Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1885, Image 6

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Saturday Morning , , Feb. 7 ,
By Oirrltl . . . - - - -0 cent * r ' feck
By Hall . . . . - - 110.00 pet year
o. T mrl Btraet.
1 ] bed qnllts , 70s , ot Cocko
Slightly damaged muslins 5 : , worth Os
At Cocko A Morgan' .
'Sport" Miller now wants his boys
cnt to the reform school ,
Kato Castloton appears in "At SOB , "
at the opera house this oroning.
100 dozen towels 2uc , worth 40c , at
Cocko & Morgan's , 347 Broadway.
The Bavarian bond gave another of
their popalnf concerts Inst oroning.
Grent ale of slightly damaged muslin
still continues nt Cocko it Morgnu'a.
Mrs. J. W. Ghtpman entertains the
Progressive Eachro club this ovoning.
Ilcrlval sorvicca will bo held at Broad-
ivay M , E. church this ovoningnt 730. ;
Pholjgr-iphad copies of the proposoi
now court house are shortly to bo inado.
The Newman baby , which had its akull
fractured by a fall down stairs , died yen-
Chief Skinner went to Omaha yester
day with Henry Schulz , who was arreatod
as a dtijcrtor.
V. Battln has the work of finialng off
the first lloor of the Masonic hall into
county oflicos.
George and Joseph Gurspachthis even
ing ro-opon the saloon next to the Union
avonno hotel.
The bar docket of the circuit court for
the term opsning February 0 , is now out ,
There are 233 cises.
The Royal Arcanum is to have its
second patty of this season's son 35 on
the evening of the 13th.
The small-pox cftaos having been dis
posed of , Dr. Seybort is now giving his
tlmo to his regular practice.
Wheeler , who was shot last Sunday by
JufTbries , Is reported as sonio better , and
It is thought ho may recover.
Conrad Golso is bolng aoroly troubled
by thiovcs. Night before last a sot of
harness was stolen from his stable.
In the coming term of the circuit
there are sixteen cases against the city
nnd six in which the city is plaintiff.
The man Lake arrested for stealing
wood in Garner township , lias been
fonnd guilty by 'Squiro Prouty and finec
$5 and costs.
The X. Y. X. club of the Congrega
tlonal church is to giro n Martha Wash
ington costume party in Masonic hall on
the evening of the 21st.
The Knights nnd Ladies of Honor
have invited the Omaha ledge to an on
tertalnmont to be given here on the 18th
Inat. at their hall on Main street.
Mrs. Hewitt haa received the ead news
of the doith of her aged mother , Mrs.
Sarah Kellogg , uear Denver. She was
84 yoarj of ago end was ill but a short
There is a report that the "Threo
iNinoa , " as it is called , is to bo opened as
a , dance house. If BO , the enterprise
should bo suppreeeed without much core
Alderman James is telling lila friends
that ho has had enough of aldormanl
honorc , nnd will not aeplro for the oflico
or peiapiro In the office , after his preson
term expires.
Fun ahead ! Masquerade phantom or
pillowslip party at Spiritual hall tomorrow
row , Saturday , ovoning. Don't you for
got it. Admission , ladies ten conta
gouts twenty live cents.
Bob BurtUtto'a latest joke Is that ho
missed connection and could not roach
lioro in time tcHocturo last evening aiu
the entertainment was therefore post
poned until Monday night.
William Brlx expects to start in a few
days for his old homo in Germanr , from
which ho has been absent for eighteen
years. On his return ho expects to atar
n starch factory hero.
The non-appearance of Bnrdotto las
evening waa a great disappointment
many. There were a largo number o
tickets lold , and there would have been
a crowded house without doubt.
"All the Ibonndlers unlverjo { s life
the rating death. " Spiritual circle thl ;
afternoon.and evening In Spiritual hall
at " am-7:30 ] o'clock. Entrance on Main
and PcutJ freoiB , via stain two doors
couth of the postoflico.
S i It pleaYcV Harry Hunter greatly now
to a k hlmrjiaw about the report that the
Wabnah had nearly got its foot ialo it
Between that and tha "Martin" para
graph this pot child of the old grand-
motlisr will din young.
It seem3 conceded that J. A. Roll'wil
no , appointed as caabior of the llock I *
land aa successor to Mr. Truynor. Mr
Iloft" haa nerved acceptably as assistan
oathier for some tlmo , and haa macj
friends uoro who would llko to sao him
take a stop higher.
Whtlo there ii a little scheming ant
goislp going on aa to the coming cil ;
election , and who ehall bo choien fo
alderman , there la also quite a aldo dhow
starting aa to who tli&ll bo chief of th
fire department. Among thoao wlips
' . names are mentioned for the ponltlbn an
. ' the present chief , Walters , tha old elite
Jt > hn Temploton , 'Charlie SsiiderflOn and
Jake Rogers ,
sttendanco at the Ourtin utret
ihool is bolng rapidly cut down by the
ack of bridges acroi * the sewer ditch ,
'ho ' children living en the other tide of
lie ditch are compelled to go way up to
ho dummy train bridge nnd cross there ,
nd as many parents are naturally afraid
f having their children run the rltk of
rosaing the railway bridge , the [ children
ro kept at homo. Some twenty or thirty
hlldrou are thus kept out of school on
ccounl of the lack of thoao bridges.
'ho city council | has given Aid. Slodont-
ph power to have temporary bridges
milt and thin should bo done at onco.
' ' " Grocn Found Guilty of A
Another Coon ivlth
a Flntlron ,
Latt Sunday there wns a racket at
Molllo Wallnca'a place , In which ono
lusky youth nnmod Pnyno was given
more pain by bolng hit over the head
wlh a flatiron. "Tuno" Green and Ole
Jackson were clurgod with bolng con
cerned In the row , and they skipped the
, OTTH and kept hidin Oruaha. The ether
day they slipped ever to thla aide and the
police surrounded the honao they were
n and trlod to capture thorn , but they
sneaked out and How again. Thtmdiy
light they came ever hero again nnd this
; lrno they were captured. They were
given n hearing before Judge Aylcaworth
yesterday , and Jnckeon waa dlachnrgod
but "Tuno" waa found guilty nnd fined
525 and ccuta. and In default of payment
do waa aontto jail. Helms boon going
from bad to worao pretty rapidly of late ,
and has Into aovoral acrapoa , haa lost his
"job" and stands a good show of getting
a free ride scroaa the atato unless ho t racoa
up rapidly. Ho ia ono of the young men
who lately raised aonio money for the
colored church hero and then gambled It
[ 'lie First Jury Drawn for the Flrwt
Term of the New Court.
Yesterday the following potlt jury was
drawn for the terra of the circuit court
which opens at Avoca , March 0. 0 D
Laporto Center , G W Robinson Knox ,
Charles Lohock Layton , D Hfgby Knox ,
S M Hildobrand James , J H Bafliogtcn
Center , A O Bergman Pleasant , M C
Hcflln Knox , Itolnh Sago Center , D L
ETnckott Macedonia , Wm Srailoy Layton ,
Henry Mann Bolknap , R G Hatlow
Knox , George Pahl Knox , J D Hooktr
Daraon , Wm H Coon Knox , John
Eardin Grove , J B Jackson Layton , A
UcCandlosa Pleasant , N Diomond Careen -
eon , James Oalor Grove , S B Pasamoro
Wright , Theodore Tillies Macedonia.
J'lie Oradlnc of SKth nna Sovcntn
Streets Stopped.
Yesterday the teamators strack at work
for Regan Bros. & McGorlak filling up
Sixth and Seventh etroots struck for
higher pay. They say they have been
Dotting only 12J cents a load , while the
contractors wore getting more than twice
that amount , the teamsters doing all the
work , and the contractors sitting back
and taking all the profits. The contract
ors claim that during the winter , while
work was scarce , they have been giving
tsanutsrs n chance to earn $2.50 a day.
They have until next Juno to complete
the contract , and so they say that if the
teamsters do not want to haul at the
price stated , they can stop the work and
wait awhile.
II. B. Feed , of Poitland. Maine , is at the
J. B. Jones , of Atlantic , was at Bochtelo'a
Col. Wood ; the coal man , went yesterday
to hla home in Charltou.
Mr. Mann , the architect of the new court
house , left yesterday for his home in St. Joe.
K. B. Vosburg , general agent of the ( Jaifty
company , was in the city yesterday and made
arrangement1 ! for that company , who | ilay
"ATTAdamless Eden , " at Dohany'a February
13th. ' ,
William Gronewog , who has boon In charge
Lutz k Co'a old store , la now going to take a
week's vacation , nnd on hia return will .take
his old place as shipping clerk for Qronowog
& Scoentgen. 1 J .
. . . iv
DoatU ot Mrtt , ( stranfr. , ? 5S
Mrs. Jane Straug , widow of WiJJlam
Straug , of Crescent townahip , died 1 Jier
homo Thuraday afternoon. She "iraV "
born In Scotland in 1818 , and with her
huabond came to this country In 1853 ,
and took up their residence In Iowa.
Mr. Strong died about three years ago.
Four childien now survive them , William
Straug , Mre. R. Dunkle , Mra. Margaret
Kirkwood and Mis. Jane Hording. The
funeral of Mra. Strang will bo held Sun
day at 11 o'clock at the homestead , and
the romalna will bo laid to rest beside
these of her husband in Crescent ceme
Iloal Estate Transfera.
The following ia a list of real estate
tranifara filed yesterday in the recorder's
office of Pottawattomio county , Iowa , aa ,
furnished by A. J. Stephenson ,
tor , real estate and loan agent , ? ji0ofc
Bluff * , Iowa , February C , ISBS. ! ,
John MsLano to floury 8'Klml
a el , a ei-8-7r > .4 : ) , gl.OOO.OO. - '
Weth W. Hale to Sarah E. Bear.1t pait'
Iolal9and20 , block H , HidOle'sMb , '
? 200.00. ' '
Total aalui , $1,200.00.
Tha city council moats thh
The Homo Association
Tha regular annual meeting of the
Home of the Friundltsj association of
Council Blufl * will COQVBUO at the Dome ,
No. 7M AVCJJUO D. March 10 , at 1
o'clock , , . All
p m. persons who era
monthly subscriber ; and paid up , are
memesn of the association and entitled
to a voice , and are earnestly raquested
to bo present , as nine trustee ) are to be
elector , and other important biuincai to
be transacted.
J. G. LEMEN , Manager.
WILL 0. GAIIMA.V , Seo'y nzA Traaemor ,
The Sklpplntf Kdltor
Nothing very now was learned
day concerning the case of Lcr.'h , the
Frloro Preis ? , who on being suspzctcd of
havlngjburglarized Contnd Goiso's oflico ,
loft the city so suddenly , the particulars
of which woio given In yesterday's Bnr. .
It Is Jparnod that ho told one of his ac
quaintances Wednesday that ho wa
about tj start for St. Louis , and wanted
a letter of introduction to some business
men there. It Is reported that ho was
ilso short with his accounts with the
newspaper office , havlntr collected bilh
which ho failed to report.
Two car loads of horses , mules nnd
mares just received , for sale atthostables
of Schlntor & Boloy , Klola barn , corner
Fisth avenue and Fourth street.
The Irving engagement In Chicago netted
The rrc-eipla of the la t woolt of Mr. Irv
ng'sChkago engagement were 518,250.
It li the toot-ODHumblod which constitute !
.ho beauty of n brass band at a dintanco ,
Mu. liangtry sols the fnabion of the latoat
color for dress. It Is called ' 'Thames fog , '
An eastern piper saya that Hnverlv wnntH
to go Into partncrthip with Urooka & lickson ,
Sardoit , It is cnid , hai already netted 800.000
Francs by calea ol the right to reproduce
'Theodora "
Mr. C.irl Uota will procluco n now opura liy
Goring Thomas at the lriiry ) Lane theater in
London at Easter.
The Union Square theatre , Now York , haa
cut prices of reserved teats and general ad
mission " 5 per cent ,
Mr. Danlol Sully took in ST > 207 ih ono
week recently in Now Orleans over the conn
ter of his "Corner Grocery.1'
M. Coquelin will make his first appearanci
in this con try nt the Fifth Avenue theatre
on the lltli of January , 188G.
The heroine of "diprlce , " Minnie Miuldern ,
will probably play : ill summer , dated having
boon m.ido for the hot months ,
Mine. Nlltiou has been decorated by King
AlfoiiEo with the cross of tha Civil Order o
Benilici nue , founded by his mother.
Mr. J , II Hill , of ChuiVRo , has rented th <
Union .Square for a sir weeks summer term in
which to intioduce Margaret Mather to Now
William Muldoon , the ih.vmpion wrestler
appears with the Thatcher , Prlmrosu & . Wea
minstrels in ancient and modern statuary
Jules Levy frankly said to a Lonlsvillo re
porter , "I am the only great coronetist in the
world. " 1'oople with delicate nerves wish it
were true.
Maude Granger's "Lynwood" speculation
has proved a failure. The company is _ on the
homeward stretch from Pulhrau , 111. , in a go
ns-you-please fashion.
'How ' were you struck by her perform
nnce ? " asked p gentleman of a musician at an
amateur planiate'a dobut. "Not half BO ban
ns the poor piano was , " he replied ,
Miis P.itrice , daughter of Judge Patrice , o
Brooklyn , iv society belle , plays the Frond
Girl in "Threo Wives. " She dresses superbly ,
and ia potitr ami pretty , after the style o"
Minnie Palmer.
'Play ? I guess you'd think BO ! Why
man , Fuguerson can take the commonest turn
mid di'gulse it so that nobody would ever rec
ognize It. Oh , yes , I assure you Fnguorson i
exceedingly clever. "
Edwin Booth and Lawrence Barret tin
doing the legitimate in New York to largi
houses. Both gentlemen have been pluylng
there for weeks to unusually large business
considering the season.
Mine. Modjeska Is playing in Hussion Po
lanii. Last nihc she was to have appearec
at Posen. Sh Is duo in England iu the latte
part of March , and succeeds Marj Anderson
at the Lyceum Theatre.
William Carroll , the leading spirit of th
Howard Atheoreum company , is to take th
rend shortly with "Lend Mo a dollar , " a new
play which he hai owned for aimo time. Kd
T.iylor is organi/ing the company.
A Gprman journal says Richard Wagner'
trustee has decided that no festival perform
ancvs ofV .tenet's works shall be given at Bai
rmth in 1S8T > . 13ut the "Parsifal" and "Trls
tan and Isolde" will bs given In 18SU.
Three Mi.Caull opera companies are travel
ing to-day ; onn from Philadelphia to Boston
another Irom Boston to Philadelphia and tb
third from Cleveland to Chicago. The rail fares of these trips amount to over SltOt
Mrs VictoriaMorosini-Hulsksmp's western
tour has been a flat failure. She did not oven
aihlevo the uuccots of curiosity which she ob
tained on her first visit to tne eastern cities.
TheBcnsalion _ is dead , and a dead sensation is
a thing not easily revived.
Tbcie la a rule In the German theatres
wet thy of general adoption. No one la
allowed to move about the theatre , Isava or
enter it while the music ia playing , and the
mail who taya he will is sent , aa u by puou
matic , to the nearest police station ,
MSH ! Minnie Palmer will leave for Kuropo
immediately after her two \\ecks' ongagemeut
at the Union Square theatre , beginning April
127 She will bo abroad two yearn , and give
"Aly Sweetheart" in Londou , Paris and
Vienna , iu English , Fiench and German.
GoorgiKunkel , the well known minstrel ,
whose recent sudden ruathin lUltimore has
bf > en announced , began lifo as a typo in John
W. Forney's ollieo , Lfarrhburg- . Subse
quently he turned his splendid bars voice to
account as a minstrel , and when that failed
him became a leading Uncle Tom.
Edwin Booth , Lawrence Barrett and Henry
Irving li&vo consented to participate in the
forthcoming exercised at thn dedication of the
Pee Memorial , iu the Metropolitan museum
of art. The statue ipprusents the nmsncrown
ing a mcclilliim likeness of Poo. It is the
work of W. 11 , Park , an American nrtist at
Atal'atti performance by the MapIeKon
Opera Company in the St. Charles Theatre ,
New Orleaot ) , a panic was caused between the
third and lint act by the falling of plaster from
beneath the drees rlrcle. Great excitement
prevailed during the brief etampedo which fol
lowed , and luckily no person waa injured , al-
thougn alaigo number of ladies weru badly
Schmitt & ; Harb
lle reino\cd from undir the ipera ) lju | a to
. 402 BROADWAY ,
Tliey will continue their CI3AW AND TOBACCO
builnemand ImlU all their old Irlendi and the pub
llo to call and leo them , The flneet cl arj and to
baooo al M a ) B on tun J ,
A full stock of Mens * , Womens1 ,
Boys' , Misses' and Childrens' New Jersey
ARCTICS , now ready in any quantity to
suit purchasers , CHICAGO TERMS and
DISCOUNTS every day in the year. We
also carry FULL lines ol BOOTS and
SANDALS of above named goods , includ
ing the nicest line of SPECIALTIES for
fine retail trade made by ANY company
We have some Felt Boots to close out
cheap. Try a case of our COMMON
recommend them.
Write for list on "Lumbermen , "
Z. To LXT3DBEY & CO , .
Storehouse and Salesroom , 41 N. Main St
Office , 412 Broadway ,
To Allow Anyone to Die of Diphtheria
DUIUNG the lost fhc years { hero has not been a death from diphtheria In nnv ca o whtro Dr. Tlioma
JelTcrib'prcnontlvn anil euro wai uecJ. Itlmu boon the meuis ot saving thousands ol Iiu'9. ImlU
poriBlble In jnitilil sere tlir.-at , In luili . 'tiant scarlet fcner , chnuginc It In 48 hours to Iho simple form. Fo
sale only at the doctor's olllce , No. 23 South Eighth street , Council lllufls , Iowa , Send for it ; price 2.
Djepcptlc , whylhe In mUcrj and ule In despair with cancer of the stomacn ? Dr. Thomoa Jcllorlg curca
01 cry cato of Indigestion and conatlpatlon In \cry short time 13ojt of refoienccu given ,
j8 the causa ef iiinctv per cent of all diseased conditions
Wholesale and Hutall Dealers iu
Hard Soft ana Blossburg
O/f / f . /-A. A . JLj "
W. H. SIBLEY , Manager.
. . 38 Slain St. Yard , on C. R. I. A , 1' . and C.
.M &U P. Railway.
, . B. HOWE'
Corn Meal ,
Graham Hour ,
Ground Fresh Every Day !
Ground Feed Always on Hand.
Mill , corner of North Sixth and Mill .Streets ,
All the Latest Improved
All Work First Class ,
Orders by Mail Solicited
Express Paid on all Or
ders over $2,50.
Collars and Cuffs a
Specialty ,
Established 1882.
H. E. EEMEE.Manager
W Broidwujr , COUNCIL BLUFtfS , IA.
Dr. "W. H. Shorradon
Masonic Temple ,
Council Blaflf ; Iowa.
J. B. TATS ,
Practice In SUto and Federal Conrtl.
Oolloetloni promptly attended to.
Room 1C , ShuRart'i Building ,
ACUUSlON-Ginta lO-UdlM 100.
BKATES-OenU ISO. EJullw 100.
Admission Fr to Ladles each jnornlnjr and Tne
day and Thursday altcrnocoi. Vt ol Bkatea It
cent * .
Uanazer. Proprletoi
St , Charles Hotel ,
0 STREET , BET 7th and 8th , . . LINCOLN. KED.
lire. Kate Coakly , rroprlctoreee. [
wly and elegantly furnished. Good eample
oma on flrat llaor.
Sr orTcnuB31.50 to f2 per day. Special rates ch en
nembird of the legislature. * uovlo-liu-ino
No. 507 Broadway Oonncll Blofls , f
Railway Time Table , \
Corrected to January 7,1SS5.
The InllowtuK are the tlmeiol the arrival aud ilf.
parturooi trains by central standaid time , at th
local depot ] . Trains leave transfer ilopnt tun rum fi
Qtea earlier and arrlte too minutes later ,
cuioioo , KURunaroN AKD QUINOT ,
iS5pm : ChloaifoEirreM B:00 : ro
BiO : a m Faat
Mall. r00 ; u n <
lSO ; p m Acoouimoilatlon. t.W p in
At local deiiot only. ll
iiiiaia cm , i. 10 * t o COUKOIL tivnt.
0.05am Mull and KiprwD. fl'JSnm
Silt p m I'toiUo Kipruan , a 65 n rn
fH : P m Kxprcaa , Bo5 ; a ro
9U : rn Eipren , ojj : p m llJ
ciiiruo , OCK istiND A D
6:25 : p m Atlantic Knprean , S06 ; a ru
96 : a m Day K pro ( ; 6 p m
rSO ; a m 'Dec Molnea AocommodatloD , till n m J
At local depot only.
WABUU , i. utuis AJD pinno.
MlOptn Aix uimo < l t.ou ClOOara
1:80 p ra Ixuia Express tM p m
1:60 : p m ChluijO KxiJrtui 10:66 : it m
At Transfer only
C iicAOO and NOETUwumx.
iM : v m Kiprtss , IM p m
9i2i m TadfloEsircM 6:05 : a tn
IIODX 01TT AND riCIFir , *
IM f m 81. I'aul ExprcM , Boo : a m H
rilO a m Day Kipreu 7:00 : p m
union nemo.
3:00 : p m Western Eiprcaa , BM : a m
llooam : , : (0pin
ISllO a m Lincoln Kiprcw , lilt p 111
At Traoilor only ,
va-70-S : < 0-9SO-10S0.11UOa. : : m.
:50-6JO-flSO-llos : : : : p. m Baoday 7:20- :
1:40 : L. m. lSO-ISO-5SC-flSO-ll:05 : : : : : p. ra.
inmluu'ra before Itiivltg llm . iy
m trie ilei only
SMITH it Tou.nit. \ < ; is.
Merchant Tailors !
7 and ! Mtin St. ,
COUNCIL Bi.rrrs , - - IOWA.
A Complete Line of New Goods to Select From.
Keep Dorses and Mules constantly on hand which
wo will sell In retail or carload lota.
All Stock Warranted as Reoresenteil.
tn It Or ln m ! Doled llty. rrlc i r
cormMe 8 tl f ction Quitintcoil.
. < Ss
Corner Fifth Avn. > t Fourth St. UouncllBlufTs7
Wiuter Goods Ready. Suits Midi ) to Onh-r in Latest Style
on Short Notion nnd nt Kensonnbla Prioos.
COS Main Street. . Oouuoll Bltttot
Drs , Judd & Smith's New Improved Electric Belt.
. _ _ , _ . . . . . ; ami IT.VAYNK. . IND
IT rrta T TFL f V Dt1t D > U 1 1 I i
Cooking and Heating Stoves
ItiM tt * AM t > lnr * it ii 1nv Alt * . , ul f t. _ - . _ . -.1. . J _ 1 4 _ Jl _ . . * r
A. J. Mandel ,
825 iJroHdway. Council Muff * .
NOT1CK. fcpootal > vortliemeutt , SHO M LoM ,
round , To I/oin , For Mala , To Kent , Watita , Board.
Inp , etc. , will hoMneorted tn this column at the low
rate ot TEN CENTS PER LIKE for the first Insertion
> nd nVE CENTS PER LINE for e oh gubsequecl n-
ertlon. Leave advertisements l our offioo , Ho.
Pcuri Street , coar Breadwav
UENT-T ere matNo. 638 First avenue
Ground Hour , liontiof ; on jiark.
FOR SIK Ararochsinotoijet a line , well im-
pro\cd fnrin of JOO actcnuthln a f w miles of
Council Hindi , at a liu aln. Low price anil easy
terms. OWAS & WALKKR
] OR SALE Agoodpajinu liotel property with
llveii tUbio Inonoof the l t small towns in
western Iowa will sell with or without furniture , or
will tiaile fur a tmall farm with ( took etc.
POR 8\LE Elghtj acres uniaiproved land in
Union couiitv , Jown , 3J miles south cast of Af-
ton , time lint/ seat , or win trade for Nebraska or
Kansas land. SWAN & WAI.KKK.
1i > ( ) R SALE A 2 acru tract of good land about
one and a half nilei Irom Council Itluflt post
oIBco , at a bargain. S A
If Ml SALl In Harrison cimit > , Iowa. 320 acres
JC1 crusa laml , all umkr funco a SOU arro farm
with line impioiemail * all under cuHnatlon except
SO acres grasi S3 ( icrtn good grass or pasture land ,
and 8u\cral other tracts of from 40 to 160 acres of
unlmproNcd land. Swu & .
| 7\OU \ SALIIOH THAIIE-Kor ( rood oitj prorcrtR
A' in Couocil BluDior impro > td form. m > brick
livery stable and entire steen or the stock only and
lease of etablo for fi\o Censor raorj. D1J a Lusi-
resa of over J5.0CO In 18:4 with eight l\crj ! horses.
W. L. [ 'Attnn. 23 N. Main street , Council Blnlla.
\VANTEl ) Situation .is ll'ej clats moat and 'pas.
try cock , by a lain ot experience. H. II.
I.ei/ ; , Metropolitan hotel , Council Binds.
\A L7ANTED A lioy with a pony to carry TUB Urn.
Call at BFK ollioe Ilninediatcly.
FOIt S4LK Lands improved aad unimproved.
If ymi want a faim in \\o > tern Iowa , Kansas
Nebraska or Dakota , Ittua fcoir ( rein % ou.
T7 < OH SALE Special bargain A large two story
I1 f rax a dwelling , ten rooms with oil modern im
pro\tmcnta , well located and almost new. 1'iico
ijOO ; ? 1(00cash balance lonptlmo
WrANTKD To correspond with any non-resident
owner of property In Council lllultj or I'otta-
wnttimo county , or any oil" slchinp to buyer
or till piopeity lu wtstcrulowa , Kansta or Nebraska.
Fll SA' U A Inriro number of business and rusi-
deuce lota In ail pins ot Council Hlulfh. See
in before } on buy , hV : vs & WALKKK.
I7OII IlENT Wo ho several houses on our list
' for rent , \arant now , SHAN& WAI.HKIU
J OH S LK i'artlet wisbm to buy cheap lots to
build oucanbiiy on nonthlj pajincnta o'lrom '
F'KllKNI Wo will rent j on n lot to bu Id on
with the iirhllagc to buy it jcm wifh nuury
liberal term . fiwWAUKBH
D To cnrreipond\Mthany on * u
( -onl locitlcm f r ilanninK mill. Bisb , door
and blind manufactory ha\e bulldlnv aud
, well located , forsalo. Icnso or tia'lo ;
8WAN& f ALkKR.
F OR e two itory frame building suit
able for warehouse or etoraire puriio8LH , utar
railroad depot. t > u \N W
HKtrr on HAl.r. uu. . : . -i and" ground !
1 BU tallofor eicall foundiy nnd inaet.ino ehop.
lood bailer , onirint1 , cujula , buv\ir ! uith Ilitd ehatt-
IIIK uta. , iiad ) Input iu motion.
8 \ \ WALKKB ,
Jj OH SAM ) SliOiUmr , ooiintcrs , Ublut
llvturts itc , Ki ciiiro | ot II. c. bcuma
jooka and utttior.crill Ilraadnay.
JjMilt MALh lAuliumeij. niiRlo bu cy , aud light
sin lD linrncus. C. II. liobertsoo 601 IlroacUny.
ij'UK &AI-.K IIi/UhCH. Lota and Land. A. J ,
V ltcploi on , 613 Hlrtta\enuu.
Ij Oik ttAl.fA top.buBj ( , llrot-I BI make anil
JL1 In ex client condition. Or Hill tradu for cheap
ot. Addrem i. M Bee ollke , Conned llluTa.
MAL rtNl > t < OOll-UociiKO lluaton , il i TiTu. T
VV wty. nulls coal and wiuni at rea iublo prlcea
2,000 llw. (01 ( a ton , and 123 cublo for a cord ,
\A/ ANTKLi Kvory iinuyiu Council Iiluns o utc
TV TUHllni. Uellvored by carrier at only twent )
Mali a MucK
\LU I'Al'KRa Kor ualu at llii oHlw , at M cent *
' hundred
dilorney - at-Law ,
Office , Main BtrMt , Room 8 , Shugart and L'euo
lock. Will practlco la S.ate aud Fudcrol oourte.
listice of tie Peace , IK '
orricx OVER AMKRIOAJI uriiKsa '
" "
Oob , Coal g Wood
0. addrcM , Lock llok 1189 , Council DIuHO
, la uiiiirnUmlao uroUH
IroiiiictlMty poHitlvoly j
II curuH imjiotojioi' lout
_ ' * ouorer.iiurvnmiiltbU.
, all woaliniSHoficiiicrutlvuHydt4 ) > iiii < illiurbUz K , mull. .1 , H Varncr.VlUT htutuBtUlJic u- ' -J
IPS.H.J . , EDtOHH D , ,
. CaanoU Bluflt.
Deputy SlierII ! and
Offlco with N. BahurJiutlce of the 1'eace , Ceunrll
BIuHs , Imva.
If. R. H. milt
Council Bluff * , 11
Established 185 $
Dealeri In Foreign and Dorautlo Eioh ng
Homo Socurltki ,
or otnor tumon romovtd without th *
knUo or dinning cfblooi
Oier thirty yours practical exparlcKCli OHM to.
C , Pearl slrrot.Couucll Biuftj.
* a CoinulU/lon fro.
Chicago , MinnenpoHi ) , Milwausi'e ,
SI. I'aul , ddir Itipldi , ] ) iivoiipcirt
Clinton , DiibiupK * , It-'clcfurd ,
Rock lalnnd , Vrvepurt , . ( ntu'.svlllo ,
KlKin , Indis.m , lCioasi - ,
Hulnit , Wimmi : ,
And all ether Imjt.rl.irjt points j'ast , Nortli-
cast nnd K
Ticket olllpo nt U01 1'nriiain tti > ct ( In lU\ton Hotel -
tel ) , an.l at IT Inn I'acilli' llepit.
ITI.I.-UN SLI.EI Klin an.l . tlio I'IM-ST DIMMI O.utun
\\oiannro rii MM tin1 ninln lines uf tbii Chicago
llwaukoe&St. P.VUl rt'y an I ncrj aitcntliiii
( paid to pasncnnrurii by cuiiraMb emplojujol thu
Ccneralllaiiagcr. Oen'l I'liHsocr Aitnt.
MIL..EII. GKO. K.JIK4i' OlllJ ,
ABa'tfien'lJranai'cr. Asj.tOin'l I'aM
J. T. CLAI1K , Ocn'l Siiiierlntendont.
cir Bluffs
and Chicago.
The nnh line lo take for Du Jloinon. arshall.
town , Cfdar Jlanliln , Clinton , Dixie , Chicago , Mil-
aul io and all points ca t. To the neojilo of No.
'jranka , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah , Idaho , Netadt ,
Oregon , Washington nnd California It offers uuptrlor
odvuttaKia not | > oa llila by any nther line ,
Amoui ; a few of the iiuiucroiH j.ulcits of ( Uperlor-
Ity erju oil by tlio pitruns of this ro l botuetu
Omaha and Chloago , are Ita tHotrtloa a day of DAV
CUAOUKH which are tlieHnuet that human ait anil
Inucnulty ian rreito , IU rALAUEHI.KKI'lNO UAUg
wlilcli am nicdelaof oimfurt and Uc'itkncu : Itn [ 'Alt
LOU DKAWINU HOOJI fiAUH , un urna < ui < i | by any
and Its widely relcbratoil I'UjVTlAlj DINING OAKti
the tciual of whlih cannot bu ( ounl oU whuro.
At Council lllulls the Iralnu of tbu t'nlon 1'iclQa
) ( .onnecllii Union IAOtulth tliCMaot the Chlca.
&N rthvicttirii Hy lu Chicago the trains of thli
line make close connvctloa with thono uf all eastern
Kor Detroit , Columbuu , ludlanagio'lg , Cincinnati.
N'liltura Ki-lld , BuUalo , flitiburK , loronto , Montreal
Ilouttn , .Vcw York , I'lilladolphla , liililtmro. Wagii.
nutoii uuci ll polnti In the Kiel , oik tbu ticket
Ife'ou Hn the ) ( t accommodatloit 1 All ticket
uvnm bcil tickets ila thl < line.
kLIIUaillTT. K.4.IIAIK ,
( itiicriuManager. Ooi I'un. At-cnt.
K'i in : HUMAN mn > y IMAUII.I ) .
l'ii : ) hlltl Sll'l llisii : : ) . " Kir , | n inLirfmllni'
iU'Hiwiunni liini/run iiitMir IIBI r. In loin ?