Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1885, Page 8, Image 8

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Wednesday MornWi U ! Jan , 28 ,
Frank A. Johnson mid Ida W. Carlson
were married Saturday evening by Judge
The body of Mr * , lllectn Ilhodcs wa :
sent Monday morning to West Point , Neb.
lor interment.
Tbo county commhslonori ! and treasure.
wcro busy yesterday checking up the accounts
of tiie county.
A remarkable revival meeting was hold
by the South Omaha Methodist Episcopalian
Inst nlirht and six persons wore converted.
Revival meeting * will ba held in tk <
South Tenth street Methodist church thl
evening at 7:30 nnd every evening this week.
-Mr. John II. Hart , living at 801 louth
Seventeenth street , had ahorao nt'lon from hti
barn day before yesterday. JSocluo to tin
County Clerk Lsvltt wont down again to
Lincoln yesterday , on official businesi pertain
ing to an Important measure now before thi
Both Will nnd Charley Clarke , vlctlmi
ot the recent coasting disaster are progressing
finely toward recovery. Their Injuries an
not ns sorlous al at firat anticipated.
Avoguo dispatch has been received in
this rlty saying that Potcr Petersen of thi
city was killed yesterday nt Vollsca , Iowa ,
No further particulars can bo learned of th
tnd affair.
Mrs. Ada Williams , a colored lady , re
jxjrtcd at the police headquarters yesterday
that her fourteen-year old dauqhtcr had mys
torlously disappeared , nnd waa supposed tc
have run away.
A mnsi meeting of the trades unions
the city will bo hold at the City hall thl
cvoni ng to hoar reports of tha committl
of the petitions circulated for signatures. 1
large attendance Is desired.
-Tho funeral of Mrs. Camilla GolT tool
place yesterday morning from the residence o
deceased's daughter , Mrs. Burns. Tlio body
was shipped in the afternoon to Alton , Ilia
whcro the interment will take place.
The German edition of the illustrated
supplement of the BKB can now be had nt thla
offlco nt 15 cents cash or two for 25 cents ,
Those- can bo mailed to nny part of thla coun
try forono cent nnd to Germany for two cents
All of the eastern trains lost night wen
from ono to three hours late. The Missonr
Pacific pa'senger arrived five hours Into , whlh
the out bound Denver trnin on the U. P. lofi
the depot ono nnd a half hours late , delnyed
by eastern connections ,
There will bo nn encampment of th3
Grand Army of the Kopublic nt Beatrice to
day , to determine the location of tha next
nnnunl grand encampment of the state. It is
expected that n largo delegation of Omnhn
members of the order will bo present at the
Mr. J. S Hichardeon hia commenced the
erection of a four story buiiness nnd residence
flat on St. Mary's nvonue , between Sixteentl
nnd Seventeenth to have n forty foot front.
The foundations have been laid , but work on
the superstructure has been temporarily de
layed by cold weather.
Mr. Wm. R. .Tan is and C. O. Howard
the president and secretary of the Y. M. O.
A. , will call upon some of the principal busi
Dens men of the city to day to solicit moro
money for the Newsboys' Home. The nmounl
they want is 6300 , but the amount that ough
to bo devoted to this work is nt least $1.000.
Judge Hull left last night for Lincoln.
Mr. R. 0. Patterson and wife leave for Now
Orleans this evening to spend a month.
General Superintendent S. T. Smith , of the
Union Pacific , left the city last night for Den.
Mrs. E.'T. Bracey and daughter , of Phlta
dolphin , are visiting tha family of A. N. Do'
ICalb , of this city.
I 11. Norrls , uf the firm of Parrotte & SUP
ry , left the city last ni < ht , and will make a
\isl ; to his old home in Culpopper , Va.
Miss May Nichols , niece ot P. J. Nichols ,
who has been visiting with her uncle In this
city for some time past , left to-day for her
homo in Pueblo.
D. B. Smith , David City , S. B. Helman ,
Blair , A E Holford and wife , Wayne , Thos.
Curran , Fremont , A. Gustafan , Luther J.
Ingersoll , M. D. Dunrer , T. A. Triyman ,
Detroit , ilih , li Younghaus , St. L ills , and
A. Farrirgton , of San Jose , Cain. , nro stop
ping at the Metropelitan.
Last night Mr. J. E. Mnrkel nnd Mr. g H
H. Clark and. family left by special car
for Loa Angeles , California , where they will
remain for some time in order to rouperate
failing health , They left leave by way
of thfi Missouri Pacific and connect with the
Southern Pacific , taking the southern route to
the "golden state , "
Tit for Tar
St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Wo nro glad to BOO that the St. Louie
Bar Association la at Jefferson again with
n hill ts make newspaper libel a felony
What the paoplo of Mlrsnurl would defer
for their BOC al , moral and Intellectual
improvement without the naslstanes of
the St. Louis Bar Association it la very
difficult to tell. Wo hope ono of those
daya to see the St. Louis Bar
Association draw op and press
to pariago a bill to prevent the
robbery of widows and orphans by law-
yora who are intrusted with the manage
ment of estates ; also a bill to prevent the
wrecking of Insurance companies and
other corporations by lawyers , and other
bills of that kind , which ore tadly needed.
The St. Louis Bar association la a very
great institution , and would ba much
greater if to its many excellences it would
add a mattering of law.
Clothing ThlovcB.
Rasransaen , thoDooglaa street clothier ,
was robbed list night in the old f shion.
od double action way.
About 7 o'clock two well dressed men
civno into the store , and ono of them
asked to look at a pair of pants. Ma.
Ratmuuen po'ilo'.y Invited the supposed
intending purrluser to step to the rear of
the store. While the two wore engaged
In the roar , the third nun walked off
with the coat. Mr. lUsramsen at once
ntitifitd the police , but hia description of
the two sharpers was so vague that no
search could bo aucco afully prosecuted.
Buy J. E McOfayjfrOo.'nOmaha flour. %
Special rn1 e of madia underwear and
embroideries to-inomw at Smith's , 1JJ07 ,
Farnam street ' i
A District Court Diyorcc snll-Connly
Court ,
Lightning In the Prosecution ot the
, Nuisance Cases A Remarkable
In tha district court yesterday ll y
mend Wigatld filed a petition for dlvorc
from hia wife , Martha Wigand , alleging
that she has bom guilty of desertion am
general conduct unbecoming a chaste am
faithful wife. Mr. and Mra. Wigaiu
wore married at Pcnsacola , Florida.
In the police court yesterday com
plaints were sworn out by the pilici
against the following partici who an
clurgod with violat'iig ' the city ordinance
In throwing aahpa in the roar of thci
property :
lUcbard B. Kitchen , Henry Dohlo
Ghas Knrbach , Jos. Bath , T. S. Zetty
Ed Manror , J. A. MoShauo , W. S. Shor
maker , J. T. Moriarlty , Frank Carrier
Charles Schlank , Chaa. E. Squire , B
Novrman , J. 0. Deniic , G. M. Gray
John W. Lytlo.
Thoao measures of prosecution ar
taken by authority and at the instance o
the board of public works , who propoa
to see that the smltary regulations of th
city are not placed on the dead-letter lla
of laws.
L , W. Schroeder , resident on Gaming
street , near nnd Twentieth , wa
arrested.yesterday and lodged In jail o
a complaint sworn out by E. S. Jester
It appears that the defendant was BUS
poctod of stealing hoga from the pastur
of J eater , which was situated very noa
hia residence. For a long time , howovci
no conclusive evidence could be obtainct
until finally night , before last , Jester
missing onu of his hoga , traced a trail o
blood leading from the pasture t
Schroedor'a house. Yesterday a search war
rant was sworn out by Jester and place
in Officer Comtek's hands for service
Upon saarchlng the Schroeder mnnslo
the missing porklno was found slaught
orid and ready for packing.
In the county court the caio of George
E. Strntman against the City of Umah
was 011 trial. 0. A. Baldwin appoaroi
for the plaintiff and William Bedlck fo
the city. Stratman claims that eoin
property of his , lot 37 , Nelson's addition
was damaged by grading , some two foe
frontage boinj taken away.
In Judge Stonberg'd court yesterday a
somewhat curions ciso wss triad , a re
plevin suit for the possession of a horao
In 1881 , Mosoa Tanrman , at that tlma a
well known sporting man of this place
and proprietor pf the "road houao , '
moitgaged to Joaeph Blake , a horeo
About a year thcro after the
amount tras transferred by Thurmon to a
man by the name of Ridgoway. Jlidgo
way then sold the horse to ono Garbor
who in turn sold it to Ed Mauror , whc
after a year's use , sold 16 to the Anhouser
Bosch Brewing company. About this
time Joseph Blake sold the original mort
gage to S. S. Volker , who promptly
brought a suit in replevin against the
Anhousor-Biuch Brewing company , for
the recovery of the litigated oni
real. It was finally decided against Mr
What the Olfy Authorities Propose to
Do With It.
The amali-pox patient , Peter Dunbar ,
has now almost entirely recovered , and is
to bo discharged by Oily Physician
Lolaovring next Saturday. Thus tempo-
porarily , the pest houeo will bo empty ,
and will bo useless until such tlmo as the
dread disoasa shall again make its ap
[ Karanco in isolated or epidemic form.
The question as to what shall bo done
viith tlie houao been thoroughly can
vassed. An interview with Miyor Mur
phy who has spent considerable thought
ivor'tho matter , wi'l ' explain the altua
; ion.
"After looking the matter over pretty
; horoughly , " said ho , "wo have conclu
ded to keep the pest house
occupied all the time , whether there ro
any patients in it or not. Why ? For
hia reason : You BOO , each time that
.hero is on outbreak of the small-pox or
any contagious diseasa wo have to go to
work and repair the pest house , put now
windows In , refurnish it , and put it in
ho rough order , for Invariably wo find
hat the boys have broken the windows ,
while it has been unoccupied , and that
ramps have carried off the furniture and
citchen utensils , aa well as anything else
nl value in the honso So that wo bo-
love that by keeping the house continu
ally in repair and ready for emergency ,
ro shall really bo saving money. There
a no telling , of course , when an outbreak
if the ( llaeaio may occur. Besides that , it
t Is not at all impossible that we may
mve an epidemic ot the cholera Iioro this
iiminor. In that event it would bo a
ory handy thing to have the post homo
n ( ho proper condition. It is my idea
o put sorno competent man , at a fair sal-
ry , In thoplac , and allow hlmto remain
hero oil the time , and have entire supcr-
nttndonoy. "
It is wonder tint the post house , do
ertod as it is for the greater portion of
bo year , is not plundered to a worao ox-
out than is complained of a' , present.
t will bo remembered tint the old pest
lonso , which was situated In tha north-
ist part of town , was burnt to the
round , ro'ng ' sot en fire by some m's- '
hleiious bnya. Tha building was a sub.
tan till atfilr roilly hotter tlmn the prcs-
ntone , and wis converted by a somewhat
adicil trantition , from a fibt housa in'o
\ pest houco. At any rate , the idea of
laving a permanent superintendent for
liq inetltution is n practicable ono , It
vlll probably bo carried into effect next >
week ,
Further Stops In the Solution of the
Quest ion { of Identity.
Ex-Coroner Maul left the city last night
or Lincoln , whither he goes to testify in
he case of James E Hagoa , who Is the
man supposed to have been drowned in
he Miaauri river last year. Mr , John
Morrison , father-In law of Bagen , la iu-
slitutlng inquiries , with a view to settling
the question of identity beyond cavil. It
is nooeatary to establish the fact of Ha *
gon'a having either died or been killed , in
order tint certain matters pertaining to
the estate may be closed up.
Ex-Coronor Maal took with him a
leather pouch belonging to the floater
uud an ulliOuvit , in identification , tworn
o by Mra , Alta Hagen , wlfn of the misa
'ing man. It reads as follows :
"In the matter of the Identification of
James E , UMJOD , supposed to ba do
erased. Affidavit of identification o
A1U llagen , being by mo duly sworn
says that on the eleventh day of February
ary , 1883 , she was legally joined In mar
rlago to James E. Hagen , who left the
city on the 14th day of March , 1884
since which tlmo she has not heard fron
him and has no knowledge whatever o
hia existence or whereabouts. She fur
ther nays that said James E. Ilngon was
five foot ton Inches in height , very
slight build , weighed about 150 pounds
20 yoarg of ago at tlmo of marriage , hair
tight In color , cut short and very light or
thin. Had light complexion , light moua
tncho and whitkera , front tooth appir
ontly good , rather Jatgo , some of bac' '
tooth missing.
On ono arm tattooed were a rod am
blao goddess of liberty nnd U. 8 flag
On other arm a picture of n clrl sur
rounded by roses , c llod "Lovo nmon _
the roses. " Can't remember on whic
arm either figure was ,
Subscribed nod sworn before mo thl
ninth day of January , 1885.
0. M. POKTEH , County Judge. "
Lrmpkcs lionilsmixn"Withdraws ant
the Suspect Is Re-arrested ,
Yesterday Chief Butler , of the fir
department , appeared in police court am
entered complaint against L. Grecnwali
and A. Loiupko , charging them wit
For sorno tlmo past Grconwald an
Lompko hive been running a moat mar
ket on Ninth street , near the corner c
Jackson. They Jjccamo involved , am
last week Harris & Fisher closed up the :
place of business for debt Those
pretend to know say that the men di
not have over $200 worth of moat an
fixtures in their place , and that the
\ \ era insured for $700.
On Monday morning nbout 2 o'clock
fire broke out in the rear of their cstab
lishmcnt. The department was callct
out and speedily extinguished the flames
After the fire had been put out , it
discovered that the building had bcei
fired in two places , and suspicion ppintci
towatd Grccmrald and Lenipko as incen
diaries , and hcnco the complaint.
When arraigned in pilico court Leinpk
waived examination anl wai bound eve
to the giand jury. His bond cf $50
was signed by Ed. Wittig. That gentle
man , however , upon moro fally invest !
gating tha character cf Lotnpko cimo nj
to the pol'cj caurt and withdrew h ! ;
bond , raying that ho preferred not to b
security for Lempko's oppaaranco whci
wanted. The lat'nr was re arrested and ii
now in jail awaiting the appearance o
eomo friend with ths "much-mootei
bond. " The police ara also looking fo
his mistress , who is In Eomo way supposed
to bo connected with the crime.
There is a curious circumstance con
noctcd with mpke'o recent history
Liat week a notice of his marriage in
Council Bluffs to a young lady , Rosa Va
lotts , appeared in two of the local papers
Mias Yaletto and her friends at once de
nlod the assertion of marriage , and it i
now believed that the notice was written
by Lompko , because Iho girl , believing
him to no an Impure man , had refused tc
marry him. If all accounts are true , the
gent'cmon ' might pojo favorably with a
Sowory tough , in statuesque group.
Postolllco Changes In Nebraska.
Fostoilico changes in Nebraska daring
the week ended January 24th , 1883 , fur
nished by Wm. Van Vlook , of the post-
ofiico department :
Postmasters Appointed Axelaon ,
Phe'pj ' county , Swan A. Nelson ; Broken
Bow , Ouster county , Samuel E. Gaudy ;
Darns , Brotrn O'nnty , Miss Lydla 0
Vesiy ; Cleveland , Holt county , John
Langator , Doss , Dawson county , George
E. Baker ; Exeter , Fllmoro county , Da
vid A. Wentworth ; Thornburgh , Hayes
county , Robert 0 Walker ; Vana , Saline
county , Xelotes Jewell ; Victorh , Casj
county , MM. L. E. Croio ; Wolf Creek ,
Pawnee county , Rsuben MoVey.
Established Bryantbnrph , Buchanan
county , Alvln Johmon ; NOORB , Potta-
wattomio county , Nicholas D. Knhl ;
'lato , Oedor county , Joseph 0. Wricht ;
Santiago , Polk county , George W. Mat
Discontinued Esglo Oily , Hardin
Postmasters Appointed Fairmont , J as-
> nr county , Andrew J. Porter ; Grant
3ity , Sao county , leaiah W. Doomor ;
jarchwood , Lyon county , Charles A.
trandt ; Lost Nation , Clinton county ,
Trancis M. Frazier ; Pleasant Volley ,
Scott county , Oliver P Rogera.
Iho Old Settlors' Ball.
The ball of the "old Gorman Settlers"
wai the event of last evening at Kotslor'a '
lall , on South Thirtaonth street. It was
argoly attended , some two hundred
opresentatlvos cf tha sturdy Teutonic
loment of the local population being
resent. There was also quite a delega-
Ion present from Council Bluffs.
Danc'ng ' was the ruling feature of the
vcnlnp'a entertainment , while an olc-
ant auppor was served at the intonnis.
Ion. Everything passed off smoothly
nd everyone went away conscious of the
njoymont of n merry time. It is to be
loped that the "Old German aottlera'
mil" will become a perennial aflalr ,
A Now Urldgo.
For Borne time past there have been
umors of a new bridge which is to bo
milt over the Mistonri river at this point
y a corporation of Nebraska capitalists ,
some foundation la now found for those
oports in the fact that surveyors have
> een busied for tbo past two daya in sur
veying the river back for two miloa In
rent of the city , preparatory to submit-
.ing plans for the construction of a bridge ,
'hpso In charge of the plana are very
oticent about the matter , and say that
ha scheme has not yet assumed definite
A. IJrnKoa Arm ,
Tr Judge Abbot , of Council Blnffj , WAS In
he city yesterday transacting some bull-
nees of importance. It was quito late in
ho evening when he finished his work ,
nd ho was hurrying down Farnam street
o catch the 10:30 : dummy train for Ooun-
11 IJIafTj. At the corner of Twelfth
Ireet bo slipped and fell on the Icy pave *
mont with violent force. 13is right arm
was broken between the elbow and
houlderand was drreiod by Dr. Wormt
A Disastrous Wreck al Gortfon on III
labasli ,
2V Fireman Killed niul the Two El
Sines tturtly Domollshoa-A.
I'asieiiRcr Train Plunges
Into n Freight Ktiglnc.
Monday morning at Ooiydon , W yn
county , Iowa , n disastrous wreck occnr
rod. A mixed train on the Wabaah roai
had "stalled" in the snow nnd the con
ductor had neglected to Bond n man
ahead with n flag as n danger signal
Whllo the train was lying still the "Can
on Ball" passenger train canio on from
the oast.
The engineer of the passenger train
aw the freight twin Jnltimo to rovers
his engine , but not in time to stop
Although the engine was rorene
the speed of the train wa
not checked to any extent , because of tli
icy condition of the rails , ami the t\v
engines canto together with a fiightfn
The passengers \\oto thrown from thci
seats , but fortunately none of them wcr
seriously injured , although great excite
mcnt prevailed for a time. When th
passengers escaped from the train the ,
found that the poor fireman of the pas'
senger engine , whoso name could not b
learned , had not fared so fortunately a
they themselves had.
In the shock the two engines had licoi
driven together , and the tender of Hi
passenger cngino had telescoped the cab
catching the fireman in the jaws of tlcnt !
and crushing from his body the vita
spatk. When the passengers worn abl
to reach him , all that remained AMIS
quivering moss of flesh , from which th
l.nt ray of life had lied. Strange to say
the unfortunate fireman was the only per
son who was in any vay injured by th
The two engines wore badly wrecked
With BO great force had the passenger engine
gino plunged into its helpless adversary
that the bailer heads were so joined to
Rothor that It was Impossible to toll whor
ono left off and the other began. Ai
idol of the force of the collision may b ;
obtained when It la known that the tw'
engines wore hauled a distance of el :
miles without the aid of chains or othe
apparatus to bind them together and the
did not loosen their grip upon ens !
Lilce the Serpent , Ho Bites iliolland
That Feeds Him.
There are name men in thia world , who
are unworthy the name or image of man
and ouch an ono appeared in polios cour
yesterday. His name la Jamoa Fox , ;
son of Jamoa Fox the paving contractor
It teams that tnattera have not been of a
very fiisndly character botwon the fathe
and aon for aomo little tlmo. In fact i
has eomo to pass tint ono roof is no
largo enough to admit of thair living un
der it without quarreling.
Being aware ofilhia fact , the elder Fox
[ > rocurjd board for his son in a boarding
tionso and , although the young man is o.
age nnd ehould rightfully care for him
self , the old gentleman has regularly paic
bio board and provided him with cloth
ing. This did not satisfy the young man
and ho insisted on vinling the parent } !
roof at atatad periods and turning the
moat oacivd place in this world , Iho home ,
into a hell upon orrth.
The old gentleman has had numerous
difficulties with his obstreperous olhprlng
and assorts that at diO'urcnt timea ho hat
: iad to roplaoo furniture , which the
young man vroald smash up in his anger ,
with now. This boamo a decided nuio-
inco , and Monday the old gentleman
liad his son arrested for disturbance of
; ho poaco.
Yesterday the elder Fox related
; ho story of hia troubles to Judge Beneko
md that gentleman fairly bluehed for
ho shameless fellow who would thus
dare t ? tread upon all the sacred ties
which bind tcgethor father and aon.
The old gentleman said tbnv. ho did not
want to prosecute the boy , but that ho
wanted him to keep away and that ho
will provide for him in the future es in
ho past.
The boy promised faithfully to make
limsolf scarce in the vicinity of hia fath-
r'a house and was discharged.
It is no moro than -just to the young
man to at.ito that ho claims Hut ho has
worked for hia father and that the old
ontlemanrefased to adequately corupon-
ate him for his labor.
The IVard.Gnmcau Case.
Upon further investigitiou find that
n some particulars the statement pub-
ishcd in the BEK concerning the ariest of
Sflie Ward upon the complaint of James
5 am can uas incorrect. It is but just to
say that Mr. Garneau did appear in palico
ourt , with his attorney , Parko Godwin ,
t the appointed hour for the oxaminu-
ion of the case , while the defendant and
lor attorney failed to appear. It was
nly upon the strongest assurances , given
> y a fiicnd of the woman , that slio uotild
ot attempt a similar otlcnso with uhich
10 was charged , that Mr. Garneau con-
onted to proceed no further and to dig.
niss the casj.
S1OOO. Given
Ifalum or any-Injurious subsuvi.ctscar lx found
In Androwa1 Pearl Baking Powdr . , la po-
tlrely PU R E. Helnu cndort > e < l , and Ur.UinonlaU
received from such chemists as a paua JajB.Uo * .
ton ; M. Itelafontoluc , or Chicago ; and Guetavus
llodc. Mllwaukco. Kc\ersolil lu bulk.
n i&kc fat. ' 2S7 , aa 6 > u H. W
Fort Notes ,
Firat Lieutenant Henry Solon , Fourth
infantry , has received bis commission as
captain , which will oitry him Into com
pany A , Fourth infantry , now at Fort
Loavcnwortb , Kansas.
Sergeant Majcr Thomas ' . Higglna
and Quarter Master Sergeant Frank 0.
Ingraham , Fourth infuntry.havo received
their warrants ns post < iuaitar maator eor-
gcants , U. S. nrmy. The former is or
dered to camp on the Uncompaghro , Col-
orano , and the latter to Fort
Hayes , Kantas , for duty in their
now positions.
Sirgeant Ingrnham , vliilo on duty
hero , by liii straight-forward and gontlo-
inanly conduct , gained the esteem and
friendship of both ofllccrs nnd men , as
will appear from the following extract
from the order of Colonel W. 1' . Carlin ,
Fourth infantry , rcl'oving ' liim from duty
hero : "Tho regimental commander desires
sires lo express his appreciation of the
valuable services so faithfully rendered by
Quartermaster Sotgfnnt Finnk C. Ingra-
liam , while in the department , ll's ' high
onlcr of intelligence , unergy , integrity
and business capacity have proved him
exceptionally lit cd for the appointment
ho has just icccived. " Frank ia a
"batch , " and it is presumed ho will eomo
back for "somebody. " ALMA.
Seal of North Carolina Smoking To
acco la the boat.
Ono "Wll'o Too Many.
Hastings Gnzottu-Journal.
Minden , too , Is having something In
the way of a sensation. According to all
reports there is n gentleman there whom
everyone believed , and ho did not dlaa-
buso their minds of it , that ho ws a single -
glo man , but who really had n help male
In Omaha. She being somewhat solici
tous ns to hia actions wrote to Mindou
for information in reg.ird to him , and
thou , nnd not till then , did the truth
leak out. The so-called gantloman had
succeeded in makiug himuolf so pleasant
that ho had gained tno good wilt of everyone
ono , but now that the truth is out tnoy
have given him the "ahako. " An occur
rence of this kind always gives the duped
ones a chance to reflect. The whole af
fair bids fair to bo a street morsel for the
gos ips to roll under their tongue , as the
names will in nil probability bo brought
to llRht.
Srnoko Seal of North Carolina Tobao
I'lanot Lot ! go No.I. . K. 1' ,
Following are the officers elected for
Planet Lodge No. 4 , K. of P. , for 1885.
P. C. , George Schmld ; 0. 0. , Her
man J. Tobbi as ; V. 0. , Gottlieb Mack ;
Pr. , KwlSohwaab ; M , E. , Jacob Frank ;
M. F. , Sam'l ' Motz ; K R. & S. , John F.
Kahn ; M. A. , Jcs Roiningor ; I. G. ,
Frank H , Wagner ; O. G. , Wm. Rocho.
This order meets every Monday evening -
ing , at 1210 Douglas street.
This powder never Carlos. A mancl ot | iuroty ,
strength ardnho'osimeness. More economical than
ho ordinary Kindsat (1 cannot bo Bold In competi
tion with the rniiltlludo of low test , ehcrt weight
luinof phjsrhrto iviudcra. KoM only In cans.
ROYAL MAKINQ 1'OWDEH CO. . 108 Wall btjN.Y.
Omaha Medica & Surgical
Howard Street.
( N. . Corner 12th and Howard Streets , )
( ForthoT catincntoltll
Chronic and Surgical Diseases
Diseases ot roomlet , rf tlio Ncnoui Sjetcm , Prl
vate Ulseoson ot the Urinary and Sexual Organs ,
and Diseases of the Head Throat and Lung ? ,
tij cclaltlcs
) lecasis treated by an r > i > crluiced spccUIUt. alao
UOIBCS ol the Heart , Liver , Stomach , Kldnoyi ,
ladder , Ncuralffh , Hhcumat sm , I'llts , Cancer , etc.
And all other dl c&iei > ot the ihroatind Lungs trett
cd by Medicated Vapors. ( Send lor Inhaler or
circular on InhaUilon. )
All dlrnisiB of the Illood , Urinary and Bexual Or-
uuu , 1'rHuto Mneaaca and
Piles Cur d or no Pay.
(15 ( Years Ho/i > 1tMaml rrlitc 1'rictlco. )
oniuliatlon and esainlnatlon tree.
Call or write I > r clrculars'on chronic dl'sa'cs and
oformltics , Dlseaers of females , lrlvate Ulu-ates
I the Urlnar anrl Bexual orvans , Seminal Wrak
ena , Nervous Debility or Enhaustlin.etc. , eto. , nd
ur new rwtorathttreatment.
All letters arid coniultalloncConflilentlal.
lledlclntsionttaalliartsol the country vy ex-
rcss , securely packed from obscMatlon , If lull do-
Bcrhitlonof cane Ugh en , Ono personal Inteivlew
referred II convenient. Open at all honra.
Addruei all letters to
) uiaha Mnlicnl & Surgical Insttute
1118 Howard St Omaha. Neb.
ADDITOU OK 1'rnuo H , |
LINCOLN , Jan , 10 , 185 . j
It is hereby certified that thn Western
ual llenuvnlunt Aisoclatloa of lieatrice in the
tata of Nebraska , has complied with the in-
uriinca law of this itato. and h authorized to
raniact tliu bu ! ne < s of life insur ncain thli
tate for the current year. Feb-
uary 1,1K85.
\Vitnen8 n > 7 hand end tbo seal of the Au-
itor of 1'ublio Accounts the day and year
Auditor 1 * . A.
_ U aplircxlislao , ftrous-
r t-8 activity ,
II curus Juii > oteiicy , lot *
- x- - J * oii/'rKy.iicrtuuHdubll'
ty. all weakness ofcoucratiMiBystomiUtuor BOX.
lby muu. J. II.Wurnorl.M07btiite8t. . Jil fc.a.
Suits formerly $ JtO.0O now $ y.8O.
Suits formerly $12.OOnow $9.00.
Suits formerly $ ZG.0O now $42.OO.
Suits formerly $24.OO now $1S.OO.
Over Coats formerly $ S.O0 now $ G.O0.
Over Coats formerly $ JLO.OO now $ 7. SO.
Over Coats formerly $ JL < > .OO now $ JL2.OO.
Over Coats formerly JMS.OO now $ JL3.SO.
Ovc.i Coats formerly $24.OOnow $1SOO.
And every other nrticlo in proportion.
Cull nnd see our prices.
1216 Farnam St. B. NEWMAN & CO
h &
, Taylor ,
Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home for
less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it.
Send for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Nebraasft
Counter , Hay , Stock and Eailroad Track ,
Orders for the ludian Department given for Buffalo Scales ex
clusively. Scale
: , SIHO-P.
'O W > W M Va _ > l BflUtt&f *
gOft Farnam Street ,
Wish to announce that they have from this
time marked down ALL GOODS , and wil
for the next 60 days , make a reduction o
10 per cent.
Overcoats , Suits and Pants well made
and sure fit. Now is the time to buy
Wo have the largest and beat stock of Shoo Muoio In the city , comprising Bo
In , Vienna , Peters' "Leipzig" Cheap Kdit on , Breslau , Mayunco editions.
knaJJ Goods and General Music Merchandise of all Kinda.
Jewelry of 11 desiRUS raado to order. Large stock of
Diamonds and Fine Gold Jewelry.
iarvard Waltham. Elsin Lancaster and Columbus Watches
101 and 108,15th Street , opposite Postoflio.