Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1885, Page 7, Image 7

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Ticket B only SW , SlirCHln l'rn | > ortlon
Xouisiana State Lottery Oompanj
"N't ac hereby cctilrv AA ( u iupert < M ( * 4
tsnyt enti fer all ( V JfoniAlf and Srm Aunnr
Dtatnnyt otKt Loviruma Sttte lottery Cemjiant
andinperson manaal end cenJrcl tnt Drntiln ,
t\tmtthn , and thai tnetame are tenituetei ttii
lcneitv/dnvii.and in pol/a < tA toward all tot
titi , and ut au.AeH < ( At ) mpany Co w < Mt tr
( tf.enKiritt/ae-iimtt/i e/ our > ( naCur < i Htttt\ *
OomiiilsnlonctH ,
lui j > jurt bj thi 1e'rUltui
lei mlorfttlonoJ uiil obAilUblA pnipow lih t , e >
Hal ol 11.000,000 ta tthlch ft rescrv * road ol on
JStO.COO DM itocn been iddod.
ly kti ovtrwbelmlnt ; popuUr TO | * 111 ( t nttU
WAI tn de a part ol thi pr < ni < Ut eonTtllctlci
ftd'Mv ) TW ftrnlM > r 9rl. A n 1870
The only I tUry vor voted oa And enJorwd by
thopcoilj I'fany it. to.
It nerer Rotuoa or pontponcs.
IU grand single nnmboi drawing ! ) flk >
piaco monthly.
TUESDAY , FEUhUAHY 10. 1835. . 17th MO.NTHLY
CAPITAL PRIZE , 875,000.
100 000 Tickct/i at $5 ench. Fraction * , ia
Fifths in oHjrt'on. |
1 OAPITAi. PIUZK . - _ . . . -9 75.WI
do au . Si , 1.1
do do
6 dn 2X10 . IP , 7. 1
10 do 10(0 . IVttt
SO Jo ( OU . . . 10,5(1
( W do 2X1 . 2ii
8U du HO . 31.00
6 ( t 60 . „ . 25 IX >
1CCO do 2k . 25 , CC
ArraoxnijiTtOH rtuu
( I AppraslmUlon priced ol 1769 . . 0760
B dj do CK ) . . 460
9 do do SCO . 22EO
1BG7 Fitiei imaanilDE lo . 1265(90
AppUcAtton lor ntc ta olnbs thoald tw tnvlt oal
o toe offloo of Iho Comp ny In New Orletns.
For farther Informallon wrl i al arly glrtnir lai
kddroxi. POST Mi NUTK-I , Etprcen Hinoy Ordert , 01
Nw York EzchAngo In ordinary Utter. Currrnoj
b ; Kxprn-K ( all mma ol V > and upwarua at our ei
P DM ) addretdsd _
U A. DAUriHH ,
or If. A. DAOPHIR , NewOrloani Ll.
007 Bavonth SI. Wnnhlnuton D. 0.
UakaP. O. Uoney OrJeti payable and addrtm
Now Oilcans M.
+ TH23 TTTT.T >
_ _ _ InnsoSOyoon tipcclal
\n eminent I'hyslciau. Simple , Safe and Hiiro.
. . ci KES. '
KOVCM , OnnKcotlon. Inlnmm ! tlons. .
AVornu. Wiirmloter. WorniColio. . .
Cryln-rCoHnorToolhlnitoilnJ nta .4
IHurrlxoivof Uhilircnor Adulti . M
Dlidiltol-V , Orlplng , lUlioua Coho . *
Cholera MoTbu , Vomlllnc . 'A
. l-old. ItroncMtH , .
Ne rnl lnTpptlii > chosFiioo cho. . .
IIottclntUoJ.HI < : lclIoa\vhoVertleo
IJjrspopsln.nilloasHtoiijch. . . . . . . . .
bupproajcu orFalnfull'orlouv
IllieumutUni.-llbeunuitlaPains. . . .
VitvorandARiip.C'hllla.Malaria. . . . .
I' : v -0 >
flrinary WcaHnCM' "Wet'tlmi Bed jsn
32 Dlst'a i attlio Hcnrt.PalpiUtlonl )0
Bold by Ini rt8t , or nt postpaid i
en. AddroM , lIUMI'IIIHOYS'
Co 10U Fulton bt. , NuwYark.
OIF.r > . BI
nniMMit. inntr run _ iniiur _ ! HHT. Iti ri'piv Uiin-
] innBii wn wi KAV iiiut t ' u t imin-
vnry Iimhlv i
Hearthstone Publishing GoniD'y.
And jou will reioive by return moll A
Of Tim IlniRTiiHTOVK , wnlch la ttnnut oxoeplloa th
BK r S ry Paper publlslieil.
TlIR IlKARTIIHTOM ! 18 a tlltttll JHlltC papfT , fllll
the choice-it ori.tinnl etrinlt , sMdid , poetry and
mt CflUnau articlti.tMd U ptln ed on line tlatoJ
ThoiK ) who nuVncrltM ) ilurlnjf the n xt ilxty daj
wl'l ' rocotvo unv "nooj tha folii > ! n articles
WOOD'S ri'.N'OaiUl'II , the bon fountain pen
ever mod
IY'S COU.AOON of 4tpoo > < iuoUtlon train . " 0
authorn , o" | > lou Iy i
HOW TO KEA.U OHAltAO rEK ; a very Interatllni
ATHirr.E-PtATKD Clllt.tVfl BKT ;
ATll'I'LKI" ATEll ll'.TTK-k KNIKE :
'All thoeDtltior pU'tnl Riiod * are ( ua anttxil lob
of Iho bos' qu It. Don't tal t roml for a fpeci'
intntopy i > l liiKlInAKiiinTofi , i > nil wanr < Biir > ou
A 111 IM tnduwxl to tuburil'U ntfr reading the paper
vp ft < 7il H. Ninth s. . I'hllii. . I'a.
Qanirtl Dell * * R
| K > VAHKAlf BT. . OMAJU.
H r lot itlt 190,090 MIC * oaitrallr Mltelf d l oa
Rutern Netirui * , at low ptlc md on tuj Uriel.
Implored urmi lor ul la I > oa lu , DoJjt , Oolt i
n Ktti , Durl , Dauitnj , Btrpj , Wublof lee ,
dauileii , ind Uatler Joaotloi.
TkiM pild In Ml pkitl of lh Sltlf. *
doa mpromlfuui.
'l ' ftlw * ftor9 *
fl , S , ATWOOD ,
Plattsraouth , . > - Nebraske
f * I ll' I lltlttll/ITH If'lf'
Eoyal Havana Lottorvl
Drawn at Havana. Cuhn , Every 12
to H Days
D Hulijo't to ni nit1 lii' | ' tbn , not 6 ) ntr r 4 l > y tht
fartliM ID In'orcrt. ltd tie fabuat tbln In Ibt
tutnroof nh tf In eiiimnxe
For in ornutloo atul pirtlo Un apply r/i H1IIRKV
&rO.G era ) Affrat * . 212 UrnaJ ar , N Y rJ'y '
M01.I , & CO , ill Wilnut tree , hi. Loutl , , Ho ,
Uluan" , L. U , SO WMOdotl * . Kaa.
llenv Wf listrr ft \ imtho \ Question
Love rttTrtltH nf Cl y , Oaltioun ,
loticl . AVI-r. l ) vy Criickut ,
lrcw tcr , Inull , Conner ,
Vance , Mnlinno nnil
From the Now Yotk M ill and
WASHINGTON , January 10. ri)0 past
yea-1uu been noted feta sociil scandal ,
and ' - - Hiaronnilirorcoadilsnno
i'cnalpHiaronnilirorcoadilsnno her
item to his part of the history. I ho late
presidential campaign comprised a con-
' inuoiis washing of uirty linen , an ( the
modenftor which the g cat mat makes
Lvo 1ms become as important as hit vote
on the tariff o civil so vice icfor n. Most
of our slatcaiiiuii , however , have a pure
domestic i ceo ds , mil the mar iagca of
in ny of them have been marriages of
love. Olden tor lien ton Mas devoted
to his wife and ho would novo attend any
place of fos ivity or amusement after her
death. 'Iho \MI\J of Senator
Allen bet cr known as "Fog
horn" Allm , died hero " ntVn < n-
Ington dining the winter of 1847 , roforo
the ilya of rntlrra'a ' , nnd the old maator
carried her corpse Intno to Ohio over the
mmnraino , riding boaldo it on horioWk
durlt g the day , and wn-chlni ; it nt night
thriiighont tbo cold , dreary jourmy , un
til hu Itid tt at last beside her tutliur ,
Gov. Arthur , in the beautiful cotnotory
at Ut i licoUiu. Diiiiil Wotsier'a tw >
rnirriAjua worn mnrrl'g a of lovo. Uis
firat wlfo was Grtci Flo iher , the daugh
ter of a Now Hampshire clurgymaii
Wetutar married hsr when ho wns 2C
yaara of ngo end while ha was yet a p > or
liwypr. i-iJs p pp ns { the qutstion WBB
mod < ljliRntf > y none. Mi s Grace had
betu wiiidn g it akbin of yarn while ho
had hoH it Ii.r h ir on his long nrma. The
skein hud become tangled , and durirg ita
untwisting the Jiands of the two lovers
had coran vaty oloao tngoihar. As the
kn > t bu amo un i > d Mr. Wfbaver usid :
'VVu hnvo tuccueded , Miss G.tise , in un-
yit g thla knot ; can wo not
now tto another which mil rotta'n tied
Innc OR wo livt'f11 Miss Oao
blushed and a k'ss , it is said , scaled the
bargain. The two lived happily for
pigli ecu yean , when M rs. VN ebste died
in Now \ ork on he way to Washington ,
who c her husband was a inciubo1- con
gross. She was ill h > o weeks , during
which time Webster watched at ho' bed-
aide , but two yea a after she died lie
martini aga n. Wcbsto 'B second wife
was Caroline l.o Hey , a Now York lady ,
tall , bro-n haired and beautiful. Hio
presided over his ostiibl shmcnt hero and
accompanied him to juiropo , whcro she
ined with th quo n. ho always add -
d esod her husban i as "Mr. Webster , "
and his 'avorito ' lorm for her was "Lady
Caroline. "
. .John C. Calhoun ni'rried li's cousin ,
and the property ho got with her made
his political hfo f co from financial ci : cs.
Uenry Olay matri d Lucrctia Hart , a
relative of Tom Itenton , who bad a good
dowry and undo'stood how to keep house.
Jeff Davis married for his h rat wife the
daughter of Zach Taylor , and h a father
in law decidedly objec cd to the match.
Ho would have little to do w th
Div's . sf.ur the battle of Bueua
Vista , where D-wla excittd T-ylor's ad
miration by his bravery. Gen Ficount
p'orod ' with Tiin Bon'oa'sdtnghter , nnd
iu.u Bomo ttuio btfora old Bduton grow
reounciled to the match. Whan ho < 1U ,
however , ho bccnnto iufiUuatvd with Fra-
mint and he considered him , next to
hlmto'f , the yreatett man in the country.
Mrs. Fremont is still living , and tbo
hairs cf hmolf and her husband have
grown g-ay in thiif married hfo. It i'
aiid that uiithcr of thorn bin ever regret
ltd their elopement.
James Buchanan , Alexander Stephens
and John Iltnilolp'a of Kcnnikowoio
each disappointed in love when they
arrived at tl'e ngo of manhood and they
all renuinod true t ) their first alioction.
They Bald butli'.tlB about it and the sub
ject was forbidden ground lo their doir-
eat frlui.cls Randolph once apoko of his
too as one for whom he c rnd more thin
hi i own soul or the Ooi that made it and
fiom S of h'-iia p p n wo nnd h t hofo ]
in love while ho w s y t a boy at FC'IO 1
Thu firat wife of SioihouA. Douglas
was North Carolina womnn end a slave
owner , nij eecond wlfo ho got here in
Washington. She WiS very beautiful ,
and it ta said oho was a poor gir ) . She
waa nuny yeara younger linn Douglas ,
and eovoral years aftn ha died she in-\r-
rlrdngain. DiV d Davis' present wife ia
tiVdntj-eight years yonngnr than tha old
neunt > r , and , as.lio in won It about three
millions , ah will ba well fixed if h
should drop oil' .
Llanry A. Wise , the noted V rg'nia '
ntatcamun of Tyler's day , WIB married
lirco times. Ills third wife survives
Iin' , and is , I think , liviig at llichmonc
to-d.iy. lliu tirtt love waa the daughter
of one of bin profeasora ut college , a Mias
Jennings , vshom ho m&rriod in Tounersee.
tlia second wife was a daughter of John
Sargent , the whig candidate for vice
president in 1832. Wise propojcd lo
ALsi Sargont on the dorao of the cipho"
here , and on of the reauHs of the mar
risgo w a John Strxeaut Wise , the pr s
unt member of congr s from Virginii
who wai born at Rio Janeiro , where
Bonry A. Wleo was ctQciatiog as niiuiator
at the the time. As John Wieo waa no
born in the United "States , ho en
novcr bo presidi n' , though it is said tha
at tbo moment of his birth his father , determined
tormined to have him born under Hi
American flag , ran up a dc/.m on dill'or
unt parts ot cno consular mansion.
Senator Sam Houston , the president o
the republic nf Texas , waa the yonuges
nnn who had uvor govrracd the state o
I'onneesoH , whnn ho fell in love with a
piotty girl at thostato capital. He wa
the governor cf the stale , good lookii ,
and a splendid catch. After his mat
liigo he found his wifn loved another am
abu had been forced by her parents t
marry him. Ho loft the govtrnor'a chair
and telling his wife to ( .jot a divorce 01
the gronod of desertion , wont t ) th
frontier and joined a tribe of Chinke
Indiana. Here ho married a tquaw in
[ idian fashion , and BOOH btcjmo ,
chief. Hn was drinking hard and goln ,
t. ) the doge , when ina day he was toll
of tha troubloi in Toi > s and the bkttlo o
tbo Almo was described to him. H
atrtijhtened himself up , determined to b
* man again and wont f jrth to hit briv
a ad dlBtiuguithfd career In Texas. Hi
* ife , I am told , got her divmo , bu
* hkthcr at o marrioi her lover I know
D vy Crocker , another frontier atatfi
roan , fe'l ' In love with a relative cf bi
ohoolmater , bat while ho was eparkin
her a richer attltor c rried her aw y un
der bla eyes.
Ho next met a beauty at n ball , fell i
love t firat titht and bacarao oaicaged a
the close of the fifth dauoe. Tha da
wai i\xd \ for him to nuouneo the on
yagnnint to her pirmti. He etaitoi t
V > to them , fell in with Birao born com
panlous on tbo way and inidp , as the ;
tay , a night nf it. Ha arrivi il a day to
UH and f nnd hit lady Inva wtx to b
un'tiud tl at uigl t to ai o IIT. 0
in de the het of a bid buga'n. II
oQ' his disappomtmtn" ati
ancod a'l ' night at the close of the wrd '
ing at tbo party girt n in its honor. Hu
ov n f ll in love M r and th'a ' time h
ecumo nnxrrird to was elected to
) ogm. ei rral latt and wft ono of the
nest p j.nUr mil In Wnghingtoc.
trangh tu siy , ha n.ud in 1830. a * , thn
cry buttlo ol the AUmo which so atirnd
p Sam Houatui to his great Tixm
Oh&rles Sumnfr married the dftrghtor'
n law of Samuel Ucopironn of 'In ' most
oted mcmbnrs of congress f'Oii Maaai-
huo't. . liny did not get along well
ogother and finally oep ratcd , but this
loublo did not change tbo rtla'lons oF
loopor and Siunui-r. The truublo was
lit Snmner nai to old and sfd&tq for
li * young wife and ho could tot retrain
s long at parties or go out to much is aho
r'shcd ' , Suranor , who lad Hi reams
icro fitted up elegantly and had a
'Vunch coi k to p ndcr to his tastes , pro-
o red ti rjraaln at homo among his
> uoks.
To ctmo down to the present , Horatio
pymotirmerrlor ) n defendant of Gen
iohnylor , who waa Alexander Hamiltnu'o
thor-in law , and h a country homn is a
> irt of ih'j old Sahujldr estfttcn. Roscoe
Jonkllng married Horatio Soymour's
ounitpst eia'0 % Jul'n , and it is nad ; that
ils rula'.icns with his brothor-lu law are
nore friendly than the world supposes
Villiam 61. Erarta fo'l ' in love with l.i
wife w oa aho ai 10 aud ho a green boy
t c > llego. She was the daughter
f Gov. Wardnpr of Wrraont
ml was as pretty as you g EvarU was
lomely. 'I hey bccomo engaged at her
muse in Vermont , an' Kvarts went away
0 New York , promising to ictu n when
10 had made enough to w.vrant hia
nar ying At 25 ho had made n name
or himself as a Li yer , and was a incni-
or of ono of the chief ( ow York law
insof ono making , it is said , a total of
00,000a year. At this time ho married ,
ml his wife nftor boa ing i im thirteen
hildrcn , is still well nnd hnppy.
Gen. Sherman was brought up in old
oin Ewing s family , and ho ma > icd his
doptjd fathers daught-r. The wedding
ook pi co hero in Wash ngton Don
/ameron married ( jcn. bho man's niecn ,
iliss Lizzio v hcrman , and the wedding
as celeb atcd in Clovclan i about a
not th before that , of S nator
ilanch K. Bruce. nritco was n
icrilT in Mis issippi when ho
cllinloio. Ho had coino to Cleveland
n business who o ho had mot the pretty
ole od girl who is now his wife. They
or esponded for some time , and when
u. o was finally elected senator ho mar-
ed her. Mrs Uiuco was before this ono
if the brightest < f I loveland'a school
eachers. 'Iho nigh'before the wedding
r po to'ca led upon her and made n
umber of searching inquiries about the
edding , the guests to bo invited and her
1 ousscau. ho pushed the matter so far
lat she i onically asked him if ho would
ot take a look at her lo o letters ; and
icro is no doubt she appreciated thcaitua-
cin as well as though aoo had boon Mrs.
Cameron bo'self.
Attorney-General Browster has been
wice married and his product wife wai &
widow. Shn is the dnt ghtf r of the Bou.
Lobort J. Walker , oncu secretary of thu
oisury , and it it n curioua faut
iikt Browater'o first wife and
or first buaband were bjtH foj
ignors. Brewiter married a PitUMnn
aiy and Miss Walker a French gentlo-
nan. Taeao twj fen igu t lumenti har-
n paesed away by death tbo tire re
mainders mot and married. Mis Brow-
tir is ono of the loveliest ladioa in
Washington and her huiband is by all
> dda the hoaielioit man. Still he admired
he beautiful , ai d it is said that hla welds
if proposal were as follows : "You are
> aautiful , dear mudame , and I am hide
ous but it will n t bo ti.o first instance
of the nntli g of beauty and the boas ;
td abb jugti you nay never love mo ,
_ rou shall never regret mairylng mo "
led so the match wai made , and Mrs.
) a Lou'a three children to < k the name
of Browator , and Mre. Browsler ia one of
.ho . lights of Washington society.
Senator Inga'ls ' wis ayoung western
awj or who had gone from Matsach'uEOMs
o Ktnsap , when ho met his wife at a
riend's wedding. Ho had cut ehy of the
society of the ladies i f the frontier Li h-
erto , but howaiotths wedding in the
capiclty of groomsman. A he stood up
with h'a ' friend bo noted tint one of the
) rldeamads ! was fair , plump and rosy ,
and as he looked ho loved. She rras the
ughter of a Ne r York merchant wt o
md latjly oettld in Atchison. Calls < n-
sued , an erigtgemcnt foilowed , and thf
result tf It was mariiugo. There fa no
intr looking couple now at the cipital ,
and notwithstanding tha fact that serer
al beautiful children have graced the
natcb , Hrf. Ingnlla is nlwott as fresh
nad bloomirij , to-day as she na ) then ,
quito a number of years ago.
Suntor II ami in of Mai no married tbo
daughter of a ju'gt ' ) with whom ho trnil
Ins tirst law case as an opposiig lawyer.
Senator Conger of Mlchifau did likewise ,
but in Curger'a case his aweotbput first
jilted him mid he wai twitted of ic in thee
o mrt room. Hu left the case standing
and went to Michigan , where ho married ,
did well , and c in * to congress. In the
meantime hia firat wife died. His firat
love had also married pnd gone weat ,
where her husband had died. To all y
her grief aho decided upon a tour to Eu
rope , and started via Washington Scop
ping ever hero , aho wandered into the
house pallorioi to BJO whether aho had
any friends in the hall below. There
shu saw her old lover. She tout him her
card Ho waa delimited to aeo hor. The
old flame burst out anew. Ho prop HK
not long alter this. She accepted htm ,
and now there ia not a mute loving
couple In Waahinetm , The home they
live ia boloncs to Mrs. Conger.
Senator Mahcna has boon very ill , and
ho ia now tbiuuer linn ever. Hia wif <
loves him diarJy. A fuany stoty is toll
of her snilaty at the battle ot Bull Iluo
In which Gen. Mahi in waa wouudod
Sbo w stopping at Warrenton , a few
milej off , watching the b ttlo. O i. Ma
hone sent a coarier to tell her of his hur
and to aay that it was only a flesh wound
"You need not tell mo thnt , " ahe re
p ied , "I know It can't be true. Bill ;
Mthone will never Invo a flesh wound
Tlarj it no floib on him. "
Senator Vitnco haa been married twice.
Uii aald that tha death of his first wife
converted him to tha Presbyterian faith
Senator Palmer married the daughter o
Charley Merrill , a rich lumber denier at
Detroit. Hia , father-in Itw made hi CD
hia partner , nnd the nntch formed tht
foundation of hla present nvlima. .
Sentor-oloct P yno married a con
motion of Oomnodoro Perry's , who
oinoi a lot of real estate around whn
w then the vil &io of Uloveltnd. The
city grew aud bia wife's property made
him it rich man. Too old Payne butpe
4 lo id Is on a part of the Parry eatito
and the eighty-acre farm which surround
ed this U now worth , lauppoao , a mllliou
dollars P > yi.o'a fathvr-in-hw bought i
for llttlu more than three dollars an
EC 8 natnr Dirtey waa working for a
h t'el-kerper ' in tin little town of Obtrlln
hen he fell ia love with MM. Do soy ,
win waa the landluid'a pretty dauji'or
Uo married her , nent rroet and made a
'orlunc. Sami J Ci T rnarrii d n heirota
Ziii .vi la , 0 , w Hie was jmt 9 ort-
, in ht > tn'ecr , BCC hi flife la "Md to
b his < qu l in Intel utUD nt.
ft.nmcnt. Strnuel Rttotl nud Jo n Q. I
Jarlialo to'h ' rasd Itvi m chca nil
joUi ewe tholr EfoB'i.tes to 'ha rofnrin
Inch their wivoi hive mtdo In tholr
Irinking habits.
B. t'.Fcrrls FeotitH Pomowtiat
nnntly the Story that Montana
Cnttlo nro SnfTerlnK Moro
Tnnn Ui > ual ,
t. Paul Pioneer Prota.
B. F. Ferris , proprlelor of the Sher
man houfe , St. Pdnl , la the owner of n
isrd of about ten thousand cattle , which
atigo upr n oradjacjnt to hia ranch , some
orty m'l-B ' east of Milps Ci'y in Von
ana. U furring to a 1 sttcr In in M Ida
) lty recently published in a Chictt u pi-
) r , In which it was stated ill it tin cat-
1' ) In that ecoilon were pi rishiutj In lago
lumb ri on account of tbo cold weather ,
ilr. Fvrris pronounced It n gross pxag
leartion in faof , a downright falsehood.
10 receives ndviics f n in h s agent * ovmy
ow dayr , and on Fiidi.y couvrs < d "i b
& well pi stod stockman direct from M It-a
31ty. Mr Ferris Bays the cm itttn o'
ho cattle ia ai gojd as du iag any
if the winters ot iqunl covertly in
ho i ait. a d there ia r < j lly but
iulo stff lint ; among them As to
ossca occasi ncd by the cold , ho nsso ts
hey i ave been comparatively fe\v. ' ) h 1
; reatbodyof cattle are back near the
1 11s , whcro the grazing is nmplo to fu -
iish them with nccc.ssa y sustenance.
ho snow is not mo o than eight in lies
loop , an 's ' d y nnd light , i ho c ttlo
i.ive no diflictilty in getting at the grass ,
- Msnh ro the sn w has not blown off.
hiring the summer and fall the cat le-
ncn wi ro careful to keep their herds as
lea the rail oads as possible , toii th
; ass nnd prevent the danger of its being
. ; nited by passing trains and destroying
ho enti o range. 1 his has res Hod n
ecu iii ( plenty of grass near the foothills ,
md the cattle are now there , oino have
tn ycd eve < - to the rail oad track , but his
nen a o now engaged in driving them
> ack. Mr. Fcrrs has no fear as to the
afety of his ho d. Ho says if cattle are
'ottcn in vood condition during the sum-
tier or fall th y will w nter all right.
Ho his personal knowledge rf cattle
u iag snnt to Montai n fr > in the S ntes as
itufsOcobor or November in gocd
( nditiU and they have stool thu
wiutor just no well as tbo acd nntcd
tc'f. Of course , if cattle are in poor
indltion bathpy pilgrims or natives
hey will Buffer during the niatir ,
Thnre arc1 , Mr. Ferris Bays , about
00000 cattle on bo < h aides of Miles
) iy. buttho story that theie aio cr < ; at
wurms of them about the place luff-ring
or food , ho cla ma is not true. Tboro
, re alwvyi aome pilgrim c ttlo that Btny
ibout thu towns during the winter , but
ho proportion is very BtuH , indc < d.
Hr. Ferris aays tbo tact that the letter
n question was written by a tenderfoot
s ill own by the Etntomcutthat wolves
nd coyotes are playing Invock with the
: alvea that become exhausted aud drop
[ own In the tnjtv. Wolves do not oper
ate ia that way , but prefer to nt'ack n
lealtby calf or yearling. Besides , the
cilf , if it bo in good condition ,
las more s'rcngth nnd vital
ly than ita mother. As to the general
ooditinn of the cittlo in tin eectinn of
which Miles City it a center , Mr. Ferris
etyj there ii no ground ior alarm , and
, he winter is making no serious inroads
upon them. Hu averts that the untruth-
: ul re oUs hava been aout oir. by inter
ested parties , who hope to ec&rj off 011'-
side stocVraon who hate their eyes di
rected toward the Montana ranger.
Wilbur Myers , a Montina cat lo man ,
who was in St. Paul yesterday , denies
that there has been exceptional mortality
among the cattle on the rai-ches in the
territory. Ho eayn that although ho haa
boon absent f ni his ranch a u. out h ho
htskcpt himself thoroughly posted oa
ha condition of the cattle in the terri
tory , and that ho Is informed by trust
worthy parties at M Ita City , Glondivr ,
Billings and Livintraton that the cattlu
are doing well. "Wry few native cattle
tlo had p rishcd during the season , and
the mo tality among pilgrims had not been
g eater than was naturally to bo cxpecteil
in any ordinary season. He w a of the
opinion , in fact , that the mortality among
pilg iins had been a little less this seas 11
t an it was last. Ho had lost very feu
cattle him elf , and tli losses of othe'sho
considered as duo pa tly to mismanage
ment , such as to > close herd ! [ ; . Pi y. im
cattle had also received inise'i in t ans-
portation , and , whil they appeared to
11 vo lecovercd from these inju ies , the
cold weather had probably ffectcd them
sooner than it would sound s < ck. Ho
did not regard thoecaso i .is cxtraordina-
1 ily spTcro. 1 ho snow was six inches deep
at vjlesOi'y but he waa info mod upon
Ljood Authority , that it was deeper than
that at H elena and near the mountains.
Ho also intimated thnt the Btoriea hal
the o had been ex cssivo mo talitj
woi o put out by parties who had n sinh
ter object in view.
The Sinn of Hiimhlo Mien Flniln tlio
Spirit of rtmrrlcau Enterprise
btlll Alive.
N. Y. Sun.
Beside a pier near the foot ( f Wai
street was a coit i Upper bark yettdrday
which sprcal a eecObd hand rryal sail bo
l > w the main yard with an adiertlaemeui
painted on it to announce that the bark
WAS ha'liag for Melbourne.Jiilo a
well drtssod gentlomin watched the men
at work on the pier .1 middlo-agod man
if humble raitu approached and euav lv
nald :
"Business seems to bo very dull in
shipping circles jus ? now. "
'Iho gentUmiu eyed the stranger for
moment , and then with isobar fco made
an encouraging if , ly. Tin man of hum
bU mien br gltem d r sibly.
"What ia needed to help business i
new blood ia the trade , or now tnder , o
new methods of doing butiiueiB , you
know. The business duwii hoio Is a rut ,
nd the ontorpriung men are drsggrc
down to the level of the old f < gi aNew
Now , I Invo a Vtiituro In view which wil
ba worth more linn a packet line to
Liverpool. "
The goatloman appeared to bo Inter
ested , and h B cnmp.nlon continued :
"You kiuw Now Yorkeraara willing
to pay wtll to be amumi. Justeeo bo *
the theatres are crowd id tverynlchi ,
while tha rouaeumi nf pvorv grade sn
oinlrg money absolutely coining
moniy. N iw , did you oyer toe
Obiaeao junk ] "
Tin giuilemin ehook bii bead.
" ou'il like to ' '
, wouldn't you'j ?
The gentleman nodded.
isach wou'd y u fay to ice the
with 'B mil sails and
pigtail anil > r rotiplo ?
i ho g mlimm th n 1 * < .t.ld bo
vrthSiJ i
"i knew it , 1 krcv U aid the man
r 1 l.iiiiibio mien , rubb.t g hit hands < n
glee , although the gcnt.iman thought llu-
weather might hav had something to do
with it. "Aliy , I would bo glad to pay
even $5 to look over ono of those junks
a > ain. Many a time 1 have seen them ,
liunil o of them logo \\holollectsof ;
them driving along before hoind , with
forecastle and noop up in the air like the
model of a sway bac horse on n r ce-
cotttse. 1 ho plan 1 have in view is to
form n stock coiupa y o buy on of the
la 1 goat junk1 ? , say o' th co hundred tons
bu 1 den , fully fitted and rigged after thu
1r Chinese < mo o and man cd by Chinese
railora Ihcnlpdho with all sorts of
Chines' ( on iosities and kick knacks and
Bail her round the Capo of Good Hope toNe
No ] York. Of course wp d have to nso
canvass Bails and n , civilised rudder en
route ti , but in the low. r bay the bats and
stco ing oar won d bo cplaced. It would
8f 8t take t just five mo iths to b ing her hero ,
and thowholo cost would be SUl,5 ! 10.1 hink
what magnificent returns would bu divided
by 1 the stockholders ! Mow the muusu-
mcnt-lovi g people of this icstlcss ino-
1t 1i t i opplis would II ck to her decks at SI
admission ! Wha prices they would pay
for t the genuine imported curios ! My
friend f , wi h 00,00) ) stock issued to the
favo i cd ones on he ground ( lee , and the
rest 1 sold on the street , enough cap tal
\\ould bo obtained , and the o would boa
much as S2't,000 ' n the t easu y to bo
used in advo tising. B sides I have not
mcnt on d the fact that 'hu Chinese sai
lors could bo changed into .lap neso jug-
it o s o * an o iginal Oriental iheat ical
t oupo when the interest in the junk bo-
jail to pall. How wou > you like to be
csidcnt of that company ? "
"I dun t th nk I would make a good
csidcnt. 1 am neither sailor or show-
nan. "
"But you would certahily bo wi ling to
ako stock in the con crn ? '
'Well , yes , 1 might. Uo\v would 25
cuts strike you as a ii st sn scription1 ?
The in n pf the htitnb o mcin seized the
iroffered coin eagerly , mumbled some-
lung aboii the s ] ) tit of Amcric n enter-
iso bo ng still alive and then hurried up
ho pier toward the door of a favorite sai-
ors icsort
Out of Hwainp
That is where the inQucnco ccmoa from
which givfis pp'iplo in the country rnn-
a-lal tover and horrible azuc. This in
lueace drugs ita vic'iais ' down into 'h '
iluugh of Despond , aud gives thorn awf j |
itious i f the future. Bruwn'a Iron Biters
ors is tbo grand tonlovhtch builds up
ho f rlorn system , and raises auOerit g
ic'iiiH of malaria to the highest enjoy
ment df complete haalth. It curaa liver
omplamt and corrects all kiiney
Some Afitonlsliln riimees or the
Commercial cnruer of Miss
St. Pierre.
afhvillo Ameiictn.
As M'iss Maude S Pierre lias become
well known to the leaders of the An o i-
can as a apitalist nd success ul business
woman , perhaps a bit o her p ivato life
will bo of interest to them During the
'all of l78 the yellow fever was aging
, h oughout the en ire sou hi n portion of
; ho ( Vi ississippi valley , and runong any
oth r jilaces sc u gcd by that to rib J dis
ease was the then infant town of Ma tin.
Anss frt. Pierre , hearing of our dist ess ,
came and offered her services as a nurse
and remained hero not onlv during the
continuance of the fever , butfo-a yea
after. During her stay hero she became
known to almost every citizen of the
town * nd , as she is qui o social and com
municative , wo leai ned much of the pri
vate history of this most icmarkablo
woman from her own lips.
MIBS S . Piurro wis born on a laUirg
vessel in mid-ocean , whiln her parenit
were on tbiir way from Europe to this
country , and it m y bo tt.v. this early aea
Vi > y te is the cauao of MiiS St. Piorro'o
greit ndness t < r tbo sea. She h u n-1
only viuted all the portions of the United
Stater , but there is not a cent nuLt or an
islai d w iih she h.a net via.ted or bs
cuno p rfoctly famillnr with by n
thorough coureo of ropdtng. Sh- < hap
taken qui o an active pirt in politics In
the Uuiti d States in a pii a wy 011
( omo ncottiiup , m < s ; notably duru g the
g'eeub ck flotation. She clamiHa to
nave inhttritt-d inu.h . artistic skill from
her fitbor. Mid oicucutoi aa i il painting
while heie that wan sent to her when shr
Ipft for Wa hii g on Ui-y. She lived
\\iih several diffmuat ft in lira durlnt ! her
stay hero , a d was outinly wiiln
means , and wi en it was announced iu the
summer of 1879 that thu yi 1 ow fevi r had
i-gtinbrokoa i ut In Memphis , shu was
turnithvd with ruotna t > go to Memphis
by ono of our cttiziub f r the purpose , an
is said , of > urslng the rick
Wo heard of hoaf c ward in Washing
ton , and then fo a year or two \\o lost
sight f he , ntil she turned up in the
mountains of 'Icnnesaeo and began to
build i ail oada , oat furnaces and open
mines and craze private comities. Miss
tjt.Picrro inherited her mi ing talentfrom
mothoas ho was v 17 suco ssful in op
erating le.-ul mines in tin wcs and accu
mulated a largo fortune fiom the same ,
and hu It a magnilicent icsidenco ii I'eo-
ria , 11. This property nfto wanla fel
into-ho hands of a uha p nnd unacnipu
Ions son-in law , and lef thu family pen
nil ess. 'Ilia success of Miss St. Pierre
rising from a penn less nurse to the pos
session of vast wealth in the short BJ ace
a few yea B , is equal to the success of
millionai.o moustrap peduler.
Professional Kxhthltorn of the Ele
phunt ,
Philadelphia News.
Standing now tbo desk of the Fifth
Avanno hotel a day ir two since I saw a
ueatly droned , goatlemanly nun atop uj
totlo clerk and lay : "I wnt to ee
( ho town and aii a atrm or ttoppinj
here with yon. " The ilrk without di
1 y turnrd and whistled for a bill b > y
Ca 1 M . "said the c'erk. In a moment a
atgo , goid looking nun , nt well dreseed
18 any mmidi thestmt appeared.
The citric introduced him to the per
on who wanted to eee ilia eights of o
< re t city.
"Whatever this man does is all light , '
.aid i he clerk to h in.
"Ha ia GUI man , and Inowa ihe
rope . "
The two stepped aside , talked in i
subdued touo A moment , und tLun part
ed to meet again la er.
The next iuiriux I " * " ' the two men
n tbo bar-room dr lit ink B 1 water.
They both looked ua thou ti they bad
nade a night of it ,
All the greit hotels keep good looking ,
ell i formed rnontj show a atrai ger
It us a costly thing in the visitor , bu
iuy ono ifoiuj ; tp-N.-v < Yurk.ii.willing to
bo iobb d , r8e iliyifho ( libeut on
eee'ng ' th elphant. " - " - " "
l'A8SK ( lK rtr.v/Toa TO AU , rtooua | IIM , 1103 nd isio r tnnm st. , om h ,
Who have trilled away tholr
youthful vigor nnd power- Who
nrosuffurlnjftroni terrible drains
nud losses , w It o nro wonk ,
IMPOTEN T. nntl unlit fortnar-
riago.Bffl R ai ot nil ugcsvlioHml
their BUS & Rl power i ' i vital
ity. IllLlliiurvo ntulbKX-
U , VL STUKNGT1I wcukonoil ,
wliotlicr by KXCKSS or early habits
CAN rccefxv n positive & last
ing CURE. 'O mutter of how
loiip stantllii } ; your cnso mny be , or
who his : fulled to IMIIO you , by n few
\\Voksor months use of the colobra-
tcd Myrtloain Trontmont.
At hoinu , wltlioitt oxpostiii1 , in lc 3
tinuviml for LKSS money tlmn any
other method In the world. Weak back. Hcnilachc , EMISSIONS , lassltiulo , lese
plrlt ? and iimbltlon. cloomy thoughts , dreadful tlrpnins ilcfoctlvo memory ,
mpotonco , Itnpcdlinpntsto inarrlnjic , cpllrpsy and many other pymptoma
' insanity , arc promptly removed by
PERFECT SEXUAI/STRENGTH MEANS ; healthy anil vigorous offspring ,
long Hfo nnil the love nnd rospei't of n faithful wlfo. No inun should ever innrry
vho linvo born guilty of early iudcscicttons , until ho lius boon restored to PKU"
'EOT MANHOOD.'e guarantee a permanent cttrciu evp y case undertaken.
Send 2 stamps for treatise with proofs nntl testimonials.
Address The Climax Medical Co , St. Louis , Mo.
Z11Si13thStiTelcphinello.S63l , ! .
Union Stock Yaids , Tel phone Ko , 516 ,
Omaha , Hob
Liberal Advances on Consignments ,
Proprietors. . Superinnnden
B E a , fi
Celebrated Anchor Brand Dufour Bolting Giotto ,
1IT 1
IT *
We are prepared to furnish plans and estimates , and will contract fee
the erection o Flouring Mills and Grain Elevators , or for changing
Flouring Mills , from Stone to the Roller Syrilem.
JSSTEspecial attention given to furnishing Powder Plants fcr any pur
posd , and estimates made for some General machinery rai/aira nttendid
promptly. Aadreis
Orange Blossom Flour
L , A
1013 JonoB Street } AB FOB aKDOTp- ; OMAHA '