
Siutsjormerly $ JLV.OO now $12.OO.
Sit its formerly $24-JM ) now $ j.00.
Over Coats formerly $ 8.1W now $ G.OO.
Over Coats for mertitO.OO now $ 7.51P.
Over Coats jormerfy $11UW now $12.OO.
Over Coats formerly $18.OO now $18.50.
Ovc.i Coats formerly $2 .OO now $ JL8OO.
And every other article in proportion.
Call and see our prices.
1216 Farnam St.
Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home for
less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it.
Send for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Nebraasb
Counter , Hay , Stock and Railroad Track ,
Orders for the Indian Department giren for Buflalo Scales ex-
cluaivflly. ScalejH