Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 29, 1885, Page 3, Image 3

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BUKPLU8 NOV 1,1884 . K.iflO
PrMldenl. Vloe Preelden * . .
r. MOORE , JNO. B. OOUINfl , I.KWI8 & RKED ,
nt K. Harden , Aditant and Aollnj OubUr ,
The Iron Bank
INTEREST allowed on Urns deposits upon
vorablo tonni ncl npon aoeonaU of banlu
ad bankers.
Hondi and Oonnty nd City lootulUcj bottfht ?
Bud cold.
In it * treatment of customer * the moat Hbr
rtal policy is punned contUtont with enfold
ind fionnd banking , and wo invite corrcflponcs
inoa 01 personal innnlrj ia tonnootion tbora
NEW YOHK , January 28. Money Market
easy nt 1 per cent.
1'rimo morcauillo paper 5@Go ,
BtoxllnR Exchange Bankers' bllla strong at
4.84 ; sterling exchange demand 4 88.
Qovornmunta Strong ,
Railway Bond ) Slightly improved.
Stocks Tbo market today was irregular
and generally weak. The weakness was
caused in the oirly tridirjgby n break of 2J
percent In Central Pacific and 4J percent in
Oregon Navigation. Stocks most affected in
sympathy were the ex-Villardu , Northern Pacific -
cific preferred , and Oropon TranBcontinuntal.
Orrgon Navigation sold down CJ per cent
from yesterday' * closing , followed by n re
covery of 1 per cent. The majority of the
floating stock WHR hold for Boston account ,
nml the m jortty cf aellintr ordura camu from
th > t city. Northern Pacific pio'ernd sold off
1J per cent and OregonTrtnsioiititicnUl Slier
cent. The former recovered } per cent and
dosed. The not docllno In coalers and gran
gers was only1 fractional.
B's 1014
4Vs Coupons 112J
U.S.4'8. 12 |
10 ! * 05 12D
Control pacific .
Chicago & Alton .
do do pfd . 148
Chicago , Burlington & Quincy . 118
Delaware , Lackuwana & Western . 1 > J
Denver & Klo Grande . 8
Erlo . 12j
do pfd . . 23
Illinois Central . 1214
Indianapolis , Bloom. & Western . 12
KansaR&Teiaa . 15
Lake Shore & Michlfrao3outhern . COS
Louisville & Nashville . 23ji
Michigan Central . Ci
Missouri Pacific . . 01J
Northern Pacific . 104
do do pfd . 378
Northwestern . 8i ! )
pfd . 12J
New York Central . 8ig (
Oregon Trans-Continental . . . . llg
PacifioMail . 51J
P. D. &K . 12
Pullman Palace Car Company . Ill
Rock Island . 1078
Bt , Louis &San Francisco . 18
do do pfd . SO
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul . 72 J
do do do pfd . 102
8t. Paul&Omaha . , . 24 ?
Jv tdo do pfd . 85 $
Texas Pacific . 123
Union Pacific . s . 4Sj
Wabaeb , St. Louis & Pacifio . 4
, do do do pfd . 12J
Western Union Telegraph . . " . . . 57 S
O. R. &N . 65J
CHICAGO , January 28. Flour Dull and
Wheat Ac'ive , weakert opflned at yo'-
terday'a cloii > , dec iufd fr < ctioniilly , improved
r , declined Ijc fn m out-ida fluctuatiun and
closodic nn'lir yoiterdav ; 774@77Jo for
cash ; 773@77 o for January 770 for Ft > -
ruary ; 7HJ781a for March ; 8 . 833 3 fur
May ; No. 2 nitl 79Jc.
Coin Steady and firm ; advanced l@3a , de
clined gc , improved atnlljni.d rluted ramo
as yetterday ; 37J'ua8Jo for cash 374@.l7go for
Jaimury and Fouruary ; l7Jo ! for Alarcn ; 'lie
bid for May.
Oats - Quiet , neglected and unchanged ; 27J
( i)27jc ) fur c flh and January ; Wl'atVSa fur
l-'Hbruary ; 28Jo for March 23 0 for April ;
31 Jo for i\fay.
llye Dn'l ' at fi2@C tc.
Barley Nominal t 05c.
Timothy Seed Quiet and steady ; prime
1 29
Max Sflod-Qulct ; No. 1 , 1 48 1 19.
Poik Active and nregu'ar ; advanced 1(1 ( ®
I'o , early di clined and closed steady : 12 20 ©
1225 for owh and .laimary ; 12 VD'SJlS 274
fr.r . Pebruary ; 12 32 12 35 for March ; 1215
for April ; 12 5 > l257i for May.
Ltrd Active and Irregular ; advanced
early , declined C@74c and closed steady ;
C 8iJ@fl 85 for caib , Jannnrv md Febniary ;
6 00. 0 H2J for Marclj ; 7 97i@7 ( JO for April ;
7 07J@7 10 for May.
BulK Meats -Sliuulderg , 4 9n@5 00 } ohort
clear G 70 C 7fi : thort nhs C 25@U 30.
Whisky- High r ct llfi.
Butter- Firm ; good tofancv creamery 33
@ 3Qc ; fair to fine dairies 25 'a. 28j.
Choose Dull nud uachatged ; good to
finn chd > 'ais ' 10J.
Kggs-Uiuhinjietl ; frefh 27c.
Hides St. aily and unchanged.
Tallow Steady aud until , ujod
U ceipta. tJhlp'ts.
ITlour , bbls . FO.OOO 27.000
Wheat , bushels . 75,000 5-7.000
Corn , bushels . 01,000 208000
Oats , biuhels . 1P1000 116 OOrt
Rye , bushels . 10,000 3.000
Barley , bushel . GS.uOO 10,000
ST. Locis. January 28. Wheat Lower
for February ; 878 for March ; 00 for
April ; 00 lor M y.
Corn Steady ; SOJo for January ; 301@301
for Fobru-iry ,
Oais - Kaaior at ai332o for May.
Hye Scarce and hUher ; 76.
Uirloy lull6V ; 75.
Butt'r Uui-banged.
KKRS Firmer ; ! i5.
Flaxsfotl-Stead.v ; 1 47.
Hay Unch inir d.
BranUnchanged. .
Coinme l-FirmtU2) .
CALL BoAno Whfat-T/ower ;
forFobrtnry878o ; forMnrchj 00 for April
9 to for May.
O.irn Steidy at 30Jo for Jantmy ; 3GJt ©
Si ! } for February.
Oiti-Kisier ; 3ljc@32 for May.
NEW VOUK ruoucoi
NEW YonK , Jimi&ry 28 Wheat Si t lots
\tlo \ lower , option opened weak miJ later
iwlvanceil | ( ffl\c , then declln l@lc | , clo'-
intf heavy tb > tt < im figures lU-ct'ijita 2-J,0"0
extxirt * , 8(01 ; No , 2 snrinor 03e ; unpradet
red iSeilSj ; No U r il 8UJ@03o : No 2 rei )
F hru ry le , 708,000 ; nt
clo.itff at OOJc.
Corn Soot Ints i < 8Jc higher ; option
later l declined
Hv. closed lifuvy. KecoipU , 131,000 ; ex | > rt
81 000 ; miRra VH ! nu. S''Joj utramer No 1 , file ,
No. 2 , MJe , No. 3 60o ; first half Ft-bnurj
No. 3 &laDtai ( : t amer. whltP.6Uo ,
yellow , 01@SUc ; No. 2 , January ,
cliwInK at61c.
Oat - l@go higher ; receipts , 35,000 ; ex
poitf , 2A5 ; mixed western SG < gS8ic ; white
western 3S 40c.
Kfff Western frech dull nd drooping a
Fork-Quiet ftfd barely steady. '
Lard Wrak ; prime Mcamer spot , 7 20 ;
January 720 ; F > bru ° rr 710 47 CO ; March
722@728) ) April , 7 3 , (0,7 ( 3C ; May , 737 ®
7 41 ; ithrr * iinctiMiepd.
Butter Demand fair ; market firm ,
Ltvsnroou ,
LIVERPOOL , Janu.My 28 , Breadstuff *
weaker ,
Whrat No. 1 , California 7s 3d@7sOdj No.
2 California GalOd7s 3d.
KANSAS crir.
KANSAS OUT , Janniry ' 8 Whnat I owcr ;
kill Oic ; Febimry G2Jc ; May G J'S G5je ,
Corn Weaker ) ca h 31c ; Fobruuy Wo bid
30Je noked ; March , lOo bid ; May 'Hjjo bid ,
Itljc uslcd ; .luna 3ifcz3l&c. &
Oats Luwer at 2GJ.C.
TOLEDO , January 28. Wheat Dull
and a urmdo lower ; No. 2 red cash and Jan
uary 701o'
Corn Dull ; No. 2 January and February
42Jo bid.
OaU Dull , nominal ; no quotations.
Uyo-No. 2 , C5o bid.
CINCINNATI , January 28. Whc tjcarco
and firm ; No. 2nd 87ft8Sc ; receipts , 2,000.
Coin-Strung and higher ; No. 2 mixed4I ®
Uata Kapler at 33c.
Ryn Dull and lower at 75c.
Barlnv Strotg and higher ; extra No. 3
full held 35- .
Pork-Quiet st 12 CO.
Lard-Good demand nt G 00.
Bulk Meats Firm ; shoulder * , C OD ; short
rU , GGO.
Whisky-Steady at 111.
BALTIMORE , January 28 , Wheat West
nrn , lower and quiet ; No , 2 winter red spot ,
( /urn Western , etondy ; mixed spot ,
Oats Firm and quiet ; western whllo , 37 ©
3Sc ; mixtd3lS30. (
Ilyo Firm at 72@7Cc.
Eggs K IH'T and quiet at 28@29c.
Whiskey-Steady at 1 18@1 ID.
MILWAUKEE , January 28. Wheat Steady ;
No , 2 Milwaukee 7Gc : January , 7GJc ; Feb
ruary , 7GS- ; March , 7GIo ; My , S23& ,
Corn-Quiet Mid uncliaogtd ; No. 3 , 41c.
Oats-Dull ; No. 2 white , 31@311c.
Rye Higher and scarce ; No. 1 , GGic ; No.
2 , Gtc.
Uarloy Stronger ; No. 2 spring , 54i@51Jcj
No. 3 spring , extra , f2c ,
NEW ORLEANS. January 28. Corn
Steady and in peed dcrm-nd ; In sacks , mixed
and yell w. Gn@Glc ; wMte C2c.
" a Western , good demand , choice , 42
gfl'ork Firmer at 13 2JJ@13 25 ,
fr Laid Steady fair jobbing demand ; refined
tierce. 7 2 .
Bulk Meats-Quiet and st'ady ; shoulders ,
packed , 4 80 : long clear ribs , G CO ; short
clear ribs , GUM
Whisky-Steady ; Western rectified 1 05 ®
CHICAGO , January 28 , Drovers' Journal
reports :
Cattle Receipts , 4.2CO head ; brisk ; peed
gradfs lOc higher ; export * nominally 6 75 ®
U SO ; common t > choice shipping 4 00 5 GO ;
bu'cheiing stock lOo h'gber ' ; ciws 2 35@ * f.O ,
mainly 3 10 4 CO ; stackers and feeders 8 40@
40) ) .
Hogs Receipts 18,000 head ; strong and"
active ; cl'scd rather quiet ; rough packing
4 4io.4 ( G5 ; packing and shipping , 4 05 0 00 :
light 4500)475. )
Sheep Receipts , 4,000 head : ontivo and
weak ; common to medium 2 25(23 ( 25 ; good tech
ch ice 3 CO ® i 25 ; extra eheop and Iambi 4 CO
© 500.
sr. LOUIS.
ST. LOUIB , Janunry 28 Cattle Receipts.
300 head ; fcarce 01 d finu ; Of ports 5 802lG 00 ;
jood to choice cbippinsr 52-5 7ft ; oommcn
to medium 4405)0 ( ) ; bu'chor ' steers 400 ®
1 65 ; cows and nolft-ra 3 Ou@4 OJ ; atockors
3 5U@4 00 ; feed = rs 4 (0@4 ( Go ; corn fed
IWns 410 © I GO ; corn fed Indian cowa 300
© 370.
Sheep Receipts , 200 ; bent rradcs firm ;
common to n > odium , 2 C0@3 25 ; good to
choi.o 300100.
KANSAS Cur January 23. Cattle Re-
eel its. 1,751 ; fairly autlvn and stfa T ; exports ,
5 40@5 GO , gqod to choice shipping , 510'-n
B 35 ; common to mpdium , 4 C0@4 95 ;
Bti ckerd and fcedem ; 3 C0@l 25 ; cows , 2 CO ®
3 GO
GOHg3 Receipt' , GOOO ; firmer end Co
higher ; low nf 104 to 355 pounds , 4 25@4G5 ;
ma-nly -tO'oi4GO. .
Sheep-Receipts , 2.GOO ; ataady and un
Tuesday , January 27. I
The following prices ere charged retailers
by jobber ? , whtleealcrs and commit sion mar.
ilianti with tbo exception of grain , which is
quoted at the prices furnished by the elevators
and other local buj era :
Grain ,
Wheat Cash No. 2 , Gl.
Barley-Cash No. 2. 5i@C3.
Rye Cash No. 3 , 48c ,
Cora No. 2,10o.
Oats-No. 2 , 22Ie.
Steady ; green butchers' 6J green salted , 80 ;
dry flint 12Me ; dry salt 10@11 damaged
hides , two thirds price.
Grease Prime white , 4Jo.
Hhoop Pelts 25l OU ,
Tallow 4i'g 01.
Ornorml Produce
Appres There are but few choice apples
left iu the ma'kct mid th sn are brlniinggood
piir s ; lion Davis , S3f)0 ) ; GentocB , S250 ,
Poultry Although the weather is cold now
and 'nvorablo fur this branch , therfl is not any
muttrial itnprovnmmt to note. Turkeys mo
( inly in modcra'o icqucir , and as supply is
liberal prices rnlo low. CliicltciH are in more
HCtivo dumand and owing to limitoJ rooeipts
prices are firm Chi ken * , dro-sed clioico per
pound. Oc ; chickens dtostod , fnlr to good , pur
ib. 78c ; poor , Ga ; tut key ? , .dressoa per Ib ,
choice , 10@llc ; turkeys , drusaod , fair to good ,
SfflOc ; poor , o ; geese , ! d pssed , per Ib ,
choice , lOo ; fair to gocd , 8@9o ; poor , 7@8c ;
ducks , dressed , per Ib , cholcu llo ; fair to
good , lOo. ;
KigB Remain weak nt 21@22e.
Buitor Receipts lor the last week have
been veon \ cry heavy , and sales are i omowh t
drpgglog on ftll grides. Prices arn weaker
and would advise care in buying. Old packed
butter will not bring abova G cenU. Wrap
jho roll * In thin clean mtnlin and avoid mix
ing ditferent qualities in oao package if
pomible. Creamery 22 ( KC ; fair to good , 12
@lfi ; choice dairy , 1U317 ; iuferiur grades ,
! @ 10.
Home Rather quiet now. The glut of rabIn -
In Is pretty w ll cleaud up now , still It will
bo hard to raleo prices again. Other kinds
only in fair it-quest. Pralrlo chickens , per
dozen $ -100 : quail , CO@7Dc ; enese , per
dozen , 83.00 S3 60 ; Jack rabbits , per
lozon , $2rW3a50 ; small rabbits , per
dozen. 23c@CO ; snipe , per dozen , GO ®
75 ; docks , mallard , 82.002.CO ( ; teal and
mixed , 81.60@2.00.
Beans Demand very light and stock heavy
Only clean stock saleable. Navies ( clean
per bushel. 120140 ; medium , 1 OOffll 2 ?
Honey Comb Choice domestic , lC@lGc
California , 14@15c.
Beeswax In good demand. Choice bright
T Ib. , 26@28c ; common to good dark per Ib. ,
Oider-0hio" par , bbl. S7.00 ; "York
State" per bbl. $8.00 ; per 1 bbl. 31.75 ; con.
gal. 85o.
'c ; Wiscon-
_ _ ! @ 13o.
Mapla Sti'gir Pure , in bricks , per Ib , , IGc ;
Grocers' ) List.
OAKKIO GOODS. Uysto. * ' ( Standard ) per
iam > , 3 9ft ; strawberriea , 2 Ib , pr caso. 2 30 ;
raspberries , 2 Ib , per cose , 2 EOj California
pears per i % ao. 5 60 : apricots i per bnou . C 00 ;
( je&chea per case , 6 90 ; white cherries per
aie , G 74 ; plums per case , 4 60 ; wbortleber-
lea , per case , 8 00 ; egg plums , 2 Ib , per case ,
1 HO ; er * n paaox , ti Ib nor case , 2 'JO ; pine
tplra , 2 Ib , per case , 8 20@5 GO
Rows Si al , & inch and luger , 8c , 8 Inch ,
9o ,
OANniW-Boxes. 40 IU , 16 , 12c , " * . 12o ,
boxes , 4 Ibs , 16 or , 6e. 14c.
MATCHIS Per caddie , 35c ; ronnd.rl.oMe
2 GS ; eqnaro , casct , 1 70 ; Oahkosh , casesgr .
SnoARSPowdered , 7fc ; cut loaf , 7Jcan- ;
ttlnted , 6jc ; confci tlonera1 A , C c ; Standarc
extra C , Gc ; extra O , 6 o ; medium yellow , CJc
dark yellow , 5Jc.
CorrcES Ordinary grades , 12@12fc : fair. 1
c ; good , ISlc ; prime , 14lCc ; choice
lG@17ct fancy green and yellow , IfiaiGJc ; o
government Java , 20@26c ; Arbuckio's roast
ed. lojc ; MoLnughlin's XXXX roasted , IGlo
Imitation Java , lGJ@18Jc ; Clark's Aurora
STRUT Standard Com , , 5 So , bbls ; Sta.ldan
do. 4 gallon kegs , 1 SC.
SODA In Ib papers , 8 20 per ease ; keg , pc
Ib , 2Jc.
PICKLES Medium in barrels , G 00 ; do In
half barrels , SCO ; small , in barrels , ? 00 ; do In
half barrels , G 00 ; gherkins in barrolr , 3 00
do in half barrels , 4 50.
TEAS Gunpowder , good , 46@55c ! choice
GOS7Gc ; good Imperial , 40@43o : clioice. GO ®
G5c ; Young Hyson , good , SGAGOc ; choice , G5
@ 1 00 ; Japan , natural leaf , 76c ; Japan choice ,
G0 75c ; Oolonp good , 35@40c ; Oolong choice
4"fdGCcj Sanchong , good , S0@10c ; choice , 35
@ 4Bc.
. KICK -Louisiana , prime to choice. 6J@71r.
Fisit No. 1 mackerel , half bblg. , 7 t > 0
Family } bbls. , 4 25 ; No. 1 kite. 1 06 ; family
bite , GOc ; No. 1 whitcfi.h. hal' bb . , G CO ; No.
I kite , OOoi family half bbls. , SOU ; family
kite and palln , GOc ; No. 1 trout , half bbls. , G 25.
WOODINWARK Two h'oop palls , 1 85 ; three
lioon pails , 2 10. Tuba , No. 1 , 0 00 ; pioneer
washboards , 1 85 ; Double Crown , 1 OOj well
buckets , 3 85.
SoArs-Kirk's Savon Imperial ; S 1G ; Kirk's
satinet , 3 30 ; Kirk's standard , 3 G5 ; Kirk's
White Russian , 4 83.
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 cans in case ,
35 ; Babbitt's ball , 2 doz. In case , 1 90 ; An-
cnor ball , 2 dor. in case , 1 GO.
OANDT Mixed , Ual2c ; stick , lOallc ; twist
stick. lOio.
VINEOAR Now York apple , IGc ; Ohio ap
ple. 13o ,
SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 1 GO ; Ashton ,
in socks , 3 GO ; bbls dairy. GO , Cs. 3 GO.
STARCH Pearl , 4Jc ; Silver Gloss , 80 ; Corn
Starch , 8c ; Excelsior Gloss , 7c ; Corn , "Jc.
SPICES Pepper , 17o ; spice , 14o ; cloves , 20c |
cassia , IGc.
DRT FRUITS No , 1 , quarter apples , bbls ,
> ic ; N 0 sliced , boxes , GJc : evaporated , boxes ,
tjc ; blnckborrles. boxes , lOJc ; poaches , I-
raxes , 8)0 ) ; poaches , evaporated , 14c ; rasp-
jerries , 32c.
Dry Goods
BROWN SHEETINGS Atlantic A , 7o ; Allan
lo P , Gc ; Atlantic LL , DJc ; Brunswick , Tic ;
leaver Dam LL , Gc ; Lawrence LL , Gic ; 3 ? a-
clfio H , 7Sc ; Royal Standard , GJo ; 'ndian
lead A , 7jo ; Wauchusott A. 7Jc.
porell R , 7c ; Sallsoury R. 6e.
BLEACHED COTTONS Ballon , 4-4 , GJc : Bal-
on , 7-8 , 5 Jo ; Cumberland , 4-4 , 8c ; Davoll DD ,
tic ; Fairmount , lie ; Fruit of the Loom 4 ,
9c ; Glory of the West , Sic ; Golden Gate , 8Jc :
Hill 7-8 , 8c ; Hill 4-4. 7fo ; Lonsdale , 7c ; Now
York Mills , lljc ; Wamsutta , lOic.
DUCKS ( Colord ) Boston , 8 oz. , lljci Bos
on , 10 oz , MJc ; Boston , 9 oz , , 14c ; Fall River
l °
DUOKS ( Gray ) West Point , 8 or. , lie ; West
Point 10 oz. , Me ; Point Boar , 8 oz. , lie.
TICKINGS Amoskeag. 131c ; Continental
Fancy , 9Jc ; Oordls. 10c ; Pearl River , 12o ;
York , 12ci Hamloten Awnings , 12ic.
DENIMS Amoskopg , 14o ; Beaver Creek AA
2c ; Beaver Creek 1513 , lie ; Bearer Creek
CO , lOc : Haymakers , 8c , Jaffrey D & T , IZto ;
Jaffrey XXX , 12Jc ; Pearl River. 13c ; War-
on AXA ( bro vn ) . I2c ; Warren BB ( brown ) ,
Ic ; Warren CO ( brown ) . lOc ,
CAMBRICS Fifth avenue glove finish , 4Jc ;
Keystone glove finish , 5c.
CORSET JEANS Amory , 7Jc ; Hancock , 8c ;
Icarsayer 81c ; Rockport , 7c.
PRINTS Aliens , 5Jc ; Amoricon , fife ; Arn-
Id'a Gc ; Cocheco , Gc ; Harmony , 4o ; Indigo.
Jo ; Indigo 7-8. Hie ; Indigo 4-4 , 12io ; Stool
Civor , CJc ; Charter Oak , 440.
PRINTS SHIHTINOS American , 5c ; Oocheco ,
ic ; Gloucester , 5c ; Southbrdgo , 4Jc ; Waver-
eys 4 Jc : Rosedale , 4c.
GlNailAilS Amoskeag staple ? , 81o ; Bates
taploa. 8ioj Lancaster staples , 8c ; Plunket
ilalda 9c ; Hudson checks , 81c ; Amoskeag
Persians , OJc.
DRESS GOODS Atlantic alpacca. 9Jo ; Per-
Inn cashmere , 23)o ; Hamloton cashmere , IC c ;
lamleton Fancus , I' ' c ; Hamleton brocades ,
6c ; Arlington brocade , 18c.
Heavy Hardware List.
Iron , rates , 2 30 ; plow stool , special coat , Gc ;
crucible , 7o ; special or German , Go ; cast , too ;
o , ! Ga20c ; wa/on spokes , set , 2 25a3 00 ; hubs
> er set , 1 25 ; ielloes , sawed dry , 1 40 ; tongues ,
iach , 70a85c ; axlcn , eash , 75c ; square nuts per
1) , 7allc ; washers , per Ib , 8al8c ; rivets , per
3 , lie ; coil chain , jier Ib , 6al2c ; malleable ,
c ; Iron wedges , Gc ; crowbars , C , ; harrow
eth , 4c ; spring steel , 7a8c ; Burden s horse
boos , 4 40 ; Burden's muleshoes , 5 70.
BARBED WIRE In car lota. 4 00 per 100.
NAILS Rates. 10 to GO , 2 30.
SHOT Shot , 1 85 ; buckshot , 2 10 ; oriental
> owdor , kegs , G 40 ; do half kegs , 3 48 ; do ,
quarter kegs , 1 88 blasting , kega , 8 35 ; fuse ,
per 100 feet , GOc.
LEAD Bar , 1 G5.
COAL-Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 ; Mor
ris run Blossburg , 10 00 ; Whitebreast lump ,
i 00 ; Whitobreast nut , 5 00 ; Iowa lump , 5 00 ;
owa nut , r > 00 : Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthra-
det , 11 25all GO ; Canon City , 7 00 per ton.
Oak solo , 38@42c ; hemlock sole , 28@33c ;
leinlock kip , POc ; runner 65o to 7Gc ; hemlock
alf , 85 to 1 00 : hemlock upper , 22 to ? loj oak
upper , 24c ; alligator , 4 00 to 5 50 ; calf kid ,
2@35c ; Grelsen kid , 2 50 to 2 75 , oak kip ,
Oo to 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French Uip.
10 to 1 G1 ? ; French calf , 1 2 a to 2 00 ; ruseette
CO to 7 CO ; linings , G 00 to 8 50 ; t ppings ,
00 to 10 CO ; B. L. Morocco 30 toS5c ; obble
O. D Morocco 36c ; simon , 2 GO @ 3 00.
HARNESS No. 1 star oak , 35c ; No. 2 , S4o ;
5c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 83c ; No. 1 do , 31c ; No.
Milwaukee S4c ; No. 2 do , 33c.
No. 1 Pitta oak har , 35o ; No , B Pitta oak
har , S3c.
Ijlquoro ,
ALCOHOL 188 pooof alcohol , 2 2G per wine
gallon extra California spirits ; 188 proof , 1 18
> or proof gallon ; tripple refined spirits , 187
iroof , 1 17 per proof gallon ; redistilled
whiskies , 1 00 fl 60 ; fine blended , 1 CO * 2 CO.
GINS Imported , 4CO@GOO ; domestic , 140
@ 3 00.
RUMS Imported , 4 50 ( 0 00 ; Now England ,
1 09 a 4 00 ; domestic , 1 fiOffiS CO.
CIIAMPAONES Imported , per case28 OOJ }
3-1 00 ; American , per case , 12 00@10 00 ,
Plug Tobacco- Climax , 47c ; Bullion , 47c ;
Elorsoshoe , 44c , Star , 46c ; Rudy , 45c ; Her-
soy's , 40c ; Black. 38 ® 10 ; Spearhead , 4Gc )
Our Rcpe. 48c ; Piper Uoidsiock. G4o.
Fine Cut Common , SOct Medium , 4Pc ;
good , 4C@GOc ; Hard to Boat , 70c ; Favorite ,
GOc ; Diamond Crown , G5c | Sweet Sixteen ,
G6a Smoking O , 8. , 22c ; M 'erschaum , SOc ;
Durham , IGooz. Clo ; Uurh.ui , 8 oz. , 65o ; Dar-
liam , 4 dz. , 57 ; Durham , 2 oz. , 6nc ; Seal of
North Carolina , 10 oz.,41c ; Seal of North Car
olina , 8 or. . 43o : Seal of North Carolina , 4 oz. ,
48c ; Seal of North Carolina , 2 oz. , COo.O. ; 8. ,
Durham , 4 oz. , 28o ; O , K , Durham , 2 oz , Sue :
Uncle Ned , i'a 25o ; Tom and Jerry 23o.
Wo quote lumbar , lath and shingles on car
at Omaha at the following prices :
JOIBTANDHCANTLINO 16 feet and under ,
TIMBERS 1C feet and under , 18 00.
TIMBEB AND JOIST 20 ft. , 1900 ; 24ft. ,
FKNCINQ No. 1 , 4 and 6 In. , 20 00 ; No. 2 ,
SHKATHINO No. 1 (2d ( common boards ) ,
18 00 ; No. 2 , 1C 00.
STOCK BOARDS A , 4500 ; B , 40 00 ; 0 , 35 00.
FtoohiNO-No. 1 , 85 00 ; No , 2 , SO CO ; No
SIIMNO , clear 25 00 ; No , 2 , 22 CO ; No. 3 ,
OWLINO-JL 30 00 ; 1. 20 00.
BHINOLEB , best 3 CO ; standard , S 00.
LATH 3 CO twr M.
LIME Per barrel , 1 00 ; bulk per bushel ,
35c ; cement : bbl. 2 25 ; Iowa plaster , bbl , 2 CO
hair per bus , COo ; tarred felt , 100 Ibs , ;
straw board 300 ,
DRUGS AND OHEMIOALS Acid , carbolic , 40o
acid , tartaric , COo ; balsam copaiba , per Ib.
CCc ; bark , sassafras , per Ib , 12o ; calomel , per
Ib , 90o ; cinclionidla , per oz. , $0 M ) ; chloro
form , per Ib , 31 05 ; Dovers powders , per Ib
$1 25 ; epsom salt * , per Ib , 8Jc ; glycerine
pure , per Ib , 25o ; lead acetate , per Ib , SOc ; ol
castor , No. 1 per R i 91 CO ; oil outer , No , 1
per gal. , $1 40 ; ell , olive , per gal , $1 40s oil
origanum , We ; opinm , $4 CO ; quinine , P. "
I'alnta Oils find Vnrnlshos.
Oiifl HO carbon , per gallon , 11 Jc : 1EO
headlight , per gallon , 13c ; 175 ° headlight
t > er gallon , ICc ; 160 ° water white , ICc ; line
seed raw , per gallon , 4Dcj linseed boiled , per
gallon , B2cj Lard , winter str'd , per gallon , 70c
No. 1 , GOo : No. 2 , tO ; castor XXX. per gal
Ion , 1 GOo ; No. 8,140 ; sweet , per gallon , 1 U0 ±
sperm W. B. , porR lIon , 1 G0fi ; h W. B. ,
per gallon , G5 : neatsfoot extra , per gallon , OOo
No. 1 , 7Cct lubriaatlng , zero , per gallon , SOc ;
summer , IGc ; golden machine , No. 1 , per gal *
Ion , S5c ; No 2,2So ; sperm , signal , per gallon
9oc ; turpentine , per gallon. 40cj noi'tbs ' , 74
per gallon , IGc.
Dry lftintfl
Whlto load SOc ; French tc , Ccj
whittng , 2Jc ; whiting gilders , lc | mhillng
com'l , Ijc ; lampblack , Germs tit own , 14t ;
lampblack , ordinary , lOc ; Prussian blue , C5o
untramarlno , 18c ; Vandyke , brown , EC ; umber ,
burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; sienna , burn lot ; ;
slontn , raw , 4c : Pans green , genuine , 25o
Paris grccncommon.20c ; chrome green , N. Y , ,
20c ; chromo irroon , K. , 12c ; vrrmllllon , Eng
7Cc ; vormilllon , American. 18t ; Indian , red ,
lOo ; rose pink , lie ; Venetian , rod , Cookson's ,
2o ; Venetian , red. American , IJrt red load ,
i"4c ; chroma yellow , genuine , VOc ; chroma ynl-
lotv , K. , 12c : orhro rochollo. 3c ; ochre , Frenh
2c ; ochre , American , 2c ; Winter's mineral ,
2jc ; lehigh brown , 2Jc ; Spanish brown , 2Jc ]
Prlnco's mineral , 3c ,
VARNISHKS-Barrels , per gallon : Furnlturo ,
oxtra. $1 10 ; furnituru , No. 1 , $1 ; coach , ex
tra , $1 40 : coach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Damar , extra ,
$1 75 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltum , oitra , 85o ,
shellac , S3 CO ; bard oil finish $1 CO ,
PAINTS IN OIL Whlto load , Omaha , P. P.
ii o ; whlto load , St. Louis , pure , 6Ja ; Marsoil
! es green , 1 to D Ib cans , 20c ; French rJno ;
; ieen seal , 12c ; French zlno , red seal , lie ,
Eiensh zinc , In varnish asst. , 20c ; French zinc ,
in oil asst , 15c ; raw and burnt umber , 1 'b
rxy lOc ; raw and burnt Sienna lOc ; Vandyke
brown , 13c ; refined lampblack , 12c : coach
> lack and Ivory black , ICe ; drop bl ck , IGc ;
Piusnian blue , 40c : ultramarlno blue , 16c ;
cliromo green , L. M & D. . IGc ; blind and
shutter green , L. M. & D , , IGc ; Paris green ,
18c ; Indian rod , ICc ; Venetian rod , Oc ; Tus
can rod , 22c ; American vcrmillion , I. & P. *
: yellow ochre , 9c ; L. M. , O. & D. O , 18o ;
yellow ochro. 9c ; golden ochre , IGc ; patent
dryer , Sc ; ( Training colors , light oak , dark oak ,
walnut , chestnut and ash , lee
FLOUE Colorado , 100 Ibs , 1 C0@l 7G | pai
nt , 100 Ibs. , 2 7G@3 00 ; Kansas , 100 Ibs , 2 75
@S 00 ; graham , 10H Ibs , 1 CO ; ryn , 100 Ibs.
2 2 ; buck-wheat , per bbl 7 CO ,
GRAIN , FEED , ETC. Wheat 100 Ibs , $100
© 1 U5.corn In sacks on track , 100 Ibs , 85@90j
ate , in socks on track , 100 lha. eastern white ,
25@1 30 ; Colorado white , 12G1 SC ; mixed ,
2 J@l 2C ; barley 100 Ibs , 1 S0@l 35 ; bran ,
ton , on track , 15 OOffllG 00 ; chop , corn , 100
bs , on track , 93cSl ) 00 ; chop rcfxod. 100 Ibs ,
n track , 1 25@135 ; corn meal , 100 Ibs. 180
© 140.
HAT Baled , upland , ton , 14 00@1G'00 ;
pland , loose , ton , 8 00@12 00 ; second bot-
om , baled , 1100@12 00 ; alfalfa , loose , ton ,
0 00@1G 00 ; straw , baled , on track , ton , 7 00
@ 9 00.
BUTTEE Creamery , fancy , Ib , 40o
roamory , fine , Ib , 30 "iSSc ; dairy , choice , Ib
Og22c ; dairy , good , Ib , 18@20c ; dairy , fair
b , IGrmlGc : cooking , Ib , 6@Sc ,
EGGS State , candled and warranted , dor ,
2fe > S3c ; ranch , doz , 34@3'c.
CHEKBE Full cream , lC@17c ; half cream ,
} . 10 mile ; skim , Ib , 9c ; Swiss , domestic ,
b , 22@2Sc ; Swiss , imported , SO32oLim-
) U'ger , 18c.
POOLTBV Live old chickens , doz , 5 00@5 f 0 ;
reBse-1 ducks , Ib , 15@lGc ; dressed turkeys ,
b. ICffllGc.
POTATOES Colorado , 100 Iba , 100 ; sweet
er Ib , , 4c.
VEaETABLKS Onions , yellow , 100 Ibs ,
7f < ; cabbazc , 100 Iba. ICO ) boats ,
01 Ibs , 110@125 ; turnips , 100 Ibs , 1 25.
FRUITS Lamons , per box , MessJn , 4 KVQ
00 ; oranges , Florida , per b"X , S 50 o 7 00 ;
pploa , fancy bbl , G 00@5 CO ; apples , medium ,
bl , 3 BO.
CURED MEATS Hams , sugar cured , Ib , Hi
© 11 Jc ; baoon , breakfast. Ib , 12@124o ; dry
alt sides , Ib , 7@7Jo ; lord in polls , 9 @ 9gc ;
ard In tierces , 8 c.
FRESH MEATS Dressed beef , Colorado , per
h. G$6c ( ; hogs , Ib , 6i@Cic ; mnttou , Ib , 7
@ 7Jc.
IrtVE STOCK Colorado steers , per 100 Ibs ,
00 9450.
Hides. Dry Flint No , 1 , per Ib , lll@12ai
No. 2 , Ib , 0@10c ; green steers and branded
elf , Ib , 4clCc ( ; green , 8fa10c } ; green kip ,
) , 6ia7c ; sheep skins , dry , 8@10c ; deer skins ,
] , 15@20c ; antelope skins , Ib , 12@15 ; tallow ,
b , fig6o ( .
WOOL Colorado No. 1. per Ib , 14@15c ;
uck , Ib , EC ; Mexican , 710c ,
FISH Mackerel , No , 1 , * 140 , kit , mess ,
00@2 00 : California salmon , half bbl , 10 GO ;
Holland herring , keg , 1 50@160 ; trout , per
b. IfiffilGc.
T the epc'ial pojitlan of its line , connect * Ih
< AJI und tbcVtbt by tle ybortcat route , and oar
lift i.asaenscra. without clinnKd of oars , betwse
blcnico and Kanai. Citr. Council Dlvirl , I.eaven
orlli , Alonl'on , Illcnrapolle and Bl. Paul. 1
onceats m Union Unnou with all the ptlnclpa
oen of road betwceu tha Atlaullo and tlio Faolnc
)0fnn , Ha equipment i > unrivaled > nd maeuin.
cut , bt-lnir compOBed "f ZJout Camfortaule anc
'oav'ilul lAy I ojches. Uagnlflocnt llorton Uo *
llulnit Cliair Cars , 1'ullman'ii yrettlpat Tulaoe
Urupinc C.'in , nnd Hie Dent Mna of iulne Can
nlliowoil Three Tromi . .J _ J-j. 'fo wj
I30UUI1 Iliver Pointp. Tw- " ' - - n GUI ,
. . . , ' -
.cwi > ort ens , Cnattauooea. tantu , u
( utii Naslivmo.LouljvlUe , Leitncton , Cincinnati
.udiuuapolU and l irayette , and O/paha. Mlnneap'
ills and tit. 1'aul and intermediate pomta.
All Tlirough Pastonccri Travel on 1'ant Zipre-u
Tickets fr tale t all ortnclcal Ticket OrBor * la
tie United Slaten and Canada.
B SK > ep checked throuKh and r le ( of fare ' .
ray * tu low ui ccmpetttorl that oiler lei * adr-ui.
aKc * .
For drtiilcrt information , ct the MajnaUdFola-
ire of the
.t your Dtarett Ticket OBce , or uddreia
' '
RidMt rlttns
Udes 4 ai/
Dummy Trains Le voOmah t a 10,800
9 00,10 00 , li 16 m , 1 00 , S 00 , 8 00 , 4 00 , 6 00 , 0 00.
lOBfipm. On Sundiystho 800 and 10 00 a m and
100 and 4 00 p m trains do not run. Arrive at trans
fer depot IS mlnutoa later : Broadway depot SO min
utes later ,
Leave Council Binds ( Broadway depot ) at 7 20 , 8 80
980,1080,1 40 mlSO ; , 280 , 880. 180,680 , 086
and 1105 p m. On Sundays the 8 80 and 10 80 am
and 8 80 and 6 80 p m trains will not run. Arrive at
Transfer 7 mlnutoa lat-r , Omaha 20 mlnutoa later.
TrnnoforTrnlns Iavo OmahaatBU,868
10 05 m , < 25 , 0 10 and 0 55 p m , dally.
Arrlvo at C 45 and 1115 m , IS St. . , 7 85 and 8 IB p
Oonnectlng In Union Depots nt Kansas City ,
Omalm and Denver with through trains for
And all ix > ints In the Great West.
ca-oxiKrG- A gJT -
Connecting In Gmnd Union Depot at Chicago
with through trains for
And all Ep-i'v-jn CJUos.
AtPeorla with tluw trains lor Indiana-
oils , Cincinnati , ColurjL'5B , and all points fn
the South.East. At St'Toula with through
trains lor all points
Klognnt Day Coanhcs , Parlor Oars , -with Ho.
dining Chairs ( scats free ) , Smoking Care with
Revolving Chulrs , 1'ullman I'alaco Slucplnu
Cftin ana the fmnoua ) . Ji. &Q. Dining Cnre
run dally toancl from Ciilcngo and Kansas City ,
Chlcngonnd Council UluCs : Chicago and Dus
Moincs , Chicago , St. Joseph , Atcliisnn and
lopeka without change. Only through line
runnlJg their own trains between Chicago ,
Lincoln and Denver , and Chicago , Kansas
Ulty and neiuer. Thiough cars lietwcon
Indianapolis mid Council liluira , via I'coria.
Solid Trains of Klegar * ' J Coachca and
Pullman I'alaco Sleeping Cars are run dally to
and from St. Louis ; via Hannibal ; Quincy ,
Keokuk , Burlington , Cedar Knpida and Albert
Lea to St. Paul and Minneapolis ; ParlorCara
with ICccilnlng Chairs to and from 8t. Louis
and Peoria. Only one change of cars between
St , Loulaand DcsMolnca , Iowa , Lincoln , No-
bruska , and Denver , Colorado.
It la also the only Tin oiigh Line between
It Is known as the great THUOUGH OAIl
LINK of America , and la universally udnilt
ted to uo the
Finest Equlppoi Railroad In the World fa
all classes of Travel.
J ! ougU Tickets via this line ( or sale atni'
S.-.t-coutxm ticket olllceb.athu United States
Vlou-J'.t * . & Otn. Manner.
Council Bluffs
and Chicago.
The only line to taVe lor D'l Uotne * . Marshall ,
townCetur Uaplds , Clinton , Dixie , OblcaKo , 1111-
wauVfl * ard all points ca-t. To the people of Ne-
l > ia-ka , Col irodoVjoml'k'i Utah Icaho , Nerada ,
Oregon , Waoblugtoi niid C Ifonila It oUcra tup.rlor
advu tains not | ioslbe ! by any ctbcr line.
Among u'cwol ihe uuu-croua 111 > U of mprrlor-
Ity e > Ju ed by the ] > a < roni of this reid between
I'tnahaand Chicago , ueIti tw.itul'Saday of DAY
COAOHEH which are thennit that human a t and
lujcnuity an rreate ; Its I1 A LACK BLKKl'INa UAltb
which ru mrdo'i ' uf coailort and elegance ; IU 1'AH-
LOU IHU\VN | < 1 KOOU "Aim , un < ur Mit-d liy any ;
and its widely relcbritcd ! ' IAT1 L DIMNQOAKb
the i qua ) ol whl hcaonot be foil dilitwhtrc.
At CouEdl IlJuOsthe ( ralna ol tbe Union I'ldOo
! ! > . conntclln Union OcjOtKltb thcio of tliefilra- ! )
eol.V' < rtlieitiia Kr In Chicago the trains of thli
Hn make close connoctlon with the/so of all eaiteru
r'cr Detroit , Columbui , lodlanipo'U , Cl-clnnatl.
NliRara " 1U , BuH.lo , Itltoburg , 'ornnto , Men trial
Beaten , New Yor * . 1'hlladelphla , Dal Im re , Wuh.
nictonudallpolnt'i la the Ki t , d.k tbe tlciet
( rent for ticket' l the
If you Wi the li'tt accommodaUon
a < ; euis r-cli tickets via thl * line ,
Ovoeral Mimagw , Ott , tut. Agtnt
Growers of Live Stock and Others.
Our Ground Oil Cake
It la I ho boat and cheapest food for stock of nny kind. Ono pound Is equal to
three POUJ da of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Gixko In the Fall and Wlntot
luatond of running down , will incroaao In weight'and bo In Rood marketable condl
tlon In the spring. Dairymen , ns wall va othora , who nao It , cj\n"testify to Ita mot
Ita. Try It and judge for yonreelvoa. Price $25.00 per ton. No charge for saoko
Addrosa WOODMAN LINSEED OtL WORKS , Oranhn , Neb ,
Hall's Safe and Lock Comp'j
3.OJBO 3KB s.
fl. B. LOOKWOOD , ( formerly of Lockwood & Draper , Chicago , Manager of the
Tea , O'gar ' and Tobacco Dopartmonta. A fall line of all grades of
the aboxo ; also Pipoa and Smokora' carried In stock. Prlooa
and namploa famished on application. Open orders
intrnated to na shall receive our careful
[ attention. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Paints , Oils ,
1801 AND 13031FARNAM STREET , COR. 13TH ,
A. _ i. TM ETgeTFt ; .
W. F. BROWN & CO. :
Office , Exchange Building Union Stock Yards ,
fi NATIONAL BANE , Omaha ; , .
W A. PAXTOM , 1'rcst. and True. Union Stock Yds. , Omaht
SWAN BROS , t heyonne Also connected with Gregory , Cooley
Jena A. MOSIIANR , Manager Bay FUte Cattla Co. Go , Union Stock Turds , Chicago.
J. A. CKBIOIIION , Vico-Picst. First Nat'l Bank , Om&bi.
X2TAldrcoa all commanlcaMona Union Stock Yartto , Omaha , Nebraska.TI3i
HENRY T , CLARKE , Free. nndTrcaii.JOHN A. M. CLARKE , Vlca FrreliJont
JOHN T. CL&RKF , Secretary.
JoMlnR r'ruK houio between Chlc ( ? o and Ron Franclsoo , CAPITAL STOCK 8200,000. Wo
tha'l ' hoattbeb.ttomolthenarketatall tlmca Will duplicate Chicago and Bt. Louis prices with
frflsht added. Our ipecla ty wll he _ _ , . . - . , -m
Pure Di'iiytt , Jaint $ , Oils tmd Wtnaoiv Glass
FetlmaUs elrcn on pUto RlatB. To those ab-mt to embark In the drug tmsmcM will do well to coniul.
their Interest by calling on ua or send Joi our jirlco list which will appear about January filh. Mill oidct
Bolldted * ill * IJAUriEY
Double and Single Acting Power and Hand
Ecclno TrlmmlnfrB , Mining Machinery , Bolting , Hose , Braaa and Iron Flttlncn
at wholwalo or retail. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , OHUROB
Corner 10th and Farnam St. , Omaha Neb.
Solo ngonts o United States Electric Lighting Co. , for State o N
braska. Owners of western patents for Electric Motors , Arc Lamp , Mo
guUrge incandescent and small incandescent electric In nips. Cheaper
than gas. UEST LIGHT KNOWN. Adopted by the United States gov
ernment and all the leading steamship lines and loading hotels. To
prices enquire at
Dec23edlra OFFICE , N.WCORNER 15th A FAUN4.M.