Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1885, Image 1

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Another Interesting Batch of Honse
Bills Ontliucd ,
A Variety of Subjects Tackled by
the Legislative Solons ,
Omaha Senators' ' Favorite Pas
time , Fixing the Slooum Lawi
Lincola Swarming With Bailroad
Lawyers and Agents
Busily Primine TtamBolvoa rifer
the Anticipated Fjghti
Cni.lln ! Choi Tlio He-inker Family
landy ClurkK Itollor
Pay or Mcmbcn ) .
Spoclal Corrotpoudencu to Tun UKK.
LINCOLN , Ntb. , February 11. Following
is a brief ciitlluoot the bills now before the
house :
House , 207 ( JJeno , Detailed schedule fcr
assessor * .
House , 168-Tnxgart , Iloltting to Echool
govcniment null school di-tricts.
House , 2iJ ! Winapour , Oath and duties of
IlousolUl Crook. Authorizing treasurers
to sell real oitato in vlllagei lor dchuejueut
Homo , 203 Uaren , Estiblising a uniform
rate ot assessment thioughout the Btnto at
ono-thliel v.tliu ) .
House , 1U7Luce , Abolishing township or-
HOIHP55 1'oteraon , Determining the lia
bility of counties nnd towm fur injury to per-
or.u or property W Defective hl li-vays.
lloufle , 'J57 Uobertaou , Uehuiug method
of aubmlttli g to voters relocation uf county
coat ) , requiring it three-filths vote to change ,
mid prohibiting change * where the county hua
< ! xpcn ed over § -O 0 In buildings.
Home , 24'JVnito , Proviuing lor the pub
lication of trenMii-er * ' btatementi annually.
HUUB2 li Kdey , Authorizing commis
sioners of counties in which of cities of thu
first class ore ttitu.V.eti , to grade or pave roads
leading .horoto , two third * of COB : tu b ) paid
out of road fund , balance assessed to nbuttiug
liousB , 213 Liebhart , Defining qualifies-
tiom of cuiiu y HUpoiintemloiitB of schools.
House , 221 Mu on , Authorizing ghude trees
And eidoAiiloB uloug i > u lie ro.ula uiid pio-
vlding I' r trimmmg hedged and Cutting wtojH
along pubic road * .
House , 1210 Adams , Authormno ; bounties
for kill ! g wolvi-H , wildc.vU anil
Houto -Kinersjii , Komi ot bdanei
beet f > r treasurer , to be riloa with clerk semi'
House 223 Tbnni BOD , Providing thai
Henior commUsitinerr thall bs chairuian of the
board and sign all warnings tin the trduaury.
HoU'O 212 Mu in , Providing for cuuutj
court in o ganizeil counties
Houses J'JiS Newc uier , Kdating to roai
tai and exemptions therefrom.
THE couitm.
Home , 151 Wright , Authorizing judge :
of JUtiict courts 1 1 nppoin . : i uiurt ci minis
eloner , vvbn shad bo un attoin-y , tu U'hon
tin cnurt may rolor , with cmneut of pirti ,
< ii'iitv CAMS , imoitions of f.i'jt , and taking ol
House , mo Hiley , Amending section 11(11 (
of Civil ciiilit , roiiitiuir tu autious in justice
Homo , llij-Urunni-r , Organizing circui
inH'.ead of county itmris , 1 10 jud o to hok
otlica for f jur ye.iM at i\ ealarof SJ.OJU i
J louse , 211 Johnston , I'm iding that supreme
premo court judgoitlull tuo written opiuioi
within bixty eluyd alter o iieo IK i-ubnuttid
which opinion thail not attjrwarda ba changci
or modiiiuJ.
House , 177 Th mipion , authorizing coun
tins to pay a b unity of ; J3 . ' ! . ! | > or ura to an ;
person who nhil ! plant and cultivate fores'
trcev , nut in TO iluu tight ap.u't , in ruv
jtnd ros four fi"-t nparc.
llniisi ) , tbO ! II It , Providing for printinf
C,0.0 unpiex of ihu auuual rei > ott ol tau stut
Ixi.i rd of a iKillt'iro. '
House , .li ? Nuwcomcr Providing that i
'Jie < lgo of U-UKO o'aiigo of at l > j it oun iuw o
tJaiiiH , hftodu inch m upit , bh ill c jiiitinuo
"iawful loiico ; willowf , lf > inchcH upa.rc , 1'i i
-diauHiter , uml li fuut high.
Huiitu. 242 11 ilc , Providing for appoint
H'nt of pobccinuu ut state and count
taira ,
House , 20l-lUhv. ! ! of CUy , Whercai an
wber foie , H ( J. U.IVBOUv i w.irden of th
peiiituutiiu-y t o ytars i nnd t n luoiuln , an
during that term IH piMuiit or Inn OATH pjckt
thu cunt of supporting IIM f un'ly ' li tinu leu
fuel , com o > ing mull nd oth-r living i'i
peiuce , and appropriating SI'J8u to iciaiburi
llou.o , l&J Kugeno MiuuiVhi > rcfor
Tbnt tu of N < nitdii n juitly inilult"d ) I
Bamnel llac.iu in tlin auui o' § l,8.)8.0j" ( a
siya thu ml- ) for Kdrvla B an prlncip 'I of th
blind ini'Uiitd , an 1 approiJiuiing the iibjv
llouue , " 05 Sto\m on. Appropriatin
l.Wil to rvinibiirsu Ut > o county for txuei.a
h icmrutia ihu trul of Quin liuhaaau , ill
> \ 'uverly inn Uarer.
. HuiHu. 17o HoJinea , Appropriating SJ.82
to ' ' : iy u numbor.of l.lncoluciuzBiia for mono
nlle f'J ' to hay bet-u iwlvuueU to thd uui
vcri. 'ty 'or rt-piirj in 18T7.
IIo\ i "i ISO Uarnuv , App opt'ating S30
000 ful tlio tiinHliui of two additions to tk
Keurns v ri form ncliool.
' Vlili ICa' . J tsblirihin
lloim , y. a noun1
Bchool ut Il l CJ iU' % j "uvld i nir , tha town pi
up the co " "f ll' " buildinir , 31 1 ,01X1.
Hou e , .XfiS Howard , livulim ; the nnlvoi
slty into live ilt'pnt'i'futlz : Ij'terntiin
Bcluicii and fcrt. a. ludu.trul colltgu ; ; t , Uv
4 , mediciup ; 6. li " rtn
Home , . ' ( ! ' - Ivhoo , 1'rovidlrg forac'ntn
iiBylmn for th > ' iusmo at ( < oluuibn aid ii |
proiiriaiiuK' * U MXX ) ( ) for the -'im ' .
llou.r , 2.r 3-i Stevenso. ) , ] { irp niKing tl ;
"Worn n'd A u cl to Cnarulea" jn u etal
inititutioii mil prouruting \ S15 0 < 0 for tl
erection of mw.iu ry building * at J/i coin.
lluuie.'Jll ) Hoe , % Pro\ldluf ( Lr tha ital
linlimcnt of "Tho College nf Agriculture And
Mechanic Atti , " tlio location to bo i t > en tu
cjunty eutnpctitlnn. The bonus mu t not be
lens tlun G40 acres of Itnd and ? 2\000 cnih
The bill appropriates ? 0JOO ( for the erection ol
the ntcrfsnry building ! " .
HOUBP. Z3"i llullington , The l to penlton
tinry bill recently publidied la full ,
House , 141 AdamTo prevent the npread
of contagiousdlstases amongdoinittic animals
and providing for the apuoiutuiont uf \et
etioaiy surgeon at n ( aiaiy of ? 2iOO ayotr ;
alto -amtiiry comimadon of thrca persona to
act with the Burgeon when any contagious dis-
euro appears.
lUusu , 185 Tiiylor , Similar to 141.
runuo c.\nuiF.Hs.
House , 31-Leo ! ) , To pi event freight and
cinH niLttou tr.itiH running on Sunday. K *
ceptiuns are intdo in catc ot war , ln unectti n
or riot , or to furnUh relief for culF-rers ; in
cases of wrrcVsand stcck trains ; penalty Icr
viuUtlon , $ MX ) .
House , C7 Stovrn "H , Knublin cmplojes
of rnilroidi to recnvHr f > r lurnonul mjuric" .
House , l'J5-IVterson , Au'horiz'ng the in
coipnr t'on nf dtti-rtivo assoc'atiun ' , with
bindol SIO.OOH , to futtifully and liono tly
Ivrret cut crunlna'i ' , preserve inviolate reirits
uf Btnto and otlur recrats c nhded to the
m mbcrs , must nut ill ir o > xceesivo left , und
must H wear to Mippoit the Unittd States and
ttiloconttitutlons ,
HnU'C , 208 .JohmtoD , Uha > ging the name
nf the Pint Motliodist chinch of Lincoln to
S : . Paul Mcthorilft church.
lloust ) . 171Harlat , Punj i'iiff ' porconn
who attempt the releuso i f piis m ra by force
or by the introduction i f tools into prisons ,
Home , IDSLetKifinyiing p n i niers ,
dieabled soldiers and Invalids fion payment
of neil tax.
Houte , 1JI Cole , RttihllKhint a military
code and upproi riatlng S10OtO annu illy for
the cuppoit of tlie mi Itiry. 'Ihu atjutant
general i to leceivc SHOD a uud the hlpb
p ivatca $ . ! a day while oa duty , on parade
and encampniHiit ,
Home , 170 Hu-sel , Providing fcr n geological
logical mid mintralogiial survey of the ntato ,
the chief to rtcelvu $2,1100 a year ; assistant
House , 197 Hiloy , Concerning ot carrying
into tlfect of intent of puliej conveying real
estate , BH shown in couvoyaucf.
Hbitse , 24Q Making it a misdemeanor for
any officer to clmree an illegal fee.
House 259 Williams , Authorizing coun-
tips , precincts , towiia. villages and sciiool dis
tricts to fund th ir indnbttdncH ) ,
Hou c , 203Munn , Providing fur the care
and management of cemitprlo" .
House , "tit Bluco , To leea'izo ' the contract
between George S mtherlund and Wai' iuuton
nnd Kurt comities for digging thu I'lsh urceU
Homo , 217 Kalley , Providing that townri
and villages having between 1,500 and 2,600
population xhall bo cities of the sucond el is- .
llouse , 211 Thompson , Providii g for can
celling Insurance polities at request of party
Hou-e , -C.illnlian , Providingthat t xe <
become delinquent May 1st of cacti
jear.House , 191-Howard , Defining gamblins
nnd butting and providing for suppression ol
Houfc , 175 Nctlloton , Providing for tak
ing the couhus nf the state thi jcir , in ac
cordauce with tha forms preferred by coil' '
; ress nnd making approprintion therefor.
House , 241 ilohuatou. To prevent poolinf
in insuranuo rates
Hose U25 Cole , Defining duties of judge
of el ctlon.
v2Holt Pro\iilir that sub-divi
_ Homo : ! - , \ -
mnn ( if II-HS th&'i livH ncriR of turrit uy coutig
uous to Incorporated cities , ahull bucoma par
of slid citini.
H iU'0 15 Cole , Defining tax on insu-acc
] ) remiuniB.
Houin 33 Thomas , Appropriating § 35nCi
for p i > inent of incidentjt expenses of the leg
i-1 ture.
House 217 Irwin. Pameai 208.
Housi7 Eberinan , Kegulat'.ng ' sale o
mint ag'd property.
llimn "ifKinnnce C mmittoe , Transfer
ing SU.03 .22 tu the slutHtnk nz fui d.
House 184 I'rovi for tecordin
184Taylor , ling ]
stock brand by the swfltiry of slate.
LINCOLN , Tebruary 10. The tenato put i
the morning hour in henrirg reports of con
niHtees. and couhidtring bills in tha cnm i it
tee of ibe whole. The MetE Hqurr bill wi
recommended to pass. Senator Paul intr <
ducfd a b 11 to -fmo ombeszleinvnt on rai
road trains by cmployef. tieiutor McShun
introduced nnntlicr licpicr amendment. 1
Eueni9 to bo a favorite pastime for the Omah
senatois to tamper with thu rflccumb Uw
which I ) generally considered nearly perfec
The committee of the whole , with Senate
McAllister in the chair , spent mo t of tl :
time in considering Stnate files 01 and 01
TlitMO bills were introduced by Senate
Spencer , and the lirst provldis for the ab liu ]
ment of the # t-noril grind jiuysy-tem , an
the second ( or the eltc.iou of c .unty utto
nry , and fixing his dutiui and pay. A'ti '
c i. Kido ub'o in cushion und Jinny mine
aini-ndinjiils , ihu bnU wore recuimnuiidud I
lu p.l s. Tli"v are nearly thu aaniu iu Hill
ttalico : n th-i billi p Hied tw > yean ago , im
veioud l > y the governor. Wbstbur ttn-y wi
nii-o , thb H.iiua fulj tuis time rtouauis to 1
seun.Tli railrna 11bby oc > upied snaU in the ga
lory ttim moinlng .mil aui'lied ' llu iair phy
ogtiDiny ol 110 v.irlom tnatir < . Some actit
Wi rk H b'lng done iu VIHW uf the uppr ucl
Ing ti 'ht to-morrowr. Jimnett , of tliu Pul
man car company , i < hnre working nginxt
bid ii.trouiifed iiuo the liousu relmive to tl
taxation uf sleeping am ! diniug ctra. Tl
lull WHS introduce ) by UejreiiiUtiv'd | H zei
of G ge county. IIJH inbablia ) n imoer <
memOtjrd wid soon bo eating uud Bleeping i
Pullman cars ,
Special Telegram to the Ilk' * .
LlNceLX , February 10. TJie sonata cpei
the cutirIK'to noon issalon in the coittmltt
of Ui4 wliolo und rusliAdninatean bills thcoug
killing three of them. Mott of thosu wu
amendm ndiaanti to the compiled utatutea c
criinlnitl co H , Thro * ruilrual bil s we
among thu number courid rHil , and they we
reooiiunnn led tur paitaifu without dla-eut.
The bills w ri f r the Breotl > n of bullet :
biards at nil stttiou * , g visg the time of &
rival aud departuut ot all truiua , compullu
the r.uJroidi to ssho 'ctlo ' { or publi
tinHttiopj eugeri id f eight rateu , and con
pel ing souiiectlug ro idn in receive and Iran
ttfijuight. Seuaii'r AIcSluuu prentded ovi
the comiuiUee.
SjiecUl cirre'poudeiieo to TUB BKK.
IIXOLV , 1'dbiuary 10. Tin raak ipd C
of the railroad lobby cvorkum were twel
hours late ou die sotne of oj > eriUt > n tl ;
week. They usually turn up on Monday
morninz early but It was evening of Hie same
ay before they mmlied Inlo line on the
iresent occsiion. They me at their post * flip-
demented by many now officers who until
now hnvo been nbicnt. The highways and
jyeways have been scoured to bring theie nd-
itionol helpers into the fold.
Toe entire railroad In nl stnlt Is hero with
ho ticket agents , tha freipht agents nnd
oners It striken tne that the only persons
belonging to the linoi not at present in Lin-
oln are the engineers and conductors and
hnio absolutely ncccfsary to woik the roads
This will give your readers how desperately
ho railroads will tioht in order to ftustrnto
( gislation bcneCcul to the peop'o of the
On authentic authority , a person on whose
vord every reliance may ba plaeed , ny that
every effort , every de\lco and every nvallablo
cho o is btin * tried bv the r < ilro d corpora.
Ions' puppctJ to nullify oven the sap of
mcidcatii n which hat been thiown at the
jeuiplo and which thu lgU atnrs Hatter thmn-
ulves by calling binuteous railtuad Icgtsla-
ton. Ututlemen whoare private citizens of
jincoln who have hither o been allow. il to
ti-upo the temptation ) and intiigucs of the
ui'r ads htuo beea lately approached and
ntroi e 1 1 < as-l t. Th si' chemliu lobbyists
mving conquered the hearts of most of the
political wcir.d are cmboldi n l by their suc-
fRt to penetrate oilier spheres Tlipyha\e
indormtued by coiruptiim the political and
IDW wish to mbdui the domcstio are La. The
: itzetiH ! of the state never ba\o succeeded
n extracting more than he most meagre rail -
oid accommodations for which they have
b'cn compelltd to pjy luxuiious piiccs , nnd
now when an attempt in being m.ida to
rinedy this state of thinga the railroad
obby try by corruption to maintain this e > s-
em of extortion.
The budness of the hou o this morting wai
f n found character. One nr two reports
were received from committees , a resolution
) ! no importance except to j-iuitota of the
lousp , anil second and thiid 'oiHinz ( f bills
vas the nrder. House 11 11 20 , 23 , 20 nnd 17 1
wcru rend and passed. The time in calling
.ho roll obcttpjiug until 11:30 : when the homo
-ook u recejs until this afternoon *
Si > ocial Telegram to THE UEU.
LINCOLN , February 10. In the commiltsc
of the whole tbo homo considered the capitol
jullding appropriation bill this afternoon ,
This was talked over and the timendmontt
proposed Yesterday but nothing vra.s done.
Tbo original bill propotel a levy of one
mill on tha dolhr for the building appropria
tion. Mr. Nettleton moved for n half mill ,
md to-day Olmstead proposed three-fourtl :
of a mill The bill stood as above when the
c > mmittoe reached It this afternoon. Nettle
tin quoted figures to thow his proposed hall
i ill levy ould meet the requirements ,
Speaker Piuld who yesterday wanted a mil
on the dollar assessment wou e :
new acept three-quartfr < of n mill. Ster-
linz criticiseel Stout's action us contractor
and thought one-half n mill enough. Stev
euaou was of the came opinion. Caspar
Miller , Howard and Cole all agreed witl
Sterling , in support of the one-half mill
OJmsteA.I supported this three-quarter amend
ment , und was j lined by L e , of Furnan.
Har lim nnd Btuuner followed , ai d fotipli
the hinh n'sessmeut party with considered
vigor. Wright had his Bay iu f vor of th
large amount , but on a division the half-mil
a' ssmentwm allowed.
The whole of the Douglas delpgatlon votei
for the reduced late cx"ept Tronp , who wu
too busy warming himself at the Btovd to vet
at all . The next secti in provided forthe p > j
ment of the cmtrnctor , and Howard Bouijiitt
amend it MI tint Stout iniglif. not draw into
eat on the state warrants. This is in agree
ment with his contra t The Lancaster rin ;
headed by Spanker Field , nuppo'tcd ' b
Wright and coached by Stout , fought th
with considerable energy. But Alilk-i' , Sti
vi iwn nnd Winapear were too many for thei
nnd th y subsieled. Howard's ememlmei
pieeed. No other biuincss of importance wi
transacted , aud the bouxaadujorned.
CAl'ITOlj CHT. .
Special Corre'jmndence to THE UKE.
LINCOLN , February 10. Some of the legii
lators an ) changing their minds in regard l
the extension uf the Ecs ion to forty day
Upon investiga" " ing the new law it is four.
that it provide ! that a member's pay for tw
yeas ) is SSOO , payublo quarterly. Seme
the members dielike the idea of serving idxl
or even forty days for S37.GO. One membo
fearing the supreme court would declare tl
Amendment carried , drew $ ( > ) of his pay tl
ether day.
Speaking of financial matte , the numoro
lady elf rka in the houss commlttca rooms a
vpj-y Indignai t at Chief Clerk Xediker , wl
wrnto to Iiip ipar to thn effect that iheic w
r. v , t army of laely clrriis in tl
legislature whose pay wouht almo t d
plto thn trenurv , and that the ladj
were j aid for doing nothing , Tue ladi
iu turn accuse M Xveliknr of drawing mo
than his vhare. Hi hn his bti-iues' pirin
to nt > sut him. They Cii.h get § 1 n di
r / dikpr'n son is n clurk at ? 1 a day aud li
r i daughter is in the nenato committee rooms
° S3 u liny. Some people are inclined to Hpei
' : ' of this a < a fum-ly ulfmr.
'I ' It it n t generally known , but it is a fa
" ' that rolli r kaiirig is tlio | opubir amiHeme
0 among the legislator ? . It is Intiirntrd by o
drupglat that the demand for arnica ai
cour. iilai > t r is unprecedented. Kepresent
live Wincjieur is said to havH bidly split thr
piira of pint' , while a number of oth-r moi
h'-ra ATIJ raid to f isten on their clothes wi
nhing'e ' nails , owing to a 1 > n of buttons.
a in hinted that Si > nat -r Brown is quite a
e nating sk Uir , nod b ing a single man nttrae
9 much att'iitioa from thn fair sex , No p
i , can induce Senator Metz to try
the rolI'TH.
n One nf the moit numerous men in the
parti is If. I-ar ! , of N irfolk. Ho wantH n
utiico under the new administration anel
wants It bad. Tha next mo t inline n u m
nro Memra. Deweete and Green , in them
road lobby , uud 'IJosi" Stout , of his on
lobby , Tna State Journal nnnounce-1 t ]
other day that Ktiut had gone t ) New 0
leans , but thn "How" has other fish to fr
Ho is not conccrne'd In the eipoi-tnon at Ni
- Orlrar s a * u uch as iu thi Nebraska circi
e Frank Walters it on exhibition daily in o
e of the Commercial windowt. Ho Is jtut
piettv as ever , and looks just : u he did weD
D lie left Omiha.
i ?
Special Corre p mdfnco to tha UEK.
'r ' SLlNCOLS , Febrmry M. Interest still cente
in the railroad euei > tion In legislative clrcli
fiincf the three-cent milenge bill passed t
house the question i , What will the torn
, di ? TJi bill will probably come before t
u senate { or its concurrence to-morrow raornir
is The ) indications are that no action'
aken until Wednesday 10 o'clock ,
le tour set by Ihetcnato for considering the
allroad bills. Senators Burr , Durland nd
jiencer arc the leaders in having the rate on
nnnch roads raised to three and a half cento ,
enntor Durland Is from Mtdison county ,
nd Senator Spencer from Dakota ,
nd both of them claim that such
eduction would cripple the prospect * of the
iads in their respective localities Senator
urr opposed the reduction on general prin-
pies the principle that ho [ represents hii
onstituentu and nil conjtitne ts are pretty
nuch M. & M. satellites. Thocublio may bo
irpri ed to learn that Colonel Howe willtvote
or the three cent bill. So nlso will Dr rfow-
rs , U & M. surgeon nt llaittngt , Will hose
so his official lead thereby ?
The bill that has much to do with Omaha's
nterfHts , was brought down from Omaha by
l ° preieiitB > tl\o llrunner thn morn-
ng. It is quits loiiRtliy aid
s thn wo k of Attorney Connell ,
ho npi'iit all thy yesterday and til 2 o'clock
its morning on It. It WOH ncceis.-uy to have
10 bill introduced ti-doy , as this Is the last
ay for thn introduction of bills in the house ,
win ? to th's ' haste and the length nf the ilno
ment the HKE reporter could get but a brief
limpflo of the bill. The provisions are nbimt
10 same an those announced in n prevlou * let-
er. The power to fiipprf BS opium joints is
ivcn the council , which , it is claimed , they
mid not do before. _ Tha erection of n mar-
ot house is also provided for. A ' commifl-
i n i f adjuttment' is authorized by the bill ,
'his ' comtnlu iuii is composed of thiee mem-
erp , the city engineer and two competent civil
nglnccrd , who nro to plat ( tiest-i. adtli ions ,
I visions and tub-elivicluns. Kee ion 3 of the
ill ! comprehends forty four poiuti > , nnd thu
irnvistuns are said to bo > ery complete. Th > <
ull text of the bill or its salient points will bo
; ivcu as soon as It is possible to obtain them.
t '
pociul telegram to the BEE.
L'tSCOLN , February 10. Two witno'ses
vero examined by the laid fraud mvott'gat-
.ig c immittee. ICbbinger , treasurer of Ctdai
otinty , wa > the first witness to tell what he
id not know. His testimony w.n too unim
lorlant to record , Tbo other witntoa waa A
arrow , of Nebraska City , one of the ap-
> rnisers of the Unyward farm near Tutmaee
Ahlch J. .Herlmg Morton mentioned Hi
a-d it was appraised at seven dollar * pe
icre , which he th < ught waa t > o much , aat
bat it was not woith te-u today , btiu (
watnp land. He bid hoard IMortou's stati
not > t- , and had talked with Morton , wtu
uid the appraisers erred in judgment. How
nuch lunger tun investigittiou will continue Is
laid to ttll. It is an evpenslve luxury.
Dr. Murphy Shot and Killed 1)V i
* Sepittv 3Iitn.
Special Correspondence of THE BEB.
VAI.KNTINB , Neb , February 9. Dr. iMur
phy. formerly of Kearney , end well know
hrougbout the btate , was shot and killei
jy a equ'iw man by the name ot "Frenchy ,
thirty-eight miles nest of Valentine , o
Saturday evening. The quarrel was starte
by "Fienchy , " who shot Dr. Murphy , nn
then bh it tbo doctor's nephew , a boy abou
seventeen years old in i lie band.
The doctor waa on his return from ValeE
tine , with provisions for himself and family
to his ranch on the Niobrara river Mr
Murphy leaves n wifd and laigo family i
destitute circumstances.
Tnis iuilUcrimmate flhootinp has brnugl
disgiaca on our new cuunty , and when tbcU
is Invoked in this case we hopa tha culpr
\viil bo made an example of.
Tin- Illinois Senator I 1 , Contest
CHICAOO , February i0. The Journal' '
SpringBeld ppecial says : There was not
quorum of either party in either house. Bet
houies by common consent took a recess unt
ten to-morrow , to give the absentees time t
arrive. As only a recess.was taken the legl
tivodav continues and a baljo' ta'ten for een
atnr will bo in compliance ) with tno law.
The committeB on unceatiug rep esenU
tivei is iu fesdou this a'tenioon , Notice
have been served on contestants in the fin
aud eighth diitrict' . County Cleric Krvi
is expected with ballots this afternoon. Tl
democrats hold n cancan this evening. Tl
republicans fcra anxious to have thu nbsoi
senators to-morrow , ,
The Clilc KO election Frmiils.
CHICAGO , February 10. The trial ol Josej
C. Mackln and Bother persons Fiippoed
havft been concerned inthealleged K'ghteen' '
werd election frauds , now in progress , is c <
a'ing ereat interest. The evidence thus f
produced liat bten very c nvtncing inshowii
that the ballot box was rifl d ol its origin
cent uts and that forged ballots were printi
whii-h werd afterward found in the bal ot bo
and ha 1 ovidriitly been pi iced there after tl
box lud b en Ki en into the custody of t
county cli rk. Testimony has been ollerpd 1
engraver * aud printers ttat the forged ticke
r printed at the requijtt of Mackln.
Fremont Unrve'ite-r Works
FHKMONT , Oho , February 10. The Fi
mont Harvester Co. , of Fremont , Ohio , i
signed to-day. No ststtmtut of
or liabilities yet.
! ° Causes Its victims to bo miserable , hopcles
contused , nnd depressed In inlnel , very irrlt ;
Uf , languid , and drowsy. It Is a dlscas
which does not get well of Itself. It remilre
careful , persistent attention , and a lemedy I
throw off the causes and temo up the dlgc
tlvo organs till they perform their dutle
willingly. Hood's Sarsaparllla has prove
jUbt the required ictncdy In hundreds o case
" I have taken Hood's Sarsaparilla for dy
pepsla , from which I liavo suffered two year
1 tried many otheu : medicines , but none provt
so satisfactory as Hood's Sarsaparllla ,
THOMAS COOK , UrtuU Ulectrlo Light C
New York City.
Sick Headache
"For the past two years I have bee
anilcted with severe Jicad.iclics and elyspc ]
6l.t. I was induced to try Hood's Barsap ;
rilla , and have found great relief. I dice
fully recominend It tn all. " Mus. 1 ! . 1
A.S.NAIII.I : , New Haven , Conn.
Jlrs. Mary C. Smith , Cambrlelgeport , JIass
was a biifferer from Uyniiepsla and kick beat
ache. 8ho took Hood's Sirsaparllla an
found It the best remedy bbe ever used.
Mood's' Sarsaparilla
Bold by all druEnlsts , 51 ; si for $5. Mad
y by O. I. HOOD ft CO. , Lowell , Mass. (
iertower Will DouMless lie Confirm-
oil United S.a es Marshal ,
An Extra Session of 0 ongressie
Very Probable
Dakota Asks tbo Senate for a
Division of Territory ,
jiout Kifjlingbury's ' Diary of the
Groeley Party Made Public
And it is Anything but Favor
able to Lieut , Greeloy ,
: .v ) > lan.ttionB Conccrmnc the Kofusnl
til'IInnkH to Tnko Silver or
Silver GcrttllcAtes
\VASIIIKQTON , February 10 , Allmon pro
lidcd over the scnnto to-day.
The chair laid before the senate a memoria
n the form of n joint resolution from the leg
slaturo of Dakota , urging the division of tin
; rritory and the admission of its touthen
loition as n state *
Con idcratlou of thn bill to prevent unlaw-
ul occupancy of public lands was resumed
I his is the bill known as the nnti-fencinj
ol 1 , introduced by Senatnr Van. Wjcic. Tm
bill pa-Eod ith a slight amendment.
Cousidcrntion of ttie pansiona appropriatiot
[ ill ! was continued. Tno senate commtttci ,
amendments were concurred in ,
Ingulls said he understood the Kcnnto b ]
Its action yesterday had resolved tbat there
should bo no moro general Ippidution upoi
he general appropriation bdl . He asset
Ulitou , chairman of the committee on ap
proprlations , whether ho regareted the actioi
of yesterday binding upon the committee.
Allison I certainly regard the action of th
scuato yesterday as requiring the ejminitle
em appropri ttions , as well us the senate , t
observe ) the rule , and while I cannot speak fo
every member , for myself , I believe the ci n :
mnt-iotobo instructed to repot t those bill
without legislation.
IngallB And that there is to bo no sur
render in the committee on conference.
Alii on I regard the mstruc ions yestsr
day as requiring the conference c mmtttee o :
the part of the senate , net to report legisla
tion here without Instructions.
Ingalls And the committee ore to adbcr
tn instructions even if the appropriation bi
should fail ?
Allison Well , Mr. President , they woul
probably take the advice of the senate ,
coitainly would nst undertake to force n
extra cession uf congress with reference t > th
appropriation bill without taking the advic
ot tha senate. But I repeat , I would not , i
a member nf n conference committee , foul
was permltteel to agree to legislation upon g
appropriation , bill without lurther orders fro ;
thx senile.
Ingalls Now , Mr. President , there n ;
pears to have been some disci iminatlon ext
erclied by the committee on appropriations :
their rep rt upon this billf'Some of the gen
ril legislation that catno to us fiom the hou
has been stricken out. _ Other features of th
legislation the committee have allowed
stand. I am unable to see why if the rule
to bfl npp ied It should not be applied ui
Iiualls here pointed out certain feature
the In use bill which the reimtn comnutt
had allowed to remain unchanged ai d ask
the uenator from IOWA ( Alluon ) tvhethdr th
were not general le ia'ati n , Une clau
pointed out by Ingalls was admitted by Ai
con to bo of that character , but ho ( .Vlliso
for one bad not bjen willing to recumrnei
thit it bo ttncken out , It was the clan
pioviding that the prcsuniirion of soundnG
at the time of enlistment eluuld operate in
iu case of applicants for pensions.
IngalU supposed the r.'a'-on why Allisi
wisne-d it retained was tlut it was a valt
lilu nnd necessary legi littlon.
Allison gild nut that alone , bvt that t
ppiiato hadalreidy twice p isaed un thn pi
vision. In the amendment that Inga
moved to strike out. as general leginlatic
the. clause requiring tlut tin presumption
Euundness shall opetat" , tut that such p
sumption may bo rebutted ,
Ingalla explaineel ho had made lilt nuti
for the purpose of raising the pjmt regard !
the senate rule The committee of npprop
tii > ns had BtrifVen out ictne provisionH on t
ground that they were general leglidalion , t
Had retained other provisions precisely of tl
character. This would rem to mean tl
the senate rulf wjs to bo enforced when t
tcniatora wanted it to operate , and not tn
enforced when not wnntul Sinter
ntor Ingalls' own conviction was tl
iit tbo provitron as it came from I
lioiHO was hound , and that the senate out
to agree to it. This would necessarily locju
tbo voting down ol Ingulh' own am ndme
After further diecuenlan the Ingalls amei
meiit was votcid dovvii- yeas 1C , nnya11 , ' .
galls hiimelf voting in the negative ,
Thebill then passed sulMtantially as It ca
from [ .the senate ! co'iiinnteo , all legislat
raeabures found on the bill as it came fiom '
s h < us , relating to the compensation of pens
attorneys , etc , being utruck out , the ren
having Already passed aspecial bill cent aim
those. The bill now goes tu the boueofor c
currfnee or niin-concurrfnc in thotenate'i !
tit n in striking out tha provision referred
The uenato then re-ntii" I .o-/.id-nit /
of thn boni-e bill rejui-IiLH the lua-cmpi
and the timber culture laws ,
Dolph proposed un amendment prnvid
that all entrlts heretofore nude under tha i :
emption lawn on which final proof and p :
ment hud been made , to which there are
advereei clcimi , und which have bein Bold
innocent purehat-ere , rhall be cnnfirmfil a
patented upon presentatii n of fatufact
jiroi.f to the proper dtjiaitnicnt. Allirm
Sherman thought this might oiierato to
privu the United States of the right toreco
tha lands originally obtained from them
Without dlscueslon on the amendment i
senate adjourned.
WASHINGTON , February 10. The house i :
In continuation of Saturday'aseHsion , and wi
immediately into committee of the whe
with Springer in ( ho chair , on the poitoll
appropriation bill ,
lilngham criticized the action of the cc
mittet in cutting down below estimates the
nppropiiation for letter earner service.
ing'ey ! sdvctatotl n more liberal policy
In coipi > eiii\tlon to Amttrican strAmships for
carrying the rcaiU. Pending completion of his
remarks the cummltiea rose , the hotuo nd-
journexi , and the session of Tuosdny begun ,
On motionofTownshend the honso rcseuvtd
itself into a committee of the whole for the
fit ther contlderAtion i f the postolllco appro
priaiion bill , and Dingley concluded bii
Holman ndvccaUel n proposed charge in the
manner ol cotnpentat ng railroads lor mail
transportation. Pending further action the
committee rose.
I'helpi , from the onmmitteo on foro'gn af
fairs , reported back the resolution requesting
of the prepident the personal correnpondonco
in Hit' hai ill ef the government relating to
thtj case of 0. A. Vnuhmken , nn Amencnn
citizen imprisoned at Peirt Anpuncc , Hnytl ,
Adopted ,
I.lout , KlHllnnliui J'H lllnrr.
WASHINGTON , Kebiun y 10. Tno diiviy of
Lieut. Klslltigbury , of the Gtcelty expediiior ,
is made public.
The following nrn extract * : "Mout. O.'s
conduct late'y throateuing to ihoot Cross
without the pbghtojt reason the other day and
g wearing to thu men on other ejections with
out rea on , his silly actions In 1 tely controil
lug hunch , when thenit e < t etter men whu
can do it . Ills carrying n pUtol , n
& small hclt-c icklug nrrang m nt , u tie ridlc1
ulous , Co found the man.Vny can'c he
bo aonsibln nnd do things right1 ? "S.t ephif
bigs covtrtel with snow nnd no tcnt > . Lieut
G. on thn launch alonutMu the boiler , c > vcr < e
hy canvnfs and comfortable " ' 'Tho nrres
ci Ur. 1'avy waa a put up job , HH will bi
proved when Investigated , " Kifenini
ti Greoly ncaln , ha writiM : "It fict , ho d e
nothing right , and our reaching this place i
duo only to our good fo tune' , and the bull
work and good management of the men.
After learning of the wreck of tin 1' u
Kislingbury s > s : "God bless my friend ( Jur
llngton for his elf rtn , asit'eo our government
I was st uck favorably when reaeli g Uarllng
ton's lott , record , tcllii'g ' us of the wreck. li
closing , ho thowed PUCU indiflerouco to tbei
own critical c mdltiou and misfortune" , am
said he would do nnj thing tint , nun could tl
for men. I was affected nearly to t nrs , nn
uiy voice nearly failad mo when reading i
aluud. "
The list oncry Is an account of how Grcel
aeked KisUogbury'ti foicivoncjB fur his treat
ment of him Only n favr days later ho ll v
into n passion , and in a loud , insulting mar
ner called the latt-r a liar , atd Liouteuar
Greely says to-night the pistol mi'iitionol i
KWlngbuiy'B dinry belonged to Lioutenat
Lockwoo i , and he ( Greely ) can ied It as n fs
vor to tint officor. Greelv also declares h )
not a profane m n , but did use very emphati
la' gnago when the launch grounded on tl
falling tide. It Is true lit ) called Kidingbm
a liar but subsequently apologized , anel b
fore the death of the latter they became re
onciled , _
WASHINGTON , February 10. The "anl
land fencing" bill passed by the senate ti
day U the ) house bill , but having been ameni
cd by the senate , must return to the house f
further consideration.
The s cret3-y of the treasury to-dnv Iron
mitted to the house in re.pon u to a losolutie
a communication from' the secretary of tl
treasury of the United a'.oto , relative to tl
alleged refusal of certain banks aud bdnki
ass relations to receive i ilver dull TI and < : .
tlflcato * in settlement ; of their balances.
Thn treasurer says : 'It is not known
thls o Ell ce that the clearing house a 8oetati
„ ia'Noiv York , or any national birtik there
j. has eirca the past ago if the net of July , It f
refuted to receive ullver dollars or nlver ce
it o in settlement of their balance.- ! ,
ita lias it at any time lefu'ed to receiye tilv
8 doll.trs or certificates from Ihe government
8i payment of balances duo from thngoveinme
to the asHi elation. Members of t
clearing hnusa have continued to settle thi
ba'nucefl ' in gold cilu or certliic tea or Unit
S tat n note-i. and as no silver Italian or eilv
ce-rtificttrs have been tendered , nonet hn
been rtfuped , the treasury though ii"t n pai
to the ) ui derstandinc. that nlver doll-rs
certificates shall not be tenel red , and tbou
it has never in ai yway _ waived the right
pay demands on iti'i any kind of money tl
may be lawfully tendero I for thn purpo , I
conformed t > the pinctico of iho n-focia' '
banks iu paying bjlinces it nt I
clearing liouses. The dopirtment 1
deemed it i .expedient at n nutter of pub
policy to force the issue of silver dollars
certificttes at the chi > f financial center of t
country until c impelled to that step by t
eondition of the treasury. Silver Cf > rtilic
have recently been issued in part payment
tha day's bul nco ngaioBt thu trtunity , a
have beBB accepted hy the clraiinir hou
Thi-y will be again 10 wed whenever the st ;
of the funds in the treasury may ie-quiro i
To the cecond portion of the rt-soluti n
ri as to what amount of gold camn into I
ll i ! treasury iu exchange nt for silver doll
ut and silver ccitificates during JnnuBry. 18
at the trflRBurer sajp ; There was deposited w
at Iho as istunt treaonr r in NBW York duti
be January , 1880 S'tf-'VWO ' gold ,
be pivabla in silvn certificates by thn assist !
treasurer in New Orleans , were ) is uo I by i
naU treasurer. Tnern wan also lectivod dnri
lie the Bamo month Sl..OfO In drnfln
New York which collected
ht were through
ire Ginning hoiiBein exclrmtiu for which < il
it. dolUrs were f rwaidud by the treasury. Th
id- drnftc. while not payable in gold , brca
idn - equivalent _ to gold receipts by reducing
balance ngsii bt tin treasury nt the New Vi
clearing huupo Trie pxchnnr/e W H made
l > ar. It in not knnwn th it any other amou
ho of gold cnme into the treasury in exchui
on for silver dollars or silver cur ifir.iteH , "
i to _ Inrrply to another portion of the rose
tion , the treasurer s yn : "The treasury
btltifr a mrinbT of any other clem ing ho
than nt New York , It 1ms nn authentic in I
to matlon s to tha ml B or practices of otl
„ ] ' cleailng houseH in the receipt cr payments
tilver d--lUrj or certificate8 , It is publi
repor'ed ' that silver certificates are BO ep
in tettleinimt of balances at the cloai
houfo in Hoston Silver e rtificitei are u
- in payment of public creditors , including
rno tlonal lianks nt all thu sub treasuries exc
New York. "
nd Jn rewtionpo to that portion of the rcsi
tton asking information as to what amount
) ryd. customs re veil m had boon received in il
lo- coin or certlflcat" ' , the tieasuror Hubml
leer ( table showing tint during fourteen inun
by brginning in .January , 1BS1 , $ ( KO 000 In ail
and 8 hi.tiBI.OCO In silver certificates M
ho puid for cuetoms dues.
Speaker Carlisle Is confined to bin bed fr
Illnesi , occasioned by a ccld contracted e
ing hi * recent vinit to Albany ,
let t United lu Dealli.
, e SiiHEve , Ohio , February 10. Wllli
1 Peters , a jilted lover , ( hot and f Uly ! wou
cd Laura Chester as she was having the rn
rink for home , Ho then put the revolver
his own head nnd blew out his brainii.
No Large Receipts of Anything ; Dnr
ing the Suow Blockade ,
There Was Rally no Cattle Mar
ket to Speak of
And tli9 Ho ? Market Was Not
Muoh Better
The Wheat Market Was Rather
Bullish Thun Otherwise ,
Ooru Was Again Firmer and a ihl
Little Higher , ' [ f
Outs Krcn Kathcr Strntly Provisions
Tnko n Drop-1'ork Decision 1O I . , .
COIIIH Ijnnl U t.'J , ' "
Special telegram to the UKB. l"l
ClltCAOO Vebruary 10. There wan really
no market , Shippers were again shut out on
account of roads tunning cast refming to take
stotk. Dretsed beef operators were alto f hut
out fur some cause , and then again receipts
were so light that there was no inducement
for bujets to look about. There are buyers
hero for btockors and feedcrR , but the refiiFal , ; [
of railroads tj ship anj thing out has about l j
suspended operations in thin branch. 1'iicea
In n general way aio2.r > © lOc per 100 higher
thau em Saturday last. Among thn salcn
were btcers of Iruin 1ILO to UOO Ibs , ntS5 70 ©
li 25 ; 1300 to 1400 Ibn. , S5 S0@o CO ; 11)1)0 ) ) to
1200 Ibs. , 8160@5 10 ; COWH and mixeelcumiiiou
52 riOa ( ; ! 00 ; an ditim , S3 ( Hi@3 60 ; choice ,
53 70(5-15U ( ; Blacker3lOC )100 ; fecdeiH.
$4 25s.4 60. Texan * , 3 7fi@4 UJ.
In a general way prices are lD20c per
100 pounds higher thin in Satin day last.
Best h uvy sold at 95 OUfefi 1 ; common niiel
rough packers sold at $48f@li)0 ) ) , and light
torts at $1 G0@4 tO ; packing and Rhippiug ,
'Jjto400 pounds , $ I 00 ( fi 25 ; light. 150 to
210 pounde , $4 60 ® 1 DO.
The market opened Jo to o higher for
March nnd 4 < 5 for May The feelim ; WBK
rather bulli-h thau otherwise , owing to fulllnc
oil of receipts and the unexpected BinullncBS ill
itureatu iu the viilble supply. According ta
the statement MK ! figuring of our iiuihoiity , it ]
this increaBd wasuii'y ' 1 7 4-IGbushelH of wheat ' '
lust week , but the Now Yorkstitotneut nmdo
tlio increafu 882,0 U bu hels , and it lookii lui
though this grain figming was in a hnpalesa
mudelle. The discrepancies consiantly eccur-
in * between here and New York me of mcb ( k
character as to lead to the buspiciun that onei
or both nrn constatitly wrong. If
the New Yotk ttatement bad Ixjen
lebrt than ours it would have excited no com
ment , because that in its ttue petition , leav
ing out , as it dueu , Minnenpulis and St IVul ; .
but with ttio'o left out to have it tome.'GO/OQi )
bushels' in excess'of otire , ' sliow8"tlitiro is a
radlcul error eoniHwlifro. Liverpool wan quiet
anil steady and m irkots thu surne , nllhuiigh
carg < ies elf the coast wore B Id firm. HeceiptM
tiidayero SleiiM iigiinst 157 yestur ay , anil
this i * the usual day of big rneoipta , too.
New York early was uji g@J J and St Louis
advanced n out ic. Our market kept pnco
with them , but business wai light and largely
or local in character ,
was again firmer and a little higher , in sym
pathy with wheat nnd pork , n though Liver
pool was reported weuktr on com , nnd the
usual s pply u increase of 3110 bushels last
week , which the ) New Yorlc statement ejwella
od to a round 1,000,0(0. , ( The receipts to e'ny '
were only 171) ) cari > , airaiiiBttill cari jiutiiduy ,
I IB and uf thin lot only 0 gradeel No. 2. New
he York and St. Louis early were about steady
or on corn. While our market advanced 4 ° 'ur
ho M y , of cou > e no larget receipts of anything
ho can be expected , until the ri milts of the storm
: es are ) out of the way. Shipping demand in grain
in however , will probabhy diminish with the re
nd ceipts. So that the usual eepiilebiinm will bo
30. maintained. An increase iu the visible tup-
10 ply of
last week was about the Bamo ns that of coin ,
heirs bushels and eler the hilluencu
31,153 , , ui ot
irs linn fact th ? market kept rather steady.
jj ,
"K was the attraction on 'change. The May e > p.
IS , tii.iibt.rted at § 13 20 , n d was then letelown
nt to § 13 10 , but just an tlio ( h rln put out their
liei hands was jerked back to $ KI 20 egaln.
"g "There is n big i-liort interest out , " said n >
nil provision trader , "and the idiarp Mlows who
, ho wail for the break to cover Will pay the ) henv-
IT lent royalty. " From the instant May pork
some touched S13 10 , and after a great let of stuff
mo hud bei n sold nut on t ip oidtrn and by the
, ho freighleel "tailorv , " who thought
irk that the bulge had colhtpsoil , it vvan
, yanked back I y an invisible power for u few
its iidnutes tiKtiies dangled about 13 15 end then
go kept on up and just out i f reach of the fellows
who were ) mriy limy had sold until ut a little
ubtlore 1 o'cli ck , thfy toadied 1315 , and the
nit pit was crowded There wni nothing to talk
no about except that there was an amusingly lot
e f stulf for mile , and a bout of buyers nnd fif-
ler teen dollars within the next thirty IUJH ! instill
lernf the bent "pulnt. " On call the gruitm worn nil
sly ab'iiit ' nn nghth higher whilu provisions took
, od a drop , 1'orlc declined ton cents. Laid -'i
ing cents.
nn- 11 ry Goods
NEW YOHK , Pobrimry 10. Without special
Inactivity there ban been a moro general inquiry -
° ' quiry than jraterdny with ftpood | volume of
or ImilncHH completed. All btnplen of otap'n und
ths fancy cittonx , including wash drms fabric/ / )
pirlici'jated in tin ottm tionextended. Agents
advanced the price of Nimhuii It , 815 in brown
cott us to MJ.C , Nasbna 1C , 4f'u to8c ! , 20x-
ports , domettic cot ton ? , r > , f > P.'l packa e * . mak
Ing nteit 1 of 29.2'H packages since January
im against 11,623 during thu mine time last year
ur- and 16,385 rumo time In 188i ,
CHICAOO , February 10.Tho southern pas-
am ledger rate association n.ot to-day , and fixed
nd * excursion rates to San Francisco via New Oi-
Her lenns. The rate from Chicago , with ntop-ovtr
to allowance te > see the exiioBltlon U made $140 , .
and from New Orleans $110.
Smoking Wfl
< S
. '
0 Jo .