MAHA Omen No. 014 AND 010 FAR.VAH Sr. NEW YOBK Omc * , Uoou C5 TRIBUNE Bean- rabllOieJ every mornlnif , txwpl S The nly Monday morning dally fubllshed I , , -)8TMAIt ) , . . , . Orr. Ytur t.IO.00 | Threa Months t S . M BlxMonths 6.00 I Ona Month 1.00 Tha Weekly Bee , 1'ubllhscd every Wednesday TERMS , rostrAio. One Tear , with premium * J 3 One Year , without premium * Eli Month , without premium f ? Ona Month , on trIM relating to Nu Alt Communloatlons - - - - - - - nutUri should bo addressed to tha LDIIOR bis. cviixus LITTERS AH Ttmtnr < Tx > tters and Remittances ihouW 1)0 , OMAIU. Oonrwr MdctseJ uTiw BM . nraftTchscki and Post oOlceordorj to be made pay. Able to the order of the company. THE BEE PUBLISHING CO , Props ] 1 KOSUWA.TEK , KniTon , A. H. 1'itcli , Manager Daily Circulation p. o. ox , 483 Omalift , Neb. BUFFIXOTON'S "roformotory insUtn- lions" bill la a Rood thing for Bil Stout. iv O'Donovan lloBt.i recovers ho will inako more money than over ont of his notoriety. K.VOI.AND rejoices moro ever the hoot Ing of O'Donovnn Roasn than over the killing of n thousand Arabs. Tun woman who ahot O'Donovnn Rosin is by no means n lunatic. There was too muoh method in her mndncaa. TUB people cf Nebraska do not wnn i the legislature to monkey with the high 1 license h\v. If tbu liquor men knov when they nro well off they will lot well enough nbne. PAT McAiiDLE , chairman of the com inlttco on claims , has recommended the allotrancaof Pot.llanos'clairoB , Whether the legislature will go pi'y ' Pat haa no been aocort.iincd. Now that it has become the fashion to introduce ) null dynamite bills in the variom legislatures , it need surprise no ono to ( oa eomo enterprising Nebraska legislator como to the front with eom mich measure. Wn agroa with Jnlitn Ciusar in the statement that all gall is divided int throe parts. la Nobraskn ono part i composed of the railroad lobbyists ; on other part ia mndo np of insurance agents and the other part embraces the claim agents. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IN the cases of the Union PaciG agilnat the United States the court o claims has decided that the railway com pany owes the government $2,758,052 It is now in orJcr for the Union Paclfi to ask for an extension , of sixty yeara on this judgment along with its other in debtedness. A PORTION of the saloon men cf Omah have determined to make an effort t law * -ho tigh 1 , , ubc mducod , and hnvo sent Mojsra. Dellono and Pratt to Lin coin in the opacity of lobbyists. It ! uald that they will be assisted by Fran Walters , if the railway lobby can spar his service ? . THE board of education has very properly orly refused to rent any of the schoo buildings for Sunday school purposes The board Is correct in taking the grounc that auch rental would open the doorj.t every sect , and that the public schoo houses should not in any way bo used for lOatarian purposes , but only for the pub lic day schools. i On. BILLY WHITNEY , son-in-law of Senator Payne , of Ohio , fceh pretty uuro of warming a sent in Graver Cleve land's cabinet. There's nothing like coal oil to grease the wheels of political machinery. If Whitney ia elevated to the cabinet it will bo a reward for the § 105,000 spent by the Payne family m tbo presidential campaign. THE board of education has decided to Iirtvo nn iron stairway built nt the north end of the high school building and to liavo two standpipes erected. This is a stop in the right direction , and ono which ought to have been taken long ago. II is hoped that there will now bo no delaj in making these improvements which will render the building much safer in case ol fire. Lot the work bo done at once. A COMLMMKNTAKY notice of the litera ry of work Uonry F. Koenansays : "HI first itory , 'Trojan,1 was accepted and in part published by the Manhattan [ againc , but unfortunately Mr. Pod- < lor'a pilfering * woao brought to light and iho magazine stopped before the story was nded" TJiis ii an unfortunate bull on the part of Mr. Ivoonan'a biographer , the Inforance being that It was a misfortune that Poddor's ' pilfering * , which supported the magazine , wore discovered. Perhapt iho author .of "Trajan" would have prefer red to have Mr. Podder keep on stealing until his story had been completed. O'DONOVAN Jlo sA now know * how it IB htuigolf. He has boon given a done of hia ou-n modioino. Ho has been shot by * woman , who probably > ms the agent to carry out A prooouoorCod plan of ravongo cither in behalf of tko wounded Phelin , or in the Jntorcstn of the English. There Is a deep niyvtery snr- roQiiding the affair , and when unravelled It will very likely caueo a grttt sensa tion. The death of O'Donovan Jloam would no doubt ylvo great aaoiefaotio n to the English people to whom ho has In'ou | n Er ° at source of fear , although ho r . alvvaya rugarcod by < ] ieso who know him K \ ' > * finiat blow-hard who took the credit I \ot ( Jovisingnnd directing nearly all the 'dynamite outrages that have been com- ilttoi Jn England , when aa a matter of > t ho know little cr nothing abant n UONKST INSURANCE. The policy of some iniuranco compu te ] Is to take all the ininranco they caa ot on property , without regard to its no- ail luo , and when It is destroyed they o through A process called adjustment a mcetUin Us re&l value. Meanwhile hey InVo boon robbing the policy holder > y compelling him to pay premiums on a sum not warranted by the property , nntl it the tame time by thii over-insurance hey are constantly holding ont an in- lucemont for Incendiarism. To put nu nd to this way of doing bntlnoss a bill ian been intrcducoJ In the New York cgiihturo providing that the amount pcclflcd In an insurance policy na the teal al value of the properly shall bo conclu sive proof of the value of such property in case of total destruction by lir.3 tnd that In cnso of partial destruction by a , .ipprMsDrs ehall determine whether : ho nmnunt of the policy Is in excess o iho value of the property. Should Iho apptiilsers so determine , the policy holder hall bo entitled to recover , in addition to ; ho value of the property destroyed , or amount equal to the dilFaronco be tween the premiums en the at. sussed value nnd those actually laid upon the policy , with inUras rom the date on which the policy bm joon issued. This seems to us to be n fair bill , and ono which ought to meet with favorable considerition at the hands o ! the Nebraska legislature. It certainly will have a tendency to compel honoat insurance , as Insurance companies would under such a law bo very careful not to permit ever insurance. If any company is so greedy as to insure property for moro than Us value simply in order to Increase the amount of its premiums , it should certainly bo compelled to pay the full amount of the policy In the event of the total destruction of the properly. MANUAL TRAINING. Manual training , in connection with the public school system , is coming Into popular favor in nearly all the largo cities of the east. It hni been Introduced in Boston , Philadelphia nnd Chicago , nnd in cities it has boon found to work very satisfactorily. The object Is to teach children the rudimentary elements of sorno industrial pursuit , so that whllo they are receivingmontnlinstrnction they are at the came time acquiring an educa tion of the hands which will bo of prac tical use to them when they leave school and are thrown upon their own resources. The principal defect in our odcoational system is that the mind alone receives instruction whllo the bands are wholly neglected. The hand should bo trained in oDnnoctlon with the mind , and this is exactly what the man ual system ia Intended to do. This is a busy , practical ago , and the tendency is to make children self-supporting and in dependent. The manual system will provo particularly beneficial to the chil dren of poor people , who no doubt will bo glnd to learn that our board of educa tion has taken steps towards its introduc tion into our schools. It Is not intended to bo compulsory , but for the benefit of those who desire to take ad vantage of acquiring some knowledge of some of the practical pursuit > of life , and furthermore it la designed only for the older nnd moro advanced pupils. A sys tem of manual training can be introduced and maintained at comparatively small coat , and wo have every reason to believe that it will provo decidedly popular and successful in connection with tho'schools of this city. Wo hope that the committee of the board of education to whom the matter has boon referred will at once make a thorough Investigation of the subject and recommend for adoption the most approved system. It Is an experi ment well worth trying , and wo believe it will bo generally endorsed by the patrons of tha public schools. TOO MANY BILLS. If a brick wore thrown wherever there Is a legislature assembled it would bo n matter of surprise if it did not hit a rail road lobbyist. There Is not a leg'slaturo in session that is not besieged with rail road lobbyists , who have been muatared to the front to prevent any railroad latlon. There is everywhere a demand for laws regulating freight and passenger traffic , and other railway business. The people of Nebraska nro not alone in suf fering from extortions and discrimina tions. The people of Colorado are cry ing aloud against railroad abases. Sc are the people of Utah , Iowa , Minnesota Dakota , Wisconsin , Illinois , Now York Pennsylvania and Missouri , and othoi states. In the legislatures of those state : various bills for railway regulation have been Introduced , but whether any oi them will bo passed remain ; to bo seen. The railroad lob. by everywhere is thoronghlj organized and hard at work , while thi advocates of railway legislation lad organization and nro not united in theii ideas upon the subject. Too many bilh are Introduced , and hence the railroad workers find it comparatively oaey tc defeat all legislation , whereas if ono good bill wore Introduced and agreed upon and not embarrassed by twenty or thirty otiiera that are almost worthless , wo might hope for its pasta e. THEIIE has been a great deal of talk about the hesitancy of Senator Bayard In accepting the office of secretary of state , If offered to him , for fear that Ills lurso couldn't stand the drain that would DO made on It on account of the many social requirements of the position. If Senator Bayard really entertains any such Idea ? , he Ii nut the m < m for the jilaco. Bocausa Secretary Frcllnghuysen U ciodlted with having spent several Km oi more than hit salu.v ( n ranking the secretary of ctnto'a ollica inoro of a high eocfnl station than an important diplo matic position , it ia o good i reason why his successor ehonld follow In hia footstep ! in that re spect , The next secretary cf state by living within his salary of $8,000 n year and cutting off all unnecessary exponszs for social entertainments , which ho is ot required by hw to givewill ] certainly orit the esteem of the people. Wo opo the next secretary of state * ill pay more attention to the duties of his office han he will to social matters. It is not , t nil necessary that the secretary of state hall bo a society dado , whcse tlmo and lonoy are devoted to the giving of balls , occptlcns nnd dinner parties for the enefit of the American nobility who eck to ape the manners of foreigners who cprcsont foreign countries at Iho .u loml capital. DAKOTA wnnta congress tD iimlto nn appropriation for a monument to bo reeled in that territory in honor of the lomcstecd law , but why it should ba ocated In Dakota any more than in any > art of Iho cow west wo cannot quite un dorttnnd , nor can wo quite comprehend why any such monument should bo erect at all. The Chicago Jfcraldvory sontibly ys : Thohomostcndlawnoeds no monument , and If it did , ono phco west of the Miss 'sslppl is as appropriate for iti location is another. Whoiover there Is n farm : akon up under tint law , | lioro will c iulliclcnt monument bo found Marble , granite , or braei cannot moro appropriately or sue ceasfully commemorate n legislative enactment mont than the results of that enactment It would bo a very fine thing for tin little town of Mitchell to hnvo a grcn monument built within its limits by pub io munificence , nnd so it would for manj other towns , but nothing of the kind Is needed anywhere. Some centuries hence If It shall then bo found that cattle com panics , railroad corporations and uon resident noblemen have In ono way nnd another dispossessed the small farmer , of their holdings and gained title to cnor mous estates on which the people llvn a ; tenants , it may be n good idea to erect n monument to the homestead law , but no now. The old war horse ridden In many n fierce nnd bloody battle by stonowal' Jacknon , the confederate general , hai boon shipped from Lexington , Vn , . , t the Now Orleans exposition to bo placei on exhibition. The animal was som months ago given to the Virginia Military institute by Mrs. Jackson , who had benn caring for the famous old charger at he : homo , In North Carolina. It is rathe : remarkable that the horse has lived s iong , bnt maybe It is a special net o Providence in sparing him to bo oxhbitec at the Industrial exposition twenty years after the close of the civil war , the largeat of Its kind ever undertaken In the south. This is an attraction that will Interest everyone , and particularly old soldiers. [ iSV Louis licpublican , Stonewall Jackson's horse is probably Intended "stand-off" to the as a - Liberty bell. Wo now suggest that the petticoats In which Jeff Davis was captured bo sent to the World's expostlion for exhibition. They will ba "an attraction that will in terest every ono , and particularly old soldiers. " CLEVELAND is not catechleing the shin ing lights of the democratic party so much for the purpose of ascertaining what they know as ho is to learn some thing himself. Wo venture to siy that such men as Carlisle and Randall can teach him a great deal , and after ho has thoroughly catechlaod them several times ho will probably know a great deal more about the doctrines of the two wings of the democrnoy thnn he does now. "We ranged over a largo number of topic ? , and I ascertained that Mr. Cleveland is a splended listener , " suys Mr. Carlisle. By the 4th of March Mr , Cleveland ought to bo a pretty well posted man if ho continues to make good use of hla lime. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE city council will receive the thanks of a suffering and footsore public if it will immediately order that ilat-stono cross walks bo laid down on Farnam street in placa of the eharp-polntcd stones that penetrate the soles of the pedestrians. Wo understand that there Is now in the treasury , money that can bo used for this purpose and wo hope that the council will take immediate action in regard to this matter. CONSOLIDATED cheek Is. well repre sented at Lincoln by the insurance agents who are lobbying against every measure that will affect their interests. The foreign companies , of course , are opposed to the homo institutions. The whole Insurance business , as conducted in Nobraskn , needs an overhauling. , Perhaps it might be discovered that a , healthy reform is needed. IF Bnffington's ' "reformatory institu tions" bill Is passed , it Is safe to say that Mr. Stout will immediately locate ono of his worknonscs at hia Louisville stone . quarry. That bill , by the way , should bo very carefully dissected by the legis lature. It will , perhaps , bo found to be a little too stout for adoption. PAT Hawoa Is ttlll on deck with hla little claim. Seventy Years Old , Chicago Herald. Mr. Cleveland Is said to have replied to a suggestion that ho should call a cer tain venerable democrat to his cabinet with the remark : "Ho ia seventy years old. " This is interpreted by the oracles as meaning that the president-elect Is to have only young men about him and that the ancient wheel-hone must go to the rear. In ono eonse this policy would not bo objectionable , but in another It would. There are some democrats not yet forty years of age who would bo a curse to any administration , and on the other hand there are democrats of seventy , and , per- hap ? , more , who would bo apt to give a good deal of toco to the ox-mayor of Buf falo if ho should asjoclata tho.ti with himself. Tha matter of ago out-lit not to control hla appointments to the caMnet. Allen G. Thuinun Is'aovcntytwofycars of age , but ho would give Mr , Cleveland's administration ; nero character aid ability than a whole room full of Bill Whltneys , -ho may bo under foity live. The Ho- rjld Irn&ls thu. the geivutnan from New \ork will recover from his dhllko of men who ro seventy years cf ngo. Uo will know more InmicH when ho Is that old. A Dlirci-onuo of Opinion , ThoBoUinGioba s ys : "Tho movement - mont on foot in Wajhlngton for reduc tion in the rate of pound-'postiigo to news paper publisher is so just that there can ' 10 no excuse on tlio part of congress to of mo it n pisea o. " The Springfield Roputllcan says There Is really no good reason why con rees should reduce the postaga on nows- inpora from two 1o ono cent u pound. " NI4W0. HAKOrA , Tha forgo Masonic t.'innlo was dedicated Hi tho2Hli inst. A Holland colony jj being established in Campbell county , The publishit ) ? of n German paper In Sioux 'alia is contemplated , Tha report of the trcnitirorof Dakota shows nero than 8200,000 surplus in the treasury. The Black Hills counties complnin of In- indent mail Ecnlco from Northern 1'aciDc > olnt , The Rcml-ammrtl statement of the treasurer if Ynnkton county Miows n balance of § 10- ill.'JO in the tioasury. lihmnrck professes to bcllovo the "removal cliumo Iin3 tiki ! tmturnlly nntl will give rise o no moro trouble. " The bill extending the thiio for the pay ment of tixes tu Juno lit recently passal the 'loueo by nn unanimous veto. Tha Ynnkton pork packing homo is said to ba crowded to ita utmost capacity , slaughter- 'tisond p.ickin ? 500 hotja daily. The long-continued anil inUnao cold of tha .vinti'r has mailo the wolves tk'spi'rnto with lumber. In some localities they have bccomo eally dangerous. The erection of a new county from thn ivosturn portion o Douglas and a part of "jh.irlea Mix counties , In ono of the many new clieinea being canvassed. Two hundred and slxty-tbroo miles of rail way wore laid by five companies lu Dakota during the past year. Only two etatos in the union , Iowa nnd Minnesota , exceeded this amount. Deadwood-Fiorro freighters nro Ending .ho present winter anything but plon.sant or nohtable , the inUiiso cold causing movement ilow and laborious ) , Ono outfit was forty days from Pierre to Deadwood , The wheat crop for 188 Ha varlouslyl esti mated at from 2.,000,000 to 23,000,000 bush- o s ; ilax , 3,003,000 , bushels ; corn , 2,600,000 , bushels ; barley , 2,000,000 buthela ; oats , 10- 100,000 bushels. Bills have been introduced in the legislature representing appropriations to the amount of 57tO,000. This added to the present territorial debt of $ 100,000 will swell the liabilities of the terriUry to Sl.lOO.OCO. It. Sturpoon , druggist , nnd mayor of Cham berlain , ia en trial befoto United States com missioner Morrow for eelling whisky to Left-handed Thunder , and Indian on Brulo accucy. The Indian get mad at Sturgeon and gave it away. A Mifs Burris , of Dendwood , .iced 17 , met with a terrible accident on the l2d. ! While trimming a kerosene lamp it exploded , the burning oil falling over her clothes , burning her In n tcrriblo manner. She died of her in juries the following day. The murderer , Hank Lewis , before leaving Plankintou after hia acquittal , purchased n Winchester rillo , laid in n largo supply of cartridges and announced hia determination to return to his claim "on the Cedar , " and hold the fort against the world , the flesh nnd the doril , The Yanktan 1'rcps and Dakotaian finds consolation in thocapital removal from that placa by reviewing the fact th t the pork and beef interest of that town now diatrlbut ) tnoro than ? 200,000 monthly , while the legis lature , when there , was only good fern measly 8100,000 every two years. The legislature of Dakota contains sixteen natives of Iowa , fifteen of Minnesota , eleven of Wisconsin , eleven of Illinois , two nach of Ohio , New York , Nebraska , Maine and Ver mont , and ono each of Pennsylvania , Califor nia , Indiana , Kansas nnd District of Colum bia. Missouri is represented by 0. , _ A Dead wood husband pnblieh'qd'this ' ' no tice : "My wife , Sarah , has ahot my ranche , when I didn't dee a thing too her an' I want it distinctly understood that any man that tikes bur in and keera for Huron my account will get himself pumped so full of lead that some tenderfoot will locate him for a mineral clarno. A word to the wise is sufficient nn' ortorworkon fools. " The Oliver transportation bill which passed the lower house of the legislature requires railroad companies to receive grain or other freight on equal terms from wagons , sleighs , warehouses , nnd elevators , and from all per- SODA for shipment in bulk , and to furnish cars for the tame within n reasonable length of time. It prohibits rebates nnd discrimination of every sort , and provides damages in tha sum of $100 for eich failure to comply with the provisions of the law. The bill will pass the council and become n law. Southwick's railroad taxation bill , practically the Illinois law , will zilso pass both houses. WYOMING. A well known ranchman blow out the gas in , a Clioyonne hotel and narrowly escaped being , branded by the angels , The strike of the coal miners nt Carho n In at an end , auamicablo settlement having boon mddo between tha company nnd the men. Keoprta from most of the ranges in the ter ritory indicate vorv little losa of cattle in the lata blizzards , The per cent of lojs will be trilling , Leo Uushonburgberg and Thomas Kdwards recently of Fort Culling , Colorado , have com menced prcparaUoni ) for the establishment of nn iron foundry in Cheyenno. Mat Wheeler , n minstrel fromPhiladelnhia. stumbled on to one of his old gups in n Choy- on no paper nnd immediately shot himself. The unfortunate manipulator of the bones te- riouely injured himself but will reco\or. The movement to start n reduction worke at Lnramio baa reached a point that insures its success. The incorporation papers have been drawn and active work will begin witli the spring thaw. There has been n great rush of land hunters to the Cheyeuno office. Claims hatobeer tiled under the various laws repealed by th < bill which recently passed congress. A tota of 55,080 ncroa have been taken up under tin deeert land act. COLpRAno , Goal Creek 1ms it dotf that diinks beer ani gets drunk. There Is not ft vacant dwelling house 01 atoro building In Blontrono , Ono firm In the Uncompabfrre valley hai plaotud ten acrci of hops aa an experiment. Tlio Denver & Kio Grande railway did i business of § 335,01000 ths past year at Moiitroao. The Kurcka mill rcperta 81.000 net profit or twenty-fivu tons of ore from the Sun IJown , ir Summit county. . A first-data creamery ia likely soon to be established at Lon < rmont. It will utlllzu the cream of COO cowa dally. Oil and candlea are en ecarco nt Grant Lake , on account cf tbo enow blocado , thai tbo old tlmo "dip" is used. Senator Tom Bnwen turned another card It court recently and raked in a decision to recover cover 81150,000 wotth of mining stock. Tbo total indebtedness of San Juan count } amounts to § 172,049.16 , bearing an averagi rate of InteiCHt at 9 per cent per annum. Ranchmen in tbo San Luis are predicting another freshet this spring , Tbo enow fat has been nearly equal to that of last winter , A very Una deposit of clay , similar to that from which the celebrated Milwaukee brick are manufactured , has been dfucoverud a few mi'es north of Colorcda Springs Thotlrejit Wtbt mine of Park county , one of the properties ( locked by ] ! rlck 1'cmerny und the only decent ono be over owned , Mill yield 812,000 duricg the present mouth , The raining outlook for Boulder county has not looked aa bright for years as it does at tbo present time. New acd rich strikes are being repcrted every day , and tlio corclng year promtsta to bo ono of prosperity for the pick and shovel A Swede miner fell down Silver MounUin. on the Turkey creek ildc , In Sun Miguel coHiity the other day , and tumbled nnd rolloil forl.'JOJ -tbjfore f ( topping. Ho w s not mdly injun-d. Jaini-i U Morrl ? , n well known Lo dvillo aycr , lately died , nnd took to hla jjrnvp n rcrot for manufacturlnp silver "r > i- > ' , " which , -oro verv beautiful. The art originated and lied with him. Tha capital stock of $700,000 has nil bc < m ubfctlhed for constructing the big Arkauim "vtr ditch tci irripnto the l mls west of uena Vi ta nnd Lalhrop. About 80,000 icrea of waste land will bo brought under niltlvntion by the enterprise. 3N1) OP AN ISCOISNTlllU OAUBEIC , Dentil of Prlnco Ilcinldon" , PAKIS , Jnnuary 01. The dcntli of 'rlnco Dcmidoll , cf Snn Donota , has tnrlled Paris thlo week. Many can re member when young Doniidoll' was the "Ion of Paris. The papers nio filled now , s In old days , with anecdotes of his duals , nmours nnd eccentricities. Ho In- "nhcrltod his oddity , with countless mil tons , from his father nnd uncle. Ills 'athor used to engage n whole hotel for himself when ho wont traveling. Ills uncle was just as famous for extnvn gauco nnd chnrlty. Since the death of liis first wife , the Princess Molchorskn , rlnco Domldoff Ind hold nloof frcn French aoeloty. The San Donnto sale ot the pat i > lo talking about him n fov oara ngo. Then , till ( ho other day , the boulovnrd ngnln forgot him. llo died o" The Only Remedies for the Skin and Blood Universally Commended. Wm. T. Toltcn. 072 North Tenth Street , 1'lill.v dcliihls , reports tliatoiiD of hlaciistomcra stated ts liim Incidentally that ho was feeling so well nnd had ifftinoj twciitv-eevcnpoundi in the last year , Ml of which lie attributed to a syetomitlo course of th Cutlcurallcsohcnt , which liaar > ro\oJ effectual when nil wilier remedies failed , SORES ON NECK. . Cliai. Brady , Sommllle , Mass , who refers to Dr J. J. Wood , druRlst , of this city , certifies to n won. dcrful euro of running sorc , on the nock which hnt been treated by hospttit lijslciana without cure mid which jlclded completely , to the Cutlcuia lletn cdlcs. CURED BY OUTIOURA. My eUn disease , which roiUtod so > cral jioptila remedies nnd other remedies td\ bed by uhyelciuor has boon cured by your Uutlcura Remedies. Tbo , rurrnssod mv most sanguine expectation ? nnd rapid ly effected n cure. J. C. AHKNTKUE. Vincent cs , Ind. KNOW ITS VALUE. All of jour Cutlcurn Uomedles plvo very good si isfiction. The Cutlcura I especially reocmmond fo tbo diseases for w bleu It la used. I know from o\pcr dice ItSMiluu. Dili It. J 1'IUTT , Montollo. WIs. CUTICTJKA ABROAD. Through n homo.returned Norwegian , ! have lenrnc. to know your Cutlcura , which has Inn short tlnv cured moot an Kczcma that mv physician's medicine could nut heal Clin. IIELT2EN , BcrgeD , Norway , Agcntuitorrctnlng. THE POET POWERS. A feeling of gratitude Impc's mo to ncknowlcdgi the great merits of your Cutlcura , nnd I cordln ly roc ommcud It to the pubho ns n very \aluiblo remedy II. N. I'OWEHS. Bridgeport , Conn For eale o\ cry where. Price Cutlcurn , the gr Skin Cure , 60c Cutlcura So p , an e\itil9lto Hkl Beautltltr , 25c. Cutlcura Hesolvint , the now Blooc Purifier , 1. POTTEIl DUUO AND CHEMICAL CO. , BOSTON . . an exquisite Tollet.Ba OI1d Nursery Sanative , m YOUR BAKWHWIJER TO-DAY Brands advertised ni absolutely pure THE TEST : Plnco a can top down on a hot htove until h&tedthO ] rumovo the eoror .nd Biiu'll. A chemist will not b > n lulrad to detect the presence or ammonia. ' DOES NOT CONTAIN A3DIONIA * ITS IIEALTHU'LNLSS IU3 NEVER Htt.QIESIIOM. \ . In A million homes for a quarter of . cinturj it bai itood the consumers' rollabtu tent , THE TEST OF THE OVEH. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. , HIKERS or , Dr , Price's ' Special Flavoring Extracts , Tbi itrontttttniott dtllelooi and oalaralflftior Vnownaiid . - Dr. Price's Lupulin Yeast Gems . For Light , llenlthjr llread , The Beit Dry Hop Yeast In tha World. - FOR SALE BY GROCERS. CHICAGO. - ST. LOUIS , COLLARS CUFFS lURINa THII UARK AIE THI FINEST QOOD3 EVER MADE , inwj ill Linen , BOTH Uo'ngs ' AND Exteriors. Ask for them CAJtN BROS. . Aeents for Otnah * PROPOSALS. UNITED STATES INDIAN 8KRVICE , ri.NB R1DOB AOBNCT , Dakota , January 12 , 1835. Sealed proposals In triplicate , Icdori cd , proposal ! for tha erection of one woeelwhjht and Carpenter shop , one harness , thee and aiiotllancous shops , ono slaughter bouse , t o vta on and storage sheds , one bake house and cellar , at thin agency and direct ed to the under Vned , care of Chief Quartermaster department , rf the H tto , Omaha Neb , w 111 be ro- cehoJ until 12 in. Saturday , February 14,1685 1'lans and specifications can be examined In tbo off cu of the cUcf quartet-tranter , ilerartncut of the 1'latto , Omaha , Neb , the "Inter Ocean" Chicago , III. and the ' 'Journal" at Kanaai City , Mo , Contiact will bo a arded to the loweet responsible bidder , subject th the approval of the department of the Interior. The right , however , Is reserved to reject any and all , or any part of any bid , If deemed for the best In- tercet otthu sen icif l'ro | > rsaU must Mate length of time required for competition of building alter approval ot contract , an J must bo accomptlned by a tcrtlllo.1 check upon some United States Depository , payable to the order of the lunccrBlgned , for at leatt five (5) ( ) per coat of the amount of the proposal , whlih check bhall bofoifeitol to the United State In case of any bidder receiving the awinlj fchall fill to execute [ iromptly a contract with good tnd tuhlclcnt eccurl- ! ie , according to tbo ti rm of hi * bid , otherwise to be returned to thv bidder , for further Informal on oddrcsa the ondcralgnod at Pine Hiu''ii Agency , Uikota. Wouiiderk'xwed will will bo at 1'aston House , Omaht , Neb. , i y the mornlni ; ot frldiy , February ' ' V. T , H'OlUTCUDDT Jan ! 0-3w m U. H , Indian Afea SPECIAL NOTICES. TO LOAN o IOAN'1COO on rent ctM < from 31) 5tn. . 1 InMiclftl Ku-lmiRf , H03 Kurnum St. MiMp MONKV TO I.OAN-In jnm of { 10 Mid up , on horse * . pl.\no , furniture nnd all klmh of chMtclV. . II Hotter , 1401 Fttnitm St. , ovar Mow' * hoe dtnro. 85211 MONKV TO LOAN lh to money to IOMI on Im | irotrilelly pro rrlT. ' In ny tnount to Milt , nt reMonaUo rote * W.'H. Hotter , 1454 Knrumft over Moisi't thco store. S5Stl MONRY tn loon on chattels by J , T. Itnutty , 213 south 14th fit. OifllcblO LOANED on ChMtcls. ColUUrnl" , Se cured Nntc , or lloM Eetato. Financial hx ch&neo 15C8 vnrt nm st. o41foblp 10 I.UAN In sumsnf $ S < XUnJ utmnrd. MONEY Dnxls fin. ! Co. , Ecal KaUt nd ! x > n Agcntf , U05 Farn mSt. tf7 ! If IONKY leaned on cb > Uol . lUIIrond Tiekols M1 bought * od tolil. . ForamkD , SIS S. 18th HELP WANTED. T T ANTED ? I Is at Doran home , 813 Kjvrnm \ \ p OMIf , . . 'HD-A Rood steady boy to" Imtn the print ItiB tuslncsi. Apply at lleo Counting room \TANTKII A inUillo aped person to t\ko fare o > n l by , 110 S. S5th,4th dtor Ircm Dodgo. T\T 'ANTED-Kitchen filrl 1613 Howard. PSl-4p : ) - ( llvo solicitors. AiWrtM Mntua WANTii-lood Co. , Sttwart N'cb. BSTi-lmp 7ANTKU Glrlat Oarnl hotel , 1010 Maion St. AV 082 f. . AVV A ttlcbw lady with a little trlrl n \V hcuso koopir. Apply at 1212 Capitol a\o 035-4p l7ANTEl-01rl for gcncrnl houtcuork 7013 How V ard St. C37-Ip ANTKD Two dining room girls at Arciilo ho W til 121D Douglas St. C4p L7"ANTKU Two Rlrls. A ilrst-c'nsi cook and i ,1 homo maid for second work. Apply at N. K corner Chicago and 21st streets. 031 4 \\7ANTED-airl for general li n o work. Apv > " ; VV to Mrs. F. d. Hush , corner 10th and Mnaon St WANTED Olrl to do general Ir use work&t 51 I'loXAiitltrcetM. OH. B23-3p \ \7ANTED-Boy to learn book-keeping , good sit uatlon. J. B. Smith , 1518 Douglas St. 8SS-2p WANTED A flnt-clasi dining rcom girl nt th Metropolitan. No other noul applj. 7S3tf Agents to toll Oatoly'a Unlvenal IMv cater ; on monthly payment * . Addresicrca onW.J ) . P. Lowry , room D , 110 N 10th 8t,0uiah 697fc\i3n ANTKD lUnrdcrant 1212 CnpUul avo. W avo.B70foh7p \T7ANTED-100 solicitors , good pnv to the rlgh V } man. Addrcsa Nebraska Mutual Marriage lien cflt nnsoclatlon , Fremont. Neb. Ollfcb SITUATIONS WANTED. TIP ANTED By n young man , bpst of hahltj an Vi good reference , nbltuatlonns book-kccpor. Ai tlrtsa "S. S. " care of Bee. 000p \T7ANTKD-By a German girl n situation as coo VV or general housework. Addrcsa "M"831 Sout 22dSt.OinahaNeb. D37 C Situation by nn experienced hostler WANTED work ol any kind. Addropa "h L. Bco olllcc. 035-2p "VTTANTED A homo in a prnnto familybvn wldo VV lady who la willing to make hcreellnscful. A ) ply ntWomana Association. 093-Ep WANlED-Situatlon by n young girl todirhan her work , or aa waitress. Apply at S. W. co 6th and Pierce. 030-3i [ WANTED Situation as second cook. Inquire J O.thlsoBcc. ( 9.0-2p WANTED Umplo\ mont by n young man , care horses preferred. Reference from last cninlov cr. Address "J. B. C. " this ollico. fc9 oung married nun wanta situation u beekeeper keeper , In wholoule caUblUhmenl In Omnh Address " 0. " care Bee. 890-tf MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. "r\7 ANTKD A hotel to take charge of , by n ma f T of fwenty-dvoj care experience , can give bes of references. Addresa "K. M."Bco olllco. 980-4p TT7ANTED To rent n house with 4 or 5 rooma nn VV barn by family of two , rent not to bo mor than from $10 to S2u , must bo In good location , ion sure. Address "M. O. " Bee cilice. OS3-4p WANTED To rent by small reliable family bo fore first of May.eottago flvoor six rooms withl 17th and Cnss , 22d nd St. ilnry'a n\o. Kent mode ato. Addrcsa "Cottage. " Bco olllco. 8S8-6p " \TTA NTED A good canx a8f or to sell teas. Awpl atMcoro'B , 807 north 16th St. 93-2p ! " \\7"ANTED Agents for every citj nnd town I \ I Nebraska for a cheap fast Belling nrticlo used 1 ovorv faioilv , blgprollts. C'jllor nddro-s agent o tbo Blulne ManuUcturing Co. , S. W. corner 16th an Hurt St. 813 0 | " \ \7ANTED To rent a cottage 2 or 3 rooms goo I water and barn , Addiess "U. S. " Uco ollico 705 2p ANTKD-TO THADKrtCHlIS OF IAN In Cuss county , lo a. for Nebraska loin Hlthtn ICO miles cf Council lilulfd. J. J. SIIKA Council UluIIs. 80-J-6 VI7ANTElAgents fer every city and town i i V Nebraska far a cheap , fast celling article use In every familj ; big profits. Call on or address Agent of the lllulno M'f'g. Co. , 23d and I/ard sts. 873-Ep Agenta to woik lor the Western Mutual WANTED tual Benevolent Association , of Beatrice , Neb Cash ca ] ital $100,000 , paid up in full , those deslrlu agenclcH In Eastern Nocragkn or Wo'Uru Iowa should uddrtua C , A. Wootlcy , No 1222 Tainani bt Omaha , Neb , , or Oliver C. Kabln , Seo'y , Bcatrlci Neb. To good agents , men or nomcn , a Ilboia coiniieneatlon will be paid. Company la co-opera tivoln plan , bate , reliable and cheap , and ency 1 work. 800-122 WANTED Ladles or gcut.emcn In city orcou try , tu take nice , li < jhtnnd pleasant work their own homes ; $2 to $5 u day innily and ipila made ; work rehtby mall ; no cnnvasflng ; no otoin tor reply. Please addreealtcllabloMan't'eCo. , Phi adelpuia , Fa. Jan 10-21-fob-2-7 FOR RENT-HOUSES AND LOTS. H OR RKNT Chlckcrlng piano In good order an perlfCt tune. Addiubs 'T. H. " Bee olllce. FDR HKNT Now cottage , 5 rooms. J. Phlppi Iloo 1512 S. 5thst. 018 tf TTIOR KENT Largo brick house , 1718 Dodge e -I Apply at Child's Hospital. 6r,0.7p FORRENT-One house. Inrmlro Edholm & Erlck Bon. 058-tf KENT Prick .vaidin gocJ ordcrnrd wclfu FOH . Call on McCaguc , opp. Pontolllco. 137p ilENT Oood honeo five rooms on 2d Ht FOIl Mason , 3 block a from car line. Well an cittern , loijulrn M. Lee , grocer , 22d St , 710-4 FOIl UENT-KurnUhed cottsgo to r rticn wh would hoard a lidy nnd child. Apply 2210 Cap Itolave. 018-3 ] IteNT Farmthreo mllefl from Oniilia. In FOR quilt 823 noitb 16th St. , ovir store. SS6-4 FOR RENT Nice 6 room cottage comer 2 h no Davenport street. Apply to E. B , Chapman 1217 Howard Bt B93-tf 1OK HENT A new lifht room house. Enquire o J1 Mrd. E. IloddlB. ! Mhbet Dnverpoit and Lhl a B0 t8. 70 ] tf Foil RENT- Furnished Room with board , 003 N nth. 621-t HKNT-A OOOD CHANCE-Mra , Hllleke FOR , which U now called the Grind Central , o Capitol Avcnuo nnd 13th uta , Is now roidy for rtn to ono or three dlOerent parties. The bnacmenl which consists of three npartmtnU , saloon and LI lltrd hall , Obtr bouse and barber ( hop ; first Moo fern dining hall , nnd the two upper floors fur room era. which have fifty room . 797-I22 Hr.NTPart of double house ; 4 roonii.Hlilm JiXJit axlJItlon : 810 pir month ; room21 Omaha Na tlonil bank , 602tf KENT New Ino room homo , wfth clt > 1 water , on South 17th Bt. oeir railroad trako tultabla for bearding houie ; rent { 30 ; Inquire a Omaha foundry or of | T. W. T. Rlcbarda. OS4-tf J * RUNT * A G room cottage on - att e of 17th bt tecond door south cf Webster. ] ulro 0. II. Doacu & C'J BROOMS FOR RENT. "IjlOll IVKST Tn-o ttietlv fmnlihtd fronTroomjJ 1 ? milUbta for two gentlemen , also sulu of rooms lorllRhlhoueUqilng.furnUhcd for that purpcM , Ml south lath street. 079 Dp ROOSIs with board tor two gentlemen 1001 Capitol arc. Jl.'ft week. OJl-lp TJU > ll tlEN'T rurnithcil room east and south front F 630 I'lea-wnt St 913 3t | M O LET A furnlitml room. Inquire ol J. K. JL Wilbur , Om nha Sat legs llMik. sjs-ti jUfRNMIKOtn nw ullftblooronoot ( tK 1 trenat 102,1 Dotlffo St OiO-4il P'Ofl HUNT-Two n ianl hed front rocnn 1003 Farnam St. , between 10th Hid .Oili St. OiO-3p 17 > OK RKNF Furnished to 1111 (05 N. 17th ft. ] DOS Sfi 17011 lli\r-rie : s ntturilslud lociii , 1707 CMS -T St. 81S-lSi > 1 011 llKXT-Twoonicorotni.1acobslilock1 ! Ulh 1 and Ca , Itol avc. Inqiilro 1417 FarnkmSt , OWII bOR 11KNT Handsome f urnlhe-l room ! HlO Dodsc. UlO-Bp 1j > 0ll RKNT Hutiil'omo Inrnl'lictl rooms within < IIH > block from llod'aovr | > houso. E. .1. IM < wanJa.SHlSoutli itith at. IPOtp FOR ItKM'-Furnlshcd rooms t 1SIO Pc.1 c t. OCSfcb ! ! } RK T-Sult furnlshul roonn , with bonr.1 , . 1017 Capitol ave. 905-5ii I poll URN T Nicely fnrnlslieil room with c\co 1 lent board for two gentlemen , 1612 I'arnMU st , ODMf JfOHKXT \ \ Tmifront room ? . 1823 Cnpltol HSt ft\c. IOUU KKN'I rrrnbliul mom anil bnntil siOJ ! per JL * week. Very lust location , lt > ll Datcnpo t. 778 fel ) Sip 1710R RI'.NT Neatest andchonpeKt furnlflied roomt > 1 In Omaha. Appl ) to (1. O. 11. Andcasun , roi.m 14 , Aiiilcrson lllock , north entrance , 10th anil Div- cnport street. 71 < fcbfl FOHHKNT For light liouscVrorliiR , tworoonn , fjrnlshtd for that tmriiorr , S , W , cor 8th and Howard S2Stf ROOMS With board , den rablo ot winter. App , at Bt Cbarlrn Hwtol. .OS3-t RKNT Ono Itir 111'room vvlthboaid , nt two or three day boarders , 1911 Webster. ) , iUU RENT Two elegant rooms lu Rcdtck' * block. . \i \ I'aulson & Co. , 1618 rarnam , 011-tt I OK 1SKNT Furnished front room for rent 222 F 10th St 942-tf PERSONAL Gentleman thirty jenraolnu'O Imxlni ; meant A do'lres to correapondith a roipostablo widow lady. AddrcfHbox 72S city. 29 3p FOR SALE. iAllM roll SALE Oil TKADB A will linpnuod farm i f ISO ncrcs with largo hearing orchard and plenty of unall fruit , twenty o'gbt acres ot good tlm- bor , a biu-cs , rntiia aiM all other inoiletll ilupro\u- rnont" , only 2J miles jou'.h of I'lnilm Mnck jntd < on I'u'luviie roul , prlco and terms r Aiinnblc , would ex change tor des'rablo ' Omaha propetty , will be Hold. Boon 1'or Imtlicr partlcula-s , ca'.lonprcmis'Hornd. ' drcts P. M. Peel ham , P. O. box70 ? l-inihi , Nib. OD Op FOIl SALK Drug store dcslrablolocatlon Apply nt once to box 0-20. DBO-4 IpOIt SAt.K At a bargain , hou 0 rl.'t rooms nnd 1 2 closets with j lot 00x84 corner Itithand fr.vik- lin St. $760 i c.v.h , b.ilanco on tlmo. OS9-4p | 7 > Ult SAli- > - -JOO tons tilected hay at UiknornSla- JP tlon , prlio { 3.00 per ton. Apply to.Ain . Hopper Elkhoin , 952 > lnm .y Ju | an score BOUtli 10th St. , between nd Lca\eanor.h. 030-7p T7OII SKLU A gcoil pa\pg | Impl ment Inisii I ? wUI 'oca'cd and LStab'Mied In thriving town on B. &M. 1C. It in Neb. r rr.Uhlng rcniy to step right Into good trade. Only moderate capital ro- qulrnl. * ddroEB"\ . " hto olllce , 012 fob 2Sp FOK i-XCHANOK F rn peed stork ot genera merclmndUo nnd buildings. Address lock Do\ Wlott , Cans Co. , Iowa 010-4p I pull MALK CIIKAP Ono elegant cn.mbcr fctt , ' former cost { 37n.CO. dno regulttor clock , ono Lcarly now Kuabo Piano , flvo gold frametl plcturcB , ono horse , harness and phaeton , ono Ilalla safe , small size , ono beautiful china codec- eet. Al = o a largo pure blooded St. Bernard dcL- . Inquire 101G D dgo St , 231-tl SALE 120 acres of bust farm Innds in Wash ington county , Neb ; 21 milcj from Herman- ; S miles frum Blair. Will either Bell for cash or will trade for house In Cmahn , if buy or will take up Bomonotea on long tlmn. Tlio whole latd under cultivation Address Jos. Kolouratck , No. 1324 S 13th St. , Omaha , Web. D01-3 171OH SALE Horse , harnosi and phaeton , cow nnd .1' calf nnd 8 months old oJt. Imjulront 214 south , 12th St. Ilott. Stein. SALK-60x105 feet on Ginning street 3 blockn. FOR ot Military bridge , $1,000. John L. McCaguo oppoaito Cott ofllco. 031-tf FOIl SALE A now stock of hardware nnd implo irents , buslncca well estnblUhed , b.ilcs for jeai'- 1SS4 , C7C.IOO. Also new brick building built In 1SB3 , elzo 2nxl20 , two etory nnd basement Alio frame ware houio Cupltalieqnlrcd from tlO.OCOto 812.000- oxcliurao f building. Location the very beet tn the cltv of Kontncy , Neb. For particular * , address Whlteaktr & Co. , lock box 631 , Kearney , Neb.7SS 7SS- FOR SALK 132x124 feet on corner , south-east , front , houao 3 rooms , barn , 3 blocks wcat o Park avo. nnd Leaven worth , easy payments , cheap 1,700. John L. McCuguc , oppoaito Post Olllcc. 017-lf BALI : MUSICS INSTIIUMIINTS A. Foil IIospo oDors Ono Bnirduian & Gray Piano nt S 125 00 Ono IL Inc BIOJ Piano at 160 00 OnoJ , P. Hall Piano at 12S Otf Ono MiiHon & IJanilln Organ nt 3500' Ono Shonlngcr Oiganat 35 CO One Woodbrldga Organ at 60 00 Ono Dttoy Organ at 80 Off Ono Johnson Organ at 45 OQ For cash or on easy monthly Installmcnte. Alee ngenta for celebrated Kiwball Piano nnd A'im- lall Organ , Xmeram and llallet & Davit Pianos. Largest ttock , low cut prices. A.llospo , 1519 Dodge , street. D30fobU Tr > ORtfALK Oil 'IKADK-Oood steam flouring mil > J1 with two run of buns and ono feed burr ; nil In good repair and only been used 18 months' . H.Incited on ono of the boat business lota In Kcnrnor , Neb , Will dispoeo ct lot and mill together ur mill nljne ; i fine location ; will eoll on good terms , or trade fo.- ether dtslrablo property. Address Luck lln682 Kearney , Neb. C17kb5 J/lOi ; SALE OK EXCHANGE At tU per aotu , MIL -L or part of two thousand acres of tlmrrr land forty mllcfl east of Kansai City , wll ozchango foi Nbroska laud or merchandise. lioilford , Souer k vis D44tf riOKSALE-Cheap one half aero lu north ( Jniaha , 1 Addresa X. Y. K. , lieo olllco. B46tl BIISOELLANEOUS. | U.SlNKSBl.OUAflON Largo uptalrs room for Drcnt or will bell either bueinceu or lenso of bull- dug. Cor. 16th Si Farnam. Iii'julra 1014 Cap. Avo. ft'JMf. | } HIVV xaults , slnka nd ccesnoola ' cleaned at the M shortcut notlco and at any tfmo of the day , In an entirely orderhss way without the least molestation to occupants or neighbors , with our Improved and odorless apparatus. A , K vane & Co. , On Capitol ate. Mlmlp rpu KICIIANUIV firms for Improved property In JL Omaha. ( Jhag It. Woolloy , Room 20 , Ornah * Nutlonal Hank Omaha Neb. rnOTKADIC Stock of groceries lor acre property .1. adjoining Omaha. Chas. H Wool ley , hoom 2' ' Omaha National llank , Omaha , Neb. 840-lt' rr\o K.XCllANUIrarmg for stock of rnerchandUo JL Chag. R. Woolloy , Room 20 , Oinali * Nations , Bank , Omaha , Neb. D28-tC ipOR TRAllK Ht < Xkiiof ! uoooBto trade for land. 1 Chaa. R. Woolloy , llooui 20 , Omilm National. IJank , Omaha , Neb. 629-tt 1710K TltADK For tnerchanuloo grooeriea r > re > ' ferrod , three ( S ) valuable loU In Dayton , Ohio. One (1) ( ) lot In HU LouU , Mo ; B40ocrc8 of fine I and la Kansas ; One (1) ( ) ( arm In Ohio. Thl property It frco of Incumbranee , All communications will b treated Btrictly conlldentlal. B. II , Wiusi ar , Wll Cumlni , St. SWJanSO T" ! l your child rirevlihi X'and/retlul ' ? If no , M. Iccrtaln If 1U. food It [ such a It ihould bo. ' ( Of ten though the mother - or htf * a Butllclent a proper In. n.wlfl how tack- IiiK In imallty , uio of Rldito'i Kood It /J'.invaluablo ' aa an alttr. "ato meal for the child. . " > e mother can often ratio the Bt'ridardby adortlnK Illdge's Food u directed for Invallda Hold by UrucgUtB. In cans four Blzen , retalllni : 'Ma , Bio , 1 2& and 81.75. WOOI.Itlcn & CO .Miinufacturers , 1'almtr. DREXEL & MAUL , ( soooEsaotta TO JOBS a. JACOBS ) UNDERTAKERS I At the old stand 1117 Farnam Bt Order * by We. graph solicited and prompt ! attended to. Ttlipbuo * K0226.