Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1885, Image 4

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OMAHA Ori\Cn \ No. 014 AND 01 ° FAII.VAM St.
EW Yon * VrtOB , ROOM 051 'nIBONB Ut"LD <
rubllihM evsW rnornlnff , except ulJila'i
tnly MonJ y mouilnjj d lly published I n ln8 'lte <
On , Ye.r . ifto Month *
Clt Months 1 6.00 | Ono Month. .
Ilia Weekly BeoVubHhsed every W
TSRM < , rosmiD.
On Te r , with prtmllim 5 S2
One Your , without prcinlum ' i ?
Sir Month * , without premium . . . . . . ' . " trial. . . . , . lu
All Cammunl llons rcti ting lo N ftnJEdllotU '
taittera thould bo nlJrci , d to tbo Eoitoa OF nu
All DuMnesi Txitteri and \ Hftnllt-vncoi iboulJ be
Kddre > iod to Tin Unit I'mni uxo COMPAST , OMAHA.
Dr ft ,0heckj anil Pout offlcooi ders to lo nude jiiy-
bio to the order of the cornpm , v.
A. H. Fitch , Manager Dai. 'y ' Circulation ,
P. O. Box , 483 Oraahn , Neb.
to be greatly
pnzzlod as to the material nccst 'ar7 f ° r B
popular cabinet pudding.
Tun sudden return cf winter fa fl us
to bollovo that there Is something in "lo
groundhog tradition after all.
Tins question is who will ha UuA t
Slritts marshal to-morrow ? Mnrarl v
Blorbower'o term expires at 12 ocelot
to-night when ho will
, become lefi >
Biu , STOUT'H bill in not very well ro-
colvod by the * proas and pcuplo cf this
atato. Itian little too strong. If Mr.n
Stout expects it to pass , ho inuat think lit
that ho owns the legislature. tht
TUG ficpuMlcan refers to the I5KB as gant.
the loading anti-monopoly and "demo Peru !
cratic paper of Nebraska. If the BKB cut
were : i railroad organ llko the J\cpubli- \ inovci
can it would in the estimation of that boon
paper bo a good republican journal. od
IF there is a prominent democrat in do
thla country whoso name liaa not yet the
been mentioned in connection with n titlom
cabinet position wo would like to hoar the
from him. Wo will guarantee him an
income larger than that of a cabinet offi ing
cer. Such n currloalty is In big demand for
among the dime museums. prac'l
If the conspirators , among whom levy
O'Donovan Rosan was one , who attempt is
ed the life of Capt. Pholan , and the hardl ,
Dudley woman , who shot Rcusa , arc ad tax-pi
equately punished by law the people will throe
.17 omen. These crimes deserve punish assess
ment to iho full extent of the bw , and it the
ia loped that the perpetrators will be oldest
troutid like any other criminals. states
well ;
Mu THOUP , representative from this
county , has been called 'young" and a nay
"littlo boy" by several paptr. * , but wo
violate no confidence in statiny that ho
seem ) to have gotten tlicro on the right
kind of a record Jlcpttblican.
Yes , Mr. Troup has made n record. that
Ho has voted and ! worked with the rail Statei ;
road oh incut all the way through and ironic
IHH misreprcssnted his constituents on aliens
every possible occasion. Any man who millie
works for monopoly interests "gets there" who
on the right kind of n recordaccording to or
the Itcpublioan , and his services no ara
doabt will bo fully rewarded. rnent.
PERSONS cannot bo too careful in re now
gard to the regulation of hard coal stoves andf
at night. If the draft is shut off the gas her
la llablo to accumulate and csoapo and era
Gil the rooms of the house. Cases of each
asphyxiation from this cause are of fre- 000 )
quout occurrence. The steve should bo comp >
given , some draft , and the mica shoots Mex [
which are used In self-feeders ehould bo cato
perfect in order not to allow the escape of an
gas. Besides those precautions a window I In
or two should bo loft slightly open dnr1 , ! 50
ing the night , especially in a sloopng-J ! 1,11
room , as there la nothing so healthy as I larg
fresh air. Mnri
, _ - I acre ,
SOKAR the Nebraska legislature has 700
accomplished little or nothing. Over ( jQO !
350 bills have been introduced , and wo Oora
believe that not ono as yet has boenUvhi
passed. Over half of the semlon has exWU1
plrod , and it Is evident that but very don
few bills can bo properly considered be- j luO
twcen now and the end of the term , Orp
The question therefore taturjlly nrlaoa ton
can the session bo extended twenty days lords
beyond the present limit of fcrty days ? Lml
The constitutional amendment extending acn
the legislative session to sixty day a and 0Ui
of members five dollars
nuking the pay jus
a day received 51 , COO votes in the recent I alle
olootion , whllo 17,000 wcro cast against hti
it. To ascertain whether this amendwu 1
tnont hai boon carried a test case has I ian
boon inititutodby Representative Steven-1 ani
son , of Otoo county , and it has gone to ths
the supreme court. The opinion of the mt
court , which will bo glvin in a few days , wl
decide whether wo are to have a |
alxty day session of the legislature. The to
probability la that the amendment will tobj
bo declared carried. *
BEOAUSK Senator Van Wyok owns and a
lives in a housa In Washington , which
the Jicjntblican says la worth $50,000 ,
v that piper sooma to think ho haa no right
\ to be an advocate of the people , or an of
anti-monopolist , or the poor ruan'a frlond.
The monopoly organ coneidora thla to bo
on Inconsistency. Wo admit Unit Sena
tor Van Wyck's course , as compared with
other rich senators , is inconsistent , for as
a rule the wealthy senators are either mo
nopolists or the tools of monopoly , and
they have no use for the poor man. Sen
ator Van Wyck la tu ecconlrlo person ,
but his eccentricity ii appreciated by the
people , bocansa ho dares to advocate and a
defend tbolr Intoroata upon every occa-
BIOII. Thla ia something that but few
rich men will do , and wo therefore main
tain that ho deserves all the more credit
for his courM. Whatever wca'th ' he m y
"bo paiaocsod of ho haa acquired by hon
orable moan , saving hablb and careful
HVCS iiienfii ,
ilium mil ruMJJUplH m ip" . i
Keep it before the legislature of Nc.
braeka that the elate taxes must bo re
duced. Surprising M it tray srom , it Is
nevertheless a f ct that Nebraska pajs
out iiioio monry for lt at to government
than dcca Iho atato of Iowa , which ha
tnoro than double the population and
several tiroes more wealth thnn thla stale ,
I' ' ii an outrage to overtax the people ,
pirtlcularly : nt thla time , when they nrc
groaning under heavy loads of debt and
county and city taxes. Besides
this they are sufleflng ftom Iho hard
times , tbc general stagnation of bus !
4nesa , and the loir prices ollercd
fo. " their products. They have onoogh
bura'cns to bear rrlthout being compelled
to can 7 the additional weight of over-
taxatloi. They demand some relief , and
itc u bo afforded them by the legislature
cutting do TH nil unnoccasaty expenses
and practicing the atrictcat economy In
every department. Our state institu
tions are all being run too extravagantly ,
the estimates for the next two joars being
far above any that have over bson sub
mitted. There is no go.od reason fox all
thla . , nnd the estimates ohbuld all bo ic. _ '
duce [ to the lowest pcsilbla figures.
Take the stale university .f or * Instance. It
ba3 § 90,000 on hand as a surplus. Why
should not the half-mill tax bo dropped
for the next year or two ? eo
The 890,000 , with Iho Income )
derived from lend leases and investments
should , bo ample to run the university f r
ho next two yeare. Thera Eva taxes that ,
mat be raised , and tCora : ire tboao that
od ' not bo imposed. Of the latter class
univorlsy lialf-nilll tax is a sample.
< . thcr state Institution tint ia oxtnv.v
nt 'F ' managed la the normal school at
tu , Mo cstimatea cf which chould bo
dt wii , or elao the Echocl nhouJd bo as
aved to Lincoln , where ito ght to have '
en ICK 1 'a' ' ° d from the start , tmd conncct-
wltb , * ho univoraity , whore it would
cost : I w'f much aa It docs at Peru. We
not noi ' any moro normal mhools for been
prcsont i nor .iny other now institu- cnit
lens oxccj " > t an additional csylnm for the
Inaano. iectl
There is nt > excuse whatever for mnk- >
a levy of ti 'iroe-fourtho of o no per cent
atato taxes , If moderate economy is . .
ac'Icod. In 1 880 , when the atato had
per cent lea a property to ai BOSS , the
was two or tiVao mlll.v helm r wh&t it comj
nov . Lat us tb on econom'za ' 1 n those sangc !
times and hav a some regard for the
s-payors. When Tebraiiks.vha .two or °
hundred m'lliona of property .on her o
seEsmontroll she can afford to indidgoln
luxuries of institutions that onlj' the
3est , wealthiest , and moat pcpuloiu trn'
ites have oatablishod. "N Vo are | do Ing ftrjs
enough with what wo 1 iaTCj , and wo .
lot well enough. , ,
Should congress pass n li w requiring lal
none but citizens of tba United. a
atcs can hold land in this country , It aoem
suld not affect a very largo1 ncmbor of
lens but it would affect . 'about forty .
illion acres of land now OWIH d by aliens , : i
would either have to becc uno citizens
dlaposo cf their lands to pnrscnn who-
citizens. AJ recently published ntato- ic <
, which is by no means complete , ier
tows that over twenty millioi i acres are
owned by sixteen foreign syndicates eas
fourteen alloailandlords. Thennm1 ntni , ,
of acres grabbed up by those foreign-1
varies framl OOOto 4GOOCO ( ) acres
, An English syndicate 'has 3000- ; to i
in Texas the Holland land
acres i , pt > 3 (
mpany haa 4,500,000 act cs in New pLa
exlco ! , Sir Edward Reed anc'l hia syndl- ha
have 1 2,000,000 acraa in Florida , and pilic
English syndicate haa 1,800,000acren a-'dtni
Mlsalesippl , a London syndisate ha i masti
:50030 ( acres a German syndloato ha i thtir
110,000 ( , and so on down too llot. Th a v/ho
iirgest individual land owner Is the a ail
ilarqals cf Tweeda'o coat
cres. : Bryan H. Evans , of London , h as
00,000 , M. Ellorhausor , o { Ealif/.x / , Ti
00,000 acres.tho Duke of Sutherland tee
nraoa next with 425,000 acres , Will'.am ' knon
Wher'ey , member cf parliament , follows wide
310.000 , Robert Tonnan , of Lon ettir
, his 2 : 0,000 acrej , Lord Donmoio oath
Lt'0,000 , acre ! , Bonj imln Ncuais , of Liverpool - Shol
orpool < , 100,000 ncroe , white Lord Hough- then
, , Lord Duuravon , and. a overal other upor
! and ari tociats are owners of t-aila whlj
embracing from tan to sixty thousand rcai
ncroe. * These figures what an
alarming extent our public domala his
ed into the hands cf aristocrats and ° .
nllona , and If allowed to retain psseumion
Is only n question ef time wlim they
rill establish the eystem of absentee appi
andlordlem which has proved ao odious
nd oppressive in Europe. 3t la
, congress will cont'nuo ' to agitate this
matter until some definite action Is taken
with a view of putting an. end to land-
grabbing by foreigners. It Is bad enough after
permit land grabbing to bo carried on
ay Amcrlcan oltlzens.J
THE fact that S. F. Flaherty had leased not
section of aohool land , and the further "hi
Fact that the bank of Dawea & FOBS paid
ono semi-annual installment of interest ait
on it , were sufficient and conclusive have
proof to the buzzing and busy roformcra
thla atato that Gov. Dawca was the
real owner of the leaae and that ho was the
very guilty cf robbing the achool fund ,
etc. , o'o , etc. It transpiroa that Flo- Sin
harty atill owns the leaao , and when the gre
intereit on it waa paid by Dawea & FOBS 110
It waa done- simply aa the agents of Flo- WO
tiarly , who win , at the time it became
due , in Florida. Lincoln Journal. and
Sir. Fleharty waa originally the private
secretary of Gov. Nance , and when
Dawea became governor ho continued for
whllo in the office o ! private secretary
to that gentleman. Why ho ehould go
to Crete to employ Dawes & Foas to St.
make his payments on school hnd lojaea bly
Imtrad of doing his buslnoia through
biinkora at Lincoln , where he was living ,
Is one of thoje mystcjiea which no urdi-
nary mind can penetrate. To tha aver
s o Intellect It 'vronld ieem that the pri-
v te accro'ft'7 ' "f a governor svuM k
< ml of specu'ations from trhich f-o
rnor and all other etnto ofliccis are pro
hib ted frora ( ntcrir under th
conatitution , which mnkoa It unlawful fo
v y atato officer or member of the If gii
laturo to bo Interested in any cuntrac
with the atato. Why , Instead of going
to FOJS at Crete , did not Fleharty g <
directly to D&wca at Lincoln , or pu
money Into the hands of snno cthc
friend to pay for his school Inmlai
TIIK impudence of bogiis claim ogenl
and frauds that have annoyed the preson
Ipgii'ataro with ell aoits of prctendoi
claimsaappASBoaall bounds. Ouraonalon
and members of ccngrois are willing BIK
competent to collect e\ory dollar of nl
legiUoanto claims which the state of Nc
brasVn rtay have against the generil gov-
eminent , and it ahuuld bo bcrno in mind
that Iho as-called claim agents canno
collect a cent without the aid or fAverp ,
ODf ri'in-osciitntivo ! in congress. Al
these various pretenses of the claim
agents nro not'hfng mete nor ICJB than n
humbug. The parties wlif have protend' '
edt act iis agonta dtirin ? [ the last two
pears have laid thomselvca Diablo to
rnminnl and civil prosecution. No man
tins any right whatever to net as nu ngont
oftc : the agencj has been abaliahod. It
happens that the legislature of Noaw
brn ka two years ngo did away with nll
laima nnd contrsw s held by Tom Ken
nurd and Pat Hawo t or any other party ,
and theao m n kuovv that they had no
mon aright ta rejjroiont tkomsolvea as
state .igenta thnn other Impostors.
Wha Is remarkable .about this whole ;
lusiness la that the ela..o ofiicore , from
overnor down to the 30v3rctor of state ,
hould in r.ny way recrf nlw : these partifE
agents nnd accord thorn the privileges
whlc the Tcgielaturo has abollihod by
Ar important deeialon h as recently
eon rendered by the United States cir-
nit court of Indiana with peforonoo to
duties of n railway company in pro >
jcting ! Its pasaengera. A woman who
riught suit to recover damages for the to
llllng of her husband by drnnL'en
iwny ; passenger has baon given a vet-
- to
of ' $5,000' ' against the railway coa- >
any , the court holding that a roil road
jmpany , as \ cominon > carrier of pas-
ngoi3 for hire , Is bound to ace thnt nc
nm comes to one passenger from an
ther whoee con. . duct plainly shows that /
Is Ecdanjarom pcwon , and that a neg-
to take anch dangerous person Into
oao cratody , or t o remove him from the
, ' cueateo a 11 ibillty for the dnmagos the
ising from his act a.
ArrEii all the fuss tha.t was made about
&mpbelFf tho'Cinch mat ! criminal lawyer
gained i such an i menviablo notoriety Tb-t
connection , trith ti 'io ' Eennor murder
, which was the c 'anso of the riots ,
suspension , from p ract'co for ten days t
ems ! but another burlesque upon
atice. Ho vrns o ! ither innocent or .
.ilty of bribery and corrupt practices ,
the pnnishment , i f ii can be called o
goes to show- that ho was
ilZty. It therefore se encu strange that >
members- the O IncJnnati bar con- o
tea daya ! susponi don an adequate pe
loishment. Some h .wyora have queer
of . ( justice when i mo of their own mis
unbor is charged will i an offense.
Pr.EsiDicir Annum has tUtly refused a
accept the rea'gnatk > n of < a number of
3tmasterslioso con imiwions will ex- rul
shortly after the 4 th of Marjh , and
has announced that that will bo his
licy ; during bho reini lialng days of his '
iaiinlatrailon. : If U lore are any poat- nav
isatois in Nebia'ka. who. have sent In his
resignations wo should like to know f
they ti'8. As long M they can dr.iw
lary : It is safe to s y that they will n
ontinuo ! to hold the fort. sn
iflC [ '
THE school land it ivcatigating commit- )
should send for Senator Burr. Ho !
nowa a thing or t ro about school lands , n
night , porhups , furnish an inter-
ttirg chapter. I f ho will toll under. * ac
bow ho and his brother-in-law , )
iholdon , have divided with Lathao u
will bo a gciod deal of li ht thrown
ipon-tho transoctionj of the ring , e
Glenn KeiuUll was the head pod in
SBNAJTOK VAN V/VCK is entitled to She
rititudo of the private soldiers and
. widows and orphans for hfa oJorba ont
their behalf , and they will no dout.t
ipprcclato his labors which are li'icly to tion
in raising their pension from eight
twelve dollars a mouth. ilh bill to
iccomp'iih thla ha passed thoaenato
wo bollevo the house will ccacnr. N.
A MissoutlA.v named two cf his hcgn
the United States senators of his the
. Wo Infer that the ido was oug-
pouted to the Bllfr.ourian by the co/rua-
pondenca of 0. P. Hunticgtcit , who did ( '
hoaitito to apply the * epilbit o ! of
"hog" to various senators. It should bo of
aided that the Mlssoarion's porkers
BKAD , Slaughter IH laying ihJE
nn i pea for JE
thooflio3 of state cens.u aupeiuitond'cnt. ' to
Slanjhtor is altogetlicz too hu clih Ir , It's ' th
greed for oflico , and iis continued fresh- ihb
: In this respect lu gesta to 119 1lut it
would bo a good thing to Bait him down N
pretcrre him until there in n demand. tb
PRKSIDENT ARTIIUK is now devoting
most of hii Umo to taking care of hia
friends. Ho his just appointed Mr
James McKnlght , of Utah , ai camni at
. Helena. The democrats will probs- "
let Mr , MsKnight rcnnin there.
Ir wo are to have another nonnal
solioal wo might just as well have It lo
cated i\t PraUle-dog T WU orOayo'co
A roMviTTrc of the Nelt iota legis'a
has 1 t-n sort lo * sit the inslUn'ion
fi r the feeble minded tt GlcnnooJ ,
If tli9commiitcc hrd been m do up cf
certain tnembtn , nhoni It would bo very
easy to narno , nn institution for the fee
bio minded would bo the meat f.ppto .
place for a permanent homo fci
No robboiy or fraud pjrpet.Mted
Nebraska has 6vcr found the
Journal prer.wd to bclievo i * . A paper
thnt subsists from the crumbs thrown to
It by the robbers is not likely to bo
shocked at any fraud in bich the tnx
payers ara the victims.
SENATOR DUIUANII Is very mnch afraid
that railroad buuYing In N bra ka will
stop on the frontier If the three cent
passenger bill is pissed. Mr. Dtirlnnd it
the attorney of ono of these frsntier railroads -
roads , and is , no doubt , trying io earn
his salary.
THE Brooklyn Union siys tfiat Iho
ra have altogether too mnch power
in the upper chamber , nnd it in we'd to
have a man like Von Wyck occasionally
toll the plain truth about the ilitsol
THE cvas'on ' of tl Iowa prohibllcry
law by means of the so-oilleclpn
may bo called poppirg iho question ,
Tlio HTiato aim ui
From the Chlcogo News ,
The ciucus if rcpubllcnn senntora last
Thursday night u ire id to dispooo of the
( Jitvoa Pacific funding bill , and nJU rrrard
ako up Souator Van Wyclt's bill t ) tax
railroad lands and the bill fuif tilting the
niearncd 15,000,000 acres in the Texos
Pacilic grant. At this point Sp a'"r Wil
son , of lown , interposed with * ho state
ment ; that "it was of very
tanco that there tUould bo a vote upon
thee bill to forfeit the unearned # rant
to the Sioux City & St. Paul ,
railway , " aud that a failure to protect
the people sgalnct the land-grabbing :
thieves would bo very likely to loao both
Iowa ; and .Nebraska to the republican
pirly. The discussion upon this obyiota
and wholesome trutliwas very bitter ,
and the caucus broke up without -joining
D an agreement. Tiles * unearned grants
ire lands which hava been located for
aiding certain railways , which have failed
o brtJld the roads' proposed or have \
bought out lines already const ructcd by
another crmpany. The total nmouitof
land so held is laid to beaboat 4C',000,000 '
acres. Senators Wilscn and VjmV/yck
correctly interpiet the pacha's so ntimout
upon tha snbjtcl. In fact , u pen tlw
very ; saine day that thia caucns wiis htld ,
the legiflitnro of Indiana passed a joint
resolution calling upon their repnseunta-
fives and aeimtora in congress to ; uao av-
oryexertion to secure among : oilier things
forfeiture of these aatno grants. The
situationbia trying ono"-to the ri illway
statesmen , no drub ) ; but the paop lo 07
earnest about Ihis thing ;
n * firm in
Xb-tlie editor o ! the BKE.
Havlnc occasion tj step in-tlio cot
ns night laat week I went to tkcjyt eua
McArdlo'a school houne , aa I h oa&I
aero was to , be a political question
ir.tsd , .
On nearing the place rw ! anrpi IaoJ
aeo such a number of loams tied to the \
ea.oe , and with dlflieultyvTgoi inside the
uilding , as ibsres ao crowded , there be-
not lots than thrca orfour hunc .rod
> plo ; present. "I
Daring the recess which l&sted fi { | can
minutes , I had tlmo to study the gen era :
ppearanco of those present , and m aver
all my travel * [ waa I rsoro utonlal led ,
fairer lookinc or mora Intelligent a ndi
nsi < As fcrtho young Iidloa they i roro
ruly enchanting , and in appearance ) and
rm very sweet and fascinating. All
cemed full o ? life and happy.
Tha question diocuoacd "was ,
'Eoaolvedthat no parsons should
lave a right a vote in
counti JT unless said voter owned rrr.1 f
olnto or personal proporty-to the amount
SlflO. "
Thodotato was opened Ay the load'V-
nf tine affirmative , W.Vjtlsh , the loader
the aagativo beiog ; . Mr. Stlnaoa.
'ho ro wore some very humorous illustra-
s brought out during the argument.
ni i speaker drew a void pictureof a ccr-
, ition hireling called Wnltera , roping
the i poor Scandinavian voters In iha
nfworcat of monopoly Another gave an
'illuatraMon of 'm'ght is ii 'ht" in th o
tion i ofi John Siller kicking over the
jllot box , when there was any dcnbt
boot the rasult of tha canvaa.
J waa astonished to hear auch ch&rgea
brought agalnat ropubliian political load
. 1'hoy ' are bat true , I think reform
thoqa lificatlon of a voter lo very
much needed I was greatly plowed lo
the affirmative -&t ths uninimouade-
ciBlon of the jpogoj , and aa fir as I
could jijdoo ; frjrn the tone of thooo prM-
tiv y would suppatt any reasonable
meastiro that would tend to improve
po.itlcs in this state , and taks . legisla
out of the hands of corporations and
their "scally-wags. " A Tuiv KIKK. T9
With Ilarv rd Banco.
T. Herald.
A combat is waging In the Lhrvard
College Board of Ovorsoow the llko of
whion maniiad haa not witneasod since
atruRglea for tiio translation of the
Holy Bible out of de.icl language ! Into
the vernacular of modem Butane. The
cr.llcgo publishes at varying interval *
'latterly once In five yeart ) a catalrguo
all iis graduates. Down the mlddllo
the alghtoenth canlcry the compilers
icy Latuilzoi all the names in it to thi
oxtoni of their Ingenuity. Then Ihoj
ceased to abino surnaaim and couJinoa
ihclr pervrrjions to. uamea given in
japilsm. Now there Is an horoiooffor
compel the restoration of tboio also t <
their uatunl the cataJf guo o
this quinquennial year , and U make i
book ( which , InMattm Luthea'a words
about hia Goraian tranalatlcn of th
Now TetUment , con bo undratood b
kho "common aoan in tbo market. "
The endeavor began , we Vslieve , will
resolution adopted by the llnrvard club
New York city. Then it invaded tin
board of overseers , and a committee wa
appointed "If consider and report on tin
oxpodlercy of substitutlag the liaptismc
arpellitkiu of tbo graduates for the for
cign or fancy names now in use in the
quinquennial catalct'.ae. " A majority o
the committee , consisting cf .Jobaunei
Oiborno Sargent and Oarolua Franciacu
Adam * , reported , "advising that tin
catalogue " 'all be printed in Englnh. '
but the third member , Franciacuo Ei
yard in PtirVpr , disiontud in favor of hog
LUln , T o board has adoptad the p
jor'fy ' P rkor his
mined t r H 11 Jlis
moti , D „ ] | c iir-o up nt rnco Ing e'li of this wrok , rnd fho
witty and crm-incJtK report of
hlo collcjgnos lua boon nent'y ' printrd
miaiiwhilo. The Mr. Ailnms , who sub-
ecribiait tijjcthcr with Mr Bailout , is
not the ( oniur of liii ntimc , but lo tlio
pentletnan who is bent kn > wn In Ken-
York ; the resldsut rf what Mr. Parker
1 giciHy wouli ctll the O njunoUo
Prtclfio railrond.
Fi r all practical jrorposes which a c t-
air guo purports to servo It will bo well
for U i rn > d college to rtio so tht ) change.
Still , fts Mcterp. SarRrnt and Aonrca irn-
partlnlly rcmarli , "If thia is not the ob
ject , and it i intended raertOy to ismo a
typojrnphicnl ( cnriochy , the catalrguo
should undoubtidlv bo continued In ltd
present form. " In thnt 1 < vm it lias n'
rival for "Idioiiams , " saro She rclohrntod
Portugutss phraao bosk frjm which
spine extracts hn70 boon roprintoil of Into
"idor the title "English aa She i
Spoko. "
_ _
Tlio r/ctlo t nt acn tor BilF.
I'liimleli II'H Kcrord
Jf" Jofoiiis U. Chalice , has tvmniuni-
cnlcd to nn npptvcintivo now spacer cor-
r Bpo'hlcnt themy in which lu miwtl
niH-y to defeni Senator Hill's i-o-cltotinn
it w known that Giant nnd Wnnl hnd
reliovud him nf h s siiaro ca h Ik' inys ;
"When Llill bcjnn to put uiinicy in1 the
tool hores 1 sent down nnd twoicd it ,
ind won enough io payn'l ' the C\ICTWS
of the canvass ngn.nst him. So hu p j's
for his ovii ik'fuat " Mr. CJiitiroo thus
once moro vindicnU's his reputation as a
innneior ntid politician , As the Col *
ado legislrtwj has aaiscd r oorinii tteo t )
nrcstiga c the cha'go of Senator Hill
hat the clo't on was carried on by LTOSO
corriiition ] , Mr. Challsoiitay provuii valu- \
ibloitncss ,
tin *
KA , Cai.l. , IVbriiniy 7.
sit nitsht bctttc i the Climd-c stray bullet
ki'led Dn\id Kcnilnll , inmler of the city
o-ancil , nnd nnotSer ii'\oroly wonadcJ a lioy.
'h nova cronlail auch intuosa e'citcratnt
lint amsm incotliff wns cnllfd Over 1CO
itiians rcspontlcd A resolution of indlpm-
,1011 at the Inwleji .icta of the Chinese was
ndnftni. A coibsiittt'a wrw njiimiubed td
notify Uii' ChiiK"i tlint nil anust lonvc the
ily. Groups of i-i'ivena Nisiteil tach Ghinepu
loiiso , < itnpolli'd thsm to pack up their 'dJTfcta
mil th"ii innrclnnl them ID n largo u'.irelimiso , "
vheri they arc iin irisoncd , nwnilinc * ho do
lattuu of a ( tuami'r for Bon FrnncitiM to-
iiorrn n A BGuiml it.i'n ineetin ! , ' , attended
iy V,0'Dv s held to-dny. A rUtidini ? com-
nttteoMvs | ipuiutcd , unpowered to i > i"V ( nt
my Chiiusc lucatinp In ttiia city iu the future ,
ioc-l > Jrik ilciit-l'i : < > ct llcn < li iclcs at tin-
OntHANH ! V- > Vico-ltosi-
, Vruary 7 - - -
lent-Klcct Ilindriclts arrived to-day by 8jio-
al train. In rospoiiKO to an address of wsl-
como honado nn ni > jropriato speech , in
vhich ho slnted that the si lo purpose of JIJB
rip foulh is toMt the exposition , and If
, contribute BOinow hat to its eucci-ss.
until your
head scorns n ady to lly
off ; until jour nosonn )
eyes dlscharpooxocselve
luantitlea of thin , Ir-
Jitatlri ; . watery fluid ;
uitilour head aches *
sioutb a' d throat L
parched , and blood at
'eirer licit. This Isau
Acute ( atarrh , uid It
Instantly rcllcvtd by a \
single dose , o'jd psrma-
nebtl > cured br one bot'
Sanford's KadicaJCure far Catarrh.
Complete Trontmont v/ith Iitlinlor SI
Ono hottlo Radical Cure , ono box Catarrh * ! < Sol SI
\cnt , and ouo Improved Inhilcr , In ono packaio
may now bo ha > t of all drut'Ki3ta for $1.00. Aak to
Sanford'fItailical Cure
'Tho only absolute epedflo wo know of. " Mod.
rimcft. 'Tiobestwo ha\o found In a lifethaol
sufTering. " H - . D' . WiifRln. Ilcaton. "After a long V
struggle withC&tarrb , the lliiiicnl Cure has con-
qncrcd' Xor. 3. > V' . llonroa , ' LcwIfiburRh , Pft. "
have not found a case that It did not rulUve at \
once. " Andrew Leo. Manchester , ilasa.
I'otter Druprnnd Chem cul Oo. , ] 5ostrn. fie
For the rsUel and rirovfntloo
the lDBtan > lc li applied , of Uhou
rnatlsm , Neuralgia , Sciatica ,
Coughs , Coid9 , Weak Buk , Stem C
acn , and' Dowels , Shooting " '
Pains , Ncmbnoes , Hjsterii , Fe
male 1'nlns , Falpltatlon , Djuoep
ela , Liter. Complaint. Iii"Ur ;
Fever , Malaria , and KpUsuilca
nso ColILa'a I'lastors ( an Electric
Battery combined w ith a Purouf
I'lattei ) and laugh at pain 261
rinco can V > p down on a ! ivt Mox-until hutcd.thoi
rtmovi ) Ihon7brnnt tin * It. A chemlit will aul 6 * J
lulrud lo dotrct tUo pru tnca of ununonla.
Mi mllllm homes SOT K nunrt r of a ctaiurj U hat
tha ci > iuuiiior * rbtlable t& < t ,
Dr , Price's ' Special Flavoring Extracts , f.1
Thi l/ Dnt , oH < tlliloui uJ .ilur lilnor L , ud
Dr. Price's Lupulln Yeast Gems
Vet Llfht , . Uoaltliy Il-Mvd , Thn Beit I > i7 Hop L
Vrutlll Iliu Vuridi (
" ,
BCIMI ill Linen , BOTH
Linings AND Exteriors.
AiV for them
CAM A BUGS. , AfientH for '
At the old fc-Und 1417 FarnnmBt. Crclertby Ul I
ph solicit wlpri ottcndodto ,
OXVYTOI,0\N-ln tnnn of 10 ml lrcn
lioi , ptMirw , furniture and Ml kinds of
M H Hotter , 1401 Ktmkiu ( t. . rvcr
Mor > shof "flra. WTtf
\ } O.VKV IV'I.OAS' lholnnnpy to loan on Irn-
ITl irovilcl vt > rorrrlln t'ttnnnnta ' tn cult ,
at ro nn l.le ra 't * Vf. It. Motter , 14H Knrtam J. ,
o r Moisr'a thcc > toie.
Af OSJKV tn loin ou chattels bj J. T. ll" tt > , 213
outli Hth St. fl-WeHW
TO LOAN J4 nmi rt PSCOnnJ upwA
0. F. n Ui nJ CO. , Bi l KiUto ami
Ajcnlji , l o > FArnam St. Cn7 tf
MONEY loanad on Ch Wrlo. Kallroid Tlck t
bought and icld. . Vote nan , US a. 18th
\\AN1Kn < mart \vnng ( jM'fot ' hPiKmoifcln
a faimlj- three. Mrn. J. H. Crut , tlnrlcj
tt. , bet Irtno iM .Inmcn. ICI-11
WAN'TKD A crniptUntRlilor ifnman tn tftK
chariro of lirrrl hcil TJOILH noitli-wnl c rn
Iithand r > | iltnlnie. 15 ? 0
ANTKD laundry nomau and 2 fuller -hiaat
Carl \ Col(9ifjUm nt , 1500 Knrturubt
' . < NTPP A ta'ostrsmnn. ' Cull on H. OVrui'n
Omaha Dullness Colleze. 14fv >
\-\rANTFI > AstrnnR cijmMiwonnnti iln irrn
it cral lmunc . 'rk , 'nr n fmllnf fimr adnlts
Ocol wiic < In an cllljlcnl [ ivrsra , 2028 Chni in , bet.
Kill ) ' . Campbi > ,1 . I3C-3P
\ " \ rANIKl-Thrco ) piTooun to Irani iKiak-liit-jilrl
15IC Douglas it J. II aitiltB. \.1-1f
" \ 17ANTK1Irontjfor ( OUMICW book ,
? \ to ttorkora I'nll or ndCtMs ftco , lltiulor , 7X'1- '
DurtSt , CMibaNcb. ll.Mnlp
Anocil 7lrl for ( 'wicraf orh. Mr' . '
} V Ilallcy , S010 Tn s St. 100 tf
wANTiiOoollhosollclto : J AiXircss Mututl
VT Jintl IntjrancoCo ( St'wart Nob. CM-nnp
\ ; ANTii-A llr t clam dining rcom girl nt the
'TT Mctreiio iVin. No oiucrneidaiirl ) "S3 tf
VA 'ANTKD.jtnts to ( ell Gatoly'3 Uuivfrfixl Kiln-
l pntorj CM .noiithly lojinrnticinn ! rcnll
on W. I > . ILo .iy , room i110 N ttJll et , Omnh
& 07IcbSr >
VfTANTM ) ll.onlcrsnt 1232 Capitola > o. _
\\1 \NTII ! > Stcniixrajilior , fur ( ind raj. drenman ,
I I ilckins work o ' nj Itliul Jt once AdilrrR C.
V. , UiO olncc. If 1 7p
\\7ANTMi-Sltuaton ! by a jnntic lany 13 ttcn"-
V > fjrnjjl cr t\iiu. .x.'cr , c-pjht , il < .if. or look-
keeper. Occnpntlon\or > mucn desired. Aiidriss
1) F " Dee i IIIco SS-lOp
\ \ L7AiITKD Sllnatlrn to rfo ) { orcrl IICCBO work
In n l ) family , 1 tl * Nlrhol.-a St. l J-9p
WANTCD A piMltioimtiniirao ; rcfeioicri ii ; nn ,
Acidn.83 i ! . J. n. tlllngHbil , 128 ! 17th
street 14 > 7
_ _ . .
rANTPTSltu.Vlon l.yflrst ilaiitroom i.nkcr.
Add ? a Da\oCopcn , Bartlelt , Ia. 1 7-7f >
WANTED 11 } alic'v of * Tpcrlcnci.'and wlth-joid
rcfcronce" , a poor ion as hiuso l.eercr , or taVo
rare of an Invalid. ACdiosj217 N.SI.-Uccntli St.
A rloaia n wants situ&tlon ae book
hooper , ID who'.osald eetkbllebmeul ID Omaha
npB "C. " rare floo. 6 fl-tf
W CANTED few biinloi ( t 1720 Cas3-st
15S I ! ! .
} To rent ahouEnitlth 4 or 3 rooms an I
barn b family of two , rent not to bo moro
than from $15 Co f2v , must bo in vood location , tent
euro Addiosa'II O. " B'ooaoe. flSS-T
\TTANThD-lmracdlati\y \ et ok vii : 11111 t'lBiiui.11 - - -
TT txclmuL'o / r fine IniLrowtl fart m . . 'wo. AO
-IH ? cbiruln , f hdrwin & Co. , Exchange Pri hoi ? ,
ncolo , Nebraska. 13l-7p
J One or tno boarde.s ; plcn'ant lur
. . ni-hoil novuh room , tflephono ani ctcrynn
\cnlcnc , ( Iffcen ciiiuicn walk to huelre s certsi
ino mini tea to A venue cars. Terms reasonable r f
crcricr ; 635 Pleasant et. ICO 7j >
\ > NTED Lrdli s at d contleaion in citj o
try to take light work at tSclr on hocro. SSto
a day easily ma ie ; wrrk > ent bv mall ; no camaeiv
inpf. Wo ha\o peed demand forrurworkanifurnnh
hlimly omplojvcont. Addrcsinth stamp , f H WI ?
MT'O. COJIPAJT/- Vine St ClncnlnatI , Ohio.
7\NTED Boajdcre 1800 Frrnam SS.
G ! 7p
\\7"AN7KD Apsnfci for o\cry olty and town !
T T Neliratha for a clio.ip fast 3clim ! ? artich > UHod in
oiery faoji'v ' , big yrollf. dll.-r addro B aeciit of
Uluino ilanufactUTing Co. , 3. W. corneriJth anJ
Hart bt. S13.6V
KnU to woik fr the Westoni llu-
timl llfiioolont Afisoclaiion , of Beatrice , f-e\ \ > .
eh ca | HalSluO COO , paid tip ia full lliosc dentrlnx
'teiicli-s in Eastern Noiratka or Wo tern Iowa ,
RhuuM iddrcM C , A. Wooiley No 1222 KarnKa st ,
Omaha , Neb , or Oliver C. t.-.iiu , reo'y , lisntrlco ,
XeK To Kood agsnts , men or n-oircn , a Jlbu ol
conincmation nllj < b9iialil. Company In ro-opcr > -
tiioinplan , safe , reliable and cbean , am ! ay to
work. uOO-123
Yl/ ANTED taJles or in city oi coun
TT try , totako iilce , Ihhtnnd pleasant uork a
their own homes ; 82 t" $5 a I'.ny taslly and-oulatly
tnailc ; ork ( chti > mall ; no camatMrf : ; no ttanip
reply. I'ltaso adcrets IlcliallellanTcCo. , I hll-
ailelpi la , 'a Jan 19-Ul.ltb 2-7
F'OK H > NT New bilck lious" , 11 rooiss , mo lfrn
Iiiipi < ncnient3 , No. 112 N 2'JJ t. In.iuite'211(1
Cillfiunla it. l lt
oil IU.NT A homo of 10 room * , N. > V < corner
1 IDIhatid Clark bt. lia-13p
HKNT-1'artcf bulldinu- . i : eornir Day.
cnftrt nnd I8lh Sis. Jonnw cnrug' ) to aeco i -
mocate a famllyaul con\cQicnt for housu kuli'K
FOK UKNl'-A now brick boniorf Sro nM$20per
month. Arp'yatWm. ' Gentlnnatj Btorc , ifllh
andcnU'St , I'hlHp tlaik. ! 4'Mlp
P.IK Ill-NT Hou8o4 rooirs toiith Utb lit , SI. ! .
Cotlaif" f > rooma ncivllanrcum I'J.$17 HI me
roi IIH Daienpoit and ' .3tti Kto , S17. UMIBO 2 lorL'o
ir.s anil J cr xroun IKiuth Omaha , fa C K. J
MaMH ! , l.lttiaDilFarnam. llli-tf
IIKNT Hnwowltli I rnoira 312 TOitli 113th
rTlOU f
1 Ft lniUro ] ! 417 ncitli llth 8t , .ittwoun I lilca o J'
Cats Street 12-7p i
1/Olt ilENT-Oood JI"UBO h\o rocru' on 2cl Et.
' near llason , 3 blccl u frun car.lino. Wo'l ' and
ri-tirn Iiqnlrn Mt heo , grocer , EW St > 7iOpp
I/Oil Ili.ST : New 5 room cotUjjo Vliginit a\o. , 3
blocku 0-t.t c I tHirk a\o at J 1 Moid KJtltll of St.
Marj's avp. ft. citr , $12 HO per in r.tli. l a c Adai w
Frtri/or blrck , oppo.ito 1'ost oiliu ) . 12C-tS J.
ITiOIl HFNT-Cot' Ko thrco rooms bouth 23d Sis
1 IniUlre | 1703 Jtrkdon Sti. HD-lip of
Iroll 1 UKNT-Wew cottoKf , ! > rooiui. J. I'tlpin Hoc ,
151'J B. Uhbt. 01tt Ht.
l/OHHKNT-U'gebilc * houe , 1718 Dodie st.
Apply at C'LlldV8HcslttL [ , BJ)7p )
IJWHUKNT Ono liouu. In.iuJroKdholui It Frlck-
' uiii.
TiOKKKHT-l'rlck jir-lin gpcj oultrai it el tin
nlnhoa. Call on McCoKUc , opp. Voalo'Aca ,
) lt HUNT Men 3 room cottage con u 21th ami d
Davunport slrcut. Apply to K. U , o
KKNT A new tluht ronra tiouar. Kmitn i ol I'll
It. K. llodiUa , U > Ui.Utt Ca\oi ) oil and thi r anI
73HI anM
TTlOHHKNT-l'Urnlkhcd ' KoomwiU board. 003. N. tin
1,1011 KENT New Ino room hoiuo , with oily Ul
watfr , on Koutb 17tli Bt , soar railr'ad trako
suitable for nrardioir liount ; sent ? 30 , luiuliu at
Omaha foundry or ol T. W. T. Ucbards. W4 tf ani
FiQlt Itf XT AS rnoincolturo on eui so 17th
ht. c onii door boutbcit rYebtttr. iuliu ( per
It. DOUID & Co 777 tf bl
ITVU HUNT Nicely Ijrnlehud Iront room with < > r
llh&utbnaiii , HIS It ardet. l.-S7p
Oft KkNT KariviubBd front IWIDJ , ltW ( Hurt
OH ilimr-1-iirnlbho.l iotnm 823 H. l th Kl
FOII IlKST A di klraVo moo roum Lou * : ; Inquire
710 10'-t at. , mar Welmter. 12i 7p AI ,
poll KENT Kurnldhod ii > in uuh tnodern comvn fur
itPCtfl { 01 CPU tr two gentlerr u at } 7toCaiuct
1 < 0 lCi |
' ; ll WENT Two f ont reomi mi'tAMo '
( "r four irvntkmen. lii < | iilieit 16l < c pltnl Ate !
_ 14t ' "P
Fed KKNT-Milte nn'uriil lioi nrt nro fur"
r until r. . 'in nhti i.f without li.'Md M svtf. e iv-
Itol Me , . * . . '
[ Tll" ! lihT ! riw''l ' ' l ntU toaiu with CXM
rfi ,0jYunmn , , st. 9JS tf
foil UF..VT-7 Mw > rooms nn 17lh stiwt ! . < > ! , -en
hl V tn m. , \iplj ( te itit
I COM TO I.KV Kn > | Ulro ilni ? t lf , tor , loth
IV Bui Octiglin.
RENT-Pnrn'il ! l tcom ,
] 1 iOB RKJfT-l1utMli liirioLtroom ) , with
cullrrI8 0 L'nol ] | | \ v
OOUS With Nrd , dtiltutilii oi winter AprTv
' 9M-lt
ij HKST-One ( urnlrhol l"rirxin wlthbonru.
Hid two or tlircn il.iy bonnlat , J9I1Vob T
_ _
pOltnENT-A unite of ryro-ln > , Fo7ront ri.rna
lorrcnt , wath.rn U-oiner
tlilcp/a ami
/ SOIItSta.
nMo V frnm Xeil culli ,
"I OU HKNT-Two nlcdv fiirnliht.l fjont
J1 Mii ; j | ( iirtuo ( tontifmcn , ftlno k-rn < ol too rooni
for light linwiki m/.fiirnhhc.l for t i , , , , 1 , , , ;
Ml south JDlh tre t.
, , , ! rnm. . li | ii.w f J. K.
, Omatm SaUn M Rdiik.
Ui.VV : l'Uft < Mitfitn. cil room. 7ft7 Cuss
_ _ ni ( ISP
H > _ _ _ _
FOIt UIINT FuriilshfJ roamn xt 1810 UcKi-m st
J OIl nKNT Wu front rooms. 123 Cniiltol nve
1T 011 HUNT Kitrnlrhrd iTiorn inlil lumnl j'i.o
J1 wtck Vcr > LntlooailJD , ISiriiavcnixi t.
77S fit ) >
JT Ol ! Hrjsr ror .feht Imujukcoi Haf , twoionn * .
Wnilvhul for tliLl purpor i ; ; a : W. tor Uli Mfi
llounr.l si8ti
Kl ( > U KE.NT Iwoole tiitrooiEaln Hodlck'o
PfcUl" ! o. , 151 ! ) F rm m. D.lf |
HKNV yHirnlshci front room for rent S22
19th tit sj2 tf
TTinH ' 'Af.'B Orrxch npj full Ktj.-Vcf atotMnir
.1 ? liootssn 1 slietn , ( fcni'i ( irnlihli 7Kood" , will c\-
c'miiize for xi\'brl hn Ijnd . - ( ! . lI.l'ctciT .iSO ( 3
luth St. , Ombu , Neb. tss-tf
rjOK HAI.R Oil HKNT-Nwhrme ( ! roonm on
I ; Rinile. fJ2 S IJHIiKt , lici rcn I rr/x IHITI ; h niul
Mttioc. IniUlron6O. | A Lli.Jijuift.12J3 Jftrnpni Kt
FOK SA' n-tcnpo mil fiktir 30f acnarAtloncrj
ti > c Imkcry at > t kcnrtin lorlor In cooil loca
tion. AJIJIIJ tMJair- Iliwinl. nv. ;
roil SALn-Btf oltof f n iti end llxtunci rliooii.
riiuiro at fico "J K. " llco sll'ic. ' 117 Up
8AI.E 1Mrw of buft .rm lands ; tt Wa hinton -
in/ton ciii'ntjNfL ; UJ ni.'ei from Herman :
8 mlli'E ! rnm Illatr Viill iltbcr sill for caoh or will
trailo f > r hou-o 111 ( mahn , U bu/vr will tnxb >
snmonrtcB on Ion ? : t.nio. Tlo > .bolo hi.i nn tr
iiillhatoti Adc'-i 8 Jro. Kolowtttck , Nu. U' < S
IStli tt. , Omaha , Neb. ; oi-tf
HALE-At - Mhrir ln , Iiouso r/3 rooms ami
2 tlontswlth J lot Uni84cormr iSih ami rauA.
lln St $50 J cai i ( Mlance on tin.3. DEOTp
I7IOH S LK-R.Vonn amf Sxtiircs c itrally I Pi-itdl ,
anil tioing a K""J bUBimaa. Addjwi ' "Saltwi"
Dee cilice , us t !
flOKSALE-Cheiip-oiio half acre in north Onah * .
Aildregj X Y. A Ilei > oltlpo. fl4fttf
FAlMIOHSArEORT\DE ! ] A WTll iropro/ecj
farm i " 160 acrrn x\M \ l.\rye I'cnrlni ! orchard md
Dhnty of t nllfnilt , t-rent.r t-ght ocrtj-nf jroodtlm.
ber , 2 botiujti , tarns mil all ether modern linprova-
rnents , enl > 2i mile * so.ith of i nuhatnck ' aid * on
clluMic ios 1 , price nnrt tercii r M iaL e , ' would jx >
chin e 'ordts rablo Omaha propprtv , will bo sold
eon 1'or . * j'thi > r pirtlmlvs , cu'l ' on rrrr.h'sorc.d.
dress 1II. . ? tclhai < i , ? . O. box787 Omaja , Nrb.
092 Sp'
FOI ! SALS 200tcn3.fotcahaya Dknorn Rta.
tlon.pili.-cjS.00 per ion. Apply to\\a > HoppT1
Klkhom. 852-lup
F OH SAL2 Japan store south 10th St. , between
Jooesatd Lea\emTDritv
FOII SVLE A Krcif'ijaiini ; impl metl bu infs >
well 'octJoil nnd c.ti ! > lk > heil In thrhir town on
B. i M. K B in Nob. hvrrjtlilpg' rcmy tu btcp
rlcht Into go-1 truliOnly mode ate opital rr
quired. Adiruts "X. Y. " lc ) olllcc , B12 feb 28p
FOB SALX CHEAP One elegant cn-mber sc5 ,
former ; wfc ? 37.CO. One regul Ser clock ,
ono tearly now Knito Piano , five gnU framed
B'cturra , on * home , bvncs * and phaton , ono
alls safe , jmall slzo , one beautiful china ccffeo
net. Al o a large pcro t.'bedeJ St Bcraird dr < i
Inquire 1615 Dlb'o&t. . 234 tf
[ 7AOB SALK - 63x185 ! aet on Cumlng street 3 blooki
L1 west of Military bridge , 81,000. John L.lfcCaguo-
opposite Poti olllce. C3I-U
FOK SALE 132x121 JooS on corner , wrath-out
frort , haao 3 rooms , barn , 3 bloclo west o-
Park avo. and Lonvoa.vorth , easy payino < t , cheap
tl,70Q. Johj L. .MoCaifj * . opposite Post Olllce. Di7tf
FOB SAL > A uew ntook nf haidwaro and Impla.
Ue"ts , Vjilnoeell eitabll hcd , nalM for jc-w
18S4 , 7fi.lCO. Also tow brick bul.dlng . built In I3S3 ,
blzo 251X120 , two stcry and baicment MHO franM
ware houcr Car 1 UI I cq ai-cd fiotn flO.OCOto ? 12.0 30
o\clii3i\o ! bulldiuf ; . Location the very beet in tha
clti cf Kearney , fob Kor pattli ul .r , addreaa
Whltoaktr t Co. Icclibon 531 , Kearney , Nob7R9
B ALEE KAY.Caolqimllty. lowcJt I tlo . T. S.
Claiksui , t'cliuylor.Nol ) .
you SALK OK KJCRIIA.NUK At IO poraoro , al
or piit of two thousari < acroa of tlmher Innd
orty mllcfeast of Kunsa9 City , wll o-inhango ' 01
Nbroaka laud or morchandleu. Bedford , Souor 4i
m Vlttt
'lJiNLP unalny maio , we'RM ' about 1 200
pi.umN . Htcl n , ' 1th Mtchlnir .rap.
Lwiicicat. liavntBiiio
civMs ani
Ing | fopi rtj , , nc | lir a Otcam La
100 M. 141 list.
' OHT A rod Irish R 't r ilCR , ch Ju rollar v u with
J names of "Cottot & II 'hhnun1 ' cut In. A ruHtril
will bo ( alii 1 r.nny lnd > inutlun nruturn of the
( loT II Coitur , . 1314 Douglas at. IMtf
BUSINESSI.OCA.riN' Larito up btalrj room for
runt or will null ltlici hutlmrti or lcn c at bull-
ag. Cor. 15vh & Parnaui. lniuliu ; 18H CAJI Avo.
OUND-Aladiujhanillnir. Kinder ctu nlitiilu
' inoio : v calling at t Iii olllca proving property
ml pajintc for th' ' niKcrtUtmiut , 147 7
IUIV\ MiiltH , sinks i lid cctppocl * ileoncd at thn
tlicnK it not ca atdat anIIIDO cf tba .lay , In an
tntlrrl > ordirl M way withou.tho lra > > t niolentatlon
occii } i.itsor neighbors , with ( tir lipro\id : and
odoileaa . . | i'aratu3. | ' A ivait'o. : . , Wl Capital ate.
. OK TKAUfc her miichuncl.wKl i-Lriea pro-
1 ftrrul , tir o (3) ( ) valm ! U lets la Ia > lon , Ohio.
Ono ( > ! < > t In Ht. l.oulf , Me , 940 acr u of line land lit
Kniitas ; Oiu > (1)farm ( In Ohio. 'Ibis prcpvity Is Ire
Inauiubrancu All conin niilc.-itlnj ( , vll ! ho trestul
titrlitl/couHdentiul , U. Ij , Winotiur , 2t4 ! ' C'u-nln
n it IIIIIUK iox ci , y
DakcU , Jinuiry 12 , 1885. )
GoJetl propotalu In triplicate Irdnrfcd , proriials
the unction of on Weielw'tht aud Cari.atiter
nhop , one harnvs , tiico and i. ! ioi 1 u'lcoin uliopK ,
oiia Klai ( jhtfr liousc.fwo wogpn und Ktorago ibcda ,
ono MktibouEo ami tollar , ut thlia "n y am'Direct-
t j ttu iuiJir < ciud , care of Clnul ( juarli rinoxtor
partn-ent , nlthi i lotto , Oroil'a ' ( re-
ituil untl 12 m , iUtiinU ? , I'tiiruir.v 14 , I'M
Pann ) nnil bpecincatlona can lie i ximincd In thu
odni of the clttl quarto- dt'-r , duiartrjnt of thn
i'latto Omaha , 'fob , the "Ii tir Ooian"Clncago , III ,
and the "Jourr * l" t Kan n T.ty , ilo , *
L'chtiuct I will Lo ft to tliulnwixt 'esponnllilc.
blililcr , autijecl th the approval of tbo il.partiaec&or
Iho right , lowcvcr > la roonul to r'ct any am )
, or any pwt of anji bid , i ! duonud fu < the but lit <
ttrestof tbuervleof
I'roprn.liiinuBtMat < jlov th of th.w joqulvsil fet >
com , IttitlMi ol bulln < alHrapprnil of cvntrai-t
must in urcojopjlneil bt auertUuJ c.liuk upon
mo I ulitd btaUa Oeii iltor ) , pikyiib'o tu ( hoojiJc
tbo liintiyulunul , fur at Ica't fltu ( > )
ant ol thi , axounknf ihoprvp'Mal , nhhli cl > uk
eliall bvfoifci'o I lo tlio Unlte.1 biattH In. 3 eo ol any
dir roctUiBg the uwrilj * l "ll fill lo csccutu
promptly u contract with good nd kuli-clml < ecurl-
* , ncoordiuif to I1 e ti nun of & \ LU , ctlior-l.V ) to
returned to llio Udder ,
for fnrthvr li f nrut on wldresj i\u uudoraltfiiod
rjrina lliiiue Autincy , D.kUa.
Tto undorelvneil will wlbo \ a.V Paitoa Ilouio ,
OnialivN K , by th momlnx ol liii ) , t'obrumy
V. T. JlOll-LTCCIlDr
Jan to 8w m U. H. Indian Aoa [ ;
, I ST. S&8 r-mth ttr ct , kotweea farnain ud liar-
will wHn the Jdof Ruardlm ( rlilts , < > bt ! nli'ir
anj out uUnoe In the niutaaii pieltut , and < n
coittluoonilltloojln the futur * . IloolM and t
iiiailu tg rjJvt VtlI'M * UWi lon if.wjto jj