Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1885, Image 4

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OMAHA Ornoa No. 014 AND 018 FAIUVAM ST.
NKW YoaK Orrto * , ROOM 03 TmncNK UCILD-
Pub'lihM every morning , eiefnt Sunday. Th
only Monday morning dally publlihetl In the stale.
On Tear. . . tiOOO I Three Montru . . . . ( 280
Blcllonthi 6 00 | Oua Month 1-00
Tlio Weekly Bco , Publihsed every Wednesday
* , rosrriio.
OnsYear , with premium t 2I
Ono Ye r , without premium I 15
Bit Uunthi , without premium 75
Ono Month , on trial 10
All Communlcalloni relitlnn to Newiand Editorial
taMen should be addreswd to th Eoltoi or Tin
All nmlnejj r ltcn and Ilemltt nce < ( hould bo
kildretieil to Tint OBI CouriNT , OMAIU
Urafts.Ohecks and Poll otnc eMer to be made | ijr
a > ble to the order of the company.
1 E , ROSEWATKK , Eunon.
I A. H. Fiteh , Manager Hsily Circulation ,
P. O. Bo > , 88 Omahn , Neb.
Jitnni.vo from the number of personal
relief bills that have boon introduced
nro load to believe that the Nebraska
legislature is generally considered a state
relief society.
Mu. Tnour h credited by the Herald
correopondont with being "ambitious
and working for a record. " Mr. Tronp
Ins aucccoJEil in making a record a rail'
road record which mma day ho may
wish ho had never made.
FiiED NYE recommended Michael for
United States nnrahal , otid that la the
reason that Michael didn't get there.
Fred Nye has * not quito in much influence
at Washington aa ho had when ho waa
Valontino'a six dollar clerk.
IF there ii a town in Nebraska that
lias not yet had a bill introduced In the
legislature for the establishment of a
normal school wo would llko to hear
from it. Baboo's are in graat
demand , What there is about euch an
institution that Is to atttactive to the
average Nebraska village is something
Vfo can't BIO with the naked eyo.
Ouu ootrotpondent tolegrophi from
Lincoln that the public will bo sti'prlaod
to learn that "Colonel" Howe ho probi-
bly moans Church Hove , tbo gontltnnn
from Ntinaha will vota fcr the three
cent bill. The only vrty that wo can ac-
oonnt for ihii sudden conversion la that
the railroads have concluded to accept the
inevitable , and hence Church Ho wo is at
liberty to vote as ho plows.
TUB Lincoln correspondent of the Her
ald , who is an employe of the Lincoln
Journal , h'ghly compliments Mr. Troup
aa a hard-working member. This is a
deserved compliment. Mr. Tronp la a
bard-working number ior the Lincoln
tinge , and the railiosd lobby , but so far
aa the interests cf the people of tbo atato
or cf Dough H county are concerned , Mr.
Troup's effc rla have not been appreciated.
SENATOU VAN WYCK'B anti-fence bill
lull tuaaod the Donate and will probably
f aa the bouse. It prohibits the erection
cf fences upDn the public linds and or-
derj the removal of thoao already erected.
It eoems rather singular that the govern
ment has to pats a law to prohibit what
la already an illegal procaodlng. Senator
Van Wyck' bill , however , probably pro
vides proper penaliioi for the violation of
the law. At present the cattlo-mon who
have fenced in the public domain are
simply trespasser ] , and can only bo eject
ed as sack , and of course any such pro-
ooodinga can ba easily delayed. Under
the Van Wyck bill everybody is placed on
an equality with reapoot to free grass ,
and it puti an end to a dangerous mon-
Till ; two homed of congress will meet
ill joint sission to-day to count the electoral -
oral vote. The senate will prcc cd in a
' body to the housa of representative , and
Senator Edmonds , president of the sen
ate , will prcs de over the joint c nven-
ilon. Ho will appoint two or four tillers ,
probably four , who will count the vttjs
The atatoa will bs ca'ltd ' alpbabatica'ly ,
beginning wiih Alabama and ending
with Wisconsin , and aa each name la
called , the Boiled pickage , conta'ning the
electoral ro'urna ' , will bo opened in the
presence of the jo'ut convoation , the
( oilers will road the result , and the ace
roUrloa will make minutes of thorn.
When all the returns have bam opened
the teller ! are directed tj turn up the re
sult , and the persons rooming iho maj r-
ity of the oatira electoral vote ro officially
declared by the president of the conven *
tlon to bo elected prcsidtnt and vice
president from the 4th day of March
.1885 , to the 4th day of March , 1889
The joint convention then dissolves , and
the senate retains to the senate
clumber. If ( hero aru any Irregularities
or duplicate raturas the joint convention
must of osurso dispose of them , one
decide which are to bo counted. Tin
present method of counting the elostora
vote ia decidedly nnsatiifactory , and in
the event of a doubtful campaign , sue !
as that of 187 ( > , it Is extremely dangerous
It will ba remembered that the country
barely escaped a political revolution
ua tbo result of the IJnyes
Tilden campaign. It la tiu
stops have been taken to romod ;
-'a existing In the method o
'ectoral vote , but it eoem
' at far from solution
" In the hone
In the sen
Till b
State Senator Burr , who represents the
qnlntostcnco of jobbery and monopoly ,
rose in hla aeat on Monday to a question
of privilege. Ho desired publicly to
brand asa * falsehood the Ben's intimation
that ho wai inure or luss concerned in the
school land lenses. Ho announced with
a grand llonrlsh of trumpets that ho was
ready to go upon the wltncsi ttand to
testify that ho has not now nor over did
have any interest directly or indirectly
in any school land contracts , and has no
knowledge of any crookedness in school
land lenses. Wo have no noubt that
Mr. Burr Trill do jnat as ho Bays. lie
\\lllgobolorothocommittco and swear
Dolnt blank that to the bolt of his recol
lection ho dots not know anything about
the school land leases. Mr. Burr is well-
trained in gauging his memory. IIo can ,
when ho wants to , forgot about every
thing ho ever know or hoard ,
when ho is on the witness stand. There
are a good many just llko him at the
state capital. When the legislature two
yoarj ago was investigating the wholesale
bribery that had been resorted to in or
der to nuet the demands of blacnmalling
and bribe-taking scoundrels who wore
ready ta support the capltol bill for a
money consideration , a host of trained
witnesses volunteered to nnoar that they
never heard of any achemt-a to got votes
by improper means , and could not oven
rometnbor that ary money waa contrib
uted or collected from citizem of Lincoln
to curry the capltol bill. And yet every
one of thoco men know oil about this cor
ruption fund , and atMJial of themwcro
members of the committee that passed
the hat among the Lincoln merchants and
properly owners. The highly indignant
Mr. Burr waa one cf the principal
witnesses before iho investigating
committee. Ho came forward to be
fog and muddle the committee by
lila know-nothing testimony , and ho pur
posely put the committee on the wrong
ecant aa to the party vtho was pointed out
to C. S Montgomery as \illuinwho33
vote the Lincoln people bad to buy. Wo
can name that villain now , If Mr. Burr is
very anxious to refresh his memory. Butte
to ictarn to the land business. A teprc-
sentativo of the BEE lua jotted down the
following memoranda :
1 Sheldon , who'aecuicd from40,000 to CO.OOO
acres cf school land lease ? , as nbrother-in-law
cf Burr. Sheldon and Latham It.vod largo
blocks of thoto land ; . Latham sold out to
Sheldon , but Sheldon had to secure him ,
Latlum , aealrst prosecution tf tbe slate and
risk Inclined in the possibles cancellation of
the looses. Eurr himself is the bondsman of
Sheldon , and is bound to indemnify him , "
This peculiar transaction would Indi
cate that Mr. Burr la not entirely a dis
interested patty. If the leases , which
Latham transferred to Sheldon , wore
honeetly procured without vlo'atlon of
the law , why should Mr. Sheldon ba re
quired to glvo him an indemnity bond ?
Why'should Mr Burr go on Mr. Shel
don's band to Indemnify him for posaiblo
speculative losses if the speculation was
not involved In crookedness. How could
the state cancel leases or recall a contract
If honestly entered into in accordance
irlth tbo provisions of the law ? Mr.
Burr had better rise in his Boat once more
and deny that ho is Mr. Sheldon's broth
er-in-law "to the best of his recollection , "
and declare that he never signed euch an
indemnity bond "to the best of his recol
lection1 or , if it is convenient , maintain
that Sheldon never had anything to do
with tchcol land leases , "to the beat of
hla recollection. "
It is surprising to aoa how unny par-
ons there are in Nebraska who are in
need of relief at tlu hands of tbo logisla-
, nre. Tom Konnard , Pat II vte , Sara-
el Bacon and others tint wo have mon-
ioned from time to time not forgetting
number of the citizens of L'n join who
demand $8,000 worth of relief are not
> y any meats tno only persons who have
ilanned laida upon the state treasury ,
and are now attempting to carry them
nto execution.
Perhaps the cheekiest demand is that
imlo by H. C. DAWSOD , in house roll No.
209 , which goes on to relate that wbcrcas
I. C. D.ivann was warden of the stale
icnitontiary for two years and ten
months , and that whcraas , the
statutes of the ttito of
Sebrjuka contain a r revision that the
warden is ontit'cd to the nto of tlia h .usa
) nllt for h'ni and the necetsary lights and
n el for the same ; and , whereas , H. 0.
DAWS n furbished md kept a span ef
IOMOS end carr'ajo for the use cf the
state penitautiaiy fur fho afoicsitd time ,
and convoyed the United Slates mail
[ without piy from Iho sta'o ' ) to and from
the Lincoln postf flice. Ihoref ro thi shto
owoj him $4,080 , and to ac
cordingly calls on the legls
lalatura to hand over that amount to him.
If over thoco waa a trumped up clalu
against the atato wo contidar this to bo
one. When the legislature poya Mr.
Dawaon forridlng In hla carriage between
Lincoln and the penitentiary , and carry
ing the mall simply as a matter of ac
commodation and upon hla own volun
tary motion , it will bo high time to open
thedojraof the atato treasury to every
bogus cla'm ' agent and roul agent In Ne
braska. If Mr , Dawaon had to cmy the
mall It was not necessary for him to main
tain a team of horses and a family carriage
riago for that purpose , The mall could
have been transportoi at small expense
by a hired man en horseback. Bu
Mr , Dawaon , who took ploisur
In driving hla pmato tenm
and carriage into L'nooln ' , took it
non himself to convoy the mail , end hid
\d for payment is an after-thought
eanlt of keeping awake at n'ght ' in
or to batch up aomo scheme to rail
iO stats treaeury , K we are cot mis
taken there waa no established mail rout
( between Lincoln and the ponitcntiarj
] daring his term , bat the pcsioflice addroi
of the ponllentiary was simply Lincoln ,
and of couno no ouo was entitled to payer
or carrying the penitentiary rrm'l. ' Mr.
3aweon did it as much for his own con
venience as fcr thottf nnybcdy else , AS It
vas a part of his duty to have the ponU
onllary mall go through hla hands. The
mpudonco of his demand has oven
shamtd the present warden , Nobes , who ,
n consequence , has withdrawn his board
till ol several thousand dollars.
No if , If Dawaon's claim la Rood , Dr.
Matthowson , superintendent of the elate
naano asylum , ought to hvo throe or
our times aa much for convoying the
nail In his carriage between the asylum
and the Lincoln postoflioo , If Mr.
) Awson haa any legitimate claim , lot the
ogUUturo refer him to the courts whore
10 can have an opportunity to eiUbllth
t and collect it. Iho courts are the
iropcr tribunals for the various claim
ants against the atato. If any mora of
horn attempt to waste the time of the
cglalatnro , which costs $75 per hour , wo
lope they will bo unoormonlously turned
vor to the serjeant-at-arms and expelled
rom the premises.
House roll No. 170 la entitled "An
ct to provide l\r a geological and tnin
raloglcal survey of the atato of Nobraa-
ca. " The principal object of Ihlstchoino
a to provide a scftplaco f r a so-called
geologist , at a salary of $2 000 n year ,
nd an assistant at $1,800 n yecr. In
ddiihn to this there shall bo npproprla-
od $300 for chemicals , and $5,000 for
ctual and necessary exponsas , inc'uding
raveling eipoL3s of the "corps , " hire of
octl acaiatanco and publishing reports.
This Is the same old jobIn a now dreio
f a very i auzy nature , which has been
egnlatly introduced into Iho No-
rotka legislature at every scs-
ion for the last fourteen
oars , end it has as rcguhrly been act
own npoo. 11 always 'sounds ' very planstblo
o the geological mind to talk about n gco-
og oil survey of Nebraska and ilia pro-
loatiicn to crcn'o a atnto geologist usually
nds some judont auf porters. Every
; ovorncr from FurnastoDawea has asked
ho lo lelatoro to create such an cilice ,
nit the legislature his invariably failed
o sao the necessity of any such dep rt-
lent. Aa a matter of fact a gaoh gical
urvey of Nebr. ka is no moro c coded
.ban . a phrcnol gicil survey of 'hoheida '
f the members of the I'ghlaturo. A
olorod geological imp of Nebraska would
ook very much like ono of [ Fowler &
Wills' phrenological chart ; , and would
> o just about as useful. Nebraska
iceds a stale goolopiat about as much as
ho does a state profaaaor of bumpology.
Betides investigating the gold and
liver folds , the Immense coal fields.
; ho natural ges walls , the slat3 geological
orps is required , under tha provinces
f the proposed bill , tu examine , analyze
nd clats.fy the various clays , ores ,
marls , mineral waters , building stones ,
tx , and daring the progress of the sur-
oy the gaologitt sb.i'l ' collect such speci
mens of rocks , cros , soils , foetils , crganio
comic3 and miooml compounds , as will
exemplify the geology , mineralogy , and
aloontolcgy of the state , and forward
3 the chancollc r of the state university
nch specimens as miy bo proper and
necoisary to form a complete
cabinet of specimens of geology
and mineralogy of Nebraska. Wo
ventnra to sty that a geologist would
lave no trouble in filling the state uni
versity cabinet with Nebraska fossils and
imo stone specimens , bat whether ho
oald earn his salary in the other specified
ields of investigation ii rather doubtful.
t occurs tu us , however , thtt the state
university ia endowtd with all tbo fostils
hat are necessary ; in fact , wo do not
icsitate to eay that it has an ovoranpply.
As H matter cf fast , no man of any
apu'ntion ' or experience aa a geol g st or
mineralogist Wiiild ongigo h nue-lf to become -
como a stata geologist for $2,000 a year.
A really ompatont man is wcr h five
irnos that amount in a mining region ,
and .in incompetent ono la n friud and
ict wanted In Ntbraika or any other
atate. It is porlups trua that Professcr
Aughey nvgh bo indnced to accep1. the
situation , ai d in the event of his refusal ,
ra frund , ProfoBor Vifionham , might
ba willing to aorvo. Bub wo have had
enough of such scientific men BS Aughoy ,
and wo want no moro of them invited to
lodgment In this commonwealth by
the psstago cf such a bill as that which
[ us been proposed. Wo had much better
allow onr go'd , s Iver , aid coal flilds to
remain unexplored and undeveloped a
few yeata longer.
A LINCOLN correspondent aaya that on
Monday considerable time was occupied
In the house in consldt ring a motion to
ndefinltoly postpone the claim of P. O.
Uiwes , and the motion waa loat. It
cosls the state $7i > | for every hour that the
legislature Is in aeat ion , and It seems to
ua thatlt is a reckless mute of the people's
money to spend a moment of time in
comidtr'ng the claims of Pat Hawea ci
of any other claim agent. The state
abolished all claim agencies two years
ago. Pat Dawes haa no more right to'rcp
rcaont the atato aa an agent than Col.
Frank Waltera or Col. Frank 1' . Iwland.
AH the pretenses totho contrary araboah
Senator Van Wyck la authority for the
titomont that our congressmen are fully
competent and would bavo collected al
legitimate claims if these pretended claim
agents lud been discarded and discounter ;
anetd. Pat O , nawes la not Ignorant o
the law. Ho knew that the agency hai
been abolished , but he succeeded in
imposing upon credulous state officer
from whom ho secured some paper
which they had no right to glvo him
The only way to pat in end to thete bo-
gas claim agents , ia to refer them to the
SENATOR VAN WYCK writes a friend
n this city that ho intends putting Pear-
man at the head of the Pnss , his organ
n lubrajfca City. Major PoMirmi is
night mid would ho MI aecMs'on to Ne-
" iratk jouraalUm. Omaha 'tcjnib
Such potty , contempt bio and .
anitnous watfro only shows what sraall-
alibro men will do in otdor to wntthoir
pile. Wo venture to assert that Senator
Van Wjck never wrote such n letter.
The senator has no Interest In the Xc-
bratka City J'rcta or any other paper.
Tin : present congress has nineteen
uioro working days.
loliert O. wlmliroii , Orntor itntl 1 lit
A joint commission of the senate and
louse of representatives has been np-
tainted to prepare for tlio ceremonial ob-
erranco of the completion of the WABII-
ngtoa monument , and Fobnmy 22 lint
been fixed as the date of tbo Interesting
vent. The vonombln Robert C. Win-
hr ) p was speaker of the house of repro
ontativfs at Wasnipg on , July 4 , 184H ,
when the cornor-stono tf the monument
was laid , and made the principal adoircss
n that occasion. Ilo is now slowly to-
ovorlug fr in a serious lllnrss , and it is
onbt'ut whether ho will bo > physically
qu l to the position of orator at thu coni
ng c Itbratlon , which ho has botn very
pproprlately muted to tako. Failing
his , however , It is undorshod that thu
lincipal speech of the day will bo con-
libutod by his pee , whoever may bo BO-
t d to deliver It
Hubert 0. Wlnthrop is a lineal descend-
nt of Gen John Wlnthrrp , popultrly
now n BB the "founder bf MuesacDueetta"
ud the founder of the city of Brston ,
nd the son of Thomas Linclall Wloihrop ,
nco lieutenant governor if Mas achu-
otts. Ilo was born in Boston , Mny 12 ,
809. After nrppiration in the Luin
thool of his native city , ho entered liar-
ord college at 15 years of ogo. Ilo wan
raduated in 1828 , and then spent three
- . : ua reading K\v in the tllico of Dauiil
Vobster. Mr. Winthrop never practiced
\Vhllu a young man ho was the captain
f the Boston Light Infantry. Suldior-
hip with him was in the nature of on
mUBiinout. Bis taa u was f jr public
ifo , which began in 1831 , when ho was
hoscn a representative to tha general
ourt. After four yeara of service , at the
go of twenty-eight , ho was elected
peakcr of the house of representatives ,
tlrusachusotta. Ho was re elected to the
a-flo flico the following , and in 1840
was thoaou a representative to confess
s a member of the Whig party. Aftir
10 had served asven years in the
ntlonnl lionso of representatives he
VMS chosen i's ' sneaker f jr the eeesions of
818-49 InJ850ho was appointed by
ho governor of Missnclimetta to succeed
) iLiol Webster in the senate , Webster
lavn g resigned to accept the appoint
ment if secretary of grate under Preai-
ontFillmore. In 1851 Mr. Wlnthrop
WBS tbo candidate of the whig party for
overnor of Massachusetts. Tlio election
i nt thrown Into the legislature , and ho
was defeated by a coalitions of the minor-
ly ptrtles. Hla last political ofllco wis
s ncad of the Ma > s-tchnsotts electoral
oters , which , 1854 , gave the stita to
Jen. Winlield Scott. When the whig
arty died Air. Winthroo became on in-
epondent voter. During his congress-
onal life he favored a sound financial
olicy and protection to domestic Indus-
ry. Ho opposed tbe extension of sla-
ary and the fugitive slave bill. During
he war ho acted with ilia war democrats
nd supported MoClellan in the preaiden-
iil campaign tf 18G4. ;
MJ , Wmthrop'siJrJabliBhod addresses
no. upoechos fill tbrde lario volumes andre
ro 180 in number They cover fifty-
our years from 1835 to 1870. His
must important Hteiary noik has been ,
The Life > nd Let'ors of John Win-
brop , " in two volumes. Ho has been
resident of the Maarnchusotts Hlstorl-
tl Sooeity. He has also been president
if the UOBton Provident Aeeoolatbn for
wonly five years , and Is a member of the
raripui other scientific and benevolent
nititutions , among them Ilia Amor-
can Society of Arts and Solmces
and Ilia American Antiquarian Sjci-
o y. Mr. Winthrop has been
irealdont of the board of trustees of
he Peabody education fund fura Irs first
irganization. On Iho list vist to Europe
10 received the dcpreo of L , L. D. from
ho university of Cambridge , an honor
irovlously coL/erred on him by Bowdoln
md Harvard colleges.
The Hill , N H. , noedla factory haa re-
unitd opt ration ; ,
The Bilmingham , Conn. , corset ehops
are rushed witli orders.
Rullind , Vt. , Is to have a corset fac-
; ory , employing 150 girls.
Tha zvlocilo woiks at North Adams ,
> Iais , ate running ovortiiuo.
Collini &CO.'B nx werks at Oollins-
vllle , C.nin. , koap 500 men busy.
The Colrhoator. Conn , , rubber factoiy
u us nit 80,010 paii s of ahoea daily.
Tha Raed Boot and Shoo Company ,
lociuater , N. H , employs 400 baads.
Medway , Masi. , hai the prospect of a
new indttitry , employing 700 hands.
Uptn'a new glue fastoiy at Poabody.
will eon bo In full operation , ompluyh
125 hands.
A Plormint , N. H. , manufaotory has
order * fiom Iowa for aoverdl car loads ( .1
The Williminlie , Coon , , Linen Com
pany started up all i'u ' mills on full time
ibis week ,
The Oochecp trills at Dovar , N. H. , are
running ovartimo to kaep pice with or
dots in the print works.
Soveril Watarbury factories have begun
to run on fall time , uud buiintHs there is
gradually Improving.
A. B. Valentino will build a largo knit
ting mill at Banning ton , Vt. , to rep nco
the ono buraod abint two yo ra njo ,
Auburn , Mo. , industries employ 20,00'
hands and $1,500,000 of op til , The
value of last year's products was
The human ajstem is so arrangad tha
after the ago of maturity the decline
then commences ; then a downward ten
dency gradually takes place , The Im
iglnatlon and reasin then becomes weaker
or , and the physical piwers are ilowo
aad moro irrigu'ar ana imperfect in tbo r
EC ion. In tlio former IH oborvod a de
preasion of tbo mental powers in the
consent ra'ins ' or abstracting of thought
In the lattsr the nutriiiio cpentioas are
in longer acla t ) repair the vasto cf the
body. At 'h ' t tlnio f xtornal Impression
urert a diminished iniluenco , and wi 1
the failure of pcroeptiuii the powers o
memory dec'ii ' > o , tha objcc H ot e-a'ly life
bait g ro mil' c od list , w < i < tlio-ci i f late
timb Hie ftwiy innbeims in th
abade , Then the btaiu id less carmbl
t receiving Impressions , bo-
thocransrf tonio too fall to dis >
thtir futut onr. The ( IgM bo-
misty , the he r ng dull ; rhero is
im Indispi slii n for oxeilinti , a ilosiro f r
opoeo. Tha mor'allty in trns is grost ° r
h n tn the country. Of both sexes 22
itr cent dlo bofe ro llfy nro 1 yotr old ,
md 37 pti cent bet < r * they are 5 years
ild. Male infants are moro liable tu dip
mmiilintely after birth than females.
Nine twentieth of the whole number dlo
fore they are In yous of ego. The
nortobty among girls incrinsts between
14 and 18 , and among men between 21
and 2G. At 2D years half the births are
doad. The mean life is about 'M years.
Iho capacity in the skull of the female Is
'o ( ; iho body Is longer ; tW lower ox-
lemitics shcr or ; the skin thinner and
nero translucent. Tlio strength of the
male to that of the male Is as 10 to 20
Icr muscles contract easier and are mi rj
easily wewiod. ITor reasoning powers
are less vlgoroif , but her sonsntlnos are
me ra acute and her knowledge moro in-
nitiyo and Instructive.
There are 2,750 langusgoa.
A square mile contains 040 acres.
A barrel of rlco weighs GOD pounds.
The average human life Is.'H years.
The iirat atool pen was made in 18I10.
A barrel of Hour weighs 100 pounds.
A barrel of pork wo-'g s 200 pouads.
A span is ton and tovon-olghths inches.
A hand ( horao measure ) is four Inch- * .
Watches wore first conttcuctod in 1470.
A s'rrmmovesthirty-sixmlleaper hc.ur
The first lififer match waa madflin 182 ! ) .
The value of atonofsilvor Is $ :57 : , 701,81.
A hurricane moves eighty miles per
The lint iron sicatnslnp was built In
80. ! !
Modern needles first came into nso in
Coaches were llr&t built in England in
The firat horjo railroad was built In
1820 27.
Ono million col'nrs ' of gold coin weigh
5C8i , pounds avoinlttpoii.
Until 1770 cotton-spinnii g was por-
'ormod by the hand aplnning-whcol.
Ono mil1 ion dolloiM of ailvcr coin weigh
)9)20.'J ! ) pjunds
Ailiuiiiiry Answcrcil.
Boston EyenlnK Itccord.
L - d S - d , whrin wo suppose to
10 tbo person lately elected ta tbo
Jnited States senaio from Cdlifortit ,
writes to inquire whether It will bo
necoBfary to take to ynBlli gton the
lectiie/l apparatua by whichp holographs
f race hoi ses in motion are secured in
order to got a photograph of a bill going
.hrough congrosa. No , sir , not unless it
a a bill to take money ont of the treas
ury for some purpose of doubtful utility
.hat you want ts photograph. As for
) ills whici relate to thu public welfare ,
'ou on put a pieca of sontiizid plate
In in your camera , train the instrument
on ono of them , end go t3 California In
confidence that the ot joct 111 not move
until a picture is produced.
A I'oiht AVtll Taken.
Mr. Evarls made an old joke very
neatly when ho answered as fol'owa ' a
man who had ridiculed his long aen-
encea : "Considerable experience in lifo
and at the bar convinces mo that the men
who object to lorg sectancea are the
worat culprits that come up for judg-
metit. "
Divorces are becoming fashionable In
Scotland. Last year eighty-nine peti-
iocs were granted , being the largest
number en recotd. The highest number
of decrees In nnjr previous year was
eighty-one ia 1880. The averaoo nnm-
) er for the ten years before 1876 was
mly thirty-five. _
Down in the San Miguel big timl > er wolves
'ollow vehicles almost a ? ferooioi-sly as the
rinsslan anliial doen. No person hsa yet been
killed bv them , but a great deal of fright has
A Wild , Hunilng Itch , that Striked
with a Tlionsunil Klectrio Itching
Eritrea AI.TOOSPA. . , CALL- wish to Bay some ,
thin } ; tiijiraUo \aluablerrieillclne , Cuticurn ,
wu ch I nwml'ertlio'l lo your papur. I hive bad
that old leprcmv.ot blch jou rfadin the Blblo.whero
tbo Jen met But it tuio K them , anil did not knuu
howJocutot. It rmsnanvoihcr ) < iiRlish names. I
ha o had It on my body lor o\tr tlxty juts. No
doctorc uld ttllmewliat Itwai.and pnlmblj Inc\cr
would ha'u Lno'ii had I not neon the mlmi cmen'
In your Mlimblo i aitr. KlatltUo ec.l'j iflccllo
ol tnosUnnt\t ; It I oksl KO biriinclcn 011 \estiilH
lxtt m , < r i n old ng that ban laid In the uater I r
a lonK t'mu , > cd Jllal the eamo In ny lict , Hie sai tl
clhouu.a d byiakiiiKn airrcfimjiunnd lookliiu at
nio It worse In ether wordn , we will rail It
I ehthj BIS , r rl hekmthoii : mines on nliat I rail
the will Immune 1'cli , that w.ll s.tlko jou with u
thousand electilo ltd ) } uucdlia ,
You then have m run outlnt ) the open air to
relieved , \Vhy.ltls dread ul , and laving so n any
i nil tut dnc'ii 8 andiiine knowing what to do for
you , but 1 have found the loat treasure at l.vt It
did not take two s not fill B of the titlctira Hieolvdit it t ok thatliiirniii/ b > thu throat and
bid them to hold oft ard it Is off il ) llcsh lobecum
In oftcr , ny hair It becoming soil "iidflUv , and n
fen got to ulng external appliiitions CutlcurJ
Stuj-anJ anolut the parts wiih Cutlcura. If th
th uiando know the goodms * ( fit till' medlrlno ' "
I do , they would i ot be tventr-fotir hours wlthia !
2t. It In not only adapted to my. cise , but to f *
ethers , aid II any ono dl'billevcs thin let him Bt- ;
text door I o Iho T"ean IIouso hete , take my rricron.
cot > and sea for hlmtclf ,
Jrseph W. lllley.
HollldajsbutR , Pa. , Nov. 12.1381.
And burnln sliln dlseaxcu InsUntly'rdlcred by a
warm hath , wl Ii tutliuia bin ) , and u iilnglo ip
pllotion i f I tillctiiu , the gr at bkin Cure. 7hlu
repotted dally with two or thico dnrcd tf Cntl
cura Uesohent , thn New Itlocd Purlll r , to ) ecp
the bloodcool , the prr plratlou | 'iin ' aid uitirltat
lit ; , the bow eld open , the liver i ny kldnuja uctve
will illly > Ttttor Illi , 1'no-
tpu ci n r/tma , , Kvvorm -
llama , l.lchen , IViiiltus hcahi l Head , I'andruff ' am :
ncrj up clen of It-hlnp. S alj and Pimply Hum n
of tnvhca p and bkiu , when the bint plOKlcia n ai.r
all nowiireiiiLdlesfail Roll everjwherc. Cutlcura ,
60 knti ; boap25 imU ; Itiuolveut , $1.
Potb ° r Drug ft Chiminni C'o..Rogtnn
umxa THK luitK
* ni THI
UNO ill Linen , BOTH
tln'ngs ' AND Exteriors.
A k for them
CAM N BROS. . AcfiniH for Omnhe
'I '
At the ol-l .land HIT Farnam Bt , Cidw * by l > l.
No S2i.
MONKTTOUHN-Hi nnn ol 0 AmTiipiTn
homi , pl.ntx , Ini'ittnip ml : nil kliulu of
h ttcl . M II Hotter , 1101 rtnani rt . ( nor
torjo hoe Horo.
ONKV in 1 OA.V-1 to Iwn on tin-
| irot > < lel ) vronrrtv tn nr nmminfn to mlt ,
Mnn lp | rix t W.'ll. Mott"crr 14.4 KnrLnn t. ,
or Mo. * ' flito : orf. !
tn l n on ch ltcli by J. T. lli > Mty , 213
nuth Nth ft. C OftMO
MONRTTOtOAri In Hums ol tSOO nt ) ujiwurJ
O. P. IMvIa nil Co. , Il l Kcttto nil
Ancmli , U05 Ftrrkm St. COT II
[ ONEY loaned on chattels , llallroail Ticket 3
L bough ! and void . Foreman , Sit S. Ittb
U ANTKD-A man that undo'stands rfVaninnl
Illiniums , nd will traVo hlnnoll mcfiilin tlln-
ng room. lU'ftrenccs requited , 1513 Dodijo St.
170 12
WANTKI ) - AcootlrMflMnan , wiih fMicrlcnro \
ilrho a baker's uagnn Apply ISO ? St Vntj's
avo. 171 lii |
\ ' \ \\7'ANTKD- l < lowl , littlthftllttloRlrlMhr u
V > korpcr , 117 north Nth St. 177 Up
\VANTED-A rompteitcok In tiiiRlt tftmll
> 1 A | < p y 7(0 soiith 10h St. 133 lOp
n trut Uniltntikritslhncnrdrlmt-
ii tu , to drive w gen tiil look attir < * ltj tr < lo.
O I' . Kft ) i Co IDS lOp
" \\7"ANTKO A girl to ill general hou-o o k ot
Hi7 llatncj St. 100 14p
\7ANTKD-Llght IIOIBO and wajjon (111 ( a 10th fit
T 171-10p
" \A7AXTEI ) ' Kinatt jnuni ; glil for houtr ntk In
II n lainllj of three. Mm. J , II. Ciino , Chtrlo *
. , bet Iroionmllamca , 101-11
" \A'r NTKP Afa'cmotnun Cull on H C Kcr > n < nn
I Omaha lliiiiliiita Collivo HOSp
AATANTFI ) A ilnmir von nil to do ir'ti-
> cral lintiKVurk for a f mill of lour ndnltii
loot waRcn loan clll lint Juno , 02J > Chinl f , bet
Ktiitf ntxl Cattipbill tl' . ISO Op
WANT'Drent ( * ( or our new bonk ooil l < nv
to orl > cr8 ' "all or nddrcts (5oo. Hunter , H 'i
UtirtSt , OnmtnXeu Ia-ln4 | >
N'TT.U-flool Iho Bollcitors AilJrtM Mutual
all Imuranro Co. , St u lit Neb. tw-inip
\ \ ; ANTKD-A iir t chs iiiiiiicrtoiii oiii ' the
> Motrrpol.tin. . No cthirne d apil , . "Kl tf
" \l7ANTKD-llyn o nipc'tnt ' jounz eltl , ilttittinn
> ' us tbanibcimud t r waiti-r or w u d doener. ( .
nlhoiue-work. lufetrnco Item lasti nulfrr > Ad-
die s "E. u " lid ! olll c. 174 Up
\yANTKO B In itlon In a pilvato f m'l ' > as BCII-
ctftt hou'okteper. limuiro JJoun h twW13
Fatnam. jflj. jp
TX7ANTM-SI'uatlon by a jottns ladj DH iteno-
IT gtapler. txpu-wiiicr , c pjlBt , iKtk or i.ok- .
liccpcr. Occupation > ery tuucn dcshcil. AiMnt.3
"D F"lco unco IM-lOp
WANTED lij D lai'y ot cxpcrlcnco and with cold
icfercncc" , k posl Inn an hnuao kcopor , or take
care of an Ibxalid. Adilicsa 217 N.SIxtocntll St.
123 9p
; nianlul tn n w rns eituatton at bcok
kcovcr , ID wholusalo eettblljhmeDt In Omaha
Addrwn " 0. " care HOB. IMf
WANTED Tobuj or trade for 8 < onrd hant ) ei.
ptces wigon th or ulthouttptlnxa 17S 10
T17ANTED Tot nefliBtclnssrtMnuran andlunch
VT counter tn a ti.i > ruuihly rciixxia bio larty. An-
ply 12131) p'l8i , iflS-tf
W "ANTED a few boirdoia at 1720 Cuss st
153 lip
\1 > NTED La'll-H ai d gentlemen In city orennn-
T V tr > to take light work at their 011 lion o $3 tel
? l a dar easily made ; wrrk > cnt b\ mail ; no canMiss *
ug Wo hOKOCi ! demand forrurwork andftirm < h
ftfvly cmiilo.ricnt. Aciilna- with eUlnp , ' H AVN
MTO. COill'Aft Y , 291 Vine St , Cincinnati , Ohio.
113 in 4p
WANTED A ( tent * to wo-k for the Western Mu
tual Uinevo cot Aseocl&'ion , ol Beatrice , Mb.
CiEh rat ItalSKOlOU , paid up In full Ihoee disltln ) ;
fKenciea In Ui > tcin Nei rarka or Wo Urn Iowa ,
sluuld sddriBH C , > . Wooilcy Na 1222 Famim et ,
Orraha , Neb , or Oliver C. table , > co'j , Beatrice. ' ,
Nek To peed agents , men or voucn , n llbo al
uonipon atiun lil t-e pa'd. Company In roopira-
tn oln plan , eafc , rtllablo and cheap , atd ea y ta
work. 806122
TOH RKNT A dialrab'e nine room house ; Iniuiro
X ? 71010th St. , near Webster. 121-12p
FOH R ? NT Kew buck hou , 11 roomc , modern
Impiovenuntii , No. t2 N 22d at. liiquira 2110 :
California st , 107tf
F IOR HRNT Ahouao of 10 room * , N. W. corner
10th and Clark St. 110-13p
lOU KKNT-PaTtcf bulldln ? N. E. corntr lav-
enpcrt and IfllhSts. Boom' cmugh toaccou-
' ' tamlly&td convenient for houao kef pine.
FOH HENT A new brick house rf 8 ro m ? , $20 per
month. Arp'votWm. ' GoutliinariB ctoro , lOtb
anilcnaiSt. I'hiUp Llaik. 14'J-lll >
P.OII HKNT House 4 roorrs oouth 13th St , gl.'i.
Cottagn fi rooms near Hamcom I'ark , $17 Ilouie
5 roonu Uavenpoit and vstn Sts , 917. IIouso 2 laree
rooms and l cr ground ixith Omaha , fO C IX
Ma J no , IStbaodl'ariiam. l3tf
1011 ilKNT Good h so five rocms on 2d 8L
near Mason , 3 blocl H fr < m car lire Wo'l and
cl-tern Injulrn M , Lee , grocer , 22d St 7iOpp
FOH HENT New 5 room collude VlrRirli ao. , 2
blecliH e st i f I'ark ave a , ' d 1 block > outh of Ht.
yarv' . c r' , ? I2 SO per rr > rth. luuc Admnt
ID Inn/erblrkop | > oito I'cst oll'ce. 12-tl (
F\OK KVNT C. t'aRo three rootni bouth S3d Ste.
Ini'ilrc ' 1709 Jtrk < < oii Sts. lin-Ilp
F it II NT New cottage , 5 room" . J I'lfja \ lloe ,
1512 U Mb st. MS tf
FOH Hi\T : Nice 6 room cottage coiner 24th and
Pavvniort strict. Apply to E. B , Chapman ,
1217 Howard Bt W3 tf
HENT A new lcht room nouor. Fnquiroof
Jlr < E. Uoddli , lEth.bettavcipoit and chl a-
70 lt (
I nil KKNT-Furnished Uoomwltn board 60S N ,
I7th. 624-tf
FOH IlKNT-Now Ire rocm houfo , with olty
vvat > r , on Pnuth 17th St. near lallr ad trakc
ktiltablo for brardir houre ; rent { 30 ; i' quite at
cmaha foundry or c f T. W. T. Hlcbards , 054 tf
' Ill-NT A 6 > oi mcclturi. on eait eo 17th
ht. re ord door eoutb cf Wtbittr ulio l
O. U. Doane & Ua 777 tf
t' il ifX 'iei \oon\k ve e
lor four KCntituec , Iii'l'Jlro ' at 18IG Cailtol ave.
IlfNT- With board nlcclj Urnlshcil fmnt
Poll § ultablo ( or tuiiKui tlctntn , woud al'o Iho
oi it JOUIIK IM y to o tumid bond at Botttli wis'ror.
ul St. Moi.v' . a > o , and Ht. 168 13p
P oil HKNT Neatly furnibhed rooroa
ate. 167-llp
FOH KENT NIctly furclihed wana at 1718 Caw
St. 1BI tf
.IKKNT-KurnUhcd ( rout room , 1C04 Hurttt.
f Olt Ur.Nt-KiirnUlicd roc ma 028 S. SCIhit
OH HKNT I'liriilehid rnnm with modern ronvin
leucca for uno cr two L-iutletuen at 1710 Cast tt
F OH HENr Nicely furnished room with uxco
lent board , 1612 Farnam Bt , 032-tf
HENT 7 nice rooms en 12lb ttrcet between
1 Douylw and Famaui. Apply to alitropollUn
Uotcl. 112 JOp
OOM TO I.KT Kniiulre drutf ttoro , cor , 10th
U Dcutriau , 1 < M tl
UF I Oil HKNT-Furidilied room , 106 N. Ibtb it
UF H8 lOp.
OR HKNT-Kurjlthed froi.t room , yrith oruRh-
F cut lire , 13 0 Capltol AV . 107-ia | .
IIFNTyurnlbhtil rotms , 1616 Catiltol v .
00118-With board , deilrable or wUittr , Apt I )
< at Hk ChllUl Hotel. 9J3-1I
HKNT One furnlthtd tedrorgn withl o rd
FOU two or three clay boardtrt , l'X Webtur.
fj Olt HKNl'-A s-lto of verj i\ \ I r able front r"omi
I t1 for renl , BOuth-ta-t coiner CblCAga Mill20th 8U
I one blocH ( rum lied or lluet Wi 10 ( )
UENT-Tno front roonw. 1628 Caplto ! ovn.
t ! H
_ _ _ _ >
RENTr.tAwil fnrn llu,1 r .m . , lfi ( ? c
IjHiilhKNI-FutiilAhc.lroonhi nt ISinDodjoft
* _ > JfebTH
f t > JIp
011 flKNT-.r'c llgrthoiifrlieetiru. Uorootn
imtiMifdlrrtriUiiiirpo.p , U W. cor Mh mj
' FXulnl > ho < l ' " > i 'ooin foicn SIJ !
lulh Mt OI2'tf
t It S\1.R Oil THAOK-rot ln-ro\l | ; koJ ,
toixIS-toij Mote , iirojifttr In Wijic , .V . A
lilor'c l ) tii.'lots in Al'jrton hmi , nml 2 .rooil
tf , Norm * . H\11ioin. Aurfrcu O. I > . lllwMI ,
Walnut , I'olt I'o , livra. ITSmOji
\ H S\t.h-A ROIH ! | ijHr ) iii.ii Ith nmt t
lonch coantotun ) .c i iir > S Mt chcJ A Ur
ln. 8. Troftlrr , 203 Smith IStli St 162 tl
1 'Ml S\1.K Orrbanco a ( till tcck r ( clothing- ,
poo'an.l fchoc pen 'ttturMNtitnirifOOiift * ll cx
itiljo ( or NchrMka Lund * . , ll.fctcu n.ffll 8.
li/tn St. , Oinabn , Neb 165 tt
F 0'1 ' ock ot cn i > nJ fHtnrwj
FFOR t i nco "J K " llcf oirre. 117 Up
FOR RAI.K KC orD ol l t l nn Un.U InVix h-
liiifon n.i'ntj , Nil. ; S mllo. from llttmnn :
8 rotten trrm li | ir M 111 dllioi nM \ \ tMh or wllf
trudo t rhoti-o In ( nnh , It Imjcr will taVo up
on loni ; tlm T o whola loul unirr
Ail < rcJos Ko1o\rutck , No. 13 I B
mil > t. , Oinih , Ntb. ooi-tl
S&'oon ami lUturcs 0"ntrallj Inratnl ,
nnil ilu agoiul lusnithj. Avldrc- ) "Silooii"
llco olllce , jf-a , |
P IOUNALK ( h ti-riiohalfncreln north Onmht.
AJilrefs X V. / Dor ollloc.
OIl SAtr-V 200 toni uKctiilhaVAt K'l '
tlon , pilce 83.00 iicr ton Apnh to1\m
Elklioin 852-lmp
FOH H I.K A 'o.l put It i > hnpl-inont lmsltif
well 'oeatfil unit v taliWinlln tlultlnir , inwnon
II. i. M. U Kin Nik f\ir\lliiig rivy to tton
rleht Intopn-tl traili. Only inodo nto en | llnl re-
( | iiir , il Atlilii-iH "S. Y " I ic ollioe , 012 Icb ESji
1 , 011 SALK CIIK < P Ono elewunt crt mbor wt
tormcr cost due roKUlttor clock ,
ono i early new linabc 1'iano , fixe pi M framed
.ilctur B , rue hoiso , linincn and plioetcn , ono
Holla pnfc , email ulio , onn heautltiil ehtna colTcn
pit Ale B Irrire | nro Hooded St Herninl d < e.
Inquire 1015 1) c-u ! St. 23M !
FOIt SALK 68x104 ( cot on miming Ptrw t 3 l.looke
neNtof Mllltarj blidgc , * 1OOJ. John L. SlrOaijue
opjiiwito I'o-t olll o. HSt'tl
F OIl BAtK-13'il2t ( cot on corner , south-oMt
fro * t , htmso 3 rooms , Lnru , 3 block vvcat u
I'nrk n\o. nml I.ocn orth , eany pajmrnts , cheap
? 1,7CO. JohnL. JloCimtic , opposite Pout Ofllco. 017-lf
Foil SALK A nowstmk of lmtd areand Irrplo
met IB , l.utino . wtll tBtub'l ' linl , fa'ei" for jcftr
* 4 , * 7f..lOi. AHU | IHW brick bill ding built In IS'-S ,
ar" x20 ! , tuo 8toi > ai it I n-cnn nt Aim fr > ino
w am home r ai itnl i | ul id f 10111 lnW ( ] to $12.000
cliMh o ot bnlldli R. Location 1 he \ crj bitt in the
ctof \ Kcnmceb Her I'dit ! ulit , addrc a
\\hltcakir & Co. Icck b x DS1 , Ktornc } , Neb7t
7t < S-
B AI.KDHAY ancil quality , I wo.t piicc. T. S.
Clarknii , Scluilor.riob. 110-inlp
17 or part ol twotliousnnl noren of timl'cr Und
forty mllc oaat of K n i City , wll oxrbariKo foi
Nbroska land or morohandloti. Uodford , Soner ft
rpUCKNCl' Ono biynve , wo' ' H about 1.20J
JL poutidi lltd cnhnl'er wiih hltchlne rap.
Cwncr riu > huxnpatnebv p jlnir chart'if and prov
Inc prop , rt > , . Inquire at Nebraska Steam Laundrt.
106 S. lilhat.
ICC Ilcwanl will bo paid f r f-o recovery of
* " - ' "Sporf'a law , ' .lai-k iictuundUnd dog lester
or stolen from llauniunn'd Ilrovtery , fchcrman avc.
Omaha. i9.n
FOUNO-Onowa h on Tenth st , sou'h ' of Far-
nam. Ouncr muy have eame t.y en 1 nj ; nt 8hl\-
orlck'Fuinlture store , protbitj property and pajlns
for this aHcitljcniL'nt 172-.0p
BUSINESS I.OOAriON Largo up-stalM room for
rent or will sell either butlutsj or leac ot bull-
.Inf. Cor. 15th St Karnam. Innulto 1011 Cap. A\e.
PHIVV vaults , 8lnk end co Hiiool < clonncd at the
Khorrcst not oo ntid kt any tlirc cllho day , in An
entirely nrd rl ai nay without tbo Ntt-t molotttatlon
to occupants or nolKiibiira , vlth rur Improved and
odorless apparatus. A EvanaXCo. , Oil C'apltrI uvo.
FOK THAUE For inerchanHlso groc rio pre-
fcrrod , three (3) ( ) valuable lets In Dayton , Ohio.
Jno ( ) lut In St. Ixi-olp , Mo ; 640 acres of Dnoland la
{ annas ; One ( lfasiu ) In Ohio. TbU property U free
of lucumbranoe AH comn.unlcatlona will be treated
strictly oonfldontlal. t ) . H. Wmspear , 2074'CumlnT.
St. S87J1USO
AI.IST , SOS Tinth street , between Farnam and tlar-
noy will , wivn theaU of euardl&n srlilts , obtaining
for orj ono tUuoa In the put and present , and on
coiUIn conditions In the future. Boots and shoM
ade to order Perfect satisfaction gu
Nollro Is hereby given 'bat on the rocond day o
Marib , A. I1. 161 , between the houia of nine o'clock
a. m. and ( en o'oivka in , of Haul da ] , at Ihofrrnt
ilonr of ( he county court home , N. K o'rner i f 10th
arid Fari am it aelH , In the cltv ' f Oioaba , In lu\nf-
lancouiitv , Nebrask , 1 H oil i ( Tnr for tlo t > the
h'ghu-t ' bidder , the following dincilbed real teUto.
lo-wit :
The north ralf-f I t number ono hundred and
nlnitien , ( ll'and iho Hi tlihtl of li.t . nutnbir one
hiindwl and mo , (101) ( ) , In Nelson'n Addltiou to the
city of On aha , in IJQ KBH ! county , Nebra-ka.
hald > lJ ) * to he maili' tu pu suarconf an rrder of
the D'atnct' ' i-u < t , of sold n.unty , by I 111 zor Wako-
lei , Ju'ee ' , madoon tbo 7tn ilay i f July , A D 1K31
directing slid cttate i < > bo HC ! I to pxv the dalnm
aKalnst the iH'atonf Ocorco K lltinbiyil , dcctuso
THIIMS OK BAI.K-l.l.t fomtll r.f tbe mrhaso
piiie ti bo i aid 111 ca > h , an't thu bulaico In iqual
payments , to be paid at Uo end of one , two and
thtce years , te'pict VL | , with IntoicKt at eiht ( pel
ami mr annum , 10 mod by tlio bu. d of the inir
chaser anil bv a tnoitaiL | < if tt o p umlmB sold bald
tale will bo hi Id optn lor ono hour , coiLtLincIngat >
t.luo o'lloik a. m , at almcxMil HUDnAIlD.
AduilnWrstrU of the Dtuteif Ciio K. liubbard. de
ity AND11EW BF.VIS3 , Dor Attorney.
Thearnval meeting o ( thi > BtockholdcrH ot the.
Bro I'liMIt ) lux Uu , wll bo hold at ilulr c tiled , No.
918 rarnanutrtutjon Monday , rarch 1 t , iH-r.atR.
o'clo kp. in , fur tuo vlectlou of ollloir , and 'ho ,
tmiisaotlon of such other hu li > r i ua nmy rnmo tx > .
futv it K HCWhU A1KH , I'HHld nt
UMAIM Ftb. 10 , J8M. UblOdlOL
No'lfe In hutili fhcn t at the ( Inn ntKt , Jo'au
& llork' n , U t'.ntlay . ulssoivud by rnutuvl ( ou ect.
L. L. Muinan 11 lontlliU ) the butlneiii at lieoLl
ttinl , .ml will ajsinno * 11 iho llriu'ij llauilltlu tu >
datu , and iol let allhlllsduti Bald Hnn.
H. 8. Hn JOHN ,
Oil MIA , Fib. 9Ul U-l Ija.iL'p
Dakota , Jjiiuuj I'i , 1835 , )
Sraled jiroporalj In triplicate lidortnl , propooalt
for thu erection ol one WuiuUltht ami Cartwiiter
shop , ow haiiiMtf , blico ai.d 1. 1 o. I a'tcotu hop ,
ouu ulnbter house , t o wa on and Uoraxe thuils ,
one b.iUo hou e ana cellar , ki thli aifrii y and direct-
oJ t > tlo und r < Kneil , tare ol Chiur t uarltrinaster
depB/twint , oltbo iltttu , Cmiha Nub , will be ro.
ceivtil uotl 12 in , Hilurdij , Fibriliry lkl' 5
I'I arm and tptcllliatl , us can iw ixniiilutd In the
n'ftc of tlio tiMef iiuarte' aaiitor , Jui rurt-iunt of the
I'Uto , OicUia , Neb , th "Ii ter Ociaji" Crdcaifo , llls
and the "Journal" t Kaisai Cliy , Jto.
ContiMt will loawariaJ totlM > lowa respormll je
Wilder , subject th the r.i | roval ol thu dvjitrtineiit , of
the InU-rloi
'Ihu lUbt , however. Is ruHoirrd to reject any Bnil
all , or any patt ofanjbld , it iuem ! tloi the l" iln-
Until el the eervlco
l'iii' | It must Mate Iciifith cl time ; e > | i' ' jrt < l for
ooiurkUtlim ot building altei appruval of o-ntrait
an I must IHJ > ccouiulnuJ | bt a ivrtilloi cl > uck upon
u me Uidtfd Htat < Depwitor ) , ( ajable Vi the cider
ut the 'umc/Blxnud , | ur nt | la.t fjlu >
per coot of thoa louuk f ihopropoiial w | , | } , rhctk
khall bu toifeUol In the UulttJ btaUHn \ ( Atu nf any
b | . der icctUInx tbe aw. rdj ihall / , | | to eiccntu
ptoniptly iv r U with K od rnd luaclent neciirl-
tlt.11 , acccr. Jliu to t o t < nun ol hla till , otherwlua to
bo leturncd to ( Uu bidder.
1ft ' .vjrthit li'l ' iu > atonaddrCM tha ua < erslim < l
at rij UldB * Asency , I ) kot'4
T uiid ftUn'l ' will will bo at P * ton House ,
, the ruoifjlnf ol Krldi " Kubriuuy
V. T.
J nr.8m ( T.U. . H. Jodlau Au a